#jjk scifi au
ikkosu · 1 month
a short first chapter of the sci-fi au. Long chapters burn me out so I'm separating those into short parts jrjrek i'm already working on the second one 👀
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ninapi · 9 months
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Re:Born ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
Premise: In a world dominated by androids, the few remaining humans had to fight for survival. Your boyfriend Suguru, wanted to destroy them all and regain supremacy of the lost world, yet things don't always go as planned. A love once lost, solidifies. An opportunity to go back into the arms of a man that has always loved you since the beginning of time.
Word Count: 3351
Note: This is a romance Sci-fi Au. You can read the first chapter here :)
Chapter 2: Change of heart
The dreadful weather had been too much to handle, the clouds full of filth produced the most awful acid rain in decades, making it impossible for any of you to leave the compound.
Even with the gloomy weather and without any sort of good news, this was a lovely morning.
Satoru, as he has been doing as of late, stayed with you for the night.
You woke up to his soft snores pressed against your ear, his arm draping around you tightly keeping you in place. It’s strange how you’ve got to this point without even having to discuss whatever the thing you were having at the moment was.
With Suguru, things were always slower, well thought, there was always a plan behind everything, steps that must be followed.
But with Satoru, everything was spontaneous, there was no need for explanations or planning, things just happened, and it felt good, if there were no expectations previously set, there was no disappointment later on. With Satoru things were fun, extreme at times, but fun. Memories of both of you diving naked in the toxic river at ten years of age filled your morning making you giggle and waking him up from his slumber.
“What’sso funny baby?” his slurred speech suggested he was more asleep than anything else, he was always like this, anything would wake him up, always with his guard up no matter what. “It’s nothing, go back to sleep it’s still early.” uttering your words in a hushed tone made him cuddle you closer, unable to keep his hands to himself. Your belly was so soft and warm, he loved running his long fingers along your smooth skin, especially now that you let him slither into your shirt just a bit, if he behaves. Dreams of a hopefully not so distant future where it is full with his child plaguing his thoughts.
“How can I go back to sleep when I have this gorgeous babe in my arms?” he placed a soft kiss on the back of your neck, sending chills throughout your entire body.
Before you could reply though, your bedroom door opened up startling you both, a very agitated Shoko could be seen within seconds. This should be a revelation to her, yet somehow, she wasn’t surprised to see a half naked Gojo in your bed.
“Geto is awake (Y/N)…” it’s all she said before leaving you two to process her words, closing your door behind her.
“Wasn’t the door locked?” you just blinked in Satoru’s direction, this could have been worse, what if it was Yaga? Seeing Satoru in your bed was more problematic than one would think. Yaga wanted him married to Utahime, it was no secret to any, this could ruin his life for good, a terrifying thought.
“Baby…did you not hear Shoko…?” his arms tightened his grip around you in a possessive way, he could see how you were blocking reality and he wished he could do the same, he didn’t want to lose you, he knew the moment they walked out of that room he would be forced to back down to the childhood friend position once more and he hated that with all his guts.
“I did…” you heard it, yet you weren’t running into your man’s arms. Could it be possible that you were just as afraid as he was?
“Is that not what you wanted? To have Suguru back?”
“I don’t know what I want anymore Satoru…I don’t think I can face him right now…” you turned around in his grip, facing his chest while hiding yourself in it. This has become your safe place, the sound of his heartbeat made you sleep peacefully, no more nightmares, no more worrying about the crazy conspiring ideas of your beloved boyfriend, with Satoru there was no need to think of keeping yourself alive, he would keep you safe no matter what, he would be there for you always, you were a priority not a puzzle piece.
You didn’t know you needed to feel needed, loved, desired. You thought you were all that actually, until Satoru came back into your life and showed you how different things could be.
It was an awful thought, it made you feel bad, your boyfriend had been through a lot, you should be there by his side, yet you didn’t want to leave the warmth of this man’s embrace.
“I’ve always known what I want. And that's in my arms right now…” lifting your chin gently with his index finger, he placed a soft loving kiss to your lips, causing tears to spill from the corners of your eyes.
“But we gotta get going.” you just nodded before placing one more kiss to his lips, sorrow and pain could be felt from it, hitting Satoru deep where it hurts.
Your father was patiently waiting for you to arrive, he had hoped you would come faster though, confirming his suspicions, the Gojo clan had seduced his daughter once more.
He thinks of the times his wife was still alive, how she actually wanted you to marry the young Gojo and bring beautiful babies to this devastated wasteland, ‘eye candy for the suffering souls’, she said. It was him the one who insisted on choosing the Geto family instead, Suguru’s rebellious nature inspired him to get out of the misery their community lived under, they were elite, and elite doesn’t live the way you did.
Following your mother’s death, you decided to listen to him, entertain the Geto boy for the sake of your family and the community, though a beautiful relationship was born from that selfish wish.
But your father wasn’t dumb, he’s seen how much brighter you look nowadays.
He thought you were happy with Geto, he thought he did the right thing separating you from the Gojo kid, but he wasn’t so sure anymore. Geto’s rebellion did put you in harm ways more than once, you almost got killed for following him to his attempts of destroying the androids and reclaiming the world for ‘the better race’.
Satoru was already strong just by existing, he didn’t need validation from anyone else, didn’t have to train or learn new skills, he would dedicate his time to follow you around and make a fool of himself. He hated people like that, but you seemingly didn’t, and he didn’t want to think of his daughter as less than anyone in his clan, you were the elite in medicine, yet you weren’t that interested in the field, sending Shoko to be his apprentice instead.
For Suguru that was a stupid decision and he kept pushing you to learn from your father, something he greatly appreciated. But Satoru…he didn’t allow him to speak ill to you even when you were his daughter, he didn’t allow him to order you around. Sure, that sounded nice to you, but to him felt like defiance, something he didn’t like in the slightest.
When Suguru opened his eyes, the amount of happiness within him was beyond words, but he hadn’t said one word since then, and didn’t really until you arrived.
“(Y/N)-san..?” his words left you all speechless.
“R-chan…?” you were by his side within seconds, fear left your body along with Satoru’s in realization. Suguru wasn’t there anymore…
“It appears something went wrong. I do have his memories, but for some reason I’m the main driver of his body. Don’t understand the reasoning behind it though, when I scanned him last his personality traits were still intact.” the large scar with sutures on his forehead was a constant reminder of the awful deeds that lead Suguru to this table, but at the same time it was a reminder that the one inside his body had no fault whatsoever in past occurrences.
“So that’s it? The Geto boy is lost?” your father could hear your future shatter in the background, the one he wanted for you at least. He dreamed of being on Geto’s side when he was crowned as king of the new world, to have you sit right next to him, take the glory for your clan. But now, you’d be just a damn stay at home mom for all Satoru would care. A lovely future to your eyes, but a lackluster one in the eyes of powerful men of age.
Satoru remained quiet, holding you by your waist. He was happy to see his android friend back, happy he wouldn’t have to put his love on hold once again, but was also sad to see his best friend was lost for sure this time, there was no coming back from this and he knew it.
“R-chan…how are you feeling? Is it weird to be in a human body? Do you think the surgery worked in your favor at least?” your father thought about it, maybe it was a plan for the robot to survive, they had no feelings, killing one more human wouldn’t make a difference to them. But the look of happiness and innocence on the boy’s face was not one of someone with bad intentions.
“I feel some rumbles in what Satoru-kun called ‘tummy’, could that mean I’m defective?” this made you all chuckle, the light had been brought back into your life in a very unexpected way.
“No, buddy. That means you’re hungry.” the gasp that left his lips made even your father laugh. Seeing him gorge down some porridge was a sight to remember. It was nice seeing such an innocent smile on his face, it reminded you of the times when Suguru wasn’t so consumed by hatred, when all he wanted was to help around and to be a good match to his girl.
Those were good times, precious memories of yours.
“(Y/N)-san I must apologize. When I got in his body, I got to see a recollection of his entire life in the process. I feel entitled to tell you that he always knew Satoru-kun loved you and was indeed very scared of you finding that out. Thanks to that memory I got to learn what the feeling of fear was actually like, finally.” you just nodded quietly, it didn’t surprise you if you were being honest. If there was one bad thing about Suguru even when he was not as lost, was how possessive he was, which is why your friendship with Satoru had been dwelled down as you became an adult and officially his.
“How about the feeling of love? you said you wanted to know how that felt like the most.” If he had seen Suguru’s life, he should certainly know what it felt like now. Or so he implied but knew otherwise.
The cyborg just shook his head, a sad expression covering his features, “Not sure. I was able to feel (Y/N)-san’s love…” his cheeks turned rosy, suddenly the pink lights within him making sense in an inexplicable way. “But on his side, it was different. He wanted her, but not in the tender way you do.” tears were running down your face, deep within you always knew he didn’t love you the way you did, he was a great friend, nobody would dare to question that, but his life goals and all his thoughts were someplace else since the very beginning, “As someone who had no capacity to love, myself, I can say that he had the same issue. His feelings were very dark, he wanted to bring destruction to this world even if that caused you all to die. It was a very interesting experience seeing everything from his perspective, but I must say I wish I had been put in some other container with nicer feelings towards others.”
“It’s ok, buddy. You’re not him. Now you get to experience all the feelings you wanted for yourself, just keep that in mind. You’re not him.” to this he just nodded, laying himself down once more to rest, his physical state wasn’t the best just yet and needed to stay there for a while.
“You can go now, daughter. I will leave Shoko in charge while I figure out how to explain this to Yaga without getting you killed.”
Unable to lie completely to Yaga, the leader decided to change their approach in security. If one android managed to go past it, more could do the same. You were just lucky he was a good android, a concept they didn’t know existed and gave them a new perspective in things.
Geto, as he was now called by everyone, seemed to enjoy his freedom in the community.
He took lessons from young Megumi on how to survive around the camp, from Nobara about fashion and art of old times and from Yuuji in martial arts.
Even if his body was older than them in age, his personality was closer to the youngsters, making him want to spend more time with them than doing boring chores around the compound.
Yet, he would still spend a good amount of his free time talking to you, his friends.
Having Suguru’s memories confused him, he would dream of having you by his side, of your soft hands caressing his body…he got to understand the concept of hormones after a while, his hand becoming his best friend at times of need, that was also learned through his memories, by the way.
He didn’t know if he liked you because he was in Suguru’s body or if he just did on his own. He remembered his droid self and how his pink lights startled him without ever figuring out what they meant, how he now understands how happy he was back then sharing your room and being always with you and Satoru.
He wanted to hate him honestly, and a part of him did.
He didn’t like how he didn’t care about others seeing you together anymore, how he would freely kiss you wherever you were, how he would get to hold your hand and embrace you constantly. He wished he could do the same and the memory of you doing it to his host body just made everything worse. He was sure these were bad feelings, he read about it before, how envy and lust driven thoughts ended humanity, he knew this were Suguru’s feelings, not his, but seeing your face just made that line blur to a worrying extent.
He wished to do unspeakable things to you, from kissing you to have you all to himself, to have you at his mercy, see your broken face tearing up just for him, caused by the amount of pleasure he could give you. Those thoughts terrified him, he felt like he was being hacked, his body would react in awkward ways and he hated himself for that, made him feel dirty.
It came to a point where he just couldn’t hold it in any longer, trying his luck, he held you from behind, nuzzling your neck with the tip of his nose, his hair tickling the sides of your face while you folded laundry, a known yet confusing feeling. “Buddy what’s up? Are you feeling lonely?” you continued treating him like a puppy dog, even when he was now inside the very large frame of your ex-boyfriend.
“Yes. You always hug Satoru-kun, I wondered how that felt like.” you turned around, hugging his waist, to you he was just your android friend, the image of Suguru was blocked now in your heart for good. Knowing he never loved you hurt like swallowing acid, you didn’t want to face such past, so you just dumped all your memories of him in the trash and embraced your lonely droid friend instead.
“You can hug us whenever you want, buddy.”
“Hey, don’t count me in there, ok? I don’t wanna be hugged by Suguru’s body…” Satoru wasn’t jealous, he knew deep inside there was just his android friend, there was not even an ounce of Suguru within this man, but he wanted you to remember that as well.
“Satoru…he isn’t Suguru ok? Let’s just not say that name again, it will make all of us uncomfortable.”
“To be honest, sometimes I feel like he’s still here. I have awful thoughts of jealousy and anger bursts. I don’t think that comes from me but from him reacting to what he sees through my eyes. It’s very scary…” you rubbed his sides tenderly, wanting to offer some sort of comfort to his distress.
“So he misses (Y/N), huh? Give me a break will you…he should have been a better boyfriend if he was going to be this way…” pulling you away from him, Satoru brought you to his chest, pouting.
“Like how you are the best boyfriend there is~?” lifting his spirits was quiet easy, having him snuggle his cheek on yours in seconds.
Your eyes remained on your Scared-faced friend, a gentle smile gracing your lips, “Don’t let his feelings intervene with your own, buddy. He had his chance and lost it. Now it’s your time to live, to be happy, to experience life.”
“Would you show me what love feels like? I don’t think I could get it from anyone else….” Satoru gasped loudly, your hand reaching for his in reassurance.
“There are many types of love. I already love you, you know? You’re a very important part of my life. When your battery died I felt like a part of me died with you. But remember what we told you that one day? Friends love each other too, in a platonic way. We both love you very much, you, not Suguru. Don’t let him cloud your judgement.” he just nodded, sadness could be seen emanating from him like some sort of curse.
“I’m sorry bud. You know how much she means to me and how hard it’s been for me to have her, I won’t be handing her out to anyone, ever. But like she said, you’re already an important part of our life and we would like to have you in it for as long as possible.”
“Can I…hug you…?” his puppy eyes were unbeatable, both of you opening your arms to welcome him in your shared embrace.
“I think I understand platonic love. I promise I will try to block those evil thoughts from now on, I want to respect you and love you both truly.” he was rubbing his cheek between both of your faces making you chuckle, he was adorable indeed.
Thanks to him many things changed around the compound, for the best.
Not only had Yaga improved the security around, but also the perception of androids had changed quite a bit.
Sharing his android knowledge with everyone made the entire community not only learn about the past of humanity but also about androids and their struggles, how not only military droids were out here and how they weren’t as different as humans were.
Your relationship with Satoru was accepted by Yaga after much convincing. Truth is Utahime had a very big, fat crush on Shoko and didn’t know how to go around rejecting Satoru, for a woman…so it played just fine for her to cancel the arrangement.
Your father works now with your android friend developing new tools and medicine for things that had no cure in your world but his database had clues on.
Everyone ended up accepting the new cyborg Geto, even those who despised Suguru in the past.
Overall, the compound was now a brighter place to live in, even if the quality of life kept diminishing.
Moving in officially with Satoru was just your final step towards happiness. A bigger pod was offered for you as your family was soon to grow with such a needy partner beside you.
A room was also secured in it for Geto to live in. He was part of your family now, not as your husband as it was intended, but family of some sort, sharing your living quarters seemed appropriate to the three of you. Labels weren’t really required anymore, everyone around accepted the complex relationship you three had, unexpectedly.
Love isn’t always easy to understand, people isn’t always comfortable with concepts they can’t quite understand, but one thing was certain, love filled every corner of your household as new ways to return to a better world were explored, not as the supremacy Suguru intended for humanity, but as equals.
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vartouhix · 1 year
open to: any verse: any (though right now I am very partial to my Jujutsu Kaisen and The Last of Us verses so I will love you forever if you give me one of those) note: Alright so. I want pining. Idc if your muse pines for mine, you do what you want with that. I want to write my muse pining for yours. I just want to write romantic pining and hints of sexual tension (NOT SMUT in this thread) for my muse so bad. And I'm nervous to reach out to anyone about it so I'm taking matters into my own hands lmao. I tried to write this as generalized as I possibly could, so that depending on whoever replied (if anyone does sobs), I could flesh out the setting and situation more in the next reply once I knew who I was writing with. If you'd like to learn more about my muse and talk more about our muses' dynamic before you reply, please feel free to IM me! :3 I promise I will be so flattered hehe. <3 The stuff that fell can be your muse's or mine; up to you!
Wide, onyx eyes, with dark lashes fluttering as she blinked rapidly a few times in succession. Her bottom lip parted from its twin as she sucked in air--a quick, small gasp. Peony pink blossomed across her cheekbones and over the bridge of her nose. Silky locks fell tousled around her face and shoulders, all the way down to her elbows, disturbed from the force with which she'd run into the other. Her eyes flickered down to the mess on the floor and the heat in her face burned hotter. Moments ago, her legs had been carrying her as fast as they could, anxious to get where she needed to be. As a result, she had no time to process what--or who, rather--was around the corner before it was too late. The impact dropped every single thing onto the floor, and she crouched to begin picking up the items. "I'm so sorry--" she began. "I didn't mean to-- I wasn't-- You were--" It seemed her mouth was moving faster than her brain, because nothing she said formed into a full thought. She groaned softly and grimaced. "Sorry--!"
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hyunnows · 3 years
destiny | jjk
PAIRING: Jungkook x reader
WORD COUNT: .7k / 727 words
RATING: pg13 / teen and up
CONTENT/WARNING(S): angst, implied post apocalyptic!au, implied sci-fi+dystopian!au, implied ot6 deaths, mentions of death, weapons, mass destruction and death
SUMMARY: for the HOI Seasonal Blues Event! // "None of this is a coincidence, because we’re the two who found our destiny"
FIC SONG: inspired by BTS DNA
BTS TAGLIST: @imbonibi @fangirl125reader @geniejunn @sunshinelixie-lee @akshreads @6-ucci @tazishereforu (unable to tag)​
A/N: still not really sure if im making "tomorrow" a series, but here's a little part two drabble kind of thing. im still working on the Hyunjin series, but im in a bit of a writers block so its taking more time than i like, but i guess this will help get my brain juices flowing. plus i really like scifi and dystopia so why not indulge a bit! hope you all enjoy and have great days/nights!
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The gentle whirring of the aircraft fills your ears, your eyes focused blankly on the plain white roof above you. You clutch the fluffy black blanket the boy with the spiked boots had given you earlier, searching for some sort of comfort.
Your entire world, in smithereens.
Why did you survive?
Out of everyone, the three million people in the walls, the boys—why did you have to be the one to make it out? Why not Taehyung or Namjoon, Hobi oor Jin, Yoongi or Jimin, a scientist or engineer?
Why you?
You could recall a conversation between your friends and two others, one you barely heard but managed to make out the last two sentences.
“If it comes down to it, be ready to sacrifice everything, including your life, for her. She has to survive.”
At the time you assumed they meant the oracle who had guided you all through your missions, the one who created the underground. You still do, for the most part. Still, you can’t help but find it odd that out of your entire squad—filled with the best of the best in the underground—you were the only one to escape.
Which also raised the question, how did the boy know you?
The first time you saw him through the rubble, he called your name, looked at you as if he knew you. Your memory is foggy and vague, but that much you can recall clearly. How did he know exactly where to find you, at the exact time? That was far too many coincidences for comfort.
A knock sounds at your door frame, the same boy plaguing your thoughts standing in it awkwardly, only now his spiky boots were gone, replaced with more comfortable boots. Now that you think about it, the craft is always extremely cold. Peculiar.
He rubs his clothed arm. “Can I come in?”
Hesitantly, you nod, not turning your attention from the roof. Why did he save you? Why didn’t he save the others instead? Why did you have to be the one to live through the blasts?
“Are you hungry? I have food in the kitchen. It’s not the tastiest meal, but it’ll fill you up.” He offers, hovering around your bed uncomfortably.
You ignore his question, frowning. “I shouldn't be alive. My friends should be here, not me. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time, while they were heroes. It’s not fair.”
The boy stares at you, brows scrunched as he crouches down next to you, a curious look in his eye. He shakes his head at your words. “They weren’t meant to survive. It might not feel fair, but it’s supposed to be this way.”
You sit up, shaking your head at him. “No, it’s not. The plan failed. The boys, my friends, they were supposed to live, I was back up, expendable.” Your voice more frantic and strained.
Peering up at you, he shakes his head once more, his hair bouncing as he does so. “Don’t you know? Everything happens the way it’s supposed to. You were always supposed to survive, and I was always supposed to save you.”
“What are you talking about? My friends weren’t destined to die—they were special, all of them. They were the ones with important destinies and bright futures, not me. I’m just another pawn.” Your eyes shining over, your mind filling with the dreams they shared with you, their aspirations and hopes.
“You’ve always been special, [Y/N], that’s why the oracle told us all to protect you, at any cost. Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung, they knew what they were going into. This has always been the plan, it’s always been the course.” He pauses, standing to look you in the eyes. “You and I were always supposed to survive, together.”
The two of you stand in silence, staring each other down. Who is this man, and why does he know all of this? How did he know the boys and the oracle?
Why seems to be the question of the hour.
Quirking your brow, you start, glare filled with curiosity and confusion. “Who are you?”
“I’m Jungkook, assigned to protect you until we reach Tomorrow.”
“Assigned by who? And what do you mean ‘tomorrow’?” Perhaps it’s just the questioning hour.
“The stars, they’re the ones who assigned me to protect you eons ago. As for Tomorrow, it’s what we’ve been trying to find since day one, the endgame.” Jungkook holds a distant expression, sighing. “Now, are you going to come eat or are you going to starve here?”
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snackhobi · 4 years
wip tag game
tagged by @honeyj00ns​ and @lemonjoonah and @yeojaa (omg somehow I missed your tag the first time erin I’m sorry)! thank you 🤗
rules: i post the names of all the files in my wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. then you send me an ask with the title that most intrigues/interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
I... don’t have many WIPs because I prefer to work on one story until it’s done,, sorry that there’s not many to choose from but 🤧🤧 (I have one document that's just lists of titles/descriptions of ideas I want to write so I do have more planned than just what’s here!)
myg fake date au
ksj scifi au
kth dbh au
kth murder mystery au
jjk guardian angel au
ot7 journeys // home
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savedbybangtan · 4 years
Here’s the work I’ve done on this blog! Hopefully this will help me and you keep track of what’s going on on this blog.
Right now, I’m sO busy, but hopefully in the future I will sort out the aesthetics of this blog. I write as a form of stress relief (writing helps me to sleep for some reason... I think I have anxiety?Like how the members let Joonie peel potatoes on Bon Voyage to calm him...writing and posting has the same effect for me), so I’ll be writing and posting :), but for now I am not putting very much effort in the entire reading experience - I apologise for this. 
Please, look forward to me spicing up this blog when the semester is over! I have some big plans.
To me, fluff is a soft plot. There will be nothing explicit or made for mature audiences; no sex scenes, no intense language, no drama. Typically, this can be compared to PG13 movie ratings.
Smut is not written for anyone under  the age of 18. If you are 17 and younger please do not read the stories that I’ve tagged as such.
Not Delulu (Kim Namjoon)
Summary: You always hated women who dated kpop idols and are so glad that your ultimate bias, Kim Namjoon, has never disappointed you by being involved in such a scandal. You swear you’re not a delusional fan who doesn’t want him to be happy. You truly just want what’s best for him.
               Apparently, He just wants whats best for you, too <3.
Chapter warning tags: mild invasion of privacy?
1,498 words
Puppy Love (Jeon Jungkook)
Summary: At this point, you’re not even trying to remedy the issue.
smut, dubcon, stalking, possessive, unprotected sex (wrap it up yall), pwp, one shot, unhealthy relationship
1,498 words
Let Me Love You (Park Jimin)
Summary: She lucked out one too many times. Luckily, Jimin was there to ‘save’ her.
Warning tags: smut, dubcon, stalking, possessive, unprotected sex (wrap it up yall), slight yandere?
2,916 words
Smell the Roses (Kim Jin)
Summary: A woman living alone in the city makes a new friend, Jin.
Warnings: smut, dubcon, mild stalking, possessive, unprotected sex (wrap it up yall)
5,503 words
Intermittent Fasting (Jung Hope)
Summary: She changes her entire being to be perfect for Hoseok. Don’t you think she has a right to him?
Warnings: fluff?, smut, drinking, drug use
2172 words
A Phantom Came at Night (Kim V)
Summary: You never thought Taehyung would take things this far.
(This is heavily based on Singularity.)
Genre: Thriller
2,200 words
Document (Min Suga)
You and your fwb, Suga, have sex.
999 words.
Miss Connection (Kim Namjoon)
Namjoon takes a break from work and encounters a strange, shy girl.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Coming Soon!!!
I don’t want to spoil what I’m writing about so I wont include any summaries for these. Instead, I will use a “purity” scale that I think would be more useful. For this scale, a 1 would signify that it is normal and free of disturbing or deep themes while a 10 would mean its highly disturbing. The rating will be in parentheses next to the title.
*The reason why Tae and Jiminie has so little drafts is because my stanning goes in cycles, and when I had cycled through them, I was not writing fanfics yet lol. I honestly didnt think I would reach the part of stanning where I wrote fanfics tbh but here I am ahaaa.
**This list does not include ideas on stickynotes or my unholy OT7 fics. I have three separate degenerate fics that include OT7 x Reader. There are like 10 sticky notes I have for ideas for fics that I will most likely use for vmin. 
Its Just a Phase/Gothic (2)
Smut, Angsty af
A Reason/Mafia AU (7)
Smut (ofc), unhealthy character, mental illness innit
Magic Shop/Magic (4)
Smut, violence, kinda depressing
Intermittent Fasting (6)
New Chapters As I wrote in the first part’s summary, its going to get darker.
Zion (1)
One shot, Pure smut, pwp, cute imo
Psychological (7.5)
Yandere, Smut, disturbing
This one is up next! Update: Posted under new title!
Gym (6)
No smut, no fluff, no angst. more thriller like
Missed You  (2)
Smut, might add angst 
Retrospect (5)
PTSD, domestic abuse, physical abuse, violence
Siren (10)
noncon, unhealthy relationship, mc cant get a break
Summer (9)
Smut, Angst, idk if the rating is high because a main theme is personal to me and i think its the worse thing a man can do.
Tutor (1)
fluff, <3
Miss Connection (2)
New Chapters!!! 
I really want to finish it even though its a series.
Language Barriers/”Hyung” (1)
Fluff, Smut
Most pure thing I’m writing tbh
Guinea (1)
Drabble, domestic, smut because why not
Respectful (3 for cringe themes)
Smut drabble 
Not Delulu (7)
smut, unhealthy themes
This one is up next :)  Posted the first chapter! Now I’m working on the second. I’m having a lot of fun writing this one rn.
Smell the Roses (3)
New Chapters!!! 
This one is up next!!!! - (2Jan2021)
Cyber Sex (2)
Smut, not illegal but weird so it has a 2 rather than a 1, unhealthy themes but not so so bad
This Is Not an Exit (5)
idek. angst for sure
Together/Regret (2)
Angst, unhealthy themes
Love Aesthetic (1)
The name is the explanation
Separate (2)
Smut, angst
Dae (4)
Little smut, scifi?
Debut (2)
Angst, Smut
Graduate (2)
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vartouhix · 1 year
open to: any, tho preferably a rival/enemy given the source material verse: JJK, Valorant, TLOU, MCU, DCU, Sailor Moon, or main verse (general scifi) note: from x ❛ i’m sorry you’re afraid of being alone. ❜ Gives me huge Sailor Moon SuperS dub “I still pity you” vibes. The meme source implies an enemies-to-lovers situation, but it doesn’t have to be romantic. The rival/enemy could have given her the wound, or she could have gotten hurt from something else and they came to gloat or help her or do... something. Or if you’d rather not rp it as rivals/enemies, just assume she’s delusional from blood loss and talking nonsense lol.
Each breath came out sharper than the last, chest heaving with the weight of her panic settled in it. Scarlet seeped into her clothes at her left side, on the waist just above her hip. The blood squeezed through the fingers of her hand pressed tightly to the wound. She couldn’t tell if a vital organ had been damaged or not. With a rough grunt of pain that turned into a whine, she dropped her head, gritting her teeth against the pounding she felt in it. Her head felt too heavy for her neck to hold up, but too light and hazy within her mind. it was hard to stay conscious. Her other hand came up to join its twin, pushing harder on her injury, hoping the pressure would keep her from bleeding out before she could tend to herself, or help could arrive.
When she weakly lifted her head, she regarded the other through her dark lashes and the curtain of hair that somewhat blocked her vision. Another groan of pain escaped her, bleeding into her words, “I’m sorry you’re afraid of being alone.” She let the words hang in the air, hoping the weight of them on the other was crushing. “But don’t toy with me to keep yourself entertained,” she warned, anger flashing in her eyes.
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ikkosu · 1 month
hello ikko i am once again brainrotting over megumi's mother/tōji scifi au so i offer this:
The alarms only start once Tōji has already made it inside; sirens whose calls sound — to his ears — more like an admission of failure than anything else: too late, too late, too late. They might have been prepared for a break-in, but they certainly hadn't been prepared for him to break in. That much is evident in how easy it was for him to find this particular laboratory. How easy it is for him to turn the handle, to step inside. To his own surprise, though, the scientist turns to look at him with no fear in her eyes. "I won't tell you where it is," she tells him — and there's no defiance in her voice, no resolute determination to the path she's set herself on. It's just like she's delivering another fact. As though she's challenging him. She must know what will happen now. What he will have to do now. But. She is unarmed. And Tōji hasn't sunk quite that low. "Well then. Why don't you do me a favor and lead the way?" There's a ... there's a something in her eyes at that, something that makes him think he might have just walked into a trap. It's not something he gets time to dwell on before she responds. "If you insist."
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GIFGLING AND KICKING MY FEET SHE WOULD SO DO THAT AUGHHH 😭 funny thing I'm actually writing this particular scene rn (which is going quite different ) But AHHHH you give me so much good ideas!!! I should credit you and dottedsilk for helping me brainstorm. I really want to brainrot but I don't wanna spoil 😔😔 so here are the safer brainrots
I was thinking of Toji kidnapping megumama AND the inverted spear (probably locked in a box) so he'd have to wrangle the code out of her. Why not just take both? So he does and eventually the facility she's working in (VERY, hint, VERY dubious and corrupt) 'tries' to save her but fails and now both of them would have to forcibly interact if they want something out of the other. Toji : the inverted spear and Megumama : her life back lol
Gives me a chance to splatter down world building and the enemies to lovers trope. Gosh, involving the jjk sorcerers!! Gojo and the like rghrgrhrv must not spoil.
Also! I hope you won't mind me rambling off about megumama's personality for a second.
I'm going to call her Izumi (a tie between irumi, haruki) because both are unisex names? Fits her tomboyish style (do give me some more suggestions if you have I'm dying for a perfect name for mamgumi)
I'd imagine her to be also witty? Like the calm witty type that goes in tandem of Tojis explosive banter. She IS emotional and VERY empathetic but not very expressive? Like she's emotionally mature and withdraws to keep her own mental state out of trouble if that makes sense,,,,
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