#jordan valley
sayruq · 5 months
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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The Israeli civilian killed in the terror shooting attack earlier today in the Jordan Valley is named as 23-year-old Yonatan Deutsch, from Beit Shean.
Another man was moderately wounded in the attack. He was named as Anas Jaramana, 32, from the northern Arab town of Muqeible.
May his memory be a blessing.
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recherchestetique · 1 year
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One of the largest floor mosaics ever discovered was recently unveiled following restoration at Hisham Palace in Jericho. It revealed 38 intricate panels depicting floral and geometric designs made with over 5,000,000 pieces of stone and a 1300-year-old "tree of life".
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vyorei · 8 months
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I genuinely cannot imagine walking into my garden (if I owned one) and finding it fenced with some rando telling me the side they were on belonged to them now, and that soon my home (if I owned one) would belong to them.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) pair displaying whilst perched on bush, K'Far Ruppin kibbutz fishponds, Jordan Valley, Israel, March.
Photographer: Roger Powell
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
The mother of the two British-Israeli sisters killed in the terrorist shooting attack in the Jordan Valley on Friday is still in critical condition, reports said Saturday.
The incident on Road 57 near Hamra junction was initially reported as a traffic accident, but an initial investigation found that the terrorists fired at the Efrat family’s vehicle, causing it to veer to the shoulder and crash. They then fired again at the car to ensure that they had hit those inside.
20-year-old Maya and 15-year-old Rina Dee were killed on the spot, while their mother Lea, 48, is in critical condition. Over 20 bullet casings were found at the scene.
Their father was driving in a separate vehicle ahead of them and arrived at the scene after rescue efforts had begun. The family was on its way to a holiday destination in Tiberias, reports said.
Efrat Council head Oded Revivi said the local council is working to provide the family with any requirements they need in this difficult time.
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Soldiers are still searching the area for the terrorists and have set up dozens of checkpoints in the Jericho area. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant held a situational assessment in light of the attack on Friday afternoon, instructing the defense establishment to allocate all the necessary resources to catch the terrorists and to strengthen security on the roads throughout the West Bank and Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also held a situational assessment on Friday.
The two sisters’ funeral is set to take place on Sunday at 5:00 p.m., the family said.
Police chief Kobi Shabtai said the attack emphasizes how relevant the threat of terrorism is in its various forms.
“Therefore, alongside our operations and that of the security forces in all sectors, I call on every citizen who has a licensed firearm and is skilled in operating it legally to carry it these days,” he said.
Commander of the IDF’s Central Command Maj.-Gen. Yehuda Fuchs stated: “We experienced an extremely severe terrorist attack. As we have known how to pursue and find the terrorists until now, we will also deal with these terrorists. We are reinforcing forces in all sectors. We were unable to prevent this attack, but we will do everything we can to prevent the following ones.”
After the terror attack in Tel Aviv on the same day
The other terror attack that occurred on the same day saw one person killed and seven others injured in a ramming attack in Tel Aviv. The murdered victim was Alessandro Parini, a tourist visiting the country from Italy. The terrorist who carried out the attack was Yosef Abu Jaber, who worked as a janitor at a school in Kiryat Ono.
Foreign Minister Eli Cohen arrived at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center at around 7 p.m. on Saturday accompanied by the Italian Ambassador to Israel, Sergio Berbenti, to visit the injured from the terror attack the night before.
Tourism Minister Haim Katz sent a letter of condolence to Parini's family, stating that "on behalf of the government of Israel, we grieve with you for your loss. The gratuitous hatred of the extremists has no geographical boundaries, and does not differentiate between religion, race and nationality, between innocent citizens and tourists. May you know no more sorrow."
Katz also wished for the speedy recovery of the injured tourists from Italy and Britain, who were evacuated to hospitals after the attack.
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gaiagalit · 1 year
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Jordan Valley
photographed by Sharon Gabay
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sbahour · 1 year
In 4 mins....it is this simple!
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"And how do we differentiate between good and evil? We use our gut feeling. Yes. There’s no better formula. We can’t trust an app. We can’t trust the news - sorry gentlemen. We can only trust our intuitions. So how would I like you to celebrate Dees-Day this year? If you feel that it was wrong to shoot dead at close range three beautiful innocent young ladies in the prime of their lives then please post a picture of you or your spouse or your children with an Israeli flag. Or just post a picture of an Israeli flag and share it on Facebook, Instagram or whatever social media app you use. "For too long we have let a small minority try to convince us there is no right and wrong. Everything is relative And it's cathartic to do this sometimes because when we do wrong we know we have to make up for it. But if we pretend that there is no such thing as right and wrong, maybe we can get away scott free? "On the other side, my beautiful wife (late wife), Lucy and I have tried to bring up our children with strong moral values Helping others. Caring for others Building community And Baruch Hashem, thank God, I believe that Tali, Keren and Yehuda will do that in their lives and pass those values down to their children and hence play their part in building a better world. "This anonymous terrorist with the Kalashnikov - what did he achieve? A temporary victory? Some marks he can carve into his gun? Where's his future? Is he spending the time with his children to teach them decent life values? Does he even have children or is he a child himself? A product of a broken culture that does not differentiate between good and evil, so he cannot see a future for himself. He is taking 20 shots of cocaine (one for each bullet) in order to numb his soul which is telling him: You are pure evil. "There is no such thing as moral equivalence between terrorist and victim. The terrorist is always bad." "World media: show me your true colors. Do you really believe in moral equivalence? Will you continue to support evil by giving it a voice? Am I and my family really a threat to world peace? We who teach kindness and love? We who value life over anything else? Is this anonymous killer really justified? Is he progressing moral values and a future for himself? Come on! Wake up! Listen to your souls. Do you really believe it? Or does it just sell advertising space for material goods that none of us really need?"
Rabbi Leo Dee, responding to the atrocious murder of his wife, Lucy, and his two daughters, Rina and Maia. If you believe that terrorism is evil, please support Rabbi Dee and the people of Israel by posting an Israeli flag to your social media account. 
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whats-in-a-sentence · 5 months
While the first farmers were sweating to make crops grow on Mesopotamia's plains around 5000 BCE, even more intrepid folk were striking out from the Jordan Valley across the Sinai Desert to try their luck along the Nile River.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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plitnick · 5 months
Netanyahu’s endgame and the Israeli far-right’s regional ambitions
The events of recent days suggest we may be seeing the Israeli endgame take shape. Netanyahu’s far right government’s goals are not limited to Gaza: it wants to take over all of Palestine and start a war with Hezbollah and Iran as well.
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
There was a terrorist shooting attack in the Jordan Valley. 
1 person of 23 years old is dead while another of 33 years years old is in a light condition.
May their memory be a blessing.
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travelella · 6 months
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Pillars of Rome, Old Ion Highway, Jordan Valley, Oregon, USA
Eric Muhr
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vyorei · 8 months
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storiearcheostorie · 6 months
'Ubeidiya National Park in the Jordan Valley Opens to the Public [VIDEO]
'Ubeidiya National Park in the Jordan Valley Opens to the Public [VIDEO]
Giraffes and mammoths walked here. ‘Ubeidiya Park in the Jordan Valley—an archaeological site of world-class importance for researching human history—the earliest in the country and one of the earliest in the world outside of Africa—was dedicated today, Thursday, April 4, in a celebratory ceremony. The ceremony took place in the presence of the Jordan Valley Regional Council Head, Idan…
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nataliesnews · 10 months
Jordan Valley, 11.12.23 Dafna Banai and Tamar Berger (photographe
Jordan Valley, 11.12.23 Dafna Banai and Tamar Berger (photographer)
A general strike was declared in the West Bank and we were supposed to take the blind Miriam for eye injections at the Turmos Aya but we thought the eye hospital would be closed. We decided to check and it was open but it was too late to go to Fasail and bring Maryam. So we moved on.
In the area of the pumps between Gitit and Makura (the bath of Gitit) the fields are being plowed and across the road we met a young shepherd. Maher, who lives east of the pumps since the day he was born. 2 families. In the summer they move to Akbara and in November they return to the Bekaa.
We continued to the Bekaot checkpoint area, to meet a young shepherd from the Abu El Kabash family for whom I arranged a SIM card so that he could call for help if Moshe attacked him and/or take pictures. The sim broke down and I couldn't find out with Pla Pon about the problem. But he is afraid to go through the checkpoint, lest the soldiers shoot him. We reached the checkpoint to cross to the other side. The reservist, with long hair and a nostril, said that it was impossible to pass because it was forbidden to enter Area A. We told him that we were not entering Area A (which is 5 km beyond the checkpoint) but were meeting someone 200 meters away. He waved us through. We returned a little later After half an hour and the soldiers stopped us on the claim that we had entered area A. 2 military jeeps with 8 soldiers arrived with sirens. "You jumped the whole army" the soldiers were angry "You breached the checkpoint" the soldier who first allowed us to pass lied. Half an army messed with us for an hour, as if There is no war in the world. Finally a police car arrived and the officer confirmed that the place we were staying was not Area A and released us with a warning not to go there again.
At 11:30 we arrived at the yellow iron gate in front of Roy. This gate was placed a few months ago on the road leading to Atof and serves as the only way for the residents of the north of the Bikaa to bring water. Let's start with the fact that Israel, which took control of a land it doesn't own in the Jordan Valley (and in the entire West Bank), took control of all the water sources in it and gives it to its settlers while all the pastoral communities are water engines. What does water motors mean? that even the cisterns for storing rainwater were wasted by our glorious army. In recent months, the State of Israel has been building a new, wider water pipeline to bring more water to the settlements. The Palestinians wanted to connect with him. And refused, of course.
With no choice, the Palestinians travel with tractors towed to water tankers to bring water from the territories of the Palestinian Authority. Their lives depend, literally, on that water.
Last summer, the army placed a gate on the road to Atof, from where water is brought, and raised the dirt walls that block the motorized passage from the valley to the center of the West Bank - to a school, a doctor, and even shopping and water. With the outbreak of the war, they closed the gate and stationed soldiers there, and since then bringing water, the most basic human need, has become a nightmare. For days the soldiers prevented the Palestinians from crossing, and all the communities remained thirsty. At first, they still stationed soldiers at the gate, and the soldiers sometimes opened and other times they didn't, depending on the mood, or according to their political views. Sometimes 3 days passed when the rusty water tanks drove to the gate and returned empty. Whole days that thousands of people were left without a drop of water!!
  We arrived at 11:30 and found 2 tankers hitched to tractors, a truck/tanker and a feed truck for sheep on one side of the gate and a water tank on the other side. The gate is locked and there are no soldiers. The tanker from the western side of the checkpoint arrived at 7 in the morning and went to the water, but when it returned at 8, it found the gate locked. The others, on the eastern side, arrived on the 8th. Everyone waits in the sun for hours.
On the gate is a phone number for emergencies. The Palestinians call - they don't answer (apparently they recognize the numbers from other days) Tamar called but as soon as she said it was about the gate, they hung up and then didn't answer. All of our inquiries to the Ministry of Defense, the Bekaa Center, the HML, were not answered.
At 12:30 the soldiers arrived, made a turn by the gate, saw the waiting people and left. Only an hour later, at 1:30 p.m., they came to open.
First of all, the soldiers drove us away from the place on the grounds that we were disturbing them, but a few minutes later a transit arrived from which about 15 Chabadnik boys got off, pulled out loudspeakers and boxes of donuts, entered the checkpoint area and began to sing and dance with the soldiers while being completely oblivious to the suffering caused here. They respected , by the way, us too, but not the Palestinians.
Then the soldiers announced that they would only stay for half an hour. The Palestinians begged to be given at least an hour because checking the certificates, and the road and pumping the water require at least an hour. did not help. When the tankers returned with the water, at 2:15 p.m., the gate was locked and the soldiers had long since left.
The Palestinians had to wait again. And again, desperate calls to the army and the military headquarters, and only at 6:30 p.m. did they open the gate again. The Palestinians waited 9 and a half hours just to bring water.
Depriving people of water is an unequivocal war crime. Water is life and preventing it is equal to murder. The misery of a rich and armed army from head to toe that does everything to abuse an innocent civilian population, their children, sheep, is a shame for all of us. Think how hard it will be for us if, due to a malfunction, our water is shut off for a few hours! There is no justification for the fact that the Palestinians will not be connected to the water network and will have to wait at the checkpoint for many hours to get water. Shame!!
And we are responsible. Our silence makes it possible!!!!
After that we continued to Farsia. On the way we stopped near the place where Tarek lived and on 10.10 he and his neighbor were evicted by the settler Uri and with the help of the police who arrested him when Uri attacked him. After repeated attacks, when in one of them the settlers urinated on his tent, when he could not bear it he left his property and moved to the place Safer. 15 more families like him since the beginning of the war.
When we arrived, the Jordan Valley activists were in the field because representatives of the Rotem settlement came to harass the shepherds and the army came to help them. Before we left, a call came that settlers were stealing goats from a pasture, near Shademut. The Jordan Valley activists went there and the police also arrived. Most of the goats scattered in the area and were eventually returned to their owners, but the police did not stop or even check the identity cards of the settlers. Full cooperation.
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