#josh keeley
spurstwt · 2 months
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primadonalover · 24 days
Come away with me
Summary: When the Durrels decide to leave England for the wonders of Corfu, Larry immediately knows who he must bring along.
Requested by anonymous
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A few months earlier
The rain spat violently against the hardened glass of y/ns bedroom, just another typical day in dreary England, not even a glimer of sun in sight.
The girl sat cuddled amongst her beds blankets, silently reading Frankenstien. Enjoying the comfort of her own presence, although couldn't help feeling that someone was missing beside her.
The sudden sounds of a commotion from downstairs didn't give her any rise or fall in emotions. She was used to it. The shouting, the fighting, often directed at her. Only after a minute she noticed this wasn't the usual screaming match as this time, what followed after the shouts were what sounded to be a pair of feet running upstairs.
Before y/n even had any time to process what was going on, the door flew open, and Larry appeared with his typical grin plastered on his face.
"Why hello." He smiled shutting the door behind him, throwing his hat at the coat rack.
"Did you know that your parents don't like me very much?." He laughed, flopping down on the bed next to y/n, wrapping and arm around her waist, causing her to chuckle.
"Yea I kinda guessed that from when they first met you and you told them you wanted to quit your job to become a writer."
"Honesty is the only policy my dear" He spoke holding up a finger to her.
"Yea well there's honesty and then there's you Larry." She chuckled, going back to her reading.
Larry leaned over, his head resting on her should.
"I've read this a thousand times" He mumbled ad she tried to hold her concentration. They proved to be difficult as the boy on her shoulder kept talking over her reading, clearly restless.
Finally after alot of fidgeting Larry spoke up.
"Speaking of honesty...."
"What did you do?" Y/n smirked sitting up.
"Well , now don't get annoyed." He began standing up.
"Oh no this is bad, your doing a speech."
"Well you see.....the thing is....my mother has made a rather....major decision."
"And the decision was prompted by me, the first time she's actually taken my advice actually and-"
"Larry! Concentrate !"
"Right yes sorry uh where was I?"
"Big family decision."
"Right thank you. Yes the decision. The decision is you see ....that.... we're moving."
"Oh, moving where?"
"Yes well that's the thing, we're moving quite...far away."
"Well how far, Scotland?"
"No, further."
"Futher ?! How further Larry?!"
"Corfu." He said shoving his hands deep into his trouser pockets.
Y/n stood up, he eyes wide.
"Corfu?!" He nodded nervously as y/n walked up to him.
"As in Greece Corfu!? Another country?! In Europe!?"
"Your gonna leave me! Alone! With my parents!?"
"Now just listen-"
"Listen!? Larry you said we were going to get married! You said you loved me! You said I inspired your writing and-"
"I want you to come with me y/n." He interupted, clutching her by her arms.
Y/n couldn't help but smile with excitement.
"Yes! Your really the only one I can stand in my family, and I love you more than anything!"
"Your not so bad yourself ya know." She smiled putting her arms around his neck, the two gently swaying.
"As long as your family are happy with me going aswell."
"Well mother addords you and margo sees you practically as her sister, Leslie can tolerate you like everyone else and Gerry...."
"Gerry is...gerry?" Y/n laughed
"Yes gerry is gerry." Larry repeated chuckling.
"This is so exciting." Y/n spoke giving him a quick kiss. "You'll finally be able to quit that boring job and write!"
"See this is why I love you so much!" He smirked before going in for a deep and passionate kiss with y/n running her hands through his hair.
Larry pulled away gently to give them a breath but swiftly began to pepper light kisses across her jaw down to her neck.
"Larry my parents. " She squeaked laughing, trying to push him away, which resulted in him making his frowny face, giving her puppy eyes.
"Fine come here, but just be quiet mister."
"I make no promises ." He stated before quickly picking her up around his waist.
Present time
Tap tap tap tap tap tap
Y/n woke up to once again the sound of commotion about the house , though this time it was different. She felt the sun's heat cascade onto her skin as she lay across the bed gazing at her boyfriend who so busy tip taping on his typewriter, not even stopping for a breath.
"Sounds like you've got some good ideas going." She spoke in yawn, getting up and walking over him.
"Can't talk, busy writing." He mumbled taking another puf of his cigarette only to have y/n snatch it from his hand, putting it to her own lips, with Larry glancing up at her.
"Go, your distracting me." He mumbled as he felt himself being pulled away from his writing already.
"Aw poor baby." Y/n teased softy grabbing his jaw, bringing his lips to hers. After a few seconds of indulging in the kiss, Larry pulled away
"No goooo, I need to write."
"Fine fine." She giggled leaving with his dressing gown around her.
"Morning y/n." Mrs Durrell smiled as she arranged some flowers in the kitchen whilst Margo sat at the table reading some kind of fashion magazine.
"Morning all." She smiled taking a seat next to Margo "So what's today's top read Margo?"
"Today's Modern Women." She replied handing it to her.
"Sounds scandalously progressive." Y/n smirked whilst taking a read.
"I'm hoping it'll tell me how to find a man." Margo huffed palcing her head in her band.
"You don't a man Margo." Y/n laughed as she got up to help with the dishes.
"Well, that's easy for you to say. You have a one already."
"I do, although HE DOESNT SEEM TO WANT TO GIVE ME ANY ATTENTION THIS MORNING!" She shouted, making sure Larry could hear her over the sound of the typewriter.
"YOUR A BLOODY PAIN!" He shouted back at her causing the girls to laugh.
"Morning all." Leslsi walked in, gun in hand and a rabbit in another. "How'd everyone sleep."
"Didn't get much sleep if ya know what I mean." Y/n winked
"Stop! I do not want to hear about that. " He raised his voice before storming out.
"Do you hear that?" Margo stated, looking around the room.
"Hear what darling?" Mrs Durrel asked
"Yea I don't hear anything." Y/n agreed.
"Exactly, it's silent, no typing."
Before anyone could say anything else, the sound of Larry rushing down the stairs became evident to all in the household.
"It's finished! I've finished it!"
He ran in, clutching a bunch of papers.
"My first short story, I've finished it!"
Y/n coudnt help but smile at how excited Larry looked, she always loved seeing him passionate about the things he loved.
"I'm so proud of you darling." She rushed over to him, giving him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Good, and you should be because I've had to put up with a lot of distractions from you." He chuckled only to resieve a stern look.
"Ooo I know that stare to well." Mrs Durrel chuckled
"NOT that I didn't enjoy those distractions." Larry spoke hurriedly, trying to save himself.
"Darling, I'm just messing with you "
"Oh yes of course." He laughed nervously "Now back to me and my writing."
"Urggh tell it to someone who cares." Margo huffed, getting up.
"You think I want to read that filth." Leslie scoffed from the other room.
Larry turned to his mother only to find her gone and busy cleaning some other part of the house.
"Ah Gerry -"
"No larry he's to young." Y/n laughed pulling him back from trying to find his very his little brother.
Larry looked down, she could tell he was disappointed no one wanted to read it, but his family did often overlook his creative skills.
"Hey, larry ? Look at me? Laryy-"
"I'm going for a walk?" He muttered pushing past her, grabbing his hat and headed out.
Y/n just huffed, she tries to be as supportive of his writing as she could be but it wasn't a messy when the rest of his family seemed to barely care
"Oh what's the matter with him?" Mrs Durrel commented as she saw larry leaving.
"No one seemed to care about his writing! "
"Oh but we do care! We just struggle to understand what it is he's writing about."
"Well please try harder. I'm going to find him." Y/n stated heading out to find the saddened writer.
"Larry! " She called looking around
"I think he's sat down at the beach." Gerry called from up a tree startling y/n.
"Thanks ." She waved back before heading down to the cove, seeing her boyfriend sat on the sand looking grumpy.
"Hey." She said in a cheery way and placing herself next to him, stealing his hat for her own head. Larry just rolled his eyes, trying hide his smile.
"That hats to big for you ya know." He commented trying to sound serious
"I know, but I like it." She smiled back.
The pair sat in comfortable silence and y/n inched herself closer to Larry, there arms touching.
"And what are you up to missy." He questioned with a snicker.
"You know they care about you " She spoke and noticed how his smile dropped.
"They just struggle showing it."
"I know, I just wish they were interested and excited as I was." He sighed.
"But I am! I think your amazing Larry and so talented, one day you'll be a famous writer."
"You think?"
Y/n was used to thia by now. His family rarely saw this side of larry, self-consciousness, and doubtful. Though she always loved to encourage him.
"I don't think , I know." She smiled giving him a kiss.
"Call me an amazing writer again." Larry smirked
"No you've got enough of an ego as it is." Y/n chuckled going stand up only to have her arm grabbed and pulled back down onto Larry's lap, his arms firmly wrapping around her.
"Is this you holding me hostage." She giggled
"Call me an amazing writer again? Please?" He spoke pulling a pouty face.
"Fineee only if you'll let me go then?" She asked earning a nod from him.
"You Laurence Durrel are an amazing writer.:
"Thank you." He smiled and gently kissed her lips, still latching on tightly to her.
"Now let me go!" Y/n laughed as she tried to wriggle free.
"Uh no I don't think I want to." He smirked and y/n gasped sarcastically.
"The betrayal!"
"Oh, shut up." He laughed, falling back onto the sand with y/n lying on top of him.
"I could get used to this." She whispered gazing into his eyes ,linking her hand in his.
"Well, unless your parents turn up to ship you back home,we've got all the time in the world."
The pair smiled as they cuddled on the sand .
"Young love ." Mrs Durrel smiled looking on.
"Looks pretty gross to me.' Margo snickerd
"STOP! I DO NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!" Leslie yelled down at the two making them laugh.
"Just ignore him." Larry chuckled placing a soft kiss on her head.
"Always do." Y/n responded with a smile
Hello my darlings ♡♡♡
I hope you Durrels fans enjoyed this! Larry is such a great character and deserves a bigger fan base! So please make sure to request!
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not-a-cheese-thief · 1 year
People keep thinking my favourite characters are cishet neurotypicals and it's honestly getting so embarrassing for them
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tomlinfonda · 2 years
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milliondollarbaby87 · 6 months
Mothers' Instinct (2024) Review
Alice and Celine live what looks to be a perfect life with successful husbands and sons the same age and enjoying time together. A tragic accident is about to tear all of that apart … ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Mothers’ Instinct (2024) Review
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 10 months
i was just thinking earlier about how, even though this might just betray me as being too romance-fixated (and i am! i really am! i know this about myself), shows really get soured for me when they seem to promise a 'this is the steady relationship of this show' kind of pairing and then they yank it away from you in the name of realism or whatever. roy/keeley from ted lasso and darryl/white josh from crazy ex-girlfriend are the two examples of this that really hurt for me. like, i get that maybe i'm just being petty and i should try to appreciate these stories about how love doesn't work out sometimes, but nope, sorry. i wanted them to be the supporting couple that made it throughout the series and i didn't get it and now i'm always gonna feel a bit less loving toward a show i once loved with all my heart! because ouch!
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hope-for-olicity · 4 months
I was tagged by @mel-loves-all
to show my 4 favorite ships and let my mutuals assume what my concept of romance is. Thank you for the tag and sorry it took me so long to do it.
My first ship was Jack Devereaux and Jennifer Horton on Days of Our Lives
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Josh and Donna from The West Wing
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Oliver and Felicity from Arrow
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Roy and Keeley on Ted Lasso
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spurstwt · 2 months
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whitehartlane · 7 months
everyone shut the fuck up vic went to go watch one of our academy kids (josh keeley, keeper, part of our u21 setup) on loan at barnet to see how he is and how he’s getting on 😭🤍 josh kept a clean sheet in a 2-0 win yesterday!
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alexlacquemanne · 9 months
2023 in 12 movies (1 per months)
The Horse Whisperer (1998) directed by Robert Redford with Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas, Scarlett Johansson, Sam Neil, Chris Cooper and Cherry Jones
[First Time]
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L'Horloger de Saint-Paul (1974) directed by Bertrand Tavernier with Philippe Noiret, Jean Rochefort, Jacques Denis, Yves Afonso, Julien Bertheau and Jacques Hilling
[First Time]
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The Fabelmans (2022) directed by Steven Spielberg with Gabriel LaBelle, Michelle Williams, Paul Dano, Seth Rogen, Keeley Karsten, Julia Butters and Judd Hirsch
[First Time]
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The Third Man (1949) directed by Carol Reed with Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Orson Welles, Trevor Howard and Bernard Lee
[First Time]
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The World, The Flesh and the Devil (1959) directed by Ranald MacDougall with Harry Belafonte, Inger Stevens and Mel Ferrer
[First Time]
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La ciociara (1960) directed by Vittorio De Sica with Sophia Loren, Eleonora Brown, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Carlo Ninchi, Andrea Checchi and Pupella Maggio
[First Time]
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Oppenheimer (2023) directed by Christopher Nolan with Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Florence Pugh, Josh Hartnett and Casey Affleck
[First Time]
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Heat (1995) directed by Michael Mann with Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Diane Venora, Amy Brenneman, Dennis Haysbert, Donald Breedan and Ashley Judd
[First Time]
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Catch Me If You Can (2002) directed by Steven Spielberg with Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Nathalie Baye, Amy Adams, Martin Sheen, James Brolin and Brian Howe
[First Time]
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Le Grand Bain (2018) directed by Gilles Lellouche with Mathieu Amalric, Guillaume Canet, Benoît Poelvoorde, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Philippe Katerine, Félix Moati, Alban Ivanov, Balasingham Thamilchelvan, Virginie Efira et Leïla Bekhti
[First Time]
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Fools Rush In (1997) directed by Andy Tennant with Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek, Jon Tenney, Carlos Gómez, Tomás Milián, Siobhan Fallon et John Bennett Perry
[First Time]
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The Great Race (1965) directed by Blake Edwards with Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk, Keenan Wynn et Ross Martin
[First Time]
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Honourable Mentions :
Airplane! (1980)
Duel (1972)
Les Sentiments (2003)
The Carpetbaggers (1964)
Scoop (2006)
Mon crime (2023)
To Have and Have Not (1944)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
臥虎藏龍 (2000)
The Glenn Miller Story (1954)
Le Dernier Voyage (2020)
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
L'ingorgo (1979)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Adieu Gary (2008)
Conflict (1945)
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
La Nuit américaine (1973)
Sorcerer (1977)
La Guerre des polices (1979)
Life of Pi (2012)
The Big Short (2015)
Le Hussard sur le toit (1995)
Excalibur (1981)
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988)
Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)
Le Procès Goldman (2023)
Enter the Dragon (1973)
Matrimonio all'italiana (1964)
Chaplin (1992)
La Vie de château (1966)
Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
Au-delà des grilles (1949)
Second Tour (2023)
Le Couteau dans la plaie (1962)
The Eiger Sanction (1975)
JFK (1991)
Le Fugitif (1993)
Chef (2014)
Quai des Orfèvres (1947)
Appointment with Death (1988)
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004)
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
River of No Return (1954)
L'Assassinat du père Noël (1941)
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Die Glasbläserin (2016)
The Lion in Winter (1968)
Les Mystères de Paris (1962)
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
✶ who i write for ✶
this is a list of all the people and characters i write for, if you have a request or a prompt you would like me to write, you can check this post if it’s with someone i write for :)
masterlist / prompt list / taglist
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formula 1
alex albon
carlos sainz
charles leclerc
daniel ricciardo
fernando alonso
george russel
lance stroll
lando norris
lewis hamilton
max verstappen
mick schumacher
oscar piastri
pierre gasly
sebastian vettel
toto wolff
yuki tsunoda
one direction:
harry styles
liam payne
zayn malik
louis tomlinson
niall horan
ashton irwin
luke hemmings
calum hood
michael clifford
damiano david
ethan torchio
victoria de angelis
thomas raggi
greta van fleet:
josh kiszka
series & movies
harry potter:
harry potter
hermione granger
ron weasley
draco malfoy
cedric diggory
ted lasso:
jamie tartt
roy kent
keeley jones
ted lasso
rebecca wilton
dani rojas
the last of us:
the summer i turned pretty:
criminal minds:
dr spencer reid
emily prentiss
jj jareau
derek morgan
aaron hotch hotchner
penelope garcia
the rookie:
tim bradford
john nolan
lucy chen
jackson west
angela lopez
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You Pick I Vid [Closed]
I saw something like this on youtube and it looked like fun so I thought I'd try one here
How it works: this is the video I'm gonna be editing
comment a ship from my list and a part and I'll make a fanvid of the ones chosen it'll be first come first serve and I'm not repeating couples
Part 1: Roy x Keeley (for @obsessivedaydreamer) Part 2: Sawyer x Juliet (for @obsessivedaydreamer) Part 3: Kate x Toby (for @unorthodox-oblivion) Part 4: Hazel x Augustus (for @ur-average-farp) Part 5: Jack x Kate (for @unorthodox-oblivion) Part 6: Luke x Lorelei (for @theycallme-thejackal) Part 7: Midge x Lenny (for @theycallme-thejackal) Part 8: Lane x Dave (for @ethereal-veggie and רחל דב on youtube) Part 9: Sookie x Jackson ( for רחל דב on youtube) Part 10: Josh x Donna (for @theycallme-thejackal)
list of ships i'll do under the cut
Anne with an E Anne x Gilbert
Brooklyn 99 Jake x Amy Holt x Kevin
Community Troy x Abed Jeff x Annie
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Newt x Tina
The Fault In Our Stars Hazel x Augustus
Gilmore Girls Luke x Lorelai Rory x Jess Lane x Dave Sookie x Jackson
The Good Place Eleanor x Chidi Janet x Jason
Harry Potter Harry x Ginny Ron x Hermione
Heartstopper Nick x Charlie Tara x Darcy Tao x Elle
The Hunger Games Katniss x Peeta
Juno Juno x Paulie
Looking for Alaska Miles x Alaska
Lost Sawyer x Juliet Jack x Kate Claire x Charlie Kate x Claire Desmond x Penny Daniel x Charlotte Sun x Jin Sayid x Shannon Sawyer x Kate
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Midge x Lenny Midge x Joel Joel x Mei
Modern Family Haley x Andy Phil x Claire Mitch x Cam
New Girl Nick x Jess Cece x Schmidt Winston x Aly
The Newsroom Will x Mac Don x Sloan Jim x Maggie
Once Upon a Time Emma x Killian Snow x Charming Mulan x Aurora Robin x Alice Regina x Robin Hood Rumple x Belle
Parks and Recreation Leslie x Ben April x Andy Ron x Diane Tom x Lucy Ann x Chris
Pitch Perfect Beca x Chloe
The Princess Bride Westley x Buttercup
Rosaline Rosaline x Dario
Schitt’s Creek David x Patrick Ted x Alexis Moira x Johnny
Love, Simon Simon x Bram
Ted Lasso Ted x Rebecca Roy x Keeley
This Is Us  Kevin x Sophie Kate x Toby  Jack x Rebecca Randall x Beth
Timeless Lucy x Wyatt Rufus x Jiya
The Vampire Diaries Damon x Elena Klaus x Caroline Katherine x Stefan
Wednesday  Wednesday x Enid
The West Wing Josh x Donna
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orbitalpirate · 7 months
Giving you a snippet from a Ted Lasso snippet I started writing in 2021 lol and haven't touched since 💀
"He came out of the closet." Awan saw that no recognition passed over Jamie's face. "He's a homosexual." "Oh, I knew that ages ago." Jamie said. Keeleys face changed in the window, but Jamie didn't know why. "Are you saying it was an open secret?" Sara asks. "All us LGBLT footballers have a group chat." Jamie said, not noticing how everyone was staring at him, "we congratulated Josh on telling the team. They congratulated me on finally shagging Colin. It's a good group of Lads." Away and Sara looked at eachother shocked, Jamie was getting a little hungry. "Are you saying their is a secret network of gay footballers?" Sara asked. "It's not a network," Jamie clarified, "It's a group chat." "And when you say Colin, are you talking about Colin Hughes, fellow Richmond footballer." "Yeah," and suddenly a big light in the room turned on red. Jamie looked at it confused. "They've sent us to play an ad," Awan explained.
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safflowerseason · 1 year
Ted Lasso, the OC!
Favourite character:
Funniest character:
Best-looking character:
3 favourite ships:
Least favourite character:
Least favourite ship: 
Reason why I watch it:
Why I started watching it:
Thanks so much for the ask!! This is a fun game!!
Ted Lasso
Favourite character: In season one it was Rebecca, but S2-3 Jamie Tartt (unexpectedly!) has earned the top-spot in my character ranking.
Funniest character: oh god, how can I choose...a tie between Roy and Jamie?? Although Higgins is also extra-delightful, and I love Kitman Will Kitman's little bits. OH WAIT NEVER MIND my answer is ISAAC.
Best-looking character: Jamie Tartt. Phil Dunster is...whew.
3 favourite ships: hmmmm!! this is hard, Ted Lasso is the rare show where I don't find myself super invested in one particular ship. Higgins/his wife are probably my Ted Lasso OTP to be honest. I do like Roy/Keeley although I think the writer bungled their break-up pretty badly this season.
Least favourite character: Besides Rupert who I feel is everybody's automatic least favorite, probably Nate, just because I think the show ultimately ruined all the interesting potential for his storyline.
Least favourite ship: idk, Nate/Jade, probably? Also Coach Beard/Jane never made much sense to me either. Give Beard a more compelling love interest!
Reason why I watch it: To see how it ends!! (Assuming S3 is the final season, which it may not be...increasingly it feels like they are going to continue just without Jason Sudeikis/Ted).
Why I started watching it: I started watching Ted Lasso in late December 2020...I had seen some chatter about it online, and I had an AppleTv+ subscription earlier than most of my friends/family because I got a new iPad at the time when Apple was giving out subscriptions for free ☠️ It was such an intense time...I spent most of that month just lying around and feeling sad about the state of the world, and the show's focus on kindness felt really revelatory in a time of such political turmoil, but also in general a really tightly written, well constructed show (I do not feel that way now, necessarily). I remember sobbing my eyes out at the end of "Tan Lines" where Ted says goodbye to Michelle and my dad was like "...what are you watching???"
The OC
Favourite character: Oh god, probably a tie between Marissa and Kirsten...two characters who I feel got screwed by Josh Schwartz (albeit to very different degrees).
Funniest character: Unfortunately because the character has aged so poorly, it is indeed Seth Cohen, although I think Sandy is a close second.
Best-looking character: MARISSA. S1 Marissa is just the EPITOME of California beauty to me.
3 favourite ships: Ryan x Marissa, Sandy x Kirsten, um...I *guess* Seth and Summer, their S1 story anyway. My favorite trash!ship is Jimmy x Julie. Smarter writers could have done something with their chemistry!
Least favourite character: Hmmm...of the main ensemble I have to say Jimmy, although among the rotating supporting cast I really don't like Rachel in S1. Trey, of course, for what he did to Marissa. Also Rebecca and Carter in S2. Basically everyone the writers invented in S2 and S3 for "drama" purposes, because they were all so poorly written!! (with the exception of Alex).
Least favourite ship: Ryan x Sadie and Marissa x Volchok. I only saw S3 once and I found both of those relationships offensive.
Reason why I watch it: S1 is prestige television!!! Especially through "The Best Chrismukkah Ever." Teen drama at its best!! The pilot is one of the best episodes of American network television ever produced, and I will go die on this hill.
Why I started watching it: The OC was so omnipresent in the early-mid 00's I honestly don't remember where I first heard about it. I do remember seeing a youtube clip (in youtube's earliest days when it was just fanvids and bootlegged movies) of the ending of The Countdown and Ryan and Marissa's iconic kiss and thinking "wow, I have to watch this show."
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movienized-com · 4 months
Mothers' Instinct
Mothers' Instinct (2024) #BenoîtDelhomme #AnneHathaway #JessicaChastain #JoshCharles #AndersDanielsenLie #CarolineLagerfelt Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2024 Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romantik Regie: Benoît Delhomme Hauptrollen: Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Josh Charles, Anders Danielsen Lie, Caroline Lagerfelt, Lauren Yaffe, Steve Routman, Alexander Blaise, Baylen D. Bielitz, Keeley Miller, Joel Nagle, Scott Robertson, Eamon Patrick O’Connell … Filmbeschreibung: Die beiden besten Freundinnen und Nachbarinnen Alice (Jessica Chastain)…
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