#jo1 scenarios
kimakento · 5 months
old with you
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synopsis: sho’s the most dearest person to you, he’s your lover and bestfriend. he also strives to remind you of that every moment you spend with him. ⌙ 1.0k
pairing(s): yonashiro sho x fem!reader
genre(s): fluff, general
warning(s): none
author’s note: this was requested by an anon. this is so cute i hate it 😭 but fr it was fun to write this. the song used is ‘old with you’ by grentperez (his music’s amazing)
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after your sleepy eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the beaming sunlight streaming into the room, you turned your body to the other side of your bed, eagerly anticipating the sight of sho. but all that remained was the smoothened-out portion of the sheet, devoid of his presence.
confusion washed over you, and with a mix of curiosity and concern, you heaved yourself up from the comforting embrace of the bed. as you rubbed your eyes to rid the remnants of sleep, a wide yawn escaped your lips.
cupping your mouth with your hands, you called out, “sho?” there was a brief silence that filled the room and your brows furrowed. usually he’d be greeting you right now.
where was he?
a distant sizzling sound became apparent to you, and you decided to follow it to the kitchen; looking for sho. when you arrived, you saw him, in full concentration moving the pan he was holding to flip what you saw to be a pancake. his back was turned to you so you decided to take the chance to sneak up on him.
sneakily tiptoeing towards him, you struggled to wrap your hands around his torso.
sho’s body jolted before he visibly calmed down after recognising your hands.
“shit, don’t scare me like that again.”
fits of giggles left your mouth as you lay your head in his back.
“good morning, baby.” you mumbled softly. the man in front of you used his hands to try pry you away, yet you tightened your grip. with a chuckle, he hummed as if to say ‘let go of me’. reluctantly, you loosened your grasp on him and frowned.
murmurs of your frustration filled the air but promptly was cut off when sho turned his body to you, interlocking your hands with his and whispered, “you slept well? you looked at peace, you practically passed out last night.”
a frown adorned your face as you turned away from him with a faux look of misery which was quickly replaced with a sly smile as he leans towards you, brushing a piece of hair out of your face.
you stepped closer and ran your finger across his bottom lip. “why’d you leave bed early? i missed your warmth,” as he began to melt into your touch, you retracted your hand and continued with bright eyes, “what were you making anyways?”
the soft glaze over your eyes beckoned for him to come closer, so sho does. he placed a chaste kiss right on the corner of your lips; but when sho parts his lips to speak, nothing comes out. that was only a tiny portion of your avid effect on him.
once again, he tried to speak and the words do come out; hopefully not as a ramble, he thinks.
“pancakes, for you. i wanted to do something special.”
you exclaimed, clasping your hands in excitement. “i want to taste them right away. you know i love your pancakes!”
on the other hand, you had the same fondness for him too.
if you were asked what your favourite things about sho was, you’d bring out a list: the way he cares for you, his smile, his honesty, his personality…..you’d just be rambling for eternity—love was not enough to describe it.
likewise he also felt that in front of you, with you, beside you or anywhere near you, yonashiro sho was proud of the man he was.
sho held a forkful of pancake in his fingers as he parted his lips, telling you to “open up.” swallowing the piece, you let out a sigh in content, affirming that it was the best thing you’d ever tasted. then his hazel eyes met with yours, clouded with love and with adoration.
the way he leaned over you was enough to bewitch you and crowd your thoughts. it’s adorable the way you absentmindedly kept your gaze on him, he thought. intertwining your warm hand with his, sho brought them up to his mouth—the back of yours towards him—and pressed a gentle kiss on each of your knuckles before murmuring softly.
“i have something for you, baby.”
at that moment he left the kitchen for a short while after promptly returning with an acoustic guitar. the wood-textured glossy finish glistened as he led you to the cozy sofa and as you sat, you sank deeper in it’s comfortable embrace.
during your time engrossed in your thoughts, sho began strumming lightly, the guitar producing a bright sound with a lively kick to it. his honey-like voice filled your ears when he started to sing softly.
“comin' along through the years,” you nodded along with the lyrics, listening to every word. “tuckin' away all these tears.”
thoroughly enjoying it, you couldn’t contain your smile when sho reached the light-hearted chorus.
he sang, “well, if i grow old, i’m needin' your hand to hold. in a moment, the world could fall right down, but atleast I'm fallin' with you.”
you listened attentively while noting his every breath, his every glance—every detail. the man you loved sang this song just for you, and he sang it well. the last strum of his guitar echoed as he rested his hand on it.
“how was that?”
“i loved that, i loved your voice. i love you.”
sho was your lover, he’d always stay by your side. he’d also say that you were the one for him to.
“i love you too.”
getting up from the couch, you moved to him in one swift motion before pouncing and tackling him. a playful smile occupied his face as he prodded your sides, tickling you in the process. your continuous laughter became contagious as sho started laughing along with you.
in retaliation, jumped away from him and refused to return to his embrace. when you turned your head, you felt his arm wrap around your torso as sho pulled you back down next to him.
he shot you a small smile, “don’t leave me alone, come on.”
he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“i’ll miss you if you leave.”
that was enough to get you to stay in your seat, straightening your posture. until you heard a stifled snicker from the man next you, “i’m glad i mean that much to you.”
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taglist: @turtledove824
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yawnzzznnn · 10 months
✩Jpop Boys✩
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✩&TEAM✩ ✩JO1✩
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restlesswritings · 1 year
Cute moments with JO1
A/N: Hanii - Honey; used as a nickname in some of the scenarios Genre: Fluff Warnings: None Masterlists : JPOP & KPOP
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To other people it might have seemed odd when your boyfriend suggested strawberry picking for your anniversary but to you it made sense, that was Sho. You were roaming through the isles when you spotted a huge strawberry. "Oh yes! This one will definitely beat hi-" you were cut off when a giant hand reached over your shoulder and snatched the strawberry from you. "Hey! That one was mine you meanie!" you yelled at your big, redheaded teddy bear like boyfriend, causing him to burst out laughing while dipping the big strawberry in condensed milk, getting a bit of the cream on his lip in the process. Rolling your eyes, you couldn't help but let a smile cross your features. "Come on hanii , you know you love me.." He says and pulls the biggest strawberry you've ever seen out from his container, dropping on one knee, he holds the strawberry up to you. "Forgive me?" he asks while holding in one of his contagious laughs. Taking the strawberry, you gave him a big smile and pulled him up, "Yes of course!" you said while quickly pecking his lips and running away with the strawberry, leaving your boyfriend shocked to say the least.
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The sound of the front door opening almost caused you to drop the bowl in your hands, you placed it on the table, tidying up the flowers and candles. Just at the moment, Ren walked into the kitchen, "Y/N, what is all this?" He asked in surprise as you had never surprised him like this before. "I just wanted to do something nice for you. You've been working hard for the comeback, I'm proud of you." you said causing him to pull you into his warm embrace, "Thank you, this made my day." he said while pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Let's eat!" he said and led you to the table. After you both sat down, he was the first to take a bite, "Mhm, oh my god.. this is delicious! You made this?!" he asked in shock causing you to laugh, "Hmm, you shouldn't question my cooking skills," you said playfully. He was so absorbed in the taste of the food he blurted out, "Thank you Y/N, seriously, I love this and I love you!" His eyes went wide, shocked he just confessed his love for you, he lifted his thumb up in embarrassment, "Um.. I meant this is good.. good job? " he said letting out a nervous giggle. You reached forward and grabbed his hand in yours, "I love you too Rennie" you said with the biggest smile on your face at how cute your boyfriend was.
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"You didn't have to come with me, you know?" you say to your boyfriend, Ruki, watching as he struggles with a baby goat that was currently trying to eat his jacket. "I couldn't just let you come out here by yourself, with all these wild animals!" He exclaimed, looking a little ridiculous in your father's farming clothes. "I appreciate it, Ruk-" your words were cut off when you let out a loud laugh as one of the sheep stole his hat right out of his hand. "Yah!" he yelled at the sheep, running after it but had no luck. "Wait! I have an idea." you said and ran to the house as he continued his battle. You came back a few minutes later to an exhausted looking Ruki, his eyes lit up when he saw you, "You're back! This sheep is so stubborn, we can ju-" he cut himself off and his eyes got even wider when he noticed the feed in your hand. "You're so smart!" He said and grabbed some from you. After a few minutes of negotiating with the very stubborn sheep, you guys finally got his hat back. "Yes!! Oh my god, thank you!" Ruki exclaimed and pulled you into a hug. Walking back to the house, he stopped you, "I guess I was the one who needed saving, heh.. thank you hanii" he said and gave you a quick kiss. "Anytime you goof" you said with a smile.
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You were currently making your way to the dorm and as you were about to knock the door was pulled open by an overly excited Junki, looking as cute as ever, in something as simple as a plain t-shirt and jeans. "AH! If it isn't my beautiful girlfriend!" he said with a giant smile, pulling you into a hug. Laughing while in his embrace you pulled back a little to see his smiling face, "So what do you have planned for us this evening, cutie?" you asked while moving some of his hair from his forehead. "Ah! I'm glad you asked, first I thought we could cook a meal together, which I'm sure will be a disaster.. then eat while watching only the best movie of all time, The Avengers!" he exclaimed, shooting a charming smile at you with such happiness in his eyes. "I love it!" You said with a smile before you both made your way to the kitchen. All was well, you two were laughing a lot and making progress with the meal until Junki went to flip it. "Junki, I can do it if-" you started before he shushed you, closing his eyes and letting out a dramatic breath before he quickly tried, and failed to flip the food, causing you to burst out laughing. "You're so lucky you're cute Kono Junki." You said as you made your way over to salvage the meal.
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"Yah can I take this off now?" your boyfriend, Keigo asks for the third time, causing you to roll your eyes as you finished sprinkling confetti on the floor. "I just put it on you and besides, do you want to see your surprise or not?" you said giving him a playful nudge. "I DO, that's why I need this blindfold off.." he said in a playful tone, making you roll your eyes once again. "Okay Mr smarty pants, almost ready.." you said as you went to the kitchen and grabbed the furry little baby, bringing her over to the living room where your anxious boyfriend was waiting. Sitting her down next to him, you fixed the pink bow on her neck, "Okay take it off!" you said excitedly, waiting for his reaction. He looked around and was confused before he glanced down upon hearing a little "mew" and his eyes got wide when he saw the furry kitten. "A KITTEN?!" he exclaimed, picking her up ever so gently, staring at her in awe. "You got me a kitty?" he asked and hugged the animal against his chest. "I got us a kitten, I know how much you wanted a fur baby." you said while petting the baby in his arms. "I love you so much, you know that right??" he said while pulling you into a hug, careful to not squish the small kitten. "I do know that and I'm assuming you liked the surprise?" you asked with knowing smile."I love it!" he shouted while playing with the new addition to your family.
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Knocking on Takumi's door, the last thing you expected to see was your redheaded boyfriend wearing pink bunny ears and a bright smile. "Wah! You look so cute Kumi!" you said to him in a baby voice, poking at his new accessory making his smile drop. "Oi stop! I only do this for you and you know it." He said while playfully swatting your hands away as you two made your way into his apartment. Your smile soon turned to shock as you came face to face with a romantic set up in his living room, complete with candles, face masks, snacks, and your favorite movie ready to be played. "Kumi.. you did this for me?" you asked, on the verge of tears. "Yeah, you said you had a rough day at work so I thought this could make it better.." he said shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. "My princess deserves to smile." he said before he was pulled into your warm embrace. "I love it, so much. Let's do facemasks first!" you said and pulled him over to the cute set up. Getting on your knees, you pushed his hair back with the headband and gently apply the tiger face mask. "Yah you look so cute!! Let me take a photo please!" you said and snapped a photo of your boyfriend, causing him to groan "Y/n! ugh you're the only one who can see that!" he said sternly, making you roll your eyes and laugh at how cute he was.
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The sound of your facetime ringtone brought you out of your thoughts as you pressed the accept button, your smile widened when you saw your adorable boyfriend on your screen wearing an equally big smile. "Y/n! I missed you!!" he yelled into the speaker. "Hi hanii! I missed you too, I was literally just thinking about you" you said with flushed cheeks, causing him to let out a laugh. "I wanted to call you while I was alone, I wanted to tell you somethi-" his sentence was cut off by loud laughter and the sound of a door slamming, "I spoke too soon heh.." Syoya said with a pout just as Shion and Shosei made their way into frame. "Hey! Did you tell her yet??" Shion asked, not realizing you were on call. "shh.. she's on the phone right now.." Syoya said while pointing at you causing the other two to freeze "Oi heh, hi y/n!" Shosei said and hurried out of frame, pulling Shion with him. "What did you want to tell me?" you asked, slightly nervous now. "Oh um nothing bad, I just um.. I love you.?" Syoya said more as a question causing you to look at your boyfriend in disbelief, "really?" you asked to make sure you were hearing things correctly. "Yes, I do. I can't wait to be home with you." he said before getting up, "Look I know this was a short call but I have to go. I love you." he said, waving as the other two waved as well "Wait! I love you too Kimata Syoya!" you said causing the biggest smile to form on his face and the other two to cheer before the call ended.
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"Okay I think I should add the ingredients and you stir them.." you said as your boyfriend was trying but failing at measuring the butter for the cake you two were currently trying to make from scratch. "Hey! I can do it.. I just have to uh.. I got this." Shosei said as he continued his battle with the measuring cups causing you to let out a loud laugh. "Okay, okay.. you do that and I'll preheat the oven." you said, turned your back for five seconds before turning around to a flour covered Shosei, you laughed loudly as you covered your mouth in shock at how quickly your boyfriend got messy. "How? That i-is my only question hahaha" you got out in between laughter, causing his cheeks to flush. "A little help please?" he said with big eyes, making you feel bad for your boyfriend. You reached over and lightly wiped the flour out of his hair and began to wipe the white powder off his cheeks when he grabbed your hand "What are yo-" you began to ask before he pulled you into a kiss, covering you in flour as well. Pulling back he could barely see your red cheeks under the amount of flour that was now covering your face. "There we both look ridiculous. Now can you hand me the eggs?" he asked as if nothing happened, leaving you shocked and covered in flour.
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Carrying the shopping bags with you, you made your way to your boyfriend, Sukai's apartment. Knocking you waited excitedly for him to open the door, a smile forming on your lips when the door flung open to a smiling Sukai who automatically pulled you into a warm hug. "y/n! What are you doing here??" " he asked, surprised you were at his house. "I got you a few things! But the only thing is.. I want you to try them on for me" you said while looking up at him with puppy eyes. "ehh.. okay only because its you!" he said as he pulled you into the living room, placing you on the couch. "I'll go change!" he said and disappeared. Returning a few minutes later, Sukai had a huge smile on his face, "I literally love this shirt" he said while striking a few poses for you causing you to let out a loud laugh. "I love it! You look hot!" you said causing him to blush and hide his face "Thank you hanii, I love this and you" he said and sat next to you, pulling you on to him. "You're welcome Sky, anything to make you smile.." you said and pecked his cheek causing him to blush even more. "I love you too" you added and snuggled into your boyfriend with a smile on your face.
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"Okay, try holding it up more on the right side." you said to your boyfriend, Shion, who was currently trying to hang up a painting you had found for your shared apartment. "um, I think you're going to need a taller boyfriend, maybe a giraffe." he said in a huff, arms struggling to hold the piece of decor any longer. You couldn't help the obnoxious snort that escaped as you let out a loud laugh at your boyfriend and the current situation. " Wha- you liked that? I have more jokes where that came from." he said and put the painting down, walking over to you. "What does a storm cloud wear under his raincoat?" he asked with a huge toothy grin on his face, looking at you with big eyes. "Hmm I don't know, what?" you said, holding your stomach from laughing so hard. "Thunderwear!" he yelled and let out a loud laugh, falling to the floor. You joined him in the over the top laughter, which soon turned into real laughter like always when you were around Shion. "Thank you for always making me laugh, I'm going to live forever haha" you said and tried helping him up, only to fall down on top of him igniting the laughter once again. "I don't think this will ever get hung" you said with a playful groan, "I think it looks pretty good where it's at" he said causing you to laugh once again, both your stomachs aching from the laughter.
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You were fidgeting with your fingers as you felt the nerves and excitement course through you while waiting for the boys to finish up in the dressing rooms. You were here as a total surprise to all the boys, especially your boyfriend, Issei. Hearing the loud sounds of the chaotic boys, you turned and immediately found your boyfriend's eyes. The look of pure shock was evident on his face and he ran towards you, scooping you up in his arms. "Y/n! What! I can't believe you're here!" Mame exclaimed, as he slowly put you back down, arms still wrapped around you. "I wanted to show my support for my favorite idol!" You said with a wink, smiling at your boyfriend, causing him to blush. Your moment was interrupted when Sho and Junki came up behind Mame and started making kissing noises, "AWH look at the two love birds!" Junki yelled, barely keeping his laughter in. "Aren't they the cutest??" Sho asks, Junki agreeing. You had never seen Mame's face more red than it was in this moment. "He's so cute, blushing and-" Sho was cut off by Mame playfully pushing them away. "Oi! I have a girlfriend, get over it" He said and put his arm around you proudly. "I could cry, our baby Issei is growing up." Junki said and walked away dramatically, leaving you and Mame with nothing but red cheeks and laughter.
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asahiteru · 11 months
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🍵 𖣠 🚲
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📚 𖣠 💐
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hrts4xinlong · 9 months
— The Café Playlist ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
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the songs that we usually play at the café on repeat!
updated occasionally so be sure to come back!
Total Songs: 104
any new song to the playlist will have [NEW] next to the artists name! (these are removed after a week)
spotify playlist:
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Blue Hour - TXT
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Wishlist - TXT
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Crown - TXT
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Ghosting - TXT [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Candy Sugar Pop - ASTRO
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Baby - ASTRO
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Crazy Sexy Cool - ASTRO
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ In Bloom - ZEROBASEONE
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Utopia - ATEEZ
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Stay - ATEEZ
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Dancing Like Butterfly Wings - ATEEZ
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Wave - ATEEZ
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Eternal Sunshine - ATEEZ
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Pretty U - SEVENTEEN
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Adore U - SEVENTEEN
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Healing - SEVENTEEN
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Energetic - WANNA ONE
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Shine A Light - JO1
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Venus - JO1 [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Radiovision - JO1 [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Rocketeer - INI [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Astronaut - STRAY KIDS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Ring Ring Ring - VERIVERY
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Changer - A.C.E
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Cheer Up - TWICE
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ TT - TWICE
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Taste The Feeling - TEMPEST
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Bad News - TEMPEST
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Bad At Love - TEMPEST
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Loving Number - TEMPEST
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Just A Little Bit - TEMPEST
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Can’t Stop Shining - TEMPEST
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Shout Out - ENHYPEN
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ TFW (That Feeling When) - ENHYPEN
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ 10 Months - ENHYPEN
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Not For Sale - ENHYPEN
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Polaroid Love - ENHYPEN
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Bloom Bloom - THE BOYZ
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Keeper - THE BOYZ
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ D.D.D - THE BOYZ
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Euphoria - BTS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Anpanman - BTS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Go Go - BTS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Cinema - CIX
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Breathe - AB6IX
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ I Like You - N.FLYING
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ How R U Today - N.FLYING
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Lovefool - N.FLYING
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Anyway - N.FLYING
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Fall With You - N.FLYING
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Good Bam - N.FLYING
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Up All Night - N.FLYING
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Up All Night - GHOST9
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Life is Beautiful - ONEUS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Skydivin - ONEUS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Baila Conmigo - ONEUS [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ End of Spring - ONEWE
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Beautiful Feeling - DAY6
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Dance Dance - DAY6
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Red - THE ROSE
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ California - THE ROSE
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Let Me - GOLDEN CHILD
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ DamDaDi - GOLDEN CHILD
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Love Scenario - IKON
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Rubber Band - IKON
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ My Flower - JBJ
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Hola Hola - KARD
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Model Buses - Lovejoy
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Play - LUCY
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Flowering - LUCY
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Jogging - LUCY
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Rolling Rolling - LUCY
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Haze - LUCY
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ I Got U - LUCY
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Wonder - LUCY
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Unbelievable - LUCY
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Flare - LUCY
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Super Shy - NEWJEANS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ ETA - NEWJEANS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Attention - NEWJEANS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ New Jeans - NEWJEANS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ OMG - NEWJEANS
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Get A Guitar - RIIZE
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ ON/OFF - ONF
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Popping - ONF
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Beautiful Beautiful - ONF
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Shine - PENTAGON
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ DO or NOT - PENTAGON
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Red Flavor - RED VELVET
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Power Up - RED VELVET
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Ice Cream Cake - RED VELVET
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Russian Roulette - RED VELVET
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Magic Hour - TOZ [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ BYOB (bring your own best friend) - BILLLIE [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ GingaMingaYo (The Strange World) - BILLLIE [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ GingaMingaYo (The Strange World) - Japanese Version - BILLLIE [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Love In Space - CHERRY BULLET [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Love So Sweet - CHERRY BULLET [NEW]
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Sixteen - Kim Samuel
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ What Are You Up To - Kang Daniel
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navi-lee · 11 months
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hi user softkiseu here! you can call me navi. introvert, ninety five liner, loves cats, a coffee lover, baking as a profession and making mbs as a hobby. i don't interact much except if its about me adoring others work or chatting about my faves. i love kpop since 2009, listen to jpop since 2022 so you'll see me doing mbs with second generation groups for k idols. I'm more into underrated artist, another content i usually do. i vibe with gg more than bg, but I'm casual listener to male artist.
i stan and love : 2NE1 (dara), dreamcatcher (dami), purple kiss (chaein). KIOF (belle & natty), xg (chisa, jurin & hinata) seventeen ' jeonghan and joshua, nct' jungwoo and renjun. treasure: asahi, hyunsuk and yoshi JO1 (junki and keigo)
how i stan? personality first then talent.
why i follow a blog? i love your work. that's why you'll usually see me leaving notes to every post i can see in my feed. even a comment if i did fall in love with your mb.
what kind of mb i usually do? scenario ones and esp with themes. i love matching colors so much. my weakness are y2k and messy moodboards but slowly learning it.
where to usually see me? in comment section of milestone post of my moots or blogs i follow. or a post of a blog that took my attention.
why i tag user in my mb? because i know the muse or idol i have in my mb is there fave. (this rare to happen).
what i call my moots and flws? nabis. it sound like my name and it means butterfly in hangul.
my accounts? @softkiseu. (main / gg mbs) @renjwoo. (kpop bg mbs) @endlesslywe. (joint acct/actor - ulzzang mbs) @asahiteru. (jpop mbs) @soft-dol2. (icon and gif reward)
where to send ask or req? @naviroo. i made a separate acct because i do want to separate the possible conversation from my main and side blog, for it's clean aesthetic way. negative ask will be deleted instantly without a word.
i hate : liars, fake, insecure, toxic people, have that negative energy. a peanut head who's not open minded. ( obviously all human bad traits that exsist. let's have a real talk, people who carries awful personality are the most scary being in this world. exo's kai said once) I know it's hard to see this list of personality except if you get closer to someone but once i realize a individual have this bad attitude. you'll get a huge ✘ and you'll never see me again. simple, let's part ways.
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yeoli · 1 year
Who’s your bias in JO1??? Mine is Shosei 🍮
Ps if you want any reactions/scenarios/etc with your bias or the rest of the boys let me know! I just started writing for them!
I’m bias wrecked by Syoya ofc
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Hihi my bias is keigo and ren!
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kimakento · 2 months
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synopsis: after a long day of idol schedule, you’re tired and half-asleep, prompting keigo to want to take care of you. you just didn’t know that was his way of showing affection. ⌙ 1.8k
pairing(s): sato keigo x 12th member!fem!reader
genre(s): fluff
tags: idol!au, member!reader, friends to lovers, one bed trope (el oh el)
warning(s): swearing, mention of potential scandal
author’s note: i kinda love this…..i read a fic like this quite a while ago and was inspired! i hope you all enjoy this. for my k5 jams 🫶🏾
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drowsy were your eyes as well as barely open and continuously fluttering shut; it certainly didn’t help that the road the van was navigating possessed a bumpy terrain that was enough to result in your body jolting up every other moment. everytime you thought you were going to finally fall asleep, you felt the man next to you lightly bump your shoulder.
“you can’t go to sleep again, we’re nearly there.” keigo lowered his voice as to not selfishly disturb the silence. you had been sleeping on junki’s shoulder most the trip but you were still quite sleepy.
a frustrated pout played on your face as you rubbed your eyes, the cold making you eve drowsier. reluctantly, you nodded sleepily and complied with the statement.
“how long, kei?” you queried, voice slightly husky from the remnants of sleep. an unintelligible hum left your lips as a yawn escaped. while you cupped your mouth, keigo couldn’t help but silently coo at your adorable nature.
he gave you a firm nod, “we’ve just arrived.”
it took a while for the other ten members to exit the vehicle, piling one after each other; until it was just you and keigo. hopping out the vehicle first, he extended a hand to you, which you took gladly. there was a stumble in your step as you climbed out, but a hand slithered around your waist, holding you firmly in place.
heat crept up your face as you realised that arm belonged to keigo and you felt him retract and clear his throat.
was he embarrassed?
“we have to check in so you can go to bed. come on, it won’t take long.”
keigo intertwined his larger hand with yours, tangling your fingers together in a warm, miniature embrace in themselves. he led you forwards towards the opening gates at the hotel your members were staying at.
the interior of the hotel was elegant and well thought out, yet your drowsiness forbade you to admire the sight before you. you followed the taller man mindlessly, your eyelids dropping every now and then, but forcing them up whenever you felt keigo’s hand gently squeeze yours.
hushed whispers of your groupmates lingered in the air as you all collectively made your way to reception.
issei’s voice stood out the most, “why is it so cold?” he whined. sighs of frustration escaped a few of the member’s mouths, symbolising their annoyance at issei’s whiny nature. his reply through a huff as he rubbed his own arms to combat the cold wind.
maybe it was the fact you were half-asleep but you barely noticed the cold wisp of air that entered immediately as you did, biting at your revealing skin harshly. with chattered teeth you breathed in the air, sobering you from the remains of sleep. keigo frowned, his patience running thin which resorted into him pulling you along, wanting to speak to the hotel staff; only stopped when sho advised against it.
your head fell on his back, wanting to relax until you were allowed to go to your allocated rooms.
the dancer called out your name and you clumsily scrambled to pick your head back up. a few other members audibly snickered (read: ruki and shion) as they watched the whole ordeal, as well as keigo’s whipped actions; only looking away when they received a hard glare from the tall dancer.
you set your gaze on the man you were previously leaning on as he parted his lips.
“we have to wait until the manager returns with out room keys, you’ll get to sleep after we get into our rooms, okay?”
an unintelligible hum sounded out from you as you lazily nodded your head, interrupted when keigo spoke again, lowering his voice.
“you slept the whole time on junki during the ride here, how is it that you’re still tired?” his voice was soft as a confused expression adorned his face.
“i got almost no sleep last night,” you made sure to drawl each syllable out, not wanting to speak groggily. but there was a gentle giggle from you when you continued. “all in all, i’d think you were jealous of a certain vocal leader for that, keigo.”
“am not. i’m just stating the facts.” he replied, his voice booming in your ear as the volume increased.
you flinched away from him, “too loud, please.” whining quietly, you tugged on his hand.
even though you did scold him, keigo couldn’t stop the swell of adoration in his chest from taking over. an apologetic countenance adorned his face as he nodded. soon after, the manager returned to hand over the keys to the group. while keigo watched everyone pairing up, he noticed you were the only ones left. yet you still leaned on him, eyes closed, looking in bliss.
“make sure you help her to bed, keigo.” sho murmured to the other man, handing him responsibility, before he walked away to drag his roommate, shion, to the elevator. again, keigo articulated his words faintly; to make sure to not fully wake you up.
he tapped your shoulder gently, “we’re roommates tonight, come on.”
you joked along with him, “and it couldn’t have been anyone else?”
a light slap to your shoulder led you to gingerly admit defeat with both your hands up. the elevator pinged and you watch sho and shion enter, with you following behind them.
you couldn’t mistake the knowing smile on shion’s face as he observed you two, “did you tease him again?” he stifled a chuckle.
with a grin, you replied, “when do i ever waste a chance not to?”
that caused shion to fistbump you, “that’s my girl!”
earning a scowl from keigo, shion smiled back at him. with two fingers on his nose bridge, sho breathed out attempting to diffuse the situation with the both of them while you looked around confusedly.
“don’t be too hard on keigo, you know how he is.” sho said lightly, catching shion’s teasing look.
it wasn’t an exaggeration that everyone knew about keigo’s ‘adoration’ — or so he says — for you. anyone that observed the both of you even for a minute would’ve guessed that you were both idiots in love.
because your assigned room were on a different side of the hallway, you parted ways with the other two members as soon as you stepped out the elevator. keigo led the way quietly, juggling the keys, and the sling bag he insisted to take from you so selflessly. unlocking the door and swinging it open, you walked in placing your belongings next to keigo’s.
turning back to the bed, you realised what you had overlooked; the large bed in the room — singular, not plural — that the tall man haphazardly sat on.
“there’s only one bed.” his voice shook nervously as he fiddled with the sheets, smoothening them out.
you brought your hand to your mouth, covering your yawn. “we’ll share—“
a chuckle escaped your mouth as keigo repeatedly shook his head, “no it’s fine, i’ll leave you to sleep here. you’re look really tired anyway. we’ve just a long day and—“
his strings of continuous rambles quietened when you held your index finger against his lips, “trust me, it’s fine.”
being the gentleman he was, keigo debated with you again, “i’ll go crash with the others. i don’t mind it, truly.”
what you were focusing on wasn’t his speech, but his lips and glistening eyes. your eyes flickered between the two, and it was not subtle. the silence between you heightened the tension and you leaned down partway, with a hand on his cheek. there was barely any distance between your lips, one move closer would’ve had them touching.
“fuck, what am i even doing?” you breathed out, moving away from him; letting an awkward laugh at your actions to try to lift the mood. “i’m so sorry, i shouldn’t have done that. i think i’m still half-asleep — i’m clearly out of my mind.” you blurted out, clearly embarrassed.
keigo, still sat on the bed, held his gaze on you, wrapping a hand around your wrist; pulling you into his lap and bringing his right hand to caress your cheek. a look of hurt flashed on his face before being replaced with a neutral expression, “please, don’t apologise. stay.”
that statement caught you by surprise, furrowing your brows at the ambiguity of the sentence.
“is this okay?”
you nodded.
and with that one single word he managed to pull you in both figuratively and literally, locking your lips in a kiss too sweet to ever forget. the scent of cologne invaded your senses as he pulled away briskly.
but this time, you were the one that initiated the kiss. the room was filled with tension as he pecked the corner of your mouth, kissing down your jaw delicately. melodious fits of laughter echoed out, breaking the serious atmosphere. you were the first to speak, “well, that sure woke me up.”
you felt strong arms wrap around your torso and turned your head. “don’t you have anything to say?” keigo asked while nuzzling his face into your shoulder.
“do you want me to say that i’ve liked you for so long but didn’t know if you felt the same so i just hid it away and never talked about it to anyone because i was scared of you not liking me back?” you huffed in response.
“i hope you’ll be happy to know that i did the same thing.” he whispered, sending courses of vibrations throughout your body. a smile played on your face as you heaved yourself off his lap to the place on the bed next to him.
his voice broke the silence again, “and that i’ll still be either crashing on the couch or in any of the other guys’ room.”
a pout adorned your face as you whined against it, leaving him chuckling.
“but kei, what are we going to do about us?”
you see him cock his head to the side and you continue, “i mean, do you want to put a label on us? i don’t know.”
to be honest, you didn’t really want to rush it but you also didn’t want to get in over your head; you both were idols, therefore even a simple interaction could cause scandals and you weren’t sure how to navigate that strange path.
a caring smile erupted on his face as he took your hand in his, squeezing it.
“let’s not rush into anything too quickly, let’s speak about this in the morning.”
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taglist: @turtledove824
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restlesswritings · 9 months
Hihi! If you’re open for requests, I would love some sort of lazy day fluff with JO1 Junki🫶🏻
JO1 Requests:
Lazy day with Junki
A/N: YES! My requests are always open! Anyways, I thought this idea was so cute! Thank you for the request! I hope you like it! Genre: FLUFF Warnings: None Masterlists: KPOP & JPOP
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Junki holds a forkful of carbonara to your lips, looking at you with bright eyes at your first time trying his favorite food, "It will be your favorite I'm sure!" He says. "Do you like it?" He asks with excitement , causing you to playfully roll your eyes at his eagerness as you finish the bite. "It's really good! I can't believe you made that baby!" You say, giving him a big smile. "But.. I don't think I'd say it's my favorite..." You say honestly, sitting the fork down.
Junki's eyes become impossibly wide as confusion takes over his features. "WHAT?" His voice screeches causing you to laugh at him. "Hmm, I think I need to tickle that nonsense out of you!" He says with a laugh, darting towards you causing you to run into the bedroom, laughing and screaming at your boyfriend. "No hahaha-" Your words cut off by laughter as Junki's hands find your sides, tickling you with his own laughter filling the air.
"Junki!" You yelp, scooting away from him trying to catch your breath. "You're gonna pay for that!" You exclaim, picking up a pillow and tossing it at his head, causing the toothy smile of his to creep onto his face, the creases by his eyes becoming more prominent. "Bhahahaha that's all you got?" He teases, quickly grabbing you and pulling you on top of him, as he smiles up at you.
"Even though it isn't your favorite, I still love you." Junki jokes with a playful eye roll before continuing. " Thank you for today baby, I needed a nice day alone with you." Junki whispers, staring into your eyes as his thumb brushes a piece of hair out of your face, causing you to smile. "Lazy days with you are my favorite." You say before leaning down, gently connecting your lips.
A/N: I'm SO SO sorry it took me so long! Writers block is real folks 😮‍💨 I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for the request!
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restlesswritings · 1 year
JO1 Timestamps:
Shosei (2:20am)
A/N: Hanii - Honey; used as a nickname Genre: Fluff Warnings: Suggestive Masterlists : JPOP & KPOP
2:20 am..
You just blankly stared at your alarm clock as you realized why you had been tossing and turning for the last three hours. Shosei was out late again, you knew he had to sometimes work late at the studio but it was still hard. Groaning, you decide to head downstairs to find something to help you fall asleep. As you make your way down the last few steps, the front door slowly creaks open as if someone was sneaking in, you sigh out of relief seeing Shosei.
Once he notices you he jumps back, a bit startled, not expecting you to be awake. "Y/n! Why are you still up?" He asks, making his way over to you. "I couldn't sleep without you, I was coming down to grab some melatonin." You say with a big yawn, he flashes you a smile before pulling you into his arms, giving you a kiss on your forehead. "You don't know how much I missed you, I wish I could be here more often." He says with a frown, you shake your head as you grab his hand, pulling him towards your shared bedroom.
"It's okay, you're here now. Come on, we're both pretty tired. " You say, dragging his tired form into the room. Getting into bed, he starts changing into his pajamas, catching your eyes on him during the process. "Heh! No looking!" Shosei says, laughter escaping his lips, causing a big smile to cross your features. You missed him. "Come here." You coo, patting the spot next to you, he shoots you a smile before turning off the lights.
He jumps into bed with you, immediately pulling you to his body, "THIS is what I've been waiting for all day!" He whisper-yells, holding you in his arms, causing you to let out a giggle, snuggling closer to him, you feel like you can finally close your eyes. "I love you Shose.” You whisper, earning a smile. “I love you too, hanii..” He whispers back, kissing the top of your head. "Goodnight."
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A/N: Help he is so cute
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restlesswritings · 1 year
Restlesswritings JPOP Masterlist
A/N: This is a list of the groups I have or want to write for! REQUESTS are always welcome! If you have groups/artists you'd like to request for, go ahead! Check out my KPOP masterlist!
Reactions (All Members):
Scenarios (All Members):
Cute Moments with JO1
Sho (Yonashiro Sho)
Ren (Kawashiri Ren)
Ruki (Shiroiwa Ruki)
Junki (Kono Junki)
Lazy Day
Keigo (Sato Keigo)
Takumi (Kawanishi Takumi)
Syoya (Kimata Syoya)
Shosei (Ohira Shosei)
Timestamp: 2:20am
Sukai (Kinjo Sukai)
Shion (Tsurubo Shion)
Issei (Mamehara Issei)
Reactions (All Members):
Scenarios (All Members):
Masaya (Kimura Masaya)
Hiroto (Nishi Hiroto)
Fengfan (Xu Fengfan)
Shogo (Tajima Shogo)
Hiromu (Takatsuka Hiromu)
Takeru (Goto Takeru)
Takumi (Ozaki Takumi)
Kyosuke (Fujimaki Kyosuke)
Yudai (Sano Yudai)
Rihito (Ikezaki Rihito)
Jin (Matsuda Jin)
UPCOMING GROUPS: (Requests open)
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