#jolly ♥️
jollybone · 1 year
HII hope your day is well just wanted to say love how you draw bell he is so gorjus <3
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Thank you so much anon, that means so much to me qwq I hope you have a nice day!
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jennay · 1 year
Let me take care of you
Request: I don't know if you know, but Noah kind of lost his voice during a concert(?) when you can, can you write that the reader flew out to take care of him or just to be there with him? :c ♥️ You choose whether they're friends or in a relationship, whatever you feel. Don't overwhelm yourself, precious; we love you more♥️♥️
No warnings
An: sorry I put a friends to lovers trope. 😅 thank you for this request. I loved it.
Words 2800ish
Noah Sebastian x reader
Noah Master list
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You had always been terrified of heights. The mere thought of being high up in the air made your palms sweat and your stomach churn.
So, how you boarded a plane and flew for more than half a minute was a mystery to you. But you did it for Noah, your best friend, who was going through a rough patch. Your sneaky self conspired with the other three men to visit without Noah knowing.
He'd lost his voice and had to cancel several shows, which made him feel guilty and depressed.
He kept blaming himself for not taking better care of his health even though the others assured him that it was not his fault and that he would recover soon.
You had booked a car online, but when you got to the rental center, you faced an unexpected problem. The vehicle you had reserved was unavailable, and the counter clerk seemed clueless about what to do. He asked you to wait in the lobby while he talked to his manager, promising to sort things out as soon as possible. You felt your blood boil with frustration. You hated waiting - especially when you had paid for something in advance. You glared at the clerk as he walked away, wishing you could zap him with your eyes. You grabbed your phone and dialed Noah's number, hoping to check on him. You waited for him to pick up but heard a different voice on the other end instead.
"Hello, this is Noah's assistant. How can I direct your call?" It was Jolly; his thick accent and cheerful tone always made you smile.
"Hey, Jolly. It's me." You chuckled. "Is Noah paying you well? You seem to be working very hard lately."
He laughs back, "He doesn't pay me shit! I'm just that good of a friend."
"Well, speaking of the devil, where is he?" You ask.
"Sleeping... I saw it was you so I answered for him. Are you here yet?" He whispers, and you hear the sound of a door closing. "Sorry, that was loud. I don't want to blow it. Must escape into the other room." He says, giggling like a child.
"I'm in the same state…city even, but there seems to be some fucking confusion with the car I rented, and it's taking everything in me not to lose my shit right now," you say with a sigh. "Why is this happening?"
You run your hand down your face, feeling lost and not knowing what to do. "Ah, the classic 'I rented a car, and now I'm stuck' situation. You know what they say: 'Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.'" He quips, "Do you need someone to come get you, or are you going to wait it out?"
"OK, well, nobody says that except you. I'm gonna wait. I hate not having my own way around." You pause when you hear your name called at the front desk.
He laughs, "No, I'm pretty sure that's how it's said, y/n. My English is good."
You roll your eyes, letting out a small giggle. "I gotta go. I'll call you when I get to the hotel. Like, I'll actually call your phone."
"See you soon. OK, this is the part where I say goodbye, right?" He laughs.
"Yes, goodbye!" You click end and start toward the desk, wondering how you ended up with the strangest people being some of your closest friends.
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After a long, exhausting drive, you finally arrived at the hotel's parking lot. You took out your cell phone and called Jolly, hoping he would come down and help you with your luggage.
You waited and waited and waited…
"I'm coming." He said abruptly and hung up.
You stared at your phone in disbelief. What was that? Did he just cut you off without even saying goodbye? What if you had something important to tell him?
You got out of the car, putting on your sunglasses. You grabbed your backpack from the back seat and closed the car door, leaning against it as you waited for Jolly to show up.
You started to doubt your decision to come here; if Noah was sick, would he appreciate your surprise visit? You shook your head; of course, he would.
You feel excited when you see the tall Swede walking towards you with a goofy smile; he opens his arms wide, and you run to him, hugging him tightly.
"You made it!" He exclaimed.
You pulled away, grinning, "Barely. I think I only cried once on the plane, so that's an improvement, " you joke while adjusting your bag. "Lead the way," you say, gesturing to the door.
"Someone's eager," he teased, opening the door. "I'm excited to see everyone. I miss you guys so much," you said with exaggerated emotion.
He followed behind you as you sprinted up the stairs. "Oh, come on. Don't lie to me. You're dying to see Noah... Just admit it," he said, poking fun at you.
You stopped in the hallway, making him bump into you. You turned to face him, poking his chest and giving him a fierce glare, "Shut your mouth!"
He laughs, gently grabbing your shoulders, keeping you at bay. "Alright, pitbull, calm down!"
You shake your head and continue to walk, "Sorry." You mumble. "It's just, nobody needs to know that. I honestly didn't even want to tell you." You take a deep breath when you feel his arm lazily drape over your shoulder.
"Maybe it's time to tell him instead of telling me." He looks down at you, waiting for a response.
"Hear me out... I can just not say anything and keep my friendship intact," you say.
Jolly's arm drops from your shoulders as he points to the door. He grabs his key and unlocks the door, pushing you in first.
"This place is huge," you say as you peek around. You'd barely entered the kitchen and already felt lost.
"Down the hall doors on the left. Beware, the other two are lurking and waiting for your arrival," he warns.
As he's warning you, you hear a sudden commotion from around the corner. Two figures emerge, dart guns in their hands, and they laugh maniacally as they start shooting at you. You barely have time to react before the first dart hits you in the face. You instinctively raise your arms to shield yourself from the barrage of incoming darts.
"Fucking assholes!" You yell out in frustration, trying to catch your breath as you choke on your laughter. You quickly scan your surroundings for cover and spot Jolly nearby. You run towards him and hide behind him, hoping that he'll provide some protection from the incoming fire.
Jolly groans as he gets pelted with the soft bullets but doesn't move. You peek from behind him and see that the men are still laughing and shooting at you.
From behind them, you hear a door creak open and feet scruffing against the floor.
"What the fuck is going on?" you hear Noah's hoarse voice ask.
You poke your head around Jolly's torso, and your eyes land on Noah. You smile with excitement, feeling your stomach flip.
You run past Nicholas and Folio, flipping them off in the process and laughing hysterically as you jump into Noah's arms. As you cling to him, you can feel his body tense up in surprise. He looks down at you with wide eyes, his mouth slightly agape, as if he can't believe what happened. You can tell he hasn't processed that you're there yet.
"What the…where did you? You're here," he manages to stutter out. His body relaxes, and he squeezes you gently, engulfing you in his tattooed arms. "What are you doing here?"
You pull back, still latched in his arms, as you look up at him. "Surprising you, dummy. Did it work?"
"What do you think?" His brown irises glow while he gazes down on you. "I'm surprised, but why? You had the whole tour, and you chose now? We're almost done." He says, chuckling. "Wait, did you get on a plane?"
You push out of his grasp, brushing your shirt down. "I heard you weren't feeling well…and yes, I did get on a plane."
"She only cried once," Jolly pipes in. "She's growing up so fast."
You shake your head, "...and then these two assholes tried to kill me." You glare at them. "You didn't even say hi! You just started blasting, and I find that rude. Could at least greet a girl." You turn your back to them, swinging around to face Noah. "Anyway, I'm here."
He looks back at you with tired eyes, "Well, as much as I love seeing you. I'm supposed to be on vocal rest. I'm going back to my room."
You stand there confused as he starts to walk away from you.
"Are you coming?" He asks, stopping before his door.
"Wait, you were inviting me?" You chuckle, "I'm comin'." You dash down the corridor and join Noah in his room. The room is plunged into darkness by the black-out blinds. You grin as he snuggles up on the bed, pulls the covers over him, and switches on the tiny TV on the desk at the foot of the bed.
"I had to make it dark." He explains, noticing your curious gaze, "I'm fooling myself into thinking nothing exciting is happening."
You roll your eyes playfully, "Nothing exciting is happening. This is a hotel." You tease, sliding under the covers next to him.
Noah gives you a sly smirk as he slides closer to you, resting his head on your chest. You wrap your arm around his shoulder, gently moving it up his neck and into his hair, where your fingers weave through, making him melt under your touch.
"I know you're not supposed to be talking, but I was curious how you feel about this. How are you coping?"
He lets out a sigh, showing his frustration. "I hate having to cancel shows, you know? It sucks knowing people were looking forward to seeing us maybe for months, and then we can't even show up." He buries his face in your neck, groaning, "I can talk, by the way, just not loudly."
You feel his hot breath against your skin, causing goose bumps down your arms. You wonder if this was the right time to tell him the truth.
You mentally shake the thoughts from your mind; now was probably not the right time. You didn't know if there ever would be a time when you'd feel brave enough. "I get that. As much as you hate hearing it, you're only human, Noah. Shit happens, and I'm sure they'll understand. They would want you to get better instead of ruining your voice," you remind him.
You feel his arm drape around your waist as he says, "I'm happy you're here. It makes things a little more manageable."
You hear his breathing slow down, and his soft snore comes from him. You let him rest and grab your phone, careful not to wake him up. You take a quick picture of your situation and send it to Jolly.
Did you tell him?
Wake him up?
I can't. It's a rule. It's rude to move if someone is sleeping on you.
That only applies to cats, and Noah's not a cat.
You laugh and text back: Are we sure?
You put your phone down beside you and close your eyes, feeling the need for a nap after your long trip, and then you'd talk to Noah, maybe.
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You stir in your sleep, feeling soft touches through your hair; you cuddle closer to the person's chest, feeling arms around you keep you safe and warm. Your eyes flutter open softly, and you are greeted with Noah's neck tattoo. You lean your head back, your nose grazing Noah's chin. "Hi," you groggily say.
"Hi, sleepy head." You snuggle your face back into his chest, not wanting to end the moment. You felt secure and calm, like you could stay this way forever. Until you hear the door fling open, you don't raise your head to look afraid you might get pelted in the face with another dart.
"You did it!" Jolly squeals when he sees you wrapped up in Noah's body. "I'm claiming best man at the wedding!"
Noah's eyes widen in confusion, and he looks at Jolly with a puzzled expression. "What wedding?" He asks nervously.
Jolly stares at you wide-eyed and yells, "Ah Fuck!" before leaving the room and shutting the door quickly.
You smack your hand over your eyes, wishing you could just disappear. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment, and you contemplate getting up, walking to the front, getting on a plane, and never showing your face again.
Suddenly, Noah lightly pushes your shoulder and playfully smiles at you. "That was weird," he says. "Are you OK?" His eyes grow with concern as he realizes the color hasn't returned to your face.
You take in a deep breath and close your eyes. Your heart races with anticipation, and you feel sick to your stomach. But you quickly regain focus and open your eyes. "Is it THAT weird?" Noah's head tilts, eyebrows furrow together, and his voice laced with curiosity, "What do you mean?"
"The voice in my head is screaming not to tell you because I'm so fucking afraid of losing you, but I know…" you pause, trying to catch your breath. "I love you, Noah, but not just in a hey, I want to be your friend kind of way. It's been eating at me for a while now. I made the mistake of telling Jolly; that's why he said what he did."
Noah's mouth drops with surprise, and slowly, a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. "I know," he says softly. He presses his lips together, not sure what else to say. He wasn't completely oblivious. "That's it?" You nervously bite the inside of your cheek.
"Y/n, why do you think I treat you like I do? I knew there was something more, but I didn't want to push this on you. I'm gone a lot, and I can't always give you what you want and what you need." He reaches out, holding both of your hands with his.
"If you want to give me a shot, I'm ready, but don't want to disappoint you." He flashes his infamous smile at you. "I want to try. At least then when people ask if you're my girlfriend, I won't have to correct them." He nervously laughs, "Are you ready?"
You smirk and sit up on your knees, bringing your hands to his face and pressing your lips against his. You lean back, gazing into his eyes, a permanent smile plastered on your face. "Yes, I'm fucking ready!"
You hear Jolly's voice yell from the hallway. "The wedding's back on!"
You chuckle, and Noah pulls you into his lap, kissing your temple. "He really wasn't the best one to tell."
You shrug your shoulders, "It wasn't that bad…he did kinda make this happen…"
Noah looks at the door hearing someone lean against it; chuckling while throwing his legs over the side of the bed and making his way to the door. He quickly opens the door to reveal Jolly practically falling on his face.
"Dude…" Noah laughs. "What the fuck."
Jolly apologizes, "Sorry, sorry. I'm nosy, you know plus had to make sure little miss wasn't getting her heartbroken." He pauses and smiles at you.
"Well," you say with a grin, "I guess we can't blame him for being curious about our love life. After all, it's not every day that he gets to witness such a steamy romance." You wink at Noah.
Noah rolls his eyes playfully and pulls you closer. "Yeah, Jolly," he says with a smirk, "you're just jealous that you're not getting any action."
Jolly laughs and shakes his head. "You two are something else."
@thisbicc @yumikitten @lma1986 @chemicallady
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luckykiwiii101 · 9 months
Hey Upper East Siders. Want to play a game…? One condition, this time you HAVE to play by the rules. Or it’s game over…
- XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋 💌
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And who am i? That’s one secret i’ll never tell, You know you love me - XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋 💌
Hey Upper east siders.
It’s that time of year again. When the sleigh bells are jingling and people add more items to their never ending wish list.What if i told you…it’s more than just a wish list.Ever wanted something so bad that you would do ANYTHING to get it? Well luckily, i’m not talking about signing a contract in blood. You don’t even have to lift a finger, nor shed any blood…or tears. You can have everything you’ve ever wished for.You just have to play a little game. Will you accept this dance…? If the answer is yes…keep on reading.
Now that we’re nice and ready. We can get started on this super quick and fun journey. If i didn’t say this earlier, GOSSIP GIRL HERE!! and i have the BIGGEST news ever! YOU will have entered/woke up in the void state within a week and manifested your dream life! Maybe you’ll do it in less than a week, and have a holly jolly Christmas XoXo. Just depends on how determined you are.
You know what happens if you aren’t…right? There are two outcomes. Let’s go over them shall we..?
“Will you have this dance..?” “No”
(Option A)
SPOTTED: Lonely Boy. Can’t believe they didn’t want their dream life, only in exchange for a little persistence. How tragic……And EVERYONE is talking. Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks. If only they knew how easy life was…
“Will have you this dance…?” “Yes”
(Option B)
SPOTTED: SPOTTED, On the steps of the Met: B. Looking perfect, as usual. Feeling perfect, as usual. Having everything they’ve ever wanted. So much for such little “work”. Did they really think they could just waltz over here and not manifest their dream life? So effortless, it’s almost funny.
So……Which do you choose?
(thought so)
Option B?! Good choice. Looks like Little J will have everything they want and a ticket to the inner circle. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is SO much better?
Luckily, your journey will be very short, and VERY sweet.
Serena Van Der Woodsen, your invitations just arrived. With strings attached. Come out, come out, wherever you are.
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Gossip Girl here…enough with the stalling. Now for the main event.
You will spend the next 7 days, accepting that you are a void master.
What is the void state?
Well well well. Look what we have here. An overcomplicator on our hands, caught red handed. (Just kidding, XoXo)
It’s a state of pure consciousness. When you are detached from your physical senses completely. You can’t hear, see, smell or feel anything. Must be heaven if your name is Dan Humphrey.
Did you know, that you enter the void state everytime you fall asleep? Shocked? Well don’t be. It’s nothing special. Things always work out for you after all, should be used to it by now. Doesn’t it feel weird to finally have Gossip Girl on YOUR side? Can’t wait to pry into your success soon……and write ALLLLLL about it. You better not disappoint me, you know what happens next. Don’t wanna end up like lonely boy……do you?
“But i don’t believe in the Void State.”
- Said no sane person ever. Unless your Queen B with a broken heart.
Here you go! 💋💌💋
Does little J want a virtual slap of common sense? Don’t tempt me. A few clicked pics of your journey home could turn into a journey to hell. You know you love me. XoXo.
How do I enter the void state?
(Here you go 💌💌💌)
Looks like entering the void state really IS sugar and spice and EVERYTHING nice after all.
Hear those silver bells? It’s a void master INCOMING!!!
Applying states for the void state:
(Here you go! 💋💌💋💌)
And everyone knows the biggest present comes in the smallest box………not so difficult after all.
Then there are those boxes you are SO glad you opened.
“Challenges” to apply:
EVERYONE knows that there’s no such thing as a “challenge”.
“Take one It Girl on a pedestal. Add a crowd eager to see her fall. And give them the means to knock her down. So sad how they know they’ll only be the ones who end up falling” - XoXo Gossip Girl
Is Queen B Feeling frustrated? : (Lotusmi’s void challenge)
Always finding your hands in your hair and your fist in the wall? Well this one’s for you! (💋 💋 💋)
Love complaining? Of course you do! Talk about a Blair Bitch Project.
And for the building to really blow up, all you need is an unexpected turn. Who knew changing attitudes were so helpful?Especially for the Stubborn Blair Waldorf.
Desperately Seeking Serena: (3 day void challenge)
Is Queen S feeling like she needs a whole mind reprogramming in a gorgeously short amount of time? Well it’s time to turn that mental frown, upside down! (Here you go!!! 💋♥️💋♥️)
Ah, what’s that magic word again? Oh, Consistency! Whoops! Don’t tell me you forgot too?
And anyone who’s used to bending the rules will find themselves breaking them.
Feeling like a Dare Devil?: (Void Princess challenge)
Confidence is built, and NEWS FLASH!!! You don’t need confidence to build it. No expense is spared.
(Post is here 💋💋💋)
There’s nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a little……push. Not off of a building of course………ofcourse.
Of course Gossip Girl here isn’t going to link every single void challenge here. Wouldn’t you like to come up with your own? Use your favourite one to your hearts content.
As we all know, there’s nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a surprise.
Is that a smile we see on B’s lips? The spotlight’s on her for once and no one helped her get it. I guess “miracles” can happen.
Distraction Method (made by the one and only, Gossip Girl)
Another stray thought lands in B’s lap. Will she use it as ammunition or will she surrender and put down her arms?
Here you go! 💌♥️💌♥️
What happens if Queen B doesn’t want to persist?
No, that’s not a tear in my eye. It’s just allergies. Without you, I’m nothing. —Gossip Girl
Who doesn’t love a five-finger discount. Especially if it’s the middle one.
Look who doesn’t want to end up on my blog. Who will I gossip about now?
Who cares if i’m pretty if i fail my finals?
Everyone knows that Blair Waldorf is SO much better than Rory Gilmore. Luckily for Blair, the word “failing” is unheard of. Too bad for Rory, it’s all she thinks about.
Read this 💋💋💋
Hey Upper East Siders. We hear that World War III just broke out. And it’s wearing kneesocks. Choose your side or run and hide. We have a feeling this one’s to the death.
Why should I listen to Gossip Girl?
Because “I was a teenage drug addict” is not exactly a winning college essay.
Now have a holly jolly Christmas with your every desire. You can thank me later.
Every happy ending is just a new beginning. Because on the Upper East Side, the good times ALWAYS last forever. You know you love me, XOXO —Gossip Girl 💋 💌
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starsomens · 1 year
hii 🙋🏼 Can you, please, write about Noah taking care of the sick reader with flu, cold?.. He calls her (by regular call, by video call) during work and realizes she's not well, and although she insists that she is fine (because she doesn't want to disturb his schedule, his day), he comes home by surprise to take care of her 😣♥️ i cry just imagining him appearing at the door 😩😭
Note: I’ll use a Fem! Reader here
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“Noah, Y/N is calling you back!” jolly said holding up his phone while they were sampling for their next up coming album. You were currently back home and he was over with the rest of the band. He felt bad about leaving this morning since he has a hunch that you were doing too well. He called you before but you didn't answer and he figured you were sleeping.
"Y/N, sunshine, how are you?" he asks straight away
"Hey, just calling to see how things are going so far *sniff* " he could hear the rasp of your voice and how stuffed your nose was "Sorry I missed your call, I fell asleep again after you left."
"Well, we're fine but Y/N are you sick? You really don't sound good." poor Noah was worried he left you alone while you weren't 100%
"Maybe I have a stuffed nose but it's really not that bad, really you're busy with work right now I'll be just fine!" you try and play it off while being followed by a cough.
"babes you're not fine, I'm coming home"
"Noah no! You guys are working right now! Just come once you guys are done okay? I can hold out until." you try and convince him. You knew working on music and making an album took a lot of work and focus and you didn't want to take away from that
Noah being the boyfriend that he is gave in "..Can you hold on until 6?" he asks knowing that'll be about the time they may finish
"You know I can, I promise moonlight" ugh and you used his nickname. You really knew the way to his heart
"Call me. For whatever okay? Please sunshine"
"I will, say hi to the boys for me. Love you"
"Love you too, I'll be home soon okay?" and with that he hung up
It was about 3 in the afternoon when you had finally gotten out of bed. You were pretty sure it was the flu. You head was pounding, you were exhausted, and your eye burned. Your cough and stuffy nose didn't make it any better either. You were wrapped up in a blanket with one of Noah's hoodies on with some random TV show on. It was more of background noise than anything, then there was a knock at the door. Getting up you go and look through the peep hole to see none other than your boyfriend.
You open the door in shock "Noah? You're supposed to be working on the album what are you doing home??"
"I wasn't gonna stay away from my girl when she's sick. What kind of boyfriend would I be?" he said coming in and kissing your head. He sets down a couple of bags on the kitchen counter. He brought some of your favorite cookies, soup from your favorite cafe, medicine and even some heat packs.
"Noah, you didn't have to..." you felt bad to have taken time from his work, but you also felt touched that he went out and got you all these things to feel better.
“Y/N.” Okay now he was serious “ you’re sick, I love you so I want and need to care for you. Now go get comfy on the couch while I get your soup ready” he pointed to your previous spot
“Okay okay, thank you baby” you pout. He leans down for a kiss but you stop him with your hand “okay that is where I draw the line mister. You are the lead vocalist in the band and I will not let you kiss me and catch my sick”
“Fine, Fine. But you’ll owe me kisses when your better”
He served your soup in your favorite bowl. Put some of your favorite cookies on a small plate and brought you two bottles of water. For one you had to stay hydrated, and to at least have a treat with your medicine. He found a movie he knew you loved and waited for you to finish your soup to cuddle you. Every now and then he would feel your forehead to see how your temperature was.
I have a few minutes to sell her check up on you. See if you need anything or if you were comfortable. Eventually you did fall asleep on him so he covered you in an extra blanket. No no it has a habit to take a picture of you whenever you fell sleep on him. And you being sick was not an excuse to miss out on this moment.
You just looked so peaceful he had to capture the moment. On top of that you were cuddling on top of him? Even better. And even if you were to get him sick he wouldn’t mind. Although he did start to feel that you were sweating a bit. You must’ve started to sweat the fever which means the medicine was working great. That also meant it was sent to wake you up get you in the shower and to change clothes and give you some more medicine if needed.
As for you, since no one has gotten there with all of these things to take care of you you didn’t even feel sick anymore. Just by him bringing these few things and taking care of you you already felt a million times better. And you will admit you did hear him while you were sleeping and how he had promised you to always take care of you when you got sick. And you will definitely tease him about it later on.
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @cncohshit @vir-tual
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gudfornuthin · 2 years
Can u write maybe a fanfic with Bernard the elf who fall in love with f!reader (Scott’s daughter)
Maybe mix fluff and smut together ♥️
Thanks 👉🏼👈🏼
Love Knows No Bounds
Bernard the Elf x reader
After a particularly bad breakup, you question whether love is destined for you. Perhaps a certain head elf will change your mind.
A/N: thank you so much for the request! Sorry it took so long, writers block has been a pain in the ass recently. This is mainly fluff as I’m not great with writing smut but I’ve tried to add a lil spice. Hope you enjoy❤️
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Being the daughter of Santa Claus had it’s ups and downs. Having the chance to travel to the North Pole every Christmas to see where the magic happens is great. But since your dad took on the role as jolly old Saint Nick, you’ve seen him significantly less than you used to. He’d always been a busy man, but unsurprisingly having to provide toys for children around the world annually made it increasingly harder to find the time to spend with him.
However this year would be different. As you’d be spending the entire Christmas period at the North Pole, seeing your dad and the elves in action. It was all very exciting. Helping out in any way possible, waking up on Christmas morning, knowing that it would’ve snowed the night before. But there was one thing you were most excited for. Getting to see your favourite elf, Bernard.
The first time you met, he was anything but warm and welcoming. With the clear tension between him and your dad, the new appointed Santa Claus, there was no doubt going to be bad blood with you too. But overtime, you broke that wall he’d built around himself, and was soon introduced to the kind, loving Bernard. And it was perfect. You were happy to call him your friend.
After a long and tiresome ride up to your dad’s place of work, all you wanted to do was relax before the busy days ahead. You also needed time to get your mind off of the only thing you couldn’t stop dwelling on. Your ex. Almost 4 years into the relationship and he decides to shut it down this close to Christmas. Over text too. It made you question whether the whole notion of relationships and falling in love was worth it. Whether you were destined to be alone forever.
You make your way through to the workshop, hoping to find who you were looking for. Thankfully, he’s there, looking grumpy and stressed like he always does. Bernard glances over and does a double take, his expression changing once he sees you.
“Y/N!” He exclaims, getting strange looks from the other elves. He clears his throat in embarrassment and wonders quickly over to you, wishing he hadn’t shown how overjoyed he was. You smile, glad to know you’re the one who can positively change his mood.
“I’ve been so busy I forgot you were staying here for a while.” That was an absolute lie and Bernard knew that, but he didn’t want to show how long he’d been waiting for your arrival.
He didn’t realise when the feelings for you started. You’d only hung around each other a few times, and most of those were with your dad in the room. But there was something about you. He couldn’t get you out of his mind.
“How’ve you been?” He asks
You huff out a breath and smile tightly, not wanting to get into what you were going through at this moment. “I’m good, great really.”
The head elf immediately knows you’re not telling the truth. The short reply, and unconvincing smile, it wasn’t like you. He chooses not to push further, hoping to get a moment alone with you later. He nods and leads you over to the naughty and nice lists, excited to show you the work they’ve been doing.
After a long and strenuous day of sorting out presents and baking cookies, you were grateful to be falling into the king sized bed for a much needed nap. However, that moment was quickly broken due to a knock at your door. You groan and sit up.
“Yeah it’s open!”
Bernard slowly peeks his head through, a crooked smile dons his face.
“Hope I’m not intruding, but I bought something you may like.”
He enters fully and you see him holding a tray. You smell the sweet aroma and realise it’s Trudy’s famous hot cocoa. You nod, a sign for Bernard to make his way over to you with the drinks, sitting down on the bed and handing you a mug. You breath deep and take a sip, the rich chocolate hitting you.
“Thank you.”
Bernard takes a sip himself. “No problem. Thought you might need it.”
You sit in silence for a moment, relinquishing the feeling of being at the North Pole, and what you left behind at home. The head elf looks over at you, your eyes closed and your breathing slow. He desperately wants to ask what’s bothering you, but waits. He doesn’t want to push. At last, you break.
“Have you ever been in love?” Your question hits Bernard like a truck, almost choking on the hot beverage. That wasn’t the question he expected. He coughs a few times and turns to face you.
“Uhh… not really. I don’t think so at least. Why, have you?”
You laugh, rolling your eyes and making him think he said something wrong.
“I don’t even know. I thought I was. Thought I found the one. Or maybe I was just so desperate for love that I chose to settle for something less than perfect. I was blinded by it. And I watched it all fall apart. Four years for nothing but a broken heart.”
If Bernard wasn’t speechless before, he most certainly was now. He had no idea who you were talking about, but the thought of someone breaking your heart killed him inside. You. The perfect, beautiful, kind, you. He wanted to comfort you, tell you that it would be alright and that it would pass over time. But I’m reality, he had no idea. Like he’d said, he’d never been in love. Well, his current feelings were uncertain. Love maybe not, but overtime he could see these emotions growing stronger for you. Sending another bout of silence brewing, he speaks up.
“I’m guessing this is about some guy from home that you were with?” Bernard queries and you raise your eyebrows as if agreeing with the obvious. “Well, this might not help, but I’ll be the first to say he’s an idiot.”
You stifle a laugh, a small smirk appearing on your face. He’s glad he can get that reaction from you. He continues talking.
“He’s an idiot for letting go of something so perfect. Someone who puts others before themselves. Someone who cares so deeply, they’re willing to get hurt to protect others.”
You look Bernard in the eyes, stunned by his words and unsure how to respond. His voice is wavering, but he carries on.
“And… it pains me to hear you think like that. To think you should settle for something, for someone, less than you deserve. And you, Y/N, you deserve everything. You deserve the world and more.”
Bernard is unsure if his words reach you, feeling as if he’s floating outside his body. He’s confused as to where this all came from, worried it’ll scare you away and you’ll never want to speak to him again. But then you move closer to him and speak up.
“Maybe I’ve been looking in the wrong places.”
“Maybe you have.”
Neither of you know who leans in first, but suddenly your lips are locked, your hands cupping his face and his holding your waist. You deepen the kiss, sliding your hand down to Bernard’s chest, moving his shirt aside slightly. He gasps and you take it as a chance to slip your tongue into his mouth. The room feels hot, Bernard’s cheeks rosier than usual, and your palms clammy.
You lean back, pulling him with you in the process, until his laying on top. Bernard moves his kisses to your neck, sucking a specific spot. That’ll definitely leave a mark tomorrow. You pull his hair, warning him about it, but he pays no mind, working further down to your cleavage. He’s passionate, wanting you to feel special and important, unlike your ex. It’s bliss. You pull him back up for another heated kiss, finding it hard not to smile wide. He notices and smiles back.
“Maybe I should visit more often.”
“Maybe you should.”
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gulano · 3 days
🎄😏 Hoe! Hoe! Hoe!🎄😏 IT’S THE SLUTTIEST TIME OF YEAR AGAIN GURL! 📅 ❄️ ⛄️ So merry THOTmas, Happy DOMukkah, and a festive KwOwOzaa! 🎁🎄✡️ 🕎 ♥️🖤💚 SHHH! 🤫 Did u hear that? 😮👂 Somebody’s up on the rooftop! 🏠 ❄️ 🦌🦌🛷💥💥 IT’S YO DADDY DOM, JOLLY OL’ ST. THICCOLAS🎅⛓🥵🙀😻 and he says you’ve been XTRA naughty this year! 😈😜👅💦So he’s droppin’ down the chimney like it’s hot to bring u some THOTmas cheer! 🫳🎁🔥🔥BUT ONLY IF YOU SEND THIS TO 🔟 OF UR SLUTTIEST ELVES 🧝‍♀️🧝🎁 ✉️ if u get 0️⃣ back 😔 ur an UGLY GRINCH 🧌🫵 if u get 5️⃣ back ur back on the naughty list again next year 😈 📝 but if you get all 🔟 back you a real THOTmas SNACK pack and a hot HUNKin pie!!! 🍪🥵🥧🎄
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loveshotzz · 10 months
sweet leighanne,
how do you think our whattaman boys are spending christmas?
Hi Ziggy!
Sorry this sat in my asks for a few days, works been crazy and I’m finally getting over some strep throat! ♥️
You convince bartender!eddie to get a Christmas tree this year, and point out every time he smiles while you two decorate it despite his protest. He won’t admit that the new Mariah Carey song All I want for Christmas is you is good, no matter how many times you and bouncer!steve catch him singing along to it when it plays at The Foxy Lounge.
You two spend Christmas Eve together on his couch eating Chinese take out and watching Die Hard. You exchange gifts at midnight and then have the kind of slow sex you two haven’t had yet. ♥️
bouncer!steve is surprisingly jolly, and if he wasn’t so cute, it’d be really annoying. He keeps trying to get Eddie to wear the antler headband he got to go along with his santa hat. Eddie never wears it, even when Steve argues that they can be santa and rudolph swearing the ladies would tip more. He LOVES the new Mariah Carey song.
The two of you spend Christmas eve playing drinking games with Robin and her new girlfriend, followed by sloppy drunk sex at your apartment after (he keeps the santa hat on). You exchange gifts christmas morning only slightly hungover followed by cuddling on the couch to watch The Grinch. :)
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commandersoso · 7 months
Decided to take a stab at writing a little fic about my favorite Phoenix Marco ♥️ I have lust filled thoughts about this bird and wanted to finally write some out. Hope you can enjoy him as much as I do ♥️🍍
This is a NSFW story, please be wary ♥️
Don’t Take Me Dancing
Light danced and flickered along the wood planks of the deck; a jolly tone rang through the silent night. An almost full moon shone its beautiful, bright nearly golden rays upon the dark crested ocean’s surface causing an eerie glow upon the night. The perfect scene to breath in and reflect on life never ending cycle.
Tonight was a night of celebration; a night filled with gold, jewels, and many shiny trinkets. The entire first division crew danced and cheered merrily with one another. Rough laughter and a somewhat rambunctious energy taking its grip upon the Moby Dick, occasional clinking of glasses and rowdy yells. This was all so new to you, the group unity, the happy laughter, and the freedom felt so foreign to your body, almost like you rejected the very idea of it taking hold of you.
You stood at the very edges of the celebration, sipping a golden hued liquid from a wooden goblet, allowing it to slowly warm your body and loosen the tension from the night. Your nervousness and discomfort slowly started to drift away, and a small sigh slipped past your lips as you inhaled the cool salted air into your lungs. You felt the presence of someone approaching you, just by how clean and fresh the air became, you knew it was Marco; lean, tall, and always looking at you with a smug smirk. "Not gonna dance, yoi?” He asked while glancing over at you with half-lidded, sleepy eyes. Marco was White Beards right hand man, first division commander and had eaten the Tori Tori no mi devil fruit. His beautiful phoenix abilities made him very well known in the pirate world.
You nibbled on your bottom lip, a little intimidated by his sudden appearance and felt a quick flash of red tinge your cheeks, "Dancing isn't really my strong suit…I'm more of a fighter," you half mumbled out in response.
An eyebrow cocked up while a malicious smile spread over the handsome blonde’s face. He leaned his face close to yours, eyes glistening with a slight playful dark intent, he sneered out "Wanna spar with me little lady?"
Pulled back and gave you an almost evil smug smile, reaching his arms out; exposing his toned chest to the moonlight, and teased "I doubt you would last even a few minutes." Your eyes darkened as you matched his gaze, his teasing stirring up some butterflies deep within you.
“You know there is a reason I was so high up in the marines,” you teased, throwing a fist at him.
He shifted to one side, easily stepping out of the way, laying a hand on your waist, and pulling you close to his body. “Maybe to them you were strong, but strength in a pirate crew is completely different,” Marco sneered down at you, taking your wrists in a firm grip he attempted to put your hands above your head.
“Not so fast,” you thought to yourself as you kicked your foot at the side of his knee, causing him to buckle. He released his hand to catch himself from falling and you took this moment shove him roughly to the floor, straddling yourself around his waist. A little grunt slipped out from his perfectly plump lips, as you perched on top of him giggling down at the handsome man. “Pirate or not, Marco, don’t underestimate me just cause I use to be on the enemies team!” you said while flashing a teasing smile down at him.
You noticed a sudden change in the air, his eyes glazed over with a faint hint of lust, a greedy smile slowly started at the corner of his lip, and he took your waist in his hands and pulled you forward a bit. Pushing his waist upwards into your groin you felt a hot bulge in his pants, rubbing against your sensitive entrance as he brought your bodies close together. You ear suddenly ablaze, bright red from the sudden change of pace you barely sounded out” M…Marco! wha…what are you doing?!”
A finger silenced you, pressing against your lips as he arched a brow at you. Holding on to you he sat up, pressing his groin into you still setting a ripple effect of tingling to grasp at your insides. Looking deep into your eyes, a little burst of his blue flame licked the edges of his face he brought his mouth to your ear whispering, “Wanna take this fight to my room?”
Not even waiting for a reply he easily picked you up and whisked you away to his bed chamber. A frenzy started as the door to his room barely managed to close, hands frantically looking for surfaces to grope and a heated battle between tongues as the two of you became almost desperate to fulfill this insatiable need to be close. Forcefully Marco ripped your shirt open, breasts spilling out, he vigorously took a nipple into his mouth, nibbled at it a bit and licked it to firmness, while using the other hand to pinch and stimulate the other side. Quickly, frantically moving to your neck; kissing, nibbling, and sucking from your ear down your neck, and over your collar bone. Each kiss blessing your skin causing your body to fill with an ache.
Somehow you ended up in his bed, naked, heavy breathing and grasping at his body, you were shoved onto your back. Easily with almost zero resistance Marco spread your legs open exposing your opening, heated and wet with desire.
He bit his lip, smiled and with a chuckle, teased “Looks like I am already winning this fight.”
Before you dare utter a response he took his thumbs, spread your outer lips open and dug his face into your pussy, lapping up the juices pooling at its entrance. With quick tongue work he traced small circles around your clit, gently lapping under the hood causing you to twitch a little at the sudden exposure. A finger started to prod at your hole, entering in tune with the circling tongue, a little more with each second. Bringing the finger in and out, rubbing against your sensitive walls, a second finger soon joined, and the pace quickened. You arched your back into the pleasure, eyes rolling into the back of your head, you pushed your hips into his face, beckoning him in, desperate for him to be deeper. Too excited by the heat of the moment, you were sightly disappointed by how quickly he brought you to the edge, hit your climax and it caused your whole body to shake from the pleasure overload. A moan slipped out as you took a handful of his pretty blond hair, pulling his face into your pussy, squeezing his head between your thighs.
Dizzy with the leftover ripples of your orgasm you let your legs fall to the sides and glanced down to see the cocky man’s face smirking up at you. “I knew you would be easy to win over…but that was almost too easy. You barely even fought back,” Marco teased as he rose and laid on the bed neck to you. You’re not sure when he removed his clothing, maybe it was you in the passionate make out session, but you really got a moment to take in the beauty of the man lying in bed next to you.
His beautifully sculpted abs glistened, practically glowed with sweat, his neck smoothly dipped toward the shoulders, creating a subtle slope. The bone itself popped out a bit, tracing a noticeable curve beneath the skin. Sinewy muscles flexed across it; it looked so inviting. Hip dip that made you want to take a bite out of them guiding the gaze toward the dip where hip and pelvis converged and the real treasure on this man, his lengthy thick cock; hard, hot, and heavily dripping precum.
You couldn’t help but lick your lips, it looked delicious, and you wanted to taste it now. Reaching out you took it in your hands, brought it to your soft lips and gave the tip a through lick around the curvature, letting it lap over the slit firmly, just enough to cause a flinch out of Marco. You brought it deeper into your mouth, being sure to cover the sides of his shaft with your tongue and pressing the tip between your lips so every time it exited your mouth it made a small pop.
The longer his tasty cock rests in your mouth the greedier you become with, bringing it deeper and deeper into your throat, cupping his balls with one hand and rubbing the shaft with the other in tune with your sucking. Marco closed his eyes; his gentle moans of pleasure cause your inside to clench in desire and you feel him pushing his hips into your face; inviting you to take him even deeper. You swirl your tongue in a full circle around the tip which causes the whole shaft to almost vibrate, stiffen and release a small amount of excitement from its tip.
He takes a handful of hair, lets out a loud moan, shoves his cock as far back as it can go and releases his hot load down the back of your throat. Swallowing as fast as you can so you don’t choke, and what seems like an ungodly amount of semen, he finally releases his grip so you can pull back and gasp for some fresh air. Some of his sticky essence drips from your lips, the scent of both of you on you on your breath, and the room filled with the stench of sweat and sex; you both sit on the bed panting, eyes locked in a lust filled gaze.
You took Marcos’s face in your hands, desperate to have more of him you begged him, “I need you inside of me, now!” and you press your lips against his in a passionate mixing of saliva and scents. Taking you in his arms and laying you on the bed, he spreads your legs open. Taking the tip, he starts inserting himself into your entrance, slowly, allowing your body time to adjust to his huge cock. He begins to fill you, rubbing your soft warm edges as you find your body expanding to its limits feeling like he might just break you.
With each thrust, a moan slipped from your mouth, begging him deeper and deeper, the want the need for him fill you with his warmth.
He enters a little deeper and lets out a pleasure lace filled moan, “Fuck you feel amazing” he mumbles out in a slight moan. Grabbing your hips with his hands he helps himself enter you deeper, pulling your body into his. Slowly one thrust at a time, he finally bottoms out and your back arches into his body filled to its breaking point.
A bulge extends from between your hips, and he rubs it with one hand, feeling it extend your body with a thrust or two of his hips. “Look at that, I’m all the way inside of you Yoi,” he jests, and he pushes in, just enough to make your leg shake ever so slightly. A devilish grins spreads across his face and he pulls your entire body back so that he exits your body a bit and slams his cock all the way back in, causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head.
You gasp out, almost in pain, but not quite as he thrusts hard into the furthest reaches of your insides. You are riddled with waves of ecstasy as he brings himself in and out of your body, stretching you to your limits, and you find yourself digging your nails into his arms, leaving a red trail laced with specks of blood. With each thrust you start to moan, cry and shudder, feeling a climax wave taking over as you are beyond stimulated by him. Marco with such ease flips you over, so you are straddling him, somehow managing to stay inside you the whole time and continues to help you ride him.
Bringing you to the tip of his cock and slamming your body down, thrusting deep, while you sway your hips grinding against his firm body. You feel a tingling start to come from deep inside you, you can feel Marcos’s climax through his heated shaft. He pulls your head in and whispers into your ear, “Say my name, beg me, ask for more.” With that he arches, roughly, his whole body into you, holding you down by your hips and you just can’t handle anymore. Your orgasm devastates your body, your shoe body tenses, your legs start to shake, and you scream out his name loudly, “Mar…MARCO!” He rides along with your orgasm, pushing his cock as far in as he possibly can, lets out a deep moan and releases his huge load inside you, pumping you full. Pushing the bulge formed in your belly to expand ever to slightly. Every corner of your body ringing and riddled with warmth and pleasure, all your senses are maxed out with sensitivity, your lungs exhausted from panting.
Marco brings you in and lays a deep kiss on your lips as he continues to fill the depths of your pussy with himself, sliding a little tongue across yours and biting the edges of your lips as he shudders from the pleasure. Your eyes flutter open and you find yourself looking deep into his eyes, kind and gentle but still laced with wild lust. You try to pull yourself back a little because your body is shaking still from your intense orgasm, but he tightens his grip on you, pulls you to his side and holds you.
His heart beating loud in your ears, his heavy breath gracing your skin, causing small goosebumps to flutter across, and your bodies both sticky to touch sliding against each breath taken. You look up at your handsome blonde partner, flash him a smile and ask, “What do you say best 2 out of 3?”
He lets out a loud chuckle, pulls you close, and you both disappear under the covers to a night filled with endless pleasure……. End
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florencetypemaniacs · 9 months
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💛 Marcel: Marcel loves the winter season now, but back in his other life, the winter solstice was much more of a chore and really for the rich, as it was a time to feast, which Marcel really couldn't afford, and to worship the gods, with whom he had a very strained relationship.
🧡 Margaret: Margaret has always loved the winter season, especially Christmas, which her family celebrated. Margaret and her older sister would put on a play every year on Christmas Eve, and on New Year's Eve, her father would always have a ball at their manor.
♥️ Owen: Honestly, he does not care one way or the other. His family didn't celebrate Christmas or really any holiday during the winter. Back when he was alive, the winter solstice was a time of dread and famine; however, now he only sees the winter season of today as more of a hassle that people put themselves through. Although he can appreciate it, there really isn't as much of a dire need to survive the winter anymore unless you count holiday shopping.
💙 Rosemary: Rosemary also adores Christmas, just as her mother did; however, don't expect her to just sit there and enjoy the pretty lights. Oh no, no, no. She is going all out; she wants to decorate, bake cookies, and go Christmas caroling. All through the season, she is going to be enjoying whatever the winter has in store for her, and she will drag you along for the ride
🩵 Tai: Tai was actually raised Buddhist and celebrated holidays such as Chinese New Year and other family traditions brought from China; however, as he got older and was surrounded by more American traditions, especially more Christian ( Methodists), he adopted those as well, and while he celebrates both Christian and Buddhist holidays, he really doesn't go way out, but if you really wanted him to go all the nine yards, he guesses he can make that sacrifice.
💚 Zane: Bitter. Growing up, he would see all the other children having fun while he would have to train, which left him a big old grinch during this holly jolly holiday. However, he does enjoy the cold. Growing up, he would make snow angels or, honestly, just lay in the snow until his lips turned blue. I do think if he has the option to grow close to you, he would enjoy the holidays and would like to do all the cheesy holiday stuff with you, but you better believe he wants to be paid back in full. Maybe with some red and green lingerie? Lol. 
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circle-with-me · 7 months
3x3 for Stung By The Wasp please
I will take any crumbs 🙏
you got it ♥️
NSFW under the cut
Jolly closes his eyes and his mind drifts again, back to her naked in his bed. The beautiful way she quivered when he made her cum. How sweet she tasted. She looked so gorgeous with her makeup completely ruined and running down her face. Her voice crying out for him has haunted him in his sleep since she left.
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jennay · 1 year
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Request: would love a fluffy best friends that totally have loved each other but are scared to admit, maybe do something like if he still streamed. I wish he still did occasionally. 😭♥️♥️
An: this had a little more angst then what I originally planned. Lol but I hope you all enjoy it! I'm living for the Noah requests. 🥰
Also as you can tell I know nothing about twitch. 😂
Noah master list
Warnings: cursing and angst…mostly fluff.
Words: about 2600
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You perk up as you hear the door open and close, breaking the silence of the empty bar. You've been waiting for some customers to show up, hoping to make some decent tips today. You smile as you recognize the familiar faces of Noah and Nicholas.
You grab two glasses and greet them warmly. "My favorite customers! What can I get you?" You ask.
Nicholas hops on the stool next to Noah and scans the deserted place. "How's it going?" He says. "Where's the party at?"
You shrug and hand him a beer. "Covid, Nick… it's hard to get people out these days."
You glance at Noah, who is browsing the canned drinks. His long, dark hair frames his handsome face. You can't help but admire how cute he is, even though you would never tell him that. You and Noah have a platonic friendship, but it's not like any other. You have feelings for him, but you don't want to ruin what you have. You enjoy spending time with him, watching movies, playing games, and teasing him on his live streams. He took a while to figure out that you were the one leaving funny comments on his videos. He cracked up when he realized it was you, especially when you were doing it from his own bedroom.
Sometimes, you would catch him looking puzzled at the screen, wondering who was messing with him. "Who the fuck is this?" He would say, reading one of your messages. "They think they're hilarious."
"Hi sunshine, what are you in the mood for? Beer, white claw, mix drink?"
Noah tucks his hair behind his ears and points at a blackberry-white claw. "That sounds good. Can I have one of those?"
You nod and grab the can from the cooler. You pop it open and slide it over to him.
Conversing with them as you lean on the counter. "So, what's up with you guys today? Any big plans for the night?" You ask.
Noah sighs and takes a sip of his drink. "We just needed a break from the house. It's driving me crazy being stuck in there all the time." He says. "And we wanted to see our favorite bartender, of course!"
"I thought you were working on the album?"
Nicholas nods and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but then Jolly got into an argument with Noah. We had to pause."
You laugh and raise your eyebrow. You're not surprised that Noah was the problem. He may seem calm and quiet, but he's also a perfectionist who wants to do everything over and over again.
"Noah." You scold. "You're such a drama queen!"
He puts his drink down and leans forward, clasping his hands together as if he's about to confess something. But instead, he whispers, "Fuck off."
You giggle at his remark, rolling your eyes at him. "You're a man-child."
"And you love it." He teases. "Are you coming over after your shift?"
Nicholas laughs as he watches you lean closer to Noah, pretending to be angry at him. You narrow your eyes and say, "I don't even like you."
Noah gasps and clutches his chest, acting hurt. "Fucking liar!" He exclaims. "You adore me!"
You lean back, crossing your arms over your chest. "What's in it for me?"
Nicholas stands, sneering, tired of the bickering between you and Noah, "I'm gonna use the pisser. Watch my drink, make sure Noah doesn't drug me."
"So," Noah says, smacking his hands on the counter jokingly, "Are you going to?" He asks eagerly, flashing his perfect white teeth in a hopeful smile. He leans closer to you, his dark eyes sparkling with mischief.
"I can't." You bite your bottom lip. "Why do you want me to come over so bad anyway? That's the second time you've asked."
"Nothing." He laughs, "Sometimes I like your company when I stream. The crowd that gets on likes you."
"Probably because I'm amazing." You joke.
Noah takes a sip of his drink, watching you intently as you pick up some glasses to clean.
He sets his can down, "Probably." He agrees quietly but with a hint of seriousness in his tone.
"Hmm?" You question, not hearing him.
"Oh, I just said unlikely." He lies, smirking at you.
You set the glass down and glare at him, "Sometimes I wonder why I hang out with you. You're pretty mean." You know Noah is teasing you, but sometimes you wonder if that's what he really thinks of you.
"You're sensitive as fuck today." His brow raises, but he doesn't ask why you might be feeling that way.
"Maybe you're being an asshole?"
When Nicholas arrives back at the bar, he can sense the tension between you. "What'd you pick a fight with (y/n) too?" His brown eyes look from you to Noah and to his drink. He quickly drinks the rest of it, glaring at Noah for whatever he did to annoy you. "C'mon. Don't be a dick. Let's get out of here." He flashes you a quick smile. "See ya later, (y/n)."
Noah smiles at you again, "Come over!" He doesn't wait for you to respond. He leaves you behind, waving as he exits.
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You didn't go to Noah's house after work. Instead, you went home, made dinner, and cozied on the couch to watch a movie with your dog. You didn't bother texting him; his words had stung. You'd been a loyal friend to him for years, but he didn't seem to appreciate it.
Sometimes, it felt like you were a burden to him or a toy for his amusement. He treated you differently when his friends were around.
When you were alone, however, it was a different story. He was sweet and kind; Noah showered you affectionately, making your heart flutter. But as soon as one of his buddies showed up, he changed. He teased you mercilessly and acted like you were one of the guys. You hated it; you weren't one of the guys. You were a girl who had feelings for him.
Feelings that you wished would disappear, but they didn't. They clung to you like a shadow, haunting you every day. You hoped that maybe one day he would see you as more than a friend, but right now wasn't the right time.
You were just (y/n), his best friend who secretly loved him but would die before admitting it.
An idea clicked in your head; you knew he was streaming tonight. You run to your room, get your laptop, and plop back on the couch, ensuring not to squish your golden retriever, whose mighty perked up over your quick actions.
You're feeling mischievous today. You log into Twitch with a different username and no camera, ready to mess with Noah.
You find his invite and click on it, eager to see his reaction. He's live, looking handsome as ever in his glasses, sweater, and cat ear headphones. His long hair falls over his shoulders as he reads the chat. You pause for a moment, wondering if this is a good idea. But curiosity gets the better of you. You want to know what he says when he thinks you're not listening.
He answers a question from a fan, "Where's (Y/n)?" He shrugs and sips his drink, "I don't know. I think I pissed her off, so she's not joining me tonight. Maybe she'll show up later." He adjusts his glasses and reads another question, "I had a surprise for you guys tonight, but (Y/n) 's not here so no surprise."
You raise an eyebrow and type a question, "Maybe you should be nicer to her." You hit enter and bite your lip, waiting for him to notice. His eyes widen as he reads your message.
"Nicer to her!?" He exclaims, incredulous. "I'm always nice to her. She's one of my best friends." He looks at your username and frowns, "Who are you anyway?"
You smirk and reply, "You weren't very nice at the bar today."
He grins, realizing it's you, "Why are you hiding behind a fake account?"
You mute the movie playing in the background of your living room, amused by his reaction. You decide to play along. "I didn't know how mean I wanted to be. Maybe treat you how you treat me sometimes."
"You didn't even listen to what I said!" He rolls his eyes and laughs sarcastically, "If you're going to do this, you might as well show your pretty face." He challenges you. He glances at his follower count, which is rising rapidly. People love drama, and he knows it. He usually doesn't get this personal on a livestream, but he has some things he wants to say. "Besides, you started it when you said you didn't even like me!"
You scowl at the screen, annoyed by his words. How dare he act innocent? "I have to keep up with your assholeness!" You type back.
He shakes his head and sends you a link to join him on the stream. "You're not fooling anyone anymore. Just join me already."
You sigh, feeling the pressure. You switch to your main account and click the link he sent you. You allow your camera to turn on, and soon enough, your face appears next to his on the screen.
"Happy now?" You ask with more attitude than you intended.
He nods, smiling at the screen. "There you are."
You lean forward, resting your chin on your hands, "What do you want Noah? I don't really feel like talking to you right now."
He looks at you seriously, "Well, I wanted to talk to you about something important. Something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time."
You raise an eyebrow, curious and suspicious. "What?"
He takes a deep breath and says, "I don't want to be your friend anymore." He pauses, feeling nervous.
You instantly feel a gut-wrenching sickness in your stomach, "Fuck you!"
"Wait! Let me finish!" He quickly says. "I like you more than a friend. I've liked you since the day we met, and I've been trying to show you how I feel, but I guess I'm not very good at it and I get scared and I fuck up and then I tease you thinking it's flirting, but it's not working cause it's been four years, and you still haven't caught on, and I'm sorry if I ever hurt you or made you angry. That's never my intention. I just wanted to make you laugh and smile and be happy. I haven't said it directly because I was afraid to lose you, but now I feel like I'm losing you because I won't fucking say it."
You blink, stunned by his words. You don't know what to say or how to react. You look at the chat, which is going wild with comments and emojis. Some are cheering for him, teasing him, and shipping you two.
You realize that he just confessed his feelings for you to thousands of people. You look back at him, searching his eyes for any sign of a joke or a prank. But he seems sincere and nervous, waiting for your response.
You feel your heart beating faster and your face heating up. You wonder if he can hear it through the microphone. You open your mouth, but no words come out. You're speechless.
"God, dammit, Noah. I'm facetiming you. Get off your live."
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You're nervous and excited as you sit beside Noah on his Twitch stream. It's been a week since he confessed his feelings for you. You've decided to go public with your relationship, and you're ready to face his fans' reactions.
You sway back and forth in your chair, waiting for the screen to load. Noah rests his hand on your leg, giving you a gentle squeeze. "You OK?" He asks, looking at you with concern.
You nod your head, smiling at him. "Yeah. I'm good. Are you sure you want to tell everyone now?" You ask, feeling a bit nervous.
He nods, grinning at you. "It's been a week. I think they've waited long enough." He says, referring to the cliffhanger he left on his last stream.
He pulls you closer to him and kisses your cheek. You giggle and lean on his shoulder, feeling his warmth and heartbeat.
The computer dings, and the chat has started. You pull your head back from Noah's tattooed arm and sit straight, ready to face the camera. Hundreds of messages pop up on the screen, asking about you and Noah, wondering if you're together or not.
Noah looks at you with a reassuring smile and wraps his arm around your waist. He leans in and whispers in your ear, "Ready to do this, babe?" He calls you by the nickname he gave you when you started dating. You feel affection for him and nod, blushing. He kisses your forehead and turns to the camera, greeting his fans.
"Hey guys, welcome! I hope you're all doing well. As you can see, I have a special guest with me today." He says, gesturing to you. "My now girlfriend." He announces proudly, making your heart skip a beat. He looks at you with love in his eyes and smiles. "Say hi, babe."
You wave at the camera and say hi, feeling shy but happy. You see the chat explode with comments, some congratulating you two, some expressing shock or disbelief, some asking questions or making jokes.
You feel overwhelmed by the attention, but Noah holds you tight and makes you feel safe. He answers some of the questions from the fans, what he likes about you, what you love about him.
Noah tells them about the surprise he had planned for them on the night he confessed his feelings for you: He was going to sing a song for you on the stream, which he wrote for you. He says he still wants to do it if you don't mind.
You nod, feeling touched by his gesture. He smiles and kisses your nose, making you giggle. He grabs his guitar from behind him and strums a few chords.
Clearing his throat, he starts singing about how much you mean to him and how happy you make him. Some other sappy things that you weren't expecting from him.
He looks at you as he sings, making eye contact every few seconds. You feel tears as you listen to his beautiful voice and heartfelt lyrics.
You smile and mouth, "I love you."
He smiles back and mouths, "I love you too." He finishes the song and puts down his guitar. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you tightly, kissing your cheek. He turns to the camera and says goodbye to his fans, thanking them for their support and kind words.
He says he'll see them next time, but he wants to spend some time with his girlfriend. Noah winks at the camera and ends the stream.
He turns off the computer and looks at you with a sweet expression. "How was that?"
"That was amazing." You say sincerely, holding your hands to your heart nearly melting.
"I'm glad you liked it."
You snuggle into his chest and sigh contentedly, throwing your legs over his lap. You gently grab the sides of his face and kiss him, feeling like you're living your best dream. "It was perfect."
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eustassslut · 1 year
You asked for yandere kid pirates headcannons? I’ll give you yandere kid pirates headcannons!
♥️Kid uses those collars/bracelets that are put on with a lock and you will never see the key as long as you live because he likes having something on you at all times that he can use to tug you around with using his devil fruit♥️Wire definitely likes to toy with you by coming up behind you and holding a knife to your throat or a gun to your head because even though you both know he’s skilled enough with weapons to not cause any accidental harm he still likes the way you can’t help but shake with fear as to how far he’s planning on going with it♥️Heat seems like someone who would pull a trick such as letting you stay with him when the others are scaring you, but what are you going to give him in exchange for being so kind? He thinks maybe he’d be inclined to let you stay a bit longer in exchange for perhaps just a kiss? Or would you rather him throw you back out to the wolves?♥️You mentioned Killer being one of the people who controls what you wear, and he would probably enjoy dressing you up and style you like his own little doll just so he can order you to sit still while he takes plenty of photos to use as both a shaming tactic as well as new material for his spank bank (though he’d never admit that part out loud)♥️lastly I could see at least one of you getting their Jolly Roger tattooed on you either on an intimate place like a tramp stamp or right above the pubic bone or somewhere that every one can see like the side of the neck or upper back depending on who ultimately makes the best case for their preferred placement♥️
anon, these are delicious headcanons.
TW: drugging, forced dolification, harrassment, knife/trident usage to cause harm and blood
when you're first brought onto the ship, Kid forces you to wear thick metal handcuffs that can only be unlocked with his devil fruit or if you cut your hands off (which he doubts you would do just to get away from them). but as you're around longer and he grows more attached, Kid starts up a collection of handmade necklaces and bracelets for you. the collar you mentioned anon would be silver and has various small red stones, like rubies, intwined within them. if it wasn't a reminder of his cruelty and being trapped on this ship, it would be quite romantic. thus, the collar has to remain on you at all times unless you need to shower (in which case he's there just watching) and the only time he brings out the key is when you're unconscious.
Wire is cruel, arguably more cruel than Kid himself when it comes to his punishments and fantasies. he delights in nothing more than watching the pure terror in your eyes and the way your knees shake as he tortures you. he'll go to drastic measures to get his desired reactions and nothing works better than the panicked pleas that are offered to him the second he holds his trident to your neck, just pricking the skin and trailing small lines of bloods down it. the creepy bastard will respond with just licking up the blood and laughing to himself when you legs give way underneath you and he has to catch you. Wire knows you hate it when he torments you with his weapon collection, but he doesn't really care.
it's easy to overlook the way Heat uses the situation you're trapped in to his advantage. after all, with the way you're so focused on keeping yourself safe around the others it natural that you would underestimate Heat. Heat who is always more kind to you than the others, Heat that tells Wire to knock it off when he's being so cruel to you in front of him, reminds Killer that you need to eat and brings you gifts of things he knows you'd like. it's only fair after all he does that you thank him by accepting his advances. it'll start small, with him asking for a small kiss on the lips but each time you hide out in his room he'll ask for more and more.
the first time Kid deemed you well behaved enough for your own room (fitted with a lock that only they had the keys to and a transponder snail camera in the corner), Killer had forced you over to the large wardrobe in the corner. full of a wide selection clothes that Killer had tailored to fit your measurements which he took whilst you were drugged out. the clothes are expensive either stolen or handmade, things you wouldn't have been able to afford before. but with this new wardrobe and your own space comes rules. one of these being that Killer gets to pick what you wear for the day. so everyday you have to sit pretty in the room and try on every single item handed to you whilst he helps because "you're too weak to do that yourself, give it to me". then you have to let Killer pose you so he can take lots and lots of photos. except, some of those outfits he has you try on are less than appropriate and he delights in the embarrassed, shy looks you give the camera, making a mental note to use those photos later as he gets off. but be careful, if you don't listen to him, those photos could end up anywhere and with anyone.
now for the tattoo of the Jolly Roger, i think it would be suggested by either Kid or Wire. they're the only two who would originally dream up some way to permanently mark you as theirs and give you a reminder of your new life. for Wire, it would be a way of torturing you with a permanent reminder. for Kid, it would because of his possessiveness and a need to mark you for others who may want to look at you to long. but since Wire and Kid would bring the idea to the table, Heat and Killer would take it upon themselves to choose the spot. they'd be torn between choosing your back or your hip, wanting the tattoo to be in a spot where they can choose if people see it or not. eventually they'd probably choose one of your hips and pick an area where it won't hurt as much or risk leaving permanent damage (Heat's request). i can see Wire originally wanting you to be awake for it, but Killer having absolutely none of that since he doesn't want to deal with you struggling and potentially ruining it. so you'd probably get drugged with Heat sitting beside you the entire time, holding your hand and reassuring you that you'll be fine.
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Hello, I'm a humble fanfiction reader from the ancient times, when there was only a fanfiction.net, and I just came by to tell you, how much I adore your One Piece Stories. They really help me to calm down before sleeping and make me smile when my little world is crumbling. ❤️ I saw your post about the voices telling you lies and I would like to help, or at least distract you. 😉 So, here are my silly questions for you:
1. If you were a pizza, what kind of pizza would you be?
2. If you could choose a new color for the sky, what color would you choose and why?
3. If the One Piece was a cookie, do you think Luffy would eat it? 🤔
4. Captain Kid vs. Magneto, who would win?
5. Why are planets round-ish? Only wrong answers please.
6. What is your take on fake-pockets on pants?
7. If you could talk to people for the rest of your life in only one way, what would you choose:
a) rap-batteling
b) Musical singing
c) binary code
d) R2D2 beep-bops?
8. If you were a pirate, what would you call your crew?
9. Kiss-Marry-Kill: Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, Pennywise? (I know, that's a hard one.)
10. Bite Shanks in the buttcheek or suck on Mihawks toe?
Ok, that's it for now. I hope it helps, Love. Stay strong, I'm rooting for you! ❤️
HELLO FELLOW FANFIC VETERAN ♥️♥️♥️ I still have an account on fanfiction.net. Not active in the least bit, but it's there, with earlier iterations of some of my fanfics here, from when I was in my mid-teens. Sometimes I like to go read them and have a little cringe for old times' sake.
I'm always so glad to hear that any of my work offers comfort in anyway. I write partly as a comfort to myself, and it's the same reason I started sharing it here after being inactive in the fan fiction community for over a decade. Was still writing, I just figured out over time that I garnered more enjoyment out of writing for myself than for an audience, and only started posting again once I learned that I can write for myself and still share it with others.
The asshole voices significantly settled down after I put my metal playlist on full blast and laid down with my headphones on. There's just a lot going on right now and my brain was being way too loud about it. I actually finished a chapter last night but it was just...ugh. Couldn't focus enough to edit or type my author notes.
1. New York style pepperoni, no question. I love pizza in all its forms, but being from New York (originally, and I want to go back so bad I curse my family for ever moving to this hell-state) the classics win out.
2. Green. Because planet Namek.
3. He would not hesitate for even a SECOND. And to be totally fair neither would I.
4. Magneto, particularly Ian McKellan's Magneto. You do not F around with super-villain-Gandalf, I do not care who you are.
5. The round shape of planets is a natural defense mechanism against black holes, which are far less likely to swallow spherical planets because they prefer...a square meal AHAHAHAHAAA okay sorry that was fcking awful i'll stop now
6. Fake pockets are the root of all evil. Especially fake pockets that are just deep enough for me to catch them on my kitchen cabinet/drawer handles.
7. Definitely beep-boops, no contest.
8. I am a pirate though okay, like that's my crew's jolly roger there above my masterlist, I'm just not the captain or a crew officer or anyone important, probably a janitor or something, anyway yeah Hurricane Pirates
9. Kiss Pennywise (1990 It was my first ever horror movie ♥️), Marry Freddie (he's hilarious and I love him), kill Mikey (it's not that I DON'T enjoy the Halloween movies, just not as much as other 80s slashers)
10. I cannot handle feet, but I will more than happily bite Shanks on the ass, and I somehow doubt he would complain.
This has been delightful thank you so much, I was even able to develop a gods-awful planet joke out of it that I will be subjecting absolutely everyone to ♥️ ❤️
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faffreux · 7 months
AWGKSDAS YOU'RE WELCOME!!! I'm ecstatic it could make you happy!! It's so neat he brings somebody joy that ain't just me!!
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fatterforrey · 9 months
Rey had a broad face and a big fat round belly/ that shook when she laughed like a bowl full of jelly. She was bulbous and plump, and laden with lard/ every fat boy who saw her got instantly hard.
She made batches of cookies for portly Saint Nick, she'd lure him inside and capture him quick. Rey wanted to nab the jolly fat elf/ she'd have this big fat boy all to herself.
But living in gluttony had taken a toll/ poor Rey had surrendered all her self control. One look at the cookies was all that she'd need/in the wink of an eye she started to feed.
Beached on the couch, her gut all distended/ she couldn't believe how her Christmas had ended. As Santa flew by with his sleigh and reindeer/ he winked down at Rey and said "maybe next year!"
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h3adachey · 2 years
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early birthday presents!! i took my giant frog linus to get stuffed and got talked into the jolly jumps frog too, their name is jester ♥️ and my mom got an otter!
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