#jisbon is everything to me
sunnoah · 6 months
she looks so pretty and jane is there jaw dropped admiring her, as he should likeee
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justcallmevodka · 2 months
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More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know
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jiisbons · 2 years
lisbon literally loves jane so much. it's been obvious since the first season. she'll do anything for him, no matter what. she would kill for him, die for him, lose her job for him, go to jail for him, lose everything for him. she'd do anything just to keep him safe. she loves that man with her whole heart even after he lied to her, betrayed her, hurt her, left her, made her cry. im not dissing jane because im sure we all understand why he was the way he was, but that man hurt her so much yet she never left his side. she has always loved him and would never be able to love anyone as much as she loves him. that's true love right here.
sorry for the rant y'all i just had to get it out 😭😭 someone love me the way lisbon loves jane pls
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wikipedie · 2 years
I've just realized. I think Jisbon was the first ship I wrote serious (-ish) fanfiction for, or at least thought about it, and now they're the first ship that I am learning to do fanvids and gifs for.
They're really the first for me huh. They're everything to me.
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donnydamakkk · 1 year
might b the only person who watched the mentalist and came out of it a jisbon anti
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mercedesssssss · 7 months
insane scene. let's discuss.
first, him watching her walk up, like he Knows who she was probably just with, and the heartbreak but also just *in awe of her* anyways on his face is sooooooo 😵‍💫
the way when she walks up and he just doesn't say anything for a moment, it shows #tome that he's thinking abt It.
secondly, him saying "normally I'd take care of this but the guy looked sketchy" or whatever the hell.... BE SERIOUS what are you talking about "I'd take care of this" like ... can't take him srsly sometimes like okay honey that was an awful excuse but i love you dearly anyways
like he could've called abbott, cho, fischer, but he called lisbon not just bc he prob knew abt the date, not just bc she's his partner, but simply bc he wants to see Her.
At any time.
For any reason.
thirdly, her being like "you called me out here for duck tape?" & him being like "you need to trust me" is just so important to me because even though it's glossed over in this scene, (they don't spend any time on it, it's not the main point of the scene) her trusting him has always been so important to him. It certainly would be now more than most any other time considering how Tense everything is.
and then her just not believing him and immediately jumping to the conclusion that he wanted to screw up her date, which honestly as a viewer isn't big of a stretch at all but surface level it kind of reminds me of the s5 "I'm not you're girlfriend" line, bc in terms of the situation it kind of comes out of left field, just like in that s5 scene, but on a *everything* level it's both subconsciously lisbons feelings for jane coming out AND her wanting Him to talk abt his feelings for Her, & it's so insanely good bc she's totally right to think it
and then he continues on to *try* to act like he didnt know! and its funny here especially because, yes, the show has shown he's a great liar, we know this, but sometimes he's not (here) and when it comes to This (the jisbon of it all) it was just getting harder and harder to keep lying and pretending and that's why here he kind of does a TERRIBLE JOB
and in another circumstance that conversation couldve ended up going in a totally different direction, except for the fact that he was being partially truthful in his reasoning for calling her, because while he did have all those other reasons behind calling Her specifically, he also did call her bc he genuinely thought/knew someone was in trouble.
so then #it gets put aside once he convinces her and they go inside.
like I said, insane scene.
in conclusion, jisbon tension angst pining yearning etcetcetc all very loved by me 🫶
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katebeckets · 13 days
Top 5 Jisbon scenes from each season !! 💚💙
fkdajf;ja;fa thanks for asking me this 😭 I've been so excited about this and I love that you gave me 35 chances LOL (and I'll still agonize over leaving out some)
it's going under a read more because this is gonna be loooooong hehe
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Season One
1x04 Lisbon teasing Jane — EPISODE!! FOUR!!!!!! I love how she teases him and he just looks back with such a soft smile and she's looking at him and fdkjakf;ja;a gaaaaaahhhhh
1x10 the Truth — This scene is so so so so personal (the whole episode, really) because of my own experience being hospitalized. And all the emotions! The way they look at each other! AAAAH!
1x17 trust fall — I've tried doing trust falls before and have never been able to do it, so the fact that Jane and Lisbon/Simon and Robin can do it? The TRUST!! But also it's the way he's so upset she doesn't trust him and the way he lowers himself to look her in the eye and she can see it's so important to him that she do the trust fall so she gives in!!
1x19 what are you thinking? — This has always been one of my favorite scenes because they just make eyes at each other for literally 30 seconds???? 30 seconds is a significant amount of time for a show!! And she finally gives in and asks him what he's thinking and 😭
1x23 choosing life — Lisbon telling Jane that people need him, Jane saying he should've been dead so that they could get Red John AND THEN SHOOTING THEIR ONLY LEAD to save Lisbon. All of it. SOOOO important. He chooses life, over and over and over. And he chooses her life, over and over and over.
also I just have to mention them in the rain. they are holding. hands. come ON.
Season Two
2x03 tears — Honestly all of this episode, but it's so heartbreaking the way she's trying to hide it and he notices and you see him soften. Like he's always loving with Lisbon but he becomes so gentle when he sees how upset she is. Also the end scene is so cute ("hush!" and Jane peeking back in 😭)
2x06 prison visit — The "I can just hit you with my chair" "I think you'll find it's bolted to the flooooor" exchange is just so them and I really love it LOL
2x09 tiara — Another scene that is just so them. The way she just ignores him, the way he dresses her up... it's such a sweet little moment.
2x11 dance — Listen. I've danced with people before and I have never wanted to be that close to them. It is so unnecessary how tight she's holding him AND YET!!!! Like she's fully resting on him!! GOD!!!! (Also the Caskett parallel 😭)
2x16 if I were dying... — Okay, I have mixed feelings on the whole situation because yeah, he shouldn't have lied, but the way she's so surprised and touched that he wanted to call her (whereas it's obvious to literally everyone else). I wish he had been able to answer and tell her what he would've said... although it probably wouldn't have been the truth
Season Three
3x01 sheep dip — Everything about this little clip. The way Jane turns the tv on over and over. The way Lisbon gets frustrated with him. The way Jane mimics her. It's just so good and I always laugh when I see it.
3x08 crime scene — When Lisbon makes that comment about "if Jane were here, he'd make some snarky remark." Like... the way they influence each other! The way she knows what he'd be doing! The way you know she's missing him and worried about him! Also Lisbon knowing they're his family.
3x12 IT WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION — Idk why but this has always been one of my favorites, like her exasperation just makes me laugh so much! But this whole episode is so fun, like when he makes fun of the rhyming/rhythm 😂
3x19 ...she was — I love Lisbon watching Jane's tape. I love that it's something I'd expect Jane to do and not necessarily Lisbon and I love the way it can apply to Lisbon as well... but also the "she was" absolutely destroys me every time.
3x23 bomb — There are lots of moments in this episode I want to mention (the dress!!!! angry little princess!!!!) but I think Jane finding Lisbon is my favorite because it shows how much she trusts him. And I love that she tells him she doesn't need him to come but he eventually needs to check on her 🥺
also I just have to shoutout the pocket rocket introduction because it's just sooooo funny the way he says that right after introducing Rigsby so plainly
Season Four
I've basically decided I'm not stopping at five because season four is one of my favorites lolol
4x01 picking Jane up — I just... I love that Lisbon is waiting for him. I love the way they look at each other. I love that Lisbon is literally injured and still picks him up.
4x09 ice cream — they're so 😭
4x10 saving Jane — This is honestly one of my favorite scenes of the whole series. The way she drops the flashlight and just sprints in (think about how FREEZING she must have been, the water was cold and then after she was wet and it was night), the way she's crying, the way she's saying "please..." and the fact that she's his most important person, the person they ask these questions to... AAAGH (also the way he tugs on her jacket when he asks what her name is in the hospital)
4x10 other scenes — Her calling him Paddy 😭 Sitting by the lake 😭 The hospital scenes and then when she challenges him and says "take a drive with me" (also it literally made me spiral thinking about how many places they drive together because I know how far apart these cities are and like... THEY SPEND SO MUCH TIME TOGETHER)
4x15 in the car — I laugh EVERY. TIME. At how she can't just let them go, she has to get in herself, how she just shoves Jane to the side... I love that scene. I love jealous Lisbon so much (I love jealousy in my characters, it's just so funny...)
4x17 I missed you — ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! (also that one tmsource set that is like them after being apart for like... a day)
4x18 tiger — It's just such a cute moment, I can't not mention it.
4x20 pervy perv perv — the way she's called to pick him up, then the way he says pervy perv perv, the way she says that is "profoundly" illegal, and then at the end when he wants to keep it quiet and in the most petty way possible, Lisbon goes, "no." I love this whole episode, it's so funny. I love that she's amused by him joining the play. She's come to just adore all those annoying, pain-in-the-ass things about him <3
4x20 ending — Lisbon is the only one who hears the pain in Jane's voice and she looks up and watches him walk away and I just 😭
4x24 — I'm not even gonna specify for the heading lol this whole episode is insane!! HAND. HOLDING. HAND HOLDING!!!! "Love you." ???? But mainly the church scene. It's so beautiful and also so funny ("I hate you Jane. I HATE YOU." and "okay we are in a church."). When Lisbon says "I have not been sleeping, I've been—" like you can tell how much she cares about him and how worried she is and I love how the rest of the team knows too and are careful about it with her.
Season Five
this has devolved into me not narrowing down... makes me want to go back and add to the other sections... but I won't... lol I truly am trying to keep it to five but some I just have to do more.
5x01 car ride — Okay, I say car ride, but this whole episode I love. I love how jealous Lisbon is. I forgot how mad she is until I went back and rewatched it and it's just... so funny how angry she is. I love her so much, she's so unaware 😭 Also the car conversation. Them dancing around the topic and Jane making fun when she hints at it. GAH
5x02 hospital — it's the way she just automatically goes with Jane. But also them being silly together 😭
5x08 car crash — Lisbon is SO. SOFT. The way you can see how worried she is. The way her voice is so gentle and soft. The way she comforts him. GOD I DIE
5x12 Lisbon's office — The way Jane just automatically sits down and stays with her and helps. The way they know each other so well.
5x13 partners — Another all-time favorite. The way he pulls her in and the way she's so upset and the way he has such a soft spot for her 😭
5x14 poker — I love the way Jane teases her (and that it's Simon and Robin playing). I love these moments of their friendship and all the time they spend together.
5x17 Kansas City — fkjda;fja I just. They're so. I can't. The way Jane smiles at Lisbon as she's singing and how Lisbon forgets herself for a moment. I can't!!!!
5x20 I need you — It's the way he hears it and immediately comes. The way she admits it. How happy and reassured she is when he comes because she knows that she's important, she's his person. (Also I know you love this episode so I don't need to tell you why I think of so many other scenes to include too!)
Season Six
6x02 cleaning Lisbon's face — I mean, the whole thing, but the way he just runs out and is shouting that he needs water, that's the most important thing, and then he cleans up her face... knowing what that must have been like for him... fjdajf;a my heart is exploding.
6x06 saying goodbye — This one's pretty self-explanatory. It's painful but also so important.
6x07 in the hospital — Her saying she wants to stay with Jane 😭 The fact that she would never be anywhere else. GAH
6x08 phone call — Again, all of the episode, but especially the phone call. I love that she has the recording, I love that all he wants is to talk to her (if I were dying I'd want to call you...) and I just... gahhhh.
6x09 Jane's letters — It hurts my heart, but it's so important to me. The fact that he writes her all those letters. That she has a special box for them. That she takes it out like a treat and reads it and is comforted by it. Lisbon's life is so clearly lonely in 6x09 and it breaks my heart and I just love her so much... and it truly does not seem like she dates anyone or anything like that in those two years. She reads the letters and holds onto them and she can't send anything back but the fact that he sees so many things to remind him of her... I could go on and on.
6x09 hug — Her voice is soooo soft when she says "I missed you too" and also she's literally smushed into him!!!! The "nice beard" comment!! The way they hold each other so tight!!! GAH!!!!
6x16 blanket — I have such mixed feelings about 6x16... but I love so much of it. I love that she looks at him and smiles and puts the blanket over him.
literally all of Blue Bird, of course.
Season Seven
I'm excluding "White Orchids" because I'm pretty sure it would be my whole top five. And I'm going to try to keep it to five... gaaaah.
7x06 gift — She kept the pieces. She. Kept. The. Pieces. She put it back together. I think she looked at it and held it and maybe even used it when she missed Jane. She held onto it until it was right to give it back to him. His love language is gifts too so you can see it means so much to him. (Also, again, my love language, so I melt)
7x07 — I know it's cheating but... like... all of their scenes. I love that he asks her if she wants him to come and I love that she wants him to come. I love that her first "I love you" is so her. I love that Jane immediately goes to her old room. I love their talk in the trailer.
7x08 come to bed — I mean. As much as I wish we had like ooooone bedroom scene, I love that we see them in bed together multiple times. It's just so sweet and so significant that Jane is in pajamas and in a bed. Ugh. I can't.
7x09 conversation — I love that this is Lisbon's first casual "I love you." I love that she's stroking his arm the whole time. I love how hard it is for him to say what's going on but that he does it anyway. I just love it so much.
7x12 ring — I love that Lisbon asks about the ring because she's the only person who really can ask about it, but then she apologizes later because she realizes she shouldn't have asked about it (which is exactly why she's the one who's allowed to ask). I love how Tork's comment is what makes her apologize, and I love how protective she is. The way she instinctively straightens up when he starts talking, the way she angrily goes after him and says "yeah, the wife and kid." The way it sort of stops her in her tracks when she thinks about what the wedding ring means for Jane. And then I have to just mention the way she says "don't you ever do that to me again ever" after she got so mad at Jane for not wanting to lose her/interfering with her job. The way she interrogates and says "I don't think you understand how important this is to me" and how much you can see Jane has influenced her. How Jane is more important to her. How fiercely she loves him and is afraid of losing him, the way you just see it so plainly.
okay... that was a lot and I know I left out a bunch, but I really did try to keep it to 5 (mostly). Anyway. I look forward to your comments as always! <3 Thanks for letting me cry about them! (also I think I literally spent over an hour writing this fkjdkal;fj;)
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heclosescases · 4 months
Ruddy Cheeks - Pt. 2 (a mentalist fanfic)
My alternate ending to Ruddy Cheeks (S04E18).
This one-shot has been in my drafts for like two years and I just randomly decided to tidy it up so here you go.
One thing that bugged me about the show was how if it wasn't related to Jane, then the storylines felt rushed at times or unfinished. One example of this is Cho's addiction storyline which seemed to just go away and whenever I watch the ending with him in Lisbon's office about to be open with her, I get frustrated because he keeps everything bottled up and never gets help from the team who are also his friends. So here is an alternate ending to that episode.
This follows on from a couple of alternate ending one-shots I wrote in 2021/22, "Violets - Pt. 2", and "Il Tavolo Bianco - Pt.2". 
This isn't a Jisbon one-shot - so sorry about that - but I hope you indulge me in my mission to fix this show haha.
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lovelydrusilla · 2 years
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♢ Jisbon Appreciation Week | Day 2 ↪ ✧ Romance Tropes ✧
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sunnoah · 6 months
they are so funnyyyy
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austennerdita2533 · 3 years
I'd almost forgotten how much I loved The Mentalist and ship Jisbon, but I'm rewatching and more obsessed than ever :) So I need to fangirl with you: Who are your top three favorite Mentalist characters? (I already know who your top ship is!) Do you have any unpopular opinions on the show? What's your favorite season and least favorite season? And favorite Jisbon moments? ("All of them" is an acceptable answer!)
Rewatching that show seriously got me through lockdown in 2020. I think I ended up watching it from beginning to end, like, 3 or 4 times that year. Even now, when I'm in need of a comfort watch of some kind, I will plop down and put on a random episode. (The number of times I have watched 6x22's Blue Bird is...obsessive.) Not only is the whole Red John plot suspenseful and engaging but the show itself is the perfect mix of witty, emotional, and moving; the characters are great; and the slow-burn ships (namely Jisbon) are everything.
Favorite Mentalist characters:
Patrick Jane
Teresa Liisbon
Kimball Cho
Unpopular opinions:
Not sure if this is unpopular exactly, but I always wished that they would have done more with Tommy Volker's character. He and Lisbon had a vibe, you know? He was always borderline hitting on her, trying to seduce her with his slimy arrogance, and I don't know, I guess I thought the writers would have done more with that. Every time I watch their scenes, I can't help but think about how he gives me creepy/possessive vibes. He definitely strikes me as the type of man who would want her for himself, especially because she wasn't interested at all and was always rejecting him, and I think they missed the boat with that. Even when I rewatch now, I'm still half-expecting him to kidnap her at some point during his multi-episode arc because I think it would've made sense for his character as well as would've fit into the plot.
I wish they would've explored The Blake Association more after they caught Red John. I think they could've flushed out that subplot into s7. I have a hard time believing they could have ferreted out all the law enforcement individuals who were involved simply by catching Red John, but that's just me.
Favorite season:
3 or 4, I think. Can't choose lol. (s7 is great because of all the Jisbon couple moments, though. I somehow still can't believe we were lucky enough to get a whole season of them being domestic and adorable)
Least favorite season:
I'm not sure I have one, tbh. I pretty much love the show from start to finish
Favorite Jisbon moments:
The short answer is ALL OF THEM lmao but there are some particular ones that stand out. (These are in no particular order)
When they slow dance to "More than Words" in s2
Pretty much the entirety of 6x22's Blue Bird but especially, especially, his plane declaration and the kiss scene when he's in holding
When Lisbon comes down the stairs in that dress he got her in Blue Bird and they make eye contact--you know, before everything goes to hell
Jane's proposal - the symbolism of his ring! My heartttt!
When Lisbon gifts him his glued-back-together teacup
When he blurts out "love you" before fake!shooting her in s4 - I literally scream every time I watch it because it's just this subconscious admission he can't hold in anymore
This moment because it's so soft:
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When Jane temporarily loses his eyesight and wants to know what Lisbon's face feels like when she's smiling 🥺
The freaking series finale - not only the wedding but their last scene together *radiates with happiness*
When they're reunited after Jane's 2-year on-the-run stint in Mexico and she gifts him socks, which he treasures, wearing them from then on because he's a sentimental besotted fool
This scene, because he tells her how much she means to him even though he leaves her there so he can expose Red John on his own, wanting to keep her safe
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That flirty moment on the bench when he tells her she "looks great in that hat"
When they do the fall/catch trust exercise
How closely they walk in general - I mean, they're almost always shoulder-to-shoulder and sometimes you can't tell if they're holding hands or not - these two know no personal space
I'm probably missing a bunch of other moments that I love but this a pretty solid list!
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jiisbons · 1 year
the way ive come back to obsessing over jisbon yet again...i can never escape them. and i don't want to.
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herosofmarvelanddc · 2 years
OTP Tag Game
I really needed a distraction today and I saw some other people doing this game and it looked fun. I won't tag people because it's long but please do it and tag me if you want! Rules: pick your 10 favorite ships (can be in random order) and then answer the questions. Choose ships before reading the questions! 1. Romanogers - Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff (MCU) 2. Huntingbird - Bobbi Morse/Lance Hunter (Agents of Shield) 3. Seeley Booth/Temperance Brennan (Bones) 4. Keenler - Elizabeth Keen/Donald Ressler (The Blacklist) 5. Olicity - Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Arrow) 6. Jisbon - Theresa Lisbon/Patrick Jane (The Mentalist) 7. Percabeth - Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase (PJO) 8. Hodgela - Angela Montenegro/Jack Hodgins (Bones) 9. Thea Queen/Roy Harper (Arrow) 10. Dousy - Daisy Johnson/Daniel Sousa (Agents of Shield)
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6? Technically I shipped Jisbon before watching the show because my best friend watched it and would recount the angst of them still not being together to me every week on our walk to school. I think the first episode I watched was actually the first episode they kissed and I was in love but I didn't actually watch the show for many years. But yeah, I shipped them the entire time I was watching the show. I really fell in love with their dynamic though around season 3 or 4. 2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2? Uh Yes. A lot 😅 I've also wrote several Huntingbird fics. @bobbiamorse is my favorite Huntingbird author so everyone should check out their fics! 3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/Tumblr screen saver? No, but to be fair I never have couples as my profile pic or anything. If I had a Blacklist specific blog though, Elizabeth Keen would definitely be my profile pic and Keenler might be my banner 4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? I would be devastated. Rick Riordan put them (and me) through way too much pain for them to not get a happy ending. No. I refuse to believe that Percabeth isn't endgame. 5. Why is 1 so important? Because they are perfect. Their relationship was underrated but their chemistry was off the charts. They may have never got together in the movies but every single scene they had together was impactful. CAtWS was a phenomenal movie, "I didn't want you to be alone", the 2 years on the run, the 5 years after the snap, "see you in a minute", Steve saying they were her family. All of these moments (and many more) were so small but packed a huge punch. I know people liked their friendship but they literally embodied everything I love in a good OTP. Natasha is also one of the most underrated MCU heroes despite being one of the original 6 Avengers. And Steve Rogers/Captain America is the hero I strive to be. We have similar personalities and he's probably my second fav hero after Nat. So the pair together just meant a lot to me and I love them
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship? Roy and Thea are a serious ship and didn't get the love they deserved! I know they were both background characters but in general, I think the writers dropped the ball a lot when it came to their potential. The one later season episode where Roy came back was like a balm for my shipper heart and I will stand by that they eventually found each other again and got back together. 7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry? That’s. This one is tough. Top 3 is definitely Olicity, Dousy, and Romanogers. All 3 of these, I started shipping almost instantly which I think speaks to chemistry. Dousy had less than 10 episodes between meeting and getting together and yet it was one of the most authentic relationships on the show in my opinion. The relationship was shocking but so perfect and natural. Plus, seeing Daisy happy was exactly what I needed from the last season. Romanogers I already discussed but yeah, I think they have a lot of chemistry because every interaction had so much emotional meaning to it. Olicity has to make the list though because they were the first ship I fell in love with purely through a mutual's tumblr posts. Long before I watched the show, I shipped Olicity because every gif made of them (before they were even together in the show) had them displaying so much love for each other. Even the writer's acknowledged that their chemistry is the only reason Felicity became a regular cast member instead of a rare background character. 8. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond? I feel like almost all of them have incredibly strong bonds forged by years of friendship and partnership in highly dangerous scenarios. But for this question, I will say Booth/Brennan, Keenler, and Jisbon have the strongest bonds considering it took 6-8 seasons of them being FBI partners before they finally admitted their feelings. They all exhibit unwavering trust in their partner and a willingness to do almost anything for their protection. Their bond goes far deeper than their romance. (And I totally could have also thrown Romanogers in here but I've said my thoughts on them) 9. How many times have you read/watched 10s fandom? I don't even know how many times I've watched AoS at this point 😂 At least 3ish full rounds and several partial rounds. But I've only watched season 7 twice. 10. Which ship has lasted the longest? I think that award has to go to Angela/Hodgins and Booth/Brennan although they have the unfair advantage of having 12 seasons lol. Angela and Hodgins technically have a season on Booth/Brennan but considering they got less focus, I'm saying their equal. 11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up? 0 unless you count Jane running away in a panic them breaking up but I don't really consider that since they were married a few episodes later. 12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8? Almost definitely Bobbi and Hunter. As much as I love Angela and Hodgins, Bobbi and Hunter are trained spies and have seen a lot of weird crap. 13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? Did they hide their feelings from themselves? Yes. Hide their relationship from others? No. They kissed and got thrown in a lake for the best underwater kiss ever. 14. Is 4 still together? This question is rude and I take personal offense to it. 😭😭😭 Listen, Keenler is together in my heart but unfortunately, the writer's are cruel, evil people who wanted to make fans hate their show by killing off the main character. I have refused to watch the current season because of this. #ElizabethKeenDeservedBetter 15. Is 10 canon? Yup! Only two ships on this list aren't canon but luckily, Dousy is one of them and they are kicking butt in space on the SWORD team 16. If all 10 ships were out into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? This is way too hard considering most of them are some type of superhero/spy/FBI agent. I would guess that Romanogers, Huntingbird, and
Percabeth would make it the longest but who would win among them is totally up in the air. 17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? Um yeah, Oliver and Felicity 😂 Like yes others tried to use the other for pain purposes but no one was better at sabotaging their relationship as themselves. See Seasons 3, 4, 5 and bits of others for prime examples. 18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond? ALL OF THEM! There is not one ship on this list that I don't firmly believe belong together and were good for each other. I wouldn't consider them OTPs if I wasn't ready to go to battle for them 19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s Tumblr page? From time to time, yes. Unfortunately, Bones has not been airing new eps since 2017 so their isn't new (canon) content to fill my soul but Bones is my comfort show so whenever I need a pick me up, I will go through the tag. 20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink? Unfortunately probably Thea/Roy. I think technically they weren't even back together when the show ended. Which means they've already been apart for years so as much as my shipper heart loves to believe that Thea went back for Roy like people suggested, I would be okay with that never happening if it meant my other ships got their happy endings (which several did not. grrr)
This was extremely fun and just the distraction I needed. I told myself I wouldn't let this get too long but with 20 questions, it was kind of unavoidable.
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meowmeowmessi · 3 years
Omg you shipped Jane and Lisbon too. That awesome! But you know.. outta all my OTPs I find that Wincest is SUPREME! I have yet to find a ship that so wholeheartedly & fiercely love each other and is completely devoted to each other as Sam and Dean. And that all too with a platonic canon relationship. Their love is on a different level.
Seriously, I feel so giddy when I find out that someone ships any one of my otps other than wincest! Y'all are awesome <3
Jisbon is just such a wholesome ship yanno? (Like YEAH Jane nearly cost Lisbon her job a few times but shit happens amirite sksjskjskskj) (also Red John targeting Lisbon bc he knows how much Jane loves her is 👌👌👌) (also fun fact: The Mentalist pilot was directed by David Nutter, the same dude who directed the spn pilot! Maybe it was meant to be~) (anYWAY WHERE WAS I)
I agree, wincest is indeed VERY unique, and Sam and Dean's platonic bond itself surpasses a lot of fictional romantic bonds. Sam and Dean have lived in each other's pockets all their lives, they survived a world infested with monsters together where they found true tenderness and acceptance only in each other, Dean sold his SOUL and went to hell for Sam, Sam broke free from freaking Lucifer's hold and saved the world bc of his love for Dean, Dean threw the world away for Sam and Sam released the Darkness into the world for Dean, they are soulmates who share a heaven and cannot live for a second without each other. Their circumstances are just so -- different, you know? So it's not that surprising that wincest is so intense as a ship as well. Sam and Dean don't have normal jobs or a normal life in general (and the one time they did -- in It's A Terrible Life -- they gravitated toward each other anyway and Dean was ready to leave his job and run away with Sam lol) (and in What's Is And What Should Never Be, Dean chose Sam over a normal life. Again in Lebanon he chose Sam). They don't have girlfriends (and when they do it's bc the other brother is absent. Examples: Dean with Cassie and Lisa, Sam with Jess and Amelia. And the moment the other brother returns they leave said girlfriend behind). Their only home is each other (and a car on which they had their initials carved when they were kids). Sam and Dean aren't normal people. Sam tells Dean that they should be less codependent at the beginning of s11, and in the same damn season Dean kills himself (Red Meat) or at least tries to (Don't Call Me Shurley) bc he can't imagine living without his little brother. Sam and Dean's love for each other borders on holy. They don't even say the word "brother" like a normal, sane person. That two syllable word means everything to them. It's the only reason they've ever done anything in their entire lives. Dean didn't need Sam's help to find John, not really -- he was a pretty formidable hunter in his own right and totally could've looked for his father on his own. John was just an excuse for him to finally knock on Sam's door (or break into his room lol) and see him again while he desperately hoped that Sam wouldn't reject him. That's how much he needs Sam.
Sam and Dean need each other like they need air. There's nothing healthy about their relationship but they make it work. It's the poor fools who get involved in their codependency that get blown away to pieces. Like Zachariah said, Sam and Dean are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other. People would kill to have for their ship what we have for wincest. To quote that one famous post: wincest is 99% canon and 1% fanon. I don't think there's any other ship that can relate. So I totally agree with you that wincest is supreme!
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13shadesofanni · 3 years
✨ Tag game ✨
tagged by @i-like-sparkly-things and @poppypickle (thx for the tag and thinking of me 😘)
Tag nine people you want to get to know better and answer the questions.
Three ships:
Current obsession: most of all Chenford (The Rookie), second comes Upstead (Chicago PD), and a bit of Stellaride and Brettsey (Chicago Fire)
past obsessions - Jisbon (The Mentalist), Matthew & Diana (A discovery of witches)
Last song(s): Rita Ora- Let you love me, Arizona (Robin Schulz Remix)- I was wrong, Seeb- Breathe, nearly everything from Rea Garvey and OneRepublic, Snow Patrol- Just say yes
Currently watching:
Chicago PD 1-7, rewatching Chicago PD 8, Chicago Fire (all the seasons, I´m a bit behind)
Aaaand, of course: The Rookie s4 promo on repeat 😍 😘💖
Currently reading:
fanfiction - Chenford and a bit Upstead.
(tbh. I´m really thinking about getting a vampire... They don´t need sleep... Damn, I´d have a lot more time if only I´d be up all night... 🥳)
Currently craving: Ice cream (salted caramel, cookie dough, ...) and Oreo cookies - enrobed style, the white ones... yummy!!
I tag, but no pressure: @siahana @fandomsilovewithoutshame @jennilouwho4-blog @literali1110 @hamburgerheroes @write-or-wrong88 @toews-a-peek @westwingwolf @pattysfics
Have a nice day y´all 😜
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