#joe has killed me
ssaturnsapphic · 8 months
when i see yt americans tell black and brown americans to vote for biden bc “trump will be worse” or “trump is extreme right”, i roll my eyes bc where on the political spectrum does joe biden, who is financing and supporting multiple genocides as well as restricting the human rights of MILLIONS of people, fall? yt ppl think that bc he tweets abt roe v wade (which he could’ve codified but didn’t btw) that that makes him left wing
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agir1ukn0w · 19 days
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yes I'm still on my "ridley scott you'll pay for what you did to my boy geta, and also what tf have you done to his brother" bullshit
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luminarai · 2 years
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cold day cuddle puddle ❄️ // prints etc
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cementcornfield · 9 months
Joe comes to work in a suit and a tie, Jake comes to work in a suit with no tie.
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pixelatedquarter · 1 year
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Something something [add here the line from Take Over, Breaks Over]
Because of this post doing the rounds
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wittyno · 8 months
You can't just have Elton John sing lyrics like "oath of silence for the voice of a generation" and "you are what you love not who loves you" and expect me not to get emotional.
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daleyeahson · 1 year
I feel like we moved on from this way too fast 😮‍💨😵‍💫
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sophies-junkyard · 2 months
This whole election just got flipped upside down, and I know that’s scary. But I also hope that this MOBILIZES people. We don’t have to have a geriatric president anymore. We have an obvious replacement for Biden in the race. Like… I know she’s not perfect. Everybody sucks I know I know I know. But I feel a tiny bit of…. Hope? I mean in a choice between Kamala and Trump the answer is So. Fucking. Obvious.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Joe has been wandering around Cogsmede recently. The way he figures, he's set up an apartment and everything. If he's going to be living here for the foreseeable future, he needs to explore, after all! It wouldn't do to be a citizen of a nation he knows nothing about. He's got to have proper civic consciousness! Has to get the lay of the land!
He's also very nosy. Like, okay, the thing about civic duty is true, but he's also nosy, likes flipping levers, and has been very curious about everything going on here ever since he did that job for False. Like, okay, he gets why False hasn't explained yet, given that she has memory loss and everything and like, had been asking Joe to figure it out because she didn't know either? But... he's nosy. There's gotta be more going on here, right?
So he's been wandering. He's been hitting levers. He's been curious. He wants to know what he can find.
He finds something one day when, while wandering through a storage area, he sees a lever, and he hits it, and a hidden block opens.
Now, Joe knows all about people trying to keep things secret. He tries to keep things secret himself. He only sometimes succeeds? People go through his things all the time even when they are a secret. That's just, like, what having friends is about.
He goes inside and -
Okay. So Joe is friends with Cleo. So this shouldn't be - she has a collection of heads herself. Joe even gave Cleo a lot of them. So this really isn't that concerning, he thinks, glancing back at the tunnel he'd crawled through before looking forward. False's head is in a glass case, true, which - is that self-harm of self-love, he's, he's very much avoiding looking at the thing that's thrown him off and that's fine, his eyes can keep on skipping over that. Like, okay, listen, this is basically nothing compared to what Cleo amassed in Season 7, and everyone had loved that!
It's - his eyes keep skipping over the thing he very much doesn't want to look at - not that bad of a collection. Some of them are still a bit - gorey - which. He can probably even... give advice on how not to do that! To get the nice clean player heads, instead of, uh, messy. Messy decapitations and trophies. That's - it's fine. He's not looking at it. There are some rare heads here, like that guy who came to visit and help them build that undersea kingdom. Like that!
Joe remembers that. That had been a business-as-usual, playing sort of getting someone's head. It's nice and clean and intentional and a player head, not a -
So, look, the thing he doesn't remember is -
He rubs at his neck. He's just. Sometimes that's what someone gets for wandering around, right? They find things they don't want to, like about six of his own head, in various states of clean-to-mangled, carefully catalogued. It's - really, he's friends with Cleo. This shouldn't bother him! And, like, surely they have traders here, right? Yes. Wandering traders sometimes, uh, have player heads, although they're normally less - well, they're normally more the fun kind and not - well - he doesn't want to look at it.
Maybe they just have very violent traders here. He's not sure... how or why they'd have - it still doesn't really explain why Joe doesn't remember - well, it would, theoretically, except injuries like that could have only been sustained while alive and Joe really, really thinks he ought to, given the fact some are, uh, those injuries are - are more than a decapitation is all he's saying some of them are - he doesn't -
He yelps as he hears a thump behind him, realizes the narrow passage was the only way out or in, and turns around to see False.
"Joe?" she says. She sounds concerned.
"Uh, hi False!" Joe says. "Sorry, I tripped on a lever, you know how it is. Do - do you know -"
He cuts himself off, because he's not. Really sure what he's asking about? He rubs at his neck again. Yeah. Not really sure...
"Awfully high to trip on, don't you think? Don't worry. I can help you get back to your room," False says.
"Oh, good," Joe says. "That's good. I, uh - I mean, I can't help but notice -"
And then Joe wakes up back in his room.
He blinks. His head hurts. He's lying on his pillow. There's a note on the dresser; he must have caught something. That's - he doesn't remember how he got back here, but he must have fallen ill. He's been working very hard. False has left him some tea. It's nice of her. It'll feel good, since his throat hurts so much.
His throat really hurts too. It's hard to describe. Like something's been pulled through the inside of it. Or he's been screaming.
He'd remember if he'd been screaming, though. After all, what is there to scream about?
Best to wait until he feels better. Then he can get back to exploring, and picking up new jobs, and leading cats to help open the Rift. Yeah. That makes sense. His head still hurts, and everything is awfully foggy. At some point, he lost his levels. He's been doing that a lot lately. He's not sure how.
He's sure it's fine.
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dreamsmthgold · 7 months
I will not read toxic rovinsky fic because I feel depressed
I will not read toxic rovinsky fic because I feel depressed
I will not read toxic rovinsky fic because I feel depressed
I will not rea
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zargontari · 26 days
Joe: You alrig—
Skippy, sobbing profusely: i just realized that horrible smell is you and I have to see you all the time
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andi-o-geyser · 11 months
all is well as i slowly slide back into the intrest of band of brothers (2001) while i prepare to watch it for fun with my friends OH NO WHATS THIS A HYPERFIXATION ON THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN JOE LIEBGOTT SEAN FINNERTY AND PERCIVAL DE ROLO COMING OUT OF NOWHERE WITH A STEEL CHAIR
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coldgoldlazarus · 5 months
It's the MCUification of media.
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rawstfish · 9 months
Umm it's my birthday tomorrow
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cementcornfield · 16 days
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butterflieswhisper · 1 month
fucked up beastlife s2 apocalypse time loop au . throwing this idea to the void
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