pebblesun · 5 years
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Jotakak Week 2019 | Day 2 | graduation
the moment he heard Jotaro’s name, all previous intentions of decency went out the window.
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alvistem · 5 years
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Day 3: Studying
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wangjiplayingwangji · 5 years
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yksittainen · 5 years
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Jotakak week, Day 4: Roleswap messed up the schedule completely due to some IRL ruckus going on, still won't drop it and just go on slowly delivering the remaining days - those boys are too precious to give up on them :3
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cuppadoppio · 5 years
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preview of a drawing I’m working on. It was suppose to be for jotakak week but my schedule kill those plans.
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jojotier · 5 years
Rest is History - Day 3 - Studying + Standban
“So even though the British bombed Kagoshima…” Jotaro said slowly, staring intently at the notebook open in front of him. Noriaki winced, slowly deflating in his position kneeling across the kotatsu. Jotaro was quiet for a few moments, thinking. “They… gave aid to Takamori and the ronin in his employ.”
Noriaki slowly brought his hands to his chin, looking Jotaro over. “... Close.” Jotaro’s eyes seemed a little more light, with his face turning towards Noriaki. “But still, far, far off the mark.”
Jotaro’s expression soured back again as he slouched in on himself, eyebrows furrowing. Noriaki could understand the frustration, of course- by God could he understand the frustration- but that didn’t help the fact that Jotaro was several years off the mark. “So what the hell is it this time?”
“For one thing, the Kagoshima Bombing was an entirely separate conflict- remember? The Anglo-Satsuma War of 1863? Really, we were going over it fairly recently-” Noriaki started.
Jotaro interrupted, a heavy scowl set on his face. If Noriaki didn’t know any better, he might have said that perhaps the reason his dear friend’s thoughts were so murky was that his brain cells were being put towards looking as menacing as possible. But Noriaki did know better and knew that Jotaro had his brain cells in order, which was hard to express when one’s skull was the relative thickness of concrete.
Okay. That was a little mean. Not mean enough after having entered hour five of this tutoring session, but mean nonetheless.
“-vy’s so important anyway?” Jotaro finished saying.
“Huh?” Noriaki said intelligently, having missed absolutely every word of the previous statement. He’d gotten so caught up on wondering whether it was the thickness of Jotaro’s skull or of his curls, currently flying every which way in a myriad of cowlicks as the night wore on, that made it hard to grasp the timeline of the 1860s. This was less because Noriaki was trying to purposefully be an ass and more because was slowly starting to zone out a little. Maybe the late hour was affecting him more than previously thought…
“I said, who the fuck cares about the Satsuma navy?” Jotaro repeated, huffing out a breath. “They’re dead anyway. Satsuma’s not even a separate province anymore.”
“True- but Satsuma was instrumental to the overthrowing of the shogunate, and they needed the modern weapons and reinforcements provided by the British,” Noriaki explained, reaching a hand up to rub the bridge of his nose. “And that’s not even getting into Takamori’s Satsuma Rebellion later-”
“Rebellion.” Jotaro balked, open disdain crossing his face as he squinted. “Satsuma just won a war and Takamori helped with reconstruction- what the hell kind of…”
“The Seinan War- the Satsuma Rebellion of 1877. Remember?” Noriaki gestured vaguely as if trying to illustrate his frustration. It didn’t work. “You’re a full decade away from what we’re looking at-”
Jotaro grumbled, “Obviously I don’t remember-”
“Okay. You know what.” Noriaki suddenly cut himself off, looking down at the notebook. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, looking between the notebook and a clock, mounted on the opposite wall. It was approaching one in the morning. It was far past when Noriaki usually went to bed, and at this point, there was no way either of them would retain anything more for this test.
“Know what,” Jotaro groused, crossing his arms over his chest, “because the reason we’re kind of in this shitshow is that we’re trying to figure out what to know.”
Noriaki, realizing he’d completely trailed off, shook his head. “I think it’s about time to stop.”
“Hey- wait,” Jotaro started to say, head jerking up.
“It’s pretty late as is- studies show that not getting any sleep is worse for memory retention than getting a few hours in,” Noriaki continued, resting his forehead against the table in front of him. “We’ll just have to hope for the best for that test tomorrow.”
“I don’t have jack shit in my memory to retain and you know it,” Jotaro said blankly, staring down at the pages full of notes in front of him. Some… okay, most were copied from Noriaki, sure- but this time around, Noriaki had seen Jotaro scribbling some things down, rather than completely nodding off under the brim of his hat. They were shitty, curt notes that looked more like chicken scratch than human language; they held unexplained, vague information. But they were notes nonetheless.
Noriaki knew better than to pity, but he felt a little bit of pity nonetheless, glancing from underneath his eyelashes up at Jotaro. Jotaro hated being pitied. But he may as well have been condemned to death row with the intensity he glared at those notes with. “... You just have to do as much as you can.”
“So don’t do shit. Got it.” Jotaro nodded, starting to close up those carefully written notes.
“No- oh, Jesus, do you have to be so tetchy?” Noriaki scowled, lifting his head up just enough to glare at Jotaro. “I understand your frustration here, truly, but-”
“I’ll just deal with it like I deal with anything else.” Jotaro waved him off, clearing off other study materials to give his hands something to do.
“By bullshitting your way through it?” Noriaki pressed, unimpressed. Jotaro held his gaze for a moment before peering back down, turning his head away. “By just letting chance take its course? You know you wouldn’t have had to go over this entire cramming session if you just started studying last week. You can’t just bullshit your way through studying.”
“...” Jotaro looked back at him. “You’re not going to give me the whole flashcard spiel. You better not.”
“I’m half tempted to. I know how much you don’t like being given- horror of horrors- advice.” But Noriaki could spare Jotaro the spiel tonight. He was already going to be feeling the brunt of his poor decisions the next morning when the test began. Noriaki had done all he could. “But if you can handle a few words, I really do think you should get to sleep.”
Jotaro was already reaching beside him on the floor, likely feeling around for the pack of cigarettes that Noriaki had kicked out of the way earlier. Prick didn’t even look as if he was paying attention. Noriaki frowned. “If you can manage to sleep in a little tomorrow morning, you’re not too far from the school- get up at eight, and you’ll be sure to have gotten more than enough sleep to at least function,”
Jotaro was still seemingly ignoring him, scooting around the kotatsu to Noriaki’s side and sticking his hand under the blankets. “And who knows? Maybe you’ll be functional enough to know which event led to Satsuma being combined with Choshu, and hell, why there were no more true samurai after-”  Then Jotaro leaned in and kissed him.
It wasn’t a particularly long kiss by a long shot. It was less of a true kiss and more of a chaste peck on the lips, the brim of Jotaro’s hat bumping vaguely against Noriaki’s forehead. But it tingled, where Jotaro’s lips had so briefly touched.
“I’m gonna go have a smoke,” Jotaro said casually, holding up the cigarettes as he rocked back up to his feet, rolling one shoulder.
“Whuh-huh?” Noriaki very intelligently got out, sounding more like a bewildered goose than a human being.
“Smoke. With cigarettes.” Jotaro said, staring Noriaki down.
“No- no, not that, don’t- I know what smoking entails!” Noriaki flushed, eyebrows furrowing. “I mean, what was that for?”
Jotaro blinked slowly and shrugged. “You stayed for a while to help.”
“So you kissed me?!”
“Yeah.” Jotaro paused, fidgeting with the plastic packaging of the cigarettes. “Is that a problem?”
“Yes! Yes- er, no- it’s just, for studying- kissing isn’t generally, for studying, a simple,” He gestured with his hand, trying to find the best way to articulate what he meant and finding nothing. Not a single damned thing. “For thanks- a handshake, or a card, or- or- just talking! For just studying, you don’t-”
“Going out now,” Jotaro said, turning to the door on the other side of the room and sliding it open. He stepped out into the summer night, backlit vaguely by the flickering light of the lamp nearby.
“Wait- does this…” Noriaki blinked, craning his neck to try and get a better view of Jotaro. “Was this a study date?”
“...” Jotaro’s shoulders straightened as he peeked over his shoulder. “I thought you knew.”
“... I suppose… it was, of sorts.” Noriaki coughed, turning his body so that he could partially face the other teen. “Or, even if it wasn’t- I wouldn’t have… minded if it was. A little warning would have been nice, though…”
Jotaro turned his head away, but in the vague light, Noriaki saw the tips of his ears redden. “I didn’t know either.”
There was the vague crack of a flint hidden underneath the everpresent sound of cicadas as Jotaro sat outside on the wooden walkway, staring out into the darkness. Noriaki considered calling out for him to get back there since they weren’t nearly done speaking, but for some odd reason found himself hesitating.
Turning back to the kotatsu, he laid his head in his arms on the hard table to hide his blushing face, deciding he’d just have to suffer quietly. Even against his already sweltering skin, Noriaki’s lips felt exceptionally warm.
There was a long moment of silence as Noriaki slowly settled in, cheek smushed partially against the kotatsu table as he stared straight ahead. It should have been awkward after that sudden kiss, but really, things felt the way they always had around Jotaro- generally friendly and oddly comforting in its silence. Even if Jotaro was frustrating and frustratingly direct, it was still nice to be around him.
On the other side of the room, resting in Noriaki’s line of sight on the doorway, was a cicada. If Noriaki listened closely, he could probably identify the species. A deep, stuttering sort of trill… now, where had he heard that before…
Maybe it was a comfortable silence. Maybe it was the weight of the comforter on his legs, or the silence being filled by Jotaro’s equally silent presence. Maybe it was just because it was nearly two in the goddamn morning. For some reason, though, listening to the cicada chirping away, Noriaki started to doze off lightly.
“... You know, JoJo,” Noriaki found himself saying, his own voice faint on his ears as his eyelids drooped, “next time… I want to kiss you first.”
“Alright, Kakyoin.” Noriaki’s eyes shut and, distantly, he heard a fond puff of an exhale from Jotaro. “I’m holding you to it.”
The next thing Noriaki knew, there was light pouring into his eyes.
Rolling over, Noriaki shut his eyes tighter to try and hide from the onslaught of sunlight smacking him into the awful world of awareness, but it seemed like the assault was on all sides. The windows on either side of the room were spilling some kind of light in… which was strange, since Noriaki’s room only had one window, facing the west.
He rubbed his face into the comforter, finding them much softer and warmer than what he remembered. Had he gotten something new recently? It was too much of a chore to remember when he was ready to just slip back to sleep and… continue that dream he was having?
Eyes fluttering open, Noriaki peered up and out, looking at the digital clock by the bedside table. Except it wasn’t there. Because this wasn’t his room.
He sat up, quick as lightning, as he fumbled with his sweatpants pocket, looking for his phone. His alarms- why hadn’t his alarms started going off? It was only when he realized his phone was beside him that he saw the analog clock on the opposite wall.
It was 8:30.
“Oh, fuck me.” Noriaki whispered, tossing the covers off of himself and immediately falling off the bed, side smacking against the wooden floors. Instead of his dependable, slightly hard futon, he had apparently been sleeping in the raised confines of an overly fluffy, luxurious, western-style bed. He had no idea how the hell he ended up there, and now his side hurt like hell.
Not that it mattered, because he was too preoccupied with finding his school uniform in the absolute hell state that Jotaro called a bedroom. It wasn’t on the bed, or on the kotatsu, or-
… Hm.
Noriaki slowed down, seeing the hulking form of his- of his Jotaro, head cushioned in his arms on the table. In front of him were notebooks and several new sheets of paper, scribbled on in that nearly illegible handwriting of his and spread out into several stacks of timelines.
Noriaki should have probably been annoyed that Jotaro hadn’t taken his advice and instead stayed up to cram- or really, he should have been waking Jotaro up, since both of them were going to be extremely late and the test was set to be given at nine on the dot- but Noriaki… couldn’t bring himself to.
Taking a step closer and peeking at the notes, he could see the effort put into them. Inaccuracies crudely scribbled out in dark, heavy handed motions, timeline drawn in neat, precise lines- for as awful as Jotaro’s penmanship was, there was no doubting that he had skill with creating things of a more visual nature. The boxed paper was filled up with character upon character of messy ink, even highlighted in different colors to differentiate them. So he had been listening to Noriaki’s flashcard spiel, at least a little…
… It would have been downright cruel to make Jotaro go that day. There was no way he would stand a chance on that test, being sleep deprived to all hell. After those five hours spent with this endearingly, agonizingly thick-headed bastard, he didn’t want to just leave him to fail…
Moving over to the bed, he pulled the comforter off and moved behind Jotaro’s side, laying the blanket over his shoulders. Jotaro shifted slightly underneath it, but didn’t stir, instead nuzzling his face against his sleeves in a motion that made Noriaki’s heart melt.
He didn’t even move when Noriaki slipped the hat that lay askew off his head and put it off to the side or when Noriaki, transfixed by the streams of light shining blue-black off Jotaro’s curls, almost ran his fingers through his hair. Just to feel how that must have felt.
Shaking his head, Noriaki stopped himself at the last moment, stepping away. He had a few calls to make.
He stepped outside of the room, gently shutting the door on the off chance that Jotaro wasn’t as dead asleep as he appeared to be. Coughing a few times to get into character, Noriaki dialed their school.
“Hello…? Ah… m-my apologies,” A well-placed coughing fit. “I know it’s quite busy… I was studying with Jotaro, and caught his- his cold…” He paused, listening to the receptionist at the other end. Faking a wet sniffle, Noriaki asked, “Is there any chance we could make up that history test at a later date…?”
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kettusoldblog · 5 years
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@jotakakweek day 4 : falling in love
Jotaro fell in love, all right. But he realized it a bit too late...
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craigbur92 · 5 years
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JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure in Philadelphia!
When Mac did this pose in the beginning of the latest season, all I saw was Jotaro! I had to draw this!
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jjba-ocean-man · 5 years
Jotakak Week - Day 6: Seasons
((I’ve had this piece for a while but god when I heard the prompt I just had to! @ask-cherry-boy for the initial idea of a forest spirit au uwu))
Soft chimes flitted through the air, the sounds of sparkling and mystical lights. Where fae and spirits alike lived. Large branching trees that reached for the sun, capturing its light and shining an emerald green. From the ground below bloomed flowers of all colors, where the wind would capture their pure fragrances and pluck the gentle petals. The song of animals echoed throughout the place, and the flash of feathers or fur were not uncommon sights.
Somewhere. A large tree that rested on the edge of their world, a pale pink cherry blossom tree. A young child rested among its twisting and tangling branches, with hair just as pink as his tree. A crown of twigs rested upon his head. Draped in cloth as brown as bark, and yet soft as the gentle petals. When he stirred, his eyes fluttered open ever so slightly, a lively violet as butterflies laid upon his delicate frame.
Just beyond that world lay a barren world of white. Where one was green, the other found itself under a blanket of snow and ice. A jagged and sharp place, ice clung tightly to the trees of the place, suffocating them into an eternal sleep. No animal dared to wander there. For the inhabitants of ice would strike swiftly and violently. Ice curled upwards towards the sky, in towering shapes coating mighty mountains and sturdy stone.
Gazing upon the world beyond, where a bird’s fluttering tweet had lead bright blue curious eyes towards. Dressed in the white of the snow, eyelashes with frost upon them, and hair black as coal. Flakes of ice clung to his body. Another young child, frozen in awe. At the large pink tree so far away from his home. 
A shivering young bird laid between the worlds, foolish and bold. Entering the winter world it collapsed upon the earth. The young frost spirit moved towards it, curious of its gentle browns, spots, and white lines. Falling to his knees, the child reached towards it before the shivering of the bird caused him to draw back.
“Help! Someone help!”
The child sleeping in the tree woke to the voice peering down in a drowsy haze, before eyes blink open in attention, watching a panicked child and a young bird by his feet. Shivering and twitching, it’s feathers fluffed up. The branches of his tree dip, carrying the forest spirit onto the ground. Swaddled in his clothes, it trailed behind him as he ran towards the two. 
Meeting blue eyes, he watched as tears began to form. The forest spirit watched, but the divide between them was something not to be crossed. For spring cannot touch winter, else it would wither and freeze. Winter cannot touch spring, for the spread of frost would strike fear. But for the sake of the young bird. The forest spirit puffed his cheeks, determined, he raised his chest and trudged into the snow.
He scooped the bird into his arms, before speeding back off towards his side. Collapsing onto the ground, frost clung to his body. As the other looked on with fear, and outstretched hands. They said nothing.
Two women appear, both tall and fair. One with hair as pink as the forest spirit, and the other of a cold white, with a sprig of frozen holly in her hair. Taking their children each by the hand, one cradling her freezing son, and the other taking her son away from the scene.
Purple and blue eyes meet once more before they’re taken away.
The frost that bit the forest spirit had long since faded. A young child that grew up into an adult, with long arms and legs that carried him through the woods. Where the branches of his trees now moved to his beckoning.
Yet. He never forgot the small child with the icy blue eyes. His lips glance over a fluttering petal, hiding among the pink, he looked towards the snowy lands beyond his. 
For a moment he catches a spark of blue, in the dead trees. Before it darts away. It had noticed him.
“Wait-” His voice carries out, fluttering down onto the ground. He runs forwards. The other is gone.
The young bird they had saved that day, had long since lived its life. But its family made a nest on the branches of his tree. A thank you. Perhaps for what he had sacrificed. The forest spirit frowned, small birds flit and sing around him. His eyes still piercing towards where he had seen that familiar blue. He would wait.
He watched from the tree, from each day, glimpses of black, blue, white. The other had made it not hard to spot him, or perhaps it was just simply the fact the other was so much bigger. From what he saw, the young crying child became a towering figure. Where the trees he moved through shook as he brushed past them, clumsy.
Fascinated. He couldn’t keep his eyes away, and he doubted the other could do the same.
One night. Where the moon shone over both grass and snow. The sound of footsteps alerted him to attention. He had been sleeping mere moments before, but when he turned to see.
The child- no, man that had eluded him for so many years. Standing ever so slightly beyond that border, his eyes widen in alarm at his stirring. Before he leaps down from his own tree.
“Wait. Don’t go.”
His voice stops the other. Walking closer, it was then he noticed how tall that winter spirit was. He extends a hand out. Shaky. While the other reaches for him.
Their hands touch, staring at each other’s eyes. He parts his lips slightly, trying to say something, before fingers intertwined. Cold. So very cold. It made him want to draw away, as it began to freeze his own hands.
He trusted him, nonetheless. The other looked on with furrowed brows.
“What’s your name?” He asks him.
“... Jotaro.”
“Jotaro.” The pink haired spirit smiles, “Mine is Kakyoin.”
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pebblesun · 5 years
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Jotakak Week 2019 | Day 1 | nightmares
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alvistem · 5 years
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Day 6: Teamwork
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kiwisimps · 5 years
reoccurring nightmares (jotaro kujo x kakyoin noriaki)
description: jotaro was thrown into an environment that should be very familar to him
word count: 715
genre: angst
tw: major character death, part 3 spoiler
‘Huh…? Where am I…?” Jotaro asked himself as he looked around the sudden environment he was thrown in. He got up from the ground and suddenly felt a bit light-headed, he grabbed onto the wall for support before he started stumbling forward and stood there, holding his temples. The raven-haired male looked up and was surrounded by tall buildings and crowds of people, he moved from the spot, pushing through the crowd to figure out where he was and as he did, he thought to himself ‘Why does it seem so familiar…’ He looked up at the sky and saw a glimpse of something shining through, followed by a loud crash as if it had hit something. Jotaro had a bad feeling in his guts and became more determined to push through the crowd. As he got closer he heard a distant yell, though fairly faint, it sounded familiar to him, now running towards the noise and continued to look up at the sky. 
The blue-eyed male spotted where the commotion came from and it was Kakyoin fighting DIO. “Hierophant’s Barrier, which activates when touched, completely surrounds you for 20 meters in every direction!” The redhead exclaimed as he looked the blonde with such intensity in his eyes. Jotaro knew what’s about to happen next and screamed for Kakyoin to stop but nothing came out of his mouth, not even a sound. “Now I can sense both your movements and The World’s!” Jotaro tried everything he could do to grab the blue-violet eyed male’s attention but to no avail. 
“Take this, DIO! 20-meter Emerald Splash!” As soon as those words left his lips, Jotaro knew it was too late and fell to his knees “Kakyoin…” the redhead’s body flew through the air, hitting the water tower behind him. Almost instantly, water came rushing out, washing the blood away from the gut-punch wound he had received from the other. As the blue-eyed male look at the lifeless body, tears pooled in his eyes. He tore his eyes away from the horrific scene he had witnessed and looked down before sobbing, covering his mouth to muffle his sobs. His entire body was shaking as he sobbed before suddenly surrounded by darkness and then waking up.
“Kakyoin!” He sat up instantly and looked around his surroundings, everything was dark and there was only some dim moonlight coming in from his window, it was his bedroom. He felt the other side of the bed, expecting for some sort of warmth or breathing in any way but nothing. It was the same recurring nightmare he had almost every night since his death meaning that at this point, it should’ve been cleared to him that he has been gone for some time now but he still couldn’t let him go and every time he had that nightmare, it continuously reminds him of how he had failed the redhead. 
He missed the other for simple reasons, one being the adorable and warm smiles he gave him, second, was the laughter that erupts from the male, putting him at ease, and finally was the bravery and loyalty he had shown throughout their entire journey till the very end. 
The male ran a hand through his hair and looked over at the clock, it had read 2:29 am. He shook his head slightly and tried to brush away any stray tears but tears still threatened to fall. He took a deep breath to control his emotions but it didn’t work, tears soon fell one by one, they ran down his face and fell onto his hands. His simple crying turned into soft sobs, he grabbed a fistful of the covers as he tried to frantically wipe away the tears. 
Slowly but surely, his cries came to a stop and wiped away the leftover tears on his cheek, his eyes were red and puffy and he was sure that his nose was slightly red. He took in deep breaths, regaining his composure and swung his legs over the bed, getting up to wash his face in the bathroom. He walked back into the room and fell onto the bed backward, he looked up at the ceiling wondering how Kakyoin is doing now up there before falling back asleep.
If you want read this somewhere else, it’s also on my AO3 account @/KepraZ or search by the name of the fic which is under the same exact name, leave kudos there if you can, please!
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duzyaur · 5 years
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day 3 - studying, but noriaki’s thinking about something else c;
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yksittainen · 5 years
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@jotakakweek  Day 2: Voyage/Roadtrip 
what's the secret of Kakyoin's hair noodle staying fabulous on the road? Elastic! :D (inspired by a follower’s tweet)
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cuppadoppio · 5 years
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Jotakak week 1// First Date
This was suppose to be posted on Sunday for the first day of jotakak week… but I’m a tad lazy!
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jojotier · 5 years
Rating: T Prompt: Day 1 / Modern AU Description:  Kakyoin manages to catch a break in Artist Alley and tries to get lunch with his boyfriend. Unfortunately, the D'Arbys are the type to sell you the shirt off your back- and even more unfortunately, the one in the ahegao shirt seems keen on antagonizing Kakyoin.
Hey, so here’s my day 1 for JoKa week! I don’t know why ahegao shirts were the first thing I thought about, but I ran with it vfhkjuvf... I hope you enjoy!
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