#also I hope the spotify links work lol
ccelicaa · 1 month
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Taking a step back from the goofy silly arts and getting a little serious for this one.... this is promo art for their story I've been working on!!!
It's an idea of what I'm planning, and I'm hoping to write their story for a fic! So I wanted to ask if you guys would be interested in reading it?😳😳
I didn't think I'd be getting this invested LOL but I'm hoping to draw scenes out of the fic too if they're that good🤷guess we'll have to see. lol anyway
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I FINALLY FINISHED THIS I posted the wip of this on twitt a while ago, and it's probably been my fav piece for them 😭😭at least in terms of the process because I was listening to so much music related to them....and it got me in my feels for them...... (if you guys wanna hear the playlist I made for them I would gladly share....) (ALSO MAKE A PLAYLIST FOR YOUR OCS / SHIPS GUYS ITS SO GOOD) ANYWAY HOPE Y'ALL LIKE!!
EDIT: IM PUTTING THE LINK TO THE PLAYLIST HERE you guys should send me links to urs too 😍 lmk what you guys think!!
Here: SebSol Playlist
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onigiriico · 11 months
Mikoto audio drama (t2) - English TL
[ links: Spotify | YouTube ]
Mikoto-ing again 🫡 I know I say this like every other post, but I 100% recommend listening to the audio alongside the translation! On one hand the VAs just did an amazing job on this, and on the other hand I also feel like it'll. probably make the switches more obvious than I can convey in text lol
Little disclaimer about the way I translated the DID terminology here: I know the correct term in English is "alter", but in the JP audio they're consistently referred to as "personalities" (人格 / jinkaku) while the closest Japanese equivalent to "alter" seems to be 自我 / jiga, from what I could find. I generally try to stick as closely to the JP terminology with my translations as possible, so I mostly went with "personality". I really don't want to offend anyone here so I hope that's a somewhat okay choice ahshbsdj
Okay. Okay that got lengthy. As usual, if you find any mistranslations, have questions, etc etc feel free to send me an ask or hit me up on Twitter where I drop by, like, once a month 😅 And now without further ado:
⬇️ translation under the cut ⬇️
(Es enters)
E: Mikoto…
M: Ah… Hi, Warden-kun.
E: You… are Mikoto, right?
M: Uh… What are you talking about? It really feels like it’s been a while, doesn’it? How have you been? – Huh? What’s that…? Chains? Oh, no. Take them off!
E: I refuse. You’re too dangerous. Physical restrictions are necessary.
M: Umm… (laughs) What are you saying, restricting someone who can’t even hurt a fly?
E: You really aren’t aware, huh…
M: Well, I mean… I do get it. I… go out of control while I’m asleep, right?
E: …
M: The others told me about it. How I got into a fistfight with Koto-chan and whatnot.
E: Seems like it, yeah.
M: I wonder if it’s like… some kind of sleepwalking…? After all, I’ve been losing sleep more and more often recently… Man… It’s really troublesome, isn’t it?
E: Mikoto…
M: The others are all scared of me. I can tell by looking at the way they act. Because I read the room.
E: …
M: It’s pretty tough, isn’t it? (laughs) Ever since I came here, so much has been happening that I don’t understand…
E: … You really… do laugh when you’re suffering, huh?
M: Huh?
E: You don’t get angry. You don’t scream. You laugh, like it’s a minor inconvenience.
M: Ah… I guess so. I might have that kind of trait.
E: …
M: Usually, if you just laugh and pretend, things work out in the end, right? I’m pretty good at that. Making things work out to the best of my abilities.
E: Is that so…
M: (laughs) …But… it’s not coming to an end. All of this. With things I’ve never even heard before, the whole ti—
E: …
M: —the whole time… I have to make all these irritating experiences…!
E: You came out, huh.
M: Hey. Looks like you haven’t gotten a beating yet, Warden brat.
E: …!
M: Hah? What, are you scared?
E: Like you didn’t get beaten by Kotoko…!
M: Hah. That was just because she caught me off guard. We went at it again while you were asleep, and it’s not like I lost there.
E: Multiple personalities… Am I right with the assumption that the you I’m talking to right now is another personality of Mikoto’s?
M: Well, I guess that’s about right.
E: I see. What do you want me to call you?
M: Huh? You’re accepting this pretty readily, aren’t you. Wouldn’t the whole multiple personalities thing normally raise some eyebrows?
E: Yeah. I also didn’t think it was real, at first.
M: Figures. If it wasn’t me, I wouldn’t believe it either. I’d just think it’s a lie someone came up with to get away with murder.
E: But Milgram acknowledges that [it is real] in your case. I simply accept that as the truth, and develop my thoughts from there. So? What do you want me to call you? Your name.
M: No clue about that. Just call me whatever.
E: … For convenience, I’ll be calling you John.
M: Sounds like a dog’s name.
E: It’s derived from John Doe, the name given to unidentified bodies. Do you like it?
M: Can’t say I’m very fond of the way you’re flaunting your knowledge.
E: … Anyway. You’re acting pretty calm today, aren’t you? I thought of you more like a monster of some sort. I wasn’t expecting to have such a proper conversation with you.
M: Don’t get cocky! If not for these chains, I would’ve beaten your face in by now, brat.
E: Ohh, scary, scary.
M: Hmph.
E: John, you are not a prisoner of Milgram. The fact that Milgram’s usual restraints are ineffective against you is more proof for that than anything. Milgram has judged that Mikoto is the prisoner, and you, as his alter, are an exception.
M: Huhh, I see. So that’s why you believe that there’s multiple personalities.
E: That’s why I thought I would try and talk to you as a key witness today. I’m rather glad that you’re being cooperative.
M: But, you know… This isn’t a good thing, probably.
E: What do you mean?
M: I (boku) might be trying to disappear.
E: …
M: Evidently, the time I (ore) have been fronting has been getting longer, so this “me” has been able to stabilize. Isn’t that the reason we can talk properly?
E: …
M: If I had stayed a monster… maybe that would be better.
E: …
M: What?
E: You’ve turned out to be much more rational than I expected… I’m surprised.
M: I’m a university graduate, after all.
E: (sighs)
M: As for alters… Why do you think they’re born?
E: In precise terms, it’s called dissociative identity disorder – generally speaking, [it refers to] when a person experiences severe pain or stress, and a new personality is created to try and isolate [the original personality] from the resulting trauma.
M: Yeah. I… probably come out to ease the stress Boku experiences. The fact that I come out for longer just means that Boku is constantly under extreme stress.
E: Stress… Namely the environment of Milgram, right?
M: Right. Especially the fact that you judged against forgiving Boku is causing a lot of stress. That’s why he’s entrusting me with his heart.
E: I see.
M: Not like I can blame him. From his point of view, he’s being blamed for a crime he can’t even remember.
E: If that’s the truth, then… you’re the one who committed the murder?
M: Yeah, it’s me. I killed them off.
E: …
M: So Boku really didn’t do it.
E: Can I ask… why you killed them?
M: They annoyed me.
E: Who did you kill?
M: Just someone who was walking around nearby.
E: … How many did you kill?
M: Can’t remember. I was first born back then, you know. It’s kinda fuzzy.
E: How can you talk about that so calmly?
M: (sighs) According to the law, how would this go for Boku?
E: With a psychiatric evaluation, there’s a chance of a reduced sentence, but depending on the number of victims… the death penalty might be inevitable.
M: …! I– I’m the one who did it! Boku was just sleeping!
E: Is this really something that works that conveniently?
M: Just put yourself in Boku’s shoes for a moment! He was bottling up all his stress! He kept dealing with it all by himself the whole time, until it exploded! It’s not like he just decided that he wanted to hurt somebody!
E: …
M: He’s not the type of person who could do stuff like that! He always looks out for others, always reads the room, always tries to get along with people around him! He can’t do stuff like that… He was on the verge of exploding! That’s why I was born. It’s obvious, isn’t it? Boku didn’t do anything!
E: Even if that’s true… Even if it wasn’t what Mikoto wanted – someone’s life was still lost.
M: …!
E: Even if it was you, John, who was in [your body at the time] – there’s no way for you to prove that. At the very least not in a way that would be accepted in court. It could still be judged that you’re pretending—
M: You…!! What do you think?
E: I…?
M: I’m the one who did it! Boku didn’t do it! You know that because of Milgram! I don’t care about the law, I want to know what you think!
E: …
M: Please… forgive Boku. I’m the one who did it.
E: … I can’t… judge that right away. It’s not something that I can easily decide to forgive. In fact, Mikoto’s mental footage was so violent… it’s unforgivable. That’s how I judged.
M: That could also just be a fake or owed to the multiple personalities, right?! Boku really isn’t at fault! I’m the one who killed them!
E: …
M: Are you really satisfied [with the unforgiven judgment]? He turned into a murderer overnight!
E: What you did could still be considered a sin, though!
M: …! … I think… I might be the person Boku wishes he was. The person who stubbornly stands his ground, who doesn’t cry himself to sleep from stress, who gives people their payback. If I, the “ore” personality, hadn’t been born, I’m sure Boku would have reached his limit and fallen apart.
E: John… you…
M: It’s true that I was the one who wanted to destroy everything… and the weakness of Boku, who couldn’t stand up for himself all alone, might have been the origin of that. But… that’s all there is to it. Is that a sin?
E: I’ll be considering that after this.
M: After talking to you, I get that you couldn’t forgive what I did. And I’m fine with that.
E: …Yeah. That’s right.
M: The one Milgram is supposed to judge is Boku – Mikoto, right. He’s not me – so, not John.
E: Precisely.
M: Please, forgive Boku. If you don’t… I’m sure he won’t be able to deal with this any longer.
E: “A sin committed by another personality isn’t a sin”... you’re telling me that’s how I should judge?
M: Yeah. If you forgive Boku… I’ll disappear.
E: …
M: That’s right. I’ll have to disappear eventually, anyway… Disappear, and take all of it with me. I… was born to protect Boku, after all.
E: You were… born for it…
M: Yeah. If it’s for Boku, I’ll… do anything.
(machinery whirrs, bell rings)
E: John…
M: W…what? A dog’s name?
E: Mikoto…?
M: Warden-kun, you own a dog? What breed? No, wait, let me try guessing first– A toy poodle? Actually, maybe you surprisingly prefer the ugly-cute kind… like a French bulldog!
E: … No…
M: A pug, then?
E: It’s not the name of a dog!
M: Ehh… Then what…?
E: … It’s the name of your… friend.
M: (laughs) I don’t know anyone like that~
E: … I bet you don’t.
M: Huh…?
E: Prisoner no.9, Mikoto. Sing your sins.
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mushroomjar · 11 months
Did you think I forgot about it? The Halloween vocaloid playlist is done!! I'll include the links in a reblog so Tumblr doesn't bury the post, there's a YouTube playlist and a Spotify one, the YouTube one being the longer one with nearly 100 songs... yeah, I got carried away lol Reminder for those who have forgotten/not in the know, this playlist starts with cute lighthearted songs about Halloween and monsters, and gets darker in tone and sound the deeper down the playlist you go
I don't want to make the post too long so I'll just include a general content warning for the songs in the playlist, and under the cut I might list all the songs and ramble a bit about what it was like to make the playlist. I hope you enjoy!^^
Content Warnings: flashing lights, bright images, loud sounds and jumpscares, disturbing images and noises, death, body horror, gore, cannibalism, abuse, stalking, potentially paranoia-inducing songs/lyrics
The playlist has been done for days, I've just been procrastinating on actually making the post until now lmao sorry! I had a lot of fun making the playlist and going through the suggestions, it also made me fall in love with some producers I hadn't paid much attention to before (shout out to all of the people who sent in Babuchan suggestions, as you can see I went down a bit of a Babuchan rabbit hole and added tons of his stuff to the playlist, same for machigerita lol)
I'll admit that one of the reasons the playlist kept getting longer was because I'd look at other creepy/scary vocaloid playlists on YouTube for inspiration, and every time I was nearly done I would write down 20 more songs to check out, which is why it took me a whole month to get this playlist done lol. I hope it was worth it! I'm very pleased with how it all turned out
There were also many songs/producers I really liked but decided not to include in the playlist, for example I found DaijoubuP, who I really like, but I didn't think it fit the vibe of the kind of Halloween playlist I wanted to make, so none of his stuff is in the playlist. Same goes for SEIKAI, his songs sound very creepy but I found the lyrics a bit too dark and I wanted to try to keep the playlist a bit more lighthearted. Maybe I'll make a more general vocahorror playlist sometime to highlight all of these producers' work! Who knows
Something else I realized because of this playlist is my standard for creepy vocaloid music might be a bit different than other people's. I got many Maretu suggestions, and I love the guy and completely understand why some of his music was suggested (such as Coin Locker Baby), but it surprised me just how much I'd see him suggested in the notes of my post or in Spotify playlists, he's never really given me the creeps even with his darker lyrics. Not judging! Just an observation I had
You'll notice that I've been using vocaloid as a bit of an umbrella term, since there are a couple of songs that use UTAU and even Synth-V voicebanks^^
I think that's all I have to say for now, so I'll just list all the songs in the playlist and hurry to put the links in a reblog! Thank you so much to everyone who helped with the playlist, all of your suggestions were really appreciated, I would not have as good a playlist if it wasn't for you^^
The song list is mainly because I tried to link back to the original producers whenever possible, and also sometimes the songs were very hard to find, so a lot of the titles are in Japanese, so I figured having the songs and producers written out here would make it a bit easier for you to navigate the playlist^^ Anyway, songs:
Happy Halloween - Junky
SLASH/ER - Circus-P
Ghosts Play To The Audience - PinocchioP
Kikkai Kettai - Meddmia
Zen'yasai no akuma - mayuko
Furaan Furaan Zombie - nem
Fake-Cryer Pumpkin - CycleP
Zen'yasai no kuroneko - mayuko
Halloween Patisserie TrickaTorka - machigerita
Halloweenya - Chinozo
Dream-Eating Monochrome Baku - nem
Creepy Toast - CircusP
Pumpkin March - momocashew
Selfish Princess - fujiwo
Pumpkin Head Spooky Dance - machigerita
Dream Meltic Halloween - machigerita
Giga giga witch - Kurosawa Madoka
Trich, Trach, Trick Parade - sasasaP
Happy Hollow And The God Club - Nanou
Saa, Docchi? - HINATA Haruhana
Propaganda! - Crusher-P
What Gave It Away - R.I.P
Shadow Shadow - Azari
Splatter Party - Camellia
Who? - Azari
Pandemic - YuugouP
Twilight Homicide Song - Kiraboshi Hikaru
Greedy Halloween Candy Nights - machigerita
Gochisou - Xitoo
Spiral-Luvox - Tune Tonic/Switch
Mrs. Pumpkin's Comical Dream - hachi
trick and treat - OSTER Project
Strange Masquerade Halloween - machigerita
Oxidation And Dream Monsters - Ghost
Oz no Kaitai Show - Ankoku DouwaP/Joruzin
Sadistic.Music Factory - cosMo@BouSou-P
Hourglass - HiiragiKirai
Dance With The Dead - Ghost
Alice of Human Sacrifice - Yugami-P
Candy Addict Full Course - machigerita
The Boy Who Went To Hell - SHUDDER
Crazy Clown - Intro-P
Ideal Picture - NanoritaP
Serial Contraption of Malice - Ghost
Twins - Babuchan
Not As It Seems - Creep-P
Amydgala's Rag Doll - Ghost
Hyouhon Shoujo - Kiyozumi
Rotten Girl, Grotesque Romance - machigerita
Grotesque Love Song - shoutarouP
That Woman - shoutarouP
Musunde hiraite rasetsu to mukuro - hachi
Hide And Seek - Ho-ong-i
Tokeru Sakana - Yuzuri_Hal
Greetings From The Bottom Of The Well - machigerita
Color & Electricity - mushiP
Patchwork Toxin - machigerita
Bacterial Contamination - Kanimiso-P
Song for Great Satan - Nanka-P
Taiyou-sama - Abuse/Abuse-Ken
Fear Garden - Chaa
Despair The Burguer Factory - Groy Anderson
The Cyclops - David K.
Tears of Artificial Flowers - Babuchan
Moon Prescription - Babuchan
Rugrats Theory - Crusher-P
Monochrome Ward - Yugami-P
Bone Dead Mansion - Babuchan
50/50 - Risshuu
Dark Woods Circus - machigerita
Wide Knowledge of the Late Madness - machigerita
Tell me you'll love me - Babuchan
After School - Okashi-P
Lavender Town - neku
???????? - SocialPhobiaSynaps
behe-laino_hotza-bihotza - sakizakisaki
In A Rainy Town, Balloons Dance With Devils - hachi
Sand Gum - MOL.
Nodoka na Kyuujitsu - HikkieP
Broken Toy Mania - Babuchan
Red Flower - Babuchan
Cry Baby - Babuchan
Fuzai - MondaijiP
Boku Yaranai, Kimi Itooshi - nicol
Ant Observation - Healing-P
A 13-Year Old Killer - Sunazame
0 People's Waltz - Babuchan
Varicella - Babuchan
Kagome Kagome - Zawazawa-P
potatoman - MondaijiP
Okaasan - machigerita
Hyperpnea - Hikkie-P
Crushed Mary - Mondaiji-P
Nakazu to mo Rokkaku Wrench da Hototsugi - MondaijiP
Complex - Watashi no koko
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Hello friends! It’s been a minute, I hope the summer has been treating you well. We have been busy with summer camps, playdates with friends, lots of gardening, cooking, and trying your stay cool in this San Diego humidity and heat, which as a native I never remember the weather being this hot or humid EVER growing up here as a kid! 
On the music front, there is much to be excited for on the horizon. For starters, I just released a beautiful collaboration track, Bobby My Friend, with an artist by the name of Leo Prakash. We met down at Playa Del Carmen, last December at a Wanderlust Palmaia. Leo was there for the week accompanying the yoga classes with live music and i was sitting in for a song, during the end of my friend Schuyler Grants yoga class, for Shavasana. Leo is an insanely talented multi-instrumentalist from Mexico, but grew up part of his childhood living in an Ashram in France. I was immediately captivated with his Sitar playing. We ended up chatting after class, and exchanging info with the hopes of doing a collaboration in the future. He ended up sending me this beautiful song for his friend, the late Bobby Klein, and asked me if I would like to accompany him on it. I loved this song from the beginning, and it was also a much different style than anything I have previously done before. The song was just released a couple weeks ago, give it a listen, I love it so much. 
Aside from that, I have some other exciting collabs coming out, as well as the new music I have been working on over the past 2-3 years co-written and produced by my friend (AND no biggie, one of my fav artists of all time!!!!), Trevor Hall. The first song of that project is set to drop at the end of this month. Stay tuned for deets and links coming soon! And definitely make sure you are following along on IG where I post the most, as well as following my artist profile on Spotify if you listen there, the song will also be released everywhere else music is available. I am so excited to share this new music with you all, it’s def a been a bit of an experimental sound and journey for me. But it has also re-awakened my creative process and flow. It feels unbound and intuitive and that in itself is exciting and inspiring. 
I will keep it at that for now, many of you have expressed your fondness for the days when I wrote my Tumblr posts, so I will try to do more of that! These days are a lot different from the ones when we were in our 20’s, i was on tour, single, free and wild! But if you have any questions or topics you would like me to touch on, I would love to be sharing things that might be helpful and useful. I took a step back from social media for the last couple years, because I realize how bombarded i/we are everyday with unwanted thoughts, opinions, and just all kids of stuff flying our way. I would really love to be sharing things that nourish and support this community and inspire a loving, kind, but also keep it real kind of connection. Life seems to get so much busier in the 40’s! So if you have any thoughts on that, please let me know! 
Sending love to all! Also, if you have reached out to get a bracelet and I haven’t responded, it’s because I literally haven’t had a moment to myself all summer with my kiddo not wanting to go to camp! Lol. I am planning to do another batch that will ship in September. I will email soon or email me again at [email protected]
As always thank you for being here! Big love - 💗
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koolades-world · 2 months
Spellbound Secrets
current length: 32 minutes long
current amount of tracks: 8
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hello! i assume you're here from a chapter of spellbound secrets, but if not, here's the prologue to get you started :)
the playlist is a youtube/youtube music playlist since that's just what i use but if you guys ask for it, i can make a spotify one too! i think there are a couple songs i wouldn't be able to add but i could see what i could do. before you go listen, i highly recommend reading more about the explanation for each song since i thought a lot about it before adding each song. my taste in music is very vocaloid leaning just so you know haha (also please let me know if those links are working!!!)
as time goes on and i release more chapters, i'll be adding more songs since some of them have to do with later plot points. i'll also just be adding songs in general if and when i find more i want to add. if you have any suggestions, i may add them so fire away if you think something might, don't be afraid to let me know <3
now, let's begin!!
Our Destiny by Solomon (VA: Kazuki Kawata): does this song even need an explanation? it's on this playlist because it's a solomon fic, it's gotta be haha
Hole Dwelling by Kikuo: this is the song that inspired me to start the playlist. the lyrics themselves could apply, but what got me to add this more than anything was the deep feeling of dread and hopelessness from the the song. if you'd like to listen to an english version to get a better grasp on the lyrics, i recommend this one over any other cover. this person did an amazing job!!
Language of the Lost by Riproducer: i adore riproducer. they're great for stepping into the vocaloid community since almost all of their songs are in english. i could go on and on about them. the lyrics in this one i feel like could be applied to mc after the events of the prologue and how solomon is going to be the one to help them and help them dig their way out of what feels like their grave
Love Again by Dua Lipa: i absolutely loved dua's album future nostalgia so i combed it trying to pick at least one song to add and settled on this one. this isn't necessarily exclusive to spellbound secrets, but the lyrics could read as solomon's feelings towards mc ahhh it's too cute
Float Planner by More More Jump!: i'm a HUGE project sekai fan which you'll see. this song and the next go hand in hand. this song is all about 'soaring' into the future together. there's one line about having difficulties overcoming but holding hands would give them the strength to continue it's so cute man. i won't yap about song and the characters who sing it but just know, i could. here's a version with an english translation
Jumpin' Over by More More Jump!: this song was released after the previous song so the messages line up. the lyrics are about looking back over past obstacles and observing growth. it feels better as an end of the fic song, but this could be for any obstacles solomon and mc have overcome together. here's a great english translation
Ultra C by Vivid Bad Squad: love this song too! at first i tried really hard to justify why this was here and i came up with a feeble reason before realizing it was my playlist and i could put a song on it because i wanted too lol. but the reason was the lyrics are about overcoming obstacles and the instrumentals are wicked. idk i'm just a huge vbs fan. eyestrain warning for the mv so here's an english translation
Hope is the Thing With Feathers by Robin: another one that i kinda struggled to justify but i just felt like the vibes matched? if i come up with a stronger reason i will list it lol
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emerystellar · 6 months
hii ^_^ i would appreciate if anyone could spare some change cuz i have a lot of expenses right now and i am barely stringing along. more context/sob story under the cut if you want but tl;dr car repairs, ubers to/from work, and food in the meantime
ways to support me:
redbubble ☆ i have quite a few things on there, including logos of my stuff and retro things like bowling alley carpet, i’m working on a pride collection of bowling alley carpets too!! and i have a lot more in the works :]
patreon ☆ four different tiers with varying perks, and near-daily updates on art projects, sneak peeks at redbubble designs, previews on music and even full songs weeks before they release- also recognition on youtube, my discord, etc etc!
donations ☆ these are quick links to all the major money sharing apps (cashapp venmo paypal), if you want to do zelle that requires my email ([email protected])
bandcamp ☆ for as little as a dollar you can pick any of my currently released songs to get the highest quality download, which is equivalent to listening to it 34 times on spotify… so if you really like my music then own it for yourself here! you can also get 50% off literally anything with the code hungrypumpkin (since it’s helping me pay for food lol)
and if you can’t donate, pleaaaase reblog hopefully to reach someone who can- reblogs help wayyy more than likes in this case ^^
thank you all!!! you’re amazing and i hope you have a stellar day
poll for engagement:
okayyy umm hii… i’m a queer trans non-binary neurodivergent indie artist, teacher, and musician (to get all the demographic solidarity out there, i never know how to write these) and as of rn i’m having to pay my dad $1900 to fix my car’s transmission while ALSO paying anywhere from $100-150 a week on ubers to get to and from work since i have a residential tutoring job. while ALSO having to pay rent, bills, etc like normal. it fuckign sucks and i’ve literally been eating almost nothing except free handouts from college … it’s a nightmare and it weighs on me every day 😔
not only are most of the ubers a wild roulette on whether the car’s going to be super uncomfortable and make me nauseous, the driver being overpolitical and talking about super uncomfortable shit out of the blue and making me feel really unsafe, they’re often super fucking late and i can’t risk being late to work and it’s just all around not sustainable yayy!! and i also just learned i have depression from all this! which next to the rest of my melting pot of neurodivergence makes it Really goddamn hard to exist in a positive way!
when i’m not at work or school i am making as much content as i possibly can and pushing it out onto redbubble, patreon, etc. you will get more than your moneys worth in return from artistic content and stuff, that’s all i have to offer right now, because frankly commissions are extremely draining and take me SUPER LONG to finish- i don’t want you to have to fight through my executive dysfunction to get a finished piece that’s not fair to you and i want to make this as worth it as possible on the user end
if you want a specific goal, then right now, $350 for ubers for a month would help a lot but naturally give as much as you can because i need all i can get rn ^^; i’m lowballing it so it feels more achievable really but just ,, please anything helps lol
$0 / $350
thank you i love you all my gratitude is immeasurable and i just.. thank you for supporting me it helps more than you know
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therealcocoshady · 5 months
Oh I’m about to go in depth with the tea. I might make it an entire post and then send the link here bc it’s going to be VERY long.
But that’s also an option that maybe he was busy doing album things. From what I’ve seen with other artists and stuff that “might” be on the album, it’s nowhere near done. It seems like he either might’ve just started a few months ago or is only 50% completed. Which also sorta leads me to think it’ll be released later in the year around the winter months? But I hope he goes on tour for it lol. I’m already saving my money for however expensive the tickets for I’ll be as it’ll probably be his last one if he does. Because unfortunately, the last time he went on tour in my city was with Rihanna and I was 12… so I wasn’t even old enough to attended 🙄😐. Sigh LOL
I'm getting so ready to read !!! 👀
Do you also have info on the album ? Because I figured from Dre's Jimmy Kimmel interview that the album was "done" and someone (allegedly an insider) came forward and said that they're currently working on the Spotify and Apple Music approval process... I would like for the album to come soon, like may or june but, realistically, I'm thinking October or November ?
As for a tour, I am absolutely saving up money as well, just in case 👀. I agree that it might be his last tour, since he has been touring less and less. If there is a tour, I'm hoping for a few dates in Europe and, hopefully, France but he hasn't been here in a minute 😅. That being said, for him, I'm absolutely ready to do a bit of traveling 🙊
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coliepng · 1 year
When you switched from spotify to an ipod, what was that process like for you? How do you find new music nowadays and how do you add it to your ipod (if I recall correctly, itunes isn't supported anymore)?
so i actually have a collection of music from back when classic ipods were still in production, so that helps. however, that's clearly older music!
for new stuff -- i enjoy hunting down cds in thrift stores. there's also sites like depop where folks sell off cds they don't want anymore, tho i haven't purchased any from there myself. but the thrift method was how i used to get my music -- occasionally i'd hit a great sale at a department store or best buy, but usually i'd see what would turn up on the shelves at goodwill. or rip cds from my parents and friends.
i still do utilize spotify to keep track of new releases, but i also just try to follow my fav artists directly on their preferred platforms to keep an eye out for announcements. and tbh tiktok is weirdly great for discovering indie artists who don't have a label promoting them. (or even those that do!)
also, i have an absolutely amazing local radio station that plays everything -- and of course focuses on local music as well. most of my life this has been the best way for me to discover music i like that i never knew existed.
as for itunes -- apple still has the download on their website! i think i just searched it on bing/google and it was among the first couple of results. i have version if for some reason you can't find the link on apple's website directly, im sure mirrors of the installer exist.
however, if you get a modded ipod, odds are you'll need to use something like rockbox to load music -- i dont believe itunes works with SSD. mine is not modded. i think it's only 30 gig too, tho i have my friend's old one SOMEWHERE and it's 80 gig so i hope i find it before my collection exceeds 30 gigs lol
if you're up for it, i did most of my research on reviving my ipod usage on reddit. they've got great resources and most of the questions i had were already answered. if you don't have one already, or need parts to revive it, or want to purchase a modded one made for you, i recommend Elite Obsolete Electronics. quality work with the best prices around imo (at least in the continental US). you can also check out ebay, esp if you want one of the cute lil nano 3s that are also seeing a popularity resurgence.
and if you're wild, theres always 🏴‍☠ lmao but i can't give any advice on that, sorry. im too anxious to break laws
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iantimony · 8 months
didn't poast last week so this is a two-week extravaganza post! con: got roped into DMing dnd pro: none of these fools have read mdzs so i can steal plots from there. hope the party is ready to be lead on a quest by a disembodied arm!
listening: oh shit SO many things. i will not be linking to all of them.
depeche mode: basically just their top songs on spotify, not any specific album. strong shoutout to 'shake the disease' and 'wrong' (which featured in my secret samol post!)
disturbed: ditto
franz ferdinand: albums 'hits to the head' and 'tonight'. throwbacks
phoenix: 'wolfgang amadeus phoenix' ditto throwback
inxs: 'x' DITTO throwback. doesn't hit the same as when i first listened to em years ago unfortunately
streetlight manifesto: album 'somewhere in the between'
boy and bear: 'harlequin dream'
sammy rae: 'let's throw a party', 'the good life', and their 'everybody wants to rule the world' cover
hozier: 'wasteland baby' and 'unreal unearth'
paramore: album 'this is why'
grizzly bear: 'veckatimiest' and 'painted ruins'
haken: their newest album 'fauna' because i'm thinking about whether or not to go to one of their shows in feb (leaning towards yes right now)
my SO's pinecore playlist
shosty symphony no 5 (<3)
and, finally, a lot of borodin symphony no. 1 in e flat and the last two movements of rimsky-korsakov golden cockerel because that's what the youth orchestra i'm volunteering with is playing right now haha
for podcasts, i've listened to the new counter/weight prequel eps! i'm so charmed to see these characters again. i still haven't finished millenium break holiday special because i lost my spot when a bunch of an episode played without sound by accident so i finally went and scrubbed back to the beginning of the episode (it's the second to last part) so by next week i will FINALLY be out of holiday special zone.
reading: finished rereading tgcf lol,,, in loving memory of square checkbox: apparently apple is switching to circle ones? hateful wikipedia page for kessler syndrome my friend @celestialtourguide sent me a dm to ask about a few of the characters in this manuscript and i was immediately charmed by it. it's so pretty, i loved the informational blurbs, just really cool stuff. it was already on waybackmachine but i've gone ahead and updated it.
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watching: kurtis conner looksmaxxing. weird little subculture peek. rewatched sideways' why the music in cats 2019 is worse than you thought because my roommate was interested. this led us to the same channel's why avatar has the most ironic soundtrack of all time because roommate misread ironic as iconic and she really likes that movie. no accounting for taste, but aight. much more interesting than i thought it would be. that video then lead us to tony hinnigan's woodwind demos because hell fuckin yes. big-ass panpipes.
i've been keeping up on dunmeshi anime in little watch sessions with my SO, and also am working through kill la kill with him! i've seen it before but he has not so i'm really enjoying that.
playing: fallow.
making: i managed to finish my secret samol gift in time for reveal day!!! comics are fuckin hard dude!!!! i don't know if i'll be doing it again but it was a fun challenge. i decided to use a New App for some reason instead of procreate because procreate has not been hitting right and i wanted comic half tone brushes for this project. app is called sketchbook, it's an orange icon with a pencil on it. shrug! it's fine! i'll probably keep using it for a bit. started working on an english paper piecing project! soliciting tips for that because right now my method is: cut out hexagon using pattern piece i made to be 1/4 in larger all around than the template, gluestick template onto hexagon, baste edges down neatly, whip-stitch right sides together. remove template once all six sides have something attached. i'm sure there's a better way to streamline this process, i'll have to experiment. this will end up as a dice bag i think.
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finally, pottery starts again this week! so next week will have some of that in here
eating: ah beans i did not do a good job keeping track of this. uh. made the ground pork & cabbage thing again because my roommate got SO much napa cabbage for making kimchi and we had a shitload left over. napa cabbage isn't as good as a more standard cabbage for this imo, standard cabbage tends to be a little sweeter i think once it's cooked in? idk. had some stage 5 mental illness moments last week trying to cook dinner on a very short time scale with lots of other shit to do, following a recipe because fucking of course my roommate wanted me to cook with a recipe that night. anyways.
misc: like said at the top, somehow i managed to sign up for Another Activity god damn it. so now every saturday evening i run dnd. tl;dr i'm in a group irl that meets biweekly, someone who i give a lift to for that was complaining in the car that their other online group's dm ragequit after his encounter wasn't well-balanced (skill issue) and before thinking about it i just was like oh well i could probably step in if you need! god damn ittttt lol i have missed dming so it should be fun. i vibe checked them for a session 0 last week and they seem chill and honestly shouldn't be too much work on my end, especially if i yoink plots from mdzs ha ha ha. other than that, all is basically well. i've settled back into a schedule, applied for some summer positions (!), and absolutely hate the amount of busy work in one of my two classes. yippee
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arlana-likes-to-write · 10 months
Hello Friends! I know I've been a little MIA but I have been writing but I haven't been finishing anything lol, story of my life right. Also it didn't help that I hyperfixated on a pairing from the Last of Us (Tess and Joel deserve happiness and fanfication gave that to me while canon did not lol).
Anyways, I've also been working on some Spotify playlist that match the vibe and mood of the stories I've written. I'm constantly adding songs so it will be growing.
Hope you are all doing well! Here at the links if you want to check it out!
Second Chance
Lightning Bug
Matryoshka (Family is More Than Blood)
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astraeasilvers · 1 year
I'm a hobby-author currently posting fics on AO3. I have a story ongoing on Wattpad as well, but have been struggling with writing that one, so only the prologue and first chapter are up.
I mostly write Eyeshield 21 HiruSena ship fics. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for sticking with me!
Currently working on:
Silver Phoenix - Wattpad
Lightspeed Heartbeat - AO3
Arpeggio 21: The Devil’s Chorus - AO3
Beyond the Veil and into the Dark - AO3
In Your Company - AO3
Coded - AO3
The Guardian from Hell - AO3
What Lurks in the Heart - AO3
The Details in the Devil - AO3
Maybe This Time - AO3
Sidetracked - AO3
I've started uploading Music Compilation/Playlist Videos onto my YouTube! Feel free to check them out!
Check out my Linktree for more fun stuff!
Masterlist Link
Masterlist Link
I try to be active on updating you guys here, but I've got the memory of a goldfish, soooo...
A Little About Me:
I go by they/them or he/him pronouns. I'm Genderfluid. Specifically Demiboy/Agender.
I'm also Ace/Aro! If that isn't already obvious by how I write certain scenes... (take that as you will)
I have two cats! Well, technically four five, if you count my sister's, and now my late oma's cat
I have major ADHD and forget to be active on social media, so when I am, its in spurts of chaotic energy.
I'm autistic. So I do not handle social cues well at all. So keep that in mind if you interact with me LOL
I intend to write a lot of fics, but I try to keep myself limited. Yeah, well that doesn't always work, seeing as I'm now at four eight (plus the unposted ones), and promised myself only one.
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darling-valentine · 5 months
hiiiii valentin how was your dayyyyyyyy…. heres a song im listening to , i had a good day im dancing I hope you did too and drank waterrrrrr!!!❤︎︎
HIII my day was cool I went to class and now I'm home doing more stuff for my vn ^^ I don't drink water tho because I don't like it lol but I didn't drink milk and I'll drink some guava juice later skdhkdjd
also idk why but the song link doesn't work nooo qwq
I'll leave you one I have stuck I'm my head here tho! It's probably one of my fav malice mizer songs ^^
EDIT OKAY I COPIED THE LINK WRONG LOL listening to the song rn it's really nice! Cool guitar vibes I'm defo saving it ^^
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aclosetfan · 1 year
Heyyyyy, how are you doing? I hope you are doing well and life gets better and better with each day for you. just saw your post with your H/Cs about the girls. I was wondering if you have some of the boys too?? Maybe something you haven't mentioned before, and/or would be unexpected to some fans.
Btw, you are probably my favourite writer in the fandom. I usually don't re-read fics but Until Do Us Apart has my heart, ksjdhhdgghj. You can't imagine how much I cried when I first read it 😭 When I find it, I will definitely read it again (when I have free time).
Bro ngl, forgot i wrote that (AGAIN), re-read it, and after i got past all the typos i missed and fell into the story, i was like WHAT!? I couldn't have written that! Like who?? Me?? That was too sad. too heartbreaking. I hate it. I want five more stories just like it. thnxs!!
here's the link so everyone can be sad too :) just ignore all the fucking typos
lmao anywayyy! Three h/cs for our fave boys. I've forgotten what i have and have not mentioned, so if these are just repeats, sorry in advance. Like with the girls, my headcanons don't vary often! Once I've characterized them, they're pretty much characterized lolol
On paper, he's not a good leader. He's condescending, bossy, lazy, and the biggest asshole, but where Blossom needs a plan for everything, Brick is quick on his feet and doesn't mind Boomer and Butch straying from the plan. He doesn't direct every action, and because he's better at taking shit in stride, his brothers are also better at acting independently. By contrast, Bubbles and Buttercup are well-trained and don't act until directed, which drives Brick up a wall. He's definitely an "I told you what needs to be done, so figure it out already" macro-manager.
Boy band/girly pop junkie, but he'll go to the grave before anyone finds out, except everyone knows. He's bad at hiding it. He claims all the k-pop shirts he owns were bought as a joke, but his spotify is linked to Butch and Boomer's, and they know how big of a swiftie he is. (or like in-universe equivalent lol)
He's depression barbie all the way, which isn't a new h/c I just want to reiterate that mentally he's not doing well and is a gremlin about it. His brothers routinely remind him that he does, in fact, have to drink water.
If not for him, his brothers would have killed each other by now. He's not any more responsible than the other two, but he is a grounding figure. He has, overall, earth-sign-middle-sibling energy. He's the one who remembers to take out the trash, not because he wants to take out the trash, but because the trash just needs to be taken out, and he's standing there anyway. This headcanon is actually hard for me to convey with words. Basically, he's the one keeping the trio together. Good second-in-command guy.
Sure, Brick broods and Boomer whines, but Butch is the brother staying up at night yearning for something a little bit more than the life they've got. I think he'd be the brother most easily persuaded to "go good," not Boomer like I've seen. He likes his reputation as the big tough monster of the trio, but a small part of him knows it's all just a front and that he'd like to be respected as a person. With that in mind, it's easy to see how he could be angry angry angry. He's stuck, he wants more, he's doing what he's made to do, he loves his brothers, he wants to leave them, he feels directionless, lost - - - might as well workout to distract himself, maybe start a fight.
planes, trains, and automobiles bbbyyyyyyyyy. Autism be damned, my boy can work an engine (both real and of the model variety)
i feel like i've already said everything I've got on this kid haha, but I don't think I've mentioned that, like Bubbles, he's good with small creatures, but where she focuses on the cute ones, he's obsessed with rabid raccoons and fucked up looking opossums. He has an opossum hidden in his bedroom named Trashcan. Also very interested in Bugs(tm).
Went through an "emo" phase, except he was a total poser about it, which caused considerable tension between him and Brick (goth boy extraordinaire), and wore bad eyeliner. Then, immediately after, went through a surfer boy phase, then a cowboy phase, and then a, well . . . basically, Boomer's always trying to find himself because he doesn't think Himself is good enough (he hasn't had his Kenough moment yet), and is desperately seeking other peoples approval.
Boomer may not know who he is quite yet, but to his brothers, he is crinkly-eyed smiles, breezy laughs, warm hugs, and cold hands with an innate ability to make them feel like they're people worth loving. He may not like it, but he's the baby brother through and through.
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foxymoxynoona · 5 months
Damn, I’m so slow and feel like a late bloomer over here. I just finished reading Flux yesterday! It was the pinnacle of all the fics and books I’ve ever read. I liked the character introspection so much, even in the 3rd person POV, and the way it streamed out of their consciousness. And, of course, your freaking writing! It was beautiful as well as melancholic for me, though 😂🥹 I couldn’t trust your story and myself to go through fluff in one chapter and then be hit with angst in another. I had to prepare my mentality every single minute.
The One Day series’ scores I listened to all while reading are also super bittersweet and are now my official soundtracks for your JK x Sasha stories. They really fit all the introspective parts, changes, and ups and downs, which are kind of the whole story, lol. It really intensified the reading experience and got me crying over and over again. I wonder if you ever put on music when you write? For me, I can’t do anything or even live without it.
Anyway, a huge thank you to you and your stories once again, Foxy. Now I’m gonna catch up with other anons on the next book and delve into it. My ton of work stuff can wait until i finish the latest chapter 😂
And if you want to check out the One Day’s scores, here’s the Spotify Link. My favorite is ‘Had Enough.’
Have an amazing and safe trip with your family in Japan, dear writer🤍
🥹 I'm so touched that you are enjoying my story so much! I'm very glad you found me, there's no timeline. Look at all you got to read while everyone else had to wait haha.
I most definitely listen to music while I work on this story! So thank you tons for the soundtrack recommendation, I will definitely give it a listen and find what fits the right songs.
There's such a strong bond that happens with music. I can often recall where I was/what was going on in my life when I listened to specfic songs or albums a lot.
As an example, I can't listen to the song "Phases" by ALMA and French Montana without getting an tummyache because I listened to that song in particular a lot while I was writing the hardest parts of Flux. A ton of other stuff too, but this song just came to mind because it came up on my playlist last night and I was instantly back there haha.
Hope you're enjoying My Matryoshka!
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jimjamkagaricci · 6 months
updated introduction post!
(since it’s my birthday and i'm updating my age everywhere!)
hi, i'm adrian! (i also go by riz and aled) i'm 24 years old and my pronouns are they/them!
i've been a fan of heartsopper since i was about 17/18, so about seven-ish years now! outside of solitaire, i was a little late to the game reading alice's other works because i was in college, so i started reading the osemanverse books in about 2021/2022.
my favorite book by alice is either radio silence (if you couldnt tell by the whole naming myself aled part) or i was born for this! (also self explanatory)
i hope to have read and finished loveless by the time my queue spits this into the void lol. (i did!)
some of my other interests include: playing stardew valley, d&d, reading (love historical fiction) reading/ writing fanfiction (klancer in 2024 🫡), collecting physical media (like CDs, DVDs, records, etc.), cameras, and listening to podcasts! (big fan of wtnv and radio rental)
my main account is linked, but it's @crankyadrian if you wanna follow! that handle is the same across all platforms, so feel free to follow me elsewhere, too. (i frequent tiktok and pinterest)
i'll also include links to my other blogs under the cut :)
i’ll include my spotify as well!
stardew valley blog
artsy blog
d20 blog
wtnv blog
tøp blog
pjo blog
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kydoesthings1 · 1 year
Some songs that remind me of makugae hand picked from the Spotify of yours truly. Yes I’m very mentally well why do you ask
part 1 because this got too long with all the lyrics
Sure hope the formatting isn't fucked up lol. Also I forgot how links work but all this is on Spotify
As per popular demand and in no particular order, an un-exhaustive list of songs I bend metal bars with my mind to:
Bodybag by Chloe Moriondo
I don't know where exactly you expect my head to go When you look at me it's like I lose control You know that you're to blame when you say my name When you say my name, yeah … Don't know if I hate you or if I wanna date you Put you in a bodybag instead of my bed … I could cry when I hear you speak But that just makes me angry I wanna kiss you on your cheeks But I also wanna punch your teeth in
Such a Gaelio coded song. And he really did put McG in a bodybag instead of his bed so :D
Stardom by King Gnu
The English lyrics on the Internet are Wrong so I made up my own that hopefully don't sound like a bot wrote them
Behind the smile I tried to make up in my dreams How many times have I shed tears? Remembering the roads I have walked How many times have I swallowed humiliation? It's not quite like yearning But there's no end to the dreams of people who continue walking on the right path … Tearing through the clouds up into the atmosphere And right down to the end of Hell … I've overcame the nightmares from that day Then I'll reach for the spotlight no matter how many times … Life has to come to an end But there'll be no end to my name Poisoned by the light of glory, just beyond the limit Don't fear the end Laugh it off as recklessness Now that I've done all I can All there's left is to wait for fate
Apparently this was written for the Tokyo Olympics (aren't the lyrics too ominous though??). I don't really care about sports so this is a McGillis song to me
Father by The Front Bottoms
But you look good tonight, girlfriend Can I sleep in your bed? And when I crawl out in the morning Can I stay inside your head? 'Cause you were high school And I was just more like real life And you were okay, okay as a girlfriend, girlfriend But I was just more like his wife I'll do the push-ups, I'll wear the makeup I'll do whatever he wants all night 'Cause you were okay, okay as a girlfriend, girlfriend But I was just more like real life
To me this is McGillis pov about Gaelio and it makes me want to chew on drywall. Izn*rio is there too although we all wish he weren't. (Ignore the heterosexuality.)
Arms Tonite by Mother Mother
I know people have opinions about Mother Mother songs in character playlists BUT the lyrics are too good to not put in this one:
I fell in your arms tonight I fell hard in your arms tonight, it was nice I died in your arms tonight I slipped through into the afterlife, it was nice White light in your arms tonight I lost sight in your arms tonight, it was nice And hey, you, don't you think it's kinda cute That I (I) died (died) right inside your arms tonight? That I'm fine even after I have died? Because it was in your arms I died
Fairly straightforward McDeath song.
(In a way it was the best possible way for McGillis to go out, in a fight not after he get arrested and tried. Or he could've blown up in space and not die in the arms of his historians-will-say-they-were-best-friends best friend)
Crystalline by Circrush ft. GUMI
Tell me what to say And lead me through the shadows Show me the escape Where you go I will follow … I'm falling apart piece by piece To shards of what you have made of me But I've risen above all that I have become Turned from the pain I was trained to love … I am fixated on all of the things we were together But those are fragments that are better off lost forever
Return (Kaeriuchi) by John ft. Hatsune Miku
The English lyrics are wrong again lol
I won't forgive you if you keep up that irresponsible attitude Can't you never show yourself in front of me again? Do you know of blue roses? They go well with sad words Though they would be a waste for you Take this! The gunshot heard in the middle of the night And this upside down love Are still waiting to strike back The genuinely lonesome ringing cheers And those annoying trash Are still waiting to strike back It's the last stand
A song that fits Vidar!Gaelio well
Love and War by Fleurie
Lover, hunter, friend and enemy You will always be every one of these
There are so many songs that go nothing's fair in love and war for some reason
Romantic Homicide by d4vd
In the back of my mind You died And I didn't even cry No, not a single tear And I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive In the back of my mind I killed you And I didn't even even regret it I can't believe I said it But it's true I hate you
I know I know another overused character playlist song but it matches if you interpret it in a Gaelio is coping with killing McGillis and failing type of way
Say It. by Yorushika
This is quickly becoming just me translating songs wth
I'm sure I'll be thinking of you on the last day of my life Although it's a shame that I won't be able to say everything Ah, someday on the last day of my life, I'll say that you’re gone Even, even, even, even, even more properly … And on the last day of my life, if I'll be able to see you I’m sure I’ll be singing of love even on the last day of my life So I can say it wasn't all for nothing Ah, someday on the last day of my life, although I still won't be able to believe that you're gone More, more, more, more more, more, more, about you I'll say it even more, more, more more, more properly
I expose myself as the biggest Yorushika fan. Something about not being able to say what you really wanted to say to the person before they died...
Spiracle by Flower Face
Not pasting the entire lyrics lol but here are some ones I really like
I want the parts of you you only show To the corner of your bathroom mirror I want the parts of your hand-grenade heart That beat slowly with anger and fear … I want your quiet, your screaming and thrashing The salt on your lips and the hands that God gave you And I want your violence, your silent sedation Your moon eyes, your telescope, morbid fixation … I want you, butterfly, I want you, sailor I am your lover and I am your jailor
Something about desiring someone so deeply and wanting everything about them...This is just an insanely good song
part 2 very soon. I have a stomach ache and am going to watch youtube videos in bed now (please don't judge my taste in music this is the only thing i have going for me)
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