#jo is actually a god sent angel baby
burninlovebutler · 2 years
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‘I need a Graceland kind of man,
wanna go out with you in powder blue
and tease my hair up high’
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- velvet elvis - kacey musgraves
gif cred: @karamelcoveredolicity loml
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blorbosondeck · 4 years
fic rec masterlist
canon divergent/finale fix its
THIS! FIC! this fic lives in my head rent FREE it is so good and it makes so much sense in the narrative that the shitty finale concocted, as to why they wouldn't mention cas or anyone else and its just. so good and they write chuck in the most villainous way that i love!!!
"Chuck is depowered, Jack is the new god, and the world is free. Dean and Sam get into the Impala and chase down the miles on an endless highway, and their story is finally, finally their own to follow. At least, that's what Dean tells himself. But the diners and motels and painted interstate lines are blurring together and the smallest details keep catching at his brain like tiny fishhooks and he can't quite shake the feeling that not everything is exactly as it should be. Fix-it/alternate series finale. Canon-compliant through the end of 15.19."
Sunset Sound: Stairway to Heaven by @adhdeancas
GOD FUCKING CHRIST this is so good and sweet and im such a sucker for team ups and reunions!!! its 3:30 am rn and i just finished it and i love it SO much it made me laugh a lot and the last few chapters i had the stupidest grin just plastered to my face
The Closer the Star, the Greater the Parallax by @rocksalts​
repressed bastard dean submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known and receives the rewards of being loved but only after some miscommunication i LOVE this i read it last night and it’s a fast favorite. my interests have overlapped and i am INTO it
“When Dean sits down to watch some bullcrap Discovery Channel episode with Cas, he doesn’t expect to actually learn anything. Except, with Cas explaining, he makes an effort to connect the dots.”
Don't We All Deserve To Be Happy?
VERY sweet and a VERY good pick me up. all around feel good fic!!! 
"Post-canon fix-it, divergent from 15x19 where Jack stays and Dean doesn't die and Cas comes back and everyone is happy. Take a shot every time I'm salty about the finale."
Keep Your Love Alive
okay. okay okay okay this may be my favorite finale fix it just because of how well reasoned it is. like this feels what should have happened i love it SO much
"Dean gets to spend eternity sharing beers with Bobby on the Roadhouse porch and riding around in his Baby with Sam. He’s at peace… or he feels like he should be. But a few things nag at him: Where is Cas, and everybody else Dean had been hoping to see in Heaven? Why does he feel like he’s stuck in a loop, reliving the same memories over and over again? And who are the strangers wearing Sam’s and Bobby’s faces?"
The GoldenRod Revisions by @aethylas​
this is one of the most well written things ive ever read. the script format DID make it feel more real and honestly? this is better writing than this show deserves. the finale that could have been ♥️
“A rewrite of Supernatural’s final two episodes, expanded into a five episode arc - in which Chuck needs to be defeated, Castiel deserves to be saved, and the characters in this story get a very different ending.“
Ascend by @wanderingcas​ 
THEE finale fix it fic!!! written by the AMAZINGLY skilled and talented @wanderingcas !!! it’s 50k of angst and hurt/comfort and pure bliss
“Something in the world is wrong.
Demon activity is rising where mysterious black substance oozes and unusual ecological events are shaking the world. Dean, grief hanging on his shoulders, restlessly searches for answers that might lead him to the Empty… and to Cas.
But what Chuck wrote can’t be undone. The narrative thread pulls Dean along, forcing him to comply. Because once a story already has an ending, it can’t be rewritten.
Or can it?”
Things Happen (They Do, And They Do, And They Do) by THEE @sobsicles
i KNOW everyone has already recommended this and likely you’ve all already read it. but it has to go here bc REPRESSIOOOOOOOOON i LOVE this so much it is one of the most perfect things i’ve read. are you bisexual? did you have a kind of weird relationship with your best friend and not realize that how you felt about them wasn’t necessarily how other people felt about them and you were maybe a little bit in love with them but were too repressed to realize it? you’ll feel seen. maybe a little too seen
Closer (isn't close enough)
are you a sweet and sappy yet horny bastard? do you like cas exploding light bulbs? you will like this.
“the one where they finally talk about what cas said before the empty took him”
You and Your Husband
it is exTRMELY sweet!!! repression dean strikes again <3
"Five times Dean corrects someone about his relationship with Cas, and one time he realizes he doesn't need to."
Tall Grass
miscommunication and a slowburn! despite being written in 2017 and finished in 2018, it feels like a fix it. ft. plant obsessed cas <3 
a LOVELY and short (relatively) finale fix it
“They saved the world. They're free. It's done.
Except it's not, and carrying on is the last thing any of them are thinking about.
They still have someone they need to save.”
Unchained Link
post finale- it’s a great case fic and i am compelled i want more!!!
"It's after the end of things. Life continues on while Dean is "livin it up" in heaven. But it's never that simple, is it? A freak occurrence sends Dean into another time stranded back on Earth. And he thought his hunting days were over. But, no worries. His knight in shining armor comes to the rescue. Hijinks, therefore, ensue."
fun and time unspecified
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Love Potion No. 5
very funny and sweet! miscommunication at its finest ♥️
"Cas gets drenched with a mystery potion from the ‘love spell’ shelf and... Dean has a sneaking suspicion, angel or no— the spell may have taken effect. And Cas might be in love with Sam."
The Way We Were
Y'all. It is so good its a great mix of funny and serious- extremely fun to see dean as like a base bisexual
"Dean and Castiel pose as a couple to gain access to a gated community known as 'The Glen', a pleasant if secretive location that the boys believe might be linked to several dead bodies showing up over the years bearing signs of ritualistic sacrifice. All seems well until Dean's memory is affected from an incident during a solo exploration, leaving Dean convinced that their cover story is true. Castiel is left trying to resolve their case without taking advantage of an increasingly enthusiastic Dean"
While You Were Sleeping
this is basically just the movie but replacing sandra bullock with cas. this is my comfort movie and imo, one of the most perfect rom coms. the fic isn’t finished but i still have the tab open on my phone and i will straight up go back and re read it when i need a pick me up. 
The Harvelle Gospels: Offscript
i know everyone ever ( @jewishcharliebradbury ) has recommended this fic. and for good reason go fucking read it
“The Apocalypse is averted, the angels are in Heaven, and Jo is free from the threat of possession. Somehow it couldn't be farther from a happy ending.“
absolute riots
An Ineffably Profound Bond
i honestly would have put this in the finale fix it section! look. i know. i know you've been burned by crossover fics before. but this is Thee good omens/spn fic you want. its funny as hell and immensely satisfying. im weak for everyone working together tropes and that is this
"After Chuck sets 'The End' in motion, the remaining members of TFW make a miraculous escape. Not willing to waste any time, Castiel comes up with a plan to travel to one of the other worlds to try and get help from the angels there, but after a fight with Dean, it's the hunter who gets sent into an alternate universe,with seemingly no hope of return.
When a mysterious human with a heavenly weapon shows up in Aziraphale's shop, he and Crowley learn that their world is not the only one. Now it is up to them to decide whether or not they want to join forces with the human and help him save his world or simply find a way to send him home."
Somebody Up There Likes Me by @lafilleredige
cas is hit with a spell that turns his vessel into a woman, hijinks and sexuality crises ensue etc etc sam is a supportive and bitchy little brother and its all SO fucking funny and also. horny as hell i love it i love it i LOVE it
“’Dean doesn’t want to talk about your breasts, it’s making him uncomfortable because he hasn’t acknowledged the complex fluidity of human sexuality.’“
Stray Cat Strut
a long crack fic that IS one of the funniest things i’ve ever read and i can’t explain why. it’s so ooc but its so funny that i don’t care. if you need a laugh you gotta read this
"Sam and Cas are immediately in love with the adorable kitty they find outside the bunker door, and occupy their time planning how to convince Dean--who they believe is off sulking after a botched hunt--to let them keep their cat. Along the way, Dean learns to use a litter box and hears some confessions he maybe wasn’t supposed to hear, all while realizing just how much he loves Castiel.
Now all Dean has to do is convince Cas and Sam their new pet cat is actually him before they do something crazy--like neuter him!"
canon compliant or slight canon divergence
by @doublestuffedimpala post season 7 episode 7, kind of ambiguous ending but truly a cas is happy to bleed for the winchesters fic
Punch Like Bones 
short, post 5x04 homoerotic moment that i wish we’d gotten
333 notes · View notes
boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter sixteen
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Chapter Sixteen
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Summary/Warnings: Amoreena meets Jo, Jo shares her experience with the foster homes (tw self-harm and child abuse), and Spencer shares his shitty childhood with her. They bond, he loves her more than he thought possible, his dreams of a big happy family are coming true.
word count: 4.8k
from the beginning <3
His phone is ringing at 7:50 and all he does is groan, forgetting Y/N’s agreement with Amoreena. His wife reached over his face and towards the phone, picking up with an overly cheerful tone for a pregnant woman who was up until 3 am.
“Hello sweet girl, how was your sleep?”
“Ugh,” she makes a weird face as the morning nausea kicks in and she tries to swallow it down. “Yeah? Oh, I’m so glad, dad and I are just waking up. We have another big surprise for you today… I know honey there’s always a lot going on, but this one is a good one I promise!”
“Can I go talk to her?” Spencer asks, “alone?”
“Dad’s going to come and see you while mommy has a shower, okay? I love you too, bye,” she smiles as she hangs up and passes the phone back to him.
They kiss quickly before separating, Spencer throws on the same clothes from the beach last night before heading down the hall towards Amoreena’s room. He knocks quietly before entering, seeing her sitting in a queen bed with 2 cats.
“Taylor let Olivia and Benjamin stay in here last night, she said they usually sleep in here anyway!” She was whispering, but it was still loud for her this early.
He sat on the edge of her bed and gave her a big hug, “how was your night?”
“Really amazing, Dad, Taylor is my best friend now,” she’s completely serious, “I hope mom’s not too upset about that, I guess we could share her…”
“That’s a nice thought, are you good at sharing?”
“I think so,” she nods with a serious face.
“Good, because there’s a new person who’s coming to live with us. She’s going to be kind of sad for a while and I’ll be spending a lot of time with her too,” he watches her face as she listens, confused but fine with it.
“Who is she?”
“Did your mom tell you how she made you?”
She nods, “she said sometimes people with penises donate sperm to help people have babies, and you were the one who donated for me,” she gives him a run down so seriously that it makes him laugh like the 7-year-old.
“Yeah, exactly, well I also helped 2 other families make babies,” he says softly, petting her hair as she understands what that means.
“So I have more siblings?”
“Yep, 2 sisters and a brother,” he smiles as she starts to bounce with excitement. “Josephine is 12, almost 13, and she’s coming to live with us.”
“Where is her mom?” She asks, he knew she would.
“Her mom and dad were in an accident, they died and she looked for me because she didn’t want to be alone anymore,” he knows it’s a hard topic, and that she understands death after losing her gg, but it’s still hard.
“Oh, that’s sad,” she frowns, moving in to hug him again, she keeps her head pressed to his shoulder. “I hope she’s okay, is she here now too?”
“She is, but I’m not sure if she’s awake yet, she’s a teenager and they sometimes sleep in longer than you would, like when Henry was over and slept until noon,” he has all his kids profiled in his minds and it’s actually more helpful than a hindrance.
“Does she like Taylor?”
He knew that one was coming too, “she’s a huge fan, she cried meeting her just like mom.”
“Is she going to call my mom her mom now?”
“I don’t think so, would that upset you?” He’s worried for the answer, he had the same jealous tendencies growing up. Hell, he still has them.
“No, she needs a mom, I would be very sad without mine, I know she needs one too,” she looked at him like it was a stupid question because of course, all kids need a mom and her mom happened to be the best.
“That’s really nice of you, she knows all about you and she’s really excited to move in with us, maybe you can help her decorate her room?” He isn’t sure what Jo will think, but he knows it would be good for bonding.
“Can we see if she’s awake? Wait, she’s a she right? Miss Kennedy said sometimes people look like girls but they don’t like to feel like girls, so we use they,” Amoreena was so worried about being a good sister he didn’t know why he worried so much.
“Well, I’m not sure, Jo hasn’t told me but you can ask?”
She shot right out of bed, still in her dress from last night as she ran to the door, “come on, what room is it?”
“Right there, knock nicely,” he says as he joins her in the hall, pointing to the room across from her.
She knocked 3 times, hearing a small ‘yeah?’ From the other side before opening it, “good morning!” Amoreena cheered.
“Amoreena!” Jo smiled as she got out of bed and ran over to her. She dropped to her knees so they’d be the same height and wrapped her up in her arms.
They hugged like this was a reunion and not an introduction, they held on to one another so tightly they both squeezed their eyes shut and held their breath. He knew that kind of hug, that was a hug you gave when you deeply loved the person you were hugging.
It made him want to cry, again.
Jo pulled back from her and Amoreena immediately held her face in her hands, observing her. “Yep, you’re my sister,” she smiled as she saw her nose.
That same perfect little button that was slightly angled towards the sky, she booped it lightly. Jo booped her right back.
“I am, it’s pretty cool getting to share a dad with you cause now I get to meet Taylor Swift, how the heck did we get so lucky?” Jo talks to her like she’s used to being around kids, finding the wonder in every word and saying the whole sentence with enthusiasm.
She turns to him, both his girls making the same face as they looked at him in the doorway, “how did you meet Taylor, dad?”
“You remember Uncle Dave? He came over for the barbecue and talked to poppy bob about winemaking all night?”
“Yeah, he’s Italian,” Amoreena remembered his funny accent and how she called him Mario.
“His daughter is Taylor’s friend, so Taylor sent me an email asking to meet you,” he couldn’t help but smile as she did.
“So you guys really are knights at the FBI, huh?”
“Yeah, but my armour got too rusty so now I’m going to guard the princess only, no more battles for me,” he was happy to make it magical, to turn the terribleness of it all into something she could be proud of.
He feels cold hands reaching under the back of his shirt then as he jumps, Y/N is wrapping her arms around him and pressing her cheek to his back, “your armour is fine, it just needs some polish.”
“They’re kinda gross, you’ll have to get used to that,” Amoreena says, pressing her lips together awkwardly as she looks at Jo.
“It’s nice though, it makes you feel like love is real,” Jo smiled back, “not many kids have happy families.”
“You do now, okay?” Amoreena took her cheeks in her hands again, something she must have learned from Y/N. “My family is your family and we are the best family, you’re going to have so much fun with us, can I help you decorate your room?”
Jo cried, laughing lightly as she nodded, “that would be cool, maybe we can get bunk beds for random sleepovers?”
Amoreena shot her eyes to her mom, “can we?”
“That would be cool,” Y/N agreed, “we’ll go to Ikea on Friday when I’m not working, okay?”
“And this weekend we can buy some paint for your room?” Spencer added, “you guys can plan all week together.”
“Yes!” Amoreena cheered, hugging Jo again.
Jo held her gently, resting her cheek against the top of Amoreena’s head with a small smile. She looked genuinely happy, peaceful like she belonged somewhere again.
Right then Amoreena’s eyes are darting right to him, “It’s fathers day!” She screams, way too loud for 8 am in someone else’s home. Thank god Taylor was on the other side of the mansion.
“Oh my god,” Amoreena smacked her forehead with her little hand, “I was so carried away with the wedding I didn’t pack your present, dad! I’m so sorry.”
“I’ve got you covered little miss,” Y/N smiled at her, “It’s in my purse!”
Amoreena pushed past them in the doorway and ran to their room in search of said purse. Probably emptying it out on the bed and making a huge mess, but it was fine.
Y/N took a moment to kiss his cheek, “good morning, happy father’s day.”
“Thank you,” he blushed, turning to face her and hold her close, “I can feel you staring Jo, come here.”
She comes skipping right over, wrapping her arms around them both and resting her head on Spencer’s side. For a 12-year-old she was tall, a lot taller than Henry was, that’s for sure.
“Hey!” Amoreena butts in, “let me in,” she pushed into the middle of the hug to steal all the warmth, “happy father’s day, dad.”
“Happy father’s day,” Jo added with a soft smile, “thank you for everything.”
“Yeah, you’re the best dad in the world, Jo you should see how he reads with his mind, he doesn’t even need to look at the books at bedtime,” Amoreena bragged, pulling back from all of them then.
Spencer wiped the tears from his face and pretended he wasn’t crying, overwhelmed by love just like he told Jo to expect. “I love you guys, I’m so glad I helped make you both, you’re the best kids a dad could ask for.”
“Here,” Amoreena hands him a wrapped present.
It’s a handmade book, blue construction paper bound with green ribbon in little loops and covered in a thin layer of tissue paper from the present he got her last week. He carefully removes the tissue and hands it back to her, “do you still want it for dresses?”
“Sure,” she takes it with a smile, “I wrote this for you after a dream I had, Miss Kennedy helped me write it all and reword it a bit. But it’s all from my brain.”
“Spencer’s little women,” he reads and then his heartbeat almost stops when he sees the bottom, “by Amoreena Reid.”
“We can go sit in the living room while you read it to us?” Y/N offered, taking the girl's hands and leading them all down the hallway.
Taylor’s house was full of floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing them to watch the sunrise over the ocean as they cuddled up on the couch as a family. Him and his little women.
“Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a beautiful princess who had a broken heart. She promised to hide away from the townspeople until she gathered all the pieces again,” Spencer read the first sentence and knew he wouldn’t be able to make it through the whole book.
“You know, I think it would be better if you read this to me Amoreena,” he asks her gently, “I want to know it from your voice first.”
“Okay,” she bounces up from where she cuddled into her mother to take the book from his hand, sitting straight as she got ready to read.
“Slowly, but surely, the pieces came back to her one by one as the people felt the need to search for her, they missed seeing her smile as she ruled alongside her parents, the king and queen until her heart was fixed.
A little girl, Lady Amoreena, arrived like a gift. A fairy godmother handing a small child to the princess to raise and love forever and ever, they were best friends more than anything.
But the princess’s baby girl made it her mission to fix the rest of her heart as she grew up seeing her mom frown, questing for princes and kings, even another princess to come and fill that last missing spot of her heart. To make their family love grew as the cracks from where they separated were healed.
She set off on her daily adventure, running off past the gates on the way to the willow tree, excited to see what wonders the pond of youth brought to her this time. Surprised to find a knight, his broken and rusty armour fallen on the ground, he was wrapped in weeds, he had been trapped for too long to remember.
Amoreena cut the vines off him with her sword, “you’re free now, sir knight.”
“How can I ever repay you?” The kind man with the same nose as her asked.
“Meet the princess, tell her about your battles, make her laugh and you can stay with us,” she gives him one final quest. His last ever duty.
The princess smiles as soon as they meet. He wins her over without even trying, he completes their family and makes all the cracks in her heart fuse back together. Gold light shines from her as she’s healed, completed by the love of a family she never knew she needed.
The love didn’t end there… the knight and the princess knew lady Amoreena would be like her mom when she grew up. The possibility of a sad and broken heart as she got older, so they made her 8 more siblings, her group of sisters to keep her company during the happily ever after part.
“Sir Spencer, where are all your little women?” The king of the land asked, seeing the knight and the princess all alone on the path, old and slow as they walked.
“Down by the pond, it’s story day!”
He knew that’s where they’d always be, at their pond with a book, braiding each other's hair, weaving flower crowns and chasing each other through the wildflowers that replaced the vines that once held him down.
Free, healed and happy. Spencer and his little women healed the princess, allowing her to take the role as Queen, like her grandma always wanted for her.”
“There isn’t a 'the end'?” Y/N’s voice questions lightly as Spencer cries too hard to even respond.
She was the most amazing child in the whole world and he didn’t know what he did to deserve her. He wrapped her up in his arms and held her so tight she was smacking his arm to let her go with a laugh, “I want to add more to it when I’m older, like GG’s book.”
“You can write one for all your sisters,” Y/N smiles at her softly, “you know, gg only wrote Amoreena because you came to her in a dream?”
She nodded, “that’s why I started writing this book for dad because I had a dream about him reading to all of us, he was so old it was funny.”
“How old?” He asks, remembering his reflection from his own dream.
“Like poppy, you had a white beard!”
“What did we talk about?” He doesn’t know why he wants to know so badly but he’s desperate to know if their dream was the same.
“It was story day, you and mom were late, but you said, ‘I’d never miss a Saturday with my little women,’” she smiles, “I’m so glad you’re my dad.”
She holds him back just as tight this time, snuggling into his chest as he breathes her in. His first little baby, even if she was the middle kid now, she was his baby, he couldn’t even imagine holding someone even smaller than her soon.
They take a quick trip to target in the morning, needing to get some things for Jo and Y/N really, really wanted chocolate-covered cranberries, making sure he knew that she would kill him if he didn’t bring them back to her. Finally having those pregnancy mood swings he was expecting.
Jo is quick to pick out some summer clothes and a bathing suit for the day as well as toiletries and anything else she wanted because Spencer said so. He was going to spoil her because he didn’t know what else to do. This is what he wanted from his dad, someone to see something, think of him and just get it to make him smile.
She saw some purple bedding that she liked, so it ended up in the cart. And then she needed some new pillow, and some fitted sheets… oh and those curtains are nice… and before they knew it they had $300 worth of things for her bedroom in the back of Y/N’s car.
Jo pressed her lips together awkwardly as they sat in the front seats of the car, he looked over at her and smiled, making her laugh, “this is the best father’s day.”
“I’m supposed to be getting you gifts today!”
“You are a gift, Jo,” he doesn’t mean to get sappy, but he can’t help the love he feels for her already.
“Drive before I cry, dude,” she turns to look out the window. “Are we going to have a 'ground rules and behaviour' speech like all the foster parents do? I have a feeling you have no idea what you’re doing.”
He starts the car then, pulling out of the lot and starting the 40-minute car ride back with her, “how do they normally set the rules in the foster homes?”
“They pay for my phone bill with the money provided for me each month and they sometimes get me the groceries I want for lunches and stuff but they mostly kept the money for themselves. I’m only allowed on the internet for an hour a day, homework has to be done in front of their eyes at the kitchen table, no food after 7 pm, lights off and no walking around by 9,” she gave the rundown and it made Spencer’s stomach turn.
“I will pay for your phone bill, you don't need to worry about that. We can even get you a new one when we get home. Y/N has great internet and every streaming service available, you don’t have a time limit here. Just promise me you’ll go outside sometimes?” He reaches a hand out to hold her’s while driving, letting her know he means what is coming next.
“I trust you have a way of life you’re used to, and I’m not going to change that on you, if you want to share things with me and be open and honest, I’m always here and I will never judge you. I don’t want you to ever feel like you need to hide things from me. And that being said, I trust you enough to use the internet safely, and not hack anything without good reason anymore?”
Derek was right, it’s surprisingly easy to be a dad. All you have to do is love them and be there for them.
“Okay, then I think you should know,” she takes a deep breath and a pause. “I’m pretty sure I like girls too, I never got to tell my mom that but I’m sure she knew, and I’m kind of scared to put my bathing suit on when I get home.”
“First of all, I’m proud of you,” he squeezes her hand 3 times, and she does it right back with a smile. “Secondly, why? Did you not get one you liked? I was fine buying any of them for you.”
“I have a lot of scars on my legs, and I don’t want to scare Amoreena,” she’s really ashamed of herself and Spencer understands it.
He rolls his sleeve up and extends his arm for her to see his very faded track marks, “I was drugged on a case once, I had an addiction after. The scars fade over time, but I also haven’t shown Amoreena my bare arms yet.”
“Mine are pretty faded now too, it’s been a few months, they look more like stretch marks,” she smiled at his honesty, feeling safer with him.
“If she asks, you can say it was from a cat at the foster home. She’ll think about Cinderella and the evil stepmother's cat, and then completely forget why she asked,” he assures her, knowing Amoreena like the back of his hand now.
“Lucifer,” Jo smiles, “I was like her as a kid too, always making up stories and finding new movies to be obsessed with. I have ADHD, by the way, but I’m un-medicated cause my last foster home didn’t listen to the school’s diagnosis,” she says it like it’s not a big deal.
His blood starts to boil at the thought of someone not taking care of her, “excuse me?”
“Yeah, and when I asked for a therapist they said no to that too, I was ‘fine’ apparently and they settled for a dead parents support group so that Colin could have a coffee while I sat there,” she’s oblivious to how terrible it is.
“Make me a list of all the things you want, I mean everything down to the most niche interest or therapy technique that you’ve researched and I will help you with whatever it is,” Spencer is furious at the conditioning she’s experienced to think this is okay.
“You don’t have to, dad, I’m okay now,” she lies and he can tell.
“You don’t have to be, believe me, I cry almost every night to Y/N about things I thought I had recovered from. If you want to talk to someone because you think it will help, or if you want medicine because you feel like it’ll help you focus better or just be happier, I’m here to help you get that.”
She goes quiet, staring at their hands where he’s still squeezing her palm. She rubs her thumb along the skin softly, “did your mom ever hurt you?”
“Only when she wasn’t really there in her own mind,” he presses his lips together right after, he’s never told anyone about it.
“Did your dad?”
“Emotionally, but he wasn’t there long enough to lay a hand on me.”
She nods at the response, “my dad was evil, I think he killed my mom in that ‘accident’, but on purpose.”
“I thought my dad was a murderer once too, but it was actually my dad’s friend,” he isn’t sure why he’s telling her everything, but she deserved to know.
“There was a pedophile in our town who killed this boy, Riley, and my mom told him about a man who was watching me like I was next. And Riley’s dad killed him, but I was so young my mind tried to think it was my dad who did it all.”
“Your old job must have really messed you up inside too, huh?” She tries to laugh it off, scared of his past but intrigued at the same time, he just nods at her observation.
“I have a friend, her name is Penelope, her parents died when she was a little bit older than you. She snuck out and they went to look for her, and they were in a car crash,” he makes sure she’s comfortable, her hand is still in his and her thumb is still moving over his skin.
“Like you, she got into hacking, the FBI had to hire her because she was so good she became a threat, you’d really like her,” he says, turning to look at her quickly, he loves the smile on her face.
“I’d love to meet her,” she smiled, “thank you, I wish you could have always been my dad.”
It breaks his heart a little, “well, you have me forever now.”
“Two questions,” Y/N’s voice approaches as she walks towards the trunk of her car.
Jo and Spencer are digging through all the shopping bags trying to find all the things that she needs for the afternoon, leaving the rest for the ride home.
“Here,” Spencer hands her the chocolate-covered cranberries, “king-sized bag.”
“I love you,” she smiles as she takes it, “the second question, how are the suitcases going to fit in there now? We have two kids to bring home, they’re going to be squished.”
“I don’t mind,” Jo smiles, “one time they didn’t have room for me in a car so I sat in the trunk for 15 minutes.”
Spencer wrapped her up in his arms, “every time you tell me a story about what has happened to you, I want to kill someone.”
She laughs, holding him back gently, “believe me, I was an asshole to them, they got what they deserved.”
“What did you do?” Y/N worries about what she’s capable of, Spencer can tell.
“I called the tax people and said they have been claiming foster kids as dependents and now they might have tax fraud charges coming their way,” she seemed very proud of herself. “I would never hurt someone, but I have no problem getting them in trouble.”
Y/N extended her fist, bumping it off Jo’s with a smile, “as you should! Now, come on, let’s go get ready for the beach.”
Jo skipped inside with Y/N, their arms linked as they did so. Spencer couldn’t believe this was his life now. He closed the trunk with a slam, picking up the bag of things he set aside before joining them inside.
“Surprise!!!!” Amoreena screamed as soon as he walked through the door.
There was a hand-drawn Happy Father’s Day banner hanging from the staircase and purple balloons all over the place.
“Happy father’s day!!!” They all cheered for him, even Taylor’s mom was there now, smiling at the display of affection.
Amoreena and Jo came running up to him, wrapping their arms around him and holding him close, nothing felt real. “Can you pinch me?” He asked them with a small smile.
He didn’t think they’d do it, but even Y/N walked over and started pinching him all over. Amoreena pinched his leg, Jo pinched his belly button and Y/N, she pinched his cute little butt as she pressed a kiss to his blushing cheek. “You’re very real, so are we.”
“I love you guys,” Spencer reminds them, holding them all as close as he can for just a moment, “okay, enough sappiness, let’s go to the beach!”
Amoreena and Y/N are already in their swimsuits under their sundresses, Jo, on the other hand, picked out some trunks and a tank-style swim top, hiding her scares just enough that she felt comfortable getting in the sand and building a castle with Amoreena.
Y/N laid on the towel beside Spencer in the shade, Taylor and her mom were playing scrabble on the picnic table, her dad was cooking up burgers on the grill. It was serene, it was perfect, they were a little family and it made absolutely no sense to him how it all worked out so well, but he wouldn’t change any of it.
“Look how big it is after lunch,” Y/N grabbed his attention, sticking her belly out as far as it could go, “I’m going to get so huge again, at least this time I’ll be the biggest when it’s cold out.”
“Are you comfortable? Do you need more sunscreen or water?” Spencer worried, making her smile as she pushed her sunglasses up and turned to him.
“I am fantastic, thank you, cutie.”
He leans in to kiss her gently, but she wraps her arms around him and pulls him down on top of her. Kissing him like she just rescued him from the sea and hasn’t seen him for years.
When he finally pulls away, he doesn’t go far. Just sitting up as he brushes her hair off her face, “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she reminds him with another soft smile.
“I missed mother’s day with you by only a few days, but you should know you’re the best mother in the whole world,” he whispered, wanting to share his day with her because, without her, he wouldn’t be a father.
She pulls him into another kiss, hands resting on his cheeks as she breathes in deeply through her nose. It’s like she’s taking the soul out of his body, he's a part of her now forever and always. He never wants to be anywhere else.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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muqiing · 4 years
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tagged by @leonzhng​ thanks for making me dig through my most embarrassing crushes 😭✋
i’ll tag @highwarlockkareena​ @yibobibo​ @lan-xichens​ @purplexedhuman​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @lanzhansmiles​ @nyx4​ i feel like i tag you guys in everything i am so sorry please ignore this if u don’t wanna do it !!
putting this under a read more for reasons
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MEN 2010 – 2016
literally nothing more embarrassing than falling on the same type of white man over and over again (with the exception of minho from shinee bless his heart)
tommy joe ratliff → he was the bass player for adam lambert during his glamnation era (think of songs like for your entertainment and if i had you) idk why exactly i liked him so much but i just did.... however i searched him up again quite recently and found out he’s one of those republicans that says the dumbest shit on twitter so Big Yikes
harry styles → “baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, and when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell...” and BOOM 13-year-old me was sold for well over two years
louis tomlinson → basically i liked harry most until around 2013 when for some reason i started to like him a little less, and i got more focused on louis tomlinson, and although i didn’t like one direction anymore louis tomlinson always had a special place in my heart
ashton irwin → so ashton is 5sos’ drummer, i discovered 5sos through one direction & i stanned them until late 2014
harries twins → the harries twins (jack & finn) are basically the reason i started spending a lot of time on youtube, they were funny and pretty and they just had good videos in general, so for almost two years i’d watch their content regularly
choi minho → my first steps into kpop happened bc i was watching videos on youtube (most probably the harries twins) and suddenly i saw the sherlock mv in my recommended videos so i clicked on it and then 14-year-old me proceeded to fall for minho like an idiot
brooks twins → still youtubers, the brooks twins were 3/5 of the janoskians (jai & luke brooks, beau brooks, daniel sahyounie, & james yammouni), an australian youtube comedy group that was active from 2011-2018 though i was only around from 2012-2014 (when jai brooks was dating ariana grande)
jc caylen → surprise! another youtuber! jc caylen was part of o2l (our2ndlife) a youtube collaboration channel on which each of the 6 members posted videos on a certain day in the week (mondays with connor, tuesdays with ricky, wednesdays with sam, thursdays with jc, fridays with trevi (my 2nd favorite member bc she participated on the x factor), saturdays with ricardo, and then they had surprise sundays every week) and i remember how much joy jc & the others always brought me with their silly videos
misha collins → up next, you might know him as the gay angel that was sent to superhell after confessing his love to the homophobic hunter on supernatural, it’s misha collins! basically misha was a huge source of comfort for me, and i even went around calling myself emmisha for almost two full years (cringe)
henrik holm → he played even bech naesheim in skam and my crush on him reached that level of ridiculousness where i actually tried my hand at learning norwegian (i can only remember how to introduce myself and some curse words i would make a great first impression on him)
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MEN 2016 – 2021
min yoongi → okay so my baby steps into kpop happened through shinee’s sherlock, but i only got really invested when yoongi dropped agust d 1 because Holy Fuck y’know??
kim namjoon → oh man i remember thinking namjoon was cute and a very good leader and then BAM he dressed like THAT at the 2016 mma’s and i fell in love. hard
park seojoon → i started liking park seojoon whilst i was watching hwarang (you guessed it, i watched it bc of taehyung), although he wasn’t my favorite character by far, but he was very silly off camera & i liked that (i’m not that into him anymore tho </3)
kim seokjin → OH BOY LET ME TELL U i liked seokjin from the very beginning (i got to know bts in late 2014) and i always liked seeing him perform and be himself and god once i realized i had a crush on him it just hit me like a mf truck, and he’s still one of my favorite people to this day
jung hoseok → god fake love era hoseok really hits different.... also yes i know i have all of bts’ hyung line on my list BUT bts was a really big part of my life for almost 6 years soooo honestly they deserve it i still think they’re great guys
choi san → when ateez made their debut in 2018 i immediately fell in love with san, he was such an amazing dancer and he captivated me right from the very beginning, to this day he’s still my bias in ateez uwu
xiao zhan → AND THEN, OCTOBER OF 2019 HAPPENS AND I WATCH CQL AND... i fall in love with xiao zhan, something i’d never expected would happen bc when i watched cql for the first time i wasn’t as invested in the story, but i really really really liked xiao zhan and one thing led to another and now here i am as a xfx
wang yibo → the thing is, i’ve known yibo since eoeo except i didn’t know cql yibo was uniq yibo (bc i’d forgotten his name) and when i looked it up i can tell you my jaw dropped to the floor bc holy shit????? also he is very silly and i love him loads ok
lee minho → ah, the man who has been my skz bias since 2018, not only is minho my bias i also kin him (there’s a lot of aspects of myself that i see in minho and vice versa) and he’s very comforting to me
bang chan → honestly, it was only a matter of time before i’d fall for bang chan, i knew the moment i got into skz again that i’d start biasing him and, well, here i am, double biasing chan & minho
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this list is shorter bc i’ve in general always had less crushes on women than on men??? blame society forcing me into thinking i was straight for a LONG time
ariana grande → remember the 2011 layout of twitter?? where u could not only have an icon and a header, but also a background and ur twitter page was smack in the center of ur screen with the big ugly menu bar at the top??? yeah ariana grande was always my background for my l*rr* st*l*n*s*n layouts
perrie edwards → this was right around the time she was dating zayn & little mix was breaking out into the spotlight, yeah i just really loved her
andrea russett → okay so remember o2l?? andrea russett was kian’s girlfriend for a pretty long time and they always did videos together and i always thought she was super pretty
lily collins → maybe i don’t like clary in tmi all that much but i sure liked the way lily collins looked
alona tal → MY BISEXUAL AWAKENING, it’s only when i saw alona tal in spn that i realized, fuck i might be gay
park jihyo → i discovered twice (my 2nd jype group after day6) through the like ooh-ahh mv and red-haired jihyo really did something to my heart (i just rewatched it and god zombie bang chan is so mf cute)
kim jisoo → when bp made their square two comeback i was immediately smitten for red-haired jisoo in playing with fire, it’s also when i realized she was my bias out of the four members
shin ryujin → the reason that i have blue hair is partially bc of ryujin and her amazing intro in wannabe :D
xuan lu → her portrayal of jiang yanli was SO ON POINT and she’s just such a kindhearted wonderful person wow i want her hand in marriage
lee yoobin → god i’ve known dreamcatcher from back when they were still called minx and ever since i’ve always looked at dami that bit more than the rest, i was also able to see dreamcatcher live in october of 2019 and the whole experience was just so amazing !!
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there’s a whole lot more than just these 10 but i wanted to fit the evolution into one (1) slide as best as i could lmao
peter pan → this movie came out in 2003 (?) and he’s honestly the first fictional character i remember ever having a crush on
legolas → i was really doubting between placing haldir or legolas here but i only really got a vague haldir obsession when i was like 14
will turner → man was annoying sometimes but i really liked him and his relationship with elizabeth was cute
jo harvelle → gosh i can’t believe she’s the only female character in here???? yeah she was one of my two spn faves and i’ll never forgive the screenwriters for the way they killed her off
castiel → does your fave ever get sent to super hell for being gay? no? well. mine did
kili → fili and kili’s storyline tore my heart out, spit on it, and then laughed straight in my face, KILI WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE DWARF
howl → i only watched this movie for the first time in 2020 so i kinda fucked up the tl cause i watched cql in 2019 but shh, anyways howl with his blonde hair was good looking but howl with his black hair just hits differently. i want a howl
lan jingyi → MY BABY BOY, TINIE LITTLE BABIE WHOMST I MUST PROTECT ok no but seriously this kid. i love him a lot
mu qing → BARK BARK. that’s all (that’s not all i love him a whole lot and it hurts me to see so many people misunderstand his character and only see the bad parts of him when they can forgive others for fucking up (eg. xie lian himself & feng xin) but bc mu qing doesn’t deal well with emotions suddenly he’s the bad guy??? i s2g if ppl are gonna do to him what they did to jiang cheng in the tgcf la i will RIOT)
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jojo-fantasy-aus · 4 years
Fantasy au!
Josuke x F! reader- ch 5
It takes Two
So I just realized after a month that I forgot to upload ch5 here-
Anyway! No TW today! We've escaped the era of creepy men.
It wasn't over as soon as you would've liked, but the moment they popped that lid back open it was possibly the greatest feeling you ever had.
"Oh thank god." You stood up a little too quickly, and stumbled for your balance for just a moment.
"Please, never make me do that again." Josuke laughed a bit, helping you out of the barrel gently. It felt so nice to stretch your legs, arms, and everything really. You had made it out of that godforsaken barrel. Night was still well overhead, and the cold breeze remained as awful as ever. Okuyasu had sat back in the front seat, complaining about the late night endeavor. Josuke scoffed at his behavior.
"You're tired. We get it, but we still need to go over the plan with her, dumbass." Your face shifted in confusion.
"Ouch bro!"
"Plan?" You said over Okuyasu's fake offended words. Josuke nodded, taking his satchel out of the back of the cart and pulling something out. You recognized it as a map as he unfurled it.
"The good News is, Jotaro and the Foundation have been on the search for the Princess and Koichi as well. But…" You felt your heart drop.
"There's bad news?" Josuke nodded solemnly.
"...That man from the alleyway gave us false information. The town he named doesn't actually exist. Jotaro believed that the direction was correct though, so we're going to rendezvous with an old friend that believes the kidnapping has to do with some Duke in his town." He pointed at the town on the paper, it looked like it was at least a few hours away. You might make it there by dawn if you travel through the night without stopping. There was hope, but exhaustion was weighing you down.
"It's good that we have a lead," you yawned, wiping at your eyes in a feeble attempt to keep yourself awake. "Are we traveling through till daylight?" Josuke smiled softly at you, nodding. You couldn't figure out why his smile was so infectious.
"Since you're tired, Okuyasu and I will take the first shift." You couldn't protest that! Josuke went around front as you happily hopped into the back. Okuyasu's tired groans made you feel at least a little guilty, but soon enough you felt yourself slipping away into sleep.
Slowly blinking yourself awake was harder than you expected it to be. You were so tired...
"I've never seen you look so soft around someone, Jo. Hehe. After acting so annoyed at all the girls after you too! you've-"
"Shut up, Okuyasu!"
It was hard for you to understand what the two men were saying. You still felt exhausted from the night before. Wait a second, did they ever wake you up to drive the cart? The sleep-deprived brain started to fade away, and cleared up completely when the cart came to a stop. You sat up as Josuke called your name.
"We've made it." Your back popped as you sat up, evidently sleeping on a rickety wooden cart wasn't that comfortable. With daylight finally overhead, you realized that your dress was clean..? You figured it had to do with Josuke, his powers baffled you to a great extent. Okuyasu was the one to help you out of the back this time, you didn't see the smirk he sent towards Josuke. Your group had stopped just outside the town, where a little farmhouse stood. It was a little shabby, and certainly not much to look at. What really baffled you was the extravagant carriage just outside.
"Josuke! Punk! Its good to see you!" You instantly recognized who it was, even if you had never officially met, you had seen him be announced at royal events many times. Shigekiyo Yangu, usually referred to as shigetchi, was 17. After having a bad accident In his early youth, the kid had wanted to make a better neighborhood for his parents, and did so by buying the entire town. This teenage landlord was richer than most of the royalty you had met, and being Yukako's right hand, that said a lot. You never expected Josuke to know someone like this.
He ran up to the two, excitedly shaking their hands. Josuke and okuyasu looked happy to see him as well. Shigetchi glanced over at you when he had calmed.
"Oh? Who's this?" You introduced yourself, and he smiled wide.
"It's good to meet you, what's a nice girl like you doing with these thugs?" You suppressed a laugh as the two in question bristled in annoyance. You could almost feel the heat that the two hot-headed men produced. You waved him off, desperate to relieve the tension even if it was hilarious. Josuke was the one who calmed himself first, sighing.
"Shigetchi, I'm desperate to sleep on an actual bed, can you please just let us in?"
"Oh! Sorry I had almost forgotten!" He fished around in his pockets for a bit, before finding it in a triumphant moment. He was such a funny little man.
"So when can I expect payment from Jotaro's foundation, huh?" Shigetchi said the words so casually, smile still bright on his face as he reached a hand out to give Josuke the keys. Both Okuyasu and Josuke stiffened up.
"Uhh, well…" It was like a flip switched, and Shigetchi snatched the keys back immediately. You yourself might've been intimidated at the dark look on his face if he wasn't so… small and pudgy. Josuke immediately panicked.
"You little turd! I should grind you into dust!" Okuyasu's threat was ignored.
"Hey, hey! Don't get so greedy now! Jotaro had to finish some business but said he'd be here by the end of the week ok?!" Shigetchi had a funny, whistle of a laugh. Switching back to a happy-go-lucky persona within seconds.
"Alright!" The keys jingled in his hands as he held them out to Josuke. "I'll be expecting you guys for lunch, we'll talk about business then." Shigetchi winked at you, blowing a kiss before hopping back into his awaiting carrige. You shuddered, this kid was a little too young to be flirting with you. Josuke slipped the keys into your hands in a weird way, his hand lingering around yours just enough to make Shigetchi scowl and stick his tongue out at him as the carriage rolled away.
"What was that, Josuke?" He huffed, turning his head away to avoid your face.
"I was handing the keys to you." He murmured, muttering "what a creep" as he walked over to the door. Okuyasu had been rooted in place since Shigetchi left. Was he… crying?
"Okuyasu, whats wrong?" Josuke rushed over in a flash, covering his mouth before he could speak.
"He's fine! Haha! Let's just get inside shall we?"
Delicious smells filled the air of the farmhouse when you got back from settling the horses in the stable outside. You hadn't actually realized how hungry you were until just then. When was the last time you ate? Your stomach growled embarrassingly loud as you entered the kitchen, whoever was making breakfast was an angel.
"Aha! I see my bread has claimed another victim! Hehehe." Okuyasu bragged. He was indeed, baking in the small kitchen. You smiled at the surprise, you'd never thought that Okuyasu of all people would be a baker.
"Smells really good Okuyasu." He smiled brightly, and you immediately knew that this was a puppy dog of a man.
"Thanks! I started to bake after getting roped into helping Tonio while he was understaffed. 'Found out that I'm pretty good at it, so I've been making my stuff for a while now!" He chattered excitedly. You nodded along as you searched the kitchen drawers, happy when you managed to find some plates and utensils.
As ridiculous as it sounded, it felt good to set the table, to pretend to be normal again. You never thought such a simple action would help you relax so much. Of course, you knew it wasn't going to last, but it was nice in the moment.
After breakfast, you and Josuke headed over to the stables to feed the horses. It felt so nice to do everyday things again.
"Do you need any help with that?" You shook your head, lifting the heavy bag of feed onto your hip. Josuke nodded, you guessed he understood that you just needed to do things yourself, and headed off to the well just outside the big doors. The horses were blissfully calm now that they were under a nice, stable roof. You laughed a bit as you poured their feed, you supposed that you would be too if it weren't for the looming anxiety.
Josuke returned with a heavy bucket of water to put in their troughs, and you couldn't help but eye his shoulders a bit as he lifted the bucket high enough to do so. You blinked, startled only a bit by the nose and tongue of a horse against your hands, trying desperately to take the rest of the feed.
"Oh no you don't!" You laughed, setting the feed down on the other side of the stables, out of his reach by quite a bit.
"Is he trying to steal the feed again?" Josuke's smile just about lit up the room as you returned to the horses, gently petting the muzzle of the one in question.
"Yeah, he's just a bit of a glutton, isn't he?" Your voice lifted into an awful high-pitched baby talk that made Josuke laugh. The noise made your stomach feel all fuzzy, and you hoped it was just a little too dark in here for him to tell you were blushing.
Still, there seemed to be something hanging in the air. Something that Josuke really wanted to talk about. You could tell by the funny way his face shifted every once in a while that he was thinking hard. You had seen Yukako do the same thing, and you wondered if you would have to fish the thought out of him like you always had to do with her.
"Is there anything on your mind, Josuke?" He hummed.
"There is, but you're not going to like it." Your heart catches in your throat. You're nervous, and he could tell. But what did you have to be nervous about?
"Jotaro said something to us in the tent that I didn't actually tell you about... The reason he didn't want you to go, was because he was worried that you'd get hurt." You quirked an eyebrow. Worried? It really seemed like he was just misogynistic.
"...I thought it was just him implying that Okuyasu and I couldn't protect you, but I've been thinking," He stepped closer to you, just a bit, and reached out to pet the horse's side.
"I just want you to know that this is much more complicated- much more dangerous than you are aware of. We've been in tight places before, but there is nothing that could prepare you for what's to come." You scoffed, almost offended. You were so tired of this! Tired of them thinking you were helpless, tired of them skirting around almost everything about the kidnapping. It felt so awful to know about the secrets that were being kept from you, and still having no idea what they were about.
"Josuke." You warned. "I am not going back." You left it at that, almost afraid that you'd snap and say something that you would regret. Josuke nodded, eyes cast downward. Only in this moment did you realize he still had bruises on his face. He spoke up when you started to pull the supplies you "borrowed" from tonio out of your pocket.
"Okay. I figured you were- hey, what are you doing?" He laughed as you pressed the soaked cloth to his face. The sound made you smile.
"What does it look like?" You brought your other hand up to keep his face still as you delicately patted his cheek, making sure to run the cloth over the small cuts left by that man's nails. Josuke was smiling even when he had to wince from the sting. He brought a hand up to hold the wrist that wasn't working, his gentle, warm signature hold burning into your memory.
"You're much nicer than you give yourself credit for." You glanced at his eyes and back with a smile, gaze catching on his lips for just a moment. But you didn't say anything in reply. You removed your hands once you were satisfied, shoving the cloth and such back in your pockets.
The short walk back into the house felt really nice. Just the two of you enjoying the cool weather of late fall. You didn't know what dangers lie ahead, but you felt safe as long as he was by your side.
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sunmoonandeddie · 5 years
a vision in white
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 3,441
summary: Fucking Chad and fake champagne.
prompt: “And our love story? I know it may not feel like it right now, baby, but I promise you, it’s just getting started.” (This is Us)
warnings: swearing, angst with a fluffy ending
a/n: This is my first successful attempt to getting back into writing long form.  It’s also my entry for @softhairbarnes‘s challenge that was due, like September 18th.  I’m so sorry it took so long, and the prompt is bolded in the fic!
Bucky Barnes hated weddings.
Actually, no.  That’s not quite accurate because he loved Sam and Natasha’s wedding.  When Sam had asked him to be a groomsman, he’d actually cried.  In fact, he cried at least four times that day: watching Tony walk Natasha down the aisle, during the vows and the first dance, and then when he’d watched his girl catch the bouquet.
His girl.
He needed to stop that.  You’re not his girl anymore.
It was that stupid bouquet toss that had caused him to panic.  It had sent him into a downward spiral as his anxiety reared its ugly head, telling him that he’d never have this with you.
It didn’t matter what the stupid tradition said.
Steve was standing near the front with Tony and Sam, mingling with your parents and having a grand old time.  He must’ve said something at least a little funny with the way that your mom had her head thrown back in a laugh.
That used to be him.  He used to be the one chatting with your family at events, his arm around your waist.  Your dad always called him ‘son’ and your mom fretted over whether he was eating enough while your older siblings gave him hell for keeping you away from them in New York City for too long.  He’d never thought he’d have a family in the twenty-first century, but yours had welcomed him with open arms.  Your brothers had become his brothers, your sister became his sister.
And then he’d fucked it all up.
And because of his fuck up, he was sitting in the back pew of a church, watching some asshole named Chad chat with one of his groomsmen while waiting for the ceremony to start.
The worst part was that it was all wrong.  This wasn’t the wedding you wanted.  He knew that for a fact.
First off, the church.  You never wanted a church wedding in the middle of August, damn it.  Everyone was sticky with sweat, even with the air conditioning on full blast, and more than a little miserable.
And there wasn’t…  There wasn’t enough flowers.  The only flowers present were two bunches of white tulips on either side of the altar.
Fucking tulips.  In white.  It was like you’d had zero hand in planning your own wedding.
Which, from the look of things, you probably didn’t.
There just wasn’t enough color.  It was all pristine white, as though trying to create some image of purity that he knew you didn’t have.  You weren’t some kind of innocent virgin like the whole church thing suggested.
The trip you two had taken to the Dominican Republic a few years ago had made sure of that.
You’d told him about the wedding you dreamed about in the middle of the night, between sleepy kisses and wandering hands.  The sheets had been kicked off at some point.  You’d tangled your legs with his, soft fingers brushing his hair back away from his face as you murmured into the crook of his neck, “I want a small wedding outside.  Just you and me and our family.”
“Yeah, baby?” He’d chuckled, drawing you even closer, if it were possible.  “Just us and our family?”
“Mmhm.  Don’t need anyone else.”
He’d hummed his agreement as he rolled the two of you over, leaning over you.  His forehead pressed against yours, your legs wrapped around his waist.  “What else?  Hm?”
“What do you mean, ‘What else?’” You had asked, his t-shirt riding up your torso.  You’d stolen it at some point, almost permanently becoming one of your so-called ‘sleep shirts.’
“Tell me about our wedding.”
Your bright eyes crinkled as you giggled, your fingers toying with the hair at the nape of his neck.  “Our wedding, huh?”
His fingers attacked your sides in retaliation, sending you into a fit of laughter.
“Okay!  Okay!”  You had allowed him to lie on your chest, his head resting right above your racing heart.  His weight was a welcome one, grounding you and keeping you in the present.  Just as Bucky had his demons, you had yours, too.  Your voice was soft and sweet, barely audible, as you continued, “It’ll be outside… in June…  And there’ll be flowers.  We’ll have so many flowers that no one will know what our color scheme is supposed to be.”
A laugh from your fiancé, your soon-to-be husband, pulled him out of his memories.  God, the smug bastard.
Part of him wondered if he even knew about your past relationship.  Granted, he had to.  You were together for so long, it would be strange to not at least mention him to your new lover.  Your fiancé.
Without a second thought, he stood up from the cold, hard pew and went through the double doors that people were still filing in from.  He didn’t care that he received more than a few dirty looks after bumping shoulders with a few people.  He didn’t recognize more than half of them.  Some of them he can vaguely remember from one of your family reunions.
He had so many questions that he needed to ask you.  He needed answers.
His invitation was crumpled in his hand as he searched the church, looking for any hint that might lead him to where the bridal party was getting ready.  He knew that he’d find you wherever that was.  Wanda and Natasha, too.
The familiar voice stopped him in his tracks, and he turned to see your older sister standing standing behind him.  Josephine, or Jo, as she preferred, was your only sister, the second born of five.  He had no doubt in his mind that she’d bawled when you’d asked her to be your maid-of-honor.
“Hi,” he said with a bit of a wince.  He knew how he looked right now.  Crazed.  Desperate.
She had a glass of what appeared to be water in her hand, but he could smell the vodka from where he stood.
Some liquid courage for the bride?
“She doesn’t like vodka,” he said, his voice barely audible.
Jo rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and crinkling the silky gray material of her bridesmaid’s dress.  “Yeah, well, she used to not like guys named Chad either, but here we are.”
He wasn’t quite sure what to say or how to respond at all, and just stood there with his mouth hanging open like a codfish.
“Come on,” she said, nodding further down the hall.  The first few feet were completely silent, their footsteps muffled by the old carpet covering the floor.  There was no way this church had been renovated since the seventies.
“She misses you, you know.”  She kept her eyes forward, refusing to look at him as she admitted things she’d sworn secrecy to.  “She won’t admit it to anyone but me, but she does.  We all do.”
His blue eyes drifted down to the cardstock in his hand.  It was white, just like the rest of your wedding, with you and your fiancé’s names embossed on it.  It was worn from the amount of times he’d folded and unfolded it in his anxious state.  “I didn’t expect to get an invitation.”
“She didn’t send it.  I did.”
It was said so matter-of-fact that he didn’t even register her words at first.  But the second he did, he tripped and almost fell flat on his face.  “You what?!”
“Oh, come on, Bucky,” she said, stopping in front of him.  “This…  This whole thing isn’t right.  I know you feel it, too.”  She motioned back down the way they came.  “This isn’t her.  She’s settling for someone that isn’t right for her because she thinks you don’t want her.  And I…”  Her eyes, the same brilliant shade as yours, drifted to the ground.  “I knew that if you came, it would mean that you still love her.”
“I—”  He ran his hand over his face.  “Of course I do.  But she deserves more than me.”
If Jo’s eyes could’ve rolled to the back to her head, then they would’ve.  “You’re both absolute idiots.”  She grabbed his hand and set the glass of vodka in his hand before pushing him towards a closed door.  “This is your chance to fix it.”
He looked at her once more before turning back to the door, knocking once.
“Come in.”
God, just hearing your voice in person for the first time in three years sent waves of affection through him.
The first thing he saw when he opened the door was your back.  You were sitting at the vanity in the room, toying with one of the pins your hair.
“Jo, can you help me?  This just… isn’t right.”
But Bucky was frozen by the door.  His mouth was suddenly dry and he had to fight the urge to down the entire glass of vodka in his hand.
“Jo, really—”  You turned in your chair, freezing when you saw him standing there instead of your sister.  “Jamie?”
You looked so… so shocked.  Hesitant.  Maybe even a little scared?
“Uh…  Hey, sweetheart,” he said, swallowing down the lump in his throat.  “It’s, uh…  It’s been a while.”  When you just stared at him, he held out the glass.  “Jo gave me this to, uh, to give to you.”
But you didn’t take it.  Your fingers were white from how hard you were gripping the back of the chair.  “What are you doing here?”
His heart was beating so hard he was sure his ribs were going to break like glass.  “You…  You look beautiful.”
And he wasn’t lying.  You were truly a vision in white.  The veil covering your hair was trimmed in delicate lace, framing your features in a way that made you appear almost angelic.
Your fingernails were digging into the palms of your hands as you finally stood up.  “James, what the hell are you doing here?”
“Jo invited me.”
You cursed under your breath, your eyes drifting up towards the ceiling.  “Fucking Jo.”
He took a step forward, a little scared of how you’d react.  His hands were trembling.  “I…  I…”  He cleared his throat as he desperately tried to gather his thoughts.  Rolling his shoulders back, he willed himself to have some fucking courage, damn it.  After what must’ve been an eternity, he finally allowed himself to meet your gaze.  “Listen, I could say a lot of shit right now about how sorry I am, and it’d be true.  Because I am sorry.  I was stupid and dumb and, and a lot of other words that I can’t think of right now because fuck, you’re right here and I…  I miss you.  I miss you more than anything in the world, and if I could take it back, I would.”  When you didn’t retreat, he took a few more steps towards you.  “I love you.  I love you so god damn much, and I never should’ve pushed you away.”  The vodka was rippling, his hand was shaking so much.  “You’re the love of my life, and I’d be willing to bet anything—in fact, I’d bet Steve’s life—that I’m the love of yours.”
“Tell me that you love him,” he said, now standing just mere inches from you.  He set the glass on the vanity without breaking eye contact.  You could feel his breath gently fanning across your face.  “Tell me you love him and I’ll leave.  I won’t ever bother you again.  But, sweetheart, there’s no way he can ever love you how much I love you.”  His hand, calloused and rough, tenderly cupped your cheek.  “I don’t have any right to you, I know.  But I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t even try to make things right.  And our love story?  I know it may not feel like it right now, baby, but I promise you, it’s just getting started.”
Even though your eyes were watering, you didn’t step away from him.  Your cheeks had just gotten hotter and hotter the closer he’d gotten to you.  “What are you asking me, James?”
“Come with me,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours.  His voice sounded pained, his metal hand grasping yours.  “We can get out of here, go home.  Please.”
You took in a shaky breath, a million thoughts running through your mind.
“Say you’ll run away with me, sweetheart.”
“I…  I can’t.”
Bucky jerked away from you, feeling like a pot of boiling water had been tossed onto him.  “What do you mean?”
Nose scrunching as you sniffled, you reached out to him.  “Jamie, please…”
He backed towards the door, shaking his head.  “Don’t ‘Jamie’ me.”
Wiping at your eyes, you rushed to explain.  “I can’t just… just leave him at the altar, Jamie!  I can’t hurt him like that!”
“Why not?!”
You looked at him like he’d grown a second head.  “What the hell do you mean, ‘Why not?’  I’m engaged to him.  I promised to spend the rest of my life with him, and—”
“You don’t love him!”
The words died in your throat.  Your chest was heaving against the confines of your dress.  “I’m engaged to him.”
“That doesn’t mean shit,” he said bitingly.  His arms waved around dramatically as he spoke.  “You’re sitting here in a dress, about to give the rest of your life to an asshole—Which, by the way, really?  Chad?  You decided to marry an asshole named Chad of all things?—because you can’t hurt his feelings?”  He really wished he’d downed some of that vodka right about now, even though it wouldn’t really do much for him.  “Are you really going to throw your life away like that?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to keep yourself from crying.  You were supposed to walk down the aisle in less than thirty minutes, and your makeup artist would kill you if you’d ruined her hard work.  “I…  I love him.”
Bucky stared at you for a long moment, hoping that you would realize what a mistake you were making.  But when it didn’t come, he let out a huff of air.  “You keep telling yourself that.”  He took one last look at you as he opened up the door, ready to leave.  “Have a happy life, sweetheart.  I’ll…  I’ll see you around.”
He allowed the door to shut behind him before the waterworks started, forcing himself to not go back in when he heard you crying.
Stupid super soldier hearing.
He looked up to see Jo standing there, the hopeful look in her eyes quickly diminishing.  “She, um…  She says she loves him.”
He knew that she could hear you crying even without a super soldier serum coursing through her veins.  Without even giving him a second look, she slipped into the room and out of his sight.  Your sobs seemed to get even louder when she entered.
Not able to withstand the torture that was being so close to you without being able to call you his, Bucky ran.
He left the church, grabbing a bottle of champagne that was sitting on the catering truck outside.
It would seem that your reception was to be in the basement of the church, of all places.
He didn’t even bother to tell anyone he was leaving.  After all, he’d ridden with the team to the church, and he didn’t want to have to beg one to drive him back to the Tower and miss the ceremony.  They’d actually been invited.
You wanted them there.  But not him.  Not after how badly he’d fucked up.
It wasn’t like any of them actually expected him to be able to make it through the vows, or even into the sanctuary.
He aggressively wiped at his eyes as he walked down the crowded streets of New York City.  “Don’t you have places to be?” He wondered aloud as yet another person bumped into him.
His feet knew where to take him before his mind did.
The 50 Street Station on Broadway.
The night you first met, you’d just finished a shift at Ellen’s Stardust Diner.  Your roller skates were sitting by your feet as you waited for the subway.  Bucky had just been wandering around the city and had somehow ended up across Manhattan.
He’d instantly been smitten with the girl working her way through university, and it had been history from there.
He sat on one of the benches, uncorking the bottle with little difficulty.
If anyone was curious as to why an Avenger was drinking in a subway station at noon on a Saturday, no one asked.
And in his nice suit, too.
“Oh, buddy, how the hell did you end up here?” He asked himself before taking a long swig from the bottle.  Some of the bubbling liquid dribbled down his chin and he wiped it on his jacket sleeve that definitely cost more than his childhood home back in the twenties.
He would kill for some of Thor’s Asgardian mead at the moment.
But he’d just have to settle for some second rate champagne that, honestly, probably wasn’t even real champagne.
“Probably made in America,” he muttered to himself as he inspected the bottle.
Sure enough, right there on the back under all the nutritional information, it said Made in California.
“Can’t even get real champagne for her,” he said to no one in particular.  No one in the station was paying him any mind, choosing to let him wallow in misery on his own.
Seven trains had passed by before he heard it.
“James?!  Jamie?!”
He imagined that right?  The wind from the trains was playing tricks on him.  Making him hear your voice.
An exquisite form of torture, really.
But it sounded so real.
Curiously, he lifted his head, the almost empty bottle dangling from his fingers.
And there you were.
Still a vision in white in your wedding dress.  Your veil was half torn off, your hair falling.  The hem of your skirts was dirty from the muck that covered the streets of New York City.  You held a suitcase in your hand, rolling your shoulder back to accommodate the weight and pressure of carrying it through the city.
“What are you doing here?” He asked as he got to his feet, the champagne forgotten.  He wiped at his eyes, desperately trying to appear more put together than he felt.  “You…  You are here right?  I’m not hallucinating or anything?”
“No, you’re not hallucinating,” you said as you set the suitcase down with a huff.
He blinked slowly at you, almost afraid that you’d disappear if he closed his eyes.  “I mean, you never know with fake champagne.”
“Shut up.”
He watched as you sat down on the bench he’d been occupying for a little over an hour and a half, crossing your arms over your chest.  “What are you doing here?”
“What do you mean, what am I doing here?”
“You’re getting married to Chad.”
With an eye roll that reminded him a lot of Jo, you kept your eyes on the approaching subway.  “Clearly not.”
He snuck a peek at your left hand, heart pounding when he realized that you didn’t even have your engagement ring on.  “Oh.”
You two sat in silence for a few minutes, not speaking.  It was so peculiar to be in the exact spot that you two had met seven years before.  So much had changed but at the same time, so much was the same.
He was still crazy about you, for one, and it would appear that you felt the same.
“I hate that you’re right all the fucking time.”
His heart skipped a beat and he finally turned to look at you.  “What was that?”
And despite how much you fought it, a small smile was tugging at your lips.  “Shut up.  You know what I said.”
“I’m not right all the time,” he said slowly, inching his pinky closer and closer to yours.  “I wasn’t right to leave you.”
“No, you weren’t.”
“I should’ve just told you that my anxiety was getting the better of me like you told me to.”
“Yes, you should’ve.”
He inhaled sharply as his finger finally brushed yours, and you allowed his fingers to intertwine with yours.
“Better late than never, I suppose,” you whispered, your eyes meeting his.
The silence between you was loaded with tension.  And the both of you knew that you had a lot of things to discuss, things to figure out if you were going to work in the long run.
But you were here and he loved you and you loved him.
And that was enough.
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dhampirslays · 3 years
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@naturesloopholed​​ sent an ask from this set of headcanons !  
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What does your muse think of their own height ?
Surprisingly, her height isn’t something that Jo dislikes and it also helps that her mother and the majority of her family happen to be an inch shorter than her ( with the exception being her father, Spike, cause god forbid that the vampire demon bit down on the entirety of his  5′’10′ of height ) . Overall, she kind of likes the aspect of being a tad short despite her friends calling her a midget on occasion ― when the push comes to the shove, her short of a height and the small of a build can make the difference between life and death, like, per se squeeze through a small opening, or crawl under furniture. In the end, it’s an asset that can come in handy. . . Not to mention that she looks hella cute in heels.
What does your muse think of their own age ?
Okay that one is tricky ― as a younger slayer, she certainly holds the advantage of better physique which in return aids fighting skills as well as better healing factor BUT. . . it really does suck that just because she is the youngest in the Summers family, she also gets treated like an over-all infant. Which she is not, but in the eyes of a parent, their child always remains a baby. . . and when one party of your parents happens to be an undead, 1800s guy who grew up the old fashioned way, it’s more than likely that Jo will continue to be a child in his eyes ― even if by some miracle she happens to reach the age of 40 something. ( but he has made some great steps forward in his parenting, so good for you, Spike ) . Buffy, on the other hand doesn’t treat Jo like a child ( an impulsive teenager at best ) because she considers her a child but rather because as a more experienced, more skilled Slayer, she wants to shelter her from a world that has proven to be more cruel than anything. Of course, Jo doesn’t see it like that ― what kid ever would ? But, I think that when she becomes a parent herself she’ll most likely treat her child the same way, just like Joyce did with teenage Buffy in the past.
What does your muse think of their own appearance ?
In contrary to what Jo lets other people believe ― she knows she is pretty. Of course she does, considering she has a reflection and of course, well, eyes. She has also experienced college and she has known for a fact that both genders deem her attractive ― and even if it’s immoral and shallow, sometimes she has used her looks to her gain; whether that is information out of demons ( but ew, gross, bad Joyce ) or a night-stand here and there because even if she does keep a level head for most of the time, she is still a nine-teen year old hormonal girl and as Faith Lehane has pre-established and I quote. . . isn’t it crazy how slaying always make you hungry and horny ? But let’s keep it PG-13 in this head-canon !
What does your muse think of their own fitness ?
If her success in slaying is any indication, Jo is very fit. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes she can eat an entire train wagon when she binge watches tv ( especially the shows that play late at night ) but those are calories that she’ll burn at next night’s patrol. More often than not, patrolling always leads to stray demons causing havoc and it’s not like she can bully them out to stay quiet ( though she has tried it at some low-life demons who piss their pants when the concept of a Slayer comes in mind, especially now that there are like, a thousand of them out in the world ) . In addition, one of the perks of growing up with Spike has been that he was more than eager to train her every time that she came home from school ― and provided that he has killed two slayers in the two hundred years of life give or take, he is not the one to hold back. Actually, now that her mother is back home, she has been training with her as well. . . And as sweet as Buffy Summers can be, even her holding back can be quite. . . painful.
What does your muse think of their own abilities ?
As far as abilities are concerned, Jo doesn’t have many ― or maybe she does and she doesn’t know about it ( although the chances of that being true are really, really slim ) given that dhampirs are a fairly new addition to the buffyverse as we know it. The only canon dhampir in the series has been Connor Angel and given his distrust of his father, Angel, he didn’t stick around for the lot for us to be able to count in precise his abilities. So, until the novels or the following comic book reveal to us something that we don’t know other than super-human strength, agility, healing factor which mimic the properties a Slayer has, I’ll be focusing more on the Slayer abilities.
Granted, a Slayer in the past ― actually, so long ago that it pre-dates human history and language ― has been the result of a demon who, with the help of a group of humans ( the then still unformed Watcher’s council ) and with the aid of magic, merged with a girl in order to keep humanity safe from the forces of darkness. When a Slayer, for whatever reason and however long, dies, another girl with the potential to become the next Slayer inherits said abilities that include but are not limited to; superhuman speed, reflexes, strength, agility, healing, stamina and the creepiest of them all ― dreams. That can either be prophesy dreams of an upcoming evil that the slayer senses have picked up upon and are trying to push into the human awareness or the ol’ reliable, I’ve seen your death. Which, in this situation actually translates to; I’ve dreamed of your death but because I was you in a whatever distorted previous life of sorts, I’m experiencing it first hand; it also means that, the Slayer who is activated next in line gets a front seat at all of the former Slayers ( yes, Slayer(s). Plural. ALL of them ) memories, knowledge and death. It is why some Slayers have gone mad when said memories hit off too hard and mix with a girl’s trauma, and why others wake up to be the ultimate death machines in the spam of a night. 
But overall, when you’re 14, you’re seeping to attend a Geometry test the day after and suddenly you’re experiencing the 480th Slayer’s line within the spam of a week. . . it may not be the most ideal thing to go through.
Especially since the Slayer abilities don’t have a specific time to kick in. Some can be activated at the age of 6 ( which, like Joyce, you have a elementary school girl who knows all too much about how to gut someone and get away with it all within the span of 10 minutes which, not gonna lie, makes it sort of creepy ) or, if you’re luckier, later on in life. That’s unless the forces of darkness don’t have another epiphany and start murdering potential Slayers to keep them from becoming actual Slayers altogether. 
Both scenarios suck and I don’t know with what degree to rate them.
What does your muse think of their own mind ?
There’s a lot of ways to describe how Jo things and albeit not even I, at times, know how she operates, the best way to describe her mind and a person, is broken. Even if her mother had a solid reason to not be present throughout her life, it doesn’t undo the fact that Jo has missed her for the entirety of it and has since been clinging on to fading memories of her. It’s even worse if you consider that she grew up with Spike who, may have been her biological father who she loved regardless, but she didn’t know it; In her eyes, her mother left her and her father didn’t even know she existed so, in other words ― somewhat of an orphan. 
That may have been partially why she didn’t want to let Ethan go and why he died in the process ― because she had been desperate for love and he gave said love back to her. That was another thing that screwed with her head. Altogether being cheated on next by her girlfriend resulted in losing trust in relationships and then the years of the arena that followed had her losing trust in people in general. Why is that ? 
Well. . . 
A Watcher is supposed to be a person a Slayer trusts 1000%. Since the begging of time, it had been a Slayer and her Watcher ― and Jo’s Watcher’s ideals had been so much corrupted that he broke that trust. That’s the ultimate betrayal and it basically proved to her that anyone can be capable of it.
She is a generally broken person and I could go on for ages about how fundamentally screwed up she is but we’d be discussing it years on an end.
Bonus question;  What does your muse think of their own mun ?
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“ She’s cringy, evil and I’m sincerely scared of my future while it lays within her grasp.  Please send me off to another mun. I beg of you. “
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“ But like, also don’t tell her I said anything or I’m as good as dead. ”
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smoochews · 6 years
what are your favorite writers and your top favorite works from them?? like a top ten
I saw this ask in the middle of work and I wanted to scream aksldfjalks I’m gonna tell you rn that I got really overwhelmed with the amount of authors that have earned a spot in my top favs that I actually cut this to just the authors that I have most recently visited (this counts as returning multiple times to reread a certain fic… which happens… a lot)
@arckook Ria is one of the first authors I ever read from for k-pop fanfiction. Until Ria, I was just highkey on that Haikyuu volleyball gays/imagines and I’d like to believe that she was one of the main reasons why I began to invest myself heavily into the kpop fandom. I’m always amazed with each piece she releases. Her style is so unique and hypnotizing. There’s a big section in my heart reserved just for Ria that I don’t have enough words to convey. plz support. plz love. she’s the best
- To The Stars (Jungkook, BTS): Zombie Apocalypse AU, Enemies to Lovers AU, series, violence, angst, drama
This read is not for the light hearted. You have been warned. You will sob hysterically. You will feel rage seep into your bones. You will punch a hole in your screen. MC is an entire badass, but so broken and vulnerable; somehow she manages to keep herself together and carry on. Even when she hates Jungkook with every cell in her body, she makes sure to keep him alive, watch his six, just as he does for her. There’s only a handful of works that have kept me as heavily invested and on my toes every step of the way. And that list begins with To The Stars
 @brokeandjetlagged I cannot tell you how many times I’ve made a fool out of myself in public while reading Bailey’s work…. like lord help me I can’t stay in my chair…
- We Take A Shot (Baekhyun, EXO): Office AU, boss!Baekhyun, one-shot, fluff
Even after re-reading it 2-3 times, I cannot help the obnoxious laughter escaping my mouth….sounding something along the lines of a screeching seagull. Dorky Baekhyun trying to be Mr. Businessman really killed me. LIKE PLZ THE HOVER BOARD asdfjsj I’m laughing just thinking about it
- Hurt Me, Heal Me (Yixing, EXO): Hospital AU, nurse!Yixing, one-shot, fluff
Honestly, I would pay to be Baekhyun in that moment. Someone kick me in the face if that meant I could spend some time with nurse Yixing. He’s so adorable and I highly relate to MC being a mess when he thinks that she’s Baek’s girlfriend. Overall, this fic makes my heart go kyuu~
- Bromance .2 (Minseok, EXO) : College AU, frat!Minseok, enemies to lovers AU, series (ish), fluff, smut, drama
enemies to lovers…. honestly I’m not entirely sure of what to say other than that you should read it
@sehun-smut ngl. one of the reasons, besides me passing out, that this rec list took so long to make is bc I stopped to re-read both of these fics…. no ragrats… I don’t think you’ll understand until you read all of their work… so like… you know what to do…
- Business in the Front (Baekhyun,EXO): Restaurant AU (ish), one-shot, smut
Older Baekhyun is a kink okay. I’ve never wanted to call someone daddy more in my life than while reading this fic… and like to begin with it’s hard for me to imagine Baek being zaddy, so that should say A LOT.
- Deceitful (Chanyeol, EXO) - Mafia AU, series, smut, violence
I think this is the first honeytrapper fic I’ve ever read in my life. I mean I was aware of the job description but not the actual title. I must say I’m thoroughly aroused and equally terrified.
 @exhoe-imagines I really adore Ruby and Jewels. Like, they’re so funny and interactive with their followers; and their content is always breath taking. highkey power couple energy
- Can’t Hold Back (Jongdae, EXO): Enemies to Lovers AU, one-shot, smut, drama, slight angst
You already know Jongdae is fucked the minute he sees MC’s bathing suit on the ground while she’s in the pool. You already know that when he went home that evening, his meat was begging for mercy by the end of the night. jfladskjf okay I’m gross, I know, but carrying on– the growth between Jongdae’s and MCs relationship is really heartwarming. Could not have asked for more from this fic
- Lucky (Baekhyun + Chanyeol, EXO): College AU, one-shot, smut
@yehet-me-up I will never not be in love with Sarah. Her Exodus Mall series really takes me back home. Often times when I’m feeling down and sick, I return to Sarah’s page and re-read that series. To say the least, I find home in Sarah’s writing.
- The Problem With Wanting (Kyungsoo, EXO): Mall AU, series, fluff, slight angst, smut
listen to this song and just take it in…. I think this was the first fic I read from the Exodus series and it will always hold a special place in my heart. This fic in particular is what I find myself coming back to again and again, time after time, and I always feel renewed. I feel youthful. More like… you know that feeling you get when you realize you’re falling in love with someone? That’s this. Please read. Please.
- Disqualified (Kyungsoo, EXO): Friends to Lovers AU, one-shot, angst, fluff
Imagine twisting a knife in your gut and slowly removing it through the opposite side of your body. That’s this fic. But like. With love. askdjflksjd I really love the way Sarah portrays Kyungsoo. Her descriptions of his thoughts, mannerisms and quirks make me feel like I’m watching a movie. Everything is so distinct and the atmosphere feels tangible. idk words. I just love Sarah.
@snakescript I don’t know too much about this author but I’m totally and completely enamored with their writings. 
- Make The Devil Cry (Taeyong, NCT) : College AU, one-shot, light angst, smut
I’m weak for the “playboy” tamer… and tbh I feel like this would be Taeyong irl. Hard and complex to the eyes of an observer, but a major softy and sweet pea to the eyes of a listener. I’m upset of how little attention this fic has bc the world is really missing out on a diamond.
- Face Like Thunder (Chanyeol, EXO): Mythology/Greek God AU, one-shot, light angst, fluff
I would like to file a complaint. My heart is crying and my love for Chanyeol is soaring and I’m ACHE FOR THE MAN. Lmao I’m not even a Chanyeol stan but this fic got me thinkin’
@johobi you can always count on Jo to make you cream your pants in the middle of Target (stay away from the baby section kids)
- Bloom / Snared (Yoonji/Yoongi, BTS): Mafia AU, smut
honestly, Yoonji can wipe the floor with my body, in pool of my own blood, and I would thank her. I really really love the way Jo depicts Yoonji here. I can just feel that fem fetal power and that in itself got me ruining my underwear.
- Tooth and Claw (Jungkook, BTS) : Werewolf AU, smut
I’ve never related to furry more in my life than while I read this fic. high key wanna be rawed and torn in half by his king kong schlong … idk how MC survived, but she’s my idol.
- Dig Deep + Interval (Yoongi, BTS): Space AU, smut
I’m ngl. I really went to Pornhub and looked up tentacle porn after reading this. Y’all can @ me, roast me if you like,,,, but you’re a got-damn liar if you say this doesn’t get your blood pumping. p sure I wrote this on my tags but i didn’t even know I liked tentacle porn until then…. I hate myself
 @bread-jinie idk where to start…. there are so many things I can say about Kat…… im tongue-tied…. 
- Wings (Chanyeol, EXO): Friends to Lovers AU, angst, fluff
I think this fic is my favorite work Kat has written so far. It’s like she knows the right words to tug the strings of my heart and play me like a puppet. A heartbroken but hopeful puppet. MC and Chanyeol always looking at each other but never at the same time breaks me; thankfully, the ending patches me back together.
Honorable mentions bc I’ve grown v tired and cannot continue with full details for info regarding everything, in addition to the fact that I’m inpatient and I want to post this ASAP:
@kollectionn GOD SENT. DO NOT PLAY AROUND. YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE. YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. THE WORLD WILL END AS YOU KNOW IT. THEN BE REBORN FROM THE ASHES AS C WILLS IT SO. (sorry for the all caps but I feel INTENSELY about C and her works of art; If I can recall correctly, I believe she said that she would begin to write her own non-fanfic when she finds the time. I think she has the power and ability to write best selling novels that would leave J.K. Rowling quaking in her boots. Plz go and love C. Don’t ask for updates. Just show her all the love she deserves and more; I haven’t been lately and I feel terrible for it; I hope she knows I love her!!!)
@dropsofletters lemme tell you somm’… this author is so talented and diverse in her work that I find myself scattered with the amounts of fandom’s she holds in her clutch. I’m so thankful to have found her page on this godforsaken website bc she caters so much to this world. Talented. Spectacular. Amazing. Blessing to Society. I don’t think I’ve found any multi-fandom writers that has spread out as far as she has. She’s one of those authors that has exactly what you’re looking for, even if you don’t know what it is. An Angel.
@layhyunnie beautiful. ethereal. whimsical. Inspiring. I mean literally inspiring. I wrote a few drabbles after reading Guardian bc I wanted to try and bring to life a world outside of our own, to step outside reality, just like I felt while reading their work. 
- Guardian (Yixing, EXO): Supernatural AU, series, fluff
Again… I’m v tired… so here’s a short list of authors I meant to add here, along with their fics/full details of why I love them:
@knockknocksoosthere / @underthejoon @marshmallow-phd @kpopfanfictrash @yeolology @yeolology @whimsical-ness @remembeo @lofiexo @nochugguk @noona-clock @noonachronicles @oilblotter @soobadnoonecanstopher
((If you would like to know more about my interests in the unfinished authors, or any authors above for that matter, then please leave me an ask!! I will answer them when I am no longer tired akjsjdf I cannot reply via chat as this is only a side blog))
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francesderwent · 7 years
I’ve been tagged by septembersung – who comes up with the best questions!  Rules: Answer the questions written by the person who tagged you, and write 11 of your own.
1. You’ve just adopted a new cat and a new dog. What do you name them? That depends on their genders!  First thought: Plato and Aristotle.  Plato is definitely the dog, Aristotle is the cat.  OR, alternatively, JP and Benny, JP being the dog and Benny the cat.  If one’s a girl and one’s a boy: Adrienne von Speyr and Hans Urs von Balthasar, Addy and Hans for short.  If they’re two girls: Cordelia and Buffy, Cordy being the cat and Buffy the dog.  I’m going to take out all my urges to use horrible fandom and philosopher names on my pets, and hopefully thereby spare my hypothetical future children.  
2. You’re offered one wish by a manipulative, malevolent djinn. What do you wish for and how to phrase it to try to avoid the djinn’s malicious misinterpretations? This is a very difficult question, because all the things worth wishing for are typically worth putting the work in so that you get them the regular way.  THAT BEING SAID, I wouldn’t mind someday owning a large farm, on which me and my friends and loved ones can make our lives and grow food for the hungry and have lots of space to take in any orphans/refugees/battered women who happen to come our way.  There would be weekly music nights, I’d help homeschool all the children and teach college on the side, and it would all be very Jo’s Boys.  SO, I would say to the djinn, “I wish to in the next month, through virtuous, non-nefarious, and completely legal means, inherit a farm, which is already paid for, with fertile land and well-built infrastructure, large enough to suit all my needs and small enough that I can manage it with no more than a half dozen hired hands, to, on, or near which nothing unnatural or disastrous would happen for so long as I live and for so long after that as the farm is in operation.”  Did it work??
3. If you could write and complete one book - any genre, right now - what would it be? I had a piece I was mulling over for a while which was working with the classic concept of The Wood That You Don’t Go Into If You Know What’s Good For You, and the small superstitious town nearby, and the Fairy Folk, etc.  It was going to be an examination of freedom and home, love and mortality, and the relation between mothers and daughters.  I lost all my notes and what little I’d written, but it’s definitely the best idea I’ve ever had.  (I just realized I could have said “my doctoral dissertation”, but I feel like I’m not ready for that yet, haha)
4. You can have either loads of money, or loads of energy. Which do you choose? ENERGY, ALWAYS ENERGY.  
5. Favorite drama?  aaaaaaaagh Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson?? I don’t know?  Favorites aren’t real.
6. You can have the superpower of your choice - but you have to pay for it by giving up a favorite food. What do you give up for which superpower? I suppose I have to give up pasta, and I gain the ability to fly – preferably with big beautiful angel wings, but Peter Pan style would work too.
7. What was the most iconic book of your childhood? Either The Secret Garden, or The Black Stallion.  I read both many many times.
8. What, to you, is the single most important quality in a best friend? Understanding. You can be as kind, as smart, and as fun as all get out, but if you don’t get me, on some special level of connaturality, our friendship will not rise to the level of “best”.  (I feel compelled to say that Aristotle would be disappointed in me for saying understanding rather than virtue.  I know this, and I do not care.)
9. If you could make everyone in the world watch one movie, what would it be? Again, aaaaaaaaagh.  Les Miserables?  The world could use a little more “to love another person is to see the face of God”. But the casting was so sketchy…
10. Least favorite trope in stories? This is more a tv problem, but introducing a pregnancy (bonus hate points if it’s mystical), spending a lot of time stressing out about the pregnancy, and then after the baby is born, through one stratagem or another, avoiding spending any sufficient amount of time dealing with the ACTUAL INFANCY of the child!!  Mystically allowing the baby to grow up, flashing forward several years, having secondary characters do all the childcare, or straight-up just writing the baby out – this stuff makes me furious.  I recognize that it’s difficult to write “couple deals with becoming parents” in a way that’s done well, but if you weren’t willing to put the effort in, then you don’t get to employ the easy drama of pregnancy!!  Plus, it just contributes to the idea that the only significant persons are adults, and that infancy has nothing to tell us about human existence, which is FALSE.
11. What have you always wanted to be asked but have never been asked? (Or, excuse to tell a story/fun fact/secret/whatever.) “Will you marry me?” hahahahahahahahahahahahaha I’m kidding, I’m kidding, I just couldn’t resist. Fun fact: we were supposed to be reading King Lear for the PhD classics symposium this coming semester, but they just sent us an email saying that they’ve changed it to Macbeth.  I’m devastated.
New questions:
1.     What’s one way which life has surprised you? 2.     Would you ever name a child after a relative?  If so, which relative?  Would you ever name a child after yourself? 3.     What’s a quotation that used to mean a lot to you at a different point in your life?  What does it mean to you now? 4.     Patterned or solid-colored clothes?  If patterned, which patterns, and if solids, which colors? 5.     What is one item of office supplies that you irrationally love?  One that you irrationally hate?   6.     Favorite style of dance – to do? to watch? 7.     Give a piece of fashion advice! 8.     Tell me an inside joke you’re a part of, completely out of context. 9.     Would you rather be taller or shorter? 10.   What’s your go-to “cheer up” book/movie/tv show? 11.   Fill in the blank with whatever comes to mind immediately, then what your real answer is: “My life has been defined by my passionate love for __________.”
I tag motleysaint (after her triumphant return!), mademoisellesarcasme, coruscanttojerusalem (D.C. misses you), recalcitrantlycaffeinated, shieldmaidenofsherwood, and georgiehenley – and anyone else who feels up for it!
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faegal04 · 8 years
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SUMMARY: Sam remembers how he came to meet you on a day he never thought he would get to have.
PAIRING: Sam Winchester x Reader
WORD COUNT: 1672(including lyrics)
WARNINGS: language, fluff?, angst?
A/N: This has been my favorite thing to write in quite some time, I actually had some tears while writing it. This is for @wayward-oneshots 100 follower celebration! I picked the song “H.O.L.Y.” by Florida Georgia Line. I hope you all like it! Congratulations on your milestones! Also the lyrics are in bold and the memories are in italics.
Tagging: @ellen-reincarnated1967 @demondean-for-kingofhell @winchesterprincessbride @jotink78 @iamdeanfknwinchester @winchestersnco @skybinx-blog @16wiishes @s4m-w1nch3st3r5287 @mrswhozeewhatsis @kydamyankee
When the sun had left and the winter came
And the sky thawed to only bring the rain
I sat in darkness
All broken-hearted
I couldn’t find a day I didn’t feel alone
I never meant to cry, started losing hope
Sam looked up at Dean, his eyes excited, scared, and so full of love for Y/N. “Yeah, just give me a minute okay,” his voice tremored with nervousness. Dean nodded and shut the door, leaving him alone. Sam looked down at the picture in his hand, smiling gently, “Jess, when you died a piece of me died too. I never thought I would see the sun again, then she saved my ass in more ways than one. I will always love you but now I love her, she gives me purpose again, makes me whole. Thank you, for sending her,” his voice broke as he ran a finger lightly over the picture. He stood up from the bed, grabbing his memory box. He opened the lid and laid the picture inside, taking a deep breath, he grabbed the garment bag hanging from the closet door and walked out to meet Dean.
“Never thought it would happen like this,” Dean said glancing at his little brother.
Sam looked over from the passenger seat, smiling he said, “Neither did I.” He looked back out the window and memories came rushing back.
Four Years Ago
“Dammit Dean! This was supposed to be an easy hunt,” Sam spat. “Why did you have to be a dick? If you weren’t then you wouldn’t of gotten this ghost sickness!” He glared at his brother while Dean tilted the bottle of hunter’s helper up and drank deeply.
“Dude, that was scary!” Dean said after he had taken a big swig. “Uh, I can’t go back in there, call Bobby. I quit!”
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Sam counted to ten slowly, biting his bottom lip he said, “Fine, let’s go back to the hotel room.”
Once Sam had gotten Dean situated in a room on the first floor,  Sam called Bobby and found out that there was a hunter nearby that could help him; he headed back to the old mill to wait.  Unfortunately Luther decided to try and make Sam a victim. Sam was being thrown around like a rag doll, and he lost the shotgun, Luther slammed him down to the ground and placed one foot on Sam’s neck and began to press down.
“HEY!” Sam heard a female voice yell, he heard the shotgun pump and then the deafening boom of the salt rounds finding Luther. Sam lay there gasping for breath, one hand moved up to his throat, eyes closed.
“Aren’t we a big fellow?”
Sam opened his eyes and looked up at the most beautiful woman he had seen, “Bobby said someone needed help, I would’ve thought a big boy like you could handle yourself,” she grinned holding a hand down to help him up, “I’m Y/N.”
But somehow baby
You broke through and saved me
You’re an angel. Tell me you’re never leaving
‘Cause you’re the first thing I know I can believe in
Sam grinned, that was the first time he knew that his heart still worked. After that hunt, you simply never left again and were there for every fucked up situation that had befell them. You even stood by him when he had thought he had ruined any chance of being with you because of Ruby. Opening the gate that let the devil out, you were right there next to him.
You’re holy, holy, holy, holy
I’m high on loving you, high on loving you
You’re holy, holy, holy, holy
I’m high on loving you, high on loving you
The three of you had fought side by side trying to stop the apocalypse from happening, even when Dean had left because he couldn’t trust Sam anymore, you stayed. He was sure then that God had sent you to him to make sure he didn’t give in and say yes. The dreams he had of Jess trying to convince him to say yes, were the worst, but then you saved him again, helping to keep him strong.
When the only thing left to stop the apocalypse was him saying yes to Lucifer, you had helped talk Dean and Bobby into letting it happen. The night before Detroit, he gave up fighting the feelings and told you that he loved you. That was the first time he had made love to another woman since Jess. He had had plenty of sex, but with you it was different, it was a joining of souls. It was forever. He had made Dean and Cas promise to keep you away if something went wrong, but sure enough you were in that cemetery, your heart breaking when Sam gained control again and fell into the cage, lost to you.
Throughout everything that happened when he came back, soulless, cold, and methodical, it was you that his eyes were always drawn to. Dean had been able to get his soul back, but that came with a price, too. Lucifer was always there, reminding him of his time in the cage. He knew he was losing his mind, unable to sleep because the devil wouldn’t shut up, never knowing what was real, until the night he had almost hurt you thinking you were another cruel mind game that used to be played on him daily in the cage.
Eyes red from lack of sleep, his mental clarity slipping slowly away with each taunting word, “I, I don’t know what’s real anymore, Y/N. You need to go before I hurt you again,” he said one hand gripping his wrist tightly, ashamed at the fingerprint bruises that were showing up on your throat.
You had tears in your eyes, when you dropped to your knees in front of him, you put one shaky hand against his heart, “Look at me!”
You made the brightest days from the darkest nights
You’re the river bank where I was baptized
Cleansed from the demons
That were killing my freedom
Let me lay you down, give me to ya
Get you singing, babe, hallelujah
We’ll be touching
We’ll be touching heaven
He opened his eyes, the light in the room, making them change color like a kaleidoscope, he sobbed seeing the tears in your own eyes. “I’m real, Sam! Flesh and blood right in front of you. I will not let him win. He can’t have you! Just keep looking at me.” You grabbed his hand and laid it against your heart. “This..” you smacked your hand over his, “This is real, my heart beating is real. Fight, dammit!”
You’re an angel. Tell me you’re never leaving
‘Cause you’re the first thing I know I can believe in
You’re holy, holy, holy, holy
I’m high on loving you, high on loving you
You’re holy, holy, holy, holy
I’m high on loving you, high on loving you
Sam noticed that the Impala had stopped moving, he opened his eyes and blew out a shaky breath. There were dark days still to come, but you had never given up on him. You were there when Bobby died, the rock that he needed to stay strong. Dean coming back from purgatory, pissed at the both of you for not looking for him, the trials-fuck those were the worst, seeing the look in your eyes, when you knew he was slowly dying, but knowing that he couldn’t or wouldn’t stop, how he wanted to be the one to make Dean proud for a change.
Shaking his head, he got out of the car, grabbing the garment bag he headed for the cottage. He smiled and waved at the people who were there, Jody, Donna, Claire, Alex were there laughing at something Bobby said. He paused watching Cas talk to his mom, his head tilting when Mary closed her eyes and then suddenly John was standing there and Mary cried out leaping into his arms.
Dean was holding onto Charlie and Jo like he would never let go again, listening to Ellen tell the story of how she first met the boys again. Sam walked into the small cabin and unzipped the bag. He got dressed, sitting down on the bed, he put his dress shoes on, remembering the first time he was in this bed with you.
I don’t need these stars ‘cause you shine for me
Like fire in my veins, you’re my ecstasy
You’re my ecstasy
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(not my gif, found on google)
Sam looked down at you, love filling his eyes. “You know that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
You blushed, “Stop, it’s the endorphins talking. Great sex always makes you sappy,” you stuck your tongue out at him. “You know I love you right? I wouldn’t trade anything that we’ve been through. Every choice we made, brought us here.”
You’re holy, holy, holy, holy
I’m high on loving you, high on loving you
You’re holy, holy, holy, holy
I’m high on loving you, high on loving you
A knock at the door brought Sam back to the present. He put the jacket on and walked to the door, opening it he looked at Dean, “I’m ready.”
Standing there among the wildflowers with his brother by his side and all of his family, Sam watched with tear filled eyes as you made your way to him. The setting sun behind you made you even more beautiful. You stood in front of him, you both only had eyes for each other.
“I love you, Y/N forever and always,” Sam said softly.
“I love you, Sam, forever and always,” you replied, tears slowly falling.
You’re the healing hands where it used to hurt
You’re my saving grace, you’re my kind of church
You’re holy
The clearing of a throat had you and Sam turning together towards the sound. Chuck beamed at both of you.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today….”
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 5x18: “Point of No Return”
Quite the interesting song choice. “The Man Upstairs” by Kay Starr.
Bummed out Zachariah at a bar.
“That’s all they care about upstairs, ain’t it? Results, results, results. They don’t know. They’re not down on the ground, in the mud, nose to nose with all you pig-filthy humans, am I right?”
“Absolute—filthy what?”
lmao, poor guy catching what Zachariah said.
Another gif I’d seen often without knowing what the context was.
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RIP Stuart and the bartender. Killed by Zachariah’s “boss”...whoever that is.
Preparing to leave.
I”m trying to pause the screen to read this letter Dean is writing. I can make out the words “you’ll look after her” which is probably referring to Baby (tho I did initially think it was about Lisa, as he had told her last episode that “they” won’t get what they want from him without agreeing to something first...aka protection for her and Ben.) Also before that statement, it looks like Dean made a Back to the Future reference (which, of course he would) “Where we’re going, we don’t need  no roads”
He also mentions someone (or something?) being an “honorary Winchester in my book” and I hope he means Cas.
[After episode edit: Supernatural Wiki is awesome and provides a transcript to a good chunk of the letter. It confirms most of my guesses except the “honorary Winchester” is Bobby; I ain’t even mad about that.]
It was about to be sent to Bobby.
“It’s not too hard to figure out the stops on the Farewell Tour.” Well thank god Sam knows Dean so well.
“How could you do that?”
“How could I? All you’ve ever done is walk away.”
“And I was wrong. Every single time I did.” 
“You know I have to stop you.”
“Yeah, well, you can try. Just remember: You’re not all hopped up on demon blood this time.”
Dean delivering some low blows here...and he’s just getting started.
Who is phenomenally pissed and staring daggers at Dean.
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“But if Lucifer burns this mother down, and I coulda done something about it, guess what? That’s on me.” Huh, that’s still part of the reason Dean says yes to Michael in S13.
“You’re not my father. And you ain’t in my shoes.”
It would’ve been kinda hilarious if Bobby had shot Dean for that alone.
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“That’s the round I mean to put through my skull. Every morning, I look at it. I think, ‘Maybe today’s the day I flip the lights out.’ But I don’t do it. I never do it. You know why? Because I promised you I wouldn’t give up!”
RIP 2 angels. Killed by Cas.
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Will the real Adam Milligan please rise?
Cas wards Adam.
My god, Adam sounds so much like Dean.
Whoomp, there it is. Adm was brought back to replace Dean as Michael's vessel.
Cas shading Dean, lol.
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“Why would they do this?”
“Maybe they’re desperate. Maybe they wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them.”
“Alright, you know what? Blow me, Cas.”   
Adam even acts like Dean, whereas Ghoul!Adam was more like Sam...
“Please, just trust me. Give me some time.”
“Give me one good reason.”
“Because we’re blood.”
Yeah, that ain’t gonna cut it.
“No, John Winchester was some guy who took me to a baseball game once a year. I don't have a dad. So we may be blood, but we are not family. My mom is my family. And if I do my job, I get to see her again. So no offense, but she's the one I give a rat's ass about, not you.”
Dude, it’s not their fault they never found out about you.
Jeez, what a dick.
Not that easy to escape, pal.
“The one thing worse than seeing dad once a year was seeing him all year.”
“Do you know how full of crap you are?”
“Really. You see, it was me and it was my mom. That's it. She worked the graveyard shift at the hospital. I cooked my own dinners. I put myself to bed. So you can say whatever you want about our dad, but the truth is, I would have taken anything.”
 Does Adam ever stop with the smartass remarks?
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“I mean, think about how many people we've gotten killed, Sam. Mom, Dad, Jess, Jo, Ellen. Should I keep going?” None of those deaths were your own fault, you’re reaching for straws here pal.
“I just…I—I don’t believe.” 
“In what?”
“In you.”
I hate Dean’s campaign of driving people away so they’ll let him go, I h a t e t h i s.
“You’re angry, you’re self-righteous. Lucifer's gonna wear you to the prom, man. It's just a matter of time.” 
“Don’t say that to me. Not you...of all people.”
Omg, an almost direct parallel from “When the Levee Breaks”.
You made Sam cry, you asshole.
I love Bobby checking in on his sons :’)
How did Dean know Cas was gonna come down to check in on him? That crash was well timed.
And Cas actually showed concern for him!!
Dean, you fucking asshole.
“Cuff him to your chair.” lmao
Adam, meet Zachariah.
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The other time where I can’t even argue against Zachariah...except for the “erotically” bit.
“Trust me, kid, when the heat gets hot, they're not gonna give a flying crap about you. Hell, they'd rather save each other's sweet bacon than save the planet.” Oh wait, there’s another time he’s just...kinda right. Tho I’d kinda argue that they’ve come a long way from that.
OOOHHH HERE IT COMES. ONE OF MY FAVORITE SCENES IN THE SERIES...and the reason I started shipping Destiel full time.
El Sol!
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It is so satisfying to see Cas beat the shit out of Dean after everything he’s said and done in this episode.
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Also, how are NONE of the passing civilians noticing this fight???
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I just...get a huge kick out of that scene. 
And now, I attempt to explain why this scene (of all scenes) was the reason I started shipping Destiel:
To me, there were two stages of Destiel; 1. Dean’s in love with Cas and 2. Cas is in love with Dean. For whatever reason, this was the moment I realized Cas had very deep feelings for Dean. 
The level of betrayal he was feeling from Dean seemed much more personal than just ‘I went to bat for the guy and he struck out, wah wah”. 
Also, the fact that he emphasized that he did/gave EVERYTHING for solely Dean definitely came off more than platonic to me. 
(Not to mention how close their faces were to each other; almost every time I watch this scene, I half expect them to start making out with each other.)
All I know is that from there on out, I looked forward to their interactions--well, even more than I already did-- and that I was looking at them in a different light.
“Bobby, what do you mean ‘Adam is gone’?”
“Should I say it in Spanish?”
lmaoo. Knowing Bobby, he probably could.
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“What the hell happened to him?”
Unceremoniously dumped on the couch, lmao.
And I also kinda love that they asked about what happened to Dean only once, then proceeded to talk more about Adam. It may be because he’s the bigger fish to fry, but it kinda reads to me that Bobby and Sam are in silent agreement that Dean had that beating coming, so they won’t even ask more about it.
The Green Room.
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Oh, Persephone move there bro.
“So you lied...about everything.”
“We didn’t lie. We just avoided certain truths to manipulate you.”
Adam, you poor fool.
i wonder who carried Dean down to the panic room.
“Word to the wise: don’t piss off the nerd angels.”
“Either it’s a trap to get me there to make me say yes, or it’s not a trap and I’m gonna say yes anyway. And I will. I’ll do it. Fair warning.” No, you won’t.
“When push shoves, you’ll make the right call.” Sam’s right.
“I—I don’t get it. Sam, why are you doing this?“
“Because… you’re still my big brother.”
I am like, Sam’s #1 fan when it comes to this episode. I am rooting like hell for him.
Van Nuys, California.
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I love Dean’s reaction as Cas takes off his tie; he even looks over to Sam like “you seeing this?”
“Whoa, wait. You’re gonna take on five angels?”
“Isn’t that suicide?”
“Maybe it is. But then I won’t have to watch you fail.”
RIP Dean, torn a new one by Cas.
Dean looked at Cas like he thought the box-cutter was for him.
RIP angel. Killed by Cas.
One down, four to go.
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What a badass move.
“You came for me.”
“Yeah, well, you’re family.”
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Zachariah’s just twisting the knife.
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“Damn it, Zachariah. Stop it, please. I’ll do it.”
“I’m sorry. What was that?”
“Okay, yes. The answer is yes.”
You can literally pinpoint the moment Dean changes his mind.
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“I said…before Michael gets one piece of this sweet ass…he has to turn you into a piece of charcoal.” There’s the Dean I love.
“Michael’s not gonna kill me.” Zachariah’s last words.
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RIP Zachariah. Killed by Dean. Still such a satisfying death!
Whoa, just realized Dean watched Zachariah die...and he still has eyeballs.
Dean lets go of Adam to help Sam. That one little decision with such huge consequences...
“Dean! Help! Deean!” 
Poor Adam. I really do feel sorry that he got caught up in all this. I’m kinda hoping they’ll address him a bit in S14.
“You think Adam’s okay?”
“Doubt it. Cas either. But we’ll get ‘em.” aww.
“So, what changed your mind?”
“Honestly? The damnedest thing. I mean, the world’s ending. The walls are coming down on us, and I look over to you and all I can think about is, ‘This stupid son of a bitch brought me here.’ I just didn’t want to let you down.” 
“Just...let me say this. I don't know if it's being a big brother or what, but to me, you've always been this snot-nosed kid that I've had to keep on the straight and narrow. I think we both know that that's not you anymore. I mean, hell, if you're grown-up enough to find faith in me…the least I can do is return the favor. So screw destiny, right in the face. I say we take the fight to them, and do it our way.”
That meant the universe to Sam.
HELL FUCKING YES DEAN. You are forgiven for the bull you pulled this episode.
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aurlyn · 6 years
Dragon Age (Cocktails and Cheese) / Supernatural Crossover
Chapter 6
A Conversation Between an ex-Templar and an Angel
Cullen sat back enjoying his beer while Alistair showed off behind the bar. Dean and Jo were getting the hang of juggling bottles, which allowed for Alistair to get a little fancier with his showing off. True to his word, he kept his feet off the bar, but the large space behind it allowed for some of his more elaborate backflips, twirls, and aerials while flipping bottles and bouncing various receptacles off his elbows.
He was definitely in his element.
Dean and Jo looked like they were having a great time. His companion at the table, however, appeared to be barely containing his displeasure with their playfulness. When Dean dropped yet another bottle, Alistair placed his hands on Dean’s hips to reposition his stance, then guided him into another toss, which he landed perfectly to cheers and high fives all around. To Cullen, this was a natural training tactic: redirect the stance and the sword work would follow. Castiel, however, seemed to have a different opinion on the matter.
He looked ready to kill .
His furrowed brow and pursed lips spoke volumes of how he felt about someone else putting their hands on his husband. With a gentle touch on Castiel’s wrist, Cullen brought his attention back to the table. After a tense moment, where he swore that Castiel’s eyes glowed blue, he smiled kindly and lifted his beer in a silent salute. Removing his hand from Castiel’s wrist, they both drank, eyes locked together, a silent challenge.
“Alistair and I are not a threat to you or your husband,” Cullen began. “He is naturally friendly and his humor tends to come off as flirty, but I can assure you that he and I do not waver from each other.”
Another cheer from the bar drew their attention; Dean was smiling over at Castiel , proudly waving the bottles in his hands.
Cullen continued, “Seeing Dean with you —y ou have to know how much you mean to him.”
Castiel frowned at him. “How do you—?”
“I’m a detective,” Cullen interjected, simply. “Observing people is what I do. I also get it. I’d be lying if I said that I’ve never felt jealous over how easily Alistair charms people.”
“But, how do you deal with it?” Castiel asked, hesitantly.
Cullen shrugged. “Honestly? Lots of really amazing sex!”
Castiel sputtered, “Really?”
“Really.” Cullen laughed. “It helps to know that when he closes the bar, he comes home to me and never lets me forget how much he loves me. So, I do my best to put my faith in us.” He grinned. “I see the way that you and Dean look at each other too… there’s something pure and perfect in that kind of love. It radiates off you both. You must have been through a lot to look at each other that way.”
Castiel looked into his beer with a small quirk to his mouth. “I pulled him out of hell.”
Cullen gaped at Castiel. “What? Like… literally ?”
He nodded. “My garrison was sent to retrieve ‘the righteous man’ from Hell. I was the first one to him and the only one to make it out alive.” He sighed sadly. “Dean was so broken when I found him. It’s not my place to tell you all the details, but suffice it to say, repairing him was no easy task. Going through that with him… well, it created a profound bond between us.” He picked at the paper on his beer with a sheepish smile.
“Wow,” Cullen muttered. “That’s just… I can’t even imagine. Have you been together ever since?”
Castiel shook his head. “It took us several years to finally admit our feelings for each other. As his brother is so fond of saying, we had to pull our heads out of our asses before we could see what was right in front of us. But, once we got past that rather large hurdle, there was no denying it. Dean…” Castiel looked longingly over to his husband. “Dean is my everything. I fell for him; not just in love—though there is that too. I gave up everything for him: the heavenly host, my wings; I even became human, for a time. My father had other plans for me though, and eventually gave me back my wings and angelic grace as a wedding present.”
“Your union was blessed by The Maker himself, and you’re still worried about someone else stealing your husband away?”
“I didn’t say my feelings were logical. In fact, there are many things that still don’t make sense to me. I’m doing my best to learn, though. There’s just so much that I don’t understand. Thankfully, Dean is a very patient man.”
“So, you really are a full fledged angel.” Cullen’s voice was full of awe. “Man, I just… wow. I’m sorry; I’m not sure what else I can say to that.”
Castiel nodded. “We’ve had Templars here on earth before—a long time ago—but they were just warriors fighting for the church. Regular men and women getting their hands dirty in the name of my father.” He scoffed, “As if my father would weigh in on those petty squabbles. He designed his children to have free-will, to make mistakes and learn from them. He never intended to micromanage everything.” He squinted at Cullen. “You’re not like they were, though. Your light shines almost as brightly as Dean’s, which makes me think that you’re more than just a simple warrior of God.”
Cullen nodded. “Templars, where I’m from, can be more than that, though we do have simple warriors of the Maker too. I’m what we call an awakened Templar. I can see things that the average person can’t. Supernatural phenomena, dark spawn, magic—”
“Not everyone can see these things where you are from?”
“No. I guess you could say that our world has two realities. There are regular humans leading normal, everyday lives. A small percentage of us have what we call the sight, we can see what the average person cannot. Of those who are aware, there are some that also have extra abilities. Alistair, for example, is faster and stronger than the average person. He needs to be to fight the things he fights. As a Warden, he is charged with protecting the world from things that come through little rifts in the veil. Warden’s fight darkspawn and demons, then clean up the area and weave stories so the average person doesn’t see the true horror that was there.”
“It sounds a little like being a Hunter here.” Castiel glanced quickly over to where Dean was carefully tossing bottles back and forth with Jo. “You said Alistair was faster and stronger, but we saw him seal the portal too…”
Cullen nodded. “As a guardian of the veil, Alistair can both open and close those tears. He can also sense the creatures that come through.”
“You mean the demons?”
“Demons and darkspawn are very different. The corpses on the ground near where we came through, those were darkspawn. They are fairly common where we’re from—at least, to those who can see them . ”
“They are fairly new to this world. Angels and Demons—we’ve been fighting for years; the battle between heaven and hell is as old as time. There are other supernatural creatures here as well: vampires, werewolves, ghouls, witches, and fae; these are all things we fight on a weekly basis. It’s only been the last few months that this new species has come into play. The first tear appeared the day my son was born.”
“Some of those creatures are familiar to me, but not others. Wait… you have a son?”
“Dean and I have taken in two children as our own. Claire shares my DNA, but lost both of her parents. She is a young adult now and shares time between our home in Lebanon, Kansas and here in Sioux Falls with her other guardian, Jody. Jack is a product of my brother, Lucifer, and a human woman named Kelly, who died in childbirth. I was there with his mother throughout her pregnancy and developed a bond with Jack, in utero. Unfortunately, Lucifer killed me before I could meet him on the day he was born and I--”
“Wait! You died!!?”
“A few times now, actually. It’s not pleasant; I don’t recommend it,” he deadpanned then smirked. “I’m… much better now.”
“I can see that.” Cullen chuckled. “You said something about your son being born correlating to the new creatures you’ve been seeing?”
“Like I said, Jack is a product of my brother, an archangel, and a human. He is a nephilim and is quite powerful.”
“A nephilim… is that dangerous?”
“They have the potential to be, but Jack isn’t… Jack was lucky to be with my husband and his brother when he was born. They are both good men with good hearts. They have taught me what it means to be a good man. To be a good human. I do my best, but even Angels falter in our paths sometime.” He chuckled to himself. “But Jack, he is pure and beautiful and not-perfect. He chooses free will over what his ‘destiny’ is supposed to be. I couldn’t be happier to call him my son.”
“You said that the darkspawn have only been coming through for the last six months or so… so Jack is just a baby?”
“Well, no… I mean, he should be, but, his growth was accelerated by necessity. It was too dangerous for him to be a baby for long, so he currently looks to be around eighteen or so.”
“How is that possible?”
“Apparently his powers have built-in self preservation mechanisms. When I died, he knew that he needed to be able to protect himself. Being an infant would have left him too vulnerable, so after he was born, he aged rapidly. When Dean and Sam found him, shortly after he was born, Jack already appeared to be teenager. He was frightened and alone. It was their love and support that kept my family together when they thought I was gone forever.” Castiel hung his head, sadly. “From what I’ve been told, it nearly broke Dean. He had a hard time bonding with Jack at first, but Sam was there and stepped in.” Castiel smiled wistfully. “I really am blessed with the best family.”
Cullen returned the smile. “I can see that. So, where is everyone now?”
“Sam is with my brother Gabriel, back at home. They’re currently trying to find a way for us to open our own portal for a rescue mission. Claire is with a local family of misfit hunters here in Sioux Falls. She recently lost someone very special to her and is having a hard time adjusting. Jack is… well, we hope that Jack is with my mother-in-law, Mary. He was trying to rescue her from another world, but he doesn’t have complete control of his powers yet and got separated from the rest of the group. We theorize that it’s his lack of control that might be causing all of these current rifts, especially if he’s trying to get home to us.”
“If there’s some way for us to identify where they are, maybe Alistair can help to get you there and bring them home again,” Cullen supplied.
“That is my hope. We’re not sure how to do that, though. There are infinite worlds and no way yet of showing you which way to go. In the meantime, we’ve been working overtime trying to figure out how to contain all of these rifts while trying to figure out how to open our own so we can go in and retrieve Mom and Jack.” He slumped over his beer with a long sigh. “I’m sorry, it’s just… we’re all a little exhausted and overwhelmed. You two have come at the most opportune time for us. I know you have your own troubles that you’re facing back home, but hopefully, we’ll be able to work together so I can get my family back together again.”
“Castiel, if it is within our power, we will do our best to assist you. You have my word.”
With a grateful nod, he turned his gaze back to the cheering crowd at the bar. “Thank you, Cullen. You don’t know what that means to me.” He paused a moment, then added, “and… thank you for the other advice as well. Like I said, some of these human emotions tend to get the better of me. At least now I may have a way of… working through some of the less desirable ones.” With a smirk, he drained the rest of his beer.  
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touching-eternity · 7 years
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This is part 2 of a series. Read part 1 here: http://touching-eternity.tumblr.com/post/164436543788/putting-the-pieces-together-a-prophetic-report
Nothing in recent history has generated so much interest in both the occult and Christian worlds than the once-in-human-history astronomical alignment of the moon, Jupiter, the sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus, and the constellations Virgo and Leo happening on September 23, 2017.
This celestial event, which the heavens seem to have conspired to put out in the sky, has lately been turning internet-land upside down. It appears to be exactly the heavenly sign that apostle John saw in a vision about 2,000 years ago. John had the vision while exiled in an island called Patmos. It is recorded in the 12th chapter of the Bible book of Revelation.
This was what John saw: “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; and she was with child. And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron.”
In the September 23 alignment, the constellation Virgo corresponds to the woman in John’s vision. The sun illuminating Virgo fits John’s description of the woman clothed with the sun. The moon is indeed at the feet of Virgo the woman. And the nine stars of the constellation Leo plus the three planets Mercury, Mars, and Venus look like a crown on the head of Virgo – the crown of twelve stars on the woman’s head.
The woman in John’s vision is pregnant and gives birth to a son who will rule all the nations with a rod of iron. In the alignment, the king planet Jupiter represents the son of the woman. Jupiter entered Virgo’s womb last year. It will stay there for a 42-week gestation period till September 23 when Jupiter comes out of Virgo’s womb. According to people studying the alignment, that one detail – Jupiter’s 42-week apparent retrograde in Virgo’s womb – makes this alignment historically unique.
A Matter of Interpretation
Biblical prophecies are, needless to say, subject to different levels of interpretation. Like my much-loved prophetic mentor Bro. Jo Laville said (years ago before he moved to the other side of eternity), many Bible prophecies are capable of having multiple fulfillments. The fulfillments may be personal fulfillment, fulfillment for the nation of Israel, and/or historical, present-day, and end-time fulfillments involving the world at large. For the purpose of this prophetic report, we will take John’s vision of “the woman clothed with the sun” and discuss its present-day and end-time fulfillment.
But, before going any further, it seems worth mentioning that a new batch of prophets has been rocking the Christian world at present. These prophets have come to global prominence via the internet in the last two decades or so. Nothing like their words have stirred up so much controversy and division among Christians on a global scale since the restoration to the church of the gift of speaking in tongues during the Charismatic Outpouring of the 60s and 70s. One of these prophets, in fact, jokingly remarked that pastors in certain cities or countries actually form pastoral associations just to debunk his teachings or to denounce him as a false prophet.
The most prominent of the issues for which these prophets are being questioned is “necromancy”. Some Christian leaders have accused them of practicing necromancy because they speak to “dead” people in the Bible like Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Enoch, Joseph, Job, Jonah, John, and others. To be fair, even Jesus talked with “dead” Moses and Elijah on the mount of transfiguration in the book of Matthew. Also, the prophets in question do not summon these Biblical personages, like what King Saul of ancient Israel did to the prophet Samuel. On the contrary, the Bible saints come to visit and teach them. It is like God sends these saints from heaven in the same way He sends a “living” person from earth on a mission to teach or warn others.
By this time, the reader would have perceived that this article believes that these controversial prophets are men prepared by God to minister to end-time Christians. Their body of preachings, which can easily be searched in the internet, presents a picture that comes off as holy, loving, fresh, powerful, and edifying. These prophets are not perfect humans by any means – far be it from anyone to idolize them – but their words certainly ring with both Christ’s gentleness and heaven’s authority. And they totally resonate with the hearts of passionate seekers of God.
Who are these end-time prophets? Well, read on, as they will be referred to whenever words from them are quoted in this article. To them we turn to try and understand the meaning of the Revelation 12 sign of “the woman clothed with the sun”. These prophets have been visited by Jesus, by angels, and by saints from the other side of eternity to explain to them this sign and other end-time mysteries. They are servants of God sent to get His people ready for the next phase in His plan of the ages.
Apostle Paul exhorts Christians not to despise prophecy, but to test them. So this is an invitation to test the prophecies and their interpretations, as this article tries to put the prophetic pieces together.
The Woman Goes into Labor
Revelation 12 tells us that the woman in John’s vision “was with child; and she cried out, being in labor and in pain to give birth.”
When a woman goes into labor, it means that she is about to deliver a baby. When the baby comes out, all the tears and pain of labor vanish, swept away by the sheer joy of seeing the newborn child. However, while a woman is in labor, the extreme pain and difficulty seem impossible to bear. That is perhaps why the Bible’s original Greek word for birth pains is also translated into English as sorrows and travail. Hence, when the Bible talks about nations or groups of people going through birth pains, it means that they are experiencing great sorrow and extreme difficulties leading to the birth of something new and wonderful.
The woman in labor in Revelation chapter 12 is identified by Indian prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj as both Israel and Jesus’ church. He explains that the astronomical alignment will be visible in the sky above Jerusalem on September 23 and Israel is a sign to the world pointing to the church. Therefore, both Israel and the church will soon experience the beginnings of birth pains foretold by Jesus in the the Bible books of Matthew and Luke.
In the past several decades, whenever Israel experienced either distress or blessing, the church went through a parallel experience. For example, when Israel became a nation again in 1948, the church entered the Latter-Rain Revival. Also, when Israel regained Jerusalem in 1967, the church received the Charismatic Outpouring.
The beginnings of birth pains are listed in the Bible books of Matthew (chapter 24) and Luke (chapter 21) as follows: false christs, false prophets and false teachers, wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, plagues, and famines in various places, terrors and great signs from heaven, and fierce persecution. While these things have happened in the past, and have increased in frequency and severity in recent years, both Israel and the church will enter into an intensified wave of such occurrences soon. This will put them under extreme pain and distress. Sadhu prophesies that the beginnings of birth pains will last for at least three years.
In April of 2014, the archangel Michael visited Sadhu and showed him a scroll on which the numbers “1948”, “1967”, and “2017” were written. Michael explained that, in 1948 and 1967, significant events took place affecting the land and people of Israel. It was in the year 1947, however, that the United Nations agreement allowing Israel to become an independent state was signed; from 1947 to 2017 would be 70 years, a Biblical period of completion. And then, in the year 1967, Israel got Jerusalem back; from 1967 to 2017 would be 50 years, a Biblical jubilee. At that point, Sadhu remembered that Israel fought her war of independence in 1948 and also the 6-day war in 1967. Will Israel get into another war soon?
The angel Michael actually said to Sadhu that “another major war is planned, a major change in government and land is coming”. In fact, as early as the year 2011, Jesus has told Sadhu that Israel will first go through a very bloody and grievous war before the last war, the Armageddon war. Australian prophet Neville Johnson agrees that Israel will fight at least two more wars in the short remaining time that the world still has. Both Sadhu and Neville request Christians to pray that the effects and the casualties of the next war would be minimized.
The coming war in Israel and its aftermath will have grave repercussions for the world and for the church. For instance, Sadhu says that God will judge the nations that will conspire to partition Jerusalem with earthquakes, calamities, and plagues. Life will become simply difficult for these nations and the church within them.
It also looks like many countries of the world have crossed the line in the area of morality and righteousness. Not a few have commented in recent years that, if God does not judge some wicked nations now, Sodom and Gomorrah would rise from their graves to protest. The Biblical prophet Isaiah says that when God’s judgments are experienced on the earth, people learn righteousness. The opposite is also true – when wickedness is allowed free rein, people turn for the worse, thinking they can get away with anything. The world is ripe for judgment indeed. Even the earth itself is groaning under the weight of evil. Extreme earthquakes, storms, floods, and other such greatly distressing events should, therefore, not surprise us anymore.
However, as the darkness deepens all over the world, great revivals will break out and the end-time harvest of souls will be brought into the Kingdom of God. Neville says that he saw at least two waves of unprecedented, mind-boggling harvest of souls before the end.
The Woman Gives Birth to a Son
We read in Revelation chapter 12, “And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.”
After she goes through labor, the woman gives birth to a son. Who or what will be the fulfillment of this son?
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj says that Israel will bring forth 144,000 Messianic Jews marked by God and chosen from among the Biblical twelve tribes of Israel. This is foretold in Revelation chapter 7. The church, for her part, according to both Sadhu and Neville Johnson, will give birth to an astonishing new breed of Christians. The book of Revelation describes them in these terms: they are bond-servants of God, they follow the Lamb (Jesus) wherever He goes, and they are guileless and faultless in God’s eyes. Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, talks about them as the sons of God that all of creation longs to see manifested. This new breed of Christians and the 144,000 Jews will be the end-time fulfillment of the son birthed by the woman in Revelation 12. For ease of reference, henceforth in this article, we shall refer to them as the son company.
The son company will be a remnant. They will be a group taken from among the Jewish and Gentile church. Sadhu says that they will be composed of ordinary people of all ages – children, youth, women, ministers of God, and senior citizens. They will receive an end-time prophetic anointing, which will come from a combination of two outpourings. The first is the end-time fulfillment of the prophesied pouring out of the Holy Spirit in the book of Joel that was initially received by the early church. The second is the anointing of the seven Spirits of God written in the book of Revelation.
This end-time prophetic anointing will actually be “poured out on all flesh”, as Joel foretold, because God wants everyone to receive it. Unfortunately, not all will be child-like in their faith or want it badly enough to prepare themselves to receive it. It is like the gift of tongues and the other gifts of the Holy Spirit discussed in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. When God restored them to the church during the Charismatic Outpouring, not everyone embraced them, in spite of Paul’s admonition to pursue the gifts earnestly.
Neville explains that the son company will first be transfigured (like Jesus on the mountain). Then they will be caught up to the heavenly throne room of God (not the rapture of the church yet). There they will receive their commissions and instructions. Lastly, they will be brought back to earth to fulfill their mission to prepare the bride of Christ, the company of Christians – men, women, old, and young – who hear and respond to the call to spiritual intimacy and union with Christ.
Like Sadhu, Neville reiterates that the call to be part of the son company is given to all, even throughout the ages. It is by no means an elitist call. Rather it is the general call to mature sonship, to become like Christ in character, power, and ability. However, again, not all actually want it enough to set themselves apart for God’s purposes and to pursue God’s enabling gifts. It seems part of fallen human nature to be complacent about things until major life disruptions occur to wake us up and make us question our fundamentals. During times of normalcy, we tend to just coast along.
So Neville goes on to say that the son company will be those who mature in their intimacy and walk with God earlier than the rest of the church. They will be called “friends of the Bridegroom” because part of their mission will be to protect and feed the bride company during the worst time of persecution and difficulties. Their goal will be to bring her to holiness and maturity so she becomes fit for her wedding with her Heavenly Groom.
The son company will be not be end-time spiritual rock stars. On the contrary, they will not carry any titles or positions. They will simply be moving in and out of the crowds anonymously, often swallowed into obscurity by the multitudes. But because of the anointing of the seven Spirits of God, this company will exercise the “powers of the age to come” mentioned in the Bible book of Hebrews.
Neville gives us hints of what these powers of the age to come will look like. He says that, like the Biblical Enoch, the son company will operate in two realms – the heavenly and the earthly realms. Their spiritual eyes will be open continually to see God, angels, and the church on the other side of eternity, as well as the devil’s demonic hordes. They will practically be invincible against bombs, bullets, and viruses. They will have the ability to become invisible to their enemies at times and to get translated or translocated whenever they are needed elsewhere. They will know when and where earthquakes or disasters will happen and they will warn people to move ahead of time. They will be able to create food from nothing. Nature itself will be very happy to cooperate with them. Really, the son company will have supernatural powers that the saints of old longed to look at and that even the angels have never seen yet.
The Woman is Persecuted by the Dragon
John further writes in Revelation 12: “And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. And she gave birth to a son… Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God, so that there she would be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days. … And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. … And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and drank up the river which the dragon poured out of his mouth. So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.”
In August 1980, American prophet Ken Peters dreamed of the so-called “great tribulation”, a period of extreme, unprecedented trouble described in the Bible book of Revelation. When Ken had the dream, he was a Roman Catholic and did not know anything about the book of Revelation or any teaching about the bodily return of Jesus to earth.
In the dream, Ken first saw graves bursting open all over the world in some sort of categorized fashion, meaning one grave would open, but other graves next to it would not. He saw people of all ages coming out of the graves. These people were glimmering and shone brighter than the sun. But, all of a sudden, they disappeared. Ken did not see them go away, they just vanished. He did not see them go up into the clouds, and no one on earth changed and got zapped out of the planet to meet Jesus in the air.
As soon as this happened, mass hysteria began to hit the earth. People had the appearance of absolute despair, hopelessness, fear, despondency, and total perplexity. Pandemonium, mass chaos, and lawlessness were happening all over the planet. People were asking, “Where did these people go? What happened?” All the globe saw this event or “experienced” it afterwards.
At that point, all media devices, including the telephone, radio, and television, were shut down for about two weeks. When broadcast came back on, it was a very different broadcast from before. They were depicting a soon-to-come new government and leadership, and saying that a man would be emerging to lead the people. The man eventually appeared and spoke with great eloquence and charisma. He was soothing and promised answers to all current issues, smooth and extremely convincing, able to solve nearly all problems. He was a consummate communicator and he explained how this removal of people was God’s judgment upon them.
This new leader spoke of new times upon human beings, new directives for global peace, and the need to give up current citizenship for world citizenship. He continually and constantly spoke of world order and the benefits of all men dwelling together in peace. At staggering rates, people were buying right into the plan that this man was releasing into the airwaves.
The plan that this world leader talked about included everyone getting an identification mark on their hand that would replace the cards that people used to do business. The mark was at first voluntary, but later on was made mandatory. The plan also involved a peaceful global martial law, where military police were quietly parked in street corners and cameras were installed along roads and highways. It was a very unusual thing for Ken that, in his dream, police seemed to know people’s exact whereabouts at any given time.
At last, towards the end of his dream, Ken, his wife, and the Christian evangelist whose group they had joined got caught by military police. In the government facility where they were brought, they were politely requested to cooperate with the new government and to renounce their faith in “Him”. (The government people who handled them never mentioned the name of Jesus or God; those caught were simply asked to deny “Him”.) When they refused to deny Jesus, the three of them were made to line up with thousands of other people. Finally, they were executed by beheading – first the evangelist, then Ken’s wife, and last Ken himself. In the dream, a big, burly man chopped off their heads with a curved sword.
Revelation chapter 13 talks about two beasts, which elsewhere in the Bible are identified as the Antichrist and the False Prophet. The charismatic world leader in Ken Peters’ dream fits the description of the first beast, the Antichrist, who will receive evil power and authority from the dragon Satan. It is quite obvious that, at this point in time, the identity of the Antichrist has not been disclosed to the world yet. Interestingly and scarily though, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj says that Jesus has revealed to him the identity of the False Prophet. Sadhu was in Australia in 2015 when Jesus came and told him that Pope Francis is the fulfillment of the False Prophet of Revelation. (He apologizes to Roman Catholics worldwide for saying this, but he feels that he also needs to warn them.) Jesus explained to Sadhu that Pope Francis will be like John the Baptist. However, instead of identifying and pointing to the true Messiah like John did with Jesus, Pope Francis will point to the Antichrist as the Messiah, the Savior of the world.
American prophet Terry Bennett has also said that, in a vision, he saw the pope introduce a coming world leader in Europe as the Messiah (though he did not identify which pope it was). But many European Roman Catholics did not believe the pope’s pronouncement. Because of their defiance, they were killed in large numbers and the blood of Catholics flowed all over Europe. In Terry’s vision, Israelis, for their part, initially believed the pope’s word. They embraced the Antichrist as their Messiah. However, they eventually awakened and rejected the Antichrist.
Neville Johnson says that the Jews and the church worldwide will go underground when the Antichrist begins to persecute them, like the woman in Revelation 12 who hid in the wilderness to escape the flood from the dragon’s mouth. While in hiding, over a period of three-and-a-half years, the son company will help bring the underground church, the bride company, to spiritual maturity.
Neville mentions that there is another group of Christians, apart from the son company and the bride company, who will be alive at the time of the Antichrist’s global rule. This group is described in Revelation 12 as “the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.” This group will unfortunately receive the brunt of the dragon’s fury.
The Heavens Are Speaking
In the drama depicted in the Revelation 12 sign in the sky that is happening this September 23, there are three characters that are worthy of our focused attention – the son of the woman, the woman, and the rest of the woman’s children. Amazingly, the three groups of people signified by these three characters are all Christians and all three are objects of the dragon Satan’s wrath.
The first character, the son of the woman, is the end-time company of Christians who matured earlier than the rest of the church. They have learned to operate in both the earthly realm of men and the heavenly realm of God. They are the friends of the Bridegroom, who will help prepare His bride for the coming heavenly wedding.
The second character, the woman, is the bride company. They are that segment of the church that responded to the call to union with Christ and spent the time needed to deepen their spiritual intimacy with Him.
The third character, the rest of the woman’s children, are Christians, too. Surely, they are good, saved, and heaven-bound Christians, because they are described as those “who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus”. But notice that they are referred to differently from the child that the woman gave birth to at the beginning of Revelation 12. They are referred to as “children” (or “seed” in the King James Bible), while the other child of the woman is referred to as “son” (or “man child” in the King James Bible). The word “children” connotes immaturity or underdevelopment; the word “son” (in Biblical usage) connotes a legal-aged, mature man. Perhaps this third group has not kept up with the son and bride companies in terms of maturing into the full stature of Christ? At any rate, they appear to not have escaped the wrath of Satan the dragon.
The heavens are speaking loud and clear. Signs in the sky are signaling the end of the age. Like we often hear, “Time will delay no longer.” If you are a Christian and have read so far, consider the three groups in the Revelation 12 sign. Which will you be a part of? -#
21 September 2017
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