#jin sceanario
bonvoyagenoona · 2 years
BTS Case Conceptualizations | Jin
Intro: Thanks again for indulging me as I share more about my characterization process for writing BTS fanfics (for more, check out the tag #how i write)!  This started with a post about how easy or hard it is to write about the guys (you can check it out here), and additional questions about my characterization process! Here are some abridged notes for context:
Psychological principles guide my writing style, partially because of my training, partially because psychology and writing (especially fanfiction writing!) are so intrinsically linked, and partially because I just happen to naturally gravitate toward delving deeper into core beliefs of characters
The framework that I use for characterization is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which assumes that people’s core beliefs about the Self, the World, and the Future influence people’s thoughts and actions
I use the members as ways to describe central themes in stories by using them to illustrate conflicts and/or resolutions in beliefs about the Self, the World, and the Future
For more on the series, click here, or follow the tag #bts case conceptualizations!
Our next installment is for our beloved Seokjinnie!
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Jin’s concerns are about his Significance. I always think about his desire to celebrate himself in some ways:
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And I juxtapose that with his shyness when he is being celebrated by other members, like when Hobi was so quick to thank and celebrate Jin for working just as hard for PTD LV even while injured:
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source: bellank 18
Contrast that further with how Jin also points out when people aren’t paying attention to him on his special days. Remember Jin’s birthday Vlive in 2020?
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source: vlive
We celebrate Jin for being braggadocious in the silliest way. He’s goofy, random, and sweet. But at his heart, he’s humble, even self-deprecating about his capabilities, role, and personality. This particular juxtaposition screams something to my psychologist brain. Jin’s tendency to swing from braggadociousness to self-deprecation often reminds me of this scene from Fleabag, in which her therapist points out her tendency to use humor as a defense mechanism.
I think about this scene all the time. My therapist-y ears perk up when I feel people doing this when I’m talking with them. And we see Jin do this all the time. In fact, it’s a big part of his idol identity. Jin himself acknowledges using “Worldwide Handsome” as a joke:
'I’m nothing special, and I’m someone who doesn’t particularly excel at anything,' Jin said.
'Though people around me don’t think of me that way at all…if I even start to say something like this, they’ll say, "How can you say that? You’ve accomplished amazing things,"' he continued.
'But I still have a hard time accepting that. If someone were to ask me what sets me apart from other people, I wouldn’t have much to say other than "I’m a member of BTS,"' Jin shared.
source: Daily Mail
Humor is a well-known defense mechanism in the Freudian / psychodynamic sense. CBT doesn’t recognize defense mechanisms using the same terminology, but the use of humor can help identify irrational beliefs that one can hold about themselves. Check out these studies that examine the role that humor may play in identifying and breaking down such behavioral patterns.
This allows us to point out the all-or-nothing thinking that we can all succumb to: the idea that “one absolutely must be competent, adequate, and achieving in all important respects or else one is an inadequate, worthless person” (source: Psychology Today).
And I think this is particularly important, as we’ve seen time and time again, when someone is valued for their looks, or something completely arbitrary that they don’t have control over. People discount them. So much so that they may start to discount themselves.
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source: anonymous954
And what happens when you’re a small fish in a big pond? What happens when you’re known for your looks, but you’re in an environment where everyone looks incredible? It’s even easier to question what you might bring to the table. To question what might be uniquely yours. What might be uniquely you.
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CBT Application Through Core Beliefs
Self: Significance Negative core beliefs: I am insignificant; I am forgettable.  Positive core beliefs: I am integral; I am included.
World: Attention Negative core beliefs: The world ignores me. Positive core beliefs: The world celebrates me.
Future: Negative core belief: People will question if I ever deserved to be here. Positive core belief: People will think I’m special.
At his worst, Jin sees himself as someone who doesn’t contribute anything to the team. In some ways, his sense of humor allows him to mask that insecurity; in other ways, it helps him get to the joke first before anybody else can call him out on what he thinks are his flaws. I’ve been re-reading Nora Ephron’s I Feel Bad About My Neck, and this statement really sums that up:
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However, at his best, Jin is particularly powerful.
Jin somehow always finds a way to embrace that insignificance.
'You know how everyone is born with a certain talent? I think my talent is that when something unpleasant happens or when I’m having a tough time mentally, I’m able to forget things quickly,' he said.
Jin added that, 'if I focus on my everyday life, I naturally wind up forgetting and moving forward.'
He also made quite the surprising admission that he doesn't think he's special at all.
source: Daily Mail
He spoke with Yoongi in a very “do or do not, there is no try” kind of way during their chat during season 1 of In the Soop, strongly making the point that happiness cannot be achieved or accomplished; it is merely a state of being. And it’s that enlightenment that I try to speak to in my fics.
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Characterizations: A Map of Mrs. Kims, Hideaway
In A Map of Mrs. Kims, which is a work in progress, Jin is a character meant to investigate what it is to live as an independent person in today’s world, someone who is not focused on long-term partnership, someone who is fulfilled as he is on his own. In addition to that, he is a casanova focused on his career and immediate family. But when his mother, or his friends, press him on his love life, he does have a bit of a guard up. He tries to cover this up with jokes that focus instead on his sexual prowess.
“How many girls??” Retsuko’s eyes glisten with curiosity and excitement.
Jin pauses typing and looks sideways at her, eyes narrowing.
“You can’t be reveling in this.”
“I know I tease you relentlessly, but it’s because you’re hot as shit, smart as shit, kind as shit, but shouldn’t be single as shit.”
“I’m not single as shit.”
Jin presses ENTER on his keyboard and lets his initial data analysis run as he swivels his chair to face Retsuko head on.
“I’m just single. It’s not shitty, being single. I go on dates when I want. But I like—”
“—your independence, yeah yeah yeah,” Retsuko mocks, nodding her head exaggeratedly. She sits back and crosses her legs, the inside of her right knee resting on her left. “You do know that you don’t just merge into the person you commit to, right? You’re still your own person. You don’t just… blob together, like glue, or snot, or… or… I dunno, name another viscous fluid.”
Jin smirks.
Retsuko smirks back. “That’s why you’re single.”
“I just have too much viscous fluid in me to save it all for one person,” Jin says, turning back to his screen and scanning the syntax of his analysis. “Sharing is caring.”
“Well,” Retsuko says, “you might find out that after years of sharing—”
“Incessant sharing.”
“Incessant sharing—”
“Messy. Criminally so.”
“After your incessant, messy, criminal, absolutely depraved and disgusting sharing,” Retsuko jokes, “you’ll look up and find that there’s no one to share with anymore.”
Obviously, happiness is not only discovered through romantic partnership. I just happen to enjoy exploring the meaning of different kinds of personal relationships in my fics. But compare AMOMK Jin’s reaction here to Hideaway Jin’s reaction to partnership. 
Here, instead of using humor to deflect or mask, he chooses to be vulnerable. When discussing the nature of his and Y/N’s working relationship, meant to support a chaebol that consists of many families, he decides to be honest about his feelings, particularly about how that affects his friendship and personal relationship with Y/N.
You know what Jin means. If you abide by the current familial obligations, you don’t doubt that this will come up again and again. It puts undue stress on a relationship. Before Kwan, you were hopeful that you’d just find someone who understood. Now, you’re sure that no one will, and you’re beginning to resign yourself to that fate. But you can’t just turn your back on tradition. On power. On your parents. On your family. On Jin.
“I think you’re going to be the only guy in my life,” you say.
Jin’s breath hitches in his chest. You feel his body stutter.
You take some time to finish your tea. You’re feeling better, just waiting for all of this turmoil to settle. And Jin choosing to wait with you is helping.
“I’d be honored to be the next guy,” Jin says with a smirk.
You laugh.
“Why is that funny?” Jin asks, looking at you playfully.
“You know what I meant,” you say, leaning over and setting your empty mug on the table. “It’s just not going to happen for me, as long as I choose to focus on work, and on you.”
“What if you put a different kind of focus on me, then?”
You turn to Jin, confused.
As if to explain, Jin slowly raises his arm, the one that’s between you, the one you’re leaning on, and wraps it around you, under the blanket. He hugs you closer to him. You feel his fingers press against your arm and run down to your hand, intertwining his fingers into yours.
“Think about it, Friday. Think about me.”
You close your eyes and sigh, sinking into his hold.
He does feel good.
You’re looking straight ahead, but he turns his head and rests his chin on top of your head. Under the blanket, he moves his other arm to find your knees, scooping his forearm under them and turning you so that your legs run across his lap. He brings his arms around you, his hand still intertwined with yours. You look at him finally, questioningly. Your arm finds its way to his broad chest, and when you trace the collar of his muscle shirt, the blanket slips off of you both slightly, falling to your waists.
You deepen your touch, feeling the outline of the muscles of his firm chest. He sighs and closes his eyes, breathing hard. You’re starting to feel too warm, like you might start sweating.
He feels you, too. His hands are running up from your ankles to your thigh, moving across your stomach, and then down your other thigh to your other ankle. He grabs hold of your calf and massages it.
His other hand moves to your back, stroking it gently, first with just the knuckle of his thumb, but then with his entire palm, his fingers tickling in its wake. He grabs at your side, and you move against him, pressing into his chest harder, and letting out a little gasp.
You place your hand on his cheek, and he presses his hand over yours. You stroke his cheek, and he licks his lips. You gaze into each other’s eyes, and you see a glimmer of what could be.
But your gut is telling you the same thing that it will tell you in bed at Jin’s hideaway.
This won’t work.
You break your gaze and bring your hands down his neck, down his chest, and then back into your lap. You lean your head against his collarbone.
“We can’t, Jin.”
He watches you silently, both of you cooling back down, his hold feeling more like its usual caring and friendly hug.
“I just want you to know… I’m not a joke, either,” Jin says.
In all of my Jin stories, save maybe one, there is some aspect of insignificance or insecurity about his performance or identity in some way, whether it’s as a professional, or a significant other, or a lover. He often covers that up with humor, and he also has the tendency to act in boyishly, rapscallion-y, selfish, and self-destructive ways in an attempt to keep expectations of him extremely low. By the end of his character arcs, things have rarely changed for him. For example, in Hideaway, he still faces the huge responsibility of taking over his father’s company. However, the way he cognitively reframes his situation helps him see that responsibility through. Similarly to how IRL Jin thinks about BTS, Hideaway Jin realizes that he doesn’t have to do it all himself. And that takes the pressure off.
I write Jin in this way to honor the fact that we all fear our own potential. We have a hard time seeing our own strengths. We get confused when we try to line up with what other people value. When familiarity breeds contempt, knowing ourselves and being extremely self-aware, can sometimes backfire. So, we sometimes need to forget — or at the very least, go easy on ourselves. Jin teaches us how to embrace the things that we are uncomfortable with and turn them into our own joys. In a world where we often wonder what we can bring to the table, or how we can show up for others, we often forget that just showing up at all is more than enough.
As always, thanks for reading! What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? I’m always interested in hearing what you have to say, so send me an ask or comment below!
🧠 Cheryl
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whispersatdawn · 7 years
Light in Darkness
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Pairing: Sam Maek Jong (Park Hyung Sik) X Reader
Genre: angst, slight fluff
Word Count: 3,231
Request: So I saw that you were taking Hwarang requests so I decided to drop by. How about a Sam Meok Jong one where you're ordered to assassinate him or something but you actually like/love him so you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Angsty with maybe a sprinkle of fluff? - anonymous
You sat still in the middle of the room. The room was dark, and the only thing that helped your vision was the few candles lit around. In front of you was your uncle, True Bone and traitor to the Royal Family. When your father - your uncle’s blood brother - died, your uncle took you in as if you were his own daughter and trained you to be an assassin with hopes of rebelling against the Royal Family. Everything went according to his plans so far, and his time of rebellion was approaching fast. “There will soon be a new ruler of Silla, my niece, and after I get what I want, you will also have whatever you desire,” your uncle told you, a devious smile on his wrinkled face. “How has it been in the castle these days?”
“Queen Jiso is still on the throne, but I have word that she is planning to reveal the hidden King and abdicate the throne to him soon. Several palace guards and Hwarangs have left to Baekje which gives us an upper hand.”
Your uncle stroked his beard, humming, taking in your words. “When do you think you’ll be able to take out your order?”
“King Jinheung has a bodyguard with him always close by, but I will find a way for him to be occupied on a night when the King is asleep.”
“Will you need some of the others to infiltrate the castle and assist you in carrying out your orders?”
You shook your head firmly. “No, Uncle. I am capable of taking out the King myself. Bringing in any of the others will can make things more difficult.”
“Is that so?” Your uncle replied. “And you do know the consequences if you fail to carry out the order and kill the King?”
“Yes, Uncle,” you confirmed, with a nod of your head. “If I get caught by the King, I will suffer with the punishment the Royal Family decides to carry out, most likely death. You will not bother to save me in order to risk them finding your plans. If I fail and make it back here, you will kill me yourself.”
“I adore you, my niece, but this is what we’ve been waiting for. Do not dare to disappoint me.”
“Yes, Uncle.”
You returned to the castle without anyone noticing that night and pretended as if you never left when morning came. Hiding your black assassin clothing deep in your closet, you changed into a pretty pink traditional dress that made you look even more innocent in one’s eyes. “Has the King woken?” you asked a maiden that was walking in your direction.
“Yes, Miss (Y/N). He was last seen in his study room with the private instructor,” the maiden answered.
“Thank you,” you said to her before changing your direction from the throne room to the King’s study.
With quiet steps, you walked towards the door that was slightly ajar. You peeked in and found him sitting in the middle of room, practicing calligraphy. You smiled, watching him. Never have you seen a man so handsome as him. His features were striking from his hypnotizing eyes to his blinding smile. When he spoke, his voice sounded like music to your ears.
You felt sorry for almost all the maidens. Because he was hidden, no one knew what he looked like. At the same time, you were lucky that you were one of the few who have seen his face, and you didn’t anyone else to have the pleasure of seeing him like you. As you tried to lean in to get a closer look at His Highness, the door suddenly flew open, knocking you back on your bottom.
“Ow!” you yelled from the impact and rubbed the part that hurt.
“Seems like we have a little spy, Your Highness,” you heard a gruff voice on top of you say.
When you looked up, you found the King’s bodyguard Pa Oh wagging his finger at you and clicking his tongue. Your face flushed, and you let out a nervous laugh. “I just wanted to greet Sam Maek Jong this morning. Also, good morning to you, Pa Oh.”
“Is that (Y/N), Pa Oh?” Sam Maek Jong asked from inside the room. The private instructor then walked out, leaving. “Let her in, Pa Oh.”
Pa Oh reached his hand out, and you held it so that he could pull you up to your feet. As you walked into the King’s study room, you hoped that your heart would calm down from the sight of him. He smiled when he saw you. “Good morning, (Y/N). What brings you here so early?”
“I should have a reason, shouldn’t I?” you replied with laughter. “I actually just wanted to see you, Your Highness. If you have some time to spare, would you like to walk around the palace with me?”
“He can’t,” Pa Oh answered from behind you. “His Highness has been busy preparing for his inauguration for the throne.”
“I can speak for myself, Pa Oh,” the king said while looking at you, smiling.
“Yeah, but if you did, you’d accompany her in a heartbeat,” Pa Oh muttered under his breath.
Though Sam Maek Jong heard his personal bodyguard, he decided to let the comment go. “Sorry, (Y/N). It will get harder for anyone to come see me now that my mother will soon give up the throne. In addition, Pa Oh is just frustrated since he has to leave the palace tomorrow for a few days.”
“Your Highness,” Pa Oh said sternly.
The king’s bodyguard won’t be by the king’s side for a few days?
“I have to aid some relatives of mine, but I insisted to stay with the king,” Pa Oh said worriedly. “In about a week, King Jinheung will take the throne which means he has to be very careful until then. How can I just leave him alone when there are people out there trying to stop him?”
“I’ll just stay in the castle. There’s nowhere else for me to roam off to,” Sam Maek Jong responded.
“For a king, anywhere can be dangerous. Even his own palace.”
You were supposed to feel relieved. Knowing that the king will practically be defenseless will make it easier for you to carry out your orders, but a part of you felt sick to the stomach. Since you have a chance to take out the king, there shouldn’t be an excuse for you not to assassinate him. You have to do it. If your uncle finds out about your feelings for the king and sees that you decide to let him live, you’ll be the one who’ll pay.
“Are you feeling unwell, (Y/N)?” Sam Maek Jong asked, his brows furrowing, when he saw you spacing out and fiddling with your fingers.
Hearing his voice, you snapped out of your daze. “Huh? I am fine, Your Highness. I actually have to get going. I promised one of the maidens to help with the laundry, but I almost forgot. She’ll have a fit.”
Sam Maek Jong chuckled. “You are quite a silly girl.”
You nervously laughed and stood up, but while you got back on your feet, the king stopped you. “Wait, before you go, (Y/N), I would like a word with you. Pa Oh, please step outside for a moment.”
Pa Oh bowed and hurried to step out, leaving only you and Sam Maek Jong alone. Your heart beat faster. What did he want to speak to you alone for?
“Please sit back down,” the king told you, and you obliged.
You sit across the handsome king. Only a small table separated the both of you. Sam Maek Jong moved one of his hands forward and opened it. You looked at him curiously, but when he nudges his head to his hand, you slowly placed one of your hands on top of him.
His big hand embraced your small, soft ones. Your cheeks flushed a little pink from his movement. “(Y/N),” he said softly, like a sweet spring day.
“Yes, Your Highness?”
“I was thinking of waiting a little while to tell you, but I don’t think I can anymore. It’ll be hard for us to meet until I officially become king, but even after that, I have so many duties to take care of, especially taking care of the people. I think it would be best if you knew my heart now. (Y/N).”
“Yes?” you said again, voice even lower this time. You didn’t how you were supposed to react in front of him.
“No other maiden has ever caught my eye, but ever since you set foot into the castle, I keep on trying to find my way to you. You’re a beautiful, bright woman... and it would really make me happy if you were my woman.”
Was he confessing? King Jinheung of the kingdom of Silla was confessing his feelings for you. The man you grew affection for reciprocated your feelings. The very person you were ordered to kill. You felt like something was lodged in your throat, making it impossible to respond. He had no idea what kind of person you were, and you were scared.
“You’re surprised, aren’t you?” Sam Maek Jong chuckled, oblivious to the situation. “You don’t have to say anything, but I still want to know if you feel the same way about me. A nod would be just fine.”
You slowly nodded your head.
Sam Maek Jong lightly squeezed your hand before letting go. He had a big smile on his face, satisfied with your answer. “I’ll come see you before night falls. You should go ahead, or the other maiden will really throw a fit.”
“I...I’ll be going, Your Highness.”
That night was the most recent time you saw the king. Following that very night and a few more days afterwards, you were determined. You were going to go through it. Looking at yourself in the mirror in your all-black outfit, you knew there was no going back.
Most of the palace were asleep already, minus some of the palace guards watching for trespassers. Your uncle had raised and trained you ever since your parents died. He prepared you for this and told you that it was going to be the greatest achievement of your life. Your uncle would be proud. 
Could you really do it? Three days after the king’s confession, you found it so difficult to face him, scared that he would be able to see right through you. You might as well be dead if he found out about your secret. “You need to do this, (Y/N),” you whispered to yourself as you grabbed your sword out of the closet. Pulling up your mask over your mouth, you looked outside to see if anyone was wandering around the area before stealthily making it to the room that belonged to the future leader of Silla.
Quiet as a mouse, you entered the dark room. It took your eyes a minute to adjust to the lack of light. Your footsteps could barely be heard. The only noise was the king’s breathing. He laid in the middle of the room, sleeping soundly. Step by step, you closed the distance between the two of you. When you were able to see Sam Maek Jong’s face, your chest tightened.
“I sometimes wished I was born as someone else...” You remembered him telling you that one day.
“Why? What makes you say that, Your Highness?”
“I’m a coward, and a coward like me will never be able to bear the weight of the crown. All my life, I had to watch my own back. Other than Pa Oh, I can’t trust a single human being. Not the True Bones. Not the servants. Not even my own mother, the queen. I don’t have anyone to lean on because everyone is out to get me. They’d rather have me dead.”
You remembered how you remained silent after he said that. Then, when he called your name, you could barely face him. The guilt was eating you alive.
“But I can trust you, right (Y/N)? I want to trust you.”
Guilt. Even now it continued to eat you. The man in front of you wanted your loyalty. He didn’t have anyone else’s, and you were about to turn on him, too. Reaching behind you, you reached for your sword and wielded the weapon.
Trembling, you tried to hold onto the sword. Before you knew it, your eyes started to become blurry. For what reason did you need to assassinate a member of the Royal Family? It was an order from your uncle, but why did he have to involve King Jinheung? He was shoving his long hatred and vengeance on the Royal Family over to you, making you do his dirty work.
Your own reflection appeared on your sword, and you changed your mind. You didn’t have the heart to do it. You loved the king too much to take his life. “You insolent girl.” You knew that’s what your uncle would say before he killed you and take matters into his own hands. You would have to come to terms with that.
Death. You were prepared to greet it. That was the sacrifice you were willing to make. Then, the king would never find out.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered to him before you began to back away. You turned around, attempting to leave before someone found you in the king’s room. Before you reached for the door, you heard the sound of sword slashing in the air, and a blade just inches from your throat, scaring you into dropping you own sword. You didn’t dare move.
“How dare you come into my room?” he hissed in a low voice. You’ve never heard him speak this coldly to anyone. “Who sent you? Tell me before I slit your throat.”
You glanced down at your sword. If you could push him back and reach your sword fast enough, you could fight him off to get away before he figured your identity. No. You already underestimated him once. If you moved, it was over. Your mind raced as you thought of a way to escape.
Maybe you would risk that chance. You were dead either way. “Ugh!” you grunted as you quickly pushed Sam Maek Jong, sending him stumbling backwards. At lightning speed, you scooped up your sword. Both of your weapons went up against each other, but still shaken up, you barely found any strength to fight back. Your sword was knocked out of your hands, and you were backed up against the door.
Sam Maek Jong held the sword against your neck once more. Now that you were facing him, you saw the rage in his eyes. “I will not say it again. Tell me who sent you,” he threatened with his teeth gritted.
With his free hand, he started to reach for your mask. “Stop-” Before you could finish, your face cover was yanked off.
Your couldn’t tell if your heart was working anymore. Probably because it had shattered in a million pieces. You’ve experienced it before: anger and betrayal. Those were the emotions your uncle always wore. That was what his people wore all the time. You know what it looked like. But seeing it on the king’s face along with confusion, and knowing you were responsible for it, you wanted nothing more than for him to strike you. You deserved it.
“(Y-Y/N)...” he managed to say while stuttering. His eyes were red, and you were your’s matched. Tears fell down your cheeks. “W-What are you... W-Were you trying to...”
“I...” There were no excuses to give.
“Tell me, (Y/N)!” his voice raised. Angry. Desperate. “Tell me this isn’t true! You walked into my room by mistake, right?! There’s no way. I refuse to believe this. Why would you do this?!”
“I was given an order,” you replied, voice shaking. “You can’t be king. That throne belongs to my uncle. It’s time for the Royal Family to step aside and stop interfering with the real owner of the throne. It is correct. I was sent here as an assassin to watch you and take action when it was time.”
“No...” The king removed the sword from you, and it clattered on the ground.
“What are you doing?!” you shouted as you glared at him. “Pick up the sword! I have rebelled against the king. I don’t deserve to live. I will take my consequence whatever it may be. If you let me go now, my own uncle will throw me away anyway, so pick up the sword!”
“Your own uncle will throw you away?” Sam Maek Jong repeated.
“That’s right! I’ve failed my mission. You think he’s going to give me a chance to live? Well, not a chance.”
“I’m not going to kill you.”
“I love you, (Y/N). I stand by what I said about my feelings for you, and I know you feel the same way. Your uncle put you up to this, but you’re nothing like him. You don’t have to be like him, (Y/N). I know you want to be a good person. (Y/N), you are a good person. You don’t have to do this.”
“How are you so sure I haven’t been messing with your heart this whole time, and I have pretended to have feelings for you?” you asked in anguish. You felt sorry for him. A king, his world so cruel, and he was so pure.
“Because...” he replied, smiling sadly. “You could kill me right now. What’s stopping you? I don’t have a sword in my hand.” He raised his hands, showing his defenselessness.
You were going to choke on your own tears. The king bravely made his way towards you. He cupped his hand over your cheek and leaned in.close to you. When his lips touched you, you could taste the salt from his tears. Or were they your own? He kissed you and kissed you, and your whole body felt weak. You wanted to slump against him when he pulled away.
He then reached down, and fear spiked you when Sam Maek Jong slowly reached for your sword and placed it in your quivering hand. He stepped back until he was right in front of the tip of the blade. “It’s okay...” Sam Maek Jong assured you, the melancholy smile still on his face. “Finish your mission and go before the guards catch you.”
“No...” you cried. “I don’t want to.”
A cold assassin? The king was right. You were built to be that person, but that was never you. You were a weak young girl who missed her parents and just wanted someone to please.
You slid down to the wooden floor and placed your clean weapon on the floor. You continued to sob. Sam Maek Jong knelt down next to you and pulled you into his arms as you wept. “It’s okay,” he said again, holding you tight like he wanted to protect you from the rest of the world. “You’re going to be okay.”
“M-My uncle-”
“We’ll figure it out. I’ll keep you safe. If he wants to deal with me, I’m going to face him. I won’t be a coward anymore. I won’t let him get to you.”
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famfamella · 7 years
To be that™ fan to hype up the prince Kim Seokjin I (unwillingly) made my sister watch DNA and when Jin came onto the screen and put his fingers to his lips my sister said that was so hot and she doesn't even like kpop or BTS in general 😎😎😎
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tvehyungs-gf · 7 years
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IT’LL HURT | PART 1 // Jin Series ft. Namjoon & if you squint, Yoongi shows up at one point
❀ part 1 ❀ part 2 ❀ part 3 ❀ part 4 ❀ part 5 ❀ part 6 ❀ part 7 ❀ part 8 ❀ part 9 ❀ part 10 ❀ completed
Ahh this is my first text series so I hope this goes well, but I hope you guys enjoyed it! Feedback is much appreciated! Thank you for reading! | bts masterlist
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chan-yolo · 5 years
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© Fanfics on here belong to me, please do not translate or copy.
Please message if you have any BTS requests for scenarios or reactions, I want to write more for them now. 
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Kim Seokjin;
Coming soon
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Min Yoongi;
Distractions (Fluff)
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Jung Hoseok;
Coming soon
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Kim Namjoon;
Coming soon
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Park Jimin;
Coming soon
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Kim Taehyung;
Coming soon
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Jeon Jungkook;
Coming soon
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hobiboo1 · 7 years
Am I allowed to request a sceanario with Jin in Hawaii?
You’re allowed to make any suggestions you’d like! But they are just seen as suggestions, which are actually appreciated! :)
- Stella
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bonvoyagenoona · 2 years
Hi! Hope you are well!
Just finished Hideaway and I LOVED IT!!
This Jin is just everything, one of my favourite Jin's i've read. There were times I absolutely hated the other 6 guys, however 😂.
Jimin's story was quite heartbreaking towards the end...
Anyway, just wanted to say a huge thank you for sharing this story with us ❤️
Aw, hi friend!! I’m so glad you enjoyed Hideaway! It was one of the first fics I’d written since putting writing down for a little while, and it was the kind of story that came all together in a flash!! Thank you so much for your sweet words -- I’m always thankful to get to share stories with y’all, and I really really hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Especially since this story was meant to process a lot of themes of toxicity and heartbreak that I’d observed in friendships and relationships past (lol thus the understandable hate for the other 6 at times!). 
I still plan on extending the series (Jimin’s spin-off is up next with Breakaway!), but no dates planned just yet, what with work and life getting quite busy. In the meantime, I’ll keep my inbox open for requests for drabbles here and there and try to write them when inspiration strikes, while also steadily building the world. If you’d like me to tag you on any future Hideaway-related works, let me know if you’d like to add me to the taglist, or add yourself here! 
All this to say, thank you so so much for stopping by, and I’m so glad you had a good time! The Hideaway gang is saving you a seat at their next dinner!
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