#jinho oneshot
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request by @gold21101 !
a new me... kind of (hyeonsu lee x reader)
details: fluffy oneshot, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and hyeonsu are best friends, this takes place after jinho gets arrested
summary: hyeonsu opens up for once.
a/n: thank you for the request :]
fyi a lot of this characterization is made up since hyeonsu's just a side character with little screen time but i wanted to develop(?) him so... either way, i hope this can still be enjoyed !!
"Fucking hell..." Hyeonsu groaned and turned away the second you walked into the hospital room.
You scoffed, strolling in with a small smile. "Your best friend comes here to visit you and this is how you react?"
He glared at you before trying to hide his face behind his hands. "It's embarrassing as fuck having you visit me. I got stabbed and went down in barely a minute. Meanwhile that stupid god damn bowl haircut loser kicked that gangster freak's ass."
You rolled your eyes and pulled over a chair to sit by Hyeonsu in his bed. "Okay, and? The only reason you were there in the first place was because you were getting paid. I'd say that's even more embarrassing because everyone else was there for justice, revenge, or whatever."
"Wow, fuck you."
You burst into a small fit of laughter, replying, "You didn't deny me." He swore at you again while you hummed. "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, how are you feeling? You've been ignoring all my texts."
He huffed. "I didn't want you to visit so I ignored you hoping that would make you leave me alone."
"Clearly you don't know how our friendship works."
"Whatever, dumbass." Hyeonsu finally lowered his hands and turned back to face you. "Also, I'm feeling fine. I wanna get the hell outta here but the doctors are sayin' I should stay one more day so they can make sure my body's recovering normally or something."
"Well, at least you feel okay." You offer him a smile and he barely returned it.
"Yeah." He added more quietly, "Emotionally, though? I don't know if I'm gonna recover."
"That bad? Never heard you bring up your emotions like that before." For once your tone is somewhat sympathetic.
Hyeonsu went silent, his expression unreadable. It stayed like that for a long while. Usually you would've mocked him, but considering what he just went through, you held back. Worry slowly filled you up as the silence dragged on.
It wasn't until nearly a whole minute later he finally spoke up again.
"Since I'm already embarrassing myself being here, it wouldn't hurt to add to it, huh?"
You only tilt your head to prompt him for more.
He sighed heavily. "Look, I already know how stupid this sounds, but I just want to say I've been thinking about... me. And... I feel weird."
"Go on."
Hyeonsu made vague motions with a hand before having it fall with a "thump" by his side as he sighed again, but more harshly. "Nevermind. It's too stupid."
You push him with, "Hyeonsu, come on. You've told me all kinds of stupid shit before already."
"Ugh. My pride is on the fucking line."
"Then let it out so I can smash it to bits. You'll have space to remake your pride then!" Your reply is responded with a not-very-light punch to the arm. "Ow!"
"Will you take me more seriously if I say I'm having an identity crisis instead?"
"Huh?" The words catch you so much by surprise you could almost ignore the stinging in your arm.
He turned, almost violently, just before you could see his expression. "Yeah. Exactly."
"Embarrassing to say out loud?" you finished for him.
A tense silence fell over the both of you. You suddenly felt awkward, unsure of how to best proceed, but eventually you carefully ask, "What's making you feel like that?" He doesn't answer immediately, and you take the small moment to go back to wincing at your arm.
"I don't fuckin' know. I mean, I do, but..." Hyeonsu groaned, slapping a hand over his face and dragging it down. "It's..."
"Want me to guess?"
He turned to look at you just to deadpan. "No, that'll only make me feel more stupid because I know you're gonna say some dumb shit."
You snickered. "Then just say it. Maybe even whisper it, if that helps you feel like you're not announcing something embarrassing to the world."
He thinned his lips, taking your words into consideration, but then shook his head. "You know what, I'll just say it." Hesitance, a dramatic pause. "Me getting my ass beat." Your jaw dropped immediately while he threw his hands up in the air. "There, I fuckin' said it." Once his hands fell back down, he glared at you. "Pick up your damn jaw."
"My bad, I just--" You sputtered over yourself. "Are you--are you being serious? Getting your ass beat is giving you an identity crisis?"
"Don't say it together like that, I'm realizing even more how stupid this sounds."
"I mean, it does sounds funny, but I wanna understand. What's going on?"
"Look, you think I know? I just feel fucking stupid about it," he scoffed.
"I'm telling you, Hyeonsu, this is why dudes like you need to explore your own emotions and be able to vocalize them better instead of just being angry all the time."
"Not this shit again..."
"Okay, sorry, I'm being serious though." You reach a hand out, touching his forearm. "And as your friend, I want to understand and help you get through this, but I can't help you if you can't express it to me." A smile formed on your face as you noticed him relax a little under your touch despite his knitted brows.
"Fine. I guess it's..." He looked off to the side. "I never really thought I was the strongest person in the world, but I did think I was the best around at least. Clearly, I'm not."
"And it's making me think I shouldn't be walking around the way I do." He sighed harshly. "Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not suddenly some insecure loser, I know I'm still better than most people but it just sucks knowing there's people out there who can kick my ass." His eyes dart upwards in thought. "I guess what I'm trying to say is the part of me that thought I was the best got fucked up, so now I don't know what that leaves me with. Am I even THE Hyeonsu Lee if I'm just some guy who can get beat up?"
Slowly, you nod. "So your 'I'm the best!' thing got shattered and you don't feel like anyone without it?"
"I guess. Fuck if I know."
A feeling of pity ran through you at his confession, but you tried not to show it, knowing that would only make your friend mad. "Hm... do you have any plans on what to do about it?"
Hyeonsu shrugged. "Mind my own business more? I don't know. Can't walk around like I own the place now that the two times I've gotten my ass handed to me are both recorded and are online forever."
"Well... minding your own business more seems like a nice idea," you tried to say with encouragement.
Hyeonsu shrugged again, his expression still blank.
You forced a smile and changed the topic. Maybe it'd take off any embarrassment he was feeling. "See? Talking about your feelings wasn't so bad, right?"
You chuckle while Hyeonsu rolled his eyes. "Only 'cause it's you. But that does remind me of another thing."
"Yeah?" You lean in a little, amused when he backs off just as much with what appeared to be a somewhat embarrassed scowl.
"It's about you. Aren't you embarrassed to be friends with a guy who got his ass beat?"
For the second time, your jaw almost dropped but you managed to replace it instead with a breathy laugh. One that evolved into a small fit of giggles.
Hyeonsu slipped his forearm out from under your hand to cross his arms. "Oh, great. You're laughing."
"I-I'm sorry--" you try to reply between laughs, "It's just... wow, dude. This is the one thing you're ashamed of? Out of all things I could be embarrassed of being your friend for?"
You manage to dodge a slap from his hand on your arm while he snapped, "If you've got that many things to be embarrassed of, then why the hell are you my friend?"
Seeing his frustration made you attack back with comfort--in the form of a forehead flick. "Because I like you, you asshole."
He rubbed at his forehead until he registered your words and widened his eyes. Shock was written all over his face and you didn't realize what he was thinking until his cheeks began to turn slightly red.
"Oh. Oh my god. I didn't mean it like that." Suddenly, you felt as flustered as him, waving your hands around in an attempt to explain yourself. "I meant I like you because you're my friend!"
Was that... disappointment in his voice? You didn't give yourself time to mull over it, being still panicked by what you had just said, and continued on with, "If I didn't leave you for literally beating up people, why would I leave you because you got your ass beat? Do you think I was friends with you because you were strong? No, it's because you're fun to hang around!" Hyeonsu stared at you, his expression a pokerface and you tried to convince him with a joke, "What kind of person do you think I am, huh?"
Your smile grew strained as he broke eye contact. "So you don't care, huh?"
"Of course I don't care." You nodded for emphasis. "I'm just glad you made it out alive, especially with that creepy gangster guy. In fact, I want you to stop getting into stupid fights."
Hyeonsu's angry look quickly came back. "Hah, and do what? Start feeding stray dogs? Giving my seat up for old people? Pick up trash for fun?"
"That would be great, actually, but I'm not trying to turn you into a--" You hold up air quotes. "'Good person,' all I'm asking is you to pick your fights wisely." You gave him a cheeky smile. "I don't think you could even manage being a good person."
"Damn right." Finally, Hyeonsu laughed a little. After came a short, peaceful pause, but the silence is broken by him announcing, "Alright, I got it. You and I are still friends, and I'll tone down my attitude by a good 0.2 percent. I guess that way I can still be me."
Grinning, you take the chance to slap his arm back. "That's my man!"
"Ouch, fucker, that's the arm that got hurt."
"Oh, shit, sorry!" you quickly apologize, feeling bad until Hyeonsu burst into laughter.
"I'm kidding. You fell for such an easy trick."
You slapped him again, with a bit more force this time. "How am I supposed to know?! You're literally laying in a hospital bed!"
He just hummed in amusement before casually bringing up another conversation topic and you tagged along with a shake of your head. Before you both knew it, an hour had passed, and you figured it was time for you to head home.
"Besides, I promised a friend I was gonna study with them."
Hyeonsu waved you off. "Fine, go do your lame stuff."
Easily sensing the bitterness in his voice, you reach a hand out to pinch his cheek, lightly pulling on it. "Aw, you gonna miss me? Don't worry, I'll come back tomorrow!"
He grumbled and grabbed your wrist to stop your teasing. "If I see your stupid face tomorrow, I'm beating you up."
"Ooh, I'm so scared!" You pull away from his grip to hug yourself, pretending to shiver. When he held up a fist, you jumped back, laughing as you made your way to the exit of the room. "Okay, okay, I'm done!" You turned around to smile and wave. "See ya, Hyeonsu!"
His fist turned into a middle finger. "Bye, loser." You roll your eyes, about to turn again to leave until he said, "Also..." You look over your shoulder at him. "Thanks for sticking around." His cheeks flushed red as he muttered the words, and for a reason you weren't ready to confront, you felt your own cheeks warming up.
"You're very welcome." As you officially left the room, shutting the door behind you, you became painfully aware of how much your cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing. The warmth on your face only worsened as you recalled how much Hyeonsu was smiling and laughing with you, and then you thought about how he sounded a little disappointed when you said the two of you were just friends and--
"Nope, nope, nope, that's a problem for another day." You speedwalked down the hall, determined to make it home without bringing it up ever again.
Nonetheless, you were content to spend some good time with your best friend after making sure he was okay.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 9 months
Snow Fight
Summary: It’ll be your first Christmas in a new town. You’ve had no real success in making friends with anyone so far, even with the effort you’ve been putting into it. But it wasn’t until snowballs started raining down upon you that you garner some. 
Fluff, Strangers to ?? au
Word Count: 1,988
Shinwon X Reader
[Features! The rest of OT10]
Not Requested
Bonus Christmas Eve fic
[A/n: Ever since you told me that Christmas is celebrated on the Holy Evening, the 24th in your country. I just had to finish and publish this for you today, @jinkoh - I hope you enjoy it, even if you’ve already seen the draft. Have a wonderful evening! 🥺💖 Alternatively titled: New Friends]
You were new to town and getting used to everything, trying to join in on events and make new friends. But today, your goal was to explore more of this place. You’re walking through the town square. When you hear someone scream, “Snowball fight!” You gasped and tried to duck and cover, but the rain of snowballs was already upon you. You quickly build a little snow shield and make some snowballs. You throw some at the other people. When someone slides beside you and under your snow shield. He asks, “Teammates?” As his shoulder is hit by a snowball, “Yeah!” You quickly agree and build the snow shield out a little wider. 
He has a great swing, so you begin making the snowballs solely so he can throw them at them. He is quick, grabbing one and throwing it before ducking back down to prevent getting hit. You're both making an impact on your opponents. You can hear their yells every time your teammate hits them. He looks at you and goes, “I'm going to make a break for it and cover them in snowballs.” You both look at each other in determination. And you tell him, “Go for it!” As he goes for it, you shout, “I’ll cover you!” He takes the snowballs in his arms and rushes at them. You do your best to make and throw snowballs at the blurry enemies. 
He returns to the snow fort, drenched in snowflakes, and you laugh, which makes him laugh too. He slides beside you again to be covered by the shield. You make a few snowballs before joining in and throwing them at your more visible enemies. He makes snowball pyramids supplying you with all the snow he can get his hands on as you pelt them. As you both get into the groove of it again, someone on the other side calls, "Truce!" You both smirk at each other before agreeing to a truce, knowing you've won. He stands up, and you follow, and he says, “We make a great team!” You laugh, and he puts his mitt-covered hand out, “I’m Shinwon.” You smile and put your gloved hand in his, “I’m (Y/n).” You both shake, “You want to meet the menaces who started the snowball fight?” You agree, and on your way to the 'menaces', you tell him that you’re new to town and that this is the most fun you’ve had since moving in. He couldn’t help but grin, “I hope to continue to make living here fun for you.” You blush, surely from the cold wind. 
He introduces you to his friends who started the snowball fight. “Everyone, this is (Y/n). They’re new to town. Let’s show them around!” Hyunggu goes, “Oh, we should take them to our pizza joint.” Everyone agrees and looks at you, hoping you’ll approve, and you do. They lead the way, and Shinwon stays back with you. When they talk amongst themselves, they actively include you in their conversations. They turn the corner, and Shinwon tells you, “It’s just like a few more buildings down from the corner, but this place has the best pizza.” You smile, “Really?” He nods, “Yeah, we started going here in high school when they first opened. And we haven’t gone back to any chain pizza places since.” You nod, and Jinho pitches into the conversation, “Yeah, they make everything fresh and get all the ingredients at the market.” 
Hyunggu cheers, “We’re here!” And the door chimes as Hoetaek opens it, “After you kids.” You whisper, “Is everyone younger than him?” Jinho shakes his head, “All but me.” You laugh and walk in; the scent of tomato sauce, grease, and fresh herbs hitting you all at once. You realize why they love it with the checkered floors and general ambiance. It was perfect. You can’t see through the nine men ahead of you but assume they’re leading you to their table. Shinwon pats the chair next to him and squints at Hyunggu, who nearly sits down in it. He puts his hands up and lets you slide into the seat. You laugh, and Hyunggu sits beside you instead. You take a minute to put the rest of the names to their faces before looking over the menu. 
After another minute, the waiter comes over. And goes, “Why do you guys always come on my shift?” Hoetaek smirks, “Because we love you.” You read his name tag, “Hyojong.” And Shinwon tells you softly, “When he’s not working, he’s sitting here with us.” You nod, and the waiter catches you sitting in the middle, “Oh? Who’s this?” You smile, “I’m (Y/n). I got caught in their snowball fight.” Hyojong laughs, “Really?” You nod, and Shinwon points to you two, “We won.” He blinks, “The eight of you lost to two?” Changgu looks down and groans, “Don’t remind us.” Yanan sighs, “They pelted us.” Shinwon and you chuckle, and Hyojong shakes his head before looking back at you, “Alright, I know what these geezers want. What would you like?” You smile and tell him, and he nods, “I’ll be back in twenty?” You all agree, and Hoetaek asks, “When’s your break?” He looks over at the clock, “Whenever I want it… When I come back, I’ll pull up a chair. It’s a slow day.” They all agree, and he leaves, and everyone starts conversing.
Whenever you got shy and didn’t know what to say, Shinwon would ask you small questions like, “What’s your favorite vegetable?” And you laughed as you told him, and he smiled, “I love potatoes.” You grin, and he makes sure that whenever you clam up, he assures you that you are welcome to have input. It made you feel secure in such a big group. And when he isn’t looking, you take in all his features, finding him more attractive by the minute. While the rest of them were handsome and funny as well. No one held a candle to his light.
Twenty minutes later, Hyojong pops back out, and Yuto cheers, “Pizza!” Which makes you all cheer for it. Hyojong pulls up a chair and sits at the end of the table. Shinwon holds out his glass of pop, “To new friends!” You smile, and everyone cheers, “To new friends!” as you clink your glasses together before taking a sip of pop. You dig in, and Hongseok goes, “Parmesan pass down?” Jinho grabs it and hands it over to Shinwon, who hands it to you, and you pass it across to Wooseok, who passes it to Hongseok, who passes it around the table. It makes its way back to you again, and you use it before passing it to Shinwon again. 
Even as everyone eats, it’s still loud, everyone chatting away freely, and you can’t help but feel at home. As you eat and talk, you find your place and talk more freely with them. You didn’t see it, but Shinwon smiled proudly as you happily conversed with his friends. When he realized you were standing in the line of snowball fire, he swooped in, so you weren’t facing the snow devils alone. But as you worked together to win against them, he couldn’t help but feel his heartbeat faster. And the fact that you get along with his friends so well, he knew his heart had the right idea. 
As you finish eating, you all split the payments, “Don’t you dare tip me, you weirdos.” And you can see their smirks as they place the money on the table and rush out. Hoetaek wiggles his fingers at him, and Wooseok sticks out his tongue, “Oh well! Already did!” He shakes his head at them, and you both tell each other it was nice meeting the other. And you all head outside of the building. While everyone is talking outside the building, Yuto tells you, “They’re the kindest bunch, but they’re the worst. But I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean soon enough.” You grin, “I hope so.” 
You all laugh as you see Hyunggu visibly shiver, and Hoetaek scolds, “You should have worn a warmer coat!” As he shakes his head at him, Hyunggu pouts, “I dress for the occasion, not for the weather!” You all laugh, and Yanan asks, “You’ll hang out with us again, right?” You smile, “Yeah.” And everyone lets out a little cheer. And you smile as you let out a small “Yay!” And they grin, and Jinho goes, after a beat of silence, “I’d love to stand outside in the cold with you guys, but I do have to get home.” The others agree with his notion, and they all start parting and telling you that it was nice to meet you. 
As Hyunggu speeds home, you ask, “I thought he was wearing a warm coat?” Shinwon says, “No, I think he just met up with the other side when the snowball fight was coming to an end.” You nod, “Oh, that makes sense.” Shinwon waits for the last of them to clear the turn before he asks, “You want to get hot cocoa with me?” You smile, “I’d love to.” He smiles and walks you across the street to the cafe one building up the road. He opens the door for you and follows you up to the counter. He goes, “Two hot cocoas, please.” Before you can pay for yours, he’s already purchased both. “Don’t worry, I work here. I get them for like a dollar each.” You shake your head, still feeling dizzy from the whole ordeal. It all happened so fast. And his glimmering smile was the cherry on top. Something you didn’t know you needed to see before. But now that you've seen it, you can't get enough of it.
You wait for your hot cocoa in another line when he asks, “So, where do you live around here?” You smile and tell him the apartment building, “I do too!” You blink, “Really?” He nods, “Room 1211.” You gasp, “No way! I live on the other side of the hall, in 1210!”  He gasps, “It is a small world, after all.” You laugh, “It is.” That’s when both of your hot cocoas are served, “Would you mind if we walk home together?” You shake your head, “No, I’d love to walk home with you.” He smiles, and you both walk to your apartment building, learning more about each other as you do, like how he likes to play the guitar and sometimes the piano. You make mental notes in your head of what he says, and he attentively listens to everything you tell him. 
As you take your last sip of hot cocoa outside your apartment building, you dump your paper cups in the trash can. When you make it up to your floor level, you both slowly walk to your apartment, not wanting the day to end. When you reach your door, you have to hold back your pout. You slowly put your hand into your pocket and find your keys. You sigh, “I guess this is where we part?” He hums, “Yeah…” With all the bravery you could muster up, you ask, “Do you want to go out with me sometime again?” He smiles, “I’d love to.” He looks at his phone, “Are you free tomorrow?” He puts it away as you nod. And he says, “Let’s go ice skating.” You smile, think about your schedule, and ask, “Does 5 pm work for you?” He agrees, “I’ll wait for you outside your door.” You smile and unlock your door, “It’s a date.” And he grins, agreeing, “It’s a date.” You enter your apartment and hold back the scream but slide against the door excitedly. You hear his little cheer outside and can't stop smiling. Thinking to yourself, tomorrow and every following day in this new town will be a new adventure and make it worth moving here. 
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xavieryaa · 2 years
about me!
misc info
i love linguistics
i am learning korean and mandarin chinese
i play love nikki
i love cats
i love mechanical keyboards
(despite this i do not have a mechanical keyboard)
i dabble in art
i’m the world’s worst coder (but i still try)
i’m planning to make my own tumblr theme one of these days
i write both oneshots and longfics, though less of the latter since they take more time. my writing schedule at the moment is…messy and nearly nonexistent. i’ll figure it out at some point.
my favorite typpes of fics to write are fluff, friends to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers, and light angst.
k-pop groups & biases
bts — namjoon & seokjin
pentagon — hui & jinho
loona — chuu (T-T)
stray kids — bang chan
my favorite songs
se so neon — nan chun
rm — everythingoes
loona — stylish
loona — curiosity
bts — jamais vu
bts — rain
bts — autumn leaves
pentagon — happiness
halina — kwarto waltz
other accounts
youraveragearmy on ao3
youraverageami on wattpad
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Kinktober D4: Start With the Basics - Jinho
Pairing: Jinho x f!reader
Warnings: Virgin reader, oral sex (f! receiving), honestly not much I think this one is relatively soft and mild.
Word Count: 1,279
Tag List: @hyunsungcore​ 
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You were certain Jinho was going to have some sort of dramatic reaction to your sudden proclamation. Yet there he was smiling sweetly at you, even giving a little giggle as if you’d told him some cute little story or joke. Not that you minded his cute response at all, it just was the exact opposite of what you’d been expecting.
“My innocent baby is so cute, you know that?” Jinho giggles again and it instantly flustered you.
“Jinho~” You whined trying not to seem as flustered and nervous as you actually were, “I’m trying to be serious here! Like I want to do stuff like that with you, b-but.....I’ve never done anything like that before.”
“Nothing at all?” Jinho seems a little surprised at that and when you shake your head his brows furrow, “No ones ever touched you or given you head even?”
The somewhat blunt question didn’t help as you worried your bottom lip between your teeth, “N-Nope, before you I never wanted that.”
“Have you touched yourself though, or like....not even that?” Jinho inquired trying to understand a little more as he felt both excitement and nerves at the thought of being the first one to touch you.
“I-I have, b-but I was never able to....y-you know...finish.” Your voice fades towards the end feeling shy at the fact that you’d never cum, only making Jinho coo softly.
“Well baby if you want to do something we can. We can go slow. Start with the basics you know.” Jinho leans in and your breath catches in your throat, easing up a little at the soft reassuring kiss he places to your lips.
“I-I’d like that.” You mumble against his lips and he hums, gently rubbing your thighs.
“Alright baby, we’ll go slow and I want you to tell me what you’re okay with. Alright?” Jinho’s assurance brought a lot of comfort to your nerves. When you nod Jinho leans in to give you another kiss, only this one going farther. He keeps his kisses soft and slow even as you both make out, treating you as if you’re the most fragile thing in this world as he holds you. His hands slowly trailing down your sides before rubbing soft circles onto your hips.Breaking away from your lips he unbuttons your pants and reaches down to gently brush over your panties. One hand brushing hair out of your face while he watches you closely to make sure you’re okay.
“Oh! T-That feels good, but you can do more if you want.” Your voice is already starting to get breathy at even such a light touch from him, Jinho humming in response. He presses two fingers against your panties a little firmer, giving light presses against your clit and rubbing through your folds.
“You’re already getting wet baby~ That’s good.” Jinho purrs praises to you as he kisses down your neck. Reveling in your soft mewls and the small moans at the new sensation. 
“Is it alright if I take your pants off baby?” Jinho asks waiting for a verbal response before moving to slip them off your legs.
“C-Can I keep my shirt on this time though?” The nerves laced into your question draws Jinho back up to your lips, placing a series of sweet kisses hoping to bring you some comfort.
“Of course baby, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want my love.” Jinho slowly works back down and gently spreads your legs for him. Moving to one ankle he kisses a trail of opened mouth kisses up your leg, reaching your core and blowing softly against your damp panties before moving back to do the same up the other leg. Finally pressing his soft lips against your clit. 
“P-Please take them off.” You request in a soft moan before Jinho can even ask about it, causing him to chuckle softly fingers hooking onto the material and gently dragging them down and off your form. Then gently coaxing your thighs back open again so that he could actually see you now.
Jinho hums in approval as his thumbs spread your lower lips, “Such a pretty pink pussy baby.” 
He blows against your exposed bud causing you to whine and squirm a little,  though he’s quick to gently shush you, “Shh it’s alright sweet girl. I’ll take good care of you.”
Jinho presses wet kisses over your folds, stopping at your clit to kiss it last, before sucking it into his mouth gently. His hand gently securing your hips as you squirm at the pleasure, rubbing gently. He pulls away to give soft laps through your folds and get a better taste of you, moaning as your slick meets his tongue.
“Relax baby, I got you. I’m gonna take such good care of you, my beautiful, wet, good girl.” Each word of assurance or praise from Jinho got you more and more worked up for him. Not even realizing that it was possible for you to get as wet as you were now, even when you had thought about doing stuff with Jinho and touching yourself. Though you’re sure his attentive mouth was helping with that. The way his tongue would find all your most sensitive parts, giving them attention in the form of licks and flicks before kissing softly for the perfect blend of sensations. Finding areas you didn’t even know could feel so good, as his tongue curled into your, nose brushing against your clit as he got impossibly closer. His hands holding your thighs open in a gently grip, thumbs brushing patterns over your skin. Your fingers in his hair drawing the prettiest sounds from between his lips and hurting vibrations through your core. You never knew you’d hear a prettier sound from him than his singing voice could produce, yet here you were. Jinho’s beautiful voice singing an entirely different kind of song, solely for you. The fact that he enjoyed bringing you pleasure like this something that had your mind and heart buzzing. You had been certain you’d wanted this and now your reasoning was only confirmed.
“J-Jinho! I-I love you!” As soon as the cry of those words left your lips Jinho paused his actions to look up at you. Eyes sparkling with such a perfect blend of love, adoration, and lust that you nearly begged for him to take you right then. You knew he’d insist on going slower though, and right now you’d give him anything that his heart desired, just thankful to have him as your first and you hoped your only.
“I love you too baby. Let me show you. Let me make you cum for me sweet girl.” Jinho’s voice is smooth as always as he goes back to what he was doing, one hand leaving your thigh to grip one of yours, lacing your fingers together and holding it as his lips wrap around your clit again. Actions speeding just slightly with determination to bring you that level of pleasure for the first time. Watching closely as your high washes over you, gently riding you through it as his eyes take in every expression you make. Pulling away to lean in to kiss you again. 
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in your entire life.” Jinho mumbles against your lips, before letting you catch your breath. Chuckling as you move to try and get his pants off, before stopping you.
“Easy baby. Catch your breath first and then we’ll see what you’re wanting to do. Alright?” Jinho kisses away your pout with a small laugh, continuing that until you finally give in and curl into his chest to recover a little.
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gamerwoo · 5 years
Jinho: Whispers from the Flowers
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Characters: Jinho x gender neutral reader
Genre/warnings: woodland au, fantasy, fluff
Word count: 1,093
Summary: Jinho has a special connection with the flowers, and he often talks with them. One thing they’ve been talking about a lot lately is you, he just didn’t expect he’d get to meet the beautiful human they’d been telling him about.
a/n: all of these were inspired by the concept photos for Pentagon’s new album, and @softseventeens was the one to give me the idea and actually gave me like, half the ideas for the stories :]
Jinho | Hui | Hongseok | Shinwon | Changgu | Yanan | Yuto | Hyunggu | Wooseok
“Really?” Jinho smiled to himself, the sun making his fluffy hair shine brightly as he sat in the clearing, being careful not to disturb any of the flowers around him. He looked over toward the treetops, listening intently to the soft whispers around him. “Oh, are they? That’s some very high praise -- especially considering you’ve always said Yanan is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.”
The flowers continued to talk to him excitedly, trying to describe your beauty as best as they could. They knew that despite Jinho living in the forest and not exactly being human, it wasn’t good for him to be alone forever. Still, they wanted to wait for the perfect person to come along. You’d been visiting the trails for the last two weeks, and they had decided you were it. It was just the vibe you gave off -- they just knew.
“I’ll keep an eye out, then,” Jinho replied, amusement shining in his eyes. “If they’re as beautiful as you say, they shouldn’t be hard to miss.”
So that’s what Jinho did. He was a little more observant when he saw humans walking on the trails or stopping to admire the flowers or take pictures of the wildlife. He waited for the person described to him by the flowers that he took care of. 
A few days had passed by, and Jinho had to admit he was a bit disappointed. The flowers had said you came by on a walk every single day, but you hadn’t been around. He knew they wouldn’t like to him, so what was it? Why did you stop coming?
The flowers tried to keep him from getting discouraged. They were sure you’d come back, but Jinho didn’t know how they could be sure of that. He continued to look out and see if you’d come back, but not as closely.
You were thankful to be over your allergies finally. Being unable to go on your daily walk was making you feel almost suffocated -- although, the flowers and pollen was probably what caused your allergies to flare up in the first place. Still, now that your sinuses weren’t completely awful, you decided to go back out to the same trails you’d been frequenting for the last two weeks.
Walking through the forest, you took a deep breath of fresh air. It felt like ages since you’d gotten to go outside other than going to and from work. You finally felt like yourself again. You hated being cooped up inside while you tried to stop your eyes from watering and your nose from running. You felt good.
Going along the path, you were distracted by the golden flowers that moved softly in the warm breeze. You stopped and squatted down to admire them closer, always having loved looking at and smelling the flowers. Ever since you were a kid, it was something you loved to do.
Maybe that’s how the flowers knew you were the one for Jinho.
Your eyes moved away from them, seeing a shadow out of the corner of your eye. You looked over and just barely caught the movement of the bushes, your heartbeat going faster. Was it an animal? A murderer? You weren’t sure, but you could hear whispering coming from whatever or whoever it was.
It was stupid, but something inside you compelled you to follow the whispering. You stood back up and slowly made your way to the brush you saw the shadow go through, pushing through it cautiously until you found yourself squinting against the sun.
There was a clearing before you, the warm sun beating down on the field of flowers there. Off to the right was what seemed like a boy, sitting down in the grass as he whispered seemingly to himself. You could only see his silhouette, but you could tell even from the side of his face that he was beautiful despite the dirt smeared on his cheek.
“They’re even more beautiful than you told me,” he was whispering, his head leaning down toward the flowers. “Why didn’t you--”
Jinho froze, hearing what the flowers were saying. He slowly turned his head to the right and saw you standing there, hands still out to your sides to keep yourself from getting hit with leaves.
He wasn’t sure what to say. He didn’t expect you to catch him, but he knew he had to say something now that you were here. But what could he say? He wasn’t like you -- that must’ve been clear enough just from seeing him whispering to the flowers. Then again, maybe you thought he was just talking to himself. Or would that make him seem crazy...?
“Hello,” he finally said, his voice barely loud enough for you to hear.
“H-hi...” you stuttered out.
He stood from where he was sitting, walking slowly toward you to show he wasn’t going to do anything to you, “My name’s Jinho.”
You weren’t sure why, but you found yourself walking toward him at the same slow pace, quietly replying, “_____.”
Jinho’s face broke into a smile, “_____. That’s a lovely name.”
“Were you just...talking about me?”
His eyes widened slightly, “Oh...did you hear that? I was, um... Well, I was talking to...the flowers, actually...”
“The...flowers?” you asked.
“I keep them healthy. We’re friends,” he shrugged like what he told you was perfectly normal.
“And...the flowers have spoken about me?” you assumed from what you’d heard him say.
“A lot,” he admitted sheepishly, his face blushing red as he glanced down at his bare feet. “They told me you were beautiful, but...you’re absolutely breathtaking.”
Jinho’s eyes met yours when he complimented you, and now you were the one blushing. You weren’t even sure what Jinho was, but he had you absolutely flustered. Nobody had ever called you breathtaking before.
The odd boy scratched at the back of his head, his eyes leaving yours as he let out an awkward laugh, “I know I’m kind of odd to most humans -- I’m sorry. I’ve just never met anybody like you. I mean, the things the flowers have told me... Y-you’re just special, y’know?”
You still didn’t quite understand what Jinho was talking about, but you also knew it wasn’t something you could understand just yet. You’d only just met him, and you knew if you really wanted to understand, you’d probably have to meet him again.
And you were okay with that idea.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him with a warm smile, “I’ve never met anybody like you, either.”
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ineffable-writings · 7 years
Stay With Me
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word count: 1063
genre: a little bit of angst and a heavy dose of fluff
summary: Jinho gets frustrated by your long hours of studying -Admin Summer
His hand was warm in yours as you both walked down the city streets that were illuminated with pretty yellow lights. You shivered and Jinho laughed at you as he slipped your intertwined fingers into his big coat pocket.
“Is that warmer now?”
You blushed and nodded.
“Thank you for dinner” you said
“You are so very welcome” he said with a huge smile. “I really wanted to treat you to something better than that ramen you eat EVERY night”
“Listen we’ve been over this, I eat ramen because it’s quick and cheap. I don’t have the time or money to be going out to dinners! I have school work!”
“Don’t worry about money, as long as you have me I’ll make sure you get everything you want. You just tell me when you want to eat some real food and I’ll be at your service my darling…….and I guess I’ve forgotten about the struggles of college. I’m sorry”.
“Don’t apologize! I mean I should be the sorry one! I always hold us back because of my studies…..it must be a real bother to have a girlfriend this young”
Jinho fell silent for a couple seconds. This stung.
He breaks the silence with an exclamation.
“I have a surprise for you!” He skipped a little as he said so.
You squeal a bit and hug onto his side.
“It’s back at my house. You can come over and I’ll show it to you and maybe we can have some coffee and-“
You cut him off.
“Jinho…… I told you I can’t. I have a big exam tomorrow. This dinner was a risky break. I really should be studying”.
Jinho sighed and stopped walking.
“A risky break?”
“Um...yeah I really shouldn’t have-“
Jinho unfolds his hand from yours.
“Am I never maybe just a little bit more important than your studies? I feel like this is so one sided sometimes cause I-”
“Jinho…” you interpreted him but he ignores you
“NO! I’M SO I’M SO… I’m so exhausted…..sometimes I wish I would have chosen to love someone else”
You tear up and watch Jinho stare at the ground, to ashamed to look up.
“I- I think I should go” you say as you being to walk away.
“No wait I didn’t mean that” Jinho starts to protest.
You ignore him as the sobs start to come out and you quicken your pace. You can hear him call out your name until you round the corner and walk the rest of the way home, cold and alone.
After finishing your last exam you pass on the invitation to get coffee with your friends because all you could think about was your pillow. You were exhausted not only from studying but from thinking and occasionally crying over Jinho. It was a real pain. Anytime you would get deep into studying the events of the last night you were with Jinho replayed in your head and made getting any work done impossible.
Despite the setbacks you felt mostly confident in your work so you hummed a little tune to yourself while walking back to your house. The joy was short lived before thought of Jinho creeped back into your mind. He had sand that song you were humming to you. He had had you cuddled up in his arms on his couch watching stupid YouTube videos until your phone died. You had taken it as a sign to leave because it was getting late but Jinho only held you tighter and rubbed his cheeks against yours. That’s when he sang to you. His voice was so soft and comforting that you fell asleep. You ended up staying the night cuddled up on his couch and being very late to class the next morning.
Your pace slowed and your feet dragged. Your heart stung every time Jinho’s wide grin popped into your head, until it wasn’t just in your head. It was right in front of you. Jinho say in your front porch steps with a painful smile. A smile that confused you. His lips seemed to be smiling and happy to see you but his eyes looked like they were on the verge of crying.
He was doing okay in keeping it together but you weren’t. You began to cry as you stepped closer to him.
“Why are you here?”
“I came because I need you”
“I thought you would like someone older”
At this moment Jinho loses and the tears pour out of his eyes.
“Y/n all I want is you and all I need is you!” He practically yells. It’s not an alarming or scary yell but a passionate one.
“Your not some young thing I take to parties and flaunt around. I am in love you. I can’t imagine being with anyone else but you. These past few days have been the worst of my life. I wanted to run to you so bad but I know how much these tests meant to you and I didn’t want to distract you”
You are both silent for a little while. Only recovering sniffles audible in the cold breeze.
You break the silence.
“So apologize to me…..so I can forgive you and put this behind us because I too need you and only you.”
Jinho kneels in front of you and grabs your hands.
“I’m sorry”
“I forgive you”
He snakes his arms around your waist and stands up. He pulls you to him and grabs the side of your face. He kisses you for a long time. Once you break the kiss Jinho pulls a small box from his pocket. You gasp.
“Don’t freak out it's not what you think”
He opens the box so you can see a small silver ring with and infinity signs engraved all around it.
“It’s a promise ring because I know you're not ready but I want to marry you. This ring can signify our promise to each other to stay together forever.
You slip the ring on and admire it as Jinho rubs your back and begins to sing to you.
But you taught me what preciousness is baby,
This is a song only for you.
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littleshopofk-pop · 3 years
## pentagon masterlist
S — smut F — fluff A — angst C — crack
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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› roommates kinktober '21 day 8 [S]
full masterlist
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key201303 · 4 years
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Genre: Angst, apocalypse AU!, a bit of fluff (One Shot)
Plot: A world without music and any kind of arts. That was the world you lived. Music has been replaced for sirens and bombs since you were born due to a massive war. The only way of surviving was staying in home praying for not receive a bomb in your house. But your 8 best friends had another plan. They were planning to escape to survive. Even though you knew it was a bad idea you still joined them and you all ended up becoming the new Basquiats.
Warnings: It’s an apocalypse au so there will be lot of mention of death, murders, blood, suicide and concentration camp.
We Wanna Hear Your Voice.
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soulangel · 4 years
Pentagon Masterlist
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Genre Key:
M-Mature // F-Fluff // A-Angst // S-Series // SM-Social Media
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shinwonsaysomething · 5 years
That Stupid Project - Jo Jinho
Request by anon:  jinho fluff where you try to get his attention? Words: 500 Genre: Fluff, Short OneShot
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You sigh. No reaction. You sigh louder. Still no reaction. It has been like this for the past two days. Jinho is working hard on a project at your place, because at the dorm was driving him crazy. He even tried working in the studio, but the members kept coming in. When you suggested he could work at your place, he was in front of your house within a hour. You are always happy to have him around. The first day it didn't bother you at all that he had to work all day. You just watched some movies, read a book and did some work yourself. But now it is saturday and you want to do something fun. Jinho is working on his laptop on the dinner table. You already tried to asks if he would watch a movie with you, but he said he was almost done. After two hours you asked if he would go out for lunch, but the same answer followed.
You sit on the couch and sigh one more time, even louder than before. It doesn't have any effect. You start thinking and smile. A little plan popped up in your head. He walk to the kitchen and start to make some coffee and grab some cookies. You decorate the cookie with sprinkles so it says: "attention plz". You smile to yourself and put it next to Jinho. "Thanks baby, you are the best" Jinho says and continues. You pout. "You didn't even look at the cookie...". Jinho finally looks up and looks at the cookie. You see his face change. "O my god baby.. I am so sorry...I have been caught up with this stupid project for days..." he looks at you while feeling guilty. " That stupid project... I didn't wan-
You stop him by putting your finger on his mouth. You sit on his lap and just hug him. "I know the project is important so it is totally fine. I just need some attention too. So I am here to claim your attention for a while" you say and smile. "You deserve a break too, so let's do something fun. You need to lunch and we both could use some fresh air" you continue. Jinho smiles. He looks tired of working, so some fresh air might do him some good. "That sounds like an amazing idea".
You both get ready to grab some lunch. Jinho puts on his jacket as you grab your bag. The sun is shining and warms you up. Jinho grabs your hand. You smile. Even though he was with you all this time, you really missed him. Jinho and you just talk and laugh together. His hands are soft and makes you feel closer to him. You two end up in a cute lunch restaurant. Some food helps Jinho to feel better. "Damn, I really needed this. Thank you baby" he says. You smile as he kisses your cheek. "I still feel bad though" he says. "Let's make a deal then" you say with a smirk. "When we get home you finish your project and after that you are going to cook for me. I have been dying to eat some of your food" you say. Jinho's cheeks turn slightly red. "Deal" he says and kisses you. You giggle and kiss him back. "Thank you so much, baby".
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yeoremyone · 8 years
Arranged Love
Word count: 1519 
"Maeri", my mother calls out. She just told me the news. A marriage has been arranged for me. My dad has had enough of me not finding the right guy. It hasn't even been that long. But ever since high school I've been coming home with all of the wrong men. This one seems to be proper, although I haven't looked at his picture properly. Dad is friends with his dad from work. Apparently their son wasn't looking for a wife either, but this is how it goes. I can't say no to my parents. At all. It's been done and there is no coming back from this.
"Are you okay? It's just an arranged marriage..." My mother tells me again. Is she kidding? Of course I not okay. I can't even pick my own husband. I can't fall in love like they do in all of those drama's. There's no chance of me having that kind of romance anymore. I will be stuck with this person forever.
"Jinho is a really nice guy. I already met him a couple of times..." My dad starts. I have a feeling he feels bad for me in some kind of way. If he really felt bad for me, he wouldn't have done this. He would not be forcing me to love someone I don't even know.
"Maybe we should give her a second", my mother says.
"Jinho is coming over in an hour, okay?" he tells me before they both leave my room.
It feels like the walls of my room are coming for me. Everything is caving in. My heart feels like it's breaking inside. Into a million pieces. When did my live start to go to hell? I'm sure this Jinho guy has nothing to do with this arranged marriage at all, but how could he have agreed to this already? Did they already tell him? Before telling me? Did he have more time to think about this exactly.
I run outside. I need some fresh air to think. The house is smothering me. And Jinho will be here any minute. I should at least be a bit decent for my husband to be. Therefor I really need to think. Collect my thoughts. Be alone, now I still can. They probably want us to marry soon. The air outside hits me. It's cold, but I can't feel any of it. Has this turned me numb?
I decide to walk down the road. There are a few people walking around, but I can't seem to see them properly. Everything around me is a big blur. The sun is shining, but there is still a dark cloud hanging above my head. I walk into someone really hard and almost am knocked over. When I look up there is a guy who is just my height. Which is pretty small for a guy. He is handsome. Like really handsome.
"Are you okay?" he asks me while I catch my balance. I'm still a bit too starstruck by his looks to answer him. "Hello?" He tilts his head to the side to watch me.
"Ehm, yes, sorry", I frown a little and look away. His eyes are still on me. I can feel them.
"You seem like you're having a bad day", he remarks and my head snaps back up. Do I really look that miserable? Can you read it on my face?
"You have no idea..." I sigh and look at my feet. Anywhere but is face is okay.
"I have some time. Why don't you tell me about it? Sometimes talking to a stranger can be a good thing. No strings attached", he says while I lift up my eyes. He looks at me with a little crooked smile. I like it.
"Yeah, no names?" I ask, this was weird, even for me. He just nods in response and we walk toward a bench in the park we were in front of. "Where do I start?"
"With the beginning?" His suggestion is actually a pretty good one. It's simple, but still. I should have thought about it. We don't look at each other much.
"Well, this morning my mother and father told me I have an arranged marriage. I am supposed to meet him today. The fact that they don't even give me a chance to find someone I really like, bothers me a lot. Is this fair? I'm not even that old. I'm 22 for god's sake. I have a job and am about to move out. Is marrying such a big thing? Should I do it before I'm 30?" I rant to him.
"Do you know the guy you'll be marrying?" he asks me and I shake my head.
"He is a complete stranger to me. I've never even met him. What is his take on all of this? Does he like it? Did he consent to it? I have no idea at all. He should be at our place any time now. Does it make me sound crazy that I want to fall in love on my own terms? I want to find love like they do in drama's. I want to find someone who fits me and who I can be myself with..." I'm on the verge of crying. He just pats my back lightly. This sudden move gives me a lot of strength, somehow.
"Maybe you should just meet him and see how that goes? Maybe he is a decent guy and will actually like you? You have to give him a chance at least",  the guy argues with me. He is right, of course. I'll be stuck with this fiancé of mine for probably the rest of my life. Unless we divorce after a while. But I want to do everything to not let it come to that point.
"You're right", I smile. "Thank you for hearing me out", I say in a small voice. If only he was the one I was supposed to marry. Somehow I feel at ease with this complete stranger. He is kind and listens to me. Everything you want in a person. Plus, he is good looking.
"No problem. You just looked so down. I can't help but want to make someone feel better if I see they are down", he sounds so mature. Did I add caring to the list of amazing things about this stranger yet? Well, I do now.
"If only I were marrying you", I joke, but the atmosphere changes suddenly.
"Well..." he starts out and looks at me. "My name is Jo Jinho. And I am kind of your fiancé", he tells me suddenly. I feel so attacked for some reason. I just ranted about my arranged marriage to my fiancé. I should've looked at the picture better. This would have never happened if I had just done that.
"Oh god..." I slap my forehead and place my head in my hands. I'm ready to cry all over again.
"Don't blame yourself. I knew who you were and didn't say anything. But this has changed my view on everything... You're a really nice person and it makes me want to give you the world. So please, marry me. I promise you, we'll be happy." He pleads a good case. He's handsome, caring, friendly, kind and listens to a person. He's not as bad as I thought he was. Maybe?
"At least I know you're not a total jerk now", I joke and we both get up. The easy atmosphere from before is back and we walk towards the house. My parents are kind of surprised to see me laughing with my husband to be. They're happy we get along.
And Jinho was right. We are happy. A few months after we got engaged we finally got married. We're living together and we're such a good match. I am not pleading for arranged marriages, but this one just happens to work out just fine. Jinho is still caring and listens to me all the time. We have fun and act like fools around each other, but it's nice.
"You're making dinner tonight!" I yell while heading out the door for my meeting.
"What do I get in return?" he pouts, standing behind me. He'll be the first one home this evening.
"What do you want?" I sigh and roll my eyes at him. He suddenly grins and steps closer. He's just a few inches taller than me.
"A kiss", he says and I smile. He's always this cute.
"Fine", I say and lean in for a peck on his lips. He doesn't think that is enough and pulls me closer by the waist. Our bodies are against each other as he deepens this kiss, one hand is cupping my cheek. These are the little things I live for. My heart is beating overtime and when he releases me we stare at each other. A smile is on both of our lips.
"I love you", he tells me and my heart makes a little jump. God, this turned out so well.
This was a request from someone on Wattpad :) This was originally posted on my Wattpad: 5soslegends 
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zuhos-nose · 6 years
Yuto - Kinks
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(Because there are not enough things written about this beautiful man in the world. And after much deliberation, I have decided that he is my bias.)
dOM (don’t deny it)
will let you top but he’s still in control
oral buddy, giving and receiving
will praise you
loves to kiss your neck
prefers missionary because he loves looking into your eyes
restraints (sometimes, he only gives it)
not into the hardcore stuff
but I wouldn’t complain if I got anything from him *wink wonk*
wants you to top occasionally
probably cause he wants a good look at the goods ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
do NOT
for the love of all things good
do NOT talk back
cause this bitch won’t hold back
but let’s get real
he’s a soft lil shit
so when he’s not pounding into you like the Hulk throwing Loki around
he’s placing soft kisses down your body
holding your hand while his other hand works at the goods ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
taking his time
loving each part of you equally
(god damnit, calm down)
after care is noice buddy
he’ll cuddle you
and be all stereotypical
but in all reality, every man falls asleep so expect his cuddles to be while he’s asleep.
Thank you and a good night
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Goretober D30: Gone - Pentagon
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Pentagon + Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Disappearing themes (somewhat explained, not really), stalker themes, forgotten/abandonment themes, yandere themes? at the end kinda.
Word Count: 1,536
You bounded back into the circle of a group with a soft huff. The guys being boisterous as usual. Only to find that the group was one short of the right number, looking around with furrowed brows as you tried to place his face somewhere.
“Guys where’s Jinho? Is he not back yet? I thought he was right here when I left with Wooseok and Yuto?” You ask the carefree ones who turn to you between laughter looking just as confused as you did.
“Who? Y/N no one’s missing. Everyone’s here. Count again. You don’t have to make up some Jinho character just for laughs. You’re funny enough without doing that.” Hoetaek seems rather calm as he speaks as if he had no memory of the missing man. Just like they’d had no memory of Hyojong when you called him up a week ago only to find that he’d disappeared like Jinho now had. 
“I’m being serious you guys, something isn’t right. I-I just want to find our friends before anyone else can disappear.” You sigh softly shaking your head as Hongseok places a hand on your shoulder gently.
“Y/N are you okay? This is the second person you made up now? Are these friends of yours from somewhere else?” Wooseok looks at you with soft eyes and you frown softly.
“N-No they’re our friends....I-I just...I-I don’t know why none of you can remember them.” A sudden sharp pang shoots through your head making your vision spotty and you to wince away holding your head in your hands as you stumble back. Calls of your name from the boys as they rush over to keep you from hitting the ground. When you come back to reality you blink your eyes open to find the spot where Wooseok had been standing empty. Jolting you back with a surge of adrenaline as you look around with no luck as you can’t spot him anywhere.
“Woo? Woo, where are you?” You call out frantically looking around until Hongseok catches you in his arms trying to calm you down.
“Alright Y/N I think you’ve had a long day and it’s getting to you, so just rest up for now and let your head and body recover and in the morning we can maybe talk about this some alright?” Hoetaek doesn’t give you much choice after his reasoning words though having Hongseok and Shinwon escort you to your room to promptly get some rest, which after much tossing and turning finally came when you grew too exhausted to fight it any longer. Your fears confirmed when Shinwon woke you for breakfast the next morning only to find one less person than there was supposed to be at the table. Hoetaek’s spot empty of even a table setting. 
“Great! Now Hoetaek’s gone too?” Your voice is pressed and sarcastic, on the verge of tears as Yuto looks at you worried. 
“Y/N? Who is Hoetaek? What is going on with you? Please....please talk to us.” Concern bleeding into his voice as he steps over to you, looking over you to check if you were alright.
“People from our group keep disappearing and every time they do you all instantly forget who they are. One person and I thought I was losing my mind, but now four people are missing and I’m kind of really freaking out right now.” Your words quake with panic as you try not to entirely lose your mind especially when they already hadn’t been believing you as is.
“If we helped you look would it calm you some? Don’t know that we’ll find anything. Or if we’ll even believe you without finding anything, but we want to make sure you’re alright and if looking with you will help....then maybe we should just try to figure it out together, alright?” Hyunggu offers and you nod appreciative of the fact that even if they didn’t believe you they were still willing to help you in anyway that they can.
“It would. Why don’t we eat and maybe grab somethings that feel useful and we could start looking around for an explanation?” You suggest and no one argues though Changgu’s eyes are watching you closely, something you chalked up to the concern they all had over your condition especially after you nearly collapsed the night before. Gasping and clutching as it happened again, holding your head in pain and looking around. This time you could only watch as Shinwon disappeared between blinks before your very eyes.
“Y/N?” Yanan calls from your side gently rubbing your back, “Do you want any headache medicine or anything?” 
“N-No it’s just.....I-I just watched it happen. S-Shinwon is gone now....l-look his cereal is still there.” You point across the table where sure enough Shinwon no longer was, but a half touched bowl of cereal still sat all alone. That enough to get some of their attention at least.
“Okay, that is weird....maybe Y/N is realizing something the rest of us don’t.” Yuto agrees as Yanan moves to clean it up. Before any of you get a chance to go anywhere or do anything though Changgu clears his throat to get everyone’s attention onto him.
“I think the first thing we need to do is take Y/N to the hospital. At the very least Y/N is getting bad head pains and we need to see what is causing that.” Changgu firmly speaks as he stands from the table to come over and help you up just in case the pain early did anything to throw you off.
“Fine, but nothing is wrong with me you’ll see.” You insist with a soft huff, but don’t fight as they help you into the car. Noticing that there’s going to be one less as Yuto has joined the ranks of missing people somewhere along the way to the car. You’re feeling light headed as you get in though, resting your head against Yanan’s shoulder, but afraid to so much as blink in fear that another would be gone once you did at the rate they were vanishing. 
Hongseok helped you out upon arrival and as you sit there the pain comes again gaining the attention of the nurses and staff as you grasp Yanan’s hand tightly. Until you feel it fading away, along with the soft spoken man who had been to your left. Your nails soon digging into your palm as you tried to hold onto him, despite it being no use. You were stuck at the hospital with now just the three boys left when you could be out looking for clues as to what was happening to them and trying to get them back to you and that irritated you. Somehow though it was draining you, making it hard to stay up without help and the pain when it came was crippling in nature.  The nurses quick to get you into a bed and an iv with some pain medication in it for you, something that made you extremely drowsy, despite your fighting it.
“If you need to rest Y/N go ahead. It’s alright.” Hyunggu gives you a soft smile and that is enough to lull you to sleep, something you wouldn’t have done had you known he’d be gone by the time you woke again.
“Here drink some water Y/N it might help. We’re still waiting on some test results, but so far they think you’re just too stressed and it’s negatively affecting your body physically.” Hongseok speaks gently, helping you sit up to drink the water he’s offering. Treating you as if your made of glass, which after they say the effect of these head pains on you seemed rather reasonable. Glancing through the glass wall as you sip on the water to see Changgu speaking to the doctor before returning to you two.
“The doctor said you’re free to go for now. But you have to take it easy for a bit or the headaches get any worse then you need to come back.” Changgu tells you and the two are quick to help you as you practically try to leap from the bed unassisted. Hongseok scolding you under his breath for being reckless with your help you to the car and into a leaned back seat so you could rest.
“Oh wait Hongseok, I forgot to ask what...” Your words die as you turn to look where Hongseok had gotten into the car to see he wasn’t there anymore, “Changgu, everyone else is gone we have to figure out what happened to them before it happens to you too.”
“Oh I already know what happened to everyone else Y/N....after all someone had to be behind it didn’t they?” Changgu’s response is so calm and yet something about his tone of voice is eerie, concerning you and making you feel the need to run.
“W-What is that supposed to mean Changgu?” You stutter hoping this was just a residual of whatever meds they had given to you in the hospital.
“I mean I found a way to get rid of them Y/N. They took too much of your attention and now.....now you can give it all to me. It can be just us two, forever.”
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16 notes · View notes
bangchan-sonyeondan · 7 years
PTG | kinks
A/N: I’ve had this in my drafts for a while, so here you go!
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body worship
breath play
oral (giving and receiving)
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pet names
thigh riding
light spanking
marking (hickies, scratching)
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soft dom
marking (biting, hickies, etc.)
hair pulling
shower sex
orgasm control
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hair pulling
oral (receiving)
light pain
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marking (hickies)
Yeo One:
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switch (leans more to dom)
hair pulling
light breath play
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likes when you ride him
light spanking
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rough sex
restraints (handcuffs)
light pain
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switch (soft dom)
strip tease
body worship
marking (biting)
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over stimulation (giving)
oral (receiving)
669 notes · View notes
life-ruiners · 6 years
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Part 2 Part 4
Characters: OC; Pentagon (Hui, E’Dawn, Kino, Jinho, Shinwon, Yanan, YeoOne)
Genre: Mafia!AU; angst
Word count: 2.8k+
“I think we have something to talk about.”
As soon as I walked into what looked like a small conference room, I felt all of their eyes turn to me. I was directed to an empty chair and a pair of strong arms pushed my down on it, the blonde guy taking his place next to another tall and lanky boy. I looked around and noticed Hyunggu sitting right next to Hui. Both of them smiled at me briefly, the feel behind it completely different. Hui was clearly in charge there, the aura around him intimidating.
“Ah, Yejin-ah,” his gaze made me feel like prey. “It’s not good to eavesdrop, you know?”
It was more of a threat than a question, but he wouldn’t do anything in front of all these other people. Or would he? My heart dropped and I opened my mouth to say something, but before I managed to find the words, he spoke again.
“What exactly did you hear?” His expression changed into a more serious one, as if he was considering something.
My mind was running. Should I pretend I haven’t heard anything? In the end the less you know the longer you live. On the other hand they caught me red-handed, it would be risky to lie. My hands were already shaky and wet, when I started to nervously play with my fingers.
“Be honest,” said a smaller guy on my right and I remembered the voice from earlier. This must have been Jinho. “If you’re of use, your situation might be better.”
So it wasn’t a crazy joke and they actually wanted me to work for them. If I was useful of course. I hesitated for a moment, breathing shakily. I guess it was information in exchange for life and I was just desperately hoping I wasn’t wrong with my assumptions.
“I heard you talk about m-me,” I said quietly, looking at Jinho and only at him. “And Sohyun.”
“Do you know anyone like that?” his expression was soft but unreadable.
I swallowed hard and decided it was the only way to get out of this safely.
“I do.” I said. “Lee Sohyun, Minister Lee’s daughter, my sister.”
The tall guy that was sitting there quietly until now started to laugh uncontrollably and the blonde guy next to him chuckled as well.
“So you did manage to get his daughter in the end,” he breathed out between attacks of laughter.
“Shut up, Shinwon,” Hui spat not sparing him a glance.
“Doesn’t he have only one daughter, though?” Another blonde guy sitting next to Hui said.
There was a sting in my chest and I felt the need to answer the question even though it wasn’t directed at me.
“Officially yes.” I looked down, going back to playing with my fingers. “She is my sister in law, but I am not mentioned in any documents,” my voice turned bitter.
There was silence in the room, my shallow breaths almost deafening. I decided to take this chance and risk asking a question.
“Why-” I hesitated, but the curiosity won. “Why do you want to kidnap Sohyun?”
I turned to Jinho as he seemed like the best informed and least dangerous around here, but at the same time another person spoke.
“What is your relationship with her?” I turned around to look at Hyunggu and snorted.
He seemed concerned, like he actually didn’t want to hurt my feelings, but that was not the case.
“She doesn’t know I exist,” I informed him bluntly. “I only know because my mother never liked to be as secretive as my father.” The last word came out  harsher than planned and I decided to shut up before I said too much.
Hyunggu didn’t look hurt, but there was something in his eyes that looked like pity. I didn’t want it. I was completely fine without that man in my life and had no sympathy for him. But the girl was innocent. I looked at Jinho again, still waiting for my answer.
“You see,” he was emotionless, almost like a businessman talking about his transactions. “Minister Lee is a wealthy person and he has been suspected of fraud lately, so this is a perfect situation to kidnap his daughter and demand ransom. He has the money and paying us will be the only option for him since any attempts in publicizing it will be seen as diverting attention from his crime. Public is ruthless when it comes to politicians,” he finished with a small smirk and my jaw almost dropped.
He had it all thought through so well it was almost scary. I nodded slowly, taking in the change in his face as a spark appeared in his eyes.
“I guess in this situation I need to revise our plan a little,” he said and started to gather all kinds of different papers scattered on the table in front of him.
“Now, isn’t it late already?” Hui said, standing up and stretching theatrically.
“Yes, we all need some sleep,” the smaller blonde guy agreed and stood up as well.
Everyone was starting to gather their things and leave, while I just sat there. I didn’t know where I was, didn’t know where I should go or what to do. I grabbed the crutches and wanted to quickly approach one of the nicer looking guys to ask them.
“What about Yejin though, hyung? There are free room-” As if on cue, Hyunggu spoke up, but didn’t even manage to finish his sentence.
“I don’t think she should stay alone,” Hui interrupted him with a stern expression, but a smirk quickly appeared on his lips when he moved his eyes to me. “She’s a bit of a brat, you see. Right, Yejin-ah?”
I froze in my spot, his gaze almost burning my skin. The feeling of vague safety vanished completely and I felt my hands shivering again. What was he planning?
“Do you want to keep an eye on her then?” Jinho asked him, seemingly catching on with his thoughts.
A wide smile of contentment appeared on Hui’s lips.
“Exactly. She can stay with me-”
“NO!” I heard a scream and only when all of them turned to look at me, I realized that the voice came from my mouth. Hui’s expression immediately told me it was not a good move. “Please, don’t… I…”
By then I was trembling, completely terrified of the thought of being in a room alone with that man, not to mention spending a night there.
He already opened his mouth to say something, when Jinho interrupted him.
“Should we put her in Hyojong’s room then?” he suggested, looking at me reassuringly.
At that everyone seemed thrown off, the proposition coming totally out of the blue. Jinho rolled his eyes and sighed, looking at Hui.
“I cannot do it because I will be working the whole night probably, so the next most reliable person would be him,” the smaller man explained quickly, starting to get annoyed with the whole situation.
Hui didn’t look satisfied with that, but he gave up on arguing. Instead he looked at the smaller blonde guy on his left.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” he already started to make his way to the door, but before he left he turned around and looked at me. “Come Yejin.”
I looked at Hyunggu once more and he gave me a reassuring nod, so I followed Hyojong to the hallway. He kindly adjusted his pace to mine and led me down the corridor without a word. I tried to focus on walking, but I couldn’t help looking at him from time to time. I was too curious, trying to catch even a glimpse of his expression. Was he mad at Jinho? At me? Was he annoyed with the fact they put him in the position of a nanny? Or was he happy like Hui, with that predatory look in his eyes?
I was ripped out of my thoughts when he stopped next to one of the doors and took a key from his pocket to open it.
“This is my room,” he spoke, letting me in before going inside himself and closing the door. “You’ll stay here for a while. Until Hui hyung trusts you, I guess,” he made a face at that and smiled softly at me.
I stood in the middle of the room, taking a look around. It was very cozy, with a desk next to the door. In the middle stood a double bed and there was a big wardrobe on its side. The window was framed with dark green curtains, complimenting the warm beige walls. I liked it. Hyojong must have noticed my expression change. He clearly tried to give me space earlier, but now he moved from his position by the door and came closer.
His expression didn’t give out much, but it was not intimidating or rough. He looked at me for a moment, a spark of interest noticeable in his eyes, before making his way to the wardrobe and searching for something for a moment. He came back with a small pile of clothes.
“A T-shirt and some pants that you can sleep in,” he said simply, placing them on the bed. “We’ll find you something better tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah,” I replied and he seemed happy with that, putting his hands into his pockets with a bright but tired expression.
“You can take a shower now,” he gestured to the other door in the room. “And I’ll fetch your medicine from the infirmary.”
He didn’t even wait for a reply before leaving the room. I heard the click of the door being locked and didn’t know if I felt more safe or scared by that. I breathed out, only now realizing I was holding my breath for a while now and grabbed the clothes.
A quick and hot shower actually helped me to gather my thoughts together, tears occasionally falling from my eyes. I revised the whole day again in my head and couldn’t believe what happened to me. The situation I was in right now had no good ending and the thought of the rest of the men was making me shiver. Being on their mercy however, I had nothing I could do right now, so I decided to not think about it. I left the bathroom and saw Hyojong get up from the bed as soon as I was out.
I took his place, when he disappeared behind the door and started to apply medicine on my ankle. It did hurt, but the pain was already significantly less than before and I was so thankful to Hyunggu for that. I wrapped the elastic bandage around it again and set everything back on the nightstand.
Suddenly my breath hitched when it hit me. I was going to spend a night here, in one bed with this guy. My hands clenched around the sheets I was sitting on. He didn’t look or behave dangerously, but so did Changgu at first. My mind went all the way back to the car ride and I could feel Hui’s hand, his gaze and Changgu’s arms around me.
Hyojong came out of the bathroom in his pyjama, sending me a quick smile, before turning off the light and moving to the other side of the bed. I started to tremble, my whole body tensing up, when I felt the mattress dip. Was I in the same situation again?
“Yejin?” I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned around, moving away from the touch, tears already gathering in my eyes. Hyojong looked confused at first, but a moment later some understanding appeared on his face and he sighed, retracting his hand.
“Look, I don’t know what Hui did to you, but I won’t hurt you.” he said slowly, looking me in the eyes. “I promise.”
I was still shaking, but he sounded sincere. He lied down, close the the edge of the bed, leaving me as much space as I wanted and only smiled sleepily, not rushing anything. I breathed out and slowly moved to my side, sliding under the covers. Suddenly I felt how tired I was, my muscles aching from being tense all day and my head already spinning.
“Now please have some sleep,” I heard Hyojong murmur, while turning around to his side. “You will need it.”
He didn’t say it out loud, probably not to scare me more, but I knew what he meant. It wasn’t going to be easy from now on.
The next day I woke up and as soon as I opened my eyes the realization of where I am hit me like a train. I immediately shot up in the bed in panic, but then my gaze landed on Hyojong scribbling something at his desk. He must have not heard me, so I took a look around, still trying to control my breathing and the tears slowly turning up in my eyes. It was already bright outside and I wondered what time it was. How long have I slept?
“I asked Mei for some clothes for you, those should be fitting,” I heard Hyojong say a moment later, without even moving from his position, which startled me. I appreciated that a lot, though, as I didn’t want him to see me all disheveled right after waking up. “You can change, I’m just finishing up a thing.”
“Oh, okay,” I replied quietly, not really knowing what he expected to hear. He was already in his normal clothes and I felt bad for oversleeping like that. I wondered why he didn’t wake me up earlier.
I grabbed the pile of clothes and medicine sitting neatly on my nightstand and moved to the bathroom. My ankle was getting better quickly and for a short distance like that I managed without crutches, which made me smile briefly. I changed quickly into the jeans and t-shirt I was given. I was surprised and thankful to find some underwear there too and even a pair of flip-flops.
When I walked out, Hyojong was already sitting on the bed, facing me with a soft smile. He patted the space next to him and I set there without much thought.
“Here,” he gave me a piece of paper and I stared blankly at it for a moment. It had a square with a few lines on it. “This building is a mess so I made a quick map for you.”
I looked at the sheet again and then back at him with a smile. Now it all made sense. I wanted to say something, a ‘thank you’ at least, as I didn’t expect anything from this guys. After yesterday’s treatment I was shocked at everything Hyojong did, however, my voice didn’t want to cooperate. Hyojong just smiled warmly and kept going.
“Here is the living room and here is my room,” he explained, moving his finger on the paper. “If I am not around you’ll find Hyunggu here and Jinho here,” he looked at me, “I wouldn’t recommend approaching others on your own.” It sounded so serious, my eyes probably grew as round as the rings on his fingers.
I remembered the impression of the other men from yesterday's meeting and really didn’t even plan on talking to them. I wasn’t suicidal.
“Oh, and here is the kitchen!” Hyojong’s voice ripped me out of my thoughts and I saw him take out a pen and put another big cross on the paper. My stomach rumbled at that word and only now I realized how hungry I was.
Hyojong looked at me, rolled his eyes and I bet I could hear him curse out Hui, before he grabbed my hand.
“Come on, let’s get you some breakfast.”
I looked at his hand in shock and he immediately let go of it, flustered. His pace was quick and I had to make my best with the crutches to follow him. I was not long until I could smell food and my mouth watered just at that. As soon as we went into a room without doors. I saw Jinho cooking something. Hui and the blonde guy were also there, sitting at the table and eating already. I noticed Hyojong give Hui a pissed look and the other one just shrugging innocently. I sat down as well, as far away from them as I could, and Hyojong leaned on the cupboard nonchalantly, pouring two glasses of coke. He gave me one and a minute later Jinho put a plate of scrambled eggs with vegetables in front of me. I thanked both of them and started eating, however I constantly felt eyes fixed on me.
I didn’t want to look in his direction though, I didn’t want to meet his gaze. Hyojong was chatting with Jinho so I kept staring at my plate until I heard the other guys get up. Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder and I looked up involuntarily just to hear his velvety voice.
“See you later, Yejin-ah,” Hui chirped with a smirk, his touch sending shivers down my spine.
They were gone quickly, but I didn’t feel like finishing my food anymore, not sure if it was a promise or a threat.
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key201303 · 4 years
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Word count: 5.2k words
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, murdering, dictatorship, concentration camps, war, suicide, suicide letter. PLEASE IF YOUR SENSIBLE TO THIS TOPICS DON’T READ THIS STORY.
A/N: Heyyy! Finally it’s here!! I worked so hard on this story and I really hope you guys enjoy it. First of all I want to say sorry if any of you felt bad for the story since it is a really hard one but the moment I saw the MV and their perfomance on RTK I knew I had to write something like this with it. I really enjoyed writing it and even though it took me a long time for writing it and I cried more than once while writing it I’m really proud of how it turned out. I really really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it 💙 Also I want to thank everyone that sent me supportive messages🙏🏼 you guys gave me lot of confidence and strength for uploading it and I really hope it turned out as good as you expected 💙 Love y’all 💙💙
Taglist → @mashtons-unicorn @satinsvt (tell me if you wanna be added to this taglist!)
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A world filled up with suffering, pain and misery. That’s how you would describe the place you were living in. In all your 24 years of life you haven’t seen your kingdom without a war. Neither you and your 9 best friends. All you have seen was pain and misery and all you could do was fight to survive.
Since the new government took the power and your city was under a dictatorship you saw yourself trapped inside imaginary walls even before you were born and it slowly became a battlefield. Little by little it started to look like an apocalypse movie people used to enjoy during Halloween in the theatre.
Being rebels wasn’t easy though. The day one of you arrived home without a bruise or a wound on your body or face was pretty rare and at some point of your lives it became a habit. Chains around your wrists and necks as you walked serving the powerful ones also became a habit. This was the life you all had to live if you wanted to survive.
Thank god you had them. Your parents were murdered by the government for trying to escape with you when you were just a kid and Jinho, who was 5 years older than you and who saw you wandering around plenty of times while he “played” with his toys, begged to his family to adopt you so you wouldn’t die as well. You owed him a lot for doing so without even knowing you. In fact, all the people living in the concentration camp you have lived during your childhood, treated each other like family. It was the only way of protecting yourself and others  from the decisions of the government. Some years passed and Jinho’s parents were murdered as well. Only God knows why they also killed them. The only thing you could say is that one day you woke up hearing Jinho’s sobbing from the room of his parents and when you walked in you saw both of his parents lifeless bodies laying on their bed with their stomach filled with their blood due to a bullet. 
You can tell the life you and your friends were living wasn’t the best but at least you had each other. You had to admit that it would have been worse if they weren’t there for you. You will always treasure in your heart all those little moments when you lay down on your makeshift bed in the little abandoned building the 10 of you were living in since you left the concentration camp and you talked with them about anything that ran your mind. It didn’t matter if it was a stupid thought or a deep one. The only thing you all needed was getting your brains out of the situation you were living so you could be happy at least a few minutes in a day. Sadly, those little moments were always interrupted by the sound of sirens and bombs and you all had to run away to hide in a common bunker to stay safe. “It’s okay, we’re safe now.” Kino always told you as the 10 of you hugged to get calmed down. They were all you had and you were all they had. 
For some reason you all ignored for years, you all enjoyed singing. Well, you didn’t know if you could call that singing because all you could do was humming to invented melodies that for an unknown reason sounded familiar to you. In your kingdom, since the new government took the power, music was prohibited and replaced with siren sounds. Only Jinho, Hui and Hongseok, who were the oldest among the 10 of you, had the privilege of knowing a little about how the world was before the dictatorship started. Even if they were too young to remember a lot about it, at least they could know what music was and how it sounded like. You always enjoyed listening to their sweet voice singing to lull you to sleep. 
Another thing you loved to do was sitting around a campfire when the situation was a bit better and hearing Jinho, Hui and Hongseok stories about what they could remember about life before the dictatorship. That way you could all imagine a better life and have a common dream of running away and having a perfect life with each other. “If I could I would adopt a dog.” Wooseok said cutely. He was the youngest out of all of you. Every time you saw through all the bad and tough things he had to go through when he was just a kid broke your heart. Even though he was 22 years old already, you still saw him as a little kid. You and the rest of your friends always saw him like a younger brother who needed to be protected. Even though you all babied him a lot, he was one of the toughest ones. He was always involved in a “crime” against the government and he was the most rebel out of all of you. You all tried to make him understand you had to obey what others said so you could survive but he still wanted to fight for his and your freedom. Sometimes you admired how determined he was and how mature he was even though he was 2 years younger than you. “Who does not risk does not win.” That was his life motto. Little did you all know he was planning something huge.
Sun was falling and the moon was rising. Like every week you were doing your laundry. You always made it during night because it was the most chill time of the day and it was when the situation was better. You were hanging a T-shirt on the clothesline when you heard Yuto calling your name. By the way he called you, you perfectly knew there was something wrong going on. You dropped the clothes and ran to the makeshift lounge you had. As soon as you walked in you spotted Yanan with chains around his neck and his back covered with bruises made by a whip. “What happened?” You asked worried walking towards him to help him lay on a table so you could heal his wounds. “I found him like this in the central square.” Shinwon said. Yanan answered none of your questions and it wasn’t until you touched him that you noticed he was unconscious. “Get the first aid kit, we need to heal him as soon as possible.” You said worried. Your mom used to be a nurse before the dictatorship and even though you only knew the very basics, at least you knew how to heal your friend. You didn’t have much medicine though, the only thing you could do was use medicinal plants on his wounds and wait for them to heal by themself. 
You finished using the medicinal plants on Yanan’s back and you all decided to take turns to stay with him during night in case he woke up. They all agreed on you being the first one staying with him and waving at them wishing them good and sweet dreams you got a chair and took a seat next to the table where Yanan’s body rested. A few hours passed and your eyelids started to feel heavy when you heard Changgu coming in the lounge. “Go to sleep (Y/N), I’ll stay with him.” He said placing his hand on your shoulder and softly smiling at you. When you were about to leave, Yanan finally opened his eyes. “What happened?” He asked, confused. As soon as he tried to move he cried in pain waking everyone up. “You cannot move now, the wounds are still open.” You explained to him helping him to lay down again. “What happened to you?” Shinwon asked worriedly. “I was just going to buy some bread and guards got me saying today wasn’t our day for buying bread. I protested and they chained my wrists and neck and took me to the central square to punish me.” He explained struggling a bit because of the pain of his open wounds. “We can’t keep living like this.” Wooseok said. “And what do you want to do? Run away? Don’t you remember what happened to those who tried to run away?” Kino answered him. They both were right. The life you were living wasn’t a life actually and you knew you wouldn’t last for much more but you knew you couldn’t escape as well. You were trapped in there and you all were doomed to live that lifeless life.
Sun soft light entering through the soft curtains of your room hitting your skin perfectly and waking you up. Another day in Hell was about to start. You got out of your bed and went out of your room to find everyone was already up. “Good morning.” You greeted them softly. “Good morning!” They all greeted you cheerfully. Somehow, they always managed to give you a bright smile whenever they talked to you. You really admire that about them. Having the ease of smiling even though they were completely broken inside just to make you feel better was heartwarming. But still, you knew those smiles hide pain and misery. Today you could notice that pain in Jinho’s eyes. For some reason, they didn’t raise the same way they always did whenever Jinho smiled at you usually. You knew there was something wrong but you first related it to what happened last night with Yanan. 
You walked towards Yanan and sat there sipping the coffee Hongseok just handed you. “How are you feeling?” You asked Yanan. “Much better. Thank you for curing me, I owe you one.” He said smiling at you. “You don’t owe me anything, come on, let me check them.” You said smiling as well and standing up so you could check his wounds. You lifted up his shirt and found his wounds started to scar perfectly during the night thanks to the medicine. “It looks pretty good.” You said smiling at him and pulling his shirt back down. When you sat back on the chair you heard the front door opening and saw a confused Yuto and Wooseok entering the lounge. “What's going on?” Hui asked. “A revolution. That’s what’s going on.” Wooseok said dropping his bags on the floor and approaching the windows to close them. “What do you mean by a revolution?” Kino asked, confused. “They call themselves Basquiat. They’re killing guards to make justice. Their sign is a crown with three peaks.” Yuto explained as he locked the front door. “Those crowns signified something?” You asked, surprised. There was an awkward silence the moment you said so. Everyone turned to face you. “What?” You asked even more confused. “Have you seen them?” Wooseok asked you. “Yeah, I’ve been seeing paintings of that crown around the city for a few days now.” You answered. “They thought I was one of them.” Yanan suddenly said. Everyone moved their eyes off you to focus on Yanan now. “Why would they think we have something to do with those ‘Basquiats’?” You asked, confused as Yanan took out of his pocket a poster. “A young boy gave me this when I was going to get the bread.” He said showing you a poster with the crown Yuto and Wooseok described a few seconds ago and the one you have been seeing for the past few days. “We’re now on their spotlight.” Jinho finally spoke up. He had his gaze lost and he was unusually quiet. You were scared of asking him if he was okay and now that you know what happened back then you wished you would have asked him.
Now that you were in the spotlight of the government you had to be more careful and whenever you wanted to do something you had to do it hiding yourself so they wouldn’t suspect you. A few days after discovering the Basquiats you found a letter on your mailbox. It was written with weird calligraphy, had some red marks on it and it gave you all the creeps just by looking at it. “Guys, I found this letter on the mailbox, do we open it or wait until Jinho is here?” You asked them. Jinho has been out for the entire day and you had no idea where he was. You all agreed on waiting for him but after a few more hours passed and he was nowhere to be found you decided to read it without him in case it was a threatening letter from the government or something like that. But the moment you started reading the letter and you noticed what it was you couldn’t hold back your tears. (Click here to read the letter.)
None of you could believe Jinho did such a thing. You couldn’t believe he didn’t say a word about his feelings and you wished you could have noticed before so you could have tried to convince him to not do that or at least you wouldn’t have let him alone. All of you were devastated after reading the letter Jinho left before committing suicide and you were all a crying mess. “We have to do it.” You heard Wooseok’s voice in between your sobbings. He sounded angry even though his face said the opposite. “We have to be the new Basquiats for him.” He said, drying his cheeks and full of determination. You never saw him be as determined as he was when he said so. Even though you were all scared and broken and denied his offer at first, deep inside your heart you knew he was right. 
A few days passed since Jinho left and you were still trying to overcome the pain his loss caused you. Even though he was important to everyone, you felt he was more important to you. He saved you and offered you a family and a place to live. You owed him your life because if it weren’t for him you would have been murdered the day your parents were. You constantly wished it was you instead of him the one passing away feeling like you owed him your life.
You were sitting on your front door looking at the horizon thinking about life when your eyes landed on the poster Yanan brought a few days ago. The poster about the rebels. You knew the boys were completely into joining that group to avenge Jinho’s death but you weren’t 100 % sure about it. Running away was something that never turned out well in the place you were living and you couldn’t allow losing more of them. 
You stared at the poster for a few minutes analyzing all its features. What caught your attention was the message that was written on it. “We will be the new Basquiats. Come join us. We wanna hear your voice.” You got kicked out of your thoughts when you saw Hongseok, Hui and Kino walking in your direction as they came back from God knows where. “Welcome back.” You said smiling at them. They had all their clothes ripped and their faces covered up with all kinds of bruises and scratches. You didn’t even want to know what kind of work the government gave them this time. You only had to look at their faces to know what a shitty work it was. “What’s that?” Kino asked pointing at the poster you had in your hands. “The poster about those rebels…” You answered looking down at it. “You should think about it (Y/N).” Hongseok said getting into the little house. “You know Jinho deserves something better than this and this is our way of giving him the honor he deserves.” Hui said entering the house as well. “Just promise you will think about it.” Kino said reaching out his pinky finger waiting for you to make the promise. You stared at him and his finger for a few seconds and finally intertwined it with your pinky sighing. “I promise…” You added. “Thank you.” Kino said before entering the house and closing the door behind him leaving you alone with the poster in the little porch. You stared at the poster for a few more minutes and finally decided you would join them. The reason why Jinho did what he did was because of the shit of life you all lived and the only way of escaping it was becoming a Basquiat. You had to take revenge over all the suffering you all had to go through. Over all the suffering Jinho had to go through. You had to do this for him.
“I’m in.” You said once you entered the house and found all of them sitting in the living room. “What do you mean?” Changgu asked confused. “She means she will also become a Basquiat.” Hui said, smiling ear to ear. “Really?” Wooseok asked with his eyes filled up with hope. It was the first time you saw them wear that little gleam of hope in their eyes and seeing them like this made you extremely happy. You loved them and all you wanted was seeing them happy and if that group of rebels could make them happy then you would do whatever it takes to be in that group and run away with them. “Really… Jinho deserves it. And you guys too. We all deserve to live somewhere better and be finally free.” You said smiling at them. They were touched by your sweet words and they all stood up to hug you. Even though only a few times you could have these little moments, you loved them. Feeling all of them pressed against your body as you hugged each other in a group hug made you feel happy. Made you feel like you were home. Made you feel like you all became one for a second and spoke up with the same voice and heart. In these little moments were when you realized they weren’t your friends or best friends, they were your family. They were your Universe.
Day passed by and without noticing, night had already come. You were all eating some dinner and as soon as you finished you decided it was time for you to go to bed. You were exhausted due to the lack of sleep you’ve had these past days because you had the little hope of Jinho coming back and you didn’t want to sleep in case he knocked on the door so you could open. Very deep inside your heart you knew he was gone forever but your brain couldn’t stop telling you he was still alive and that all of this was just a bad dream. You just couldn’t accept he was gone. Unfortunately, you were hit by reality every morning when you went to the living room and found he wasn’t in his usual spot on the couch drinking his coffee and holding a newspaper as he greeted you asking you if you slept well.
Once you entered your bedroom and closed the door, you changed your clothes to your pyjama and got into bed. As soon as your head touched the soft pillow you were dozed off falling asleep in no time. A few hours passed since you went to sleep when you abruptly woke up screaming and crying. As soon as the boys heard you from the living room where they were still chatting, they ran to your bedroom and opened the door worried. “(Y/N) are you okay?” Shinwon asked worriedly. “Jinho… I saw him.” You said crying and scared. You kept repeating your words completely out of your senses making the rest of the boys scared about your actions. “(Y/N) it's okay, it was just a dream.” Kino said hugging you tightly. “We’re here, you’re safe.” Yanan said hugging you as well. You cried in their shoulders for a long 15 minutes and when you could start calming down you apologized for scaring them. “It’s okay, we all have nightmares.” Yuto said, caressing your shoulder still having his arms around you. “Thank you guys…” You quietly muttered. “You don’t have to thank us.” Wooseok said smiling down at you. They were about to leave when you called them and stopped them. “Can you guys stay with me tonight?” You asked as they turned around to face you. “Of course we can.” Hongseok said after checking on his friends for approval. “The edge of the bed is mine!” Shinwon cheerfully said raising his hand and running to your bed jumping on it and crawling into the blankets with you. You couldn’t help laughing at the image of him cutely getting into the bed. Once you were all settled and laying on the bed or floor, you placed your head on Yuto’s shoulder who was laying beside you. “Good night guys.” You softly muttered. “Good night (Y/N)!” They all said with one voice before you all fell asleep. 
It's been a month since Jinho left you. You guys have been doing some little things as the new Basquiats. Little by little the city buildings started to get filled up with paintings of the crown with three peaks as you guys committed all kinds of crimes against the guards and government to make justice.
A few more days passed and you started to feel better as you started to accept Jinho was gone. Making a little tomb for him even if you had no idea where his lifeless body rested was a good idea for helping you all accept the reality. Because none of you had the chance of telling him goodbye, making a little tomb in the backyard of the little building you were living in also gave you the chance for saying goodbye to him properly. "We will change all of this for you. I promise." Wooseok said, placing a white rose next to Jinho's photo. Tears running down your cheek as Hui hugged you tightly. It was your turn for saying goodbye to him. "Thank you for always taking care of me like the older brother you have always been to me. If it wasn't for you I would be dead… I really owe you a lot. Let's meet in another life. You will always live in our hearts." You said placing another white rose next to the one Wooseok placed right before you. You felt a bit better after saying those words. It was like you could finally let go of a big weight you had in your shoulders for the past month. Little did you know that weight had a name and it was Fault. You felt guilty for Jinho's death and the moment you said those words and saw his photo next to some flowers you realized you could have done nothing to help him. Deep inside your heart you believed one of you would end up like that sooner or later. Now the only thing you could do was fighting for your freedom just like Jinho would have liked. 
“We have to start planning the runaway.” Changgu said as you all walked back into the house. He was right. The day was almost there and none of you have planned anything for doing it. Everyone had everything setted up and planned except you and you knew you had to start thinking about it if you wanted to get out of there. “Let’s plan it now.” You said drying your wet cheeks because of the tears that left your eyes a few seconds ago. You wanted to escape that place and never come back. You wanted to run far away so you could have the beautiful life you knew all of you deserved. There was nothing else you could lose and all you would do was fight with all you had to escape that place you had to call home.
You all entered the little building and sat around the table you had in the lounge. “So, how do we do it?” Kino asked sitting back on his chair. “We can’t be seen so we should do it during lunch or dinner time.” Shinwon suggested. “What if we go big?” Wooseok said, slightly smirking. “What do you mean by going big?” Hui asked worriedly. Whenever Wooseok had that grin on his face you all knew he was planning nothing good and this wasn’t an exception. He wanted to destroy every single thing and every single person that got on your way. He wanted to make justice by destroying every single government institution and he wanted to take revenge for Jinho by taking their lives as well. “A life needs to get paid with another life.” He said once he finished explaining his plan. Even though in other conditions you would have never thought this way, you couldn’t help agreeing with him on that last sentence. Your minds were completely blurred with pain and you were all thirsty for revenge that you all agreed on destroying everything in your path on your way to freedom.
After some weeks of planning how were you going to destroy everything so you could also set free the rest of the people and families that lived there the day finally arrived. Big bags hanging on your backs and pockets filled up with all kinds of weapons and whips you’ve been stealing from the guards. You were in your room finishing packing the last stuff that was left when you spotted a picture of you and Jinho a few years ago. You couldn’t help shedding a tear as you admired the photo. “He would be proud of you. We’re gonna make it (Y/N), I promise.” You heard Hongseok from behind. “What if we fail? What if everything turns out completely wrong?” You said as he hugged you tightly to calm you down. “Then we will be able to meet him in another life.” He said caressing your hair. Even if it was a sad thought he was right. If something goes wrong and all of you end up dead, at least you’ll be able to meet him wherever he is now.
After some more minutes of checking you left nothing inside the building you’ve called home for the past few years, you were finally ready to start with your plan. As soon as you started to destroy the buildings tons of guards went to attack you and all you could do was pray for your weapons to reach them before they reached you. There was a moment when the only thing you could hear was shots and bomb explosions as you fought against them. You could hear planes and helicopters flying over you dropping some more bombs. It was at that moment when you saw Hui waving at you as he finished getting everyone to a safe place where they were ready to escape. When you turned around to face Yanan and tip off about Hui’s position you saw how he collapsed into the floor due to a bullet in his left shoulder and right leg crying in pain. “No!” You shouted running towards him. “It’s nothing, I promise you will be okay. We will get out of here. Please stay with me, don’t close your eyes.” You said pressing his two wounds trying to stop the bleeding. “(Y/N) we have to go now!” You hear Yuto shouting from behind. “We cannot leave him here like this!” You replied asking him for help. You looked around you and all you could see was chaos and more misery. You guys started a new war. Was this what Jinho wanted? “We never die, we’re the new Basquiats.” You heard Wooseok saying right before shooting another guard, making him collapse into the floor just like Yanan did a few seconds ago. “Here, take this. Cover me up, I’ll take him with the others.” Yuto kicked you out of your thoughts as he gave you his bag and grabbed Yanan so they could both go to a safer place. “Go with Hongseok and Kino, I’ll go with Hui and we will try to save him.” Yuto said before leaving. Your brain was working at the light speed and your eyes didn’t stop moving around the scenery until they landed on Hongseok and Kino. You ran to them and told them the situation. “We can’t go without killing the most important guard. If we don’t do it they will chase us.” Kino said as the three of you ran to find him. After some time running around the place trying your best to avoid the bombs you finally reached him. He was the most powerful person in the city and the last one you had to destroy so you could finally be free. “You killed him and now we’re killing you, it’s fair enough don’t you think?.” You said pointing at him with your gun and with the coldest voice tone. Your voice sounded like a knife piercing everyone’s hearts. “Welcome to the new revolution sir.” Kino said pointing at him as well. “God bless you.” Hongseok said right before shooting him right in the heart making him die instantly. Your work was finished and your mission completed. You were now free.
A year later.
“It looks pretty good though.” You said pulling Yanan’s shirt down after checking the scar the bullet left on his arm and smiling at him. It has been a year since you could finally run away from the dictatorship you have always lived in. At the very beginning being able to do whatever you wanted was kinda weird, none of you were used to do that and at first you didn’t really know what you wanted to do. Still, little by little all of you found your hobbies and what you enjoyed doing. You were all living in a little house in the middle of a camp. After all those years hearing sirens and bombs every single day you all really appreciated waking up to the peaceful sound of birds and wind. 
Also, as Wooseok always wanted, you could finally adopt a little dog who you all agreed on naming Jinho. It was a way of feeling he didn’t left at all. After all, he was right, dying doesn’t mean leaving forever, he would always live in your hearts. Even now, when you look back in time and see all the things you had to go through, all the things you’ve lost on your way and all the people you’ve lost as well made you extremely sad and proud at the same time. You always wished having a normal life and doing what a normal girl of your age would have done but at the same time you felt happy for having the amazing family you had and you were proud of every single thing you could reach even if it was through pain and misery. 
Jinho was always right, whenever you had each other you were home. It didn’t matter where it was or in which conditions you lived in. As long as you were together it felt like home. As long as you were the New Basquiats.
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