#jk jk i’m not that mean
rongzhi · 2 months
Here at the sinophobia Olympics and brother….. we’re #1 🇺🇸
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trying-to-jew · 3 months
Constantly torn between my desire to convert and the crushing weight of knowing that I won’t be able to exist in the wider fandom spaces that I love without being constantly reminded that Jews are always guilty until proven innocent post-Oct 7.
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rebellore · 19 days
Nvm apple defenders on reddit are somehow better than the ones on tik tok
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ladylingua · 25 days
this is an insanely out of touch take but it is my truth:
I think when there are big events happening there should be special subway cars reserved for people who aren’t going to those events and are just trying to go to work without having to be surrounded by people having a better day than you are
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windsroad · 5 days
Ok I have a little… thought experiment I’d like to run by you guys. I do not have a correct answer that you are supposed to guess, this is not meant as a gotcha to any specific group, and it is not meant to be a stand in for any real world people.
Here is the scenario:
You are a fan of a book series. The author is completely morally acceptable in every way, they have never done any crimes that you know of and you agree with all their politics. When they die, any profits from purchases of the books and related media go to their estate. There are books they wrote before they died that are still being released. The members of the estate include the author’s children, who, by no fault of the author, suck. They do horrible things and their politics suck.
Ok that is today’s entry in ~Benadryl powered moral philosophy quandaries~
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infamous-if · 2 years
O kay okay okayaoakayasysayas Since Rowan isn't going to be a LI can we please get his POV reaction (deep crush stage) of MC going over to him to tell him that MC is in love with one of the other ROs? Pleasee I need the angst and I love Rowan and am sad we won't be able to romance him!!
I was listening to favorite crime and kind of went a bit overboard. Please excuse this lengthy and angsty-ish drabble. Aha.... 🤒 ill keep it short next time
The soft notes of Rowan's guitar--affectionally dubbed 'Betty'--rises above his head, filling the silence of his hotel room. He strums aimlessly, absently, his fingers having a mind of their own as they move, creating a random melody that's oddly soothing. Or maybe it's the very essence of his guitar--he always feels more grounded, centered, with Betty in his hands.
Rowan's gaze remains unfocused as he plays, his head tilted, legs crossed on the balcony that overlooks the sleepy streets of their latest tour stop. A soft, pleasantly warm wind curls around the messy strands of his hair, locks sweeping across his forehead like a caressing hand. As the melody takes hold, going from mindless practice to something that sounds like it can be the bones of a real song, he closes his eyes.
Rowan has never been a good singer, but you don't need to be a good singer to make people feel something. He's learned that from the best of them.
I wonder if MC would like this.
The thought of his best friend makes a low groan sound in his throat, and with a huff he pauses the recording of his phone. Suddenly Betty's romantic notes feel like a taunt, a blade to his heart with every reminder of what he and MC are not. They're not together. They're not anything more than friends.
They're not what he wants them to be.
He knows he shouldn't feel this way about them. They're friends. They've been friends since he still thought fart jokes were funny and he had no bass in his voice. That's all they've always been and all they will be: friends.
The word has never sounded so terrible.
Still. If only...
His phone buzzes with a text and he sets Betty down. That blade in his heart only twists when he sees who it's from.
Of course. Did my thinking manifest them? The thought induces both a laugh and a sharp hint of misery from him.
He reads the text: Open your door.
He turns his upper-body to face his door, bursting up once the realization flows through him. He glances at himself in the mirror on his way there, making sure his pajamas are at least semi-presentable. It's MC; they've seen him in worst states, but level of comfortability changes when you want someone to see you in ways they've never seen you before.
In other words, he needs to look good.
Rowan heaves a breath before swinging open the door, remembering to keep the easy smile on his face. MC still looks good even at twelve a.m. after an entire day on the road. It's almost unfair.
"Heyyyy." He grins, trying to appear light. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
MC rolls their eyes. "You're not busy, are you?" They lean over to peek behind Rowan's shoulder, their eyes settling on an abandoned Betty. "Working on something?"
"Nah." He scratches his neck, self-concious. "Just fooling around. What, you need to talk about something?"
MC pushes past Rowan's shoulder to breeze inside, throwing themselves on the bed with a huff. "Iris and Devyn are out and I need to talk to someone."
Rowan takes a seat next to them, snorting. "So I'm the third choice?Wow."
They prop themselves up on their elbows, strands of hair falling in front of their face. Rowan has the terrible urge to lean over and push them away. "You're not exactly the 'serious talk' kind of person."
"Serious talk?" He gapes. "Yes, I am! I'm capable of being serious, you know. I'm not an asshole."
With a laugh, MC rolls over on their stomach and groans into Rowan's pillow. Now his curiosity is officially piqued. What could have MC so...like this?
"What's up?" Rowan's following laugh is both nervous and amused. "Did something happen with Seven?" Seven and MC have been a bit...all over the place since the beginning of the tour. He hardly knows what to call it. "Or did Orion lecture you again?" Orion is another one. That man has been relentless since tour started.
MC shoots him a look before sitting up, copying Rowan's position. His eyes flicker down to where their knees touch, to the proximity that's gone from the size of the bed to none at all.
They've been close like this before. No, scratch that. They've been closer, but this is different. This is different because everything is different.
"You know you're my best friend, right?" MC says, putting their hands on Rowan's.
He clears his throat, the skin under theirs burning with their touch. "Yeah...?"
"And we can tell each other everything?"
"Yeah." He quirks a brow at them, trying to stifle their humor. "Are you dying? Please don't tell me you're dying. You haven't even gotten rich yet to leave me anything in your will."
MC laughs but it comes out a bit uncertain. High-pitched. Rowan knows them. The same way he knows Iris and Devyn. He knows all of them like the back of his hand. So it only takes him another second to realize it.
MC is nervous.
His heart does a weird somersault in his gut.
"I have a secrettttt," MC sing-songs. Even as a joke they still manage to sing with perfect pitch.
The four words are enough to shake his very world, but he manages an eye roll. "Fucking hell, we're not twelve. Just spit it out."
"Sorry." MC palms their face, a nervous laugh escaping them. God. This must be serious for MC to be nervous in front of him? Rowan has never really gave anyone the impression of a harsh judge. Hell, he's always been an open book. "I just...I'm in love with [RO]."
He wished he didn't rush them. He wished he didn't hear those words at all. He's half tempted to grab it from the air and shove it back into MC's mouth so they can pretend it never happened.
"What?" is all the fuzz in his brain can spit out.
MC throws their self back, a wildly breathless laugh escaping them. The sound is even better than Betty's notes. "WHEW. That felt good to say it. Is anyone hot in here? I know I am."
MC keeps babbling but all Rowan could hear is a white noise in his head. MC is in love with RO. MC is in love with them.
MC is in love with someone that's not him.
"I just needed to let that out." MC huffs, gazing around the room. "You should invite me next time you play. You know I like seeing you finger Betty."
Rowan can't even laugh at the dirty inside joke they've had between them since he bought Betty years ago. It suddenly makes him feel wholly small and largely ridiculous: Rowan will never be the person for MC. He will always be the goofy best friend that makes stupid, childish jokes about fingering his dumbass guitar and the one MC goes to when Devyn and Iris aren't available.
He's not even the second choice. He's the fucking fourth.
As if noticing the change in atmosphere, MC awkwardly purses their lips and says, "I should probably get back to my room and get some sleep. We have an early start tomorrow."
He blinks, managing a small nod. "Uh-huh." He runs a hand through his hair, feeling naked without his hat. "Right."
They stand and shoot Rowan a final look. "Thank you," they say after. a moment, "for being my friend."
He's really starting to hate that word.
But he smiles anyway. "Yeah. Ditto."
MC grins, spinning on the heel of their foot to leave the room. Rowan follows, waving lamely at them and watching as they disappear down the hall, whistling a merry tune. It's true; it does feel like a weight was lifted of their shoulders. They walk with a hop in their step. Rowan hates knowing it was RO that is responsible for that.
With a sigh he closes the door, leaning his forward against it. Spinning on his shoulder, he looks up at the ceiling.
"I need to get laid," he mumbles.
Though he has a feeling that won't do much to solve the problem in his heart.
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warmsol · 27 days
fuck it no one asked but after much consideration i’m gonna post lune prologue excerpts whenever i feel like it. won’t be a whole story, i swear.. just pieces of elia’s lore here and there in story form.
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croftersforlife · 21 days
My playlist is on shuffle and I just got Murder on the Dancefloor, Sweet Dreams (placeholder for Darkest Hour), and Witch back to back in that order…
I think Night Swan hacked my phone 💀
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yeyayeya · 6 months
I am legit sobbing over this images I AM NOT OKAY
When a ship takes over my life that even just seeing the actors together makes me feel so many things
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Context: This are the live actions actors for Quan Yizhen and Yin Yu. The one with the hat in the first pic and glasses in the second one is Yin Yu’s actor (Wang Jia Yu), while the one being carried in the first and the one taking the pic in the second one is Quan Yizhen’s (Liu Zi Rui/Ray Liu)
The second pic is from Liu Zi Rui’s weibo while the first one is (from what I am assuming) a fan account for Liu Zi Rui.
Tbh, at this point I just want Eternal Faith to release just for the QuanYin crumbs. I am starving over here and just need some QuanYin content in my life.
I would also love it if any fan artists decide to draw these as QuanYin. Especially the first pic
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sciderman · 1 month
As the designated Deadpool Lore Whore, (and I the Weasley Lore Whore) I must ask you a question.
((I’m also like 95% sure you were who informed me of this))
Would this be canon?/lh
Like I said 95% sure you were who posted about it and now I merged my two hyper fixations together to create this monstrosity lmaooo
In the multiverse, anything is possible
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(sorry) I am illiterate to the world of Harry Potter so I am definitely not the one who said this - but, anything is possible in the multiverse! your art is cute, op! I always love a purple deadpool suit!
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hanzajesthanza · 1 month
dandelion is indeed the worst but if he’s not present in the next book i would legitimately be sorrowful as the whole thing will become a slog . you basically cannot have the “short stories” era-of-the-timeline iteration of geralt without dandelion, it would be like eating unbuttered bread.
though it’s not like season of storms did them dirty, i wasn’t disappointed with it (… with regards to them), but since it’s literally been over 20 years since the saga was finished i’m trying to prepare for any potential reality
#however i will accept an absence of dandelion IN THE CASE OF we get to see geralt and yennefer living together in vengerberg#but if it’s regular geralt day in the life then if dandelion’s not there it’s gonna suuuuuccckk#i mean as in geralt’s life sucks without him. badly#and it also? sucks with him. good-ly.#it’s august and we don’t have a title yetttt 🥲 and they said 2024 … hmhm sure#i just feel like rupaul ‘and don’t fuck it up’.gif#like i’m excited but also wtf? new witcher book? are we on punk’d?#it’s not going to be the best but i’m hoping it will be at least as good as season of storms. not a high bar ok!#this from the person who was optimistic about the n*tflix show. don’t trust me i like to believe in the future#i was going to say ‘and i trust sapkowski more than i trust n*tflix’ and then i laughed.#i don’t trust him—i don’t even trust the version of him from the 90s and 00s!#one side of me can’t believe i’m still here after the guardswomen of kerack. and the ‘well i’m only gay for clout’ villain motivations#the other side of me is intensely curious wtf geralt will get up to this time and how witcher could maybe even denigrate further#but season of storms ending was actually good and = well it’s not like sapkowski forgot what it was about#then again it’s been 10 years and a bad adaptation since then so im biting my nails#all i ask : please stick with the naming convention of the other books. i don’t want to write an absurdly long or short name or acronym out#sooooo weird that in a few months i will be saying: there are 9 witcher books.#actually rn i just say there’s 7 and discount season of storms as a legitimate heir but mention it as footnote lol#i just hope i can survive until this new book and until its translation LOLLLL#they said translation in 2025 but you know the track record#new book: *releases winter 2024* | english translation: coming 2045!#jk i think they finally figured out that witcher is a money printer so they will be eager to translate it now and not waffle around#they kicked their butts into gear with the hussite trilogy so ! and they made new hardcovers.#the elbow-high diaries#new book 2024
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kuroppiii · 2 months
you guys ever just associate ur moots with their icons.
but then the thing with that is, it’s like my crew is all “oh wow it’s bokuto oh wow it’s like three hinatas oh wow hi akaashi”—
then there’s me…… i’m just an onigiri
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titsthedamnseason · 2 months
i’m going to start only guessing these as a form of manifestation
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qjaiden · 2 years
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take a look at my bbg<33
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ssreeder · 5 months
I'm so looking forward to iroh and zuko properly talking and seeing irohs reaction to zuko being gay.
Like we all know he doesn't agree with the fire nation rn but how will he react?
Will he not support him cause sokkas a guy? Will he not support him because it's SOKKA? Will he accept him? Will he reveal he's known for years zuko was gay?
Especially with everything that happened with zhao, regarding to what jee said to bato on their date. (Which is a very understandable perspective, zuko just got out of this very sexually traumatising situation and almost immediately starts a relationship (his first relationship) with sokka, but then again it is a very unique situation)
One thing I love about some atla fics is how they portray the FNs thoughts on queerness, cause on one hand they were one of the only country's (I think) that treated men and women the same but then again it's also the fucking fire nation.
And I also think zukos whole canon arc can be very comparative to queerness,
His dads an asshole and after speaking out against him he throws him out, and zuko try's for 3 years to regain his father's love and acceptance, and then faced with the opportunity of regaining it takes it immediately regardless of who or what he may hurt (iroh, his own morals etc) but once he makes it back home realises how fucked up everything is and eventually confronts his dad and openly tells him he doesn't agree with him then runs aways.
I also wonder if iroh secretly knows jee is queer it doesn't seem that likely to me but it also is iroh so who knows.
I do think Iroh’s reaction will be a big moment for not only the story but for Zuko’s character development. Right now, Zuko’s technically still a prisoner, holding himself there by assuming Iroh will not understand or judge him when in reality he’ll never know what his uncle is thinking until they TALK ABOUT IT. (Which the FN royal family is just sooo good at healthy communication I don’t understand why this is so hard for them lol?!)
I do agree that the suddenness of the relationship combined with the intensity from both zuko and Sokka is very alarming for people looking at it from the outside (I mean we all totally get it cause we were there but others are like uhhhh hmmmm ok this might be concerning) so I get them gossiping and wondering if this is truly real or what the fucks going on with those boys.
I love Zukos canon arc because there’s just so much about zukos story that can be relatable no matter who you are and I think that’s why he is a fan favorite (it doesn’t explain why we torture him the way we do but ehhhh it’s fine haha)
Hmmmmmm does iroh know Jees gay? Depends on how saucy those music nights got ;)
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“Yeah I can read in German!”
Me tryna read in German:
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