#johann the bard
anistarrose · 25 days
Chapters: 2/8 Relationships: Barry Bluejeans & Johann the Bard (The Adventure Zone), The Director | Lucretia & Johann the Bard, Johann the Bard & Everyone (The Adventure Zone) Summary: Barry needs to possess a body for an infiltration mission on the Bureau. Johann doesn’t black out when he’s supposed to. For both of them, this has ramifications.
“Now. Did I assume poorly, or, uh — would a bard like you happen to know Zone of Truth?”
Johann does know Zone of Truth. First second-level spell he ever learned, to be precise — and the only reason he even briefly contemplated appeasing his parents with law school. Like the back of his hand, he knows it. And still, he never even expected such a question.
“Good. I know it too, so we had a backup. But I thought you might trust your own spellwork more, so.” The Red Robe stretches Johann’s arms, wiggling his fingers. “For a limited time only, no funny business, et cetera, et cetera — but it’s all yours.”
“Wait — what?”
The release is instantaneous, and completely anticlimactic. The red haze doesn’t fade whatsoever, as if it had simply always been there — but one moment, Johann can’t lower his hands, and the next, he can, as if it had simply never been in doubt. His fingers land on the case’s latches. He doesn’t flip them up yet, not until he takes a deep breath of his own, or until he wiggles his toes inside his pointy bard shoes, for good measure — and it works. They both work. He scowls. It all works.
There is still unfamiliar magic running across his limbs, and in it, he senses — maybe just intuits — a sort of veto power over his movements. He’s not foolhardy enough to test the Red Robe, but he has a hunch that if he tried to go for his pocket with the flask in it, his arms just wouldn’t move past a certain point.
“You’re a bard of reliable hunches. By now, I hope you know it’s nothing personal.”
(keep reading on ao3) or (start from the beginning!)
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crystallizedkingdoms · 3 months
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Johann Appreciation Week is coming soon! Just a week and some change by the time I post this. Throughout the upcoming week I’ll be showing off the fics I have done for @johann-appreciation-week over the years :) For this post, I am starting with the first prompts of the week, then tomorrow will be the second prompts of the week, etc etc you get it!
2021 - Prompt: Past
so, not off to a great start, i unfortunately never did anything for this one :( I came a day too late! but I actually used the 2022 fic to make up for it :)
2022 - Prompt: Everyone by Mitski (Gen, General, 1.4K)
this year was really special, because this was the year I got to choose my own prompt theme! I chose Mitski songs as my whole theme. for this fic, I explored Johann’s relationship with his music, and how his mother held him back from pursuing it, using Everyone’s somber tone about pursuing a career in music as a guideline.
2023 - Prompt: Tuning (Gen, Teen, 2.4K)
the prompt list this year was centred around music terminology, and I started with my favourite topic in the world: Johann and the Voidfish’s relationship! I focused on the disjointed nature of their relationship, and how Johann feels completely out of tune with the Voidfish throughout the time he knew it. I also used my own personal experience of the pain my teeth feel when I tune instruments to heighten the uncomfortable feeling Johann has when he’s out of tune.
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autisticangus · 1 year
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ryotaronogami · 1 year
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Johann The Bard (from TAZ:Balance) stimboard
Credits: x-x-x | x-x-x | x-x-x
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fastsalad · 2 years
if johavi has a million fans, i am one of them. if johavi has five fans, i am one of them. if johavi has one fan, that fan is me. if johavi has no fans i am no longer alive.
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fairypuzzles · 9 months
open for :: anyone !!
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the midnight air felt good on his face, as he walked, paced more like it, back and forth along the empty pool. energy was all over his body, and he couldn't find it in him to rest, even though he probably really should. one would think that years on the run from infected would have taught him to sleep in new places, yet here he was feeling like he used to in his youth, coming to new cities and hotels with his team. "do you think the clinic has something to help us sleep?" he asks when he notices someone else up as well.
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dullahandyke · 4 months
Hnfhrhufhnfhf johann
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hanna-water · 7 months
Ylvis christmas calender coming y`all! 🥰🙏 His little "Merry Christmas :3" at the end melted my heart. source: @bylvisaker IG edit: well, I got excited too quickly 😅. Looks as if it was not their own idea and they are just taking part in Johannes Groths christmas calender. Still nice but 24 days full of new Ylvis content would have been pretty awesome too.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
@oflostinfound​ || From X
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She was just so little. And that adorable face made his heart melt. “She’s lovely. I’m so happy for you and Somnus,” he said with a soft smile. Johann hesitantly put a hand near her to she if she really would grab his finger or not.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 11 months
cuke bros
🥒 🤝 just like my snail I used to have, the ultimate cuke bro
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weregreatatcrime · 11 months
Anyways I'm crying over TAZ again and tried typing out an explanation five times and gave up, just go watch one of the greatest cinematic experiences of my life and if you haven't listened to The Adventure Zone Balance, please go do that
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leszackardises · 1 year
Voici qu'on a pensé de la première de Zénith
(more…) “”
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crystallizedkingdoms · 3 months
Johann Appreciation Week is starting in a week! March 17! Come and join in appreciating our favourite sad bard! Here are the prompts, check it out!
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autisticangus · 1 year
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anthologyoflucas · 2 years
It's not even a note about feelings. It's just sheet music with the words "be gay do crimes" on it.
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“Ultimate bard bros!” Alya grins
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dogs2shouldvote · 11 months
in contrast with my last post, in my latest relisten of taz balance i also recorded a bunch of quotes that felt like a punch to the gut (with zero context mostly). here’s some that made me a) cry or b) freak out because foreshadowing
MAJOR taz balance spoilers ahead; if you haven’t already listened to this amazing show, you should!
- “you can’t kill robbie, i have some big franchise plans for robbie”
- “you found her?“
- “one of you isn’t a lich, are you?”
- “tell julia i said i love her”
- “your staff, you lost control of it, and you blasted the letters L U P into the wall”
- “you look familiar too. have we met?” (this one i did put context for, it’s ren speaking to magnus in the eleventh hour during one of the early loops)
- “is there anything else you can edit in our past?” (this one also had context, magnus to istus i believe)
- “you’re going to be amazing”
- “there’s a long span of time that’s just not there” … “while you’re looking through these memories… there is something about the memory is a little bit off. there’s parts of it that are a little bit staticky.”
- “i named my fish after him”
- “he didn’t want to be a hero. it wasn’t his desire.”
- “Do you remember the last thing you said?”
“I said ‘I love you, Jules.’”
- “lup. they don’t trust me. i cant do it anymore, lup. i’m sorry”
- “the hunger is almost here. and when it arrives, the world will be lost.”
- “and it’s an incredibly familiar face, because it’s your face, magnus. this figure in the red robe is you.”
- “why are you doing this, taako?”
“because i’m worried no one else will have me”
- “you see this red robe put a single skeletal finger to its nonexistent lips”
- ”i’ll be having my body back you undead fuck”
- “trust barry. love barry. taako… it’s me… it’s *static*”
- “when there was trouble, you took the big hit. didn’t you, bud?”
- “and taako you remember lup now. how could you forget lup?”
- “are we just gonna burn every world that we can’t save just to keep the hunger from getting its hands on them? how does that make us any better than them?”
- “this is where we get to decide who we are”
- “show them the duck. it’s a good duck. i think they’ll like it!”
- “your journey could have ended anywhere… but it ended here. and you’re so grateful for that.”
- “sometimes there aren’t right decisions. sometimes there’s just decisions.”
- “back soon”
- “as his body falls further and further down, you realize you don’t know who that is.”
- “magnus. i’m going to find a place for you to be happy. it’ll just be for a little bit. i can do this. i love you magnus. i love all of you *fading into static*”
- “you *fucking took everything. from me*.”
- “i needed to say goodbye to someone
- “i don’t expect you all to forgive me…”
“i run over and hug her”
- “there’s magic in a bards song. they call it is inspiration and it tells the listener what they need to hear when they need to hear it… and you hear johann’s voice and it says: ‘you’re gonna have to fight… and *you’re gonna win!*’”
- “how does magnus die?”
- “and thus ends adventure zone balance. the story of four idiots who played dnd so hard they made themselves cry.”
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