#jimmy marsden
shesnake · 1 year
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Ah yes. Your mysterious backstory. It's the reason for my visit. Do you know why it's a mystery, Teddy? Because we never bothered to give you one, just a formless guilt you never atoned for.
Westworld season 1 episode 3 "The Stray" (2016) dir. Neil Marshall
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calebnichols · 1 year
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Same old story. WESTWORLD - 1.01 // 1.02 // 4.03
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thekimspoblog · 11 months
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pswurtz · 2 years
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“Humans fancy that there's something special about the way we perceive the world, and yet we live in loops, as tight and as closed as the hosts do, seldom questioning our choices, content, for the most part, to be told what to do next.”
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Season 1 of Westworld will always be special to me. One of the single greatest seasons of television I’ve ever experienced. An unpredictable and compelling quest for consciousness, with cinematography and score better than most blockbuster movies.
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that-theaven · 2 years
My Superman Returns poster
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Burt Ward + red cardigan
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onenakedfarmer · 2 years
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WESTWORLD SEASON 1 - THE MAZE Jonathan Nolan & Lisa Joy USA, 2016
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
im pretty sure you've been asked for all the ocs at this point separately but i have a tiny pea sized brain and cant remember LMAOOO but who are your fcs for the ocs? doc/andrew/jess/derek/kristen/marta/elias/etc. (im sure im missing some)
my brain definitely manifests them a certain way but im curious to who you imagine!!
So I left a lot of these non-existent or vague so people can plug in themselves and people they love BUT here’s who I picture 😍
Doc: I don’t really have an actor who fits her so I made this AI thing when I was thinking up the character? But I’ve pictured her as fairly petite (5’2”-5’4” ish?), small but not skinny, rounded but not thicc. Basically just the personification of softness and femininity. She’s got a lot of hair that’s wavy/curly that gets out of control easily and her personal style is the thrift shop version of Jess from New Girl. She looks like someone the apocalypse will chew up and spit out.
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Andrew: my sweet baby angel! When we first meet him, he is 110% Lucas from Stranger Things. Fairly baby faced but brave in the face of it all - and still able to find happiness and joy. By the time Doc leaves the QZ, I’m kind of leaning Donald Glover? Someone mentioned they cast him as Andrew Garfield and I kinda love that too lol
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Jess: Our third member of the codependency squad (who was honestly way understanding of her boyfriend/husband’s weird attachment and we love her for it) and resident comedian is, in my head, Doctor Who era Karen Gillan. Red hair, vibe of sass and strength but also naïveté (and so pretty that we can’t blame Andrew for gawking at her for months) we love her.
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Derek: the good guy who might have been if it weren’t for trauma and Joel! He’s 40 year old James Marsden. Just… *chef’s kiss* Look between him, Joel and Tommy? Doc can PULL. Someone said they cast Oscar Isaac here and look… Oscar is like maybe the one man I might find more attractive than Pedro, it depends on the day BUT I cannot cast him as anything but a leading man. Oscar and Pedro can only be end game in my book (but I will accept any and all HC castings lol)
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Kristen: Our favorite, competent as HELL trauma nurse! I pictured her as being unexpectedly feisty coming from a small, pretty, blonde package. Does she seem like someone you’d underestimate? Poor choice on your part but that’s her. Malin Akerman is who she is for me!
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Marta: our tough still figuring it out assistant turned expert nurse! I wanted someone sweet but strong who could be both naive and brilliant, so Ana de Armas it is! Only realized just now that her name in Knives Out is also Marta lol I FORGOT THAT BUT OH WELL!
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Elias: Our stalwart dogooder under the umbrella of FEDRA turned exhausted man trying to keep people alive, Elias is a kind hearted leader trying to do the best he can with what very little he has. His caring and drive I think are exemplified in Jimmy Smits - especially West Wing era Jimmy Smits at the beginning of the fic.
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So yeah! That’s how I see all these lovely lovely characters! I hope this enriches or informs the reading for you. Thank you so much for reading and asking! Love you!!
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popculturebuffet · 2 months
Christmas in July: Nickmas!: Nickmas Unite! (Birthday Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people. Christmas in July is almost over, i'm almost on vacation, but we still have some presents for you.
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No we're giving you something good, as it's time to start what will be a possibly twice yearly, defintely yearly tradition as it's NICKMAS!
Nickmas is us celebrating nick's giant pile of holiday specials: Kev and Me both grew up on Nick so this is sure to be a nostalgia filled few years.
Starting us off we're tackling four childhood faviorites, the boys who headlined nicktoons unite and were some of the networks best and most notable shows: Fairly Odd Parents, Jimmy Neutron, Danny Phantom and Spongebob Squarepants. It feels like a great year to do so too: Fairly Odd Parents has a fresh reboot currently airing, Danny Phantom turns 20, Spongebob turns 25 and Jimmy Neutron... er.. fucking rips? It feels weird to do FOP without it, so it's here. It also saves me from having to do the my life as a teenage robot christmas special as while I love that show dearly, said special is contained with all the sadness and misery in the world and also kicks puppies.
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I may have to rethink piling all the bad specials into one go. I may not be able to get out of that alive. But for now we have four certified classics to get through filled with holiday joy, will arnett, falsetto mr krabs, Jimmy shooting santa, holiday mob boss easter bunnies, eggnog, dead parrots, shots at arbor day and musical numbers. Lots of musical numbers. Let's begin under the cut.
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We begin with our faviorite average kid who no one understands, who I was happy to revisit. I enjoy what i've watched of a new wish so far, and can't wait to binge more on my upcoming break.
For now we're back with the OG, and Christmas Every Day was a faviorite of mine as a kid and holds up just as well.
The premise like a lot of classic fairly odd parents is simple, yet crazy effective: Timmy loves christmas not just for the giant mountain of toys, enough to scrooge mcduck in, but for the genuinely sweet reason that it's the one day a year his parents don't abandon him to the cruel whims of Vicky. Also it's weird to hear her again as Grey Delise is playing her a bit younger her than she would be in later instalments. It fits, it's just weird to hear.
As a result the song about how much he loves getting the day with them is really sweet. And the interjections of "Timmy can't get a girlfriend" from both of his dads are hilarous. It gives the special heart and sets this wish apart from Timmy's usual selfish ill thought out wish: He just wants his parents to actually.. spend time with him. It's deeply sad and a reminder just how, if untetionally, sad his life is: his parents love him on some level, in the good episodes anyway, but are just ultimately oblivious to how much he really ne eds them. Good thing he got backups but still.
The wish is also accidental, simply something he muses as he falls asleep, and goes with because well.. he wants his parents to be around. That makes it so while he DOES have to undo the consequences, you don't feel bad for him nor the need for him to have some commpuance as he does in some wishes: there's no hubris here just a kid wanting more of a good thing and not thinking through the implications. It's something the early seasons of Fairly Odd Parents and the revival do well: Not having Timmy or Hazel be malicious, simply short sighted and in Timmy's case arrogant.
In this case the banks are closed, god bless online banking, the stores are closed, and the schools are closed.. which chester is fine with. This was also back when Frankie Munez did his voice. Jason Marsden was fine, but it's one of those cases where they didn't even bother to get a double. That and Frankie Voiced Chester for most of the time he was relevant, so that dosen't help. With his dad going mad from lack of eggnog which is just a great runner from his addiction, his cries of "mine" and of course lockjaw who just.. shows up out of nowhere and wins our hearts.
I also give this episode credit for finding a credible way to counter Timmy pressing undo, something the series had more trouble with as it went without either making up a rule or falling back on "cosmo and wanda loose their wands. ": Santa gets his powers FROM the fairies lending him theirs.. and after 14 or so days of not having them, his godparents can't undo it. I also like that Wanda TRIES to warn him.. but dosen't have the heart to break Timmys.
The antagonists for the specials are the other holidays represnetives: The Easter Bunny, Cupid, The April Fool, and Halloweenie Dog... whose actually just Easter Bunny's dog because Jack Skelington told him
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Their simple: Cupid is camp, BECAUSE MEN BEING INTO LOVE IS GAY RIGHTTTTT, April Fool is Jerry Seinfeld back when he wasn't old man who yells at comedy for being woke, and the Easter Bunny as some form of mobster is neat. Wish he'd got a spotlight like the other two.
The antagonists are fine, their mostly kinda there. Case in point I forgot about Baby New Year whose big and a grown man now. Their fine for the plot device they are, to get Timmy to go across the world to save christmas so he can meet with Santa directly, but aren't super memorable aside from the April Fool. What's up with that? And Cupid , sterotyping aside, isn't TERRIBLE... I just don't likes him because his later special is awful and he thinks matching people is "forcing you to be with someone even if you don't want to and they stalk you a bunch".
Still Timmy's jounrey is a lot of fun, as he gets help from various kids.. including those in Quebec... which the writers think acts exactly like france, but i'll let it slide as they at least knew what Quebec was? I mean they mentioned it outright, showed plenty of canadian flags and kid me STILL thought Timmy went to france.
It also leads to a ncie climax: I like the conception of Santa here as a 90's corprate buisness man till he gets his magica nd kind to timmy, evne if he' sgetting coal for life at first for this.
The end battle is also neat as while Santa has the powers of a god... baby new year absorbs them. Thankfully the other kids all show up , the generic villians realize they done goofed, and the solution is creative: Timmy realizes the way to undo this: have EVERY KID IN THE WORLD , who belivies in santa anyway or isn't jewish or Islamic or a whole cornocopia of other religions and dosen't celebrate christmas and their repsective holidays, wriote to santa. It's a neat finish and it delivers a good lesson: Christmas is special.. because it's once a year and good to enjoy it while you got it for what it is. This special is great, a bit messy in act 2, the holidays are pretty whatever, but it has enough charm, creativity and warmth to make a truly great holiday special.
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This one... is the only one me and my good friend @jess-the-vampire who watched these first three with me (We ran out of time before spongebob), didn't really remember despite growing up with all four of these. It didn't help that for her it was absent from Netflix when they had it and it's been absent from most streaming for what seems to be musical rights reasons before finally being restored to Paramount+. Even back in the day this one didn't seem to be replayed that much and unlike Danny PHantom, whose special also didn't get a lot of replay, it wasn't because the series was being shafted by the network.. yet. It just.. didn't get replayed for whatever reason while Spongebob and Fairly Odd Parents did and didn't seemingly have the OOMPH danny phantom did.
That being said.. this special's still a lot of fun and reminds me why this show is so dang good. Unlike Timmy who was on his best behavior, the special has Jimmy FIRMLY in the wrong, something the series does well. Jimmy is charasmatic, kind and often just fucks up because while he has the brain of a genius.. he also has the brain of a 12 year old and his ego and inexperince cause him to fuck up a bunch. It keeps the formula of "Jimmy's inventions cause chaos" form getting boring as how can vary: sometims it's him, sometims it's his family and why it's him, either hubris or simple childish mistakes, varies nicely.
In this case Jimmy hates christmas, specifically Santa. At first it just seems to be the typical jimmy "Science says it's not true so it isn't", questoning how it all works when Carl brings in horrifiying cheese nips from last year he left for santa, what santa didn't eat but touched. He also unintetionally breaks his friends spirit, questoning HOW santa functions enough to make carl sad. What makes this work is Jimmy dosen't do so intetnionally: Cindy won't let that shit go and spends the episode trying to humilate him for it, and let's face it more for her own ego and amusment, but Jimbo GENUINELy didn't mean to do that and apologizes later, which Carl takes easily.
He also has a resonable freudian excuse: He asked for a dwarf star 5 years ago and didn't get it, and then being who he is, spent the next 5 mathmatically proving Santa dosen't work. He's still a skeptical asshole, doubting the truth when his dna scanner picks up some of santa's dna on the cheez nips.. but Sheen's there the whole time needling him to keep it from being insufferable: he points out the obvious solution: Jimmy was just naughty (He did try to blow up the earth that year and all), and cheers on Carl whose kind and optimstic. This is the best carl: where he's not a dick, just a kind weird kid.
So Jimmy not able to let this go heads to the north pole and procides to be an absolute asshole, refusing to belivie the escalting proof from finding Santa's workshop to finding elves, figuring it's first a military base and then a toy shop
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Even SHOOTING SANTA dosen't convince him. Cindy uses this to humilate him and when he sends her home.. she airs the footage, making it pretty clear that while Jimmy defintely needs to be humbled, and will be... she's in it for herself and only herself and will also get brought down a peg. It's why I like their rivalry and later relationship: Cindy isn't a super genius and can be a bully.. but she's often socially smarter than jimmy, yet just as egotistical as she razzes him for.
So this leads to our b plot which is barely there, but it's also lead by Hugh, whose the best, so it's naturally entertaining: He decides the best way to fix this? Make a pie themed holiday called Pule, sing a song about it, and then give up when Jimmy inevitibly saves christmas. God I missed him man. If All Star Brawl 2 gets another season BRING HIM BACK. BRING MY BOY BACK TO ME.
The main plot though is neat as Jimmy plans to save christmas... to prove Santa's not real
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Thankfully he delivers MOST of the presents.. and also gets his hubris as trying to make his plane go super fast leads to it falling apart and Carl's happy he was proven wrong... even as Sheen poitns out
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Thankfully santa saves them and I like this version: a super scientest like jimmy whose able to still deliver to retroville and while mildly sore at jimmy, is appricative he fixed his mistake. He also takes the boy down a few pegs by revealing Sheen was right. Because sheen's the best. Jimmy's proven himself though and gets his happy ending: he admits he was wrong, shows humility and gets his dwarf star. Cindy and Libby get coal as they deserve, a happy ending for all.
This specail is solid.. but I also see why I forgot it. The other specials here feel well..special. Something diffrent from the normal episode while still fitting the series like a glove. This one.. feels like a Jimmy Neutron episode that just happens to take place at christmas and be a half an hour long, not something super uncommon for this show. It's not bad, i'ts still quite good, but I can see why the other three in this batch are remembered more. They stand out more from the normal episodes and have unique hooks while this one is a pretty standard Jimmy adventure that just happens to involve him shooting santa, which is weird in of itself but really not a huge stretch from his usual adventures.
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I've missed covering this show and INTENDED to do more this year, but got sidetracked by a lot of theme months and other stuff going on. I also haven't gotten back to jli
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So it's nice to return to a pretty popular series on this blog and just in time for the anniversary.
It's also a great episode to come back with as Fright Before Christmas is excellent. Nearly flawless. It also has some nice character stuff as it's christmas time: Sam is not her usual self, happily celbrating everyone's holidays and loving the season. It's nice to see her not only happy , but to be the voice of reason without her usual judgmental tone: she just geninely enjoys sharing the holidays. Tucker... is sadly his usual self and dawns a missletoe hat to aid in his sexual harassment
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Danny however is a real scrooge
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Okay not that scrooge the other less fun one. Though Danny probably could ride a fucking lion and that's something the graphic novel writers should really consider.
No Danny hates christmas.. and for entirely valid reasons: HIs parents fight every year about wether Santa exists and unlike the other three cartoons in this block, there's no answer. I mean he could exist, we've seen nice ghosts at this point. But I like that they dont' answer their argumetn, just have the two both be dicks, with Maddie loudly telling a bunch of children he isn't real. Every year they've fucked it up from baby danny getting piddled on by a reindeer to their christmas dinner overcoking and trying to murder him and jazz when he was 5. I also like using the fact Sam is newer to the friend group for this: it makes Tucker's expositoin feel real.
So Danny goes to the ghost zone to blow off steam.. and ends up pissing off the exact wrong ghost; Ghostwriter. Ghostwriter is an amazing one off villian, one I wish came back but i'm fine didn't as his one appearnce is evne better than I remember. It helps he's voiced by batman horseman himself, Will Arnett, in one of his earlier voice acting roles and he nails it: Ghostwriter is just a write rmiding his buisness who has a legit beef with danny, unlike most of his rogues who want to kick his ass for ruining their mayhem or for mistaking them for a bully or him prevneting them from porking his mom. Danny destroys his christmas poem then dosen't apologize... and soon learns maybe pissing off ghosts after over a year of fighting them was a bad move.
Ghostwriter traps Danny in a story and what I like is this SEEMINGLY gives him the power of a god.. but it's within fair limits: he can't MAKE danny do things and while he later does directly manipulate people's actions it's in the ghost zone itslef where he seems to have more power, which makes sense: he can't manipulate the human world outside of stuff ghosts can normally do, using his power to make shit come to life (something a LOT of ghosts do on this show), so Danny will destroy it and be blamed for it with other people not having the context he wasn't responsible. He can't MAKE danny or co do anything.. but he can manipulate the situation, spending the evening making danny look bad, haunting presents, trees and reindeer to make it look like Danny's richard nixon and just wants to sneak into peopl'es homes at night and wreck up the place.
For the most part this really works: While Ghostwriter went WAY too far, danny's own anger and bad mood means he can't see what he's doing till it's too late. Ghostwriter wins.. simply by playing Danny. The only part that dosen't work is Jazz getting mad at him for destroying her bear.. when it was clearly possesed.
That said his friends clearly get something is wrong, but they'll help later. For now he finds help from the last place he'd expect it: his Rogues gallery. When he goes to tell Ghostwriter what the five fingers said to the face, Ghostwriter redirects him to a christmas party with all his foes.. not quite as good as a slumber party but still neat. In a nice twist turns out the ghosts have a christmas truce: it applies to ALL ghosts, danny included and while most of them make no secret they'll try and kill him tommorow, it's a nice gesture of good will that shows these guys aren't assholes ALL the time and adds a tiny bit of worldbuilding. It even makes more sense than I thought as most of the ghosts present, spectra, betram, ember, the princess, deseriee, are the ones either implied to be former humans or are outright said to be. Only Skulker really stands out as one that was ghost zone born and even he abides.
They don't abide people who break it and prepare to break ghostwriter. I also love how this sidelines him purely because unlike Danny's actions.. he didn't see it coming. he geninely forgot and was , not unfairly, under the impression they'd all break it. Instead they prepare to break him, but he counters. Danny counters by breaking his keyboard.. which frees everyone.. but dosen't stop thes tory. As Ghostwriter didn't get a chance to explain, there's only two ways out: for him to write an ending, which is hard to do as he's going to prison for a long time for this shit as Walker is one of the ghosts under the truce. I mean the law abiding prick is going to abide by the rules after all.
So Danny goes home miserable.. but it's his friends who pull him out. Granted I don't get WHY he never tells them what's going on, but this ending is still sweet to a point. His friends get this isn't like him and comfort him.. and Danny realizes just because his holidays mostly suck.. dosen't mean he has to ruin them for everyone else. Being a giant dick about it to everyone and everything won't make his holiday BETTER... and thankfully he can fix the damage ghost writer did as all the other ghosts show up to fix the presents because they can do that now.
Honestly I'm fine with the ending: Danny recovers, his story ends and ghost rider is fine with that in prison. My only issue is th ewhole "Maddie and jack ruin danny's christmas every year" thing is never adressed. They never.. learn anything which isn't entirely unrealistic, but is annoying. His parents... just never really get WHAT they did wrong and never get called out on it. I get Danny had to learn a lesson too but it's weird they don't. This isn't some fun tradition, it's an argument that affects their kids every. Damn. year.
Otherwise.. this is a great special, lots of fun wordplay and while I forgot to mention it, once Ghost writer takes over the whole thing is in rhyme. It's a nice touch that really gives the episode a festive feel. and the whole cast is here for it. It also helps danny as him using an orange breaks Ghostwriters concentration as nothing rhymes with orange. IT's a really great holiday special and well worth your time this july or you know during actual christmas.
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Our last one and the big one here as it's the one that gets replayed the most.. granted it's because like Fairly Odd Parents it lasted forever and is still going and probably will till god emperor spongebob consumes our universe as is his destiny. It was also the only Spongebob Christmas special for a long time. We'll get to the others someday, but since they were made closer together I felt it was okay to go ahead and do the original.
We get some patchy Segments which I honestly forgot were here. I do miss ole patchy and i'm happy they used him again. It's always fun to see Tom kenny throw on the costume and it was only recently I found out that was him. I mean i'ts obvious in retrospect but eh.
The patchy stuff is fine, mostly some fun bits with potty who also looses his body. He's apparently immortal. or a puppet in universe 2. Hard to tell. Either way I fear him in the days to come.
Patchy tells us of Spongebob's first christmas, and I like the storybook style of this, complete with a few bits of Spongebob in the present getting ready and patrick.. doing the bare as minimum. Can relate.
The main story though is Spongebob finding out what Christmas is from Sandy after assuming her tree being lit up means it's on fire. Which is adorable. So she tells him about Santa and he tells everyone. Patrick's on board because he's also a children when the plot wants him to be like his best buddy, and Mr Krabs is on board because free shit boyo. Squidward naturally.. wants no part of this and is a fucked up little whiny bitch the whole episode. And his whole life but we don't have time to unpack that waking nightamare. Point is his job is to be sour and refuse to engage and call spongebob insane.. even though Sandy told him. Sandy is conviently missing from the special.
In fact I realized from this that Sandy almost never interacts with Squidward in the show's golden age. The only time I could find up to this episode was the Halloween Episode, while it would be four more episodes till Pressure, the most they really interact in this era. She tends to be either around just spongebob or spongebob and patrick, with Mr Krabs getting exactly one appearnce with her with Karate Choppers before pressure. It's not a BAD thing, Sandy easily cuts through Squidwards bullshit and he works better either being the foil to mr krabs or the ants at sponge bob and patrick's picnic.. or vice versa. Sandy's too calm and rational for his cynical nonsense while Spongebob no sells it most of the time due to his naivete and kindness. It's the same reason Mr Krabs and Sandy don't interact much either: Sandy's intellgence, level head and friendship with sponebob would make it harder for him to take advantage of our boy.
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That said her absence from this one.. still feels weird. I get the story works better without her.. but it also needs her to take off, making her absence from the rest of it weirdly obvious. I didn't really notice how little she interacts with squidward and mr krabs because the show still has her go to the krusty krab on occasion, giving you the illusion they interact more than they do. Here they draw attention to her absence as her being around to tell Squidward "No santa's real you schmuck" or "He may or may not be but leave spongebob alone or else" would solve the plot.
And honestly as big and wide as this plot hole is... it ultimately dosen't matter. The story is good enough, funny enough and creative enough it just dosen't matter. Some of my faviorite gags are Mr. Krabs asking for "A Pony" (With saddlebags full of cash naturally), mostly for Clancy Brown's pitch perfect delivery. He is my faviorite and always will be. I also like the new hat guy having a head shaped for said hat, Mr Krabs falsetto in the very first christmas song, and i'm probably forgetting some as being a seaon 2 spongebob episode the joke pacing is fucking incredible.
The pacing in general works well: The specail is only 18 minutes but feels shorter as it dosen't really spare a minute: every minute either has a joke or uses the situation well as Spongebob spreads christmas to the town, Squidward continues to suck suprising no one, and we get the "very first christmas to me song" a truly heartwarming musical number with some good gags baked in. Seriously Krabs give your ex more than fruitcake. Also the star on top bit with patrick is so cute.
Santa Claus is comin tonight tonight is also adorable.. and heartbreaking when Santa dosen't come, leaving spongebob broken. Squidward does easily the most dickish thing he's ever done. April Fools as bad as it ended up... is a bit fair given both how Spongebob wouldn't stop, and how Squidward didn't mean to be the king of ashole mountain that time. This time.. he sees spongebob broke down in tears, and GLOATS taking a picture while laughing. I used to think the ending was a bit much, that because he did the right thing he hadn't earned it but... no .. it's karma.
So Squidward gets a gift from sponebob.. a custom made claranet, complete with little figures. IT's a truly sweet gesture that shows what a nice guy spongebob is.. and how much squidward sucks dirty ass in thunderstorms. And not the fun way he usually does.
So he plays santa, Spongebob buys it.. but spreads it to everyone else, forcing sqwuiardward to give away everything he owns. And this.. works better for me. I used to avoid this special as I felt the ending was a bit to omean but as I said... squidward earned it. It's somethign the middle seasons forgot: Squidward is fine being punished but he has to EARN it. It's why i'm still not a big fan of the magic conch or i'm with stupid, both feeling like predecessors to the cruller later episodes which picked on characters for no reason. Here .. Squidward can't just let spongebob have fun and while Spongebob is mildly pushy trying to include him, it's entirely well meaning and sweet. He isn't trying to force anything he just wants squidward to get a present, and Swuidward just can't let him enjoy it. He dosen't HAVE to join in.. but he also dosen't have to be a dick about it. And tha'ts why him loosing everything dosen't feel too bad for me. That and I get he'll just have it back next episode. Santa does thank him though.
Overally Christmas Who? is a solid christmas special, a true winter delight with a lot of good jokes, warmth and a well deserved karmic ending for Squidward that also has him learn some empathy
Rankings: Since any time I forget to do this kev asks me anyway let's rank these suckers.
Christmas Every Day
The Fright Before Christmas
Christmas Who?
Holly Jolly Jimmy
Not a single one of these are bad. These are all great, I just think CHristmas Every Day is the most consitent, not having the plot gaps the middle two have. Holly Jolly Jimmy dosen't have that but dosen't have the extra oomph the others do, that push to make this special feel.. special. There's nothing wrong with an average christmas episode, it's just not as memorable as the others.
So with that CHristmas in July is almost done. There's one present left i've been hinting at/threatening and it's time fo ryou to unwrap it. Until then thanks for reading.
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viilpstick · 1 year
FIRST REVEAL YAHOOO!!! Reveal of the staff, characters, and a bit about them all.
Freya Matrina (Fairy Godmother, Cinderella) - Briar Valley 
Freya Matrina is known to be a kind old lady, yet according to Crowley you must emphasis the word "old", since he known her as an old lady since he was a teenager.
Freya Matrina takes care of the school with caution, as she love to see people happy by her job.
Miss Matrina writes all the letters for invitations hand by hand, letter by letter, since she holds a lot of love to every new and old student.
(If you want to take her character she is very similar to Minerva from Harry Potter mindset.)
Sophie Canaveri (Jimmy Cricket, Pinocchio) - Queendom of Roses
Sophie is a real generous woman, that thinks before acts.
Astrology teacher, she is the type of teacher that if any student tries to pull out a fight, Sophie will explain why is it wrong.
A bit air-head sometimes, Miss Canaveri is really smart and stands out as the best astrologist in Twisted Wonderland's history
Thea Campbell (Tinker Bell, Peter Pan) - Briar Valley
The champ of crazy inventions and one of the best whenever teaching how to fly
Thea Campbell is a smart one that doesn't go easy on students
Whatsoever her angry and demanding dementor
She is someone you should have on your side as friend, as she does try her best to help the others around her
Gharisah Salim (Genie, Aladdin) - Scalding Sands
This one is the trickster type of teacher
She wants her students to learn by will, not because they are obligate to do so
Gharisah is the clown of the class, since her teenager years, and doesn't drop the act that easily
Bryn Marsden (Bambi’s mother, Bambi) - Shaftlands
Calm and understanding, she doesn't try to overwork her students
He methods are easy to understand
She's way too calm tho, so if her classes are too messy, if because she never argues with her students
Mrs. Meng (The matchmaker/"Meipo", Mulan) - Isle of Woe
The most strictful teacher of all NWA
A lot of girls don't pick up a fight with her, trying to be cautious on even breathing
She wants the girls to bring honor to their family
And once you have a slight out of common grade, she will force you to work on the attitudes that made you fail
There isn't too much about her
DO NOT COPY, TRANSLATE OR REPOST IN OTHER MEDIA MY WORK viilpstick © copyright 2023 If you want ask to be tagged in the tag list under this post, so you will be aware of any new reveals, if you want help with the work, writing or fanarts, please contact me in here or tiktok (same @)
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brookstonalmanac · 3 days
Birthdays 9.18
Beer Birthdays
Louis X, Duke of Bavaria (1495)
Henry Stuart Rich (1841)
Elmer Hemrich (1890)
Don Barkley
Paddy Giffen (1950)
Jeff Lebusch (1957)
Five Favorite Birthdays
John Berger; art critic, writer, artist (1926)
June Foray; voice actor (1917)
Leon Foucault; French physicist (1819)
Tim McInnerny; English comedian, actor (1956)
Jonny Quest; cartoon character (1964)
Famous Birthdays
Eddie "Rochester" Anderson; actor (1905)
Lance Armstrong; cyclist (1971)
Frankie Avalon; pop singer (1939)
Lord Berners; English composer (1883)
Robert Blake; actor (1933)
Rossano Brazzi; actor (1916)
Jimmy Brogan; comedian (1948)
Joanne Catherall; pop singer (1962)
Kiki Daire; porn actor (1976)
Agnes de Mille; dancer, choreographer (1905)
Debbi Fields; cookie-maker (1956)
Tara Fitzgerald; English actor (1967)
Michael Franks; jazz musician (1944)
James Gandolfini; actor (1961)
Greta Garbo; Swedish actor (1905)
Bud Greenspan; sports journalist, filmmaker (1926)
Keeley Hazell; English model, actor (1986)
Samuel Johnson; English writer (1709)
Joe Kubert; comic book artist (1926)
Kerry Livgren; rock guitarist, keyboardist (1949)
James Marsden; actor (1973)
Elmer Henry Maytag; appliance manufacturer, cheesemaker (1883)
Jada Pinkett; actor (1971)
Dee Dee Ramone; rock bassist (1952)
Jimmie Rodgers; country singer (1933)
Ronaldo; Brazilian soccer player (1976)
Joseph Story; U.S. Supreme Court justice (1779)
Jason Sudeikis; comedian, actor (1975)
Aisha Tyler; actor, comedian (1970)
Jack Warden; actor (1920)
Fred Willard; comedian, actor (1939)
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bobbie-robron · 10 months
Classic ED schedule - week 47 (2023)
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Sadie sweet talks Robert into stealing her car but the satellite tracking system ruins their plans. Carl washes his hands of the family business. Jimmy learns his swimmers are fine but Sadie is still taking contraceptives… and doesn’t want kids! Scott tattles to Katie about Sadie & Robert’s car shenanigans. Carl tells Chas about killing Paul and later asks her to move in with him as Chloe packs her bags (she soon starts playing sympathy games with Chas). A pregnant Siobhan bids adieu to the village. Danny and Donna return from their no-so-great trip. A drunk Alan takes a tumble on the B&B stairs while arguing with Steph. It’s a surprise birthday party for Katie. Diane gets Val’s son, Paul, to show up in the village but there’s no love lost between them. Val lets it slip about Diane’s cancer. Carl’s wife and kids make another appearance. Will Jack agree to have Andy go to the wedding for Victoria’s sake?
20-Nov: 03-Sep-2004** (3835), 05-Sep-2004** (3836)
21-Nov: 06-Sep-2004 (3837), 07-Sep-2004** Goodbye Siobhan Marsden (3838)
22-Nov: 08-Sep-2004** (3839), 09-Sep-2004** (3840)
23-Nov: 10-Sep-2004** Welcome Paul Lambert (3841), 12-Sep-2004 (3842)
24-Nov: 13-Sep-2004** (3843) - one episode only due to 1hr Corrie
**Robert appears in the episode
COMING NEXT WEEK (subject to potential preemptions): Andy sleeps with 14 YEAR OLD Debbie and they continue in secret. Time for a stag and hen do followed closely by the actual wedding. Val assumes the wrong thing about tickets to Egypt. Diane confides in Victoria about Paul being Rodney’s son but the news becomes public later. Bernice has had another baby girl. Rodney severs ties with Val. Pearl’s son, Frank, has been granted parole.
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Amazon Freevee's "Jury Duty" Finale Celebration.
James Marsden (L) and Ronald Gladden attend Amazon Freevee's "Jury Duty" Finale Celebration at Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville on April 25, 2023 in Universal City, California. (Photo by JC Olivera/Getty Images)
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creamecafe · 2 years
Will you put up a list on who would you write for?
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫
Last Updated: 05/27/24 3:54 AM EST
Of course!
I would write for:
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Tony Stark
Matthew Murdock
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Helmut Zemo
MCU!Tom!Peter Parker
TASM!Peter Parker
Sam Raimi!Tobey!Peter Parker
Miles Morales
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Bruce Banner
Jennifer Walters
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Carol Danvers
Kamala Khan
Monica Rambeau
Darcy Lewis
Jimmy Woo
Scott Lang
Hope Van Dyne
Joaquin Torres
Mobius M. Mobius
Xu Shang-Chi
Xu Wenwu
Katy Chen
Xu Xialing
Foggy Nelson
Aunt May
Michelle Jones
Ned Leeds
TASM!Gwen Stacy
Sam Raimi!Harry Osborn
TASM!Harry Osborn
Otto Octavius
Hela Odinsdottir
Lady Sif
Peggy Carter
Agatha Harkness
Pepper Potts
Stephen Strange
America Chavez
Bruno Carrelli
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
T'Challa Udaku
Erik Killmonger
Shuri Udaku
Everett K. Ross
Baron Mordo
Wade Wilson
Maya Lopez
Kazi Kazimierczak
Maria Hill
Jack Russell
Elsa Bloodstone
Eddie Brock
Maria Hill
[𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲]
Peter Quill
Dane Whitman
[𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫]
Reed Richards
Sue Storm
Johnny Storm
Ben Grimm
Peter Maximoff
Charles Xaiver
Erik Lehnsherr
Jean Grey
Kurt Wagner
Alex Summers
Sheridan!Scott Summers
Marsden!Scott Summers
Bobby Drake
St. John Allerdyce
Kitty Pryde
[𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐀 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞]
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Killian Hook
Prince Charming
Snow White
Jefferson Hatter
Henry Mills
Wendy Darling
Peter Pan
[𝐂𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐢]
Miguel Diaz
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Tory Nichols
Young!Daniel Larusso
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Robby Keene
Anthony Larusso
Young!Johnny Lawrence
[𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬]
Steve Harrington
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Robin Buckely
Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson
Chrissy Cunningham
Dustin Henderson
Harry Hook
Mal Bertha Maleficent
Evie Evil
Jay Jafar
Uma Ursula
Gil Gaston
Carlos De Vil
Bruno Madrigal
Camilo Madrigal
Flynn Eugene Ryder
Maribel Madrigal
Isabela Madrigal
Luisa Madrigal
Félix Madrigal
Pepa Madrigal
Hiro Hamada
Tadashi Hamada
GoGo Tomato
Honey Lemon
Dolores Madrigal
Julieta Madrigal
Agustín Madrigal
Fix-It Felix
Helen Parr
 Lokius (Loki Laufeyson x Mobius M. Mobius)
 Petergwen (TASM!Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy)
 Drukkari (Druig x Makkari)
 Starmora (Peter Quill/Star Lord x Gamora)
 Shuriri (Shuri Udaku x Riri Williams)
 WandaVision (Wanda x Vision)
 Cherik (Charles x Erik)
 SamBucky (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes)
 SpideyChelle (MCU!Peter Parker x Michelle Jones)
Sleeping Warrior (Mulan x Aurora OUAT)
StarkStrange (Tony Stark x Stephen Strange)
ValCarol (Valkyrie x Carol Danvers)
ThorBruce (Thor Odinson x Bruce Banner)
Zenmasters (Jackie Burkhart x Steven Hyde)
Wenclair (Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair)
[𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬]
Wednesday Addams
Xaiver Trope
Tyler Galpin
Enid Sinclair
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
Bianca Barclay
Yoko Tanaka
Rowan Laslow
[𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞]
Tim Bradford
Lucy Chen
John Nolan
Angela Lopez
[𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐧 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞]
Jake Peralta
Any Santiago
Rosa Sanchez
Basically, I write a LOT of different characters from different fandoms. I'll update this list if I watch a new show or movie or have an interest in a character
You can also add inserts like in my Request Guidelines to these characters.
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deadlinecom · 1 month
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