#jinjin request
leehestia · 1 year
Jealousy // sanha x reader ft. eunwoo
Pairing: sanha x reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Synopsis: Sanha denies his love for Y/N, but later on realizes it through jealousy.
Warnings: jealousy, insecurity, swearing (?), dorm era
Authors note: THSI WAS REQUESTED BUT I TOTALLY LOST THE REQUEST OMG IM SO SORRY 💀 I am a dumbass and it was my first request so i didnt know how to work it🧍‍♀️
Authors note (2): i know sanha and eunwoo love each other very much and we don't know whats going on in their lives, so i just wanted to yet yall know that its not completely accurate, and that sanha may or may not be feeling this feeling towards eunwoo, but we don't know 🤷‍♀️
"Of course they'd hang out, they're both perfect." Sanha sighed through the phone call. "I know. But we can't do anything about it. We can't just force them to stop just for your sake." Moonbin answered. "It's just really annoying. The way Eunwoo just does everything with her these days." Sanha groaned. "Wait, don't tell me..." "What?" "Do you seriously like Y/N?" "Of course I do, she's my friend." Sanha said, confused. "No, you dumbass. As a woman." Moonbin remarked. "Oh- well I- I never really thought about it." Sanha blushed. Moonbin paused for a moment with a chuckle, "Okay then... I guess not." Moonbin shruged. "H-hyung, I'll get going, someone else is calling and it's really important... Bye!" Sanha excused
He sighed with his heart furiously beating in his chest. Liked you as a woman? Couldn't be true.
Suddenly, Sanha heard the doorbell ring. He went to open the door only to see you.
"Oh, Sanha." You smiled. "Y/N..." Sanha said with nervous excitement. "May I ask where Eunwoo is?" You said. Sanha paused, an awkward smile forming on his face as he avoids eye contact. "He's just in his room." Sanha answered before giving space for you to come in. "Thanks..." You said with a soft laugh before coming in and removing your shoes. You hung your scarf and coat on the rack, before walking towards Eunwoo's room.
Sanha just watched you by the door, looking at you with a pout. He then later closed the door and walked to his room with a sigh. He lied on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He kept hearing giggles and laughter from outside his room, your voice of fun annoying him. Sanha groaned, taking his earphones from the bedside table and plugging it into his phone, playing music. He put it on the loudest volume, and closing his eyes to fall a sleep.
But he couldn't sleep.
Whenever his eyes close, his brain is plastered with an image of you. Whenever love songs play, he imagines you and him as each lyric. It annoyed him like hell. He wanted to throw his phone on a wall. He took his earphones out, stepping out of his bed as he went outside.
There, he saw you and Eunwoo. You and Eunwoo’s perfect faces in the kitchen, sitting on the counter chairs while eating. "God, please get a room." Sanha said with an eye roll as he walked towards the kitchen. You only laughed, looking at Sanha's annoyed expression. Sanha went straight to the fridge, looking at it. He immediately took the iced coffee, closing the fridge. “Ya… what’s that in your hand?” You asked, eyeing the iced coffee. Sanha looked, and started laughing awkwardly. “You hate coffee…” Eunwoo said. “I grabbed the wrong one.” Sanha said, before going back to the fridge and putting it back, getting the banana juice. “That’s Moonbin’s.” Eunwoo pointed at the banana juice. “Oh.” Sanha put back the juice and properly looked at the fridge this time. He sighed, taking the strawberry juice. “Have fun guys.” Sanha said in a sarcastic tone, going back to his room. “What’s wrong with him?“ You asked, looking at Eunwoo. Eunwoo looked back at you with a shrug, “22 year old hormones I guess…” You gave Eunwoo a chuckle.
Sanha silently screamed into a pillow as he kicked his bed. Sanha reached for the strawberry juice on his bedside table and finished it in one go. He crumpled the box with furrowed eyebrows, and threw it in the trash can like a basketball. “SCORE!” He shouted. Realizing what he just done, he put a hand on his mouth. He sighed, and continued to scream into his pillow. “What are you doing…” Minhyuk, his roommate walked it. “Rocky hyung!” Sanha whined, kicking. “You’re like a baby, Sanha. What happened now?” Minhyuk sat beside Sanha. “I don’t want to admit it, but I’m starting to get annoyed with Eunwoo and Y/N.” Sanha pouted. Minhyuk raised an eyebrow, then suddenly gasped, “You’re jealous!” He said, pointing at Sanha. “No, why would I be?” Sanha questioned. “Because no one gives a shit about them, it’s just you. Moonbin told me about your little stutters during the phone call.” Minhyuk teased. “I did not stutter! It probably lagged!” Sanha defended. “Ey… That’s obviously jealousy, Sanha.” Minhyuk crossed his arms. “It’s not!” “Then go take a jealousy quiz to see if you are!” Minhyuk suggested. “That’s stupid.” Sanha said. “Just take it, I’m telling you, you’re so obviously jealous!”
3 minutes later, Sanha finished taking the quiz, “IM JEALOUS?” Sanha choked. “I knew it!” Minhyuk laughed. “Yah, do you like Y/N? I mean as a woman by the way.” “No!” Sanha exclaimed. “Weh… Take another quiz!” Minhyuk instructed. “What? No-“ “Take it.” Minhyuk furrowed his eyebrows.
3 minutes later once more, “WHAT? THATS NOT TRUE! THIS QUIZ CANNOT DEFINE MY FEELINGS!” Sanha shouted, pointing at his phone that he just threw on the floor. Minhyuk cackled, finding joy in Sanha’s denial. “That’s just a stupid quiz hyung! I don’t like her!” “Then you love her~” Minhyuk laughed, receiving a hit on the arm by Sanha. “Yah, let’s go test it out.” Minhyuk said, excited. He pushed Sanha out of their room and into the kitchen.
There, they both saw you and Eunwoo still eating. “Oh, Y/N, Eunwoo!” Minhyuk called out, still pushing Sanha towards the both of you. “Oh, Minhyuk. Do you want to join us?” You asked, making Eunwoo look at you confused. “Of course!” Minhyuk laughed, placing Sanha to sit beside you, then him sitting beside Eunwoo. “What were you guys talking about?” Eunwoo suddenly asked.
“Why’d you ask?” Sanha answered back. “I heard you shouting “That’s not true this quiz cannot define my feelings!”” Eunwoo mimicked Sanha with a laugh, causing Sanha to glare at him. “It’s just nothing, Rocky hyung forced me to take some personality quiz.” Sanha half-lied. It was true that the quiz was about his personality and feelings, but he left something very important about that quiz. It was about his feelings towards you. “Well I guess that personality quiz showed something you never knew about yourself.” You laughed, making Sanha blush. “Oh- Y-yeah I guess…”
“See you next next week guys!” Eunwoo waved. Eunwoo was going to a fashion event for two weeks in Paris, and it joyed Sanha. He wouldn’t have to see Y/N and him flirting in the kitchen or living room for two weeks. Two weeks! He was so happy that he even gave Eunwoo a goodbye gift like he would never come back.
“Thanks again Sanha for the gift, see you!” Eunwoo cupped Sanha’s cheeks, squishing them. “Okay, okay, bye bye!” Sanha grinned. Eunwoo left, shutting the door. Jinwoo clasped his hands, turning back to his room. The rest of the members did the same, except Sanha. He stood infront of the door, a big grin still on his face.
No Y/N! No Eunwoo! No flirting! No teasing! The best idea for Sanha.
The doorbell rang, and Sanha being infront of the door, he opened it.
"Sanha!" "Y/N?" Sanha said, shocked. "Why are you here? I thought you knew Eunwoo left." Sanha asked. "I know Eunwoo left, but he's not my only friend here." You smiled. "Okay..." Sanha said, awkward, "Come in... I guess..."
You gave him a smile and went in, hanging your coat and removing your shoes. "Where are your members?" You asked, going straight to the kitchen. "They're in their room." Sanha answered, following behind her.
"Well then, I'm sure they wouldn't want to be disturbed. Let's eat! Just the two of us." You smiled widely. Just the two of us. Just the two of us?! Sanha smiled back, but it was totally awkward.
"Well, what do you guys have?" You asked, opening the fridge. "Not much, we don't really stay here that much, as you know. We have rameyon though." Sanha answered. "That'll do!" You giggled. "Where is it? Is it here?" You said, trying to reach for the highest shelf. Sanha sighed, seeing you struggle.
He walked up to you, holding your shoulder for support as he reached for the rameyon. You blushed as his chest was pressed to your back, his hand shifting from your shoulder to your waist. "What kind of stupid ass would put this at the back of the shelf..." Sanha complained, finally taking ahold of the rameyon. He turned and walked to the stove, leaving you red and sheepish. "You're so young yet so tall..." You complimented to boost your self-confidence about how 'you're not short and that he's just tall'. You're neck almost gets dislocated everytime you see Sanha.
He chuckled at your compliment, starting the electric stove and adding water. You both gawkily leaned on the counter while waiting for the water to boil a little. A few minutes later, Sanha pushed himself off the counter, going to the stove to add the noodles. He stirred them around a bit, before going back beside you to lean awkwardly again. What a pain.
"What made you hang out with Eunwoo a lot these days?" Sanha asked out of the blue. You were not ready for that question. "Well, I haven't really thought about it. Do you usually need a reason to hang out with someone?" You answered with a shrug. "No, not really. Just asking." Sanha scratched his nape. He gulped for a moment, before continuing, "It's just that... you know, it used to be... us, usually..." Sanha pressed his lips together. "Oh"
There it was again. Awkwardness.
"I mean, I'm not saying you should choose me over Eunwoo, I'm just wondering that- well- I-" Sanha didn't know what to say, he just... gave up and sighed, going back to the stove to stir the noodles. He stirred for a moment, then stopping. "Do you... like me?" Sanha said, placing the fork down. "Of course I do." You answered hesitantly, not knowing what he meant. “What?” You paused for a little, analyzing what he just said. "Oh, well- Sanha I- I'm- uh- washroom." You stuttered, running away. Sanha looked back as he saw you running into the washroom. He softly smiled and giggled as opened the rameyon powder and poured it in.
Pure silence was the loudest thing that was going on. Pure silence.
You didn't feel like eating, as you just stared at the red soup that drowned the noodles. "Eat, Y/N." Sanha said, mouth full of noodles. You looked at Sanha who was currently sitting across you, and sighed as you gave him a nod, picking up the chopsticks.
"Sanha, would we still be friends if I was a worm?" You asked, dipping your spoon into the soup. "Sure, I guess." Sanha said. "What if I dated Eunwoo, would we still be friends?" You said abruptly.
Sanha just stared at you, his cheeks puffed and red from the spice of the noodles, and maybe because of your question. "Of course I would.” Sanha said in a low voice, stuffing himself with noodles. "But why?” You continued to question him. “Isn’t it obvious? Why would your relationship with Eunwoo affect ours?” You closed your eyes before replying, "I see.” Sanha's eyebrows were furrowed this time, his expression slowly changing. You looked up at him to see his expression of antipathy to your personal questions. You gave an awkward smile before saying, "Oh no, I think there's an misunderstanding..." You chuckled, before looking down. "Are you dating Eunwoo?” You can sense that Sanha was getting annoyed. “No.” You mumbled. “Then what?” He said. You've been going around in circles ever since you step foot in this dorm today, of course he'd be annoyed. And you were most definitely annoyed at yourself too. Asking him random questions, getting him all confused, the cause of this whole uncomfortable circus.
“Sanha I-“
"Y/N I like you." Sanha said with furrowed eyebrows and closed eyes, his fist balled on top of the table. Finally. This confusing story of Sanha and yours was over. Now you just had to think of a response. "Really?"
"Yes really, Y/N."
You couldn't say anything else. You just looked into his eyes with a huge blush. Sanha looked into yours too, his expression softening.
You broke eye contact and quickly stood up, turning around to look at anything but Sanha. Sanha stood up as well, and went to you. You felt his tall-self hovering behind you as you bit your lip. "Y/N, is it because you like Eunwoo and not me?" Sanha's words hit you like a strong brick. You turned around and looked at him, a pout on his face. "No..." You whispered. “It’s just that I…” “You what?” Sanha continued to look at you, until you finally gathered courage.
You went on your tiptoes and pulled him down by his collar, giving him a quick peck on the lips. You let go of Sanha and see his smile of accomplishment.
"I like you, and it’s just that Eunwoo knows this secret of mine which is why we spent a lot of time together because I wanted to get closer with you again. I’m so sorry Sanha.” You explained, still gripping onto his collar. “Okay…” Sanha said with a soft smile, making you look at him.
"Okay..." You whispered with a soft smile, before slowly letting go of his collar.
“So… you like me?” “I like you” “So we’re dating now?” Sanha asked cheekily. “If you want…” You replied. “Well, it’s what I want.” Sanha said with a smile. “Alright.” You said with a useless thumbs up. Sanha laughed at your thumbs up and took your hand. “Jealousy isn’t really a good feeling, Y/N.” Sanha pouted. “I know~ That’s why I’ll be careful now. But you also have to be careful!” You replied, feeling more comfortable now. Sanha chuckling at your expression.
“I will.” Sanha smiled.
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moodymoodboardskpop · 2 years
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Astro Supernatural
JinJin • Sam Winchester 🐶💻🍂
For @universe-4-life ~Seoyeon admin
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guksfairy · 19 days
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WC: 432
NOTES: JinJin from ASTRO my beloved, Jungkook being cute, Idol OC, NonIdol JK, not edited,
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
“You’re joking…”
“Why are you even at dinner with him right now? You could have texted me at least,” you watch Jungkook raise his voice at you in the cold night air with only the restaurant lights shining his pretty face.
“I did text you!” taking out your phone and opening the previous conversation, you show Jungkook the message you had sent him almost 20 minutes ago.
Koo I’m treating Jinwoo to a meal as a thank you for producing my song :) We’re going to Dageuro Ga if you want to join x
A minute ago Jungkook had stormed into said place and walked straight to your table with his chest puffed out. Thinking it was because you had invited him as well, you smiled before it was wiped away the second Jungkook grabbed your purse and jacket and began to make his way to the door.
You stared at Jinwoo with a confused look before apologizing with a promise to be back and followed him closely out the door. Now here you are.
Flushed, Jungkook clears his throat at the misunderstanding feeling terrible for the way he bahaved in front of Jinwoo.
He hadn’t personally worked with him before but he knows you and your group often go to him when you’re able to request your own producer. You were about to make a solo debut apart from your group and requested Jinwoo be the only producer you work with considering he and you both hold the same style in music.
“You know how dumb you look right now Jungkook?” you say with a smile tugging his white shirt closer with your fingers wrapped around the cloth.
He allows your pull and pushes his head down to your neck in embarrassment groaning.
Laughing you wrap your arms around him and rock the two of you from side to side.
“We should head back inside before Jinwoo starts to think we just left,” you say.
“We should,” he mumbles from your neck. The vibrations light on your skin. With another light laugh added from the two of you he fixes his posture and holds your hand.
“Okay but don’t laugh when I apologize to him,” he says holding the door open allowing you entry first.
“I won’t laugh now but I can’t promise I won’t laugh about this later when we get home,” you reply and lead the way back to Jinwoo who’s in the process of grilling meat for the three of you with a smile on his face. He knows.
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soulmateszedits · 1 year
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Astro ᓚᘏᗢ
✧ Candy Sugar Pop Mv. Behind - Moonbin & Jinjin || Pt.1
✧ Simple || Requested
✧ Nako
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jeongyeonluvr · 4 months
hiii can i request middle!soojin being so excited to see her bestie middle!yves🥺
( i wrote soojin going on a date with yves SORRY IJBOL)
Skate date
middle!Soojin middle!Yves
•CW: nothin
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Nayeon turned the corner to go into the kitchen to grab a snack and could see Mina and Soojin sitting at the island tapping away at their phones.
As she got closer she could see Soojin smiling and blushing down at her phone. “Who’s got you smiling like that Jinjin?”
Soojin raised her eyebrow and gave a light giggle. “My fri- friend Sooyoung! She asked me t-to hangout!” She explained, Mina giving her a cheeky smile from across the table.
“Sooyoung? Hmm I’ve never heard of a Sooyoung before?” Nayeon questioned, placing her pointer finger up at her chin.
“They met during private study; Sooyoung seems nice, I think she’ll be good for Soojin.” Mina added glancing up from her phone.
“What’re you’s going to be doing?” Nayeon asks, grabbing an apple and leaning on her arms at the island.
“She wan-wants to go to the ska-skate park! And and she’ll bring her ska-skateboard and I’ll wear m-my roller skates!” Soojin fumbled, tapping her fingers on the table excitedly.
“That sounds wonderful Blondie!” Nayeon said as she bit into her apple, “Make sure to text me or Mina incase you need anything, yeah? If you need picked up just text.”
“Tha-thank you Miss Im! I ne-need to start getting re-ready, c’mon Mina!” Soojin beamed, standing from the table and grabbing Mina’s are to drag her upstairs.
“Remember; text me if you need me.” Nayeon reminded Soojin as she came down the stairs, roller skates tied around her neck.
Soojin hummed while nodding her head, glancing over at the clock and realising she should leave.
“See you la- later guys.” Soojin hesitated a little before leaving through the side door.
Sooyoung looked stunning, Soojin didn’t know what to say as she gawked at her.
“You okay girl? Something wrong?” Sooyoung croaked pulling her skateboard up and sitting beside Soojin on a bench.
“Yeah! I’m -I’m fine!” Soojin blushed looking down at her hands.
Sooyoung glanced down at her hands aswell, grabbing one and pulling Soojin to her feet.
“Can I push you about while you skate?” Sooyoung questioned giving her a lopsided smile.
“Mhm.” Soojin hummed feeling Sooyoung’s hand in her own, rubbing her thumb over Sooyoung’s vains.
Sooyoung started walking as Soojin glided behind her, then started jogging.
Soojin giggled as the wind blew her hair out her face, wriggling her hand out of Sooyoung’s and did a spin.
“That was so cool!” Sooyoung gasped.
“Thanks.” Soojin whispered glancing down at the ground.
They skated about for a while, then Sooyoung heard the ice cream van.
“You want anything from the van? I’ll get it.” Sooyoung skated back over to Soojin giving her a small nudge.
“Um… I do-don’t mind, you don’t ne-need to.” Soojin mumbled playing with the rim of her skirt.
“I’ll be right back, yeah? I’ll get you something you’ll love.” Sooyoung added running over to the van and waiting in the line.
Soojin waited anxiously; wondering what Sooyoung would be getting her and if she’d like it.
“Okay! I’m back!” Soojin jumped as Sooyoung came back hold up two ice cream cones. One with strawberry sauce, the other with blueberry sauce.
“I didn’t know what flavour you’d like so you can try both and pick a favourite.” Sooyoung blurted giving Soojin that lopsided smile again.
Sooyoung handed Soojin the strawberry sause ice cream cone and Soojin took a small lick, humming with satisfaction. Then tried the blueberry one and pinching her eyebrows together.
“I think we have a winner… strawberry?” Sooyoung questioned.
“I re-really love stra-strawberry.” Soojin nodding as Sooyoung gave her the strawberry cone back.
“It’s ge-getting a bit late.” Soojin said looking up to the stars.
“Mhm, it is.” Sooyoung agreed resting her hand over the top of Soojin’s.
“Tha-thank you for bu-buying me the i-ice cream, I’ll see you later.” Soojin said giving a gummy smile up at Sooyoung.
“See you later, blondie!” Sooyoung shouted as Soojin walked away. Glancing back, Soojin gave her a wave and texted Mina she was on her way back to her house.
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dailykoreanpop · 1 year
ASTRO members Jinjin, MJ, and Seventeen's Seungkwan also leave heartfelt letters for Moonbin at his memorial
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Many more people were brought to tears after reading the letters left to Moonbin by all those he left behind.
Countless fans have visited the memorial space prepared by Fantagio and left messages for the late idol. It has been five days since Moonbin's passing and fans still do not want to believe that the idol is gone. Many of those who he left behind continue to mourn and show sorrow for the late Moonbin.
Among those who paid a visit to the memorial space were ASTRO's Jinjin and MJ, and Seventeen's Seungkwan.
They left heartfelt letters to Moonbin, bringing pain and more tears to fans.
Jinjin wrote, "Bin, it's Jinjin Hyung. Many people came (to the memorial space). You made a promise to me right? to live smiling.  I'm putting effort to smile just as you told me to. I'm going to start practicing for musicals and I'll also eat your share of food too. I'll care for your mom, dad, and Sua, so don't worry. I love you so much. My younger brother."
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MJ wrote his letter and posted it right under Jinjin's. He wrote, "My brother Bin. I came too late. I'm sorry. How lonely and difficult it must have been for you. Only if I was closer. I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you."
Moonbin's best friend Seungkwan also left a letter. He wrote, "Moonbin, please wait a little longer. I'll make the whole universe feel like it belongs to you. I love you a lot, a lot. When we meet again, please hug me tight."
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Other celebrities have paid their visit and also left heartfelt messages to Moonbin. His younger sister, Sua of Billlie, also left a letter for her brother.
Meanwhile, Moonbin passed away on April 19, when the idol was found dead in his apartment at 8:10 PM. Moonbin's funeral procession and burial site were not disclosed at the request of the bereaving family. Instead, Fantagio set up a memorial site for fans to visit and pay their respects.
Credit: Allkpop 
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gaygodlywriting · 1 year
Maddox’s Masterlist
requests: open (pls request im begging)
fluff: (f)
angst (a)
drabble (d)
full fic (ff)
headcannon (h)
reaction (r)
«long days» (f) (d)
Lee Know
«not-so picasso» (ff) (a?) (f)
coming soon..
«endless weeks» (ff) (a?) (f)
coming soon..
hyung line
maknae line
Eun Woo
apologies. as of 4/19 i do not plan to write for moonbin. i can’t explain how fucking devastated i am atm. i currently would perfer to not write for him at this time, possibly in the future. again, i’m sorry. ilysm moonbin, rest in peace. you don’t understand how grateful i am to you, and how sorry i am.
coming soon..
(won’t write for Yungyu or Seungheon)
` i still love them though i just don’t feel comfy writing for minors
(won’t write for Junghoon, Seeun, Yujun, Hunter, or Yechan)
` i still love them though i just don’t feel comfy writing for minors
«to be updated»
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icequeenbae · 1 year
Non-EXO masterlist
The list of my non-EXO works has been growing rapidly, so here's a separate post for it 💕 Keep in mind that most of my works are NSFW (marked M)!
EXO masterlist
💫 SF9 💫
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Now or Never (m) 4.5k – Rowoon (Seokwoo) x Reader x Inseong
Polyamory AU, Established Relationship, PWP, threesome, fluff, smut
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Translucence (m) 4.2k – Eunwoo (Dongmin) x Reader ft. Jinjin
Established Relationship, slice of life, fluff, PWP, smut
💫HEARTSTEEL / League of Legends💫
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Request: Sett x Chubby!Reader 1.5k
Established Relationship, slice of life, body insecurity, fluff
Request: Aphelios x Reader 1.3k
Established Relationship, slice of life, romance, fluff
Request: Kayn x Chubby!Reader 0.9k
Established Relationship, light angst, body insecurity, fluff
Request: Ezreal x Reader 1.4k
Grumpymanager!Reader, humor, fluff
more coming soon~
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Heyy hope you’ve been well i wanted to request the boyz & astro ranked from roughest to gentlest in bed😏😅
Oh my everyone is spicy today
The Boyz
Q and Sangyeon are at the top because I believe they both have a mean streak.
Younghoon and New are at the bottom because I just feel like they are quite lighthanded
Moonbin and Jinjin can get so rough and they love it so much
MJ and Sanha want to baby you and want to be babied, they like getting rough every now and then but not often.
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leehestia · 1 year
Updated, Upcoming works for: ASTRO (as of December 31, 2022)
Authors note: I may have given up on some because wtf i can't finish it it's been rotting in my drafts for months so yeah
MJ / Kim Myungjun
-none yet
Jinjin / Park Jinwoo
- none yet
Cha Eunwoo / Lee Dongmin
- "just trust me, please."
Pairing: Idol!Eunwoo x NK Spy!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Plot: Pre-debut Eunwoo falls in love with his childhood friend Y/N but he was not aware of her family's origin. She suddenly disappeared, making Eunwoo sad. Years later, Eunwoo became a successful idol and actor, and suddenly Y/N comes back into his life, not knowing once again about her secret.
Authors Notes: Inspired by Doctor Stranger!! Also north korea pls dont come for me i have a life to live
Moonbin / Moon Bin
- Secret Life : Series
Pairing: Idol!Moonbin x Soloist, Idol!Reader
Genre: Romance, Showbiz
Plot: Series about two idols going through a lot to keep their relationship.
Rocky / Park Minhyuk
- none yet
Sanha / Yoon Sanha
- "i'm not sure..."
Pairing: Sanha x Reader ft. Eunwoo
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Plot: Sanha denies his love for Y/N, but then later realizes it through jealousy.
- "sanha, just shoot me."
Pairing: Archer!Sanha x Artist!Reader ft. Manager!Eunwoo
Genre: Romance, idk
Plot: Y/N is an artist and Sanha's manager, Eunwoo commissioned a portrait of Sanha on the shooting line. Along the way, Y/N seems to fall in love with Eunwoo, and Sanha tries to help her.
Authors note: Inspired by Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo :) AND YES IM AN COMPETING ARCHER AND I WAS JUST BORED SO I WROTE A FIC ABT ARCHERY 😭
- My Boss Yoon Sanha
Pairing: Boss!Sanha x Personal Secretary!Reader
Genre: Smut
Plot: Sanha is a young multi-milionare, who runs a huge gaming company, but is a huge baby and has trouble taking dare of himself (aka a spoiled brat from the start) and hired a personal secretary. She put up with his ass for a year until she finally had enough and made him iykyk and was the dom
Yeah thats it btw dont come for me i swear im ot6 its just that sanha is easier to write 💀
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mguvmii · 1 year
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៚˚˖ rᥙᥣᥱ᥉ bᥱf᥆rᥱ rᥱqᥙᥱ᥉tιᥒg !
here's my list to look over! If youre unsure about something, either message me or send an ask <3! (before you read this , take a look at my carrd for the requirements to interact and ask!)
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𔔁 minors and adult shipping isn't allowed here! This means smut between them and other mature themes. I prefer legal characters to ship. Platonic is allowed for minors and adults.
𔔁 certain topics I will not write about , mainly included heavy topics. These asks ans topics are restricted:
• cnc ,, noncon ,, dubcon.
• incest (includes stepceat) ,, r!pe ,, sa.
• yandere ,, abo (alpha beta omega).
𔔁 regarding scheduling, I will start to open certain time limits to request an anime / character before I announce that I won't be writing for them temporarily.
• This is because theres certain characters im just tired of writing for over and over. (Tbhk, it's amazing but I'm taking a break from them!) I will make a post to let you guys know when I will write for them and how long! (Once the deadline is closed don't send asks about them.)
• 𝖲𝖾𝖻𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗂𝖺𝗇 𝖬𝗂𝖼𝗁𝖺𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗌
• 𝖴𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗋
• 𝖯𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝖲𝗈𝗆𝖺
• 𝖦𝗋𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝖲𝗎𝗍𝖼𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖿
• 𝖫𝗈𝗄𝗂 𝖫𝖺𝗎𝖿𝖾𝗒𝗌𝗈𝗇
• 𝖫 𝖫𝖺𝗐𝗅𝗂𝖾𝗍
• 𝖬𝗂𝗌𝖺 𝖠𝗆𝖺𝗇𝖾
• 𝖱𝖾𝗇𝗀𝗈𝗄𝗎 𝖪𝗒𝗈𝗃𝗎𝗋𝗈
• 𝖲𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗓𝗎𝗀𝖺𝗐𝖺 𝖲𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗂
• 𝖨𝗀𝗎𝗋𝗈 𝖮𝖻𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗂
• 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗋𝗈𝗃𝗂 𝖬𝗂𝗍𝗌𝗎𝗋𝗂
• 𝖴𝗓𝗎𝗂 𝖳𝖾𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗇
• 𝖳𝗈𝗄𝗂𝗍𝗈 𝖬𝗎𝗂𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗈
• 𝖠𝗄𝖺𝗓𝖺
• 𝖤𝖽𝖽𝗂𝖾 𝖬𝗎𝗇𝗌𝗈𝗇
• 𝖱𝗎𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗍𝗌𝗄𝗂𝗇
• 𝖮𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗆𝗎𝗌 𝖯𝗋𝗂𝗆𝖾
• 𝖡𝗎𝗆𝖻𝗅𝖾𝖻𝖾𝖾
• 𝖠𝗅𝗅 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝖾𝗑𝖼𝖾𝗉𝗍 𝖪𝗂𝗌𝖺𝗄𝗂 and South!
• nijiro murakami
• ateez (all)
• monsta x (all)
• wayv (all)
• NCT 127 (taeyong, Mark, Ten, Johnny, Yuta, Kingwood, win-win, Haechan , Doyoung)
• Taemin (solo)
• wonho (solo)
• A.C.E (all)
• Astro (MJ , Rocky, JinJin.)
@𝐌𝐆𝐔𝐕𝐌𝐈𝐈 🜸 𝐄𝐒𝐓 : 2021 × 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖿𝗂𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖻𝖾 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗇 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌𝗅𝗒.
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dirtykpopsnaps · 1 year
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Here’s the request for JinJin!
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aartichede08 · 2 years
Clary Sage Extract Market: Key Players, Share, And Forecast Report To 2028
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Clary sage is also known as Salvia sclarea and is an herb prized for its medicinal properties and its flavor. The leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds are used for varied properties. Clary sage essential oil is used in aromatherapy for its relaxing effects. The oil can be used to cure depression owing to its link to the hormone, dopamine. Its ability to act as an antibacterial and antifungal agent renders it amenable to use in various medicinal applications. Moreover, being a digestive herb, consuming it orally can help cure gas and relieve an upset stomach.
To know the scope of our report get a sample on https://www.axiommrc.com/request-for-sample/1002-Clary-Sage-Extract-Market-Report
Market Dynamics- Global Clary Sage Extract Market
The demand for clary sage extract is principally driven by momentous growth in aromatherapy. Moreover increased demand from the food and cosmetic applications is likely to fuel the market over the forecast period. Besides, rise in demand for natural ingredients and growing demand form emerging countries drives the market for clary sage extracts.
Clary Sage Extract Market Segmental Overview
The study analyses Global Clary Sage Extract market based on product, application and geography.
Clary Sage Extract Market By Product
This market by product is classified into food grade and cosmetics grade. The food grade segment is the largest in terms of market share. Clary sage oils are identified for their health benefits, as they are natural ingredients that impart the essence of the source that they have been derived from. As consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the health benefits of essential oils, the preferences for food & beverage products with these oils as additives has increased.
Clary Sage Extract Market By Application
The market finds application in cosmetics, health care products. Clary sage oil in diluted form may have a positive impact upon some strains of bacteria. Researchers think it could be an effective treatment alone or in addition to traditional treatments for wound care. Moreover, clary sage is used for upset stomach and other digestive disorders, kidney diseases, menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea), symptoms of menopause, anxiety, stress, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
Clary Sage Extract Market By Geography
Geographically, the study is comprised of the key countries of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World. The market for essential oils in Europe accounted for the largest share, whereas the market in Asia-Pacific is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The major driver for the growth of the market in the Asia-Pacific region is a rise in the availability and affordability of these essential oils due to the dual income of households, and the rise in awareness about functionalities, health benefits, and applications of essential oils in the global market. 
Global Clary Sage Extract Market-Key Players
Avoca Inc., Aphios Corporation, Wuhan Dahua, Haotian, App Chem-Bio, Greenlife, Shanxi Jinjin, Capot, Mountain Rose Herbs, doTERRA International, Plant Therapy Essential Oils and among others are the major players active in the Clary Sage Extract market.
Buy now Clary Sage Extract Market Report https://www.axiommrc.com/buy_now/1002-Clary-Sage-Extract-Market-Report
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Axiom Market Research & Consulting™ is a full-service market research and data analytics company providing key market intelligence to global companies to take informed business decisions pertaining to their marketing strategy, investments, new product launches, market competition, consumer or end users, social media trends etc. 
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cloudkrp · 2 years
do you guys have a wishlist or can you list your most wanted fcs?
hello! we are working on setting up our wishlist and expect to have one by the end of the week. members who have been requested so far are the following:
Mark, Taeil, Taeyong, and Doyoung of (NCT)
Hoshi, Dino, Woozi, and Joshua of (SEVENTEEN)
Yugyeom and Bambam (GOT7)
Moonbin, Rocky, Jinjin, MJ, and Sanha of (ASTRO)
Lisa, Jisoo and Rosé (BLACKPINK)
you can check back to our page in a week's time for a full wishlist from our members. alternatively, if you have any specific fc's in mind, you can send them in to receive a poll from our members. nonetheless, ALL face claims will be welcomed warmly and happily! ꒰^ᵕ ^꒱っ ♡
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starbandit · 2 years
JinJin as your boyfriend
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 he def asks you out with a cheesy pick up line
 does that adorable eye smile when you say yes
 takes u to an arcade where he tries to win the biggest plushie for u
 shows off his skills with the basketball games and you cheer him on which makes his cheeks red
 he would take u to a cafe and split some sweets with u
 imagine if you got some frosting on ur cheek or smth and he would use his thumb to wipe it off and then suck it off his finger oh my god
 makes sure u get home safe and gives you the sweetest kiss on ur doorstep before he leaves
 im talking hand in ur hair, pulling you closer to him, asking if he can kiss you while his nose is pressed to urs
 after that date its over, youre marrying this man no matter what
 totally the type to spoil u randomly or just show up when he knows ur home
 as much as he loves taking u out, he wont say no to some take out and a crappy movie from netflix on ur couch
 it gives him an excuse to cuddle under the blankets with u and touch ur soft skin
 i dont think he would be huge with skinship but would def like to have his hand on ur thigh and like it when u back hug him while hes doing smth
 if you suggested wearing matching outfits there is no way he would say no
 some big sweaters, jordans, his heart would melt
 i think he would be nervous to introduce you to the boys bc theyre his brothers and he wants yall to get along
 but theres no reason to fear bc you guys instantly act like best friends
 watching you interact with them makes his heart happy
 the day you drop food off for all of them unexpectedly is the day he knows he truly loves you
 it had been stressful with the comeback and preparations and u knew they wouldnt eat unless someone brought them food so u dropped smth off for them
 sanha tells jinwoo he better marry you after you leave
 he tells you he loves u for the first time immediately after that
 he wouldnt trade u for the world and shows it
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dailykoreanpop · 1 year
Fantagio Requests Privacy Following Moonbin’s Passing + Comments Regarding ASTRO Members At His Wake
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Fantagio has asked for privacy following the news of Moonbin’s passing.
On April 20, Fantagio conveyed that the funeral procedure for Moonbin will be carried out in private. They stated, “The bereaved family of Moonbin, who is deeply saddened by the sudden unfortunate news, wishes to carry out the funeral quietly.”
They continued, “They wish for the entire process of the funeral from the wake to the departure of the funeral procession to be carried out privately from the reporters, and the bereaved family members do not want coverage of those who are mourning. We sincerely ask that you make his last journey beautiful, and we earnestly ask for your deep condolences.”
Fantagio also stated Moonbin’s fellow members JinJin and Sanha are currently looking over his wake. According to the agency, Cha Eun Woo is on his way back from the United States, and it is difficult to confirm his future scheduled activities at the moment.
Regarding MJ, who is currently serving in the military, a source from Fantagio stated, “MJ heard news of Moonbin’s passing in the morning, and he urgently [received approval] to be on leave and visited Moonbin’s wake.”
We offer our deepest condolences to Moonbin’s loved ones. May he rest in peace.
Source (1) (2) (3)
Credit: Soompi 
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