#john loves my dep i can see it in his eyes
reflectismo · 1 year
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McCartney offers a further, more emotional reminiscence: "I probably bore him by telling him the moment when the three of us realised he was The Guy. In my recollection it’s at the Cavern and there's me, John and George — which, right there, is pretty cool — standing at the front doing our thing, facing out on the mics. And then behind us there's this new guy depping, who we knew we liked — we'd seen him in another band. But now he was playing with us. And it just felt so different. It felt so amazing, and it just locked in with what we were all about. And I have this very vivid recollection of kind of looking at John and him looking at me and looking at George and him looking at me, and the three of us are going, 'What the fuck, this is fucking amazing!" As McCartney describes this, he wipes his eye. "And as you can see, it gets emotional. There was a moment."
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Keith Smith, Assistant Engineer: All I can say about Ringo is that you just have to listen and watch him playing drums with Paul on bass, it's pure synergy. I can't think of any other way to describe it. He is a completely unique drummer and when they play together it's as near to perfect and natural as I have ever witnessed. It is something that still to this day hasn't changed.
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McCartney digresses for a moment to describe the most recent example of getting-together-with-Ringo, nine days before this conversation, at the end of his show at Dodger Stadium: "Just the other night we finished our tour in Los Angeles and Ringo got up and we were doing 'Helter Skelter' together, and when I wasn’t on the mic, in the solo breaks and stuff, I really made a point of turning round and watching this guy drum. And thinking, 'My God, you know, the memories across this ten-yard gap here,' with him on the drums and me on the bass. The lifetime that’s going on here, and here he is! And I was just listening to him during that song. I was doing my performance but basically [he sings] When I get to the bottom I go back to the top — as I’m doing that bit, there’s normally just the guitars sort of playing, but Ringo did what’s on the record" — McCartney sings the drum part to demonstrate — "building. So I’m going, 'Oh yeah, great.' So you know it’s a sort of magic."
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"It’s always a special experience to play with Paul," says Ringo now. "I love Paul and I love his playing and, you know, we spent a lot of time together in the sixties."
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OC Interview: Kit Cross
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Tagged by @incognito-insomniac​ to put these together for the babes. I'm doing them all separately because it's quite long.
Tagging: @direwombat @noetikat @roofgeese @confidentandgood @natesofrellis @funkypoacher @strangefable @perhapsrampancy @adelaidedrubman @sstewyhosseini @strafethesesinners @derelictheretic @marivenah @lethal-justice @purplehairsecretlair and anyone else who wants to give this a go (no pressure as always)
Wheaty pushed the microphone in front of her face. “Go on Dep, your audience awaits."
Kit stared at him with an ever deepening scowl. “Do we really have to do this? I got Peggies to deal with.”
“It’s a morale boost. People wanna know about the hero of Hope County.”
“Fine. But don’t ever call me that again.”
“Full name?”
“Well damn, if anyone’s heard the radio calls with John they already know my real name.”
“Just -”
“Kathleen Cross. I prefer Kit though.”
Are you single?
She sighed, the answer was complicated...”Yeah.”
Are you happy?
“We’re fighting a doomsday cult. What do you think?”
Are you angry?
She cocked an eyebrow. Was this even worth her time at this point?
Wheaty placed his hand over the microphone. “Come on, work with me.”
“Well I have WRATH carved into my chest for all to see, so yeah, I guess so."
Are your parents still married?
Birth place?
“Fort Benning, Georgia.”
“Wait, why don’t you have an accent?”
“We moved when I was six months old.”
Hair color?
Eye color?
“November 14, 1986.”
“Generally or just right now?”
[Dead Air]
Summer or winter?
“Summer. At least then I can go camping comfortably.”
Morning or afternoon?
“Morning. Got the whole day ahead of me then.”
Are you in love?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
“About as much as I believe in guardian angels.”
Who ended your last relationship?
[Dead Air]
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
“Absolutely.” Her eyes fell to the floor, she wasn’t going to add any further detail.
Are you afraid of commitments?
“No. If I was, I wouldn’t be putting my neck on the line every day, now would I?”
Have you hugged someone within the last week?
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
“Lord help them if I did.”
“What about John?”
She scoffed, “He was hardly secretive about it. Wouldn’t call it admiration either, more like obsession.”
Have you ever broken your own heart?
“More often than I care to think about.” She dragged her cross pendant across her chain back and forth.
Love or lust?
Lemonade or iced tea?
“Iced tea.”
Cats or dogs?
“Cats.” A small grin tugged at her lips.
A few best friends or many regular friends?
“A few best friends. To be honest, the less social interaction the better.”
Wild night out or romantic night in?
“Night in. Not necessarily romantic though. I’m not one for partying.”
Day or night?
“Night. The stars and the moon have always been my preference.”
Been caught sneaking out?
Fallen down/up the stairs?
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
“Every goddamn day.”
Wanted to disappear?
“That’s why I moved here. Guess that blew up in my face.”
Smile or eyes?
Shorter or taller?
She paused, biting her lower lip. “Taller.”
Intelligence or attraction?
“Need to have both to make it work.”
Hook-up or relationship?
Do you and your family get along?
She clenched her jaw, and cracked her neck. “Next question.”
“Oh come on.”
“Next question.”
Would you say you have a “messed up life”?
“Do I have to bring up the WRATH on my chest again?”
Have you ever run away from home?
“Was tempted to once. Never went through with it though.”
Have you ever gotten kicked out?
“In a way.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
“I’m not close enough with anyone to call them friends or to hate them.”
Do you consider all of your friends good friends?
“What did I just say?”
Who is your best friend?
“Don’t have one. I mean I guess if I had to say the closest thing to a friend I have is in Joey.”
Who knows everything about you?
“No one. I’d prefer to keep it that way.”
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wrathfulrook · 10 months
Wrathling - Chapter 2
Series rating: E
Relationship: John Seed x Patience Ekner
Word count: ~4.7k
Series masterlist
Read it on ao3.
“I can be real sneaky, that’s for damn sure, Dep. My grandma always said I was a sneaky bastard. ‘Course, she never wore her hearing aids, so sneaking up on her wasn’t exactly a real feat of stealth, if you know what I’m talking about. But I’m determined to be a real asset here and-“
“Sharky,” Patience hissed under her breath, “hush. Please.”
“Can do, boss.”
“You head around the north side of the property, and I’ll head south. We’ll meet up on the other side. Keep your eyes peeled for any prisoners, especially Deputy Hudson, and try to keep track of how many guards you spot. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“Stay out of sight and stay silent,” she emphasized.
“Silent. I can be silent.” He threw her a two-fingered salute. It did not inspire confidence.
She watched him disappear into the northern trees before heading south, herself. She didn’t have a lot of faith in that man. He wouldn’t be betraying her; she trusted him- but she really didn’t trust him not to get caught or cause a scene. Or cause a scene that would get him caught. He was hardly her first choice for recon. But Jess and Grace were both unavailable, so here she was with him. It was out of her hands now, though. Either he’d meet her on the other side of the property or he wouldn’t.
Patience kept to the tree line, moving slowly, flinching every time a dry twig cracked beneath her boots. The property was large, though, and the tree line far enough away from most buildings that she felt confident she wouldn’t be seen. Armed Peggies circled the buildings’ perimeters while pairs stood by every entrance, even outbuildings like the hangar. There was at least one sniper that she could see. Not only were they numerous, they seemed to be organized.
This place was far better guarded than she’d anticipated. The level of protection here was more what she’d expect around the Cult Compound, not around the ranch. Breaking anyone out of here really might require an army, and an army was one of the many things she didn’t have. She held her position for a while, silent among the pines. The guards marched the perimeter in regular intervals. There could be an opportunity to slip between them… On the hour, the guards stationed outside the doors of the garage and hangar were replaced. She had no idea how long they’d been there, but on the hour was helpful to know.
It was a beautiful night to be outside. The sky was clear, and Patience could see so many stars, so many more than were ever visible back home. The scent of pine on the air, the occasional breeze pulling loose strands from her braid. It was a night better spent around a fire than snooping around the enemy, but things had taken a turn ever since the failed arrest. She stood for a bit longer, but the men continued to circle, and she didn’t think there was much more to learn here. She needed to continue around the ranch.
As she kept moving south, just inside the tree line, she came onto Seed Ranch itself. The house was a house in name only. It was a log cabin, blown up to the proportions of a mansion. It had floor to ceiling windows, two stories, a huge balcony. It was exactly the sort of place she’d love to rent for a week-long vacation. She could picture herself luxuriating in there, maybe under a rainfall showerhead, or in a jet-pool tub, making an omelet in the huge kitchen the place must certainly have before heading out for a day-long hike in the woods of the valley. She’d spend all day exploring, maybe swimming in a lake or stream, to come back and have dinner and a drink on the balcony, and fall asleep in a large, plush, memory-foam bed.
But this was no Airbnb. Instead, it was home to that monster, John Seed. Interestingly enough, the front door to the ranch was not guarded. There were plenty of guards on the property, though, so perhaps he just valued his privacy. With the house unguarded, it may be possible to sneak past the sentries and walk right in. If she could get into the house, it may be possible to take the entire property.
The lights on the first level of the house shown through the huge windows, and she could see a figure moving around inside. Maybe it was John Seed, himself. She was far enough away that she couldn’t make out any details of the roaming form, and she could never make such a shot with her slingshot, but she could imagine pulling it out, putting an end to him right there, and taking down a quarter of the cult’s figureheads.
Patience couldn’t picture prisoners being kept inside John Seed’s personal residence, so it was best if she kept on. She continued on, relatively uneventfully, for a while. Quite a while, actually. Too long. She wasn’t sure exactly how far she’d gone, but it was more than halfway around the entire Ranch. A lot more than halfway. Even moving more slowly than she was, Sharky probably should have met up with her by now. Something could have happened to him. What was she supposed to do?
A sudden burst of light appeared on the property.
The light appeared again, and Patience was able to recognize it for what it was. Fire. A flamethrower.
“Son of slut,” she muttered.
Peggie guards ran towards the flames, hopping back just in time to avoid being roasted alive by the whooping pyromaniac. Their shouting was drawing more guards, and Patience feared one flamethrower was hardly enough to take on all of Seed Ranch.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She took a deep breath as she switched her slingshot for her M60. She glanced up at the sky, as if beseeching a god she didn’t believe in, before running out of the relative safety of the woods and into the fray.
She managed to get fairly close to Sharky before the Peggies realized she wasn’t one of them. She only hoped Sharky and his flamethrower didn’t confuse her for the enemy. As soon as they began splitting their fire between two of them, Patience began firing back, shooting down Peggies as she got closer to the flames.
“Hiya, Dep!” Sharky jovially greeted her as she came up beside him.
“Hi,” she hissed through gritted teeth as she fired her last bullet. “How did this happen?”
“Got spotted. Threw some flames.”
“How did you end up in the open like this?” she clarified.
“Got caught when I was inside the hangar.”
“In?” That was not the plan.
He ignored her interruption. “Found a folder of documents meant for John. Had location info and specs on his bunker. It’s guarded. Like, no-fucking-around guarded. And it’s a lot bigger than we thought. Bet that’s where they’re holding people. Besides, it’s not like I’m gonna use a flamethrower in the woods, Dep. Safety first!”
She didn’t know how to respond to that, so she opted to let it lie. Though there seemed to be a momentary reprieve, from the sounds of it, more Peggies were on the way.
“We need to get the hell out of here.”
“No arguments from me, Shorty.”
Patience grabbed Sharky’s arm and headed towards the trees, stopping briefly to swipe some ammo off a half-charred corpse.
“Go, go!” she urged him as the volume of the guards’ shouts increased.
She could hear them clamoring through the woods even over her own labored breathing and the sounds of the approaching guards. Patience pushed herself harder despite the burning in her chest and the machine gun bruising her spine as it bounced against her back. She was impressed Sharky could keep pace while toting his flamethrower, but the woods were getting denser, and she increasingly found herself bumping into him as well as scraping against trees. They were slowing down in an effort not to lose one another. This wasn’t working.
“Split up!” she called, possibly louder than was necessary due both to adrenaline and to make sure he knew what was happening before she tore off on a hard right, not bothering to look back.
Patience ran. And she continued to run until she couldn’t hear any of her pursuers. And then she ran a bit farther, just to be sure.
Eventually, she collapsed against the trunk of a broad tree, and put her head between her knees while she waited for her heart rate to slow and her breathing to even out. That hadn’t gone well. Not horribly, though. Sharky did come through with that intel about the bunker. But certainly not well. Getting shot at was not part of the plan. Nor was letting the Peggies know the resistance was spying on them. Getting split up was definitely not in the plan.
Exhaling a ragged breath, Patience pulled out her radio, dialing to the frequency pre-agreed upon with Sharky. “Sharky? Boshaw, come in.” She waited a few, seemingly interminable, minutes before trying again. “Boshaw. Come in, Boshaw.”
“Hiya, Dep.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” she sighed to herself. “You’re safe?” she asked him.
“Free and clear. Outran those Peggie bastards easily. Flame-broiled a few first, though!”
Patience smiled gently at the laugh in his voice, in spite of the macabre image it conjured.
“Regroup tomorrow, Dep! Over and out.”
The deputy absently clicked the tuning dial on her radio as she debated the relative safety of spending the night underneath an outcropping of rock ahead of her. She’d be protected from the elements, barring a sudden and unexpected change of weather. She may be easy prey for something like a wolf, but with the machine gun by her side, she felt comfortable enough to give it a go. Besides, if any of her animal companions were nearby, they’d wind up beside her at some point in the night. She was rarely as alone as she felt out here.
There was nothing being broadcast but Peggie nonsense. She’d come across two different channels airing cult songs but heard nothing from the resistance. Good. Anyone not with the cult should be laying low. She turned the dial a few more clicks when she heard a third active channel.
John Seed was proselytizing on the airwaves, late into the night. Bastard probably couldn’t sleep after a flamethrower appeared on his front lawn, not that she could blame him for that. He quoted from the Bible and from Joseph’s inane book. She didn’t know why he bothered. Most Peggies probably didn’t depend on the radios. And none of the resistance would be listening, anyway.
“…and sin never rests. Just tonight two wayward souls attacked the brave and pious soldiers of the Project.”
Patience rolled her eyes.
“The junior deputy herself was one of the souls in question. Deputy, know that your sins can be forgiven. Even your actions tonight are not too much to be absolved. We simply want to help you, to save you. You and every soul in Hope County. You must accept that the Project is not your enemy.”
Oh, must she? Bold of him to assume she’d be listening to his broadcasts. Bold and vain.
She knew she should just turn off the radio and get some sleep. She knew what both Whitehorse and Dutch would say. She’d, in general, agree. But after past few weeks she’d had, she was willing to admit that she wasn’t in her best state of mind. She didn’t want to let him demoralize any potential resistance member who stumbled onto the channel. And, more selfishly, she wanted to piss him off.
“That’s an interesting version of history you’re writing, there.”
“Deputy, how kind of you to check in. And after already checking in earlier tonight.”
“Yeah, well, I’m thoughtful that way.”
The whackadoo actually broadcast his laugh. “You and Mr. Boshaw should return; it isn’t too late to confess, to atone.”
“No thanks. We’re good.”
“You may feel good now, but you won’t when the Collapse comes, when you’re consumed by flames.”
“Uh oh.” She knew she was pressing his buttons. She knew nothing good could come from it. And yet… Fuck this guy.
“Mock all you want, Deputy,” he retorted, voice hard. “The Reaping has begun. You can still be saved, but time is running out.”
“And if I don’t want to be saved?”
“A child doesn’t know what’s best. That’s why parents exist. To guide and to nurture and to take care of the child, even when they resist. The Father can guide us all on the path to Eden’s Gate.”
“So we all need Daddy to take care of us? Kinky.”
“You hide behind your sin, using it as a shield. But who are you when not weighed down by it? You don’t have to be your sin. You can rise above it. I can help you.”
“Not that you aren’t a great conversationalist, because, really, this is riveting, but I’ve had a long day, and I need to get some rest.”
“Yes, I imagine killing really takes it out of a person.”
“And I imagine you don’t have to imagine,” she spit into the radio.
“You’re very defensive, Deputy. Perhaps because you know you’re in the wrong.”
“Good night, John.”
“You know where to find me, Deputy. When you’re ready to be saved…”
Patience had woken up this morning beneath that outcropping of rock, cuddling her M60 like it was a teddy bear, because sure, why not, this was her life now. Add it to the ongoing list of horrors.
She’d wandered around the woods for a while before finding a river she could follow to the road into Fall’s End. For an hour there she was trying to make her peace with being one of those people who walked into the woods and never walked out, falling prey to starvation, or animal attack, or just literal falling. Running away from the Peggies and their bullets had seemed like a good way to avoid death at the time, but death by wilderness was still death.
But she did find that river, had rendezvoused with Sharky, and was now at the Spread Eagle, eating for the first time in over 24 hours. She shoveled french fries into her face, ignoring Mary May’s eyes on her from the opposite side of the bar. She knew she looked sad and pathetic, clearly dirty and tired, hardly inspiring. And she needed, now more than ever, to inspire the people of Fall’s End to take up further arms against the cult.
Sharky had not only been able to confirm the bunker was the only place Joey could be being kept, but also noted that the roving sentries changed guards on the hour. Aside from the obvious debacle, he had really come through last night. It was this morning when went things went really sour.
After she’d met up with the Cougars at the jail, Whitehorse had promised to send out scouts to determine what had happened to Staci and the Marshal. Unfortunately, the scouts hadn’t been needed. She’d found out this morning of more recent broadcasts from the Whitetails and the Henbane. Jacob Seed had Staci. And Faith Seed had Marshal Burke. And who knew how they were now? If those broadcasts had been recorded weeks ago…
Even more unfortunately, at least for Patience and Joey, Whitehorse was set on staying in the Henbane region, helping the resistance operating out of the jail. This left Patience to her own devices, unless she wanted to stay with the resistance there, which she didn’t. At least, not until she got Joey out. Even then, it might be best to leave Whitehorse to it and track down the rest of the Sheriff’s department.
But, if the people of Hope County weren’t going to come together then they certainly weren’t going to be able to keep the cult at bay. But before she could convince anyone in the resistance to go to bat for anyone else, she needed to make sure there was anybody willing to go to bat, point blank. She needed the people of Fall’s End to give a shit about helping to liberating Holland Valley beyond their own town.
And luckily enough, Joey was in Holland Valley.
“So what’s going on, Dep?” Mary May finally asked.
“Is that rhetorical?” Patience asked. With her mouth full, her clothes dirty, and her braid mussed, she imagined she made quite the picture.
Patience swallowed and wiped her mouth with a napkin before speaking. “Are you aware of the failed arrest of Joseph Seed?”
Mary May rolled her eyes and leaned across the bar, almost into her personal space. “I know what’s going on, Deputy. I’ve got eyes and ears.”
“Then you know we have to get those people out of John’s bunker. Drive all the Peggies out of the freaking valley, ideally. John Seed is practically your next-door neighbor. That has to make you nervous,” she argued to the bartender.
“More than you could possibly know.”
“So, let’s do something!”
“Deputy,” Mary May sighed, “The Seeds came to Hope County years before you did. We’ve been living alongside them for a long time now. This ‘reaping,’” she threw the word in air quotes, “is just the most recent in a long line of escalations on their part.”
Patience shook her head. “No. No, Mary May, the cult, while most definitely a cult, has never done anything illegal. I’ve read all the reports. The most trouble we’ve ever gotten from them is disturbing the peace, and they’ve always cooperated. Then all the sudden we get video footage of illegal violence and go to arrest Joseph Seed. The Marshal asked me to arrest him because it was supposed to be that easy. It was my first arrest, and I- I…” She paused to gulp down some water and compose herself before continuing. “Mary May, they kidnapped at least one officer of the law, and likely multiple civilians. This is not like anything they’ve done before. This is not like anything you’ve ever seen.”
She pictured again the bodies crawling over the helicopter, the man who let himself be pureed by blades…
“You can’t imagine what they’re capable of,” Patience finished.
Mary May took the dishes from in front of her, the tension in her form clear, before slamming them into the sink with so much force Patience was amazed they didn’t break. When she turned back, though, there was no fire in her eyes. She looked tired, almost absent.
“Deputy, I don’t want to make light of the experience you’ve had over the last few weeks.” Her words were strong but quiet, her tone measured. “But I think you’re the one who can’t imagine what these people are capable of.”
“No. You need to listen.” Patience shut her mouth. “The Seeds moved into town and started their little church and that was fine. They made friends in town, came to community events. They seemed like nice people. Then fancypants lawyer John Seed used his knowledge of property law to start buying up land for cheap. Lots of land, for far too cheap. He was practically robbing people, and no one even made a move to stop it from happening.”
“And that’s asshole behavior for sure, but it’s still technically legal.”
Mary May ignored her and continued. “Their number of followers kept growing and growing and then the intimidation started. Graffiti on the houses and businesses of so-called sinners. The Sheriff’s department said there was never enough evidence to pin it on the Peggies.” She stared down Patience, as if daring her to step in, and Patience wisely kept quiet. “You mentioned them taking people. Said it was an escalation out of nowhere. It wasn’t.”
“Do have evidence that they’ve kidnapped before?”
“Evidence, evidence, Jesus Christ, Deputy!” Her voice rose. “I know they’ve done it! You know they’ve done it! I’m sure the Sheriff knew they did it, too! But there was never enough evidence to do anything, and look where we are, now. They’ve gotten so bold they took Deputy Hudson in broad daylight, paraded her around on TV!” She took a deep, steadying breath. “This is not the time for stressing over the minutia of good policing. One junior deputy is not going to beat this cult. The entire sheriff’s department plus a US Marshal couldn’t even arrest one of the Seeds!”
She let an irritated huff escape her nose. “I know. I was there. That’s why I need Fall’s End’s help.”
“You’ll need a lot more help than that.”
“Sure, you’ve blown up some shit. You’ve freed an outpost here and there. But, they are prepared for you to come. They have an army. And they’ve been at this for years.”
The disbelief was evident in her tone when she asked, “Years?”
“Years! They took my brother. Converted him, they’d say. Brainwashed, more like. It broke my mother’s heart. Killed her. My dad tried to bust him out and they killed him for it. No ifs, ands, or buts. They murdered him.” Her voice shook with rage. “And when I went to get him, to at least tell him what had happened, they took me. John Seed took me to his bunker and forced me to confess. He decided my sin was envy and he did this to me!”
Mary May pulled down the neck of her t-shirt to reveal a tattoo across her chest. The word ‘ENVY,’ in all capital letters, in black ink, was etched into her skin. Patience blinked in surprise.
“Holy shit.” The words came out as barely more than a whisper.
“And at the end of the day, my brother was dead as well.”
“I’m sorry.”
Mary May shrugged.
“That’s horrible. And terrifying.”
“I know that. And you need to know that, too. These people are so much worse than you know. They are organized and they are prepared.”
“This sort of information is what I need! If people know where the Seeds are keeping people, why do I not know? I know I’m new in town, but fuck! This is stuff I need to know. People keep asking me to risk my ass for theirs and that’s fine! That’s my job!” She breathed a sigh through her nose, calmed her bouncing leg, ran a finger under the black choker around her neck before speaking again. “Look, this is all the more reason to stick together and get those people out. Tiny pockets of resistance in different regions won’t be enough, and Fall’s End, all of Holland Valley, barely even has that.”
“You aren’t the only person to have that idea, you know. Pastor Jerome has a group organizing in the church right now, actually.”
A small weight lifted from Patience. It wasn’t nearly enough. “Great, then. That’s the first good news I’ve heard in a while. How many people?”
“Pretty much everyone in town that hasn’t already been converted or kidnapped.”
“That’s good.” Patience did a bit of mental math. “It’s a good start at least. Do you think these people be willing to try to take Seed Ranch? He’s running the whole valley from that place. If we can take it from him, we might weaken their hold on the region.”
“Take John’s ranch?” Mary May’s eyebrows rose. “I don’t know. I’m sure they’d love to, but… I don’t know. I could talk to the pastor, I guess.”
Patience nodded. “Good. Thanks. What about out of town? Do you know of anyone else in the valley who might be willing to help?”
The bartender thought for a moment before responding. “The Ryes. Nick at least. Kim is pregnant and he’s been talking about getting out of the county for a while now.”
“Yeah. Nick’s been helping me on and off.”
“I believe it. John Seed stole his plane. And he needs it to get them out.”
“No,” Patience shook her head. “He’s got it back. But I can see if he’ll join the pastor’s group. I can head out there tomorrow, try and convince him to help out.”
“Good.” Mary May dropped a second plate of greasy food in front of her. Thank god.
Patience nodded again. “And while I’m mooching off your hospitality…”
“You need a place to spend the night?” Mary May offered with a half-smile.
“And a shower?” She hadn’t had a chance to rinse off in three or four days. She felt sweaty and gross, and if her hair hadn’t been tied in a braid the greasiness of it would be consuming her thoughts to the point of distraction.
“Sure.” She gestured to the ceiling and said, “There’s a small apartment above the bar that’s been vacant ever since the bastard up there decided he preferred the doomsday predictions to paying rent.”
The shower stall in the tiny apartment was appropriately to scale and horribly grimy. Yet, the 15 minutes Patience spent under the subpar water pressure were easily most relaxed she’d been in days. The twin bed she now found herself in was similarly small and inhospitable. The mattress was lumpy, the pillow was thin, and the sheets smelt vaguely of stale cigarette smoke. And still, just as in the shower, she was unbelievably comfortable. It was amazing how quickly one’s standards could fall.
As she did the previous night, she absently rotated through radio channels. It was starting to replace scrolling on her phone as a bedtime routine. She clicked away, halfheartedly hoping to stumble on resistance chatter. She didn’t find any. She also didn’t find anything on the channel John Seed had used the previous night. Was her radio no longer working?
“Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3…” she flatly broadcast out to the county.
After a moment or two of silence, she received a response.
“Deputy… What a pleasant surprise.” John Seed. Ugh.
“Don’t be too flattered,” she replied. “I just couldn’t picture you giving the county any peace and quiet, so I figured it was more likely my radio had broken.”
“Well, now that you know it hasn’t, would you like to unburden your soul? Confess your sins? Say yes to being saved?”
“I don’t have any sins,” she lightly asserted. Patience didn’t know what it was about him, but John Seed really brought out the asshole in her.
“That sounds like pride, my dear, and pride is a sin.”
“Is it? I’d consider it more like knowing my worth.”
“It seems that you could benefit from the word of the Father. You should come to services, perhaps read the Book of Joseph.”
“I’ll take that under advisement. Maybe we could start a book club? May I recommend the works of Anton Szandor LaVey?”
“Careful, Deputy,” he warned in a hardened voice. “You’re getting dangerously close to blasphemy.”
Patience hummed. “That’s disappointing. I was trying to get all the way there.”
“I can save you. Just like I’m saving your friend Deputy Hudson.”
Any sense of teasing joviality left her in a sudden rush. John Seed wasn’t just some asshole to verbally spar with. He was evil, pure and unadulterated. She thought about what he’d done to Mary May. He was probably etching alleged sins into Joey’s flesh right now.
Ignoring the trembling of her finger as she pressed down on the button, she broadcast, “If you hurt an officer of the law, I will hunt you down and bring the full force of the Sheriff’s Department against you.”
John ignored her obviously empty threat, and responded with his voice lighter. Patience could almost picture his slimy grin when he responded. “Pain is necessary to truly confess, to atone. Pain is temporary, but salvation is eternal. And as for hunting me down, you know exactly where to find me. Eden’s Gate is open to you, my dear, if you would confess. If you would say yes.” He hissed the final word, giving it an emphasis that made the word slither up her spine and give her goosebumps.
“And what if I killed you myself?” she eventually managed to ask. She’d never threatened anyone with death before, not really. It almost shocked her how easily she did it, how easy it was to mean it.
“You don’t want to do that. I’m not your enemy.”
“Oh yes,” Patience replied, “you fucking are.”
Chapter 3
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englass · 3 years
Ok, but 11 from the dark prompts sounds almost whiny and I love it. Like, he's begging Dep to let him kill somebody.
I know right??? That's the exact same thought I had when I came up with it haha. I just love me some soft, whiny, let-me-display-my-love-for-you-in-unconventional-ways John Seed. Given the opportunity I think he'd be a loverable sap, but that's my own HC at work.
Also, there's distinct possessive behaviour in this, but only for a few lines. Figured I'd mention it, no matter how brief, just in case.
11. “Darling please, I promise I won’t make a mess this time.”
- - -
With a heavy sigh you shake your head, rubbing your eyes as the beginnings of a massive headache starts to bloom. You always knew a relationship with John was going to be an interesting one, and that wasn’t even starting to take into account his little bouts of mania when he became impassioned about something— as worryingly endearing as you found them to be. Hell, it didn’t even include the questionable work he did for the Project.
No, you always knew your relationship with John was going to be interesting because of just how protective he was over you. Even as friends he had always been an absolute darling and looked out for you, and that hadn’t changed once the two of you had decided to explore your affections for each other. If anything it had just become… a bit extreme.
“Darling please, I promise I won’t make a mess this time.”
“John, we’ve spoken about this,” you sigh, “you can’t just keep taking poor schmucks off the street everytime they look at me wrong. I get what you’re trying to do—” at least you think you do, “—and in some fucked up way I appreciate it, but eventually someone is going to notice and you’re going to get into a lot of trouble over it all. Hell, Joseph could notice and I don’t want him chewing you out just because this,” you gesture loosely to the bruised and tied up boy, “fool couldn’t keep his eyes straight. And you can hide behind the whole ‘Atonement’ thing as much as you like, but you and I both know that this isn’t true Atonement.”
And as a whispered afterthought, “plus you’ll stain the carpet.”
Looking back up at John you blink at the raw vulnerability that colours his pretty eyes in seashore-blues. If you didn’t know any better you’d say you could see little love hearts in his eyes.
“You appreciate it?” Is his soft spoken question.
You slump slightly at that, giving a small smile despite yourself at such an innocent question. Of course that would be what he focused on…
“Yes, John, I do,” you reply simply, silently marvelling at the way his favourite word always makes him shiver whenever you say it. “Although I really do wish that you wouldn’t hand out your ‘retribution’ to them within our own home.”
“It’s as you said, sweetling,” he smiles somewhat dopely, still caught up in your (morally questionable) appreciation, “I would rather not risk having Joseph lecture me on the extent of my love for you.”
It’s not exactly what you said, but it’s true enough, you supposed.
Nodding understandingly you pause as a sudden thought comes to mind. “Who is he anyway?”
John practically gives you whiplash with how suddenly his expression sours. “A fool, just as you aptly called him,” he sneers, azure eyes locking onto the boy in question.
Shifting at the turbulent look in John’s expressive eyes you hesitantly glance at his impromptu captive, taken aback to find the fellow was already staring up at you.
“Please,” he begs quietly, “help me. He’s going to kill me!”
“Oh no no no,” John easily hushes, pivoting to pointedly place himself between you and the boy. “I’m not going to kill you. I’m not a murderer after all, merely just a humble baptist and a devoted partner. Two roles that I take very seriously, if you weren’t aware. And while taking those roles very seriously, it just so happens that sometimes,” voice turning airy, he leans closer, teeth bared in a predator smile as a hand grips the back of the chair in a white knuckled grip, “my steady hand slips, and accidents happen.”
“John,” you warn gently, but he ignores you; instead taking a fistful of the young man’s hair and yanking it back, a pained cry escaping the boy as John violates his space and leans threateningly over him.
“I don’t appreciate people looking at what’s mine and I sure as fuck don’t like them talking to what’s mine. And seeing as you’ve now done both— and right in front of me no less,” a fractured breath of a laugh scratches between his teeth, “I’m going to assume that you hold very little value in your miserable existence, so I guess you won’t mind if I just take it—”
Flinching at the harsh snap, he quickly turns to you. Two pairs of wide eyes staring over at you with a different mixture of emotions, although you only focus on the one.
It’s criminal how innocent he looks after threatening to kill a man.
“Please, just leave it alone now. I’d rather not have any dead bodies in the house, thank you.”
John fucking pouts at you. “But darling…”
“No,” you hate when he gets whiny like this, he knows that you’re weak to it… though really you’re just weak to him in general. “Get him out of here, John. I’m pretty sure you’ve made your point quite clear over the whole thing as it is; hasn’t he?”
The young man seems to get a tone paler as you level him with a harsh glare. Intimidation isn’t your thing, you’re far too gentle for it, but when it comes to instances like these you’re sure even a ferret would look threatening when next to John.
The lad stutters over his begging, promises of never speaking a word of this to anyone being drowned out as you turn your harsh look to John. It softens considerably when looking at him, but you try to remain firm in this.
Thankfully John loves you.
“Okay,” he sighs, “I’ll send him to the bunker instead.”
Your smile is resigned, but tender. “Thank you.”
“W-wait, what?” The young man stutters fearfully, “But s-she just said I could leave! You said you’d let me go!”
“I swear, I better not find any blood stains in the house once you’ve taken him with you.” Intent on ignoring the boy (you wouldn’t have been able to spare him even if you wanted to; you’ve tried in the past) you make for the door until you’re stopped by a gentle touch to your wrist. Turning around you’re met with John smiling down at you, placing a quick but thankful kiss to your lips.
“Thank you, sweetheart. I promise I’ll be done in a few hours.”
“I’ll keep you to that,” you say, returning the brief kiss before you go to leave. Stopping just shy of closing the door you turn to find John still watching you. “And by the way, I hope you know that you’re mine as much as I’m yours, right?”
Casting him a playful smile you just about catch his smitten expression before you close the door behind you.
Despite your casualness over the whole thing though, you really hope this doesn’t happen again. You hate having to remind him not to bloody the varnish.
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heroofpenamstan · 3 years
tagged by the lovelies: @shallow-gravy​, @shellibisshe​, @belorage​, @honeysides​, @strafethesesinners​, @faithchel​, @blissfulalchemist​! thank you, dears! x since i’m tragically late to the party as per usual, not going to be tagging anyone since i assume most of my mutuals have done it, but if you want to go right ahead and tag me too so i can see! :”)) also, fair warning: 80% of the questions i answered at ungodly hours overmedicated on paracetamol and it shows because re-reading this in the morning was a Yikes
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name: joanne burton alias(es): jo, annie ( mike exclusive ), burton, dep, jr. deputy, rook, traitor, sinner, wrath/pain in the ass ( john exclusive ), rabbit ( jacob exclusive ), heinous fucking bitch—( also john exclusive ), black widow ( new dawn au ) gender: cis. female age: 29 birth: 30th october, 1988 place of birth: meridian, idaho spoken languages: english; may or may not recite some hebrew lines over the holidays sexual preference: bisexual occupation(s): junior deputy of hope county, montana/menace to all cultists everywhere ( in a certain radius of said hope county, montana, anyway )
eye colour: brown hair colour: black height: 157cm ( 5′2 ), or approximately 7′11 when balancing on michael’s shoulders to peer inside john’s windows scars: split right eyebrow ( thanks, jake ), minor cuts and incorrectly healed bruises and gashes, scarred bullet wound on left hip ( you’re welcome, jake )
colour: orange or yellow or cyan, or whatever is more stupidly eye-catching and not at all fit for her current environment song: i’ve been thinking by handsome boy modeling school food: various stir-fries, fruits and protein ( or anything that she claims to be “healthy” when, truly, bitch is one step away from living off of instant noodles and canned pineapple and cigarette buds from dutch’s stash ) drink: beerherbal teas and infusions
passed university: no, but passing the police academy was already a pleasant enough surprise for her had sex: today? no. two weeks ago? probably had sex in public: probably said two weeks ago gotten pregnant/ someone else pregnant: yes, but we don’t talk about it kissed a boy: yes ( derogatory ) kissed a girl: yes ( affectionate ) gotten tattoos: yes, loads: most were practice scribbles for her ex-girlfriend, and the only true meaningful one she possesses is lydia, scrawled into her pinky in remembrance. otherwise, john seed do not even engage with that rusty ass tattoo gun— gotten piercings: yes, loads multiplied; if there’s a place for a piercing in her ears, she has them. also, an old septum piercing she hasn’t worn in a hot second been in love: yes, loads squared ( girl rents out her heart on the weekdays and cries about the scratches she notices on saturday, but still repeats it all over again come monday; falling in love for her is easy, but actually loving someone and getting over her self-loathing to do so is a whole different ball game ) stayed up for more than 24 hours: she’s probably on hour 31 as we speak ( someone knock her out pls )
a virgin: whitehorse has heard enough horror stories in the break room between her and joey to last him a lifetime a cuddler: closeted cuddler, yes a kisser: most definitely; woman has to play up her natural assets scared easily: her response time is too lagged for that jealous easily: depends; she’s more jealous of what she should have/could have/would have had in a general sense than being jealous of a particular person or a thing trustworthy: in her own way, yes dominant: disgustingly so submissive: not in this lifetime in love: very much so single: very much so part 2
RANDOM QUESTIONS (tw for self harm/suicide mention)
have they harmed themselves: yes, but it’s more by means of unintentional yet severe substance abuse thought of suicide: not as often as one would assume; joanne has a very strong sense of self-preservation, but tends to run from her bleak reality by means of one harmful way or the other attempted suicide: once or twice during her lowest points in life wanted to kill someone: on the daily have/had a job: girl had juggled three part-time jobs; there is nothing she fears anymore have any fears: ( see above ) to fall back into old bad habits, loss of control, death, failure, a bad future, poverty, being abandoned and forgotten, long stays at a hospital, the judges, the bliss, the power of john’s hair gel
sibling(s): micah burton ( older brother ) parent(s): abigail burton née belman ( mother ); jim burton ( father ) children: asher seed ( daughter in new dawn au ) significant other: jacob seed ( circumstantial lover/”could do without” mentor/#prisonwife #prisonhusband #imkidding #kinda ) pets: boomer for the cuddles, cheesecake for the throttles ( bitch naturally attracts the judges but will forget her dog 101 and run away like what does she think will happen then?? )
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name: michael scott-hughes alias(es): mike, mikey, mickey ( mary may exlusive ), mike the bike/fall’s end’s bicycle, resistance’s poster boy, manwhore, cassanova, the archangel ( joseph exclusive ), the antichrist ( also joseph exclusive ), war dog, hughes boy ( fairgrave exclusive ) gender: cis. male age: 30 birth: 6th july, 1988 place of birth: fall’s end, montana spoken languages: english, russian, basic chinese mandarin and turkish sexual preference: pansexual occupation(s): residential shady, shady man ( international arm’s dealer, most recently demoted to local resistance leader and occasional general goods store co-owner )
eye colour: green hair colour: brown height: 181cm ( 5′11 ), and 6ft on tinder jkjk man’s confident enough to not grasp for that extra inch, unlike someone ( john ) scars: heavily burnt left hand ( from trying to fish out his ex girlfriend’s boiling corpse r.i.p. to that steaming puss— ), gash on his right temple, nicely healed gun wound on left shoulder, not so nicely healed amputated right hand ( man’s not having the best time in my canon, is he ), various incorrectly healed cuts and bruises
colour: green and rustics song: wild world by yusuf/cat stevens food: unlike the faker above, michael actually likes to cook and eat healthy meals, so anything from salads to veggies to oatmeal to soups will do ( and meat; man’s been a vegetarian for a grand total of 4 days in his entire life ( or 14, if you count the time he got abducted to john’s bunker womp )) drink: sugary drinkswhiskey, fresh juices, “water can be so, so sexy, annie—”
passed university: no, though michael really busted his ass to self-educate on subjects that will be beneficial to his line of work had sex: we stopped keeping tabs and numbers nearly ten years ago had sex in public: we stopped blinking at these types of shenanigans nearly ten years ago too gotten pregnant/ someone else pregnant: yes? no? maybe? ( mike’s too afraid to even think about it, but hopes he hasn’t fathered any babies any time soon ) kissed a boy: yes ( affectionate ) kissed a girl: yes ( affectionate² ) gotten tattoos: yes: the sword of damocles on his left inner forearm, intertwined snakes running across his right ribs, a tiny smiley face on his ass lord save him gotten piercings: yes, and everyone hated his attempt to revive the 90s with his lil earring like c’mon you already have a reputation of being a sleaze— been in love: yes, but surprisingly not as many times as one may think ( truthfully, three times: mary may, lana, joanne mary may again ) stayed up for more than 24 hours: sometimes it just cannot be helped
a virgin: maybe in a past life as an amoeba a cuddler: yes ( try to escape his hold during a summer night i’ll give you 5 bucks if you can break the deadlock ) a kisser: he just exists to smooch at this point scared easily: truthfully, he’s quite desensitized as is, so it’s really hard to truly rock him jealous easily: no; though he might get a bit petty and bitter if someone mentions merle and mary may becuase, like, c’mon, mary—merle briggs? trustworthy: one of his better traits, but past events have shown that boy tends to lose some of his morals for love dominant: yes submissive: yes part 2 man will accommodate and switch it up in love: often single: loosely, often
RANDOM QUESTIONS (tw for self harm/suicide mention)
have they harmed themselves: michael has bad mental health trips stemming from having a lot of insecurities as a child; these may evolve into bad habits and pure recklessness on his part to prove his worth thought of suicide: these thoughts don’t come often, but when they do, it’s harder for him than most to shake them off and recover attempted suicide: once, during the boiling pit incident wanted to kill someone: yes, but it comes more from need than want usually have/had a job: yes, though no retail until he was 30 and stuck providing hope county with slugs and bullets have any fears: loneliness, rejection, abandonment, repercussions and consequences, not being good enough, powerlessness, loss, the angel pit, the process of dying
sibling(s): none, but: jackson hughes ( uncle ) parent(s): jessica hughes née scott ( mother ), david hughes ( father ) girl i have his whole family tree drawn up like you wouldn’t believe children: andrew hughes ( son in new dawn au and maybe canon ) significant other: mary may fairgrave ( childhood sweetheart/awkward ex/once in a rare cosmic event fuck buddy/volatile lovers ) pets: peaches loves him she doesn’t; she just wants to chew on his hair
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josephslittledeputy · 3 years
Random snippets from my bunker fic and the pirate au, cause I just feel like it, feel free to read or don’t igojpweirjgpoer it kind of got long
Inside the bunker, Joseph is the ben affleck smoking meme the whole time
“Good morning every… one…” Willa trails off when Jacob looks up at her over the rim of his coffee mug.
“Mornin’ pup.” He greets, a lopsided smirk on his face.
She feels a small smile of her own rise to her face, quickly turning away to get coffee.
“What’s so amusing?” John speaks up from the couch, having been watching the pair from behind his book the whole time.
“Inside joke, y’wouldn’t get it.”
“Well I would, if you’d tell me.”
“And pray tell, just why would I do that again, John?” With a coy smile she turns to see a look of possessive jealousy on his face. She loved to rile him up, and oh how he made it all too easy. Though they pushed each other’s buttons, it really was all in good fun. At least now, before it might have been from actual resentment and hate.
“Children, must we always start our mornings like this?” Joseph looks up from his newspaper, the very same one he’d read enough times to memorize by now.
In Jacob’s region, Sharky and Dep fluff anyone?
Sharky glances over to see Willa looking out the window, her shoulders hunched and leg bouncing. This wasn’t the normal Deputy he was used to seeing, the one who he’d finally gotten to open up to him and joke around after being silent and guarded for so long. He wondered just what had went down since they last saw each other, but he didn’t push it, instead he let out a nonchalant, “Don’t sweat it, Deps.”
“Thanks again…”
They drive with the radio silent for a change, and it didn’t take long for soft snores to disrupt the peaceful silence. Glancing over, he saw Willa fast asleep, despite being wide awake mere moments ago. Taking one hand off the wheel, he takes off the jacket he’d put on over his usual sweater, not quite used to the chilly mountain air. Keeping the vehicle straight, he quickly slips out of it, switching hands on the wheel to shrug the heavy material all the way off. He waits until they reached a straightaway to place the jacket over Willa, looking more akin to a blanket since it was so big on her. With a soft chuckle to himself, he turns the heat on low and cruises over to Prosperity, one hand on the wheel and one hand propping his head up on the door.
Jason and Willa fluff or something??
“Is everything always a question with you?”
“Maybe.” Willa snorts, laying back down and scooting closer to the wall when Jason’s own larger frame shook both the cot and the crates when he laid down. “Okay I have to ask another question. Where the hell can I get a shower?”
“Waterfalls, probably your best bet.”
She rolls her head to the side, disbelief settling over her features. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Nope.” Jason turns his head to look over at her, a small smile tugging at his lips.
For the briefest of moments, she allows herself to take in his features. Thicker eyebrows that were evidently well kept sat above deep set eyes, and then there were his cheekbones and a nose that many strived for, even going so far as to get surgery to achieve the look. Finally her eyes dared to trail even lower, tracing over the shape of thick lips that, despite the unforgiving heat of the island and salty waters, still remained relatively soft looking. Licking her own lips out of habit, she quickly flicks her gaze back up, stomping out the embers of emotion that had begun to arise. Easier said than done when her breath whooshes out of her from the sight of his own intense gaze on her. The air grows thick with tension, her heart pounding so hard she was sure Jason would be able to hear it. Just when he was about to lean in, she quickly flops onto her back, her gaze fixed up at the ceiling before squeezing her eyes shut.
“Okay, night then.” She squeaks out, cursing herself for the small shake in her voice.
“Goodnight, Willa.”
She had to resist reaching over to smack Jason upon the smug note in his voice, insufferable ass that he was. It seemed she couldn’t avoid those here, either.
And lastly, some Vaas and Willa shit
Vaas bends over, his tank top exposing part of his chest, and his perfect ass looking even more so.
“Got a license to be operatin’ that thing?” She yells over to him, smirking over her glass when he sends her an exasperated look. “Sorry!” She holds her hands up in mock surrender, leaning back in her chair, her gaze never leaving him.
“How are you, hermosa?”
“I feel,” She wasn’t sure what the right words were. “I feel…”
“Amazing? Powerful?” Vaas’s words caress her skin, or maybe it was his hand, sending shivers through her.
“Yes.” She nods her head, looking over at him, eyes trailing down to his lips for a second. “I should, uh, probably… sit down?”
“Why? Aren’t we having a good time… right here?”
“I uhm…” Her train of thought was instantly derailed when the corner of his mouth pulls up into a smirk.
Outside of his small room, the world was alive with music coursing through the place, causing the walls shake with the force of the thundering bass.
“Are you nervous? It’s okay, I don’t bite.” Vaas practically purrs, tipping her chin up to look at him. “Unless you want me to.”
Willa wasn’t sure what to say to that, her heart thundering like a racehorse trying to get first place, and she was sure her face resembled a ripe tomato. “No, not nervous, it’s just…” What was it? For the briefest of moments blue eyes and tattooed hands flash through her mind, a cocky smirk to rival even the pirate who stood in front of her. “It’s nothing.”
“Then let go, Willa, you’re on my island. Have a little fun.”
“You’ve heard of it, yes?” This time his smile was genuine, captivating her in an instant.
“Oh, well, of course. I mean, yeah, I just-“
“Relax,” He interrupts her rambling with a chuckle, his breath ghosting across her shoulder, sending up a wave of goosebumps. “I am only joking.”
“Oh ha ha.” She rolls her eyes, though some of the earlier tension had dissipated from her shoulders.
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chyrstis · 3 years
WIP Friday!
I’ve had some tags throughout the week, so I’m going to cash them all in here, since Friday’s the day and I might’ve been hoping to get this posted last night too, whoops! And I want to thank you all for tagging me even if I don’t always respond quickly! <3 I definitely intend to, but there’s never enough time in a day or a week, is there? 
Tagged by @redroci @tommymillers @jackiesarch @ma-sulevin and @amistrio and @adelaidedrubman !
Tagging: @writerofblocks @twistedsinews @painterofhorizons @hunnybadgerv @cobb-vanthss @shallow-gravy @nightwingshero @ma-sulevin @shellibisshe @jackalopestride @unlikelynick @geronimo-11 @fluttyseed @fadedjacket @weekend-writer @starsandskies @faithchel @belorage @tomexraider @consumedkings @vasiktomis @chazz-anova @aceghosts @ofravensandgenesis @scarlettkat86 (and if you’re already posted WIPs, don’t mind me one bit! no obligation or pressure’s ever intended)
First, a snippet from Lighting the Fuse’s Ch. 2 which I’d love to edit up and post this weekend, so here’s hoping I can kick myself in the butt hard enough to pull it off? *crosses fingers*
“Not tonight, hon. Not tonight.” Propping herself back up on her elbows, she gave him a smile. “You’re here now, though. So…how about it?”
“How about what?”
“You ask,” she replied, giving him a lazy smile. “Since I’m clearly on the cusp of benching you if you don’t.”
Sharky clapped his mouth shut. Stood there, rooted to the ground and didn’t let out a single peep. 
That boggled her completely. “Seriously, hon? Nothing?”
It was dark, but Hana could almost swear he was a shade of red darker than her hair right now. “You uh…. See I didn’t think it was-maybe you being asleep kinda threw off my groove a bit.”
Hana blinked at him. Watched a crooked smile settle onto his face as he let a nervous chuckle out.
“Like, like I mean I was gonna-was thinking of maybe doing this sorta-” His words trailed off as he clenched his teeth, swallowed hard, and let out a long exhale.  “Okay, so maybe this shit isn’t exactly-”
A loud sigh came from her left directly from the radio, and the sound filled the entire room.
“…Wait, what the fuck?” Sharky asked, his eyes darting everywhere as he tried to pinpoint where it was coming from. “You hear that?”
Clenching her fists, Hana slowly let her hands relax as she let the tension out. “Unfortunately.”
“Deputy, Deputy, Deputy. I know you’re listening. But I’m starting to think you’re doing this on purpose. I thought you wanted my attention. Would’ve been glad to finally have it undivided, and yet you deny me the pleasure of hearing a single response in turn. How…cruel.”
And a bit more of the Hana/Sharky one-shot I’ve been chipping away at, that’s actually getting really close to being finished too. I just need to jot down a few more moments for it and see if these two can actually clam up long enough to let me finish
“Yo, it’s not like I’ve been there any longer than a few days at a time, and half of the shit they’ve dragged me down to the jail for’s legal, just not in any of the spots I ended up doing it.”
“Is that right?”
“Yeah, which is just fucking stupid seeing as lighting a fire by my house’s fine, but if it gets out to the street and catches on the trees ‘cause it’s extra dry out and the wind’s blowing, suddenly I gotta go in ‘cause I’m negligent or some shit. Then the po-po’s claiming I gotta have a permit to burn in the drier seasons, but it rains fucking plenty here.”
He’d draped his arm over her shoulders by this point, the motion coming so easily from him she hadn’t even noticed at first. Just nestled right into that warmth almost on reflex as Sharky kept on talking, and didn’t want to budge an inch if she could help it.
“Man, it’ll be the driest stretch of the year, and the sky’ll just open up and drop a bucket-load on us ‘cause it’s feeling it, but even if it don’t, anything I start’ll get put out. Just ‘cause I’m around doesn’t mean shit’s gonna go down, or nothing. ‘Cause then phone calls are made, people start looking at me funny, and I’m getting pulled out of my car for jack and shit when maybe I just wanted to take a breather there. Maybe get in a few Zs, take five to ten to jerk it, and they don’t gotta watch that too closely if I’m doing it either.”
She’d been nodding along with him, then stopped. Let that statement sink in as her eyebrows drew together before they rose high on her face.
“…Hon, that’s not legal.”
“Aw, come on, Dep! Don’t tell me there’s some kinda permit for parking out-“
“No, not that. You’d probably get slapped with a ticket or fine, sure, but it’s more about the fact that you were  beating it there.”
“It’s indoors.”
That response came quick enough for her to tilt her head back to look at him. To side-eye him heavily as he shrugged, and damn. She’d curled up to him a lot closer than she’d initially thought. Close enough to-
She cleared her throat.
And a little more of the No Cult AU, maybe? ...I may have watched Speed again last night entirely due to this. and it might also be up to almost 8K in length as well, pre-edits, so... Help 
But that didn’t solve the other problem. Towing it.
A truck would’ve been their best bet, but with him already there it didn’t make sense to try and scrape together cash for a tow truck, or to fire off a call to anyone down at the compound. His car had been used to drag Sr’s truck out of more than a few ditches without tearing the frame up, so this wasn’t a stretch to consider, and leaving them hanging now would’ve just been a shit thing to do when they didn’t even have a working phone or forty bucks between them. 
And while he’d never been able to get a tow bar to last more than a few months max, he had a few solid workarounds that could still get the job done. One of which he’d seen in a commercial a while back. 
He knew it almost by heart at this point, and cool as it’d be to fix their problem by just whipping his pants off and tying their vehicles together with them to help tow them to the compound, he’d gone down that road before. Hell, not just once, but twice now, and considering he’d been left between getting pepper sprayed and arrested, or having a busted set of jeans and his ass hanging out for the rest of the day, he wasn’t sure he liked where that left him on round number three.
Besides these were a well-worn pair, and they seriously didn’t make them like they used to. Long as he tried not to get too creative with them, they had more than a few good years in them yet. So after some sifting and digging through the trunk of his car, Sharky kept his fingers crossed that he’d find an actual tow strap back there. He and Hurk had been through this dance enough times before that he knew he had one, and crossed his fingers that he hadn’t left it over at Sr.’s place. 
Sure enough, there it was. Fucking majestic, and almost crumpled in the back, Sharky withdrew one perfect tow strap and broke out a few moves to celebrate it before hitching the two together. 
Once it was secure, he told them all to hop in, and while trying to cram one extra person into his car was tough three other people might’ve been pushing it. John regularly had the best seat in the house and still hardly made it more than a few miles before fussing at him, and here they were double - and triple stacking themselves in any spare space in order to take a seat. Man, he was already thinking up ways to relay this story to Hurk later on, but with them semi-settled and packed safe as they could be, he fired the engine up and got them all back on the road. 
It wasn’t a far drive out to Joseph’s but he took his time with it. Drove the slowest he’d ever attempted short of being twelve and behind the wheel for the first time, trying to be extra gentle with it all as the van lumbered behind them.
If he went too fast, they’d tear the back of his car off and lose it. If they hit the brakes too hard, they’d get rammed, so he needed to nail that sweet spot. Keep from tipping from one end over into the other as he played his very own version of Speed out on this stretch of road, watching that needle dance back and forth over that perfect point as he started to sweat a little under his cap.
But he had this. Pressed his foot down on the gas and let up when he needed to, exercising the kind of control that even John would give a silent nod of approval to - which would almost make him the Keanu to his Sandra, except John wasn’t there and currently trying to crawl under any of this shit to keep a bomb from going off - but whatever, it was close enough.
So he watched the mile markers fly by as they got closer and closer to the island, and by the time they rolled through the gate and came to a stop, Sharky let out whatever breath he’d started holding, and didn’t even care when the van nearly smashed into them on the home stretch anyway.  
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the lovely @henbased​ ​ tagged me to do this and I finally took a break from cooking up some fanart (literally for this very OC lmao). this is gonna be a treat! 💕
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everything under the cut [look at this pretty picture of my funky queer little bastard tho, I love her!]
name: Gigi (I guess her last name is Rook? I mean it’s my character but I literally don’t know)
alias(es): Rookie and Dep of course but also Bitch (affectionately)
gender: female, mostly I think
age: 26
birthdate: Aug 4
place of birth: some shithole in the woods, I wouldn’t know
hometown: Missoula, Montana (nobody tell anyone that I just came up with this on the spot solely because I like the way Missoula sounds, this is a secret between you, the internet and me now shhh)
spoken languages: English, some rudimentary Norwegian and Spanish (ja, jeg snakker litt norsk hehe)
sexual preference: none. we just be horny 4 everyone.
occupation: literally Junior Deputy of the Hope County Sheriff’s Department 🤠
eye color: dark brown
hair color: very dark brown
height: 1,60m
scars: some on her arms, mostly scratches from cats (big and small) and running around in the bushes after that fateful night of the helicopter crash on Joseph’s property and even more on her legs. pretty much all from having a very active childhood, scraping her knees and shins often and picking at the scabs - a habit she has yet to quit even as an adult.
then of course there are the sins she got from John. I still cannot decide if he marked her with wrath or pride (which I definitely think would at least be my sins, this bitch be furiously wrathful!) but she definitely got ✨lust✨ on her hip as a lovely little bonus from our favourte baptist/amateur tattoo artist.
color: lemon yellow
hair color: she doesn’t really have any but I’d still consider her at least a fan of a soft shiny brown
eye color: pretty much the same, she doesn’t really have any
song: Make Your Own Kind Of Music by Cass Elliot (but also Reptile by NIN (and Closer, of course))
food: the ikea vegan hot dog. seriously. (listen its US release almost lines up with the FC5 timeline so I’m just gonna indulge in the fantasy and go ahead) no pickles tho. and she has an almost unhealthy obsession with mentos.
non-alcoholic drink: orange juice and ginger beer
alcoholic drink: everything that gets you drunk fast, except for vodka - oh sophisticated teenage years. Gigi can appreciate a nice beer though if it’s not too bitter. pretends to like Guiness but nobody knows or gets why.
passed university: I like to imagine she went to community college.
had sex: yes
had sex in public: maybe 👀
gotten pregnant: the occasional dollar store tests bought in a panic fortunately always said no
kissed a boy: yes
kissed a girl: yes
gotten tattoos: something else I only have a vague idea about. I do wanna say yes, because - and I literally came up with this yesterday - I can imagine John has taken special interest in this smol bundle of rage so to be an extra meanie to his bratty bitch he gave her an Eden’s Gate symbol tattoo just below the neck, between her shoulder blades when she got her scars to basically brand her as the Project’s property... Is that too extra?
gotten piercings: earrings only (she has toyed with the idea of getting a belly button piercing though)
been in love: because I am Gigi is a sappy little ass, she constantly falls in love with the people around her and life itself :) and we love to see it
stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes, but it was no fun for everyone involved
a virgin: no
a cuddler: Y E S
a kisser: not a big one, but she’s most certainly not averse to it
scared easily: not really scared but it’s unfortunately easy to spook her
jealous easily: sadly yes. she does her best to work on it though and not let it affect her relationships
trustworthy: hell yes! this bitch will protect you, your family and your seecrets if you need them to
dominant: only outside of the bedroom
submissive: yes, sexually (but doesn’t like to admit it)
in love: with literally everyone who has ever been kind to her and their dog
single: yes. wait! does having and absolute queen of a workwife, Deputy Joey Hudson, count tho?
RANDOM QUESTIONS (tw for self harm/suicide mention)
have they harmed themselves: except for occasional binge drinking in her late teens, no
have they thought about suicide: yes (haven’t we all?)
have they attempted suicide: no
wanted to kill someone: each and every day ✨
have/had a job: yes. she is literally the Deputy. hehe
have any fear(s): being alone/lonely and without love; NOT being alone when she should be; not being properly prepared for sudden desaster
(I’m leaving this blank because I have literally never thought about this stuff and I would honestly rather keep it that way. My dep just started existing one day. Poof!)
significant other:
I tag @yeetslovescheese, @josephslittledeputy and everyone else who wants to do this! I would love to read about all of your characters. ♡
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Hello! I wanted to ask, could you reccommend any fics with really innocent bottom Sherlock being nervous before his first time with John? And John of course being understanding and gentle with him. Thank you!
Hi Nonny!!
Check out my bottomlock recs, they’re 80% this request :) AND I’m using this opportunity to update that list, it’s been a couple years, LOL <3 Here’s some newer fics I’ve read!
See Also: 
Bottomlock Pt. 1 (April 2019)
Toplock (Mar 2020)
Erotic Beyond Belief by bloodsoakedleather (E, 748 w., 1 Ch. || Autofellatio, Masturbation, PWP, Anal Fingering, Shameless Smut, Establish Relationship) – John watches as Sherlock demonstrates a particular talent. Part 1 of Johnlock Porny Ficlets
My First, My Only, and My Forever by vintagelilacs (E, 6,220 w., 1 Ch. || Post-ASiB, Virgin Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Bum, John’s Scar, Sherlock POV, Body Worship, Fingering, Bottomlock, Promise of Forever / Proposals, Misunderstanding, First Kiss/Time, Loss of Virginity, Virginity Kink, Seduction) – Sherlock narrowed his eyes. He was missing a vital piece of data, he was sure. John had been looking at him oddly ever since they left Buckingham Palace, and the ensuing incident with Irene Adler had only exacerbated his erratic behaviour. What was it? Why would he care that Sherlock was a virgin? There was nothing reminiscent of mockery or pity in his gaze. And then it hit him. John Watson was aroused.
An Interpretation of Viewing Habits by akitsuko (E, 6,653 w., 1 Ch. || Porn Watching, Masturbation, Anal, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss / Time, Declarations of Love, Jealous Sherlock, Fantasizing, John in Denial / Internalized Homophobia, Bottomlock, Pining Idiots, Sherlock Has No Boundaries, Cockblocking Sherlock) – John watches porn. It's a perfectly normal thing to do.If every video he watches happens to feature actors with remarkable physical similarities to his flatmate, well, that's no one's business but his own. Or: John is in denial, until his infatuation with Sherlock is impossible to deny anymore.
To be loved by Strange_johnlock (E, 12,436 w., 8 Ch. || Post S3, Established Relationship, First Person POV Sherlock, Pet Names, Soft Sherlock, Mild ADHD, Protective John, Captain Watson, Body Appreciation, Bottomlock, Rough Sex, Travelling for Holidays, Introspection, Sherlock Loves John So Much It Hurts) – John is so deeply integrated into the work, both as my conductor of light, and as a great shot with a vicious right hook who tackles men -and women- no matter their size all in my defense. He protects me with all he can without question, and this loyalty is surely more than I deserve. Or: Sherlock is counting his blessings.
Kintsugi by distantstarlight (E, 14,772 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Regret / Remorse, Loneliness, Separation, Drug Use, Healing, Protective John, Sad Sherlock, Dev. Rel., Complicated Relationships, Love, Angst With Happy Ending, Sherlock is Called Freak, John’s Penance, Voyeurism, Doctor/Caretaker John, Guilty John, Detox, Fingering, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Slight Non-Con Turns Enthusiastic Consent, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes becomes estranged from the man he had once considered his best friend after John lets him down horribly in public. It seems that the world's only consulting detective will be on his own once again...or will he?
The shape of the world around us by Salambo06 (E, 15,058 w., 5 Ch. || Lumberjack John / Botanist Sherlock, Different First Meeting, John Has a Beard, Light Case Fic, Flirting, First Kiss / Time, Masturbation, Love at First Sight, Horny Sherlock, John’s Bum, Bottomlock, Tenderness, Virgin Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Shy Sherlock, Sexual Fantasies) – Looking through the bush, Sherlock felt his heartbeat quicken as a man passed in front of him. Sherlock frowned, trying to get a closer look despite the bush. The man was wearing a red plaid shirt rolled up to his elbows, and Sherlock couldn't take his eyes off the man’s arms. Muscular, slightly tanned with golden hairs along his forearms. For some unknown reason, Sherlock found himself imagining them around his waist, holding him tightly. Closing his eyes for the briefest second, Sherlock shook his head. Opening his eyes and looking back to where the man stood only a moment prior, he found himself alone. Great, now his only chance to find his way back to town was gone. “Why are you wearing a suit?”
The Invocation of Saint Margaret by Ewebie (E, 15,831 w., 1 Ch. || POV John,  Crossing Timelines, Light Angst, Fluff, Series 3 John / Series 1 Sherlock, The Matchbox, Mushy Romance, First Time, Bisexual John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Sensuality, Emotional Love Making, Snippets of Time) – When Sherlock Holmes opens the matchbox from The Sign of Three and John finds himself years in the past, back to that first dinner at Angelo's with a much younger Sherlock Holmes. Is he dreaming?
A Silver Sixpence by _doodle (NC-17, 16,400 w., 2 Ch. || LJ Fic || For a Case / Case Fic, Fake Relationship, Humour, Romance, Marriage Proposal, Awkward Idiots, Cuddling, Touching, Kissing, Love Confessions, Bed Sharing, Friends to Lovers, Fake Until It’s Not, Schmoop and Fluff, Bottomlock) – “John, we need to get married. It’s for a case, not any romantic notions on my part pertaining to our partnership,” Sherlock said, with brutal honesty, and without even looking up.
Traitor's Gate by roane (E, 17,714 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, Case Fic, Mystery, Bets and Wagers, Undercover for a Case, BAMF John, Scientist Sherlock, Teasing, Established Relationship, Military Base, Sexting/Texting, Military/Uniform Kink, Frottage, Dirty Sex, Anal, Bottomlock) – John and Sherlock go undercover at a top secret government lab to find out who is selling research. John is back in uniform and Sherlock is back in a laboratory, but they have to pose as strangers. Sherlock thinks he'll have an easy time of it, but John has his doubts. It's up to them to find out who is responsible for putting a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands, and try to keep their hands off each other at the same time.
Out of the Woods by SilentAuror (E, 20,471 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting, Drunk Sex, Practical Jokes, POV Sherlock, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Pining Sherlock, Frustrated Wanking, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Bum Appreciation, Hanging out with the Yard) – Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
Insanity in the Middle by DotyTakeThisDown (E, 28,010 w., 8 Ch. || Equestrian Sports AU || Alternate First Meeting, POV John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Clueless Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Passionate Kisses, Hand Holding, Caught Making Out, Bed Sharing, Spooning, Blow Job) – John is a world-class eventing rider with a gold medal and several four-star wins to his credit, but he's never won at Rolex. Sherlock is an up-and-coming rider taking the sport by storm.
The Case of the Vanishing Pants by SwissMiss (E, 44,025 w., 6 Ch. || Five and Ones, Post-TRF, Case Fic, UST, Homophobia, Friends to Lovers, Pining John, Showering Together, Couple for a Case, Sherlock’s Bum, Fantasies, Jealous Sherlock) – Five times John and Sherlock lost their pants in the course of a case.
Anchor Point by trickybonmot (E, 49,856 w., 80 Ch. || Truman Show AU || Psychological Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Dark Characters / Fic, Alternating First/Third Person, Protective John, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Tender Moments, Love Confessions, Hand/Blow Jobs, Cuddling, Jealous John, First Kiss/Time) – The world tunes in nightly for Sherlock, the ultimate in reality TV: Sherlock Holmes, a real person with a legendary name, unknowingly lives out his life in a staged setting contrived by his brother. Things get complicated when a retired army doctor joins the show to play the part of Sherlock's closest friend. This fic borrows its concept from the 1998 film, the Truman Show. However, you don't need to have any knowledge of the movie to enjoy this story.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by SilentAuror (E, 50,635 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4/S4 Divergence, Case Fic, For a Case / Reverse Fake-Relationship, Conferences, Marriage Equality, Travelling / New York, Pride, Homophobia, Bottomlock, Marriage Proposal, John POV, Sexuality, Love Confessions, Emotional Love Making, Public Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Passionate Kissing, Needy/Clingy Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Touching / Hand Holding, Bed Sharing, Little Spoon Sherlock, Intense Orgasms) – John and Sherlock go to New York to attend a conference run by the National Defence of Traditional Marriage Coalition in order to investigate the potential bombing of the annual Manhattan Pride parade. As the conference unfolds, John finds himself repulsed by the toxic ideology being presented, which becomes relevent to his own unacknowledged issues and his friendship with Sherlock...
Perdition's Flames by i_ship_an_armada (E, 63,435 w., 21 Ch. || Treklock AU, Est. Rel, Genetic Engineering, Angst & Fluff, BAMF!John) – Sherlock would do anything to save him. Risk anything. Give anything. His money, his life. His soul. What he does, though, is change both of their destinies forever. Genetic re-engineering is the only option left. It turns out researchers underestimated the life expectancy and potential abilities of genetically re-engineered subjects. The British government and what would eventually become the United Federation of Planets, however, had not. Part 1 of PF Universe
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w., 43 Ch. || Pining, Love Confessions, Rape/Sexual Assault, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock First Person POV, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Love Making, Possessiveness, Depression, PTSD, Kidnapping, Virgin Sherlock, Eventual Happy Ending) – "For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face." Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
Hope you don't mind me sending one of these: Catlina - “you remembered?”
Hello there! I do not mind in the slightest! I'm sorry this took a while, but I have it finished for you! I do hope you enjoy though!
She still has about ten minutes before the meal is fully prepared and she’ll wait for another three hours in hopes that Liz will come. She has to come home at some point, Cat thinks leaning against the countertop folding her arms, It’s been almost two weeks. She lets out a slow breath, relaxing her body briefly, the shrill of the doorbell tensing her once more. Her eyes slide slowly towards the front door catching sight of the sleek black car parked in front of her house, Should I really be surprised at this point? She pushes herself off slowly making her way to the front door, pulling the cardigan closer, a soft knock out of time to her walk. 
Cat pulls the door open, the first thing she sees are John’s blue eyes darkened by the night. He smiles as she leans against the door, meeting him with a small smile, “Little late for missionary work don’t you think?”
John gives a small shake of his head, “Hilarious,” one of his hands holds a reusable shopping bag as the other gestures inside, “May I come in?”
She stiffened, heart picking up speed, “She might come back John,” Cat glanced back at the stove avoiding his gaze, at least nothing looked to be burning, “She won’t want to see you.”
His smile falters for a split second, “Well I’ll leave if she does show up,” Cat bites her lip, casting her eyes downward, “I just came to see you.”
She perks her head up, giving a small tilt, “You came to see me?” He nods, “Why?”
He shrugs, “Does there have to be a reason,” he asks, face not matching the apathy in his tone, “I figured you could use some company.”
She lets out a sigh, turning away back to the kitchen, “You better keep your promise of leaving if she shows up, John.” Cat leaves the door open, John following behind quickly watching as she moves about the small kitchen. He gives a smirk as he notes her familiar dinner pattern of having a meat, something heavy in carbs, and a vegetable to form a complete meal, he can only assume there’s some kind of dessert lying in wait in the refrigerator. 
He takes a seat at the round table, glancing around the room setting the bag on the floor next to him, “I’m surprised you didn’t find a house with a bigger kitchen my Catlina.”
“I didn’t need one,” she replies matter of factly, “Liz and I weren’t getting a lot of visitors so what was the point?”
“Because you could,” she still doesn’t face him head on, which is fine with him as he gets an opportunity to look at his ex-wife for more than just a few rushed minutes, taking in the new details about her. The way the grey in her hair shined through under the lights, how she moves about with more confidence than when he first saw her getting up from that bed seventeen years ago, and the sliver of art peeking out from beneath her shirt on her back making it easy to miss the scarred ends of sin if you didn’t already know of their location. “I made sure you’d have more than enough to get a nice place,” he muses, moving to stand.
Cat brings down the plates, three of them, with a huff, “I thought I made it clear I didn’t like using your money.” Her movements are sharp and short as she puts food on it, gripping the utensils with white knuckles.
“You did,” he sits himself back down as she walks over to him with a plate, “I just wanted to take care of you is all. You and Liz.” Cat gives a small eye roll, working to set the plate down gently rather than drop it like she wishes she could, it's part of her favorite set though.
Her jaw tightens moving to make her own plate, “I don’t need someone to take care of us. I managed just fine.” It’s a lie, his money came in handy when she kept moving hoping for a fresh start for Liz and then again when Cat had a breakdown the week Joseph became a fugitive. She never wants to tell him this though, doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction or the power over her. 
“You were the one that asked me for money though,” she splays her hands on the counter, nails digging into the faux granite, “So it seems like you did need me.”
“Only because I was at the last of my options,” she says through gritted teeth, “I set aside my pride for Liz because she needed a place that was safe and as free as one could be with her,” Cat paused, turning to look John up and down trying to hold back the sneer, “genetics. Ones that no one lets her forget once they know.”
His eyes narrow, a hand running through his hair, teeth grinding, “I am aware of her life and how it’s been Catlina, there’s no need to remind me.” 
“Never hurts to do so with you.”
John inhales deeply, closing his eyes, “There’s no need to bring this argument up once again, don’t you agree?” 
She glares at him a moment more before nodding, finally allowing herself to sit down across from him. Her shoulders fall with an exhale as she settles herself, eyes casting downward, replying softly, “I don’t really feel like arguing with you tonight anyway.” 
John lets the quiet loom, waiting for her to take the first bite before making any movement of his own. He shouldn’t have been surprised by how quickly the accusations started with her, her anger did always have its way of festering beneath the surface and John had always been the one that could draw it out. Little by little until it all flooded out and she was no longer the same person he had grown to love and care for. John smirks to himself at the memories of their first few weeks together, “Do you remember those first few weeks and we did nothing but fight all the time?” She glances up at him, “Sorry. When we did nothing but argue.”
“We didn’t fight all the time,” Cat mumbles, pushing the food around on her plate. “I didn’t really like talking to you, I remember that.”
John laughs, “You and I still talked quite a bit,” his teasing tone getting an eye roll from Cat, “and it always seemed to end with you stating an opinion that I didn’t agree with.”
“You know I wasn’t the only one giving opinions,” a smile teases at the corner of her lips, pointing the fork at him, “You baited me into those arguments. Tested my patience.”
“Not like it was hard to do, especially then.” John smiles resting his chin on his hand, “We were so different you and I, like oil and vinegar,” Cat snorts, giving a small shae of her head, “Pretty sure my brothers still wonder how we managed to actually end up falling for each other.”
Cat stiffens at the notion, swallowing the bite in her mouth, “There are people that believe they know how we managed that.” The memories of when she would call out to him in the months following her return to society and the calm responses of the doctors telling her that it was all made up, some side effect of whatever they drugged her with echo on the edge of her hearing. She swallows the memories back, “We did seem to meet up in some kind of middle, I’ll admit, even if it was brief.” Cat can’t even fake a smile as she casts her gaze down, no longer focusing on the plate in front of her. John slides the chair closer to her, reaching out to place his hand gently on hers.
He gives a small smile when she looks up at him, “There’s still time. We can always pick up where we left off,” Cat’s stomach flips, her chest pulling towards him while everything else backs away. He can’t be serious. He knows why we can’t, “After all, we do have a child together, so I doubt we’ll ever fully be out of each other’s life.”
“John,” she warns, looking up, “we’ve talked about this.”
“I’ll be good, don’t worry,” he says softly, “Just hard not to think about, on today of all days.”
Cat frowns, “What do you mean ‘today of all days’?”
He gives a genuine smile, something she forgot he could do, “It’s the day this all started.”
“You remembered,” she gives John a pointed look, arching a brow, “the exact day I finally woke up after the accident?”
“I could tell you the exact date if you’d like but it seems a little irrelevant considering that day passed.”
She opened her mouth ready to argue, closing it as she glanced at the digital clock on the wall the date spelled out for her. “Our wedding,” she whispered, eyes moving slowly to look back at John slowly, unease threatening to climb her spine, “That was today wasn’t it?”
He nods, giving a small hum, “Married seventeen years today.”
“I think illegally in the eyes of the law, technically, but that’s more your department,” Cat looks down to the bag still at his feet, “Is that why you brought that stuff?”
John gives a nonchalant shrug, “Kind of seems silly now, don’t you think? Especially since I was the only one of us to remember,” he laughs softly trying to keep the mood light.
“I used to remember it,” she admits pushing some of the food on her plate, “Used to fixate on that date to a point I’d get upset when it wasn’t.” Cat lets out a slow breath, “Used to convince myself that you would finally come back, would whisk me away from that place and we’d live out our lives happily, because surely my husband, who loved me so deeply and obsessively, wouldn’t just abandon me on our anniversary.” 
“Ah,” he hunches, leaning his elbows on the table, “I see.”
“Eventually days started to blur and I worked to actively not think about Montana. Honestly it became too painful to do so and I had Liz to focus on.” She shook her head, “So I’m sorry, I-well I needed to forget that date. Forget the significance of today.”
“I understand,” John attempts a smile that falls quickly, “The first one didn’t go so well for me either. I lost your ring….,” he sighs, “O well the dep-Chance stole it from me. Probably should have taken that as a sign looking back at it all.”
They let the silence fall, each taking small bites finding nothing either could do to lift the disappointment. Cat paused peering closer to the contents John had brought with him, the only thing she could identify with certainty being a bottle of wine. It’s just one night. It doesn’t have to mean anything long term, She bit the inside of her lip, It doesn’t even have to go beyond talking. She swallowed, inhaling deeply, standing to make her way to the cabinets, John watching curiously. 
She pulled down two goblets, one a smokey black and the other a deep red, giving them a quick rinse and drying them off before walking back to the table. “Now don’t read too much into this,” she started going back for the wine opener, “but given we were both sort of on good terms with the other at the time of our first anniversary I say that we let ourselves celebrate it late.”
John smirked, arching a brow, “Do you really think that’s a good idea, my Catlina ,” he asked, pulling out the bottle from the bag, taking the opener from her.
“I think it’s the nice and right thing to do,” she smiled giving a shrug, “Besides it might help us get some closure on us.”
He pulled the cork out with ease, eyes widening, watching as she poured their glasses. There was little hesitation to her words, something that he once again should have seen coming, still it did little to ease the sting, “Yeah, it could,” he agreed reluctantly, “We both can use the closure.” 
She threw him a smile, going to the fridge once more putting away the remaining dinner, John took a glance at the small purple wrapped box he pulled from his pocket as she announced her idea of celebrating. He took a deep breath sliding it back into place, opting to pull out the small container of chocolate covered fruit before Cat had turned back to him fully, his smile on to its full charm once more. He could let himself enjoy these few hours, let himself believe that there was a chance for them once more. John held up his glass once she sat down, “To celebrating our first and only year of marriage,” Cat laughed, tapping her glass against his before they took their first drink of the night. One night. She could let herself indulge in the fantasy she once, still, craved for just this one night. It didn’t have to mean anything more.
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hopecountysfavhoe · 3 years
‘Cold’ Chapter Sixteen Pt.1
Rating: 18+? This rating thing is harder than I thought it would be lmao
Word count: 2,271
The Deputy woke up in a familiar bed. Her head was pounding, causing her to keep her eyes shut. Then she heard it.
Beep, beep, beep.
     The gentle beeping of the heart rate monitor in the clinic. Instantly her eyes shot open. The Deputy looked around at the room she was in, it was the clinic room she fought to get out of so desperately. She tried to rub her face but something blocked her hand from lifting. She looked down and saw that her hands were hand cuffed to the edge of the clinic bed.
     She tried to remember what happened and how she got to the clinic. She remembered shooting with Grace and the walk back to the church but after that it got dark. Panic suddenly grabbed hold as she went down the list of what could have happened. What if she heard 'Only You' and hurt Grace? What if she hurt Nick or Kim or even worse, Carmina? The Deputy struggled against the handcuffs, desperately trying to find someone to tell her what happened.
     Hearing the Deputy struggle, the doctor walked in to check on her.
     "Good, you're awake." She greeted in a kind voice and pulled out a clipboard.
     "What happened? Did I hurt anybody? Why am I handcuffed?" The words stumbled out of the Deputy's mouth quicker than she could sit up.
     "Everything is fine, you just gave your friends a good scare. You were shot with a Bliss Bullet but thankfully Grace was able to get you out of harms way before any Peggies got their hands on you. As for your handcuffs those are just precautionary to make sure you don't hurt yourself or yank out an IV." Relief from the doctor's words instantly made the Deputy relax. She leaned back into the bed, not straining against her holds. "All of the Bliss should be out of your system by now." The Doctor said and checked an IV she had hooked up to the Deputy.
     "How long do I have to stay here?" The Deputy asked as the doctor unlocked her handcuffs.
     "I can discharge you now, but you have to use your crutch. And have you been taking your pills?" The doctor asked and the Deputy nodded while rubbing her wrists.
     "Everyday at the 8 am and again at 8pm." The Deputy informed her and the doctor nodded.
     She scribbled a note on her clipboard before she looked down at the Deputy. Her face told the Deputy exactly what she was going to say before she even said it. "What did I say about gunfights?" She asked.
     "I didn't even do anything this time! I was just walking with Grace and I got shot." The Deputy defended herself and the doctor nodded.
     "Look, I get it. You don't like taking a break, you want to get back out there and protect people but your health has to come first." The doctor lectured her and the Deputy pushed her hair out of her face.
     "I understand but I can't just take a break. People die if I take a break, my friends die if I take a break." The Deputy argued and the doctor held up her hands defensively, she didn't want to get the Deputy too upset.
     "While you heal a little more just help people in a different way, maybe you can deliver food to people or help plant a garden? Just something that doesn't get you put in harms way. You got lucky this time, Deputy. Your reaction to the Bliss didn't cause you to re-injure  yourself, but I don't know if that kind of luck will last. I'm discharging you but you still need to be back for that two week check up." The doctor's words were firm and the Deputy knew there would be no swaying her mind.
     But the Deputy was an adult and she could make her own decisions, even if they were the wrong ones so the Deputy just agreed to whatever the doctor told her to do so that she could stop fussing even if she knew she would ignore the doctor. The Deputy got discharged and left the clinic, happy to be out of that place.
     She found her truck sitting in the driveway, that must have been what Grace drove her to the clinic in. The Deputy got in and drove back to Nick and Kim's house to apologize for scaring them.
     When she pulled up to the house Nick was working on his truck in the front driveway. "Hey Nick." The Deputy greeted and got out of her truck.
     Nick was bent over the hood, fiddling with something in engine. When he heard the truck pull up he glanced back to see who it was. When he saw the Deputy get out of the truck he backed out of the hood and turned to face her.
     "Hey Dep, how are ya feeling?" He asked and immediately the Deputy noticed he had a black eye.
     "What happened to your eye?" The Deputy ignored his question.
      "It's nothing." Nick turned back to look at the truck, he always did that when he was deflecting.
      "Did I do that to you?" The Deputy asked, her tone softened with concern.
     Nick turned back around to face the Deputy, his head angled toward the dirt. "Kinda, well not really, but yeah..."
     The Deputy rubbed her forehead. "I'm sorry." She apologized. "Did I hurt anyone else?"
     "No, me and Grace held you down before you could hurt anybody." He admitted and the Deputy let out a deep sigh.
     "I'm really sorry, Nick. It won't ever happen again." The Deputy kept apologizing, shame and fear evident in her voice.
      "Hey Dep it's ok, I know it wasn't directed towards me. It's fine now anyway right?" Nick asked and the Deputy shook her head.
     "I shouldn't be here, I'm putting you and Kim and Carmina at risk especially with John looking for me." The Deputy told Nick and he looked to the ground.
      "As much as I hate it, I think that's true. I'm sorry Dep, you know you're welcome anytime but maybe you should stay somewhere safer, just till things die down a little bit." He suggested and the Deputy nodded.
     "I'm gonna go stay with Sharky for a while ok? Just until things blow over some. I have to go grab my crutch and my jacket." The Deputy wasn't angry with Nick's suggestion, actually she was happy about it. Now she didn't have to worry about taking advantage of Nick and Kim or about John's men coming in in the middle of the night for her.
     Nick nodded and let her go to the house. "Kim isn't here, just so you know. She took Carmina over to a friends house." Nick advised the Deputy.
     "Got it, thanks." The Deputy walked up the front steps and made short work of finding her crutch and jacket. It looked like it was in the middle of being mended. Kim has stitched up numerous holes and the frayed hem of her sleeve. The Deputy didn't remember asking her to do that but it was heart warming.
     Honestly the Deputy didn't know why she'd even come there other than Kim's wishes. She was putting everyone in that home in danger just by being near it, she was putting Carmina in danger. The thought of something happening to any of them because of her made the Deputy's stomach turn.
     Before she left the Deputy found a piece of paper and wrote a note to Nick and Kim thanking them for letting her stay with them. She set the note on the coffee table and grabbed her jacket and crutch and left the house. She said one final goodbye to Nick and drove off.
While she drove the Deputy felt around in the pockets of her jeans until she found what she was looking for. It was a small paper note that she'd peeled off the Bliss bullet when it first shot her. Now she unfolded the tiny note and read what it said.
Come home, soldier.
It was Jacob, he'd found her.
The Deputy fumed while she drove. Jacob fucking Seed was the one that shot her, or at least he sent one of his men to shoot her. Everything added up to him being there though. There was no capture party, there were no hunters, nobody to pick her up. He just shot her with a Bliss bullet to fuck with her head, not to kidnap her.
The Deputy muttered curses to herself (and Jacob) while she watched the scenery around her change from the warm sunny fields of Holland Valley to the tall pines and old cabins of the Whitetail Mountains. She may have told Nick that she was going to spend sometime with Sharky but she changed her mind. She had some revenge to take.
She'd already called Jess on the radio and asked her to meet her at the lumbar mill. Jess was more than happy to agree, especially after hearing the vengeful tone in her voice. When she pulled up to the lumbar mill Jess was already standing out front, her bow ready in her hands. The Deputy didn't get out of the truck, just stopped and let Jess get in.
"Where are we going?" Jess asked while she hopped in the passenger seat.
"I don't know but it might get messy." The Deputy warned as she backed out the way she came.
They drove in silence for a while, not even listening to the radio. Jess glanced over at the Deputy. "Not that I don't love this new vengeful side of you but I gotta ask, where is it coming from?" She asked as the Deputy pulled down a random dirt road.
"You know how they say 'it's all fun and games till you kick the hornets' nest'?" The Deputy asked and slowed the truck to a halt.
"I don't think anyone says that but I get the point." Jess admitted and looked over at the Deputy while she put the truck in park.
"Well Jacob Seed has officially kicked this hornet's nest." The Deputy shut off the truck and hopped out. Jess followed her as she marched into the woods.
"Alright! Now we can have some real fun!" Jess exclaimed and hefted her bow. "What are we gonna do to him?"
"We're pretty close to the Veterans Centre, aren't we?" The Deputy asked and Jess nodded. "We're going to send Jacob a little surprise." The dark tone in the Deputy's voice was making Jess uncomfortable. Yes that is Jess as in the trash-talking, scary Jess. So her being uncomfortable meant a lot.
"What are you planning?" She asked hesitantly. She of course wanted to fuck with Jacob but she didn't know how far the Deputy was willing to go.
"You'll see." The Deputy assured her and snuck through the trees. They walked in silence until they could hear the sound of the Veterans Centre, the men training and Judges howling, the trucks driving in and out. It was bustling. The Deputy and Jess managed to avoid every guard that Jacob had stationed around the place as a perimeter.
They got pretty close to the Veterans Centre, perched up on the same hill that Jess was shooting the guards from when they got the Deputy back. The Deputy looked into the Centre with her binoculars.
"What are we doing?" Jess whispered to her friend.
"I need you to shoot one of those guards with your bow."
"Sounds easy."
"And I want you to tie this on your arrow." The Deputy handed Jess a small note. Jess unfolded it and read it.
"Do you really think I'm going to let you do this?" Jess asked as the Deputy went back to counting guards with her binoculars.
"Don't worry, I have a plan. Can you do it?" She asked and Jess, of course, nodded.
Jess refolded the note and tied it to an arrow. "Who do you want me to hit?"
The Deputy found a guard standing on the front step that seemed perfect. He was in clear view of most everyone there and besides, how perfect would it be to send Jacob a message right to his front door? "The one on the front step." She said and Jess nodded.
It was a pretty far shot but Jess knew she could make it. She pulled the arrow back in her bow, aiming for the perfect arch to hit the guard. She took a deep breath and let the arrow fly. Immediately they both ducked down to prevent getting spotted and the Deputy peaked in at the scene of chaos through her binoculars.
The arrow hit dead on in the guards neck, causing him to crumble immediately. As quick as he fell the entire Centre erupted like an anthill. People rushed and grabbed guns, preparing for an attack. "That's our queue." The Deputy nodded to Jess and they both turned and slid down the hill further into the forest and away from the Veterans Centre.
It wouldn't take long for Jacob's men to radio the guards around the perimeter to be on high alert so the Deputy and Jess had to make it past the guards first. They made their escape with only the one casualty, not killing a single other guard or hunter or anything.
When they made it to the Deputy's truck she couldn't help but grin. She knew for sure that that was going to get Jacob's attention. Now all she had to do was wait.
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englass · 3 years
Dep or Reader/John - “I’m not sorry I did it. I’m only sorry that you had to see it.”
Ahh thank you for sending this in hun!! ❤️ And oof, I apologise for my writing; I’m a bit rough.
18: “I’m not sorry I did it. I’m only sorry that you had to see it.”
- - -
“I’m not sorry I did it.” His voice is soft, fragile in a way you’re not sure you’ve heard before. Certainly far gentler than you’d think the current scene would allow. But then again, he has always been such a way with you; gentle and delicate, as if one wrong word could bring about the end. The end of what exactly you never knew of. Now you might have an idea. “I’m only sorry that you had to see it.”
There’s hesitation in his movements, even though he’s been calming and kneeling in front of you for… you’re not sure how long. It could have been a few minutes, maybe an hour or so, but what you are sure of is that John has been here the whole time. Hasn’t left your side, just as you’ve not left his, since the moment you found him. The moment you found them.
Almost awkwardly his fingers skim up and down your arms. Slowly touching and comforting you, reassuring himself as much as you in his own needy but cautious way, while also giving you the painful option to ease away. To shrug him off. Maybe even slap him away if you felt so inclined to.
But you don’t.
Perhaps it’s foolish of you. Maybe you should shove his hands away, curse him to every version of hell that exists because he has fucking killed someone, oh god— but you don’t. You don’t because you’re looking at him as much as he's looking at you. You don’t because despite how composed he looks, how sure and unapologetic of what he’s done, you can see his eyes.
The way they glimmer has always been something that drew you to him. If you were being honest with yourself they were the first thing about him that you fell in love with. John has always worn his heart on his sleeve, is a sensitive soul despite what many think of him, but it’s his eyes that have always unabashedly given that away. Just like now.
That pretty blue that reminded you so much of the ocean, both in colour and how quickly the tides of his emotions can shift their shade, is so bright. Watery with unshed tears that make his sad eyes sparkle in a way that has no right to be so beautiful. Without words you can see him pleading with you, desperate to touch you, to properly comfort you, to truly apologise for exposing you to a part of himself that is so foul and inhuman, but at the same time is so scared of what might happen if he tries to. Is terrified that you’ll shun him, that you’ll reject him for doing something that he believes is just and fair and right.
Because any bloodshed is just and fair and right when it’s done in defence of you.
So how can you? How can you scold him for such a thing? How can you ever snub him when everything he does is for you, even the most deplorable of acts? You know this likely isn’t healthy, you’re sure it’s not even normal, but you’ve always been weak to him. Weak to those eyes of his that ensnared you the moment you met him. That, just like the waves of the ocean, have never failed to drag you under; never failed to wrap you up in the warmest of feelings.
You always heard people say that love could be dangerous, but you never realised just how true those words were until you met John. A man that would literally do anything for you without question or prompt; and that you would forgive just as quickly.
With your own cautious movements, stopping every move or so to watch as the blue of his eyes shifts – scared-hopeful-sorry-understand-please-please – you raise your hands. Your own fingers mimicking his own as they ghost ever so lightly up his arms.
A broken sound whines in the back of his throat as you carefully cradle his cheeks within your palms. His hands finally closing what little distance there was to take a firm, but still gentle hold of you as he grounds himself with the contact.
With as much care and caution as you’d placed your hands on him you lean forward, watching as his eyes grow wide and the tears finally fall as you nudge your forehead against his own. He’s quick to accept, quick to lean into the gesture and nuzzle his face closer to your own. His nose brushes sweetly against your own, unbothered by the little bit of blood he accidentally smears onto your skin.
“I know, John,” you murmur quietly, one hand moving from his cheek to thread your fingers through his hair at the back of his head, “I know, baby. Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, I understand. I understand…”
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aceghosts · 3 years
OC Identity
I’ve been tagged by the awesome @archetypesinthefog to do this meme. Thank you for tagging me!!!
Tagging: @chyrstis @p0lkadotdotdot @unleashed111 @mrspaigeomega (I apologize if you’ve already been tagged!) As always, if you haven’t been tagged, but want to do this, please do! I love to hear about your OCs!
Answers under the cut.
For this meme, I decided to answer for my Junior Deputy from Far Cry 5, Blue Murphy. 
Name: “Blue” Jay Carey Murphy
Alias/nicknames: Blue, Blue Jay, Murph, Dep, Deputy, Rook, Rookie, Wrath, Broba Fett.
Gender: Agender (Blue uses they/them pronouns.)
Age: 30
Zodiac: Aries
Abilities/Talents: Rock Climbing, Snowboarding, Hiking, Camping, Archery, Shooting, Survivalist Skills, and Horseback Riding.
Alignment: Neutral Good (Occasionally Chaotic Good)
Religion: Blue was raised as a Christian, but they no longer believe in the faith and haven’t for a very long time.
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Blue’s main language is English, but they’ve picked up enough Spanish to have a conversation or get an important point across.
Family: Patrick Murphy (Grandfather, Deceased); Bridget Murphy-Rogers (Mother, Alive); Daniel Rogers (Stepfather, Alive), and Andrew Thompson (Father, Deceased). Blue’s Mom and Stepfather currently live in Colorado.
Blue has a different last name than their father because they changed their last name to their mother’s maiden name after his death. Blue had already planned to change their last name when they graduated high school, and his death only moved that timeline up.
Friends: Considering Blue is really friendly; most people in Hope County would consider Blue a friendly face. Even before the reaping, some of the Peggies saw Blue as the only friendly non-cultist in town. In terms of close friends, Blue would consider Sharky, Grace, Hurk, The Ryes, Jess, Wheaty, Hudson, and Pratt the closest to them. Blue is also on very good terms with Tracey, Sheriff Whitehorse, Father Jerome, Mary May, and others. I could also see Blue being friends with everyone’s OCs as well. They’re the kind of person to make friends where ever they go.
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / tan / brown / dark / other
Height: 5’6
Scars: Blue has the occasional small scars on their arms and legs from the mischief they got up to as a kid. They also have a small scar on the palm of their left hand from a mountain climbing accident. After being shot in the leg by Jacob’s Hunters, Blue has a scar from the arrows on their left thigh. They also have a scar on their right shoulder blade from bliss bullet shrapnel from John’s Chosen.
Features: Freckles. Freckles everywhere. Blue usually has a friendly smile on their face, and they give off a friendly vibe. You can usually tell if Blue’s been sitting for too long or standing in one place for too long by how much they fidget. They also have a loud laugh, and if they start to laugh too hard, Blue will snort.
Tattoos: Before FC5, Blue doesn’t have any tattoos. They could never commit to a tattoo design, and it wasn’t a priority for Blue. During the events of FC5, Blue receives the Wrath tattoo from John.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
Five songs that remind you of them:
Rocky Mountain High - John Denver
The Violence (Ghost Note Symphonies) - Rise Against
Raise Hell - Brandi Carlisle
Keep Your Head Up - Ben Howard
Elijah - Matthew and the Atlas
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strafethesesinners · 4 years
OC Study: Cooper McCoy
I got this from @archetypesinthefog ages ago and never finished it. I’ll tag a few people at the end cause I don’t know who’s done it yet. Feel free to ignore of course! Or to go ahead and do this even if I didn’t tag you! 
Tumblr media
Name: Cooper Alexander McCoy
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Style/ Colour: Blond. Very short in the back and on the sides, slightly longer on top/in front. Gets curly the longer it gets. Short, scratchy beard.
Height: 6ft 4in (193.04cm)
Clothing Style: Jeans and t shirt or tank top. Regular work boots (cowboy boots are for special occasions), and a rather beat up brown cowboy hat. Big sunglasses. The t shirts and tank tops are usually plain but Cooper has some 80s band shirts he’ll rock. Also has some of those 80s style crop tops he wears on occasion (some actual crop tops and sometimes he’s just wearing what he finds around the county and the shirts are too small and turn into crop tops). He gets cold very easily and has been building a collection of flannel shirts, hoodies, and denim jackets since he got to Montana. He’d really like to save up and buy either a cool western style coat or a leather jacket or both. He also owns a couple of pairs of very short denim shorts (Daisy Dukes more or less) but hasn’t broken them out in Hope County yet. 
Best Physical Feature: Where to begin? His physique, his sparkling eyes, those ARMS. But if I had to pick one I’d say his smile. Gotta love that big goofy grin. (rest of the layers under the cut.)
Fears: Cooper is afraid that nobody actually cares about him as a person and that they only like him because they find him useful. Also that he’ll never reconcile with his estranged parents and never get to see them again. 
Guilty Pleasure: Cooper doesn’t feel guilty about things he enjoys for the most part. But the hooking up with John Seed thing.....yeah, definitely a guilty pleasure.
Biggest Pet Peeve: People assuming he’s an idiot just because he can be absent-minded and forgetful (Cooper has ADHD). More recently, when Jacob calls him “pup” Cooper fucking HATES that. (May or may not be writing in a scene of him clocking Jacob over that.....hmm).
Ambition for the Future: Cooper tries not to think about the future for the most part, he’d rather live in the now. But he does have a vague idea of settling down with someone and having a ranch with horses and cows, so he can be an actual cowboy. 
First Thoughts Waking Up: “oh no....can I please go back to sleep?” (Usually he does for at least another half hour)
What They Think About The Most: John Seed. How in the hell he’s going to get out of this mess. What would be the quickest way to end the war between the Cult and the Resistance so he can get out of Montana.
What They Think About Before Bed: How sexy John Seed is.  Texas. Old friends. New friends.His family. Regrets. How horribly lonely he is...
What They Think Their Best Quality Is: Cooper is very proud of his strength. Some of it is vanity, but Cooper really believes if someone is gifted with physical strength and fighting skills like he is, they should use them to protect and help people who don’t have those things, and he thinks that’s both his best physical quality and his best personality trait. 
Single or Group Dates: Either, but if Cooper is really interested in someone he’d prefer a single date so he can get to know them better.
To be Loved or Respected: loved. 
Beauty or Brains: Both or either. Cooper might tend to go for beauty more but only because he’s had bad experiences with “smart” people in the past who were really condescending to him and kind of hurtful. If someone’s smart but kind though, Cooper would totally befriend them/be interested in them, even if they weren’t classically good-looking. 
Dogs or Cats: Both!
Lie: “Well yeah, I mean, I have to. I gotta survive, at least for a little while, and really, a lot of folks can’t handle the truth so it’s kinder to lie to ‘em.”
Believe in Yourself: “I guess so....most of the time.”
Believe in Love: “Yeah, I’ve seen enough of the world to know it’s out there....can make people do some fucked up stuff sometimes too. And some good things I guess. But yeah, it’s real.”
Want Someone: “...........yes......”
Been on Stage: “Does stripping count?”
Done Drugs: “Hell yeah.”
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: “For sure. Sometimes you have to.”
Favourite Colours: Yellow or sky blue
Favourite Animal: longhorn cows, or dogs.
Favourite Book: The only books Cooper has ever finished were for school and he hated them.
Favourite Game: Red Dead Redemption 2! 
DOB: 8/18/1985
Age You Lost Your Virginity: 17
Does Age Matter?: Yes. 
I love: [REDACTED] ....uuuh the night sky :)
I feel: lost
I hide: my past. 
I miss: Texas
I wish: the Peggies would just calm down, give up, and go back to being a weird church and leave these people here alone.
Tagging: @madsismad @risenlucifer @pd3 @dep-yo-tee @deputycolt @deputyrhiannonhale @deathvalleyqueen @chyrstis @amistrio @iigoart @indigorox @unleashed111 @sleepfight @goodboiboomer-fc5​ @glitchinndn​ @nightwingshero​
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chyrstis · 2 years
fanfic end of the year asks 1, 3, 12, 13, 14, 19 :)
Sorry for the wait here! <3
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
Since I already mentioned Lighting the Fuse yesterday, I’m going to give some love to two other fics I really enjoyed writing this year, b/c I really can’t choose between them.
For you, I’d try - wherein Hana deals with the aftereffects after her first round in the chair up north, and Sharky’s there to take her mind off of it with a few stories of his own. Each story with these two is honestly a test to see how long I can go without saying, ‘seriously kiss already dammit’ and this one was a true test. XD Not as much as Cold hands (but no cold heart here) but it came very, very close. 
You’ve got me (if you want me) -  No Cult AU - Sharky heads to Joseph’s compound after helping a few Peggies out, and runs into some people along the way that he wasn’t quite expecting. Really, though, getting the chance to bounce Sharky off of not just Joseph, but Selena, and a pleasantly surprised John was excellent. And I’ll totally admit that I had most of Ch. 2 written well before Ch. 1 gelled, b/c I I just had to dig into those emotional moments as soon as they hit me. And I really need to dig back into this AU soon, b/c it’s one that never fails to make me happy to return to. It’s been way too long, darn it. 
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
For you, I'd try, let me go wild with a lot of soft moments (like Sharky's stories about Hurk, and Hana sharing details about her mother), but this one won out, b/c having Hana pause to mentally park the brakes while processing what Sharky's actually saying to her, and also continue to suppress the urge to kiss the man's a hell of a lot of fun to juggle. ;)
“Yo, it’s not like I’ve been there any longer than a few days at a time, and half of the shit they’ve dragged me down to the jail for’s legal, just not in any of the spots I ended up doing it.”
“Is that right?”
“Yeah, which is just fucking stupid seeing as lighting a fire by my house’s fine, but if it gets out to the street and catches on the trees ‘cause it’s extra dry out and the wind’s blowing, suddenly I gotta go in ‘cause I’m negligent or some shit. Then the po-po’s claiming I gotta have a permit to burn in the drier seasons, but it rains fucking plenty here.”
He’d draped his arm over her shoulders by this point, the motion coming so easily from him she hadn’t even noticed at first. Just nestled right into that warmth almost on reflex as Sharky kept on talking, and didn’t want to budge an inch if she could help it.
“Man, it’ll be the driest stretch of the year, and the sky’ll just open up and drop a bucket-load on us ‘cause it’s feeling it, but even if it don’t, anything I start’ll get put out. Just ‘cause I’m around doesn’t mean shit’s gonna go down, or nothing. ‘Cause then phone calls are made, people start looking at me funny, and I’m getting pulled out of my car for jack and shit when maybe I just wanted to take a breather there. Maybe get in a few Zs, take five to ten to jerk it, and they don’t gotta watch that too closely if I’m doing it either.”
She’d been nodding along with him, then stopped. Let that statement sink in as her eyebrows drew together before they rose high on her face.
“…Hon, that’s not legal.”
“Aw, come on, Dep! Don’t tell me there’s some kinda permit for parking out-“
“No, not that. You’d probably get slapped with a ticket or fine, sure, but it’s more about the fact that you were beating it there.”
“It’s indoors.”
That response came quick enough for her to tilt her head back to look at him. To side-eye him heavily as he shrugged, and damn. She’d curled up to him a lot closer than she’d initially thought. Close enough to-
She cleared her throat.
12. favorite character to write about this year
Sharky, Sharky, Sharky. Seriously, he’s just too much fun, and I’m thinking at some point I should write out a full mini fic where he gets to go on an adventure with Hurk too, b/c he’s honestly just as fun to work with. :D
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
Another song I really loved that really should be higher on my Top 100 list is Another Space Song by Failure. It’s got a real melancholy vibe to it, but also 150% gives me Sharky/Hana vibes, especially with lines like this:
And I won't let her down My soul is celestial-bound And if I'm never found She'll always be...
She'll always be what I can't find She'll always be where I break down She'll always hide behind a star I'll always dream she can't be far
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
Sharky and John’s E-rated breakfast shenanigans in To all my mornings starting with you’s a serious contender, but I also really have to give it to the E-rated idea I’ve been furiously trying to finish up for Hana and Sharky (which is also a morning fic, but hey, she’s happy, he’s being cute as hell, and she can’t resist showing just how she feels one bit). 
That was an idea that I thought would be amusing to write, but didn’t think I’d get the nerve to, so...we’ll see if I can finish it up before the year’s out!
19. any new fics to start next year
Shoot, let’s see here. Pre-game fics for Hana, one of which is her barely dodging John at the station, along with time learning the ropes with Joey, and that fated night at the church where she decides to put the cuffs on Joseph. Maybe a few snippets of a Herald/Cultist!AU idea that’s started gelling a bit too, a Halloween idea where she tails after a ghosthunting Sharky and Hurk, more No Cult AU ideas for sure, and future entries in Hana’s series where things really start to get serious once Lighting the Fuse wraps up.  And by serious, I mean that my apologies to Hana get to increase ten-fold easy. Sorry, Han! :’D
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belorage · 4 years
Wes for the full clear on the OC asks? 😘😘😘
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What’s their full name? Wesley Daniel Brooks
What does their name mean? Why were they named that? Wesley means “western meadow,” Daniel means “God is my judge,” and Brooks means “stream.” You can find my real world reasoning for choosing his name here. As for the canon reasoning, Wesley is a family name on his father’s side and Daniel is a good Christian name. 
Do they have any nicknames? Lots. Wes is the big one (Hwes if you’re Hurk Jr.), Rook, Dep (Deputy if you're as extra as John Seed), Bright Eyes (Raf only), Sundance (Nick only), Darling (Lyra, when she’s being cheeky), and probably a handful more that I’m forgetting.
How old are they? 28, almost 29 as of the start of FC5.
When’s their birthday? November 11, 1989
What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance? Scorpio sun, Aries moon, Aquarius rising. Year of the snake. Birthstones are topaz and citrine. He isn’t aware enough of any of this to believe in it.
What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities? He is a natural disaster in human form. His special ability is that he somehow manages to survive that for as long as he does.
What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor? A revolver (Steel & Ivory), a sawed-off shotgun (Sin Eater), or basic hand-to-hand. Close combat is preferable to range. He also uses homemade C4 in his tireless crusade against cult infrastructure.
What do they look like? He’s 6′3″, has brown-ish hair (specifically, a warm golden bronze color) and hazel eyes with long eyelashes. Fit, moderate-to-lean build. Sharp features, angular jaw, a pronounced Cupid’s bow. He has the facial hair of a man who has forgotten to shave for two weeks, because he is—you guessed it—a man who has forgotten to shave for two weeks.
Do they have a face claim? Tomas Skoloudik
What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup? Casual clothing—flannels (often tied around the waist), t-shirts, henleys, jeans, boots, jewelry (gold, leather), leather jacket, cargo jacket. His hair is messy and soft, just like he is, because he doesn’t overload it with hair products unlike some people. He’s got an ouroboros tattooed around the lower part of his right forearm and (universe-dependent) John and Lyra’s names on the inside of his wrists.
How do they carry themselves? What’s their default expression? He attempts to project swagger and indifference, but to anyone who knows him and is paying attention, he’s an open book. In a comfortable environment, he’s loose and casual. His default expression is fixated if he has something to occupy his mind and distant if he doesn’t.
Do they have any physical ailments or disabilities? No, but he’s got bruises and flesh wounds aplenty! He’s got bite marks and scratches galore! You want knife-slashing scars? He’s got twenty. But who cares? No big deal. Wes wants mooooore! 🎵
What’s their alignment? Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into? ISFP
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)? I answered for his favorite films and TV here, and his favorite book is Watership Down. He likes the Beatles and bar snacks and black coffee. His favorite cultists are Lyra, John, and Shaggy—please don’t judge him.
What are they bad at? Dancing!
What kind of things do they dislike/hate? Hates being controlled, dislikes very sweet things.
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses? Impulsiveness, reactive behaviors. He smokes and drinks, although neither of those are done with a shocking amount of excess. Previously, harder drugs. 
What are their goals and motivations? Freedom and acceptance.
What are their manners like? Any habits? He’s not a jerk; he has passable manners when the situation calls for them, but Emily Post would like him not. His habits are covered in much more detail here, but the big one is that he tends to busy his hands and/or mouth with things wherever possible.
What are they most afraid of? Rejection, abandonment, enclosed spaces, death (specifically, the possibility of an afterlife). 
Where were they born? What was their childhood like? Born in Hope County. He was an only child and his home life was suspect, but made moderately more bearable by his best friend. Once he realized trying to please his father was a losing battle, he said hell yeah to a downward spiral of rebelliousness and troublemaking.
What’s their family like? His dad was a jerk of the sort that would never be satisfied. Big on toxic masculinity, short on acceptance. His mother loved him, but she fell in line more often than not.
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold? Hope County Sheriff’s Office (probationary sheriff’s deputy), Hope County Resistance (figurehead, pot stirrer, problem magnet). 
How do they fit into their “story”? Barely. Next question. I hate to use this word yet again, but it’s the only one that fits: his story is mostly about acceptance—self, fate, fault, sorrow, joy—because as much as he desired acceptance from others, he denied a lot of it for himself.
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like? He grew up in the Silver Lake trailer park, way up on the northeastern end of Holland Valley, near the Whitetails. For the duration of the game timeline, I picture him spending more time crashing where he can—with the Ryes, in the woods, wherever—but his own place would be sparse and fairly untidy, with clothes tossed everywhere. 
How do they eventually die? Wesley intends to live forever. How dare you insinuate—
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend? Within the timeline of the game, he has quite a few. Raf is his best friend (and has been since they were kids), but Nick (and Kim) are both up there. He has a soft spot for Mary May; that seems to be reciprocal. He appreciates Grace because she doesn’t ask unnecessary questions. Sharky and Hurk offer unconditional friendship, which he appreciates and sorely needs. Adelaide is the vodka aunt who thirsts after his ex. She tries to rile him up sometimes (in a myriad of ways), but he likes her. And if you account for other universes, his friend count goes way up thanks to the various and sundry brat squad kids.
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it? When he was younger, he was the introvert-adopted-by-an-extrovert. He was a bit too withdrawn to have friends outside of that, though he wasn’t unfriendly. For a bulk of the current timeline, his friend group is “ragtag misfits” status and he basically gets ping-ponged between them as they try—with varying amounts of success—to fight a cult.  
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids? Depends on the universe. In canon, it’s messy but becomes significantly healthier later on. His previous relationship was promising and likely would have been ideal, except that they were young and unable (or unready) to deal with the realities of their situation. In AU, he is enemies-with-benefits but also grossly in love with the Judge of Eden’s Gate and her husband (who was a fun surprise, but it’s fine, because Wes got Lyra back by giving her a gracious two-for-one deal on children)!
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust? Whitehorse is something of a father figure, though Wes would never say that out loud. For the record, neither would Whitehorse (at least not directly to Wes)—mostly for Wes’s benefit. He trusts Raf, Pastor Jerome, and the rest of his friends listed above.
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies? Joseph, because Joseph is daddy issues incarnate. Jacob, because Jacob understands Wes well enough to yank him around like a dog on a leash. By the time the Collapse hits, everyone is his enemy to some extent (as evidenced by the adorable horns and pointy tails drawn all over his wanted posters). Notable exceptions are John, Sharky, Hurk, and Whitehorse; however, all but the first are functionally unknown to him.
Do they have any pets? Just Boomer, who is the best emotional support animal a disaster could ask for.
Are they good with kids? Animals? He’s naturally good with both children and animals, but he lacks practical experience, especially with the former (shout-out to the Ryes for finally adding that to his resume).
Which tropes do they fit? Which archetypes? Tropewise, he’s Troubled, but Cute and I can’t refute it; apart from the high school thing, it’s a full BINGO clear. He’s also Bruiser with a Soft Center, Inferiority Superiority Complex, Cosmic Plaything, Desperately Craves Affection, Hero with Bad Publicity, I Am Not My Father, and almost certainly a whole host of shameful others that I don’t dare brave the rest of TVTropes to find. Of the twelve classic archetypes, he’s some combination of The Hero and The Outlaw. Otherwise: fallen angel, antihero, byronic hero, prodigal son. 
Do they play any instruments? Sports? He can play guitar, but only at an intermediate level. He’s not big on sports, but he can ice skate and he likes to swim.
What are some items they always carry? Steel & Ivory and a lighter; later, Sin Eater. In New Dawn he carries John’s watch.
Do they collect anything? Bad decisions. Minicultists, apparently. Nothing in particular.
What position do they sleep in? His default position when he’s alone and in a comfortable place is on his belly. There are exceptions listed in greater detail here.
Which emoji would they use the most? Honestly, he’s not really the type to use emojis, but he will send his love interest pictures of things he likes or finds pretty with no context. Otherwise, his texts tend to be short, to-the-point, and lacking in punctuation or capitalization. Believe it or not, he’d much rather communicate in person. My most frequently used emojis for him are 🍰 and 🐍. (Awww, cake and snake... They rhyme. How precious!)
What languages do they speak? English. He knows a limited amount of Spanish, but he’s better at understanding it than he is at speaking it.
What’s their favorite expletive? Damn or fuck.
What’s their favorite candle scent? Pine.
What songs remind you of them? I have a playlist for him here, but it—much like him—is a bit of a mess. I also have a playlist based on his own taste in music here.
Which animal would you say represents them? Snakes, stags, swans, scorpions.
What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into? Loners or troublemakers, probably. Stoners on a technicality—he doesn’t fit the stereotype, but he does have a history. He has some of the soul of an art kid but, tragically, none of the talent.
What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be? At a real amusement park, probably the roller coasters. At something more lowkey like a carnival, he’d like the classic, aesthetically pleasing rides like the Ferris wheel or the carousel.
Do they believe in aliens? Ghosts? Reincarnation or something else? He’s not an “I Want to Believe” sort of guy, but he still can’t explain the Larry Parker debacle. He tries very hard not to believe (or at least not to think about) any sort of afterlife, because he fears it.
Do they follow any religions/gods? Do they celebrate holidays? His family was Catholic, but he endeavors not to be. He likely wouldn’t celebrate holidays as a bachelor overmuch, but he would take part in holiday activities with others.
Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue? Pride and Fortitude.
If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, which would it be? The Tower, The Devil, The Wheel of Fortune.
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