#ptg fanfic
chanyouchan · 1 month
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⌕ terreno
⚠ em caso de inspiração, me credite.
📆 14/08/24 | ✎ @mnini (psd)
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jae-bummer · 1 year
My Idol 3: Part Three
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My Idol From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Saturday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in a specific mission to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what four idols will move on to the second date.
My Idol 3: The Series
You nuzzled your face into Jungkook's neck and sighed. Adjusting your arms so they were wrapped more tightly around him, you heard his quiet purr of approval. He pressed a light kiss to your forehead before resting his cheek there.
"Did you sleep well?" he asked groggily.
A shiver ran down your spine at the gravelly tone he used when still half asleep. That was something you could get used to.
"Better than I have in days," you rasped.
"Wonder why that is?" he chuckled, running a calloused finger down your bare thigh. Your skin sprung to life with the simple motion, a trail of flame coursing in it's wake.
You giggled as well, looking down at your body. Dressed in nothing but Jungkook's shirt, you felt more beautiful than you had in your entire life. He just had that effect on you.
"Y/N," he sighed grumpily, beginning to untangle his body from yours. "We have to wake up."
"Who says?" you croaked, looking up at him in mock annoyance. You didn't want this small moment to break. You didn't know when the next one would be.
"The good people of My Idol," he muttered with a side eye. "You have to get ready for another date."
"Another date," you repeated quietly, trying to make it make sense. There were no other dates. All that existed was him, his warm bed, and your bodies curled around one another.
"Mmm," he sighed. "Go handle things and come back to me, okay?"
Just as you were about to argue, the microwave from the 7-Eleven began to beep loudly in your ear. No, not the microwave, something much worse: your alarm.
Slapping irritably at your phone screen, you rolled over to what was a shockingly cold sheet. You dug your palms into your eyes and tried to shake off the dream. How could your brain run completely wild with the idea of a guy you had only met for a few hours?
He wasn't just any guy though, said the little voice in the back of your head. He was Jeon Jungkook and he was absolutely lovely.
And there were still six other men to meet, you countered to yourself. You could not simply call it quits after going through one date. That would be completely counterintuitive to both yourself and this experiment. You recognized how terrifying and insane this whole concept was, but part of you was so incredibly excited by the possibilities that you weren't going to deprive yourself of the process. Sure, it would be nice to end up with someone you had forged a connection with, but more than anything, you wanted to prove to yourself that you could do it (even when you didn't think you could).
Since you had been casted, you had found yourself wondering if you were really the right person for this. Were you someone even capable of becoming Korea's sweetheart? Dating idols wasn't going to make you a likable person in any fan base, but were you at least strong enough to win over people that you otherwise would have no reason to? You wanted to see how resilient you were and you wanted to prove that you were the one who was lovely, damnit. These men should be privileged to date you!
Yeah, that was your affirmation for the day.
Trying to phase back in to reality, you let out a big yawn, and eased up from bed. Your door buzzer going off sprung you into an even more heightened state of awareness as you glanced to your phone, panicked. The crew shouldn't be here for a pickup already.
Sliding into your slippers, you shuffled across your apartment, and hit the button near your door. "Yes?"
"Delivery," a deep voice grunted.
"Come on up," you sighed, hitting a separate button to allow them into the building. That was odd. You didn't recall ordering anything in, but maybe the My Idol staff was sending something ahead.
After about five minutes of waiting, you stuck your head out of your apartment door and looked from one end of the hallway to the other. No one appeared to be heading up or had dropped anything off. Weird.
Shaking your head, you tried not to think too much into it. Maybe whoever it was had gotten the wrong apartment number. Either way, you made a mental note to ask the staff about it later, just in case.
You had more important things to handle. Obsessing over the delivery person wasn't going to help you get ready for the day.
"Where is this place?" the driver grumbled, circling the block for what had to have been the fifth time.
"Does your GPS not work?" one of the camera man shot back, pointing out of the window. "I see the sign right there."
"I see the sign too!" the driver gasped. "But do you see the actual building or are we letting our contestant out into alleyways now?"
"I mean," the other camera man muttered, glancing to his cohort. "That could make for good TV."
Your jaw dropped as you looked back and forth between them. "No."
"It was just a thought," the second camera man answered moodily before looking away. These two seemed to be the ones who were assigned to you at all times, while the rest of the crew were in different vehicles. Glancing wearily between them, you sighed.
"Jangwu," you said, trying to remind yourself. "And Woosik was it?"
"Wu," the first one corrected. Followed by the other one muttering "Woo."
"Great," you hissed, glancing up at the ceiling of the SUV in a silent prayer for patience. "Wu and Woo. I know you have set directions from the producers, but something I noticed on my first date...inadvertently or not, things can be made more difficult for me on these dates."
"What is she talking about?" Wu muttered, dabbing at the ever present sweat on his forehead.
"The basket thing with the snacks," Woo nodded, sweat stains already appearing near the arm holes of his shirt. "That could have been great TV."
"Great TV aside," you grumbled. "Can we maybe, at the very least, care about my general well being and...not drop me off in darkened alleys?"
"I feel like we're being pigeonholed into an impossible agreement here," Woo grunted.
"I agreed to no death and serious injuries," Wu agreed. "They said nothing about creepy and less than ideal locations."
"Wonderful," you sighed, setting your focus back onto the window of the vehicle. "I feel so reassured."
"What's the guy supposed to look like?" the driver called over his shoulder. "I think I see him."
This immediately peaked your interest, causing you to once again concentrate on your surroundings. There did appear to be someone standing a few yards away.
"I don't know," Wu sighed, ticking off his fingers. "Tall? Good looking? Generally sunshiny disposition?"
"Well," you gasped, your tone thick with sarcasm. "You could be describing any of the three of you in the car now."
Wu smirked. "Compliments aren't going to get you anywhere, sweetheart."
"I wasn't-" you started, but already recognized your joke had been disregarded. "Okay."
"Here we are," the driver said, finally pulling the SUV to a slow stop. Looking out of the window again, you realized your date had stepped inconspicuously behind a cafe sign. Of course you couldn't have any information as big as his identity before even stepping foot from the car.
Taking a deep breath, you placed your fingers against the door. You could do this. You had already gone on one date, what was another?
Another personality to learn. Another situation that was completely unknown to you. Another ending where you wouldn't be sure what would happen next.
All of the terrifying possibilities aside, you thought back to your date with Jungkook again. You promised yourself you wouldn't fixate on the magical, little time capsule that your brain had created, but it was difficult. That one date had set a standard and an example of things to come. Even though the two of you hadn't done anything that you would deem too exciting (aside from the overarching show as a whole) you had seemed to carve out a genuine connection. While not all of these guys were going to be as giving and open as Jungkook, the idea of forming another bond had butterflies unfurling all over again.
At least they weren't the vomiting kind. One vomiting incident per season was more than enough.
You shook out your hands before grabbing the handle again. Giving it a gentle pull, then push, the door creaked slowly open. Before you could even make your way out, Wu and Woo shouldered their way around you and out onto the pavement.
"Anytime you're ready!" one of them called.
Trying to wipe the annoyance from your face, you gave yourself a gentle nod. This would be fine. You would be fine.
Stepping down from the SUV, you looked up only to find your date's face covered by his advancing cell phone.
The shuttering sound of the phone's camera going off caused you to blink in surprise. Shuffling backwards again, your unidentified date smiled down at his screen.
"New memory," he said softly before looking up, a small smile painting his plush lips.
"I'm sorry," you managed, narrowing your eyes at him. "What?"
His soft smirk quickly melted into something more attune with embarrassment. "Sorry, I just - uh, sorry."
"No, no," you chuckled, trying to backtrack on your previous judgement. "New memory?"
"My members," he continued quietly, a fondness in his eyes as he looked away from you. "They call me the memory collector...in new situations, I get a bit scared to miss a moment. And I knew I didn't want to forget this one..."
He paused before he looked up at you with wide eyes. "In hindsight, memory collector totally sounds like the name for a serial killer and I am so sorry for not realizing that earlier."
You let out a surprised huff of a laugh. You knew that in the wrong context this would immediately be considered a bit creepy, but his initial sentiment was very sweet.
Plus, you had dated weirder.
"That's kind of adorable," you grinned. "Not the serial killer part. I'm choosing to forget that comment."
Remembering your manners, you gave a small bow. "I'm Y/N."
"Hongseok," he said, bowing in return. "I promise I don't have plans to wear your skin or anything. Have I made this awkward enough already or should I continue?
"Oh, please continue," you smirked. "I'm having a blast."
"Perfect," he chuckled. "I love when my date sugarcoats how bad things are going."
"Makes it much more palatable when I'm already picturing the true crime documentary about my disappearance," you teased. "I hope all of this footage will be used."
"I'll make sure to tell them that you lit up every room you walked into," he nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Your penchant for murder aside," you continued. "It's very nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too," he said, this time opening up with a full and genuine smile. "Do you want to head inside?"
You nodded, taking Hongseok's elbow when he offered it. While he looked vaguely familiar to you, it was hard to nail down exactly which idol group he was a part of. With your career, most of your life circulated around the entertainment industry, so it was hard to keep up with who was who.
You did know, however, that he was incredibly attractive. The camera men were correct in their general assumption of tall, handsome, and sunshiny. The man beside you was absolutely gorgeous. Dressed simply in a grey hoodie and corresponding grey shorts, he was the picture of comfy casual, and damn, did he pull it off.
As he eased you up the stairs, you couldn't help but notice the light hammering and drilling sounds trickling down from wherever he was leading you.
"I have to say," you whispered. "After the conversation we just had, the sound effects are not comforting."
This cause Hongseok to laugh loudly as he patted the hand still placed in the crook of his elbow. "I promise I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay?"
While you recognized he was still a stranger, his words made your heart tug just a tiny bit. It was a completely silly comment you made in an environment where you knew nothing would really harm you, but his small solace was appreciated.
Finally stepping onto the platform housing the shop, you looked around in wonder. "What is this place?"
"It's a jewelry cafe," he hummed. His expression was pleased as he looked around as well. "I hope you don't think it's too forward, but I thought we could make each other rings."
Your mouth parted slightly as you reassessed the room with this new information. Various couples were crowded at small work stations, pounding at small pieces of metal and leather, giggling happily to themselves. It was a heartwarming scene, even more so when you realized you could soon take part in it.
You were never really one for couple's items, but as the warmth spread across your chest, you couldn't help but get excited. This was an incredibly sweet idea.
"We don't have to make them match if you don't want to," Hongseok said quickly. "I just...well, admittedly wanted to show your future dates that I was here and I have no plan of going elsewhere."
This caused you to chuckle as you looked up at him. "Staking your claim then?"
"In a way," he smiled. "But that sounds a bit barbaric, don't you think? I like to call it, establishing what's mine...or what's ours, rather."
"What's ours," you hummed. "I like it."
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To Be Continued.
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kindled-soul · 8 months
As you mature and gain new experiences, improving yourself as you go, your work gets better and better. You learn from the past and use this knowledge to make a better present that paves the way for a better future.
What value, then, do old works have when asked to choose between it and its more current counterparts? 
In an impossible place, at an impossible time, a creator and their creation meet…
Why do people create things?
What drives them?
What benefit is there in creating and sharing?
Is it for themselves? For other people?
To please a superior? To reach a deadline?
How does one transcribe their most intimate feelings into their creations?
What makes them so comfortable to share their vulnerability?
Or does it mean nothing at all? Is it all just flowery words?
There might exist a reality where concepts and ideas are given physical life. They breathe, just like any other human. They have personalities, if you wish to acknowledge the embodiment of a concept as such. They walk, talk, and feel. They laugh, cry, play, fight, rage, despair, yet also forgive, love, and care. They live. They know who their creators are, of course. After all, they are alive because of these humans. However, none of them feel the need to ever meet their creators. No, that’s ridiculous. What purpose is there to meet their creators? They are content to simply live with each other, never once meeting the humans they owe their existence to. It’s not like those humans know about them, anyway.
This is how the oldest of a group of 13 sisters has lived. Formally named as Pentagon, simply called Penny by the others, she is the first of the albums from a Korean boy group called PENTAGON, her namesakes. She has guided the first 3 that came after her, teaching them what she knows and paving the way for them to find their own path. Nowadays, having such a large gap between her and the younger ones, she is content to be on the sidelines and watch the new albums be guided by those that came before.
Penny has never wished for more, never needed for less.
She is satisfied.
If you had the chance to meet your creator, what would you say?
What would you ask?
Would it be hard to believe these questions never crossed her mind before? Not once has she thought about confronting those responsible for her existence. What is there to gain? She exists, she lives, and, for better or worse, there is nothing more to be done about it.
And yet…
Penny walks in an expanse of white. If she were to stand still for a few minutes, it would be easy for her to lose track of what is right-side up. She can’t quite remember how she got here. One minute she was walking around in the mall downtown, the next she blinked and is now walking in this void. Although, she doesn’t feel dead, so it can’t be the afterlife. Did she enter a forbidden place in the mall?  ‘I’ll never hear the end of it from Sunny if this is somehow one of those dreaded Backrooms…’
She doesn’t walk alone, though. Somehow, beside her walks along a man (a real human?) twice her height. He’s dressed very casually, a t-shirt, jeans, and rubber shoes. It’s as if he’s merely taking a stroll in a park. He looks ahead, face neutral, and hums quietly to himself. His hands stay in his pant pockets, only leaving when the man decides to adjust his shirt every now and then.
Their footsteps echo softly around them, filling in the deafening silence of the white space. Neither of them have spoken to each other, only giving each other a glance at the start before quickly looking away and walking forward.
Although Penny only got a quick glimpse of what the man looks like, she knows for sure that the man beside her is one of her creators. Lee Hoetaek, simply known as Hui, the leader of PENTAGON, one of Penny’s writers, walks beside her in the vastness of nothing. This man is one of the people responsible for the birth of all of PENTAGON’s albums except for those made during his enlistment period (although strangely, Fiona doesn’t apply to this). 
Penny still remembers how the boys were like when she first came to be. Ambitious, hopeful, eager to prove themselves.; they were young and filled with dreams. The man beside her now seems so different from the boy of the past. ‘He’s grown so much. 7 years is really such a long time,’ Penny wonders how much the others have also grown.
After a while, Penny pulls on her hoodie’s sleeves. How long have they been walking? Is time even a thing here? Her chest feels a little too tight, hands a little too restless. Will they keep walking aimlessly forever? Is there an end to this white space? She looks around her. There’s no telling how far they’ve walked now, if they have ever left their place of origin at all. Should she say something? What does she even ask?
This could all be just a very vivid dream. Perhaps she already made it home for the night. Everything feels so…real, though, for it to simply be a dream. Then again, if all this is just a dream, what does she have to lose in talking to Hui?
Penny opens her mouth, feeling her voice disappear. She stops and clears her throat, consciously avoiding Hui now stopping and staring down at her.
“How’s…,” her voice cracks and Penny wishes the void spontaneously summons a black hole. Still, she pushes through, “how’s everything? …with everyone?”
She hears rather than sees Hui shifting on his feet. He hums a bit before replying, “..what?”
Penny’s face cringes at their current interaction. Talking with others should come naturally to her. She stands up straighter and faces Hui, actually looking at his face for the first time. He looks even more tired now, but his eyes seem to have not lost their bright, ambitious glow, still so alive after some time. It feels weird, to see a grown man in the place of the hopeful young boy she grew accustomed to. Something squeezes in Penny’s chest. “How’s PENTAGON? How’s…everyone been? It’s been, well, it’s been seven years for me now.”
Penny isn’t too sure how everything works here. Does Hui understand what she is? If this is her own dream, perhaps he does. On the off chance this isn’t, well this would be very hard to explain. He doesn’t seem to be confused about what's going on, though. Maybe he is at least aware that this isn’t the same world he knows of.
Hui stares at her, what he’s looking for she can’t tell. He lets out an embarrassed chuckle and rubs his neck, eyes looking off to the side. He sucks in a breath through his teeth, “It’s been…a lot of things. Wow, seven years? It’s…a long story.”
He didn’t question her about anything she said. Humming, Penny turns back forward and takes a few steps forward. She looks back up at him, “We have time,” head nodding to the path forward.
He looks at her, to the space in front of them, and releases a breath. Shrugging, he starts up his pace again, “I guess we do.” Penny follows along beside him, both of them looking forward as they walk.
And so, Hui talks. Penny makes no move to interrupt him, despite already knowing the group updates from talking to the younger albums. She lets him tell the story from his perspective, as the person who had to live through all the times, even adding about things that happened outside of official PENTAGON business.
Hui talks about many things.
Their debut showcase; Their first concert; Their subsequent comebacks; The group's status as self-producing idols; The rise and success of Shine; Hyojong and Hyuna's situation; Their first comeback without Hyojong; The mess that came after that; PRISM World Tour; Jinho's enlistment stage; The two comebacks without Jinho; Their first win, four years after debut; His own enlistment time; In:vite U, the one comeback without him; Hongseok's enlistment situation; Each member's participation in survival shows; Everyone's individual projects, like Kino's Pose; Dorm life; Status on the younger members; His burden and anxieties as the leader; Universe; Their latest Japanese comeback
The contract renewal period. The younger members’ departure from CUBE.
Penny tenses the most at the last topics. Logically, she knew the boys had a time limit hanging above their heads, but it felt like it was so far into the future all those years ago. A selfish part of her thought that they would always make music together until they physically couldn’t anymore. They were so hopeful and bright-eyed way back when they first debuted. Penny didn’t want any of that to change.
Is she being unreasonable for being the tiniest bit bitter at the younger line for leaving? Maybe. After all, they said they left CUBE, not PENTAGON (though the line they walk is very fragile and dangerous). It hurts to not know how Yanan’s doing, though. Penny can only hope everyone around him treats him well.
She never thought that anyone would actually leave unless forced to by the management, much less the boys who promised each other forever.
But she can’t control their fates. She can only hear about it happening.
“I think…that should be up to speed, except of course all the other individual schedules the members have,” Hui finishes.
They walk in silence once again. Penny allows herself this time to process all Hui told her. Seven years sounds long in theory, but feels so fast. And yet, hearing all of this from Hui, a lot of things really has happened to them. Penny bites her lip and looks down at Hui’s shoes, “...but were you all happy?”
Hui hums, thinking about it for a few seconds. “I know they were. It was hard for everyone, but they all seem happy now.”
“How’ve you been, then?”
“Well, I’ve been ok. I’ll admit there've been some good and bad times, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. God knows how much I missed them when I was in Boys Planet.”
Penny lifts her gaze to look at Hui’s eyes. He must have sensed her stare as after only a few seconds, he looked down to meet her own gaze. “But are you happy, after everything?” Penny asks.
Hui looks back forward, seemingly lost in thought. After a while, he nods his head, looking back down at Penny, “yes, I am. I don’t think I’ll ever find better brothers to love this deeply.”
Penny nods her head and looks back forward, continuing their walk in silence.
If you had the chance to meet your creator, what would you say?
What would you ask?
Penny never had those thoughts cross her mind before. It was simply impossible and worthless.
But she’s here now, walking with Hui. Even if this is a dream, wouldn’t this be the closest interaction she has with him?
She thinks about what she would ask Hui, something substantial. She almost gives up until a question forces itself in her mind, getting caught in her throat. Her stomach briefly falls. Would this really be worth asking? She desperately tries to find something else to say, but her one question keeps hammering in her heart.
Defeated, Penny quietly sighs and opens her mouth, “...Hui?”
The man lets out a curious hum.
“You…you’re finally allowed to release your own songs, right? Release your own albums and all. So what do you think about the ones you didn’t produce?”
Hui tilts his head to the side, eyebrows furrowed. “Didn’t produce…for PENTAGON, you mean?”
“Yeah, of course, for PENTAGON,” Penny clears her throat. Her nerves start rising up. It feels suffocating. “Like me. Five Senses. Ceremony. You know, the first ones, when that company didn’t allow much freedom for you guys yet. What do you…think about us?”
Hui’s mouth forms an O and he hums again, “I don’t hate you, if that’s your concern. I think you guys are fine.”
‘“Don’t hate” doesn’t necessarily mean “like” either,’ the pit in Penny’s stomach only grew deeper. ‘Isn’t this enough? Wasn’t this what she wanted?’ The dread inside her clings to her heart, behind her eyes, inside her lungs. Penny steps in front of Hui, causing both of them to stop walking. She looks up at him, fists holding the sides of her hoodie, “so then it’s fine if people listen to us?”
Hui looks more lost, not understanding the reasoning for Penny’s questions, “why wouldn’t it be?”
Penny takes a deep breath. “Unis don’t include us in streaming parties, and I get it. It’s more helpful to you if they stream songs produced by you guys. I promise I’m not mad about that. I get it…” Penny’s eyes fall to the side, hands rubbing together.
Hui slightly leans down, trying to catch her eyes, “...but?”
“But I…I wanted to know…what you think. You know, you’ve produced so many things. You probably don’t have the time and care to think about the ones you don’t produce and that’s perfectly fine. It’s fine. I’m fine with it. You’re only human. There’s only so much you can focus on at a time. I just wish- just wanted to know what…we are to you. You know, we’re part of your discography forever but we’re not fully produced by you guys. What are we…what am I to you?”
Do you hate me because you weren’t allowed to produce your own debut album? Do I bring back bad memories of what you had to go through just to debut? How do you see me? Or is this why you never think about me? There’s so much Penny wants to ask, but she holds herself back.
Am I asking for too much? Am I being too selfish? Have I made you sad? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. If you allowed her, she would go on forever on everything she wants to say to PENTAGON.
What am I to you? What am I supposed to be? What did you want me to be? Why am I so unsure if I matter to you? Where are these questions coming from? She never had these thoughts cross her mind. After all, she is satisfied being in the background. She is content to watch everyone grow and mature.
She is happy.
She is…happy?
Would someone who is happy have so many ways to question their worth?
Penny has no doubt in her heart that she loves all the boys very dearly. She and the group technically were born together. She is very excited and delighted to see how each and every one of them has grown. But standing in front of Hui, Penny wonders if they ever saw her with even at least the tiniest bit of love they can spare.
“I just,” Penny continues, eyes dropping down to her shoes. “I wanted to know…if you love us…,” Can she be selfish, just this once? “...if you love me, just like you do for all the others.” Her voice drops down to almost a whisper, losing all the previous strength and courage Penny managed to muster.
Penny stands there waiting for Hui’s response, the silence around them rings so loud in her ears, like a thousand glasses crashing against each other. She can only focus on her shoes, refusing to move a single muscle. Why isn’t he replying? Why can’t he just say a yes or no? Why am I even here? Why is this happening? This is all so stupid. Why? Why me? Why? Why? Why?Why?Why?Why?
Just as Penny starts to spiral, Hui slowly kneels down in front of her. She startles, looking at him as he reaches to be on the same eye-level as her. His smile is small, gentle, eyes so warm Penny didn’t realize how cold she felt until she physically melted just by looking at him. He holds out his hands to her, and Penny slowly puts hers on them, her own head tilting at Hui. He holds onto her tightly and smiles wider.
How can one person be so filled with love it shows itself even through the simplest action of smiling? Just by looking into their eyes?
How can someone be so willing to surrender their heart for all to see? To open their heart for anything? To still have space to love even more?
Penny doesn’t know the answer to these questions. She doesn’t think she’ll be able to experience doing something like that herself. But she stares at Hui smiling at her, and she thinks that maybe someone like that can actually exist somewhere.
Hui stares at her a little bit longer, a nostalgic feeling finding its way into his gaze, and he opens his mouth, “Just because I didn’t make you doesn’t mean I don’t love you just the same.”
Penny’s breath gets caught in her throat. She prepared herself for rejection, for indifference, for maybe a very guilty expression. She was prepared to get her heart quietly broken. She never expected Hui to look at her with so much love, like a parent would to their child.
He pushes on, “It might seem so different now, with us being all self-produced now, but that will never mean I won’t be grateful for what you are in our lives. I look at you and I see how far we’ve grown, how far we’ve reached. But more than that, you also carry so much memories. You are our debut. There’s so much worth and weight in what you are.”
“But I’m stuck like this,” Penny whispers back. “I’ll never truly be one of yours.”
“And maybe you don’t have to be. Maybe the time just wasn’t right. We were too new to have a purely self-produced album. We were too young ourselves. But that doesn’t mean the memories and joy we felt during your time weren’t real, weren’t ours to cherish.”
Hui lifts his right hand and places them on Penny’s cheek. He uses his thumb to wipe away any tears he can catch, his smile somehow melting even more. When did she start crying? When did breathing become difficult? Penny bites on her lip, silencing any sounds trying to escape.
“Besides,” Hui softens his voice. “I’m sure there are plenty of Unis out there who are Universes today because of you. You gave us a chance to be the idols we are today. So please, don’t think that I don’t love you. And even if I didn’t, I’m sure there is someone somewhere out there who will fill in that love for me, even if you can’t meet them.”
Penny tries to get her breathing under control. There’s too much emotion to feel, emotions so different from what she expected to receive. After a few minutes, she sucks in a breath through her teeth and whispers back, “You guys have grown so much.”
Hui carefully pulls her into a hug, and whispers in her ear, “I’ll forever be grateful you paved the way for this to happen.”
A sincere person until the very end, her beloved leader. She throws her arms around him and hugs him back. If she’s hugging him tighter than he does to her, he doesn’t comment on it and hugs her back just as tightly.
Eventually, Penny pulls back and looks at him, staring at her with so much love and gratitude. It feels so warm. Penny finds the strength to smile back, “It’s been an honor to be a part of your journey.”
Hui stands back up and Penny goes to continue walking forward. She notices the missing footsteps beside her and looks back to see Hui going in the opposite direction. Oh, is their time up? Penny cups her hands around her mouth and calls out, “HUI!”
The man turns back at her, tilting his head with a smile. Penny waves at him with both arms, like one would do when watching a cruise ship drive away. “Good luck,” she shouts to him with a smile, “with everything.”
Hui smiles back, wider than the others she’s seen today, and raises one hand to wave back. After that, he turns back and continues walking.
Penny watches his back for a few more moments. Eventually, she turns back around and continues her own way forward.
Just like all those years ago, Penny can only watch and let him go his own separate way.
This time, though, it didn’t feel heavy to let go.
Soon, Penny hears voices coming from ahead.
“Sunny, get back here! I know you did it!”
“You can’t prove anything, dear sister!”
“Lor, stop watching and help me with this.”
“I don’t know, man. You seem to be doing just fine on your own.”
“Why was I assigned babysitting duty…”
Penny can’t help the grin that crosses her face hearing the voices of her other sisters. She runs the rest of the way, leaving behind nothing more than what would be thought of as a dream.
Will newer works always be more relevant than works of the past?
Can the same artist value their current work more than the previous?
Or maybe one can learn to love their past creations for what they were for the time.
Maybe there’s no need to compare the worth of one project to another.
Maybe one can simply give their love to anything and everything they have made.
Wouldn’t that make life even just a little bit brighter?
~~ End thoughts ~~
So this specific idea was inspired by multiple songs:
The Greatest Wall - HUI & KINO
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
With Universe - PENTAGON
for you - HUI
Me, while writing this: *shaking* “Would Hui even say that??”
Like of course I don’t know him personally so everything this Hui has "said" is all a guessing game
Doesn't stop the anxiety ૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა
I’ll be honest, I had no intention of actually fully writing out this idea because it sounds too…crazy and stupid. Like, why would anyone write about this?
But then October 9 came, then “With Universe” was released. I think I just needed to cope really badly back then.
It’s stupid. I've only known these guys for like 9 months and yet I’m so attached to them. So many things happened just as I was getting to know them and it's all been very confusing emotionally.
So this was basically my coping mechanism of a fic.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading this. Or cringed. Either works honestly.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 2 years
Christmas Tree
Summary: The annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. 
Fluff, Best Friends to Lovers au 
Word Count: 1,253
Changgu (Yeo One) X Reader
Requested: The 12 days of winter thing is so cute omg!! 🥺 Maybe #7 for Changgu or Kiki? I think it'd fit well for either of them so whichever you prefer<3
Prompt: 7. “Christmas lights can’t compare to how bright you shine”
[A/n: I really hope you like this 🥺💖 it's not my best work. But I still hope you're able to enjoy it; it may be a little cheesy tho. Thank you so much for requesting, Kebbi 🥺😭💖]
You’re leaving work after a boring shift when you hear your phone ring; you dig it out from the depths of your pockets and see it’s Changgu. Your best friend, who you have slight feelings for, you excitedly answer, “Hey, Changgu! What’s up?” You can almost hear his grin as he goes, “Us right now!” You roll your eyes as he continues, “I was wondering if you’d like to watch the Christmas tree lighting with me?” You grin, “Yeah, I would love to!” He goes, “Alright, I’ll pick you up in an hour, okay?” You nod before realizing he couldn’t see you, “Okay, that works for me! See you later, Ggu!” “See you later, (N/n)!” And with that, he hangs up, and you make it the rest of the way home.
You change out of your work clothes and into something warm and cozy. Before relaxing in front of the TV, the Christmas specials serving as background noise to your phone scrolling. You catch the time and see it’s about to turn to the next hour and pull on your winter coat and shoes. As you hear your front door ring, you grin, “One second!” You hear his muffled agreement before you walk out of the door and see him and ask, “Are you ready to see the tree all lit up?” He grins, “I am! Are you?” You nod happily and follow him out to his car.
He holds the door open for you, all gentlemanly-like, and you shake your head with a smile before sitting in the seat. You click your seatbelt in as he shuts your door, you smirk and reach over and pop his door open, and he shakes his head as you push it out. He catches the door with a sigh and slides into his seat as you slide back into yours. He clicks his seatbelt on before turning over the car and turning on the heat. You immediately put your hands on the vents to warm them up. His music softly plays through the speakers, and you can’t help but feel more at peace as you watch him drive.
Within less than fifteen minutes, you guys arrive and find a parking spot, “Oh, look, the crowd is starting to gather now!” You say with excitement as he reverses into a parallel space and pulls in. “Oh wow, look at how huge the tree is!” He cheers, filled with excitement too. You grin before getting out of the car and waiting for him on the sidewalk, “Let’s find a nice spot to view it!” He nods, and you two walk beside each other. And you ask, “So, anything exciting at work or home?” He hums, “It’s been peaceful, almost too peaceful…” You grin, “Do you think someone is up to something, then?” He shakes his head, “Yes, but no. Shinwon is always up to something, so that’s nothing new. But the others? They’re hiding presents from each other. So, it's leading to more sneaking around and suspicion. It's amusing to see their prying eyes every time someone comes home.” You nod, “Oh~ Where are you hiding yours then?” He grins, “My car. I sleep with my keys for a reason.” You shake your head at him, “Weird but not out of a reason.” He laughs, “What about you?” You shrug, “It’s been boring with the holidays right around the corner. Everything has come to a lull, it seems.” He nods, “But that’s nice, though. Isn’t it?” You smile, “Only if there is something fun to do afterward.” He smiles, “Does this count?” You grin, “Absolutely!” He nods, and you guys spot a place on the side where you can see the tree without being blocked by others and quickly head over to it.
He looks down at his watch, “Twenty minutes until the lights come on!” The two of you sway to the carolers singing in front of the tree and softly sing along. When it’s five minutes til the carolers clear out and join the crowd. And everyone gathers in closer to watch the lights, and to keep you close, Changgu places his hand on your waist, “You okay?” You nod, “You?” He nods as everyone grows silent and begins to brim with anticipation.
When the first stage, the lowest branches on the tree light up, everyone ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’. And the lights continue turning on until it reaches the very top. The golden star glows brightly and shines so beautifully in the night. You gasp as cheers break out in the crowd and turn towards Changgu, “Woah! Isn’t that the brightest thing you’ve ever seen?!” And he shakes his head with a soft smile, “Christmas lights can’t compare to how bright you shine.” If your cheeks weren’t already red from the cold, they certainly were now. You gasp and look down at your shoes before telling him a small thank you, “I mean it. I think your beauty shines inside and out. You make me so happy.” He pauses momentarily, staring into your eyes, “I was wondering if you would want to be mine?” You hold his stare, and without skipping a beat, you say, “Yes, of course. I’d love to be yours if you would be mine as well.” He grins, lifts your chin with his mitted hand, and kisses you softly, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
You pull back for a minute and stare into his eyes before pulling him into another kiss, and he dips you back a bit. You grin as you hold onto him tighter, and when the two of you pull away, you giggle, “I can’t believe this is real.” You tell him softly, and he agrees, “I’m so glad it is.” You can’t help but laugh harder and kiss his cheek, “Do you want to get some warm apple cider?” He grins and sees the stand not far from where you two stand, “I’d love to.”
You carefully reach out your mitted hands for his, and he happily wraps his hand around yours. You swing your arms together as you wait in line. You ask him, “When did you know you liked me more than a friend?” He smiles, “I think I noticed I liked you last Christmas when you snuck us both a cookie from Hongseok’s freshly baked sheet. And you gave me a cute cheeky wink before we both had to hide from him.” He shakes his head with a laugh before continuing, “I think I always knew I liked you, but I didn’t realize it until then. When did you notice?” You think for a few minutes, maybe it was when he kissed your cheek on New Year's Eve, or maybe, it was the Halloween before that. Where you two wore peanut butter and jelly couple costumes that you realized you had more than friendly feelings for him. “I realized I had more than platonic feelings for you last year on Halloween, but I think it really hit me when you kissed my cheek when the clock turned twelve this year.” You smile as you see his cheeks turn red, and he scratches the back of his neck, “You remember that?” You nod, “I don’t think I could ever forget it. Maybe this time, you can do it for real?” He grins, and you pay for the warm cider and walk back to his car, mitten in mitten. And glasses in the other, enjoying your first evening as a couple.
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seawitch62 · 2 years
A sculptors obessesion.
Word count 281
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Pygmalion, a famous sculptor, falls in love with his own creation and wishes to give this creation life. (Greeka.com)
         The Sculptor.
With devotion likened to obsession the chisel chips away at the stone. What started as a form of therapy to forget her became an all consuming task.
Wooseok does not need photographs or videos he creates from memories collected and stored.
Often his  hands bled onto the statue barely even noticing as he chipped away. Stone fragments scattered across the room, nourishment such as food and drink consumed as he worked, sleeping and waking at the foot of his creation. His every waking and sleeping moment directed on his preoccupation.
His beauty, his statue, his goddess, his Galatea.
Memories and emotions flood, the dam gates break, his tears drop onto his creation like tiny droplets of rain. 
His motivational force keeps him chipping away, his chisel an extension of his hand, his tool.
The happy times invade his thoughts, distracting him, a time when she was his flesh and blood, now he  only  has stone.
Like Pygmalion he loves his art, the woman who conquered his heart then tore it apart when she left.
Finally his work is complete.
Stunningly beautiful accurate portrayal of his Galatea.
As her eyes survey her surroundings she takes in the fact she is in a cage. Furniture and amenities are present as well as her belongings.
The cage is in the middle of a stone circle, a henge.
As she looks closer at the stone artwork she realizes they are all depictions of herself.
A silent scream escapes her horrified mind.
Wooseok enters his domain.
"Hello Galatea, welcome to my gallery". 
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poteatthegeek · 8 months
Silver Trio AO3 Updates!
For the few people who actually follow me on here that read Harry Potter fanfiction, another update on my series The Silver Trio:
The first book is completely out and is about to hit 25,000 hits! Catch it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47002957
Book two is officially halfway out. The second half is almost completely written, and updates are every Friday. That's here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51794275
I'm planning on finishing all seven books and maybe even a bonus book for after they graduate and leave Hogwarts.
Follow me here or on AO3 to keep up with this series! I promise it will be worth it, I'm really excited about where these kids are going with their lives.
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luckyhyuki · 1 year
Sublime Messaging
“Fantasy Pop Punk Band Au where Wooseok accidentally gets a boyfriend”
0 notes
littleshopofk-pop · 3 years
## pentagon masterlist
S — smut F — fluff A — angst C — crack
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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› roommates kinktober '21 day 8 [S]
full masterlist
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bulganikus · 3 years
Do I deserve It?
Debuting in an idol group with your fellow trainees under CUBE entertainment is your one true dream. Along your journey to debut you face many hardships like any other trainee but the true difference comes when the company senior Kino is giving your heart a hard time.
Chapter 1: Do I deserve It?
“5 6 7 8”
The stomping on the ground echoed back to us in the practice room. As we danced to the song as if our lives were dependent on it we heard Mikyong repeating one of her catchphrases - again. We stopped our track and started from the beginning.
We have been practicing for the past 4 hours nonstop at this point, with most of us ready to fall apart. Mikyong must have finally noticed our twisted expression and the stained sweat marks on our clothes in the mirror.
“5-minute break and back to practicing,” she sternly said. 
Chae Mikyung - a cool-headed girl, at times being cold towards others, with one of the kindest hearts out there. After all, there was a reason for her having a leadership role in our group. Without her, I believe, things would collapse quite easily.
All of us were too exhausted to do anything besides sit down and sip on refreshing water. That didn’t stop our Kyungsoon to try and lighten all of us.
“I have a feeling our group will kill it on this month’s evaluation. Look at all of you! You guys are killing it,” she clenched her fist in a squat positing like she was going to karate punch someone.
As the girls filled our practice room with chatter and laughter my body signaled me I have drunk too much water for my own good. 
“I have to go to the toilet, I’ll be quick.” 
After notifying my members I rushed to the restroom to not hold back practice time from the others. It didn’t matter though, if I were late the girls would continue practicing. The only one at loss would be me since I am cutting down my own practice time and I couldn’t let that happen.
Coming back from the restroom I heard people coming along the hallway from the other end. When I looked up to see who it was they were non-other than the Pentagon members - Kino, Shinwon, and Yuto.
“Good evening,” I greeted my seniors, and when they greeted me back warmly. My eyes immediately landed on Kino sunbaenim. 
“How are you? Are you practicing hard?” Shinwon sunbaenim earnestly asked me. 
“I have been doing great and yes, me and the other trainees are practicing hard. Thank you for asking. I hope you guys are good too,” I answered back as best as I could. I could talk decently in Korean to my fellow trainees but when it came to my seniors and my teachers I always wanted to be extra careful. I didn’t want to make any mistakes in front of them.
Kino answered with a simple “That’s good,” and continued “The three of us are doing great”. 
OMG Kino is talking to me. HE JUST ANSWERED MY QUESTION. I think they are saying something. Y/N! FOCUS!
I couldn’t hear anything they had said after Kino sunbaenim answered me. When we finished our short conversation they went down the corridor to wherever they were going. The only thing I saw was Kino sunbaenim waving at me and a gentle smile that warmed up my heart. It didn’t matter that I was a CUBE trainee when Pentagon’s Kino was still my ult bias.
My daydreaming didn’t last long as I rushed back to the practice room. I realized too much time has passed because I stopped to talk with my company seniors. When I got there the girls had already ended their break as I suspected. I quickly apologized and rushed into my position to continue our practice. I didn’t have the luxury to slack off. I had to be the best of the best to survive. It was either kill or be killed in this so-called battle arena that we called practice room.
When we finished our practice, what seemed like torture from the pits of hell, it was already past midnight. We have been practicing for 7 hours at this point. All of us were tired, trying to desperately catch our breath in this humid practice room that reeked of our sweat. 
Ramee had school early in the morning, so she bid us goodbye and went to the dorms first. Minkyong, like the caring leader she is, didn’t want our youngest to go alone so late in the night, so she went along with Ramee. Gina and Kyungsoon went to vocal practice rooms to do their own things. I, on the other hand, was able to book an open slot for the same practice room right after our individual group practice. I needed to work harder to get into the debut line, harder than I have ever worked on anything in my life, harder than my friends. 
As the girls left the practice room one by one the only thing that was echoing back to me were my own thoughts. At this point, we had already gotten our cell phones back from the staff member. I needed a short break for myself from all of this chaos going inside my head. All of the day’s stress overwhelmed me too much at this point. Music was the only thing that helped me to drift away for a moment. I got my earphones from my backpack and put them on. I opened SoundCloud and search up Knnovation’s “DO I DESERVE THIS”.
I promised myself to go back to practice right after this song. Although the words were more on the sad side the song had brought me many comforts since my first listen to it. The comforting melody, the catchy beat, and the soothing voice of Kino made up my inner peace in hard times. 
I started humming to the song without my conscious thought:
Oh do I deserve this
Why do you love me
All I have is empty hands
Nothing to give
Oh do I deserve this
Why did you save me
Even with all my sins 
Tell me what you see
“Is that you, YN?”
I was brought back to reality with an abrupt interruption from a familiar male voice. I look up to confirm my suspicion, and surely there stands the boy with barely showing platinum bleached hair from the knitted bucket hat he was wearing, Kino.
“Sorry”, he chuckled, leaning to the door frame. “Did I startle you? I was passing by when I heard humming to a very familiar song. I hope it’s ok if I come in,” and before I could say anything he was already in the practice room. 
 “Can I sit beside you?”
Can I sit beside you? A very simple sentence and yet I could feel my heart racing like I had just run around the whole Earth.
 “Of course, sunbaenim”
“Sunbaenim? It’s been a year and a half since we first met, YN! Just call me oppa, Kino oppa,” those words left his mouth calmly like it meant nothing to him. This man was trying to give me a heart attack at this point, but it’s not like he knew his impact. I could only nod to that statement.
“Have you guys finished training?”
“Yes, we have finished our training. For today! We have finished our training for today. Yes”
“Your accent is adorable, YN. I can tell you are working hard on your Korean, too”
“Thank you. How have you been Kino oppa?”
“I’ve been doing fine. All of us are doing fine. We’re working on our music most of the time but it’s fun. I like creating music and seeing where it takes people, just like you,” the warm smile appeared once again when he said that as he looked at me. This wasn’t our first interaction but he could still make my hands shake and my heart thump like hell.
“Do you like this song?”
“I like it very much. The first time I heard it I instantly fell for it. Now I listen to it as a comfort food”
“Comfort food?” he laughed at me. As confusion started to appear on my face he continued: “You mean it brings you comfort?” *chuckles* “Comfort food is used for food, like when you are eating something you grew up with. That’s comfort food”
I could see my ears getting red in the mirror from my peripheral vision. I use that phrase as a joke with my friends unironically but I didn’t think it would backfire me like this.
“It’s ok, it’s ok. Everyone makes mistakes” *chuckles* “I’m glad my work brings happiness and comfort to people,” he paused for a second and then continued again: “I wrote this song while doing our tour. It felt unreal that all of these strangers that I have never met would cheer for us and give us unconditional love. I couldn't get the idea of “Do I DESERVE all of this?” out of my head. I just,,, just felt so grateful to all of our fans for supporting us”
He seemed to wander somewhere in his mind when he was talking about the song. I knew how the song came to be but hearing about it from him right in front of me felt a small connection building between us. I started thinking to myself about how it must feel to be loved by millions and whether will I ever get to experience what he did? 
Will I ever perform in front of an audience? Will I ever get loving fans, who are ready to sacrifice as much as I did for my own idols? Will I ever debut?
“Sorry, did I talk too much?”
“Oh no, of course not. It’s ok.”
Suddenly he made a gasp when he looked at his phone screen and stated worriedly “It’s almost 2! Are you going to the dorms with somebody?”
“I’m not, I’m going alone”
“I can’t let a girl go home alone at this time. I’ll walk you, ok?”
“You don’t have to! I mean *clears throat* I can get there by myself but thank you for the offer”
“Nooo no no no no. I can’t let a girl walk alone at 2am. I am NOT letting a girl walk home alone at 2am. AND you are finished with your practice, soooo it’s decided. I’ll meet you at the locker room so wait for me, ok?”
And before I could deny his offer he just disappeared as he appeared. I didn’t know what to do as I stood there in disbelief as to what had just happened. 
When I got to the locker room Kino oppa was already waiting for me with his padding on. I started to relocate my stuff from my locker to my backpack and vise versa. It felt like I was taking forever to sort my stuff out while Kino, my ultimate bias, was sitting there on the bench waiting for me.
The post-midnight wind was blowing hard in the city of Seoul. I still couldn’t believe THE Kang Hyunggu was walking me to my dorm. If someone had said that me and my bias would be walking together at 2 am together and actually having a conversation one day half a year ago I would scoff right into their face. Yet, here we are defining the laws of reality and slowly merging my dreams with the real world.
While walking to the apartment complex, where our dorm was, we made some small talk about this and that. He still held a distance between us, I’m guessing to be polite, but close enough, where we would sometimes bump into each other's arms ever so slightly. In those short moments, it felt like the world around us was still and only the two of us were roaming the streets of the busy city.
“This is the apartment complex, oppa. Thank you for walking me home. I will repay your kindness in the future”
“Repaying what? *laughs* You don’t have to. Just think of it as a gratitude for listening to my work”
He stood there outside until I entered the building and as I turned back for the last time he waved his hands with the biggest smile I’ve seen today.
It was 2:13am.
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That’s no place to nap || Pentagon One-shot
Fandom(s): Pentagon
AU: Soulmates: People have animal tattoos that represent their soulmates, the closer they are the more active the tattoo become and when they touch both tattoos will come together.
Genre: Fluff
Relationship: Kino x Yuto x Wooseok
Language: English
Status: Finished
Chapter WC: 2,697
Warnings: None apply
Kino has a final project for his urban dance major and has to choreograph a 2 minutes song. Yuto and Wooseok decide to step in before he can overwork himself.
Read here
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gwentoryfics · 5 years
i really need to start publishing more often lol i didn't realize how much our fandom is lacking in the fanfic department.
seriously, if you are a ptg fanfic writer or know of a ptg fanfic writer that i should check out, please let me know! message me/send an ask/tag me/whatever so i can start reading some ptg fanfic!
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yutoda-fics · 6 years
Lie to me-Kino Angst
A/N: Here’s a request from the writing prompts for Kino! I hope you like it! 
Warnings: None Word count:1038 
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I sat at the table, blankly staring into my coffee cup. The world was bustling around me, but all I could focus on was the remaining foam atop my latte. I didn’t really want to be here, but I made a promise to someone that I would meet them. I arrived early so I could have time to think about the words I wanted to say, but nothing seemed to be playing out right in my head.
I’ve been trying the last few weeks to wrap my head around everything that has happened recently. Between the fighting, asking for space, then inevitably the breakup, things have been extremely difficult.
I’ve forced myself to come to terms with a few things that I never expected to, replayed old arguments in my head over and over, wondering what I could’ve done wrong, and beat myself up over things I shouldn’t have.
My thoughts were interrupted by someone pulling out the chair across from me. I was startled for a moment, but when I looked around and realized where I was, I settled. A pair of kind eyes and a soft smile greeted me as I looked at the man sitting across from me.
“Hey” He said softly.
“Kino. It’s good to see you” I said with a small, hopefully convincing smile.
“How have you been?” He asked, tilting his head to the side and reaching his hands out for mine.
I withdrew my hands and fiddled with my coffee cup on instinct. I didn’t want to mislead him, and I honestly wasn’t sure how things were going to go during this meeting.
“I’ve been better to be honest, how about you?” I replied. We were quickly interrupted by the barista as he called out Kino’s drink order.
Kino quickly excused himself to go get his drink. He came back to his seat and we picked up the conversation where we left off.
“I’ve been really good, busy but good. I’m sorry things aren’t going as well as you would’ve hoped. I’ve missed you though, a lot.” He replied before taking a sip of his americano.
“I’ve missed you too, and it’s okay, I’ve just been working through a lot and it’s been frustrating for me. It’s taken me a lot more time than I expected, but I’m slowly getting better.” I explained.
He reached his hand across for mine again, and this time he succeeded in grabbing my hand. My heart began to race like it used to, and I really did miss him, but I’m just not ready to get back into a relationship with him again. My thoughts began to overtake me and I panicked, pulling my hand away from him .
“I’m making you uncomfortable, aren’t I?” he asked, a frown replacing the smile that was there just moments ago.
“No no it’s not that it’s just… I’m nervous.” I explained, trying to save face.
“Why are you nervous? You’ve known me a long time.” He asked, trying to make sense of all of this. “I’m still the same Kino.”
A heavy sigh left my lips. “I know, and that’s part of what I’m afraid of. We didn’t end things well. I blamed myself for a lot of things after we broke up. I still blame myself for a lot of it actually.”
He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Why are you blaming yourself? You didn’t do anything wrong. Between my hectic work schedule and the stresses of the job, I didn’t treat you fairly. We would probably still be together if I didn’t treat you the way that I did, and I’m so sorry I was like that. I’ve been going to therapy to help find ways to manage the stress and the members have been helping me get through a lot as well. That’s why I wanted to meet with you, to apologize for the things that I’ve put you through. I’m so sorry.”
A wave of relief washed over me when I heard him say those words. I was still apprehensive about everything that was going on, but to hear him admit fault for some things that happened helped.
“I also wanted to ask you what you thought about trying this again. Maybe hanging out more often, going on dates, starting over?” he said, almost making me choke on my latte.
“Kino I…. I don’t know”. I responded, looking away from him.
His brow furrowed in confusion.
“I just don’t know if I’m ready yet” I shrugged.
“Baby, I know things have been hard, but we can get through this. Please let me show you how much I’ve changed. Let me take care of you the way you deserve.” He almost begged. I could hear the pain in his voice, but I was still hurting too much.
I thought about the life we could have. All of the cuddles, the kisses, the time we could spend together. It all sounded wonderful. A small smile stretched across my face as I imagined it all, but I was quickly brought back to reality.
“I can’t Kino. I’m sorry, I just need a little more time.”
He nodded, but he was visibly upset. “I understand.”, he uttered. “Can you just think about it and let me know?”, he asked, hopeful for a positive response.
“I can’t promise that we will ever be the same after what happened. I can’t promise I’m going to come back to you.” I explained, tears stinging my eyes.
“Lie to me then. Tell me that you’ll think about it and that you hope we will be together soon. Tell me you loved me. Please give me some kind of hope, because I’m miserable without you.” He begged, placing his head in his hands.
I stood up and walked over to where he was. I placed a hand on his back to console him and he looked up at me.
“I did love you. Part of me still does. I just need more time. When I’m ready, I’ll call. All I can do is hope that you’re still there waiting for me. I’m so sorry Kino.” I said before walking out the door and getting in the taxi to take me home.
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thefunkao3 · 3 years
even in our next life, i'll go to you
Pairing: Wen Jun Hui | Jun/Yan An
Group: Seventeen + Pentagon
Rating: T (Teen and Up Audiences)
Word Count: 1.3K
Key Words: Soulmates, Memory Realization, Love Confessions
Date Originally Posted: March 3, 2022
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Jun walked into the art museum that his friend, Minghao, had finally convinced him to go to. Minghao was already up ahead of him, staring down a portrait of some lady. Jun could tell that it was pretty, that the artist was incredibly talented, but that was about it. Minghao would always go on about how different paintings moved him, how they made him feel so many different emotions, but Jun had never felt that way. A painting had never made him feel anything other than that the painting looks nice. But that was it.
He left Minghao to his painting and wandered down a hallway. There was a large room, this one filled with paintings of landscapes. He stopped for a moment to admire a very pretty painting of a pond with lily pads in it, before wandering away again. Another hallway took him to another large room. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a large painting, the only one on the far wall.
He walked up to the painting, drawn in by the image. It was a painting of two men, dressed in hanfu finery, looking as if they were in the middle of a xianxia drama. They both had long black hair, one tied up in intricate braids, the other with his hair down, but a headband adorned in many large jewels was tied around his forehead. He walked closer to it, taking in all of the details.
One wore a white set of robes with flowers embroidered on the bottom. The other wore light blue robes with purple accents, blowing slightly in the breeze. The two sat close together, and Jun could see how they leaned close to each other. They sat in nature, in light green grass under a large tree with bright orange leaves, spending their time under the cool shade. The one in white’s eyes were soft as he looked at the other, adoration evident even in a painting. Jun found himself transfixed, unable to look away.
As he looks closer, he stares at the one in the purple. As he looks closer, he can see it in his face. He can see it in the mole on his cheek and just above his lip, the upturn of his nose and the curve of his eyes. He can even see it in the stretch of his neck as he leans back towards the other man. Jun is looking at himself.
There was a shift in the air, and Jun could feel eyes on him, but he couldn’t drag his eyes away from the painting. He stared up at it, taking in the way the other man gently placed a carved jade comb into the other man’s (his?) long hair. The eyes that were watching him disappeared, and Jun was finally able to drag his eyes away from the painting.
There was a man beside him dressed in skinny jeans and a black hoodie that matched the black of his hair. He was tall, taller than even Jun himself, but his face looked soft and kind. He was looking up at the painting with a soft smile and Jun swore he could recognize it from the other man in the painting. There was a matching beauty mark under his left eye. The man turned to look at him, and Jun couldn’t tear his gaze away from the man’s eyes.
There was a rush of wind and Jun could finally see. He could see the man in front of him, with long hair and flowing robes. Can feel his hands, rough and calloused from sword practice, can feel his lips warm and soft. Can remember how he used to follow him around and tease him till the tips of his ears turned red, until he was gifted the sweet sound of quiet laughter. Can remember being promised forever.
He gasped, and suddenly he was in a museum again. Though this time, he was staring into the eyes of his zhiji.
“A-Jun,” his beloved said.
He could feel tears in his eyes, “Yan-gege.”
And suddenly they were two magnets, bodies pulled together by an invisible force. Soft, warm hands were on his cheeks, brushing away stray tears. He giggled through his tears; he couldn’t help it. His energy was settled, his body was home, here in Yan An’s arms. Their foreheads rested together, and Wen Junhui allowed himself to breathe out, leaning into the hands on his face.
“A-Jun, my A-Jun,” Yan An’s voice murmured, “I’ve missed you.”
“Yan-gege, you’ve been gone for so long. How could you leave this one out of your arms for so long?” Wen Junhui asked.
Yan An pulled away, and stared into Wen Junhui’s eyes, “Wen Jun will never leave my arms again.”
Wen Junhui beamed, giggling again, “My Yan-gege still thinks I’m pretty?”
Yan An’s hands dropped to grip at Wen Junhui’s waist, hands fitting as though that was where they were meant to be for all of time, “A-Jun is the prettiest. Wen Jun holds more beauty than anything in the world. Love A-Jun. My A-Jun.”
“Yan An, you can’t just say things like that! My heart can’t take it! Such nice words from the most handsome man in the world. My Yan An.”
“Kiss me, please, my zhiji, I’ve missed you for so long.”
Yan An pulls him close and Wen Junhui’s arms automatically loop around his neck. And then there are lips on his. Lips he never thought he would feel again. They were warm and chapped, but Wen Junhui had never tasted anything better. He sighed into it, letting Yan An take control, the same way he had so long ago. Wen Junhui hasn’t been kissed like this in thousands of years, his body heating up in Yan An’s hold. Yan An bites at his lips and Wen Junhui lets him, lets him taste him, and tastes him back. Yan An leaves his lips and kisses his jaw, kisses down his neck until there is only lips and teeth at this throat and Wen Junhui’s breath is hitching.
“Yan An, Yan An, Yan An,” Wen Junhui gasps breathlessly.
“My Wen Jun,” Yan An mumbles into his skin.
“Please, please, let me kiss you again my Yan-gege, my zhiji let me kiss you,” Wen Junhui begged.
Yan An pulled away from his throat and kissed his lips again. This time the kiss was softer, sweeter, more settled. Wen Junhui could feel Yan An’s smile against his lips. Thumbs rubbed gently against his hip bones, and he sighed, pulling away from Yan An and resting his head in the crook of Yan An’s neck and shoulder. Yan An held him in his arms and they looked up at the painting. Yan An pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
They stood together in silence, and Wen Junhui allowed himself to reacquaint himself with the modern world he now lived in. The museum was quiet, just the quiet chattering of patrons discussing the art, none of them giving the two of them a second glance. It was like they were the only ones in the world and separate from it all at the same time.
“Baobei, should I grow out my hair again? Yan-gege always combed my hair so nicely for me.”
Yan An kissed the side of his head again, “A-Jun is the prettiest no matter how his hair is.”
Wen Junhui laughed, “Yan An! My heart! Yan-gege, do you want to take up the sword again? You were always so good with your sword.”
He gave Yan An a cheeky smile, wiggling his eyebrows. Sure enough, Yan An flushed a pretty pink, gripping Wen Junhui’s waist tightly. Wen Junhui knew that his beloved was shy, but it was so fun to tease him so.
“A-Jun is shameless.”
“How can I not be when I am finally in your arms again?”
Yan An squeezed Wen Junhui’s waist again and rested his nose against the side of his face, sniffing and pecking him on the cheek. Wen Junhui giggled, then relaxed fully into Yan An’s hold. This felt right. It had been so long since he had been in the arms of his beloved. Now that he had him once again, he was never going to let him go.
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The desert gets what it wants
This is part of the Hongseok x Changgu one shot that I've been writing, if you guys like I can put some more here, before posting it on ao3.
There's a lot of hurt and angst! Don't read it, if you don't like.
He couldn't remember how long he had been shackled to the support beam of the old metal frame that resided in the center of the arena. A very brutal way that those barbarians had found to display what would happen with those who dared to defy them. 
His arms were cuffed above his head for so long that his hands were numb, his shoulders ached at the slight movement, his breathing was ragged because of the straining the shackles put at his upper body. His lips were parched and his face and torso were covered in blood and dirt, his bandages already torn apart were stained with red. Tiredness was everything he could feel, since the last time he ate or drank something was probably a few days ago. 
He barely heard as someone approached from his right side, the side he had become deaf since the explosion, the blood still present running down from his ear to his neck, but now was dried. As dried as the desert they were in. 
"So, you decided to obey me? Or you want to spend a few more days here?" The man stepped into his line of vision, but he didn't raise his head or answer the question. "Maybe, I should poison your friend again?" 
He eyed the man incredulously, they were too valuable, he wouldn't dare, but seeing the grin on the man's face. He knows he is telling the truth, he is more worried for Yuto's life than his right now. The man sees as his small eyes turn big and he opens his mouth to say something but the evil smile that appears on the pink haired man interrupts him. 
"Oh, right! No one told you that your precious kindly hearted friend stayed the night at my cabin and accidentally ingested some poison apples, which, may I add, I gently handed to him." The evil smile on the man's face only grew bigger with the shocked face of Hongseok. "Jesus, don't worry too much, he is going to be fine. A few days in a very bad shape, but he will make it. After all, you are too precious for me to discard so easily." 
Rage crept in his body and he made the first thing that crossed his mind. He spat at the man's face. That, with one hundred percent certainty, was the worst decision he made. San cleaned his face with one hand and with the other he grabbed Hongseok's face, squeezing his cheeks angrily and hurtfully. 
"You think I will be nice to you? Only because you're the champion of this motherfucker arena?" The man's eyes flashed with pure rage, "Do you think I'm stupid? That I don't see what you doing? Or even better, what you have done?" He turns Hongseok's face harshly and stares at his damaged hearing. "You will suffer for that!" 
He releases the boy's face and angrily steps back shouting as he walks towards the end of the arena. 
"Lower his chains! I have something new for him! Let's see if he's going to like it as much as I will!" 
He felt no more tension on his arms as the chains were lowered to a reasonable extension. Without the support of it, his legs gave out and he ended up on his knees, his arms hurting more than ever as the blood started to run faster in it and his heart beat stronger, his breathing trying to follow the new rhythm. He gets dizzy from the pain. 
His vision is still swaying as he sees one of San's henchmen enter the arena with a long chain in his right hand. He is so used to being tortured and beaten with it that he doesn't care. Not until he notices that i not only a chain. There's something at the other end of it. No, not something, someone. 
He tries to focus on it, but his vision is still blurry and the person can barely contain himself walking in a straight line, his knees almost giving out a few times. The tall henchman pulls forcefully the chain and the shackled boy stumbles forward straining his neck to maintain his breathing as the chain squeezes his already hurt neck. 
A few more steps and Hongseok sees it, the black hair, big eyes, full lips, big straight nose, white teeth, the beautiful tall frame that he fell in love with. Only one thought crosses his mind. "No! No! You're supposed to be far away from here!" 
They're eyes find each other, Hongseok can see the relief and fear in Changgu's, together with the silent "I'm sorry!". As the time stops for a few seconds, the gears in Hongseok head start working.
Now everything is gonna become even more difficult, he can't let Changgu get hurt as he let Yuto. He has to do something, and then reality hits him at the same time as Changgu collapses right in front of him. 
Sans henchman doesn't notices or just doesn't cares that the boy had collapsed with his full body on the dirty floor, as he continues to pull the chain making the boy scrumble to get in his feet again, but with his hands tied behind his back and his legs that don't want to obey him anymore, Changgu doesn't have enough strength to get up or even scream as the shackle hits with full force his chin and start straining his neck more than he thinks is capable. 
"Get up!" The man pulls the chain once again only earning a pained face from Changgu. Walking towards him he kicks the falling form of the boy and screams again. "I get up!" 
Hongseok watches terrified as Changgu is kicked over and over by the tall masked man. The beaten boy curving himself into a ball form at each kick, as the other continues screaming. 
He knew he wasn't supposed to show any feelings, that keeping his posture would help both of them. But he couldn't watch this anymore. He couldn't watch his family get hurt, his best friend, his lover. He could see Changgus' eyes screaming for him, for help, but at the same time his lips forming silently the words "Don't worry, I can handle it", as his weak smile turned into a scream of pain. 
"Stop! You're going to kill him!" Hongseok screamed, desperately trying to get free from his chains. "Stop!" 
He forced the chains over and over wanting to get to Changgu, he screamed in frustration as neither the chains nor the structure allowed him to get closer. His wrists already hurt, now they were dripping blood, but he didn't feel anything. All the pain and tiredness were forgotten the minute Changgu was dragged into the arena, bloodied and beaten. 
"Yunho! Stop!" San yelled from a far, "I think both had enough.... for now!" He completed walking towards Hongseok again and dismissed Yunho's big form. 
"So I was right, he is more precious to you than the other one. Let me tell you something.." he comes closer to Hongseok's good ear and whispers " your lover boy is quite the fighter. I'd say he is even better than you!" 
Hongseok blood turned cold in his veins, if San was presuming something like this, it meant he was thinking of the possibility of putting Changgu in the fights or worse, became one of his new toys.
"Leave him out of this!" Hongseok says harshly as he turns his eyes to stare at San's face. 
"How could I leave him out of this?" The man's face is incredulous. "As my champion you should know better. When the best fighter refuses to enter the arena, I must find another to replace him or... to convince him to." San steps away drawing patterns in the sand that covered the floor. He was getting slowly closer to Changgus' fallen body. "And since your boy here, stayed three consecutive days walking in the scorching sun of this forsaken desert, took quite the beat from Yunho and is still.. How can I say it.. alive! He has become the perfect candidate." 
San crouches near Changgu's body, noticing the bad condition the boy was in. Changgu stayed laying on his side, curving against his own body,  trying to lower the pain in his torso and legs. Even though breathing was becoming harder at each inhale and his vision was blurry and darker. He could feel his consciousness slipping away at each second that passed, the only thing keeping him grounded being the sight of Hongseok's body right in front of him and the threat coming from Sans' presence near him. 
"What do you think, pretty boy? Wanna fight for me? Or convince your lovely boyfriend to do so?" His body stiffen with the feeling of cold fingers caressing his face, traveling from his chin to his forehead. 
He doesn't answer at first, but he is so sick of being in this position, of thinking before acting, sick of watching the others get hurt because of him, that with all his strength he turns his head in San's direction. 
"Ne.. Never" 
In seconds the soft caressing in his cheeks transformed into a harsh grip in his hair pulling him up to his knees and his head backwards, making him fully face Hongseok. 
"You were supposed to be smarter, but I think I was wrong! You're as dumb as you boyfriend." He senses as San gets closer and whispers in his ear. "You people never learn! I'm the one who has the power to decide if you live or die. I'm the one holding the cards." 
And with that he feels the grip in his hair loosen up, relaxing his body a little. But soon pain flared up his throat and engulfed his body. The chain was being pulled from behind his back and Sans feet were shoving him forward with enough strength to start choking him. 
The air stopped reaching his lungs, he tried to move out but San's feet only pushed him further. Tears started to prick at the corners of his eyes, he couldn't hear anything beyond the strong sound of his heart beating, and his vision started to fade out. 
Hongseok was thrashing against his chains again trying to stop San from suffocating Changgu. He had screamed his lungs out, asking him to stop but the man was in such a freenezy that his words didn't reach him. Not until, he spoke what the pink haired man wanted to hear. 
"Stop! I'll fight for you! So, please, stop hurting him!" He sees the man raise his head with a smile of pure pleasure. "I'll fight! Isn't that what you want to hear!" 
"I knew he could convince you." He eyes Hongseok a few more seconds before releasing Changgu's chain. The boy falls forward gasping for air, trying to fill his lungs again. "Now you see what can happen to him if you don't follow my orders. So, if I were you next time you would think about blowing up my cabin and start a rendezvous, certificate that I don't catch the runaways."
The man walked for him once again and spoke very lightly. 
"Because next time, I can be more creative and neither of you would like to see what really passes in my head." The calm anger in his eyes flashed, the madly state of San's reality. " Since you made my day. I'm feeling very generous and will grant you a wish!" 
The change in the man's behavior was enormous in a fraction of a second.
He saw Hongseok eyes traveling from him to the boy's body on the floor and with a grin he stepped away and walked towards the exit of the arena shouting to one of his henchmen. 
"Wait until the sun sets and then bring both to the main cage." 
0 notes
baby-iloveyou · 3 years
A private afterparty
pairing: Kang Hyunggu from Pentagon x gn!reader genre: smut; university!fic warnings: university!hyunggu, a lot of tongue and cheek, Hyunggu is a teasing little bastard, friendly 'bullying' and teasing, drinking alcohol, a lot of 'sex with your mum' jokes, swearing, bisexual!hyunggu summary: Kang Hyunggu was one of the members of your project group, and he's also one of the most loved people in your year. You're good friends with him, and after this party you decide to hang out just a bit longer. It just isn't a very common way of hanging out when you're friends... word count: 5.7k writer notes: my longest piece so far! this is heavily inspired on an event that did actually happen to me so i really hope you enjoy! it was definitely fun to write ;)
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You were finally done! The group project you had to work on had been handed in. “Thank fuck that’s done, now we just have the presentation left. But the biggest obstacle is behind us!” You sent in the groupchat. Jinho, your group’s mentor, almost instantly replied: “Good job guys, do you want to grab some dinner together to celebrate? There is also a beach party starting at around 8PM so we could go there afterwards too. We might be a bit later than the actual start but that should be alright.” Dinner together and a party afterwards sounded like a good idea to you, and to most of your group mates as well.
One of your group mates was Kang Hyunggu. Almost everyone from your year knew him, the handsome funny guy from the orientation week. How many times had you heard his name as a whisper from the people sitting behind you when you were seated in the café of your faculty. And now you were good friends with him because of the group project. At first, you didn’t want to admit that he was the full package. However, the more you started talking to him and got closer to him, you could understand why everyone was in love with this guy. His face literally seemed as if it was from an artwork, his face would be the definition of ‘beauty’ in a dictionary. He was tall, and his body proportions were amazing. Not only that, but his frame was also nicely shaped since he danced every single day. He’s a confident man, who loves to tease and joke around. Not an opportunity slips past him to crack some stupid joke or to mess with you just for the sake of teasing.
And you had to admit, all his teasing made you feel weak. It made you fall in love with him.
You loved being teased, although it would seem like you were getting annoyed with it. In reality, you would just try to deny the fact that you did like it. That was the fun in it; if he would’ve known you didn’t mind the teasing, he probably would’ve stopped. And that’s not what you were after.
“Are you guys also going to the beach party from Viking tonight?” You sent in the groupchat with your friends. “My project group and I are grabbing dinner together and then we’re going so if any of you are coming, let me know!” After you had sent the message, another message from the project group came in. “Where should we meet up?” Yanan asked, followed by a response from Yuto, who suggested getting some burgers at the new place in the city centre. Everyone agreed and you would be meeting each other in a few hours.
“I am planning on going so I’ll see you later Y/N! Don’t forget to bring some drinks, I believe they’re not providing those at the party”, your friend Bora sent in the groupchat. You were getting excited, it had been a while since you had gone out for a party. You took the time to get dressed, and wear something you felt confident in, and got ready to leave when it was almost time for dinner.
When you arrived, you saw Hyunggu, Shinwon and Changgu standing in front of the restaurant already. “Hey guys!” You shouted out so they saw you arriving. “Hey there Y/N!” Changgu replied. You parked your bike next to a tree and walked over to the group. “How is everyone doing now that we’ve finished the report?” Shinwon grinned and said: “Pretty good, I’m so glad we’re done.” Everyone nodded agreeingly. “We’re just waiting for the rest, we could also go inside beforehand and wait there?” Hyunggu suggested, which everyone found a good idea. He sent out a message to the groupchat, informing the rest who hadn’t arrived yet that the four of you would be waiting inside for them and followed you inside.
Once the entire group was complete and was seated, your mentor had a little speech prepared. “Everyone worked extremely hard on this report, I’m so very proud of you guys for writing such a good piece. Now it’s time to drink some drinks and party until we can’t anymore! Cheers guys!” You raised your glass, clinking it with every other glass (that you could reach from your position at the table) before taking a big gulp. Everyone started talking to each other about everything and nothing at the same time, and there was a jolly atmosphere. You were enjoying this evening a lot.
However, this is where Hyunggu had decided to start messing around with you. “Do you think you can finish that entire glass with your height? Don’t you think you’re a bit too young for that?” He poked out his tongue and smirked, knowing that his words affected you. He just didn’t know in what way they affected you. “I might be shorter than you, and a few months younger than you, but that doesn’t mean I can’t drink.” You said, while jokingly rolling your eyes. “Is that so? What about we see who can chug a bottle quicker later at the party? I want to see this with my own eyes, I want to see you lose with my own eyes.” Hyunggu said, as he softly bit the inside of his lower lip. This man will drive me insane with how insanely good-looking he is, you thought to yourself. You weren’t the one to say no to a challenge, so while leaning back into the couch, arms crossed, you said: “Challenge accepted”, while staring right into his eyes and a tiny smirk popping up on your face.
It was now about an hour later. Everyone had finished their food, and half of the group was already tipsy. You, Hyunggu and Hongseok weren’t a part of that group. You were saving your all for the challenge that would happen later that night. “If everyone has had enough, we can start moving to the beach?” Jinho proposed to the group. Everyone agreed, and after paying for the food, the entire group was standing outside, ready to leave for a good party. “Shit, I still need to get some drinks. You guys can go ahead though, I’ll get there by myself!” You shouted, realising you didn’t buy any drinks yet. “Are you sure, Y/N?” Jinho asked to make sure you would be alright. “I’ll stay with Y/N, we’ll make sure to keep you updated”, someone from behind you said to Jinho. And you knew that voice all too well - Kang Hyunggu. “Alright, stay safe you two. We’ll see you showing up later!” The mentor said before taking off on his bicycle, following the rest of the group.
“My god, I cannot believe you.” You say, with a smile on your face and rolling your eyes at Hyunggu when you turned around to face him. “Are you this obsessed with me already after a 7-week period?” You smirk at the man, now standing in front of you. Hyunggu snorts. “Nah, I just like annoying you because you have the best reactions out of anyone.” “Well, thanks I guess.” You walk into the store and head right to the liquor aisle. “Which beer do you fancy chugging tonight?” You ask Hyunggu. “Which one do you hate?” “Are you really planning on trying to win in an unfair way? Pfft!” You huff at him, acting out disbelief on your face. “Well, then which one do you love? I’ll prove to you that flavour doesn’t matter.” He winked at you, a smirk slowly showing again. You muttered out a “yeah, sure” before grabbing a few bottles and heading over to the cash register to pay.
“Do you know which way we have to go? Then I don’t have to use Google Maps.” You asked Hyunggu. Mistake number one: don’t ask him any serious questions. “I think it’s where your home is.” You looked up at him, confusion showing in your eyes. “Well, your mum is there and I think I’d have a great night.” He winked, a smug smirk with his teeth showing. You punched him in the arm. “God, stop it with the ‘your mum’ jokes. That one was horrible!” You snickered. In the meantime, you had googled the address that Jinho sent in your groupchat and had figured out the route. “ Let’s go loser, or we’ll be even later.”
During this 15-minute bike ride, Hyunggu could not stop cracking ‘your mum’ jokes. Mistake number two: don’t tell him to stop doing a certain thing, because he will keep going. The only thing you could do was sigh every time. He just kept on going. And going. And they somehow got worse over time (you didn’t think that was possible, considering they were already terrible from the start). “Did you know my height isn’t the only thing that’s big? Bet your mum would like that.” “What if I become your step-father? I think your mum would want to marry me.” They just became sillier and sillier. Once you arrived at the beach, you could not park your bike quick enough to escape the endless stream of ‘your mum’ jokes.
“Bora, help me, Hyunggu is just making sex jokes about my mum and he’s being annoying!” You whined at your best friend, who had been here since the beginning of the party and was slightly tipsy at the moment. She couldn’t help but laugh. “Typically Hyunggu. I can’t help you much with that, sweetheart.” Hyunggu caught up with you, and Hongseok joined you and Bora as well. The campfire behind you was a source of warmth, but it was still terribly cold. Who decided to host a beach party in the middle of October?
“Are you ready to get owned, Ggu?” You taunted him, slightly turning your head to seem intimidating. It didn’t work. Hyunggu stuck out his tongue and looked off in the distance as a reaction. “Do you still really believe I will lose?” His eyes now focused on your face, and your eyes to be more specific. You avoided his gaze, opened your bottle and raised it. “Do you want to bet something on this?” Your eyes now looked back up to his eyes, awaiting his response. He raised one eyebrow, intrigued at your offer. “Do you have any interesting offers?” You stayed silent for a few seconds to think. “If you win, you get to see a photo of my mum that you so dearly want to fuck. If I win, you stop with the ‘your mum’ jokes.” You prompted. “Alright. Good luck, friend.” Bora and Hongseok counted down for your start to be fair. “Three… Two… One… Drink!” You raised the bottle to your lips, letting the liquid flow into your mouth, Hyunggu doing the same.
It was a close battle, but in the end, Hyunggu won. You let out a big sigh, a tad disappointed that you couldn’t boast to him that you won a chugging battle against him. “What a sweet drink, bet your mum tastes even sweeter than this! And I’ll guess that is a victory for me, how unexpected!” He let out, in a very sarcastic tone. Your hand rubbed over your face, admitting defeat. “Whatever, you were just lucky. But a deal’s a deal, so I’ll show you a picture of my mum.” You pulled out your phone out of your jacket’s pocket, looking for a photo where your mum was clearly visible. “Here you go, Hyunggu. Are you satisfied now?” You held the phone in front of his face. “Okay, to be honest, not my type, but that doesn’t stop me from cracking all those jokes.” He stuck out his tongue again, and at this point, you were sure he was so full of himself, confidence radiating off of him now that he beat you. And frustratingly enough, it was attractive. It was so hot, seeing him in his element so much, his hair slightly damp from the mist in the air. He was so fucking hot. And you couldn’t help the dirty thoughts that were flooding your mind.
“Oh man, I knew you were short but wow, you’re a real shorty!” Hyunggu grinned. You were standing in a circle-ish formation, and unfortunately, you were standing at the bit where the sand was slightly lower, making the height difference between you and Hyunggu even bigger. It also did not help that Hongseok had now joined in with Hyunggu, making comments about your height. You bit on your tongue, taking a step closer to the man standing across from you. Your face got closer and closer to his, until you were only inches away from each other. This entire time, you held eye contact with him. “I cannot believe you.” You chuckled. “Could you just shut up for a moment?” Your tongue poked out of your mouth, still biting on it.
Hyunggu did not move backwards at all. He stayed perfectly still where he was standing. You actually expected him to back away, but the fact that he didn’t was attractive. Anything this guy did was attractive and it annoyed you. Why did he not move a fucking inch? It drove you crazy. “Where’s the fun in that, though? I like teasing you, like I said earlier. Don’t you remember?” He copied your expression, his smile turning into a smirk as always. “Hey, either get a room or stop with this sexual tension. Hongseok and I are still here, remember?” Bora interrupted your little staring competition. You slowly widened the gap between you and Hyunggu again, while saying: “Do you really think I’d have sex with him when he’d rather fuck my mum?” Hyunggu snickered. “I see you’ve caught on with the ‘your mum’ jokes. I thought you hated them so much?” Your eyes were lasering a hole into his face. “Don’t make me strangle you.” He jokingly held up his hands next to his head.
“Guys, I do have to catch a bus so I’ll get going now.” Bora exclaimed after an hour. It was getting late, and so the rest of you also decided to leave with her. The four of you all cycled together to the station, you and Hyunggu paying extra attention to Bora and Hongseok since they were drunk and you didn’t want your friends to fall off their bikes.
Once you arrived at the station, you were about to say your goodbyes to each other, when Hongseok said the following: “I know this is out of the blue, but I just want to place a bet real quick.” Everyone looked at him with curiosity. “I’m almost certain you two…”, pointing at both you and Hyunggu, “...you are gonna fuck tonight. There’s no way around it.” Bora cackled and agreed with Hongseok, also betting on it. The only appropriate response to this was to laugh it off, you thought. “They are drunk, they don’t know what they’re talking about.” Hyunggu said to you. “You’re right, haha.” Secretly, you were wishing Bora and Hongseok were right.
“I’ll see you guys soon! Have a good night!” You waved Bora and Hongseok goodbye. Bora had to catch her bus, and Hongseok just went home. This left you and Hyunggu alone, right next to the station. “Ah, that was fun.” You said to Hyunggu, expecting some snarky joke about how your mum would also be a lot of fun. But he didn’t. “It really was. That one beer you picked out was really nice, by the way.” He indirectly complimented you? This was new. You weren’t used to this. “What’s this? You’re being nice to me? I didn’t know you could do that?” He rolled his eyes. “Just because I choose not to, doesn’t mean I can’t actually be very nice to you. And isn’t that what friends do? Bully each other in a friendly way?” You couldn’t believe his words. You knew he genuinely respected you, but to hear him confirm it was so… sweet. “I guess you’re right, yeah. It is honestly quite fun when you tease me like that. It’s a fun dynamic.” You smile at him, making him smile as well.
An hour had passed, and you were actually having a regular conversation. No teasing (okay, some teasing, because it IS still Hyunggu in the end), just talking casually about what your lives had been up to in the last few weeks outside of the project. It was nice. You felt so comfortable with him, as if you had known him for much longer than 7 weeks. And you assumed he felt the same way, seeing his comfortable stance and the way he talked to you.
Another hour passed. It was now 2AM, and you were freezing. The mist had gotten even thicker, and you could barely see 50 metres away from you. After two hours of standing outside, you saw some lights approaching. Two people cycled past you, and Hyunggu, after they were far enough away from you two, said: “They are gonna fuck, for sure. No doubt about that. Did you see the eyes of that guy? He’s needy as fuck.” You raised your eyebrow at him. “Yeah, sure they are. What about those three in the distance?” You pointed at the three heads you saw through the window of an apartment. He looked up and giggled. “I don’t know about them. I mean, maybe?” It prompted him to ask you: “Do you think you’d be interested in threesomes?”
The question caught you off-guard. You didn’t think you would be outside at 2AM, talking to Kang Hyunggu out of all people, about threesomes out of all subjects. “I think I’d like it? I mean, extra pleasure at the same time? But it has to be with the right people.” He nodded. “If it’s with the right people, I would give it a try. But otherwise, I think I’m good.”
The conversation slowly drifted to more sexual topics, like your sexual preferences and kinks. “I used to be just into women, but I came to the realisation that I like other genders as well a year or two ago.” The casual coming-out from Hyunggu either confirmed that he trusted you or that he was comfortable with his sexuality. Or both. Either way, it made you happy that he shared it with you. “Honestly, as long as they are up for squishing my ass, we’re good.” He laughed. “Oh, so you’re into that huh?” You raised an eyebrow at him while smirking. “Perhaps I am.” He winked back at you.
“Were you a horny teen?” You asked him, while snickering at the question. He scoffed. “Make a guess, Y/N. I’m a guy who loves to make sex jokes. What do you think?” You chuckled at his answer. “Okay, I guess that's clear then.” “What about you? Were you?” You were slightly hesitant at first to answer, but after a few seconds you said: “Yes, it was honestly terrible how horny I was back in the day.” You were rewarded with a Hyunggu laugh. “Okay, so what about now? Are you still as horny? Did you play games like truth or dare as well?” “I’ve never played truth or dare as in, the sexual version, no. And I’d like to think I’m not stuck anymore in the ‘only thinking about sex’ loop.” You chuckled. “Do you want to play truth or dare then? It’s funny, I swear.”
Why were you playing truth or dare with your very attractive, hot, handsome friend, in the midst of the night, outside while it was freezing? You didn’t know entirely why. You didn’t know what in you thought it was a good idea to say yes to his proposal to play truth or dare. Although he did say he would keep it PG, you weren’t sure whether you wanted him to stay PG. The way he had been constantly teasing you made you extremely needy for him, for his touch. It made you feel pathetic, wanting to feel his cock inside you so badly. Yet here you were, playing ‘PG truth or dare’ in the cold, at 3AM.
“Was there a moment where you really hated me?” Hyunggu asked, an expecting look in his eyes. “About… 5 hours ago? When you were just going on and on with the ‘your mum’ jokes?” He cackled, his eyes closing from laughing. “Be honest though, some of them were really good”, he paused, “just like me in bed when I’m fucking your mum.” You punched his side, in disbelief but also not surprised at all. “What’s up with the ‘I’m keeping this game PG’? Did you forget about that?” You smiled. “It’s mostly been PG, and I was just stating the truth, mind you.” You raised your eyebrows at him, staring at him, your mouth agape. You were speechless. He didn’t pay too much attention to your state, asking you whether you wanted a truth or a dare. “Truth.” “Now that I’ve already made a sexual remark, can I just ask anything?” You nodded. Sure, what was the worst thing he could ask? “Are you horny right now?”
You raised your eyebrows again, this time in disbelief. Did he actually just ask that? What the fuck? “I… I…” You couldn’t talk. It felt as if all the words you knew had suddenly vanished from your memory. “If you don’t want to answer that question, then that-” “Yes, I am. Very horny, even.” It left Hyunggu silent. What was the point of asking that question? You imagined him teasing you with the information, but he just… stood there. He had said nothing about it. No teasing, nothing that provoked you. It felt out of place. And the silence was killing you.
“Truth or dare?” It was his turn to pick one. It was the first time after a minute that your eyes met again. “Dare.” Hyunggu said, just a bit louder than a whisper, but not as loud as normal speech. You, trying to lighten up the mood a bit again, jokingly said: “If you’re so desperate for fucking my mum, then do whatever you want to do with her to me.” It obviously was a joke, you could easily tell from your tone. But Hyunggu stayed silent, eyes locked with yours, inching closer and closer without breaking eye contact. So close even, that your foreheads and noses were touching each other.
You could feel your body burning, your lust growing with every step he took. At some point it didn’t even feel like it was freezing anymore. It suddenly felt like it was the middle of summer with how hot you were getting. Your mind was racing with thoughts, until they were interrupted by Hyunggu speaking up.
“And what if I prefer doing you instead?”
He said that. He actually said that. You could not believe your ears. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach, but also the burning feeling in your lower area. Kang Hyunggu said that he wanted to fuck you. You caught him staring at your lips and were able to pull away just in time. “Please come over to my place.” You stared at him, almost begging he would nod and come with you. So the moment his head moved up and down, you instantly got onto your bikes and led the way to your apartment.
The way you cycled home felt as if you were a cyclist in the Tour De France. You were going at such a quick pace, not being able to wait any longer to be on top of each other, to feel each other’s skin, to let your lips collide and let your tongues dance with each other. As soon as your apartment building was in sight, you parked the bikes as quickly as you could and walked quickly towards the front door of the building. You lived on the 4th floor of this block of apartments so there was either the option of the elevator or the stairs to get there. And as two horny university students, taking the lift is the better option, is what your slightly tipsy brain thought.
You were lucky it was 3AM, the entrance was completely empty and there was no sign of life in the lift either. The little lift was extremely gross, but you and Hyunggu couldn’t help yourselves. The moment you stepped inside this elevator, he pushed you against the back wall, kissing you like a starving man, subtly grinding into you. The suddenness caught you off guard, letting a moan come through. You could feel him smirk in the kiss. And you couldn’t help but hum just a bit more for his pleasure.
The sound the lift made when you arrived at the floor of your apartment almost drowned in the 18+ sounds that left your mouths. He grabbed your hand, speed walking towards the doors lined up in front of him, while asking: “Which one?” As you were looking for your keys, you responded: “Room 069.” Hyunggu struggled to keep in a laugh, you could hear a faint “pfft” and see a big grin on his face. “I know, haha funny number. Let’s just get going please, I need you right now.” You said, slightly serious because of the desperation. “We can do the funny number if you’re down for that?” Hyunggu proposed while winking at you, still walking towards the room, but now walking backwards. “Hyunggu, we’ll decide what we do when we’re actually doing it please. I’m so fucking horny.” You couldn’t keep it together, he was driving you mad. When you arrived at the door, you unlocked it and quickly got inside.
Hyunggu pushed you against the back of your front door, the same way he did it in the lift. Except this time, you were certain no one would see you, no one would hear you (or at least less clearly), and no one would interrupt you. It was just you and him. And you were enjoying every second of it. The teasing Kang Hyunggu you knew, had turned into devilish very-good-kisser-and-probably-very-good-in-bed Kang Hyunggu. You enjoyed seeing this new side of him. And you wanted to explore more of this side.
The way his lips were on yours, the hunger that had washed over you both, the way his hands were trailing over every single bit of your body, the way your hands clenched his hair and dishevelled it. The path your hands took to trail from his hair to his ass, softly touching his jaw, dropping it to his chest, over his back and softly pinching the supple skin of his behind. “Fuck, that-that’s nice…” Hyunggu softly moaned out. “You-you rem-remembered…” “Of course, at that point I was already horny for you.” You casually blurted out, which led to a short grin from the both of you.
Never did you think you would be doing this with him. But never would you regret ever doing it with him.
Your hands snaked back to his chest, as you disconnected your lips from his and pushed him backwards, nodding towards your bedroom. He looked behind him for a split second and started walking backwards towards the door, slowly taking off clothing. You did the same, not a single second where you broke eye contact. The tension in the room was higher than a junkie on a day off, and with every step you were more turned on.
Since you lived in an apartment, all your rooms were on the same floor, which was very convenient for this moment. Hyunggu had pushed open the door, looking back once again to see your bed in the middle of the room, and making sure he didn’t trip over anything. Your eyes had now drifted to his neck, and you picked up your pace to get closer to him again. Most of your clothes had now been taken off and were decorating the floor of the living room. Once you were standing a few inches away from him again, you latched your lips onto his neck, kissing the soft skin, sucking it just hard enough to form some hickeys. “You look so pretty with those, Hyunggu. I wonder what people will think when THE Kang Hyunggu shows up with a neck littered with hickeys tomorrow morning during the psychology lecture.” Your tone was extremely teasing, sounding sweet yet menacing in a way. You could see the darkness, the lust in his eyes, after you said that. You just knew it was affecting him.
For the first time in your life, you felt like you had some power over him. And it felt kinda good.
You pushed him onto the bed, his back hitting the mattress and your blankets. He was completely naked apart from his boxer shorts, the fabric tightly around his member, the precum bleeding through and staining the cotton. It was a sight you wished to see more than once. You could feel your own situation getting messy down there, with this eye-candy in front of you on top of already being very turned on.
You reached over to your bed stand, grabbing a condom from the drawer. Hyunggu caught on and slipped off the last piece of clothing. His dick sprung out of the restraints, his body gently thrusting into the air, in need of something around his cock. You rolled the condom down his member, licking your lips and trying very hard to fight the urge of just sucking his dick. You needed him in you too much to delay that. Hyunggu slightly twitched at your cold hands touching his private part, a groan escaping his throat.
The last pieces of your clothing were now on your bedroom floor, as you took them off. Hyunggu was still lying on your bed, looking at your frame, you could see his tongue darting over his lips, biting his bottom lip. He was so into it. And so were you.
You sank onto his girth, both of you sighing and moaning. You had been waiting for this moment for quite a few hours now, and it felt so good to be filled up. Hyunggu was having the same kind of euphoria, finally being able to have his cock in you. After you both had adjusted, you started moving. Forwards and backwards, up and down. Your skin was rubbing together, your moving up and down was slamming your skin together, creating lewd sounds that filled the room. Not only those sounds, but your moans and groans, as well as Hyunggu’s huffs and moans were echoing in the room.
“God, you feel… so good… Y/N….” Hyunggu managed to say, his hips now thrusting into you as well. It added so much to the moment, it turned you on all over again. His dancer hips had so much control, being able to sharply thrust into you at the right time. It made you sigh. But it wasn’t ever enough. “Fuck, faster! Please Ggu…” Your voice involuntarily rose, and you were almost sure your neighbours could’ve heard that. But in the moment, you could not give a single fuck. You needed him, he needed you. The bliss you were in right now was worth any awkward conversations you needed to have with your flatmates.
Hyunggu might not have been the most ripped guy ever (Hongseok, your shared friend, had muscles for days compared to Hyunggu), but the way he could control his body as a dancer was incredible. And it showed. Or at least, you could feel it. Every thrust was so precise and controlled, every movement making you feel closer to the edge.
“Your fucked out face… It’s hot… You look so - shit - fucking hot Y/N…” Hyunggu suddenly blurted out. The dirty talk was a surprise, but one you welcomed. “You should… See your own face… Shit, so pretty…” You replied. The reply came out as huffs and puffs, but he was able to understand you. “Do you - fuck - like being filled up by me, Y/N? Am I making you feel good?” He said, his tongue slightly hanging out of his mouth, his hair sticking to his forehead. The scene was so erotic, and his words were messing you up. “I do, I love it so much!” You wanted to be cheeky, but you simply couldn’t. The bliss was simply too much for you to lie. You needed all of him.
You started feeling a knot in your stomach, signalling you were close. “I-I think I’m gon-gonna cum.” This prompted Hyunggu to say: “Scream my name. I want to hear it, but more importantly, I want your neighbours to hear you being this pathetic because of me.” “I think they already heard us, we’ve been loud and it is 4AM.” The opportunity to be cheeky was there, and so you grabbed it. However, you still listened to his request. You wanted to scream it, you wanted to do anything he asked you. “Fuck fuck fuck, Hyunggu, I’m gonna cum!” “I’m really fucking close too!” The only sounds audible now were your huffs, chasing your highs.
You came first, and Hyunggu came from the sight and feeling of you cumming. You got off him and rested your arms and head on his chest, sighing loudly after coming down from your high. Hyunggu raised his head slightly to kiss the crown of your head. You were laying in silence for a few minutes, until Hyunggu decided to speak up. “I guess our friends were right in the end.” You couldn’t help but laugh. “Shit, you’re right. But that’s what you’re thinking of right now? After all this?” You looked up at him. “I mean, we are still students Y/N. I can use every single bit of money I have.” He grinned, his eyes wrinkling up. “You’re right.” You said.
After cleaning up, you sat together underneath the blankets. “I can’t believe this all happened because I joked about fucking your mum.” You punched him in the side while facepalming. “I can’t believe it either.” “Maybe I should make those jokes more often.” You looked him in the eyes, a slight bit of disbelief on your face. “N-no, I’d rather have you just ask me to fuck instead of having to bear those terrible, terrible jokes.” You both cracked up. “Alright, deal.”
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Hongseok - His Voice (smut) 🔞
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my third one-shot smut fanfiction for Hongseok! I am sorry it took me some time to update because I had also work to do. But I hope you will all like it my beloved readers! THANKS 😍 😍 😍
The number of words: 14.7k
Y/N doesn't like going to parties and go clubbing with her friend named Minje because she rather do other things than enjoy herself in a crowded place and have some alcoholic drinks with strangers. Even though Minje is completely opposite with Y/N they still get along with each other. Then there is one time, Minje just got home from their shared apartment and Y/N saw her with a hickey on her neck and…
“I guess you hooked up with someone again last night?” Y/N asked then Minje slightly laughed.
“You know me so well, Y/N,” Minje said then Y/N chuckled.
“Of course! Also, you are proudly showing that you have a hickey on your neck. I don't know why do you keep hooking up with someone, especially to a stranger and that is risky," Y/N said.
“I also don’t know but I think there are strangers that are incredibly attractive and will lure you,” Minje said.
‘I understand, Minje. But don’t you want to have a romantic relationship with someone instead?” Y/N asked.
“To be honest, I am not ready to have a romantic relationship with someone right now,” Minje said.
“Oh! I see,” Y/N said.
“What about you? You are still a virgin. Don’t you want to spice up your life just for once?” Minje said.
“I don’t care if I am a virgin and also, I don’t want just casual relationships like fuck buddies, no strings attached and friends with benefits and I don’t like hook-ups,” Y/N said and Minje slightly laughed.
“Fine! If you suddenly wanted to spice up your life but you don’t want to have sex in person with someone, there are mobile numbers in our clipboard that you can call for phone sex and you can tell your fantasies to the operator and they will somehow fulfill them even though you will hear their voices over the phone,” Minje said as she winked at her making Y/N blushed.
“No thanks, Minje! Even though I am not innocent I still don’t want to try that. I would rather find a lover to fulfill my fantasies than to tell it to a stranger,” Y/N said.
“Okay! If you say so. But still, I won’t remove those numbers in our clipboard, okay?” Minje asked.
“Sure! I think it won't bother me,” Y/N said then Minje slightly laughed and just nodded. There is one time, while Y/N is working in her room, someone called her it’s her another friend named Kino.
Y/N: Oh! Hey, Kino!
Kino: Hi, Y/N! Did I disturb you?
Y/N: Nope! Why did you call?
Kino: I just want to have a catch-up with you. Also, did Minje tell you that we are going to a bar on Saturday? Because I just really want to hang out with you, Minje, and your other friends.
Y/N: Kino, I already told you that I don’t like going to bars, right?
Kino: I know but just for once please come with us and don’t worry we will not force you to drink heavily.
Y/N: *sighs* Are you sure about that, Kino? Because I don’t trust Minje that she will not force me to drink many alcoholic drinks and I don't want to be drunk.
Kino: Don’t worry I will be on your side and I will stop Minje to force you to drink many alcoholic drinks.
Y/N: You promise that?
Kino: Yup! I promise. So, please come with us on Saturday!
Y/N: Okay! I will join on Saturday.
Kino: That’s great! By the way, how’s life?
Y/N: Well, it’s fine and it’s still the same. Just working and still didn’t have a boyfriend. But Minje kept asking me to meet some guys and hook up with someone and that irritates me and she even has numbers for phone sex.
Kino: Oh really? numbers for phone sex?
Y/N: Yup! It was my first time to hear that and I was really shocked that a stranger will answer your call just to fulfill your sexual fantasies over the phone. By any chance did you try calling those kinds of numbers?
Kino: I just tried it once but I didn’t contact it again because I am not into phone sex. I would rather do it physically with someone than hear their moans over the phone only.
As Y/N heard Kino’s words, she blushed and gulped.
Y/N: O-oh! You are right! Also, I guess it’s hard to speak out your fantasies to a stranger, right?
Kino: Yup! But if you don’t want to have sex in person and you want it to be safe then phone sex is the right option for you.
Y/N: Minje also told me that. But I don’t know if I want to try it or not.
Kino: Why would you call a stranger for phone sex if I am already here now talking to you?
Then Y/N was so shocked at Kino’s statement and…
Y/N: Shut up, Kino!
Kino: *laughs* I am just kidding!
Y/N: To be honest, that really caught me off guard.
Kino: I am sorry I didn’t mean to be that suggestive. Anyways, I have to go. Let’s just see on Saturday.
Y/N: Okay! See you on Saturday. Take care and stay safe, Kino!
Kino: Take care and stay safe too, Y/N! Bye!
After Y/N had a conversation with Kino, she approached Minje and…
“Minje, I will join you on Saturday with Kino,” Y/N said then Minje was surprised.
“Really? Did Kino call you?” Minje asked.
“Yup! He convinced me to come with all of you and I just decided to accept it,” Y/N said.
“That’s great!” Minje said.
“But Minje, don’t force me to drink many alcoholic drinks, okay? Kino will try to stop you if you did,” Y/N said then Minje laughed.
“Okay! I will not make you drunk if you think you are already in your limit,” Minje said.
“Good! Because you are becoming a wild person when you are drunk,” Y/N said.
“I know, right! But believe it or not, I still remember the next day what happened to me even though I am heavily drunk,” Minje said.
“Wow! That’s what you call a talent,” Y/N said then both of them laughed.
“By the way, about the phone sex, do the person who answered your call ask your name first, or do they just go straight to a dirty phone call with you?” Y/N asked then Minje was quite surprised.
“Well, it depends on the operator’s mood. But some of them really ask your name so that while they are talking to you in a dirty way you will feel more sexual tension between you and that person. Why? By any chance, are you going to try calling one of those numbers?" Minje asked which made Y/N blush.
“Nope! I was just curious,” Y/N said then Minje smirked.
“Really? But curiosity can lead you to try something you haven’t done in your life. I will not be surprised later this day you will try to call one of those numbers,” Minje said.
“I don’t know. Whatever! Anyways, let’s just enjoy our weekend with Kino and our other friends,” Y/N said then Minje just nodded and slightly laughed. As time goes by, it was already evening and Y/N can’t stop looking at the phone numbers in the clipboard and…
“Fine! I know this won’t harm me if I will try it. I will just do this once!” Y/N thought and typed one of the numbers in her phone and went to her room and locked it.
“I hope Minje didn’t see me and she will definitely tease me tomorrow!” Y/N thought but when she is about to press call, she suddenly stopped and tried to breathe first as she wants to ease her nervousness and then she pressed it. Then Y/N was quite surprised because she should still press some numbers to connect her to a person who want to accept her call and there is one time, she should listen to some voices of the people that she assumed was recorded and she have to choose whom she wanted to talk to. Then she noticed a man’s voice who suddenly piqued her interest and she pressed no. 4 and Y/N became nervous because she is now being connected to the person whom she wanted to talk to and at that moment someone answered it.
Y/N: Hello?
The man: Hi, sexy! What’s your name?
Y/N blushed madly at the man’s voice and to his greeting.
Y/N: I am Y/N, and you?
The man: Oh! What a beautiful name, Y/N. I am Jared. What are you thinking about right now, baby?
“Damn! He is calling me with a pet name already and his voice is so sexy!” Y/N thought.
Y/N: To be honest, this is my first time to engage in this kind of call and I was curious and I want to tell you that I am a virgin.
Jared: Oh! What a surprise! My baby is a virgin. But by listening to my voice, you want me to make you cum tonight?
Y/N: That sounds convincing. But I want to know if you have a fit body or have a muscular body.
Jared: Oh! You like muscular men, huh? I do have a muscular body. Do you want to feel them to you?
Y/N: Sure! I really imagine now that I am touching your bare chest and tracing my fingers to your abs.
Jared: Mmh…That feels so good baby! By the way, what are you wearing tonight, baby?
Y/N: I am now wearing a black nightie dress.
Jared: Shit! You are so sexy, baby! I want you to take it off for me.
Y/N: Sure! Just for you, hottie Jared.
Y/N literally took off her nightie dress and…
"Shit! I never imagine I will do this and will be turned on to this man just by his voice,” Y/N thought.
Y/N: I already took off my dress. What about you? I want to see all of you.
Jared: My baby is so needy. I like that! But sure! I will do that for you.
After a few seconds…
Jared: I am already naked, baby!
Y/N: Shit! You are so hot!
Jared: You too, baby! I’ll make you feel so good. By the way, what are you doing right now?
Y/N: I am squeezing my breasts and thinking you are sucking, licking, squeezing, and massaging my tits.
Jared: Fuck! That's so sexy! I want one of your hands to go to your pussy and touched it and imagine those are my fingers.
Y/N: I am now touching myself and starting to thrust my fingers into my pussy and fuck! Your fingers are so good!
Jared: You want me to pump my fingers to your pussy deeper that badly, baby?
Y/N: Yes! Please, Jared, Go faster!
Jared: Fuck! You are taking my fingers so well, baby!
Y/N: Shit! Yes! Don’t stop! I will cum!
Jared: I will not stop baby! I want to taste you so bad!
As Y/N continued to thrust it, she cum on her fingers and moaned loudly over the phone.
Jared: Fuck! You are so sexy when you moan like that!
Y/N: That is because you made me feel so good.
Jared: You too, baby! Your taste is so delicate. I want to spend more time with you but it's getting late, baby.
Y/N: I know! Thank you for making my first time in this call make me feel sexy.
Jared: No problem, Y/N! Call me again and I’ll definitely make you scream my name again for our next call.
Y/N: Sure! Good night, hottie Jared!
Jared: Good night and sleep well, sexy Y/N.
After Y/N did phone sex with someone…
“Shit! That was an amazing experience and damn! Jared’s voice is just so sexy and I want to hear his voice next time!” Y/N thought and she wore again her nightie dress and her underwear then went to sleep. The next day, Y/N woke up and as she went to the kitchen, Minji already cooked some breakfast for them and she joined her.
“Y/N, tell me, did you try to call one of the phone numbers in the clipboard?” Minji asked then Y/N gulped but Minji noticed it and smirked.
“Y/N, don’t deny it! I just heard your loud moans with the name of the person who is having phone sex with you,” Minji said.
“Fine! I tried to have phone sex with someone last night,” Y/N said as she blushed.
“I knew it! Also, aside from your moans, I heard the way you talk to that person and you seemed to be so flirty with him. Also, I am kinda impressed that you sound like you are the phone sex operator,” Minji said as she slightly laughed.
“You really listened to me what I was doing, huh?” Y/N said.
“To be honest, I was really concerned when you suddenly moaned loudly but I thought you were hurt or something but I suddenly heard you are talking to someone. Also, it seems you are into it,” Minji said.
“I think so? Because Jared’s voice is so sexy and I think I might want to call him again next time,” Y/N said.
“Please warn me if you will do phone sex again to someone okay? You were really loud last night,” Minji said then Y/N blushed.
“Okay! I am sorry if I made some noise last night,” Y/N said.
“It’s okay! I am glad you had fun having phone sex with someone and probably Jared was also satisfied," Minji said then both of them slightly laughed. After Y/N had breakfast, someone called her and it was Kino then Minji saw it.
“It seems Kino kept calling you these days. I think he is interested in you,” Minji said.
“He will never be interested in me and we are just friends,” Y/N said.
“Okay! Whatever you say,” Minji said then Y/N decided to answer his call.
Y/N: Good morning, Kino! Why did you call?
Kino: Good morning, Y/N! Just wanted to talk to you again.
Y/N: Oh! Okay! What do you want to talk about?
Kino: I just suddenly thought if you already tried to have phone sex with someone?
Y/N: Seriously? Did you call me just to ask me that question? Also, we just talked about that yesterday.
Kino: I am just curious because I think when you brought that up, I think there is really a chance you will try to call a number for phone sex.
Y/N: Fine! I will admit that I tried it last night and it was an amazing experience because the person’s voice that I had a conversation with has a sexy voice.
Kino: Oh! That’s good to hear! It means there will be a chance you will call again next time?
Y/N: Yup! But I hope I can still talk to the same person.
Kino: Oh! It seems you are going to be attached to that man, huh?
Y/N: I will admit that even though I don’t see him and just hear his voice I can feel and imagine that he is really handsome and has a muscular body.
Kino: Wow! I didn't expect you will share to with me that you are into muscular men.
Y/N: I am sorry but I can’t help it because it seems you want more information on what I feel about my first-time experience to have phone sex with someone.
Kino: I understand, Y/N. Anyways, Saturday is coming. So, are you still going with us?
Y/N: Yes! I will still go with all of you on Saturday. Don’t worry, okay?
Kino: Great! I bet you will still have work to do now, right?
Y/N: Yup! I have to hang up and get ready for today’s work.
Kino: Okay! Have a nice day and take care, Y/N!
Y/N: Have a nice day and take care too, Kino!
“So why did Kino call?” Minje asked Y/N.
“He just suddenly asked me if I already tried to have phone sex with someone because I told him yesterday you have some phone numbers of it,” Y/N said then Minje was surprised.
“Are you serious? He just asked you that?” Minje asked as she slightly laughed.
“Yup! I was so surprised that he just called me for that topic,” Y/N said.
“That was really weird, Y/N,” Minje said.
“Yesterday, I was also so surprised he became suggestive to me to have phone sex with him,” Y/N said.
“What? Wow! I didn’t expect that from Kino,” Minje said.
“I know, right,” Y/N said.
“Oh! I see. By the way, are you interested with Jared the one you had phone sex with?" Minje asked then Y/N blushed.
“Yup! To be honest, I want to meet him someday,” Y/N said then Minje smirked.
“Try to call him next time and ask if he is willing to meet with you,” Minje said.
“Sure! I will do that,” Y/N said as she smiled.
It was already Saturday night, Y/N together with Minje, Kino, and their other friends went to a bar. At that time, Y/N had some light alcoholic drinks and tried to play some games with them but while they are playing, someone passed by their direction and Y/N noticed him then when they made eye contact the man smiled at her and Y/N slightly smiled and when the man was already far from them, their friends noticed her and…
“Oh! Someone might be laid tonight, huh?” Kino said then Y/N blushed but their friends laughed.
“Y/N, go get him! He is so handsome and hot!” Minje said and their other girlfriends are cheering for her but…
“Shut up all of you! I don’t like hook-ups, okay? Let’s just continue,” Y/N said then Minje smirked and they just continue to play. But as time goes by, Y/N stopped playing with them because she doesn’t want to be drunk and there is one time, Y/N went to the bathroom and when she went back to their place
, her friends including Kino was nowhere to be seen.
“What the fuck! They just left me here without saying anything to me,” Y/N thought as she sighed then decided to sit instead in one of the chairs near the bartender and Y/N decided to try to call one of her friends but no one answered and she just sighed again but someone approached her and it was the man who smiled at her…
“Hi! I noticed you are now alone and I just saw your friends left you,” the man said then Y/N was surprised.
“I know! They are really good friends!” Y/N said as she rolled her eyes then the man slightly laughed at her.
“But it seems your other friends will hook up with someone that’s why they left. By the way, I am Hongseok” the man said.
“Oh! Okay! I am Y/N. Nice to meet you, Hongseok. What about you? Are you here with your friends?” Y/N asked. Then Hongseok was suddenly quite surprised with her name and Y/N noticed it.
“Is there a problem, Hongseok?” Y/N asked.
“Nope! I think I just heard your name somewhere. Anyways, I am alone. Just having some time for myself,” Hongseok said.
“Oh! Okay! I also noticed many women kept approaching you earlier but you didn’t talk to them at all and just left them,” Y/N said then Hongseok slightly laughed.
“Are you saying you are eyeing me earlier?” Hongseok asked as he looked at her and smiled which made Y/N blush.
“Not totally. I just noticed it earlier. So, why did you ignore them?” Y/N asked.
“I can see in their eyes and the way they talked to me is like they just want to hook up with me but I don’t like hooks up. So, I just left them and ignore them. By the way, do you have a boyfriend?” Hongseok said.
“Nope! But I had a boyfriend before and I broke up with him because he cheated on me and his reason was that I don’t give fully myself to him,” Y/N said.
“Oh! I am sorry if this will be inappropriate to ask you. Does it mean you really didn't have sex with your ex-boyfriend?" Hongseok asked and Y/N gulped at his question.
“Yup! For me in every relationship, sex is not a priority. Also, I am not really ready to have sex at that time,” Y/N said.
“Oh! I understand, Y/N. His reason was unacceptable,” Hongseok said.
“I know right! He is totally a jerk. Anyways, I don’t want to talk about him now and It’s getting late I should go home now,” Y/N said.
“I’ll drive you home, Y/N,” Hongseok said which made Y/N blush.
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked.
“Yup! I insist. Don’t worry I don’t have any bad intentions to you,” Hongseok said.
“Okay! I will trust you, Hongseok!” Y/N said as she smiled then Hongseok guided her to his car and while they are going to Y/N’s place, she noticed that someone kept calling him and it was an unknown number.
“Hongseok, why don’t you answer that call first,” Y/N said.
“I’ll answer it later,” Hongseok said then Y/N nodded.
“By the way, do you have a girlfriend?” Y/N asked.
“Nope! I am also single like you. Why?” Hongseok asked.
“Nothing. I am just curious I thought your girlfriend is the one that calling you,” Y/N said then Hongseok slightly laughed.
“Also, I want to be honest with you, you are very handsome and hot,” Y/N said then suddenly the car stopped because of its red light and Hongseok looked at her and smirked.
“Oh Really? Thanks for the compliment, Y/N. You are also beautiful and hot,” Hongseok said as he smiled then Y/N blushed.
“Thanks, Hongseok!” Y/N said. But as they made eye contact, Hongseok was about to kiss her but Y/N was getting nervous and…
“Hongseok, it’s green light already. We should get going,” Y/N said.
“Oh! I am sorry!” Hongseok said then Y/N slightly laughed. When Hongseok already reached Y/N’s place…
“Thank you for driving me home and for being a good company tonight even though it was just a short time because my friends left me,” Y/N said.
“No problem, Y/N. It’s really nice to meet you!” Hongseok said.
“You too, Hongseok. I have to go inside now. Good night and drive safely going home,” Y/N said.
“Thanks, Y/N! Good night and sleep well," Hongseok said and when Y/N was about to get off his car, he suddenly pulled her and quickly kissed her lips which made Y/N blush and she touched her lips.
“What was that for?” Y/N asked.
“I am sorry I can’t help it. You can go inside now your apartment,” Hongseok said as he winked at her then Y/N nodded and smiled at him and get off his car, and went inside her place. As Y/N went to her room…
“OMG! A hottie just kissed me on the lips! I hope we will meet again next time!” Y/N thought and she washed up, changed clothes, and went to sleep. As Hongseok reached his shared condo unit with Yeo One…
“Hongseok! Why didn’t you tell me that you are actually going to a bar?” Yeo One asked.
“I am sorry I thought you are still busy. But it’s okay, I talked to someone earlier and drive her home,” Hongseok said.
“Oh! You met a girl, huh? Did something happen between the two of you?” Yeo One asked.
“Nope! But I kissed her lips before she will go inside her place,” Hongseok said.
“Wow! Is she your girlfriend already?” Yeo One asked.
“Nope! How I wish to ask her right away but I think it will be too fast for her since we just met. But,” Hongseok said.
“But what? Is there a problem with her?” Yeo One asked.
“Nothing actually but I heard her name somewhere,” Hongseok said.
“Wait! You still doing the calls, right?” Yeo One asked.
“Yup!... Oh shit! I should check out the recorded calls,” Hongseok said then Yeo One nodded. Then Hongseok rushed going to his room and decided to play the recorded calls that he made but after a few minutes, he went back to the living room.
“So, did you hear her name among the calls?” Yeo One asked.
“Nope! I thought she is the one that I had a conversation with last time. I guess she is just familiar to me,” Hongseok said.
“Oh, I see! I will come with you to the new gym you are going to tomorrow,” Yeo One said.
“Sure, bro!” Hongseok said. Then two of them went to sleep.
Y/N woke up and when she was about to go to the kitchen to have breakfast, Minje just came in and…
“Good morning, Y/N!” Minje said as she smiled at her then Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Shower first and have breakfast with me. I want to talk to you.” Y/N said then Minje nodded and after a few minutes, Minje joined her.
“Minje, you should have waited for me before you all left in the bar last night!” Y/N said.
“I am sorry Y/N. I know it was dangerous for you to be left in the bar but I am relieved you were alright,” Minje said then Y/N chuckled.
“Okay! Apology accepted. But thanks to Hongseok who drive me home safely,” Y/N said.
“Oh! Is Hongseok the one you made eye contact with, yesterday?” Minje asked.
“Yup! We just talk for a few minutes and he insists to drive me home and…" Y/N can't finish her sentence as she remembered Hongseok kissed her.
“I shouldn’t tell Minje about the kiss she will surely tease me,” Y/N thought.
“And then what?” Minje asked.
“And then we just said goodbye to each other. He is a gentleman and I am thankful he is not a maniac or a pervert that I met in the bar,” Y/N said then Minje slightly laughed.
“It seems even though we left you in the bar you met someone who has a good personality,” Minje said.
“But still, it was too dangerous, okay? Don’t do that again,” Y/N said.
“Okay! I am really sorry. By the way, do you have work today?” Minje asked.
“Nope! Why?” Y/N asked.
“I am still having a hang-over and I think I won’t be able to manage up my gym business today. Can you go to my gym and accommodate the customers, especially the new members of the gym today?” Minje asked.
“Okay! Since you also made me manage your business last time and I know what to do. So, rest for today and I will go to your gym,” Y/N said.
“Thanks, Y/N! Don’t flirt with the customers, okay? I know you are into muscular guys,” Minje said then Y/N blushed.
“Don’t worry, I will not flirt with them and I will just help them,” Y/N said
“Okay! Good!” Minje said and smiled. At that time, as Y/N went inside the gym she saw many people are already working out and she decided to approach someone in the reception area but she was surprised because…
“Kino?” Y/N asked.
“Oh! Hi, Y/N! Why are you here?” Kino asked.
“Minje told me to manage her business for today because she is having a hang-over and why are you here?” Y/N asked.
“To be honest, I am working here just a few weeks ago,” Kino said.
“Really? Minje didn’t tell me that you are working here as a receptionist,” Y/N said then Kino slightly laughed.
“Well, I think it will not be hard for me to accommodate the customers today because you are here,” Kino said as he smiled then Y/N sat beside Kino.
“Yup! By the way, you are all evil because you all left me in the bar last night!” Y/N said as she pouted then Kino slightly laughed.
“I am sorry Y/N. To be honest, I hooked up with our other friends last night that’s why I also left,” Kino said then Y/N’s eyes went wide.
“WHAT? Wow! I didn’t expect that,” Y/N said then both of them laughed.
"To be honest, if I stayed beside you longer last night, I might do it with you," Kino said as he winked at her which made Y/N gulp.
“Can you stop it, Kino! We should accommodate the customers now,” Y/N said then Kino slightly laughed and nodded. Then someone entered the gym and then Y/N’s eyes went wide.
“Damn! His body is buff and muscular and his friend is so handsome too!” Y/N thought. As the man and his friend approached them, he was also surprised.
“Oh! Good morning, Y/N!” the man said as he smiled.
“Good morning, Hongseok!” Y/N said. Then Kino and Yeo One were surprised.
“You two know each other?” Yeo One asked.
“We met in the bar yesterday,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“Oh! I see! Nice to meet you, Y/N!” Yeo One said as he smiled which made Y/N blush.
“Damn! Both of them are so hot!” Y/N thought.
“I guess you two are the new members in this gym, right?” Y/N asked.
“Yup! Are you the owner?” Hongseok asked.
“Nope! My friend is the owner of this gym and she can’t make it today so I will be the one who will manage this gym,” Y/N said.
“Oh! Okay! Your friend told me that we should show our membership cards here, right?” Yeo One asked.
“Yup! Please hand me your membership cards so that I will scan your QR code," Y/N said then Yeo One and Hongseok gave their cards, and while Y/N is scanning it...
“You are with Y/N last night, right?” Hongseok asked Kino.
“Yup! Why?” Kino asked.
“You shouldn’t have left her last night in a bar,” Hongseok said.
“I know. It was our mistake but I already told Y/N my reason,” Kino said.
“Okay! To be honest, I was the one who drive her home last night,” Hongseok said. When Kino was about to say something, Y/N gave back their membership cards and…
“You can start now using the equipment here,” Y/N said.
“Okay! Thanks, Y/N! We have to work out now. Have a nice day to the two of you,” Hongseok said then Y/N nodded and smiled at them. When Hongseok and Yeo One left them…
“Y/N, is he the guy that smiled at you, last night?” Kino asked.
“Yup!” Y/N said as she smiled.
“Well, I am thankful that person didn’t take advantage of you,” Kino said.
“You are right! But he told me he is also not into hooks up so I was relieved last night that he is the person that I met,” Y/N said and Kino chuckled. As time goes by, while Y/N is waiting for some customers, she suddenly saw Hongseok and Yeo One that they are already shirtless and she gulped.
“Wow! Both of them are hotties especially Hongseok his arms and chests are so buff!” Y/N thought as she can’t stop looking at them but suddenly Hongseok looked at her which made Y/N look away and pretended to do something and Hongseok smirked then Yeo One noticed it.
“Why? Is Y/N looking at us?” Yeo One asked as he smirked.
“Yup! I can feel she is checking us out,” Hongseok said then both of them just went back to working out. As for Y/N who still pretending to do something…
“Y/N, I saw that. You are literally drooling for them, especially to Hongseok and he freaking noticed you staring at them,” Kino said then Y/N blushed.
“I’ll admit both of them are sexy and handsome that’s why I can’t stop staring at them,” Y/N said then Kino smirked.
“If those two men wanted to have a threesome with you, are you going to accept it?” Kino asked then Y/N gulped but…
“Why not? I’ll accept it because I think it will be worth it,” Y/N said as her face heated up.
“Wow! I didn’t expect you will answer it confidently. So, are you hoping that those two men will ask for it?” Kino asked.
“I think so. But I suddenly thought that I am still a virgin and still didn’t have experience,” Y/N said.
“Oh! You are right!” Kino said then suddenly someone interrupted them.
“What are you two talking about?” Hongseok asked then Y/N was surprised when Hongseok and Yeo One approached them shirtless which made Y/N blush madly and tried to smile at them.
“Nothing! Just random things, right Kino?” Y/N asked.
“Yes! By the way, do you need help?” Kino asked.
“Nothing actually. I just suddenly thought after we work out let’s have lunch in a nearby restaurant here and I will be the one who will pay for our meal,” Hongseok said as he smiled at them.
“Oh! Sure! Someone can replace us here in this area,” Y/N said.
“Great! We will get back first and finish our workout routines,” Hongseok said then Y/N nodded. After they left…
“Shit! This is making me crazy!” Y/N thought.
“Someone is heating up!” Kino said jokingly then Y/N slightly slapped Kino’s arms.
“Shut up, Kino!” Y/N said then Kino laughed. After an hour, all of them went to a nearby restaurant and had their lunch.
“So, Y/N are you going to be in the gym tomorrow?” Hongseok asked.
“I will not be in the gym tomorrow because I still have work to do but my job is work from home,” Y/N said.
“Oh, I see! We will visit you sometimes in your apartment” Hongseok asked.
“Sure! You two can visit me in our apartment,” Y/N said as she smiled at them.
“Okay! That’s great!” Hongseok said as he smiled at Y/N. As time goes by, while they are all talking to each other, Y/N suddenly felt two feet brushing her legs in repetition which made Y/N blush and she saw Hongseok and Yeo One’s eyes are looking at her and smiling at her like they are innocent and Y/N gulped and Kino saw it.
“Wow! Those two men are whipped for Y/N!” Kino thought as he smirked. As Y/N continued to feel their feet on her legs, she decided to excuse herself from the bathroom and…
“Shit! I didn’t expect they will do that to me. Also, they must have heard what I told to Kino earlier having a threesome with them! I am doomed!” Y/N thought as she tried to calm down and went back to them.
“Y/N, we have to go now because we will still do some things today,” Yeo One said.
“Oh! Okay! We will also go back to the gym. Have a nice day and take care Hongseok and Yeo One!” Y/N said as she smiled at them.
“Okay! Take care too, Y/N!” Hongseok said as he smiled then Y/N and Kino smiled at them and after Hongseok and Yeo One left them, Y/N and Kino went back to the gym.
“Y/N, it seems those two men want you so bad,” Kino said.
“Can you lower your voice? Also, how did you know?” Y/N asked then Kino smirked.
“When I was going back to our place, I suddenly saw their feet brushing your legs," Kino said which made Y/N blush madly.
“That was just so unexpected. I was so speechless and I really had to catch some air because of their sudden action earlier. That was way beyond my imagination,” Y/N said then Kino laughed.
“I know and I understand, Y/N. Good luck when they visit you in your shared apartment,” Kino said.
“Shit! I am so done right now!” Y/N said then Kino laughed.
“Don’t think about that much, okay? That can be also just a playful action but they don’t have other intentions to you in a sexual way,” Kino said.
“I hope so and you have point there, Kino. They might be really just playing with me at that time,” Y/N said and Kino smiled and nodded. As time goes by, it was already evening and they closed the gym and Kino drive her home.
“Thanks, Kino for helping me today. See you next time!” Y/N said.
“No problem, Y/N! See you next time too! Good night!” Kino said as both of them smiled then Y/N went inside her apartment. As for Hongseok and Yeo One who are already in their apartment…
“Hongseok, I guess Y/N was really shocked in our action earlier,” Yeo One said.
“Yup! I know. But she is cute when she got flustered,” Hongseok said then Yeo One chuckled.
Then going back to Y/N, as soon as she went inside the apartment…
“Y/N, how’s managing the gym today?” Minje asked.
“It was great! Hongseok and his friend named Yeo One went to the gym today because they are new members,” Y/N said then Minje was surprised.
“Really? So, that’s why you had a good time managing the gym, huh?” Minje said as she smirked.
“I think so! Also, you didn’t tell me Kino is working in your gym,” Y/N said.
“I am sorry I forgot. But at least someone you know helped you today,” Minje said.
“You are right! Hongseok also treated us for lunch,” Y/N said.
“Wow! I am sure that he is totally interested in you,” Minje said as she smiled.
“I don’t know. But gosh! There is one thing that Hongseok and his friend did to me that was most unexpected,” Y/N said.
“And what is that?” Minje asked.
“While Kino is in the bathroom and I am talking to them, Hongseok and Yeo One just shamelessly brush their feet to my legs in repetition. I was so caught off guard and suddenly excused myself to the bathroom and breathe for a while and tried to process what they did,” Y/N said then Minje’s eyes went wide.
“What the fuck! Those hotties wanted you, Y/N! Congrats!” Minje said.
“Shut up, Minje! This is all Kino's fault for asking me those dirty questions!” Y/N said.
“What do you mean? Can you give me an example of his question earlier?” Minje asked.
“Kino just asked me if Hongseok and Yeo One wanted to have a threesome with me, will I accept it. Then I told Kino that I will accept it because I think it will be worth it. But at that time, Hongseok suddenly asked us what we are talking about. So, I assume they heard what I told Kino earlier,” Y/N said.
“OMG! You are doomed, Y/N,” Minje said as she laughed.
“I know right! Those two are making me crazy! Because to be honest, I saw them shirtless today, and damn! They have a muscular body and they are so sexy!” Y/N said as she blushed madly.
“It seems it was a good idea that I made you manage my gym today and you saw them working out shirtless,” Minje said as she slightly laughed.
“I don't think it was a good idea it just made me get nervous because they might visit me here when I am alone,” Y/N said.
“Y/N, don't overthink, okay? I think they won’t force you to have sex with them. Also, you told me that Hongseok is not a maniac or a pervert,” Minje said.
“Well, you are right! But the way they look at me earlier it’s like they have other intentions,” Y/N said.
“Oh! I see. But tell me, after what happened, are you turned on?” Minje asked then Y/N blushed.
“Yes! I will not deny that I am turned on what happened earlier. But Minje, I am a freaking virgin! I think I won’t be able to do a threesome,” Y/N said then Minje laughed.
“I know you are a virgin, Y/N. You really should do it with one of them first before you do a threesome so that you can be more comfortable next time. But it’s your choice who will devirginize you and that person should be the one that you somehow trust,” Minje said.
“Okay! But I think my choice will be Hongseok,” Y/N said.
“Oh! Okay! Since you already talked to him first and he didn’t take advantage of you when he drove you home last night,” Minje said.
“Yup! I think I can trust him,” Y/N said.
“Okay! Well then, good luck!” Minje said then Y/N slightly laughed. After they talked to each other, Y/N went to her room, she still can’t stop thinking about what happened today especially she saw Hongseok’s body which made Y/N’s body heat up.
“Fuck! This is really making me crazy!” Y/N thought then she decided to call again the number to have phone sex and at that time, she was lucky that Jared was available and she choose him again and when she was successfully connected to him…
Y/N: Hi again, Jared!
Jared: Oh! Hi! Mind to tell me your name, baby?
Y/N: I am Y/N. I don’t know if you remember me.
Jared: Oh! I remember you now, Y/N! It seems you really like my voice and this is your second time choosing me, huh?
Y/N: Yes! Your voice is so sexy!
Jared: Oh Really? I am glad to hear that, baby! But tell me, what are you thinking right now and you suddenly choose me again?
Y/N: I actually met again the man in the gym who I talked to in a bar last night and he was so hot and I can’t stop thinking about him.
Jared: Oh! Really? How about this? Tell me his name and imagine that I am that man. You want that baby?
Y/N: Oh! That’s a good idea! His name is Hongseok.
Jared: Call me Hongseok tonight baby! I want you naked now!
Y/N: I am now naked, Hongseok!
Jared: Fuck! You are so sexy! It seems you are ready for me as always, huh? Because I finger you last time, imagine now that I will take your virginity tonight, baby!
Y/N: Sure, it is! I want you to take my virginity, Hongseok!
Jared: That’s my girl! I want your fingers now into your pussy and think that my cock will enter you now.
Y/N: Fuck! Hongseok!
Jared: You are so tight, baby! Want me to go faster and harder to you now?
Y/N: Yes! Go faster and harder, Hongseok!
Jared: Fuck! Feel so good inside of you!
Y/N kept thrusting her fingers at a fast pace and…
Y/N: Hongseok! R-right there! Don’t stop!
Jared: Fuck! Feel so good deeper to you, baby!
Y/N: Shit! Hongseok, I will cum!
Jared: Cum for me baby!
After a few thrusts of her fingers to her pussy, she cum and moaned loudly.
Jared: You are so good for me, baby!
Y/N: Of course! Thanks again, Jared for this night and I love hearing your voice again.
Jared: Me too! I am glad you called me again, Y/N. By any chance, do you want to meet me in person? Even though you like someone already?
Y/N was surprised at his offer and…
Y/N: Are you sure you want to meet me?
Jared: Of course, baby! Do you want to meet me this weekend? I’ll give you my real number to you and I’ll send you where should we meet.
Y/N: Okay! Let’s meet this weekend. I have now a pen and paper to write your number.
Jared: Okay! *saying his real number to Y/N*
Y/N: Okay! I got it! I’ll send you a message after our call.
Jared: Okay! I’ll wait for it.
Y/N: Sure! Thank you for this night, Jared!
Jared: No problem, baby! Good night!
Y/N: Good night, Jared!
After their conversation, Y/N sent him a message and Jared replied right away.
“Y/N, let’s meet in Red Bliss hotel at 6pm on Saturday! - Jared”
“Okay! See you on Saturday! – Y/N”
“Great! Good night and sleep well, baby! - Jared”
“You too, Jared! Good night! – Y/N”
After they exchanged messages, Y/N put her clothes on and went to sleep. As for Jared, who was about to sleep…
“I can’t wait to meet her again and I didn’t expect her to be that naughty. I like that!” Jared thought as he smirked.
Y/N is having breakfast with Minje and…
“Y/N, I heard you are having phone sex with someone again last night and you just moaned Hongseok’s name. Why don’t you just meet him and tell him that he is the one you want to take your virginity,” Minje said and Y/N blushed.
“I am sorry If I didn't warn you. I wanted to do that but it seems Hongseok will not be the first one who will take my virginity,” Y/N said then Minje was surprised.
“Did you change your mind? You want Hongseok’s friend to take your virginity instead?” Minje asked.
“No! I will be meeting Jared on Saturday night in a hotel,” Y/N said.
“Are you serious?” Minje asked.
“Yup! To be honest, he is the one that I am having phone sex with and he pretended to be Hongseok. That’s why I kept moaning his name last night instead of Jared’s name,” Y/N said.
“Wow! He is into roleplaying, huh? That’s hot! But Y/N, what about Hongseok?” Minje asked.
“I don’t know but I was suddenly more curious to Jared,” Y/N said.
“I see. Good luck meeting with him. By the way, you want to come with me to the gym and see Hongseok and Yeo One?" Minje asked.
“I'll go later to the gym because I have some work to do. But don’t tell Kino about what I told you today, okay? He will surely keep asking me again and Hongseok might hear it,” Y/N said.
“Sure! Don’t worry! I have to go and see you later in the gym,” Minje said then Y/N nodded. As time goes by, it was already afternoon and Y/N finished her work and decided to visit Minje’s gym but Minje suddenly told her to come to the nearby restaurant because they are having an afternoon snack. At that time, Y/N saw Hongseok, Yeo One, Minje, and Kino were talking to each other, and when they saw her...
“Hey, Y/N! I am glad you came!” Hongseok said as he smiled and approached her and Y/N blushed and Hongseok guided her to sit between Hongseok and Yeo One which made Y/N get nervous.
“I thought you won’t come today,” Yeo One said.
“I just finished my job today before lunchtime and I really wanted to join today with all of you,” Y/N said as she smiled at them.
“Oh! That’s good to hear! By the way, are you all available on Saturday night? Let’s hang-out,” Kino said.
“I am not available on Saturday night because I will still finish some things in my work,” Y/N said.
“That’s already night, Y/N and you still have to work?” Kino asked.
“Kino, just let her be, okay? She can join us next time,” Minje said then Y/N smiled at her.
“Okay! What about you Yeo One and Hongseok?” Kino asked.
“I am available on Saturday night! I will join you,” Yeo One said.
“I am also not available on Saturday night because I have also some things to do in the house. Don’t worry I will join you next time," Hongseok said then Y/N was quite surprised.
“Oh! Okay! So, it means Minje, Yeo One and I will hang out on Saturday,” Kino said.
“Yup! I promise next time I will join hanging out with you,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“Don’t break that promise, okay?” Minje said.
“Yup! I will not break that promise,” Y/N said. As they continue to talk to each other, Y/N suddenly felt two hands on her thighs caressing it and it was Hongseok’s and Yeo One’s hands which made Y/N gulp and when she looked at them, they are just smiling at her like nothing is going on and then Minje noticed it.
“What the fuck is happening right now?” Minje thought then she looked at Y/N with a questioning look and Y/N motioned her to go to the bathroom with her.
“Guys! We will go to the bathroom first,” Y/N said.
“Okay!  We will wait for you!” Hongseok said as he smiled at her. Then Y/N and Minje went to the bathroom and…
“Y/N, why do you look so uncomfortable?” Minje asked.
“Minje, those two guys really did on purpose to have a sit between them because they were caressing my thighs and Hongseok’s hand almost reached my sensitive area for god’s sake! Those two really making me crazy!” Y/N said in a low voice then Minje’s eyes went wide.
“Shit! Their intention is really clear that they wanted you so bad. First, they did footsies to you, and then now they are touching you in public. Anyways, if you are uncomfortable, sit beside me for now when we got back and you can tell them that you wanted to talk to me,” Minje said then Y/N nodded. When they went back to their place, Y/N sat beside Minje making Hongseok and Yeo One look at each other and…
“Y/N, sit here beside us,” Hongseok said.
“I will just talk to Minje,” Y/N said then Hongseok just nodded and Minje slightly laughed.
“Gosh! I don’t know how they do that without hesitation. I am so done with them!” Y/N thought. Then there is one time, Hongseok excused himself because he will call someone and at that very moment, Y/N received a call from Jared and she was surprised and looked at Hongseok who is still waiting for someone to answer his call and Minje saw it…
“Aren’t you going to answer his call?” Minje asked.
“I’ll answer it later,” Y/N said
“Okay! I thought you are interested in him?" Minje asked.
“I’ll tell you something later, okay?” Y/N said.
“Okay! If you say so,” Minje said. After a few minutes, Hongseok went back to their place and…
“It seems you had a long conversation with someone,” Kino said.
“To be honest, I called someone but she didn’t answer it. Anyways, Yeo One and I should go now because we have some things to do,” Hongseok said.
“Okay! Take care and stay safe Yeo One and Hongseok!” Y/N said as she smiled at them.
“Take care and stay safe too, Y/N!” Hongseok said as he smiled back.
“We have to go! Kino and Minje, see you on Saturday! Bye, Y/N!” Yeo One said as he smiled at them. Then all of them nodded and waved goodbye to them. After Hongseok and Yeo One left them in the restaurant…
“What happened again, Y/N? You and Minje seems to have a conversation in the bathroom earlier,” Kino asked then Y/N sighed
“Do you really have to know that too, Kino?” Y/N asked.
“Yup! Because we are friends,” Kino said then Y/N sighed again.
“Just tell it to Kino,” Minje said.
“Fine! Kino, remember that they did footsies to me, right?” Y/N asked.
“Yes! I remember that, why? What did they do again this time?” Kino asked.
“They just touched me earlier and that made me so uncomfortable,” Y/N said then Kino was surprised.
“Oh! I see! Damn! They are really sending you a message that they have other intentions,” Kino said.
“I know right! Also, Minje the reason why I didn’t answer Jared’s call is that it seems I know who is Jared, already,” Y/N said then Minje and Kino were surprised.
“Wait! Who is Jared? Is he the one that you had a conversation with over the phone?” Kino asked then Y/N nodded.
“Tell us now, who might Jared be,” Minje said.
“I think Hongseok is Jared,” Y/N said then her friends’ eyes went wide.
“How sure you are?” Kino asked.
“When Hongseok is calling someone, my phone vibrated many times and when I didn’t answer the call, he also keeps waiting for the person to answer his call,” Y/N said.
“That might just be a coincidence, Y/N,” Minje said.
“Let’s say it was a coincidence only but I was also surprised he is not also available on Saturday night,” Y/N said.
“Why?” Kino asked.
“To be honest, I will really meet Jared on Saturday night,” Y/N said.
“Okay? But Hongseok told us that he will do something in his house and it seems that’s an important thing,” Minje said.
“That can be both a lie or a truth,” Y/N said.
“You have a point there. But don’t assume quickly, okay?” Kino said.
“Okay! I will not expect that too much on Saturday night,” Y/N said then Kino and Minje agreed to her.
It was already Saturday night and Y/N was becoming nervous because she will finally meet Jared in a hotel. As she arrived at the hotel, she sent a message to Jared that she was already inside and he replied…
“Y/N, go to room 417. I am already inside the room. See you, baby! – Jared”
“Okay! I’ll be there in a few minutes – Y/N”
As Y/N, went inside the elevator she is becoming more nervous as time goes by and when she reached the 4th floor, and after a few minutes of finding the room, she tried to calm down herself first and she decided to press the doorbell of the room and when the man opened the door, Y/N was surprised…
“Hongseok?” Y/N asked as she bit her lips and blushed then Hongseok smirked.
“Come in, Y/N,” Hongseok said then Y/N just went inside the room and she sat on the edge of the bed and Hongseok sat beside her making Y/N’s face heated up.
“I know you are surprised Y/N. But to be honest, when we first met and heard your name, I thought I just heard it from somewhere but when you call me again, that was the time I got to know that you are actually the person that I am having phone sex with,” Hongseok as he looked at her and smiled which made Y/N blushed.
“Is Jared your nickname or an English name?” Y/N asked.
“It’s my English name. Tell me, what are you feeling right now?” Hongseok asked.
“Umm… To be honest, I thought my instincts were wrong because when we had an afternoon snack with Kino and Minje, and you suddenly called someone, my phone vibrated at that very moment and when I didn’t answer the call, I saw that you still kept waiting for someone to answer your call. Also, you and Yeo One were touchy to me at that time and a few weeks ago you two did footsies to me. That made me go crazy!” Y/N said then Hongseok laughed.
“I am sorry if we became naughty to you. To be honest, Yeo One would like to join us tonight but I told him you are still a virgin and we should take it slowly first," Hongseok said.
“What the fuck! You two really want to do a threesome with me?” Y/N asked.
“Yup! We know that you are interested in us. But this night just me and you. Also, I don’t want it to be like no strings attached sex, because even though we just heard our voices in our first encounter, I already like you. To be honest, I keep waiting for you to call again. Also, I am glad you want me to be your first since you told me just a few days ago that you can’t stop thinking about me. I know this is fast but I want you to be my girlfriend, Y/N,” Hongseok said as he smiled and held her hands which Y/N blushed.
“I like you too, Hongseok! I want you to be my boyfriend,” Y/N said as she smiled then Hongseok smiled back and cupped her face and he kissed her lips passionately and Y/N responded to his kisses. Then Hongseok laid her in the bed as they continue to kiss, his lips went to her neck as he sucked it, licked, and bit a certain spot to make a hickey which made Y/N moan his name softly.
“You are now mine, Y/N,” Hongseok said. Then he decided to remove all of his clothes and Y/N bit her lips and…
“Liking what you see, baby? I also want you naked, right now,” Hongseok said then Y/N obeyed him and she remove her clothes sexily making Hongseok lick his lips.
“Fuck! You are so hot doing that, baby!” Hongseok said then Y/N smirked but when she was about to remove her undergarments…
“Stop right there, baby! I will be the one who will remove it,” Hongseok said then Y/N stopped at her action then Hongseok pushed her in the bed and hovered above her again.
“You are so beautiful and sexy, Y/N! You are all mine!" Hongseok said as he smirked which made Y/N blush at his compliment. Then Y/N suddenly ran her hands on his chest and traced her fingers on his abs making Hongseok slightly groan.
“You are so sexy, Hongseok. I am so happy that I will actually feel your hot body on my body tonight,” Y/N said as she licked her lips.
“Me too, baby! Ever since we had phone sex, I kept thinking about you and your moans over our call makes me go hard,” Hongseok said as he smirked. Then he decided to kiss her neck again, and his lips traveled between and the valley of her breasts as he licked it making Y/N moan onto his action. Then Hongseok’s hands went to her back and unclasped her bra and throw it away somewhere on the floor and then he sucked it delicately and he swirl his tongue onto her nipples and slightly bit it making Y/N moan loudly and she pushed his head more. While Hongseok is giving some attention to her breasts, one of his hands went to her underwear and slipped his fingers to it, and touched her pussy making Y/N gasp and moaned.
“I haven’t inserted my fingers yet but you are already responsive. I like that!” Hongseok said as he smirked then he kissed her lips and then he suddenly removed her underwear and throws it on the floor and without a warning, he inserted one finger and started to thrust it at a fast pace already which made Y/N moan loudly while they are still kissing. But as they continue to kiss, Hongseok added another finger to her and Y/N decided to pull out from the kiss and…
“Fuck! Hongseok! M-more, please!” Y/N said.
“You like my fingers on your pussy, huh?” Hongseok said as he smirked as he pumped his fingers to her at a faster pace and then Y/N tried to nod but she was already in pure bliss.
“Damn! I love hearing your moans, baby! I am getting hard!” Hongseok said as he licked his lips and still pumped his fingers to her at a fast pace but without a warning, Y/N cum onto his fingers, and Hongseok licked his fingers and looked at Y/N lustfully.
“You are tasty, baby! I want to taste you more,” Hongseok said and Y/N gulped. Then Hongseok spread her legs wide and went between her legs making Y/N blush. When Y/N was about to say something, Hongseok started to lick her pussy which made Y/N moan and close her eyes but at that time, Hongseok licked her pussy slowly.
“Hongseok! Don’t tease me! Just eat me out like I am your favorite meal!” Y/N said then Hongseok smirked then he suddenly pulled her thighs to his face closer and licked and sucked her pussy harshly making Y/N moan loudly and gripped the bedsheets tightly.
“Fuck! Yes! Like that, Hongseok!” Y/N said as she slightly arched her back and Hongseok hummed in satisfaction as he saw that Y/N was already in a moaning mess but as he continued to eat her out wildly, Y/N cum on his tongue and he sucked all of her juices making a slurping sound surrounded the room. Then Hongseok stood up and removed his boxer shorts and went to his bag and get a condom and put it on his cock which made Y/N surprised at his size and Hongseok noticed it.
“This will fit you, Y/N! Don’t worry! I will be gentle at first. Just hold onto me when you felt some pain,” Hongseok said.
“Okay! I will trust you Hongseok. I love you!” Y/N said.
“I love you too so much, Y/N! Be ready for me,” Hongseok said and Y/N nodded. Then Hongseok hovered above her again and he inserted his cock to her inch by inch which made Y/N grip his biceps and yelped in pain.
“Don’t worry baby, I will make you feel so good tonight!” Hongseok said as he whispered and kissed her neck and made some hickeys again on her neck to distract her from the pain. Then after a few seconds, Y/N already adjusted to his size.
“Move Hongseok!” Y/N said.
“Sure baby!” Hongseok said as he slowly thrust his cock to her pussy at first but as time goes by, he changed his pace to a faster and harder one making Y/N almost scream Hongseok’s name.
“Fuck! You are so tight and feel so good baby!" Hongseok said.
“I want you deeper, Hongseok!” Y/N said.
“As you wish, baby!” Hongseok said as he smirked then he hugged her body closer to him and Y/N decided to wrap her legs around him and pulled him more to her which made Hongseok's cock get deeper to her and thrust it at a harder pace.
“Fuck! Yes R-right there, Hongseok!” Y/N said.
“Shit! I like going deeper to you, baby!” Hongseok said as he still thrusting at her at a hard pace and Y/N kept moaning against his ear making him go crazy and decided to do a powerful thrust which made Y/N scream his name.
“Fuck! I love the way you scream my name, baby!” Hongseok said. But as time goes by, Y/N is becoming oversensitive and…
“Hongseok! I will cum!” Y/N said.
“Cum with me baby!” Hongseok said then after a few thrusts of his cock, both of them cum, and then Hongseok pulled out his cock and removed the condom and threw it in the trash bin, and went back to Y/N and laid beside her.
“I am happy to be your first, Y/N,” Hongseok said as he winked at her which made Y/N blush.
“Me too! I am also happy for tonight. By the way, when can Yeo One join us?” Y/N asked then Hongseok was surprised.
“Wow! I didn’t expect that you will ask me that right away. If you are ready to do a threesome with him then we can schedule it since we still have work to do. Why? Do you find Yeo One attractive too?” Hongseok said as he smirked.
“Should I answer that question?” Y/N asked.
“Yup! Don’t worry I will not be mad,” Hongseok said.
“I will admit that Yeo One is also attractive,” Y/N said.
“Oh! Okay! I’ll tell him if you are ready since I just took your virginity and we shouldn’t rush things, okay?” Hongseok said.
“Okay! I will trust the two of you,” Y/N said as she smiled.
"To be honest, at first, I completely refuse at Yeo One's idea but I just suddenly think that I can trust him,” Hongseok said.
“Oh! Okay! Ummm… I hope you will not get the wrong idea if I ask you that if I suddenly did it with Yeo One and you are not there with us, are you going to be mad?” Y/N asked.
“Wait! Do you really choose me to be your boyfriend or do you choose Yeo One?” Hongseok asked.
“I choose you to be my boyfriend, Hongseok. I swear!” Y/N said.
“Oh! Okay! If that happens you should tell me right away so that I will know but if you two made it a secret I will get mad with the two of you because I will get the wrong idea that you two have a secret relationship behind me,” Hongseok said.
“Okay! I get it Hongseok. No dirty secrets will be hidden from you,” Y/N said.
“That’s good to hear! We should go to sleep now and I know you are already tired,” Hongseok said as he smiled.
“Good night, Jared, I mean Hongseok. I love you so much!” Y/N said then Hongseok slightly laughed.
“I love you too so much, Y/N. Good night!” Hongseok said as he kissed her lips quickly and then both of them went to sleep and he hugged Y/N’s body close to him. The next day, Y/N and Hongseok had a romantic date for the whole day and after their date, Hongseok drive Y/N home and…
“Thank you for today, Hongseok! I really enjoyed our date today,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“Me too! I am so happy that I got to spend time with you. I love you, Y/N!” Hongseok said as he smiled back.
“I love you too so much, Hongseok!” Y/N said as she kissed his lips quickly.
“I have to go inside now. Take care and bye my love!” Y/N said.
“Okay! Take care too and bye baby!” Hongseok said. Then Y/N waved goodbye to him and when Hongseok left her, she went inside her apartment and she saw that Kino was also in their apartment and smiled at them.
“So, how’s your night with Jared?” Minje asked.
"Also, what does Jared look like?" Kino asked.
“Well, it was an amazing night with him and my instincts were right that Jared is Hongseok,” Y/N said.
“Oh! It means Hongseok already took your virginity?” Minje asked.
“Yup! Also, he is now my boyfriend,” Y/N said.
“Congrats, Y/N! I am glad you already have a boyfriend!” Minje said as she smiled.
"Thanks, Minje! To be honest, Hongseok also told me that Yeo One really like to have a threesome with us," Y/N said as she blushed madly then Kino and Minje slightly laughed.
“Well, that was kinda expected because Yeo One also made some actions to you together with Hongseok,” Kino said.
“But do you really like Yeo One to join with the two of you next time?” Minje asked.
“Yes! But If I am ready, I can tell Hongseok,” Y/N said as she bit her lip.
“Oh! Okay! Well, you really can’t deny that both of them are hot, right?” Minje said.
“Yup! By the way, how’s your hang-out last night?” Y/N asked then Minje and Kino looked at each other and blushed.
“Why, Minje? Don't tell me you did a threesome with Kino and Yeo One," Y/N said then Minje gulped.
“I… Umm…” Minje stuttered but…
“Okay! I understand it right away. No need to explain,” Y/N said.
“To be honest, it was just Kino and me who did it but as for Yeo One, he refused,” Minje said and Kino blushed then Y/N slightly laughed.
“Why did Yeo One refuse?” Y/N asked.
“He wants to experience first having a threesome with you," Minje said then Y/N's eyes went wide, and blushed madly.
“Oh shit! That was so unexpected,” Y/N said then Minje and Kino laughed.
“It seems your beauty sells a lot for Hongseok and Yeo One, huh?” Kino said.
“Not at all. To be honest, I don’t see myself that I am very pretty. My looks are just average,” Y/N said.
“That’s not true, Y/N. You are beautiful," Kino said as he smiled at her which made Y/N blush.
“Thanks, Kino!” Y/N said as she smiled back. As time goes by, Y/N kept meeting Hongseok and sometimes, they did it either in Hongseok’s place or in Y/N’s place, and also, they go to dates almost every day after their work. But there is one time, Hongseok can’t meet Y/N because he was busy and when he was about to give something to Y/N, he decided to make Yeo One go to Y/N’s place to give his special gift to her.
“Oh! Hi, Yeo One! Come in!” Y/N said then Yeo One nodded and went inside and sat on the sofa.
“What brings you here, Yeo One?” Y/N asked.
“Hongseok wanted to give this to you,” Yeo One said as he gave a cute pink gift box to her then Y/N opened it and she was surprised because it was a bracelet that has a heart pendant on it and it has engraved initials of their name.
“It’s so beautiful! I will call Hongseok later to thank him. Thanks, Yeo One for delivering this to me,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“No problem, Y/N. I have to go now,” Yeo One said.
“Wait! I have a question for you,” Y/N asked and Yeo One just nodded.
“Minje and Kino told me you refused to do it with them. Is it really true you told them that you want to experience a threesome with me and Hongseok?” Y/N asked then Yeo One gulped at her question.
“Y-yes! That is true,” Yeo One said.
“Oh! Okay! But why with me and Hongseok?” Y/N asked.
“Aside from Hongseok is my friend and he trusts me. I find you attractive also, Y/N,” Yeo One said as he looked at her eyes and he suddenly caressed her face which made Y/N’s face heat up.
“Really? But I am not those kinds of girls who have a curvy body and has perfect proportions,” Y/N said. Then suddenly Yeo One sat closely to Y/N making her gulp and his hands went to her thighs and lightly caressed it which made Y/N have some goosebumps.
“But still, you are very attractive and sexy. Also, it seems you only not lured Hongseok but me as well. You want me to prove to you how much I have an effect on you?” Yeo One asked as he looked at her with dark lustful eyes already.
“Y-yes! But after we are done, we should tell this to Hongseok, okay? He might get angry with us if we will not tell it to him,” Y/N said.
“Sure! To be honest, Hongseok told me that same thing. So, do you want it?” Yeo One asked then Y/N bit her lips.
“Y-Yes, Yeo One!” Y/N said then Y/N held his hand and went to her bedroom and Yeo One locked it and as soon it was locked, Yeo One trapped Y/N in the wall and kissed her lips hungrily as he bit her upper lip which made Y/N moan and then Yeo One’s tongue slipped into her mouth and explored her cavern. Then Yeo One’s hands went underneath her sleeveless shirt and cupped her clothed breast and he also ground his erection to her which made Y/N moan into the kiss. Yeo One stopped kissing her and…
“I want you naked right now, babe!” Yeo One said then Y/N obeyed him and he also removed all of his clothes and Y/N was surprised.
“Shit! Both of them are big!" Y/N thought as she gulped.
“Fuck! You are so sexy, babe!” Yeo One said as he smirked and then kissed her lips again and his lips traveled to her neck as he licked it and bit it making Y/N moan his name. Then Yeo One’s lips went to her breasts and he sucked it, licked it, and bit her nipple which made Y/N moan.
"You are so responsive, babe! I love that!" Yeo One said as he smirked. Then after he gave attention to her breasts, his lips traveled to her stomach and left some wet kisses on it and as he reached between her legs, he spread it widely which made Y/N blush at her position and when she saw Yeo One is between her legs…
“Fuck! He is so hot between my legs!” Y/N thought then her thoughts were cut-off when Yeo One started to lick her pussy which made Y/N hold his hair and…
“Fuck! M-more please, Yeo One!" Y/N said then Yeo One smirked and he decided to pull her legs close to his mouth and suck her pussy harshly making Y/N moan loudly then her legs are becoming weak and thankfully, Yeo One held it tightly so she will not stumble.
“Shit! Y-Yes! Just like that, Yeo One!” Y/N said then Yeo One continued to eat her out wildly and without a warning, Y/N cum onto his mouth and as soon as he stopped eating her out and stood up, he kissed her lips making Y/N taste herself onto his tongue. After Yeo One kissed her…
“Y/N, jump into me I want to fuck you against the wall,” Yeo One said then Y/N jumped onto him and wrapped her legs around his waist and…
“Babe, are you ready?” Yeo One asked.
“Yes! I want you so bad right now, Yeo One!” Y/N asked then Yeo One smirked and he suddenly inserted his cock without a warning.
“Fuck! You should have warned me, Yeo One!” Y/N said.
“I am sorry, babe! I can't wait to be inside of you and damn! you are so tight!" Yeo One said as he licked and sucked her earlobe making Y/N moan. Then Yeo One started to thrust his cock to a faster and harder pace which made Y/N rake her hands on his muscular back.
“Fuck! That feels so good, Yeo One!” Y/N said. Yeo One smirked and he decided to make the pace to a rougher one making Y/N scream his name.
“Y-Yes! R-right there, Yeo One!” Y/N said
“You feel so good deeper to you babe! I really like how you handle my cock,” Yeo One said as he bit her neck. As Yeo One continued at an incredible pace, Y/N kept moaning his name and…
“Yeo One! I will cum!” Y/N said.
“Let it go, babe!” Yeo One said then Y/N cum first and Yeo One pulled out his cock and spurted his cum onto her stomach and while Y/N is watching him she bit her lips and ran her hands through his cum on her stomach and licked her fingers and Yeo One licked his lips and pulled him closer to her.
“That was fucking sexy, Y/N. You just tasted me,” Yeo One said and Y/N smirked. Then Yeo One carried her bridal style and he laid Y/N in the bed and he also laid beside her.
“I thought you won’t accept it,” Yeo One said.
“I will not deny that you and Hongseok are both attractive and sexy. So next time, we can all do it,” Y/N said.
“Okay! By the way, how's the experience with me?" Yeo One asked.
“It was mind-blowing and it’s my first time to be fucked against the wall and I like it,” Y/N said as she blushed.
“Oh! It means we can do that again next time?” Yeo One asked then Y/N blushed.
“Sure! I won’t complain and that was fucking hot,” Y/N said.
“That’s good to hear babe! Let’s rest first and we can eat some lunch later,” Yeo One said.
“Okay! We can invite Hongseok if he is not already busy. So that we can tell him what we did today,” Y/N said.
“Sure! But we will not do the threesome today, right?” Yeo One asked.
“Nope! We can schedule that and talk to Hongseok about the arrangement," Y/N said.
“Okay! Let’s rest now!” Yeo One said then he kissed Y/N’s lips quickly and both of them went to sleep and he hugged Y/N’s body closer to him. After an hour of nap, Y/N and Yeo One ordered some lunch and also, at that time, someone pressed the doorbell and as Y/N opened the door, she smiled at Hongseok and kissed him which made Hongseok blushed but he also noticed a hickey on her neck and he smirked then he went inside and joined them for lunch.
“Hongseok, thank you very much for the bracelet that you gave to me. I love it!” Y/N said as she smiled.
“No problem, baby! By the way, I bet you two are going to say something, right? That’s why Y/N invited me here,” Hongseok said.
“Umm… Hongseok, Y/N, and I did it earlier. I will admit that I got tempted to Y/N,” Yeo One said as he gulped.
“I know that and the evidence is already there, Yeo One *pointed to Y/N who still has a hickey on her neck*. I am just testing the two of you if you will really tell me or not. But because you two told me I am not mad,” Hongseok said as he smiled at them.
“Are you sure, Hongseok?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, baby! Don’t worry, okay? Since I trust Yeo One too,” Hongseok said.
“To be honest, I am really nervous to admit that to you because you might really get mad at us,” Yeo One said.
“Yeo One and my baby, Y/N. I am a man of my words so if I said that I will not be mad if you two told me something happened between the two of you then I will not get mad and there will be no problem between the three of us,” Hongseok said.
“Okay! To be honest, my heart was also about to explode earlier when I actually invited you to come here in the apartment and you will see me with Yeo One,” Y/N said then Yeo One and Hongseok laughed.
“I understand, Y/N. You can calm down now, okay? We are all good,” Hongseok said.
“Okay! Because I already did it with Yeo One, I think I am ready for a threesome,” Y/N said as her face heated up.
“Are you sure about that, baby?” Hongseok asked.
“Yes, Hongseok. I am ready for it,” Y/N said.
“Okay! Saturday night, we will pick you up here and go to the same hotel,” Hongseok said then Y/N gulped and blushed.
“Gosh! I will be wrecked by these two sexy men on Saturday night!” Y/N thought as she also imagined what will happen to her with them.
“Okay! I am available as always Saturday night,” Y/N said then Yeo One and Hongseok smirked.
“Great! We’ll see you on Saturday night, baby! Yeo One and I should go back to our house because we still have some work to do,” Hongseok said.
“Okay! Take care the two of you and I love you, Hongseok!” Y/N said as she smiled and kissed his lips.
“I love you too, baby!” Hongseok said as he winked at her making Y/N blush.
“Take care too, Y/N! Bye!” Yeo One said then Y/N waved goodbye to them and they left them in her apartment. As time goes by, it was already evening and Minje got home and she suddenly saw that Y/N has a hickey on her neck that was still not faded and she smirked.
“Hey, Minje! Let’s have dinner now!” Y/N said as she smiled then Minje nodded and joined her.
“It seems I know now why either Yeo One or Hongseok didn’t go to the gym today,” Minje said.
“Why?” Y/N asked.
“Oh, come on, Y/N! you still have a hickey on your neck. Did Hongseok make that hickey?” Minje asked then Y/N blushed.
“Nope! It was actually Yeo One who made this hickey,” Y/N said and Minje was surprised.
“WHAT? Are you fucking serious? You really did it with Hongseok’s friend?” Minje asked.
“Yup! Yeo One came here to give the gift from Hongseok which is this bracelet I am wearing right now but we got tempted and we did it in my room,” Y/N said.
“Wow! I didn’t expect that, Y/N. But did you two tell Hongseok about what you two did?” Minje asked.
“Yup!” Y/N said.
“Did he get angry with the two of you?" Minje asked.
“Nope! To be honest, he told Yeo One and me that if something happened between us we should tell him right away so that he will not get the wrong idea and think we are actually having a secret relationship,” Y/N said.
"Oh! Hongseok really trusts Yeo One, huh?" Minje said.
“Yup! That’s why on Saturday night, we will do the threesome already,” Y/N said.
“Wow! Your sex life is going wild sis!” Minje said and both of them laughed.
“To be honest, I really didn’t expect I will accept doing these things into my sex life but I think it will be good to try though,” Y/N said.
“You are right! Have fun on Saturday night!” Minje said.
“Okay! But I am getting nervous because it will be my first time to do a threesome,” Y/N said.
“Just relax, okay? You will surely enjoy it with those hotties especially of course to your boyfriend, Hongseok,” Minje said then Y/N smiled and nodded.
It was already Saturday night and at that time, while Y/N is waiting for Hongseok and Yeo One…
“Y/N, are you ready for tonight?” Minje asked.
“I am still kinda nervous but I am trying to relax,” Y/N said then Minje chuckled.
“That’s good! You can just tell one of them if you are uncomfortable in your position, okay?” Minje said then Y/N nodded. Then after a few minutes, someone pressed the doorbell and Minje opened it and it was Hongseok. As soon as Y/N saw him, she tried to hide her nervousness and smiled at him.
“Minje, I have to go! See you tomorrow!” Y/N said as she smiled.
“Okay! Have fun!” Minje said as she smirked and Y/N blushed.
“Let’s go, baby!” Hongseok said as he smiled then Y/N nodded. While they are walking to his car, one of Hongseok's hands went to her butt and slightly squeezed it making Y/N gasp and glare at him then he laughed.
“Sorry! I can’t help it, baby,” Hongseok said and Y/N just rolled her eyes then Hongseok still laughing. As they reached the car, Y/N saw Yeo One is inside the car, and as she went inside and sat in the front seat…
“Wow! You look so sexy in your outfit tonight, Y/N. Are you really going to make us hard already, huh?” Yeo One asked then Y/N blushed madly.
“I think so? Anyways, let’s go!” Y/N said. At that time, when Hongseok is driving going to the hotel…
“What do you feel right now, baby?” Hongseok asked.
“I am kinda nervous,” Y/N said.
“Don’t be nervous, Y/N. We will make you comfortable tonight and you can just tell us to stop if it’s already too much for you, okay?” Yeo One asked as he smiled.
“Okay! I will trust the two of you,” Y/N said as she smiled at them.
“We will not just make you comfortable but also, we will make you feel so good, right, Yeo One?" Hongseok said as he smirked while driving which made Y/N gulp and blushed madly.
“Yes, it is!” Yeo One said as he also smirked. After an hour, they reached the hotel and they checked in. As soon as they went inside the room, Hongseok and Yeo One started to kiss her and started the sexy session with her making Y/N moan and scream their names non-stop which made Hongseok and Yeo One satisfied. There were times after one round they rest for a few minutes and then will go for another round again to try some other positions. As they finished their session in the fourth round, Yeo One and Hongseok laid beside her and…
“So, did you like it tonight, Y/N?” Yeo One asked.
“Are you really going to ask me that question? Of course, I liked it and I don’t know how many times I screamed your names. Also, you two were incredible, especially the stamina. This is one of a kind experience with the two of you,” Y/N said then Hongseok and Yeo One smirked.
“It means we can do this next time,” Hongseok said.
“If I have the mood for it. We can do it again. But I have to admit even though it felt so good it was also tiring,” Y/N said then Hongseok and Yeo One laughed.
“You have point, baby. But I am glad you handled us so well for 4 rounds,” Hongseok said then Y/N blushed.
“I will also admit that you two were incredibly attractive and sexy that’s why I can’t resist the two of you,” Y/N said as she smiled at them.
“We know that, Y/N. We should sleep now and it’s already late,” Yeo One said.
“Okay! Good night, hotties! and I love you, Hongseok!” Y/N said as she kissed their lips quickly.
“Good night, Y/N!” Yeo One said.
“Good night and I love you too, baby!” Hongseok said and then all of them went to sleep and Hongseok and Yeo One hugged Y/N’s body. The next day, they decided to go to a place that has a nice view of the ocean and had their lunch then Y/N had an enjoyable time with Hongseok and Yeo One.
“I am glad I met the two of you. Especially Hongseok that I didn’t even imagine you are the one that I had a conversation over the phone before and here we are now having a good and loving relationship,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“Me too, Y/N. I will always protect you and I will love you,” Hongseok said as he smiled back and he kissed her lips quickly which made Y/N blush but as for Yeo One he sighed and pouted making Hongseok and Y/N laugh.
“I shouldn’t have joined you today,” Yeo One said.
“I am sorry we made you feel that you are out of place,” Hongseok said.
“It’s okay! The important is that I am still friends with the two of you even though we have a special arrangement about this dirty secret of ours,” Yeo One said.
“You are right! Because I also trust you, like how much Hongseok trusted you,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“Y/N is right! Just remember the rule for the two of you, okay?” Hongseok said.
“Yup! If something happened between Y/N and I, we will tell you right away so that you will not get the wrong idea,” Yeo One said.
“Good! Let’s go now,” Hongseok said then all of them agreed. As time goes by, after their whole day bonding with each other, Hongseok drives her home and…
“Thank you for today, Yeo One and Hongseok. I really enjoyed our hang-out today. As for you, Hongseok, I will send you a message about when can we meet again. Since I will be very busy this week,” Y/N said.
“Sure, baby! I love you!” Hongseok said as he kissed her lips quickly.
“I love you too, Hongseok! Bye to the two of you! Take care and stay safe!” Y/N said as she smiled and then Hongseok and Yeo One nodded and Y/N waved goodbye to them and went inside her apartment. As soon as Y/N got inside the apartment…
“So, how’s last night?” Minje asked.
“Well, it was an amazing experience and we also hang-out today before going home and I enjoyed it,” Y/N said.
“Wow! That’s great to hear. So next time, you and Hongseok will join us for hang-out?" Minje asked.
“Yup! We will join next time,” Y/N said as she smiled. Then Y/N and Hongseok together with Yeo One joined them in hanging out with Kino and Minje but sometimes Hongseok and Yeo One were protective to Y/N because there is one time, they heard Kino is throwing some flirty lines to Y/N and he saw Kino was touching and caressing her thighs in repetition and Hongseok suddenly shoved his hands off from Y/N which made Kino surprised.
“Kino, I know you are close friends with Y/N. But she is off-limits for hooking up with you," Hongseok said. then Kino raised one of his eyebrows, and Minje was surprised at his statement,
“I am not trying to hook up with her because I know you are his boyfriend,” Kino said.
“That’s good that you know. But I don’t like the way you touch her. I hope you understand,” Hongseok said.
“Also, Y/N is ours,” Yeo One said as he smirked which made Y/N gulp at his statement.
“Yeo One is right. Y/N is only ours,” Hongseok said as he also smirked at her making Y/N's face heat up.
"Shit! These two are now owning me! I can't believe this is happening! But I like the idea though!" Y/N thought and smiled at Hongseok and Yeo One.
Thank you for reading my third one-shot smut fanfiction for Hongseok!
Stay tuned for the next member! :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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