#joseph and caesar i dont fucking get i really dont i dont think joseph CARED about caesar until he was literally dead
goatpaste · 2 years
thoughts on jolymesfoo because i am always thinking about them personally
really really good like, their up their as one of the jobros that i can look at and really get when ppl say 'holy shit they were literally gay and in love??' because MAN
like i think, NOT MUCH, buT there is a slight one sidedness to romantic love that can be taken from the context of the plot of stone ocean. not so much that i dont think jolyne doesnt love them or not romantically, i think she might love them a lot but a lot of her character between not having time or the emotional ability to stop and consider feelings like that at the time of stone ocean. but i think she loves them a lot, i think they saved her
Ermes is SO important to Jolyne right away, she and food were part of the process of pulling her out and dusting her off when she hit rock bottom. So much of that was her own strength but because of them and so many others she was able to know she was loved and cared for. their dedication to her and her to them is what made her stronger... none of them would be anywhere without each other they NEEDED each other
I think so much of the sports max fight and Ermes' "i want to cry my eyes out by your side" line SO much, that even despite how much she grew and became strong to take on her goals alone, she was supported and loved by jolyne and would fall back to her care in an instant.
and in general they have such good chemistry, their sO silly with each other, the many scenes were their goofin off and being silly to each other is sO good. their two peas in a pod
then foo fighters lIKE,,, oUGH
THAT PLANKTON LEARNED TO LOVE BEING A WOMAN THROUGH BEING IN LOVE WITH A WOMAN, their so trans lesbian to me it makes me crazy!!
but their whOLE thing with jolyne is sO!!! AHHH
Foo Fighters is such a rough mean character, in the most charming way. shes like a beloved wild animal ready to bite at anyone who she upsets her
but with jolyne and ermes? shes so soft and shows such care for them,,
i know its her job as their team healer, but the scenes were she gentle heals their wounds and speaks to them with such care in her voice really gets my ass!! when FF was nearly killed by pucci, still hardly even fully formed, no longer has a body and has CRAWLED her way to jolyne only for nearly the first thing they do, is heal jolyne...
and the Dragon's dream fight where Jolyne begs anasui to help FF, and Anasui saying that even if he wanted to, FF specifically said to not help JUST so he could dedicate 100% of his abilities and focus on keeping Jolyne safe. FF straight up would give their life a 100 times just to keep jolyne safe.. that plankton fell in love with that woman fr
they make me crazy i really love and care about them!!
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vnd5lain88 · 2 years
my jjba skincare headcanons . i just need to archive this somewhere
jonathan: breaks out so bad. he found a bottle of face cleanser he found cute at cvs and he uses it everyday and is very diligent about it even if it is just one step. and he is like. he is so enamored. he loves it he thinks he is so cute for doing this
dio: 15 step skin care queen. he knows most of the steps are useless and that his routine is way overcomplicated, but he just loves the feeling of control. and self worship. and he hates jonathans cute little cleanser that he uses only once a day that functions perfectly so so much.
joseph: in his youth he didnt care much for it, in fact he mightve thought it was like. stupid or something. but caesar opened up the world of skincare to him. and while he still decided it wasnt really necessary, as he grew older he remembered what caeser did and talked to him about , and as a way to “preserve his looks” he does skincare now. He grooms himself. You know. Takes care of his nails and such. maybe like after caeser died he started taking care of himself more in general. just a thought
caeser: lovely, lovely skin. naturally. but he is quite well versed in the realm of skincare (this is to assume skincare was as it is now in like. the 1930s. which it wasnt but bear with me) he is just concerned with his appearance a fair amount. in general. thats okay
jotaro: does not fucking care. does not do a thing. dry shaves sometimes. in fact he like doesnt shower sometimes you know. i mean he cares about his hygiene quite a bit and like if he smells or something he’ll shower etc etc quite normal behavior but he just doesnt even know. yet somehow his skin is so flawless. so effervescent. beautiful. but believable. if anything, he washes his face with hand soap. and perhaps deep deep down he thinks it isnt manly of him to practice skin care. like esp during his transmed era. but he would never admit that to himself. After meeting kakyoin that changed . kakyoin was like Oh jotaro, your skin is so beautiful already. You dont need a thing, im jealous! Haha! and he was like ok. actually scratch that he may have tried it for a bit lololo idk about when he gets older though TBH like i dont have the power to think about it this is taking so much out of me in a way. like this is so vulnerable
kakyoin: quite knowledgable on it. i think you know hes read books with skincare related information and he isnt opposed to the idea. he went to a dermatologist to get the proper prescription for his face but even then he doesnt have that bad of acne. just quite simple. a cleanser and then a cream twice a day. it works like a charm. he loves it. he loves washing his face and such. at dawn and at dusk. has talked to jotaro about it. was so shocked to hear what jotaro does. was so shocked to not see even a hint of jotaros carelessness shown on his face. yeah
polnareff: hes so stupid about it he thinks its like science because of the serums. and hes so shocked and amazed and hes like ISNT THAT FOR GIRLS…..? *JAW DROP
avdol: i think he takes to more natural remedies like putting avocado on your face or brown sugar and honey on your back. very smart about it. in fact jotaro has pretty bad bacne so like he does that too he learned it from avdol. because they have talked about skincare. becayse all of the jojo characters have talked about skincare in my world. in my dream world. avdol also focuses on what he eats to keep his skin clear. eating bell peppers and carrots and such.
josuke: literally so obsessed. hes like the skincare queen. like he knows so much he hates the fact that jotaro doesnt care. hes like You are so fucking stupid. i think he is also very very knowledgeable on skincare. the science behind it. its like an obsession. like hes so proud
giorno: very casual about it he has like acne . like a normal face. he doesnt really care . uses his skincare products every once and a while. idk. More focused on other things.
jolyne: shes like her dad she has flawless skin but like she gets small blackheads sometimes and she loves pinching them out and it scabs her face and she s like insane
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volfoss · 3 years
caejose for the ask game........
idc this is the best ask game ever because im so fucking full of rage and god caejose.... god
so ok i can KINDA get it? in the way that wow they do actually interact which idk more than some ships can claim <3 but idk i dont get the appeal simply bc ppl really boil them down (and the whole n*zi sympathy but uh ill get into that later) to just the worst fucking traits. not to mention most caejose writers are literally so so uncreative and are like just really out here being like omg enemies to lovers (when it literally COULD have been correctly labeled as rivals to lovers but ppl are stupid <3). theyre so so so fucking boring too god like im sorry but ppl really again being like haha yea joseph was sad over caesar dying as if AGAIN theyre not friends? idk i think ppl really just kinda toss them tgether bc wow theyre two men and the jjba fandom is tied between bitches that ship the main jojo w his bestie and the ppl yelling about how cishet it is. now time to get into the like fact that caesar is pretty much a plot device to be like omg guys guys :pleading: the n*zi shit in part 2 isnt as bad bc caesars bestie mark is one and omg hes engaged so he cant be a bad guy... like die <33333 and how it kind of rubs off onto joseph where hes like oh wait theyre not that bad and idk caejose is like white bread to me because ppl just really dont fuckign characterize them right because wow joseph himbo and caesar cunty and its like u dont get the vibes and literally no one does but theyre shitty characters and quite honestly i dont remotely care about them <3
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cassyapper · 4 years
Apart from Jotaro and Kakyoin (unfortunately) what are your other favourite jojo ships? I’d love to know
i have a disease that makes me invested in the joestars’ happiness to an absurd level so bc of that a lot of ships i enjoy involve,,,one joestar,,,but there r others i swear let me just start rantingi
jonaeriwagon is soooooo so so cute it involves the most wholesome and purehearted jojo characters and it makes me smile so wide. erina and jonathan r childhood sweethearts and erina helped jonathan back on his feet after he lost EVERYTHING in the first fight against dio at the mansion. jonathan and speedwagon are best FRIENDS OKAY!! SPEEDWAGON LITERALLY CHANGES HIS ENTIRE WALK OF LIFE BECAUSE OF JONATHAN AND THE KINDNESS HE SHOWED HIM. i know erina and speedwagon didn't interact a whole lot in part 1 but like they're BEST. FRIENDS. in part 2, so much so joseph thought something was going on between them. i bring this up bc then it’s proof that this ship is full of ppl who just care for each other so much. they just adore each other and love each other and I'm crying
caejoseq is my FAVVV OKAY they're so stupid and in love. i love love love love imagining caesar and suziq falling in love slowly when he’s first training as lisalisa’s student and like they never do anything about it cause they're both so shy (yes caesar is shy bc these feelings r more genuine romance rather than sexual, unlike his other flings) but it’s obvious enough they both understand to a degree the other knows they like them sjkd;dn cuties. but then JOSEPH BARGES IN with his stupid hamon-breathing mask and his stupid blue-green eyes and his stupid lax personality combined with the moments he takes thing seriously during which is works hard as fuck/smart as fuck. he just completely sweeps them off their feet they had no fuckin warning whatsoever. so after a bunch of messy and intense pining from the both of them they eventually sit down and are like okay. we should do smth about feelings actually. so they Do and it ends with the polycule and I'm (”: smiling so wide they loved each other do u understand
AVPOL!! DO NOT GET ME STARTED OKAY it’s the survivor’s guilt and cherishing and longing for me sis!!!!!! I'm just saying both have pasts (araki said avdol’s backstory was so sad he didn't wanna put it into sdc so that’s where I'm drawing this from) that leave them focused on things other than their direct happiness/their own futures but then they connect and even though they're so fucking different they are SOOO different they're still the same on this level and i think!!! that would be everything for them finally someone who understands...listen I'm ging to go insane do you hear me. avdol loves this stupid fucking Frenchman so much because said stupid fucking Frenchman just cares so much about everything. meanwhile polnareff is in love with this fuckin god of a man who’s patient and kind and funny and a skilled enough fighter it’s stated explicitly in canon “oh avdol’s the one we need to worry about most not jotaro” like fuck polnareff is ENAMOURED WITH HIM!! AND I DONT FUCKING BLAME HIM!! and just dude. when pol thinks avdol came back to life and he starts crying tears of joy and hugs him so tightly and avdol just laughs but hugs him back imfmfjfj help. help. help. help. help. POLNAREFF LITERALLY ASKS HIM OUT ON A DATE THIS IS FUCKIN!!! CANON!!! i cant do this stupid fuckign idiots i love them
JOSUYASU!!!!!! TWO GUYS BEIGN DUDES WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT??? like listen we have such a SLEW of wholesome moments between these two the opening to the tonio episode is literally just them going on a date OKUYASU WAS GONNA FEED JOSUKE AND JOSUKE DIDNT EVEN FUCKING QUESTION IT OKAY THAT’S KINDA GAY THAT HAS ROMANTIC FUCKING UNDERTONES!! and them fighting against shigechi idk man i just love their dynamic it’s such a pleasant bro relationship and i love them. but even beyond the wholesome moments when okuyasu fucking dies josuke loses his SHIT!!! DO YOU HEAR ME HE GOES FUCKIGN INSANE!!!!! HE’S SCREAMING AND CRYING AND BEGGING OKUYASU TO WAKE UP AT THE EXPENSE OF HIS LIFE FUCKIGN HAYATO HAD TO SHRIEK AT HIM TO MOVE HIS ASS OUT OF THE WAY OF KIRA’S BOMB LIKE!! listen the recklessness and furiousness of josuke’s tactics after okuyasu “”died”” haunts me. he didn't want to live in a world without him and meanwhile okuyaus LITERALLY TRIUMPHS OVER DEATH BECAUSE HE DOESNT WANT TO LEAVE JOSUKE’S SIDE HELP ME GIRL FJKF;NDJN FUCK. fuck. so yeah i lvoe them
fugionara... any combination of this ship makes me go nuts okay okay. the dynamics in the bucci gang will forever leave me in tatters but THE ONES BETWEEN THESE THREE IN PARTICULAR. FUCK ME UP. it’s the healing it’s the animosity it’s the regret it’s the trying to figure out your own mentally ill self while also the world ur in with these ppl u love so much and I'm going crazy okay okay okay. idk how to quite put my feelings for them in worlds i just have a lot of them and they are fuckin. overhwelming. just narancia for example meant EVERYTHING to fugo as evidence by purple haze feedback (literally every other paragraph is a flashback) and the only time giorno cries in the anime is when narancia dies. meanwhile fugo saved narancia’s life and giorno knew when to take narancia seriously as opposed to a joke. and then THE WHOLE DISCUSSION ABOUT GRIEF FUGO AND GIORNO HAVE IN PURPLE HAZE FEEDBACK? listen something about these three make me go insane and feral
foolymes like okay. okay. I'm shaking like a dog trying not to go overboard on this justification just listen to me. hermes and jolyne first find someone to trust in prison in each other. jolyne cares abt her enough that she first learns how to use stone free’s string-on-a-telephone ability bc she wanted to watch over hermes. hermes loves nd respects jolyne that after she wakes up from getting a stand shes like “hm. wonder where jolyne is” and goes to find her before all that bullshit happened just hey okay LISTEN TO ME!! and then they get foo they save her it’s just like fucking kakyoin they give her another chance and they show her what relationships are supposed to be like (fulfilling) they enjoy her company and make her laugh and she makes them laugh in return ohmy god EVERYTHING FOO FIGHTERS DID WAS FOR JOLYNE AND HERMES DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!! the marilyn mansion debt collector arc. the kiss of love and revenge arc. foo fighter’s death. I'm going to eat rocks in an attempt to stop feeling oh my god JOLYNE DIDNT EVEN BELEIVE FOO FIGHTERS WAS DYING AND THEN SHE GOT HYSTERICAL LIKE “BUT WE CAN JUST REMAKE YOU RIGHT WE HAVE YOUR STAND DISC??” SHE DOESNT WANT HER TO GOOO HELP ME HELP ME. I'm in tatters these three girls loved each other so fucking much they just wanted each other safe and they DESERVED to be safe and happy together but araki is fucking evil
jotaweather I KNOW THIS IS A CRACK SHIP I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW DONT FUCKIGN LOOK AT ME JUST HEAR ME OUT. jotaro and weather r both of similar demeanor that is quiet soft-speaking intimidating strong big aura of sadness coming from them. both have powerful stands and both had real fucked up luck in the love department. i also hc both to be autistic so that’d be another similarity. i jus think them settling down together after everything went down in a stone ocean au would be very soft and sweet yknow? they wouldn't even necessarily start it off in a romantic sense but they just take the time to try and heal with each other and eventually it just kinda veers that way. yeah
gyjo for OBVIOUS reasons like are you serious? gyro changed johnny’s fucking lfie from the SECOND they first interact johnny begins to push himself and tries to reach further/go further. and in turn johnny shows gyro you cant always be a wet blanket you need to take a stand this both helps his resolve to save the kid AND helps him to take the measures necessary to get to his goal. like gyro would not have been able to find johnny in the “who shot johnny joestar?” arc if he hadn't gone through, say, the ring roadagain arc with johnny first. listen man their relationship is literally the catalyst for this whole part it’s the driving force i just. they love each other they love each other thank you goodnight I'm emo
yasugap is just so so so so sweet it makes me so happy,,like okay josuk8 literally has a daydream where all that happens is he gives yasuho some candy and she eats it and is like “aw josuke this is so good thanks!” and she smiles at him and that’s IT THAT’S THE DAYDREAM 😭 listen they just love each other so much and i am emo. they literally SAVED EACH OTHER OKAY LIKE yasuho pulls him from the dirt and like she mentioned during the flashback chapter with the hairpin and her dad, it was also the other way around....saving josuke also saved herself and just LISTEN TO ME. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. it’s a very sweet and healthy relationship and i hope to god araki makes it canon please sir ill bite you
anyway yeah these are the main main ones ? that i ship ship. like you'll get me excited if u mention them. anyway this post has gone on long enough so I'm gonna end it here by saying i really do have a thing where the relationship focuses on healing/helping one or both parties to save/improve themselves
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What do You Mean this isnt Free Real Estate?
JoJo x Caesar 
summary: Joseph learns how to send hate mail while searching for the elusive tax refund 
CW: just two dudes being married bros committing the ultimate act of love: tax evasion 
Caesar had just finished one of many long days cleaning up one of Joseph's very unnecessary messes. Whether he was referring to the kitchen, thier real estate business, or their shared life was not of much importance. At the end of the day all of his husband’s small mistakes to large fuck ups were dealt with by the same flippant eye roll and a frantic call to the Speedwagon Foundation. 
Caesar brushed by Joseph’s office, expecting it to be empty, and for the younger man to be lounging somewhere on the balcony with a glass of scotch. Yet there he was, at the ripe hour of 5:31 in the afternoon muttering under his breath and poking at the keyboard with rigid fingers. 
Caesar had many questions, but the first that came to mind was, “JoJo, did no one ever teach you how to type properly? Do you really type by poking? No wonder it takes so long for you to reply to my fucking emails!” 
Joseph glared at Caesar’s smug form leaning against the door frame, he didn't want to lose his train of thought so he let his left hand menacingly whir for a second before diving back into his erratic typing. 
This was very unusual. Firstly that Joseph would be working a second longer than he had to, and secondly that he had not risen to Caesar’s playful jab. The blonde’s grin slowly fell as he took careful steps behind Joseph to see what had happened. He peered over his husband’s bulky shoulders trying to get a good view of the screen, but it just looked like a normal Joseph email. There was the absence of a formal header or even greeting, lots of general name calling, and even more spelling and grammatical mistakes. 
None of this alarmed Caesar in the slightest. Sure it had in the beginning when Joseph thought his charisma and charm could successfully carry their fledgling business past his lack of knowledge, but apparently it had been enough. Not that Caesar would ever confess any of this to Joseph though. 
No, what made this instance so concerning was that the header of the email was “Fuck You Mr. IRS.”
“JoJo… Are you sending hate mail to the IRS?” Caesar hesitantly asked. He already knew the answer but needed to hear it aloud. 
“You bet your tight ass I am.” Joseph didn't even spare his tight ass a look as he continued pecking at the keys. 
“As your business and life partner may I ask why for fucks sake do you think this is a good idea?” Caesar was getting a little scared now. It was fine for JoJo to get a little crass with the New York big wigs from time  to time, but he had never done anything so brash as to aggravate a national department. 
Caesar still wasnt terribly sure how the American government worked, much less thier convoluted tax system, but if growing up in Italy had taught him one thing it was that you dont fuck with mafia money. Or government money. As much as Joseph denied it, Caesar was pretty sure they were one and the same over here too. 
“Well they never sent us our goddamn refund receipt!” At this point Joseph stopped typing just long enough to slam his whirring fist on the table. “And THESE look at all of these letters they refused to open!” 
Caesar glanced in the direction Joseph had motion and saw what looked like one and a half envelopes addressed to “The IRS” with no subsequent information. He grabbed up the letters before he could identify the crayon writing.
“JoJo you dumbass you didn't even write out the entire address! Do you even know how this country’s postal system works?” Caesar proceeded to slap Joseph in the face with them. 
Joseph scowled, rubbing his sore cheek and started to pout, “It's not my fault that damn postman doesn't know where the IRS lives.” Joseph was now mumbling into one hand while the other clenched and unclenched into a fist in his lap.  
“Today is just filled with things you don't know isn't it? You don't know where Mr IRS lives and you don't know how to file taxes!” Caesar was reaching a point beyond aggravated but still was yet to reach furious. 
“No one ever taught me how to tax! I must have missed that part when I died!” 
“Sadly you’re alive now, but very close to being dead to me if you keep being so foolishly reckless!” 
“I was almost dead twice that should count for something! I should get like what two tax returns? They should send me two of those huge cardboard checks! And then a third because I lost my hand!” Joseph continued muttering nonsense to himself because Caesar couldn't take this anymore and had stormed out. 
The blonde however waited outside in the hall for a moment to see if Joseph would keep talking to himself, and sure enough he caught some chopped up phrases including “I sent that damned bird into space” “banana suit asshat” “this government owes me”.
----- a few days later ------
Caesar’s eyes started to twitch across from Joseph at the breakfast table “Youve got to be kidding me JoJo we’re being audited?” 
“This is bullshit! This is discrimination! I'm being harassed!” Joseph paced around the table holding a very official and angrily worded letter. 
“You’re a millionare I’d hardly call this discrimination and im fairly certain you were the first one to start calling Mr. IRS names.” Caesar took some deep breaths in an attempt to rationalize with Joseph and calm himself down. 
“You claimed all of last year's income right? That's all you have to do.” Caesar had closed his eyes, everything was going to be fine.
“What do you mean ‘claim income?’” 
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jojosbabe · 4 years
Unpopular opinion
But part 5 to me isnt all that. Sure its cool. But its not worth the hype and over exposure the fans give it.
Honestly they dont give enough love to other parts and its sad.
Legit. Vento aint that good.
Y'all be milking the fuck out of one part thinking thats all there is to jojos. And its sad to me. There is much much much more story and character but nope y'all recycle bucci gang and friends and foes. It gets tiresome.
If ventos characters weren't so flashy and typical bishi aesthetic. You wouldn't care. But because it is. Y'all eat it up. And its boring.
Jojos has so many different styles and genres in one and yall only pick one arch.
Like i started with part 4. And worked my way back. And when i got to vento,i can say im not impressed by vento. After part 4 it got bland to me. And kinda pointless.
I mean people gonna like what they like. And i do love some characters in vento. I just wish they would have been handled better and it wasn't such a rushed weak sauce of a story.
In the end these are just my opinions. But it is kinda sad. We have all this material and years of sources but little to no merch cept buccis boxers and out the fucking turtle toilet of vento merch. Little to nothing of other parts despite the anime being out in the states for a bit now. Like its sad. Really sad. Like im kinda irritated bout the fact the only good merch to find. Is in japan. Not that im complaining completely because you do tend to find higher quality products. But they are expensive af to import. But i guess thats just how it is.
Im just sad that phantom blood or even battle tendency outside of only Joseph or caesar dont get enough love. Like people ignore other parts. And it hurts.
Like other parts are good besides vento.
Hell id rather read stone ocean then vento. Thats how snooze i was feeling story wise.
Characters are great. Story is weak. Villain is lukewarm. And it just the longest explanation for stand arrows that honestly could have been better as a side story instead of a main jojo story. Polnareff wasn't polnareff to me. And kinda unnecessary fan service. Jotaro didn't fucking do his job. And id expect more from the son of dio,giorno. Ugh.
I could go on. But eh. Again. People are people and people tend to go hog wild and milk shit till its unenjoyable and until the next big thing happens. I just hope fans dont fuck over things when stone ocean comes out,if it ever comes out. Because honestly at this point im not hopeful the way some fans be acting. And i think that it would be unfair for people who really enjoy stone ocean(i have mixed feels bout that part myself but still some people love that part and really want it animated. And some fans make it so damn tedious for them)
Again these are just my thoughts and opinions. Y'all do whatever you wanna do. It just kills me that the other parts get the short end and the fans don't care.
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spoopybananel · 2 years
hello spoopy bananel hope youre doing well. big fan of your work. just had a quick question for you.. what is your kinlist just out of curiosity i love hearing other ppls kins <3 ok thank you! have a great day
hey thanks for the ask! sorry if this is old, i just saw it i dont have a kin list, but i do have a list of characters i can relate to or just like a lot If that counts nvksjvd I've done personal RPs of some of these characters, and written fics so I can get into their headspace and act as them but i dunno, I don't know if thats the same kind of thing Steve Harrington, he's a himbo and has shitty parents lmao Eddie Munson because he's gay (hc) and autistic (hc) or just neurodivergent in general and people think he's real weird. I had about the same thing in high school. Ik he isn's diagnosed with anything or his sexuality isnt confirmed in canon but I just see traits of myself in him, even if he isn't officially any of those things. That goes for most characters on this list. Yamato/Tenzo because he had a fucked up childhood and struggles with identity and coming into himself throughout his life Kakashi Hatake because it's hard for him to connect to people emotionally and let them inside skvnskjdv and he reads spicy books in public lmao And plus who doesn't like Kakashi, come on Joseph Joestar just because he's a big himbo and he's got a great ass Caesar Zeppeli because he's just neat (and that goes for all the characters tbh) Peter Parker because he's a big nerd and normally just a lil guy, also we both have glasses and brown hair so skjvnskjv He's also the first superhero I liked and will always have a place in my heart Link because that's where my name came from, and Zelda has always been my favorite game series Ash Williams because he's a huge himbo and just a ridiculous human being Dante from DmC because he's just really cool and that's probably one of my next fav game series
Tamaki Amajiki because he's just a ball of anxiety and never want to be perceived and thats relatable af
A more recent one is Leon Kennedy because he's himbo and just real neat, ya kno?
Daisuke Jigen because he's just so tall and his design is chefs kiss His hat be covering his eyes and his beard his curled like that, it's just great
Sam and Max because they're just chaos husbands and they say off the wall shit every two seconds
This is getting more into characters I just like rather than relate to lol Grumpy bear just because that's a mood
Gloomy bear because I'm a sucker for cute characters that are terribly violent
Rilakkuma because he's also a mood
Rowlet from Pokemon lmaooo He's just...he's a little man...a round boi... He's my son
More pokemon out of the way, Mimikyu, Sylveon, pyukumuku, Magikarp They're all just so good
Toad from Mario because he's just a little guy
This list is basically characters that fall under a few categories: himbo queer/gay anxiety ridden a cool dude a lil guy wisecracking nerd great design
There's more I could've add and I can make a full list of characters I like if anyone cares about my shit opinions but- lmao
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diverdowns · 7 years
Gyro for the ask meme
(send me a character and i’ll rate them + their story arcs!)
GYRO.. my love… too good for this (alternate) world tbh, i love him more than i love life itself. he’s so good. who wouldn’t love him? gyro defense squad 2k17
this got a bit out of hand, so feast your eyes on my rambling under the cut:
> gyro zeppeli
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
JESUS JUST FUCK ME UP, i love gyro. the thing with his teeth, is like, kinda weird, but it grew on me tbh, and i dont know how to feel about this. he’s so gorgeous — and sure, i can blame a lot of that on araki’s art style in part 7-8 making everyone unfairly pretty, but i mean.. have you seen this cowboy? he’s also nowhere near my usual type, but like.. i dunno, i just love him too much. he’s perfect. god. i’m losing my ability to type coherently. i need to take a moment, hold on. i love gyro so much.
there are days when i stare out the window and i just suddenly remember how much i love gyro zeppeli and i’m suddenly overcome with pain and also Emotion
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
i love gyro but…. yeah, he’s totally Not Me. gyro’s typed as estp quite a bit, which means i mean, at least superficially by mbti, we’re almost all opposites in the way we approach things + our general views — which is true. i’m not driven by any kind of ideal, and i’m not necessarily a noble person — gyro is both of those, and he notably has trouble taking a life, which is contrasted with johnny’s “killing intent.” on that front, and in general, i’d definitely relate more to johnny than to gyro, as a whole. (honestly it’s probably because i can relate to johnny that i ended up loving gyro so much.)
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t kno
ahahah, gyro seems like a really great bro, in general. he’s loyal, knows how to joke around and have a good time, and you can always count on him to have your back when things really get rough. he’s like, one of the Dream Jobros. i’d love to just hang out with him and be, well, bros. (of course… if i thought me x gyro would ever really work out, i definitely wouldn’t complain about that, either.)
anyway, where do i even begin to talk about gyro? i love him. overall, i don’t think i’ve ever really talked about it on this blog but… steel ball run is, in my opinion, overall the best jjba part. my subjective favorite is battle tendency, but if i had to pick a part that i think is overall just the best, in terms of writing, art, characters — just, everything — it’d be sbr. this honestly surprised me a lot, because i wasn’t expecting to like sbr, from the premise. i have a bad track record with western themes — i normally just don’t like / don’t get into them.
steel ball run hit me like a cowboy wrecking ball, oh man. and one of the main reasons sbr was just so good was because of the robustness of the main characters’ development and characterization. i could write a whole essay about how much i loved johnny as a main character and how human his struggles and motivations were, but gyro was every bit as good, and gyro is, in my opinion, the backbone of a lot of sbr.
johnny’s the protagonist, but gyro provides a lot of driving force for the continuation of the race — johnny, throughout the first half, just cares about walking again. gyro’s the one with loftier goals, the one who wants to win this race and return to his family. this shifts, of course, as johnny and gyro develop more motivations and goals — their hunt for the corpse parts and the bond developing between them, for example. i can honestly say that if gyro wasn’t as solid of a character, steel ball run would not have been the goddamn masterpiece i thought it was.
in an interesting subversion, gyro has a reason for running the race that’s bigger than himself — he wants to save a child and bring honor to his family and his country, and normally these are the kinds of goals that are totally appropriate for a setting like this. but not in sbr! johnny calls him out, because the thing is, while these ideals are well and good in theory, gyro doesn’t have a personal stake in it yet — he doesn’t really want to win enough for himself to, well, win. it’s such an interesting twist on the classic “you need a goal greater than yourself!” trope, and while the execution’s a little weird at times (i mean, the “real man’s world” thing was actually a pretty interesting plot arc, but boy was it a strange concept at first), i think it’s really well done and introduces gyro as a complex character who’s just trying to find good reasons to do the things he already knows are right.
compared to johnny, gyro’s more of a static character, but we see him open up to johnny over the course of part 7, and it’s — well, everything i’d wanted to see from caejose, really. we see gyro bond on a personal level with johnny, transcending the simple mentor-student bond we saw in phantom blood, forming something definitely more reminiscent of caesar and joseph’s alliance in battle tendency. (and maybe that’s why it hit me so hard, because i had never really gotten over caejose) but god do gyro and johnny help each other grow, so, so much. their growth and their story arcs are so intricately codependent on each other, and it’s so gratifying as a reader to be able to see them develop along with their friendship. everything feels so natural and gyro, at no point, comes across as unrealistic or artificial. he’s written so well and the concept for his character is so great, and i honestly love everything about him. 
(this became less Real analysis and a “why i love gyro and also sbr” ramble but it’s like, 3 am and i’ve been on a plane for 4 hours, so cut me some slack. good thing this is just an informal ask meme, whew)
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goatpaste · 1 year
watching through p2 of jojos again and it never like, it never stop feeling weird to me how weirdly human araki wrote the pillar man. with so many traits and points make them feel like complex characters, heros of their own story, just weirdly feel sympathetic and human to the point of connection to them.
Like Josephs point in making on meeting santana that 'we can assume he's just bad, this is a fucked up situation to be in maybe so we should give him the benefit of the doubt'
whams WHOle character good god could i put a lot of talk into him
Esidisis behavior and way of acting
Kars enjoyment of animals and plants and for nature in general, a wish to walk in the sun and just kinda a dislike for human people. The way he violently mourns for his fallen family
but none of it matters because you know araki wanted them, even with flaws, to be the main villians. thats all it is. a greatest evil on earth to deal with even if they show human traits.
but it feels so weird, because when im like 'idk i dont think the pillar man did anything wrong, let them do what they want, like sorry joseph but im not rooting for your side' im kinda not kidding. like yes your supposes to assume the worst of the pillar men and their intentions and what they'll do to people if they can walk in the sun. but like, they barely did much when walking around people at night unless they deamed them a threat to themself or something they cared about.
idk i think this comes back around to my feelings that BT really should have been a lil bit longer and fleshed out. its such a shame because while i knoW araki was just wanting to get shit done and move onto his stand stuff, he introduced such a rich cast of characters who if given a bit more time i think could have made such a fucking wonderful and complex narrative... like to the point of the pillar man but to everyone else. Joseph got a strong character introduction only to just kinda get worse and stand still imo. i still like him but i think he could have done a lot more if the story was a bit more fleshed out. Him a caesar actually getting to develop some sort of actual relationship on screen that isnt the two of them fighting and sometimes caesar admires joseph's skills or whatever. JOSEPH AND LISA LISA TRAININGGG, i would have KILLEd to see joseph and lisa lisa do anYthing togeatherrrr... the subtle hints to be dropped of lisa lisa past and her connection to joseph..
idk what point im trying to make actually, im just thinking about how weirdly soft and kind we see the pillar men in moments at time and not just as pure evil being and it feels so weird to remember that were supposes to be rooting against them is all. i feel like we were should have had more insight into their group and lives and feelings and maybe even what they were up to while joseph trained. idk man idk, just kinda thinkin out loud
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cassyapper · 4 years
anyway my like last/second to last reblog made me think about this so caesar crusader au woot woot also it got kinda long so here’s a cut for those who dont wanna scroll through all that <3 also i didnt proofread so sorry i just dont care enough </3
first things first let me get the set up;; caesar joseph nd suzi all live in the same house u can interpret it as ot3 or just caejose and suzi is there to vibe w them and help joseph convince caesar to get into trouble, it’s however u want it
then either cause ot3 or suzi agrees 2 be a surrogate, holly is born, joseph’s still the dad like genetically but she’s raised by all three of em essentially and still ends up just as bubbly as she is in canon, except there is no absolute fuckign way she doesnt know hamon because caesar would never, and i mean NEVER, let his kid grow up w/o such a useful trick up her sleeve
then holly gets married, joseph embarrasses both suzi and caesar by how hostile he is towards sadao, caesar is more likely to cuff him over the head bc of it, so there’s that. doesnt change much ig but makes joseph thinks a LITTLE bit more before lashing out JKF;JFJ;S
jotaro comes along and he is caesar’s BOY ok. caesar just gets him. his quiet and calm demeanor (ik caesar isnt necessarily like that in general but around kids he is and as he gets older he’d give off that vibe more as he mellows out) made jotaro feel rlly relaxed around him and as a result he’s v open to him. joseph and suzi ofc have a relationship w jotaro as well but it isnt hard to see there is a bit of favorites playing, especially once jotaro grows up and really starts closing off to most ppl
caesar tries to encourage him to open up more to his family again, but this just ends up with him getting cut off as well. it’s sad ):
in the meantime tho joseph meets avdol and develops his stand. with avdol and caesar combined, they can kinda wrangle joseph into being productive w his energy, but theyre not full-proof. nothing will ever be full-proof against joseph
caesar nd avdol would get along rlly well me thinks. caesar would teach him sum italian and avdol would teach him so arabic. caesar wouldnt have a stand, but since stands r kiiiiinda described as just more intense versions of hamon, caesar can see like outlines of stands if he’s looking at them through one of his hamon bubbles. he only figures this out w avdol’s help. theyre buds
then they find out abt dio thanks to joseph’s stand and they all kinda. get srs. it’s time to search and all that for this fucker. caesar’s pissed cause his grandfather died for no reason now then, same w joseph. avdol helps them navigate the stand world as they search
honestly all is relatively well mostly but then. sdc begins
caesar hasnt heard from jotaro himself for like two years when holly calls them in a panic over him being in jail. og just caesar and joseph were gonna go, but then avdol brings up jotaro mightve developed his stand, since stands r kinda genetic, so they bring avdol along too cause he’s the expert here
they get there, jotaro calls his mom a bitch and is otherwise disrespectful and moody as fuck, and caesar is frankly just disappointed more than angry/frustrated, th opposite of joseph. this makes jotaro feel worse tho KJFN;;N
avdol gets him out tho, they head out. caesar scolds jotaro for snapping at holly and joseph when the only things they ever did were show care for him, and jotaro snaps at HIM in return. fuckin teenagers. caesar changes tactics then and tells jotaro about how he used to be a street thug and all that, and how he cut himself off from his family in an effort to keep them safe (as did his dad mario zeppeli and joseph’s mom djkndje;dn why do bad coping skills run in the family), but it didnt work and instead it just put them in more danger and unjustified/meaningless emotional turmoil. jotaro gets thoughtful over this
then jotaro heads to school and accepts his kiss from holly w/o much fight, just wordless grumbling. it’s a start, caesar guesses
then jotaro comes home with a fucking bloody body only an hour later BHILDFHUDHUJN;
avdol talks abt the fleshbud, caesar is concerned cause jesus h christ, that is a child, kakyoin was only 16-almost-17 when he got fleshbudded, it’s been months, holy shit ??? jotaro must have the same thoughts cause he goes to pull the fleshbud out to everyone’s panic
they decide to let jotaro do it tho and jotaro does, just like in canon. kakyoin’s still rlly rattled but w caesar nd holly both telling him it’s ok and jotaro’s weird ass “why did i save you? who knows.........” thing, he calms down
then holly gets stand sickness and everyone freaks out, even jotaro! kinda. he reacts much the same he did in canon except maybe a lil more frantic cause he had literally JUST decided to clean up his act and now his mom is dying. he wants to show her he knows better now. it’s rough.
caesar considers staying just to watch over his daughter esp cause he doesnt have a stand so it’s like, what would he even do, but then jotaro and kakyoin say theyre going and caesar is like “ok no. ur children.” “that’s my mom. im going either by myself or youll let me go with you.” “christ”
so caesar tags along just to keep an eye of these crazy kids and yeah
this is ending up as a whole fucking fic draft or some shit so im gonna stop here but if anyone is curious on my thoughts on how caesar would continue to affect things from here, lemme know nd ill elaborate. im PRETTY SURE...caesar being around would lead to avdol and kakyoin living cause hamon’s healing abilities, nd since he doesnt have a stand he kinda just ends up as team medic SOOOO....
anyway thanks for reading all thsi if u did JKD;JN;
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