#joesph anders
camelely · 4 years
Please be set up for Anders to find Steven. Please be set up for Anders to find Steven. Please be set up for Anders to find Steven. Please be set up for Anders to find Steven. Please be set up for Anders to find Steven. Please be set up for Anders to find Steven...................... Please be set up for Anders to find Steven
I need Steven to come back and see Falliam and reconnect with Blake, like I want a I know I’m not your bio dad but I am still your Dad moment and I want confirmation Steven is alive and in a coma and not dead somewhere and I want Anders to be the one to find him becuase even through he didn’t know it he is still his dad and I know James Mackay left on weird terms but they have replaced so many of the actors at this point (just like the original) just bring him back 
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magggg202 · 5 years
Dynasty fans
OKAY SO I JUST FINISHED SEASON 2 we need to talk about how FUCKING ADAM IS A FUCKING Psychopath! And needs to fucking go the fuck back to hell..
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layce2015 · 5 years
Life is Strange 2 (Sean Diaz x Reader)
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Chapter 14: Late Night Swim
Chapter 13
*Honk Honk Honk*
I flinched at the sound, my eyes twitching, then I turn over to my left side and began curl up to something warm and solid. I smiled as I snuggled to it closer and felt something wrap around me.
"Sean! (Y/n)!"
I heard voices shout as I slowly come to consciousness.
"Guys! Come on!"
"Sean! (Y/n)!"
My eyes open and look around to see that I had cuddled up to Sean, who had his arms around me and his head was lean against mine. I gasped as I start to sit up then turn to Sean just as I hear a voice shout. "Sean and (y/n), move it, now!"
"Sean! Wake up!" I said as I shake him awake. "Huh? What?" Sean mumbles then he noticed that he had his arms around me. "Oh, uh..." Sean mutters, embarrassed, but I said. "We over slept! We gotta go!"
"Oh, Fuck me...No..." Sean said as we rush to get dressed and run to the truck. Everyone was already aboard, chanting our names. "Sean! (Y/n)! Sean! (Y/n)! Sean! (Y/n)!" We run up and jump on the edge of the truck and sit down. Everyone cheers at us and Sean and I look at each other and laugh as the truck takes off towards the farm. 
After a full day of working, Sean, Daniel, Cassidy, Finn, Jake and I were sitting by Merrill's building, waiting to be called in to tell us about our pay. "Okay...this is boring...so...everybody, tell me how you're gonna blow your next payday!" Cassidy said as she looks around at all of us. "The usual. Save it til the next one." Sean replied. "Yeah, same here." I said. "Well, ain't we all stingy now! How about a keg offering for your family, or....Or some hookers or cocaine?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, please....there's a child here..." Jake said as he gestured over to Daniel. "I think he's heard worse...besides he's our mascot now!" Cassidy said. "I wanna buy a bacon burger and a pepperoni pizza! Then a box of Choc-O-Crisp and...and a red slushie!" Daniel said, excitedly. "Oh hell yes! Screw the hookers, bring on the Choc-O-Crisp!" Finn said and I laugh. "You're speaking my language." I chuckle as Cassidy scoffs at us.
"Come on, guys! You gotta treat yourself after all this hard work." Cassidy said. "Okay, it's silly...but...I really do need another pair of socks. I wash mine overnight, but they're not always dry the next morning..." Sean said. "He's got cold feet!" Finn chuckles. "What about you (y/n)?" Cassidy asked me and I shrug. "I don't know....maybe new clothes...or a toothbrush and toothpaste..." I said and Cassidy looks around at us, disappointed.
"So, that's it, huh? You bust your ass all week for nothing..." She grumbles. "Some of us just got simple needs, princess." Finn said to her. "Yeah, like your beach house in Costa Rica?" She sneered and he just scoffs at her when the door opens and Ingrid and Anders walk out. They give us a smile and thumbs up as they leave.
"Okay, let's get this over with. Finn, Cassidy, Sean, (y/n) and uh...you." Merrill said. "Jake. J-Jacob." Jake corrects him as him, Cassidy and Finn walk in while Sean stands up and helps me to my feet. We start to walk in but Daniel started to follow us. "Daniel...dude...do you have to do this every week?" Sean asked him, annoyed, as he stops him from going in. "Adults only!" 
"Oh, whatever! I work too!" Daniel exclaims. "Yes, we know. But we have to keep a low profile, got it? For the millionth time...just...wait here for a few minutes and do nothing. Nothing." Sean said to Daniel, firmly. "I won't, swear." Daniel said, annoyed. "Okay, we'll be right back." I said and Sean and I walk in the building, Sean shuts the door behind us. "For once you're all on time. Let's see who wins that Farm lotto...Jacob, right?" Merrill said as he looks over at Jake. "I thought you wouldn't last a day, but you cleaned up. You're all right."
"Thank you. Thanks..." Jake said, appreciatevly.
"Cassidy, your trims were pretty weak. And Big Joe told me you been whining a lot." Merrill said and she let's out a sigh. "Bet he did..." she mutters, angrily. "Look, you can bitch all you want as long as you work. Otherwise, you're just taking up space, so get it together." Merrill said to her. "I know, Merrill." She mutters as she looks down.
"Now for Sean and (y/n)." He said as he looks over at us. "Very nice trims. Good work both of you." He said and Sean and I exchange a smile at each other. "Finn. You saved the pots in the greenhouse...and our asses. That's why you keep coming back." Merrill said to him. "You know it, boss. Uh...how about a raise?" Finn asked as he pumps his fist in the air but Merrill frowns at him. "Uh...sorry." Finn said as he calms down.
"Now for the moment you've all been waiting for..." Merrill said and he picks up the wad of cash on the table when we heard Big Joe yell. "Get in here, you little asshole!"
"What the fuck?!" Merrill exclaims as the door behind him opens and Big Joe comes in, dragging Daniel in. "Don't touch me, jerk!" Daniel yells as Sean and I run over to him but Big Joe shoves Sean back. Sean stumbles but I catch him before he fell and helped him back up. 
"Don't move!" Merrill ordered us then he turns to Big Joe. "Now explain!" He yells. "That sneaky fucker! He was snooping around your living room!" Big Joe yelled as he had ahold of Daniel's arm. "No, I wasn't!" Daniel screamed. "I was just bored, so I came in..."
"Shut up, Daniel!" Sean shouted at him then I look over at Merrill. "Let him go!" I plead but Merrill shushed me. "I told you and your boyfriend..." he said, in a warning tone. "Come on, Merrill, he's a kid, not a thief! You wanna frisk him?!" Sean yells at him. "Look at him! He's just following his big brother..." Cassidy defends but Merrill holds his hand out to her before he turns around and brought his hand up to his lips.
Sean and I look at each, terrified, and I grab ahold of his hand as Merrill turns back to face us. "Your brother needs a lesson. You all need a lesson. So first off...no pay day." Merrill said and there was a cry of outrage at that.
"Fuck that...no way!" Cassidy exclaims. 
"Boss...don't do that to us! We earned that money!" Finn pleads. "Sean, you, your girlfriend and your brother are fired!" Merrill said and my jaw drops at this as Cassidy said. "What?!
"And don't come back or Big Joe will take care of your asses." Merrill said. "Please, Merrill...." Sean pleads to him. "Don't do this!" I begged him. "That's bullshit, man!" Cassidy exclaims. "Man, I-I know you're pissed but Sean and (y/n) are good workers! Never brought you any losers, right?" Finn said. "Sir..." I started to say until Merrill slammed his fist down on the table and screamed. "QUIET!!" 
Then everyone goes silent. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up." He said as he walks up to me and Sean. "Sean...(y/n). I warned you...both of you...one too many times. We tried your way, now it's my turn." He said then he turns to Big Joe. "Okay, Joesph. Just teach him a lesson." He said then he walks through the door and shuts the door.
"Let me go!" Daniel screams as Big Joe tosses Daniel down to the ground. "Come on, man!" Sean yells. "Big Joe, what are you gonna do?" Cassidy asked him, pleadingly. "He's just a fucking kid!" I shout at him. "This ain't your business. Think I like it? It's mine." He said then he starts to loom over Daniel, who was beyond terrified.
Suddenly the ash tray on the table starts to move and float. Then it flew threw the air and hits Big Joe on the side of the head. "Ow! What...?!" He exclaims as he groans in pain while the rest of watched in shock. "Okay. Who did that?" Joe asked as he looks at all of us. We looked at each other in fear until Joe yells. "WHO DID THAT?!?!"
"Uh, I did..." Sean said. "Sean, no." I whispered as he let's go of my hand and walks up to Big Joe. "My fault." He said then Joe comes around and punches him in the face.
Later that night, Daniel showed off his power, by making a pinvone float in the air, to Finn, Cassidy and Jake. "Well, that's it...believe it or not....Told you it would sound crazy..." Sean, who now had a fresh black-eye, said to everyone. "Fuck...that's mental." Cassidy said, shocked. "Exactly." I said. "I knew something was up with you guys...." she said as she pats Daniel's shoulder. "Damn. I would be scared shitless." 
"I am. It's all going so fast, I'm....fucking lost sometimes..." Sean replied and I nod. "Same here." I said. "It's okay, guys, I know what I'm doing!" Daniel exclaims to us. "Man...so, Sean...maybe this shit is in your DNA, too....do you have super powers?" Finn asked him. "Nada, zero, nothing. Trust me, I tried..." Sean replied. "Really?" I asked as Daniel asked. "When?"
"Do you...have any idea where it comes from? I mean, it can't be random..." Jake said. "I figured it started in Seattle...maybe...the shock triggered something...Fuck, I don't know!" Sean replied. "But I still don't remember!" Daniel said. "Don't worry about it..." Sean said to him.
"Damn, you're so unique, Daniel." Cassidy said to him. "That's why we need your word that you'll keep all this to yourself. Seriously." I said to them. "Oh this stays right with us. Promise, you can trust us." Cassidy said as she looks over at Finn.
"Jake?" Sean asked. "I don't know, I mean...this is a big deal, Sean. How long can you keep this a secret?" Jake asked him. "As long as we have to. It's all about keeping Daniel safe. That's my job now, man." Sean replied. "What if he has those powers for a reason? Maybe it's our job to help him, too. Guide him..." Jake said. 
"What does he mean?" Daniel asked Sean and I. "Dude, no. Do not make this into some cosmic bullshit. You still can't tell anybody." Sean said to Jake. "Come on. I wouldn't do that to you, Sean. Or Daniel and (y/n). This whole thing just blew my mind...I think I need a break. Is that okay?" Jake asked. "No worries." I said. "Yeah, it's cool." Sean said and Jake sighs with relief. "Not after what you guys went through with these bastards....okay, talk later." Jake said and we waved him goodbye as he begins to leave and head back to the camp.
"He's right. It's fucking bullshit." Cassidy exclaims. "I know." Sean said as I look over at Finn. "Finn, do you swear? We mean it." I said and Finn looks up at me and smirks. "No worries, sweetheart. I'd never let anything happen to that little guy. He's a true rebel." He replied. "Thanks, man." Sean said as I smile at him. "For real." I said and we start to head to the camp.
"Uh...hold up!" Finn said and we stopped and turned to face him. "You know...there's a lot of money around here." He said and Cassidy rolls her eyes. "Oh no. What the fuck are you talking about?" She asked him. "Merrill's safe. It's like a fucking ATM. I've seen it." Finn replied. "Me too! I'm the back of the room!" Daniel said, smiling.
"How you outlaws going to get the combination?" Cassidy asked them. Then Finn looks over at Daniel. "Me?" He asked as he looks around. "No fucking way, Finn. Don't pull a kid into your stupid shit." Cassidy yells. "Getting a shitload of cash isn't stupid. We can get out of here!" Finn said. "So you can be a beach bum? You're so selfish, man." She argues.
"How? Sean, (y/n) and Daniel are out of work! They deserve this!" Finn said to her. "And ripping Merrill off is the only way to do that? Really? And with a fucking kid? You know these assholes are armed, right?" Shd asked as she shoves him. "I guess...I didn't think about that..." Finn said then he looks down in defeat. "Yeah...no shit." She said as she backs away from him. 
"Don't lecture me. I was just....having a brain fart. Let's have a beer and forget about it. Cool?" Finn said as he looks us over. "Deal. Not like I would let you use Daniel anyway." Sean said as Finn walks past us. "No more of this crap, okay?" Cassidy said to him. Finn nods slightly then walks away.
"He just needs his ass kicked once in a while." She said as she turns to us. "I think you did. I can tell he was sorry..." I said. "For him...yeah. Damn...I'm gonna drink the crap out of this party. So should you two." She said as she looks between Sean and I. "Plus, since it's your last night, time for your tattoo..." she said as she smiles and nods at us before she leaves.
"What? Are you guys getting a tattoo?" Daniel asked us. "Dude! I want one!" He said and we shake our head at him. "No you don't, hipster." I said as I pat his shoulder. "Besides we have other things we gotta do..." Sean said. "Okay, I know I shouldn't have gone in there...don't yell." Daniel said to us. 
"Now there's three more people who know about your power..." Sean said to him. "Don't worry, we can trust them...they said they won't tell." Daniel said. "We know, munchkin. But what if anyone gets scared and calls the cops?" I asked him. "Exactly! You don't know what can happen!" Sean said. "Yeah...maybe. We'll just have to be careful, then!" Daniel said and Sean and I sigh at this. "At least we won't have to worry about any of this once we're in Puerto Lobos." Sean said. "Who cares about Puerto Lobos..." Daniel mutters. "We'll talk later." Sean said and Daniel starts to head towards the camp.
Sean sighs as he runs his hand over his face and I shake my head. "Well...that could've gone better." I said. "Yeah...now we're out of the job..." he mutters. "Yeah that sucks." I said then I give him a concern look. "What are we gonna do, Sean?" I asked. "I'm not sure...I'll...I'll figure something out." He replied and I sigh a bit at this. "Well...I'm gonna...go to the lake..." I said. "You sure?" He asked me. "Yeah, I need to be alone for a few minutes. You can go enjoy the party, I just wanna relax for a bit." I said. "Well...how about I go talk to Cassidy and Finn then I'll come meet up with you at the lake later?" He asked and I smirk. "Sure, no rush." I said then I lean up and kiss his cheek. "See you later." I whispered and then I head to the lake.
As I get up to the beach line, I stand there and look out at the water, the moonlight reflecting off the surface. I sighed as I run my hands over my face. What the hell are we gonna do? I thought to myself. We don't have a job....we don't have a place to live....we don't have enough money to get to Mexico...fuck! I thought as I walk along the shoreline. Then I pick up a rock and start to skip it across the lake. I don't know...maybe, I should go and enjoy the party as much as I can but...my heart is just not in it. It's probably better that I stay away, so I don't bum people out while they're trying to have fun. 
I look out towards the lake then lean down to feel the water. "Oh fuck! That's cold!" I exclaimed. I look out towards the water, and a part of me really wanted to go out and swim. I sigh then said. "Screw it." And I start to remove my clothes and set them on a rock. I wasn't completely naked, I still had on my underwear and bra. I went and un-braided my hair, placed the ponytail holder around my other wrist, and I start to run out into the water. I squealed from the cold but once I swam around for a few moments, I started to get warm.
I sighed and dived down into the water for a few moments before I resurfaced and pushed back my wet hair from my face. Then I heard a laugh and I look over to see Sean walking towards the shoreline. "Hey, nice of ya to join! Come on in!" I yelled and he kneeled down and touched the water. "Whoa, fuck this! It's freezing!" He exclaims and I chuckle. "At first, yes....but once you swim for a bit, you'll get warm." I said and he looks over to see my clothes on a nearby rock.
"Are you...naked?" He asked me, obviously embarrased. I chuckle at this. "Why do you ask? You gonna try and sneak a peek, perv?" I asked in a teasing tone. "Uh...N-No...I..Uh..." he stammers and I laugh. "Calm down, wolf boy, I'm just teasing ya. I'm not completely naked. I've still got a bra and underwear on." I replied and he let's out a sigh. "Okay, here I come." He said and he starts to remove his pants, shoes, socks, shirt and his hoodie. 
"There you go! Bring it on home!" I called out to him and he starts to walk out to the water in his boxers. "Shit, shit, shit...my balls." He exclaims as he gets into the cold water and I chuckle then a thought ran through my mind. I give Sean a sly smirk as I get ready to initiate my plan and obviously he could tell I was planning something.
"(Y/n), do not even..." he said as he holds his hands out but too late. I splashed a couple waves of water at him. "Ah...oh, you are so..." he started to say as he tries to get close to me. "Adorable? I know." I teased and I splashed some more water at him then he starts to splash some my way.
We started acting like little kids as we just splashed each other until he dives down into the water. "No fair!" I exclaimed as I try to look around for him. That is until I felt someone tickling my sides and I jump and squeal as I turn around to see Sean had resurfaced and was the culprit of tickling me. "Got ya." He said. "Yeah, yeah...whatever..." I said as I rolled my eyes at him and push a small waved of water towards him.
"So, what are we gonna do about Finn and his plan?" I asked him. "It's a really stupid idea. Way too dangerous. Especially for Daniel." He replied. "I know. Finn acts like this is no big deal, but...this feels bad. I mean, Merrill is a dick but...I don't want you or Daniel to get into anymore trouble." I said. "Yeah, tell that to Daniel. He's gonna be pissed." Sean mutters. "Well, we're just gonna have a talk with him later. And Finn...well...he seems like the kinda guy that acts like he's doing it for everyone but really it's for himself." I said.
"I just hate that I crushed his dream." Sean replied as he looks away for a moment. I placed my finger and thumb under his chin and turned his head towards me. "He'll be mad for awhile, I'm sure. But he will get over it, okay? So don't worry your pretty head over it." I said then I lift up and push back the bangs that was covering his face and smiled, warmly, at him.
"Can I say something...crazy?" I asked him and he nods. "Um...okay...so..uh..." I started to say and then I clear my throat. "So, I've been having these feelings....and these feelings have been around for a few weeks and...I didn't know how to describe it. But now...I think I can....so I'm just gonna come out and say it." I said and I take a deep breath then said. "I like you, Sean. Like alot. And if you don't feel the same way then that's cool. You can just ignore what..."
"I like you too, (y/n)." He said and I look up at him, the smile growing bigger on my face. "Aww, Sean, that's sweet. I'm flattered. Or do you bust out this line whenever you go swimming in your underwear?" I said and he chuckles. "First time. Swear." He replied and I smiled. "You sure?" I asked him and I start to place my hands on his shoulders and he starts to place his hands on my waist. "I'm not that much of a player. As you can tell..." He said. "I don't know. We're both only one clothing item away from being totally naked." I said. "Hey, that's your fault...not that I mind..." he said and I giggle as he smirks a bit.
"Do you...wanna...kiss me?" I asked him.
"Yes, I do. If that's cool." He said as he starts to pull me closer to him and I wrap my arms around his neck. "Yes, it is." I said and we lean towards each other until our lips touched and we began to kiss. Finally! I thought as we continue to kiss for a few more moments, our lips molding together, until we break the kiss. We look up at each other and smiled. "Let's get outta here..." I said and he nods in agreement and we start to walk out of the water and towards our clothes. We put on our clothes and make our way back to the camp, hand in hand.
Music was blaring and people were talking and drinking as we passed by them and head towards our tent. "Did you get that tattoo?" I asked him. "Nah...didn't really want one." He replied and I chuckle as we come up to our tent. I go and zip it open to see that it was empty. I stand up and turn to Sean and said. "I know this is our tent but...I still wanted to ask...do you wanna come in? With me? Just the two of us? I mean, you don't have to..." 
"Yeah...I do." He replied and I smiled as I crawl into the tent first then he follows. I zip up the flap of the tent and sit down as I look over at Sean, who looks alittle nervous. "You okay?" I asked him. "Um, totally..uh...I'm just nervous..." he said. "Yeah...me too." I said and he looks up at me in shock. "Hey, listen...I think you should know that I'm...uh..." he stammers and I smile and take one of his hands into mine. "It's okay, Sean. Don't worry about it." I said.
"Have you ever...?" He started to ask and I nod. "Once. A few years ago. And yet I'm just as nervous now as I was back then." I replied. "But we don't have to if you don't want to. I'm not gonna pressure you." 
He smiles, softly, at me then leans towards me and kisses me again. I kiss him back and I began to crawl on top of him as he starts to lay on his back. My legs ended up on either side of him, basically straddling him, as we continue to kiss. Then he pulls back from the kiss.
"I want to." He whispers then I felt his hands start to slide under my shirt and I smirk and help pull my shirt and bra off. Once I was topless, I blushed as I saw Sean give me this look like I was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. I lean towards him again and we kissed some more as he wraps his arms around me. His tongue brushed up against my bottom lip, begging for entrance, and I smirk as I open my mouth a bit, giving him permission to explore my mouth.
My hands started to tug at his hoodie, and he smirks, pulls back from the kiss then pulls off his hoodie and shirt. We smile at each other as I placed my hands on his bare chest while he placed one hand on my hip and the other hand was placed behind my neck then he pulls me in for another kiss. Then he slowly starts to fall on his back, me still on top, and we began to discard the rest of our clothes.
And in this moment, no other thoughts ran through our heads. No worries, no stress, no responsibilities. Just us. Me and him as we do our best to make the other feel good, in the most pleasurable way, and satisfied.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked him, my voice alittle hoarse, a few minutes later. We were completely naked, cuddled up to each other, as I started tracing little circles on his bare chest and his left arm around me. He looked alittle upset and I began to worry, after all this was his first time and I wondered was I good enough for him? Was he disappointed? Did he hate it?
"Nothing, I just...never mind." He muttered and I look up at him. "Sean, talk to me." I said, softly. "Sorry, I uh...Sorry it sucked." He said and I just give a small smile. Here I was worried that it was me, turned out he was worried that he was the one that's bad. "And here I thought it was me." I said as I prop up my elbow and lean my head on top of my hand.
"No, no...you were great! I just..." he stammers and I chuckle. "Sean, this was your first time...and in all honesty you were not as bad as you think. You were actually really good." I said. "That's sweet. But you don't have to be like that." He said then I lean towards him and kiss him. "I mean it, Sean. And if you're that worried, we'll have plenty of time to practice." I said and his eyes widen a bit. "R-really?" He asked, shocked, and I giggle a bit. "Well...yeah...u-unless...y-you don't w-want to..." I stammer. "No, I don't...I wouldn't mind doing it again...with you." He said and I smiled then lean in and kissed him.
"Come on, let's go get some fresh air." I said to him and he gives me a slight nod before he leans in and kisses me again.
After getting dressed, and braiding my hair again, we walk out of the tent as Sean starts to take my hand in his. "Hey, what's happening?" Hannah asked as she walks over to us, making Sean and I jump. Sean and I glance at each other as both of our faces turns red at this then realization hits Hannah. "Wait--did you guys just have sex?!" She asked and I bite my lips but I couldn't hold back the smile I had on my face. I look over ar Sean and see he had an embarrassed smile on his face.
"Wow, bout time you two." She said and Sean and I chuckle. "Uh...thanks?" Sean said, embarrassed, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Anyway, have you guys seen Finn? He was with Daniel but now I can't find him." She said and our eyes widen at this. "We didn't see anybody out there...but..." I said as Sean and I share the same terrified look. "We better go now. Figures Daniel's with him...." Sean grumbles and he starts to walk past Hannah, I follow closely behind. "Just tell Finn I wanna talk. Thanks much. Later." Hannah called out to us as I run over to Sean.
"Sean, wait! Hold up!" I said as I run up to him. "Why? We have to stop them!" He said as he turns to me, obviously angry. "I know, but we need to figure out a plan first!" I said. "We don't have time for that shit!" He exclaims. "Well we have to get to Merrill's before them." I said to him, calmly, and he sighs. "You're right...maybe we can borrow one of Big Joe's trucks." He said. "Sounds better than nothing, c'mon!" I said and I grab his hand and we take off.
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janitainengland · 5 years
Woche 14
Diese Woche haben wir unsere Noten für unser Akademische Poster wiederbekommen und Emily, unsere Dozentin, hat mich noch einmal extra gelobt, weil meinst unter den besten war. Das hat mich natürlich sehr gefreut. Das Notensystem in England ist aber sehr merkwürdig. Mit 70% und mehr hat man eine “first”, in Deutschland wäre das gerade mal eine 3. 60-69% ist dann eine 2.1, 50-59% ist eine 2.2 und 40-49% eine 3, darunter hat man nicht mehr bestanden. 
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In der Woche habe ich dann versucht an meinen anderen Uni Assignments zu arbeiten und habe mich zwischendurch mit Freunden getroffen. Am Donnerstag war ich  bei meinen Hauskeisleitern, Meghan und Joseph, zum Abendessen eingeladen. Das war total schön. Joesph schreibt gerade an einem Buch, und Meghan ist genauso vernarrt in schöne alte Bücher wie ich. Außerdem konnte ich den beiden ganz viele Fragen zum Glauben und vor allem zum Heiligen Geist stellen, da Jospeh zwischenzeitlich in eine Pfingsltergemeinde ging. Wenn man erst einmal darüber spricht, merkt man, wie oft der Heilige Geist in der Bibel auftaucht. Davor hatte ich immer nur an Pfingsten gedacht, aber sogar in Genesis 1 steht, das der Geist über dem Wasser schwebte, als Gott die Erde schuf und als Saul der Eselin hinterherläuft wird er vom Geist erfüllt, als er an einer Gruppe von Propheten vorbei geht. An Jesu Taufe kommt dann der Geist als Taube auf ihn herab und er befähigt uns Kranke zu heilen, Gott anzubeten und ist unser Helfer.
Am Freitag war wie immer Youth. Dieses Mal FRVR (Forever ausgesprochen), das ist die monatliche Jugendgruppe, zu der auch alle anderen Jugendgruppen, aus allen umgebenden Gemeinden und Kirchen eingeladen sind, weshalb wir immer so ca. 130 Leute da haben. Dafür muss es dann auch genügend Mitarbeiter geben. ->Alive Youth Team für FRVR 
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Nick, Matt und Luke (oberste Reihe von links) sind die Leiter und manchmal ein bisschen über-enthusiastisch. Diesen Freitag haben sie versucht eine Pyramide aus acht Teens zu bauen, allerdings fiel diese nach sechs schon in sich zusammen und die Jungs mussten von den Mitarbeiten aufgefangen werden. 
Am Samstag war der End-of-Year Studentball (weil das Unijahr Ende Mai vorbei ist), das Thema war “Cruise Ship”. Es gab ein Bingo Spiel (typisch Englisch und typisch Kreuzfahrtschiff), live Klavierbegleitung, ein drei Gänge Menü und danach Disko. Allerdings endete der Ball schon um 23 Uhr und so beschlossen Laura, ich und noch ein paar andere noch in eine Bar zu gehen. 
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Weil ich nicht damit gerechnet habe, zu einem Ball zu gehen, hatte ich gar kein Kleid dafür hier in Lincoln, aber ich durfte netterweise eins von Laura ausleihen. 
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Laura and I didn't actually win an award, but because Luke won three he gave us two of them :) 
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