#jin mha
mossy-opal · 7 months
Jin Sandwich
Jin Bubaigawara x Reader
Trigger Warnings: Smut. The title is self explanatory- IT'S SHORT
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It was his idea to begin with, and who are you to deny him what he wants? Besides, it was a good idea after all. All he needed to do was have confidence in himself, while he watched you two kiss.
After all, it's not as if it's someone else kissing you, groping you, making you moan. Well, technically it's not someone else.
It's still him, just a clone.
So while he watched himself grind on you, his scruffy face red with blush while his shaky hands grabbed your ass, holding you closer to him.
This was a great idea, Jin thought to himself while he moved towards you and his clone, making himself comfortable behind you. Soon, you were on your hands and knees, Jin thrusting into you with a bruising grip on your hips. Your moans and whines were drowned out by his own, that and the cock shoved down your throat. His clone had your head in his hand, his hips thrusting every so often, his shaking even worse while he felt himself get closer to that euphoria- Was this really happening? How was- This is all so much to- Oh god!
Jins eyes widened while his clone grit his teeth and cried in ecstasy, before it fell apart and melted. You started coughing, unable to swallow the muck that appeared in your mouth. Jin immediately pulled out of you and put himself away to fret about you, before you laughed, still coughing. He laughed as well, the mood being long gone while you two laughed hysterically with each other.
Well, Jin learned something new about his clones.
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No Tags, I couldn't be asked.
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nadaboodraws · 7 months
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If only...
(have you catch up with BNHA recently)
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deathc-re · 2 months
your older!bf who has really opened your eyes to the world of mature men. who truly listens when have a complaint and works to fix it. who shows you that he adores you, even in his own strange way. who goes out of his way to spoil you and pamper you; who always makes sure you have the best of the best.
older!bf who literally is the best sexual experience you've had in your whole life. who does things you didn't even think were possible. who makes you feel levels of pleasure you'd only read about until this point. who pays such close attention to ever twitch and flinch and gasp and abuses ever spot that brings you pleasure. who reaches places so deep inside that you're surprised feels good instead of painful. who goes above and beyond with aftercare, making you feel so safe and secure. who makes sure you're well feed and clean, your favorite show or song playing as he cuddles you close.
older!bf who wastes no time to show you off and shower you in praise. who compliments every aspect of you, some you didn't even notice about yourself. who respects and knows you as a person. who is secure enough in himself and the relationship to know that even tho you're together, you're your own separate people and is fine with it.
older!bf who is protective of you and takes the extra measures to make sure you're safe in every situation he can, no matter what.
older!bf who loves you :(
LAW, corazon, sir crocodile, bakugo, aizawa, FAT GUM, sung-jin woo, andy, GETO, and my man <3
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nev4chii · 3 months
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Destined for Tragedy
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oxygen537art · 4 months
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There are no winners
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inkyblinkyarts · 2 years
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Low effort doodles. I was bored and caught up on get schooled again after like a year, weirdly enough- for as odd the beginning was, I'm intrigued. 
also hwajin na so uhhhhh yeah I mean lets be real, we all know what I default to when I dunno what to draw. 
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peterokii · 8 months
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abel-oops · 2 months
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nanaosaki3940 · 1 month
Bae is finally back!!! 😍🤩🥰😘
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I love how he doesn't give a fuck about AFO and his shitty plans. He just wants to fight his dad, that's all. 😂
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galacticproblems · 1 month
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Been chipping away at this for several weeks, but it's doooone. The league are my favorites from MHA, so drawing this was fun. This is also for a cool custom project, that once some special stuff arrives in the mail for, I will be sharing here.
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mossy-opal · 8 months
Twice the Fun
Jin Bubaigawara x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Smoking Mentions, Violence Mentions, Illegal Activities
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Finding him there in the alleyway was something that broke your heart. The poor man had a bag over his head, dirty clothes, and he looked worse for wear than you liked. So, you took him in. You didn’t see a reason for him to be sleeping outside, much less a reason he needed to have a bag over his head.
You quickly found out though.
Jin Bubaigawara was a man who was on the bad side of the law, a man who used his quirk to make himself a gang. Literally. A man who craved power. After his gang had literally fallen apart, he wasn’t the same. But that was until he met you.
You held out your hand to him, helping him off the ground and into a nice home. Everything was clean, everything was warm, warmer than any place he usually squatted in anyway. It also made him feel warm when he walked in, not physically, but in his chest. You insisted he use the bathroom to clean himself up, you offered him the guest room, clean clothes, hot food…. 
He started crying.
You cooed to him, reassuring him that it was okay, he didn’t need to thank you, didn’t need to repay you, he didn’t need to do anything. He just needed to take care of himself. You held his hands, hugging him, holding him close. Holding a complete stranger who could hurt you.
Holding a villain.
He cleaned himself up, changed into the clothes you had so graciously given him, and readied himself to leave. He had expected you to want him gone in the morning, so with a bag over his head and a dramatic bow, he was about to leave.
“Where are you going?”
You had two cups of coffee in your hands, tilting your head. He was floundering for an answer, explaining that he needed to leave, you had already been so nice and he didn’t need to burden you anymore than he already had and-
His rambling was cut off by your laugh, your sarachine laugh that made his face flush under his paper bag. You shook your head, putting down the coffee and bringing him back into the comfort of your warm home. You sat him down, gave him breakfast, and told him he could stay here as long as he needed to.
That was how he met you, and that was when he swore he’d do his damndest to keep you safe.
Soon after meeting you, he met the League, and despite his nefarious “job”, he still went home to see you every night.
That’s what you quickly became for him. Home. It may have been a bad idea to keep you to himself, to keep you a secret, but he couldn’t help it. You were his sanctuary, you never asked about what he did, never asked about who he was visiting, never asked to be introduced to them, you were perfectly content being his little secret.
He didn’t have to share you if he didn’t want to, he didn’t have to worry about your attention being split between the other members of the League, you were all for him. He was happy about it. He was happy to have you.
You were happy to have him too. Was it the smartest idea to let a seemingly homeless man into your home? Absolutely. But, he would’ve hurt you already by now if he was a crazy person- Well, crazier. His mannerisms were certainly odd to most, but you weren’t most. You were odd yourself in some aspects, especially for someone your age. You were supposed to be married and have children by now, you were supposed to stay home and cook and clean all day. You clearly didn’t do that.
You worked, despite having inherited wealth from old dead parents you never spoke to. You went to school and educated yourself. You never had time for dating when you were busy working in the community, working at your job, going to classes. Sure, it didn’t stop anyone from trying, but you never really clicked with any of them.
Jin was different though. He was so grateful for everything you did for him, he was adorably confused when you insisted he stayed. Maybe it was a bad idea, keeping an almost complete stranger as a roommate, a roommate who would leave at odd times of the night, coming home with bloody clothes and new bruises. But, you didn’t really care.
You knew he was a villain, he started a gang for fucks sake.
It was especially funny when you asked him during dinner.
“Are you the villain Twice?”
He choked on his food, and you giggled.
“H-how did you know!? I mean- No of course not! Who told you that!?”
Your giggling turned to laughing, and his nervousness relaxed into laughing himself.
“Jin, I’m not stupid, and you’re terrible at sneaking around and lying- Even for a villain~”
“... Sorry…”
“You don’t have to apologise sweetie, I don’t care what you do in your freetime, just- Promise me you’ll be safe?”
“Of course! Never!”
You laughed again, and the two of you started talking a lot more that very night. Jin told you about everyone in the League, you told him about your childhood and life. That was when he found out you were older than he was. He was shocked- You looked great! Younger than you looked, obviously, and incredibly sexy, totally his type, though he would never tell you that. You weren’t much older than him, but you were still older than he was, and it was something he gladly embraced. A lot of the League were younger than him, so they didn’t get it like you did.
Now that he knew you didn’t care about his activities as a villain, he told you everything. He told you about his absolute best friend Toga, his cranky boss, his ultimate goal as a villain. He was shocked you were actually in support of him, and the League. It was refreshing.
“After all, have you seen how they treat kids these days? Kids can be born with any kind of quirk, and society will label it as a ‘villain’ quirk, tons of children have to get over that- It’s sad honestly.”
You really were after his heart, he was almost certain of it at this point.
Things became a lot more lax now that the cat was out of the bag with the two of you, no more sneaking around, no more secrets, it was wonderful. It was freeing. Jin felt more comfortable around you now, and he let his possessiveness show a lot more now. He often enjoyed the platonic cuddling you’d allow on the couch, watching movies with him, his arms wrapped around your torso and your fingers running through his hair. He adored spending whatever kind of free time he had, with you. You were so carefree, so easy going, so… Loving.
At times he often wondered what he did to deserve someone like you. Someone so caring, someone so soft and loving and warm. He was a monster in more ways than one, he knew that… He wondered when you’d realise that too. Jin did not think very highly of himself, and he worried he’d… Ruin you.
But you were sure to tell him otherwise, to show him otherwise. He deserved to be happy, he deserved to know someone cared about him. You weren’t the only one to care about him either, he’s told you more than enough about his little pseudo-sister Toga, and his friend Giran. They cared about him, you were sure of it, despite never having met them. He sung their praises more than enough, and if he was anything like he is with you as he is with them, you’re sure they care about him…
Maybe not to the same level as you do though.
It was a bad decision, doing what you do with him, feeling how you feel about him, but you couldn’t help it. You were… Lonely, in a sense. No partner since high school, no real friends to hang out with, and it wasn’t like you wanted to hang out with your boring coworkers after work. But when you spotted Jin leaving the bathroom, towel draped around his waist, still dripping with water, it was not only hard to look away, but to keep your thoughts on something… Appropriate.
It wasn’t just you.
This whole situation was dangerous, not only for you, but for Jin too. He was not an innocent man by any means. You were very attractive to him, very attractive in general, he wasn’t crazy enough to act on anything, but he sure did appreciate your choice of dress when you were home.
This was home for him now, you were his home.
Jin was finally comfortable enough to call someone home. He had friends close enough to call family, but he didn’t really have anyone he could call home. That is, until you came along. You were his home now, and he couldn’t help but smile under his mask while he did what he needed to for his boss, taking care of anyone who could possibly cause a… Security breach… Giran had been MIA for quite some time now, so trying to figure out who knew what was a little bit more difficult now, seeing as though they didn’t know what exactly Giran knew too…
Once he really started thinking about it, Jin started moving faster, getting home was his top priority now- The door was cracked open. He heard the struggle and moved faster than he even thought possible, making doubles of his cohorts before easily taking care of the thugs who tried to hurt you, making Jin panic. He saved you though, right? You’re okay now, he was there in time! But… What if he hadn’t been here soon enough? What would’ve happened to you? What would they have done to you? It didn't matter how good he tried to be, it never mattered, he'd always just be bad to be around.
The copies of his friends melted away around you as you watched Jin panic, he was pulling and tugging at his mask, muttering apology after apology, while you stood up and hugged him suddenly.
He gasped, confused. Why were you hugging him!? If it wasn't for him you wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place! You'd have to move because of him, he'd never get to see you again-
"Jin, sweetie, I need you to breathe, okay? It's okay, I'm safe now that you're here-"
"Y-you wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me!!"
You shook your head, "Jin, these thugs weren't here because of you, they followed me home after work-"
"No! No! You don't get it! They know who you are because of me and what I do! It's my fault you almost-"
He shuddered at the thought, shaking his head, before he was shocked to feel you take off his mask suddenly, holding his face and looking into his eyes.
"Even if they wanted to get to you through me, it still wouldn't be your fault- So stop it with that nonsense, understand?"
Your tone shift brought him back to reality, to the fact that even if you were in danger, you already knew what you were getting into by helping him. You weren't stupid. Hell, you were older than him, of course you knew better. But it didn't stop his frantic crying as he clung to you, rubbing his face into your chest as he wailed about your safety, how you were too good for him, about how much he…
Jin calmed down a bit, realising what he said. It made his face flush while he kept himself hidden against your chest.
He shook his head.
"Jin I want you to look at me."
"No." "Of course!" "No!!!"
You pushed against him, making him let go of you and look away. You could clearly see his blush now as you looked at him, even if he didn't want to look at you. You smiled, holding his face again, before you kissed him.
Wow, your lips were even softer than he had dreamed of. He knew you were perfect! You put up with so much from him, from how he clung on to you the moment your lips were on his, to the shenanigans he'd get up to with his friends. You were always so good to him, as his hands gripped at every inch of you, his lips moving from yours to your jawline and neck, biting and sucking his way down- Even your cute little whines were to die for!
"J-Jin- Ah- S-shouldn't we get rid of- Mm-maybe move…?"
He stopped biting at your neck and shoulder enough to acknowledge the unconscious thugs below you, before he huffed, nodding. Always so smart, you had a point. He quickly pulled away from you, as the two of you started packing a few bags of valuables and important information, before leaving the area. You were smart enough to drive an hour away from your home, call your boss and quit your job, before holing up in a dingy motel. All the while, Jin couldn't help but feel… Bad.
Sure, you kissed him, but you just dropped everything for him. Your whole life was up in shambles because of him…
"Want some Chinese?"
His head popped up when you asked him, smiling. After everything that happened, you were smiling at him.
"Why aren't you more upset?" He asked.
And you laughed, "Honestly, this is the most exciting my life has ever been! Is it scary? Sure, but I have you here with me, and… I don't know, I'm happy with the change."
You sat next to his slumped figure on the bed, putting your hand on his thigh, lifting his head to make him look at you.
"Besides, how can I not be happy when I have you here with me? My hero~"
You kissed him again after that, and once again he was shocked. He didn't know if he'd ever get used to you, but he would sure as hell try. After all, he wanted to get used to exactly how you felt beneath him, his hips grinding against yours, your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands on each and every part of your body- Anything he could squeeze, he was.
To think this all started because of you and your endless kindness.
Jin couldn't help himself, he wanted to feel as much of you as he could- And you'd let him. You always would. Moving on top of you, he pressed you further into the ratty mattress of the motel, kissing you like his life depended on it. You wrapped your arms around him, keeping your legs propped up to give him more than enough room to grind against you. Everything about you was just as he imagined, almost too hot to handle. Jin whined into the kiss, and he could feel himself flush while you chuckled.
When he eventually pulled away, you smirked.
"What's wrong baby~?"
"N-nothin' I just-"
When you pulled your shirt up ever so slightly, exposing your skin to him, he could feel his jaw clench.
"Come on Jin, we've been dancing around each other for so long now… Why don'tcha be a big bad villain and take what you want~?"
He gulped, before the beating of his heart pushed him to move. Practically ripping his own suit off, he pulled you to the edge of the bed, pulling your clothes off of you, making you practically squeal with excitement. Getting a look at you, he couldn't believe he was finally able to have all of this to himself, before he immediately put his mouth to work.
You moaned in surprise, your hand moving to grab at the top of his mask, pulling it off the rest of his face and grabbing his hair. Seeing him look up at you, made the power trip even more real. You pressed him closer, making him huff, before he pulled away from you. You would've whined had he not pulled you into a desperate kiss, his dick pressing against you, before shoving himself in. You gasped at the feeling, not nearly prepped enough, before he immediately started thrusting.
Then he started to babble.
"F-f-fuck!! Oh fuck! Y-ya feel so good- SO GOOD!!! AAhaha! Been dreamin'- Wanted this for so long! So good- so good, so good, so fuckin' good Aagh~! Do I feel good? Bet I do- Y-you wouldn't be moanin' if I didn't feel good- Right? Uuh-uh fuck- Fuck-"
You couldn't even respond due to how fast and hard he was fucking himself into you, making your eyes roll back, your mouth open in a perpetual moan. He was doing far better than you'd thought he would, fucking you so hard you were sure you'd be unable to walk afterwards. But he seemed so lost in it, you couldn't even imagine asking him to stop.
"Oh god- O-oh fuck I'm sorry- s-so sorry I can't- can't fuckin' last- Fuck I love you! I love you, I love you, I love you so much! P-please say- Please- A-AAH~!!!"
Jin could barely hold himself together, his hips snapping against yours before he came inside you, making you grit your teeth and moan his name.
The both of you were out of breath, Jin was practically shaking while he held himself up, before his head snapped up, "Fuck! Did you cum too!? I'm sorry I should've been paying attention-!"
"Sssshh, Jin, sweetie, I finished… I promise…"
Giving him a tired smile, he let out a sigh, his worry about being inadequate subsiding as he pulled you back up the bed. He cleaned you up as best as he could, before he laid in bed, wrapping himself around you.
There was still a lot you two had to do, but for now, you slept.
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Tags: @slayersins @shadowsandshapes @dabislittlemouse @dabislittlebeaniebaby @shockinglysubmissive @elias-fable @starstruck-flames @mostlyheinous @daniidil
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solitude147 · 10 months
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Alternate Universe where Toga and Twice are Siblings 😊
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arakn0 · 2 months
I'm going to be doing a little series drawing the League of Villains VA event skit:
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full long post of all pages so far
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oxygen537art · 4 months
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Toga got bored and wanted to learn simple card tricks. Mr Compress is doing his best ✨
Twice: Man, she asked for a simple trick!
Also Twice: Hush, he's really trying, don't judge him!
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hawkssucks · 4 months
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fyeahlov · 2 years
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Twice, this isn’t your fault. As always, scummy heroes are to blame.
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