#jordan todd x emily prentiss
flaminghotjareau · 2 months
happy lesbian visibility week to them
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and to my favorite lesbian ships
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mxmmyprentiss · 1 month
remember when emily was so smiley and smitten with jordan todd? yeah, that's so fucking gay.
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storiesofsvu · 1 month
I wanted to get this chapter going ASAP so I can share the next ch that i already have written with you! 😂
And remember whatever version of the character I choose will have some differences from canon. (Obvi)
Let’s vote!
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danburys · 4 months
you know that subset of content that's overinterpreting every recorded micro expression and insisting it's all exactly as meaningful as they want it to be?
me with emilyjordan first meeting.
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mangotortoise · 2 years
I am screaming crying throwing up Emily and Jordan are perfect together what do you mean Jordan leaves this season why are there less than 50 fics on A03 for them the only Crime on Criminal Minds was that Emily wasn't a lesbian
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ldflow3r · 2 years
Realized I hadn't shared my more recent fics to tumblr sooo......
Title: Boyfriend
Ships: Emily Prentiss/Jordan Todd
Rating: Mature
Summary: ...I could be a better boyfriend than him...
Emily put the paper towel down on the counter, tilted Jordan's face up towards her, and wiped away the remaining tears with her fingertips. "You deserve better." Her fingers continued to trace lines into Jordan's cheek, "You deserve to be adored and cared for." As Emily began to draw her hand away, Jordan grabbed onto it and held it against her cheek.
Emily looked into Jordan's eyes and saw the broken desperation for love that Emily was desperate to give. Jordan rubbed her thumb against the back of Emily's hand in slow circles, and Emily might just break at the feeling. "Show me," Jordan pleaded. Emily demonstrated.
 ...Plus, all my clothes would fit
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sundrop-writes · 5 months
Push and Pull
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Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
While playing games with Viper, Emily (accidentally) plays on your attraction to her - something you had been trying to hide since you started with the BAU. The results end up being more than interesting.
Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader - Co-Workers to Lovers. Smut, Sexual Tension.
Word Count: 2,800 words
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, and to make my masterlist complete when I post new fics for this fandom.
Detailed warnings and author’s notes below the cut.
Warnings: smut; this is set during Season 4, Episode 9 (52 Pickup) and there is a lot of references to the episode in this, but I think you could read this without having seen the episode; mentions of typically sexist practices - in the form of ‘pickup artistry’: the reader character replaces Jordan Todd on the team; there is an age gap between Emily and the reader - Emily is older and the reader character is younger; the reader character uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina; mention of the reader wearing a dress and makeup; the reader has sexual fantasies about Emily - which include: pussy eating, fingering, rough sex, semi public sex, being called 'naughty girl’; most of the sex acts are in fantasies (this fic is mostly tension and build up and sexually adjacent situations rather than actual sex); masturbation (the reader masturbates); mentions of masturbation being unsatisfying or not feeling 'as good’ as having sex with the desired partner; caught masturbating - Emily walks in on the reader; Emily refers to herself as 'Mama’ (once); rough kissing, Emily gropes the reader through clothing, very light choking (from Emily toward the reader) (Emily puts her hand on the reader’s neck and applies pressure for a few seconds to get her attention), Emily calls the reader 'needy little thing’ (in this case the word 'little’ is meant to be condescending and not a description of size); undertones of degradation kink; I believe that is everything.
A/N: This was based on a request, and the original request mentioned fake dating (and I would love to do that trope with Emily), but I couldn’t stop thinking about how stunning and gorgeous Emily looks in this episode, and I thought it would be interesting to use it. Also the idea of a man basing his pickup techniques on women needing male validation when - hey, what kind of women wouldn’t want or need male validation? A woman who is obsessed with the other gorgeous woman at the table. It was such a fun scenario to write about. I definitely wanna write more Emily fics in the future.
At first, you really weren’t looking forward to it. 
Though it seemed fun in concept - having an excuse to dress up and go out to a club while on the job - Emily assured you that it was going to be miserable. 
The way Emily talked about the man - Viper. She almost made him sound worse than some of the confirmed killers you had dealt with during your short time at the BAU. She said that he was the scum of the earth, a waste of oxygen, that made her feel dirty just by giving her a weird look. She joked that she was ‘dragging you along’ because she didn’t want to suffer alone (that, and she needed backup, in case the guy truly was dangerous). 
From the way she talked about it, you thought the night was going to be miserable. 
You certainly didn’t expect it to be one of the best nights of your life. 
Viper frequented bars and nightclubs. So of course, nightclub appropriate attire was required. You rushed to a store and grabbed the first tight dress you could find (a red one with spaghetti straps that would pair well with a pair of modest black heels you already had in your bag for the job). You didn’t expect to come back and see Emily getting changed into a clingy black dress that fit her like sin, her makeup subtle but smokey. 
You had been actively suppressing your attraction to her, a gorgeous older woman, since you had joined the BAU a month ago. You told yourself that you could keep your lustful feelings under control because you would only be there temporarily, to replace their usual media liaison - who was on maternity leave. But seeing her dressed up like this, it certainly didn’t help with that suppression. 
Things only got worse when you got to the club and Viper descended upon the two of you. (You quietly whispered to Emily that his name should have been Vulture and the soft laughter she let out had your insides fluttering.) 
Turns out, Emily had been paying extra attention to the ‘push and pull’ technique that Reid had talked about. And even though you knew that it was just in the name of messing with the cocky man - you fell hook, line, and sinker for Emily’s combatants of this technique. 
See, rather than letting him push and pull the two of you - compliment one of you and leave the other one reeling for validation, Emily complimented you herself. She never let Viper leave room for you to need that validation. Not that you would ever need it from someone like him. But she certainly threw him off with this tactic. 
She supported you, focused far more of her attention on you than she did on him. The two of you never fell to the traditional ‘women in constant competition’ market that his techniques were built on. If she put far more of her focus on you and actively ignored him (or even not-so-subtly insulted him), then what could he do? 
Women not vying for his attention? It was a curveball for the ages. 
Clearly, he had no backup plan. He was struggling to keep up. 
If he called your dress cheap, Emily said how well the fabric complimented your amazing body. If he said your mascara was clumpy and poorly done, Emily said your eyes were naturally beautiful and shined bright without makeup anyway. 
The more annoyed it seemed to make him, the more she fawned over you. 
And it left you staring at her all night. Captivated by her beauty, her silky voice. You barely even knew that he was there as she laughed at him, engaged in his silly games, taunted him. 
By the time you left the club, you were almost high on the affection Emily had given you. 
The rest seemed to go by in a blur. The real killer was caught at a different club, and the team retired back to their hotel to get some rest before returning home. As you and Emily walked back to your shared room, you were still laughing and joking about the pathetic man who somehow made his living off of scamming men more pathetic than him. 
“And did - did you see the look on his face when I said ‘you probably go home alone, don’t you?’ - Like he - he couldn’t believe that I wasn’t falling for his BS,” Emily said, stuttering through her words as hardy laughter disrupted her speech. 
“It’s like he’s never met a confident woman in his life.” You replied, a delicate chuckle in your voice. 
It was a subtle compliment toward Emily, admiring her confidence in how well she had dealt with the scummy, overly cocky man. 
“No, not quite.” Emily sighed, using the keycard to open the hotel room door. 
Your insides fluttered even more when she held the door open for you. You couldn’t help but enjoy the domestic feeling behind it as you brushed past her body in order to get inside. 
Of course, she wasn’t even paying attention to the dreamy, starstruck look on your face as she continued speaking. 
“He’s never approached a confident woman before.” She quickly corrected, letting the door fall shut and click locked behind her. “He’s never approached a woman he thought he couldn’t con.” 
“And for some reason he dared you to ‘meet him on his turf’?” You questioned, repeating the words she had told you, when ranting about the previous interaction she had with the awful man. “You, of all people?” 
You had to wonder what about Emily Prentiss would come off as even slightly insecure or - what about her said that she would fall for his stupid tricks. In your opinion, it was like trying to outrun a cheetah using a tricycle. 
“Yeah, I guess he was counting on me being drunk and blinded by all his guyliner.” Emily joked, tossing her bag down onto one of the twin beds. 
You collapsed down onto the other bed with intense laughter. The joke itself was funny, but her delivery, her confidence, and her smile caused a spark through you that forced you to laugh off the tension before you jumped her bones. You had to be professional. You had to keep reminding yourself of that. 
“I call the bathroom first.” She announced. “I really need a shower after being drowned in Drakkar Noir all night.” 
You had to ignore the dryness in your throat and the heat between your thighs at the thought of her in the shower. Previously, it was something your mind could have easily glossed over, but after she spent the night fawning over you and capturing your attention completely, it was like you were a horny teenager again. Now all you could think about was her completely naked, droplets of hot water rolling across her skin, surrounded by steam. 
You had to pull yourself together. You had to be professional, for fuck’s sake. 
“But of course.” You told her, giving a smile and a nod. You motioned toward the bathroom, as if presenting it to her in a gentlemanly fashion. “I’ll probably just shower in the morning.” 
Emily nodded in acknowledgement of this, and there was no further conversation. 
This left your mind reeling, your body entirely tense and hyper aware of her every movement as she got ready. You had to busy yourself with grabbing your pajamas out of your own bag - an oversized X-Files tee shirt and a pair of comfortable cotton shorts - while she grabbed her toiletries bag and went into the bathroom. 
The water turned on and you tried your hardest not to think about her undressing and stepping under the stream as you changed into your pjs. You tried your hardest not to think about her tight, fit body relaxing under the steam. You tried your hardest not to think about soft bubbles rolling across her soft, pale skin. 
Clearly, you were failing. Failing not to think about her. Failing miserably when it came to suppressing your attraction for her. 
By the time you climbed into bed, there was a hard, hot pain between your thighs. 
You wanted so badly to simply roll over and go to sleep. You wanted to ignore it. But a very large part of you worried that if you didn’t ‘take care’ of that nagging arousal, then you wouldn’t be able to sleep. And if you didn’t sleep and you rolled into the next day with this attraction to Emily still at the forefront of your mind - then you wouldn’t be able to act normal around her for the travel day home tomorrow. You might say or do something stupid. 
You had to do something. 
The longer you laid there in bed, unconsciously squeezing your thighs together, feeling your pussy throbbing between them - thinking about Emily’s head being trapped between your legs - the more it bothered you. 
You had some time while she was in the shower, right? You could be quick. Of course you could. And if you heard the water turn off, you would simply stop. 
Before any true logic could catch up between your ears, a hand was sneaking below the waistband of your shorts. That hand easily went inside your underwear and found a natural place on your throbbing clit. You dipped down into your wetness (leaking out of you abundantly from how much you had been thinking about Emily) and slicked up the hot button before you began rubbing it in hard circles. You were determined to cum quickly and be done with it. 
You closed your eyes and tiled your head back against the pillow, your mind drifting back to her once again. You couldn’t stop thinking about how perfect she looked in that ruby lipstick. All night, you had felt jealous of the glass when she brought her drink up to her lips. 
You imagined her approaching you at a bar. 
You would be out by yourself, and she would see you from across the room. So entirely confident, she would see you and in a moment, know that she could have you. 
She would come up behind you, whisper sweetly in your ear, telling you how perfect you looked. She would smirk at your initial shyness when you giggled at the compliment. She would tell you that she couldn’t wait to get you home - that she wanted you and she wanted you now. 
So she would pull you into a bathroom, pinning you against a counter. And then she would shove her hand under your dress, only to find that you weren’t wearing any panties, just for her. She would scold you, call you a naughty girl. Her voice so sweet and condescending, only making you wetter. And then she would shove her fingers into your slick cunt and shove her other hand over your mouth, trying in vain to keep your whorish moans from being heard as you begged for her. 
“Emily, please,” You couldn’t stop the faint, needy moan that escaped you as you got lost in the fantasy. 
Of course, so lost in it, that you didn’t hear the shower turning off. 
Your pussy ached, leaking freely into your underwear, and your clit throbbed, emanating a needy pain out through your pelvis. You worked your fingers in more frantic circles, doubling down. Your hips canted up off the bed, knocking the covers off you slightly as dull pleasure radiated out across your hips. 
(Dull compared to what Emily would have given you, you were sure.) 
Even if it was unsatisfactory, you were close. 
“Emily-!” You cried out desperately, right on the edge of orgasm. 
“Hey, do you have some makeup remover I can borrow? I forgot-” 
Shock cascaded through your system and you instantly stilled your movements. This caused your orgasm to become a low hum in your pelvis once again as your eyes shot open in disbelief. 
Your gaze locked onto Emily where she stood in the bathroom doorway. Your insides were still with shock - embarrassment or any other emotion hadn’t even caught up yet. 
Steam ploomed around her and she was forced to hold up the hotel towel with one hand as it couldn’t fully wrap around her body, leaving a sliver of her skin exposed from her armpit to her knee - the curve of her breast, her waist, and her hip on full display. With her hair soaked and her bangs slicked back from her face, and true to what she had said, her makeup still on but slightly smudged from the shower - she looked utterly delicious. 
She was like a pornographic dream, live in front of you. 
You let out a quiet whimper at the sight. 
It was only then that your brain began to unfreeze from the shock, and you realized how truly incriminating you looked. The covers pooled around your thighs, your hand quite visibly inside your shorts, your face contorted with pleasure as your eyes scanned over her half naked body. You rushed to rip your hand out of your underwear - and you realized the sight wasn’t much better as your fingers glistened in the light. 
Emily’s eyes moved from your glistening fingers to your stiff, nervous body, your thighs still parted (as it would be too uncomfortable to clamp them down on your wet underwear and aching cunt). She smirked at you. She looked at you with the same devious, cocky expression that Viper had started out the night with - before she had taken him down notch by notch. 
The look alone caused any apology to be stuck in your throat. You waited for her to speak before you made any moves. 
“What were you thinking about?” She asked, her voice breathy, soft, yet entirely commanding. 
In that moment, caught in the smoldering gate of her eyes, you could find nothing but honesty pounding inside of your chest. 
“You.” You whined quietly. 
Emily chuckled gently. 
Your stomach twisted with embarrassment for the split second that you thought she might be laughing at you. But then you realized that it was, in fact, a sound of satisfaction. 
That realization hit you when she dropped the towel completely. She stood in front of you proudly, showing off all of her naked, wet glory. Her dark nipples pebbling in the air, the damp sheen of water making her skin glow like a dewy goddess. Quite obviously, she wanted you to look.
Your eyes traced a few thick droplets of water as they escaped her hair and ran down her body. You became absolutely mesmerized by the way gravity pulled the water over her collarbones, the teardrop curve of her breasts, the plushness of her stomach, across her pelvis, down her thighs. You imagined yourself tracing over those exact lines with your tongue. 
“Come to me.” 
Her silken voice snapped you out of your trance. Your eyes shot back up to her face once again, and in the sluggish moment that it took the words to get to your brain, she added something onto the command that absolutely knocked the wind out of you. 
“Come on. Come to Mama.” 
Her calling herself that name, so self assured, so certain - the phrase almost had you down on all fours, crawling to her like a dog. 
But instead, you scrambled to get upright and practically ran across the room to her on shaking legs. Entirely eager, you stood in front of her and leaned in to press your mouth against hers. Naturally, you expected that the interaction would start with a kiss. 
But she quickly reached up and stopped you with a hand on the side of your neck. You let out a harsh whimper of disappointment - one that quickly turned into a moan when she pressed her thumb into your windpipe with just enough pressure to make your brain go fuzzy. 
She was showing you who was in charge. 
“Not so fast,” She told you, her breath cascading against your lips now. 
Although she was completely naked and you were clothed, it was very apparent that she was the one in complete control. 
“Tell me how badly you want it.” She ordered, her voice low and almost gentle - a soft domineering that caused the hairs on your arms to stand up straight. 
“I want it so badly,” You easily replied, your voice intensely needy. “I need it. I need you, Em.” 
Emily reached up with her other hand and - with no warning - harshly gripped your pussy through your underwear and shorts. This caused sharp shocks of arousal to flow through you, making you moan out weakly. It was a dizzying euphoria that had you bucking into her hand. You almost came from that single touch alone. 
“Needy little thing.” She purred. “I am gonna have so much fun with you.” 
This was her last verbal sentiment before she pulled you forward by that hand on your neck and silenced any further moans with a bruising kiss.
A/N: This is a standalone oneshot, so there will not be a sequel or a continuation of it. If you enjoyed the fic, please comment about the body of work that has been written here. And if you like my writing style, please check out my Criminal Minds Masterlist or my other Masterlists for other fandoms.
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tenpintsofsundrop · 10 months
Push and Pull
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Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader (Smut Blurb)
Concept: While playing games with Viper, Emily (accidentally) plays on your attraction to her - something you had been trying to hide since you started with the BAU. The results end up being more than interesting.
Word Count: 2,800
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link
If you want to be notified whenever I post a new fic, make sure you follow my library blog @sundropslibrary and turn on notifications there.
Please read my pinned post before interacting.
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: smut; this is set during Season 4, Episode 9 (52 Pickup) and there is a lot of references to the episode in this, but I think you could read this without having seen the episode; mentions of typically sexist practices - in the form of 'pickup artistry': the reader character replaces Jordan Todd on the team; there is an age gap between Emily and the reader - Emily is older and the reader character is younger; the reader character uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina; mention of the reader wearing a dress and makeup; the reader has sexual fantasies about Emily - which include: pussy eating, fingering, rough sex, semi public sex, being called 'naughty girl'; most of the sex acts are in fantasies (this fic is mostly tension and build up and sexually adjacent situations rather than actual sex); masturbation (the reader masturbates); mentions of masturbation being unsatisfying or not feeling 'as good' as having sex with the desired partner; caught masturbating - Emily walks in on the reader; Emily refers to herself as 'Mama' (once); rough kissing, Emily gropes the reader through clothing, very light choking (from Emily toward the reader) (Emily puts her hand on the reader's neck and applies pressure for a few seconds to get her attention), Emily calls the reader 'needy little thing' (in this case the word 'little' is meant to be condescending and not a description of size); undertones of degradation kink; I believe that is everything.
A/N: The original request mentioned fake dating (and I would love to do that trope with Emily), but I couldn't stop thinking about how stunning and gorgeous Emily looks in this episode, and I thought it would be interesting to use it. Also the idea of a man basing his pickup techniques on women needing male validation when - hey, what kind of women wouldn't want or need male validation? A woman who is obsessed with the other gorgeous woman at the table. It was such a fun scenario to write about. I definitely wanna write more Emily fics in the future.
At first, you really weren’t looking forward to it. 
Though it seemed fun in concept - having an excuse to dress up and go out to a club while on the job - Emily assured you that it was going to be miserable. 
The way Emily talked about the man - Viper. She almost made him sound worse than some of the confirmed killers you had dealt with during your short time at the BAU. She said that he was the scum of the earth, a waste of oxygen, that made her feel dirty just by giving her a weird look. She joked that she was ‘dragging you along’ because she didn’t want to suffer alone (that, and she needed backup, in case the guy truly was dangerous). 
From the way she talked about it, you thought the night was going to be miserable. 
You certainly didn’t expect it to be one of the best nights of your life. 
Viper frequented bars and nightclubs. So of course, nightclub appropriate attire was required. You rushed to a store and grabbed the first tight dress you could find (a red one with spaghetti straps that would pair well with a pair of modest black heels you already had in your bag for the job). You didn’t expect to come back and see Emily getting changed into a clingy black dress that fit her like sin, her makeup subtle but smokey. 
You had been actively suppressing your attraction to her, a gorgeous older woman, since you had joined the BAU a month ago. You told yourself that you could keep your lustful feelings under control because you would only be there temporarily, to replace their usual media liaison - who was on maternity leave. But seeing her dressed up like this, it certainly didn’t help with that suppression. 
Things only got worse when you got to the club and Viper descended upon the two of you. (You quietly whispered to Emily that his name should have been Vulture and the soft laughter she let out had your insides fluttering.) 
Turns out, Emily had been paying extra attention to the ‘push and pull’ technique that Reid had talked about. And even though you knew that it was just in the name of messing with the cocky man - you fell hook, line, and sinker for Emily’s combatants of this technique. 
See, rather than letting him push and pull the two of you - compliment one of you and leave the other one reeling for validation, Emily complimented you herself. She never let Viper leave room for you to need that validation. Not that you would ever need it from someone like him. But she certainly threw him off with this tactic. 
She supported you, focused far more of her attention on you than she did on him. The two of you never fell to the traditional ‘women in constant competition’ market that his techniques were built on. If she put far more of her focus on you and actively ignored him (or even not-so-subtly insulted him), then what could he do? 
Women not vying for his attention? It was a curveball for the ages. 
Clearly, he had no backup plan. He was struggling to keep up. 
If he called your dress cheap, Emily said how well the fabric complimented your amazing body. If he said your mascara was clumpy and poorly done, Emily said your eyes were naturally beautiful and shined bright without makeup anyway. 
The more annoyed it seemed to make him, the more she fawned over you. 
And it left you staring at her all night. Captivated by her beauty, her silky voice. You barely even knew that he was there as she laughed at him, engaged in his silly games, taunted him. 
By the time you left the club, you were almost high on the affection Emily had given you. 
The rest seemed to go by in a blur. The real killer was caught at a different club, and the team retired back to their hotel to get some rest before returning home. As you and Emily walked back to your shared room, you were still laughing and joking about the pathetic man who somehow made his living off of scamming men more pathetic than him. 
“And did - did you see the look on his face when I said ‘you probably go home alone, don’t you?’ - Like he - he couldn’t believe that I wasn’t falling for his BS,” Emily said, stuttering through her words as hardy laughter disrupted her speech. 
“It’s like he’s never met a confident woman in his life.” You replied, a delicate chuckle in your voice. 
It was a subtle compliment toward Emily, admiring her confidence in how well she had dealt with the scummy, overly cocky man. 
“No, not quite.” Emily sighed, using the keycard to open the hotel room door. 
Your insides fluttered even more when she held the door open for you. You couldn’t help but enjoy the domestic feeling behind it as you brushed past her body in order to get inside. 
Of course, she wasn’t even paying attention to the dreamy, starstruck look on your face as she continued speaking. 
“He’s never approached a confident woman before.” She quickly corrected, letting the door fall shut and click locked behind her. “He’s never approached a woman he thought he couldn’t con.” 
“And for some reason he dared you to ‘meet him on his turf’?” You questioned, repeating the words she had told you, when ranting about the previous interaction she had with the awful man. “You, of all people?” 
You had to wonder what about Emily Prentiss would come off as even slightly insecure or - what about her said that she would fall for his stupid tricks. In your opinion, it was like trying to outrun a cheetah using a tricycle. 
“Yeah, I guess he was counting on me being drunk and blinded by all his guyliner.” Emily joked, tossing her bag down onto one of the twin beds. 
You collapsed down onto the other bed with intense laughter. The joke itself was funny, but her delivery, her confidence, and her smile caused a spark through you that forced you to laugh off the tension before you jumped her bones. You had to be professional. You had to keep reminding yourself of that. 
“I call the bathroom first.” She announced. “I really need a shower after being drowned in Drakkar Noir all night.” 
You had to ignore the dryness in your throat and the heat between your thighs at the thought of her in the shower. Previously, it was something your mind could have easily glossed over, but after she spent the night fawning over you and capturing your attention completely, it was like you were a horny teenager again. Now all you could think about was her completely naked, droplets of hot water rolling across her skin, surrounded by steam. 
You had to pull yourself together. You had to be professional, for fuck’s sake. 
“But of course.” You told her, giving a smile and a nod. You motioned toward the bathroom, as if presenting it to her in a gentlemanly fashion. “I’ll probably just shower in the morning.” 
Emily nodded in acknowledgement of this, and there was no further conversation. 
This left your mind reeling, your body entirely tense and hyper aware of her every movement as she got ready. You had to busy yourself with grabbing your pajamas out of your own bag - an oversized X-Files tee shirt and a pair of comfortable cotton shorts - while she grabbed her toiletries bag and went into the bathroom. 
The water turned on and you tried your hardest not to think about her undressing and stepping under the stream as you changed into your pjs. You tried your hardest not to think about her tight, fit body relaxing under the steam. You tried your hardest not to think about soft bubbles rolling across her soft, pale skin. 
Clearly, you were failing. Failing not to think about her. Failing miserably when it came to suppressing your attraction for her. 
By the time you climbed into bed, there was a hard, hot pain between your thighs. 
You wanted so badly to simply roll over and go to sleep. You wanted to ignore it. But a very large part of you worried that if you didn’t ‘take care’ of that nagging arousal, then you wouldn’t be able to sleep. And if you didn’t sleep and you rolled into the next day with this attraction to Emily still at the forefront of your mind - then you wouldn’t be able to act normal around her for the travel day home tomorrow. You might say or do something stupid. 
You had to do something. 
The longer you laid there in bed, unconsciously squeezing your thighs together, feeling your pussy throbbing between them - thinking about Emily’s head being trapped between your legs - the more it bothered you. 
You had some time while she was in the shower, right? You could be quick. Of course you could. And if you heard the water turn off, you would simply stop. 
Before any true logic could catch up between your ears, a hand was sneaking below the waistband of your shorts. That hand easily went inside your underwear and found a natural place on your throbbing clit. You dipped down into your wetness (leaking out of you abundantly from how much you had been thinking about Emily) and slicked up the hot button before you began rubbing it in hard circles. You were determined to cum quickly and be done with it. 
You closed your eyes and tiled your head back against the pillow, your mind drifting back to her once again. You couldn’t stop thinking about how perfect she looked in that ruby lipstick. All night, you had felt jealous of the glass when she brought her drink up to her lips. 
You imagined her approaching you at a bar. 
You would be out by yourself, and she would see you from across the room. So entirely confident, she would see you and in a moment, know that she could have you. 
She would come up behind you, whisper sweetly in your ear, telling you how perfect you looked. She would smirk at your initial shyness when you giggled at the compliment. She would tell you that she couldn’t wait to get you home - that she wanted you and she wanted you now. 
So she would pull you into a bathroom, pinning you against a counter. And then she would shove her hand under your dress, only to find that you weren’t wearing any panties, just for her. She would scold you, call you a naughty girl. Her voice so sweet and condescending, only making you wetter. And then she would shove her fingers into your slick cunt and shove her other hand over your mouth, trying in vain to keep your whorish moans from being heard as you begged for her. 
“Emily, please,” You couldn’t stop the faint, needy moan that escaped you as you got lost in the fantasy. 
Of course, so lost in it, that you didn’t hear the shower turning off. 
Your pussy ached, leaking freely into your underwear, and your clit throbbed, emanating a needy pain out through your pelvis. You worked your fingers in more frantic circles, doubling down. Your hips canted up off the bed, knocking the covers off you slightly as dull pleasure radiated out across your hips. 
(Dull compared to what Emily would have given you, you were sure.) 
Even if it was unsatisfactory, you were close. 
“Emily-!” You cried out desperately, right on the edge of orgasm. 
“Hey, do you have some makeup remover I can borrow? I forgot-” 
Shock cascaded through your system and you instantly stilled your movements. This caused your orgasm to become a low hum in your pelvis once again as your eyes shot open in disbelief. 
Your gaze locked onto Emily where she stood in the bathroom doorway. Your insides were still with shock - embarrassment or any other emotion hadn’t even caught up yet. 
Steam ploomed around her and she was forced to hold up the hotel towel with one hand as it couldn’t fully wrap around her body, leaving a sliver of her skin exposed from her armpit to her knee - the curve of her breast, her waist, and her hip on full display. With her hair soaked and her bangs slicked back from her face, and true to what she had said, her makeup still on but slightly smudged from the shower - she looked utterly delicious. 
She was like a pornographic dream, live in front of you. 
You let out a quiet whimper at the sight. 
It was only then that your brain began to unfreeze from the shock, and you realized how truly incriminating you looked. The covers pooled around your thighs, your hand quite visibly inside your shorts, your face contorted with pleasure as your eyes scanned over her half naked body. You rushed to rip your hand out of your underwear - and you realized the sight wasn’t much better as your fingers glistened in the light. 
Emily’s eyes moved from your glistening fingers to your stiff, nervous body, your thighs still parted (as it would be too uncomfortable to clamp them down on your wet underwear and aching cunt). She smirked at you. She looked at you with the same devious, cocky expression that Viper had started out the night with - before she had taken him down notch by notch. 
The look alone caused any apology to be stuck in your throat. You waited for her to speak before you made any moves. 
“What were you thinking about?” She asked, her voice breathy, soft, yet entirely commanding. 
In that moment, caught in the smoldering gate of her eyes, you could find nothing but honesty pounding inside of your chest. 
“You.” You whined quietly. 
Emily chuckled gently. 
Your stomach twisted with embarrassment for the split second that you thought she might be laughing at you. But then you realized that it was, in fact, a sound of satisfaction. 
That realization hit you when she dropped the towel completely. She stood in front of you proudly, showing off all of her naked, wet glory. Her dark nipples pebbling in the air, the damp sheen of water making her skin glow like a dewy goddess. Quite obviously, she wanted you to look.
Your eyes traced a few thick droplets of water as they escaped her hair and ran down her body. You became absolutely mesmerized by the way gravity pulled the water over her collarbones, the teardrop curve of her breasts, the plushness of her stomach, across her pelvis, down her thighs. You imagined yourself tracing over those exact lines with your tongue. 
“Come to me.” 
Her silken voice snapped you out of your trance. Your eyes shot back up to her face once again, and in the sluggish moment that it took the words to get to your brain, she added something onto the command that absolutely knocked the wind out of you. 
“Come on. Come to Mama.” 
Her calling herself that name, so self assured, so certain - the phrase almost had you down on all fours, crawling to her like a dog. 
But instead, you scrambled to get upright and practically ran across the room to her on shaking legs. Entirely eager, you stood in front of her and leaned in to press your mouth against hers. Naturally, you expected that the interaction would start with a kiss. 
But she quickly reached up and stopped you with a hand on the side of your neck. You let out a harsh whimper of disappointment - one that quickly turned into a moan when she pressed her thumb into your windpipe with just enough pressure to make your brain go fuzzy. 
She was showing you who was in charge. 
“Not so fast,” She told you, her breath cascading against your lips now. 
Although she was completely naked and you were clothed, it was very apparent that she was the one in complete control. 
“Tell me how badly you want it.” She ordered, her voice low and almost gentle - a soft domineering that caused the hairs on your arms to stand up straight. 
“I want it so badly,” You easily replied, your voice intensely needy. “I need it. I need you, Em.” 
Emily reached up with her other hand and - with no warning - harshly gripped your pussy through your underwear and shorts. This caused sharp shocks of arousal to flow through you, making you moan out weakly. It was a dizzying euphoria that had you bucking into her hand. You almost came from that single touch alone. 
“Needy little thing.” She purred. “I am gonna have so much fun with you.” 
This was her last verbal sentiment before she pulled you forward by that hand on your neck and silenced any further moans with a bruising kiss.
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gray4youuu · 3 months
Characters I write for ᥫ᭡.
Hi! I turned on asks so you can do that now! This is just a rough draft. I might write for more and update this later but this is what I could think of for now!
Some characters I’m down to write, but just ask! I’ll tell you yes or no then.
No promises I’ll respond fast to requests.
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Agents of shield : Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Leopold Fitz, Deke Shaw, Lincoln Campbell, Robbie Reyes
Dc : Jason Todd, Richard Grayson, Bat fam, Harley Quinn, Barry Allen, Rick Flagg
Marvel : Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Peter Parker (tasm), Eddie Brock, Wade Wilson, Hobbie Brown, Miles Morales. Kate Bishop, Jessica Jones, Karen Page, Dinah Madani, Claire Temple, The moon boys!! (Individually or together), Stephen Strange, Peter Quill, Tony Stark, Carol Danvers, Valkyrie, Gamora, Druig, Sersi
X-men : Erik lehnsherr, Alex Summers
The 100 : Bellamy Blake, Lexa, Clarke Griffin, Jasper Jordan
The hunger games : Katniss Everdeen, Lucy Gray Baird, Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason
Pjo : Percy Jackson, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Zoë Nightshade
Tvdu : Elijah Mikealson, Kol Mikealson, Kai Parker, Caroline Forbes, The Mikealson family, Stefan Salvatore, Enzo St. John
Marauders era : James Potter, Remus Lupin, Marlene McKinnon, Evan Rosier, Emmeline Vance, Lily Evans, Barty Crouch Jr
Golden trio era : Blaise Zabani, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Lorenzo Berkshire
Outerbanks : John B Routledge, Sarah Cameron, Pope Heyward, Jj Maybank
Shadow and Bone : Kaz Brekker, Nikolai Lansov, Inej Grafa, Jesper Fahey, Toyla Yul-Bataar, Matthias Helvar
Teen wolf : Scott Mcall, Issac Lahey, Allison Argent, Malia Hale, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Liam Dunbar
Criminal minds : Emily Prentiss, Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Alex Blake, Elle Greenaway
Other : Ellie Willams, Baxter Radic, Kat Stratford, Tobias Eaton, Jake Peralta, Fiona Gallagher, Rooster Bradshaw, Dallas Winston, hiccup haddock, Jake Sully, Ryan Atwood, Seth Cohen, Vi, Caitlyn Kiramman, Jade West, Ben Florian
I’m also very down to write poly stuff!!
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fatalitysficbakery · 2 years
𓆰♡𓆪 Fatality’s Fic Bakery Masterlist; Criminal Minds Menu Updated 9•6•23 𓆰♥︎𓆪
↳ A Multifandom blog, that caters to less represented. Mainly black women but other poc and minorities as well.
↳ CHECK THE RULE LIST. Highly important to check my rule post before requesting ANYTHING.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery navigation menu ❦.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery rules + drabble menu ❦.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery requests guidelines menu ❦.
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Welcome To The Bakery 𓆰♡︎𓆪
series (☀︎︎) oneshots (☦︎︎) smut (✞)
fluff (☻︎) angst (☹︎)
two parters (♫)
reactions (❥) headcanons (☠︎︎)
drabbles (☾)
𓆰♡︎𓆪 CM’s Ladies Menu 𓆰♥︎𓆪
↳ Emily Prentiss.
coming soon!!
↳ Jennifer Jareau.
Priorities. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; none.
Synopsis; are you gonna keep running to her and leaving me a shell of my former self?
↳ Elle Greenaway.
What Love Does To The Psyche. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; Stalker themes, home invasion, character death. Belle is Elle’s nickname from Y/n.
Synopsis; When Elle’s highschool sweetheart needs the teams help to remove a stalker from her life, Elle immediately remembers why she loved loves her.
What goes on in the dark. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y//n
warnings: hostage situation, mentions of violence, blood, and shot wounds. JJ is a profiler here. Liaison!Y/n, grief, mentions of suicide, gun violence, nothing too graphic.
synopsis: i’ll love you till the very end, amor.
↳ Joy Rossi.
Innocent Verdict. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; VOMIT, Talks of Abuse, Child Molestation, Rape, Our Corrupt Justice system that doesn’t protect black women, hotchner being a supportive dad figure, PTSD!reader (i have ptsd so i’m gonna write it how my attacks feel in my experience but everyone’s attacks won’t feel the same.), Adult adoption (Not common, but happens sometimes. this is what Aaron is to the reader, her father), yes Elle is in this. why? because in heavens bakery she never left 😍. Also- subtle hints of an age regression relationship between Joy and Reader(coping mechanism, nothing sexual ya nasties), reader has autism!
Synopsis; After an innocent verdict turns your life upside down, your wife is there to help you back up. Along with your Quantico family.
↳ Jordan Todd.
coming soon!!
↳ Kate Callahan.
coming soon!!
↳ Tara Lewis.
coming soon!!
↳ Penelope Garcia.
coming soon!!
↳ Ashley Seaver.
coming soon!!
𓆰♥︎𓆪 CM’s Gentlemen Menu 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Aaron Hotchner.
The Baby Question. (☦︎︎ - ☾ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; None.
Synopsis; #17 “Well- I guess I’d never really thought about but now that you say it aloud…Yeah. Yeah, I’d love to have kids with you”.
Tethered Together. (☦︎︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; Past Life Themes, Mentions of Murder and Violence, and also HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
Synopsis; A woman from Aaron’s past is back. Only, he’s sure he’s never met her a day in his life.
↳ Derek Morgan.
I Remember That Night I Just Might Rewind. (Ep 1.) (♫ - ☀︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎-ish) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warning; Presumed Death, Attempted Sexual Assault Mentions (Non-Graphic), Talk of Murder, PTSD!Reader.
Synopsis; Inspired by s7e1 “it takes a village”. You and Morgan were supposed to marry, after you’re “murdered” by an unsub he definitely doesn’t expect or know how to take it when you show up at Quantico…Alive.
↳ Final Ep; The Way It Used To Be. (♫ - ☀︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎)
Warnings; PTSD!Reader.
Synopsis; Getting back into the swing of things isn’t easy.
↳ Spencer Reid.
The Brain, Not The Heart. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings; Kidnap, Torture, Injury, Blood, Brief Mentions Of Sexual Assault, Maeve Supremacy (she and reid deserved better.)
Synopsis; Since Maeve’s death Reid has been closed off from love but when he met you? He saw a future he never thought was in the plans for him. When you’re kidnapped, the brain of the team is suddenly the most frazzled one there.
Nelson’s Sparrow (Gideon’s Song). (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
Warnings: singer!reader, morgan’s sister!reader, tear jerker, grief, learning to deal with grief
Synopsis: Reid takes Gideon’s death hard and it puts an obvious strain on your relationship - one you didn’t know how to fix. Until you did.
Stolen Breaths. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎ - ❦) x Black Fem!Y/n
warnings: abduction, incest talk, csa talk, sexual harassment, and then immediately after, slight cockwarming, aggressive!spencer, headstrong!reader, hatefucking, punisher!reid.
synopsis: you’re angry at spencer, he’s angry at you, but his newfound aggression yields unexpected reactions.
↳ Luke Alvez.
coming soon!!
↳ Matt Simmons.
coming soon!!
This List will be updated regularly as I go on. Enjoy the baked goods in Heaven’s Fic Bakery! 🥖🥐🥯🍞🥨🥮🧁🍧🍨🍯
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elenarodriiguez · 2 months
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criminal minds
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one shots
presumed dead | elle greenaway x spencer reid
seashells | penelope garcia x emily prentiss
reunion | penelope garcia x derek morgan x spencer reid
stay | mae jarvis x kristy simmons x matt simmons
dream | elle greenaway x spencer reid
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castle | emily prentiss x jordan todd
0 notes
farrawayfromthere · 3 years
Let’s Not Let A Year Pass By This Time
Pairing: Jordan Todd/Emily Prentiss
Word Count: 2k
Summary: After the family annihilator case that had been the last straw for Jordan at the BAU, they don’t see each other for a year.
A/N: for Day 4 of CM Fanfiction Week (Underrated character/pairing); tagging @simmonsmilf and @starry-eyed-spence (gif credit to @j3mily)
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Jordan’s in line at a coffee shop in DC, eyeing a chocolate chip muffin in the display case with her name on it.
She fidgets with the zipper on her wallet then wonders with a small sigh if she’d be better off ordering an egg sandwich for the protein.
Today, her team’ll be flying up to a small city in New Hampshire who’s two post offices have both received bomb threats in the last couple days. She knows she’ll be interviewing postal workers all day; she’s gonna need the energy.
“Jordan? Agent Todd? Is that you?”
It’s a voice she hasn’t heard in what feels like a lifetime.
Jordan looks over her shoulder and finds herself face to face with a woman she hasn’t seen in over a year, just a couple customers behind her.
Emily’s face splits into that same huge, brilliant smile Jordan remembers.
“It is you! My god!”
She looks.... really good.
“Agent Prentiss,” Jordan says, eyes growing wide, mouth dropping open slightly.
Emily’s grown her bangs out, pushed them to the sides.
Her dark, dark brown hair falls smoothly, elegantly just past her shoulders.
She’s wearing a black pantsuit, well-tailored. A black, silky looking blouse underneath and black, thick heeled boots that make her feel even taller than Jordan remembers.
She looks, really, really good.
The guy behind her clears his throat and Jordan realizes the line has moved along.
She gestures for him and the lady behind him to go ahead, and reaches for Emily’s sleeve.
“It’s great to see you,” Emily says.
Jordan’s laugh is a disbelieving exhale.
The other woman extends a hand to shake and Jordan feels a strange, subtle swoop in her stomach when their palms press against one another’s.
Emily’s is still cool; Jordan’s, still warm.
Jordan wonders if Emily’s one of those people who always feels cold, just like she’s one of those people who always feels warm.
Suddenly, all the turtlenecks and sweaters she’d seen her wear around the BAU make a little more sense.
Emily’s hand squeezes hers back, and Jordan blinks up at her.
Emily’s eyes are bright, and even through their automatic, habitual coolness, suddenly, a little shy.
“Um, hi,” Jordan says, the words a little breathless.
“Long time no see,” Emily says.
“You’re telling me.”
Emily blinks and gives her a rueful little half-grin.
“I never called.”
“Well, I didn’t either,” Jordan says, keeping humor in her voice, “I meant to, in that first month, but—.”
“We just got so busy after you left. I didn’t realize how much time was passing, I’m so sorry,” Emily says.
They’d told each other they would stay in touch, but the days and weeks and months had just—slipped by.
By the time Jordan realized that an unacceptable amount of time had passed and she’d yet to make good on her promise to grab lunch or dinner with the older agent, the mere idea of picking up the phone and dialing her number made Jordan feel antsy with unease.
It would’ve been too weird; too awkward.
“It’s okay,” Jordan says, “Neither did I.”
Emily blows air out of her cheeks, expression full of relief.
“So we’re good?”
“Yeah, Prentiss. We’re good.”
She allows herself to take in Emily’s new hair for a moment.
She gestures lazily at it with her index finger.
“I gotta say. I like the no bangs look on you. Very elegant. Very mysterious FBI woman.”
Twin patches of pink appear high in her cheeks.
Jordan smiles.
“You still look like you could kill a man with one stomp of those boots though.”
A grin breaks through Emily’s blush.
“Oh, so they’re giving off the energy I’d hoped they would when I bought them?”
“If the energy you had in mind was ‘don’t mess with me’, then yeah, I’d say so.”
“Next,” the young man at the cashier calls.
Jordan winks at Emily, then steps forward to order her sandwich and coffee. She’s surprised when she finishes and the cashier looks over her shoulder to speak to Emily.
Quickly and efficiently, the taller woman orders herself a medium coffee and an old-fashioned donut from the display case. She pays for both of their orders without a moment’s hesitation, before Jordan can even open her mouth to protest.
“Thanks,” Emily tells the cashier, while Jordan, stomach swirling with a deep warmth that’s startling in its suddenness, places a couple bills in the tip jar.
They sit at a small table for two by the window.
When Jordan looks up from skim milk and raw sugar into her coffee, Emily’s eyes are already cautiously on her.
“So how have you been,” the taller woman asks.
“Uh, good,” Jordan says, then after a moment, ”I’m where I belong.”
“I’m glad,” Emily says, grinning as she mixed cream and a Splenda into her own coffee, “You didn’t seem to like working at the BAU very much.”
“I didn’t,” Jordan says honestly, “But some parts of the experience were better than others. Plus, JJ and I have been friends since our time at the Academy so....”
Emily pushes her hair behind her shoulders, revealing small silver disk shaped earrings that glimmer as she takes a sip of her coffee.
Jordan hesitates just a moment before saying it.
“I’ve gotta say: You look good, Emily.”
Emily’s eyes twinkle; a pleased smile spreads across her face, so genuine that Jordan realizes, for the first time, that Emily Prentiss has a perfect pair of tiny dimples.
Her eyes take in Jordan’s pristine navy blazer, her well styled ponytail. They linger briefly on her mouth, today a deep plum.
“Well, you look better.”
Jordan almost spits out her first sip of coffee; She’s acutely aware that her cheeks have just gone very hot.
Emily‘s smile is a bit too smug for Jordan’s liking. She rolls her eyes.
“I know I do.”
“Oh, really,” Emily exclaims with a grin.
Jordan looks down at her egg sandwich for a moment, appetite suddenly non-existent.
The fluttering in her stomach, the smell of Emily’s perfume is making it hard to think.
She smiles a small, tentative smile.
“How’s life?”
Emily takes a sip from her coffee.
“You know. Chasing down serial killers most days of the week, coming home, watching re-runs of The Sopranos, passing out. Rinse... and repeat.”
Jordan tilts her head.
“No special someone or someones’ to keep things interesting?”
Emily meets her eyes.
“Well I don’t know about special.... Distractions? Sure... but... uh... nobody I care very much about, and definitely nobody who cares very much about me. What about you?”
Jordan snorts.
“I don’t know about special,” she says, repeating Emily’s earlier words before half-smiling and shaking her head, “No. Nobody.”
“That’s good.”
Jordan raises a brow.
Emily winces at herself.
“I mean.... hey, that’s... it’s tough out here?”
Jordan laughs, the sound loud and genuine.
Emily hums, taking a sip of her coffee.
“How’s JJ,” Jordan asks, “The rest of the team?”
Emily sets her coffee down and smiles a soft smile.
“Good. She’s good. We all are,” Emily says, then after a pause, “She loves Will and Henry very much. I think they’re what keep her going now... but... I also think they make everything much harder than it used to be for her. She sees them in every case, and it scares her so much, even though she’ll never admit it.”
Jordan nods, understanding.
“I bet it helps though,” she muses, “To have someone to come home to. People to hold you at the end of those long-ass days you all have over at the BAU.”
Emily’s smile grows more faint.
“I wouldn’t know,” she says quietly.
“Well,” Jordan says, just as quiet, “Neither would I. But that’s what I imagine.”
“Yeah, well... it didn’t work out very well for Hotch,” Emily says.
Jordan fixes her gaze on her coffee.
She’d been overseas during Haley Hotchner’s funeral; she’d wondered how her murder had affected the team at the BAU, how it had affected Emily.
They all already had trust issues... she wondered just how much more they all feared intimacy now....
Emily seems to return to her senses, eyes darting up to meet Jordan’s and startling a little when she recognizes the compassion Jordan can’t help but feel for her.
Emily had been the best part of her time at the BAU.
And okay, maybe Jordan had developed a little, truly tiny, irrelevant crush on her in that time, and maybe.... maybe it had been a little devastating that they’d never gotten in touch again after she’d left the BAU—
Regardless, Jordan wants the woman sitting across from her to be happy.
She smiles faintly at her, then her eyes catch sight of the clock hanging over the cafe’s entrance and she starts.
“Shit,” she says, standing up, “I’m gonna be late.”
Emily looks up at her, for a second panicked, then she’s scrambling in her bag for something.
“Uh—please wait.”
She pulls out a pen and takes the cafe receipt Jordan’s crumbled up and forgotten on the table.
“We’ve gotta catch up properly, Agent Todd,” she says, scribbling her number on the back of it, “New number.”
Jordan tugs her phone from her purse.
“Just read it out to me, I’ll add you in right now,” she says.
Emily does.
Jordan smiles at it, then hesitates.
“Can I snap a quick photo of you for your contact? I‘m actively working with four women named Emily on three different continents.”
Emily’s eyes flash with a hint of something Jordan can’t decipher, then she nods.
“Sure—uh—how do I look? You’re gonna have to deal with this picture of me forever.”
“You know you look good,” Jordan says, holding up the phone, “But I’ll allow you one retake if you don’t like it.”
“Just one?”
“Just one.”
Emily straightens her back. She gives a small, close mouthed smile for the picture, dark eyes looking deeply into the camera.
“One... two... okay, got it.”
Jordan shows the picture to her and Emily grimaces.
Jordan scoffs.
“Oh, come on. You look like an English rose or whatever. It’s a good picture.”
“An English rose,” Emily repeats, laughing.
Jordan glances down at her still open camera and, lips quirking, snaps another photo.
This time, she catches Emily, eyebrows drawn up in amusement, grinning. She’s looking warmly out at Jordan over the lens of the camera rather than looking into it head on.
“Oh, I’m keeping this one.”
“What? Hey. Wait, let me see.”
Jordan shows her and Emily groans.
“No.... no, no, no.”
“Too bad it’s your one retake, huh?”
“But I didn’t even know you were taking it!”
“My phone, my rules,” Jordan says, putting her phone away and looking down at her with a grin, “I guess I’ll talk to ya later.”
Emily’s still grumbling under her breath.
Jordan lets a hand fall on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze before making for the doors.
“Hey Jordan,” she hears behind her.
And Jordan remembers in that moment that she likes the sound of her first name in Emily’s mouth.
She looks over her shoulder.
“Let’s not let a year pass by this time, alright,” Emily calls.
Jordan laughs, “Let’s make it two!”
“Please don’t,” Emily calls back.
“Or three!”
On the train, she tugs out her phone again, smiling a little at Emily’s contact photo.
She dials her number and Emily picks up on the second ring.
“Well this is nice. You gave me your real number,” Jordan says.
Emily snorts.
“I see you have a very high opinion of me.”
Jordan hesitates.
“Well, I’ll be honest... I don’t know you very well. All I know....”
She takes a deep breath and lets it out in a gentle whoosh.
“All I know was that you were the only thing that made my time at the BAU bearable, Emily. You stood up for me when nobody else did. You cared enough to check up on me when I was having a bad day. Even when I just acted like a jerk in return. And I’ll never forget that.“
She stops to let the honesty of her words hang in the air, then:
“I honestly was a little bummed out that we never hung out outside of work like we said we would.”
Emily seems stunned into silence by Jordan’s honesty.
Jordan doesn’t care.
She’s happy she’s said it.
Happy Emily knows that she brought good into someone’s life, at least for a little while.
“I don’t know what to say,” Emily murmurs.
“You’re one of those people who can’t handle intense sincerity, huh,” Jordan jokes.
Silence again; she must be walking.
Jordan can hear the click of her thick heels even over the phone.
“Not on a daily basis, no,” Emily says at last, but there’s a happy edge to her voice, “Confession from me?”
“Go for it.”
“It bummed me out a little too, that we never got together like we’d planned. You were excellent company, Jordan Todd. And I... I guess I didn’t realize until now how much I’ve really missed you.”
Jordan finds herself smiling.
Emily laughs and Jordan chuckles in response.
For a second there’s silence on the line, then:
“Let’s get lunch this week,” Emily says, “Someplace good.”
Jordan bites the inside of her lower lip, trying to fight her own smile, knowing it’s a fight she’s going to be having with herself all day.
She knows today will be the day she’ll be called out for asking about bomb threat details with a glimmer of a smile on her face.
She doesn’t care.
“How do you feel about sushi?”
“Name the place and I’m there.”
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kj-1130 · 2 years
it’s always ‘spencer reid’ this, ‘spencer reid’ that…what about emily prentiss? tara lewis? penelope garcia, jordan todd, elle greenaway, jennifer jareau? alex blake? kate callahan? hell, derek morgan?
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kingteal · 2 years
emily, jj and jordan todd talking about "the last viable donor" and hotch innocently joining with "donor for what?" HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT WHY IS HE SMILING AT EMILY LIKE THAT
also: you can literally see prentiss catching her breath and her eyes widening all the while trying not to stare at him.
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ropoto · 3 years
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Love is in the air...
Also Jordan Todd have the most beautiful smile.
Emily Prentiss and Jordan Todd in 4x08 Masterpiece
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dimitrescus-bitch · 3 years
Criminal Minds Masterlist
Trigger warning
I Never Told You
Slow Down*
Double Crossed
Fit for a Princess*
The Effort
Down With the Sickness
Elle Greenaway
The Biggest Person
I’ll Wear Your Ring
Dani California
New York Gallery Girl
The Bag
Ashley Seaver
Smut Prompt 46*
Sleep In
Jennifer Jareau
Country Roads
Smut Prompt 54 & 58*
Slow Down*
A Duck
Spaced Out
Hit the Wall
Double Crossed
That Way*
Tear You Apart*
First Days
Something More
Derek Morgan
Father Figure
A Little Care
Emily Prentiss
Made It
Slow Down*
I’ll Die Anyway
Double Crossed
On a Whim
Good Mourning
The Savior
Make It
Late Nights
Penelope Garcia
Technological Hazard
Pocketful of Rainbows
Aaron Hotchner
Little Things
Jordan Todd
Back from the BAU
Spencer Reid
Tara Lewis
Midnight Flight
355 notes · View notes