ajimvaiofficial · 2 years
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#2019 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 (at Jongra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgQy9xnDJcs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ebouks · 2 years
Dynamic System Modeling and Analysis with MATLAB and Python: For Control Engineers
Dynamic System Modeling and Analysis with MATLAB and Python: For Control Engineers
Dynamic System Modeling and Analysis with MATLAB and Python: For Control Engineers Jongrae Kim Dynamic System Modeling & Analysis with MATLAB & PythonA robust introduction to the advanced programming techniques and skills needed for control engineering In Dynamic System Modeling & Analysis with MATLAB & Python: For Control Engineers, accomplished control engineer Dr. Jongrae Kim delivers an…
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1n2d-s4 · 3 years
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ravi's butt is too powerful they had to censor it 🍑
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snazzystarlight · 4 years
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This was so fun! This is “KK Jongra” from Animal Crossing  as I see it because of synesthesia, a condition which causes me to see music visually!
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sxnyu · 6 years
talk about us (Jongin)
Send me “talk about us” and my muse will tell your muse...
Tonight, Kira was having a girls’ night with Jongin and Kai’s sisters. They were all in Jiao’s chambers, dressed in their night gown, laughing and teasing each other while enjoying the good snacks prepared by the kitchen chief of the castle. As the night went on, the girls started to asked each other about their love interest and it was now Kira’s turn to answer their questions. 
What they define their relationship with your muse as: “Jongin is my brother-in-law, but also  my ‘husband’ for politics and royal etiquette issues... You, royals, could be so complicated sometimes!” Kira sighed and shook her head before hugging the giant fox plushie given to her by Jiao as she blushed. “However, I think… There might be something more than that between us..”
Something they like about your muse: “I love watching him work at his desk. He hase that serious, but gentle look on his face and it’s just so…Endearing.”
Something they dislike about your muse: “You girls’ brother treat me as if I’m a kid! I might be younger, but I’m still a lady! A lady! A lady, I said! Why is it so hard for him to notice it?”
Their first impression of your muse: “You know how Jongin was completely in his beast mode when Kai summoned him from Hell into the humans’ realm for the first time? No offense, but... I thought he was a stray or hobo version of Kai! Totally untamed and scary!”
Their impression of your muse now: “Jongin, obviously, is the opposite of a stray animal. He’s full of grace and sometimes acts and talks like an old man... But that’s what’s so charming about him...” As the girls laughed, she squealed and flailed her arms around. “Hey! Those walls are sound proof, aren’t they? I don’t want Jongin to hear about all of these!”
How they feel about your muse: “I..” She hid her face and mumbled also inaudibly the few other words. “...Love him and... Wish he could notice me as not just a loud kid who embarrass him.”
Something they are hiding from your muse: “I keep on dreaming and having visions about someone from... his past, I think?”
Something they wish they could to tell your muse: “Please bring me on a date.”
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ambelsullsdelangel · 4 years
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#jongras #versosenpaperdarros #santcarlesdelarapita #viladrich presentació tortosa #poesia #bilingüe https://www.instagram.com/p/B8G8Q0do9tC/?igshid=4ju952xhxac5
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chnuru · 6 years
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韓国のクムホタイヤ「ウィンタークラフトWP72」がグッドデザイン賞受賞 韓国の大手タイヤメーカー、クムホタイヤは4日、スタッドレスタイヤ「ウインタークラフトWP72」が、日本デザイン振興会主催の「2018年度グッドデザイン賞」を受賞したと発表した。 会社側は「2014年から5年連続での受賞」としながら、「デザインの技術力に重点を置く、差別化した製品の開発に取り組んでいく」と述べた。 審査委員の評価 目的がはっきりしているデザインであり、その明らかな目的を表現する方法もユニークである。見た瞬間、スノータイヤであることが分かる。 また、雪道で強い牽引力と素晴らしい制動力を発揮できる機能性パターンが施されている。車体の内側と外側でそのパターンのデザインが異なるため、複合的な能力を発揮する。 タイヤの摩耗管理、交替時期の認知のためのパターンも考慮したなど、消費者のためのきめ細かい配慮が目を引く。 担当審査委員| 渡辺 弘明 閑歳 孝子 Jongrae Park Byung-wook Chin …
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gr33dy333 · 4 years
KK jongra plays in my head alwYz
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samsds · 6 years
BSF tortures Bangladeshi to death
WT24 Desk Members of Border Security Force (BSF) of India allegedly tortured a Bangladeshi national to death in Patgram borderline area of Lalmonirhat, Agencies report. The deceased was identified as Rashidul Islam, 32, son of late Taslim Uddin, hailed from Muminpur area under Jongra union of Patgram upazila. Jongra Union Parishad (UP) member Manik Hossain told Banglanews that Rashidul…
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precious-ships · 7 years
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bestie yura x nu'est jr [ jongra ]
- produce 101 season 2, ep.6 (middle interview).
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hongsangsooweb · 7 years
“Yourself and Yours” - revue de presse / web française (2)
Deuxième sélection de textes en français pour accompagner la sortie en salle du film cette semaine.
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Axel Scoffier - Critikat
“[Body Double rohmérien] Lieux de rencontre, de sociabilité, mais aussi du regard et du commentaire, les places publiques de Hong Sangsoo sont l’espace premier de la perception et de la représentation – donc du fantasme. La problématique centrale de l’enivrement – cause initiale de la dispute – n’est pas anodine. Reflétant l’ivresse de ses personnages, Hong Sangsoo travaille la figure du double : dédoublement de Minjung bien sûr, répétition des situations (la scène de drague au café), doublement de la figure du réalisateur dans l’intrigue, sans parler de l’effet miroir perpétué d’un film à l’autre (via les acteurs notamment). Le mystère que Minjung cristallise est au coeur de ce vertige, et le jeu naïf et radieux de Lee You-Yoong apporte énormément à l’innamoramento de ses prétendants.”
Romain Lefebvre - Débordements
[Sentimental, sentier mental] “ À bien y regarder, les aventures sentimentales des personnages d’Hong Sang-soo ont toujours été en même temps des aventures mentales, et leurs rencontres leurs font éprouver des problèmes aussi disproportionnés que l’emprise des mots et des images sur les êtres, la différence et la ressemblance des uns et des autres, l’indétermination des vies, l’impossibilité de commencer et de finir… Et Youngsoo n’est pas le premier à connaître un pépin physique : dans Woman on the beach, le cinéaste Jongrae se froissait un muscle en courant sur une place, muscle qui avait la particularité d’être « l’un de ceux dont on ne se sert jamais ». Or ce même Jongrae expliquait qu’il devait mobiliser toute sa capacité mentale pour lutter contre certaines images que d’autres avaient mises en lui, et qui l’empêchaient de voir la réalité, la femme qui lui faisait face. Cette lutte, cependant, était autant physique que cérébrale puisque l’emprise des images était liée à la force de l’habitude, ancrée dans le corps lui-même. Selon Hong Sang-soo, se libérer d’images nocives ou de vieux réflexes de pensée demande de se forger de nouvelles habitudes : rééducation mentale et physique ne vont pas l’une sans l’autre.”
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Gaël Martin - Cinématraque
“ Sans nous avoir séduit complètement, Yourself and Yours est un Hong Sang Soo plutôt inspiré où le cinéaste et son double creusent encore un peu plus le personnage de l’intello macho, assez infect avec les femmes et au final assez pathétique. Petit tremblement du paysage chez HSS, ce n’est plus son double l’alcoolique, mais la femme désirée (et du coup devient le pendant féminin du réalisateur). Tout l’intérêt de cette nouvelle œuvre pour Hong Sang-soo est de pousser ses réflexions en sortant de sa zone de confort et taquiner un nouveau genre. Pour la première fois, en effet, le cinéaste coréen cherche à interroger la réalité et nous livre sa première incursion dans le cinéma fantastique.”
Marie Soyeux - La Croix
[L’amour est un oiseau rebelle] “Renonçons à comprendre, nous implore Hong Sangsoo. Renonçons à savoir. L’amour, comme le cinéma, a besoin d’abandon, parfois jusqu’au non-sens… Alors le miracle d’une deuxième floraison pourra peut-être advenir.N’est-ce pas, d’ailleurs, le pari de la plupart de ses longs métrages ? « Depuis mon quatrième film – et celui-ci est le dix-huitième – je n’écris pas de scénario », rappelle-t-il, tâchant de décourager les ardeurs analytiques des critiques. « Tout ce que je sais du film est écrit dans quelques feuillets en vrac, parfois sur une serviette en papier. » Tout le charme de Yourself and Yours dépend de l’acceptation du spectateur à suivre ce flot d’images goguenardes et de dialogues fragiles et drôles pour – peut-être – tomber amoureux.”
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Jean-François Madamour - Chaos Reigns
“ Pour ce qui est de Yourself and Yours, ce qui frappe, c’est son étrangeté. Un climat de rêve que certains trouveront inédit et qui ne l’est pas du tout pour celui qui a connu le pouvoir de la province de Kangwon. Construit sur la figure du double et la redécouverte du sentiment amoureux, ce thriller au suspense affectif, sorte de film miroir où la fin répond au début, prend la forme d’un labyrinthe des sens dans lequel les personnages a fortiori masculins sont prisonniers de leurs premières fois. Cela en fera bailler, sans doute. D’autres seront intimement touchés. Parce que derrière le côté ludique et théorique, que l’on est en droit de trouver un peu affecté, émane une émotion souterraine qui, brusquement, jaillit, cueille, dévaste.”
Sidy Sakho - Transfuge
“Si la façon de filmer, plutôt prosaïque, ne laisse poindre aucun doute quant à l'identité de la jeune femme, le charme de l'affabulation opère. Sur la foi de sa seule parole, on consent à imaginer qu'en effet, Minjung n'est pas toujours Minjung. La combinaison entre l'épure de la mise en scène et le déploiement de l'imaginaire fait des merveilles.”
A suivre...
Partie 1.
(captures extraites de la bande-annonce du film)
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1n2d-s4 · 2 years
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they're idiots... but they're my idiots 🥺
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smileswiissh · 13 years
65. I ship Jonghun x Hara.
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1n2d-s4 · 3 years
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1N2D S4 ✰ asking the important questions ↳ E84
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1n2d-s4 · 3 years
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1N2D S4 ✰ jongra shenanigans ↳ E77
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1n2d-s4 · 3 years
hello! first off i love your blog so thank you for all your amazing content! second, i was wondering if you (maybe with the help of your followers in case it's too much work) would mind listing the nicknames for all the s4 members that they all came up with for each other over the course of the episodes - sometimes i dont understand what they mean in english since i'm still new to korean. like i know 'yeol jeong hoon' comes from 'yeol jeong' which means 'passion' or 'enthusiasm' but like? what about 'koravi'? the subtitles don't even translate this. sorry if this is a bother, thank you anyways for all your hard work! and have a nice day ~
good question! thank u for this ask and here’s a non-exhaustive list:
(and thank you @maisarasora and @kdramapsycho for the help!)
열정훈 (yeol jung hoon): 열정 (yeoljeong/yeoljung) meaning enthusiasm
도둑 (doduk): means thief, referring to how he "stole" one of the nation's most beautiful actresses, han gain, as a wife
대둑 (daeduk): same as above, 대 (dae) stands for great, so in this case it'd make him the great thief (above any other thieves)
큰형 (keunhyung) / 맏형 (mathyung): oldest hyung
아버지 (abeoji) / 아빠 (appa): father, dad
버카 (beoka): 버리는 카드 (beorineun kadeu) meaning a discarded card, referring to how he's been doing worse at games than he used to
김종면 (kim jong myeon): 면 (myeon) meaning noodles, referring to his love for noodles!
신바 (sinba): 신난바보 (sinnan babo) meaning excited fool, a nickname the s3 members gave him
예능 시조새 (yeneung sijosae): ancient fossil of the entertainment industry, since he's been on so many shows for so long, some of them with nation's mcs like yoo jaesuk and kang hodong
김대상 (kim daesang): referring to when he won the daesang (grand prize) at the 2016 kbs entertainment awards
간헐적 천재 (ganheoljeok cheonjae): intermittent genius
14학년 (14 hak nyeon): 14th grade, based on how long he's been on the show
에이스 (ace)
설종민 (seol jongmin): referring to his relatively extensive knowledge in history, prob based on seol minseok, a history lecturer/tv personality
돼지 (dwaeji): means pig
뚱 (ddung): 뚱뚱해 (ddungddunghae) means fat. like the above, many of his nicknames are just variations of these two, which is honestly a shame and i hope they stop fatshaming him
예능 뽀시래기/예.뽀. (yeneung pposiraegi/ye.ppo.): meaning entertainment cutie, referring to his entertainment newbie days. when shortened, sounds like 예뻐 (yeppeo) which means pretty
운선호 (un seonho): 운 (un) means luck or lucky
종이인형 (jongiinhyung): meaning paper doll, prob referring to his terrible dancing
얼레벌레 (eollebeolle): meaning sloppy, half-assing
감선호 (gam seonho): 감 (gam) means feeling or guts, referring to how he tends to have good guts about things
집주인 (jibjuin): literally meaning landlord or house owner, as in the landlord of the outdoor tent, not so much a nickname but the members have started calling him this bc he sleeps outdoors in the tent so much
춤괴물 (choomgwimul): meaning dance monster, referring to his terrible dancing
초딘 (chodin): 초딩 (choding) means kid
누렁이 (nureongi): a dog's name, used when he's asking for food from the winning team like a dog
뚠뚠 (ddunddun): dk what this means, prob from the show 개미는 오늘도 뚠뚠 (gaemineun oneuldo ddunddun/the three ants) that dindin stars in
독딘 (dokdin): 독한 딘딘 (dokhan dindin) meaning strong dindin, prob from his ability to drink so much kanari
꼬라비 (kkoravi): 꼴찌 (kkoljji) means last place, given by sy who at the start of s4 said that in his neighbourhood, people who get kkoljji are called kkorabi/kkoravi, referring to how often ravi loses during games
또라비 (ddorabi): 또라이 (ddorai) means crazy, weird
막내 (maknae): youngest
라베르만 (rabermann): from 도베르만 (dobermann), referring to how he likes to "bite" people with his sly words
큰형들 (keunhyungdeul): the eldest hyungs, jh & jm
막내즈 (maknaes): the youngest ones, dd & rv
구댄신댄 (gudaensindaen): literally old dance new dance, from 댄스 (daenseu/dance), jm & rv
종라 (jongra): jm & rv
호라비 (horavi): sh & rv
딘선 (dinseon): sh & dd
도톰과제리 (dotomgwajeri): 'do' tom and jerry, tom and jerry refers to how they like to fight, 도톰 (dotom) is a play on 두툼 (dutum) which means thick, sy & dd
예능공룡 (yeneung gongryong): literally variety dinosaurs, referring to how jongmin is a dinosaur-aged veteran in the entertainment industry, and how dindin aspires to thrive as much and as long as jm does, jm & dd
유부클럽 (yubu club): married club, jh & sy
라빅 & 라지 (rabig & large): 라빅 as a play on 라비 (ravi) and 빅 (big), referring to how much ravi eats, and 라지 (raji; large) referring to seyoon, sy & rv
OB: old boys, jh, jm & sy
YB: young boys, sh, dd & rv
대중소팀 (daejungsotim): large-medium-small team or team LMS, jh, sy & dd
배신자 3형제 (baesinja samhyungje): means the three traitor brothers, jm, sh & rv
김씨 3형제 (kimssi samhyungje): means the three kim brothers, jm, sh & rv
역부족 (yeokbujok): team inadequate, jm, sy & sh
덜부족 (deolbujok): team less-inadequate, jh, dd & rv
배우팀 (baewootim): actors team, jh, sy & sh
가수팀 (gasutim): singers team, jm, dd & rv
다큐팀 (dakyutim): documentary team, jh, sh & rv
예능팀 (yeneungtim): variety team, jm, sy & dd
뚱호라비 (ddunghoravi): sy, sh & rv
이쪽팀 (ijjoktim): 이쪽 (ijjok) literally means this side, as in this side team. bang pd came up with the name bc the team couldn't come up with one, jh, jm & dd
저쪽팀 (jeojjoktim): 저쪽 (jeojjok) literally means that side, as in that side team. the boys came up with the name after others reacted badly to the team name 회덮밥 순댓국 설렁탕 (hoedopbap sundaetguk seolleongtang) meaning raw fish bibimbap; blood sausage soup; ox bone soup and abbreviated 회순설 (hoesunseol), jh, jm & dd
밴댕이 (baendaengi): large-eyed herring, jh, jm & dd
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