#jinshi and his cat maomao ^^
hualianschild · 9 months
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coloredcompulsion · 9 months
I am not immune to propaganda
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He's fucking adorable
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aflockofravens · 7 months
Also, I said this while watching yesterday's episode but honestly if this was set in the West, they'd have burned Maomao at the stake for being a witch.
Not just because of her opinion or approach, not even because of her knowledge of medicine and poisons, or fascination with death.
No, simply because she looks at the world differently and strives to understand how it works.
Recreating the conditions that led to the warehouse explosion to explain to Lihaku what happened? Immediate witchcraft branding right there.
Figuring out that the make up powder was poisonous and building a steam bath to help purge the poison. Figuring out why the binding agent in the paper production wasn't working. Deciphering the will and figuring out how to unlock the chest of drawers. Figuring out how to make roses bloom out of season by taking the steam bath she built and turning it into a hot house. Dyeing the roses different colours.
She's so intensely smart because she doesn't look at the world the same way everyone else does and I'm just really glad that more than one person in her life appreciates that about her.
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ark1os · 7 months
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reallyromealone · 8 months
Male reader who is an omega and is mated to jinshi and they have 2 pups but instead of wanting to be like their dad they want to be like mao mao cue a sulky jinshi and a smug cat mao mao
The reader had to comfort his mate
Title: family woes
Fandom: the Apothecary diaries
Pairing: Jinshi x male reader
Warnings: male reader, omegaverse, fluff implied mpreg
(Name) and Jinshi made cute kids, it was just a fact.
"Hello my little moonflowers" Jinshi crouched to his two pups who immediately rushed to them "papa! We know who we wanna be wanna be when we are bigger!" The eldest (daughters name) said as little (sons name) nodded and lifted his arms to be held by his dad who complied "oh? And whose that?" The man was smug, it was him obviously as these were his sons and they adored him and ---
"Say that again?" His voice shaking as the youngest looked at him "wa be maomao!!" His voice excited as the Alpha looked dejected "you wanna be her?" He whimper as the elder daughter nodded "she's so cool!"
"Why is he so glum?" Maomao asked as she sipped her tea, glancing at the pouting prince as the children played with their toys "oh he's just huffy that the pups said they wanted to be like you when they're older opposed to them being like him" (name) said simply as the youngest came for a treat "isn't that right my little sunflower?" (Name) asked his son who ate his treat "I wa be maomao!" He said happily and Jinshi groaned, looking at maomaos smug as hell expression "well maybe when your older I can teach you about herbs and what not to eat"
"Can I too?!" (Daughters name) asked excitedly and maomao looked to the two Royals "of course you may, my little moonbeam" (name) gently fixed her hair and the young child beamed at this "yaaay!"
One who looked into this scene would be confused about maomao being so informal with the prince and his family but to those in the know, maomao is (name)s right hand, the one he speaks to outside of Jinshi.
"Now, what do we say?"
"Thank you maomao!"
"Stop pouting Jin! Your face will freeze like that!"
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robinmage · 6 months
one thing i really appreciate about jinshi's character is how he has NEVER once actually had any intention of succeeding the throne. every time the idea is brought up he immediately detests it. so hes giving maomao as much as he possibly can, even though maomao has many qualms about it due to their difference in social status, but jinshi DOESNT CARE because hes NEVER cared about or wanted the status of crown prince! its been nothing but a burden to him! from his perspective the ONLY thing keeping the two of them apart are outside influences. he has no doubt within himself-- hes horribly down bad, in fact. but unfortunately his stupid JOB is getting in the way of him skipping off into the sunset with his favourite little cat
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myapothecarydiary · 5 months
Thoughts from reading The Apothecary Diaries Manga Ch. 3
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An expansion on an idea presented last chapter–how Jinshi's appearance affects how others treat him and the potential seriousness of it. Don't want to take it too far, but could it be said that people treat him how women are often treated in real life? With cat-calling and such. Only there's a difference in the power dynamics at play as Jinshi is in a role of authority.
Here we are also getting more insight into Jinshi's internal life and thoughts, which present a notable contrast to how Maomao views him and the persona she has so far observed. He's not all charming smiles and sparkles, we see him contemplative and expressing a range of emotions.
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As of now, though her intelligence is notable, you wouldn't say Maomao could check these boxes, but lineage + beauty + intelligence are qualifications I think we should keep in mind in relation to her character. Maomao low key has some princess raised as a peasant vibes going on. Maomao and "a sense of virtue" have a less clearcut relationship, but it will be a topic of conversation in the future.
I think it's easy to imagine that in a more typical story, Maomao might have a more Cinderella-like arc, a peasant gaining the attention/favor of the Emperor through beauty and kindness and I am once again reminded of how Maomao is valued first and foremost for her intelligence. She will be found to be beautiful, but her beauty did not gain her Jinshi's attention or her position as a lady-in-waiting.
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Both Maomao and Jinshi think of the rear palace as a cage. I wonder if he considers it a cage for himself as well considering what he must do to occupy space there? Or is it simply the opposite–a path to freedom? Perhaps both?
Jinshi also recognizes the role he is to play, but that does not mean he supports all the actions he must take. Everything is not always what it seems. Like Maomao, Jinshi is pragmatic about his appearance and recognizes the value/power in his beauty, but he also seems to resent it to some degree and view it as a burden. Pragmatic but resigned.
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Jinshi's pov on the entire concubine system is quite interesting. He seems to disapprove of how things are done (and how the consorts/women are treated?) Surely this clashes with his desire for the Emperor to secure an heir?
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Is "the plan" the one regarding the aphrodisiac (and the mid-ranking concubine/military officer)? Or his wider plan regarding working in the rear palace?
I'm wondering about what exactly produces Jinshi's feelings of...let's call it "glee"? in regards to "using" Maomao and how useful she will prove to be. Is it that she entertains him? Excites what feels like a dull and monotonous life? Is it that he enjoys exercising power in this way? I feel it's more the former, especially since he next goes on to describe how she treats him differently than anyone else he has ever encountered. She is novel. And Jinshi, as someone used to people being taken with his beauty, enjoys how her reaction to him goes beyond being unaffected by his beauty to the point of being repelled by it.
It's interesting that Maomao can seem rather monotone and subdued (except when she's not–she is extremely expressive when it comes to what she is passionate about, like poison), but her face also often acts as a give away. (Is that just a Jinshi related thing?) I mentioned this in the previous chapter and how she skirts the line in terms of respectfulness in how her actions and expressions (and even tone) clash, but maybe she isn't really so successful in skirting the line if her expression is so obvious.
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I find it interesting how the manga opts to adapt the idea of Maomao as a "new toy" for Jinshi–he is the one to think it and make that connection. Also lol at it having him explicitly state he's "not a masochist" because hmm there's an argument to be made that both he and Maomao derive pleasure from pain.
Maomao as intriguing to Jinshi feels important. I said that he values her knowledge and skills, and I suppose that + how she treats him differently than others do (+ him eventually seeing her as quite beautiful) forms the basis of his attraction to her. But her being intriguing also factors into that and reminds me of all the intrigue and mysteries Maomao (and Jinshi) get involved in. She herself is like a mystery to be solved (as is he to her as the story goes on!)
Maomao as a toy also speaks to how Jinshi uses her. Yes, she entertains him, but "toy" also connotes a power dynamic (and so part of the enjoyment does come from having power over her?) Maomao is of course later referred to as a cat, not to mention her actual name, and Maomao as Jinshi's pet seems like an apt way to describe their initial dynamic.
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(oh no she fell down a (pet) rabbit hole) BUT I really think there is something to be said for considering Maomao and Jinshi through "pet" and all its various meanings. Only thing is Maomao is not tamed or domesticated XD (but maybe she'll trend in that direction as time goes on aka adapt to Jinshi's lifestyle and status?)
For now, Jinshi is the master and holds the power in a traditional sense, but he will also quickly develop affection and favoritism for Maomao (and wants her companionship!) + despite how the dynamic should work, Maomao will hold power over him in turn (as with actual cats, the question is who is really the master and I think the answer is both)
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Cutie Maomao appreciation segue
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The panacea is presented here as a bit of a segue itself and to show Maomao's enthusiasm + passion + dedication to medicine and experimentation, but it always feels like a weighted thing to drop, like it will be important later, at least symbolically/metaphorically. Perhaps it also works as the perfect intersection of Maomao's care for others + thirst for knowledge/curiosity.
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Mini Maomao! A reminder of how petite she is and how that works along with her status (as a visual representation of it in contrast with characters higher up who tower over her). Another way she appears unassuming and is underestimated.
(also–yay Gaoshun is here!!)
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In terms of Jinshi using Maomao vs Maomao using Jinshi– Jinshi's status enables Maomao access and freedom (that she wouldn't normally be afforded in her position and situation) through her connection to him. She is able to do work she enjoys and indulge her curiosities because of him.
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Circling back to what I said earlier about how Maomao can seem subdued but is extremely expressive when it comes to what she is passionate about. And it actually goes beyond her facial expressions, her whole body is invigorated and taken over XD
Her blushing expression and body position at the top of that second page almost resembles a girl in love lol
It is an interesting adaptational choice to make Jinshi's expression kind of an unamused frown here–I wonder what to make of it. (We get it described as "He watched her with a mixture of curiosity and sheer bewilderment" in the light novel). Especially as it presents Maomao in a different light than he has seen her in so far.
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It feels like Maomao is almost actively seeking reasons to criticize and dislike Jinshi (to justify the instinctual bad vibes she gets? And going off the fake-ness she picks up on. This can also demonstrate a general dislike of people in high positions and the behavior their status affords them) but also this moment illustrates her appreciation for hard work and competence. Not that Jinshi is doing anything admirable here, it is just that Maomao seems determined to (understandably) see the worst in him/leans into bad faith interpretations of his actions.
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Paper and ice–I call this the collection of planting seeds for future storylines and topics. I love how we're given information that will be relevant later in a way that feels natural and factors into the world-building.
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Things to add to Maomao's list of skills XD
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Okay Miss Maomao getting distracted on the job! More of her getting invigorated by her passions and how they can take over her mind and focus. But also amusing considering her criticisms of Jinshi "having too much free time" (yes, she still washed the dishes and did work, but her attention was diverted and she lost track of time)
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More of Maomao's skill set and add alcohol to the list of seeds for the future (and lol @ everyone's reactions to her late night snack plans "what weird shit is this girl into?")
"Alcohol can be categorized as a type of medicine. The more sensitive a person is to a particular drug, the greater the impact." Not just a seed but add it to the pile of potential poison/medicine symbolism
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More lol @ Maomao. I said her upbringing in the pleasure district serves her well in the rear palace, but it (in addition to her apothecary background) also give her a unique and potentially off-putting outlook. This whole scenario can go to show how in spite of her regard for propriety, Maomao doesn't always behave how she "should."
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More of how Maomao frames Jinshi–"anyone would be attracted to him but to me, he is a worm." Does Maomao's familiarity with beauty make it somewhat ineffective on her? She makes the connection here about how Jinshi's beauty could be a burden (or not just harmful to others but to himself).
I also enjoy how a blushing Jinshi is described as being enough "to make anyone lose their head" when Maomao often says she does things/follows orders because she wants to keep her head attached to her body (aka not be executed).
Jinshi's attractiveness to both men and women is both a nod to varying sexualities and how he in a way transcends a binary understanding of gender presentation. I think it is interesting how Maomao is so blunt and matter-of-fact about people's attraction, to Jinshi and in general.
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Similarly, I love this (repeated) matter-of-fact outlook on aphrodisiacs and pleasure from Maomao (it is almost non-judgmental but also emphasizes safety).
Alright, guess who used too many images and so has to continue this post elsewhere for the very end of the chapter...
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alexiethymia · 10 months
Hi, love your blog ❤️ especially your analysis on Jinshi and MaoMao. I have read LN till around volume 9 plus manga and I don't have any problem with spoilers.
Can you list all Jinshi X MaoMao moments? Like from volume 10 to whichever volumes you have finished...?
You see, as much as I love other characters, I'm mainly reading it to see my favourite ship sail, i.e. JinshiXMaoMao ✨ so if there are any great shipping moments in future chapters please list them, I'll give it a go. Thank you so much, really loved your char analysis ✨. This gem of a story is not discussed enough!
I can’t recall everything entirely, and the web novel I’m sure will differ from the light novel. But here are a few.
Some of the moments which I loved where when Jinshi asked to hold Maomao’s hands interlacing like in a lover’s hold. From what I read, he sort of marked her middle finger. Maomao later gets embarrassed after the fact. I’m not sure if it’s because she thinks everyone else saw them or because of the mark.
The moment I mentioned in my post was I think the end of LN 12? And also the end of WN 10 if I’m not mistaken. Maomao goes to Jinshi on her own. They end up hugging on the floor and she ends up falling asleep on him. He brings her to his bed (like the time she saved him during the ritual), and kisses her forehead for replenishment.
The recent WN arcs are quite interesting since Maomao has accepted his feelings and in her words, they’re now in a relationship (though of course as characteristic of Maomao she’s still cool towards him). There’s one interesting chapter about a night visit (haha) though nothing happens. In other words Jinshi is restraining himself. But surprisingly! It’s Maomao who’s being a bit forward now. At the end of the recent chapter in the recent arc, Jinshi is stopping himself from touching Maomao because he’ll want to hug her tight (and bite and lick her too, gosh does this man not get embarrassed at all??) and Maomao ends up tracing her finger down the back of his wrist up until his middle finger (maybe as payback to what he did in the Western Capital?) and I don’t know about you but it reads to me as her teasing him, though I might warn her from provoking him too much haha. (But then again maybe Maomao does want something to happen).
It’s also sweet to hear her inner thoughts after the night visit that she was both relieved and disappointed nothing happened and that she wants to both see him and not see him. It’s interesting to see her maybe unsure, and perhaps also a bit restless when Jinshi doesn’t call on her. Because this time she’s the one who asks Chue to call Jinshi to contact her. And finally the piece de resistance, when she wants help with something involving her Joka nee-chan, she thinks about someone she can trust, and the only face that comes to her mind is Jinshi. Arghh my heart. For this wary cat to realize how much she really trusts Jinshi. And perhaps her taking this step in accepting his feelings is her way of showing belief in his words that he will make it so she doesn’t regret them being together.
And oh! I loved the mother and daughter-in-law talk. For Aduo to finally reveal the truth to Maomao since she sees how serious the both of them are getting, for Aduo to compare herself to Maomao, for Aduo to offer her a chance to escape even if it would make her son unhappy (Chue actually interjects here! Because Aduo ordered her to make his son happy and Chue can’t accomplish that mission with Maomao gone, gah my heart. Chue the captain of the Jinshi x Maomao ship), and despite that chance and learning the truth, for Maomao to gain the resolve to stay (with Jinshi) anyway. They really have come so far.
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nijigasakilove · 7 months
Only two more eps left of peak 😩. Another really good kusuriya episode.
Poor Jinshi tried to take on Lakan’s blue rose challenge, but just couldn’t find any. Lakan definitely knew Jinshi would turn to Maomao for help, so it was an indirect way to challenge her. S/O to Maomao for stepping up to the challenge.
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As you’d expect with Lakan, it was anything but straightforward. Only someone with Maomao’s ingenuity would’ve thought to dye the roses. Came at a heavy cost though. By the end of the episode we see the toll it’s taken on her. Her wound opened back up, she’s clearly sleep deprived and has lost quite a bit of weight. Opportunity to show up Lakan was just to great to pass up though. You could tell Jinshi felt bad at the end for having Maomao go thru all of this. Felt like he should’ve been the one apologising.
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Maomao got everyone in the palace wearing nail polish now. No coincidence that one of the ingredients is called cat’s paw, when “Maomao” translates to “little cat” nice play on words there.
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We did get to see a little glimpse into Lakan’s mind as well. He sees everyone as pawns in a game, explains why bro literally wiped his hands on that dude’s hat during the festival lmao. Maomao’s the only face he notices in the crowd.. I can’t wait to see how their direct meeting goes next week.
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scrivvle74 · 6 months
mini jinmao art dump!
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I turned my favorite characters into ponies and warrior cats episode 11,4775
(Thank you to everyone who voted in the jinshi cat design poll! Options 1 and 4 were very close and someone suggested combining them so that's what I went with!)
also I have 2 possible cutie marks for Maomao but I just haven't decided which one yet
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Manga/LN spoilers under the cut
Jinshi is secretly an alicorn teehee (he binds his wings while acting as a eunuch)
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aquietjune · 9 months
Allow me a very light-hearted and light-headed shippy post.
About Her:
She wants to lay low, do what she has to do, and get back home without being noticed
Of course that doesn’t happen; she’s too skilled
Skills she’s been taught by her adoptive father, and she’s very proud of them
A parental figure reared her to sell her body in order to make money off of her, and she opposed it fiercely
She shows limited emotionality, but in truth, she’s very empathetic and will help her friends in need
But she knows her place in the world; she knows she has to keep her head down and accept the system and hope she does survive, because she cares about surviving
Spiritually, she’s a cat
About Him:
He has to carry the world on his shoulders; great expectations are laid upon him
His natural parents have abandoned him out of certain circumstances and decisions made “for his good” and he’s been brought up in the house of his grandfather instead
He has charisma and uses his words and his smiles to bend the favor of the people around him
He’s been trained as a soldier but does not show it for his ways are very sweet, his appearance demure
Constantly overworked; the man needs a nap! (And has to be tricked in order to sleep)
Are these the reasons I like
AruAni, or just the essence of MaoMao x Jinshi? (Both!)
(And the fun thing is that the points in common are so blatant while the characters are completely different.)
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aflockofravens · 7 months
If Maomao is Black Cat Coded
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And Lihaku is Golden Retriever Coded
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I move to designate Jinshi as Former Racing Italian Greyhound Coded.
Think about it. Diligent and single minded with a specific goal (anything Maomao related)
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Non aggressive and freezes up when startled
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Extremely well bred and expensive, very pretty.
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Extreme separation anxiety away from his person (Maomao)
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saecoyle · 6 months
I kind of love the idea that as much as Maomao acts like a cat most of the time, she will act like so romantically. Meaning that what she looks in Jinshi will not be burning passion (as he is feeling) but an amount of comfort and security that you see in most cats that loves the people they live with.
Same for intimacy, I see her approach kisses and more with the curiosity of a cat (who does not know what personal space is) with like... analysing how a kiss feel, same as hugs and same as intercourse (I haven't got farther that volume 10 of the LN, is that a reach?). I really do enjoy their dynamic as that, I love the idea of her becoming warmer to him, maybe flustered? I don't know, I think I love how comfortable she feels with his beauty and how honest she is about it. That's also the reason why he does love her, so..
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folyoszel · 3 months
My Live Blog of The Apothecary Diaries Light Novels Volume 1 Chapter 3: Jinshi
I'm procrastinating packing for my trip that happens in 6ish hours, so I might as well read another chapter of The Apothecary Diaries!
No points for guessing the central character of this chapter. Lol
I do like that the LN has chapters from different perspectives. I love having Maomao as a guide, don't get me wrong, I just also like seeing different perspectives and thought processes.
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How many times a day does this poor man have to break up cat fights? If the ladies-in-waiting at Lady Lihua's palace are any indication, it's probably a lot.
On another note, something I haven't really thought of much is that the way that Jinshi and Maomao refer to the consorts as "flowers" or "blossoms" is kind of dehumanizing. I don't think either of them are trying to be rude or anything, I just think they're trying to distance themselves emotionally from the consorts so they can think more rationally about each situation.
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I just went ahead and used different colors to differentiate my points rather than trying to take multiple screenshots of one specific paragraph.
Yellow: I know this isn't at all what it meant, but I have a weird imagination, so I pictured Jinshi trying to walk through a pile of lovestruck women while looking absolutely disturbed. I kind of wish that was fanart that existed.
Green: So it really was that Maomao didn't swoon at the sight of him and not her comment about writing. Poor dude really is flabbergasted by her immunity to him.
Red: But it isn't the end. Instead, you will become absolutely smitten with that girl and trip over yourself, trying to get her attention.
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I don't know, I think Lady Gyokuyou is probably fine considering how much the Emperor favors her. One woman's sick leave probably didn't hurt her financially and would only up her kind reputation.
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I don't blame either one. It's all on the makeup people for not mentioning the fact that it's poison and the people who were managing the harem while Luomen was there for not keeping his warnings about the stuff.
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Lead poisoning is awful. Among a bunch of other terrible things, it can cause headaches and general irritability. That as well as the paranoia that comes from being a consort with the eldest/only son, having your child dying in front of you, and having maids who don't believe it's poison until sense is literally slapped into one of them, you can really see how she made that mistake, and it makes the loss of her son all the more tragic.
I really like Lady Lihua because she has all the set up of a general mean girl who will be an opponent for the rest of the series, but turns out to be a genuinely wonderful person who was just in a terrible situation. (Spoilers) I'm really glad she ends up able to have another son later in the series. (Spoilers end)
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I appreciate that not only that Maomao tried to make her handwriting look bad to throw people off, but also that Jinshi can apparently tell that she purposefully wrote poorly and that she's a girl. I do kind of understand the gender thing since I've noticed different tendencies between the handwriting of different genders, but I'm going to really question his ability to tell whether the writer is purposefully writing badly or just has bad handwriting. Especially since it earlier said the message was written using grass stains. I can't imagine that being easy.
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Great memory for something innocuous that happened almost a month ago. I guess her not stopping to admire his hotness really stuck with him. I mean, Jinshi's had to come across someone so lost in their thoughts that they walked by without noticing him, right? I mean, I sometimes walk around with zero awareness of what's around me. I also appreciate his immediate glee at his lead and the random insult to the people watching the fight between Lady Gyokuyou and Lady Lihua. I kind of love the random, offhand insults that Maomao and Jinshi have in their thoughts.
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Does he just have an encyclopedia of different cloths he's felt? And if he so distinctly remembers her and what she said, wouldn't he remember her outfit? Unless the maids that have different jobs have outfits that look similar but don't use the same material. Does any of this actually matter? No, but my brain got stuck on it, and you chose to read it.
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I love that Jinshi hasn't spoken a word to Maomao, but he's already delighted by her and the mystery that she's accidentally given him. He's also 100% using Lady Gyokuyou's gratitude as an excuse to satiate his curiosity and boredom with work.
I'm so glad I managed to fit all the quotes I wanted to share in one post, I would've been annoyed if I had to make another post for just one or two quotes. Anyways, thank you for reading once again, and I hope to see you when I cover the next chapter, "The Nymph's Smile."
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HAIIIII ARIII:33333 i am here with a silly little question hehehee which of your blorbos do you think would get along the best???? i immediately thought of suguru and laios honestly..... (also something something abt suguru eating curses and laios eating monsters something something) but i just really do think they'd really like each other!!!!!! sugu would listen to him ramble abt monsters with a faint little smile, his head resting on his palm:3333
but alsoooo would satoru like maomao and jinshi?? i think actually know them but i just.... have a feeling that he would!!! they all seem so cute and silly hehehehee
this question popped into my head when i thought abt putting toji and dazai in a room together btw😭😭 poor toji i think he would NOTTT like dazai at all😭😭😭😭😭 my kitty cats are fighting.... HEHEHEHE ANYWAYYY ILYYY I HOPE YOUR DAY IS GOING WELLL MY LOVE!!!!!! MWAHMWAH MWAHH!!!! - @teddybeartoji
HAI HAIIIIII MICKEY :3333 i’m picking you up and spinning you around btw <3333333 WHAT A FUN QUESTION AAAAA ……
OK BUT . LAIOS/SUGU IS SO BIGBRAINED. I AGREE SO MUCH. you reminded me of this one fanart owwllly made of them lmao ….. i treasure it soooooo dearly laios is so silly . I REALLY DO THINK THEY’D GET ALONG. they’re both sweeties :((( and sugu is such a good listener…….. laios would probably find him really dependable too. AND. HEAR ME OUT….. i just really really feel like laios would try to eat one of suguru’s curses 💀 and i think that would unironically bring them closer together. idk i’m just always thinking about suguru and how alone he felt simply become no one else could comprehend how awful they taste…. only for mr golden retriever himbo man to walk into his life and WILLINGLY eat them. sniffle. they could be so wholesome :(((((((
AND THEN . SATORU AND JINMAO 🥺🥺🥺 wahhhhh what a cute crossover….. HERE’S THE THING. i do Not think jinshi would like his ass ‼️‼️ maybe gojo would find him cute in an older brother kinda way . but they’re just. so similar. jinshi is basically just cult leader geto and teen toru mashed together. i think gojo would piss him off so much 😭 BUT MAOMAO….. well. she would definitely find gojo annoying too!!! but i think he’d like her soooo much :3 that’s his daughter actually. he’d just find her funny. two little meowmeows <3333
….. then we have toji and dazai 😭😭😭 PJDPDJDKDJDJ. MICKEY I CRIEDDDD THEY WOULD BE SO FUCKING FUNNY….. i remember seeing a tiktok once where . a guy did a filter thing that gave him four different characters to go to therapy with . he got toji + dazai + two other sickos and someone commented ”you know it’s bad when toji is the most mentally stable person in the room” 💀💀💀 I JUST THINK IT’S SO FUNNY…. toji would be so weirded out by him lmao . BUTTT in my heart and soul dazai is a dilfhunter so ik he’d try to seduce toji <3333 would he succeed? no . but i respect the attempt!!!!!! i think they could learn to get along…. for you…….. (the good ending would be toji realizing dazai reminds him of you and being like 😐😐😐 i guess i HAVE to tolerate you.)
BUT . to actually . answer your question……… one blorbo crossover pairing i’ve been thinking of a lot lately is :333 satoru . and kazui (from milgram)……. every time i say that kissing a dilf could fix gojo i’m talking about Him btw. they’re just. so similar!!! the big difference is their confidence i think…. ik you aren’t aquainted w this blorbo but. kazui is just… a very tired very guilty liar of a man. constantly putting up a front. has a very low opinion of himself but is actually very kind….. :((((((( i love him so much. and i think gojo and him would see through each other’s respective masks, you know?? in that sense maybe kazui would be a little freaked out but . i think they could find some comfort in it too!!! i just really need them to be friends…..
ANYWAYYYYY tysm for the lovely question my lovely mickey <33333 I LOVE YOUUUU i hope you’re having a nice day……. i hope you’re watching lots of movies and enjoying your free time…… me and dazai and toji r covering you in kisses mwah mwah mwahhhh <33333
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