#jonsa recs... sort of?
cappymightwrite · 11 months
Can you recommend some media with jonsa vibes?
Hmm, the only thing coming to mind is the relationship between Uhtred and Aethelflaed in The Last Kingdom? I know someone made a sort of slideshow comparison between them and Jonsa, though I can't find it at the moment. I'd say there's a closer show-verse parallel than book-verse parallel, but still worth checking out maybe.
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Otherwise, I don't really have any other TV or movies... I can give you some music and artwork though:
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Silent Noon, John Byam Lison Shaw
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Vampyre II, Edvard Munch
I mostly listen to a lot of instrumental stuff when I'm writing my fics, but here's lyric songs I also listen to that give me Jonsa vibes:
Hard Road, Johnny Flynn
This always makes me think of Sansa as 'the girl in grey', making her way towards Jon at the Wall. It comes in with these marching drums in the latter half which just really amps it up in a great way, imo. It feels motivational — yes, it's a hard road, but she keeps going.
This is my favourite verse:
She knows how and she knows when She's born to die and live and again She goes from moor to build a nest She knows the dance that burns her best From the ashes, fair to share The purest sounds to leaden heads Sung from her breast and bends the old trees Wing-ed wind songs sung so holy
I just feel it speaks to the Sansa-Alayne arc in a really cool way — there's the symbolic 'death' of Sansa, the whole "Sansa Stark went up the mountain, but Alayne Stone is coming down," but then the inevitable 'rebirth' of Sansa. There's some lovely bird imagery here which I strongly associate with Sansa, as well as singing and dancing. Plus there's the mention of burning and ashes, which speaks to Melisandre's prophecy of "a girl as grey as ash." At least I think so!
Black is the Colour, Isobel Anderson & Ruby Colley
Ohhh love this one — it's so haunting! I've been saving this song to include in either the 3rd or final chapter of My Maid of Stone, though with some slightly altered lyrics... mainly switching black for red.
The mention of "the gentlest hands" is very Jonsa to me, considering I think 'gentleness' in a lady is a bit of a romantic ideal for Jon and well, "Sansa silenced the wolf with a gentle hand to the head."
Song to the Siren, Wolf Alice
This is a cover of Tim Buckley's original, but I probably do prefer this version? I suppose this one really speaks to the romantic longing in both Jon and Sansa, which I don't believe can be resolved except with each other. There's something tender, a bit bruised and uncertain, about the speaker in this song, who "shies from the sorrow," who is constantly questioning, "puzzled as the oyster." I think you find this questioning in Sansa and Jon quite a bit, questioning what they want, what they desire, have always desired (LOVE) etc.
I mean, what they both wouldn't give to hear this call:
Swim to me, swim to me, let me enfold you Here I am, here I am, waiting to hold you
Narratively speaking, we as readers are also waiting, waiting for romantic resolution for these two romantic characters. Because come on, it's got to come to a head somehow! And with each other ;)
Thanks for the ask! I hope this sort of answered it?
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 years
Random. But do you have any star wars fic recs ? Fics recs of any kind are welcome actually ^_^
Oh, uh, sure.
Let's see, I've mentioned @chancecraz a bunch of times, I love all their stuff, if I had to pick a favorite I'd say Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns but how does one really choose?
I've also mentioned @fialleril and Double Agent Vader, which really got me into the SWs fandom in the first place. I love everything I have ever learned, it hits me so hard in the feels each time. (I also really loved Sigyn's Saga if we're also talking not-SW stuff.)
I enjoyed The Desert Sun series by @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning. (I will be honest, I have only read the first series I have not started Rise and Fall.) It's engaging and fun and thoughtful.
doing it by my lonesome and staring down the barrel of the hot sun by magneticwave are two fun Luke/Din stories featuring appropriately cute Grogu. I also liked pages filled with scribbled ink, which is an epistolary Padmé/Obi-Wan fic that had me cackling. (their non-SW stuff is good too, I especially enjoyed just me against the sky)
Other...serious(?) recs include: The Wingless Dragon by husborth if you like being sad and horrified about Vader's bad choices. Food Scandal by Malicean for some situational hilarity and for lots of OC perspective on Imperial bureaucracy (my other weakness aside from politics). PRojects IN Controlled Environments by Beth Winters for Imperial R&D bureaucracy, more situational hilarity, and very relatable coworker nonsense.
More silly/fun premises include: Compromising by samvelg, which inspired me to write a (very different) Piett POV of Luke and Vader nonsense. Memo: Jedi Maintenance (The Care and Feeding of Your Jetii) by RainofLittleFishes is exactly what it says and what you would hope for from such a title. Luke Skywalker is Altogether Too Likeable by Mokulule is another Piett POV of Skywalker nonsense.
As far as Non-Star Wars recs
It would be a crime and sin if I didn't mention Embers by Vathara , an Avatar the Last Airbender fic which honestly changed my life and how my brain was shaped.
World Ain't Ready by @idiopathicsmile is a Les Mis fic I've gone back to a few times. The dialogue is just really good. I spend a lot of the fic laughing, and also screaming at the characters.
I fell absurdly in love with Second person familiar, I think because it tickles some part of me that just dies over linguistics, and I'm a fan of pretty much everything @jackironsides has done for The Witcher.
Salvage by @muffinlance is a very fun Avatar the Last Airbender fic about Zuko getting reluctantly adopted by Hakoda (it's so good).
Finding the Line by Miss_Lazy_Tuesday is a Batfam fic that sort of ruined me at one point, it's fine. (I enjoy their other stuff too.)
The Angel of Hell's Kitchen by MarbleGlove is a Daredevil fic. I don't really go here, but this was about social structures, bureaucracy, and doing the work, and we all know I can't help myself.
Reconstruction by rageprufrock is the story of Stephanie Rogers, but like, it's Pru writing it. So. Characters are great. World building is great. Tension and longing and grief are great. I cannot stress enough how good the academic and news article asides are. Like, it's good. Incomplete, but so good.
Ordinary Numbers by BootsnBlossoms and Kryptaria, a James Bond fic that I keep coming back to because I too would be a sucker for someone who sent me needlessly expensive gifts.
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets is a Supernatural fic about poetry. I am not in this fandom, but again, my weakness for language gets me every time.
ever fallen in love (on national TV)? by ganymede_elegy is a GoT Jonsa modern Bachelor AU and...guys I cannot express how much I Do Not Go here, and how much I still recommend this fic. Like, it's just...I don't know. It worked. In spite of me knowing nothing about GoT or The Bachelor. wtf
survival of the fittest by cywscross is a short Naruto fic about a very unpleasant adventure for Sakura and Shikarmaru that just...worked. As a story. Dunno, I just really like it.
I could be wrong, I could be ready by harryromper is a Harry/Draco fic where they are disasters and traumatized, and it is about healing and building houses as a metaphor for overcoming trauma, and it's fine, I'm fine.
eternity will be born from hope by theseviolentdelights99 is a Yuri!!! on Ice fic that is about a time traveling Yuuri who (you'll never guess) goes back in time and does bureaucracy in his hometown and his sport to help the people that he loves. The unreliable narrator is excellent, the social media asides are wonderful, and it's not complete but it is exactly my poison.
(Wow, this is so long and all over the place...)
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I love all of your fics and like the general vibe of them. I can't really like articulate the vibe, but mainly I'm thinking of Mongrel Heart, Help Me Out of the Shape I'm In, The Night We Met, and Is There a Ghost. I love these so much. Weird question, but do you have any book recommendations that are like these fics? I don't know if you've read anything that sort of inspired how you write, but if so, I would love to know them!
I just had so much fun going downstairs and combing through my bookcases, thank you anon
I feel like I'm more inspired by music than I am books, and I'll be honest, as I get older, I read less and less (alas). But when I was younger, all I did was read. Nancy Drew & any fantasy book I could get my hands on as a kid. Then I went through my pretentious phase while working at Barnes & Noble, where I would pick out the most obscure looking fiction books while I scanned the section (this was also my nonfiction phase). Then I got really into mysteries. Now I barely have any attention span and mostly read romance, but otherwise I'm always on the lookout for semi-fantasy/fairytale/creepy vibes sort of things. (If anyone has recommendations for me, I'd gladly take them. Especially creepy novellas. Adore those, as you could probably tell from my list)
Under the cut for actual recs because as usual I cannot shut up:
1. This one is the most direct answer, the semi inspiration for Mongrel Heart - cop goes back to hometown, starts remembering Thing In the Woods.
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I love Tana French in general. If I had to pick one author I feel like I took the most inspiration from, it would be her. This one I remember not loving the ending of, but clearly the vibes & general plot stuck with me. I'd actually recommend The Likeness (which I've also thought about jonsa-ing) and The Secret Place.
2. Do I normally vibe with Stephen King? Eh. I only tried to read one of his horror books once, The Shining, and I just could not get into it. But pulp Stephen King?? Yes please. I really dug this mystery, as well as The Colorado Kid a whole lot.
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I have read a ton more mystery series, but these stuck with me the most. Shoutout to the foreign mysteries I read back when I liked to torture myself with really depressing things (sjowall & wahloo, indridason, mankell...)
3. If you're just looking for some creepy-vibes books:
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(Of note, World More Full of Weeping & Light Boxes I read at least a decade ago in my B&N "buy any weird looking pretentious book" phase, but I remember really liking them, especially World More Full of Weeping. Carnality I read recently. I both hated it and couldn't stop thinking about it.)
4. Fairytail-esque but also with creepy vibes:
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(I remember really liking Bear and the Nightingale, have thought of jonsa-ing it, but I'd need to reread it. RIP to my copy of Comfort Me with Apples, I think my friend borrowed it?)
5. Non-fiction that gave me those good good vibes
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Not pictured non-fiction:
The Monster of Florence - Douglas Preston & Mario Spezi
Just Kids - Patti Smith (although I did read this when I was deathly ill so that might account for the surreal vibes I got reading it?)
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I've seen Stansas using Sansa's crush on Waymar Royce as proof that Jon joined the Night's Watch as a way to be the kind of man Sansa would love. WTF. Also, Tumblr, stop reccing Jonsa blogs to me, they're ridiculous.
Hello @angelic-one !
Jonsa's are completely ridiculous. Any type of pre-canon crush they spew out is just completely nonsense. Not only is it disgusting to even consider but anyone who actually thinks this is an idiot. Sorry not sorry to these people, but nowhere in these pages does anything of the sort is indicated. It's not textual, nor is it subtextual. Jon joined the Night's Watch because Ned never sat Jon down to talk about his future, so Jon didn't really know for certain what type of position he'd hold. Jon was misled about what the Watch actually was, and when he expressed his wish to go, he was not only drunk, but feeling angry and depressed about his position in his family and his life. He felt he could earn real respect and position there. However, what he said during the feast came back to bite him in the ass and so then he was forced to go because of Catelyn. None of it had anything to do with Sansa.
I do find it really interesting how Sansa found Waymar Royce, who undoubtedly had the Northern/Stark look, handsome, yet she looks down on Arya for taking after the Stark look, and by extension Jon. To me, it tells me that Sansa is completely biased against Northerners and thinks Southerners are just better overall. That they are more sophisticated and gallant and attractive and honorable and splendid. Just another reason why Sansa is so disconnected from the North IMO. It's also a good example of Sansa's classism and misogyny at play as well.
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crimsoncold · 3 months
How I Decide Who to Include in My Portrait Series AND What My Posting Schedule Will Look Like For The Next Week...
Who is ready for the trash husband era of my asoiaf first gen portraits? (sorry I just thought it would be funny/fitting to post Robert and Rhaegar's portraits together instead of with the women in their lives that they treated so poorly/disrespectfully/abusively)
Side Note: My major portrait series are generally meant to work as a sort of visual guide/representation of the major characters (or notable secondary characters) in a series rather than being exclusively only portraits of characters I find interesting, likeable, or sympathetic ...so on occasion it's definitely going to include characters that much of fandom (myself included) see as antagonists/villains/or just generally unpleasant or not particularly interesting.
After posting these two I have no more completed first gen portraits left so while I'm most likely not finished with this series I am currently focused on other projects at the moment and it will likely be a while before I add to this series.
Also start expecting updates/art posts from me in general to slow down now that I've posted the majority of my art backlog...generally I am a slow worker and something of a perfectionist (it typically takes me between 2 weeks and 3 months to finish a single art piece and I'm always working on more than one) so an average of two to three new pieces a month will (hopefully) be the likliest turn out as I transition to only new fanart pieces rather than the combination of new and old that I am posting now...
Coming soon will be 2nd gen portraits of Mya Stone and Myranda Royce- and i am about 90% done my Jonsa Regency AU artwork so that should hopefully be posted at sometime next week (along with corresponding Jonsa Fic Recs)!!!
-Crimson Cold
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hilarychuff · 1 year
Top five fics you’ve written
top five fics i've written!!!! ok these are not necessarily recs because i am not saying they are the BEST and they are certainly not FINISHED or some of them even ACTIVE, but in terms of faves that are my little babies.......
i carry it in mine
this one has been slow on updates lately, but this was one of my first forays into writing jonsa and not just reading jonsa. i always like a soulmate au but i liked being able to do this one on my own terms, figuring out what it would mean for them personally. also honestly one of the inciting ideas was what would've happened if sansa had gone to dragonstone instead of jon, so it's been really fun playing with that and fitting them into each other's roles in those parts of the storyline.
ok i love scream!!! love scream. and i LOOOOOOVE making aus. as i've said before, my brain is a constantly generating au machine. i'm watching something new for the first time and already trying to see which of my blorbos fits in and where. but it's been really fun fitting sansa etc into the scream stories, especially with the challenge of not necessaaaaaaarily thinking it all through ahead of time and then having to work within the constraints i've created as i go. i've been letting howl 3 percolate, but i've been doing some really good thinking about it lately and i'm excited to get to it soon!
things we lost in the flames, things we found in the ashes
agents of shield was one of my major fandoms before i really meaningfully joined the asoiaf fandom, and as a major jemma simmons stan, i didn't always love how her storylines were handled in the show. i wanted to write this one to sort of fill in what felt like missing material after jemma came back from hydra and rejoined the team. it's just a lil thing but i think i started rewatching the show at some point in the earlier pandemic days because i'd been a season 1 appreciator and had fallen off at some point around season 5? season 4? and when i got to season 2 this just basically poured out of me. anyway!! i love jemma but i also love mack and i wanted them to be friends but also to SEE how they got there, so that was important to me.
but god can be funny
hdjghdflkgjhdkjgh tragically i never had a strong idea for the plot here. i just watched resurrection on abc and was like "what if my fave harry potter characters started coming back to life at some point in the indeterminate hp future." the drama of that!!! the emotions!!! it was too much to resist even though i didn't have a plan where i was going. i still think about some of it and still don't have any idea of what i would do with it plotwise. but sometimes i just want to have the EMOTION!!! you know????
real is a subjective concept
lmao ok i did actually start rewriting this one at some point in the pandemic and then fell off of that too and i am not necessarily proud of the writing in here (hence why i started rewriting it) BUT again i love an au!!! and i love lily evans and i love the mediator series and i loved playing with how those two things would fit together. i had/have?? ideas for multiple stories ala the different books in the series. but mostly i just loved the idea of a mediator lily, ghost james, how they might start to get to know each other and clash or help each other or become allies or friends or whatever. idk i still just love thinking about the scene of them sitting on the roof of his former frat house. i think it's special.
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norrlands-nonsense · 4 years
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Ever since @that-plo-koon​ posted some beautiful pics about a fic they’re writing I have not been able to get Artist!Jon and Muse!Sansa out of my head and I could not resist also doing some poking at Alfonse Mucha’s lovely works.
(I really love the original “Dusk”, and mean no disrespect by doodling on the wonderful painting, and really hope he is not turning in his grave in outrage...) And I am veeery much looking forward to reading about some belle epoque Jonsa scandals... If you have missed the other breathtaking writing of PloKoon, I suggest you remedy that right now :) Bigger pic of Dusky Sansa Also, just because;
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amymel86 · 7 years
Paster Noster by @mynameisnoneya1991 has been completed! OMG I need to catch up on my fic readingggg!
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thistle-and-thorn · 2 years
fic authors self rec! when you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. let’s spread the self-love 🤍✨
OK, I'm so behind, I got asked this twice (Thanks sweet @winterrose527 my rarepair ranting buddy/reading coach!!). I was so thrilled to see my BELOVED then comes blood on your own list (and let the rough winds fly and needlepoint and and and). But I think this is such a lovely, lovely idea. Um, okay:
a gentle madness : This is the Pestilence installment of my Apocalypse series and it's just...I felt like an era of how I wrote ended with it. I wrote it at a pivotal point last year and...it's such a hopeful story. It was the first time I really wrote some for someone else (my medievalist soulmate Lilium_convallium) and writing from a place of love, to give a piece of myself as opposed to just posting diary entries that people could read, changed how I wrote. It made it less selfish and less lonely and less product-obsessed. Plus, Bible smut. I mean. C'mon. Bible smut.
our praise is not for them: I just got asked if I was going to finish this by a lovely and very loyal reader. And it's so hard to answer those comments because I don't know--I'm so removed from the person that I was when I started it. This is the most directly confessional of my stories. Every chapter reflects the exact moment that I wrote it--what I was dwelling on or feeling or reflecting on in a sort of weird mirror-world way--and that's not always flattering. But I'm glad I have this really raw, if cloaked, chronicle of my emotional state during this time. But I want to end it full-of-hope and I haven't been in that place yet.
the many crushed red flowers: This is such an interesting one. It's my one and only Jonsa fic. And this fic...it's been work, my darling. Writing the same pairing over and over again--you get comfortable? And this fic makes me uncomfortable and I think that's good for me. I think what's come out so far is exciting.
this is the serial number of our orbital gun : This is the War of my Apocalypse series and it was just fun??? Like this was one of the most joyful writing experiences I've ever had. It's just vibe-y and there's spies and all sorts of things like that. Blending together canon (there are still dragons, for example) and a pseudo 60s Cold War setting just made me laugh.
echo: The Lesbian Pirate Fic My Beloved. Any fic that I'm actively writing is always my favorite. This particular one is not my most poetically written story and I just--I just don't care. I love lady pirates and that's poetry enough. And is this pure filth? Yes. But it's also a BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY. I'm so excited where I'm landing with the second part of this. I've finally learned the meaning of fluff. T-T
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fedonciadale · 4 years
hi! i’ve been in my dramione feels lately but i’ve been pretty removed from the fandom for the last ... uh, eight or so years?? and i don’t know what’s good out there! can you give me some fic recs 🥰 you’re a flawless jonsa and i trust your judgment! thank you!
Hi there!
Thanks for the trust!
I’m quite shameless and rec my own fic.... The Phoenix Potion - It somehow became huge.... But I’m actually quite proud of that fic.... Foreshadowing, plot twists, and hidden hints. It’s a mystery in the present time, but canon events and my Dramione twisted version of them come into play.... And the solution lies in the past....Not yet finished though, although I had originally planned on 30 maybe 40 chapters.... haha!
If you are into HEA and want to laugh I would rec everything by @kyonomiko. In their fics, everyone stays much in character. My favourite must be Waifs and Strays where Draco becomes an animagus and moves in with Hermione and Harry as a ... no not a ferret, a marten. It’s funny and cute ..... (finished)
If you like school fics look at the fics by @dramionedaydream (diamonddaydream on AO3) Draco takes a mark is finished.
If you are into Slytherin as supportive friends you should give @riane-b13 and their Clothes maketh the man a try. I love Neville in that fic. I love him anyway, but in this fic he is particularly nice.
@heyjude19-writing quite recently started what I would say is a coffeeshop AU.... (Remain nameless) Mutual pining and angst galore though (and later well earned smut), and I’m quite sure that the revelation of their relationship will not go as well as they hope...
If you are into angsty war fics you might like Entanglement by @blankfishxx . It’s almost too painful for me....
A nice Epilogue what Epilogue is Hermione Granger and that Damn Malfoy Boy by aurelia_21. With this fic I persuaded @really-sad-devil-guy to give Dramione a try....
An education by icognitoro has Draco very, very much in character and is also EWE as is Somewhere down the line by nifizzle which has Draco as an author (and a solution to the Dramione dilemma which I guessed!). Both are finished.
Not quite dark magic by @hiccupfound is finished as well, and it has a very interesting ‘grey’ order and is a war fic (and has some Fremione).
Clean and Marked by @olivieblake actually made me revisit the Dramione ship. They are HBP and TDH AUs and finished as well and are sort of classics.
As HBP and TDH AUs go, I also liked Chosen by 5moreminutes very much. Draco is very much in character, and they explore the idea of the elder wand much better than in canon if you ask me.
Pièce de Résistance by allforobscurereferences doesn’t have that many chapters yet but is a very promising Marriage law fic.
I also liked The Best of Me by @mrsren which is a ‘Hermione was obliviated’ fic and finished (and has an adorable Scorpius).
The Binding by @curlykay is a fic that goes through the Hogwarts years, canon bent and has an adorable peacock on the grounds of Malfoy Manor who should be an honourable member of the Order of the Phoenix....
The Cursed Bracelet by nerd_mom_writer is an Eighth Year fic which I find particularly intriguing.
No rec list would be complete without Wait and Hope by @mightbewriting. This is just too good to be true.... And the author drops the prequel as well, chapter by chapter (Beginning and End)
And I read anything @senlinyu writes. I don’t especially like war fics, especially if Draco is too dark or if it’s to gritty but I read Manacled (and I actually have a post in my drafts, why I like it so much, even though Draco is fucked up and the whole world it takes place in is incredibly depressing), I abhor A/B/O fics, they are really, really, really not my cup of tea and yet I read hers (All you want). She has also a very, very nice DracoVeela fic (Love and Other Misfortunes). I actually like DracoVeela, so if pressed I would probably say that this is my favourite amongst senlinyu’s fics.
So, as you can see I went through my bookmarks and my subscriptions and tried to set up a nice bouquet of Dramione fics with some finished, some unfinished, some popular, some maybe not yet popular enough and a variation of tropes.... And I’m sure I forgot some which I liked.
There are some very popular fics out there, which I haven’t read yet.... So I won’t say anything about them.
As every rec list, this is very very subjective.
I tried to @ the authors whenever I know their tumblr. Anybody, feel free to alert me if you know some more and I’ll edit this post.
Thanks for the ask that gave me the opportunity to gush about fics I like...
Edited for links.
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jonsa-creatives · 4 years
I genuinely feel like I've read ALL the Jonsa fanfics that are there to read and guess what? This fandom has left me wanting for more. So please recommend me some of your best lengthy jonsa fanfics that's there to read. Also thank you to ALL amazing writers out there, who are writing amazing stories. I LOVE you all. Thank you.
Hi @klarojonsa ❤
As I haven't indulged in a lengthy fic for quite some time, I feel like I'm not the best person to help you with recs but a few that I’m always returning to are Hearts In Vain (modern au) by @the-lady-firefly, A Darker Shade of Love (vampire au) by @vivilove-jonsa, Catch Me if You Can and Beg Me (both historical aus) by @what-would-wonderwoman-do and Learn to Love What Burns (a Rhaegar wins au) by @historicbellamyblake-archive.
As you can see, I’m a fan of aus and I’m woefully behind on the more recent gems that the fantastic jonsa fandom keeps churning out! Let's open this up to the tag - also, what sort of thing is your preference? Modern au? Angst? Etc etc...
You are right though - the jonsa fandom are AMAZING!
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tacitwhisky · 4 years
State of the Fic... and me
It’s been... awhile since I did one of these. I kind of dropped off tumblr and writing in general for the last year or so. There’s various reasons: I got sick of my own writing for awhile, got busy with work before being laid off, and became obsessed with another hobby (tabletop kitbashing).
Does this mean I’m completely done with Jonsa and tumblr and fic? I don’t think so. I thought it might for a bit, but in the last six months I’ve gotten back to writing, and in the last few inspiration for some fic ideas has struck. And honestly, even if my obsession with them has waned a bit, Jon and Sansa are still my favorite pairing bar none.
Things that probably won’t be updated again
Tipsy in Red: I’m sort of regretting posting the last chapter I did; it opened a new plot arc after the story had mostly concluded the chapter before that, and means that the story essentially ends on a cliffhanger. For the record, and those wondering, things would’ve ended happily and without angst.
That Time Jon Was Sansa’s Weed Hookup: while I really like the vibe of this story, I don’t really have any plot ideas for where it would go. It also mostly stands on its own as a oneshot, so I don’t feel totally guilt leaving it as a one shot.
Southern Wolves: I feel sort of bad for this fic; I was really passionate about it when I started it, but it always got sidelined to focus on another fic, and I’ve sort of lost the thread for it.
Fic Rec Lists: as much as I loved putting these together, I really haven’t read enough jonsa in the last year to warrant putting any more together.
I do apologize to those of you who wanted to see the above fics updated and were waiting for new chapters. I know what it’s like to be a reader and disappointed when I read a fic that’s unfinished, but honestly sometimes the muse just isn’t there.
Things that probably will be updated
Fifty Shades of Snow: smut is always fun to write, and almost all of the next chapter has already been written. Also my afore mentioned friend is demanding new chapters, and she’s quite hard to ignore.
Jon of Dorne: this is a fic I'll probably update once in awhile, but not particularly regularly.
She-Lion and Bastard Wolf: this is a dirty-wrong Jon/Cersei smutfic with jonsa elements that I’m nearly done with. We’ll see if I have the courage to post it.
Moving forward, I’m going to be a little less disciplined than I used to, where I tried to only post stuff I knew I’d finish, and instead just write and post as the muse takes me. I also used to be pretty disciplined about trying to keep this tumblr primarily jonsa-centric, but moving forward I’ll be reblogging and posting about a variety of stuff. I only mention it because I know many of you followed me primarily for jonsa content, and I don’t want to clog your feed.
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Thanks for sharing the books that inspired your fics!
Are you an autumn person? By that I mean not just aesthetic wise but also like spooky/scary vibes?
If so, any books/works that fit those vibes? Any plans for any autumn inspired fics?
Autumn is absolutely my favorite season, if you couldn't tell from the excessive amounts of ghost/supernatural/demon/horror fics I've written. Also shout out to my favorite witch hunt one shot
I do want to write something for autumn, and I got a prompt in my inbox for it, but I'm working on 3 different projects right now (though only one is a posted WIP) and there's no room in my brain for another. Maybe once I finish one of these, I'll get inspired, and I hope to participate in the Jonsa Halloween event.
book recs below the cut. Please note I'm only putting things here that I own physical copies of. Unfortunately, I did go through a book purge a few years ago.
I feel like I would categorize most of the books I recced in the last post as spooky autumn vibes, but here's some more that are less spooky vibes and more just mystery/autumn?
1. Let's start with a book I meant to include in the last post!! I was ranting about it in the tags bc I completely overlooked it last night
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2. Mysteries/thrillers/ghost stories:
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(not included: all the Swedish/Icelandic mystery authors I mentioned in the last post)
3. True crime:
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(while looking through my non-fiction, I forgot I had a weird obsession once with art history true crime lol. I'm not including those bc they aren't spooky or horror)
4. And lastly, another horror that I cannot fully recommend bc I haven't finished it:
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(this one is sort of depressing tbh, which is why I haven't finished it yet)
Please note that for a lot of these authors, I've read multiple of their works and those are also recommended, but I only wanted to include each author once
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vivilove-jonsa · 5 years
Hello do you know any jonsa fics where Sansa doesn't go to king's landing? Or a similar plot, thanks in advance.
Hello Anon!
Yeah, there’s a good number of fics like that but obviously you’re heading way down the Canon Divergent/AU rabbit hole once you take away one the essential plots of ‘A Game of Thrones’ with Ned taking the girls south.  How divergent are you willing to go?
I’d suggest clicking the Jonsa tag on ao3 and then click the ‘sort and filter’ button.  There’s a column of things you can narrow your hunt down by and Additional Tags is one of them.  Look for Canon Divergent under that.  Naturally, you’ll still get a wide range and maybe none of them are where you want to go but it’s worth a shot.
Meanwhile, my memory banks can be faulty when it comes to titles and such but I’m going to rec an amazing divergent tale and shamelessly self-promote something of mine.
The first is Stranded by @kittykatknits and it is one of my favorite canon divergent stories ever!  As the author promises, it’s Salty Teens meets Blue Lagoon where Sansa is supposed to go to KL to marry Joffrey and Jon’s sent along to be her personal shield but they become shipwrecked on a deserted island instead.  It’s DIVINE!
And my shameless self-rec is my Wildling Lover series where Jon’s abducted by Wildlings as a boy and happens upon Lady Sansa one day as a youth while on a raid.
There are so many more wonderful fics out there though so explore and maybe some folks will reblog this with recs of their own for you!
Thanks for the ask!
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cat-stark · 5 years
okay i just wanted to say that i am so in love with all of your fics. you're so creative and you have such a great style, and i love all of your jonsa and theonsa stuff! do you have any jonsa and theonsa fic recs?
Aoh god, this is SO SWEET. thank you so much nonny, this really means a lot, especially because i’m high key struggling with some of my chapters right now, so this is a huge motivator honestly. what can i say, i’m a slave to feedback. but omg there is such good content for both jonsa and theonsa so i’m going to try to narrow it down to some of my absolute faves? but this list is still going to be hella long, lbr
so far from being free - @targaryenstyrell​
oh my god i don’t even know where to begin. i read this today and i’m just blown away??? it’s a canon-divergent fic exploring the “what-if” scenario where theon rescues sansa from king’s landing. it’s incredible and the characterization is flawless. a must-read.
Gifts - qodarkness
another fic set in canon-verse, with a bit of smut and oh my god. it is one of the most beautiful fics i have ever read. it’s gentle and sweet and lovely, and i’m so in love with it. 
destroy the middle, it’s a waste of time - @thesushimonster​
a phenomenal collection of theonsa one-shots that range from fluffy and sweet to ‘wrench-your-heart-out’ tragic. literally this collection hits every single theonsa emotion. seriously, shruti is one of the best fucking theonsa writers, and all of these drabbles are incredible.
Heartburned - @ghost-of-bambi​
literally one of the funniest fucking things i’ve ever read in my life. it has gendrya and theonsa and it is incredible. honestly my favorite part is probably the arya and sandor interaction at the end of chapter one, but the entire fic is perfect.
like stupid people do - @obiwan-katnobi​
another modern au, and it’s absolute gold. all of the interactions are spot on, and i’m truly obsessed with this fic. it’s absolutely hilarious, and theon is just perfect in every way. also, margaery being a certified babe WHICH SHE IS.
The Red Queen - bikadoo_2
okay so fair warning, this one has a very bittersweet ending, and is not endgame. but i read it about a week ago, and i literally have not been able to stop thinking about it since. normally i don’t go for fics without a happy ending, but god, this one fucked me up in the best/worst sort of way. everything felt so emotional, and the pain/love was truly visceral. if bittersweet is your thing, definitely check this one out.
At Dawn We Break, At Dusk We Stand - misspensandscribbles
an incredible wip that has blown me away. it’s basically a s8 rewrite, but written before season 8. everything about it is so intense and natural. you get into the characters’ heads so easily, and the interactions are phenomenal. i can’t gush about this fic enough honestly.
milkteeth - @brosamigos
this fic plays with the ‘rhaegar lives’ trope in a wholly unique way, and i am currently obsessed. the pacing is incredible, and i am so invested in all of the characters. i feel like i’m on the edge of my seat every time there’s a new chapter, and i am always craving more!
when we kiss: mmmm, fire - @obiwan-katnobi​
holy hell, this fic is hot as hell and so fucking good. firefighter!jon, just the right amount of fluff and angst, and plenty of smut. 10/10 do recommend. 
we are buried in broken dreams - @snowsinthenorth​
okay i’m still working my way through this one but oh my god. it is so good so far, and honestly the s8 we all deserved. it features pol!jon (a personal fave) and is a s8 fix-it imagining the scenario “what if sansa was pregnant?” it is so good, and you should definitely check it out!
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Hi, I know that you already did a rec list of jonsa fics, but I was looking for a jonsa fic with lots of angst, jealousy maybe from Jon's part. I already read a lot but they are always sweet and I need a little of pain and anger, I would love if you help me
Hi darling, I generally don’t read a lot of pics featuring a jealous Jon (as it’s not really my thing), but boy do I love some angst! There are some fairly angsty fics on my rec lists (see below), but I have one in particular in mind for you that I hope fulfills your wishes. I stumbled across this fic recently and it instantly became one of my favorites!  :) 
strike hard and true, crow (or i’ll come back and haunt you) by Hatice
  Rating: Not Rated      Word Count: 32,817
   Canon Compliant through: 6x02
Summary: Death has come to bend the knee.
Descriptive Tags: Dark Jon Snow, Horror, of a sort,  Jon Snow Comes Back Wrong, Or as a reader called it “a fic where Jon dying actually had consequences”
It’s fascinating to see a fic that truly deals with the consequences of Jon’s death, and this one is intense in the best possible way.  The horror element of this fic is so well-written and there is plenty of pain and anger on Jon’s part - particularly as he no longer considers himself Jon Snow. Watching him interact with his former friends and allies in the face of this is absolutely fascinating. After she arrives, Sansa is brilliant and brave in the face of the unexpected horrors she encounters and watching her interact with Jon evokes such a feeling of sadness because it is just so WRONG, but the effect that they have on each other is amazing. I’m loving every second of this fic and I can’t wait for the next update! 
Check out more of my Jonsa fic rec lists here!
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