#au: awaken soldiers of love
vartouhix · 1 year
open to: any verse: Sailor Moon note: Your muse could be a civilian, a fellow sailor soldier, or an enemy.
Tendrils of fog licked at her bare legs, bidding goosebumps to rise up on her skin. It stretched the brightly colored neon lights into haloes in the darkness, the scene looking like a photograph with the bokeh effect. Despite them reaching into the alleyway, she stood in the shadows, hiding, as she observed the street. It was 2:53am, and only the occasional car cut through the fog with its bright headlights. There were scarce few people, but that was all the better; if anything did come up, it was less civilians to have to worry about getting caught up in the mix. She blinked rapidly as she sensed another presence, tightening her grip on her glaive that she had propped against the ground blunt-side down. Looking over her shoulder at the other, she asked, "What are you doing here?"
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divergentrcse · 1 year
tag dump.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
Hi! If it’s okay, can I please request an Avenger!Bucky x fem!shy!reader fic (the everyone Avengers lives!au) where the reader believing that she is not good enough for Bucky, since she often saw him next to Sharon, she takes on a task, after which she is declared dead during an attack on one of the HYDRA bases. Bucky feels guilty for her death because he wasn't there for her, despite the support of Steve and Sam. Six months later, a new HYDRA agent appears, who reads the Avengers like an open book, knowing who is capable of what and knowing their every move. Bucky recognizes this reader agent, thanks to her good knife skills. Bucky, refusing to fight her, tries to awaken memories in her of who she really is and what connects them both.
Not Going To Fight You » Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Shy!Female Reader
Summary: After Bucky thought Y/N was dead for 6 months and felt guilty about her death, a new HYDRA Agent appears who Bucky quickly recognizes and refuses to fight her, but her memory eventually comes back to her.
Warnings: Fluff, language, mentions of alcohol, fighting, crying, HYDRA, use of pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
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You walked in the conference room of the Avengers Compound to see Bucky and Sharon close to each other yet again. You’ve been thinking that you’re not good enough for Bucky because of how close he is to Sharon. It hurt you to watch them flirt and talk to each other. You sighed quietly and walked in the room and took a seat on the opposite end of the table, patiently waiting for the meeting to start. Bucky furrowed his eyebrows when you didn’t greet him like you normally do. You always give him a shy smile or a wave when you see him. He shrugged his shoulders and didn’t think much about it.
As of right now, everyone is trying to get out of the HYDRA base that’s under attack and could go down any second. Well, everyone got out except you. The Avengers would’ve went back inside to look for you if it wasn’t dangerous. Bucky watched as the quinjet flew away from the HYDRA base, guilt already sinking in. “Why did she have to suggest that we go different directions to cover more ground?” He thought to himself.
It’s been 6 months since you’ve been declared dead. Bucky has been drowning his sorrows in alcohol, even though he’s a Super Soldier and can’t get drunk, it’s the only way to help him cope with your death. He hasn’t shaved in months. He couldn’t help but fell guilty for what happened to you. “I could’ve done something. I couldn’t looked harder. I could’ve-” Bucky’s thoughts were interrupted when Steve and Sam walked in his bedroom.
“Buck, you got to stop this.” Steve says softly.
“Stop what?” Bucky asks, downing the rest of his beer before opening a new bottle.
“Alcohol isn’t going to help you cope with the fact that Y/N is no longer here.” Steve says, sitting down next to him on the bed.
“It’s not like I can get drunk. You of all people should know that.” Bucky says.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Steve apologizes.
“What he’s trying to say is Y/N wouldn’t want you doing this to yourself, man.” Sam says, taking a seat on the bed.
Bucky was about to take another sip of his beer, but hesitated. He sighed before putting the beer on his nightstand and stood up.
“Where are you going?” Steve asks.
“To get some fresh air.” Bucky says.
Bucky grabbed his jacket and walked out of his room. He stopped in his tracks when he seen your bedroom next door to his. He slowly approached it and opened the door. He walked in your room and looked around. Everything in your bedroom was still the same. Something caught his eye. The teddy bear he got you for Valentine’s Day last year on your bed. He walked towards your bed and picked it up. He held it close to his chest. He could still smell your scent on it. Bucky put back where it was on your bed and left your room, closing the door behind him and got some fresh air like he said to Steve and Sam. Bucky walked down the streets of New York with his hands in the pockets of his jacket, lost in his thoughts during his walk, thinking of what he could’ve done differently to save you. Usually walks clear his mind, but it hasn’t done him any good lately. Bucky sighed and made his way back to the Compound.
“I don’t understand why I have to go on this mission.” Bucky says, taking a seat in one of the chairs in the conference room.
“Cause it’s what Y/N would want you to do.” Steve says.
“Fine.” Bucky sighs. “Let’s just get this over with so I can go back to my room.” He says, slouching back in the chair.
Bucky and the Avengers arrived at the HYDRA base. Bucky was cautiously walking through the base with his gun held up, making sure it’s all clear for him to get the file. Suddenly, a knife was thrown at him which he quickly caught with his right hand. His breath hitched in the back of his throat as he stared at the knife in shock. Bucky only knows one person with knife throwing skills like that. You… but it can’t be… you’re dead. There’s only one way to find out who threw it. Bucky slowly turned around to confirm his suspicions. He was right. It is you.
“Y/N?” Bucky says, lowering his gun.
“Who the hell is Y/N?” You asked, slightly tilting your head.
Bucky felt his heart drop. The shy girl he once knew and loved isn’t there anymore. All he seen was the love of his life brainwashed and a new HYDRA agent.
“Y/N, please. It’s me. It’s Bucky. Your Bucky.” Bucky says in a pleading voice.
“I don’t know who Bucky is.” Bucky felt his heart shatter in a million pieces. “All I see is my mission.” You say.
You threw another knife at him, but he caught it. You grew frustrated and approached him, throwing a punch at him, but he dodged it and caught your fist.
“Y/N, stop. This isn’t you.” He says.
“How do you know, Soldat?” You asked. “You don’t know anything about me.” You say.
You threw another punch at him, but he caught your fist.
“I do know you. You’re the most shyest and beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” Bucky starts. “You’re an Avenger, not an HYDRA agent. We were partners. You never backed down from a fight.” He says.
Bucky groaned in pain when you kneed him in the stomach. He let go of your fists. You took the opportunity to punch him which knocked him to the ground. You stood over him and stared down at him.
“Whoever that girl is, that’s not me. I’ve never been that girl.” You say.
Bucky got up from the floor, standing across from you. You threw more punches and kicks at him, but he didn’t fight back. He refused to fight you.
“I’m not going to fight you, doll. You’re my friend.” Bucky says.
“What?” You say, blinking a couple times.
“You have a mission to finish. Finish it. Just know, I forgive you for this.” He says.
You dropped your fists. The nickname sounds familiar to you. Suddenly, your head started pounding when your memories started to come back to you. You grabbed your head and fell to your knees, whimpering in pain. Your breathing became uneven. You slow took your hands off of your head and looked around, gathering your surroundings. You looked up and seen Bucky. You slowly stood up, still looking at him.
“Bucky?” You say in almost a whisper.
“It’s me, doll.” Bucky smiles. “It’s your Bucky.” He says.
You hugged him tightly and a dam of tears came loose. Bucky wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly. Tears even fell from his eyes.
“I’m s-so sorry! I didn’t mean t-to hurt you. I was given a mission to-” Bucky silenced you by putting his finger against your lips.
“It’s ok. I understand. You were given orders and you were following through with them.” He says softly.
“I could’ve hurt you. Even worse, I could’ve killed you.” You say, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“But you didn’t.” He says, wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
Bucky cupped your cheeks and leaned down, kissing you passionately. He pulled away to see a familiar blush on your cheeks that he loves so much.
“Let’s get you out of here, doll.” Bucky says, picking you up bridal style and carried you out of the base.
Nonetheless to say, Bucky is happy that you’re alive and to have his doll back. He’s never letting you out of his sight again and he’s going to do everything he can to protect you.
-Bucky’s Doll
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squirrelsqwirow · 6 months
HC: househusband!reiner x fem!reader
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a/n: I have so many ideas and just cannot seem to write them all down properly cw: just fluff, no smut, modern au
househusband!reiner who had been in the infantry since he turned eighteen, and now seven years later, after almost a decade of what seemed like endless bloodshed and horror, he's happily married and retired from the military
househusband!reiner who didn't know what he wanted next, everything was moving too fast and he felt left behind - civilian life was hard to adjust to, and he was grateful that you let him relax and take it easy for the first few weeks
househusband!reiner who quickly fell into a productive pattern while you were away at work - early morning rise, self-made schedule for house-hold duties, flipping through cooking books and preparing meals - he never liked wasting time
househusband!reiner who one day concludes after searching for jobs online that he doesn't want to go back into the workforce - he is completely happy staying home and doing all the household chores, in fact he recently found that he enjoys cleaning and putting things back in order
househusband!reiner who cautiously approaches you with the idea, unsure of how you'll react as it isn't too common for a man to be a fulltime househusband
househusband!reiner who is so relived to hear your agreement and support, as you just want him to be happy and you already make enough money to support you both - it would be nice coming home to a clean house and homecooked meal, too
househusband!reiner who awakens early every morning just to plant a sloppy, loud kiss to your cheek before he gets up to make you breakfast - and he had gotten incredibly good at cooking - eggs benedict, cilbir, pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, english breakfast
'mwah!' a smooch against your forehead. 'mwah!' a peck to your cheek. 'mwah!' a long wet kiss to your lips. reiner grinned above you, feeling fuzzy as your face scrunched with small laughs with every kiss he gave you. the white sheets were twisted around you both, creasing as reiner flopped down and dug his face into your neck, a final 'mwah!' to your jawline before he got up for the day.
househusband!reiner who packs your lunch with a content smile, scribbling a quick note of love that he stuck to the container of food - some of your co-workers tease you for it, others fawn over his adoration and wish their partners would do the same
househusband!reiner who will closely trail you as you walk towards the door, arms around your waist as he lathers one side of your face with quick kisses - he'll whine and look pained if you push him away, so don't do it - pull him in for a deep kiss to make up for it, one that will make him sigh through his nose and have him keep his eyes closed for a few more seconds
househusband!reiner who'll look gloomy as you walk out the door, but his hardened soldier expression returns when he sees the large pile of dishes on the bench and a carpet needing to be vacuumed - big man will roll up his sleeves and crack his knuckles as if it's a life-or-death mission
househusband!reiner who's army habits never left him and now treats everything as an operation
in the garden, between bushes of pink roses and lavender, reiner was kneeled and yanked the weed from the soil. it's dirt-laced roots hung like vines. he tossed it into the wheelbarrow behind his back, and shuffled to the next weed. beads of sweat were caught between the furrowed lines on his forehead, and his scowl was deep as he glared at the weed. he pulled once, and it didn't move, so he pulled again, yet it was stubborn and strong. reiner snatched the gardening knife to his side and spun it in his hand, before he dug it into the soil and hooked it under the weed. he pushed down the knife and pulled the stork, and the weed came free. there would be no weeds in his garden.
househusband!reiner who does that 'harshly flipping the dish towel onto their shoulder when doing the dishes' thing
househusband!reiner who has a 'kiss the cook' apron
househusband!reiner who'll spray you with water when he watering the garden, laughing at the way you squeal and run back inside behind the safety of the floor-to-celling glass windows
househusband!reiner who has you on his arm as you both walk down the shopping street in the city, drinks in both your hands as you laugh at each others terrible jokes and gossip about the drama in your neighbourhood
househusband!reiner who hears all the latest gossip from the older ladies down the street, and immediately goes straight home to tell you
househusband!reiner who takes brisk morning walks with these older ladies - they often compare their husbands to him, giving a whole 'if I was young again' speech, and all they talk about is drama, so he is always up to date on everything that's happening
househusband!reiner who will give you a 'did you hear that?!' look when over for brunch at a neighbours house and someone says something outrageous
househusband!reiner who occasionally shows up to your work to take you to lunch - some of your co-workers blush while he's there, but all reiner is focused on is you and the weird painting in the lobby
reiner stood with his arms crossed, completely focused on the mismatch of colours and shapes and human features on the large canvas. it was vivid against the white walls of your office tower, but oddly comforting. "what is it?" "I dunno," you said honestly and you both tilted your heads to the side. "gary bought it in." "of course it was gary." "it's always gary," you said. "but we like gary." "we do like gary." "I like gary too," said your co-worker susan. she stood a little too close to reiner's side and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. she looked up at reiner as she spoke, red dusting her cheeks. "he's a good boss." you poked out from beside reiner's chest and said: "nobody likes a suck-up, susan!"
househusband!reiner who isn't completely oblivious when it comes to people staring at him - his career needed him to read people's body and facial expression, so he knows when someone is taking too much of a liking to him - so that is why he always shows at your work wearing a matching outfit and greats you with a kiss
househusband!reiner who keeps himself entertained by completing diy projects - he's grown found of gardening, wood carving, construction, painting and clay
househusband!reiner who renovated a small extension from the house into a work station for himself, and it's where he completes his clay and painting projects - garden pots, vases, little sculptures, cups
househusband!reiner who uses pinterest as inspiration for many of his projects - he has multiple boards for paintings, clay, garden accessories, diy project ideas -
househusband!reiner who always melts when you join him and make clay pots together, and especially loves to paint them with you once they're dry - he always uses them in the garden, and takes good care to maintain them
you were seated in reiners lap as you both painted dried clay cups. he was delicately painting a small penguin with a scarf and wool hat, his tongue poking from the side of his mouth as his eyes were almost crossed in concentration. you smiled at him and placed a long, chaste smooch to his cheek. he blushed and tilted his head to rest against yours, a subtle grin on his face.
househusband!reiner who's gotten really good at painting with watercolour, and many of his paintings hang in the house
"you don't have to put it in here..." he trailed off as you held his latest painting - a soft-coloured village over-looking the sea - against the wall. "it's not my best work." "i want it above our bed," you said and stumbled over the pillows as you tried to find the flat point. "can you go get the- the, y'know- that flat-bubble-in-the-middle-thingy, please?"
househusband!reiner who crafts handmade gifts for you - a paper-flower bouquet, a jewellery display, a bedside table you've been wanting for a while, unique real-flower bouquets from the garden which he wraps - anything you want because he loves crafting and he loves you
househusband!reiner who teaches gabi and her friends how to make clay cups and paint them - gabi loves to pain little faces onto her cups and will proudly show them to everyone - she once showed it in class and the teacher was so impressed that he asked if reiner could make small plant pots for her class so they could paint them - he said yes, but refused to take the money offered
househusband!reiner who lays on the patio couch with you asleep on his chest almost every evening, admiring the orange-yellow-blue sky as the sun sets behind the treeline
his head was rested on a propped up pillow against the patio couch armrest, and his arms were firmly wrapped around your waist. he stroked your back as you lay asleep on his chest, the gentle rise of your back as you breathed lulling him to sleep. reiner felt his eyes droop and his head nod, but he refused to submit to sleep. you looked too peaceful against him, too beautiful and perfect with your hair skewed over your face - he'd be damned if he missed such a sight for something trivial such as sleep.
househusband!reiner who despises the mosquitos that come out a night with all the hatred in his heart - he'll swipe at them and spray them whenever he gets the chance
househusband!reiner who - with your help - transformed an unused room into a home gym because he likes working out and feeling fit, but he doesn't like other people all too much
househusband!reiner who has cleared out a room over a few weeks and had been dropping hints about something he'd been wanting for a while now
househusband!reiner who had been crafting a unique crib while you were at work, painting it soft colours and making it as safe as possible, hoping one day soon that he goes from househusband!reiner to stay-at-home-dad!reiner
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, The Winter Soldier x Female Reader Summary: A night of passion awakens something beneath the surface of the man you love. Word Count: Over 2k Warnings: E/xplicit s/exual content, d/ubcon, c/hoking, p/ossessive behavior, possible soft!dark vibes if you squint, pet name, Bucky Barnes and the Winter Soldier (they're warnings, okay?). Graphic talent and thanks: Banner - @sgt-seabass, Divider - @firefly-graphics, Moodboard - yours truly A/N: This wouldn't leave my head until I wrote it down. We'll call this AU Torn in Two.❤️ Thanks to @rookthorne and @sgt-seabass for spitballing. Beta read by the wonderful @whisperlullaby ​, but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You had dated Bucky Barnes for over a year before he asked you to move in with him. It was a big step for him as he valued his privacy and security. He also wanted to make sure you were safe in case he had any nightmares. That was a couple of months ago and you couldn't remember the last time you were this happy. Falling asleep and waking up beside him was a dream come true. And since you moved in, he hadn't slept on the floor to your knowledge.
Not once.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.”
“So are you, Bucky,” you whispered.
You traced a bit of scar tissue by his left shoulder as you gazed up at him before you brushed the hair from his eyes. He wasn't afraid for you to see his scars. At least, not anymore. In your eyes, as much as they were painful reminders of what happened to him, they were beautiful because they were his. You loved the parts of him he dared not love himself.
There’s beauty in the bleeding and you’d happily cleanse his wounds.
“Please,” you whined as his hands grazed along your bare chest. The contrast of the flesh and metal had you shivering as they moved lower and you lifted your hips, as if that would get him inside you faster. Glancing at his thick and heavy cock, you knew he wouldn’t be able to resist the need for you much longer either.
“Please, what?” he asked as he shifted forward, guiding himself to your wet entrance.
You whimpered when he pushed the tip in and froze. He undressed and teased you hours ago and you were more than pent up. In the beginning, he was almost afraid to touch you, let alone have sex with you. He told you he didn’t want to lose control. Some days, you almost wished he did. Not to hurt you, but to show that he had nothing to worry about. That you could take all of him. Every single part.
“Please, make love to me. Fuck me. Choke me. Whatever you need,” you answered unashamedly before he captured your lips in a heated kiss.
You let him explore your mouth as he buried himself to the hilt, whining when he froze again. You clutched his hair with one hand as you kissed him back in earnest, determined to let him know that he could move. Whether he was savoring the feeling of being inside you or attempting to make you go pliant under his lips and touch, you were eager for him to thrust deep and take.
You weren’t going to break.
“Please,” you whispered again as he pulled away, your gaze as steady as his.
“You really want me to fuck you?” he asked as he began to move, making you gasp at the slow pace he set. “Choke you?”
You bit your lip when he pulled out and slid back in. The uncertainty in his eyes rendered you speechless because you didn’t want to push him to do anything he was uncomfortable with. Choking wasn’t on his firm “no” list, but you still hadn’t tried it. Boundaries, safe words, communication, those things were important.
“You don’t have to,” you assured him as he rested his left hand on your neck. Just the weight of the metal against your skin had you clenching around him, your cunt telling him everything he needed to know. “But I can take it if you want to.”
“You can take it?” he asked, pleasure swirling in your stomach as he drove into you faster. He didn’t squeeze yet, but your heart pounded in anticipation. “You trust me?”
You trusted him with your life. You had since the moment you met, even when he said you had no reason to. The man wasn’t a villain in your eyes and never would be. Your unwavering faith in him brought the two of you closer together. And his care helped keep you by his side.
“I can take you,” you smiled when your hand went over his, hoping to give him the encouragement to try when you gave it two taps. “I trust you.”
"Trust that I won't hurt you?" he pressed, like he needed the extra assurance.
"You would never hurt me."
You writhed underneath him the second his fingers tightened around your throat. A ghost of a smile touched his handsome face before his hand squeezed a little bit more. You raised your hips with a wicked grin when you raked your nails down his right arm. The guttural moan he let out almost made you do it again before he took your hand and slammed it above your head.
He was no longer smiling.
“I’m sorry,” you said immediately, thinking you hurt or upset him. Because there was no playful smirk on his face like he had the few times he pinned you down. The last thing you wanted to do was inflict more pain. After everything he had been through, he didn't deserve more.
Especially not from you.
But he didn’t slow his hips, the drag of his cock along your walls making you moan despite your worry. His thrusts became almost mechanical, the harsh sound of slapping skin filling the room as he gripped your neck a bit more. It was different from the way he normally took you, like his mission was to ruin you.
It felt good.
“A little tight,” you tried to tease, but he didn’t speak.
It was then that you noticed a shift in his blue eyes. It was almost as if they had gone blank. Was something wrong? Was he even seeing you?
“Bucky?” you gasped, your heart pounding at his cold expression when he practically snarled. Why would the sound of his own name upset him? You could’ve tapped his hand three times to give him the signal to stop, but your finger refused to move as a thought entered your mind. No. It couldn’t be. “…Soldat?”
He answered with a punctuating thrust. Your mouth fell open and tried to process what exactly was happening. No way would Bucky joke about that, but it wasn’t possible. "B-But. You're gone,” you said. The programming and conditioning were eliminated in Wakanda.
He brought his face an inch from yours, close enough to feel his hot breath at his words. “I never left.”
You couldn’t speak because of how brutal the next thrust was, punching the little air you had left out of your lungs. Your toes curled as the mattress rocked underneath you, one hand still pinned above your head. The Winter Soldier had his cock in you. It was him.
How was that even possible?
Maybe this was the reason Bucky tried to be so careful, but was he even aware? Where did he go? You lifted your finger to tap his hand, but your pussy clamped harder around him and spurred him on.
“Been waiting for this,” he grunted, bringing his mouth to your ear. "He can’t fuck you the way you need, but I can."
You should’ve been terrified, but this was still the man you loved, right? Bucky had to be in there somewhere. You swore you’d trust and accept every part of him. But you couldn’t even think straight at the moment.
Because it felt so fucking good.
“Can feel how desperate you are for me,” he said as tears sprang to your eyes. “Keep sucking my cock back in. Knew I’d fuck you better.”
You wanted to yell that he was wrong, but all you did was moan. After all, weren’t you the one who asked him to lose control? Promised that you could take everything he could give you?
God, was this your fault?
”He’s scared. Scared of me,” he told you, nipping your earlobe before he snapped his hips. You couldn’t even feel the sting. “But he can’t stop me from taking what’s ours, angelochek."
He pulled back to stare at you with those cold eyes and you were helpless to do anything but lay there beneath him. How many people saw that look before they died? Would he kill you?
Bucky loves you, but what about the Soldat?
You trembled, barely registering the squelching sound of your cunt as he drove faster into your willing body. You didn’t stop him, unsure if you even wanted to. Desire, apparently, didn’t need oxygen.
You couldn’t breathe.
"I-I can't," you gasped as colors swirled in front of your eyes.
He growled, burying himself to the hilt again and again. "You breathe when you come."
If you closed your eyes, you could imagine it was your Bucky fucking you within an inch of your life. But you didn’t allow them to slip shut. You did, however, allow yourself to slip away. You were close.
To your last breath or a powerful orgasm.
”You have to earn it. It’s all about reward. Pain brings life,” he said, his voice gravel when the knot tightened in your core. “I can give you that."
I love you, Bucky.
Just before you thought you’d pass out, the deep voice of the Winter Soldier said a word in Russian. The coil within you snapped and your body shuddered from your release. Your wetness seeped around his cock as his metal hand fell away, allowing you to greedily inhale as the blood rushed back to your head. Your lungs burned and you almost couldn’t feel the rest of your body from how lightheaded you were.
But you felt everything when he came inside you with a groan.
You nearly sobbed with relief when he collapsed on top of you and let go of your wrist, your body spent as you finally let your eyes close. The kaleidoscope of colors were still there as you panted and tried to block out the roaring sound in your ears. It stopped when you felt the familiar scruff softly nuzzle your neck to soothe your shaking body.
The way Bucky always did when you came back to yourself.
The metal hand along your side brought warmth back to you when you thought you went cold. Touch was important to you after sex to both of you, but you didn't know who he was right now. You craved the comfort nonetheless because it was him at his core.
The man you swore you'd stand by no matter what.
“Told you you’d breathe when you come and you did for me," he said, a touch of triumph in his eyes when he lifted his head. "You think you’re his, but you belong to me, too."
Another tremor ripped through your body. The Winter Soldier was still there after all. And he was right. It wasn’t one of your regular orgasms either. It was like an out of body experience. How did he do that? Did Bucky feel it, too? Did he fight to get out of his own mind to get back to you?
You weren't sure how to even approach the inevitable conversation of what happened and where to go from here.
“Where?” you coughed a little as your eyes opened slightly. “Where is he?”
“You’re a very deep sleeper, angelochek. Makes it easy to visit you,” he said, ignoring your question as he peppered kisses along your throat. His words made your blood run cold. “Because he sees you in the light while I see you in the dark.”
Your eyes felt heavy again before he reached for the water on the nightstand and made you drink. "W-What?" you asked.
What the hell did that mean?
Did the Soldat take over Bucky’s body around you before? No, surely you would’ve remembered. But he said you were a deep sleeper, which is true. How many times has he visited you and you not know about it?
Better yet, what exactly did he do while you were sleeping?
"You told him you'd love every part of him. That means you love me, too,” he reminded you, his lips brushing against yours as you allowed exhaustion to take over. “So rest while you can because we're just getting started."
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How is Bucky going to react? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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critter-of-habit · 5 months
When I watched the new What If episode with Peggy & Nat I immediately thought of you, your art, and what your reaction would be. Especially since it was kind of a retelling of Captain America & The Winter Soldier.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
under the cut for length lol
First of all, as usual the animation, particularly the lighting, was incredible. Also the effects! The explosions, smoke, everything. Always blows me away how much effort and love these animators put in to What If.
I love that it's Winter Soldier based because by god do I love that movie - but I also love that it's so very different to my AU cos that means I can keep going with it lol.
Okay here we go with the highlights - Blatant flirting and showing off:
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Just how in sync they were with every fight scene - even in the Battle of New York when they had only known each other for a few hours.
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Angst. And how soft Nat is here:
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"Hey, Peg. I got you."
Natasha's inability to sit in a chair properly:
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Peggy making a star wars reference and Nat calling her out on it like .. Nat you RECOGNIZED the reference you're a nerd too
"You know I always wondered how you got all those GI Boys to follow a woman into war: question answered." ie. "I'm so into you right now":
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This Natasha stabbed Dreykov to death with a corkscrew and I love her for it.
Natasha instinctively putting herself in between Peggy and Steve even though they're both twice her size
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I've already mentioned but, the choice to focus on Natasha's face in this scene:
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Nat's face here:
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Natasha only getting taken down by the robots because her gay-Peggy-focused-ass gets distracted when Peggy runs off to protect Steve: (I'll come back to this point later as a negative)
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Was anyone else looking to see if Yelena was there
"Let's unpack that later, shall we?"
"I don't know whether to kiss you, kill you, or dissect you." "Let me guess, all three?"
I bet the Captain Carter film was baby Nat's gay awakening lol:
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Melina's glorious slo-mo "grandma, it's me, anastasia" coat drop:
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Peggy running to save Nat T_T
These shots:
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Nat wearing the same outfit from Winter Soldier:
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Natasha "too-loyal-and-infatuated-for-her-own-good" Romanoff going along with Peggy again to look for Steve without even being asked. (in stark contrast to the end of Winter Soldier when Natasha did not go with Steve to look for Bucky, I might add)
New reaction image:
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Peggy and Nat calling and reaching out to each other when the portal opens and ALMOST making it - then Natasha punching the ground in desperation T_T
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These two look SO COOL and I can't wait for the 1602 episode.
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Negative points:
Rehashing Ste/ggy all over again - we already HAD that and it was endgame, why do it again?
As much as I adore Natasha's intense loyalty, it's very one sided in this episode and I'm wondering if that's intentional. Peggy is hyperfocused on Steve and leaves Nat behind to run after him multiple times, even though he is in an entire suit of armor and is FINE and Natasha is the one actually getting injured. Then she's leaving at the end without saying goodbye to go find Steve again (despite there being no reason to think he's alive? he EXPLODED??) even though Natasha just went through a trauma too and shouldn't be abandoned. Kinda feels like Peggy is taking Natasha's always being there for granted and I really hope it's addressed in following episodes (though I doubt it will be - it'll just be Steve focused again -_- )
Okay I think I'm done. This was a LOT I'm not sorry I've been waiting for more content for SO LONG I can't wait for the rest of the episodes to rip my heart out and stomp on it :3
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malcontentonline · 5 days
I know you said you probably wont write anything for the time travel au, but would you be willing to share a little more about it? the art looks so cool, either way thank you for sharing such lovely kkg art
Yeah of course! Here’s a little comic that would take place just after gai gets an official post in the uchiha clan:
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If your wondering what post he gets, he gets put in charge of training a selection of clan members that have yet to awaken their sharingan how to activate the gates, madara has a theory that releasing the limiters on the body’s of these soldiers may help to manually activate their sharingan or even allow them to temporarily manifest a mangekyou sharingan.
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konigbabe · 1 year
Pairing: bodyguard!Price x fem!reader
Word count: 4.9k
Tags/Warnings: smut; nsfw; dom!price; top!price; p-in-v sex; kinda an illicit relationship; age gap (still legal and consenting tho); AU world; oral sex (female receiving); outside sex; praise kink; penetrative sex
Summary: Being the daughter of the prime minister doesn't always come with privileges - especially after a terrorist organization publicly declares its intention of taking the lives of your family because of your father's decisions. The situation gets even worse when you have to deal with a bodyguard who is anything but pleasant to be around.
A/N: This is basically an AU - the premise is that Captain Price is an ex-SAS soldier who retired and became a bodyguard instead of creating TF 141.
masterlist • faq • AO3 • ko-fi
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The hand that was still holding you firmly against the tree trunk moved to your thigh, squeezing it reassuringly before he replaced his tongue with his fingers, lips moving upwards to eagerly lap on your painfully aching clit.
He brought you to a place of exquisite bliss. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, enveloping you in a cocoon of passion. You were lost in the moment, at this moment, and nothing else mattered.
The thing about having a permanent, over 180 centimeters-tall shadow is that it was not entirely familiar to you and made you feel peculiar. People would look twice when they saw you and him.
Price, as you'd come to address him, wasn't particularly fond of you either. He knew this line of work would mean meeting a variety of new people on a regular basis. What he didn't sign up for was, in his words, "babysitting a crude birdie who happened to be potty trained just yesterday".
There was no love-hate relationship nor any need for it; John was there purely as your protector, a man hired to guard your body and for the right remuneration, he was willing to do just about anything to make sure you were kept safe.
His presence awakened a feeling of safety within you. Despite his at-times harsh behavior, he always seemed to take care of you just the way you needed.
Sitting at your kitchen island, you looked at your dad in disbelief, feeling a sense of hopelessness but still clinging to a small thread of hope that maybe, just maybe, you could somehow change his mind. You had a pretty clear idea of what the outcome of this conversation would be before you even asked him, but the faintest spark of hope kept you from giving up.
"Dad, you can't possibly be serious about this," you groaned at the laptop screen, watching with exasperation as he exhaled heavily and slowly straightened his back.
"Darling," his voice was calm, a little raspy from his long day at work, "it isn't safe for you and you know it."
"But everyone is going there. My whole class is gonna be there. It's literally in the middle of the woods, do you seriously believe that some terrorists are about to attack me there? It's been weeks since that letter and nothing happened, it might even be a hoax."
Unfortunately, your complaints were not taken into consideration as you stared at your father with pleading eyes.
"I'm not going to repeat myself. This is my final decision and you are not permitted to go."
"Didn't you say that I should enjoy my university life to the fullest? Because in the last few weeks, the only places I've been to are my flat and classes. And this bloke," you pointed at Price, who was until this moment casually leaning against the counter with a cuppa in his hands, "is staring at my back 24/7".
Price, clad in a simple grey shirt tucked into his dress pants, raised an eyebrow and glanced at you, taking in the situation with a slow and calming breath. He paused for a moment before taking a sip of his tea, allowing the warmth of the liquid to soothe his nerves.
"You're right," your father gave a knowing nod before his eyes shifted away from you, "John?"
"Yes, sir," Price answered, his voice low and questioning. He put the cup on the kitchen island and made his way closer to face his boss, his strides slow yet confident. One arm was carelessly draped over the back of your chair while the other came to rest on the kitchen island for support. The faint smell of cigars and sandalwood, so specifically his, filled the air and indulged your senses as you felt his arm brush your shoulder. A sudden wave of warmth and comfort washed over you as you realized just how close he was.
Having been mere centimeters away from you, you looked up into his face, his freshly trimmed and styled beard looking so incredibly soft. You always wanted to sneak a touch to find out if it was as soft as it appeared or if he was one of those men with a beard full of harsh and prickly hairs.
How would he feel between your legs? Was he a man who took pride in his skillful use of his tongue, or was he someone who was eager to get his cock wet? Most of your past partners weren't particularly enthusiastic about performing oral sex on you...you blamed it on the fact that they were young. You had heard from your friend that older men were usually more traditional and preferred to be more generous with their tongues. You couldn't help but question - was Price one of those gentlemen?
Hearing your name fall from John's lips made you realize just how tightly you had clenched your thighs together, face dangerously close to the crook of his neck.
It's just hormones, just a surge of estrogen and progesterone that want me to breed, you shook your head in a desperate attempt to clear your befouled mind.
"You're staying in your bedroom tonight," your father said, "John will make sure you don't leave your room."
Sucking in your dry lips, you remained silent for a moment, your mind spinning with forbidden fantasies, the kind that left you feeling guilty and excited all at once.
"John, just make sure my daughter won't leave. I have a feeling she will be a troublemaker."
"I can handle a troublemaker, sir," your bodyguard said as you tried your best not to show any sigh of annoyance out of respect for your father.
"Good to know. Have a good night you two," with those words, the screen went completely black.
"Love you too, dad," you mumbled as you turned around, slipping under John's inviting arm and taking your keys.
"Where do you think you're going, birdie," John stepped slowly around the kitchen island, his eyes never leaving your figure. His arms were crossed over his chest as if to challenge you to a battle of wills.
"Going to the party," you mirrored his stance, "look, Price," taking a step closer and unfolding your arm, you stared into his eyes, "I am well aware that you are doing this for the pay grade. You don't really care about me but c'mon, you were young once too, I bet. Don't tell me you've never been to a party. I mean, we all have a right to have some fun, don't you think? If a party is what it takes to make this job easier, then why not? We all deserve to take a break once in a while, and I don't think it will hurt anyone if I just go and have some fun."
"My personal life is none of your bloody business," Price growled as he snatched the keys from your grasp.
"Now go to your room," he ordered, "and don't make me drag you there again."
"Unbelievable, Price, just unbelievable," you groaned in frustration and stomped your way to the bedroom, practically slamming the doors in anger to make it perfectly clear to Price just how irritated he had made you.
You laid down on the bed and listened to the sound of Price starting the shower. An idea popped in your head as you walked to the doors and tried to open them but they were locked.
You let out a loud, angry scream as you punched the doors a few times with all your might, your rage beginning to build up inside. He had really locked you in there.
Your hand throbbed from the constant pummeling it had taken as you slumped against the door, alone. Everyone else was at the party, enjoying their drinks, but here you were once more, cooped up in your flat with Price, unable to partake.
As you sat there, your chin resting on your knees, your gaze gradually shifted to the window. That should work.
“Screw you, John Price.”
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
The bonfire danced before you as you stared into its flames, the taste of cheap alcohol lingering in your mouth bitterly, a reminder of the good whiskey, brand unknown, that Price kept in one of the cupboards, out of your reach - or so he thought. You remembered the feeling of that whiskey and how it filled you with warmth and a sense of contentment, something that this cheap alcohol could never give you.
The first time you chanced upon the bottle of scotch tucked away in the back of your cupboard was quite accidental. You suspected Price of being a drinker but had never actually seen him with a glass of liquor in his hand. However, while you were on the hunt for some sweets to satisfy your craving, you stumbled upon the half-empty bottle of scotch. Naturally, you couldn't resist pouring yourself a glass every now and then, and were certain Price had noticed you drinking it, yet he chose not to bring it up for some reason.
You wondered what he was doing, something you hadn't done before. This was the first time since you had met that you were without your shadow. It made you feel strangely uncomfortable, knowing his presence was missing and the sense of comfort he had brought you was gone, replaced by uncertainty. Something you had once found strange and unexpected in your life, but now had become a part of it, something you had grown fond of.
What will he do once he finds out the truth? Once he realizes you are gone? Your wandering thoughts made you check your phone absent-mindedly.
No missed calls, no unread messages.
"Do you think if we say his name three times, he will show up," your friend suggested, "like Bloody Mary?"
"Don't even joke about that," you let out a chuckle, sipping on your drink.
"John Price," another girl sitting by your side said, throwing her arm around you with a warm and friendly embrace.
"John Price," she repeated his name with a wide grin.
Something inside you shifted, a deep-seated emotion expanding and stretching through your chest like a tightly wound elastic band being slowly lengthened. Hearing your bodyguard's name coming from her mouth filled your body with a feeling you couldn't even begin to put into words. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you watched her repeat his name for the third time, the emotion in your chest slowly stretching and winding its way through your body.
A body squeezed itself between you and your girl friend. With a slight jump of your heart, you quickly glanced over to see the face of a boy you recognized from your classes, but one whom you had no idea who he was. He was someone you saw on a regular basis but had never spoken to.
"Hi there, ladies."
The moment his lips opened, you could smell the sharp, pungent scent of alcohol emanating from his mouth. You crinkled your nose in disgust, feeling his hand on the lower part of your back, like a vice-grip, as if attempting to keep you from running away from the situation, "How are we tonight? Are we having a good time?"
"Not anymore," your friend said standing up, "gonna grab us more drinks, be right back."
As you were left alone there, feeling increasingly uncomfortable, the desire to leave grew stronger as his hand kept lowering further down your back.
"Wanna go for a walk?" his lips brushed your ear as his hand rested on your bare thigh, the skirt feeling far too short as his fingers trailed their way up your leg.
"Not really, no," you choked out, putting your hand on his to stop his assault on your thigh.
"C'mon, just a fifteen-minute walk's all we need," he smiled, and in any other situation, you would have felt drawn to him, maybe even thought he was cute, but right now, all you wanted was to be invisible, to disappear and not draw any attention to yourself.
"I believe the lady said no," a firm voice declared with a commanding presence. A dark figure appeared before you, indulging you in his shadow as he stood with his back towards the bonfire.
"Bloody Mary," you exhaled, the tightness in your chest slowly dissipating as you stared into Price's eyes. He avoided making eye contact with you, instead focusing his gaze on the boy, who instinctively tensed up and shifted away from you in reaction.
Normally, his presence would fill you with annoyance, possibly ruining your perfect day, but now all you wanted to do was run into his embrace and feel the security of his arms around you.
The boy left without a fight, leaving an eerie stillness in his wake. You felt Price's eyes on you, and the silence seemed to stretch on forever. You could almost feel the tension in the air, and you had to resist the urge to break it. No matter how hard you tried, the quiet lingered, making the moment even more agonizing.
He extended his arm, offering you a hand to hoist you up from the grass, which you took gladly. His fingers squeezed yours and you felt like a tiny child again, overwhelmed by the size of his hand compared to yours. His warm grip was like a reminder of the safe comfort you felt when you held your father's hand as a child.
"You didn't have to come," you uttered the words silently, in the belief that your words wouldn't reach his ears, as he took your hand and led you away through the drunken crowd and into the silent depths of the woods, but he did indeed hear your words, despite the chaos around him.
"So, you're telling me that you want me to leave you here, all by yourself," he questioned as you ventured into the forest towards the spot where the parking lot was located, where his car was parked.
"No," you answered far too quickly, your cheeks becoming flushed with embarrassment. However, out of all the possible outcomes of your response, his genuine chuckle was something you had never expected in a million years. It was a sound that made you feel like maybe, just maybe, anything was possible.
Tugging at his hand, still clasped firmly in yours, both of you came to a stop in the middle of the moonlit darkness. His face was illuminated in the faint light, allowing you to see his features clearly.
"So you're not angry with me?"
"Oh, I'm bloody furious, birdie," he stated as you let go of his hand, heart pounding as you watched his eerily relaxed face, "you could've been in serious danger."
"No terrorists showed up," you replied, stepping towards him.
"That boy wasn't a terrorist but still a danger to you," Price stood resolutely, never once averting his gaze from yours, "my job is to protect you from any potential danger, to guard your body with everything I have. And I take my job fuckin' seriously."
With every word he said, heat raised in your body, the feeling spreading through your limbs like wildfire. You felt like you were melting into the moment, desire growing with each passing second. His voice was like a velvet caress, sending shivers down your spine as he spoke. You felt yourself leaning closer, wanting to be enveloped in his embrace.
His eyes, so deep yet light and warm, seemed to peer into your soul as he finished his sentence. You could feel the intensity that radiated from him. The longer you looked at him, the more alive he seemed to become, the more you felt a connection to him that seemed to defy all logic. You wondered what it would be like to touch those cheekbones, to trace the lines of his beard, feel the softness of his lips on yours.
The next thing you knew, your lips were tenderly pressed against his. Lasting only a second, you pulled away before Price managed to react.
I'm sorry," you whispered, your cheeks feeling as if they were on fire.
"You're drunk," he mumbled.
"Not enough to not remember this tomorrow," you replied promptly.
A moment of silence indulged both of you like an invisible force, slowly drawing you closer. You both felt a connection that could not be denied, and the silence was suddenly broken by the sound of your beating hearts.
He looked into your eyes, his own reflecting the passion you felt inside. His hands moved to cradle your face, and his lips met yours again. This time, he took control of the kiss. His lips moved against yours, exploring, tasting and savoring each moment. His hands moved to the small of your back, drawing you closer and deepening the connection between the two of you.
The kiss was passionate, intense, and unlike anything you'd ever felt before. You could feel the emotion radiating between you, swelling in the air like a tangible force.
He kissed you deeply, his beard scratching your upper lip as he sucked your lower lip between his. It was soft after all, well taken for. You felt your back press against the rough surface of a tree trunk, and his hands caressing your body, only fueling the fire in the pit of your stomach.
Hoisting one leg on his hip, you felt his bulge pressing against your crotch, right where you desired him the most, igniting a passionate heat between your bodies.
"Price," you moaned as he grounded his hips into yours.
"It's John," he mumbled between the kisses, the delightful roughness of his beard making its path down your throat.
Your head fell back, feeling the coarse bark of the tree behind you. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze rush past you. Pressing your chest into John's, his hand moved from your knee to your inner thigh, squeezing it harshly as if he was trying to make his presence known...as if he was making sure this wasn't just a dream.
A desperate moan escaped your throat as his palm pressed against your core, feeling your wetness as his palm pressed against your throbbing clit. His other hand slowly moved on your body, tracing your curves as he reached your chest. His fingers found your breasts, squeezing them over your shirt and sending sparks of pleasure through your body.
John's lips connected with yours once again. His tongue explored your mouth, tasting and teasing you with each movement while his hand palmed you through your panties. You felt yourself growing closer to the edge already, releasing months of pent-up desire.
"Gonna have a taste," John groaned loudly as you ground your crotch against his palm shamelessly, "you comfortable with going higher?"
"What?" you exhaled slowly, your brows furrowing in confusion.
Without warning, his hands suddenly grabbed your hips and he took a step back, almost as if he had planned it. Your legs automatically locked around his head as he hefted you onto his shoulders, his arms outstretched to secure you in the position he desired.
You squealed and tightly gripped his hair as the first thing that came under your palm. You looked down, meeting John's eyes in the moonlight as he stared up at you with an amused and indulgent smile. This was actually the first time you’d seen him smile so much, radiating a warmth that was quite unfamiliar.
"You find this amusing?" you chuckle heartily.
“Well, you should see your face, love,” he looked at you, his hands tight around your thighs.
"Why did you even do it?" your hands gradually released their firm grasp on his hair as you steadied yourself against the tree so as to avoid falling.
"So I can do this," John answered and broke the eye contact, hooking your skirt on your hips.
His presence enveloped you and you could feel his breath on your aroused body. You felt a wave of pleasure wash over you as he gently caressed your inner thighs, kissing the inside of your thighs, feeling the delightful scratch of his beard between your legs. Not wasting a second, he moved your soaked panties to the side and pressed his tongue flat against your core, melting you into him as his tongue circled your clit before sucking it in.
Moans of pleasure escaped your open lips as you let your bodyguard devour you like a man starved, his tongue thrusting inside you deeper than you could have ever imagined as his hands moved to knead the soft flesh of your breast hidden underneath your bra.
"Fuck, I approve of this," feeling the overwhelming ecstasy fill your body, you did everything you could to remain balanced enough not to fall even though you were certain John wouldn't allow that to happen.
"I knew you'd taste like bloody heaven," he murmured as the sound of John lapping on your wetness blatantly filled the quiet night.
Anyone could be walking in your direction any time on their way to the parking lot and see the shocking, scandalous image of the prime minister's daughter getting her pussy eaten like a five-star gourmet meal by her own personal bodyguard, whose head was currently buried deep between her legs.
The hand that was still holding you firmly against the tree trunk moved to your thigh, squeezing it reassuringly before he replaced his tongue with his fingers, lips moving upwards to eagerly lap on your painfully aching clit.
"Keep goin'" you moaned in blissful euphoria, desperately pushing your hips into his face and locking his head between your legs as if you were afraid he was about to escape from you.
He groaned into your clit, sending vibrations straight to your core, only adding more pleasure to your already overheating body. His fingers plunged into you at a merciless speed, curling slightly upwards to search for that one spot he was determined to locate. A delightful knot tightened into your stomach as John brought you to the brink of ecstasy, and with one final thrust of his calloused fingers, you were swept away in a sea of unimaginable pleasure.
He kissed you on the clit one last time before pulling away and descending you down to the ground again with expertise while you were still drunk in his fingers, legs buckling before finding your footing again.
"John," you exhaled, flushed with desire as your hand extended to his painfully hard erection, still hidden underneath the dress pants he was wearing. He gripped your wrist, stopping your actions. Your eyes lost themselves in his, seeing how fueled by desire this man was, while John traced his fingers along your lips, painting them with your own juices before pushing them inside, watching as you sucked at his fingers, feeling the swirling of your tongue making him groan.
"Knew you'd be a good girl for me," he watched you clean his fingers for a brief moment before pressing his lips to yours.
"Do you want me," he asked between the kisses, his voice full of longing and passion.
"Yes," you replied instantly, hands finally sneaking to his pants as you brought him closer to your body, indulging yourself in his presence, in his sandalwood smell as you fumbled with his belt and zipper before palming his erection while keeping your lips locked together.
His breathing became labored as his hips started to thrust against your hand, making you smile as you felt his pleasure. You kept up the rhythm, your hand moving alongside the outline of his cock and sneaking into his underwear, spreading his leaking precum to lubricate his head. John groaned in pleasure as you took your time, exploring and teasing him until he could take no more.
"Condoms?" his breath fanned over your face as his eyes met yours.
"IUD," you kissed the corner of his mouth while he rutted against your palm. His breath came in short, shallow bursts as your touch electrified his body and sent waves of pleasure radiating through him.
Taking off your panties, your legs wrapped around his waist, locking at your ankles as you watched John stuff your underwear in his pocket. You angled your hips to meet his eager cock, pressing your body firmly against his as you kissed the side of his neck. His hands moved to take off your shirt, exposing your burning skin to the cold air and causing goosebumps to raise on your soft flesh. Your bra didn't last too long after that, and you were soon left wearing only your skirt, hooked around your hips. John's lips latched onto your nipples as he pushed his pants down, the head of his cock nudging your entrance and making you gasp softly as you were filled with anticipation.
His tongue circled your erected nipple as he pushed his cock inside you. Arching your back, you pushed your chest into his face. His hand sneaked between you and the tree trunk, fingertips tracing the natural curve of your spine.
"Fuck, love, the things you do to me," John said as he licked at your skin before blowing cold air onto the wet spots, elaborating on your ecstasy while thrusting slowly but deep inside your gummy walls, building up his pace steadily.
He brought you to a place of exquisite bliss. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, enveloping you in a cocoon of passion. You were lost in the moment, at this moment, and nothing else mattered.
"Oh my God," your legs quivered as John continued his lustful assault on your chest, leaving you marked and radiating with blissful pleasure.
It didn't take very long for you to whisper the word "Faster" into his ear, and he happily obliged, increasing the speed and intensity of his thrusts. John's hips rocked rhythmically against yours as he found the perfect spot inside you that sent waves of pleasure surging through your entire body.
The shameful sound of skin slapping skin, and your wetness being filled with someone's cock, reverberated in your ears. John's hand made its way to your throat, his thumb caressing the front of it before he squeezed your jawline, bringing your face toward his for another kiss. His thrusts became more violent, and you could feel your walls squeezing him delightfully with each rough plunge.
“M’close,” you murmured softly into the kiss, feeling your back heat up as the rough bark of the tree pressed against it, the scratching and pain intensifying the pleasure that was coursing through you.
“C'mon, want you to cum around my cock,” he whispered against your lips, his thumb caressing your jaw as his other hand moved from your thigh to your throbbing clit, teasing and tantalizing the sensitive bud to bring you to the edge of pleasure.
You turned your head, your mouth enveloping his thumb as you began to suck and swirl your tongue around its tip. When your eyes locked with his, his body shuddered in response and he felt the pleasure of the moment coursing through his veins. John became was unable to break the gaze as you continued to play with his finger with your tongue, the sensations overwhelming his body.
His thrusts became sloppy and uncontrolled as he neared his climax.
"Cum for me, love," he whispered seductively in your ear, making your body quiver and moan with pleasure as his thrusts became increasingly passionate. As you reached the brink of orgasm, you felt his cock swell inside you and you clenched around him tightly, sending waves of delight through both of you as you finally came undone.
"That's it," John grunted against your skin, his tongue toying with your nipples again. A few powerful thrusts later, John was grunting and biting into your skin, sure to leave marks, as he finished inside you, staying still as he savored the moment - the feel of both your juices mixing together inside your pulsating velvety walls before slowly making its way out of you, drenching your thighs.
You panted heavily and leaned your head against the tree, your hands still firmly pressed against John's shoulders as he effortlessly held you close to his sweat-soaked body. As he slowly pulled out of you, a soft whimper escaped your lips at the sudden empty feeling. He hold you by your waist while his eyes followed the trail of cum going down your legs.
Taking your panties out of his pocket, he knelt on one knee before you and used them as a wipe to clean your hypersensitive core and the trail leading to the ground.
One final kiss later, John pulled up his pants, stuffed your cum-stained panties back into his pocket and deftly fixed his shirt before helping you dress on your shaking knees.
“You good, birdie?”
“Yeah,” you breathed out, fixing your bra and tucking your shirt into your skirt while running your fingers through your hair to make it look less like you had just been ravished against a tree by your own bodyguard.
"We should go before someone sees us," John stated, looking in the direction you came from.
A genuine laugh left your lips, "now you're worried someone might see us?"
"You're funny, birdie," with a smile, he offered his hand to lead the way before falling slightly behind you and becoming your silent, stoic shadow once again.
“Can you walk all the way back," he asked as he observed you stumble slightly.
"Don’t flatter yourself, Price, doesn't suit you” you laughed it off as you continued walking towards the parking lot, your bodyguard trailing after you, a chuckle escaping him. His muscular form soon appeared next to you, and his arm slung around your waist to help steady you after you stumbled a few more times.
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gimmethatagustd · 5 months
the flower knight (1) | kth + myg
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A disciple of the Mugunghwa Temple, Yoongi has lived a pious life free of the vices of the outside world. That is until the temple must become a safehouse for wounded soldiers when war breaks out, and Yoongi catches the eye of a certain military commander.
○ Pairing: Soldier!Taehyung x Healer!Yoongi
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Historical fantasy, magic, pistilverse, strangers to lovers, forbidden love, angst, eventual smut, eventual fluff
○ Word Count: 3,143
○ Warnings: A minor character experiences public humiliation and slut shaming due to religious beliefs (of a fake religion I made up). Additionally, Yoongi is forced to have his body examined for flower markings. This isn't sexual or violent, and Yoongi isn't upset about it, but it still gives me the ick lmfao so I figured I should put a warning just in case.
○ Notes: I added a glossary at the end of the fic for those of you who aren’t familiar with the Pistilverse AU. If you subscribe to me on AO3, this will probably look familiar to you~
○ Post Date: January 2, 2024
○ Masterlist | Send me ur thots
○ What was Jai listening to? The series playlist
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Bad things always come in threes.
Yoongi isn’t sure if he believes in destiny, but he does believe in this rule of thirds. He doesn’t remember where he learned the saying; perhaps he learned it from one of the other temple pistils, the older ones who like to tease the younger ones who are gullible and impressionable. Yoongi doesn’t think he was ever one of those young students, but he believes in the saying, doesn’t he?
Life has allotted Yoongi very few tragedies, for which he is grateful. Despite being an orphan, abandoned at the Mugunghwa temple as an infant to be cared for by the monks, he enjoyed a fulfilling childhood. The monks loved Yoongi with unconditional kindness that can only come from someone touched by the grace of the gods. The other orphaned children, those who had yet to have their awakening, played in harmony and were raised to be future disciples – that is, until their subgenders were awakened.
The monks raise the orphans within the confines of the temple grounds, but Yoongi never yearned for what lies beyond the colorful stone walls separating the temple buildings from the outside world. Yoongi had heard enough about the evil of the secular world, where the villages at the bottom of the mountain succumb to greed, violence, and lust and where suffering runs rampant through the townspeople. To Yoongi, it seems that the gods have forsaken such places. He is more interested in maintaining his quiet temple life.
So one might wonder, how does Min Yoongi, a young temple disciple with no knowledge of the world, know that bad things always come in threes if he has yet to experience bad things?
Twenty-one years of peace is far too long of a streak to maintain. At some point, luck runs out. Although Yoongi is a devout disciple of the gods, he can’t help but wonder if sometimes even the gods do not have control over fate.
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The morning of the First Bad Thing starts as every morning does: Yoongi wakes with the sun. 
Light streams through the thin curtains drawn across his open windows, illuminating his quaint room with hues of orange and yellow. A breeze gently stirs the curtains, causing them to flutter with each new gust of wind. 
Children’s laughter filters in from outside. Yoongi smiles when he hears one of the older pistils, Namjoon, scold the children for being loud so early in the morning. No one cares if the children make noise, and Namjoon knows that. That’s why his threats of putting the children to work are empty and half-hearted. 
With a longing for simpler times pulling at his heartstrings, Yoongi forces himself out of bed. There is no time to miss the past when the present urges him to get started. 
After washing his face in the washbasin in the small bath adjoining his bedroom, he slips into his white linen hanbok, the simple one that doesn’t weigh heavily on his shoulders. The weather has been unusually warm for the spring, and Yoongi isn’t interested in sweating through his clothes while he does his daily chores. Sometimes, he wishes he could wear less restrictive clothes, like the simple linen shirt and shorts he wears to sleep. Unfortunately, the monks have taught the student disciples that such clothing isn’t becoming of pistils. Less cloth means more exposed skin, and with exposed skin comes the risk of showing off one’s awakening mark. 
Yoongi watches himself in the small mirror he keeps on top of his dresser, propped against the wall. In the oval glass, he twists to take a peek over his shoulder by turning his head to the side. He can barely see the tips of the barren tree branches that decorate his spine. As a sign that he was maturing from a teen into a young man, the mark of a barren tree sprouted from the base of his spine one morning. It crept up his back, its dark lines eventually breaking off into branches that spread between his shoulder blades. 
When Yoongi fastens his hanbok, the black branches are hidden away, just as he was taught. 
Having experienced the extremely uncomfortable awakening nearly ten years ago, Yoongi has reached the point where he rarely looks at his awakening mark. It is a reminder of his status in society, a lowly pistil whose primary purpose in life is to tend to the stamen who desire him. 
While some orphaned teens he grew up with were disappointed to awaken as pistils, Yoongi was relieved. Becoming a pistil meant he could stay in the temple as a disciple of god. If he had awakened as a stamen by developing the mark of a flower somewhere on his body rather than branches or vines, the monks would have sent him away to the military – where the monks send all stamen orphans once they’ve reached their awakening. Stamen are naturally stronger and more equipped to handle the violence of war than pistils are. 
Yoongi is sure the gods did not make him for military life. He feels sorrow merely from stepping on an ant; he could never handle war. 
It is a blessing from the gods that Yoongi was left on the temple grounds by his parents. As a temple pistil, he is privileged to live within a community of only pistils, never once having met a stamen aside from his orphan friends once their status was awakened. And even then, those friends were always gone by the following day, whisked away at night to fulfill their duties as peacekeepers. 
Shaking his head to rid himself of thoughts of war, Yoongi leaves his bedroom and follows the hall toward the front doors of the students’ quarters. All students reside in one dormitory on the west side of the temple grounds, just south of the Mugunghwa garden. Yoongi loves the dormitory. He likes the intricate designs that decorate the walls and the proximity to the garden. But most of all, he likes living with his friends. 
Yoongi carries a small wicker basket filled with gardening tools in his arms. He is halfway along the meandering stepping stone path toward the Mugunghwa garden when he sees Namjoon rushing toward him. 
“Yoongi hyung!” 
Namjoon’s sandals slap against the ground, spraying dirt and gravel into the air as he hurries to reach a confused Yoongi. It’s odd; Namjoon is known for his quiet, studious personality. As one of the most promising students, Namjoon carries himself with poise and a gentle confidence Yoongi has admired ever since the two became friends after their awakenings. Yoongi has never seen Namjoon so animated. 
“Be careful,” Yoongi warns, motioning toward the mulched flower beds lining the stepping stone path. A small lizard scurries from a patch of ferns across the stones. 
Namjoon quickly sidesteps to avoid running too close to the pathway's edge. 
Patches of colorful flowers have already poked out of the ground. These are primarily common flowers: roses, marigolds, and peonies – all with little value aside from being pretty and smelling good. It isn’t until one gets deep into the garden, where the well of golden water is, that the magic can be felt flowing through the plants’ roots. 
“H-hyung, oh shit,” Namjoon trips forward and grabs Yoongi’s forearm to steady himself. 
Yoongi clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. What has gotten into his friend? 
“Don’t make me tell Myeong noona that you’re using such language, Joon-ah.” He speaks through a teasing smile that slowly dissolves into a frown when Namjoon doesn’t smile back. “What’s wrong?” 
“It’s Junseo,” Namjoon huffs through loud inhales as he tries to recover from the jog up the steep path. 
The altitude in the mountains can easily affect one’s head. It’s one of the many reasons Yoongi avoids exercising unless he has to. He’s mostly a bit lazy, but he supposes that even the temple disciples can afford some vices. Laziness is the closest to rebelling he’ll ever get. 
“What trouble has he gotten himself into now, hmm? Got bitten by one of the temple cats again?” Yoongi muses. With Junseo, anything is possible. Yoongi swears no one in the entire temple has needed to be rescued from silly mishaps as often as Junseo. 
“No, hyung,” Namjoon rushes to speak. His cheeks are pink, and sweat glistens on his top lip. “Junseo got marked .” 
The wicker basket of gardening tools barely misses smashing a bed of marigolds when the handle slips from Yoongi’s loose grasp. 
Leaving the basket where it falls, Yoongi grabs Namjoon by the wrist. His expression is stony as he asks, “How do you know?” 
“I heard Arem speaking with Misuk-ssi,” Namjoon whispers harshly. He’s breathing heavily as he practically drags Yoongi down the stone pathway toward the dormitory. “She asked her to find Junseo.” 
There is nothing more that Namjoon needs to say; everyone knows what it means to be called upon by one of the temple leaders.
The two men are silent as they weave through the stone paths connecting the temple buildings in a winding journey meant to mimic the peacefulness of strolling through the woods. Yoongi has yet to explore the woods, but he supposes he understands the meaning behind the landscaping. 
Their journey today is anything but peaceful. 
At first, Yoongi is afraid that their frantic hurrying toward the grand temple courtyard will cause suspicion – and he’s sure he and Namjoon aren’t supposed to know about Junseo. But it becomes clear that it isn’t just Yoongi and Namjoon who are privy to the scandal. Despite the early hour, the entire student body is trying to meander toward the courtyard. 
If gossip doesn’t bring the students out into the open, Junseo’s cries do. 
Yoongi doesn’t hear the wailing until he and Namjoon near the grand temple, where prayers and other religious ceremonies are held. The grand temple is also where the temple leaders reside, though Yoongi has never been in the wing with their living quarters. Trespassing is forbidden, but Yoongi is not interested in their living quarters. He has never admitted it out loud, but some of the leaders scare him. 
Misuk and Insu are the most intimidating of all the temple leaders and monks combined, so naturally, they are the leaders whose feet Junseo grovels at as he weeps. The young man’s face is wet with tears and lined with red marks on his cheeks as though he has been clawing at his face. Seeing him with clothes and other small trinkets scattered around his body, his white hanbok soiled by dirt, makes Yoongi’s blood run cold. 
“Pick yourself up, Junseo,” Misuk commands. The refreshing breeze has died down, making Misuk's words cut through the spring air and echo between buildings. 
“Please don’t make me leave, seonsaengnim!” Junseo presses his forehead to the stone path at the base of the temple stairs. “I am nothing without Mugunghwa!”
Misuk and Insu stand a few steps above him and watch him with eyes as dark as the center of the well of gold water in the garden. Yoongi has never seen such icy glares. Until now, nothing has disrupted the peacefulness of the temple. Sure, they all have occasional quarrels; it’s hard not to bicker when living in such a tight-knit community. Scandal, though, is unheard of. And this certainly is a scandal. 
“You have defiled your body, Kang Junseo,” Insu finally speaks, his voice as tight as the grimace on his face. “You are no longer welcome on sacred grounds.” 
When Junseo rises to his knees, the group of onlookers gasp. Even Namjoon inhales sharply, the sound quiet but loud enough for Yoongi to hear from where he stands beside him. 
Yoongi is silent as he watches Junseo hurry to pull his clothes tighter to his body, but the damage has been done. A large rip in the back of his hanbok runs from just below the collar down to the base of his spine. When he twists his torso, slivers of skin peek out from the rips – skin decorated with the prettiest marks Yoongi has ever seen. 
Dozens of flowers line the branches on Junseo’s back. Yoongi can’t make out the types of flowers from where he stands, the markings too small for him to see any details, but he’s close enough to be both amazed and horrified by the variation of colors on the young man’s skin. 
Junseo has many flowers on his back, which only means one thing: Junseo is no longer a virgin. From the looks of it, he lost his virginity a long time ago, or he has taken on many lovers in a short period— many lovers. 
Whispers erupt around them, but Yoongi can only hear his blood rushing in his ears. It isn’t until he feels lightheaded that he realizes he’s been holding his breath. He’s never seen the mark of a stamen on a pistil’s body before. Disciples are forbidden from having romantic relationships or engaging in sexual activity. One must be pure for the gods, dedicating their time to worship and the betterment of their community rather than to bodily pleasure. 
Not to mention the fate of pistils who are outed for having a stamen mark – let alone multiple – out of wedlock. 
“What will happen to him?” Yoongi asks Namjoon, never once taking his eyes off Junseo as he gathers his belongings into his arms. 
Namjoon shrugs, his eyes, too, still on Junseo. “I don’t know, work at a brothel, most likely. No one will want to marry him, and no self-respecting business owner will hire him.” 
Pressing his fingers to his lips, Yoongi tries to suppress a gasp without looking too obvious that he’s shocked by Namjoon’s prediction. “A brothel?” Yoongi knows what one is, but he cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to live and work in one. 
“Mhm,” Namjoon hums. “It’s awful. Many brothel pistils run out of room on their branches, so they go through a second awakening. Or a third and fourth. I’ve heard rumors of some brothel pistils completely covered in flowers.” 
One awakening was painful enough for Yoongi. To go through multiple… he doesn’t even want to consider it.
In front of him, Junseo stands with his belongings clutched to his chest. He has stopped crying and now stares ahead with a blank expression as though he doesn’t see anything at all. The look makes bile bubble up Yoongi’s throat. Silently, Junseo turns his back on the temple leaders and walks with squared shoulders across the courtyard toward the entrance of the temple grounds. 
The students dissipate in waves as Junseo walks through the grounds. There is nothing else to see here; no more drama to ogle. Even Misuk and Insu leave, taking slow, purposeful steps to their wing of the grand temple. In a matter of minutes, the courtyard is empty, aside from Yoongi, Namjoon, and a handful of other students who have returned to talking amongst themselves or studying. Junseo is merely a speck in the distance, moving like an ant until he turns a corner and Yoongi can no longer see him. 
Just like that, Junseo is gone, and the temple returns to how it was as if there had never been a Junseo at all. 
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The only change to temple life after Junseo’s dramatic departure is the immediate implementation of what the monks call a “purity sweep.” They insist to the students that this is a one-time occurrence, merely the opportunity for temple leaders to ensure that no one else has fallen prey to worldly temptations. If the rest of the students are well-behaved, purity sweeps won’t be needed. 
Although Yoongi is a virgin, he trembles with nerves when he stands outside the infirmary a week later with Namjoon at his side. 
“It’ll be alright,” Namjoon reassures Yoongi, gently squeezing the nape of his neck. “It’ll be over before you know it. I can even go first if you’d like.” Namjoon is too kind for his own good. 
Yoongi shakes his head even though having Namjoon go first would be a source of comfort for him. His nerves are irrational. If he was a good student, he’d know how to meditate the fear away like Namjoon had.  “No, no, I will be fine.”
Bracing himself for the unknown, Yoongi enters the infirmary. There is a monk there to guide him to the correct examination room. Their sandals click against the stone flooring and echo through the hall. Yoongi doesn’t need the monk to show him where to go, but he doesn’t say anything. Due to his affinity for plants, Yoongi has trained to become a temple healer. Thus, he knows his way around the infirmary due to his regular training hours.
Although magic does not run through the veins of pistils, the Mugunghwa carry magic in their petals from the gold water in the enchanted well at the center of the Mugunghwa garden. Monks like Yoongi, who is patient and kind, know how to nurture the magic within those plants, using their petals to create healing potions that the monks send throughout the kingdom. 
Reaching the correct room, the monk allows Yoongi to enter first. He gives Yoongi a gentle smile and gestures to a wooden table against the wall. 
“You may remove your hanbok and place it there,” the monk instructs. He’s an unfamiliar face to Yoongi, which isn’t surprising. The Mugunghwa temple is one of the largest in the Mountain region; it’s impossible to know everyone. 
Silently, Yoongi follows the monk’s instructions. He shivers once he is standing in nothing but his underwear despite the room being almost uncomfortably warm. Unsure of what to do with himself, Yoongi stands stiffly with his arms at his sides. The stance seems good enough, for the monk doesn’t say anything as he walks a tight circle around Yoongi’s rigid body, looking for any splotches of color along the branches covering Yoongi’s back. 
Sweat beads at Yoongi’s hairline, making his blonde bangs stick to his skin. What if the monk finds a blemish on Yoongi’s skin and thinks it’s a stamen’s flower? Will they immediately toss him out like Junseo? Would Yoongi have the chance to explain himself? 
Questions swarm his mind, churning around until his brain is clouded with nonsense. He’s so stressed that he nearly misses the light touch on his shoulder. 
“Yoongi?” The monk calls out softly, making Yoongi blink rapidly. 
“Yes, seonsaengnim?” 
“You may get dressed. The examination is over.” 
With a sigh of relief, Yoongi scrambles to put his clothes on. As he hurries out of the infirmary to wait for Namjoon in the courtyard, he sends a silent prayer to the gods that the other students remain pure like they’re supposed to. Yoongi doesn’t want to go through another purity sweep ever again.
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Series Masterlist
(Borrowed from here and revised to fit my fic)
Pistilverse AU - A South Korean fanfic trope wherein almost all humans experience an "awakening" during puberty that assigns them into one of two botanically-inspired groups: Pistils and Stamens. These groups are denoted by marks on the person's body, similar to tattoos.
Pistil and Stamens - Pistils develop a mark of a barren tree that appears along their spine after their awakening, while stamens develop a flower somewhere on their body after their awakening.
Awakening - The moment a flower or tree appears on a person’s body, signifying their status as a pistil or stamen. You could look at it as a coming-of-age moment in a person’s life. These are typically painful for pistils. A pistil might experience more than one awakening if their tree becomes too full of flowers.
Marks/Marking - When a pistil sleeps with a stamen, the stamen’s flower blooms on the pistil’s tree branches. The number of flowers a pistil has is proportional to that of the stamens they had sex with. In this fic, pistils with many flowers are considered promiscuous and experience slut shaming based on religion.
Marked - The term used to describe a pistil who has received a stamen’s flower on their body.
Mugunghwa - The national flower of South Korea.
Gukseon - A Chief officer of a Hwarang group. The Hwarang were an elite warrior group in Silla, an ancient kingdom of the Korean Peninsula until the 10th century.
Seonsaengnim - A respectful honorific for a teacher.
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). Request an AO3 account here.
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Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier
A collection of Bucky x reader stories. None of the stories are mine.
No Smut
Soldats princess @lokislittlemidgardian Summary: After being kidnapped by hydra the winter soldier saves you from fighting. Warnings: Dubious Consent, Kidnaping, Angst Special Tags: Age Play, Fluff,
Make Me Feel Love @darkficsyouneveraskedfor Summary: Your ex finds you. Warnings: Abuse, Miscarriage, Blood
Ribs @highonmarvel Summary: What’s scarier than dating Bucky? Leaving him. Warnings: Bodily Harm, Abuse, Rape, Angst, Smut Special Tags: Mafia AU, Multichapter
Miss Me @sidepartskinnyjeans Summary: When Bucky has a rare night off, he indulges in his favorited treat. Warnings: Dubious Consent, Kidnaping, Blood, Smut Special Tags: Vampire AU, Rockstar AU, BDSM, Wax Play
Love Like Bruise @targaryenvampireslayer Summary: HYDRA won. You're quietly trying to live your life without facing their wrath. But then years later your given to him. Warnings: Rape, Abuse, BDSM, Angst, Bodily Harm, Smut Special Tags: Multichapter, Dark
My Legacy @buckyscombatboots Summary: An Orc found their one true mate and he wants babies. Warnings: Rape, Kidnaping, Angst, Bodily Harm, Smut Special Tags: Orc AU, Breeding Kink, Size Difference
Bound @boxofbonesfic Summary: Bucky reminds you who you belong to in the club bathroom. Warnings: Rough Sex, Toxic Vibes, Smut Special Tags: Public Sex, Biker AU,
Wanted @jadedvibes Summary: Your relationship with one of your patients takes a shocking and unfortunate turn. Warnings: Rape, Kidnaping, Stalking, Smut Special Tags: Public Sex, Bondage, Dark
If it Were Summer @pellucid-constellations Summary: You met Bucky in Italy—a summer abroad with sweet gelato and even sweeter words. You never thought you’d see him again, and you were right. Because the Bucky at this frat party, the one with the smirk and the wandering eyes, was nothing like the one you knew. That didn’t mean he wasn’t still completely in love with you. Warnings: Minor violence, Alcohol Special Tags: Collage AU, Frat Boy AU
𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭 @mavsstar Summary: You take the kids to your ex's house while you go on a date Warnings: Smut Special Tags: Family AU, Soft Sex
Coffee. Emergency. Thighs @angrythingstarlight Summary: Bucky uses you while you sleep. Warnings: Smut Special Tags: Soft sex, Somnophilia, Praise Kink,
Everyone Gonna Know @octoberkait Summary: Bucky video tapes you during sex. Warnings: Rape, Blackmail, Smut Special Tags: Voyeurism, Breeding, Size Difference
First And Last @navybrat817 Summary: Bucky decides he wants you. Warnings: Rape, Forced Bond, Smut Special Tags: Omegaverse
Family Man @giorno-plays-piano Summary:  You thought the rumors about orcs wandering the forest in search of human companions were nothing serious. Warnings: Rape, Kidnaping, Smut Special Tags: Orc AU, Breeding Kink, Size Difference
Dangerous Acquaintances @giorno-plays-piano Summary: Wolves are big mean bullies. You know for sure. Warnings: Dubious Consent, Smut, Dark Special Tags: Hybrids, Breeding, Soft-Dom
The Devil’s bride @straywords Summary:20 years ago your parents promised you to a demon... and now the devil has come to collect his prize. Warnings: Kidnaping, Forced Marriage Special Tags: Demon AU
Sleeping Beauty @straywords Summary: Your strange, lonely neighbor awakens something inside you and, in turn, you awaken something inside him too. Warnings: Rape, Smut, Mental Health Special Tags: Somnophilia, Plus Size Reader
Ribs @highonmarvel Summary: What’s scarier than dating Bucky? Leaving him. Warnings: Bodily Harm, Abuse, Rape, Angst, Smut Special Tags: Mafia AU, Multichapter
Miss Me @sidepartskinnyjeans Summary: When Bucky has a rare night off, he indulges in his favorited treat. Warnings: Dubious Consent, Kidnaping, Blood, Smut Special Tags: Vampire AU, Rockstar AU, BDSM, Wax Play
Miss Me @sidepartskinnyjeans Summary: When Bucky has a rare night off, he indulges in his favorited treat. Warnings: Dubious Consent, Kidnaping, Blood, Smut Special Tags: Vampire AU, Rockstar AU, BDSM, Wax Play
My Legacy @buckyscombatboots Summary: An Orc found their one true mate and he wants babies. Warnings: Rape, Kidnaping, Angst, Bodily Harm, Smut Special Tags: Orc AU, Breeding Kink, Size Difference
Bound @boxofbonesfic Summary: Bucky reminds you who you belong to in the club bathroom. Warnings: Rough Sex, Toxic Vibes, Smut Special Tags: Public Sex, Biker AU,
Wanted @jadedvibes Summary: Your relationship with one of your patients takes a shocking and unfortunate turn. Warnings: Rape, Kidnaping, Stalking, Smut Special Tags: Public Sex, Bondage, Dark
If it Were Summer @pellucid-constellations Summary: You met Bucky in Italy—a summer abroad with sweet gelato and even sweeter words. You never thought you’d see him again, and you were right. Because the Bucky at this frat party, the one with the smirk and the wandering eyes, was nothing like the one you knew. That didn’t mean he wasn’t still completely in love with you. Warnings: Minor violence, Alcohol Special Tags: Collage AU, Frat Boy AU
𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭 @mavsstar Summary: You take the kids to your ex's house while you go on a date Warnings: Smut Special Tags: Family AU, Soft Sex
Coffee. Emergency. Thighs @angrythingstarlight Summary: Bucky uses you while you sleep. Warnings: Smut Special Tags: Soft sex, Somnophilia, Praise Kink,
Everyone Gonna Know @octoberkait Summary: Bucky video tapes you during sex. Warnings: Rape, Blackmail, Smut Special Tags: Voyeurism, Breeding, Size Difference
First And Last @navybrat817 Summary: Bucky decides he wants you. Warnings: Rape, Forced Bond, Smut Special Tags: Omegaverse
Family Man @giorno-plays-piano Summary:  You thought the rumors about orcs wandering the forest in search of human companions were nothing serious. Warnings: Rape, Kidnaping, Smut Special Tags: Orc AU, Breeding Kink, Size Difference
Dangerous Acquaintances @giorno-plays-piano Summary: Wolves are big mean bullies. You know for sure. Warnings: Dubious Consent, Smut, Dark Special Tags: Hybrids, Breeding, Soft-Dom
The Devil’s bride @straywords Summary:20 years ago your parents promised you to a demon... and now the devil has come to collect his prize. Warnings: Kidnaping, Forced Marriage Special Tags: Demon AU
Sleeping Beauty @straywords Summary: Your strange, lonely neighbor awakens something inside you and, in turn, you awaken something inside him too. Warnings: Rape, Smut, Mental Health Special Tags: Somnophilia
A Perfect Fit   @straywords Summary: Your strange, lonely neighbor awakens something inside you and, in turn, you awaken something inside him too. Warnings: Smut Special Tags: Dubious Consent, Mafia AU, Voyeurism
My Devotion @cryptidcasanova Summary: The one where Bucky doesn’t take your breakup well. Warnings: Angst, Violence, Kidnaping Special Tags: Mafia AU
A Heart of Gold@bluemuisckid Summary: Bucky learns how to be a better husband to the reader. Warnings: Angst, Emotional Neglect Special Tags: Biker AU, Family AU
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wizardsymmetry · 6 months
i've had brain worms about this au for weeks sorry if someone's already said it i truly cant remember seeing anything about it but:
cletho. gorgon!cleo and living-statue/weeping-angel!etho. HEAR ME OUT ‼️
cleo stumbles upon their ruins when they're a younger gorgon and she finds a few statues already there. a few are generic statues of nobles, some are works of art, but none compare to the masked angel. he stands, imposing over all the others in a pose with his sword to the sky. he looks the most detailed and lifelike of all, a true wonder. cleo stares at him for hours at a time, memorizes his every chip and swoop. what they don't know is, when they settle down for the night, their valiant angel awakens, feeling no eyes on him, and studies her as well. protects her from the monsters who would attempt to enter the ruins cleo has claimed, studies her facial features, is mesmerized by their hair. how long before cleo notices her lovely winged soldier isn't always in the same position down to the millimeter, or before our rogue man slips up?
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vartouhix · 1 year
open to: any, tho preferably a rival/enemy given the source material verse: JJK, Valorant, TLOU, MCU, DCU, Sailor Moon, or main verse (general scifi) note: from x ❛ i’m sorry you’re afraid of being alone. ❜ Gives me huge Sailor Moon SuperS dub “I still pity you” vibes. The meme source implies an enemies-to-lovers situation, but it doesn’t have to be romantic. The rival/enemy could have given her the wound, or she could have gotten hurt from something else and they came to gloat or help her or do... something. Or if you’d rather not rp it as rivals/enemies, just assume she’s delusional from blood loss and talking nonsense lol.
Each breath came out sharper than the last, chest heaving with the weight of her panic settled in it. Scarlet seeped into her clothes at her left side, on the waist just above her hip. The blood squeezed through the fingers of her hand pressed tightly to the wound. She couldn’t tell if a vital organ had been damaged or not. With a rough grunt of pain that turned into a whine, she dropped her head, gritting her teeth against the pounding she felt in it. Her head felt too heavy for her neck to hold up, but too light and hazy within her mind. it was hard to stay conscious. Her other hand came up to join its twin, pushing harder on her injury, hoping the pressure would keep her from bleeding out before she could tend to herself, or help could arrive.
When she weakly lifted her head, she regarded the other through her dark lashes and the curtain of hair that somewhat blocked her vision. Another groan of pain escaped her, bleeding into her words, “I’m sorry you’re afraid of being alone.” She let the words hang in the air, hoping the weight of them on the other was crushing. “But don’t toy with me to keep yourself entertained,” she warned, anger flashing in her eyes.
0 notes
althea-and-alcestris · 4 months
Imagine an AU where Althea is reborn as Silver's twin sister (biologically) after Alcestris dies as a nearly sick twist of fate (being reborn as the child of your enemy). She too put under the sleeping spell by the fairies, slumbering away along with her brother for 200 years and waiting for someone to love them until the retired General comes by the thorn infested and abandoned castle. Lilia's presence immediately awakens the twin babies from their 'blessing' because there is finally someone who can love them unconditionally after their parents perished in war. He gives his blessing to them, naming them Silver and Althea. Silver's blond hair changes to silver but Thea's hair remains the same ashy blonde..instead it's her right eye that changes. From the soft hazel brown that her left eye is like it becomes a fiery crimson red which hits Lilia too close to home. She looks just like the young half-fae that was so brutally murdered by the humans..but this child is not to blame and neither is Silver.
He raises them in the little cottage near the Zigvolt residence and often visited by Malleus, the twins both wanting to be knights along with little Sebek and so Lilia trains all three of them. Even though the little girl wants to wield a sword as well, she's always playing the role of the princess that the two boys need to save. Silver has the ability to attract small woodland creatures or even one as big as a bear, Althea on the other hand was gifted with a voice so heavenly some might even say it can do wonders.
The envelope of invitation from Night Raven arrives to Silver, meaning he can enroll into the college but Thea is upset about her brother leaving, refusing to accept being left alone in the cottage or in the care of the Zigvolt family so Lilia somehow manages to convince Crowley to let her enroll as well (because he is so kind as we know). Sorted into Diasomnia just like her father, twin brother, older brother figure and later her childhood friend (and crush(?)) .
Despite Silver having a sleeping curse that makes him doze off randomly throughout the day, Thea has the opposite. She's very much an insomniac, having trouble falling asleep even at night. Lilia also couldn't find a cure to this just he couldn't to Silver's condition.
Ashe (Yuu) shows up in the Opening Ceremony of their second year in NRC as the magicless human from another world. Thea quickly befriends the little outsider, making them best friends and her also helping them battle the Overblot incidents. But as time passes she begins to dream about a strange girl in green armor that looks very similar to herself and a man with long blond hair and silver armor. She can't put her finger on who either of them are but she feels that she's supposed to know.
Then inevitably come the time when Lilia announces he will be dropping out of college and move to a far away country because he's losing his magic, ultimately leaving his kids behind which leaves both Silver and Thea upset. This leads to Malleus's Overblot and the nightmare begins (get it?), him putting everyone on the island to sleep. Silver uses his Signature Spell to travel into Lilia's dream along with Sebek, Ashe, Grim and Thea. There they will unravel all the secrets and truth that has been kept hidden from them by the elders.
Silver and Thea discover their true origins, finding out their real parents being the enemy of the faes and thus General Lilia and Thea recognizes Knight of Dawn as the man who always showed up in her dreams. Thea however is hit with a bonus set of bricks. Discovering that she had a past life..as the half-fae girl that she also used to dream about. She finds out what happened to her and the truth is as painful as it gets. Alcestris was murdered by the Men of Steel, more specifically King Hendrick who is non-other than her and Silver's uncle. And she right now is the reincarnation of that unfortunate half-fae soldier, reborn as the child of the enemy who are the reason of her death in the first place. She's just as distraught as Silver is about their origins but Sebek and Ashe are there to pull both of them out of the darkest pit of their life. Life moves on and they're not to blame for the actions of their ancestors, they're still worthy of love..
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inevitably-johnlocked · 5 months
Five Fics Friday: January 12/24
Happy Friday everyone!! I hope you had a wonderful week, and are ready to enjoy some more fic recs to get you started on the weekend! Enjoy!!
Spare Parts by Raina_at (E, 63,497 w., 10 Ch. || 24th Century / Futurism AU || Post TRF, Pre-TRF Relationship, Case Fic, Mutual Pining, Estrangement, Reconciliation, Science Fiction, Reunion, Nightmares, Angry John, Cybernetic John, Emotional Discussions / Heart to Heart, POV John, Scars, Past Drug Use, Forehead Touching, Emotional Lovemaking, Kissing, Apologies, Kidnapping, Rescue Mission, BAMF John, Bed Sharing, Top Sherlock) – Two years ago, Sherlock Holmes jumped off the roof of New London Hospital. Two months ago, he walked into John's clinic as if no time had passed at all. John hasn't seen him since. But then Sherlock knocks on John's door with a case he can't say no to, and while figuring out why the biggest manufacturer or synthetic limbs in the System is going after veterans, they also need to find out whether there's a way to fix what's broken between them. Part 1 of Realigning Gravity
Fade To Black by twistedthicket1 (M, 93,389 w., 29 Ch. || Split Personality Disorder / DID, Action, Romance, Violence, Implied Rape/Non-Con, BAMF John, Fluff and Angst, Baskerville, Human Experimentation, PTSD, Implied Self Harm, Trauma Amnesia, Past Child Sexual Abuse, Protective Sherlock, Smoking, Meddling Mycroft, Past Victor/Sherlock, Gay Sherlock, Sherlock’s Past, First Kiss/Time) – John Watson believes one day he'll just fade. That he'll drown in the black spaces of his mind, and that one day he will no longer exist. It's always been like this, the dark spots marking out moments in his life he can't remember. Where for just a moment he's someone else. Having a Dissociative identity disorder, he can't even be entirely sure he's really who he says he is. Then he meets Sherlock Holmes. A brilliant detective who when he looks at you can read your entire life story. John is immediately fascinated and afraid, half-wondering if maybe Sherlock can see the other personalities in him and half terrified of the thought of him finding out. Becoming his flatmate seems at once to be a wonderful and horrible idea. Yet as John's Blackouts become more and more severe and his other personalities begin to truly awaken and show themselves with Sherlock's help, the two soon discover that sometimes even the kindest person can harbour a demon best left untouched inside of them. Because not all of John's other personalities play nicely and some may be hiding secrets best left undisturbed...
Hand Me the Salt, Love? by topsyturvy_turtely (G, 554 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Pet Names, Flustered Sherlock, Cooking, Developing Relationship, Established Relationship, Fluff Without Plot) – John is cooking. Sherlock is not helping. Until...
Locked Room by Calais_Reno (T, 8,346 w., 2 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting AU || Pool Scene, Mystery, Near Death Experience, Drug Addiction, Serious Injuries, Temporary Amnesia, POV Alternating, Love Confessions, Happy Ending) – John wakes up in a locked room, unable to remember how he got here. The last thing he remembers is his hands covered in blood, trying to keep a soldier from dying. His roommate also seems to be suffering from amnesia, and has decided that John is a delusion. Part 33 of Just Johnlock
Walk of Shame by 72reasons (E, 14,355+ w., 9/? Ch. || WiP || Alternate First Meeting AU || Meet-Ugly, Bisexual John, Gay Sherlock, Alternating POV, Sad John, Suicidal Thoughts, Casual Sex, Strangers to Lovers, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Threesome, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Frottage, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex) – John is just back from the war and wanders the city wondering what he’s going to do. One of his distractions is having casual sex with a beautiful, but annoying, woman. Sherlock usually refrains from sex, but in trying to stay sober he indulges in it now and again. Sherlock meets John on the street and sparks fly. Casual sex is one thing, but what about something more?
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months
Nightfall Enchantress - Dastan x (Fem)Servant!Reader
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Requested by Anon
" hi hi, loved loved loved the Dastan fic btw. Was wondering if u could write another Dastan fic but with a maid who has a fake scar on her face that she puts on in the morning to prevent ppl taking advantage of her and Dastan sees her without it. tytyty and ty especially for writing for Dastan 😭 "
Hi! Thank you so much again for your sweet message and I hope you will enjoy this one too 😊
Warnings: AU were Tamina married Tus, the reader is her handmaid. ( Since Alamut has excellent make up artists, i thought introducing her like this would be great for the specific plot of the request) Fear of sexual assault experienced as a woman in the defeated side of war, reader is particularly sensitive about it because of her backstory.
Summary: After the persian invasion, your princess finds herself circunstantially forced to accept the marriage proposal of the eldest prince. Following her as loyal servant means you would be working for a different family and you are unsure of the protection they can grant you. By choice and chance, your kind encounters with the youngest prince start to modify your perception as he would try to show you that you have nothing to fear.
Note: This partially ignores the bigger conflict of the film. i'm borrowing the context it introduces as framework to develop a different thing.
Tags: @thorssweetheart
Orders were very clear and in any other situation, you would have fullfilled those with dedicated rigurosity. Tamina was sumitting the enemy to a proof of character, even during sujugation her wisedown exceeded.
Persians were threatening her life and that was an exception you couldn't tolerate, so you screamed against the sentence demmanding your princess' blood for the negatory to a political marriage to their future king. The loyal display of desperated concern deviated the attention to you for an instant.
" Eager to share her fate, girl? " Prince Tus mocked you, condemning the interruption. " The princess has choosen pride to be her demise."
Surprisingly for him, the extention of the threats managed to break her haughty resistance.
" STOP!!" She screamed, her tone yet sounding slightly softer. " ... She is like a sister to me."
Confussion awakened his curiosity, desire and greed probably mixing to the unexpected fact being revealed to him.
" Sister, you say? Well, that changes everything!" He sarcastically proclaimed, obtaining laughter from his crowd of soldiers. " If she is as fine as you, more than one arrangement can be made. "
In a matter of instants you were dragged closer so the Princes of Persia could inspect you, Tus presenting you to his brother as if you were a stolen item possibly about to be offered.
" Check her out, Garsiv. "
Excitement overcame the hot headed persian, lascivious smile on his face as he felt so close to possessing a smiliar beauty to take as wife. The claims of the princess made them mistake you for a noble and the richness of Alamut was such that you weren't distinguishable from one to the persian eye. Despite your looks were humbler than Tamina's, you were in all white and cloaked as most of the people from the temple.
A wiser observator could have realized that your clothing style matched with the princess' because you were her handmaid, her company servant, but there wasn't a single well oriented mind there other than hers.
Details were in his way to get a full visual. The hood had the covering support of your long, voluminous hair at the sides of your face. It was clear that Prince Garsiv wasn't precisely a patient man, but he paid the price of his arrogant approach. Once the hood fell back, abruptly and by his own hand, he stumbled with some unexpected imperfections.
A huge scar on the left side of your face going from your forehead to your chin, deforming what otherwise could have been a beautifull face. Your hair acted as curtain trying to cover most of it, but in his avid examination the prince made it fall back for full exposure.
The result wasn't of his liking,
" … Maybe Dastan would rather have her. "
More persian laughter followed his despective comment, but that didn't hurt you in the slightlest. In fact, you looked proud of humilliating the enemy by subverting his expectations.
Checking on the reactions you got with a satisfaction that was beyond their understanding, you noticed at least one man in the crowd not joining the mockery. Your glance collided with Tamina's in his direction for completely different reasons.
You were staring at him while she saw the dagger and wherever the sacred object would go, she would follow.
" Prince Tus … " Tamina called, her tone making him suspect a reconsideration. " Promise that the people of Alamut will be treated with mercy. "
The eldest prince seiled the agreement kissing the back of her hand with agressive passion, gesture that you found repulsive. While Garsiv was quite amused with your disgusted reaction, you barely cared because your eyes were following the sad confussion of the man keeping the dagger.
Most handsome man you have ever seen.
For a brief instant, his eyes found you and you smiled instinctively.
" I guess we still have to figure out what are we going to do with you. " The voice of Garsiv brought you back from the distraction. " I'm not sure you are Dastan's type."
He referenced the scene you both witnessed, the shade of dissapointment on the prince's face when comfronted with the beauty of the princess at the same moment it was clear that she would never be his.
The sad man was his youngest brother, the one to blame for the fall of the city.
" Actually, i'm her handmaid. We grew up together so i'm also like the sister she never had. " You clarified, pridefully. " One fact doesn't exclude the other, my blood doesn't matter when it comes to our affection. "
" Tamina must have had a solitary life here, i bet Tus will fix that. " He concluded, then proceeded to comment regarding the strange family bond " And I understand that better than what you imagine, girl. My little brother doesn't share my blood. "
Even if he wouldn't want you for himself, he was sure you could get along well with his adoptive brother. Despite it was most likely you were going to remain as handmaid of the bride after the wedding, your company could provide him comfort through the situation. While Garsiv just wanted to cheer up his brother, Tamina had her own private interests involved to consent your kind approach to him. His trust could grant her access to the dagger and you knew she wasn't going to toss aside her pride to win it.
Aside from all the interests involved, the first close encounter happened spontaneously. The melancholy in Dastan's heart was evident to anyone with a sensitive perception and despite all the destruction he caused, it sadden you.
The very first thing you did as soon as you were left alone with him was gifting him a small white flower you kept hidden in your outfit.
" For your heartbreak. " You explained while posing it on his hand. " If it works as consolation, I know Tamina well enough to grant you that she doesn't want him. Prince Tus is still unaware that he will have to prove his worth to her through the marriage if he really wants to get something out of it, and she is very demmanding. "
You managed to make him chuckle.
" I appreciate this, but my brother's marriage shouldn't be of my concern. " He pointlessly denied. " … And your princess is insufferable. "
The efforts for hidding his true opinion of the matter were slightly cute.
" Peraphs, to you, but she is beautifull. That's really all men need to loose reason. " You called him out. " Beauty turns men into beasts, brothers into enemies. It's a curse in disguise, they go blind of desire. "
He quickly noticed how your phrasing posicionated you as self perceived outside the concept.
" … And I suppose you think yourself beyond that. "
" Less gracefull girls don't have to worry about that. " You inmediately explained. " As a royal maid, it's a blessing. "
Unlike his brother, he understood exactly what you meant.
Wisedown of the streets, far away from the narrowed vision on a noble warlord's mindset.
" Less men inclined to annoy you and possibly hurt you. " Dastan continued, proving that understandment." … Or attention coming only from the ríght man. "
You weren't expecting that, too wise for a persian prince.
" I'm hideous and, for so, safer than my own princess. There are no arrogant warriors seeking to take advantage of me."
"Allow me to return the kindness you had with me, you aren't as repelling as you pride yourself in being. " He purred, sweetly approaching to caress your face. " I don't think this is a problem."
You shunned his touch with despair, terrified of it.
" I grant you that I'm nothing like those men. " He clarified, then smiled before proceeding to do what he considered was comforting you. " I could never hurt you ... and why would I do that? After you have been nothing but kind with me for no reason. I invaded your city and you gifted me a flower, it makes no sense in the sweetest way."
"Even enemies can show respect." You concluded. " And I firmly believe that simple acts of kindness can twist fates for good. "
For some reason you couldn't yet understand, your words seemed to had hit him deep.
" Me too." Dastan replied right away. " I'm pretty much the living proof of your philosophy, believe it or not."
You smiled and looked down for an instant.
" Your methods go against the persian warfare style, that's for sure. Sneaking inside the city instead of going for a direct clash? You fight like a greek."
He laughed, full loud chuckles that time.
" You can consider that kindness. " He explained later. " The attack that my brothers planned was going to be a massacre, so what I did was stopping it the only way I could."
Dastan sounded sincere and you knew he was, because he had no reason to seek impressing you. As far as you knew, his imposibility to marry Tamina darkened the triumph in his heart.
" I see you are not like them." You admitted out loud. " That's why I feel the treasure may be safe with you for now, as long as you don't let it fall in the wrong hands."
" You mean in Tus's hands?" He wondered out loud. " Are you trying to turn us against each other for your princess? "
You laid your hand in his, the one that still held your flower.
" You have good hands, strong enough to take a life but guided with the wiseness to spare it ... No hunger for unecesary slaughter."
He was enjoying the attention, you could tell he was flatered. When he noticed your glance descending, checking his frame, then stopping right at his hips he was full of himself thinking you were enjoying of the sight.
" The dagger in your belt is an ancient relique, keep it safe. "
Dastan didn't catch the full dimension of your warning, but the brief time you shared did manage to make him feel better. His best friend catched him smelling the flower and twirling it on his fingers a while after you circunstantially parted ways.
He did tease him over it, but believing it was a token of Tamina.
All what was left to secure the political marriage Tus seeked with her for not so political reasons was waiting for the arrival of King Sharaman. According to the estimations of Lord Nizam, the father of the groom was close and any matters of that sort had to be arranged by him. His blessing would determinate which one of his sons would marry the princess, not that she seemed convinced by any of them.
As a protective friend, you would advice the youngest was the best option. Not only he was keeping the dagger, you were rooting for him already. However, the fact that you started to like him made things difficult. It could be said you had trapped yourself in the very same situation Dastan was going through, only your case was considerably more hopeless.
Two persian princes trying desperately to avoid fighting for the princess of Alamut was one thing, but her handmaid laying eyes on one was simply unforgivable. The transgression it meant didn't matter to you as much as the breaking of your pacted scheme with Tamina to survive the fall.
It was too risky, you were safer the way you planned it. Even if you could make Dastan want you, it could only be for the only thing somewhat allowed between masters and servants. Once his fun with you would be over, every other man in the persian court would want to try you. Being a royal handmaid in Alamut implied being submitted to high standards, your purity was as unquestioned as the princess you served.
Before their invasion got to happen, you ratified her that you preferred death to persian hands and you intended to stick to that promise. Continuing your life of maiden away from the temple, watching her become a wife and remain by her side was what you had to do. If she had to marry Tus, then you were going to serve a persian family following the code of conduct established by the noble traditions of your city.
If she had to marry Dastan, your heart will break just a bit, but your goal of remaining intact would be stronger than ever. Invisible, undesirable to persian eyes, you were not only safer but way more usefull to the interests of your people and their sacred mission that couldn't be interrumpted.
The main supply for your facade was still inside the temple, left behind accidentally in the confussion. Nightfall had made you aware of that, when your dear friend helped you to clean up your face for a proper rest that was circunstantially delayed. Sneaking in hopes of recovering the valuable loss was the only solution, since it was most likely that persians already pillaged all the storages. The place was under their control, so reaching the temple unseen was nearly impossible.
Not to you, or at least you thought so.
In the middle of the road you wanted to move forward, but someone made it impossible. Dastan, pretending to just be going for a walk, was clearly awaiting for the end of your day serving the princess. You weren't scared anymore, but that didn't mean you wanted him to see your clean face.
Twice he begged you to stop and you acelerated the pace, but there wasn't going to be a third one. His strong arms trapped you and stopped your every movement for an instant before you began to struggle.
" Calm down!" He exclaimed prior to defending himself. " I'm not going to hurt you, i just want to talk. "
You believed him, but that didn't make you stop.
" Not a good time, let me go. "
Dastan held you tíght, making you perfectly able to feel his body against yours even if he didn't seek so.
You were like a precious load, not a prisoner. The struggle turned out in his favor on the worst possible end: your hood fell back. Exposed once more, you could only look at him with a wondering expression.
Inmediate mesmerizement was what he felt looking at your real image for the first time, he simply couldn't believe his eyes. His lips parted with pure amazement, to what you were only smiling innocently as if you tried to excuse yourself from the scheme.
What kind of miracle was he witnessing? Not only your scar was gone, your face looked completely different. The sweet woman he had already considered quite pretty regardless of her specifical flaw was in fact a divine beauty, her natural grace had nothing to envy in Tamina's.
" I hope you won't believe now that i'm a desperate slave girl. " You recalled, aware of the princess comments on who she imagined were the girls that Dastan preferred. " I didn't meant to be seen like this, even less by you."
Dastan wasn't thinking clearly, bitting his bottom lip furiously as if he intended to keep his mouth shut before he could try to kiss you.
" You are … breathtaking. " Was what he finally managed to say. " The most beautifull woman I have ever seen. "
It made you smile, then look down ignoring that the shying gesture would make your eyes land on his chest giving the compromising position.
" It's a secret, one more i'm asking you to keep. " You started to explain. " Only the priests and my lady have seen me like this. "
The revelation was a bit frustrating to him.
"How? Why?" He wondered out loud. " That's so unfair … you are so beautifull I could cry! "
Although you tried to keep serious, you couldn't help chuckling.
" It's a long story … "
He wasn't going to leave you untill his curiosity would be satisfied.
" I have all the time in the world. "
" Remember what I told you, about the dagger? " You attempted to approach the topic from an already established point. " There is real magic in Alamut, that we can sometimes combine with other great skills we have developed. Among other things, the city has excellent artists of the appearance. Tamina's looks are a reflect of that, the religious symbols on her skin are painted every single day and removed by nightfall ... and so do my scars. Experts of all sort downgrade my looks into what you have meet."
" Under your princess orders, surely. " He wrongfully accused. " I bet that arrogant spoiled girl can't handle having a servant as beautifull as her. In my humble perception, peraphs even more. "
You couldn't let him trash the reputation of your beloved princess.
" It's not what you think, Tamina has been wonderfull to me all my life. There has never been any sort of envy between us, she is my protector. "
" She forces you into a disguise because her beauty reflects her nobility and yours can't question it. " He insisted. " Not being born a noble doesn't erase the fact that you have the face of a princess and the heart of one. "
" You don't know what you are saying, I submit myself to it willingly and I have valid reasons to do it." You cutted him off. " I don't expect you to understand it, even when you seem more open than your brothers."
He lifted your chin so your eyes won't escape his.
" Then explain me, because without it, this seems an act of cruelty from the princess and i believe it needs to end. "
You tried to escape from his touch once more, out of shame regardless of your enjoyment.
" Alamut thrives to stay pure, away from any sort of corruption, but years ago an execrable act was commited on its holy ground and i'm its product … My mother commited suicide after giving birth, she couldn't stand the shame, and I became an orphan. Kindness stopped the regent from abandoning me to the fate of orphan girls outside the citadel, of ending up just like my mother."
Dastan knew what you were talking about, girls living in the streets would sooner or later get sold to brothels. You were born from rape and feared that as a mark of fate chasing you.
" The priests consulted the omens and they were amazed. They recommended I should be given to the princess to flourish with her because they knew that I would become an exceptionally fair girl. My innocence was proven in that prophecy, believing beauty was a sign of blessing showing the gods weren't blaming me for what happened. "
" I could totally believe you were blessed by your gods." He sweetly praised you. " I still don't understand how you weren't made a princess."
" The royalty of Alamut is strictly dynastical because it's the sacred keeper of a mystical secret. " You simply explained. " They didn't need to make me one of them in order to protect me."
" I'm an orphan made prince, the king gave me a family after watching me save my friend." He pridefully confessed you. " He could have made me Garsiv's servant, but he didn't. I'm a prince, his son, and his birth sons are my brothers."
" I'm a handmaid loved as a sister of the princess and that's enough for me. " You concluded. " When we realized we weren't little girls anymore and the eyes of men started to turn on us, Tamina promised me she wasn't going to let me suffer desecration. Together we elaborated this scheme. I have been wearing the fake scar since then, but I have asked to be made uglier on purpose when your army arrived to our gates because I knew your savages would end up fighting over who should steal my purity. Even without her artists, Tamina can still help me to create the disguise, but I need the supplies that were abandoned on that temple or otherwise all the persians will see me like this tomorrow morning"
There was real desperation in your voice tone at the end of your tale and it broke his heart.
" No more hidding. You won't need that anymore, because now I'm promising you that the bastard trying to lay a hand on you will fall by my blade "
He took your hand and kindly kissed your knuckles: a deal of prince.
" Would you protect me from your brothers? Or your friends? "
The mere implications were incredibly misguided.
" They are all good men, you just have to give them time and a little bit of trust. I know the enforced marriage on your princess doesn't make Tus look good, but he isn't like that. Neither are Garsiv, or Bis. If you trust me, you can totally trust them."
" I didn't trust you this willingly." You reminded him. " It was an accident."
"For much you struggled, I could tell you feel safe in my arms." Dastan commented, sensation that you shared. " And that is alright, the tragedy of your family is not a birth curse forcing you to hide from the world. We make our own destiny, my fair friend. "
The persian prince craved to kiss your lips, but he self restrained and kissed your forehead instead. Chaste display of his growing, intense affection on tone with the conversation. He liked you and could tell you felt the same, but rushing steps was counterproductive.
If he wanted to do things right, he had to start by making you feel safe beyond the promise of physical protection. He had to show you there was nothing to fear because, once living among them, the fierce persians weren't precisely the rouge barbarians in your nightmares.
On the next morning, you were cassualy re-introduced to everyone. Dastan asked you to accompany him on a walking tour arround the place in your role of local that knew the new territory better than him. During the occasion you told him bits of the local legends, and the saftest part to share of what you knew about the dagger hoping the fading of his skepticism would make him able to understand he had to give it back to Tamina.
She would get it as a wedding gift, he assured you, implying his intentions with her were over.
Your return granted a good oportunity to put his idea on practice, since Bis was already desperatedly looking for him under orders of the princes. When they looked at you, the three men were wondering if the thirst of battle had severely modified their perceptions the day before.
" Garsiv! So nice to see you, my brother! " Dastan saluted him, about to friendly mock him. " I accept your offering, the royal handmaid of Alamut is the finest company arround."
" What kind of sorcery is this? " Tus asked for him. " Her face is flawless."
" Cosmetic art, only applied in reverse. During daylight I show myself in disguise and the secrecy of night reveals my true face. " You defended yourself, ignoring the magical aspects in the questioning. " I turned myself undesirable to escape your men, but your clever brother discovered the scheme and this is how I really look like."
The regret on Garsiv's face was a perfect parallel of his initial dissapointment.
" You beautifull deceiver, i'm bafled. " He replicated in a slightly huskier tone." Is it too late to correct my mistakes? "
You answered with a cordial smile.
" The humilliation didn't hurt me in the slightlest, it was exactly what i wanted. Your disdain convinced your soldiers of staying away from me, I played you … Why should I be upset? "
The answer pleased him.
" If you put it in those terms, i guess you do believe in second chances. "
He was trying to keep it up with some uneffective flirting, but he wouldn't be the only one.
" My lord, with all the deserved respect, it's still important to remember she is beneath a man of your rank and prestige " Bis interrupted, then approached you. " Wouldn't you rather pick a humble man that would give you everything he has? Which isn't much, by the way, but for beauty like yours I would give it all. "
The surprise made you chuckle.
" Dastan should keep her, he discovered the secret. " Tus commented, amused by the situation. " Surprisingly, he is the only one she couldn't deceive. "
" Stop, all of you, before you start scaring her for real. " The youngest prince complained, then redirected his attention to you once more. " Still afraid, my nightfall enchantress? "
The threatening aspects had faded, at least two persians had humilliated themselves for you.
" Not so much, I believe peraphs we had mutually misjudged. "
Dastan had the last word, and his reason was the most convincing of all.
" I never did, I thought you were beautifull from the beggining. "
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callmejod · 2 months
I have a headcanon request: James Norrington x Pirate!Reader.
How would he feel about them being a pirate? How would the relationship pan out? In an alternative world where he lives, would he still be part of the navy or would he completely side with the pirates? What would the reader think of him being a part of the Navy? Would they consider giving up their pirate life to be with him?
Thank you :)
Buckle up - this can of brainworms just exploded.
I think living with pirates and experiencing their life and lifestyle shed a new light for James. He'd be more mindful of what causes people to turn to piracy and if given oppurtunity - tries to help.
After all, in both DMC and AWE he did commit piracy in order to become an Admiral at the hands of Beckett.
If the only thing in the AU that changed was his death, I think James wouldn't even entertain the idea of coming back to the Royal Navy - not after all of Becketts dirty tricks would've been exposed.
If it comes to Pirate!reader and James' relationship.....
I want them to meet between The Curse and DMC.
You would probably meet on Tortuga or something life that.
Maybe even when Jack gets him onto the Pearl and then maybe just dumps him with you when you meet at some rundown port in the middle of nowhere.
That would be delicious.
Taking you are the captain, an extra pair of hands is always welcome. Jack probably conveniently did not mention, that the blackout drunk sailor he was bestowing upon you was in fact The James Norrington. No no. You have to find out yourself.
'What's you name son?'
When he finally wakes gets woken up with a cold seawater bucket to the face courtsy of first officer you do what any sane captain would do -
'Dont fuckin- - call me son.'
'Oof he has bite to his bark gentlemen......'
After a good chow and a hissy fit you get to actually talk to him.
What kinda ticks him off is your kindness towards him - taking things slow with the hangover that you ensured wouldn't get worse, not coldly demanding him to do everything he should be doing.
You get a minute to talk to each other in private and he just presents himself as James, scared you'll do something terrible, torture him for what he's done, even kill him.
He knows thinks he deserves it.
'Just James huh? Alright "Just James", what drove you to the sea?'
Gets surprised when you don’t press further on his identity. He works on your ship quite well actually - he's well versed in many things. A week later you try prying more information from him.
'A stupid expectation and even stupider decisions.'
'Damn, you sailors always come up with the same story huh.
He can feel the cold sweat at your words.
Even if he was ex- Navy - you started to harbour a crush on the guy. He's really charming when he wants to be and can spot a British ship from miles away. His knowledge of the sea is impressive. Many-a-time had he pulled you out of hot shit you were about to get yourelf in.
You knew. Of course you knew. You recognised him the moment he got on your ship. Stood with his back too straight for being so drunk. Almost saluted when first officer "woke him up". Carried himself with an aura of an old, tired soldier.
In a drunken moment at port he tells you his full name and makes peace that he's staying back. He then wakes up on the ship and almost cries.
And he has those eyes..... that seafoam you would willingly drown yourself in. And a great ass? The package is a perfect fit for you.
He then realises that your kindness for him may have awakened a feeling he long forsaken - love.
*two dense motherfuckers in a room*
*the crew collectively suffers when looking at you two lovesick fools who believe the other is too good to be with them.*
As time goes on, you continue to floor James with both your wit and bravery. You do not charge into battle unprepared or without good reason.
Over the months spent together your realtionship with James improves to the point he reveals a little of his life in Port Royal and how he sometimes wishes he could go back there. It breaks your heart but you bite your tounge. After all - he smiled so sweetly when he told you he found a new home on your ship, with the crew, with you.
And then DMC happens.
James deals with Beckett that with your help he will get Jacks compass. The plan is set to save you and your crew. God, he would throw himself off a cliff if he didn't donanything in his power to save your life - he would sacrifice himself in a heartbeat if it meant you were free from the East Indian Company.
Oh the anguish I feel when your ship gets captured by Beckett.
You are brought to the Lords' office and he offers you a deal. Your heart breaks when you see James there. You fall to your knees. He fucking feels the floor shake from the force of your fall. You pull on the chains, making two guards holding you almost stumble to keep you in place.
Hot tears are spilling from your eyes. Every one that falls twists a knife in his heart.
'Get them to agree or neither you, or them are leaving this port alive.'
You of course deny the deal but Beckett is no dumb. He saw how hard James tried to act neutral. When the guards drag you away somewhere Beckett gives James a pointed look.
On the way out he recieves a key. James knew exactly where to use it. He has never run as fast as he did to your cell.
Seeing you in those chains - nay - in such histeric tears makes him want to carve his heart out. The damp, smelly dungeon doesn't really help with making you look less miserable.
James grips the metal bars so hard his knuckles turn white.
'Please. Please let me explain.'
'There's nothing to explain. Admiral.'
The distant look you give him makes his blood run cold.
He forces the doors open fuck the key right? , bursts in and gathers you in his arms, despite your protests. You cry, wail, curse him. And he lets you.
Now he really desereved it.
All he can do is soothe you.
You give up on trying to pry him away from you. He just won't let go. He holds you like your're going to fall apart at any moment and frankly, your'e close to doing so. The feelings you so meticulously hid away surge to the surface and you can't help but relax into the warmth of his arms.
'I'm so, so sorry that it's come to this.'
'You're not sorry. You got your life back. I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew my happily ever after wouldn't come. Especially not with you.'
You feel James freeze.
'Yeah, I never even intended to tell you but now that I'll probably hang by tommorow-'
'Your happy ever after - what does that mean?'
He moves so fast you barely register when he looked into your eyes for the truth and when he buried his face in your neck. You sit and listen to his heathing breaths, the thumping of his heart and wonder - is it stress or- Owwwww fucking hell out with it already - you think.
After a little you whisper :
'It means i love you James. And I hoped life wouldn't be so cruel to those who long for freedom.'
You feel something wetting your shirt. A full body sob jostles you.
It's James' turn to weep.
'You big baby, don't cry. We'll be alright.'
Leaving on a cliffhanger >>>>>>
I hope it's readable - I've last written fiction like 5 yrs ago.
9.4.24 I wrote it fast so there's probably some spelling issues, I'll look later k mbyeeeeeee
10.4.24 K, I've looked this through, added a few thingies
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