#jisoo x fem
insomniakisses · 6 months
Being the Omega
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General Hcs -
soooooooo protective of you
like you literally always have to have one of them with you if you go anywhere
more chances than no its at least 2 of them
they like to do wellness checks on you
basically holding you to them and scenting and sniffing at your neck to see if your okay
there very instinctual alphas
cuddles is a daily activity
happens more than once a day and lasts sooo long
incredibly horny babies
like you have 4 alphas that almost always have semis
Jen and Lisa do fight over you quite often and it always leads to Chae or Jisoo stealing you
very respectful alphas though
they just love you so so much and want you safe, healthy and happy
Your Heats -
like most groups they prefer you dont go on suppressants
they wont outwardly force you off them if you do take them but there disapproval is clear
they just know they do no good
say the word heat around any of them and there hard and ready to go
take turns with you to an extent
see chae and jen dont mind sharing if its with each other but anyone else is a no
mainly because jisoo and lisa are too possessive to share and if they are fucking you they hate anyone else touching you
soooooo into breeding plugs and tape
if your in heat and not knotted your plugged or taped up to hold their cum
they all have the prettiest of cocks
Jisoo's cock
shes got a pretty lengthy cock
id say easily at the 7-8 inch mark
its heavy too, being thicker than average
has a pretty cock with a blushed tip
her balls are pretty even inside and hang just slightly lower than average but not much
thick potent cum
mommy kink
Jisoo Hcs
possessive baby
aggressive af when her ruts approaching like shit pisses her off so more and she only likes being near you
you wake up to her thrusting in you and nipping your neck
pressed her face to your neck ALOT
When her rut actually hits she goes straight to you
her scent so strong that your practically beggin for her
such a potent alpha so her happy trail is thick and her cum is SO fertile
her moaning is deep and loud
shes rough tbh.
takes you from behind or has you in a mating press
her rut typically lasts 2-3 days
Jennie's Cock
not as thick as jisoo's but just as long
pale cock with a pretty pink tip
her cock curves up slightly
she has 2 small and cute balls perfect to suck on
her cum isnt all too fertile
its runny and her loads aren't that big either
but babys cum is warm af
Jennie Hc's
cuddle monster
always uses the excuse its cold and omegas need heat to pull you close
just nuzzles and kisses at your neck
always ends in cockwarming and making out
baby LOVES making out
will whine for attention
when shes in rut baby is even more clingy and whiney
growls alot instead of just asking for what she wants / needs
if shes in rut she likes to have you ride her till shes shooting blanks
will mark you up SO much
im talking bites and scratches
such needy and whiney moans
cums so many times
just a needy needy baby who is so so horny all the time
her ruts are typically 4 days
daddy kink fr
Chae's Cock -
like she stretched tf outta your pussy
shes big in length too 8-9 inches for SURE
and she LOVES fucking balls deep
speaking of balls baby has some heavy ones
full of hot thick cum
shes relatively fertile
either just above or bellow average
definitely has a thick happy trail
but keeps it trimmed so she can show off her abs
her cock is for sureeee tanned with a light tip
heavy cock fr
always hard
biggggg loads
Chae Hcs -
horny 24/7
like I said always hard
loved just fucking you in missionary to bite and scent at your neck
its also easy for her to push you into a mating press when she needs to
cums so much
asks you to cuddle ends up fucking you all day/night
def has a size kink
daddy kink and breading kink too
likes tying you up
uses toys on you alot
likes how you moan and beg for her
probably likes the idea of food play
her ruts are usually 4-5 days
Lisa's Cock
babys 8-9 inches
and thiccck
heavy low hanging balls
ones slightly higher than the other
they hit you with every thrust
such hot creamy cum
its that thick sticky kind too
tastes sooooo good
her cock has a slight curve
either up or to the side
thick happy trail and such potent / fertile cum
Lisa Hc's
she fucks deep and only deep
so you get so so stretched
cocky as helllll
always teasing you
definitely cums in your pants
like I'm talking your used pants she will jerk herself with them
such a daddy kink
calls you kitten
breeding kink
loves dirty talk
always hard and ready to fuck
will pull you for a quickie just before your about to go on stage
wears vibrating cockrings while she fucks you
falls asleep inside you and keeps thrusting
her ruts about 5-7 days
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cool-fancier · 2 months
Behind the Glamour
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Synopsis: In the dazzling world of entertainment, Y/N, a makeup artist, navigates secrecy and jealousy while dating actress Jisoo. Can their love survive the spotlight?
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As a makeup artist in the bustling world of entertainment, you had seen it all – the glitz, the glamour, and the drama that came with it. But nothing could have prepared you for the whirlwind romance that had swept you off your feet and into the arms of Jisoo, one of the most talented actresses in the industry.
It all started innocently enough – a chance encounter on the set of a music video shoot, where you had been hired to do makeup for the cast. From the moment you laid eyes on Jisoo, you were captivated by her beauty and grace, her infectious laughter filling the room with warmth and joy.
But it wasn't just her looks that drew you to her – it was her kindness, her intelligence, and her unwavering dedication to her craft. As you worked together day after day, you found yourself falling harder and harder for her, unable to resist the magnetic pull of her presence.
And it seemed that Jisoo felt the same way, her eyes lingering on you a little longer than necessary, her smiles a little brighter whenever you were around. You tried to ignore the fluttering in your chest, telling yourself that it was just a silly crush, but deep down, you knew that it was something more.
So when Jisoo finally worked up the courage to ask you out on a date, you didn't hesitate to say yes. And from that moment on, your lives became intertwined in ways you never could have imagined.
But as thrilling as it was to be in a relationship with Jisoo, it also came with its fair share of challenges. As two public figures in the entertainment industry, you had to be careful to keep your relationship under wraps, lest it attract unwanted attention from the paparazzi and fans alike.
It wasn't easy, sneaking around behind closed doors, stealing moments of intimacy whenever you could. But for Jisoo, it was worth it – worth the risk, worth the secrecy, worth everything.
And so, you found yourself standing on the set of Jisoo's latest film, your heart pounding in your chest as you watched her prepare for her next scene. She was a vision of beauty in her costume, her hair and makeup flawless as always, her eyes sparkling with excitement and nerves.
You had just finished applying her makeup, your fingers lingering on her skin a little longer than necessary, when the director called for the actors to take their places. Jisoo shot you a grateful smile before hurrying off to join the rest of the cast, leaving you to watch from the sidelines with a mixture of pride and longing.
The scene was a pivotal moment in the film – a tender, romantic moment between Jisoo's character and her love interest, played by a handsome actor named Daniel. As the cameras rolled, you held your breath, your heart pounding in your chest as you watched the scene unfold before your eyes.
But as Jisoo and Daniel leaned in for the kiss, your stomach churned with jealousy, a pang of envy shooting through you like a bolt of lightning. You knew it was just acting, just a job, but seeing Jisoo in another man's arms made your blood boil with rage.
Your grip on your makeup brush tightened, your knuckles turning white as you fought to control your emotions. You knew you had to stay professional, to keep up appearances for the sake of Jisoo's career, but it was becoming increasingly difficult with each passing second.
As the scene came to an end, you forced yourself to relax, plastering a smile on your face as you watched Jisoo and Daniel exchange pleasantries between takes. But inside, your heart was aching, torn between the love you felt for Jisoo and the jealousy that threatened to consume you whole.
And as you watched Jisoo return to your side after the scene was finished, her eyes shining with excitement and adrenaline, you knew that you had to find a way to overcome your feelings of jealousy before they destroyed everything you had worked so hard to build.
— — — — — — — —
The days that followed were some of the most challenging of your life, as you struggled to come to terms with your feelings of jealousy and insecurity. Every time you saw Jisoo with another actor, whether on set or in public, it felt like a knife twisting in your chest, a constant reminder of your own inadequacies and shortcomings.
But despite your best efforts to push those feelings aside, they continued to plague you, festering like an open wound that refused to heal. You tried to bury yourself in your work, throwing yourself into your role as Jisoo's makeup artist with renewed fervor, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't escape the nagging voice in the back of your mind.
It wasn't until one fateful day on set that you finally reached your breaking point. Jisoo was filming a particularly emotional scene with her co-star, a talented actor named Alex, and you found yourself struggling to keep your emotions in check as you watched from the sidelines.
The scene was intense, filled with raw emotion and vulnerability, and as Jisoo and Alex locked eyes, you felt a surge of jealousy wash over you like a tidal wave. You knew it was ridiculous – that it was just acting, just a job – but try as you might, you couldn't shake the feeling that something more was going on between them.
As the cameras rolled, you felt yourself growing more and more agitated, your grip on your makeup brush tightening with each passing moment. You wanted to scream, to lash out, to demand that Jisoo stop filming and come to you, but you knew that would only make things worse.
And then, in the blink of an eye, it happened. Jisoo and Alex leaned in for the kiss, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace that sent shockwaves of pain shooting through you like a bolt of lightning.
You couldn't take it anymore. With a cry of anguish, you turned on your heel and fled from the set, tears streaming down your face as you ran blindly through the corridors of the studio.
You didn't stop until you reached the safety of your dressing room, where you collapsed onto the floor in a heap, your body wracked with sobs as you struggled to make sense of the storm raging inside you.
How had things gotten so out of control? How had you let your jealousy and insecurity drive a wedge between you and the woman you loved?
As you lay there, lost in your thoughts, a soft knock sounded at the door, followed by the sound of Jisoo's voice calling out your name.
"Y/N? Are you in there? Can I come in?"
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say or how to face her after your outburst. But then, with a deep breath, you nodded, steeling yourself for the confrontation to come.
The door swung open, and there she stood, a look of concern etched on her face as she rushed to your side, her arms enveloping you in a warm embrace.
"Y/N, what happened? Why did you run off like that?" she asked, her voice soft with worry.
You sniffled, wiping away your tears as you tried to find the words to explain. "I-I'm sorry, Jisoo," you stammered, your voice trembling with emotion. "I just couldn't... I couldn't watch you with him anymore. It hurt too much."
Jisoo's expression softened, her fingers gently brushing the tears from your cheeks as she leaned in to press a tender kiss to your forehead.
"Oh, Y/N," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "You silly goose. Don't you know that you're the only one for me? That no one else could ever take your place?"
You looked up at her, your heart swelling with love and gratitude as you realized the depth of her feelings for you. "But what about all the other actors? The kissing scenes? How can you stand it?"
Jisoo smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she leaned in to whisper in your ear. "Because none of them mean anything to me, Y/N. They're just actors playing a role. But you... you're the only one who holds my heart in your hands."
And as you melted into her embrace, the weight of your jealousy and insecurity finally lifted from your shoulders, leaving nothing but love and devotion in its wake.
— — — — — — — —
From that day forward, things were different between you and Jisoo – in the best possible way. You no longer let jealousy and insecurity cloud your judgment, knowing now that the love you shared was strong enough to withstand any obstacle that came your way.
Sure, there were still moments of doubt and uncertainty, days when the green-eyed monster reared its ugly head and threatened to tear you apart. But each time, you and Jisoo stood together, united in your love and commitment to one another, stronger than ever before.
And as the years passed, your relationship only grew stronger, deepening with each passing day as you weathered life's ups and downs together. You laughed together, cried together, and leaned on each other for support when times got tough, knowing that as long as you had each other, you could conquer anything that came your way.
As for your career as a makeup artist, it continued to thrive, with Jisoo by your side every step of the way. Together, you worked on countless projects, from blockbuster films to high-profile photo shoots, each one a testament to your talent and dedication to your craft.
And through it all, your love for one another remained unwavering, a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness. For you and Jisoo, there was no greater joy than being together, no greater blessing than the love you shared.
And as you stood together on the set of Jisoo's latest film, her hand clasped tightly in yours, you knew that no matter what the future held, as long as you had each other, you would always be happy.
From that day forward, a newfound sense of freedom and trust blossomed between you and Jisoo, strengthening the bond you shared in ways you never thought possible. No longer burdened by the weight of jealousy and insecurity, you embraced each moment together with renewed passion and devotion.
One evening, after a long day on set, you found yourselves alone in Jisoo's trailer, the soft glow of the lights casting a warm, intimate atmosphere around you. As she removed her costume and makeup, you couldn't help but admire the way the light danced across her skin, illuminating her features in a soft, ethereal glow.
"You did amazing today," you said, your voice filled with genuine admiration as you watched her move about the small space.
Jisoo smiled, her eyes sparkling with gratitude as she turned to face you. "Thanks, Y/N. I couldn't have done it without you," she replied, her voice soft and sincere.
Stepping closer, you reached out to gently cup her cheek, your fingers tracing the curve of her jawline with featherlight touches. "I'm so proud of you, Jisoo. You're incredibly talented, and I'm lucky to be able to witness your brilliance every day."
Her smile widened at your words, a blush creeping into her cheeks as she leaned into your touch. "You always know just what to say, Y/N," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Leaning in, you pressed a tender kiss to her lips, savoring the warmth and sweetness of her embrace. It felt like coming home, like finding sanctuary in the arms of the one you loved most in the world.
As the kiss deepened, the world around you faded away, leaving nothing but the two of you locked in a moment of pure, unbridled passion. It was as if time itself had stopped, frozen in place as you lost yourselves in each other's embrace.
When you finally pulled away, a smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you gazed into Jisoo's eyes, your heart overflowing with love and affection. "I love you, Jisoo," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion.
"I love you too, Y/N," she replied, her voice soft and tender as she pressed another kiss to your lips, sealing your love in a moment of pure bliss.
And as you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that this was just the beginning of a love story that would last a lifetime.
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biscuitblinkeu · 3 months
Marks [4]
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Kim Jisoo x Fem!reader
Word Count: 3589
A/N: Ta daaaa! (Hides from questions of why this took so long)
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“I don’t mean to pry,” Lisa began, lowering her gaze to you who sat exhausted on a chair nearby, nearly falling asleep. Lisa insisted you join them. “But how did you end up with a woman instead of a man? A wife? I’m not complaining, I rather like this arrangement. It’s new.”
Something boarding a scowl played on Jisoo’s lips as she slid her eyes from you, to Lisa. She wasn’t expecting her to come today, let alone at midnight. But when has Lisa ever showed up and announced it beforehand? She felt silly for thinking otherwise, and now you were missing sleep because of it.
 “There was a mishap,” she sighed. “The Asakoshi village elder thought he could trick me...sending a woman undercover as a man. I found out immediately, of course.”
“And you didn’t oppose it?” Lisa asked. 
“Well, even though I was surprised by their boldness, it wasn’t unwelcome. This change is proving much better than I anticipated.” 
“How so?”
“Jisoo didn’t pause to think, “To start, I actually like spending time with her instead of feeling forced to do my part by the council or village.  She’s very amusing. And...the way she speaks…she doesn’t know what she’s doing sometimes but I enjoy listening to her talk about what she likes. She's not self absorbed or obsessed with power like my other grooms…they were such a headache. I know I make her jumpy— she’ll have to get used to me, of course.”
Lisa nodded. “You’ve had some men like that in the past but still got rid of them though.”
It made sense, Jisoo thought. “Yes. Because I couldn’t bear to marry someone I don’t truly love—“
“Love?” Lisa interjected. “You love her?”
“I’m getting there,” Jisoo answered. “I really do like her; I truly want her to be happy with me.” And she’ll wait for you to like her too. Then she will love. Her gaze shifted towards you again. Your hair was falling in front of your face, and your head had dropped to your shoulder, your body slightly slumped in the seat. She clicked her tongue in a displeased manner, almost wincing at how uncomfortable you looked. That wouldn’t do.
“That’s enough questioning for now.” She spoke after a beat, standing up from where she sat. She walked over to you, and without another word from Lisa, picked you up carefully. You shifted briefly, snuggling into her neck. A moment later you tensed up, your eyes snapping open; so that— that comforting scent was… 
You began to struggle, heat creeping up your neck. “Jisoo, I—”
She cut you off, frowning down at you. “Go back to sleep, I’m taking you to the bedroom so you may rest more comfortably.” Jisoo glanced at Lisa, who has yet to leave, raising a brow.
“And here I thought you were excited to see me,” Lisa protested. Nonetheless, she smiled at the sight.  She could tell you’d last much, much longer than the others. It was exciting, and she couldn’t wait to tell the girls. Jisoo probably wouldn’t be happy if she did but, who cares?
When Lisa took her (temporary) leave, Jisoo began carrying you to your room. You thought she’d just drop you on the bed and leave. You didn’t expect her to change your clothes to something warm (much to your surprise; you were too tired to argue however, and let her) let alone get under the blankets with you, curling her arms around your waist.
Now you really didn’t think you could go back to sleep. It wasn’t uncomfortable laying with her, per se — but still. Still. You just couldn’t help but focus on the smallest of her movements— with each breath she took it ghosted the shell of your ear and neck; the feeling of her warmth encasing you like a cacoon. 
“Jisoo?” You murmured sleepily. “You’re staying?”
“Only if you want me too,” she whispered.
You stayed quiet, and Jisoo squeezed you a little tighter. And just before falling asleep, you felt her kiss the back of your head, one of her hands drawing shapes on your waist. 
When you woke up the next morning, you didn’t expect Jisoo to still be there. You were startled when you opened your eyes, shocked enough that your body tensed up and your breath stalled momentarily. The Kumiho was still sleeping peacefully, it seemed, but her legs were intertwined with yours, face nuzzled against your collarbone, all squished and puffy, with soft puffs of air leaving her slightly parted lips. 
You couldn’t resist the smile forming on your face upon seeing her, finding the moment oddly pleasing— cute, even, but as soon as the thought crossed your mind you shoved it away. Buried it deep, deep down where it can be locked away until it becomes nothing more than a notion foreign to you. You’re not supposed to find a woman cute, yet alone a beast, yet Jisoo wasn’t— what was she to you?
You glanced at the Kumiho again, taking in the inhumane ears and tails— tail, now; the others seemed to have disappeared during the night to who knew where. It was another thing that left you curious, interested, and it distracted your worries momentarily as you found yourself reaching for Jisoo’s fox ears that twitched every so often. 
You gently traced over one with your fingertips, the ghost of a touch(you don’t want to wake her), feeling soft fur and structured padding and cartilage that you wouldn’t have expected. It made you wonder if her tail felt the same, and maybe it was something you’d find out during your stay here. You didn’t want to wake her up with your curiosity. 
Among other things, you’d really like to be able to get up. It would be really great if you could. You would merely walk around, explore more of the mansion and perhaps find Jiseul or Keo-woo. Though, the moment you attempted to slip away, Jisoo stirred, and you ended up trapped once again, pulled back into position, and if anything, even more so stuck when you woke. 
A low sound of displeasure was heard before the Kumiho picked her head up from your collarbone, eyes bleary with sleep. “What is it?” She rasped, looking you in the eyes— who’s equally staring back with bated breath. Her voice was rough with sleep, but it was a very pleasant, alluring sound. It made your stomach churn in two ways: one because of fear— something you needed to learn to let go of— and in another way you refused to acknowledge (they call it butterflies, don’t they?). 
“Nothing,” you replied stiffly, forcing yourself to keep eye contact despite thoughts of a sweet kiss resurfacing because of the proximity. “Good morning, Jisoo.”
A wide, otherwise sly, smile spread across Jisoo’s face. “Good morning, love,” she replied softly. “I love hearing you say my name.”
You didn’t say anything back, reeling over the endearment term, and Jisoo’s smile only grew. She gave you a squeeze to your waist. “When you wake up your heart sounds rather loud. Is something wrong, or… are you trying to flee?” Are you still unable to trust her?
“I wasn’t,” you spoke up, shivering slightly at the fingers caressing your sides. “W-What happened to your tails?”
“I simply put them away. They’re inconvenient and uncomfortable when I have to lay down. I can do the same with my ears.”
You nodded. “I see.” So that meant she could blend in with humans. The idea that Kumihos could be living amongst humans undetected in your village was a shocking revelation.
“Do you usually wake up at this time?” Jisoo asked. It was an early hour— six in the morning, and at this time the sun would just be reaching the top of the mountains. 
“I do, it’s hard for me not to. At this time I would have to get up to open my flower shop,” you explained, suddenly slightly sullen in mood. 
Jisoo was not a stranger to your sudden change in attitude and sat up fully, giving you her full attention. “You like to garden?”
You could physically feel yourself become happy at the mention of gardening. “Yes, I find it an enjoyable and entertaining hobby for myself. It’s nice to work with pretty flowers and have a part in taking care of them… I like seeing people smile when they’re given as gifts or a surprise. Not to mention they all have different meanings and you can combine them to portray a message and— sorry I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
“Not at all, it’s very interesting. And well, if you’d like to pursue that entertainment, I do have a garden here, as you know, where you’ll find anything you need, as well as any flower. I usually leave the maintenance up to the servants, and although I don’t like the idea of you getting your hands dirty when they would willingly do it for you… I suppose that’s the work that comes with gardening and what you like about it. What’s mine is yours.” 
You perked up, eyes wide with excitement, although still cautious. “Are you sure I’m allowed?” When Jisoo nodded you were filled with delight— you could just imagine yourself passing time in the garden, surrounded by what was familiar to you. (And you’ll even be able to learn about the ancient and exotic flowers as well)!
Jisoo almost cooed at your enthusiasm and how much energy you seemed to emit right now, wanting to simply smother you and everything dear to you— feeling her heart swell with warmth, fondness and if any more possible, love. Unlike a lot of other humans, you enjoyed the simple things and it was so endearing.  
“Would you like to get dressed for the day? I can get you something quick or you may choose from the closet. However, if you’re still tired, you may sleep more.” Jisoo suggested.
“No it’s okay– I can get dressed…. And, uhm, you can pick anything, if that’s alright.”
“Of course,” Jisoo said, and finally– she moved, giving you enough space to sit up and come to the edge of the bed. You watched her cross the room to the closet, searching it for anything she deems suitable for you. Her tail swished behind her in a smooth motion, left right right and left, and it made you smile, reminding you of an excited dog (beastly fox, in this case). Jisoo left the closet, coming back with a white and red modern hanbok. The skirt was a subtle red color, the blouse-dress white and embroidered with red carnations. 
“As you know, I usually have the maids do this, but I’ll feel rather envious if they get to dress you on such an important day; so do you mind if I do it instead?” Jisoo asked, her tone quiet, like she was too shy to speak any louder. 
You didn't reply immediately, and while laying out the clothes she glanced at you, wondering, waiting, before she decided to say something else. “But of course, you can do it yourself if you're uncomfortable. The only thing I’ll do is help with your shirt.” 
You shook your head, realizing your lack of response. What was important about today? “It's okay; you can help me.”  
Now that you've agreed, Jisoo doesn't waste any time unbuttoning your silk pajama top and sliding it down your shoulders. Her intense gaze made heat simmer beneath your skin, burning you from the inside out. The process of wearing the hanbok isn't long and dredging, especially when the only thing you had to do was lift your arms and let her assemble the pieces correctly once the base was on, however, Jisoo was delaying the process, appearing fixated on the expanse of skin.
She shook her head, placing the hanbok on the bed beside you. “This won’t do…” She said under her breath, looking conflicted. “I haven’t marked you yet.”
“...Marked me?”
“Because I’ve delayed the ceremony so you could become more comfortable with me, hoping for you to get adjusted before then, the others are curious as to why I did so; It’s tradition that on the first night a groom comes, they are marked. If you happen to walk around today unmarked, and I have an…audience, let’s say, they will come for you.” 
“Come for me?” 
Jisoo frowned at the thought. “Yes, they'll take you away, and some aren’t as docile and patient as me.”
“I don’t want that,” you expressed, a spike of anxiety making your heart beat faster. Who could you trust besides Jisoo? If she says she’s not like the other Kumiho… then how much worse are they? What if they are like the ones from the legends?..
“Then,” Jisoo started slowly, “I should make sure they don’t, yes?”
You felt unsettled. “By marking me you mean–”
“Yes, to make sure others will know you’re with someone already, so they don’t snatch you up and claim you before I do.” she explained.
“Others can do that? You must be joking.” Quite frankly, you’re in disbelief. You don’t understand– or, you just didn’t want to understand.
“I’m not,” Jisoo stated. No longer is her tone that soft and smooth one you favored. Instead, it's firmer– she’s serious, and she’s telling you it’s very true. “There are truly demons out there who’ll jump at the chance to take, and I won’t allow it if it comes to you. If they see you walking about with no mating mark, no indication you are mine, they’ll assume you’re a stray human that they can get easily at will.”
You swallowed dryly. You didn’t know how to respond, what to think, or how you should even begin to take that piece of information. The only thing getting through to you is that you could be taken. Kidnapped, and never returned– all for not being marked. You could possibly die along the way or never see your brothers again. Jisoo’s attitude about this told you all you needed to know– this is her world, not yours. And you must follow the rules. “Then– if I let you mark me, I’ll be fine?” You inquired hesitantly.
“You will,” Jisoo confirmed, searching your eyes. “But seeing as you’re somewhat reluctant, it can wait… I’m not here to bring you displeasure not to pressure you with this, it’s just something you should be aware of. So, in that case, you should–”
“No! Just wait,” You said, cutting her off, and before you could think better of it, reached out and placed your hand on top of Jisoo’s own that rested on your knee. The Kumiho looks at you with furrowed brows, slightly surprised. You take in a breath. “It’s fine, really. I’m just– I’m still trying to get used to this all. I’m not necessarily uncomfortable, but worried it might hurt– I don’t mind if it’s only a few marks.”
“Are you absolutely sure?” Jisoo pulled her lip between her teeth, concealing a smile, and her tail started moving again, albeit slower than before, yet still showing how excited she’s become.
“Yes. If you can keep me safe; please do. I can’t afford to go missing… And you've already compromised so much for me. I’m sure I'm difficult to work with sometimes.” You’re aware that what you ask is selfish, but you had promises to fulfill, and if you suddenly get taken by another demon other than Jisoo, who you aren’t familiar with and used to, things could be bad. 
“Then I will,” Jisoo agreed. She didn’t waste any time sitting on your lap, where she can have easy access to the smooth skin she's been eying moments ago. You shivered lightly with the first touch of Jisoo’s lips to your neck. You closed your eyes at the feeling of her lips kissing your jaw and throat, dragging across your clavicle with the occasional flicker of tongue. Your lungs ached for air as Jisoo mouthed at your racing pulse point, her fangs lightly scraping the skin. Your nails dug into her waist when she began to nip at your skin, just to the point of a dull ache, anticipating a bite. The bites aren’t heavy, yet they sting in a way that makes the area throb– however, when she runs her tongue over the small wounds, it makes the pain numb; you feel particularly weak when she does that, like a flushed and trembling mess. Seemingly satisfied with your neck, she moves lower, right above your bra at the swell of your breasts, and— “Jisoo,” you whimpered. “W-Wait. I think– not near there, please.” The feeling is entirely too much.
“I’m not doing anything bad, calm down,” She replied, all sultry. She paused for a moment to look at you, and god, you felt faint. Nevertheless, Jisoo continued her marking, and you threaded your fingers in the Kumiho’s hair messily, a desperate attempt to pull her away before she could work on the area but she didn't budge. Instead, she found it amusing, deciding to give open-mouthed kisses and– Jisoo stopped suddenly, releasing your skin with a soft sucking sound, leaving you irrationally disappointed but relieved at the same time (if that’s possible). She looked to the doorway. 
“Jisoo.” There was a stern voice speaking out into the room. You go rigid, trying to access the situation. You felt her arms curl around you, tight, secure, giving you a singular squeeze before retreating. Jisoo slid off your lap and sat beside you, glancing at you for a moment— a hint of a smile on her face— before looking to the side with an unhappy look, clearly unamused at the interruption. You shifted slightly to see.
Standing at the side of the bed closer to the door was a woman with a Hanbok style like Jisoo’s. She was no taller than Jisoo, had sharp, feline-like eyes, ginger hair, and a small mole below her eyebrow. What drew your attention was the set of furry orange ears on her head and the tail behind them. (The sight makes you wonder: is there anyone normal here)?
“What are you doing to her? Weren’t you told to take it slow until the ceremony? You know you can’t eat her now.” They lectured, and your breath hitched. Eat? What’s with all of them saying eat or devour? Are you some type of food to them?? It makes no—
Your thought process is interrupted when Jisoo runs a nail over where a hickey was slowly forming on your sternum, your attention immediately on her after. There’s a small pout on her lips and a slightly displeased expression to her beautiful face, telling you just how much she didn't like that you were focused on the visitor instead. It’s childish, and the area now hurts: you think internally. If this visitor wasn’t here maybe you would have dug your own nails– that do have some sort of length– into the soft pads of Jisoo’s ears to see if she liked it. 
“Jisoo.’ Another warning. The Cat-like Kumiho doesn’t seem fazed by her behavior at all. Nonetheless, it annoyed Jisoo more.
“Am I not even allowed to do this much, Jennie?” She voiced bitterly, reminding you of a child, once again, being given boundaries they don’t want to follow.
“You are, but isn’t it right to assume you’ve done enough for now? Look at her.” Jennie pointed at you, her head tilting in a way awfully cat-like. “She’s evident of your marks, so now, you leave her be. She needs to eat right now to regain her energy. Do you want her to starve?”
Jisoo glanced at you, then back at Jennie. Jisoo thought about saying yes, considering it’d give her more time with you, but then– your stomach growls; the sound is loud and telling, and it has the stranger smiling at Jisoo like she’s won a bet.
Very reluctantly, after finally getting changed, Jisoo let you go with the cat. 
“I’ll be with her, so you don’t need to worry.” Jennie rolled her eyes. “And while we’re gone, you need to go to the courtyard and organize your servants. They’re in a panic of excitement and concern for this human, as well as what preparation to make for the ceremony.”
“Ugh, can’t that wolf do that?”
“She’s busy with Lisa setting up things,” Jennie explained. “I'll be taking her now, and I can promise she’ll be safe with me– we don’t have to leave the barrier today. You may fetch her later in the day, or even after breakfast if you’re that impatient.”
“Do you have any questions?” Jennie asked once you were in the hallway. You didn't reply right away, turning to look back inside for a reason unknown to you, expecting something, anything– but you didn’t see Jisoo there anymore. She’s disappeared again. Jennie raised an eyebrow at you when an expression similar to disappointment settled on your face. A grin tugged at her lips, making you feel embarrassed.
You averted your eyes. “I do.” It’s hard to find the right words for what you wanted to ask– because there’s a lot you wanted to know. Jennie somehow knew, and assured you to take your time, and that you could be comfortable talking to her. “We’ll be seeing each other a lot from now on. You can call me  what Jisoo calls me, Jen, nini, or anything you like.”
“So I can call you cat–”
“No,” she hissed.
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bitchiswild · 4 months
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Blackpink x F! Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1k
A/n: I’m kinda jet lagged, so I get sleepy at random times but! ☝️I will try to write the requests in my inbox, give me time🙏
Since all the girls had been occupied with their separate schedules, you finally managed to align everyone's free time for a long-overdue movie night. The excitement was palpable as Jisoo arrived first at your penthouse. The moment she stepped through the door, you attached yourself to her like a duckling, following her every move.
You trailed behind Jisoo to the kitchen, standing beside her as she prepared snacks for the movie. Your companionship even extended to the bathroom, but Jisoo promptly kicked you out, a move that spared her privacy momentarily. However, your attention quickly shifted as the sound of keys jingled at your front door. Rushing to greet the newcomer, you found Jennie entering. Without hesitation, you leaped into her arms, catching her off guard. Despite giggling at your antics, Jennie only managed to extricate herself when she needed to remove her jacket. Pouting, you reluctantly released her, but the moment she finished, you resumed your hugging spree not wanting to let her go.
Jisoo, having exited the bathroom, greeted Jennie and observed your clinginess. "She's really clingy today," Jisoo remarked.
"Maybe because we haven't seen each other in a while," Jennie replied, her affection for you evident. You were like her baby, and the feeling of missing you was mutual. Her heart ached from being away from her maknae for too long.
Turning your head, you noticed Jisoo again, and like a magnet, you gravitated toward her, hugging her as well. This prompted a sigh from Jisoo and a giggle from Jennie. "I was only gone for a couple of minutes, Y/n," Jisoo said, gently caressing your head.
You shook your head, complaining, "A couple of minutes too long," as you buried your head into Jisoo's chest, inhaling her comforting scent that brought you back to your trainee days. Jisoo had always been a source of comfort for you.
As the trio—consisting of you, Jennie, and Jisoo—headed towards the couch, Jisoo more waddled than walked due to your refusal to let her go. The sound of someone at the door suddenly caught your attention.
"Hello! Anybody home?" the voice called out. Excitement filled the air as you quickly let go of Jisoo, rushing towards the voice.
"Chaeyoung!" you exclaimed with pure excitement, rushing into her arms.
"Y/n!" she exclaimed back, dropping all the things in her hands to hug you tightly. "I missed you so much!" she continued, grabbing your face to observe you, turning it into a playful moment that left you looking like a fish, courtesy of her gentle squeezing. "My baby is beautiful as ever," she whispered, planting a sweet peck on your forehead.
Sighing in comfort, your face buried into her neck, and your legs wrapped around her waist. Chaeyoung didn't mind; she loved every moment of it, gladly carrying you to the living room where the other girls were.
Greeting them, Chaeyoung remarked, "Hey girls, Y/n is more clingy than usual, huh?" She questioned as she hugged them, even with you still attached to her.
"Yeaaa, she really misses us. She clung onto Jisoo and me for a while earlier too," Jennie updated Chaeyoung.
Chaeyoung settled in between Jisoo and Jennie, with you still comfortably on her lap. However, since Jennie and Jisoo were also around, you sought their warmth. You grabbed their hands and held on, sighing in comfort because almost all your favorite people were around you.
Just as you got comfortable, the sound of keys echoed near the door. Quickly letting go of Jennie and Jisoo's hands and getting off Chaeyoung's lap, you rushed towards the front door, excited that finally, all your favorite people were in the same room.
Lisa finished taking off her shoes, then noticed you opening your arms. "Y/n! My favorite member!" Lisa exclaimed as you ran into her arms, embracing her tightly. The rest of the girls in the living room chimed in with a offended "Hey!" Lisa giggled at their reply but still held onto you tightly as she made her way toward them, greeting each one. "Just to warn you, Y/n is very clingy today." Jisoo said.
"I can see that," Lisa replied, looking down at you in her arms and gently caressing your cheek.
"Y/n, are you ready to watch the movie?" Jennie questioned.
You hummed. "Wait, let me hug Lisa a little more," you said, eliciting giggles from the girls. Finally, you let Lisa go, and the movie began.
Throughout the entire movie, you sat in the middle, with Jisoo and Lisa on the floor, and Jennie and Chaeyoung on either side of you. You needed them to at least touch you in some sort of way, or else you would throw a fit. The girls understood you, and since you were their baby, they would do anything for you. While the movie played, everyone hugged your legs or arms, making you sigh contently in the warmth of their presence.
As the movie came to an end, everyone turned their attention to you, noticing your attempt to hold back tears. "Y/n, what's wrong?" Jennie asked with concern.
Tears fell as you answered, "I don't want you guys to leave yet."
"Oh, baby, it's okay. We'll sleep over, okay?" Chaeyoung reassured, attempting to comfort you as Lisa and Jisoo wiped away your tears.
"And we will cuddle with you all night long, okay?" Lisa added, making you nod with a smile.
"We love you, Y/n," Jisoo expressed, gently caressing your cheek.
"I love you guys too. Thank you for being here and dealing with my clinginess," you told them, feeling grateful.
The girls didn't mind. "You're our maknae; we would do anything for you," Chaeyoung said.
"Let's head to bed, yeah?" Jennie suggested, helping you up. The girls guided you towards your room, preparing for a cozy night.
"Can we hang out tomorrow?" you asked.
They all giggled. "Yes."
And with that, the girls entered your room, closing the door behind them, ready to enjoy a night filled with happiness and cuddles.
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fullsunised · 1 year
blackpink x f!reader
when you ask them to send boobs
trigger warnings: mentions of sex, boobs duh..idk how boobs can be triggering 😋
a/n: let's see how this does :/
eyes off you
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scrtxai · 1 year
"Can you smell it?"
Her Chanel branded perfume stung inside my nose, feeling so dizzy that making only a nod is the answer for the cat eyed woman above me. Her chuckle slightly heard and the traces of one of her fingers on my collar neck.
I've been thinking about what she had done to that drink she offered just a while ago?
That drink…
The drink that I can't control myself…
I'm paralyzed, can't move nor push this woman away from me.
Her smirks get wider, biting her bottom lips while her cat eyes look at me full of something that I can describe well…
"Instead of smelling my perfume… Can you smell my desire for you, Mon Cherié?"
She whispered, red lips getting closer to mine only just seconds, attaching it hungrily. My body is getting hot.
Oh god…
What happened to me?...
My vision is getting blurry..
Only to feel her lips keep marking my neck, my skin…
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CTTO Tenor
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b000mbayah · 1 year
Reaction to you slapping their butt
Requested: No
Word count: 607
Warnings: Possible spelling errors???
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Jisoo has always been more on the teasing side. She'd always be the one to leave suspecting touches that linger, to be the one to kiss you a little harder than necessary, but today you wanted to flip that around.
You were mindlessly talking to her members, laughing and joking about something you couldn't care less about, for your mind had been stuck on revenge.
And when the opportunity presented itself, you had struck her butt with the flat of your palm, earning yourself a jolt of her body and a hefty gasp.
Jisoo had turned to you, scowling as her members laughed at her sudden change in demeanour. It was worth it, just be aware next time she's with you and your friends.
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You and Jennie have been dating for half a year at this point, and it was clear that both of you were more than content with the direction your love was blooming.
However, it was one of those days- the days where Jennie swears the whole world is constantly against her. So, with a spontaneous idea in check, you had unexpectedly slapped her butt.
This action caught both you and the Idol completely off guard as she spun around to look at you. Her eyebrows were raised, and her lips twitched dangerously into a small grin.
You weren't quite sure what you expected in all honesty, but when Jennie laughed and gave you a quick kiss, you were more thankful than not that you had indeed acted upon impulse for once.
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She had always been so sweet to you, so kind and innocent, but with the rise of comfort within your relationship came the silly little actions that would always make either of you shy.
This was a perfect example, too, for you had decided to act upon pure silliness to spruce up your situation of browsing through clothing racks.
You had brung your hand down upon her butt, causing a small echo to ring out amongst the smooth melody the shop has on loop.
With your slap came an airy gasp of shock. Rosé had turned to you like a deer caught in headlights with her eyes wide and slack jawed expression. A gentle blush crept along her smoothened cheeks, causing you to elicit a small laugh at the sight you had created.
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Your and Lisa's relationship was more of a mischievous one, so petty squabbles and light hits were always to be expected. However, nothing had properly prepared her for your next move.
You had executed it many times before… in your head, but now seemed to be the perfect opportunity with the sprout of confidence and her unsuspecting attitude to do such the act.
So, with the carefully executed slip of your hand, you had brung it to hit your target, earning a laughable jump and the following yells of flushed anger.
Lisa had slapped you furiously, gaining the attention of passing people as they stared questioningly at her actions. But she didn't care. Neither of you did. As long as you were happy and free- you could slap her butt all you wanted without true consequence.
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regamoth · 1 year
Blackpink as your idol!gf (fem!reader)
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⋆ Masterlist
⋆ This is only Headcanon.
⋆ Pairings: fem!reader x idolgf!BLACKPINK
⋆ Note: Let's go lesbians. Don't hesitate to send ideas! This hc is more about the way they would handle a relationship with a girl as the superstar they are. I'll probably do one about how they are in private.
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Jisoo: She's probably the one who cares the less about haters. She even sometimes responds to people criticizing you and makes fun of them. She's a boss frr. She's quite discreet about you on Ig but she's proud to show you off from time to time. She loves when paparazzis take pictures of you too at the airport. Jisoo always holds your hand tight when you're walking together in public. She wants to do a badass photoshoot with you. Jisoo follows you and is ready to publicly put money into every project you have because she wants you to be the happiest. She's really careless, you can be proud of her.
Jennie: Jennie is already criticized about a lot of things, so she was very hesitant about making your relationship public. But now it's done, she's very, very happy about it. Fans grew happy about it too because since you're together, they've never seen Nini happier. You appear in half of her Instagram posts and stories. Her dogs love you too (that's a very important point to her). She brings you to EVERY event she goes to. Definitely does vlogs with you for her Youtube channel. The titles would be like «Making pancakes with my girlfriend» or, «Vlog in Paris with ❤». Medias love your couple, not as much as she loves you tho.
Rosé: Probably the most discreet of the girls about your couple on ig. She takes a lot of pics and videos of you but she keeps them private and waits for your engagement to make some of them public in a cute but sober post. She doesn't care about haters tho. She doesn't even read those kinds of bad comments. She said in an interview once that she's not going to apologize for who she is and who she loves, and that if people are not happy about it they can just block her and stop thinking about her. Your couple's life is almost normal thanks to her discretion.
Lalisa: She's the type to post silly pictures of you sleeping or just being goofy 😜 in her ig stories. Lisa is very sensitive so sometimes she's sad because she sees bad comments about your relationship, but then she sees you playing with her animals and she remembers what's really important: you (ooh- more cliché please). She definitely projects to write a song about you to put in the next Blackpink album (or in her next solo album if she ever gets one...). She hates when Dispatch is following you when you're on a date together. She once threatened a photographer to get him fired if he didn't let you girls alone. She also likes to bring you to events. She wants you to ✨shine✨
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Found this on Pinterest 👀
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bscik · 8 months
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You definitely go crazy when she eats your pussy for the first time like it's her last meal. She gives you many orgasms but has a shyness and gentleness towards you. When she buries herself in your pussy, these disappear and she focuses entirely on enjoying you. She will definitely play with your tits or spank you. Either your juicy glistening pussy or your beautiful ass. You are not allowed to close your legs, she is against it from the very first sex. She fingers you gently and then fucks you with a 7 inch dildo. Then you lick her beautiful pussy and finger her. You and she even do a romantic scissoring position to close. The shyness in her comes out this time and she enjoys seeing your naked body for the first time. She is grateful to you for trusting her and having sex with her. You will do this again later that week. Maybe at the end of the week, maybe tomorrow, who knows? ;))
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yawnzzznnn · 1 year
Hiii could you please do a blackpink reaction to meeting their fem s/o for the first time (also could the s/o have tattos and is slightly chubby, but also muscular)
Thank youuuu
♡︎How you meet♡︎
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(:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) (:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:A/N:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) (:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
for sure although I'm not gonna specify what the reader looks like so you can imagine that bit I wanna make it as inclusive as I can
(:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) (:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:A/N:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) (:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
(:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)  (:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)  (:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
You and Jennie met on set for her solo 'Solo' you were the makeup artist for the shoot and of course working on Jennies face caused you two to talk before you could leave and pack up for the day to go home Jennie tapped your arm and asked for you number and if she could take you on a date that weekend of course you agreed
You and Jisoo met when she was making her solo album 'ME' you choreographed the dance for Flower of course you had to teach her the dance Wich caused you two to spend a lot of time together you asked her for coffee a month later and she agreed which is how the relationship between you and her started
You and rosé met when she was back in Australia you were visiting (unless your from there) and you two passed by each other on the street and had one of those cliché meetings of you guys accidentally bumping into one another and you spilling your coffee all over you she helped you clean it and offered to buy you a new one
You and Lisa met before blackpink became a group everyone was still trainee's when you saw Lisa perform Infront of the staff from outside the door you fell in love with the way she danced so later that night you found her and asked her to help you improve on your dance luckily she was super sweet and you guys became friends then that friendship blossomed into love
417 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Pegging You Reaction
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Idol: Blackpink
Reader type: alpha, reader has dick but otherwise afab anatomy, g/n reader
Warnings/Notes: smut, omegaverse au, Alpha x alpha
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Doesn’t want to fuck ur ass but does have toys
Has you sit on a vibrating dildo as she rides you
Makes out with you as she rides you
Either kissing you or marking your neck with kisses and bites
Your not aloud to cum till she says
She cums twice before she lets you finally cum
Once you do she’ll pull you into the shower and probably suck you off
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Less fucking you more cockwarming
Makes you sit on her cock and lean into her as she holds a vibrator to your tip
Makes sure to jerk your cock with her other hand
Every time you moan extra loud she grinds against your ass
You end up a panting mess with cum everywhere shouting “mommy” as she pushes down on your tip with the vibrator, holding you in place by the base of your cock.
“C’mon puppy cum once more for me”
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Has you kneel on the floor and suck her off as she stands over you first
“Make mommy cum and I’ll fuck your ass for you baby”
When she cums she pushes your head down to take her cock deeper
Only releases you when she comes down from her high
Then has you bend over the arm of the couch as she fucks into you
Calls the girls out to watch and tease you
If you cum before she says you can end up tied to a chair for the others to play with while she watches
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So eager to try it
Buys plenty of lube for her big cock
Preps you with her mouth and fingers before sliding her cock in
Bottoms out and waits for you to adjust before picking up speed
Fucks into you hard and fast till your both cumming
Only stops when you’ve both got nothing left in ur balls
Runs you a bath to relax in and orders food after
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cool-fancier · 3 months
Midnight Whispers
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Jisoo x Fem Reader
Word count:2k
Synopsis: A Chance Encounter in Seoul Sparks a Beautiful Friendship, Evolving into Love, with Jisoo at Its Heart
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The bustling streets of Seoul were painted with the vibrant colors of city life, neon lights reflecting off the pavement. It was in this metropolis that your paths intertwined with Jisoo, the beginning of a story that was anything but cliché.
It all started with a chance encounter at a quaint café tucked away in a quiet alley. You were engrossed in a book, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee when the door chimed, announcing the arrival of three lively individuals – Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa. They exuded an infectious energy, their laughter filling the cozy space.
Jisoo was the last to enter, her eyes scanning the room before landing on the only available seat – the one opposite you. With a sheepish smile, she approached, asking if the seat was taken.
"No, not at all. Please, have a seat," you replied, your heart doing a little dance at the prospect of new company.
The three friends settled around the small table, introductions flowing seamlessly. Jennie, the witty and outspoken one, Rosé, with her gentle and artistic spirit, and Lisa, the energetic and playful soul. The banter between them was effortless, and you found yourself drawn into their lively conversation.
Amidst the laughter and shared stories, Jisoo remained a quiet observer, her presence both calming and intriguing. She caught your eye with a subtle smile, her gaze lingering for a moment longer than expected. It sparked a curiosity that would eventually become the catalyst for something beautiful.
As the hours passed, the café transformed into a hub of shared laughter and exchanged secrets. You discovered common interests, shared passions, and a sense of belonging that went beyond mere chance. It was in that cozy haven that the foundations of your friendship with Jisoo were unknowingly laid.
Days turned into weeks, and your interactions with Jennie, Rosé, Lisa, and Jisoo became a regular occurrence. The group outings were filled with adventures, from impromptu dance-offs in the middle of the street to quiet moments spent stargazing on a rooftop. Each interaction was a thread weaving together the tapestry of your shared experiences.
Jennie, with her infectious energy, would often instigate games and challenges that brought the group closer. Rosé, armed with her guitar, would serenade everyone with melodies that echoed through the night. Lisa's spontaneity injected a burst of laughter into every gathering, making even mundane moments memorable.
Amidst this vibrant backdrop, your connection with Jisoo deepened. She was the quiet force that grounded the group, her wisdom and thoughtfulness shaping the dynamics. It wasn't long before you realized that your conversations with her were the highlight of these gatherings – a quiet exchange of glances, shared smiles, and unspoken understanding.
One evening, as the group gathered at a cozy karaoke joint, Jisoo surprised everyone by joining in on the fun. Her powerful yet melodic voice filled the room, captivating everyone in attendance. The harmony of her voice resonated with your soul, and in that moment, something shifted.
After the karaoke session, the two of you found yourselves strolling through the quiet streets of Seoul. The city lights cast a warm glow, and the air was filled with a comfortable silence. It was then that Jisoo spoke, her words a quiet revelation.
"I enjoy our time together," she admitted, her eyes meeting yours. "There's something special about it."
The confession was met with a shared smile, an acknowledgment of the unspoken connection that had been growing between you. From that point forward, your friendship with Jisoo took on a new dimension. The once casual encounters evolved into intentional moments, a journey of shared laughter, quiet understanding, and a growing affection that neither of you could deny.
As the seasons changed, so did the dynamics of your relationship. Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa were the supportive chorus to the developing melody between you and Jisoo. They teased and nudged, creating an atmosphere that allowed the budding romance to unfold naturally.
One summer evening, the group gathered for a rooftop barbecue, the city skyline providing a breathtaking backdrop. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Jisoo found a quiet moment to pull you aside.
"I've been wanting to tell you something," she confessed, her cheeks tinged with a soft blush.
The rooftop provided a private haven, and in that tranquil setting, Jisoo's words flowed with a sincerity that mirrored the stars above. "I've enjoyed getting to know you, and I find myself looking forward to our time together. Would you like to go on a date with me?"
The question hung in the air, and your heart skipped a beat. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and the potential for something more, you nodded, a smile lighting up your face.
The rooftop witnessed the beginning of a new chapter, as the connection that had flourished amidst shared laughter and quiet moments took a deliberate step into the realm of romance. It wasn't a whirlwind, but a gradual blossoming of something beautiful – a love story that defied expectations and was woven into the fabric of shared experiences.
From that point forward, your relationship with Jisoo evolved into a delightful journey of shared adventures and quiet moments. The group outings continued, but now with a new layer of intimacy. Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa, ever the supportive friends, reveled in the joy of witnessing your love story unfold.
The seasons cycled through, and with each passing day, your connection with Jisoo deepened. The shared laughter, the supportive glances, and the comfortable silences were the threads that wove a tapestry of love, resilience, and genuine companionship.
— — — — — — —
You missed Jisoo for the simple reason that everything felt a bit off-kilter when she wasn't around. It wasn't some grand, dramatic affair; it was the small, everyday things that became a tad emptier.
Her laughter, the one that could turn a mundane moment into something worth remembering, was noticeably absent. The shared glances and inside jokes lost their charm without her. The quiet talks, the ones that stretched into the late hours of the night, felt like a one-sided conversation.
Jisoo had this way of reading your moods without you uttering a word. It was a kind of understanding that made the days smoother and the problems more manageable. Without her, those daily nuances turned into a solo act, a bit lonelier.
It wasn't just about missing a person; it was about missing a constant. Her presence was a comfort, a steady beat in the background that made the routine less mundane. When she wasn't there, it felt like something was on pause.
The late-night talks and shared silences were like a familiar routine disrupted. Her absence created a void in those moments, a silence that lacked the shared laughter and unspoken words.
In the simplest terms, you missed Jisoo because she was the missing piece that made the puzzle complete. Life was a bit duller, a bit quieter, and a bit less vibrant when she wasn't around. It wasn't about grand gestures; it was about the ordinary moments that felt extraordinary only with her by your side.
The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm hue across the room, enveloping you and Jisoo in a cocoon of intimacy. As you lay in bed, the memories of your journey together flickered like shadows on the walls, merging seamlessly with the present moment.
Jisoo's presence, now settled beside you on the bed, echoed the warmth and familiarity that had characterized your friendship from the beginning. The ambiance of the room seemed to carry the echoes of the laughter and shared moments that had defined your connection.
"What are you doing home?" you stammered, almost disbelieving of the scene unfolding before you. The past moments flooded your mind – the cafe encounters, the rooftop barbecues, and the quiet strolls through Seoul's streets. The journey that began in chance encounters and blossomed through shared laughter had brought you to this unexpected midnight reunion.
A soft smile played on Jisoo's lips, and the warmth in her eyes mirrored the memories that danced in the air. "You missed me."
The incredulity in your voice reflected the surreal nature of the moment. "You came home because I missed you?" It was a statement that sounded too poetic to be real.
Jisoo, ever graceful, moved with a quiet elegance as she settled beside you. The mattress dipped under her weight, and the scent of her perfume lingered, an olfactory reminder of shared adventures and unspoken confessions. "Yes," she replied, her sincerity a gentle echo in the quiet room.
The pulse in your veins quickened. This midnight encounter felt like a culmination of a story that had been written in the margins of your shared experiences. Jisoo, your anchor, had traversed the snow-covered city to be with you.
Propped up on an elbow, her palm supporting the back of her head, Jisoo watched you with an unfathomable gaze. The room seemed to hold its breath as she explained, "Because I wanted to be where you are."
The words resonated, weaving a thread between past and present. The memories of shared laughter and the unspoken understanding you had cultivated during your time together were the foundation of her unexpected arrival.
The air thickened with the weight of unspoken truths. Jisoo, a comforting presence, had driven through the snow and darkness to find solace in your company. The tender confession of her longing and the acknowledgment of your hard work became threads in the tapestry of your shared story.
In the dim light, Jisoo's features softened, her confession continuing. "You've been working so hard, and I missed you." Her voice was a gentle murmur, wrapping around you like a comforting embrace that transcended the physicality of the room.
The touch of her fingers tracing the outline of your jaw felt like a continuation of the gestures that had defined your connection – a silent language that spoke volumes. The night unfolded in whispered confessions, a continuation of the stories shared in cafes and on rooftops.
As dawn approached, Jisoo's presence became a living testament to the resilience of your love. The city outside, blanketed in snow, seemed to echo the hushed whispers of your shared history. The first light of dawn peeked through the curtains, illuminating Jisoo's eyes as they met yours.
Time stood still in that moment. The warmth in her gaze served as a reminder that your connection, born from chance encounters and nurtured through shared laughter, was a sanctuary where love was the only truth that mattered.
The falling snow outside became a serene backdrop to the quiet revelation within your apartment. Jisoo's presence, unexpected yet welcomed, marked a turning point in your journey – a reminder that the love story, rooted in shared experiences and genuine companionship, could weather the darkest nights and illuminate the path forward.
And then, as if the quiet confession had unlocked a new chapter, Jisoo's gaze lingered on yours. A playful smile danced on her lips, and she whispered, "You know, I missed more than just your company."
The air between you two shifted, charged with a different kind of energy. It wasn't just about shared memories anymore; it was about acknowledging the deeper, more intimate feelings that had blossomed between you. The room seemed to shrink as Jisoo leaned in, her lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss.
In that moment, the soft glow of the lamp and the quiet snowfall outside became witnesses to a new layer of your relationship. The whispers of shared confessions evolved into the sweet murmur of exchanged endearments.
"I missed this," Jisoo admitted between kisses, her voice a gentle melody in the stillness of the room.
You couldn't help but smile, your heart brimming with warmth. "I missed you, too," you replied, the words a soft echo against her lips.
As dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, your apartment became a haven for shared affections. The intimacy between you and Jisoo unfolded like a delicate dance, a symphony of whispered words, laughter, and the sweet warmth of each other's presence.
The falling snow outside, once a silent witness to your shared history, now provided a serene backdrop to a new chapter – one filled with the quiet beauty of love, acceptance, and the unspoken promise of many more midnight reunions.
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biscuitblinkeu · 11 months
Mischievous Woman [1]
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Kim Jisoo x Fem!reader
Word Count: 7545
Prompt: In exchange for “gifts,” the village of Asakoshi sends a man to marry the female Kumiho residing in the village Highlands. You, a humble florist, take your brother’s place and are sacrificed and forced to marry Jisoo, a Kumiho, who could care less you're a woman or that you deceived her.
A/N: So here’s this— it kinda gives me IOTBS vibes lol. My sister actually requested I make a story like this, so I hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry it took so long to get out! But the picture though?! ❤️
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Shallow, superficial, frivolous- Asakoshi
The village of Asakoshi was full of liars, cowards, thieves, and rapacious elders.
It wasn’t always like this. No, not before, when the village was a prosperous paradise (there’s no such thing as paradise, is there?), when people were humble and got by with what they had and could, when people smiled and didn't ask for more. When hearts were thought pure, where order was respected, where hierarchy didn't exist prominently, when the very thought of using weapons made people distressed. But deep down, greed was slowly growing in their hearts. They weren’t satisfied. There was always a need for more, more, more— and it was slowly tearing the society apart.
Perhaps things had become too predictable, too monotonous, and they started looking for excitement. Unbridled, malicious ecstasy. This enthusiasm was deceptive, disguised as a problem that made the people crave power— because power was required to rise and change. The town got addicted to fighting; governments fell apart, kingdoms arose, weaponry became a means of control, and Asakoshi's nature became chaotic.
 In the midst of the chaos, the Kumiho appeared.
The Kumiho were nine-tailed, half-human, half-fox spirits that were dubbed “saviors'' when they first appeared. They ended the fighting, alleviated some of the village's suffering, and came bearing gifts. The concept of gifts was enough for the people to ignore the Kumiho's appearance or their ravenous hunger, their diet consisting solely of the intestines of humans, and rarely, animals.
The villagers were to pay a price in exchange for the Kumiho's offerings, which included money, knowledge, healing, and fertility. The cost was significantly more. The Kumiho were given a sacrifice, which was usually a young boy or girl, or a man or woman. The victim was then thrown naked into the Highland forest, and the Kumiho were said to hunt them for food. And by doing so every several months, the villagers could prevent the Kumiho from slaughtering villagers to satisfy their hunger.
Over the years, the village settled down and the Kumiho continued to bestow gifts, and the humans continued to routinely offer sacrifices. There was a bump in the road; sacrificing two humans once a month was taking a toll on the population. The Kumiho and humans came to an agreement. 
Instead of offering a sacrifice, they would marry with the intention of merging the two races. Human and divine spirits would coexist. This strategy proved contentious since not all Kumihos chose to sustain themselves from eating humans, and not all Kumihos who don’t eat humans like them enough to marry them.
The Kumiho that ruled over the village present-day, looked for another husband. Another, because every potential man sent to marry has disappeared. The village speculates the ruling Kumiho kills them. However, the agreement was still in place, and perhaps the men sent to marry died from unknown, natural causes. 
Nonetheless, every few years a man is chosen to be married to the female Kumiho who lived in the Highland’s mountain forests— the land above the clouds, they called it, because it’s claimed to be so high up you could “walk on clouds,” and this has caused a shortage of young men in the village. Many parents and struggling families were eager to send their sons off to the Kumiho for reputation and to be lavishly rewarded by the village elder, as their decision would result in a new round of gifts from the Kumiho. 
In a village like this, flowers were your only escape. 
You were the village florist. You owned a popular shop in the market district where you made floral arrangements for special events and occasionally took on gardening jobs for clients. At home, you were the older sister to your two brothers, U-Jin and Seung-Min. The three of you lived alone due to your parents passing three years ago. Meaning when you were at work, U-Jin was taking care of Seung-Min at home. You trusted U-Jin with your youngest brother, as he was more responsible for his age due to your circumstances.
You were at your shop tending to customers and flowers when you heard horses whinny, you looked outside the window and froze briefly. Stilled, because it wasn’t just horses whinnying, the sound was accompanied by carriage wheels rolling over brick and gravel, as well as a man with a rich accent yelling halt! at the top of his lungs: a carriage man. You knew the elder (or, the village lord) was present. The village elder– a senile, crooked-toothed, balding man in charge of the village and the Kumiho Trade. It was rare, but on some occasions he would parade through the village– you believe he comes when he’s feeling good about something; sometimes gifts, or when he is a drunk fool– collecting debts or…sacrifices. Nonetheless, anytime he was around it meant misfortune. 
He never came out of the carriage, and this is further proved when two herculean guards exit instead. The village elder’s guard were tall, beefy men with stone-cold faces and intimidating stances. They were shaped like warriors– thus the name herculean guards.
The carriage was parked in front of a first floor shop with the owner's home on the second floor. One of the guards stayed back while the other approached the shop. You found it strange that that particular shop has been closed for the whole week, but now you’re sure it was because they had something due and were trying to lay low. The guard rapped on the door and it opened a few seconds later. A rather drowsy-looking man opened it, and the clumsy smile on his face– ready to greet who was at the door politely– disappeared instantly. 
The guard and the man conversed for a few minutes, the man’s bodily motions becoming strained and seemingly angry as time passed. You saw the man shake his head, and the guard handed him a paper. “I can’t pay this– it's twice as much as before!” The man shouted, loud enough for spectators to hear.
The guard stood stiffly as the man pleaded desperately, unwavering. The man rubbed his temples, looking at the paper. “I can’t pay this at this very moment– but– but I can–”
“Insolence will not be tolerated. You have shamed the elder; you must pay.” the guard spoke, his voice clear and bold. 
The man stammered, looking distraught. “No, I’d never shame the Elder– I wouldn't think of it! I-I’ve just been in a tough spot this month–” 
“You know what must be done. You have four days to leave the premises,” the guard finished, and went to turn away only to be stopped by a hand taking hold of his bicep, eyes peering up at him.
“Just give me a few days, please! I swear I’ll — Agh!” In a matter of seconds the man was pushed and thrown onto the ground harshly. He was left writhing in pain as the guard continued to the carriage. 
The crowd that had formed began to whisper and gossip, making the man return to his feet faster. He was flushed red in embarrassment, having been publicly humiliated. His glossy eyes glanced at the spectators before they snapped back to his feet. “Dammit!” He yelled, wiping his tears harshly before storming back inside, the door slamming shut behind him. 
You could only imagine what he must’ve been told. What he owed, and how much of it.
The guard re-entered the carriage after the other, and it bobbed with his weight. He stuck his head out the small window and spoke to the carriage man.
You chapped your hands free of dirt, wiping them on your apron as you watched the carriage man yah! again and jerk the reins with a pit in your stomach. Just like many other viewers and shopkeepers, you had left the store and watched the carriage go to its next destination. You all wondered which unfortunate soul would be next, hoping it wasn’t yourself or family. 
The carriage continued down the street and to the bottom of the subtle hill and you crooked your head to get a better view. The carriage was heading in the direction near your home. Nerves began to make your fingers feel numb. 
You told yourself it would stop before reaching it, that they were just visiting a family near, yet the carriage continued.
It rounded the corner and crossed the rickety wooden bridge, and you could vaguely see its silhouette passing through the trees. When you could no longer see it you were scrambling inside your shop to flip the sign to “closed,” ushering customers out with apologies spilling from your lips. After you locked up, you ran as fast as you could to your house. Your heart thundered in your ears, fear gagged your throat, and tunnel vision clouded your judgment. 
You were one of the two homes in that section of the village. You had to get home. 
Why would they turn the corner and cross the bridge if they weren’t visiting you or your neighbors? You paid your debt for this month — so it doesn’t make sense why they’d visit you.
In the past, in a time of desperation and uncertainty, the month after your parents passed, you took a loan from the elder. A loan that would take you almost a lifetime to pay off if you didn’t have a shop or somewhat steady income. You paid a margin of your debt every month, routinely and sternly to keep the elder away from your family. And on top of that, the costs that come with running a business. Without fail. So why? Has another spontaneous cost been thrown at you that you weren’t aware of? Or was it something worse?
Your home shortly came into view. As you approached you saw that the carriage was parked in between you and the neighbors home, empty, and you were uncertain which home they visited. You prayed it wasn’t yours.
Ignoring the burning sensation in your legs and lungs, you threw open your front door. “Minnie? U-Jin?” You called out breathlessly and received no answer. You opened their bedroom door— empty. You checked in your room, which too, was empty. You peaked out the backyard and there was no sign of them playing. But as you got closer to the kitchen, you heard quiet sniffling from the living room.
“Minnie? Is that you?” You called again and entered the living room.
A small body ran into your leg and let out a cry, short arms wrapped around the limb with a tight grip. You looked down and your heart clenched. Seung-Min’s charcoal eyes swam with tears. “Minnie is scared,” he sobbed, bawling the fabric of your pants in his small fist, his lip wobbling. 
You kneeled down and wiped his tears, frowning at his distress. “Scared of what, Seung-Min? Where’s U-Jin?”
He buried his face into your chest and pointed across the room. Promptly, a surge of anxiety ran down your spine when you directed your attention to where he pointed. You took in a rather sharp breath, unconsciously holding your brother tighter to you when you met sharp, green eyes. They regarded you with mirth from across the room, and on the couch was the village elder’s wife, Dong-Woo. 
U-Jin was being held back by a Herculean guard to her side. You took a step forward, “U-Jin—”
“Not so fast, dear. How lovely of you to join us,” came her croaky voice from her scarlet-painted lips. She was adorned in jewels and garments, her presence even more overbearing with the two herculean guards at her side. How you managed to not notice them right as you walked in made you even more unsettled. “Do not be so tense, child.” 
You stood up straight. “What is this about? My shop?”
"Oh, (Y/n), this is not about your shop’s monthly payment, but slightly about your debt, perhaps. Although, it is good that you keep up with the dates." She chuckled. "Today, on behalf of my husband, I've come to see you and your siblings about your yearly sacrifices." You almost scoffed at that. You knew all about the sacrifices, it's hard not to when the village has a celebration each year based on the sacrifices made and the gifts received. "Thanks for another war-free year!" or "To thanks we've been blessed!" They’d say, and you think it's all nonsense.
You weren’t one of them, never will be. You avoided making sacrifices, having no need for the “blessings” or “gifts” the so-called god in the Highlands distributes. You don’t need wellness, fortune, or anything of the sort (even if such things could help with your debts, get your brothers proper education other than from you, and enable them to eat better). You’re quite satisfied with your life at the moment, despite it not being the best, and your brothers are too. 
"My yearly sacrifices? You've already made me offer one last month." You replied bitterly and Dong-Woo hummed, curling her bony fingers around her cane. "That's right, you have. But I need more from you."
"Then what is it?" You demanded impatiently, frustrated. You just wanted them to leave.
Dong-Woo laughed once more, this time lifting the wooden stick to point at your brothers. "Well, I had a word from one of my guards in the Highlands and it seems our god uphill is looking for a groom this year instead of a sacrifice."
"What does that have to do with U-Jin and Seung-Min?" You murmured to yourself, and then— then it hit you. You looked up with wide eyes, mouth agape. "You can't possibly..."
"Yes, it's exactly that. I am in need of a young man for their groom, and I immediately thought about your sweet brothers."
Your eyes snapped back to a tearful U-Jin and your heart dropped to your stomach. Your brother was chosen? “He is only fourteen,” you stumbled, your shock apparent in your mannerisms and expression.
“I’m aware.” She smiled. You felt sick to your stomach, nauseous at the onslaught of emotions you're going through; strong feelings such as fear and worry. “I’m sure you know we are running out of men of age? They’re all dying on the battlefield or have no debts to me— that’s while we’re looking into a new crop, despite how low quality this crop can be. Those of you in debt are taking on a new role: you are completely suspendable to the Kumiho Trade.”
“He’s still just a boy,” you said stubbornly.
Dong Woo sighed in exasperation. “Listen here, dear. I don’t care. I have a business to run, one that the village depends on. He will marry the Kumiho, and you have no say in the matter,” she finished sharply. Dong-Woo stood up and glanced at her guards. “Take him,” she ordered strictly.
On her command, the guards grabbed U-Jin. U-Jin struggled in their hold, and Seung-Min began to cry harder next to you. You had to do something— anything. “Please! Don’t do this!” You cried. You reached for Ujin desperately, eager to grab him before he went too far away as the guards dragged him away. “I promise I’ll work even harder to pay the debts, just— just don’t take him away! Please,” you struggled to grab his hand through the thick bodies of the herculean guards.
“Get lost!” One said gruffly, trying to separate you from U-jin. You were yanked to the floor, suffering a bad blow to your back. “Stop— please, just stop,” you cried. And then, as your brother struggled in the guards' hold and followed behind Dong-Woo, an absurd thought crossed your mind. “L-Let me take his place,” you whispered helplessly. 
Your quiet voice reached one of the guards, and he paused. In this moment of hesitation, you got up and pushed through them. You ran in front of your brother, hands outstretched in a protective stance. You stared past the guards at Dong-Woo who had stopped because of the commotion. “I will take my brother’s place!”
At your rather loud declaration, the guards froze, Dong-Woo turned around, and U-Jin snapped his head to you in shock. A few tense seconds passed, the air charged with tension.
“What did you say?” Dong-Woo asked, stalking up to you, her guards parting ways for her. She stopped right in front of you. Her green eyes were narrowed into slits that cut into your soul and you gulped. “Speak!” She yelled.
You took a deep breath, leveling your stare with hers. “I said— I said I’ll take my brother’s place,” you told her. Your tongue felt like lead and your heart threatened to break out of your chest, but you would get your point across firmly. 
U-Jin tugged on your sleeve, his head shaking side to side rapidly. Tears swam in his eyes. “No— no (Y/n), you don’t know what you’re saying— I can go. You don’t—”
“Quiet!” She yelled, eyes snapping to U-Jin with a fire in them. He jumped and shut his mouth, but his grip on your sleeve didn’t loosen. Dong-Woo turned back to you, scrutinizing your face and chest. “You, take his place?” She scoffed. Dong-Woo took your chin in her hand, her grip tight, tilting your head side to side. She then took a bundle of your hair. “Too long,” she commented, lips pursed. She dropped it and stepped back. “We’ll have to make some adjustments,” she mumbled. “Are you really going to take his place? No— are you prepared to marry a Kumiho?”
“Yes.” No, you weren’t prepared, not in the slightest. But you were not going to let them take your brother, or let him live in fear, miss all of his younger years, and burden him with marriage, with the worries of death or being killed. You would carry that weight on your shoulders, take all of it from him if you could. You clenched your fist at your sides. “Yes. But in exchange I want my brothers free from our families debts— your protection, your word that you will never put them into the Kumiho Trade. I want them taken care of by a good nanny: fed, clothed, bathed and kept warm, as I will be unable to do those things when I’m gone.”
Dong-Woo didn’t reply for a while. The silence was broken when a chuckle escaped her throat, followed by a surge of hearty laughter. She wiped her tears when she was done. “Amusing! You are so very amusing, you are. Even so…who are you to make demands of me?”
“I am nobody,” you replied simply, eyes trained on your brothers who watched the exchange with wide open mouths.
“Yes; A nobody!” Dong-Woo spat. She moved in closer, her face practically touching yours, and you had to suppress the urge to flinch. You held your ground, refusing to give into her intimidation tactics. She was stronger than you— much stronger. “I will comply, but just know, if you fail to be wedded to the Kumiho things will not go well for your family.”
You nodded.
Dong-Woo smiled crookedly. “But I suppose this could work— having a woman go in the place of a man. It will be an experiment; one that I will bet on— even if it’s absurd.” Dong-Woo retreated to the doorway, throwing her guards a look. “Send a Nanny over immediately. And take care of the rest of her demands; I keep my word. We leave for the Highlands at midnight. We will have to give our “groom” a makeover.” Dong-Woo left shortly, allowing you a few moments with your brothers.
Once alone, save for the guards at the door, U-Jin pulled on your forearm, frowning deeply. “(Y/n) you can’t go. How will I know you’re okay? That you’re not dead? What if they hurt you? I can’t lose you like mom and dad, please.” 
“I won’t let anything happen to me,” you promised, smiling shakily at him. You took his face in between your hands and brushed away a couple stray strands of his unruly bangs. Next to you, Seung-Min shook his head rapidly, his crying breaking your heart. “Minnie doesn’t want you to go,” he whispered. At this you leaned down and kissed his head. “I’ll try to contact you guys, okay?”
“If I'm alive, I'll send a letter or come visit when I can within a month. If there's no sign of me or a letter...then I'm probably gone and the Kumiho killed me." You told them both, wiping Minnie's cheeks dry with your sleeve. He didn't say anything but sniffled lightly, nodding at your fifty-fifty reassurance. You pulled him and U-Jin into your embrace once more and then let out a shaky breath, biting your lip and squeezing your eyes shut as you felt more tears glide down your cheeks. In the background, one of the guards called out a timely reminder of one minute left. At that, you stepped away from them reluctantly, and when you pulled away and let your siblings go, you looked at each of them in turn.
Their faces were red, tear-stained and swollen from crying. Your lips threatened to upturn into a frown then, but you had to stay strong. "I love you both very much, and I'll miss you. Be good and stay safe while you wait for news. Don't worry too much either and make sure not to leave the house unless it's to attend the church or being with your friends." You started going over your rules and worries, things they should know and be prepared for. "And U-Jin, please watch your brother well, be with each other at all times. Right now, make sure you both eat and go to bed—"
"Get moving now!" Came the guard’s deep voice. 
You gave a fleeting hug to your little brother before the guards escorted you out the house. You then entered the carriage, and watched as your home got farther and farther with a pit in your stomach. Your legs shake heavily underneath you as you step out your house and onto the brick street, your eyes averted downward from the carriage you approach. Once you're near enough, the soldiers grab a hold of your wrists and tug you forward. "Come on girl. We don't have all day for this, you have a very important job." He growled, and before you knew it—you were being roughly pushed into the fabric-topped wagon.
This “make-over” Dong-Woo spoke of took place in public, just at the village's exit.
All you knew was that one second you were in the carriage, the next thrown out onto the cobblestone. Around you, male and female servants gathered, all holding objects and pales of water and such.
In a matter of moments, they began stripping you of your apron and clothes without a care about the temperature, or how you would feel—disgusted and embarrassed in front of their eyes. You swear there were a few taking you in, shamelessly checking every inch of your body when you were practically naked.
You were then pushed into a small chair, and a maid came up behind you with a pair of scissors. She was going to cut your gorgeous hair. “Don’t, please.” You said weakly. 
The rather old maid appeared startled at your voice before she glared at you. Without a word, she took the scissors and began to cut. With each snip your hair fell to the floor. The result was quite strange— seeing yourself without long hair. Your hair was shorter than before— cut just above your shoulders. 
After, they held you still while scrubbing at your body with harsh cloths, leaving your skin all red and raw, sensitive to the touch.
You squirmed, whined, and cried throughout the process because it was painful. Nothing came of it, of course, your protests and yells were ignored. You were practically tossed around like a doll belonging to a child who didn't know how to take care of it; tainted, changed, and ruined. What really broke you was the fact that they even cleaned, washed, and groomed you in places only your lover would be able to see—all right in the open. They violated you without care or consent, and if they did care, it was only about cleansing the filth from your body.
"You must make yourself presentable, you must be pure." The servants chanted over and over; again and again. It was almost as if they were possessed, really, or in this case mildly obsessed with getting a blessing out of your sacrifice, because even if you weren't accepted as a suitable bride they'd still get something out of it by offering you. Right after the cleaning, a few more of the village servants emerged holding garments, cosmetics, and types of accessories you’ve never seen before.
"Wrap her chest!"
"Attend to her hair!"
"Wash her mouth!"
By the end, they dressed you in male clothes: trousers, an upper garment, vest, and overcoat. A hat was put on your head and a short veil fell from the front, covering half of your face to distract those from the fact you were a woman. As it was custom, they made adjustments throughout and tailored the bridal clothes to make them easily accessible to be removed, or to put back on. (Something you didn't want to dwell on why.)
During the time they did this, they talked loudly about things. They talked about the wedding, of course, and the mysterious Kumiho residing in the highlands, but also about other events taking place during the ceremony. Some of them were scandalous. Others were highly improper. Nonetheless it all proved to make you feel worse. 
When you were done with the makeover, Dong-Woo appeared and you were back in the carriage, on the way up to the Highlands. It was pitch dark.
You sat across Dong-Woo, who was flanked by her Herculean guards. There was a silence after the carriage began to move, and you shifted around awkwardly. It was suffocating, sitting across from them and knowing you might never see your family again. 
Dong-Woo let out a sigh, looking at you. “I believe this might work. Other than your face, you could pass as a man. Besides, men can have pretty faces too,” Dong-Woo mused.
You looked at her and forced a smile, your eyes returning to the small window shortly. You were somewhat toned from yard work, your voice deeper than most women your age. You watched the carriage’s journey up the hill, the sun sinking lower and lower as time passed. As you got higher up, the greenery became more dense, and a fog rolled on the surface of the ground, becoming thicker and thicker. The temperature dropped quite a bit as well.
“It gets worse every year, doesn’t it?” Dong-Woo muttered, shaking her head. She noticed the troubled expression on your face. “Tell me; What is on your mind?”
“…How will I know where to go in this thick fog?” You asked.
“It is a test. You will find the Kumiho– or she will find you.” She said, a slow, grim smile spreading across her lips as she looked out the window. That is, if you survive in the forest long enough to be found. Perhaps if you are found, there was still a chance you’d be mistaken for a meal. It was unclear whether this Kumiho ate humans, after all. 
You nodded and clenched your fist in your lap, swallowing down a stubborn lump in your throat. You opted to not look at the window,  allowing yourself to save your energy for when you were really going to be challenged. You ended up falling asleep, however, it was not long before you were jerked awake by the carriage's shaky stop.
“We are here,” Dong-Woo informed. 
The carriage stopped in a dirt clearing, where a black flag was posted. 
“Out you go,” Dong-Woo said, throwing a dismissive hand in your direction.
When you didn’t move quick enough, one of the guards growled in warning. You left the carriage, and were immediately hit with the cool air outside. You shivered, looking around wearily.
You flinched when the door shut behind you with a clack and Dong-Woo moved to the other side of the carriage. In doing so, she saw the contemplation on one of her guard’s faces.
“What is it? Why the long face,” Dong-Woo scowled, looking at the guard to her right.
“What if the Kumiho becomes displeased with us if she finds out her husband is a woman in disguise.”
“…The Kumiho will accept our sacrifice.”
“Hush! It is fine. If the Kumiho does manage to find out she is female– she will be ripped apart; it is but another meal for the god. Do you question me?”
“I wouldn’t think of it, mam.”
“Good. Now, let us go. I have much to do. Much to prepare. Gifts will be coming soon.”
You watched the carriage ride off into the fog with a heavy heart. Now you were truly alone. Left in the bitter cold; in darkness. You sucked in a breath and looked around. The forest wasn’t particularly inviting. The trees twisted oddly, and the branches reached out for you hungrily, almost beckoning you into their depths. The foggy mist made the forest seem alive, a part of nature itself; a living being, breathing. It seemed eerie, as though the forest was preying on you. A gust of wind rustled through the underbrush nearby, sending some leaves skittering over the path you had taken.
You chose to walk in a straight line, so you’d only have to turn around to go back where you started. 
That was the plan until it seemed like you were walking in a circle, each time ending up back where you started. The forest had to be enchanted by the Kumiho. Or maybe you just had no sense of direction in the fog. You simply did not have the patience or energy to deal with this situation calmly. In all honesty you were worried. You could be eaten or attacked by some wild animal, and for worse, the Kumiho finds you and kills you. You’d never have a chance to see your brothers again. 
You tripped on an exposed root, scraping your palms and bruising your knees through your trousers. You hissed, feeling tears threaten to fall. It sucked. It really did. 
Just when you were going to break down and give up, you heard voices. You stilled, listening to the crunching of leaves and twigs: someone walking, and the chatter of two individuals. The voices were child-like, and it soothed your nerves slightly.
 “...will be very angry with us if we don’t find him.”
“L-Let’s just keep looking, alright? I heard something over there…”
Their footsteps began to fade, and in desperation, you followed the voices. You ran in the direction you believed you heard them, but there were no more sounds. No voices, no footsteps, nor animals or crickets buzzing. It was an odd silence, and it made you tense. You continued to walk. Those people couldn’t have gotten that far, so where were they? Were you imagining things? 
The more you looked for the owners of the voices the more you believed you were going crazy. 
Drowning yourself in your thoughts, mindlessly walking, you were startled when two children simply appeared in front of you. A high-pitched yelp left you as you stumbled backwards in shock. 
“Found ya’!” The little girl giggled, clapping her hands as she bounced up and down. The bell in her hair jingled as she did so.
“More like he found us…” the boy muttered, hand wrapping around your own hand gingerly. 
You looked at him, speaking in a slightly lower tone. “Who…who are you two?”
“Ah — me? I’m Keo-woo!” The girl answered, taking your other hand. The girl had black hair, it was tied into a ponytail with a white ribbon. She wore a white mask that concealed her identity, and black lines — much like children scribbling — created a clumsy face: two black eyes and a smile. 
“Jiseul…” The boy answered quietly, peering at you through his dark bangs. He too, wore a mask, except it was cracked open on one side, allowing you to see part of his face and one of his black eyes. The mask was painted with seemingly random black circles and streaks, the color an off-white.
“We’re servants of the Kumiho, sent to find you,” Keo-woo said.
You nodded slowly, anxiety creeping into your bones once again. 
“We’re sorry it took so long to find you,” the girl said, dipping her head. “Jisoo wasn’t feeling…well. But now we’re here!” 
“Jisoo?” You asked. 
“The kumiho; her name.”
“Ah,” you said, nodding. You allowed the little kids to lead you wherever they pleased, they seemed to know where they’re going. 
“You’re oddly quiet,” Keo-woo mused, swinging your arms. “Don’t you have any questions?” 
“…I’m allowed to ask?”
“Yes, silly!”
“Does the Kumiho eat…humans?”
“I don’t know,” she answered. Your stomach lurched. 
You noticed a small trickling sound nearby, a water source. Through the fog, barely visible, it looked like a wooden house, its foggy torches creating a dull glow. 
The children stopped in front of it. “This is where we are to take you,” Keo-woo said. 
“Here?” You asked, slightly perplexed. This didn’t look like the stories you’ve heard, if it was the Kumiho’s home. It looked more like a servant quarters or a small residence.
“What a surprise that you aren’t dead somewhere,” a voice suddenly rang in your ears, far sounding. As the voice spoke, you noticed the Kumiho’s servants disappeared without a sound. They were no longer holding your hands, or anywhere in sight.
"You were crying, darling?" The voice spoke again. It seemed sweet, yet carried a hint of malicious amusement. "Is it because your clothes have been ruined? Fear not, I shall fix it soon enough, but it is nothing more than something to shield you." You tensed up at the sound, almost breaking your neck with how frantically you looked around for where it came from.
There was nothing more than trees and fog around you. But you didn't care about the clothes. Not at all. Although you cared who was speaking. Behind you, you felt arms circle your waist out of nowhere, and you were pulled back against someone's chest. 
When you tried to look behind, squirming in their embrace, a hand was placed on your neck, squeezing at your pulse lightly. A warning. They could snap or puncture your neck within a heartbeat, seemingly, and as you glanced down and noticed slim razor-sharp nails denting against the column of your throat. Not to mention the tips of their fingers were painted a dark maroon that trailed up their wrist. It looked awfully like stained blood.
You swallowed thickly, keeping your head forward. A light voice was heard then, all soft, undeniably sweet, and disgustingly carefree in terms of the moment at hand. "You're being obedient, and I like that. They spoke again, teasingly putting more pressure on your throat to the point you were scared their nails would puncture your skin. 
"I haven't got much time to play with you, sadly. Now, how about I take you somewhere better? I can't have my husband catching a cold. Humans are truly fragile beings." Now that the voice was closer it sounded smooth, slightly commanding, and you felt your cheeks warm up slightly from the alluring tone. In an instant, time seemed to slow and the world around them began to stretch vividly, almost warping, and you found yourself teleported to an empty room.
You fell to the floor once the warp was completed, feeling dizzy and unstable. You looked up, and staring at you was a figure wearing a fox mask that covered their whole face, and dressed in robes of black, gold, white, and red.  
The mask itself was white, and red marks and inscriptions sat below the eye of it, the eyes thin and slanted in a way that portrayed trickery, amusement, or a taunt-like manner. The muzzle of it protruded, and black-outlined lips curved upward into a sneering grin. 
Attached to the Kumiho’s dark hair was a pair of fox ears; white fox ears, and behind their back, nine white tails swished lazily. It definitely was a sight.
Your breath caught in your throat, and you backed up against the headboard behind you, lips parted slightly. 
The figure shook their head disapprovingly at your behavior, crossing their arms. "Why are you so scared, my love?" They asked, tilting their head.
When they took a step forward you grabbed the nearest pillow on the bed, holding it up in defense (even if you know it won’t do much). You didn’t respond, nor make any attempt to talk with how bad you were trembling, and because your voice could give you away. Yet, as soon as you realized this must be the “god,” and the thought of marriage came to your mind again, you released a pathetic noise, opening your mouth. “Please don’t kill me,” you spoke quietly, forcing an unnaturally deep voice that hurt your throat.
“Now why would I when you are my husband? Is that what you’re worried about?” You nodded rapidly, and they laughed. Their tails swished behind them out of pure excitement, almost like a dog wagging its tail. 
They brought their hands up, unclamping the mask and throwing it to the side. You watched it fall to the ground, and your eyes stayed there. Now you were even more scared, because what if their face was more frightening than their appearance? Nonetheless, as they took a step closer to the bed where you cowered, you glanced up at them— and it was a lot.
You were rendered speechless, unable to look away.
They weren’t ugly; they didn't have black, beady eyes. They didn’t have protruding cheekbones or major inhuman features. What they did have, however, was the normal appearance of a female human. Yet, at the same time it was something foreign to you, their beauty was out of this world.
She had dark brown eyes, almost black. Her hair was long and flowy, chestnut in color. Symmetrical beauty marks sat just next to the corners of both her eyes, and her facial structure was the perfect ratio, their skin smooth and honey-like. They had rosy, bow-shaped lips that stretched into a wide grin. If someone didn’t know better they’d call her an angel based on appearance alone.
It’s laughable, if those villagers must've been stupid to believe such, because standing here was nothing close to a deity— or angel for that matter. The only thing that relates is their powers, of course, but otherwise, they should be deemed as a demon; A Kumiho.
As you met their gaze, they smiled, their teeth displaying sharp canine fangs that made you visibly shiver. “It's a shame you think of me like that, because what you should be worried about instead is the condition of your body. “They’ve drugged you, haven’t they? I’m surprised you haven’t succumbed to the full effects yet,” she continued, nitpicking over you, and all the more so came closer till she was standing at the edge of the bed. 
Without warning, your ankle was grabbed and you were swiftly pulled towards the demon, her grip strong and unyielding. You tried to prevent it: burying your fingers into the bedsheets and clawing at them, but they were silk. Of course they were silk. The smooth fabric made it all the easier for the fox demon to slide you across the mattress because you couldn’t grip anything.
You found yourself face to face with the Kumiho. Another whimper left your lips, you were completely terrified. “Wait!” You gasped, dropping the imitated voice in the face of panic. “I was— just fine over there— please stop!” It began to sink in that you revealed your voice, and you froze.
The Kumiho faltered, raising their eyebrows at the change. She brought her hand up swiftly to lift up your veil, revealing your face that was so desperately covered. “Oh my,” she whispered, her voice containing more awe than shock. She was almost enamored, and you shrunk under her intense gaze. “Aren’t you just a pretty thing?” She said, taking in your features. You were mesmerizing, although you weren't the only thing that was. 
Your stomach dropped, and you had the urge, the sudden fight or flight instinct to run. Your hands twitched at your sides, and you were ready to shove— but you didn’t. The grip on your ankle was still there, warm and noticeable, and even if you worked your way out, how far would you even get? You could get lost, too.
Not to mention that the deity in front of you was someone all-powerful, with claws, sharp teeth, and most likely held powers other than teleportation that were unknown to you. Hence, there was no solution. You were really fucked.
Maybe this is truly where you die.
“I’m sorry for lying,” you blurted. “It was the village Lord— I really didn’t have a choice. I’m sorry, I’m really so sorry. I have two brothers to return to, and if I’m gone for too long or if you kill me they’ll get sold off or— who knows what,” you explained desperately. “I know I’m not a man, but please forgive me god—”
"Jisoo," The Kumiho interrupted.
"I’m sorry?"
"Call me Jisoo, if you say my name. Not god, that name is not what I am."
Yes, but what does that matter at the moment? You wondered. Is she taunting you? Making you say her name before you actually die?
"Do you understand?"
"Yes, yes of course. I do. But…Jisoo, are you going to kill me now?"
"I already told you that I wouldn't." Jisoo reminds you, her eyes softening. "Do you wish for death that much, darling?"
You closed your mouth for a moment. You shook your head. “No I don’t,” you answered. “It’s just— I deceived you. Wouldn’t it be right for you to kill me?” You believe you should just shut your mouth, stop talking, but your mind is whirring and you're talking without any care. “You’re looking for a husband, a handsome man— and I’m not a man.”
"It doesn't matter what gender you are, nor how you look. You can still be my husband nonetheless. I rather like you, and I believe you're perfect for the role." Jisoo begged to differ. She reached out to caress your cheek, and you slapped her hand away.
"You know that's absurd." You scoffed, in disbelief.
The demon's fox ears flickered with irritation. "Is it really? Or is that just forbidden in your village?"
"It is," you answered quietly, "If you marry a woman you won't be able to be happy in any sort."
“Well, how do you know you can’t be happy with a woman? Have you ever done it with a woman?”
You bit your lip and looked to the side, eyes flickering everywhere except her. “Of course not,” you replied quietly. 
You had little knowledge on how it was done – as you've never done it before – and would rather keep it so. Being with a woman means you can’t have children; that you would be shunned; it’s considered taboo, and it’s just wrong.
Jisoo seemed to grin at that, much wider than before. She leaned in close, her hands moving up from your ankles before resting on your thighs firmly. “Shall I show you how it is, then, darling? Would you let me be the first to deflower you?”
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bitchiswild · 6 months
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Basement Scare
Blackpink x F! Reader
Warnings: Nyctophobia, panic attack, anxiety attack etc.
Words Count: 1.5k
A/n: hi
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
"Okay! From the top! 5, 6, 7, 8," the dance instructor commanded. The girls and I mirrored her every move, our limbs swinging and legs swaying in sync. Amidst the energetic routine, my clumsiness got the better of me, and I unintentionally knocked over the cup of water that served as our center mark.
"Oh my goodness, I'm terribly sorry," I exclaimed, flustered, as I hurried to find something to mop up the spilled water.
"There's a mop in the basement; I'm sure that would be better for cleaning up the water," the instructor suggested. I glanced at her, feeling a mix of guilt for the interruption and a desire not to delay the others.
"Don't worry, we'll wait for you," reassured Jennie, her smile warm and understanding.
"Would you like me to go with you, Y/nnie?" Lisa offered, showing concern in her tone.
Shaking my head, I replied, "No, it's okay, I've got it," I assured my friends, my voice trying to mask the unease swirling within me.Turning away, I made my way toward the basement door, the instructor's suggestion echoing in my mind. The thought of facing the darkness below made my heart quicken.
As I pushed the door open, the basement greeted me with an oppressive darkness that seemed to swallow any trace of light. My fear, an old companion from childhood, surged within me, clenching my chest.
I stood frozen at the top of the stairs, the silence of the basement feeling suffocating. It was silly, I knew. It was just a room, an ordinary place. But rationality struggled against the irrational grip of fear.
With trembling steps, I descended, my hand seeking the comfort of the railing for support. Each creak of the stairs amplified the pounding of my heart, the quiet intensifying the fear that gripped me.
Reaching the bottom, my fingers brushed against the wall until they found the familiar shape of the light switch. With a hesitant flick, the basement was bathed in light, dispelling the darkness that seemed to suffocate me. Yet, the remnants of fear lingered, a reminder of its enduring hold.
I quickly found the mop and bucket, focusing on the task at hand to distract myself. The routine motions brought a semblance of normalcy, a shield against the unease that lingered.
Suddenly, footsteps echoed from above, and Jennie's voice broke the silence, "Y/n, are you okay down there?"
I paused, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "Yeah, I'm fine," I called back, grateful for their concern, a reassuring presence in my moment of vulnerability.
In a rush to finish and escape the eerie basement, I grasped the mop tightly, ready to ascend the stairs. But just as I approached, the door suddenly swung shut with a resounding thud. Panic surged through me as I lunged toward it, hands frantically twisting the knob, but the door refused to yield, trapping me inside.
To compound my distress, the overhead light flickered ominously before plunging the room into complete darkness. My breath hitched, heart pounding in my chest, as I stood frozen in the pitch-black basement. The silence felt stifling, broken only by the sound of my racing pulse.
My cries for help echoed off the walls of the basement, desperation lacing every word as I pounded on the door with all my might.
"JENNIE UNNIE! JISOO UNNIE! Please, help!" My voice quivered with fear, tears streaming down my cheeks. The darkness, now an oppressive shroud, intensified my terror, triggering a wave of panic that threatened to overwhelm me.
The weight of my phobia bore down on me, crushing me in its grip. Every second trapped in that suffocating darkness felt like an eternity, each heartbeat drumming a frantic rhythm of desperation.
I could hardly hear anything over the sound of my own ragged breaths and the pounding of my heart. I called out again, my voice trembling, “CHAEYOUNG UNNIE! LISA UNNIE” hoping against hope that someone would come to my rescue, that someone would open that door and pull me out of this terrifying ordeal.
"Y/N?!" Jisoo's voice cut through the darkness, a beacon of hope in the suffocating situation.
"JISOO UNNIE!" I sobbed out, my breaths ragged, each inhale feeling like a struggle. Anxiety tightened its grip on me, making it harder to regain control.
"Y/n!" Lisa's voice joined in, filled with concern for me.
"Y/n! The door is stuck!" Jennie's urgency added to the mounting tension in the air.
"I-I can't breathe, Unnie!" I sobbed, my breathing spiraling into hyperventilation. Tears blurred my vision, panic consuming me as I struggled to find air.
In the midst of my distress, I managed to gasp out, "Please, help me!" The darkness, the stuck door, and the overwhelming fear had seized all sense of calm, leaving me in a state of sheer panic.
The chaos around me intensified as a voice broke through the panic, shouting determinedly, "MOVE! I'M GOING TO KICK THE DOOR DOWN!"
My senses felt overwhelmed, the sounds reverberating in my ears, my vision blurred by tears and fear. The room spun around me, the darkness seeming to close in.
There was a distant echo of a force hitting the door, a muffled thud that reverberated through the room. But before I could comprehend what was happening, before I could register the outcome, the overwhelming darkness swallowed me whole.
A sense of weightlessness washed over me, the world around fading into a void as consciousness slipped away, leaving me enveloped in the consuming darkness.
Jennie’s POV
With a surge of determination, Lisa took charge, channeling her worry and anxiety into action. She delivered a powerful kick to the door, the force causing it to give way with a resounding crash.
As the door swung open, my heart clenched at the sight of Y/n, unconscious on the floor. "Y/n!" My voice trembled with concern as I rushed to her side, gathering her gently into my arms. Tears welled in my eyes, seeing her in such a vulnerable state.
"Someone get our private nurse!" Chaeyoung's urgent command echoed through the room, her worry evident as she directed one of the staff members.
Feeling a mixture of fear and relief, I held Y/n close, trying to steady my emotions as I waited for help to arrive. The sense of helplessness lingered, but I held onto hope, praying for Y/n's swift recovery.
It was a collective wave of concern that swept through all of us. Y/n, our cherished member, our baby, our maknae—seeing her in such a vulnerable state stirred emotions in each of us.
With a delicate touch and shared determination, we carefully moved Y/n to the practice room. The private nurse arrived swiftly, her expertise a reassuring presence in the midst of our worry. As she checked Y/n's vitals, her explanation provided a small measure of relief.
"She passed out from being overwhelmed," the nurse affirmed, her voice carrying a note of assurance amidst the tension in the room. "She will be okay. She might have a headache when she wakes up, but here are some pain medicines."
Jisoo took the medicine from the nurse, nodding in acknowledgment and gratitude. The reassurance that Y/n would be alright eased some of the tension in the air, but the unanimous decision was made clear.
"I also think it's best if she goes home," the nurse suggested, a practical course of action considering the circumstances.
The unspoken agreement passed among us like a silent understanding. We exchanged glances, a silent confirmation, before preparing to accompany Y/n back to her and Chaeyoung's apartment. The solidarity among us was palpable, a unified front in ensuring Y/n's comfort and well-being.
In that moment Y/n began to stir, our collective attention fixated on her, a sense of relief washing over us at the sound of her groggy voice.
"Unnies," her voice was faint, but it cut through the room, prompting us to gather around her bedside, surrounding her with care and reassurance.
"We're here, Y/nnie," Lisa spoke gently, her voice carrying comfort and solace. The rest of us nodded in agreement, a silent affirmation of our presence and support.
"Y/n, we’re heading home now, and you're going to be okay," Jisoo added, her hand tenderly brushing Y/n's hair, a gesture filled with warmth and affection.
The room seemed to hold a collective breath, our hearts filled with a mix of concern and relief as Y/n slowly began to regain consciousness. We stayed close, offering our presence and comfort, ensuring she felt surrounded by our love and care.
"Don't let me go to the basement anymore," Y/n whimpered, her vulnerability palpable in her plea.
The room fell into a mix of heartfelt emotions, and despite the seriousness of Y/n's request, a wave of gentle laughter rippled through our tears. It was a release, a shared moment of relief amidst the concern.
"We promise," I assured, a soft chuckle mixing with my words. The promise held weight, spoken not just by me but echoed by the nods and smiles of agreement from everyone around Y/n's bedside.
Y/n's heartfelt plea, laced with vulnerability, brought us together, strengthening the bond between us. It was a moment where shared emotion, laughter, and reassurance intersected, reaffirming our commitment to support Y/n and keep her away from the basement.
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
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d-dalladalla · 2 years
can you do a blackpink version of "seeing ther pup for the first time"? i love it so much <3
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She Would be so nervous, alpha’s weren’t allowed in the delivery room
So she sat outside with your and her family while she tried her best to just relax but it wasn’t happening
Trying the peak through the window in the door only to be met with a nurse opening it and Jisoo stumbling forward in the room
Spotting you in the corner of the room, and practically running over to the two of you, the medicinals professionals getting out of her way
She would coo at her pup in you arms, eyes meeting yours in a silent ask to hold them and you just nodded as she took the pup out of your arms and into her own as she sat down next to you
One hand taking yours and rubbing her thumb of the back of it, you were so tired and she was taking care of the pup so you started to doze off
Jennie was going mad in the corridor, pacing back and forth as she was constantly being told by the both of your family to ‘please calm down’ and ‘shes going to be fine’
Every time someone would approach her she would just growl and bare her teeth, pushing them back and going back to her pacing
She tried to open the locked delivery room door. They usually don’t lock the door, but she kept coming in and trying to fight the doctors
She would press herself again the windows to try and to get a glimpse of you, but she was dragged back by her mom to sit.
When the heard the door’s lock click she bolted to the door and eyes scanned around the room to find you, when she did she pushed the staff out of her way as she got to you
Kissing your forehead and wiping the sweat stuck hair away from your face. Checking you to smell any other alphas who got too close but didn’t find anything, she pulled back to see the pup in your arms.
Eyes full of love as she let the pup grab her finger, wrapping their tiny fingers around her finger. Sitting down on the bed, pressing against you as she continued to let the pup play with her fingers.
She was so nervous, tearing up when she was told she wasn’t allowed in the room with you. Worried about a million things, if you were okay, was the pup okay?
She was drawn out of her worries when the door was opening and the nurse took her land to lead her into the room. She shyly made her way over to you, trying to meet your eyes but landing on the pup.
Eyes widening and tears threatening to fall out, hesitantly reaching her hands out to take the pup and watching you nod in approval as she picks the pup up and stands over you
Gently rocking back and forth as she hushed the crying pup, you smiling at the two of them as you finally get some rest after a whole day of labour
She was in shambles waiting for news about the two do you, you weren’t in the best condition, going into labour a week early and being so unprepared
She was rushing you to the hospital and being dragged away from you, nearly ripping the head off the security guard. Her family restraining her in the waiting room as she grumbled and growled st anyone who tried to comfort her
She was eventually allowed in and pushed and shoved everyone out of the way until she was met with the sight of you, sweating, flushed and holding her pup.
She was on the verge of tears and leant forward to whispers praises in your ear as she held your jaw, kissing your lips so gently.
Standing back up and beaming with pride at her pup and you. She didn’t dare take her pup, letting you hold them and kissing your cheek over and over again as she whispered how proud she was of you
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fanfiction4sooya · 1 year
Crazy over you
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Author's note: English is not my first language so please be kind and talk to me if you want to, I'm new here. Requests are open! :)
Just something I wrote long ago.
She was acting rather strange today. At the beginning of the day she was her usual self; talking, glancing at you, smiling warmly. That flirty smile that never failed to make you want to bend her over and fuck her senselless.
Almost a year before she became your submissive. You were friends who worked together, two young business women in a sea of men and women with a lot of bad intentions, especially with you two.
She was freshly out of a relationship that, as she said, was good, but not satisfying in terms of sex. She needed more. Wanted more, but without the complicated part.
So when she suggested a glass of wine and a proposition, you hardly had to think about it, glad that she came to you for help, to introduce her to the BDSM world. Your world.
She was a fast learner, eager to understand, to comply. It was as if being your sub was her second nature, just like being her domme seemed to be yours. A puzzle, ready to fit in the most natural way.
"As friends, nothing more right?" She was always quick to say. And besides sometimes your heart saying otherwise you always agreed.
"Of course, honey"
It was a game of control but it was also about care. You cared for her as if she was yours and she did the same for you. You had rules and she wasn't allowed to break them, unless she wanted to be punished. Sometimes she'd broke one, like skip a meal, just so she could get her punishment harder. She knew you hated when she did that.
You always fed her after a long session, washing her, bathing with her, reassuring her. That was your inner domme, but deep down you knew you enjoyed more than anything seeing her close her eyes in comfort when you soothed her bruised thighs, kissed and caressed her abused wrists.
You had other subs before, but having Jisoo was a whole other world.
You only had eyes for her. And besides knowing that it wasn't the same for her, you stayed. And you kept falling over and over again...
You usually kept it outside of work, but a lot of the fun part was there, since you spent basically the whole day staring at each other throughout the glass walls of your office, yours right in front of hers.
But after your last meeting at work she was avoiding you, ignoring your glances at her. That bothered you, but nothing much since she was busy and so were you.
"Did you eat, pet?" You texted her after lunch, since she went without you.
You could see her looking at her phone, and also when she put it down and turned to her computer.
'One' You thought. It was a rule, she had to answer if she had eaten or not.
One hour later, after no reply, you knocked on her door.
"Come in" She was looking down, but you were sure she knew it was you.
"This is for you" You gave her a little chocolate. "You should eat it" You put it on her hand, but she made sure not to touch your skin, still looking serious.
"Thank you, Y/N" Her voice was void of emotion. "But I am not hungry" She put the chocolate beside her full glass of water, making you raise an eyebrow at that. 'What is she up to?'
"Drink some water then" You were still standing in front of her desk, your figure hovering over it.
"No. Not thirsty either"
You locked your jaw. She lost her defying look a little, but kept looking at your eyes.
"Right..." You smiled at her, a warning smile instead of your usual one.
Turning around to leave, you stopped right at the door, your back still turned to her.
"Did you had lunch, Jisoo?" You asked, a low tone, dangerous.
"I don't even remember" She said, simply. That made your blood boil on your veins. 'Three'
"See you at home, then"
She was in trouble. Oh boy, she was in so much trouble.
During the rest of the day you didn't look at her. It was hard, because that silk blouse combined with that black skirt was making you want to rip it off of her body, but you couldn't do that. She wasn't supposed to get an award for that behaviour.
On your time "together" you witnessed her being bratty but not on that level. That wasn't her usual self. 'Maybe there's something going on', you thought to yourself. At home you would have a lot of time to talk about it. After eating.
Parting ways at the parking lot, no glance or word were exchanged between the two of you. You knew she would need some time to get ready and head to your apartment, so you went home alone, thinking about cooking something for her.
It was 19 pm, usually she was there way before that. That wasn't helping your temper.
20 pm and nothing. Starting to get worried, you texted her.
"Where are you?"
Nothing. No response at all.
You waited, and waited, wearing a simple black dress, with a full set of red lingerie underneath it. Beautiful, but it seemed to be suffocating you. Or maybe It was the thought of something happening to her.
Putting the food you made in a container, you grabbed your jacket and your car keys, heading to her house. A lot of speed tickets later, you were at her door, calling her.
"Yes?" She answered.
"Where are you?" Your heart was racing, blood boiling.
"At home. Why?" You sighed, relieved.
"There's a package at your door. Go get it" You said, turning off your phone. A few moments later, you heard her turning her keys, opening the door.
Her hair was still wet, and she was dressed only in a grey t-shirt that left little for the imagination. You didn't look at her body; Although you wanted to, you kept your eyes on her surprised face.
"What..." She gasped.
"Exactly, honey" You said in a dangerous voice, your hard look on her face making her exchange her weight from one leg to another a few times.
"I..." She looked at her bare feet. "It's cold. Come in" Biting her lower lip, she swallowed. "Please" And so you did, walking past her into her living room.
"I cooked this" You gave her the small container. "But it's cold now, because I made it almost four hours ago when you were supposed to meet me" She was looking at the container, shame written all over her face, it was easy to see. Calming yourself down, you took a deep breath. "Would you mind explaining to me what is going on?" You were still hard on her, but a little bit less.
"There's nothing going on" She shrugged.
"So you did this because you wanted attention?" You stated. "You didn't eat, didn't drink water, you ignored my texts, you disappeared for hours only to get my attention? Something that is already all yours, honey?"
"Is It?" She blurted louder, a mix of sadness and anger. You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Excuse me, what?"
"Is it all mine?" She put the container on the table, coming back to face you very closely. "Is your attention all mine as you say? It sure didn't seemed like this morning"
You were surprised. She was always so careful with her words, always very calm and collected. Seeing her like that was a first, for sure. You stood your ground, clenching your jaw so hard it hurt.
"What are you saying, pet?" She opened her mouth fast but you stopped her, before she said anything. "Don't say anything you'll regret later"
You could see anger, agony on her. That broke your heart a little.
"This morning..." Her voice was more calm, sounding more like her. "That woman in your office" You tried to remember. "Mrs. Joo-Hyun"
"She was so pretty, so easy going. It seemed like you knew each other for decades. You were laughing so freely with her, so close, holding her hand and all..." Your mind remembered the moments before Jisoo started acting out. She was jealous. "And when I thought it couldn't get any worse you closed your door and rolled down those things, shutting me off!"
"You mean the blinds?"
"Of course I fucking mean the blinds!" She said exasperated. That almost made you laugh. Almost. "All I wanted to do was break that door down and take you away from her. Far away from the danger"
"What danger?" You wanted her to say it.
"The danger of her taking you away from me" It was so soft, her voice a mere ghost of what it was minutes before. "I was scared of you finding someone new, someone better. I am..." She sighed. "I am scared of someone offering what you don't have with me" She was looking anywhere but you.
"And what is that, honey?"
"I don't know. Boring, sweet sex. Kindness" She looked ashamed, bitting her lower lip again. "Something I told you long ago I didn't wanted" She looked up, holding herself together.
"You mean a relationship?" You put a lock of hair behind your ear, waiting for her to say it. She just shook her head in a positive manner. Your heart skipped a beat, dancing on your chest. "I see" You looked at your watch, a little nervous, but didn't let her see.
"She was a funny woman" She gasped, looking offended. You put your hand in front of her, for her to wait until you were finished. "A very funny widow"
"She was trying to not let it get to her, making jokes here and there but she just couldn't hold it for any longer" She closed her eyes, ashamed of herself. "I was laughing with her because I knew she was about to lose it, as she did; so yes, I held her hand in comfort. And when it happened, I closed the blinds so she wouldn't have to deal with anyone giving her funny looks" Jisoo was holding hard to the side of her t-shirt, embarrassed.
"And about me wanting anything with anyone else... You made sure to tell me a lot of times that we would never be anything more than what we are" You swallowed.
"I know what I said, I just..." She looked at your face, building up courage to tell you. "I changed my mind"
"Did you?" You were serious, holding your reaction, holding your dancing heart so it wouldn't dance away from your chest.
"And I understand if our arrangement ends up here and now" She propped her chin up, holding your gaze. "But I couldn't pretend anymore"
You narrowed your eyes, breath caught on your throat.
"All of that, all day, because you were... jealous?"
You circled her like a predator. She was squirming under your gaze.
"I am sorry" She said. Embarrassed, shy. You didn't like that. She was sad, in pain. You wanted to take it all from her.
"I understand, honey" You stopped in front of her, looking her up and down.
"Are you going to punish me?" She asked sheepishly, looking down.
You took a deep breath, blinking a few times in consideration.
"No" She frowned at your answer, opening her mouth to protest, but you interrupted before she started to say anything. "I don't think that's what you need right now, Jisoo"
That caught her off guard. At home, you never called her other than baby, honey or pet. Her eyes teared up in sadness. She thought you were leaving her for real.
"Right now..." You took a step ahead, taking off your jacket and letting it slip off your shoulders. "Right now I am going to make sweet, kind, boring sex to..." You stopped and looked at her eyes. She had this big amused look on her face that only made you follow your path and say what you wanted to say for so long. "The woman I love"
You ghosted her lips with yours, almost as if waiting to see if she would disappear, but she didn't. Deepening the kiss with so much emotion that you could feel her body tremble, caressing her face slowly, observing her almost melt at your touch.
"Come here, love" You called her softly, pulling her to the couch, feeling her smile onto your lips, a whimper leaving her perfect heart shaped ones. She was sitting on your lap, her back pressed onto your chest while you left hot kisses on her neck, jawline, anywhere you could put them on, making her squirm, trying to tighten her legs to cause some friction. Her underwear started to get damp just from those little motions.
She moaned louder when you made her grind onto your leg at a killing slow pace, holding her waist, guiding her.
"This is just- So, so..." Another loud gasp while she shut her eyes made her stop mid sentence. She was driving you crazy with only that, but you didn't want to scare her. You really wanted to make her feel painfully wanted.
"God, I want you so bad" You (who wasn't the most audible person in the room) said to her ear. But again, anything for her, anything to make sure she knew it was mutual, that you were hers as much as she was yours. "I won't ever let you go" Saying that made your heart race.
Without your help, she started going faster, you could feel her juices on your bare leg, her nails digging on your arms. "You are so wet, so good for me..."
"Please" She turned her head to the side to get a glance of your face. "Please, let me cum for you ma'am"
She called your domme name, making you catch your breath. 'That's hot,' you thought.
"Tonight you don't have to ask, love" She stopped her motions almost completely, a questioning look on her face. "Tonight..." You made her get up and turn to you, only to sit her on your lap face to face now. "You can cum how many times you want to, whenever you want to" Your right hand pulled her panties aside, playing with her wet folds, her eyes rolling back when you pushed a finger past them.
"So warm..." Her breath hitched, she was slowly fucking herself on you. She kissed you, but it was different. Sweet, yet demanding. Slow, but exploring.
"One more" She said, biting your lip. You could feel the goosebumps, feel your body tremble in order to hold your wish to do as you pleased. It was different from your normal self. Her on top of you, looking at your eyes like that.
One more and she went insane, pushing herself on your fingers, each stroke more erratic, more erotically loud.
Your left hand went from her hip to her hair.
"Just like that" Jisoo hissed, her tongue tracing your lips, her arms holding your neck. "I- oh god" She gasped. Tears forming on her eyes, a mix of feelings and pleasure. "I don't want..." You curled your fingers, fucking her faster.
"Tell me, love. What do you want?" You said softly, searching for her wet eyes.
"I don't want us to end" You could hear the truth in her voice.
"We won't" You said, eyes almost glued to hers.
She was on the edge, you could feel how her wet pussy was clenching on your hand. Your heart was so fast, but you didn't care. Not when you could see the adoration in her eyes, not when she was so lost in you that you could almost see the shape of her love. Kissing her neck, breathing her scent, breathing her, you couldn't think of anything else.
"I love you" Three words. So small, yet huge to both of you. It didn't slip off your lips, you meant every word. Her eyes were soft but full of lust, passion.
"I love you, baby" You said it again but louder, for her to be sure of what she heard.
Unbound. That's how both of you felt. She was moaning on your lips, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Now let go, love. Cum for me" Your thumb on her clit finally made it happen. Three more strokes and she came screaming, squirting on your lap, wetting the couch, your legs, your dress.
Holding you tight as if she was afraid of letting you go.
You stayed like that for a long moment, her breath steadying slowly. Taking off your hand between her legs you held her waist, her face hidden on the curve of your neck.
You heard a few sobs, but you didn't understand them this time. Still, you waited until she was ready to talk, soothing her, caressing her back, saying sweet words for her to hear.
"Do you really love me?" Jisoo said in a small voice, face still hidden.
"Do you wanna look at me, love?" You said in the same tone, heart so tight it hurt. You knew she didn't cry in front of anyone. She fixed her posture, looking at you. You took her face between your hands, taking your time to appreciate her.
Eyebrows, beautiful brown eyes, perfect little nose, heart shaped lips. You kissed her tears and then her eyes, her chin.
"I meant every word" Your tone was serious, yet calming for her. "I am crazy over you, baby" She smiled so big, a pink shade displaying on her cheeks.
"I love you too" She hugged you in a koala hug; legs, arms, everything.
"I know" You held her tight. "But..." You pushed her to look at your face again, a finger under her chin. Worried eyes meeting warning ones. "I won't let it slip what you did today" She bit her lip, fake innocence in her eyes. "Not today. But don't you ever forget how good my memory is, pet".
She smiled, happy to hear that you would still be her domme after everything.
"I understand, ma'am" She squirmed on your lap, looking for a round 2.
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