#jinyoung mafia
moucholampantin · 10 months
0 notes
Part III of Mafia!Minho, bitches. Saddle up. A/N: I know this isn't SKZ!Pack, but it's been in the works for a looooong time and I wanted you to have it. <3
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Mafia!Minho, Lee Minho, Lee Know, Minho, Y/N, FemReader, SKZ x you, SKZ x reader, Minho x you, Minho x reader, Mafia AU, Part III, Skz imagines, Skz reactions, SKZ scenarios, Fluff, Angst
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Light Smut
Warnings: Mafia Shit-guns, death, illegal dealings, daddy issues and misogyny, allusions to sexual assault and rape, loss of viriginity, blood. Mentions of previous pregnancy loss, miscarriage, current pregnancy. Breeding Kink, kinda? You'll see. Minho's just REALLY in to pregnant reader. 😂
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"He's dead."
His blunt, cold words ricochet around the inside of your head, like a round fired too hastily from a gun, sloppy and dangerous, wounding everything they touch.
There's no way. There's no fucking way.
You say as much.
"That can't be true-"
His face contorts in anger, and he leans down to pinch your chin in a vicious grip that makes you wince, yanking your head back to meet his gaze, hot and pinning.
"It is true. Would you like to see the pictures, girl? The reports from Lim? His blood splattered across the wall?"
You sink to the floor.
Not JinYoung. Not your brother. Fuck, it can't be-
He straightens, releasing his iron grip on you and straightening his suit, glaring down at you with little more than cold disdain in his dark, narrowed eyes.
"He's dead, and you're worthless." He growls out, stuffing his hands into his pockets and considering you with something akin to disgust twisting his features.
Hot tears fill your eyes, and your fists clench in your lap, twisting the fabric of your dress.
You bite your bottom lip hard enough to taste blood, and will yourself not to let a tear fall for him to see.
He scoffs, reaching down once more to take your chin in pinching fingers, making you whimper.
His eyes darken at the sound, as if he's a predator that has sensed weakness in his prey.
"You're worthless to me until you're wed." He hisses out, teeth clenched, muscle in his cheek bulging. "Remember that. You are nothing without a man in this world, girl, nothing."
He releases you without another word or look in your direction, whirling on his heel and stalking down the hallway, slamming the door to his office, probably already on the phone yelling at some poor inferior for killing his son.
You let your chin drop to your chest, and squeeze your eyes shut as you take several harsh, shuddering breaths, clenching and unclenching your fists.
It was his fault JinYoung was dead. His fault you were now all alone.
There was nothing you could do about it, not realistically, but you hated him for it all the same.
"You're thinking too much again."
You jump slightly at the sound of Minho's voice, still husky with sleep, his fingers finding the warmth of your bare skin beneath the blankets.
You sigh, wanting to be irritated at his perception when it comes to you, but can't quite manage, not when his fingers are tickling your sides.
"How did you know?"
"Mm." Minho hums beneath his breath, pushing himself up behind where you lie propped on your elbow in the big bed, staring out the window at the slowly rising sun.
His fingers trace up the curling lines of the snake that wraps your spine.
"I know everything about you, princess." He replies in a murmur, fingers still slowly ticking their way up your spine. You hear a slight smile enter his voice. "Well, that, and your thoughts are so loud currently that I feel like you're speaking audibly."
You give another sigh, this one conceding, and feel Minho brush a light kiss across the family crest that marks your shoulder.
"It's going to be okay, princess. I promise you."
You feel panic well into your throat at the surety behind his words.
"It wasn't okay before." You blurt out without really considering, hand tracing down beneath the blankets without thought to rest on the small swell of your belly.
It's normal not to feel any movement yet, you know that, and yet-
Minho's soothing, firm voice sounds in your ear, his warm breath brushing across your cheek, grounding you.
"That was before. This is now."
The surety is still there beneath his words-strong and constant-and yet, the acidic taste of panic is still slowly filling your mouth, making it hard to breathe.
"Princess." Minho says in a low tone, taking not of the rapid rise and fall of your chest. "Look at me."
His hand snakes around the front of your throat, and he gently squeezes with his fingers, angling your head back until you're staring up at him, his gaze serious and dark.
You drink him in like you're parched and he's the only water source-the soft curve of his lips, the upper fuller than the lower, the tan sheen of his skin, the sharp angles of his face, the dark wave to his tousled hair, the black ink trailing across his upper chest and arms, teasing at his throat, the pink, fading scars littered across his otherwise flawless flesh.
Minho is the only thing in this moment that's keeping you sane, and you hold onto that thread with a desperate fervency that frightens even yourself.
The corner of his mouth curves slightly as he stares at you, one hand around your throat to keep you in place, the other slipping beneath the blankets to cover your own where it rests on your bare belly.
You glance down, and the sight of his inked fingers covering your own calm the hammering of your heart.
"It's going to be okay." Minho repeats softly, firmly. "Whatever happens, princess, we're going to be okay."
You stare up at him and force a shuddering breath from your lungs, your fingers intertwining with his own.
"Okay." You whisper back with finality, because whatever happens, with Minho here, you're going to be okay.
You pause, hand splayed on the cool, carved wood of the door, and glance behind you to where Minho stands, several feet back, lingering in the mouth of the darkened hallway.
"You're not coming in?" You question softly, hesitantly, sudden butterflies swarming in your stomach.
Minho arches a brow, leaning against the wall, his expression unreadable.
"Do you want me to go with you?" He queries back, voice low and neutral.
You hear the quiet chatter of men's voices from beyond the door, the clink of glasses, and a shudder of fear goes down your spine at the thought of facing them alone.
"I don't know-" You stutter out, staring at him, trying to get a read through your suddenly mounting panic. "I just thought I need-"
You don't finish the sentence, the words dying in your throat, and Minho's expression shifts slightly, his eyes darkening, his lips pulling into a serious line.
"Princess." He steps toward you, reaching out, and his fingers creep beneath your chin, tilting your head back to meet his gaze.
His features soften slightly, and he takes in a slow breath.
"I will always stand beside you, I will always be here whenever you want me, but let me make one thing very clear-you do not need me."
You stare up at him, words thick on your tongue, and the corner of his mouth quirks into the hint of an amused curve.
He lets a finger stroke along your chin, his voice dropping slightly even as his eyes grow fiery.
"You do not need me-or any other man-to make you powerful. You are powerful entirely on your own, and it is a beautiful sight to behold."
You take in a shuddering, sharp inhale, his fervent words settling into your bones, and let your fingers slide beneath the cuffs of the expensive suit he wears, tracing the ink you know is hidden there.
Minho smiles. "Who do you think runs the criminal world, darling? It's not the men. We're the face, yes, but behind every great man is an even greater woman."
He tilts your chin once more, and you let your head fall against the door behind you, staring up at him openly now.
He reaches out, and brushes a stray hair from your forehead with gentle fingers.
His skin is warm, and you lean into his touch, as he presses his lips to the flesh just below your ear, brushing a kiss there as he utters beneath his breath, for only you to hear, "Women mask lethality behind femininity, and it is their greatest weapon. You are not powerless, princess, no, far from it. You do not need anyone, because you are the queen."
He presses another kiss against your throat, right above your fluttering pulse, and pulls back.
You stare at him for another moment, and then straighten the gown you wear.
"You're right. I have the power here."
A smirk flickers across Minho's lips, his eyes heating with admiration as he watches you.
He jerks his chin toward the door and the voices beyond.
"Yeah, you fucking do. Remind them who's the queen. Give them hell, princess."
"Yeong-ah." Changbin whines, stamping his foot impatiently where he stands beside the island, a dramatic pout on his face. "You're taking too long!"
Yeong-Ja giggles at his antics, glancing up from pulling on her second shoe. "I'm almost done, Uncle Binnie!"
You hide your smile behind a sip of coffee, as Chan appears, tossing the car keys to Changbin-who catches them easily- before crouching down to finish helping Yeong-Ja with her shoe.
"Thanks, Uncle Channie!" Yeong-Ja beams, bouncing to her feet beside him, as Chan grins and straightens, patting her head.
"You're welcome, Yeong-ah." He straightens the bow in her hair, before he glances to Changbin, already standing in the door way, keys in his hand. "Now, let's get going huh? Your mom and dad have a very important appointment today, and we have puppies to see."
"Okay, Uncle Channie!" Your daughter's face lights up at Chan's words, as she slips her hand into his, her tiny fingers curling around his own, dark with black ink, reminiscent to Minho's.
It never ceases to amaze you how gentle and loving all these big mafia men are with your daughter.
"Oh, fuck me." Minho grumbles beneath his breath at Chan's statement, brow furrowed in a sour expression, as he leans against the counter beside you and takes a long gulp of his own coffee.
You hide another grin behind the rim of your cup.
Chan glances up at Minho's muttered curse, ever sharp, ever alert, and gives your husband a crooked grin, brow arched.
"What do you say, boss? What color of puppy do you want? Brown or Black?"
Minho levels the other man with a glare, as Yeong-Ja bounces excitedly beside him.
"I could not care less, Christopher."
Changbin grins broadly from the doorway, enjoying the little goading match from afar.
"Ah, c'mon. Don't you want a matching set?" He motions with a jerk of his head toward Suwon, currently sleeping under the large kitchen table. The black Doberman barely raises his head at the commotion.
Minho takes another drink from his coffee.
"The only matching set I want is you and Chan's heads on sticks."
"Sorry, boss!" Changbin calls, ignoring Minho's dark threat entirely, a grin slipping across his lips as he twirls the jangling keys around his finger, turning toward the door. "Can't hear you. Gotta go."
"Okay, on that note-" Chan clears his throat, coughing over a chuckle, as he herds your daughter toward the door. "-let's get going."
"Bye mommy, bye daddy!" Yeong-Ja calls over her shoulder with a little wave, before she disappears, dwarfed between the two large men.
Changbin throws one last amused, knowing look over his shoulder in Minho's direction, giving a cheeky little wave, before they all leave from sight.
"Fuck." Minho swears vehemently beneath his breath and promptly moves around the counter to dump the rest of his coffee down the sink.
"He's going to ask to see her again, you know."
Minho glances up from his phone to meet your gaze from across the backseat of the car, his expression darkening slightly at your words, and the open worry etched across your face.
He tucks his phone back into the pocket of his suit coat, and slides across the seat to sit beside you, hand coming down to rest on your own.
"And my answer will be the same as it always is." He replies back in a hushed, but dangerously serious, tone, his fingers squeezing your own. "When he comes to see her as his granddaughter, and not just as an heir to a massive criminal empire, then he can meet her."
You take in a shaky breath and glance out the window.
The roads are becoming familiar, you're close to your father's estate.
Minho's cool fingers tilt your chin back to him, making you meet his gaze. The corner of his lip curls into the hint of a smile.
"You do not reside on your knees for him any longer. He has no power left to lord over you."
You take in another breath, and will the butterflies to soothe in your belly.
You give Minho a small, shaky smile, and squeeze his hand. The metal of his rings are cold, grounding, against your palm.
"I know."
"If anything-" Minho glances past you as you pull into the long drive, your father's opulent mansion rising quickly in the distance.
He gives you a smirk and an arch of his brow as you turn into the gate.
"-now that you have myself and all my resources at your disposal, he should be absolutely terrified of you."
The car comes to a stop, and Minho slides out, straightening his jacket and offering you his hand.
You take in another steadying breath, holding onto his arm as you walk toward the entrance of your childhood home.
The door swings open as you approach, and your father appears, stepping onto the top step of the staircase, watching the two of you with a penetrating gaze.
You resist the urge to shudder under that look you know so well.
Minho pulls you up the stairs with him, his steps confident, and you try to borrow some of his courage, stiffening your back and shoulders as your father steps to meet you both, a fake, overly large smile sliding into place across his pale, thin lips.
Of course he would greet you personally, no butler was good enough for Lee Minho, not when you were trying to keep up appearances.
"Ah, there he is, my son-in-law, man of the hour." Your father extends a hand, and Minho shakes it, though you can see by the slight tic of the muscle in his jaw that he doesn't enjoy the contact.
To his credit, your husband does a hell of a good job putting on a front, his slight smile in your father's direction much more believable than the man's who raised you.
"Boss Park. A pleasure, as always."
Your father doesn't even glance in your direction, motioning for Minho to follow him into the cooled, dimly lit air of the front entrance hall.
You can hear a record playing from somewhere farther within the mansion, probably your father's office.
"Now." Your father waves away an approaching maid, and she scurries to grab an empty tray, headed for the kitchen. He turns, that same sickly smile on his face, and rubs his hands together gleefully. "Shall we get straight to business then?"
"You know I don't enjoy small talk." Minho inclines his head to your father, who takes that as a yes to his previous question.
"Of course." He motions for Minho to move down the hallway, his arm extended. "I'll have Maria bring us refreshments in the parlor. Shall we?"
Minho's hand moves to the small of your back, warm through the thin material of the dress you wear, coaxing you forward with him as he moves to step past your father.
You're thankful for the support, you worry the trembling of your legs will give you away.
"Ah, ah, ah." Your father holds out his arm, stopping your forward motion, and for the first time since you arrived, his eyes flit to you, the corners of his lips curling up into something akin to a disgusted sneer. "You know the rules of my household, daughter. Women are not allowed in business meetings. You can wait here. Catch up with that little maid and the old household cook you were so fond of growing up."
You swallow, your mouth suddenly dry, and something triumphant flashes across your father's dark gaze.
He knows that the cook you were 'so fond of growing up' was executed-shot in the garden while you were made to watch-on his order.
Can't have your daughter getting too close to the help now, can you? Not when secrets could be spilled, reputations dirtied.
Minho is talking, his voice fuzzy through your panicked memories, and you blink, focusing in on what he's saying, staring your father down with a serious, almost deadly, expression.
"I'm sorry, Boss Park, but when your daughter married me, she became my wife, and where I go, my wife goes. Those are my household rules. You understand."
Your father's lips part as his gaze flicks to you once more, as if he's thinking about disagreeing with Minho, but the flash of threat in Minho's dark eyes must convince him otherwise, because he plasters a strained smile onto his face and laughs, throwing his hands out.
"Of course. My apologies. Right this way then."
Minho glances at you, giving you a small reassuring smile, before he squeezes your hand, and you fall into step behind your father.
"Try to relax, (Y/N)."
Your doctor gives you a kind smile, the ultrasound wand posed and ready above your bare belly, the screen tilted toward the bed.
You swallow hard and nod, trying to focus on relaxing the tense muscles of your entire body one by one.
Minho squeezes your fingers where he crouches beside the bed, keeping up the pressure until you glance at him, your bottom lip sucked between your teeth as you worry it incessantly.
He reaches out to free the raw skin from your hold.
"Breathe, baby." He admonishes quietly, inked fingers stroking your knuckles in a reassuring pattern.
"Ready?" Your doctor asks, glancing between the two of you, lowering the wand slowly as she waits for your go ahead.
You stare at the blank, dark screen behind her, and try not to vomit.
"I'm scared." You admit to Minho in a whisper, hand tightening around his own, your breath coming slightly erratically now.
Minho pushes himself to his feet without a word, releasing his hold on your hand, and you almost reach out to grab for him again, before you realize he's sliding behind you on the bed, tugging you back against the warmth of his chest, his arms going around your shoulders protectively as he tucks your head beneath his chin.
"What did I tell you before, princess?"
You swallow again, gaze darting to your waiting doctor, and the screen beyond her shoulder.
"That it's going to be okay."
"Mm. Good girl." Minho hums a sound of approval in his throat, and you feel his lips brush across your forehead. "And it's going to be."
You take in a shuddering breath, and then give a little, jerky nod.
Minho's fingers find your own once more, and you feel him lift his chin from your head, glancing at the doctor.
She must see what she needs to in his gaze, because with a nod of her own, she finally touches the ultrasound wand to your belly.
Your body tenses at the contact as she begins to move the wand around slowly, her gaze laser focused on the screen.
Minho reaches his hand around to the front of your throat, his fingers finding purchase beneath your chin, and you don't resist him as he tips your head back, guiding you to meet his gaze.
"Just look at me, baby. Deep breath."
You force your chest in and out-once, twice-and Minho gives a nod of approval, leaning down to kiss your forehead once more.
"Good girl."
There is quiet, you don't know how long it's been since the doctor started her exam, and you feel your stomach twist, bile burning your throat, the longer the oppressive silence drags on.
Fuck, shouldn't you have heard something by now?
What if-
"Ah, there we go." The doctor murmurs, almost to herself, and suddenly, the sound of a heartbeat-fast and fluttering, like a hummingbirds wings, echoing the frantic pace of your own-fills the room.
Minho grins down at you, and you see the relief flash across his eyes as the heartbeat continues, strong and steady. "See? Nothing to worry about."
Your body sags with relief, and you glance at the screen beyond the doctor's shoulder-no longer dark-a shimmering, spiking line flickering constantly across the monitor in perfect time with the rapid heartbeat.
"Baby sounds perfect." Your doctor continues, smiling up at the two of you, as she moves the wand around and the heartbeat heightens a little. "Right on track."
"Oh my god." You breathe out, putting a trembling hand up to your mouth, sudden hot tears filling your eyes. "Fuck."
Minho laughs a little, leaning over to press a lingering kiss to the crown of your head, his arms squeezing you protectively.
His next exhale comes out more than a little shaky.
"Fuck indeed, baby. Fuck indeed."
There is blood.
Blood smearing the inside of your legs, blood pounding hard in your ears, blooding staining the disgusting cock of the man looming over you, leering.
You glance to the door where your father had disappeared, giving his men free reign over you, some sort of lesson, and you know, deep down, that there is blood on his hands too.
But unlike the crimson marking you and the man creeping in, it's not the visible kind.
There is blood.
Dripping down between your fingers, coating your palms in slick red, so thick and so ingrained that even the running water is not enough to wash it away, not completely.
You scrub frantically at your hands, but the crimson only seems to multiply, filling the cracks and seeping into the edges of your vision.
You are hyperventilating, your chest heaving, tears streaming down your cheeks, and without your bidding, your gaze slides back to the man on the floor.
Lying in a quickly congealing pool of blood and slaughter, your bucket and rag left hastily beside his blown out head.
The rag is already wet and sopping with blood, even after only one quick stroke across the cement.
You lean over the sink and vomit.
There is blood.
You can feel it, pooling beneath your hips, but you're too scared to look beneath the covers, too sure of what you'll find, your heart already shattering in your chest.
You feel sick to your stomach, and the cramping is worsening.
Rolling to your side, you curl your body into the safety of the fetal position, and try to drown out the low murmur of the doctor's voice from the other side of the room.
Screwing your eyes shut, you keep it all inside, and scream with rage where no one will hear.
There is blood.
Flecked across the tawny skin of his cheekbones, spattering the front of his white dress shirt, his prized shoes, congealing and blending with the dark ink that flows across his knuckles until they are almost one.
He steps toward you, and you run to him without a second thought, terrified enough that the breath in your lungs refuses to leave, not until you've got your hands on him and made sure he's all right.
Your bodies collide, and Minho holds you up as a sob tears from between your lips.
You reach up and put your palms on either side of his face, the crimson splatters, sprinkled across his nose like morbid freckles, accentuating the gold flecks that flash in the dark recesses of his eyes.
Minho's lips twist into the hint of a smile.
"It's not mine, princess. Don't worry."
You feel your lungs collapse, your chest caving, and you throw your arms around him violently, never willing to let him leave your grasp again, at least for tonight.
There is blood.
You step around the puddle on the floor with nothing more than a disinterested glance, your sneakers squeaking on the concrete.
Behind you, Felix makes a muffled sound of disgust in the back of his throat.
"God, they really need to clean up down here."
You glance over your shoulder at him, as he steps around the bloody puddle on the floor with an open look of horror on his face, a grin breaking free from your lips.
You wait for him to catch up to you, and link your arm in his as you continue down the long hallway.
"C'mon, Lixie. I think it's charming."
He gives you an arch of his brow, and you laugh a little.
The interoggation rooms built beneath the mansion serve a purprose-regardless of how dark-and honestly, you're grateful Minho had thought of them.
It's a way to keep the men you hold dear close enough that you know they're not in danger while they do their jobs.
Plus, hearing the screams when you come down here can be therapeutic in a way.
"Besides-" You reach the end of the hall and stop in front of the door there, glancing over at the man beside you as you reach for the knob. "I guarantee, when they come down here, cleaning is the last thing on Changbin and Chan's minds."
Felix rolls his eyes. "Savages."
You grin once more, and roll the door knob in your hand, pushing the door inward easily.
"It's why we love them."
You step into the room, Felix close on your heels, and as the door shuts behind you, your eyes flicker around the small chamber, taking everything in.
Chan is standing against the far wall beside Changbin, muttering something to him rapidly in a low voice.
There's a wall of instruments on the north side, anything from clamps to syringes, all used to get enemies talking.
And in the center of the room, a hunched form of a struggling man, bound to a chair, face covered with a sack.
You can just make out the muffled swears coming from beneath the rough fabric.
You take a step into the light that beams down on the man, encircling him in the gloom, and Chan and Changbin push up from the wall as one, their chatter ceasing immediately.
Changbin grins at you dangerously, as Chan rolls his head from side to side, waiting for your instructions.
Felix, silent as a ghost, leans against the door behind you, watching.
You tilt your head toward the man.
"Show me his face."
"Gladly." Changbin's teeth gleam sharply, as he leans forward and rips the cover roughly off the man's head.
The man looks around, disoriented, his long, gray hair wild, eyes wide and white with fear, the gag held between his teeth stained with spittle.
You feel a spark of fear light in your stomach at the sight of his face-older now, lined, but still recognizable-but force it back down with a long breath, stepping closer calmly, until the man's frantically roving eyes land on you.
"Take off his gag."
Chan steps up silently now, untying the gag at the back of the man's head, and as soon as it's loose enough, the man spits it out, licking his dry, chapped lips, as he glances between you and the men surrounding him with fury in his eyes.
"What the fuck is this? Who do you think you are? I could have you thrown to the bottom of a lake so no one would find your bodies, you know-"
You tsk your tongue in disapproval, and the man halts his tirade, his eyes narrowing, his weaselly features sharp.
"Empty threats." You sigh, stepping toward him, cocking your head as you study him.
He's shrunk after all these years, his skin almost paper thin, his hair greasy.
The eyes are the same though.
Hungry, predatory, evil.
His lips lift into the start of a snarl, revealing yellowing teeth.
"I don't know who you think you are, you bitch, but I assure you-"
Changbin's hand tangles into the man's stringy hair, yanking his head back roughly, shutting him up.
"Shut the fuck up, old man. Watch your tongue." He growls, glaring down at the man, his eyes blurring with tears as Changbin tugs once more on his hair painfully hard. "Or else I'll make sure that what she does to you will feel like mercy when I'm done with you."
He shoves the man's head forward, and he sputters, trying to catch his breath, his chest heaving, spittle flying from his lips.
Chan steps around the chair and holds out a knife toward you, his brow arched.
You take it without hesitation, and play with the razor sharp tip for a moment, ticking it off your fingertips as you study the man, lost in thought.
He glares up at you, his eyes full of hatred.
You almost laugh.
Oh trust me, not as much hatred as I hold toward you, Wu Chen.
You sigh, a long suffering sound, and address the man sitting, still now, before you.
"Do you recognize me, Mr. Wu?"
His dark eyes flash with something full of anger, but no recognition crosses his murderous gaze.
"Why should I?"
You cluck your tongue in annoyance, glancing up from the gleaming knife held in your hands.
"You took something from me once."
A brief flash of confusion swirls with the fury, and then his jaw clenches, his features going hard.
He gives a humorless laugh.
"I've taken things from a lot of people." His eyes glint with the predator, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he lets his gaze fall down the length of your body. "Quite a few of them delicious, mouthy little cunts such as yourself."
He's trying to unnerve you.
It's not working.
You've given him enough fear for one lifetime already.
No more.
You step forward, and lean over him, your hand going on the back of the chair, the knife held alert between the two of you, dangerously close to his jugular.
His eyes flick down to the steel, and you don't miss the way his throat bobs with a swallow.
"You took something. Long ago. Took something from someone who couldn't fight back. Something that was never yours to begin with. Do you remember what that was, Mr. Wu?"
Your voice is quiet, steady, but venomous and deadly as a viper waiting to strike.
His eyes meet yours, and when it's clear he's not going to respond, you sigh, sliding the knife up the column of his throat slowly, watching as the crimson appears in the shallow cut you leave behind.
He flinches, but remains quiet.
"A girl." You continue, voice dropping to nothing more than a deadly murmur.
Something like recognition flashes in the dark of his eyes, and suddenly, the man sitting bound before you looks a hell of a lot more nervous than he did before.
You let a small smirk flick the corner of your lips, as you lean back, taking the knife away from his throat.
"She wasn't strong enough to fight you back then. But she is now."
You lift your chin at Chan, and he steps around in front of your prisoner, leaning over to rip open the closure of his suit pants.
"What, what are you doing?" He splutters, immediately writhing in the chair once more, as Chan proceeds to easily tear his pants open, baring thin, scarred legs to the cold air of the room.
Changbin steps up as Chan finishes and goes around the chair, back to his side, holding the man still with firm hands on his shoulders as you approach once more.
You lean over, and easily shred the boxers he wears with one quick flick of your wrist that holds the knife.
The man before you screams and struggles, as his shrunken, shriveled cock springs free for all to see.
"Mm." You hum in your throat thoughtfully, staring at the man and his member with consideration. "It's a lot smaller than I remembered."
Changbin leans over the man's shoulder to get a look and grins, his eyes glinting.
You glance back to your prisoner, and a smirk curves your lips as he cries out in terror, fighting against his bonds and the hold of Changbin's hands.
You step closer and hold up the knife for him to see, the metal glinting in the overhead light.
"No, no, please-" He flails, begging pathetically, but you ignore him, angling the knife expertly as you close in.
The smirk doesn't leave your lips, as you arch a brow and stare down at the writhing, pathetic excuse of a man before you.
Your voice is steady when you speak, rising above the sound of his pleas.
"You took something precious from me, Mr. Wu. Now it's time for me to take something from you."
You hear Minho before you see him.
The door to the bedroom sounds, and the room is immediately filled with curses and general angry lamentations as he struggles to get through the crack he's made in the door without letting the dogs on the other side in with him.
You can hear him yelling all the way from the ensuite bathroom.
"Get back, you hairy fuckers!-Jesus-Suwon, don't do that, you damned beast!-fuck-and you! Fucking bane of my existence!-ow-Give me back my fucking shoe and go find a ball, you damned fucking demon hound!"
The door finally slams, and you hear rapid paws head down the hall on the other side, Suwon and the new puppy, probably in search of Yeong-Ja.
Minho appears then in the doorway of the bathroom, looking frazzled, a lone dress shoe held in his hand, his lips smashed into a thin line of rage.
You try to hide your smile, glancing at him over your shoulder, as you continue to ready to get in the already running shower.
"Have a bit of a struggle, Boss Lee?" You query innocently, eyes wide as you regard him, like you haven't just heard everything that occurred.
He swears under his breath and tosses the chewed shoe into the trash, reaching up to swipe a hand through his disheveled hair with an agitated rake of his fingers.
"Fucking dogs. That fucking puppy is even worse than Suwon was."
You grin now, turning toward him, and his eyes trail down your naked body, catching on the prevalent bump that now takes up your midsection.
"Baby, Bohoja will learn, just like Suwon did. You won't be stuck with ruined shoes forever."
"Mmm." Minho hums something like distracted agreement under his breath, his eyes still on you, as if he's lost his train of thought and is no longer thinking about the hellhounds that roam the halls. "He had better. Or I'll have Chan's head on a stick." He takes a step toward you. "But that's not what I came to talk about."
You arch a brow, playing innocent for awhile longer.
"Oh? What did you come to talk about then, husband?"
His eyes darken predatorially at the lilting tease to your voice, a challenge, and he growls, closing the space between you, his hand going up to grip your chin.
Your bare chest brushes his through the material of the dress shirt he wears, and you can already feel his arousal, long and rock hard against your leg.
It makes you want to shiver, even though the steamy bathroom is more than a little warm.
His eyes trace up your body once more, and then flick to your face, catching on your cheekbone, before he reaches up with his free hand to brush something on your skin.
You lean into his touch, brushing your lips over the inked skin of his knuckles.
"You have blood on your face, princess."
You arch a brow. "Does that turn you on?"
Minho's eyes flash dark, dangerous, and his lip curls up to reveal a flash of his teeth, his voice a husky growl in the back of his throat.
You smirk, and he stares at you for another moment, hunger clear in his eyes, and you think maybe he'll give in and take you right here, against the bathroom counter, but instead, he sighs, and lets his free hand tangle into your hair, tilting your head back so your gaze meets his.
"You found him then."
It's a statement, not a question.
You nod. "Yes."
Minho's brow arches, and the corner of his mouth lifts into the start of a smirk.
You sigh, pulling from his grasp as you step away, turning back when you reach the waiting shower.
Minho hasn't moved, watching your every move.
Eyes locked on his, you step backward into the flowing water, and it immediately coats your skin in hot rivulets, making everything slick.
You arch a brow, watching the predatory look come back into Minho's eyes as the water wets your skin, pooling in streams down between your breasts, your thighs.
You cock your head, as if considering, and then say without preamble, "And I cut off his pathetic excuse for a dick. I gave it to cook. She's going to make a fancy pate out of it and feed it to the dogs."
Minho breathes out, you see it in the way his chest rises and falls and then he's striding to the open air shower, ripping his tie off as he comes, stepping into the stream of water in the rest of his clothing without a second thought.
He takes your chin in a bruising grip with one hand, and snakes his other hand down between your thighs.
Your breath hitches as he touches the wetness there, just for him.
"God, you're so fucking beautiful, princess." He grits out, tilting your head back so that he can look into your eyes while he finger fucks you.
"So you tell me." You try to give him a teasing smile, but the expression is lost as your mouth parts and a gasp escapes your lips when he curls his fingers.
"No, I mean-" He backs you against the wall with his body, the water drenching the shirt he wears, you can see his tan skin and the ink across his chest through the wet material, and lets his gaze travel appreciatively down your length once more. "-you're always fucking beautiful, but god-"
He groans gutturally , leaning into you, mouth open against your own, as he hits a spot that has you gripping onto him, keening audibly.
"-there's something so incredibly fucking sexy about you when you're pregnant."
His words send a thrill of heat straight to your core.
"Take this off." You practically beg, pawing uselessly at his shirt, and he pulls his hand away from you to undo the buttons, tugging it open impatiently, as you reach down to free him of his pants.
You're eager for him to take you, to claim you, but instead of immediately finding purchase inside you, Minho drops to his knees in front of you, and runs his hands reverently over your swollen belly, glancing up at you through the streams of water.
His hair is dark, dripping, and you bury your fingers into it.
"I put this here. You, carrying my kid, princess-" He takes in a deep breath, his fingers still caressing your skin. "Fuck, now everyone knows who you belong to. Everyone knows you're mine."
You stare down at him, this man on his knees for you, this man who has given you everything-and you smile.
"I don't think there was ever any doubt about who I belonged to, Lee Minho. It's always been you."
Minho surges to his feet and covers your mouth with his own, your tongues tangling instantly, your body melting into his, his fingers finding you once again right where he left off, making you jolt against him and gasp in pleasure.
"What do you want?" He asks, voice husky, gravely, against your lips.
"You." You breathe back, hand already trailing down between your two bodies to find him. Your fingers close around him, and Minho shudders. "All of you. Always."
"You have all of me, princess. Always." He repeats in a hoarse voice, before he sheathes himself fully inside of you without warning, making you both cry out.
And you know he means it.
"Ow." You huff beneath your breath, shifting on the chaise, as Yeong-Ja looks up from playing with the puppy on the floor in front of the fire.
"What's wrong, mommy?"
You give her a smile that's more like a grimace as the baby kicks you strongly again, foot sinking up under your ribs.
"Baby brother is just kicking me, that's all, baby. I'm okay."
Yeong-Ja immediately turns back to Bohoja, teasing him with a rope toy.
"'Baby brother'?" Minho queries, leaving his desk and sliding in beside you on the sofa, his arm going around you as he pulls you close.
You smile, glancing up at him. "Just a feeling."
Another kick, another curse under your breath.
"Fuck. Minho. Tell your son to behave please."
Minho chuckles, burying his nose in your hair and breathing you in, his hand sliding down to rest on the apex of your stomach.
"Sorry, princess. You know how we Lee men are."
The baby kicks again against his palm, and Minho curves his fingers along the curvature of your belly, as if holding the unborn baby close from the outside.
You sigh, and snuggle back into him.
He presses a kiss to your forehead.
"Well-" You acquiesce, stifling a yawn as you lean your head on his shoulder, and watch Yeong-Ja playing happily with the puppy, Suwon dozing near by. "-I'd better get used to it then, because I wouldn't have them any other way."
You feel the warmth of Minho's breath as he buries his face once more in your hair, holding you close.
"I love you, princess. And the murderous little creature currently growing in your womb."
You grin and kiss his chest through the thin material of his dress shirt.
"I love you too, Boss Lee."
There is so much love.
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rowretro · 8 months
𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭, 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝, 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
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request by @nikipedia07 <3 I think I may hav gone a lil off track w this one but hope u love it sweetie
✧warnings: violent descriptions, yandere/toxic themes
✧synopsis: Jay is a fairly well known mafia boss around Korea. However, there is a small area where he's never been seen. An area where his enemy is hiding in, and were his beloved lives. When he first set his eyes on y/n, he didn't think about anything else but making her his, and so he decided to even put through the worst, just to make her love him the way he loves her.
It all started when he was on a mission. Of course she didn't see him but he saw her. how she hugged some kids, shielding them from the suited men gunning down some other tatted men. God he loved the look of fear in her eyes, and how adorable she was shielding the small kids. Jay nodded at the men, and they walked off, not even bothering to glance in y/n's direction. Since the day he set eyes on the angel princess, he knew she was meant to be his,
That's how Jay found himself in high school, in uniform, despite being in his twenties. He threatened the head to make sure he was in every single one of y/n's class. which meant dealing with some crazy students. "Oh my god bitch could you like shut da fuck up?" Lia said glaring at Sungchan who was just eating his Cheetos "you talking to me?" Sungchan asked as the girl rolled eyes.
"Nah bitch I was talking to the girl stroking the wall- YES YOU YOU WANKER!" Lia yelled as Y/n turned around frowning "Is this a classroom or your bedroom?! Lia language. Sungchan, put those snacks away and focus." Y/n warned as she took more notes "Damn lady you gotta chill-" Sungchan mumbled as he put his Cheetos away.
Jay glanced at Sungchan, not liking his bullshit one bit. However he bit his tongue, he didn't snap at the male and instead, stared at y/n. God when he saw his darling focus solely on teaching the students, being so patient and sweet no matter how bitchy they were, he feels so calm.
"Kay class... I'll see you after break-" y/n said with a smile as she left the room. "She has got to be one of the hottest teachers in the school" Jinyoung said as he turned to the group of boys "She's like 2 or 3 years older than us- how is she teaching?" Lia asked as the boys shrug "I mean I don't care, at least I get a nice view everytime she walks in-" Yuta says with a smirk, stretching his arms out.
Jay groaned as he stayed put in his seat. sleeping on his desk, trying to remain calm. Only 3 more minutes of this. Then his darling will come back. "Ok break ended 5 minutes ago. phones away, everyone back in your seats please," Y/n called out as the students rolled their eyes, getting back into their seat.
As y/n continued to teach, she noticed that the class weren't even trying to pay attention, all of them messing about, sleeping around, eating snacks. It was as if she wasn't even there. They didn't hear her, they didn't bother listening to her, it was like she was talking to a brick wall. Except one student, who was actively listening and taking notes. Jay.
However, the noise only got worse all of a sudden. Not the students being even more annoying, but instead they were screaming. Many ducked down and hid under their tables. "Ah fuck you have got to be fucking kidding me." Jay mumbled, getting up as he pulled a gun out, shooting the 4 enemies that had broken in to kill him. His uniform was now stained with blood as his men walked in.
"Clean the bodies I'm done with this act." Jay said as he walked up to y/n pulling her up, his arm around her waist, as her body hit his, his eyes met her panicked pair. "So fucking beautiful... and all mine. You think I sat in school again for fun? I graduated I don't even have to be here." Jay said as he carried her, out of the classroom, ignoring her kicks and screams. "OH MY GOD HE'S PARK FUCKIN JONGSEONG-" Lia screamed as she showed the search results on her phone.
"why did you even come then?..." y/n mumbled to herself, unaware that Jay heard "I needed to get close to my princess before I take her to my palace... see y/n from now you will be living the life you deserve, a husband with expensive black suits who can give you many black cards... sweetheart you need a sweetheart. Me." Jay simply said as the girl frowned.
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constantinerkives · 1 year
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PAIRING: Yoo Jimin x Fem Reader _________________ WARNING: Mafia AU, gang AU, organized crime, dark Karina, age gap: Karina is in her early thirties while you are in your mid-twenties. Separation of parents, power struggle, corruption, home invasion, blackmail, E2L, TENSION, I made Karina half-Russian so-*gunshot*, but please, let me know what you think of half-Russian Karina - it's for research purposes, usage of Russian endearment, betrayal (not from Karina), Karina is slightly obsessed with OC, OC is reckless but dangerous, suggestive at the end. _________________ SYNOPSIS:
I hate you," You breathe into her mouth, your thoughts are muddled by nothing but her. Her scent, her abysmal eyes, her beautiful black hair, her devastatingly gorgeous face - all of her.
"I hate you so much that I can't think of anything else but you."
Karina chuckles and softly pecks the skin of your neck, sending shivers down your spine as her hands caress your body.
"If that's the case," She rasps against your skin, and you softly gasp as she squeezes your hips.
"Then give me one night to convince you otherwise, my love."
_________________ WORDCOUNT: 10, 214 _________________
A/N: Sorry for making you all wait this long, my exams were in the last week of May and due to the uncooperative weather - were moved to the second week of June.
Thank you for waiting. Enjoy reading!
And also because:
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You asked, I shall deliver
Russian-translated words are here.
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Dynasties are a succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in business, politics, or another field.
And like all dynasties - they fall. Either by sickness or by each others' hands. 
In your family's case, however. It's the latter. 
Greed and ambition can make a man overlook crucial things, such as researching land in Tuscany before seizing its valuables and burning the farm. And as for the valuables in that mansion, most of them were sold, some were kept, and the rest were disregarded. For months, your family made a fortune out of it. 
It was only when masked, tall men broke into your family's vacation home, killed all the guards, and forced you to kneel beneath the barrels of their guns. 
Your watch from the back of your parents as your assailants part to make way for a woman, her face covered by the shadows, but you see her eyes. Black and devoid of warmth. 
"Who are you?" Demanded your father, "And how dare you attack my family in my home?"
Silence permeates the air. The woman spoke: "Hae Jinwon," Her voice was alluring yet sharp. There was a noticeable rough accent in her tone. "Capomandamento of the Haewon Clan." She mused. "Who the fuck are you?" Your brother spat beside you. The woman moves her gaze from your father to your older brother, Hae Jinyoung. "It was you, who led your father's men to my property in Tuscany, am I correct?"
"Yeah?" He challenged, "And what about it?"
"Ublijudok," She sneers and points the gun at him. 
Your eyes widened as your parents spat out cries of panic while Jinyoung visibly pales at the sight of the latter's gun. "Fools," She jeers as she redirects her aim and pulls the trigger. Your ears ring at the sound of her bullet wheezing past you and hitting one of your mother's vases, shattering it; pieces of ceramic fall on the floorboards. Your skin prickles at the sound as the woman points her gun at your father. 
"Do all of you have any idea how many enemies came into my home at this hour and threatened my family?" She snarled and walked forward, allowing you to see her face - beautiful and twisted with wrath and contempt. She wore an all-black attire, an overcoat, a turtleneck, trousers, and boots. Your eyes trailed to her gloved hand where she was holding a gun. "For months, we were hunted like animals." She grimaced, "And when they had their fill, they left us to rot. But I refused my family to succumb to that state and found the fuckers behind it."
She circles your family like a lioness examining her prey before killing it. 
"It's insulting," She scoffs, "To have everything I built destroyed by a minor family and reaped our benefits." She stops behind your father and digs the muzzle against the back of his skull. "I should kill all of you right here, right now." The perpetrator growls and applies pressure against the trigger.
Your ears couldn't register the cacophony of your family's panicked cries. Only you remained silent, watching with wide eyes as they struggled against their bindings while they plead for their lives. And she cackled - the perpetrator cackled. "That's right," She mused sickly, "Beg for it - your lives until no one understands what you all are saying." She moves in front of Jinyoung and crouches to meet his gaze.
"You're the oldest, right?"
His lips quivered. The woman was losing her patience and glowers at him. "Answer me, svin'ja." 
Jinyoung gulped, "Yes," 
"Then that means you'll take over once your father is out of commission, yes?"
"Yes?" He answers tentatively. 
The latter hums, "Do you know who I am, Hae Jinyoung?"
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. The woman clicked her tongue, "Answer me immediately, boy." She pointed the gun at you, and you flinched. "Or else your sister's brain will be riddled with bullets." 
"No!" He exclaimed, "No, I don't have a fucking clue who the fuck you are-"
She hits him with the butt of her gun, silencing him as your father exclaims. "Jinyoung!" He roared, "You bitch-"
"We're done here," She declared, and her men vacated the house one by one - except for her. "Why spare us?" Your mother questions. The woman didn't say anything at first as she moved her gaze toward you and answered:
"Because it'll be too easy. You took away my family's foundation - so I shall take away yours." A cold smile settles on her lips, "And finally, we're even. What's the fun of ending it quickly when you can leave them alive so they can suffer for it?" 
None of you made a sound, and she took it for her cue to leave. 
She didn't return after that. 
But true to her word, your family did suffer for it. 
Enemies came left and right. They robbed your family of its treasures, stole opportunities from the Haewon Clan, and even turned your people away from you. It got to the point that your parents separated. Your father kept your brother. He was the heir: while your mother took you. You never saw your father or your brother ever since. You thought that you'd turned over a new leaf, forgetting that humiliation that left you seething with anger and resentment for your father's stupid choices and for allowing his greed to put you and your mother into that position. 
But no, it remained. 
Evidence of that showed when your grandfather - your father's side of the family visited you at your university when you were nineteen. 
"Excuse me," You blinked at the older man, "You want me to go where?"
"Come back to us, Y/N." Your grandfather coaxed. You scoffed at him, "And do what?" You demanded, "Is my older brother not good enough to lead this god-forsaken family?"
A wry smile graced his thin lips, "Yes," 
You paused, "What?"
A sigh left his lips, "After returning from Italy to fix the mistakes my son and your brother made. I've concluded that neither is fit to lead the Haewon Clan." 
You knew where this conversation was going. Yo arched a brow, "And you think I can?"
"An old man can hope." Another scoff of disbelief leaves your lips. "Take your hopes with you and leave, grandfather." You sneered, "My mother and I want none of them." Without another word, you walk past the latter with a dark expression. 
"Don't you want to settle the score?" He called out. You stopped. 
"Don't you want to get even with the family who did this?" He added, and you ground your jaw so hard that you thought it was going to break. You balled your hand into fists and peered over your shoulder, "What makes you think I'd be interested?"
You didn't move as he made his way to you, "Your eyes say it all, granddaughter. I don't have to explain it, do I?"
You turn to him. Your expression was unreadable, but your eyes burned with vindication. 
"Under two conditions."
His eyes light up. "And what's that?"
"Allow me to finish college, and in the meantime - teach me what I need to know." He furrowed his brows, "Wouldn't that distract you from your studies?"
"I'll manage it," You snapped, and he nodded. "Alright, what's the other one?"
"I won't take your name." You tell him firmly, "I refuse to be associated with the name: Haewon. Instead, I'll take my mother's last name, Han." 
"Very well," He gives in, "Y/N Han." 
And for years, you rebuilt what your family had lost: money, security, fame. While you repair your foundation, you bid your time into researching the family that destroyed you and retaliated. It was small at first until you began stealing their clients, information - all of it. One by one, you stole from them. 
It's only a matter of time before the new capomandamento takes matters into her own hands and captures you for your deeds against her family. 
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Upon further research, the family you're holding a vendetta against is a Russian-Korean family named the Zakharov Clan.
And their two children - Ilina and Karina Zakharov.
Ilina, the woman who broke into your home, died three years ago after one of their men turned against her in an attempt to start a coup by shooting a bullet to her head. But he was swiftly killed by her sister - Karina, earning her Ilina's status and authority as the new capomandamento of the Zakharov Family a week after her sister's burial in Moscow.
Karina is fifth-generation old money. Her family is a mix of Russian kingmakers that made a fortune importing illegal goods during The Great Depression in 1929 and later established a globe-spanning empire in organized crime. A family long since retreated from public view, but their dominance endures to this day.
"The only gap we have in that family is that we don't know anything about the Zakharov's new capo." Your consigliere admits with a sigh, "No photos, records of any kind. Just the name."
You put the dossier down and locked eyes with the latter, "That's good enough for me, Kazuha. Send out the invitations."
She looked apprehensive, "Are you sure?"
"Yes," You tell her with finality. "I've made my move. I will await hers."
Kazuha didn't say anything as she took the dossier, "Before I forget, someone sent you a package." You arched a brow, "A package? What sort?" She shook her head sideways, "I didn't open it."
A hum reverberates from your throat, "Where is it now?"
"I sent it to your room, and before you can ask, it didn't have a return address. I suggest that I open it while you watch." You guffaw, "And I thought you were just a consigliere, not my guard."
"You are my employer and my friend, Y/N." She insists, "And I've made a promise-"
"To my mother, I know." You finish for her as you stand up. She follows your example as you gesture a hand toward your door. "Lead the way, Miss Nakamura."
"It's a dress," You mused as you stood beside her, your eyes lingering on the top cover. "From Givenchy. Is it from Jaehyun?"
The younger woman furrows her brows, "That man can't pick a dress for you to save a life, Y/N." She closes it, "Perhaps he asked a stylist to pick it for you." You hum and gently take the box from her and open it to see the dress. It was a black one-shoulder draped dress in crepe with a fluid skirt and a long slit in the front. "There's also a jewelry set," Your consigliere mused. Your eyes moved to the jewelry box nestled within.
"Jaehyun must've paid extra for these," You remarked as you carefully put the dress down and opened the jewelry box. It contained a necklace with golden-finish metal links and a bracelet in golden-finish metal with Swarovski crystals.
"Return this to him." You put the dress and accessories inside the box and turned away from the gift.
"I already have a dress in mind for next week's gathering." You tell the younger woman as you walk past her.
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The first time you met her, she played you at your game. 
Music plays through the speakers, accompanied by cheerful yells and self-indulging conversations as you watch all of these play beneath you from the elevated interior balcony of the venue with a glass of champagne in your hand and your consigliere standing to your left, her eyes sharply examining the attendees of the event. For tonight's event, you wore a black deconstructed cape cocktail dress featuring slashes, lapel detailing, and two flap pockets on the sides, finished with a single-button fastening and heels. 
While Kazuha wore a navy blue monogram shirt dress and boots. 
She leans close and whispers through the blaring music, "How would you know if she's here?"
You take a swig before replying: "People talk big about themselves in events like these, Kazuha. One of them is bound to slip." 
The younger woman blinks at you, "You don't know?"
You flash her a grin before descending the stairs. Kazuha follows your figure with disbelief etched in her graceful features. "Y/N, this is dangerous-"
"Jaehyun!" You call out as you see a familiar towering figure donning a two-piece suit and black hair conversing with a group of benefactors. The man turns to you and grins, "Y/N," He then looks at his audience and excuses himself before coming to you with open arms, his double-breasted blazer wrinkled. "My - you look delectable!" 
Once you're at arm's reach, he takes your hand and kisses the back of your palm. "To what do I owe the pleasure of having your attention tonight?" He queries as soon as you retract your hand. "How are the acquisitions for the farmland in Tuscany?"
Jeong Jaehyun, a family friend and your business partner since your return, is your man when it comes to international profits and investments. He was also the one who helped Kazuha in finding information about the Zakharov Clan, albeit it had gaps. 
"The owners are still deciding on it, Y/N." He says as he walks beside you with Kazuha trailing behind, "But I guarantee they'll sign the papers." 
"Good," You peer over your shoulder. "Leaves us, Kazuha. You have the luxury of mingling with our guests." The younger woman doesn't protest and bows before leaving. 
You crane your neck to study your attendees. Jaehyun follows your gaze and chuckles. "Looking for Miss Zakharov?"
"I don't even know who I'm supposed to look at," You comment, and Jaehyun frowns, "You're endangering yourself, my friend." 
"It's a long shot," A grin graces your lips, "But worth a try." Before he can reply, you cut him off. "By the way, that dress you sent me a week ago was nice." His frown deepen as you continue, "It's a shame that I already have a dress for tonight's event." 
He stops, and so did you. "Y/N, what are you talking about?"
You mirror his frown, "You didn't send me a dress?" 
Your business partner grasps your arm. "Y/N, I stopped sending you dresses the moment you said my taste for women's clothing was questionable." Your face blanks at the revelation, "So you're not the one who sent me a dress from Givenchy?"
"No," He hisses, "It wasn't me-"
"Jaehyun!" Another voice interjects. You both snap your heads toward a younger gentleman, and he flushes. "What is it, Mark?" 
"Mingyu wants to talk to you." 
"Alright," Jaehyun sighs before looking at you. "Be careful, Y/N. We'll talk later." 
"We will," You tell him, and you steel your composure. 
"Now go." The man obeys as the music changes to a livelier beat - on cue, your guests gather to dance with a partner next to them. You watch with a slight smile gracing your lips as you take another swig of your glass before placing it atop a random countertop. 
You felt a presence beside you, and with careful eyes, you regard the stranger - a woman with tall stature and pale skin. She wore a black wrap-over top with a plunging neckline, allowing you to see her carved collarbones and pale skin, flared tuxedo pants, a buckle-thin belt, and leather zipped boots. Her hair is black and luscious, cascading down to her waist with her slender fingers securing the stem of her champagne glass. 
"You didn't wear the dress I sent for you." She tells you with a distinct accent - Slavic. 
You arch a brow; she sent you the dress? 
"And who might you be?" You are bemused, and the woman finally looks at you. 
Beautiful is an understatement. The woman standing beside you couldn't be older than thirty-three, small-shaped face, a v-shaped jaw, a sharp upturned nose, red lips, and abysmal, obsidian-hued eyes. Beautiful, but there's something amiss. 
A smile made its way to her lips as she timely placed her half-finished drink atop the tray of the waiter and gestured an open palm toward your direction. 
"How about I answer that with a dance?" 
A wry smile made its way to your lips. "What makes you think I'd want to dance with you?"
The latter smirks, "You'll regret it if you don't." You frown at her response. 
She turns to you, allowing you to see her perfect proportions. Her attire compliments her lean figure as she places a hand atop her right breast and bows. She lifts her head to look at you expectantly. "So what will it be?" She holds out her hand toward you. 
You narrow your gaze at her, "I'm in no position to refuse, am I?" 
The woman grins, "Da," 
Without another word, you take her hand, and she swiftly sweeps you off your feet as she leads the dance. Her left grasps your hips while the other intertwines with your right. Your left-hand hooks onto her broad shoulder. 
"Your photos don't do you justice, dorogoj," She tells you with a smile, "You look prettier in person." 
"Who are you?" 
The enigmatic stranger doesn't reply and gracefully spins you, pressing her front against your back, eliciting a sharp gasp from you as she traps you against her body. "Y/N Han, formerly known as a Hae, daughter of Hae Jinwon." 
"That information is given." You tell her as you turn around, returning to your first position. "Who. Are. You." 
Her lips curl upwards, "Do you know 'The Red Shoes,' written by Christian Andersen?"
"And what does that have to do with who you are?" You retorted, patience waning as she coaxed your body to turn. "Oh, pretty girl." She purred, "It has something to do with your relationship with me." 
Your brows furrow, "What do you mean?"
Instead of directly answering that question, she replies with a different narrative:
"The little girl wore her red shoes everywhere she went, even to a God-fearing church. Once you wear those shoes, your feet start dancing on their own. And you can never stop dancing or take off those shoes. But even so, the little girl never gave up on those shoes. In the end, the executioner had to cut off her feet." 
Her expression changes to a cold, harsh one as she continues: "But those two feet that got cut off continue to dance in those red shoes." 
A blood-curdling smile curls on the woman's lips as you stop dancing. Her hand snakes around your hips, flushing you against her while the other cups your cheek. You stood frozen still as you try to comprehend what she just said. 
"You see, dovol'no devushka," She sneers as she caresses your cheek. "You stole from my family - it was small at first, but I began to notice it." You ground your jaw as the atmosphere becomes heavy and foreboding. "I see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." 
You sneer at her, and your hands finally move by digging your blunt nails against her shoulder - her pupils dilated with twisted excitement as you lean close, finally smelling her scent; top notes of mulberry and black peony followed by middle notes of jasmine and tuberose with hints of black musk and vetiver base notes. 
The scent suits her; sultry, dark, and alluring. 
"Karina Zakharov," You rasped, and she grins, "Pravil'no," 
Before you can react, she effortlessly manipulates your body to a dip, just as violins soar higher. Your nails shamelessly claw her attire, and the woman visibly lights up with twisted delight as the shadows mask her face. 
"Your obsession with finding me has come to fruition, Y/N." Karina husks as she lifts you back up, "You wanted my attention - fine." She leans close - and you let her. Her cold breath fans the left outer shell of your ear, and you muffle a gasp. 
"I shall share your fixation. I'll hold you captive beneath me while I take what you most treasure on this earth." 
She growls as she tightens her hold around you. 
Karina's other hand goes up to the back of your neck, reaching to your roots and purchasing a handful of your hair, and pulls it back. You muffle a groan as you glare at her while she looks down on you condescendingly with contempt. 
 "Oh," Her chest rumbles as she chuckles, "Don't look at me like that, moya ljubov. You brought this upon yourself." She leans close, lips almost touching yours as she speaks in full Russian:
"Ty pozhnaesh' to, chto seesh." Karina jeers, "You reap what you sow." 
And before you know it, you feel something pierce the side of your neck. You look at her, appalled as the dancers surround you and Zakharov's capomandamento. Your body feels heavy, and your eyelids heavier. You stagger in her grip, "What did you..." You trailed off as your speech slurs. You peer over her shoulder and spot Kazuha and Jaehyun marching toward you with alarmed expressions, your guards following behind them. 
Karina chuckles as she brushes a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“Your obsession is noble and beautiful, Y/N.”
“What did you do to me,” You stammer as you feel your grip on consciousness slipping. 
“And I’ve finally found my red shoes.” 
With that, your body shuts down. 
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The sound of metal scraping the floor jerks you awake, your fight or flight response activates, and blood rushes all over your body - forcing you into consciousness. 
Pain follows second. 
A groan leaves your lips as your head throbs and your legs feel sore. Your arms were bound behind your back, clasped together by chains that rattle with every move. Flashes of last night's events replay in your memory like a broken record - your face burns at the memory. But rather than throwing a tantrum in your new-found cell, you held your breath before exhaling slowly and examining your surroundings. 
Your senses heightened. 
Cement walls surround you, four walls devoid of warmth. The lighting is poor, only consisting of a bulb hanging over your head. The atmosphere is damp and cold. You look down at your dress; no doubt it was wrinkled and tattered by the people who dragged you here. You move your head upwards and spot a CCTV camera focused on you. 
You hear a set of footfalls approaching from behind. Questions flooded your thoughts - how could you have missed that? This god-forsaken place is dark. You should have heard a sound - anything. 
"You're awake," Your skin prickles at the familiar accent. Your expression darkens as Karina approaches you from the shadows. Her features are poised and relaxed in contrast to yours. 
"How long have I been unconscious?" 
A wry smile graces her lips, "Seven hours - I was beginning to think I overdosed you, dorogoj."
You sit on the back of your legs and shamelessly run your eyes down her body. Unlike her attire last night: Karina's wearing a white, buttoned-dow shirt, black tapered pants, and loafers. 
"Eyes up here, velikolepnyy." She mused, "Otherwise people might get the wrong idea of our dynamic." 
A scoff leaves your lips. "I'm not interested." 
She lets out a dark chuckle as she stalks toward you, the glint in her eyes changing to a menacing gleam as she bends and grabs your jaw, forcing you to look at her - the distance between your faces is only inches apart, and the atmosphere thickens. You held your breath at her proximity as her eyes trailed your features, from your eyes down to your lips. 
"I could tempt you," She rasps against your lips, and a wolfish grin creeps on her lips. "But I don't fraternize with thieves." 
You mirror her grin, although mockingly. "Oh?"
"$10,000,00.00 Y/N." She bemused, and her eyes shapen with contempt. "That's a large sum of our income." She tightens her grip on your jaw, but Karina doesn't dig her nails against your skin. 
"If that's the case, then I'm sorry." You jeer as you dig your nails against your palms. 
There's a pregnant pause, and silence permeates the air so heavily that you were tempted to break it, but she beats you to it.
"Don't be," Her tone changes, and those black, abysmal eyes swim with twisted mirth. "If anything - I'm impressed." The older woman lets go of your jaw and turns around. You use this opportunity to stretch your jaw and clamp it shut when she turns to you and folds her hands behind her back. 
"Does that mean you're letting me off the hook, Zakharov?"
She guffaws and grabs you by the collar, startling you as she bares her teeth. Your chains rattle at her sudden action. 
"I'm assuming that's a no," You hiss as she violently lets you go. "You're correct," She fixes her shirt. Before you can choose your words wisely, you blurt out:
"Are you going to kill me for it, then?"
She stares at you, her expression unreadable, before replying in a monotonous tone: "No, but my sister would." She inclines her head to the side, "But I am not Ilina." She leans down. "I am worse, Y/N." Karina chortles, "Why did you have to come back to this kind of life?" She steps back.
"You had your chance to live an ordinary life, dorogoj. You chose this, and now you deal with me." 
There's something in her eyes that unnerved you. 
"What are you going to do?" You inquired, but your voice sounded distant. 
She didn't answer and turned around, "Behave yourself, Y/N. My capo bastone will send you your food. Don't do anything stupid if you want your family to stay alive." 
Your face burned at her statement. "Don't you dare-"
"I've told you, pretty girl." She sneers, "You made your move, and I will make mine. You are in no position to threaten me."
Your blood boils as she continues: "Especially when you're the one who is in chains." 
Then she walks away from you. You dig your nails against your palms so hard you thought they'd bleed in an attempt to soothe your urge to bash someone's head in anger.
"Don't you dare touch them," You whisper as she leaves you in the dark. 
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Winter Kim is Karina's capo bastone, the underboss. Short-haired, pale, and brunette - socially inept too, given that Winter's impervious to conversations, only saying yes, no, or I can neither confirm nor deny that. 
She's the one bringing you food and water for the past four days. 
But you refuse to eat what's being handed to you, even if they loosen your binds so you can eat better. That did nothing. You'd rather starve than be poisoned by your captor. 
One day, Winter and a couple of guards enter your holding cell. She stands in front of you while her guards release you from your binds. "What's going on?" You question as they grab you by the arms and force you to stand up, your legs wobbling from sitting and kneeling for the past few days. 
"Don't do anything stupid," She replies, "We're taking you to her." 
"That's probably the longest sentence I've heard from you." You jeer. The brunette ignores it and gestures a hand toward the shadows. "Take her out." 
They obeyed and escorted you outside. The brightness hurts your eyes, and your ears buzz with the sound of nature as they drag you out of your detainment. You look over your shoulder to see the structure of your 'dungeon,' it is a modest-sized house with no second floor.
A few paces later and they take you to an elaborate garden surrounded by gardeners trimming bushes and wiping statues. 
In the center seats a figure eating her food with gusto. Your eyes narrow, and you ball your hands to distract your hunger as the figure looks up. "Ah, there she is," Karina puts down her utensils, wipes her mouth with a napkin, and gestured a hand at a vacant seat across from her. "Be seated, Y/N." 
The men drag you to the seat, but you stop them with a glare. 
"I can do sit by myself - let me go." They look at her for permission, and she permits it with a nod. The guards let go of your arm. You can feel Winter's gaze following your movements as you sit across the older, raven-haired beauty. 
The latter gestures a hand towards your plate: "Reverse sear steak," She tells you as you look down at your food. You ground your jaw as your nose catches the whiff of the dish - your stomach growls. "I had my finest chef cook it for you." 
You look at her dead in the eye, "I'm not hungry," 
A scoff leaves her lips as the older woman crosses her arms. "That's a lie, dorogoj. You haven't eaten." 
Her statement elicits an arched brow from you, "Aw - you're worried." 
Karina's lips curl upwards, "I don't have any use of you if you're dead, Y/N." Her gaze sharpens, "Eat," 
"And how do I know the meals you have been sending me aren't poisoned?" You countered. She blinks at you, bemused. "Poison is a coward's weapon, Y/N." 
You incline your head to the side, "I need a guarantee, Zakharov, not assurance." The latter hums and uses her fork, wipe it with a napkin, stabs one of your steak cuts, and brings it to her mouth. Her eyes never left yours as she caught the meat between her teeth and ate it.
"See?" She spreads her arms, "Now will you eat?"
Without saying a word, you take your utensils and eat under her watchful eye. "A meal like this instigates negotiation." You put down your fork, "What do you want, Zakharov?"
Karina chuckles, "You're quick. I like that." 
A wry smile decorates your lips, "We don't become heads of our families' business for nothing." 
"I agree," She knots her fingers together. "Leave us," 
The gardeners and her guards obey, except Winter. Karina looks over your shoulder. You assume that's where Winter is - behind you. 
"That includes you, Winter Kim." 
You didn't look back, but you heard receding footfalls. "Now that we're alone. I need you to act civil with me." 
You cock your brow upwards, "What makes you think I'm interested in being civil with you?"
A chuckle reverberates from her chest, and her hawk-like eyes study your face before speaking: "Because your stunt in stealing my fortune and assets earned us both enemies." 
You frowned, "We earn new enemies every day, Karina. What's new about that?" A vicious smile graces her lips as if she knew a terrible secret. Your skin prickles and your gut churns uncomfortably as she drops her voice an octave lower. 
"I heard that your grandfather is withdrawing his support after I abducted you, dorogoj. And he's cutting ties with you and stole almost all of your assets-"
"That's ridiculous-"
"Oh," She scoffs, "It's true, and I have the evidence to prove it, Y/N." On cue, she takes out a ledger and opens it. "These are your grandfather's offshore accounts. See the amount? It doubled." 
"Impossible," You clench your hands into fists, "My grandfather would never-"
"But he did," She jeers and shuts the ledger close. "And now, he's leaving you with me. Truth be told he is smart for a man going senile, taking your assets assuming that I've killed you, and leaving the Han clan out in the open for everyone to target."
You scowl at her, "My men-"
"Has already defected, dorogoj." She finishes for you, "Even your consigliere and your money man - Jaehyun, was it?"
Your chest heaved as you try to calm your nerves, "Where did it all go wrong? You might ask?" She grins dubiously, "It all started when you planned that event, Y/N." Karina guffaws, "I'm appalled that your grandfather would sell you out. He must've thought that he'd lose like last time." 
She returns her focus to your shaking figure, eyes wide and lips formed to a thin line, dark and unreadable. 
"Now, don't be sad. Y/N." She cooes, "You have me."
You didn't reply, and her phone rang. The latter takes it while never taking her eyes off you. You sit there and blocked out your surroundings as you feel the heavy weight of your actions taking a toll on your focus as Karina ends the call. 
"You know," She sighs and puts her phone on top of the table. "You should count yourself lucky that I've decided to kidnap you. Your warehouses were ransacked by your old enemies-"
"Shut up," You tell her with a shaky breath, "Shut up." 
Her face shifts to a faux show of sympathy and concern. "I'm merely telling the truth, Y/N."
"What do you want from me?"
Karina plays with her steak knife. "Your cooperation." 
"And if I don't want to cooperate?"
"Oh darling," She purrs, "You are in no position to refuse - this concerns you, after all." Your tongue pokes your inner left cheek, "Give me time to-"
"No," The older woman cuts you off, "It's either you agree or rot while I clean our fifth." There's a dangerous edge to her voice. You give her a dirty look while she shoots you with a challenging glare. "So, what will it be, dorogoj?"
"Fine," You say through gritted teeth. 
Karina purrs in satisfaction. "Clever girl, you got promoted from prisoner - to my guest. You will have one of my guestrooms. The rules still apply: do anything stupid, and I will deal with you. Do you understand this, Y/N?" 
You felt like a child underneath her gaze, your eyes burned with silent wrath as you answer with a curt:
"Yes - what, pretty girl?"
"Yes," You hiss, "Karina Zakharov." 
"Very good," On cue Karina's guards and Winter return to the garden. She stands up. You follow her example, unblinking as her guards seize you by the arms. You recoil at their touch as if they burned you. 
"Be gentle," She instructs them, "She is now my guest." 
They acknowledge her command with a bow before carrying on with what they are bid to do. 
"I'll cooperate," You tell her, "Under one condition, a simple condition." 
Karina clicks her tongue, "Let's hear it, then." 
"That you'll protect my mother." The latter pauses, "Very well, your mother will be under my care." She turns to look at the short-haired brunette. "Winter, escort her to her new room. The rest of you, return to your stations." 
You allow the second in command to lead you to your new room. 
Karina's manor is of neoclassical design. Neat and spacious. You follow Winter through the labyrinthine halls until she stops before an intricately carved white double door with guards standing on both sides. 
"This will be your room," She tells you blankly while one of the guards opens the door to reveal a spacious, clean room. "If you need anything, just call for the guards." 
Without saying anything, you enter the room and study your surroundings. The door closes behind you - the room contains your typical setting for a bedroom. But still, you inspect the place making sure that there are no hidden cameras. 
There was none. 
You sink into your knees and let out a shaky breath to calm your nerves. Your body feels numb and lightweight as you try to think clearly, but your mind is riddled - racing with thoughts more than your brain can take. 
And you pass out.
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For the next 72 hours, you observed the guards standing on the opposite side of your room. 
They change shifts, and the time lag is five minutes due to the long halls of Karina's manor. 
Darkness has befallen, the white halls dimmed to the color of the wall lamps, and your guards just left their posts. 
Five minutes
Your head peeked through your doors, eyeing both halls before slipping out, careful to avoid Karina's men. Your heart hammers against your ribs, and you can feel your pulse pounding against your head as you maneuver silently. 
While sneaking out, your eyes caught a huge family portrait hanging near the marble staircase. 
It's also been taken recently due to you spotting a familiar face. Karina was seated next to her older sister. The youngest Zakharov wore a black, sleeveless high-neck dress. Her hair was styled to a fishtail bun with her bangs resting on the sides of her face, while Ilina wore a black cut-out midi dress, and her hair was styled to a half ponytail.
You move your gaze to the parents you hailed them. 
Karina took her mother's features, while Ilina had their father's. But both sisters exude power and grace, a beautiful, powerful family. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Her voice cuts through the silence, and you swiftly turn to her with wide eyes. 
There she stood from behind. Karina Zakharov is wearing a black buttoned-down shirt, straight-cut jeans, and sandals. Her hair was let down. 
"It's a decent photo," You stiffly tell her, "No," She scoffs, "Don't I look great in that photo?"
You roll your eyes in reply while she chuckles and stands beside you. Your posture bristles and stiffens as she folds her hands behind her back. 
"It was the last photo we've taken before one of her men shot her." She tells you, "I'm sure you're relieved to hear that, am I right, dorogoj?" 
The air suddenly becomes heavy and stifling as you feel her move her line of sight toward your unwilling figure. You avert your gaze elsewhere. You don't know how to respond to that. You held your breath as you try to think of a reply but you blurt out:
"My condolences," You say to her monotonously.
She tears away her gaze from you, looks at the picture, and hums a tune that holds no consequence. "I don't need your condolences; she died a long time ago." 
Silence hangs between you before she speaks again, "And relax, Y/N." You shift your gaze to her with furrowed brows. "You're free to roam my halls so long as you stay out of our private rooms." A smirk coils on her lips, "And don't do-"
"Anything stupid," You finish for her through gritted teeth, "If that's the case, may I go to the garden?"
The older woman regards you for a moment before nodding. "I'll take you there." 
You arched a brow. Karina catches on. "As you can see, Y/N, I'm the only one present in this room - and if I call my men or Winter I'd have to waste my breath and call for them." She pauses, "I think it's perfect that I'll take you there just in case you decide to run away." Her smirk returns, "But if you did, I'll be the one to capture you - I like to give chase." 
An exasperated sigh leaves your lips, "Shut up and take me to the garden." 
She guffaws, "Follow me, dorogoj." 
What's with the Russian words? You didn't ask her and followed the raven-haired capo. "By the way," She adds, "My clothes look good on you." 
Your eyes subtly widen as you look down at your borrowed clothing. "Your clothes?!" That came out as a squeak. The older woman shoots you a wolfish grin before leading the way. 
"It's either that or you walk around my property naked, pretty girl." She teases, and you hold every fiber of your body not to hit her head. "No wonder why they felt big on me." You cringe as your footsteps echo through the dimly lit halls. It didn't take a minute for you to spot a familiar short-haired girl coming toward the two of you. 
"Winter," Karina acknowledges while the younger woman bows her head, "We received Giselle's report on the import at Port Elizabeth, New York."
Giselle? As in Uchinaga Giselle? The New York mobster?
"Very well, did you send a copy to my consigliere?"
The shorter woman nods, "Yeji has it. She's heading on her way as we speak." There's a pause. You feel out of place in their conversation and avert your gaze elsewhere. "If that's the case, then you'll entertain our guest here." You snap your head to the two. Winter pursed her lips before bowing her head, "Of course. Where shall I take her?"
"To my garden," She answers before looking at you with a small, distant smile. "Be a good girl, and don't give Winter a hard time, yeah?"
Without saying another word, Karina turns to the opposite hallway while Winter leads the way to the garden. You follow the brunette, but you look over your shoulder, your eyes locked on the disappearing figure of Karina. True to her word, Winter took you to the garden. You sigh as you revel in the cold breeze lightly nipping your skin and the ivory glow of the moon. A refreshing sight from the usual four walls of your room. 
A wry smile creeps on your lips at the realization. Despite being moved to a much more hospitable accommodation-
"A golden prison is still a prison." You tell yourself while Winter stands behind you. Her sharp gaze never leaves your figure as you bask in the beautiful glow of the moonlight. 
Meters away from the second floor of the manor, there stood Karina on her balcony with her slender, well-manicured fingers holding the stem of her wine glass. Despite Yeji discussing the keys of Giselle's report, Karina's eyes were glued to your figure, before disappearing inside her study. 
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"Y/N," Winter regards as you get out of your room. 
"What are you doing here?" You inquire the younger woman unkindly as you walk past her. The younger woman follows you, "And why are you following me around?"
"Haven't you heard?" You feel Winter's gaze move to your striding figure. "Miss Zakharov has assigned me as your guard." You stop in your tracks to look at her, "She assigned you to be my what?"
"Your guard," She tells you. 
You open your mouth but you shut it close and continue to walk. "Where are you going this time, Miss Han? To the gardens again?"
Turns out, you are being held captive in Italy. The northern Italian province of Lombardy is home to Milan and other fashion hubs.
"Where else?" You grumble, "But I'm getting tired of it. Can't a prisoner have something to entertain herself?"
Winter balks, "You're no prisoner." 
"A golden cage is still a cage, Winter." You bemused. This is the first time the short-haired brunette initiated a conversation with you. 
"Do books interest you?" You scoff at her, "What? I can't use the TV?"
"We don't have that," She tells you honestly, and you gawk at her. "What kind of founding family has all the money and resources in the world but has no TV?"
The latter coughs, "Karina is too busy with her work to watch." 
"You make it sound as though I am a lazy capo." You snark before the realization dawns on you. You're not a capo anymore. "Anyways," You quickly regain your composure, "She has a library?"
"Yes, follow me." Without waiting, she turns around, leaving you to follow her.
After minutes of wandering through the halls, she stops before two tall doors and gestures a hand. "Inside, Miss Han." 
You regard her for a moment before pushing the door open. Karina Zakharov's library is spacious and shelves rich with books. How could she possess such a magnitude of books? 
As if sensing your question, Winter speaks up: "This library was the congressman of Italy's gift for her." 
"I see," You mutter as you brush the pads of your fingers against the spines of the books. Winter watches you closely as you turn to the bookshelf and grab two books, one of Slavic folktale and the other a Russian-to-English dictionary.
Winter regards your choice of books, "I'll be outside if you need anything." 
You didn't answer and instead take a seat on the nearest couch before burying your head in between the pages, getting lost in a paradise of words to pass the time. You hear the door close. 
"You didn't eat the fruits I sent you." An amused voice cuts through the silence, forcing you to tear your eyes from the page and then look up at the owner of the voice.
Karina stood a few meters away from your seated figure with her arms crossed against her chest. Her tall figure leans against one of the bookshelves as her eyes watch you. 
Your eyes fall to a tray of cut fruits beside you. One of her men, or Winter must've placed it beside you, you just didn't notice.
"Ah," Is all you can say while the older woman chuckles and strides toward you, and gracefully picks up an apple. You watch her with intent, she holds your gaze as she takes a bite, and hunger suddenly pangs against your stomach, but your lips traverse to her lips as she licks them clean. You clear your throat softly and avert your gaze, you didn't see the smirk playing on her lips. 
"What are you doing, Zakharov?"
"Just showing you that it's not poisoned, dorogoj." 
Your face flushes at the pet name. You bared your teeth as you snap your gaze toward her. "You do realize that you've been calling me 'darling', right?"
Karina laughs, and your gut churns. "Ah, old habits." 
"You call your prisoners that?"
A teasing smile plays on her lips, and you want to smack it out of her. "No, just you." Your cheeks change to a shade of light pink, and you once again look away from the half-Russian capo. 
She moves her line of sight to your books, "I see that you've taken an interest in my language and culture. That's adorable." 
"Shut up," You snap at her, "I'm reading." 
The latter curls her lips upward, "That one's boring, dovol'no devushka." There she is again. The capo of the Zakharov family takes a book near her and approaches you and hands you the book. "Read this instead." 
You give her a sideward glance. "What I read is hardly any of your business, Zakharov." She scoffs at your snark, "Just read this, printsessa." 
"Don't you have your responsibilities to take care of?" You retort, and Karina rolls her eyes. Her Slavic tongue dominates her English accent. "I have my consigliere stepping in. I gave instructions - they will execute." She waves the book at you, "Now read." 
"Fine," You huff as put the book down and snatch the book from her hand. "What is it about, anyway?"
"Why don't you read and find out, dorogoj?"
You scowl at her before opening the first page. "And by the way," You sigh and look at the older woman. "What?"
"The Uchinagas are hosting an event." 
"Okay, and?"
"Your grandfather will be there," Your eyes sharpened as she continues, "And so will your father and older brother." 
You thread your words carefully. "And what does this have to do with me?" 
A sly smirk graces her plump lips, "This is your opportunity to get even." A pause, "You're coming with me to New York as my plus one." 
Your brow raises, "Is that your way of asking me on a date?"
The raven-haired beauty chuckles, "No, I'm not asking you, Y/N. I'm taking you." You gawk at her as she walks away. "Our flight's in three days. Prepare your valuables." You scoff. You don't have any as you scheme through the pages while Karina peers over her shoulder and exits the room. 
While browsing the pages, your eyes stumble at a sketch. It was a side view of a woman, no older than twenty-five holding a flute champagne, the dress looks familiar, as if you wore it during-
Your eyes subtly widen as you study the details of the sketch - it was you. The night before you were captured. 
"What the," You mutter as you snap your head towards the direction where Karina left with your hand gripping the sketch tightly with thoughts racing in your head, and one stands out:
Why would she sketch you?
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For the next four days, you observed Karina Zakharov - especially when she interacts with you. 
Whenever you throw a jab or a snark at her, she smirks and continues the conversation as if you didn't irritate her. It made the acids in your stomach boil. 
You tested her patience, and she merely chuckled or smirked. She'd walk beside you with a small smile creeping on her lips as if she didn't abduct you. It irked you. Because why would she have time to check on you when Winter or one of her guards can do that?
You are merely a capo left with nothing - if it was any capo, they won't even give you a second glance, but why does she-
Why would she give her time to go to you? 
You have nothing to offer, you have nothing left in your name - you are her prisoner. You were just given the privilege of roaming free and reading whatever's in her library. 
What is she getting at? What was she trying to accomplish?
What does she want from you?
"Ah, and who is this fine woman you're with, Karina?" You broke from your reverie as a smooth baritone voice fills your ears. You turn to the gentleman wearing a black suit. His hair is styled to a perm. He's handsome, almond-shaped eyes, light brown-hued eyes, an upturned hose, and slightly thin lips. Classical music plays faintly in the speakers, accompanied by the clinking of champagne glasses as the underworld's elite gather to attend the Uchinagas' event - it's to celebrate a successful partnership with the Sicilians. 
"Taehyung," Karina regards the gentleman as her hands land on the small area of your back. You held a gasp. Despite the fabric acting as a barrier between your skin and her fingertips, you can feel her cold touch - and it sends shivers throughout your body. "This is my date, Y/N Han." 
"Han?" He muses as he looks at you while you regard him with a bow. "My, you're gorgeous!" You reply with a chuckle as Karina looks at you with a well-practiced smile, "Says you, Mr. Kim. You look dashing." 
The man shifts his weight to his other foot. "An interesting pair, you two. Have you come to good terms?"
Karina responds this time, "Yes, we've decided that a pointless grudge is a waste of energy and time." You cocked a brow as she continues: "So we've agreed to a truce." 
Taehyung hums, "I'll drink to that, have a nice night." 
Once he's out of earshot you turn to look at the older woman who hasn't removed her hand from your back but you chose to ignore it. 
"Was that a personal attack?" 
She snorts, "A - what?"
"Nevermind," You roll your eyes at her as you look around to spot the thieving trio that stole from you. You can feel Karina's gaze and decide to tease her: "Take a photo, it might last longer." 
She scoffs, "Why would I do that when I can draw you with perfect accuracy?"
You glance at her, face unreadable. "Yes, no doubt." 
She cocked a brow, "Oh - I don't like that tone." 
You hid a smirk and grasped her arm, "Let's divide and conquer -or you know what? Leave me to my devices. I'll hunt those three down."
"Alone?" She muses, "I doubt it." 
"You wound me, Zakharov." You mocked, "How could you doubt my skills with a knife?" Where's the lie? There's a knife strapped to your thigh - concealed by the dress Karina bought for you, and it is easily accessible via the long slit of your dress. 
Her face was unreadable, but you could see the turmoil in her eyes. It made your eye twitch with irritation. 
Don't look at me that way. I am capable just as you are. 
"Very well," She concedes, "Winter is around to help you if you can't do it." 
You scowl at her. Since when did she care? 
"Alright," You answer harshly, "Do enjoy the party." 
Without waiting for a reply, you walk away from her. 
You weave through the crowd like black smoke, your eyes sharp and senses heightened as the event continues. And just when you thought you'd never seen another familiar face, Kazuha shows up. Your eyes widen as you come face to face with the former consigliere of the Han Clan. Kazuha mirrors your shock and her hand covers her mouth. 
"Zuha?" You squeak, "Y/N," The younger woman gasps as she grasps both your arms, "How did you-" She sputters, "Oh my god, Y/N I am so sorry, enemies flanked us left and right we had to escape, I'm sorry-"
"Kazuha," You tell her gently, "I understand. You don't have to apologize." 
"It's fine," You sternly reassured her. "You're better off alive than trying to defend what was left of our business." A bittersweet smile graces your lips, "You look gorgeous tonight. Did you get a new job as someone else's consigliere?"
"Yes," She answers shakily, "As Giselle's consigliere. How did you escape her? Karina - I mean." Before you can explain, you see Kazuha's eyes visibly sharpening, and her resplendent countenance twists to a scowl. 
"Karina," She growls as a figure approaches you from behind. Your skin tingles at the familiar touch; the older woman's hand drapes around your waist as she regards Kazuha with a polite smile. "Miss Nakamura," She greets, "A pleasure to meet you tonight." 
She eyes her hand around your waist, "I wish I could say the same, Miss Zakharov." Karina's lips curl upward as your former consigliere continues: 
"What is she doing being this close to you, Y/N?"
"Relax," Karina jeers, "She's with me as my date."
The younger woman's eyes slightly widen as she looks at you, "Is this true?"
Karina cuts you off, "Yes, it's true - even if you wring it out of Y/N, she'll agree with me." Kazuha glares at her while Karina's beautiful features twist to a challenging look while her hand pulls you closer to her. Your gut churns and goosebumps arise - her touch has you in a trance, tantalizing and blissful. 
"Easy ladies," You hissed as you quickly removed Karina's hand from your waist. She looks at you, aghast, but says nothing. "I'll explain everything if we meet again, but for now, I need to find my grandfather and his son and grandson." 
"I saw your grandfather in one of the private booths on the second floor." 
Excitement drums in your veins, and you thank the consigliere before she begrudgingly leaves you and the youngest Zakharov. You move away from Karina, eyes set on your goal now that Kazuha informed you about your grandfather's whereabouts as you make your way to the marble stairs, your hand is itching to grasp the dagger while weaving through the guests, no longer caring if your brushing or bumping past them. 
"Now," You grumble as your eyes study the closed rooms. "Where are you?"
"I don't think charging there with a dagger is intelligent, Y/N." Your face contorts to a scowl at the familiar voice. You snap your head toward her, "This does not concern you, Zakharov." You snark at her with toxicity lacing your voice. "This is between me and my grandfather. Stay out of it." Her face remains calm, and it irked you - so you turn away from her, only for Karina to seize you by the wrist and pull you towards her. Karina Zakharov's face was only inches from yours as her cold breath fanned against your dainty countenance. 
"And I'm telling you, Y/N, it's dangerous for you to go there alone." 
You bared your teeth at her, "Why do you care?"
She doesn't answer, and your patience thinned. "Let. Me. Go, Zakharov." 
The latter ignores this and tightens her grip around your wrist, keeping you in place. You curse at her and snap your head towards the private booths, one opens, revealing a familiar figure that scorned you. Your other hand twitches, you can throw the knife from here. It is thin after all. He's open, and so is your window of opportunity before he surrounds himself with potential collateral damage. 
"Karina," You warned without looking back at her, "Let me go." 
"What's the use of killing him now," The raven-haired beauty coaxes. "When you can let him live to suffer for it, Y/N?"
You grit your teeth. Those words are familiar to you. "I don't fucking care," You hissed. 
"Let me go, Karina Zakharov." You turn to her almost pleadingly, and Karina's face glows with resolve. 
"No, Y/N." She tells you, her voice a whisper. "I won't." 
And your window of opportunity closes. 
You've lost your chance, and you look at your grandfather helplessly, but it quickly dissipates as wrath seeps into your body faster than poison. And without thinking, you swiftly turn to the woman and harshly remove your wrist from her pale hand and use the side of your arm to press it against her throat, startling her, but you don't allow her to think as you quickly push her inside a vacant lounging room and shut it by swiftly pushing the older woman against the door and grab your knife, pressing it against her throat. 
Karina's eyes widen with macabre delight and doesn't make a move. Those black abysmal eyes of hers gleam with curiosity...and something else that you couldn't decipher. 
No, that isn't the reaction you want from her. She was supposed to look threatened, not curious. She is supposed to beg for you to keep the knife away from her face - to beg for her life. 
But she doesn't, and it makes your blood boil and your gut twinges uncomfortably. You ground your jaw so hard you thought your teeth would break. 
"I hate you," You spat at her while your eyes burned, "I hate you so fucking much." 
A cruel, soft smile graces her lips as she reaches out a hand and wipes-
Your tears?
You gape at her, surprised at the tender gesture as she cups your face. Her skin feels warm against your tear-stained cheek. 
"I hate you," You tell her again but this time, your voice sounds distant and meek. 
Distracted, the older woman hastily, but retains her grace as she pins you against the door and disarms the knife from your hands, and pins your wrist on both sides as she flushes her body against yours. 
You let out a shaky breath while Karina's eyes are glazed and hooded, her breath ragged as she leans her face closer to yours. Her scent invades your sense of smell, intoxicating you. She leans close to the outer shell of your right ear. Karina drops her voice an octave lower. 
"Say it to me again," Her Russian accent is hot and rough against the skin of your face. 
"What?" You breathe against her as you try to pry her hands off your wrist but to no avail. 
"That you hate me, dorogoj." Her voice hoarse, "Say it to me again, moya ljubov'."
"I hate you," You say, but the words come out like a caress. A litany. An enchantment. A ward against what you feel. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you-"
And she cuts you off with a searing kiss, catching you off guard. The older woman tilts her head to deepen it, and it didn't take a while for you to respond by matching her fervor that her lipstick smudges against yours. 
She pulls away with a batted breath. Her eyes are dark and ravaging as her grip on your wrist loosens, and you shake it away from her grasp, only to grab her by the lapels of her suit and pull her for another one. She kisses you harder. 
Karina's right-hand grasps you by the back of your head while the other rests against the small area of your back, her nails dig against your skin, eliciting a gasp from you, and she uses her opportunity by slipping her tongue, swallowing you whole before pulling away. 
"I hate you," You breathe into her mouth, your thoughts are muddled by nothing but her. Her scent, her abysmal eyes, her beautiful black hair, her devastatingly gorgeous face - all of her. 
"I hate you so much that I can't think of anything else but you." 
Karina chuckles and softly pecks the skin of your neck, sending shivers down your spine as her hands caress your body. 
"If that's the case," She rasps against your skin, and you softly gasp as she squeezes your hips. 
"Then give me one night to convince you otherwise, my love." 
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byullielle · 1 year
Walls Could Talk // Bang Chan x Mafia!Reader
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Part 2/3
Trilogy Playlist, Till Death Do Us Part, is what the vows contain. Hitched off to notorious mafia boss Christopher Bahng, and despite her volatile and bratty attitude–it'll be only through her that anyone gets to kill her husband.
Tags: Yakuza/Mafia AU, Est. Marriage, Marriage for Convenience, Eventual Lovers, Smut, Manhandling, Resolved Sexual Tension, Angry Sex, Rough Sex, Hurt/Comfort
Disclaimer: how chan looks in the freeze mv is exactly how he looks in this fic. SEX SCENE IS CONSENSUAL. MINORS DNI. NSFW Content.
Part 1 | Part 3
Guide: F/N - Father's Name
6.1k Words
You lean against the pillar of the infirmary of your manor, watching while Soyeon, your family physician, patches Christopher up. He winces while she gently prods at his bare torso, feeling for any more fractured ribs in the collision.
Minho is laid unconscious to be tended by Joshua, another physician who works under Soyeon. He did hit his head but was conscious enough to make it back to the estate awake. It was a disastrous crash, leaving Jisung and Changbin to clean up the mess left behind while Chris looked at you with mirth laden in his eyes.
You couldn't care less.
The moment you got home with the two injured men in tow, Felix came rushing to you with Jung Hyeon's file, finding out that she had the exact tattoo you found on the assailants the day before on her shoulder. All of them were piece by piece coming together—all your husband had to do was listen.
"We just have to wait for his X-ray results but he'll be alright with a few days of rest and to keep the wrist brace on at all times," Soyeon speaks up after hushed voices directed to Chris.
"Y/N-ah make sure he doesn't go out of the estate his broken ribs aren't fatal, thankfully they're only the floating ribs are affected,"
"Noted, Soyeon-ah," you nod, a bit frigid now that the adrenaline isn't needed yet still flowing through your veins. You nearly feel like your heart could stop in all honesty, a sharp pain stabbing through your chest that you simply take like it wasn't anything.
"Now you," Soyeon approaches before you hold your hand up apprehensively, "I'm not injured, Soyeon-ah,"
"I know," she sighs before taking your hand and pulling you into the doctor's office you set up for her team.
Jeon Soyeon has worked for your family ever since it was her grandmother running the medical field of the Jinyoung group. You were one of the few families who had well-equipped and strictly confidential doctors, making you less susceptible to hospital arrests.
"How are you doing," she asks before you sigh and lean back against the wall.
"The thigh wound isn't that deep, it'll heal in three days,"
She lifts her gaze from your file to you, "You know what I mean,"
"Do we have to do this?"
"The more you repress it, the worse it gets,"
You look down at your feet, hesitating before taking a stressed breath, "Yesterday. Happened while I was taking a bath, I think the attack on me the other day triggered it,"
You look up to see Soyeon's concerned face looking at you, "I dunno, kinda just remembered mom and stuff," you shrug, pulling your hands up against your arms.
She hums, jotting something down on a piece of paper before pocketing it, "Any more?"
"That's it for this week, I don't know if there'll be more,"
"And you still don't want to get medicated?"
"I think therapy is working just fine,"
She cocks a brow up, crossing her arms before leaning against her desk, "Really now?"
"I'm serious, Soyeon," you press your lips together, "I'm getting better, you said it yourself I'm just having some bad days,"
She shakes her head and pulls off from the desk, "Given your current situation with Bahng, those bad days would probably stretch on," she approaches you before placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, a flinch non-existent anymore.
"If you need someone, I'm a call away, okay?"
Closing the door behind you, you head to Christopher's bedside.
"I'm sorry I nearly killed you," you sit down by the corner with a sheepish look on your face. The bandage on his forehead was definitely standing out, added to his already prominent collection of scars on his face, 'Continuously added by you, always,' your mind so helpfully supplies.
"Your unorthodox ways always seem to help," he sarcastically replies, making you frown a bit.
"You rest, and then I'll let you know what's going on,"
"No," he shakes his head, “You tell me now. You're still gonna help nurse me too aren't you?" he cocks a brow up and you can't help but scoff, "Aren't you a demanding one,"
"You nearly ended my life, Y/N, I don't know what that says about you,"
Somewhat miffed, you can't help but ball up your slightly trembling hands, "I wasn't planning on killing you! I was saving your life,"
"And how sure are you that it was for saving me?" he counters. You couldn't help but be frustrated with him, standing up from the bed while looking down at his sorry state.
"Oh please your injuries aren't even enough to kill you,"
"Maybe if you didn't act on impulse I wouldn't be on an infirmary bed with a gaping wound on my forehead!"
"I don't act on impulse!" you spit out bitterly, "It was a quick decision but I didn't do it without reason," you frown, voice getting higher and higher, more charged and agitated. He sighs and takes your wrist gently, making you jolt up slightly before he pulls you to his side.
"The Jungs aren't easy to lock down, you know that, right?"
"Of course I do,"
"Then you better make this worth it,"
You didn't know if it was him trying to get on your nerves or general mistrust but your hot temper was already on it's full throttle, you weren't about to hear anyone out because fuck that.
"You're so…" you trail off, closing your eyes before rubbing the spot between your brows, taking a sharp intake of breath.
"We won't get anything done here. Rest up," you mumble before walking away. If walking was stomping out of the infirmary then yes, you walk away there with a scowl on your face.
You saved his fucking life, not even a thanks.
'But then again, did you thank him for saving yours?' your brain nags and you stop in your tracks. Shaking your head away and letting out a fed-up groan, you carry on with the journey to your bedroom.
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“Yeah well, she asked about where you were. She hung up on me,” Hyunjin recalls in Chan’s office, while his boss turns to Changbin with a cocked brow.
“She didn’t say anything when we left. Jisung did say she’s expecting either of us to follow,” the other guard explains while nursing a glass of whiskey, smoke puffed out of his lips minutes after.
“But Chan…do you mind?” Bin raises his head as he simply nods, “Go ahead Bin,”
“I don’t think she was planning to kill you,” he confesses, “Why go through all that trouble? She could’ve done it a long time ago if she really hated your guts,”
“Yeah but hyung that could be just her plausible deniability so that she doesn’t go suspect if the boss dies,”
“So you’re suggesting she’s pinning this on the Jungs,” Chan speaks up before reaching out to pour himself a glass.
“A little bit like that,” he meekly states, looking down at his glass. Changbin presses his lips together, “Although, I really think Jung is suspect, at least Jung Kwang-ho,”
Chan licks up his lips before sighing, “Clearly Y/N knows something. I might have to even talk to F/N-nim, he knows something about the Jungs,”
Changbin scoffs, “She did seem mad at you boss,” he shrugs, “Maybe apologize first before heading to her? And especially her father?”
Chan furrows his brows at him, simply receiving a shrug before Changbin stands up and grabs the holster harness off Chan’s table, “I’m on night duty today, I will see you two tomorrow,” he nods to Chan who simply nods back. “Good night, boss, Jinnie-ah”
“Good night Bin,”
“Night hyung,”
The door quietly shuts before Chan places his glass down the table, crossing his hands together before leaning against the oak desk, “Do you really think she’s trying to kill me?” he directly addresses Hyunjin, “I’m trying to be objective boss,” he sits up straight, setting his drink down as well, “Although a huge part of me agrees with Changbin-hyungnim, we can’t ever be so sure with her motivations,” he starts explaining.
“Y/N-nim seems so mysterious and closed-off after all, especially after getting married to you,”
Seemingly placated with his response, he leans back against his chair again, pondering the possibilities of what the fuck was happening to his territory. He knew a lot of people wanted him dead, in this world, there were more detractors than support, his head a constant prize amongst the pedestal of drug lords and mafia capos especially when branching out his reach in Asia or his bastardized status of being hailed as heir. If you have the world within your grip, its prickly sides would want you to let go.
He just won’t.
Sighing, he rubs the space between his brows with his fingers. “I’ll apologize to her,” he resolves. "Make sure I don't have any appointments tomorrow,”
“Yes boss,” Hyunjin’s gentle demeanor changes along with Chan’s. 
The heavy weight on your chest makes you unable to breathe, the struggle in your lungs heavily impeding your airflow. You crack your eyes open, a heavy gasp escaping you while you claw at the front of your gown, making Seungmin jolt up from his sleep as he rushes to your side.
“Boss,” he helps you up, concerned and worrying as you can feel the sweat on your back–sickly sticky and cold while the strands of your hair stick to your forehead.
Seungmin squeezes your hands once, looking directly into your eyes as you look around still shaken up by the feeling. “Remember anything? Where are you right now,”
“Bahng estate,” you answer breathlessly, “What time is it?” you turn to him as he checks on his wrist.
“2:30 in the morning,”
“Fuck,” you’ve barely been asleep, 3 hours in. “I– I don’t remember the dream, you frustratedly bunch your hair and rest your elbows on your knees, “But it felt…” you trail off, words dying on your tongue.
“Here, have some water,” he calmly hands it to you.
There’s a tremble to your hands, a little bit shaken as you take a big gulp, downing it in one go as a tired sigh escapes you. Night terrors–never one to quickly leave yet so fleetingly easy to overlook, to suddenly forget about what was so terrifying you felt as if your lungs were taken, left your chest bare and barren.
“I think I need to take a walk,” you shake your head and swing your legs over the bed, your bare feet touching the carpeted floor, “Go get some sleep. If something happens, Felix’ll be there,” you direct to Seungmin. You could see him hesitate, but ultimately take your order to rest up.
Wanting to feel the sensation of the cool floors of the manor you lived in, you forgo slippers, making it out of your room quietly as the patters of bare feet barely echo around.
Unbeknownst to you, Christopher sees your retreating figure, getting up to relieve some of the tensions of a sleepless night himself. Not wanting to impede on your time, he curiously follows behind right after, making sure his footfalls are light.
You feel comfort around the tall walls and wide ceilings of the house, it makes you feel smaller and a little bit more free, compared to the dark hellscape of a nightmare.
You take a few flights of stairs up, the faint crashing of the ocean audible to you from a distance as you hike up, carpeted floors further muting your presence as the textile presents a comforting roughness to it, like overgrown grass or stepping onto smooth gravel.
You could see the balcony doors, making a small skip towards it before opening it, the warm and humid ocean air pouring in contrast to the crisp air conditioning in the house.
With the deepest breath you can intake, you step out to the cool night breeze flowing against your body, barely covered by the silk nightgown and robe slightly damp with sweat.
Letting a shaky breath out, you let the door knobs go, leaving the doors open before heading forward to the ledge, arms placed atop the porcelain balustrade overlooking the moon shining brightly against the pitch-black ocean.
The silence of the night, crashing waves filling your senses vaguely while you let your nightgown brush and flow against your legs, and your bare feet resting against the cool marble, you could finally feel yourself breathe easy again.
Days of high adrenaline never came easy, the thrill of it all addicting to you yet the crash just as terrifying. You get used to it, but it always feels just as suffocating as the first time—it changes but it never tames down.
Pressing your lips together, you couldn't help but start humming a familiar song, letting the melody vibrate past your sealed lips before you could sense someone behind you. Abruptly stopping you turn and gasp to see Christopher leaning by the pillar of the doors. "What are you doing out here so late at night," he questions.
"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be on bed rest?"
"I'm not invalid, it was a few broken ribs, a wound on the forehead and a sprained wrist," he scoffs, not leaving his post as you simply stand there observing him.
Illuminated by nothing but the moonlight, his features are shaped out by shadows, sharp and chiseled but there was a certain moodiness to his eyes as it stared back at your very soul. You weren't in the mood for it. Y/N L/N loved holding grudges after all. "I'll leave your frolicking to it then," you sigh and detach your body from the balustrade, walking past him before he sighs out.
"I'm sorry for a while ago," his voice permeates throughout the empty hall.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, back turned against him. You walk away, unsatisfied with the flimsy apology. First he implies disloyalty and rebellion, next he disturb your midnight break? Unacceptable.
You knew Christopher could do better than that.
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A knock permeates on the door of your father's den. Breathing out a puff of smoke, he signals one of the men to open it. 
You walk in, your four guards following right behind as your father breaks out in a grin. “Well, well, if it isn’t my baby witch of the westside,”
“Enough of this, I have things to ask you,” you sigh before signaling one of the rookies to give you a chair. They immediately comply, scrambling to move as you take a seat in front of your father, spreading the collected pictures in front of him before raising your brows.
“Ah…” he sighs and plucks one of the pictures off the table, “The Jungs, I know this tattoo well enough,” he grunts while leaning back against his chair, taking the cigar between his fingers before inhaling and blowing.
“What do you want to know, little flower?”
“What is the Jung family’s association with the Jinyoung group?” you ask.
He hums, “Trouble in paradise?”
You scoff a bit, rolling your eyes before crossing your arms, “Tough shit. Not a chance,”
A humored laugh boisterously bursts from your father, making him shake his head, “You’ve gotten smarter when you got married,” he side-comments, “Let’s see… Jung and Jinyoung group,” he tries to recall before almost automatically his head guard hands him a file.
“Oh right,” he flips through the papers, “Remember when rumors of Chan’s induction as head of the Bahng household started to transpire?” he raises your brows at you as you nod.
You were there after all.
“Eugene Bahng, the supposed heir was scrambling to get his hands on the position,” he looks down at the file, “Started pawning off promises to each family he could reach, one of them was the Jungs,”
You attentively listen. Christopher’s climb to the heir position was deeply muddled in objection and rejection. Your father was one of the men who sided with him rather than Eugene, the supposed “full-blooded” heir of the capo seat in the family.
He was the one you were supposed to marry, but you decided you wanted to side with Christopher as well. Your marriage fortified his chain to the position, the smallest push to completely desolate the rest of the family to avoid mutiny.
Which was happening now, so it seems.
“Plain and simple, the Jungs want Chan gone so that they could usurp the promised territories for themselves,” your father finishes his wistful little recollection of events. “I was there when Eugene Bahng called the meeting, did you know he promised off Jongseon-do to me?”
“Did you get it?”
He laughs, shaking his head, “That boy was as stupid as his mother. Anyone with a brain knew his propositions fell flack,” he lights up another cigar, “Do you know why I backed Christopher up?”
You look at him with uncertainty. It wasn’t something you questioned, nor something he openly expressed. “Because he was the wiser son,” you try answering with confidence but your father shakes his head.
“I was too much of a coward to put you out there,” he admits, rendering you confused as to just where was this confession coming from, “You are your mother’s daughter, to have you killed because you meddled too much wasn’t in the itinerary,”
You lean back, a small yet steady lump growing in your throat. This was the most empathy your father has shown you in years. “Christopher Bahng. He saw your potential and took you away from my arsenal,” he chuckles before glancing at you. 
“To each your own. Now look at you,” he juts the cigar towards your direction.
“Hunting down those who threaten your family,” he digs the ashen tip into the glass ashtray, “Atta girl,”
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Ever since you woke up, you’ve been avoiding Chris. And now that you’ve gotten back home from your father’s estate it seems like your own stubbornness didn’t want to let up. ‘Trouble in paradise,’ you scoff while Jeongin opens the doors for you, ‘If paradise was nowhere in the first place then yes it is trouble,’
It was a little bit petty of you, you were aware of that. In a normal situation, you too would act the way your husband did—you just wanted to get on his nerves. And wanted him to get on your nerves too.
Dangling a bait too delicious to not take was a waste for you, so why make up and apologize properly when you can constantly avoid his attempts to make peace in a civilized and normal manner. 
Time was still running through the hourglass, god knows what the opposing family is up to now but you can go out and play for a little bit more. Chris was still inside the house breathing and alive.
"Miss boss you're home," Hyunjin welcomes you by the foyer before Jeongin takes your bag and holster away, "I'm home," you tiredly announce before stripping your shoes off, handing them to a maid nearby. 
"The boss would like to have a word,"
You cock your brow up at him, turning to his direction, "Suddenly I'm the one adjusting? Tell him this," you take a few steps toward the guard, "I thought he wasn't invalid,"
You walk off with a snotty stride to you, absolutely biting back the smile off your lips when you hear his footsteps retreat back into the house.
Christopher was normally the more patient one out of the two of you; never impulsive, ultimately pragmatic and a thorough planner. Dream guy, you're sure.
But there was a little bit of fun of him blowing a fuse. You just had to be patient and wait in turn. Heading to the living room of the huge house, you tiredly slump down on the velvet couch, reaching out for the book you were previously reading.
Propping your legs up the couch you comfortably lounge on the couch. It doesn't take you 10 pages until the familiar footfalls prick your ears, Chris' heavy footsteps making itself known once he enters the threshold of the living room.
"You're home," he comments, only receiving a noncommittal hum from you. You can almost feel his heavy breath against your nape, picturing him with his hands on his hips, "Are you really doing this, Y/N?"
A response isn't pulled from you, simply flipping the next page of the book before it gets yanked out of your hands, making you look back with a scandalized look. 
"What the fuck is your problem Christopher?!" you shriek, intentionally sharp.
"My problem is that I'm trying to fucking apologize!" he answers back, breaking patience as you nearly quirk your lips up in a victorious smile. Just a little bit more—if it seemed too serious you'd stop.
Rolling your eyes at him, you let out an exaggerated groan of irritation, swerving around the couch to try and overtake him, "It's fucking useless to talk to you," you mutter before stomping off towards the stairs.
"You fucking get back here Y/N L/N," his voice booms throughout the stairwells.
"Or fucking what, Christopher Bahng," you snap, sharply turning towards him, "Why the fuck are you even apologizing,"
"Because clearly we need to keep moving,"
You let out a snide laugh, crossing your arms, "And? I had the impression you could clearly work without me. Save it," you bitterly spit out, stomping your way up the stairs like a toddler.
Chris follows you, almost giving you a small pave of way before nearly pouncing on his prey, speeding up because once you get to the top your back is roughly pressed against the wall with his hands gripping your arms tightly.
"Don't act like a fucking child," he growls, face merely inches away from yours. 
Your eyes flit down to his lips, then to his eyes, a silent message delivered.
Placing your hands into fists you push him away to the best of your abilities, getting him off you before further shoving him until he stumbles back a bit, "You're the child here! Go and wallow in the fact you thought I wanted to fucking kill you," you brashly answer back, with your own snarl against him.
"Should I have known my efforts would be met with such disrespect I would've left you for dead!" you deliver the final blow before something snaps. 
Before you know it, his hand is wrapped around your neck, making your head tingle and breath hitch as he forces you to look into his eyes. If he really wanted to kill you, he would've done so by now—easily being able to snap your neck in half with just his right hand.
Instead his thumbs press down your carotid, punching out a gasp from you. Your eyes meet, and despite the anger and passion burning in his eyes there was a silent question to everything. And you do everything in your power to relay the fact that he's forgiven, that he's free to apologize again and again along with doing as he pleases. 
And what he pleases he does.
With irritation still flaring in your bones, you press your clenched fists against his chest but never truly pushing him away.
"You're a fucking brat," he spits out bitterly, breath fanning against your face. 
"Not like you could do anything about it," you spit out with harshly.
"Watch me," he lets go of your neck only to grab your wrists harshly before throwing you on his shoulder.
A shriek is punched out of you, gripping and clawing at his back in a poor attempt to break free. "Christopher!" you yell, wiggling out before a harsh slap lands against your ass, groaning at the sting before your worldview changes, immediately facing the unfamiliar ceiling of his room while landing on his mattress with a thud.
He immediately gets to it, pulling your pants off with a rough tug. You bite your lip in order to hone in any noises you're threatening to make, gripping the sheets for stabilization before he strips his own clothing off. His half-hard member springs out of his pants and boxers, precum at the tip but not enough to make him wet.
You were salivating over the view before your ankles are pulled towards him as he stands by the edge of the bed, the pits of your knees now hanging off. 
"What, your brain got jogged in there somewhere?" he smirks cockily while pumping his cock with lazy strokes over your bare lower body. You want to close your legs together, feeling your slick leak out of your folds but with the position you were in his legs were lodged between your legs. 
"Look at you," his eyes zero in your leaking pussy, "What a fucking degenerate you are,"
You glare at him, leaning against your elbows before tugging at his dick a bit roughly, precum flowing out upon the contact, "Speak for yourself,"
Without warning, you open your mouth and stick your tongue out before taking his throbbing cock in one go, punching a groan out of him before you graze your teeth against his member, feeling him tense up a bit before easing it into your throat. 
Holding back a gag, your throat contracts and mouth tightens, tongue feeling the veins on him. 
"Fuck," he curses, reaching out to grip your hair but you smack his hand away, digging your long nails into his hips while bobbing your head up and down.
Spit flows from the sides of your mouth, slobbering about his long member. You knew it wasn't the best head you were giving but the way the oxygen was taken away from you by his huge dick obstructing your throat was sending sparks in your brain.
"You're so fucking shitty at this," he mutters before bunching your hair in his hands before bucking his hips.
A whimper escapes you, unable to pry his hands off this time while being forced to take his cock over and over again, the gagging sounds from you music to his ears. "You like that huh? You fucking slut, this is all it needs to shut you up," he sardonically laughs at you before pulling your head away.
You cough out, a mixture of his precum and your slobber accidentally getting out a bit while he gives you time to catch your breath.
"Fuck you," you mutter through tear-muddled eyes and spite. 
"Try," he pushes you down the bed before placing a bruising grip on your hips and lifting before his thumb pads around your clit. A stuttered gasp escapes you, clawing at the sheets below your hands.
"So wet," he whispers almost to himself while running a finger from your clit down to the shallow part of your pussy.
He takes his member with one hand before slapping the head against your clit, making you bite down on your wrist to hold back a mewl at the stimulation. He starts pushing down, tip catching in between your lips while your hips tremble under his hands. 
Eyes screwed shut, a shudder shakes you to your very core. And you know he isn’t faring well either, one of you ready to break the barrier of hate just so that you could move. Giving in, Chris suddenly slams into you, punching a shout from you before you reach out to claw down at the sheets beneath you.
“Fuck- fuck, Christopher,” you mewl out, helpless under his grip as he chuckles at your wrecked state.
“God, already?” he shakes his head, “I’ve barely fucked you,”
“Too– Ngh– Too much! ” you whimper, hands snaking your way up to your chest to press and tug on your pebbled nipples against the silk shirt that you just realize was still on you–wanting to redirect the concentrated pleasure on your pussy somewhere else.
You were going to explode, his dick continuously assaulting the spongy spot right inside as the nerves jolt your body alight with electricity you couldn’t contain, cries and sobs punched out of you in sheer pleasure. The smacking of his hips against your ass was sticky, juices flowing down and spread out you didn’t know which one was yours and which was his.
“You’re–so rough,” you weep.
“You like rough,” he says through spent grunts, slamming into you full force as if he’s simply using you.
His’ to use, your own pleasure to neglect. Like he didn’t give a shit if he hit the right spots as long as his dick was rubbed raw along your warm walls.
He grits his teeth, thumb catching on your clit once again as a shuddering gasp is torn off your lungs for the nth time followed by a litany of moans.
“You wouldn’t…Fuck…act like such a fucking brat…’f y’didn’t enjoy this,” he slurs through the pleasure. Your back arches back against the tandem of his thrusts and the circling of your clit. 
“Shit! Christopher, fuck!” is what’s left of your vocabulary, thighs trembling against his hold as the knot in your stomach painfully tightens, body going rigid for a bit as the squelching sounds of your juices mixed around by his glorious cock echo around the room.
“That feel good huh? Are you gonna cum for me?” he leans down a bit, flames alight behind his eyes, hair plastered to his temple while he runs a hand over his curly hair, moving it out of the way.
You respond with nothing but a high pitched moan, pornographic at best once he slows down his thrusting to a grind.
"What happened to the big bad wolf that regrets keeping me alive?" he sardonically laughs, making you tear up at the sheer humiliation of it all. He stops his grinding, making you squirm around his dick while the walls of your core flutter around his member in anticipation.
"If you didn't keep me alive nobody would fuck you like this,"
Torn between wanting to keep your pride up and just wanting to cum, you sigh out in neediness, coming out as a pathetic and begging moan.
"Please, it escapes you in barely a whisper, "I'm sorry I said that Christopher. Please, just move again," you plead.
"You like begging don't you?" he mocks before starting his reckless and deliciously fast pace again.
He cocks a brow up, making you clench harder around him, his eyes flitting down from where he was sheathed in to your wrecked face, red and blotchy with tears, mouth with a trail of spit.
Your back arches, hands squeezing on your tits as they jiggle underneath your grip due to his ministrations, body slightly jogged around by his sheer force. His thumb is back rubbing circles on your clit, lifting your hips and thigh up before spitting on your swollen bud, picking up the pace.
You're nothing but a moaning mess on the bed, back arched, head thrown back and hips lifted up. The shocks course through your body like live wire as your clit is continuously abused the way your hole was.
"I wanna cum! Christopher fuck, I'm gonna cum!" you hiccup out.
“Then cum,” he lets go of your thighs while still grinding into the walls of your throbbing pussy. “For all I fucking care,” he takes your jaw into his free hand, letting go of your clit making you wail at the abrupt denial of your orgasm.
“No, no, no,” you try to tug his hand back but he moves it to your neck, squeezing with precision making your eyes roll back.
Squeezing his dick around you, it twitches against his member–making you shake and tremble under him as he doesn’t relent with his thrusts. His hands are still on your neck and you can feel the overstimulation rub you raw, making you arch your back and writhe around his hold which garners him to chuckle darkly, letting go of your neck before pushing you further into the bed. 
“You came huh?” he mocks you, making you sob against the sheets as you move your head to the side, body shaken up by his thrusts.
The pain steadily turns into pleasure as another tremor shakes you to your core, unable to speak, only drooling into the sheets with your eyes half-lidded and directed towards Chris. His grunting and moans start to spill out more frequently, thrusts getting more and more erratic.
And you couldn’t keep up the cruel facade, reaching out for his arm before he looks up at you. “Cum already…inside, inside please,” you manage to mutter out and he lets out a laugh of disbelief.
“Shit, Y/N,” his breath hitches. “Ask nicely,”
You whine, high and needy as the tears further spill from your eyes, cock still assaulting your spent pussy, “Chris!” you further keen, almost into a shriek as he hits a deeper spot than normal.
“Please please, cum already Christopher,” you sniffle. “I forgive you already! Please just cum! I can't take it anymore!” it comes out high and wrecked.
He clicks his tongue, "Yes you can," his thrusts become a staccato of shallow ones that did nothing but hit your g-spot.
It was getting too much, the coil breaking only to be tugged and tied back together. Your back constantly arched and legs trying to squeeze shut only to be blocked by Christopher's body.
“Channie!” the last of your brain cells fight, attacking the soft spot you knew he had, making him hiss. “Holy shit,” he huffs before three more erratic thrusts wreck your walls.
Warmth spills inside your hole, a soft sob wrecking your body while Chris cages you in between his arms, watching you as you tremble underneath him, chest fluttering up against the material of your now sweat-riddled shirt.
Then you feel it, while he pulls out, the obscene sound of your juices together coming from your pussy is heard and after a few seconds you can feel fluid flowing down between your folds.
Chris shudders and chuckles in disbelief, “Look at you,” he whispers.
You couldn’t do anything but let out a sigh, tired and definitely exhausted. “F-Feels…so fucking sensitive,” you whimper softly. 
“Wait here,” he mutters, landing two comforting pats against your thigh. 
You don’t know how many minutes it was, but you could feel a damp towel wipe you all over your body, sticky and soiled shirt now removed. He gently lifts you up a bit, deciding that the small yet damp spot by the foot of the bed could be taken care of tomorrow.
Opening one eye open, you could feel the bed dip before coming face to face with his bare body. You look up, and then your eyes meet. “Sleep,” he runs a comforting hand through your hair, then on your cheek.
He leans down and presses a gentle kiss on the soft skin, before detaching.
Kisses were foreign to you and Chris. And although you wanted to ask, there was a nagging fear that pulled you back down as to where your place truly stood.
He pulls the blanket up your body, a gentle caress on your shoulder garnering a soft and satisfied sigh. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes again, reaching out for your hand before pressing a gentle and chaste kiss on a healing scab on your knuckles, “And thank you,”
Through closed eyes, you savor his scent through the pillows plush against your head, a hum escaping you. “It’s okay,” you whisper, a hand landing on his bare knee as reassurance, “And I got you,” you spend the last ounce of your strength looking up at him, eyes meeting again. “Always,”
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The light shines against your eyes, making you groan before feeling the throbbing soreness of your legs and hips.
Cracking one eye open, you notice the black cashmere covering your body contrasting the sheets you were accustomed to. The smell is also highly reminiscent of Chris' perfume and detergent, the pleasant familiarity helping rouse you out of the sleepy state you were in.
Looking around with a sleepy daze, nobody is found around the room but there is one thing you did come to the realization with. In over 6 months, it was one of the best rest you’ve ever gotten–no nightmares, night terrors, or panic attacks.
Sighing, you get up with a grunt before the door suddenly opens, making you pull the sheets up your bare body before Christopher walks in with a breakfast tray.
“Why were your guards so adamant about asking me how you slept?” he immediately asks while you rub your eyes and let go of the sheets.
“I get a bit restless when I sleep,” you mumble out before running a hand through your toussled hair, “Did something happen while I was sleeping?” you look to him before he shakes his head, handing you a platter of food.
“A few murmurs but nothing alarming,”
“Good,” you hum before taking the utensils with a small thanks.
He hums. “Meet me in my office later,” he orders, and you nod towards him. “Don’t let it wait until tomorrow,”
“I know,”
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next chapter would be filled with plot, context, and flashbacks so please brace yourselves for the longest chapter in this series. :)
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> moodboard; sampler 3
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robinhobiii · 1 year
rightfully ours | mafia! k. mg & j. ww
summery : y/n becomes tired of Mingyu's and Wonwoo’s empty promises.
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Living a quiet life was a simple luxury. No thoughts of your house being swatted or potential enemies targeting you. Y/n didn’t know that being with them could alter her future. No more quiet nights with the windows open. She turned a blind eye for this and chose to let the love mend the wrong way. But it was cracking. She was losing her patience with Mingyu and Wonwoo.
Y/n is very shy person and doesn’t speak up for herself. That’s what attracted Wonwoo when he picked up coffee. Everyday he saw her sitting at the cafe, far away from everyone and typing away. He memorized her order: a hot chocolate with a chocolate croissant. He found himself wanting to know more about her. What’s she like? What does she like? How does she like her eggs? He wants . . no, he needs to know her.
This infatuation with her only grew when Mingyu started to come with him to pick up coffee.
Mingyu saw the way she would brush her fringe back every so often. And how she mumbled softly the paragraphs she just wrote. Never does she bother anyone and it woke a primal instinct in him to only protect her. Protect her from the dangers of the world. But his world isn’t much safer either.
. . .
It was a beautiful Friday morning. Mingyu and Wonwoo made their way to their favorite café to see their favorite sight and of course their coffee. Today, she wore a beautiful dusty pink blouse with white a mid calf length skirt. She seemed a little tired and looked like she was on the verge of sleeping. They smiled to themselves as the line progressed.
After they placed their order, Mingyu looks up and see that she’s with someone. Confused, he looks at Wonwoo, who was just as confused. By now they completely memorized her routine. Not that it was creepy, of course not. They just happen to know how she works since she’s there three times a week; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And on Wednesdays, she has someone with her. That’s not weird at all. They’re just worried for her.
The other girl seemed to have a scowl on her face.
“Why are you lying?!” She exclaimed.
Y/n is taken aback. “W-what are you saying? I’m telling you the t-truth.”
“Y/n, I’m giving you one last chance to answer the question. Why were you text MY boyfriend in the middle of the night, huh?!”
“Jinah , I told you we have a p-project together with Jisoo and Jinyoung. I just asked h-him a question. That’s it. I only texted him twice.”
“YOU’RE LYING!” She screamed. “I know you want him.”
“I don’t. I don’t e-even him well enough. I won’t text him if i-it bothers. Sorry”
Jinah squinted her eyes. “I don’t want your sorry. I should get yo-“
Mingyu took this opportunity to put himself in this situation.
“Baby, there you are. Me and Wonwoo have been waiting for you.”
Y/n looked up quickly shocked and her face quickly turned red.
Jinah was quiet and awestruck.
“Come, babydoll. You’e going to be late.” Wonwoo said.
After coming back to her senses, she nodded and got up with her stuff.
“I’ll get going. Have a n-nice day, Jinah” Y/n said as she put stuff away in her bag.
“Wait, who are they. . “ Jinah asked looking them up and down.
“I’m her boyfriend Mingyu.”
“And I’m her other boyfriend Wonwoo”
Jinah was in utter shock. “Y-you have two?”
Even y/n was shocked “I do?” She said as she pointed to herself. She cleared her throat. “I have to go.” Mingyu reached out his hand. Y/n looked at it before gently placing hers in his. Wonwoo did the same.
. . .
They were outside and walk quite a bit from the cafe in silence. The realization hit y/n. She’s holding hands with two strangers she doesn’t even know. She jerked her hands by her side again. It caught them by surprise. “I-I’m sorry you had to see that. And thank you for helping me back there.”
Mingyu smiled. “It’s nothing. I’m Mingyu and he’s” pointing his hands towards Wonwoo. “Wonwoo” he answered.
“I’m y/n. I know you must be busy and I’m probably cutting into your time. Please forgive me. I d-don’t know why she would accuse me of that.”
“It’s fine. It was getting heated there. Don’t know what would’ve happened if we didn’t step in.” Wonwoo said.
She smiled softly. “I appreciate it.”
It was silent. For them it was a comforting silence but for Y/n, it was extremely awkward. “I should get going. I have to get class.”
“Oh, well it was nice meeting you, y/n. I hope to meet you again.”
“Um, I can’t just let you guys go without you thanking you properly. Maybe I can get you guys coffee?” She said quietly.
Wonwoo and Mingyu looked at each other. “Sure we’d love that.” She smiled at that.
. . .
That one coffee turned into restaurant dates to hanging back at Y/n’s place. And soon they were united as one. They were over the moon when she accepted their confession.
Y/n knew that they worked for the company “Highlight.” It was a big company and a lot of her peers were trying to get in. She also wanted to get in.
“You know we can get you in.” Mingyu said as he felt her fingers rake through his hair.
“Yeah you can work right under us.” Wonwoo continued.
“Um I don’t want to benefit from nepotism.” She said quietly. “I want to work hard and feel worthy of the position.” They both smiled. “Why are you so cute?!” Mingyu pinched her cheeks. She pouted as Wonwoo laughed.
But soon she did find a job as an assistant but not for her boyfriends. It’s a position from the management department, which was Jeonghan’s department. It was as a personal assistant. Both men weren’t too happy when she told them. “I told you doll, you can work with us.” Wonwoo said.
“I have more knowledge with management. I don’t know how I would work with communication when I could barely talk to you guys.”
Mingyu pouted. “Jeonghanie hyung is mean. Come with us.”
“No gyu. My interview is tomorrow.”
“Ugh, fine.”
. . .
There was knock on Jeonghan door. “Come in.” He looked up. “Ooh mingoo, woo. How can I help?” He said as his elbow rested on the table with his hands folded under his chin.
“Tomorrow you have interviews for a new assistant, right?” Wonwoo started.
He smiled. “Yes I do. Why?”
“I have someone to vouch for.” Wonwoo said as he pulled a copy her application out.
“Hmm L/n Y/n. What’s so special about her that you personally came to my office to vouch for her? Hmm” He smirked.
“She’s our girlfriend.” Mingyu muttered out.
He raised an eyebrow, “Ooh, I thought you two were against nepotism. What’s the change of heart?”
“Look hyung we don’t like it, but she really deserves this spot. And she may not have much work experience, but she’s wonderful with learning. Please hyung, give her a chance.”
That smirk remained on Jeonghan lips. It was silent for a bit.
“Ok. I’ll let her be my assistant. I trust Wonwoo’s words more than most. I’ll still have to interview her tomorrow.”
They both nodded. “Thank you, hyung!” Mingyu said.
“Anything for my little brothers.”
. . .
“You looked very stressed. Relax babygirl. I’m sure you did fine.” Mingyu said as he leaned in to hug her.
“I’m really nervous. He was so serious and asking a lot of questions. I feel like I couldn’t even talk.” She whined.
“Princess, you are a great candidate. I’m sure he would love you as an assistant.” Wonwoo said as he hugged her from behind.
“Yeah and we know Jeonghan hyung only picks the best of the best.” Mingyu said.
Now she’s sandwiched between them and unable to really think with their cologne filling her nose. She sighed. “What if I don’t?” She whispered. “We know you’ll get. You’re so smart, pretty girl.” Wonwoo gently rubbed her sides.
Suddenly the phone rang. She nervously looked up at them as the pulled away. “Hello.”
“Y/n, it’s Jeonghan from Highlight and I’ve throughly looked through your application as well as your opinions from the interview. I concluded that you are a perfect fit for this role. Congratulations and I hope to see you Monday morning.”
Her face held a big smile as looked at them. They smiled back.
. . .
“Y/n, what’s my schedule for today?”
She looked up at Jeonghan and said “you’re free for today.”
“Well why don’t you join me for lunch in a bit. I want to show you something.”
“Okay, I’ll come to your office later after I-“
“After you tell Wonwoo and Mingyu. I get it. I hope they’re not too mad at me.” They both laughed. “I’m sure they won’t be . . For a while.” She laughed sheepishly again.
Y/n made it across the giant building to Mingyu’s department. Wonwoo was already there. She dropped off some papers. “And where do you think you’re going.” Mingyu said as he quickly pulled her close to him. She placed her hands on his chest to push him away. “I have to go.” And quickly turned around, only to be met with Wonwoo’s chest. “To where?” He leaned down and looked with hooded eyes. She was flustered. “T-to get lunch with Mr. Yoon”
“Is that so?” His breath fanning her lips.
“Why don’t you stay with us. We’ll make it worth your while.” Mingyu whispered into her ear.
She was turning red hot. “We’re at work.”
“The office is soundproof.” This caused her eyes to get wide. Were they thinking-
“No!” She was breathless as they smirked. “I’ll get going.” And quickly made her way out the door. They let out a laugh. “See you home sweetheart.”
. . .
She made it back to Jeonghan’s office and knocks on the door. After she gets a “come in,” she opens the door and hears laughing. There she is met with a pretty lady sitting on Jeonghan’s lap. They make eye contact and she quickly looks down. The pretty lady laughs. “Ooh, they actually let you come.” “Yeah it wasn’t easy.”
Jeonghan smiles and says “Well since you’ve been my assistant for the last six months, I wanted you to meet someone.” He ushered y/n to sit in the seat in front of his desk. She sat down and looked up at them. “This is my girlfriend, Sowon” She smiled as she extended her hand and said “Nice to meet you.” Y/n smiled and shook her hand. “I figured it’s time that you two meet. Well you two have a talk over lunch. I have to get to Seungcheol.” And with that he left. “Sorry, even I don’t know what he’s thinking.” Sowon said as she sat in his seat.
. . .
Meeting Sowon was like meeting her long lost older sister. It was wonderful and she could talk about whatever questions she had. But it did get Jeonghan thinking. Well since she takes a great liking to Sowon, maybe he should let her in the secret.
The morning was particularly cold and gloomy. Which was odd since it was June. She made it to the office and greeted Jeonghan. “Good morning sir. Here’s your coffee.” He looked conflicted. “Sir. . “
“Y/n, I need you to stay after you clock out.”
“May I ask why?”
He was utterly silent.
“I. . Please just stay.”
This concerned her. “Mm okay sir.”
She picked up the files for the day and started to organize things. “And do come by yourself.” She looked up. “Jeonghan-ssi, you’re scaring me. Are you okay? Should I call Sowon?”
He sighed, “No, I’m fine. It’s important talk. I’m just a little nervous.”
This confused her. The Yoon Jeonghan was nervous. He always has this cocky look to his face and never holds a look of nervousness. Now she was extremely nervous.
Soon, the end of the day come and everyone was leaving. She texted Mingyu and Wonwoo that she’ll be coming home a little bit later. She came back to Jeonghan’s office. He looked at her and held an expression she couldn’t read. “Sit please.
He lets deep sigh before speaking, “Y/n, when you signed the contract about six months ago, you remember it said that the assistant maybe required learn additional practices outside of the company traditional practices after being hired.”
She nodded.
“And under the legal right of this company, you can’t disclose whatever it is outside of the employer. Well, there’s a key piece of information that hasn’t been said. Whatever I say, you can’t leave until your five year contract is up.”
He paused and it caused her to be very anxious.
“Y/n . . . The company is a cover up to something much bigger. We, the ceos, are apart of the Mafia family, Seventeen. We created this company to make sure we can proceed without repercussions. And as my assistant, many people will try to get you to get information out of you. These people are ruthless, not sparing anyone. It’s not in our principles to hurt children and women. But, we can’t be sure that everyone else is like that. Mingyu and Wonwoo never would’ve told you because they would’ve hid you away. But now you work here at Highlight and especially close to me, nothing is fully guaranteed about your safety. Of course not everyone is here apart of the mafia. Only the head supervisors are and some lowers ranks are. The security are our most skilled men to be protect the innocent in the company.” He looked at her. Her face was drained of all color and her hands were shaking. “Even Mingyu and W-wonwoo are a-apart of it?”
“Yes. I know you’re scared but I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. That’s why I need you to set a time out of your free time to meet up with me and talk it out more.”
“D-do they know I know?” she whispered.
“I didn’t tell them. But you can talk about with them if you want. I won’t say anything until you say something.”
“I’m scared. Why are you telling me this? Everything was fine.” She finally started to cry.
“I know you’re scared but believe me when I say that we have no bad morals. Our job as a family is to do what the government is unable to do. We were sick and tired of being pushed back and with no justice, we took it into our hands.” He sighed. “I no longer see you as an assistant, I see you as a little sister. So I knew I had to tell you. It wouldn’t be fair if something happened and you weren’t involved.”
“You’re involving me n-now. I don’t want to do anything.”
“You won’t be. Trust me.” He got up and went around to her and gave a hug to her. She cried more in his embrace. “Let’s meet Saturday at the restaurant across the cafe where you met those two. Okay?”
She looked up and nodded. “Okay.”
“Don’t be scared. We’re all here to protect our family.”
. . .
After meeting with him and getting an explanation, she was still scared because she technically was working with the most wanted men in the world. This caused her to not talk to Wonwoo and Mingyu. They tried to pry into her and see what’s bothering her, but she didn’t budge.
She came into the office one morning and Jeonghan motioned her towards him. She stood a good three feet away from him and stiffly said “Do you need something, sir?” He sighed. “Why are you being so awkward?”
Y/n shifted uncomfortably. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
He stood up and walked near her. “Look, y/n. I know you’re scared and nervous but talk to me, talk to Wonwoo and Mingyu. Y/n please. Your personality changed drastically within the last 5 days. You’re giving us the cold shoulder. I already told you, you’re like my little sister. If you don’t want to talk to me, then at least talk to them two.” He pleaded. She looked down at her hands. Jeonghan took her hands into his.
And that was two years ago. She did eventually talk it out with them. And it was awkward for three weeks. She wasn’t as close to them but she eventually let them be near her again. Although she wasn’t scared of them, she was scared at the fact that none of them will make it home. And it wasn’t just Mingyu and Wonwoo she worried about. Now she had to worry about the rest of the boys too.
. . .
Although there were bumps in the road, it often smoothed itself out before the end of the day. But there’s that one bump that never seems to leave. And that is of course Mingyu and Wonwoo being late to every possible occasion. She’s been giving them many different chances to fix themselves. She is a usually patient person and she has been the last two years. And she continued to bottle up her feelings, not wanted to add on to theirs. They do apologize to her and make up with her, but how much longer can she take of constantly being a second thought? She did tell them that if they were to make a mistake like that again, she would break up with them on the spot. Terrified, both boys agreed to not be late and keep her waiting. It’s been working so far, she guessed.
“Hey princess, you got a minute?” Mingyu said as she passed by in the office hallway.
“Yeah, just a minute.” She smiled.
“Well we haven’t been able to properly enjoy ourselves, so lets out to dinner yeah?”
“Sure, what time?”
“The reservation is at 8. I’ll text you the address and you can get there as soon as you’re ready.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” She said as she leaned up and peck his lips. He smiled and pulled her in to press a harder kiss.
At 6, Jeonghan let her leave early at the request of Wonwoo. “Have fun and use protection.” She blushed red. “O-oppa, people can hear you. A-and we’re not doing that.”
“Whatever you say dongsaeng.”
And with that she went home and started her preparation. She lit up candles and took a warm bath. She moisturized and put her robe on, looking for an outfit. She settled on a baby pink dress and made her way to the dresser. She finished getting ready and looked at the time and it was already 7:15. She quickly made her way out of the apartment and made her way to the restaurant.
By the time she arrive it was already 7:53. She smiled and made her way in. The receptionist smiled and said “name”
“Jeon Wonwoo.” Y/n said softly.
“Right this way.”
She lead her into a private room with an excellent view of the city. “Before Wonwoo-ssi and Mingyu-ssi arrive, would you like to take a look at the menu?”
“Yes, please.”
She handed her the menu and said “well, take look and when you want something, please press this button and we’ll have someone come to you.” Y/n nodded and started to take a look at the menu. She look at her phone and the time read 8:12. It’s cool, they’re a little behind. They’ll be here soon.
But soon seemed to be far away thought as the time read 8:21. She called them both and got no answer. Multiple waiters and waitresses came to check up on her and if she wanted anything. She declined, wanting to eat with Mingyu and Wonwoo. She decided to call Sowon and talk to her as she felt mildly agitated.
“Unnie, are you busy?”
“Oh, Y/n, give me a sec, I’ll give you call back. I have to take care of something.”
“Oh okay.”
Just as she was going to hung up, she heard something.
“Jeonghan, I thought you told them not to go.”
“I did, but they still went. I only asked unit three to go. Hoshi is not going to be happy. Him, Jun, Hao, and Chan planned it very well. But those four going can cause more problem.”
“I get Seungkwan and Seokmin wanting to go. They’re professionals at scheming but Wonwoo and Mingyu have no reason going. They’re supposed to catch up with y/n”
Before they said anything else, y/n hung up. She heard what she needed to. They left her to complete a mission that was already being handled. Rage filled her up even more when she read the time.
. . .
It was 10:22 when she arrived home. She took the long way home. Although she was thinking, she wasn’t thinking. Her head filled to the brim with thoughts but she can’t understand none. She waited all day for them, just for them not to show. Who does that?
Y/n couldn’t even think straight as she heard her phone buzz. It was Wonwoo calling. She scoffed and tossed her phone on the dining table and made her way to the shower. Maybe it’ll cool her off.
Nope. It didn’t.
The moment she got out after getting dressed and went to her living room, there stood Mingyu and Wonwoo with an apologetic look and her favorite flowers.
The remaining water on her felt like it was steaming off of her now.
The audacity.
“Baby, I know you’re mad but we had something come up.” Mingyu said as he walked towards her.
She scoffed. “Sure”
“We’re sorry and we know you’re mad, but we’ll make it up to you.” Wonwoo softly smiled. “We called the restaurant and they agreed to stay open for us.”
“Yeah, so wear that pretty dress again and we’ll go there again.” Mingyu said reaching out for her hands.
Her eyes widened at what she heard. Did they just disregard how embarrassing that feels? Waiting there for an hour just to show back up in hour?
They were both shocked.
Mingyu put the flowers on the table and said “W-what? Darling, we’re sorr-“
“I SAID OUT.” She yelled.
“Listen, we know that we’re assholes and we left you hanging but-“ Wonwoo started.
“I don’t care. I’m sick and tired of this. And nothing came up. Soonyoung-oppa had it under control. You just had to go, huh? Just had to leave me in a restaurant looking like an idiot. I can’t do this anymore. . . Let’s break up. Leave and never contact me again.”
“Y-y/n please give us another chance. W-we won’t blow it, please” Mingyu pleaded.
“I told you this before, the moment you don’t show up, I’d end it. Now leave.”
Wonwoo reached for her hand, only for her to jerk away.
“This is your fault.” She whispered.
“It doesn’t have to be like this.” Mingyu knelt down in front of her and signaled Wonwoo to follow. She was silent as she looked down at them. Her face was wet with warm tears and her thoughts were everywhere.
Perhaps breaking up with them now is a bit irrational?
Wonwoo let out a slightly irritated sigh and said “Look doll, we were a little late but it’s not like we missed the whole night and we’re offering to go back. We were doing important work. You have to und-“
No, it’s not irrational.
Her eyes cold and held no love as she bent down to his face and said “leave before I call the police.”
. . .
She closed the door after she watched them leave. It was deathly silent as she made her way to her bedroom. She looked around the room and the situation finally hit her. She let out a blood-wrenching cry. She finally did it. She broke it off.
It was officially two months since she broke up with them. It flew by and she didn’t even remember anything she did in those two months. Jeonghan tried his best to comfort her but she put her walls back up like when he told her what they really did. Not being close anymore and now maintaining only a business relationship was a weird change and Jeonghan disliked it very much. Her eyes lacked any shine and her words were cut short. He saw Mingyu and Wonwoo trying to talk to her on numerous occasions for the first few weeks after their breakup. Jeonghan tried asking her what was wrong and she didn’t give a straight answer. When all thirteen member had to sit down and discuss business, he saw his opportunity.
“What happened.” He bluntly said after they were all done with the important discussion.
Mingyu sighed and looked up finally. His eyes red and puffy. “She ended it. For good.”
“We didn’t think she would ever do it.” Wonwoo continued.
“Well to be fair, she did give you a warning that you proceeded to not heed.” Jihoon said.
“I didn’t think she was being serious.” Mingyu finally cried out. Minghao rubbed his arms, trying to comfort him.
“With women, especially when you’re already on thin ice, you shouldn’t test them.” Seungcheol said as he shuddered, remembering what his wife did to him.
“She knew. She knew that we were going to where Soonyoung was. That’s what puzzles me. If she didn’t know that, then we could’ve swayed her again. She was mad at that.” Wonwoo said as his voiced wavered.
Jeonghan squinted his eyes. How did she know? He relaxed his eyes as he remembered what happened that night. Sowon said she’ll call back but did she press end call? Probably not. He hums softly. They all look up him. “Well, I’m not sure what to say. As your friend I’m disappointed because you made her wait when she was clearly excited. And as her boss who spends most of my work time with her, I’m upset to see her like that.”
“And she’s in an ugly position right now.” Seungcheol started. “She broke up with you two and still has to see you at work. I’m surprised that she didn’t put in her two weeks.”
“Hyung don’t say that!” Mingyu cried out.
“Can’t you talk to her?” Wonwoo asked Jeonghan.
“She doesn’t even want to look with me. What makes you think she’ll listen to what I’ll say.” Jeonghan replied. He stood up and looked at them. “Besides, it’s not my business. Outside of work, what you do in your personal life, does not concern me. From that night she broke up with you two, she concluded our personal relationship and went back to an employer and employee relationship. As harsh as it sounds, you two did it to yourselves. Trust me, I’m hurt too. On one hand I want to comfort the three of you as a big brother, but on the other hand as the right hand man and second in power, I can’t delve deep into this. It’s not just her who’s in an ugly position. It’s all of us.” He walked to the doors and opened it. Before leaving he coldly said, “Get it together and don’t let it affect your work.”
. . .
Looking back at that, maybe it was harsh to say that to them, but like he said, they did it to themselves. He wished it didn’t play out like that. Watching all three of them struggling and not their usual selves is making Jeonghan upset. But what can he do?
He could plot them back together, but he didn’t think she’s ready for that. Y/n made some improvements. She started to talk to him again but not for too long. He noticed that it wasn’t just him who received this treatment. Sowon isn’t getting much of an answer from her either.
Jeonghan ran his hand through his hair. Why is this so difficult?
The door opened and revealed Soobin, one of their new members.
“Ooh Soobin-ah, come in.”
Soobin smiled and walked in. He slid a blue file on the desk toward Jeonghan. He smiled. “Is this all the information?” Soobin nodded.
“Hyung, I was going to tell this to coups hyung but since he’s not here, I’ll just tell you.” He took a deep sigh and Jeonghan looked at him intently. “A lot of NCT members are trying to dig into Seventeen and Bangtan. At first it was to mess with shipment but now it’s more personal. My unit went undercover and NCT were looking for information about any loved ones that any of you may have.” He said carefully.
Jeonghan looked at him to continue.
“So far I’ve only seen Sowon-noona but she’s well trained so she can defend herself. I’m not sure about the others.”
He clenched his jaw. “Good job soob. Hyungie is proud. Now you and the rest of the boys can take a three day trip to Jeju and relax. After you come back, there will probably be hell. Relax while you can.”
“Thank you hyung.” And with that Soobin made his way out.
He sighed. This is his sign to mend his younger brothers relationship. Why is it always him fixing relationships?
. . .
“Ughh hyung it’s 6:32 am. Why did you call us so early?” Seungkwan whined out. Scoups and Jeonghan only looked at him. “It’s an emergency meeting.” Jeonghan said as he sat. Everyone made it to the meeting.
“Yesterday, The new unit, txt, completed their task and Soobin came to me with important news. They’re trying to find our weaknesses. They already know about Sowon. Who knows if they know about your relationships?” Radio silence roamed around the room. Their face hardened. Seungcheol cleared his throat. “This means now we have to take extra precautions towards everything because we are no longer thinking for ourselves but our other halves as well. From the tech department we had these made.” He pulled out various accessories. They looked confused. So Jeonghan continued. “These are all bugged with trackers. The location is real time with no delay. I thought this could be perfect as they would be wearing this more than any other accessory they may have. After this meeting, you’ll have to go the tech department to install the program to your phone, laptop, whatever.”
Seungcheol looked at them again and said “None of our lovers know except Sowon as she’s an assassin. But everyone else’s lives are in danger. They found Sowon, a conceal and mysterious assassin. If they found her first, it’ll take no time to find the others. I have arranged temporary houses for everyone to live in until we have everything settled. So tonight, you’ll need to get packed and ready to leave.”
Jeonghan looked at Mingyu and Wonwoo. “And we have one more person to worry about. Y/n.” They both looked up at him wide eyed. And he continued, “As she is my assistant, no matter if she had a relationship with the two of you or not, she would be targeted. The two of you need to stick it to her that her life is going to be in danger in the next 48 hours. She’s not going to agree easily so ease to her. And if anything happens to her, I’ll have to reconsider your position as per the mafia contract. Because no-“
“No women or child shall get punished for my sins.” They both finished. Jeonghan smiled and said, “Go.”
. . .
Mingyu walked towards Jeonghan’s office and opened the door to reveal a tired Y/n typing away. Her back was facing the door and she didn’t look back as she said “Mr. Yoon, how was the meeting?”
“Mr. Yoon?” She said finally turning around, only to be met by Mingyu. Her breathing stopped. It felt like time stopped for her again.
She couldn’t find the words to speak. Her words were just stuck and her eyes were slightly watery.
Mingyu was in a similar state. Not seeing her this close after this long, was giving him mixed feelings. He sighed.
“I know we didn’t leave on good terms, but I really need to talk to you.”
She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came. Instead she shook her head no. He stepped forward and grabbed her hands softly. “Please.” He pleaded.
Too many thoughts were running through her head. Should she listen to him?
“Please leave.”
But Mingyu didn’t budge. “Princess, I’m not leaving you until you agree to talk to me. It’s really important.” He whispered as he bend down to her height. Their eyes interlocked and both of their hearts thumping out of their chests.
“Ooh, minguri I don’t appreciate you trying to kiss my assistant in my office.” Jeonghan announced as he smirked.
Y/n’s hand placed her hand on his chest and pushed him. “W-we weren’t kissing.” She said nervously.
“Is that so?” Jeonghan said as he made it his desk. He looked up at the both of them and raised one of his eyebrows. “Y/n. Go get me a coffee please.” She nodded and quickly made her way out.
“Now what happened to easing it into her?” Jeonghan said a little disappointed.
“Hyung, you have to understand, it’s been months since I’ve been that close to her. I just told her I wasn’t going to leave until she agreed to talk with me.”
“You can’t just give her an ultimatum. She would pick the option of talking to you but at what cost? Her creating an even bigger distance between you three? Mingyu, think straight.”
Mingyu looked out the large windows and was thinking.
“You stay away and look over the the new house. I’ll send Wonwoo to take over.”
Mingyu’s eyes shot up. “H-hyung, I can h-handle it.”
“You can’t.” He said bluntly. “She was overwhelmed and you being that close to her, must’ve caused her to short circuit. You’re too emotional. Wonwoo can ease it better to her. Go collect yourself and relay the message to him. I’ll talk to him in a bit.”
Mingyu opened his mouth to say something but Jeonghan have a look. That look your mom gives you when you’re doing something you’re not supposed to be doing. Mingyu feels like a first grader being scolded and being sent to the corner. He let out another sigh and left Jeonghan’s office without another word. Jeonghan looked at the door.
This is really annoying.
. . .
Mingyu made his way to his office and came face to face with Wonwoo. “Hyung. . . “ He started. Wonwoo just looked at him and waited for him to continue.
“I met with her in Hyung’s office. I told her we needed to talk but she told me to leave. I told her I wasn’t going to leave until she talked with me. But then Jeonghan hyung came and told her to get coffee.” He signed as Wonwoo came to rub his back. “He told me not to interfere with her and to just look over the new house. He wanted you to talk to her and ease to her.” Wonwoo nodded.
Wonwoo stood in front of Jeonghan’s door. He said a silent prayer to let it go smoothly. He open the door and saw it was just his Hyung. Jeonghan smiled and ushered him to sit infront of him. “I assume Mingyu told you what happened.” Wonwoo nodded. “Well I know that you listen to your brain more than your heart unlike Mingyu. You’ll have to tell her in a way she’ll understand but, not in a way that’ll scare her.”
“But, Hyung what if she doesn’t want to talk to me or what if she’s not willing to even look at me.” Wonwoo said.
“Well you’re going to have to find away to talk it to her because you know the consequences.” Jeonghan said as his eyebrows quirked up.
“Clean the mess you made, and you won’t face the ugly reality.”
Wonwoo was lost and his face showed it. Jeonghan looked at him said “She’s on the rooftop garden.”
. . .
Wonwoo made his way up to the rooftop. He saw her laying her head down on the table, taking in the sunset. He said words of encouragements to himself quiet before he made his way over there. He sat next to her and sat there in silence. She didn’t say anything until she smelt his cologne. Her head shot up and met Wonwoo’s eyes. Before she could make a run for it, he softly gripped her arm and gently guided her back down.
“I know you’re upset to see me and you were most definitely upset to see Mingyu, but we have to talk. Just give me ten minutes of your time, and make a decision from there. Please, Y/n.”
She said nothing for a little bit and just continued to scan his face. She finally nodded her head, allowing him to say whatever he needed to.
“Y/n, I don’t mean to alarm you, but the rival gang is searching into our private lives. They already found about Sowon noona, and it won’t take them long to find you. They’ll go through everything. They’ll know that you’re hyung’s assistant, and they’ll figure that we dated before. Jeonghanie hyung wants us to lay low for little bit. They already prepared houses for us. I know that we didn’t leave on the best terms , but please for your own safety, come with us.”
Again she was silent. She was processing all the words that were just said to her. She sighed as her eyes watered. Too many emotions were passing through her and she couldn’t find her words again. Wonwoo got the memo and put his arm around her and brought her face to his chest. And she finally cried. She honestly didn’t know why she was crying. Maybe because she hasn’t seen them in a while, or that fact that her life was in literal danger.
He walked down to his office and met up with Mingyu. His doe eyes looked down at Wonwoo’s and easily waited for an answer. “She said she’ll come, but doesn’t want to be near us. I told it’s fine and we can take the downstairs and she can have the upstairs.” Mingyu smiled and hugged him tightly. “Well, it’s a step in the right direction.” Mingyu said.
. . .
Wonwoo helped her bring her stuff inside the house. Unfortunately for Y/n but fortunately for Wonwoo and Mingyu, there was no downstairs, and she would have to see them. “I thought you said that there would be an upstairs and a downstairs.” She said to Wonwoo, not looking at him. “I was informed that there would be one for me and Mingyu but it seems it was a mix up on Soonyoung’s part. My apologies.” He said as placed her stuff in her room and she sat down on the bed. Mingyu was also bring in the rest of the essentials. The three of them stared at each other in silence. They were all thinking the same thing and yet no one was acting on.
“Y/n, we should talk everything out.” Mingyu whispered. She looked at him and thought about it. “Okay.”
“We left off on a bad note, Y/n. I know your emotions and our emotions were all over the place. It was pretty shitty of us to make a promise with you just for us not to keep it. Mingyu and I should’ve minded our business and not went with Soonyoung’s group. And for that we sincerely apologize.” Wonwoo started.
“It must’ve been awkward and embarrassing for you.” Mingyu continued. “There’s no excuse for us. We were given a warning and processed to not care about it. No words can express how sorry we are. You are ours to treasure and we couldn’t even keep a simple promise. ” Mingyu finished. Wonwoo knelt down and held her hand tenderly. “”Y/n I know it’s a big request, but can you find it in your heart to forgive us? We miss you so much and not a day passed without us yearning for you. Please.”
Mingyu also knelt down and took her other hand and look her in the eyes. “We made a big mistake, so let us fix it please. Let’s go back to the way we were.”
She looked at them and let out a soft smile. “I’ll give forgive you both.” Wonwoo and Mingyu both smiled and hugged her. She let them.
But she pulled away. “But, I don’t think we can pick it up where we left off.” They both looked very lost and dumbfounded. “I’m not the same person I was a few months ago. I gave multiple warnings to you both and you still didn’t listen.” The both looked defeated.
“However, we can start over. Prove to me that it won’t be like how it used to be. ”
They both looked up at her, wide eyed.
She smiled for real for the first time in a while.
“I think we’d like that.” Wonwoo said as he caressed her hands.
Mingyu grinned and said
“And we’ll take back what’s rightfully ours.”
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justwritedreams · 10 months
Thinking of you | Junmyeon
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Mafia!Junmyeon x Reader
Word count: 2826 Genre: fluff, angst. Author: maari  Warnings: Post-breakup, mention of alcohol Note:  I'm not used to writing with him, Sammy used to do that soooo my first story with Junmyeon that I post here 🙈 i got really carried away with this one Request:  you could do a oneshot of junmyeon, where he is the mafia boss and in a club he meets his ex girlfriend, who broke up with him because she found out what he works for. they are suffering apart and want to be together! angst and fluffy ⫷ Exo Masterlist
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Y/N looked at the dark landscape outside the car completely thoughtful. It had been like this in the last few weeks, she had relived the scene of her breakup countless times and tears always accompanied her.
Was it torture? Possibly.
But it still hurt her so much to remember that she no longer had his arms wrapped around her waist, or the way he always buried his face in her neck to smell the sweet perfume he loved for her to wear.
She swallowed the urge to cry once again, she had chosen to break up because it was the best thing to do in the situation she had found herself in.
She loved him so much, she didn't even know how it was possible to love someone that much, but she couldn't be with him. As much as she wanted to.
That night in particular she had promised her best friend that she would do everything she could to have a little fun and forget about the crack that had lodged itself in her heart since then, well either it was that or her friend would have dragged her by force to “live a little ”, in her friend’s words she should stop being so miserable.
Of course, not even her friends or family knew why she broke up with him, or else things would get worse.
But going to the club reminded her of all the nights she went out with him, especially the night they met. So even though she was fighting not to think about him, the memories came.
She took a deep breath as she got out of her friend's car, smiling lightly at her to assure her she was okay, or at least pretend like she was.
As soon as she entered the club, she felt an icy wind and a chill down her spine, she hugged her body and swallowed hard as she tried to shake off the clouds of memories that invaded her head.
She had barely arrived and she already knew it was a bad idea to go there.
She and her friend went to a high table that was empty, they talked a little while observing the place, Y/N's anxious eyes looked for a single person and her reason said that it would be better if he wasn't there.
As time went on, the music got slightly louder and the place got a little more crowded.
“Tae!” Y/N's friend called a boy with her hand, as soon as he turned and found her, he smiled widely.
"What are you doing here?" He asked as he approached her to hug her, he was accompanied by another boy. “This is Jinyoung, my friend.” he introduced and the boy extended his hand to shake both of them.
“This is Y/N, my best friend.”
Y/N smiled at the two of them and when she shook Jinyoung's hand her eyes stopped at his neck.
“Are you a soldier?” She asked, curious.
She recognized the ID necklace anywhere.
“Yes, army lieutenant.” He smiled, proudly.
"Really? My brother is a sergeant, but in the navy.” she explained and he smiled slightly at the answer.
“Y/N comes from a long line of soldiers.” Her best friend commented, smiling when she finally saw her talking.
“And you’re a soldier too?” Jinyoung asked, interested.
She laughed, shaking her head.
“No, I’m the only one who has a boring job.” She joked and got a laugh from the soldier.
Y/N had a lively conversation with Jinyoung, her best friend and Tae left them alone with the excuse of going dancing.
Jinyoung was pleasant to talk to and had a captivating smile, he didn't take his eyes off her and even though she was shy, she wasn't uncomfortable. Although her initial plan hadn't taken into account going out with a guy that night, she wasn't depriving herself of wanting to get to know him better.
But she had one small problem. The ex that wouldn't leave her sober mind.
That's why she decided to do what anyone in her position would do, drink until the image of her ex's eyes evaporated from her mind along with all the walls she had built around herself since the breakup.
She excused herself from Jinyoung, telling him that she would go to the bar and come back soon, he quickly patted her arm.
When she arrived, she looked at the drinks. She wasn't that big a fan of alcohol but she knew that the only way to forget about him was to do it.
“Double whiskey, please.” she asked the bartender who nodded before leaving to get her drink.
“Whiskey?” Y/N felt every hair on her body stand up and her legs trembled. “I always thought you preferred wine.”
She swallowed hard and the bartender returned, holding out the glass which Y/N quickly took, feeling her hands go cold.
Without any courage, she turned around and saw him standing next to her. She had to lock her jaw so a sigh wouldn't escape her lips.
He was still intoxicating.
His slightly wavy dark hair didn't fall entirely into his eyes, his face was hard and serious with his eyes fixed on her, he was wearing a white silk blouse with the first few buttons open that left a part of his chest exposed so that the necklace he wore sparkled. The necklace she had given him.
He wore a black vest and she couldn't resist continuing to analyze, her eyes went down to the black pants he wore and the expensive shoes.
It wasn't possible for a man to be as beautiful as him, it must be a crime.
Although he knew very well about crimes…
When her eyes returned to his face, he saw the slight smile that threatened to break.
“Not everything is what it seems.” She spoke quietly, unable to control how weak her voice sounded. “You know this better than me, Suho.”
She wasn't used to calling him by that name, he would always be Junmyeon to her.
Her Junmyeon.
But Suho was his battle name and since she discovered that, she used the name a few times just to speak to all the hurt she felt for having been betrayed.
Feeling the world around her spin in a spiral, she left without waiting for his response and returned to the table feeling watched.
Jinyoung greeted her with a smile and she did the same before downing the glass, drinking the whiskey in one gulp, making the poor boy next to her get a little scared.
The liquid ran down Y/N's throat but nothing was as strong and intense as Junmyeon's eyes staring at her from the other side of the club.
She didn't want to be the worst person in the world but she couldn't follow what Jinyoung said, she also didn't want to return Junmyeon's gaze but it was an impossible task.
Mainly because he divided the attention of his eyes between her and Jinyoung, as if he was reading what was happening between them.
During their relationship, he was never jealous because Y/N always assured him that her eyes were always on him, that no other boy would take her focus away from him.
But now they were no longer together and there was a slightly strong soldier beside her.
Yes, he had identified that he was a soldier before even noticing the identification necklace he wore.
People like him had training to recognize soldiers and police from miles away.
And when Y/N didn't look back, she lost the chance to see the fear in his eyes.
Y/N has always been a very correct woman, she was taught to be like that by her family, war heroes who had respect and principle.
And Junmyeon was the opposite of all that. He wasn't honorable and definitely not a hero, he was nothing that she really deserved it.
It was clear that after she had broken up with him, when she discovered the illicit work he did, he was afraid of losing her for good.
Not because his enemies could go after her, firstly, he would never let that happen, secondly, he had some of his  men protecting her in secret to prevent that.
But because he knew she could find someone better than him easily, she just snapped her fingers and a line of men would form.
Because, after everything that had been said between them, he imagined that she would look for someone with the same principles as hers.
Someone very different from him.
And well, a soldier was exactly what he imagined she would find.
He just didn't think it would be so difficult to see her around a man other than him.
But Junmyeon didn't even know what was going on in her head, even though she was looking at Jinyoung attentively, she wasn't listening to a word he was saying.
What was happening inside her was a real battle.
She knew it was wrong and dangerous, but seeing him there only concluded what her heart already knew, she was still crazy about him.
Even if his work or business, she still didn't know how to say it, went against everything she believed in, it was impossible for her feelings not to speak louder.
Jinyoung was a correct and honest man, from what little they talked she concluded that, she only had one problem: he was not Junmyeon.
Even though he was just as handsome, knowing that her ex was there watching her nullified any less friendly thoughts she might have had with Jinyoung.
Y/N felt her head spinning, there were many reasons, and the alcohol she had spilled wasn’t the only one. In fact, she had only made her situation worse because she had been drinking to forget her ex-boyfriend and here she was, remembering him more vividly.
“Y/N is everything okay?” Jinyoung asked, worried, seeing her face suddenly turn white.
She took a deep breath, nodding.
“Yeah, I just…” she looked at the bar where he was, Junmyeon didn’t even blink when he looked at her. Even from afar she felt how intense his eyes still were. “I need some air.” she confirmed, looking away from Jinyoung.
“Do you need me to…” he let the sentence die in the air and she smiled slightly
She brought her hand to his arm and gently stroked it.
“It’s okay, I just need 5 minutes alone.”
He nodded, placing his hand over hers, understanding what she was saying.
Y/N left feeling the air running out of her lungs as if she had run a marathon and when she finally found the exit of the club, she closed her eyes feeling the first tear run down her face.
She had promised herself that she would try to be strong, she even tried to convince herself that she didn't feel what she felt for Junmyeon - a failed attempt to forget him - but she didn't count on finding him there.
In fact, she didn't even imagine one day meeting him again. After the harsh words she used, she thought he would never talk to her again.
Y/N looked for a corner to sit down, hugging her legs to cry in silence.
It hurt her to be away from him, more than she had imagined. But it hurt even more to be so close and at the same time so far away from him.
She was so wrapped up in her own pain that she didn't notice when he crouched down beside her.
"Don't cry, please." he pleaded and she sobbed. “You know I can’t stand it.”
Y/N lifted her head with her face soaked, looking to the side and seeing him grimacing in pain.
She kept her eyes fixed on him as Junmyeon raised his hand to dry her face with his fingertips, making Y/N close her eyes at the gentle touch.
She had missed that. Much more than she should have.
"I can't."
"What?" He caressed her face for a longer time, making her open her eyes.
“I can’t look at you and forget everything I know.” she admitted, hurt.
Junmyeon gave in, fingers retracting to cease the caress.
Y/N sighed and stood up, pushing him away completely. Ready to get out of there, she just didn't expect him to step in front of her, stopping her from going.
“I'm still the same.”
She laughed in disbelief and tried to pass, but he held her arm without hurting her and brought her closer so she could look into his eyes.
“I’m still who I’ve always been with you.”
Y/N felt her breathing became labored for two reasons, he was too close that she could feel his breath against her face, and because his eyes didn't lie.
And that disconcerted her, broke all the arguments she could have and that she had rehearsed in her head.
“You have a side that I never imagined and that I don’t agree with!” She tried to speak a little more firmly, her rational side was being drowned out by her heart at that moment.
She was finally where she wanted, in his arms.
“This is just business, Y/N.”
"Business?" she asked, frowning. “A mafia is not a business, Junmyeon, it is a sect. One from which you will never be free because you’re the boss.”
"You’re right!" he agreed, seriously. “But look into my eyes.”
She looked away, shaking her head. That was why one of his hands released her arm and went to her chin, making her look at him.
“Look into my eyes and say you don’t see how much I love you.” he begged and she was silent. “If you say that you don't see how much I need you then that's fine, I'll let you go into the arms of a guy who has the same principles, who is your hero.”
Y/N felt her eyes water.
He was her hero long before she found out where his money came from.
"I cant do it." She spoke quietly, shrugging her shoulders.
"And why not?"
“Because I would be denying the whole truth, including that my love for you also exists.”
The corners of his lips threatened to lift into a sad yet happy smile, all he needed to hear was how much she still loved him, the rest they could take care of later.
He could find a way out as long as he was with her.
Without having anything to say, Junmyeon put his hand on the back of her head, making her goosebumps rise from head to toe, she knew what was coming and didn't stop it.
He brought his face closer to her, without taking his eyes off her because he wanted to make sure she wanted it so much as him and when he didn't see any sign to the contrary, he sealed their lips.
Y/N sighed, resting her hands on his chest as she closed her eyes at the feeling of his warm lips once again against hers.
Junmyeon's hand went down her arms to her waist, hugging her with a certain desperation as he moved his lips slowly, as if he was discovering her again.
Junmyeon tilted his head to the side as he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, all Y/N could do was grab the vest he was wearing tightly as their tongues met, eager for the sensual dance they were in accustomed.
Y/N's entire body seemed to light up, she felt so warm and so alive, it was as if she had awakened from a deep, cold sleep.
Their kiss became more desperate, causing him to press her against any surface he could find in the dark, which ended up being the club wall itself.
Completely panting, they separate, he even takes her lips in one last kiss before touching their foreheads.
“I've been thinking about you every second.” he spoke quietly and Y/N kept her eyes closed, her legs still wobbly. “I can’t live without you, Y/N.”
She smiled sideways, put her hands on his shoulders and then opened her eyes, looked at his red and swollen lips before moving up to his eyes, Junmyeon looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes.
“I could be making the biggest mistake of my life.” She sighed, reaching up to caress his face when she saw him frown. “But if I had to choose you a thousand times, I would.”
He smiled restrainedly.
“It was always you, Junmyeon. Always."
“You’re my eternal love,” he said firmly. “And you always will be.”
She smiled before pulling his face for another kiss that wouldn't be the last that night.
Was it wrong? Maybe, but everything she believed in didn't make any difference when she was with him or thinking about him.
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daddyfordaeddy · 5 months
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[Updated April 20 2024]
All stories contain smut, minors do not interact.
Request guidelines
I write for any group, but I reserve the write to decline a request or part of a request for any reason.
I will not write :
Graphic sexual assault, pedophilia and incest, animal abuse, glamorisation of any mental health or physical ailments, any material that may encourage sasaeng actions, and rape.
Please don’t ask for frequent updates on your request—I do my best to write as quickly as I can. You can inquire about the status but please try not to ask without reprieve.
A Proposition - boyfriend! Wooyoung x f! Reader
You’re watching a show in peace, but when Wooyoung comes home from work, he has a proposition…
Celebrate For You - boyfriend! Wooyoung x f! Reader
It’s your birthday and Wooyoung’s a little surprised at your wish, but not against it
Blue Blood - king! Seonghwa x queen! Reader
Your marriage to Seonghwa has been nothing exciting. But things change during his coronation ball
Long Winter's Night - werewolf! Yunho x f! Reader
On the week of the solstice, Yunho’s rut starts
A Rose is a Rose - mafia! Seongjoong x f! Reader [Tipsy Drabbles]
After leaving the mafia scene for five years, you’ve had to go back and beg for help from the boss of your former family…and your ex
Hospitality - sugar baby! Wooyoung x sugar mommy! Reader [extension of fff24 day 20 by sanjoongie]
After your first roleplay sparked a deep want for more, you and Wooyoung finally are able to act out your next desires
I Can't Make You Love Me - fuckbuddies! Jongho x f! Reader
You’re in love with Jongho, but all he wants is your body. Against your better judgement, you keep letting him use you.
February Filth Fest 2024
Lunch Break - CEO! husband! San x f! Reader
After delivering lunch to your husband’s office, the two of you get a little sidetracked
Double-Stuffed Oreo - boyfriend! Wooyoung x Reader
What better way to ravish your boyfriend than to double-stuff him?
Free Game - boyfriend! San x f! Reader
You lost a bet to San, and now he gets to do whatever he wants
Take the Time - god of time! San x f! Reader
Strange things keep happening, and your best friend may know something about it
Enough for You - husband! Mingi x f! Reader x other man! Hongjoong
Your second man is coming over for a night of passion, and your husband would like to attend
I Feel So High When It's Just Us Two - Jinyoung x Mark
Mark sends Jinyoung a video, and Jinyoung is not pleased
Dinner Preparations - husband! Jinyoung x f! Reader
Jinyoung surprises you in the kitchen
Hands On - boyfriend! Jinyoung x f! Reader
Jinyoung cuts his hand at work. You lend him yours
Rule of Three - lawyers! YugMark x secretary! f! Reader
Mark and Yugyeom are having some fun in the office after hours, and you walk in on them
Your Touch is All I Need - boyfriend! Mark x f! Reader
You and Mark fuck in a bathroom and its hot and definitely not gross and germ-y in there
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jadededge · 10 months
Tear You Apart | Ch.3
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Pairing:  GOT7 x OC
Genre: Demon/Mafia AU, Romance, Smut
Rating: M
Summary: Jaebeom and Yugyeom are "running an errand" when the most delectable scent that he ever smelled hit Yugyeom like a ton of bricks. Yugyeom stops JayB and soon he smells it. They look across the street and see the her. They stalk her for awhile and finally get the chance to manufacture a meet with her.
Wattpad | AO3    (will likely always update these 2 places first)  
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Despite their busy and immortal lives, the boys try to have dinner together as often as possible. Gathering around the large oak table in their dining room, they share laughs and stories of the day. Relaxing and unwinding as a family.
"So, maknaes," Jaebeom starts. "I hear you had to provide some backup on Canal. How did that go?"
"We went to see Selah. I'm so sorry," Youngjae immediately folds and bows his head, hoping to be spared.
Bam sucks his teeth. "Youngjae, what the fuck man?"
"You did what?" Jaebeom asks calmly. Too calm.
The sound of silverware hitting plates echoed in the now quiet room.
"Aw shit, boys, why did you do that?" Mark asks.
"We only wanted to see her." Yugyeom adds with a pout. "We didn't even talk to her." He says leaning towards Youngjae.
Jinyoung must've caught that because he immediately followed up. "Bam. What about you?"
"Whatever. I talked to her. And I got her number."
All the older brothers sigh. Jaebeom continues to look. His chin starts to protrude.
"Son, why did you do that when we have her number?" Mark asked.
"I'm sorry, were we going to start texting her and tell her we looked up everything about her beforehand?" He laid it out. "I'm playing the boyfriend game." He leans back, looking proud of himself.
Jaebeom was pissed, but he was trying not to show it. He had a plan, and this... He stands, pushing his chair back to leave. "I'm going out."
"Either you've messed up so badly that he needs to go prepare to send you back or..." Jackson pauses. "Actually, I don't know what else he could be doing. Nice knowing you, Bam. I'll see you in 50 years."
Jinyoung chimes in with a disapproving tone, "You do know Jackson went to meet her as well? What will she think? We're meant to be playing this smart, and you've gone and added another complication to the situation. Yeah, Jaebeom should send you back."
"I fucked up, huh?" Bam says, hanging his head.
Mark, though known for his temper, is actually quite gentle with his brothers. Particularly the younger ones, and tries to comfort them. "Did you fuck up? Yes. But it will be okay. JB won't send you back."
"He might strangle you, though." Jackson says he is taking a bite of his food.
Mark gives him a 'stop that' look.
"What? Bammie, I invited Selah to the club. How do we explain to her that out of pure coincidence, she met both of us on the same day and that we know each other? You might have to miss the opening."
Bam lets out a puff of air ready to protest.
"That's actually not a bad idea." Jinyoung says. "You three will not be at the opening."
The younger ones begin to protest. Jinyoung holds his hand up and says, "Save it. This is perfect. Perhaps Jaebeom won't murder you if we can salvage this."
The weekend arrives, and everybody is a bundle of nerves. After adjusting plans, the boys feel like they're actually in a better place. Feeling that perhaps it would be easier to introduce her to four of them versus all seven.
The maknaes are on warehouse duty for the night, and they couldn't have been more sour about it.
"I can't believe I let you talk me into going with you. Now look at me." Youngjae pouts, looking into the distance.
Bam rolls his eyes and says, "Well, you hardly put up a fight at a gentle suggestion."
Yugyeom chuckles a bit. "You did come along pretty easily. We should just be happy we didn't get banished."
"Valid point. But I want to meet her now." Youngjae says.
Yugy juts his lip out, "Me too."
"Yeah she's great. Glad I talked to her when I did." Bam says proudly.
The other two side eye him.
Selah arrives at the club accompanied by her friend Brianca. She's feeling good about how she looks. The little black dress she has on is her favorite among the many in her closet. The tiny straps sit upon her glittering shoulders. The bodice fits tight on her chest with a side split that causes the material to lay nicely over her ass. Matched with a flattering pair of heels that elongate her legs and strap around her ankles is giving her a confidence boost. Not to mention, she smelled amazing.
She's hoping to see Jackson. Bam hasn't texted her. Which made her a bit sad, as she was hoping he would. But she figured she would at least have a good time, get her mind off the week, and look good if for nobody but herself
"Girl, this club is nice!" Brianca says to Selah. "And you said he's the owner?"
"That's what he said. So I'm not sure I'll easily bump into him." Selah responds by surveying the area.
"Let's get a drink!" Brianca suggests.
At the bar, Brianca has already been approached by a couple of guys and is chatting one up. She has a very inviting aura, so it's no surprise she's already deep in conversations.
At one point she leans over to Selah, "omg girl. This is that guy I told you about. That I went out with a couple of weeks ago." "The one with the.." Selah wiggles her brows. 
"Yes him." Brianca exclaims trying not to let him hear.
Selah chuckles, "well it looks like you're in for a wild night."
"Here's hoping." Brianca cheers with her friend and turns back to her presumed date for the evening.
As Selah is enjoying her cocktail, she feels a gentle touch on her shoulder that sends shivers throughout her body. Looking to her left, she sees Jackson. Managing her reaction, she doesn't smile too hard. "Jackson, hi."
"Selah, you made it." He's grinning from ear to ear. He takes a second to look her up and down. Without realizing it, he's licking his lips. "You look amazing."
This causes her to blush hard and look away briefly. "Thank you. You look great yourself, and your club is amazing."
"Thank you. I spotted you and wanted to be sure I had a chance to speak while things were going smoothly."
He needed to get her away from her friend and up to the private room. He can tell she cares about her and won't want to leave her alone or unsafe. But it appears luck was on his side.
"Brianca." Selah is turning to get her friend's attention to introduce her to Jackson. "This is Ja-."
But she's being lead to the dance floor by the guy she was chatting with. She looks back and smiles big at her friend. Quickly surveying the guy next to Selah she gives her a 'go get em' look.
"Well I was going to introduce you but nevermind I guess." She laughs.
Jackson sighs internally with relief, "No worries, we can meet later. She looks like a good time."
"Oh she's a blast in a glass. She'll be entertained for hours."
"In that case, would you like me to show you around?" Jackson asks as he holds his hand out for her.
"Sure. I'd like that, we sort of b-lined to the music, so I haven't seen the rest."
He leads her through the crowd and back toward the foyer. The place is actually quite large with a few different areas. One being the bigger bar and dance floor area they just left. Jackson shows her around the bottom floor. Even showing her a few behind the scene places before leading her into a lounge area. It's decorated in gold, with soft lighting and slow music, this makes for a nice area to chat.
"One of my brothers designed this room. He thought it would be a good idea to add an area that was much less chaotic than the traditional club atmosphere." Jackson explained.
"Oh you have a brother?" Selah asks.
"Yes, six actually." He leads her to the bar to order himself a drink. "Would you like anything?"
"Whatever you're having. Unless it's vodka." She makes a disgusting face.
Jackson chuckles and signals to the bartender, "please send over two glasses of Hennessy and ice. Thanks T."
"You got it boss." The bartender responds.
Jackson turns his attention to Selah, "Come, let's have a seat."
Settling in, Jackson takes this time to get a really good look at her. She's perfect. They begin a back and forth conversation that flows with ease. He asks her questions about herself that he already knows the answers to, but he loves hearing her talk, so this isn't a problem.
She asks about his business endeavors and he explains to her how he owns this a few other nightclubs. He mentions the corporation that his family runs, not the illegal things, obviously.
"So you have 6 brothers. That had to be hectic growing up." Selah comments.
"You could say that again. We're not exactly blood brothers, more very close friends, but we're brothers in just about every other way. We sort of came together at different times but we've been together ever since." She's listening intently. Jackson hasn't even used his gifts to any degree and she's already hooked on his every word. "Three of them are here now. I was hoping to introduce you actually. They've been dying to meet you."
"Oh, you've told them about me?" She's shocked, they only met briefly. "And you want me to meet them?"
He smiles and grabs her hand, gently caressing it. "Of course, we tell each other everything. So when I met a gorgeous woman, I told them immediately."
She was a bit hesitant but the moment Jackson touches her, she gets those same shivers. Being near Jackson, she finds herself alot more willing to go along with just about anything he says. Especially when he touches her.
She blushes, "Okay, sure."
He beams at her, "You're going to love them."
"I should text my friend and let her know."
This irritates Jackson. But he hides his displeasure. "Sure, no problem. "
He needs her alone and he didn't want to manipulate her to do it but this is becoming tedious. How do normal people live like this.
"Oh, she actually messaged to say she left with that guy. I must've missed it. I guess i'm all yours." Selah explains.
"Perfect." Jackson stands and extends his hand to help her up.
Leading her out of the lounge and through the club to the stairs, Selah feels lightheaded. She feels as if she's walking to another world. The decor is also darker upstairs. The walls are a blood red velvet with black damask patterning. The lighting is low and the music from downstairs is faded and becomes more faint the deeper they walk.
"Continuing the tour," Jackson starts. "This top floor has a few private rooms that special guests can use, as well as the offices."
He stops at a door at the end of the hall and on the other side, Selah knows deep down, everything will change once she steps in. Jackson opens the door and gestures for her to enter.
The room is spacious, continuing the same dark motif, but the colors are a darker green and black with gold accents. There's a full-sized bar and and lounge area with a large window across the way for a view of the entire dance floor from above. 
And scattered about the room are three of the finest men Selah has ever seen, apart from Jackson. It nearly takes her breath away. They are dressed in finely tailored suits, like Jackson, and they have this something about them she can't quite put her finger on. Maybe this was a mistake. She thinks.
Jackson places his hand on the small of her back and moves her further into the room, "Selah, these are three of my brothers." He points to one at the bar with a short haircut and a dazzling smile that warms her heart. "This is Mark, the oldest."
"Hello gorgeous, lovely to meet you." He finishes making his drink and comes to settle in a chair next to the couch.
"And this absolute cutie..." pointing to other one with a short haircut. His lips grab her attention and she can't help but stare at them. He chuckles slightly and bites his bottom lip. She had to stop her knees from giving out. Did he do that on purpose. "...is Jinyoung."
He rolls his eyes, "Could you not introduce me that way." He gives her a smile staring directly in her eyes making her melt.
"Why? Is he not adorable Selah?" Jackson turns to ask her. She blushes from being put on the spot. Jackson laughs. "And lastly but certainly not least, this is Jaebeom. He is our leader."
Calling this man gorgeous would be an understatement. With longer hair styled perfectly sitting across his neck. Selah couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to run her fingers through it. She's cursing herself for how hard she is crushing on her crush's brothers.
He nods her direction. "Nice to meet you Selah, you can call me Jay B."
Her head swims. "Nice to meet you all"
"Come let's sit." Jackson moves them to a loveseat next to Jaebeom and across from Mark. Jinyoung has his eyes trained on her.
All four of them are drawing her in, with their confidence and captivating aura. But just beyond that is something tugging at her, whispering danger. She's watching herself wade further into the waters. What is happening...
Tags: @openup-yourmind
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | 🍓 Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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pars-ley · 2 months
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Can I just say an absolute huge thank you to everyone who has started following me recently and to the followers who have stuck around while I disappeared, how I got to 800 I will never know. But it means a lot, so in order to celebrate, I've decided to do a drabble game! Simply choose a member, one genre/au and one prompt from the list below, if you would like these to be fluffy, angsty or smutty please specify. Feel free to send an ask (anons welcome) or a message. Disclaimer: It will be member x female reader (unless you request gender neutral).
Choose one member:
Got7 -
Choose one genre/au:
- Fake dating
- Best friends to lovers
- Enemies to lovers
- Office romance
- Coffee shop
- Soulmates
- Crime boss/mafia
- Body guard
- Single parent
- Idol
Choose one prompt:
1. "You knew me when I had nothing; when I was no one."
2. "I changed who I was for you, and now I don't know who I am anymore."
3. "You forget, I know all your secrets. I know you better than you know yourself."
4. "I feel like you're punishing me by being so sweet all the time, just stop. I don't deserve you."
5. "Just please, don't leave me."
6. "How do you expect me to focus, when you're walking around wearing that?"
7. "I know they don't want us to be together and I can't change that, but I will never stop loving you."
8. "I'd rather fight with you, than be with anyone else."
9. "You were the one that got away. I just wish I'd have told you back then, maybe things would be different."
10. "It's just temporary, but I need to know...will you wait for me?"
11. "It's not what it looks like, I swear to you."
12. "I can't believe I'm going to ask you of all people but I'm desperate. I need your help."
13. "Do you know what hoops I had to jump through to find you? Could you please just give me five minutes?"
14. "The way you taste, the feeling of your lips, you're like a drug to me."
15. "A kiss is never just a kiss, no matter what anyone says."
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Spoilers 477
It took long because I was trying to work with my very uncooperative group members who suck ass at communicating.🙄 I literally had a dream about it because I was so stressed.
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I like how different Jinyoung's personality is when he can't remember, you know like bashing Allied while in pain, but that also means he's getting better at sorting out his thoughts despite the pain and panic attacks. And is it just me or what Jinyoung's experiencing, not panic attacks at all. Like, I'm not a professional psychiatrist or anything, but those do not look like panic attacks.
Also, isn't anyone going to help him like his ass is just there bleeding out.
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Lmao, we all know what happens when Yujin gets cocky about his fighters.
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🥺he wants to stay by samuel,even though samuel doesn't give him the time of day.
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On god, this bitch is pissing me off, chasing after this lifestyle is literally what ruined him and big deal. He has people that care about him even though he doesn't deserve it and still chooses to act like a douche. Honestly, Jake's is pissing me off too. He's too nice for giving chances to people who don't deserve and clearly should be in jail (jihoe, xiaolong, vivi and samuel).
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Warren bought them chicken like he always does 🥺. I honestly like how Amy and Natalie are so much smaller here, I feel like it shows us that these girls are younger than Sally and the others. Like they actually look like children, unlike the other girls. Also, yenna looks so cute and pudgy, but jokes aside, someone tell ptj that 3 years old don't look that small.
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Bros about to get manhandled by a kid too. Do the men working for yujin forget their boss is also a child.
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It's so funny whem when he tries to act intimidating when he's so tiny. I will stomp on him (I am also under the average height).
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Thr audacity of this Lil bitch. He literally had his friends tortured, especially Daniel, and Sally almost got r*ped; and now he has the nerve to ask Daniel that! Bitch should be glad he's getting an option instead of his ass handed back to him.
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Pretty sure ptj forgot to draw his tattoos just like he forgot Goo's wound on his neck.
It makes sense that Yujin would go after Gun. However, I'm going to be honest, I don't think it'll be easy or even possible. Honestly, lung cancer has a higher chance of killing Gun than these guys. I feel like James Lee and Tom Lee are probably some of the few people capable. Yujin probably knows that Gun is an heir to a powerful mafia group in Japan or that he at least has ties to the Yakuza. So he's either really overconfident or actually has more tricks up his sleeve. Although I'm sure Yujin knows of Gun's reputation as the white demon why else would we see him in all white.
I also feel like we'll finally get a backstory on Gun, I know his ass is downright evil. Like come on, the Yamazaki clan is currently the most powerful in Japan. They didn't become the number 1 by being decent human beings, that's for sure. He's probably worse than Charles, Goo, Tim Lee, Minsik, James Lee, and Jake's older brother combined✋🏼.
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daemour · 5 months
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You bring a glass of wine to your lips, letting the tangy bitterness envelop your taste buds. A smirk pulls at your lips.
This is my sub-masterlist for tipsy drabbles---the masterlist can support only so many links after all ;) Please enjoy the following content! The main masterlist can be found here
(All fics marked with a ♥ are smut/implied smut. Minors do not interact)
A Rose is a Rose - mafia! Seongjoong x f! Reader ♥
After leaving the mafia scene for five years, you’ve had to go back and beg for help from the boss of your former family…and your ex.
Manhattan - photographer! Hongjoong x gn! Reader
A late night photo inspiration leads to something more.
Brooklyn - photographer! Hongjoong x gn! Reader
Hongjoong invites you to his studio, but some complications occur [sequel to Manhattan]
Bear like Marmalade - hybrid! BamBam x gn! Reader
You just want to enjoy a (pretty sad) dinner after moving. But your simple meal consisting of toast and marmalade is interrupted by your neighbour. Who really, really likes your food apparently.
Red Lotus, Red Herring - assassin! BamBam x assassin! Reader (platonic) | An assassin should always be on their toes, a lesson you think you have down.
Between the Sheets - police! Yugyeom x gn! Reader ♥ | Yugyeom didn’t expect this.
Death in the Afternoon - husband! Youngjae x f! Reader | Youngjae’s late, and you’re worried.
Adios, Motherfucker - no pairing, Mark centered | All occording to plan. Remember Murphy’s Law, Mark.
Painkiller - yandere! Jackson x f! Reader | Jackson’s addicted to you.
Blow My Skull Off - implied police! Jinyoung x assassin! BamBam | A deal is struck.
Tuxedo - no pairing, Jaebeom centered | The game is almost over, but how will it turn up?
Last Word - light husband! Youngjae x f! Reader | Youngjae wakes up and can’t quite remember what happened.
Planter's Punch - ex! Yoongi x Reader
Yoongi finds you drinking your break-up away in a bar. He wants to get you to stop drinking….but he is the cause of your break up.
French 75 - heiress! Joohyun x gn! Reader ♥
When faced with a marriage she doesn't want, Joohyun decides to take matters into her own hands
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mingsolo · 1 year
currently I write mostly for ateez and seventeen. (with a few others here and there)
note: i tend to go with gn for most stories, unless they have smut in which case the reader will be female/afab.
@mingsolo. please do not repost/translate to other sites.
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take me home. [For Seonghwa, another night, another opportunity to take off some of the stress of being famous— for you, a chance to turn a horrible night around.] 8k. smut,angst,idol au
enough. [Hongjoong had been neglecting your relationship, but you tried to keep your head up, until he decides to make things worse for the both of you ] 3k. angst, smut, established relationship
say my name. [What happens when you forget to say his name for the third time? One night when he´s had enough, you actually find out. ] 7k. supernatural au, incubus!hongjoong, angst, smut
mistaken. [an unfortunate attempt to end your life strikes on your own honeymoon. what else could go wrong with your recently arranged marriage?] 6k. angst, smut, mafia au, romance
before you go. [about to leave for the enhypen concert, your boyfriend San decides to give you a little something so you won´t forget about him]1k. smut, pwp, established relationship
ot8 + poly fics—
so good for us. [Back at home from your anniversary dinner, your boyfriends reveal a very special surprise that would turn your night into a ocassion you won't forget anytime soon]. 4k. smut, established relationship, poly au.
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hella good. [jinyoung comes to the party trying to ruin your date, but he finds himself having to make a decision in the process] 4k. smut, angst, [kinda] exes to lovers
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pause + play. [a couple of interesting encounters with the cute glasses guy that comes to the vhs store lead to something special, done for the 90s collab] meet cute, strangers to lovers, fluff
awful summer nights. [for most people, the hot air of mid June, when the sun was high and its rays shone bright almost all day long, was certainly a blessing. Certainly not for you] 5k. fwb to lovers, smut, romance, angst
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vanilladaises-rp · 1 year
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• Well where do we start
• Kim Jennie grew up in a very VERY rich family.
• They owned many businesses, and not just in Seoul. A few in Paris and a few in Germany as well.
• Her father, Kim Baekhyun leader of the Kim Clan, was always traveling, meaning where he went jennie followed, she was rarely in school but already had one of the best teachers, him.
• Jennie’s father always taught jennie that she was different, that she was special. Whenever she had time to attend school, she was always the it girl.
• She attend some schools, of course all private and some of the hardest to be accepted to. Jennie was never social though, she had “friends” but never spoke or shared anything about herself
• But to be honest, Jennie hated school she already knew everything she needed to know and was ahead of everyone anyways, so it was a waste of time to her. Her parents would only stick her in school when they had a big important mission or would be traveling for awhile.
• While at one of the schools, she noticed a student that was just like her, secretive and quiet. He was also dressed in rare designer pieces so she knew for sure he was different then everyone else.
• “hey” she said approaching him out in the courtyard after school, the boy slightly shuddering from the sound of her voice. Jennie chuckles under her breath, although he looks tough she will have him whipped by the end of the week.
• “I didn’t mean to scare you” she giggled stepping closer with a softened expression in order to make him feel warm and at ease. The boy smiled “oh u-um hi! S-Sorry I just uh I’m new and I don’t know anyone yet” he chuckled awkwardly “uh what’s your name?” He added.
• she giggled taking a seat next to him, “it’s okay, my name is Yuna” she lied with a soft smile “I know what it feels like to be new, you’re not from here I take it?” she questioned, slightly arching a brow.
•”No my family just moved here, t-they have a business here a-and are in town for a nee project” she smirked lightly, she could already see right through him and knew his statement was just a coverup.
• “How interesting, what business?” She asked with a “innocent smile, noticing how the question made him panic internally. His eyes widened and his palms were sweaty. Jennie almost felt bad for him, but soon grow bored as she waited for his answer.
• “Well I guess it doesn’t matter” she said changing the subject, “What’s your name?” She asked looking in his eyes. Jennie found our his name was Jinyoung, after speaking with him for a few more minutes she found out enough info to do some digging on him and his family.
• After being chauffeured home, Jennie looked through her father’s files since he wasn’t home and found out he is apart of the notorious Choi family, her dad’s biggest enemy. They have been vendettas for as long as Jennie can remember, Jennie didn’t know exactly what happened but she knew that Jinyoung’s father betrayed hers resulting in the death of her mother.
• Jennie thought about it, if she was able to manipulate Jinyoung she could organize a hit to take down his family, it was perfect. If her plan was successful, she’d prove to her dad that she can be the new leader after all.
• For the next few months, Jennie continued to get closer with Jinyoung, gathering any info she got get on his family. Jennie made it subtle though, making she he wouldn’t catch on to her intentions.
• From the other side though, Jinyoung was completely in love with Jennie. She was so sweet, funny and caring towards him, she made him feel safe and could himself more. He’s been able to make more friends because of Jennie.
• Jinyoung was so in love he finally had decided to introduce her to his family, which made Jennie excited, she was finally gonna be able to execute her plan.
• “She is the top student in our class, and is on track to graduate early” Jinyoung explained while his family and Jennie sat at the dinner table in his father’s mansion. Jennie smiled at them but had daggers in her eyes. The man that caused her family so much distress all those years ago was sitting right in front of her.
• Jennie glanced at the clock, it was almost time. Before dinner she had told the red squad the time and address, “Well it’s getting late, my parents will be angry if stay out any longer” she smiled “but everything was delicious, thank you” even though she barely touched her food.
• “But I’m sure you don’t mind, I suppose traders need their sleep too” she added making his parents smile drop. Jennie smirked slightly scoffing “oh don’t act surprised Mr.Choi, you knew this would come back to haunt you” she added chuckling lightly.
• Jinyoung’s father already knew what she was talking about, although he never expected this, “What a shame, I really did like Jinyoung too” she sighed looking over at the boy who had a terrified expression which made her chuckle, the soft look she once had for him was now a more dark cynical stare.
• “I must take what you took from me though” she said with a taunting tone in her voice her eyes leaving his father’s to signal her men “double that” she added before giving them a nod, queuing two of her men to come up from behind Jinyoung’s mother and father to slit their throats while Jennie pulled her glock and point it at Jinyoung.
• The poor boy screamed in terror, crying as he watched his parents bleed out, “Im sorry Jinnie” she cooed kissing his tears away, the boy too paralyzed to even flinch. Jennie smiled, the look of innocence draining from his face made her smile, “but you are a witness, and as my dad always says” she took the safety lock off, “leave no trace behind” she added before sending a bullet into this head.
• Jennie smiled in content at the three corpses that laid before her, it was cruel which she knew but revenge is so much sweeter, “clean this up and pack their bodies, we’re going to my dads warehouse” she ordered her men.
• Baekhyun actually wasn’t waiting for her but was in a middle of a trade before Jennie interrupted him “Why the hell are you here?” he spat angrily since Jennie knows better than to interrupt one of his trades. “Oh hush up, that’s no way to treat the person who just took down your enemies” she spat back, her father furrowing his brows which made her roll her eyes.
• Jennies snapped her fingers and her men carried in three body bags, dropping them and unzipping the seams to reveal the Choi family. Baekhyun was shocked, the one thing he wanted to years was revenge, he was upset at how easily jennie was able to execute the plan all by herself but was also revealed they were dead.
• Jennie explained her whole plan, and already knew how she would sweep all this “under the rug” “impressed? I know, besides I only learned from the best” she smiled “But this isn’t for free, with our family nothing is as you know daddy” she chuckled “I want your position and for you to stop treating me as a trophy” she smirked
• Baekhyun wasn’t shocked though, he knew jennie has wanted his title for a long time now, but he always said no, not because he felt like she wasn’t worthy but because he knew she was all he had left and if something ever happened to her, he’d go mad.
• But alas, it was time to except that was no longer little and naive, she was more clever than he ever was “okay” he agreed with a small smile “you’re ready”.
• Ever since she’s been living a life of luxury, traveling anywhere anywhere she wants and has expanded her team and inventory. Jennie was truly happy and wasn’t going to let anyone take it away from here.
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