holdmytesseract · 3 months
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moodboard by @chennqingg | divider by @jiyascepter
Through The Years
Áki x Sađi
Jotun!King!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Æsir!Queen!Reader
Summary: This story takes you and Loki on a journey through the twins life. From their first steps all the way to their first time falling in love.
Warnings for this Chapter: Áki being his sassy self, royal things? fluff, suggestive smut/light smut, food - a lot, mutual pining? Loki and Y/N being the best supportive parents ever. Let me know if I missed something!
Word Count: 5,1k
a/n: Well... We reached one of the most important chapters... Áki is finding the man of his dreams! 🥰 I love this whole chapter very very much. It turned out just how I wanted. Also, this is my first time writing male x male, so... Pls go easy on me. ☺️
Kudos to @eleniblue , because she helped me plan out this whole story. Without her, this wouldn't exist.
❄️ Chapter Four ❄️ Chapter Six ❄️
Ice Flower AU Masterlist ❄ Loki Masterlist ❄ Masterlist
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Chapter Five - Áki Finding Love
It was one of these days again, where the five-minute-older twin was on search for something to eat, aside from the regular meals. Áki had always been a little hog - since he was an infant. Well... Keeping the trained body of his and compensating all that energy he needed for training, a lot of food was required. That was just how it was.
So, the young prince made his way to one of his favourite places in the whole palace... The royal kitchen.
It was one of the few places, which were always busy. The kitchen was bustling with staff almost the whole day. Only at night was it completely, entirely quiet inside the big room. But when the prince rounded the corner and stepped through the open, beautifully crafted swinging doors of the kitchen, there were several Jotun's running around. Some of them cooks, some of them maids, some of them kitchen helpers - as per usual.
Áki knew everyone who worked there, of course. After all, he was the part of the royal family who spent the most time in this place of the palace. And, the staff knew him... "Greetings, your highness," addressed him first an older lady, wearing a white apron and a smile. Atla - she was a kitchen helper and already worked here for ages. Áki returned the smile and gave her a nod, before he continued his journey through his own personal paradise - and paradise was smelling delicious.
"My prince," the head cook greeted him as well, and took a small bow. "What can we serve you today? We've got a lot of food today." The young Jotun bit his lip in a thinking manner, before he answered: "I don't know yet. I'll keep on looking." Another bow from the head cook. "As you wish, my prince."
Áki's feet led him to the cool room, in which he finally found his 'object of desire'... Cake. Blueberry cake, to be precisely. Perfect for an afternoon snack. Having the good manners his parents taught him, he asked of course first, if he could have a bite of the cake - and who was the staff to deny him this? So, he took a big slice from the cake in his hands, smiling happily. But just when he made his way out of the cool room, an accident happened... Therefore, that the prince had to close the door, he had his back towards the main room. Turning around and walking away, his hard, muscular chest suddenly clashed against a not so strong and not so muscular chest, causing the cake to get sandwiched between his and the other Jotun's torso. Cream and blueberries were smeared all over Áki's bare chest, before it dripped to the ground, like the rest of the cake. And not just the cake... The poor man he crashed against with all his strength was send to the floor as well.
"I-I'm s-so s-sorry!" The man on the kitchen floor apologised immediately. The horror in his eyes was clearly visible, since he knew exactly who was standing in front of him and what he had gotten himself into. But the prince said nothing at first; had his eyes only settled on the poor soul who had crashed against him.
Áki had never seen the young Jotun before. Not here in the kitchen or elsewhere inside the palace. He must be new...
He was tall, but not quite as tall as Áki. His physique was not exactly the one of a warrior. He was a bit sturdier. Strong, but not muscular. His golden-brown hair was long; clearly reaching his shoulders, but currently tight up into a bun. Shocked, wide ruby eyes looking up at him. "M-My p-prince, I-I'm so clumsy, I..."
The prince was like frozen in time for a long moment, but he didn't know why. Just when his brain had caught up with the situation he was in, and Áki was about to say something, the head cook walked into the scene. "Sađi, you clumsy, feckless boy! What did you do?!" Sađi looked up to his boss with fearful eyes. "I-I-I..." He stammered; trying to somehow explain himself. The head cook leaned down and grabbed him by his arm. "Get on your damn knees and apologise to the prince, will you?!" He hissed at the younger man - inaudible to Áki, before pushing him forwards onto his knees.
Sađi was visibly a bit overwhelmed by the situation - and quite afraid of his chief; small tears gathering in his deep ruby eyes. "A-Apologies, your h-highness."
The pain in the young Jotun's eyes didn't go unnoticed by Áki. The usually so tough warrior's demeanour shifted. He squatted down and placed his hand on Sađi's shoulder. "You're forgiven."
That was the first time Áki's and Sađi's paths crossed. But it shouldn't stay at only one encounter, oh no...
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Sađi had made a lasting impression on the prince. Áki couldn't put a finger on it, what exactly it was that kept the simple kitchen helper on his mind. It was just how it was. Perhaps it was the reason why his feet lead him more often than before to the royal kitchen? Just to get a glimpse at the attractive young Jotun, which had undoubtedly caught his attention?
The prince had noticed quite early in his teenage years, that he was more into men than women. His brother, you and Loki knew that, of course, but it wasn't a problem. Why should it be? Everybody accepted it - and Áki the way he was.
"You are my son, Áki. That won't change. Neither does the love I feel for you. If you like men, you like men. If someone can understand this, it's me." His father had told him with a smile and wink; hand placed on his shoulder. Áki liked to think back to that day. It had been an important moment in his life.
"What can we do for you today, my prince?" The head cook asked Áki, but the prince's attention was somewhere else; eyes directed on the Jotun with the long golden-brown hair. He watched him cutting some vegetables. A smile tugged at the warrior's lips, whenever Sađi swerved from side to side to change his cutting tactics. Or when a frown crossed his features, when the vegetables didn't want things to go as he did.
"My prince?" The head cook addressed Áki again, which caused him to shortly break his stare. "Yes? What did you ask?" "What we can do for you today, your highness." Áki's eyes started to travel immediately again. "I, uh... I'd like to have something sweet." "Something sweet?" Áki nodded, checking Sađi out, who currently had his back towards them. "Mhm, yes... Something sweet. Dessert." He just couldn't help himself. "Dessert?" "Yes." The cook nodded, "Of course, my prince." and turned around.
"Sađi! Prepare some dessert for the prince! ASAP!"
The Jotun nodded frantically. "Yes, Sir!"
Áki watched then with a smile, how the handsome kitchen helper ran from one point to the next, hurrying to finish his given task. Áki found it utterly cute how much effort he put in it. Just for him.
About five minutes later, Sađi approached the prince cautiously; trying to appear as polite as possible. "Dessert, your highness." Áki smiled and took the plate from his hands; ruby eyes boring into the matching ones of Sađi. "I thank you." Sađi swallowed and flashed the prince a small smile as well. "I hope it is to your liking." "Oh, I am sure it tastes delicious." With those words, the warrior turned on his heels and left the kitchen again.
Their next encounter was only a few days later. A very fateful encounter, to say the least. Perhaps it was destiny...
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The night had settled over Jotunheim. It was past midnight so everyone was asleep. Everyone, except Áki. The prince had just woken up to a rumbling stomach; signalling him to get some food inside him. So, that's what Áki did. He stood up and made his way - like so often, to the kitchen. It wasn't the first time, that he took a little trip to this place of the palace at night, but it's been a trip he didn't do in a long time. Usually, he kept some food in his chambers, but someway somehow led his feet him today to the kitchen - and what he found there, was something he didn't expect even in his wildest dreams...
A dim light was shining on the dark hallway; coming undoubtedly from the kitchen. With furrowed brows, Áki sneaked to the big room. One hand was resting on the dagger, which was in the pocket of his dressing gown. Ready to face whatever danger or thief lurked inside, the warrior stormed the room - only to find the young Jotun, on which he had casted an eye.
"What in the name of Yggdrasil are you doing here?"
Áki's voice echoed through the kitchen, causing Sađi to yelp up and flinch. He was so frightened, that he threw with shock the onion he was holding in his hand away. "P-Prince Áki, I-I..." He stammered, turning beet red. The prince crossed his arms over his chest, stepping closer. "Again, I am asking... What are you doing here? Or should I go, get the guards?" Sađi's eyes widened even more. "O-Oh, no, no, by the n-norns, please don't! I-I need this job, I... Please! I-I'll tell you everything! Just p-please don't get the guards!" "Alright," said Áki and leaned against a kitchen counter. "Tell me."
The young Jotun nodded and took a deep breath. "I-I am practising." Áki frowned. "Practising?" "Y-Yes, because I wish to become a cook. I-It is my biggest dream, b-but I can't reach this dream without practicing. And the head cook doesn't let me practice, s-so I sneak inside the kitchen at night, t-to practice. N-Nobody usually ever comes here at night..." "Well, I do." Áki pointed out; stepping closer to the kitchen helper, causing Sađi to swallow hard. "So, you'd like to become a cook, yes?" "Y-Yes, your highness."
Áki nodded towards the several pots and pans standing on the stove. "Show me what you got then." Sađi was a bit confused at first. "W-What?" "Show me what you got." "O-Okay. I-If you wish, my prince." With a shaking hand, he took a small plate and put something from the dish he cooked on it, before handing it Áki, who tasted it on an instant.
Full of fear and anticipation, Sađi gazed at the warrior prince. He started to nod. "Yes... Tastes not bad. Needs improvement, but it's definitely not bad. You got talent, I see." "T-Thank you, your highness." Áki thought for a moment, as an idea crossed his mind. "I have an offer for you. A deal..." He started, circling the Jotun like a predator its prey. "A d-deal?" "Yes," he hissed, causing a shiver to run down Sađi's spine. "I'll tell nobody about your little... trips here at night. I'll let you keep on practicing. And as a quid pro quo, I'll get to taste and eat the wonderful dishes you cook. Do we have an agreement, Sađi?" The aspiring cook nodded with a small smile. "Yes, yes, absolutely! I thank you, my prince."
From that point on, the two men meet often at night in the royal kitchen. Sađi to improve his skills as a cook and Áki to quench his hunger. Over the days, weeks and months, Sađi's cooking skills improved - and not just that... Their relationship as well. They went from barely knowing each other to way more. The lines of royal blood and not royal blood slowly but surely blurring. While Áki let his guards more and more down and stopping his princely behaviour, Sađi got more open and confident.
And when the prince was really bold one night and asked Sađi, if he had a girlfriend, the kitchen helper blushed in the deepest shades of red and told the warrior that he was more into boys and not girls.
This fateful night caused the sexual tension to grown undoubtedly between them. Every accidental touch left a prickling, sizzling sensation behind, which caused both men's skins to burn. It was like an ever-burning fire, which was indelible.
At one point Áki just decided to act on it. He started to leave his dressing gown at his chambers, attending the nightly meetings only in his sleep shorts and giving the young cook more to look at; subtly urging him on to make the first move. It threw Sađi off track, of course, but not even with all the confidence he had gained over the weeks did he dare to make said first move. So Áki had to do it - or optionally making Sađi cave in. Both ways would work for the prince just fine...
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"Now you have to slowly add the wine," Sađi explained; looking happily, but concentrated at the prince. He was in the zone; definitely enjoying what he was doing. Someday, Áki had asked him what exactly he was doing and how he was going to do it, and since that night, Sađi explained happily every step of a new meal he learned and practiced to cook. Áki though, mostly didn't pay attention. At least not to the young Jotun's instructions. He was way too distracted by Sađi himself...
"Add the wine?" Áki asked, eyes glued to Sađi's hands, which gripped the bottle of wine. "Yes, but slowly." He added some of the wine to the pot, causing it to steam. "Have you seen how much?" "Mhh," the prince answered absent-minded; had only paid attention to the bulging veins in his crush's hand and certainly not to the amount of wine. "What's next?" "Next, you have to stir the sauce and slowly add a bit more wine. Look." Sađi demonstrated what he had just explained - and Áki saw the first opportunity tonight to make his move.
While the aspiring cook stirred the sauce, Áki stepped even closer towards him. He placed himself behind Sađi, so that he could look over his shoulder; all the while pressing his bare torso against Sađi's old, shabby chef's jacket clad back. His arms sneaked around the Jotun. One hand landing on top of Sađi's (The one which was stirring the sauce.), and the other on the edge of the counter; literally caging the man. It caused a soft, almost inaudible gasp to leave the gold-brown-haired Jotun's lips. But Áki heard it, of course and started to grin.
"Do you need help with that?" The prince whispered in Sađi's ear; making sure to keep his voice as deep and husky as possible. The cook shivered. "I-I-I, uh... Actually n-not, b-but, uh, s-sure," he stammered. A sign that Áki's move had been fruitful. He had clearly put him off his stride. "Alright." Áki added and slipped his fingers through Sađi's, in order to help him stir the sauce. The longer the warrior's touch lasted, the more started Sađi's hand - which held onto the bottle of wine - to shake. Something that didn't slip Áki's attention as well. "Now, now what is the matter, young Sir Bjørnson? Are we nervous?" Sađi swallowed hard; his Adam's apple bobbing. "I-I-" Áki smiled; happy to be able to get such a reaction from the cook. If there was something he was good in, then it was fighting - obviously, flirting and seduction. The mixture of yours and Loki's genes clearly playing a big role in this one...
"Or... Is it the touch of my body against yours?" Áki breathed in Sađi's ear. "Am I too close to you, or... Too far from you?" Every hair on Sađi's neck was standing up at the prince's words. He had a hard time to control his breathing. "Hm?" To test the theory, Áki took a small step backwards, to bring some space between his and the young male - who let out a small whine immediately. Once the realisation dawned on him, Sađi's eyes widened. But he just couldn't help himself. It just had slipped past his lips - just like the soft moan, when Áki pressed his body back against his, "Ahh, I see... Too far." including his hips.
Sađi's eyes went shut at the sudden, very intimate contact. This only made it worse - in the best way possible. He felt like standing on the edge of a cliff and Áki was the one in control; deciding whether he was going to fall - or not.
"Better?" Áki asked in a low voice. A question which the young Jotun could only answer with a shaky nod. "Good. Now where were we? Ah, the sauce, right. Continue, please."
Sađi's head started to spin. How dare he? How dare he brings him in such a situation? How in the nine realms would he be able to keep cooking, with the handsome prince's crotch pressed against his bottom? "M-My p-prince, I-I-" His voice was so hoarse, it died in his throat.
The prince grinned even wider. Almost. He almost had him. "Yes?" "I-I... Can't, I..." Time to make the final move, thought Áki. Quickly - before Sađi could even react, he had spun the gold-brown-haired Jotun around in his embrace. Two hands gripping now the edge of the kitchen counter; pinning the surprised cook between the warrior's body and the cool, hard furniture. "You can't, huh? Well... Is there something else you'd rather do than cooking?" Sađi's mouth opened and closed, but no words were leaving his lips. The warrior smiled, "Go on, say it. I know you want me to." and leaned closer to his ear once more. "But I won't do it, unless you tell me to."
And with that, the dam finally broke. Sađi fell off the cliff; free falling. "K-Kiss... Kiss me."
Áki's heart skipped a beat. Finally. Finally! "Very well." Within the blink of an eye, Áki cupped Sađi's cheeks with both hands and literally slammed his lips on the young man's. Sađi was immediately enchanted by the kiss; hungry lips searching for more. It had been long overdue.
The prince soon brought his body into the game; pressing it against Sađi's and trapping him even more. The Jotun whimpered into the passionate kiss at the sudden friction; hands clawing into Áki's muscular waist.
Only when it was hard to breathe for them, did they break the kiss. Both panted; lips red and kiss swollen. In a rather bold move shifted the warrior his hands, until they landed on the cook's bottom; pulling him even closer against himself and creating more friction. "Spend the night with me," he spoke in a low, seductive voice, almost growling. Sađi's eyes widened. "S-Spend the night with you? I-I don't know, I..." His words caused Áki's heart to sunk. "Don't you... want to spend the night with me?" Sađi quickly shook his head; clearly noticed the sad tone in the Jotun's voice. "No, no, no, norns, no! I want nothing more than to do just that, but..." Relief flooded the warrior's veins. "But what?" Sađi sighed. "My prince, I-" "Stop," Áki interrupted him immediately. "It's Áki for you. No title, no formalities." He nodded. "Áki, I... I don't know if this is a good idea. You are the prince and I am... me..."
The prince shook his head. "I don't care, Sađi. I just want you. We can keep it secret and no one has to know, but please... Don't deny me. I waited so long for this. All I longed for was to kiss you. Touch you," he said, running one hand over Sađi's broad back. "Feel you. Hel, I lost count of how many times I touched myself to the thought of you." Those words send another shiver down the cook's spine. A tingling sensation formed in the pit of his stomach and gathering in his crotch. Sađi blushed, eyelids fluttering. "Y-You did that?" "Mhm," Áki purred and Sađi swallowed.
"I'd say, we clean here up as fast as possible and then take a trip to my chambers. What do you say? You'll even get a free room tour. And perhaps I take you into my bathing chamber as well." He winked, causing Sađi's knees to buckle. "I'd love to, my pri- Áki." The prince smiled, before sealing 'the deal' with another passionate kiss.
This was one of many nights the two men spend together in secret. It was more than just a one-night-stand. Áki had fallen for the handsome kitchen helper already a long time ago, even before he started to bed him. And the warrior was certain, that what he felt was, without a doubt, love.
As for Sađi, it took him some time to sort out his feelings. Was it just fun? Was it serious? He was torn a very long time, but in the end, Sađi couldn't deny that there were indeed feelings involved. At least from his side. He struggled quite a bit to interpret Áki's signals and unfortunately got them wrong. One oppressive thought led to the other, and at some point, it escalated and Sađi couldn't take it anymore...
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Sađi was the last one in the kitchen today - like so often. After all, he was still nothing more than a helper and the other kitchen staff loved to leave the cleaning up to him. His dream of being a cook not yet palpable.
It didn't take long for the prince to join his lover, like he did whenever he got time and was not busy with royal duties. Making sure, that nobody was around, Áki stepped over to Sađi, who was currently cleaning some pots and pans. "Do they still leave you alone to clean up their mess?" It wasn't really a question from the warrior; rather an assessment. Áki wrapped his muscular arms loosely around Sađi's torso; chest pressed against back. The prince angled his head, tried to catch the aspiring cook's lips, as he looked over his shoulder - but Sađi avoided Áki's attempt for a kiss and turned his head away. "You know that they never stopped it."
Áki frowned; noticed immediately that something wasn't right. "What's wrong?" Sađi shook his head, "Nothing." and stepped away from the prince. Áki didn't believe a single word, of course. "Oh, come on, Sađi. Tell me what's wrong. I am not blind." The young Jotun answered nothing, just kept on cleaning up the mess. Áki shrugged his shoulders; was quite a bit offended. "Fine. If you don't want to talk, I'll leave." The prince turned on his heels and marched towards the open doors. What he didn't see coming, was Sađi's voice, holding him back. "We can't do this anymore." The warrior stopped dead in his tracks. Frowning, he slowly turned to face the golden-brown haired man he fell so deeply in love with. "What do you mean?"
The handsome kitchen helper took a deep, shaky breath. "This. Us. It has to stop." Áki was utterly confused. "Us? Why? Why does it needs to stop? Do you..." He swallowed. "Do you not... enjoy yourself?" Sađi shook his head, causing a few strands to break free from his loose man bun and to fall into his face. "N-No, I... I do enjoy it. What we have is... thrilling. Magical, wonderful - but..." Tears gathered in his beautiful ruby eyes. "I can't do this to myself anymore, because it breaks my damn heart every time." Áki still wasn't able to follow his words. "It breaks your heart? Why?" Sađi buried his face in his hands; almost desperately, that the oblivious prince didn't catch what he was trying to say. "You are the prince, Áki! I am a mere kitchen helper and wannabe cook! Just think about what the people - your people would say about this! Or the king and queen!" He scoffed; shaking his head. "I get that you are free to sleep with whoever you wish. I guess it's your privilege as a member of the royal family, but... I don't want to be your lover anymore. I don't want to be just another man on a long list of affairs. I'm not the only one you are bedding - and it destroys me, because..." Sađi paused for a moment; drawing in another shaky breath. "Because I fell in love with you! And I'd rather leave, before my heart gets entirely broken."
With those words, the aspiring cook threw the towel he was holding inside his hands on the kitchen counter, passed by a literally stunned Áki and headed straight for the door. But just like Áki before, he got stopped. The prince needed a moment to collect himself, though. His brain needed to process first, what his ears had heard. But once it did, a warm feeling spread throughout his whole body - and he smiled. "Sađi." He spoke up firmly, causing the other Jotun to stand still; freezing in his movements. "I won't let you walk out of that door." "W-What? Why?" Sađi's face mirrored confusion, as he turned to look at the warrior. Seems like they both had been oblivious to the other's feelings...
"Because I love you, you blind, silly boy."
Sađi blinked. Stunned. "I... You... W-What?" He definitely needed a moment to process that. "You... You love me?" He asked; disbelief swinging in his voice. Áki just smiled and stepped closer to his lover, gently taking Sađi's hands in his. "Yes, I do. Perhaps since the first time I had ever laid my eyes upon you." The helper blinked again, then looked at their intertwined hands. "I-I-I-" "Ah.Ah," the prince interrupted him, while walking Sađi towards the next wall. "Less talking..." He pressed his body against the cold stone surface; hands wandering to the helper's hips. "... and more kissing." With a smoulder only his father could do better, Áki's lips found Sađi's, asking them for a dance.
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Áki's and Sađi's worlds were suddenly more than just alright. They had found each other, were helplessly in love and enjoyed the rare time they had together. Nevertheless, they decided to keep this a secret at first, except for one person. Váli. Váli was the only person who knew, since Áki loved his twin brother dearly and shared everything with him. But the secret itself didn't stay a secret for long anyways...
It was time for dinner in the palace. Áki was the first one to find his way to the dining hall, of course. You were a little late, and Loki and Váli not present, since they were away on Svartalfheim for some royal duties.
"Hey," you greeted your son warmly, placing a hand on his muscular biceps, before you sat down. "Hey, mom." "Sorry for the delay." Áki smiled, "No worries. I learned to wait." and winked, causing you to giggle. While you and your son ate, you talked about anything and everything. You enjoyed the moments you could spend with your sons, since they definitely lived their own life's by now.
Mere ten minutes later, dinner got served - and for the first time by none other than Sađi. When Áki saw his boyfriend walking towards the table, together with two other servants, his heart sped up. Of course, he was more than happy to see him, just like Sađi was, but the two of them tried hard to not let it show - which turned later out to be not really successful.
It was simple gestures. Things the two men didn't even realise. The subtle smiles, lingering gazes, eye contact, hand brushing... They didn't notice - but you did. After all, you were Áki's mother and it was kind of in your instincts to notice everything, right? You more than once bit your lip in order to hide the smile. Your son had seemingly found love - and you couldn't be happier. To be entirely sure, though, you decided to address him.
Once dinner was over and there was no servant left - just you and Áki, you took the initiative. Áki already stood up, though and was on his way to leave, when you stopped him. "Áki, hey, wait a minute, please." Your son waited, of course; turned to face you. "Yes, mom?" You patted on the chair beside you, smiling. "Take a seat." Without hesitation, Áki did what you ask him to. Full of anticipation what you were going to say, he looked at you. You reached out your hand and brushed a lose curl of his raven hair behind his ear. He looked so much like his father. You smiled even wider. "So... Who is he?" The prince frowned. "Who is who, mother?" You nodded towards the closed doors, which led to the kitchen. "The handsome servant with golden-brown hair."
Áki turned red on an instant. "I-I, uh..." "I know you two tried to be inconspicuous, but... Let's say it this way… It didn't quite work out." Your son cleared his throat; knowing that their secret wasn't a secret anymore. "Well, mom... His, uh... His name is Sađi and he works here as a kitchen helper. But he aspires to be a cook." "Sađi... Beautiful name - and an aspiring cook? What a perfect match for you." You smiled. "So, it is something serious between the two of you?" He nodded; unable to suppress a smile. "Yes. We are together." "That is wonderful, son. I'm happy for you." Áki smiled bashfully. "Thank you, mom." The so confident prince suddenly wasn't so confident anymore. "It... It isn't a problem for you that he's 'just' a kitchen helper and no prince or of royal blood?" You shook your head and placed your hand on his. "Why should it? Quite the opposite... I'd love to meet him properly one day. As long as you love each other... That's more important than anything. Than status or heritage. Believe me when I tell you, I know what I am talking about - and so does your father." Áki smiled. "Thank you, again. And yes, I promise you, you are definitely going to meet him properly one day."
Another smile crossed your face, as you leaned over to hug your son. A gesture which he returned gladly. "Áki... I am so proud of you. Just... Look at you. You've grown into a strong, confident young man. You are proud of what you are and who you love. It's beautiful." The prince almost started to cry when he heard this. "Oh, mom, I..." He hugged you again; now even tighter. "And your father is proud, too. I hope you know that." He smiled. "Yes... I know." "I love you." Your son backed up from the tight embrace to press a kiss on your cheek. "And I love you."
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Tags: @eleniblue @mochie85 @muddyorbsblr @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @multifandom-worlds @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @huntedmusicgardenn @lokiforever @fictive-sl0th @lokisgoodgirl @smolvenger @hisredheadedgoddess28 @icytrickster17 @chennqingg @glitchquake @princess-ofthe-pages @elegantcheesecakecrown @crimson25 @buttercupcookies-blog @herdetectivetheorist @loz-3 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @simping-for-marvel @km-ffluv @stupidthoughtsinwriting @jennyggggrrr @lady-rose-moon @lovingchoices14 @salvinaa @irishhappiness @sheris532 @princessdragon23 @kimanne723 @mandywholock1980 @xxannyxx @the-holy-trinity-I
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zeriphi · 5 months
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"Did you really make variants of your OC for every Loki-" Yes. That thing exactly.
(OC, MCU Self Insert Zacki Udonta Party Thor universe Variant)
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anukulee · 1 year
My Recommendations Masterlist
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(Pt 2) (Pt 3)
                           My Author Recomendations
Peaceful_Pianist (Masterlist)
BirdsOfHermes (A03 Author): Her works are spicy but have plot in them always. She is amazing at making long form stories yet an amazing charecter wove through them.
Joyful Enchantress
Mochie85: She has perfected the one-shot stories idea. Each of her one-shots are well written and tells a story. The connecting one shots are connected in that they have a plot, but you don't have to read the others sometimes.
Lady Fluff
Loki Prompts (Tumblr): I would reccomend her one shots in particular, her Oh Funny Honey, and Rules to Midgard Dating make me cry in all of her best ways. Trust me she is worth the read!!
Quirky Turtle: Her By Hook or By Crook series is so spicy, but the first one in particular is amazing and makes me cry. Not to mention her fanfic of Reformed Villian Squad and it’s second part, Reinstallation and Clarifications makes me feel stuff.
Lokisprettygirl: Her fanfictions range from fluffy, to crying angst. Each other them so different from the other, yet always amazing. The grammer is on point!! Not to mention the story never feels rushed, something I can’t say towards some authors. Now if you are one of my non-spicy readers the one that are spicy and adult in content have a 18+ rating next to them. So watch out of them.
Just The Hiddles
Writing Of Our Own
Stay With Me: It is so short but has a plot through out, I would also recommend the author. Her short that is friends with benefits one shot were amazing. I am not sure about the darker ones because I stay away from them. Oh No: A simply text gets sent problem is that text was never supposed to be seen. Get Over Him Not Under Him: What was supposed to be friend with benfits seems to get derailed when the reader has a date with a certain avenger. Cryable Mr. Hiddleston fan fiction (Wattpad List): Covers all of his charecters and are pretty good! Beauty and The Blood (Audio): y/n wishes to find someone who doesn’t attend to use her. After many failed dates, she is guided to an app that might meet her situation. On this app she meets this seemingly perfect guy by the name of Loki, the question is he perfect or is he hiding something darker?
Torn: A new work that I just discovered and has pinning Loki, and pinning reader, honestly it just gives me the best of the angst feels!
Friendzoned: Soon after the reader and Loki met, he friendzoned her, problem is the reader has feelings for him. Only complicating things more, the question is through did Loki truly friendzone because he doesn’t have feelings for her or is there more to it?
Please Don’t Be Afraid : After a mission gone wrong the reader loses her memories. Now being placed in the mindset of her 2012 self meaning she still thinks Loki is a monster. Problem is Loki remembers everything, as we wonder whether he will be able to win the reader over once more or if she will forever hate him.
Now and Forever: What happens when reader gets a little insecure after giving birth to her and Loki’s twins? Will she allow insecure to consume her, will Loki go with her offer, or will Loki truly show how much he loves her?
Heal Me: After reader is hurt, Loki tasks himself with her care as he thinks it was his fault. Yet along the line she finds herself falling for him, question is are they returned or not?
I'm Feeling Sick (So Won't You Take Care Of Me?): What happens when Loki gets sick with the common cold and the reader is forced to take care of him? Will unsurfaced feelings come up or is just one sided? Or perhaps is there more things to this then it appears?
I Do Love You: Reader finds Loki cheating on her, the question is that all to the story?
Crumpled Words: Loki has a habit of writing notes, about his desired love, before stuffing them under his mattress. The question is whether these words can remain hidden forever?
All I Wanted: All Loki wanted was to be accepted, but what happens when he gets that? Most of all how does the reader feel about it?
Pairing: What happens when the reader sees someone getting close to Loki? Is he cheating on them, or is there perhaps more to this situation then it appears?
Sweet Tooth: Reader has never been what society sees as normal, due to her weight. Something she has grown far used to, yet over time has learned to ignore. Problem is she has a sweet tooth, but what happens when someone chooses to make a comment about it? Will reader let it get to her or will Loki stop it before it gets bad?
You’re Afraid: Lately Loki has been avoiding the reader, almost as if he was hiding something. Question is whether the reader can find out what it is before it is too late. 
Bound To You: Reader is tired of having to hide her relationship with Loki, but Loki doesn’t seem to feel the same, is that all there is or is there more?
Little Star (Jotun Loki): Reader only has a one sided crush on Loki, with how small she is compared to other, Loki could never want her right?
The Prince and the Servant (Jotun Loki): A angst filled fairy tale about Loki and his little servant, with a lingering question of whether or not their feelings are returned.
Secret Garden: What happens when a simple flower crown results in Loki avoiding the reader is that all there is, or is there more to it?
Not a Delicate Flower (Sequel): What happens six months after Secret Garden when the reader wants more? Is Loki willing to give it to her or will she remain a delicate flower forever?
All Wet: Every time the reader and Loki try to have intimate relationships, she insists it must be done in the dark causing Loki to wonder why? As we wonder whether this will continue or if Loki will find out why, but will it be too late when he does?
Practice Makes Perfect: The reader is trying to seduce Loki yet every time she does it ends in failure? The question is it just because of a certain aspect of her or is there more to it?
More Important: What happens when Loki forgets something important, as the question of whether his his wife or his kingdom is more important?
Clueless: Loki has a habit of calling reader by endearing pet names as a game, but the question is how long will this game continue until feelings start to come out?
I Hate You Captain Marvel: What happens when it looks like Loki and Captain Marvel are getting to close for the reader’s liking. When he talks about her all the time, is he losing feelings for the reader or is there more to it?
Misunderstandings: They are just friends with benefits right?
The Hobby (Multiple Chapters): What happens when an originally friends with benefits relationship turns serious?
Christmas Delivery (pt 1) (pt2): What happens when a simple mission involving delivering an item includes the the god of mischief? The one who has recently been flirting with the reader, will she find out whether his feelings are real or are they apart of his usual mischief?
The Unthinkable Offer (Multiple Chapters) : What happens when Loki is expected to marry the last person he expected, all in order to have his freedom? Will it be a loveless marriage or will Loki fall in love along the way?
A Gift For Loki (Multiple Chapters): What happens when Loki is betrothed to Sigyn and is expect to give up his pleasure centered life style? Not to mention a deal he made with his mother to try and see if he falls for Sigyn all while having to keep certain things out of the way. Will Loki end up falling for Sigyn like Frigga expects or will their be a broken engagement with Loki continuing on with his pleasure centered ways?
Enchanting: A mostly text centered relationship comes to a climax during a certain night when Loki sees something he never wanted to see. Question is whether he will do anything about it or if he and the agent will forever remain just friends?
The Right Partner: What happens when the reader finally gets the right partner when her ex breaks up with her? Especially when that right partner is Loki?
Heaven Sent: A simple game of pickup lines turned confession? Read more to find out…
To Be Loved: What happens when Loki is already in love with his fake relationship, are his feeling returned or is it just fake?
The Misunderstanding (pt 1)/(pt 2) (pt 3) (pt4) : What happens when Jotun Loki finds out about the readers feeling? Will he return them or is it all a misunderstanding?
No Touchies: Jotun Loki and reader were supposed to be no touchies yet what happens when they become touchies?
Joy Division: They have only been seeing each other for a little bit, but what happens when Loki isn’t the only one y/n cheers for? Is it just a misunderstanding or is there more to it?!?!
Blind Disasters: How many terrible blind dates can y/n go on before Loki says something? Or will his true feelings remain hidden?
Raining Cats and Dogs: Y/n pets may talk, but that’s all they are right talking pets? Or perhaps there maybe more to this story then at first glance.
Shapeshifting: When someone comes to see y/n about changing for his lover, something feels familiar to them but why? They have never seen this man before right?
Green: Loki isn’t jealous whatsoever, so why does he feel so bad when he sees you with someone that is not him?
Under His Influence (Series): What happens when Loki finds himself hiding out with a thirty year old woman with little to no confidence, can Loki change that? Or will they merely remain strangers who live together, and what happens after that?
Pairing: They are only fake for their mission right?!
A Calm In The Storm: It was only one night between friends right, but what happens when a storm changes everything?
To Have And To Hold (Series): All they were friends with benefits turned relationship, but what happens when a unexpected pregnancy changes everything?
It’s Very Ambiguous: A ball, a fight between brothers, a love triangle, and a newly discovered soulmate mark. The question is that all there is to the story of perhaps there maybe more to it all then it seems.
Midsummer Pining: Ever since this season has started Loki has been avoiding y/n. Why is that, or perhaps it is just y/n pinning or is it?
Place In Love: Reader is afraid, she will be too clingy, but is she truly too clique?
Boyfriend: Loki hates the usage of boyfriend, but what happens when this causes miscommunications between him, and his love.
Is that?: Loki is dead isn’t he, or at least that’s what y/n thought.
Can I Have The McOrgasm Please: What happens when Loki finds out that maybe Sylvie isn’t the one for him 😏.
Spring Heat: Loki’s heat is the worst time of the year, but will that be the same this year, now that he is married?
Deliriously Happy: Loki has yet to consummate his marriage to his virgin bride and that can only mean he hates her or does he?
Rain and Fire: It’s just a simple mission that happens to take place on a stormy night, nothing romantic about that right 💘?
Sway with Me: What happens when you are feeling insecure, but are dating a god?
Insufferable: She thinks Loki is insufferable, and he thinks the same right?
The Tavern Prince (Hal): It’s merely an arrange marriage and besides Hal hates her doesn’t he?
Half Agony and Half Hope (Thomas Sharpe): What happens when Thomas reveals his past to his newly fiancé after a family visit? Will she break up with him or perhaps will she stay with him despite his past as they move forward together?
Jól Never Be Alone
Just The Way You Are
Just Another Memory (Oakley): With the end of college fastly approaching y/n is afraid she will soon become just another memory to her long term best friend and crush. Leaving one to wonder if that is all she will ever be or if their is perhaps more to it.
Should We Tell Them (Magnus)?: They are mainly friends with benefits who date, as they seek pleasure in their homes or are they? Is there more to this relationship then first meets the eye?
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Jigsaw: What happens when y/n begins to avoid Sherlock because of her growing feelings? Will Sherlock take it lying down or will he do something? Not to mention who has been gifted y/n orange tulips and does it have something to do with Sherlock?
If Only You Would Know: y/n and Sherlock have been tip-toeing around their feelings of each other, and what happens when Enola grows tired of it?
Faye-Fics (Masterlist)
Mr. Tom Felton
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Mr. Tom Felton and characters
One Shots
Insecurities: What happens when Julian gets insecure around his relationship with y/n, especially seeing how popular she is?
Feelings Revealed: How long can Julian keep his feelings hidden for y/n, especially after H.R makes a comment about it?
But He Doesn’t Like Me: At most he tolerates her, preferring the company of her best friend Caitlyn over her. This would be fine if y/n didn’t have ever growing feelings for him. Thus leading to her problem that Julian Albert doesn’t have the same feelings for her as she does for him, or does he?
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Aemond’s Crown Jewel: While Aemond may be one of the better men to marry too, he doesn’t love his wife, right?
Aemond In Love (Headcanon): What would it be like if Aemond fell in love with you?
Labyrinth: She is merely his sister’s maid isn’t she?
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Cillian Murphy Audios Masterlist
@smolvenger @lokisbirdofhermes @lokisgoodgirl @lokisprettygirl @lokiprompts @muddyorbsblr @mcufan72 @mochie85 @five-miles-over @the--sad--hatter @simplyholl @chantsdemarins @lokiislowkeyhot @lokiburdenedwithgloriouspurpose @lokibug @villainousshakespeare @evelyn-kingsley @wheredafandomat @sailorholly @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @michelleleewise @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @smolvenger @sailorholly @evelyn-kingsley @lokischambermaid @ashereads @immyowndefender @daemontargaryenwhore @aesonmae @peacefulpianist @kaycrowley @littledark11 @jokerflecker
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vbecker10 · 2 years
Hi love
I’ve got a request:
Loki x y/n (gender doesn’t matter)
Loki tries online dating and meets someone (age 18+) and they start chatting away. At first it’s more just like something silly and both don’t think much about it. But then Loki decides he wants to meet them. Only problem: They don’t live in NYC. In fact, they don’t even live in the States. I’m more thinking about something like Iceland, Norway, Finland. When Loki visits it’s in Winter (due to him being Jotun) and they fall in love. He even shows her his real form. Lots and lots of fluff. Maybe a bit angst when it comes to the meeting. Smut, if you like. Ending: Not fussed. Something that fits your story. Thank you 🖤
@juulle987 thank you so much for the request!! Sorry this took so long 💚💚 (I know I kept promising I was almost done but it got away from me... and it just kept getting longer, so I made it two parts) I really hope you like it! 🤞🤞
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I'm Here (Part 1 of 2)
Part 2 here
Pairing: Loki x gender neutral reader
Warnings: self doubt, angst, kinda fluff... it's coming in the next part (so is Jotun Loki)
POV: Y/N pov & Loki pov
Summary: After a string of terrible blind dates, Loki is pushed into trying online dating and despite his doubts, he meets you. The two of you become fast friends and soon you find yourself falling for him completely. After a few months, Loki begins to ask if he can visit you but every time he does, you come up with an excuse to keep him away. Eventually, Loki decides it's worth the risk and goes to Norway to see you, but will you be excited to see him?
Word Count: 3k words
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"Come on brother, you can't give up just because of a few bad dates," Thor says.
"A few... you and your idiot friends have set me up on a blind date almost every Saturday for the last three months and each one has been worse then the one before," you tell him as you turn on the stove then fill the kettle with water.
"They weren't all bad," Rogers counters and you groan in response.
"Yea, what about the one who worked at the bookstore?" Barnes suggests.
"You mean the one who texted the entire time we were at dinner and then took home my leftovers?" you ask.
"Right... that was weird. Well there was the one you went to the play with?" Barnes tries again.
"They left during the intermission," you remind him.
"That's an honest mistake... I think," Rogers says hopefully but Thor shrugs.
You shake your head and take a mug out of the cabinet. "I'm done," you tell them flatly, not wanting to talk about it any further. You keep your back to the three of them until you finish making your tea and then you head back to your room.
"How was your date?" a cheerful voice calls from behind you and you turn. You shrug at Peter and continue on your way down the hall. He catches up to you and you sigh, he's not as easy to brush off as Thor and some of the others. "What happened?" he asks, sounding almost more let down then you feel.
You reach your door and pause, knowing the boy will follow you inside whether you invite him to or not. You open the door and he quickly takes a seat on your couch, still waiting for you to answer his question. You take a seat opposite him on your arm chair and set your tea down, rubbing your eyes.
"It was that bad?" he asks.
You nod, "Honestly, I don't feel like talking about it right now, Peter. I've told them to stop setting me up with people." You avoid eye contact with him while staring into your mug. For Thor and his friends, you acted as if this was just a game, something to keep you occupied when you had a free night but something about Peter made you tell him the truth. You didn't enjoy being alone as much as you claimed to and he had since become invested in the idea of you finding your perfect match. "I just can't keep doing this," you tell him, hoping you aren't disappointing him as much as you are disappointing yourself.
"Aww, really? I thought for sure this time would be a good one," he says, he sits back against the couch and looks mildly annoyed.
"I'll admit, it would have been nice to find someone but... I feel more alone now than I did before this all started," you tell him, feeling defeated. "Its my fault, I never should have gotten my hopes up," you say. Maybe you were meant to be alone, it had been that way for so long you should just accept it, you thought to yourself.
After a moment or two of silence Peter leans forward and you are confused to see him appear so excited. "I think I have an idea..." he tells you with a wide smile.
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(LOKI POV - a few days later)
You walk into your room and close the door with a loud thud then throw yourself onto your couch. To say the mission didn't go as planned was an understatement, you just wanted to shower, eat and sleep but you couldn't decide what order was more important. As you sit on the couch with your hand over your face, your phone begins to vibrate on the coffee table. You barely used the device, Thor would call once in a while and Peter tried to text you but you disliked using it, you almost never remembered to take it with you anywhere. You look at it curiously and then remember the app Peter installed for you right before you left. You sigh when you open it and see you have over 30 new messages. Too tired to read them all, you start with the oldest and scroll up through your inbox, skimming the first line or two from each.
One of the more recent messages catches your attention but you think twice about opening it. Peter had told you to avoid profiles that didn't have pictures but there was something about this one that seemed different than the others. You open the chat and sit back against the couch to read it.
"Hi Loki, we've never talked on here before so this might seem weird or random but I just wanted to see if you were ok. I was watching the news earlier and they said you had gotten hurt during the hostage situation in Paris. It looked like it was really a rough mission, not that any of them are easy I'm sure. I know we don't know each other and I'm sure you have tons of messages from people who are way more interesting then me but if you ever want to talk, I'm here. I'm sure when you get back you'll be really tired, so I hope you sleep well (and maybe get to rest tomorrow). - Y/N"
You find yourself smiling at the message, and then going to Y/N's profile to read about them. Once you finish, you go back into your inbox and delete all the messages except that one.
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You hit send on the message and toss your phone as far away from you as possible on the bed. You honestly can't believe you did that, you just sent an Avenger... no a freaking prince... no an actual god a message on a dating app, why did you even bother? You groan and bury your face in your pillow, already deciding that he would never message you back. Why would he when he had so many better options, you think as you roll over and turn off your light.
Eventually you fall asleep and your woken by a loud chime, it takes you a minute to realize its your phone. You grab it, roll onto your back and hold it over your face, eyes half open you click on the app. You nearly drop the phone on your face when you see you have a notification that Loki replied to you. You sit up, suddenly fully awake and open the chat.
"Hello Y/N, I'm feeling much better than I did a few hours ago, thank you for asking. I heal fairly quickly so I will be fine by morning. You're right, I am exhausted but honestly, I feel a bit better after seeing your message. You're the only person who has ever checked on me after a mission, to see if I was ok and I really appreciate it. I'm sorry we won't be able to talk more tonight but hopefully we can tomorrow. I should eat something quick before I try to sleep. Thank you again for worrying about me. - Loki"
You read the message three more times to make sure it said what you think it said. Your message made him feel better? And he wants to talk to you? That actually happened, you think as a smile spreads across your lips. You are in such shock, you almost forget to write back to him. You debate telling him you are glad you made him feel better but instead you simply say him you are happy he's ok and then you wish him a goodnight. You sigh, putting your phone on the bed next to you. Well, it was fun for five seconds but he was probably just being polite, you think as you close your eyes again, you don't have too much longer until your alarm goes off. Your mind immediately starts to come up with a very long list of reasons why he won't respond again but it is interrupted by your phone altering you to a new message. You open the app quickly and smile wide again when you read his reply.
"Goodnight Y/N, I look forward to talking to you tomorrow."
The next day you argue with yourself about whether to message him, even typing out several different things then deleting them quickly. You sigh out loud and read his profile again. When you saw him pop up on here, you could barely believe it, why would someone like him need an app to meet people. You shake your head and try to push any thoughts of Loki from your mind as you settle into the couch.
A few minutes later your phone chimes and you open the app, assuming it's another useless notification but it's not. You instantly smile when you see there's a new message in your chat with Loki.
"Good morning Y/N, or afternoon possibly, your profile didn't say where you lived so I'm unsure the time at the moment. I have quite a few meetings today unfortunately but I would love to talk to you for a bit now if you are available."
"Hi Loki, it's afternoon here. I hope you slept well. I have weekends off so I'm here all day, just doing nothing." you reply. Oh good, tell him you have no life, you think to yourself, very smooth.
There is a long pause and you find yourself staring at the three floating dots as they blink on and off. You can't be sure if whoever created those was actually evil or not. The dots stop for a while and you feel let down but then a message comes through almost ten minutes later.
"Sorry, I'm not very good at typing and all this I'm afraid, it's still fairly new to me. I needed someone to help me turn off the sound of the keypad beeping when I type. And good afternoon it is then, Y/N. I slept very well actually thank you, I hope you did too. I feel like it's been ages since I've had a day off to do nothing. Most of the team thinks its better I'm kept occupied, I've been known to take my boredom out on them."
"Well I can do my best to keep you occupied, I wouldn't want you getting yourself in trouble," you smile as you text back.
"I appreciate the offer, I've been told I can be quite a handful at times so you'll have to distract me fairly often," he messages.
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(Y/N POV - 3 months later)
"Hi Loki, are you still awake?" you text him as soon as you wake up, just like you have every morning since the two of you started talking.
A few minutes later your phone chimes and you smile. "Good morning love, I'm here," he replies.
You feel yourself blush at the pet name just as much as you did the first time he called you that. "What are you doing?" you ask him.
"Missing you like always," he responds quickly.
You text back and forth for the next two hours and then you look at the clock. "You should get some sleep Loki, I know it's almost 2am in New York," you tell him. You don't want to stop talking to him but you are worried enough about him when he goes on missions, you didn't want him to be too sleep deprived if he was called away.
He replies, "I have no doubt I would sleep better if you were in my arms, Y/N."
You smile at the thought and say, "I wish I could feel your arms around me, that sounds perfect." You often find yourself imagining what it would be like to rest your head on his chest while he holds you tight as you fell sleep at night.
"Y/N, I would never let you go," he says and then you see him typing again. "You mean so much to me Y/N and I love talking to you, its always the best part of my day."
You smile so wide it almost hurts, "I love talking to you too, Loki and I care about you deeply."
There is a short pause and then you read, "There is something I want to talk to you about. Y/N, I want to see you, I want to be with you. I would love to visit you."
As soon as you read the message your anxiety starts to rise. All you want to do is say yes as quickly as possibly but your mind starts to race. You begin to worry that he won't feel the same way about you when he sees you in person. You have no reason to believe that's true but you can't seem to stop the negative thoughts from pushing their way through. You suddenly feel yourself making up an excuse about being busy with work for the next few weeks without even meaning to.
"Its ok love. I will talk to you in a few hours, you were right about it getting late," he replies.
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(LOKI POV - 6 months later)
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you smile to yourself when you see who the message is from.
"Reindeer Games, are we interrupting you?" Stark asks and you sigh, putting your phone away before you can respond. As soon as Stark is finished, you get up to leave with everyone else. Taking out your phone, you type a message back to Y/N when you step out into the hallway.
"I didn't even know he had a phone," Barton jokes as he leaves the conference room with Natasha. "Lately he's on that damn thing all the time."
She shrugs in response and Thor laughs, saying, "He must be talking to Y/N."
You keep walking, acting as if you don't hear them. You had been away for a few days on a mission and you were excited to talk to Y/N again. You always missed them a great deal when you were away and you loved how they always let you know they missed you.
"Who's Y/N?" Natasha asks as they follow you down the hall to the elevator.
"I would tell you but that's literally all I've been able to get out of him," Thor says and you laugh a bit at how much it annoys him.
Just as you are about the turn the corner at the end of the hall you see Peter and Barnes coming towards you. Barnes nods at everyone then disappears into one of the conference rooms. Peter waves and joins all of you by the elevator.
You say hello to him and open your phone again to respond to Y/N's question. "Oh, tell Y/N I said 'hi', and they were right about that movie. It was really good," Peter says and you nod but then you look up slowly.
"Wait, Parker knows Y/N?" Thor asks and you cringe as the elevator arrives.
Natasha and Barton laugh as Thor grabs your arm and pulls you into the elevator, followed by Peter who mouths 'sorry'. You roll your eyes and put your phone back in your pocket. Since Peter had signed you up for online dating, he had been the only one you talked to about Y/N.
"So..." Thor says, "Are you going to tell us about them?" You shrug and he sighs loudly. "Come on brother, it's been what, three or four months-" he starts.
"Six," you can't help but correct him. "Y/N is a friend, we talk," you explain in the briefest way possible although you aren't sure 'friend' is the right word. You desperately wanted to be more then Y/N's friend and most of the time you think they feel the same. If you were being perfectly honest, you wanted Y/N to be yours and you wanted to be their's entirely.
"Mmhmm... and what does this 'friend' look like?" Natasha asks, raising an eyebrow.
"He doesn't know," Peter answers without thinking and you give him a silencing look, he quickly puts his hand over his mouth.
"What?" Natasha, Barton and Thor ask at the same time. Peter presses his back against the wall of the elevator as if it will help him dissappear while the others look at you questioningly. Y/N's online profile didn't have any pictures when you first started talking and although Peter thought that was odd it never bothered you. What did bother you sometimes was that they never wanted to talk on the phone or video chat (after Peter explained to you what that was). Of course you were curious to know what they looked like and sounded like but mostly you just thought it would easier to talk to them without having to constantly type.
Thankfully the elevator reaches your floor and you step out, making your way to your room quickly. You are almost to your door when you realize Peter is right behind you. You turn and he gives you an apologetic look, you tell him it's fine and he follows you into your room. He makes himself at home like always, hanging his backpack on a hook by the door and taking a seat on your couch.
"So..." he asks excitedly. "How did it go?"
You pace slowly in front of the couch with your phone in your hand then sit heavily on your armchair. "They said no... again" you tell him, tossing the phone lightly on the couch.
"Again?" Peter says almost in shock but you aren't surprised, you're hurt.
You had been asking Y/N if you could visit roughly once a month and every time they had an excuse as to why you couldn't. It was painful to know they were lying to you and you were confused because they were truthful about everything else. They sounded so sincere when they told you they cared for you and missed you and wanted to be with you but the second you mention visiting, they became closed off. You stared at your hands, thinking when you hear Peter say something.
"What?" you ask him to repeat himself as you look up.
"I said, you should just go there," he says, he waves his hand in the vaguely general direction of Norway.
You sit up straighter and look at him. "I could do that," you say to yourself.
"Oh, wait no... I didn't actually mean that," Peter says, his eyes wide as you stand up.
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Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list 💚💚
@michelleleewise @ace-of-gay @high-functioning-lokipath @poetic-fiasco @soubi001 @lokisninerealms @lulubellea13 @lovingchoices14  @justasecretwriter @theaudacitytowrite @klaushargreeves420 @coffeeorsomething-irl @lokisgoodgirl @xorpsbane @avoliax @lokiprompts @talesofadragon @lokiandbuckysdoll @animnerd @juulle987 @lokiprompts21
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated 💚💚
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mr-bigdaddy · 9 months
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mo-the-half · 8 months
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:) Character exploration... I really love how this turned out.
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braveclementine · 9 hours
Chapter 23
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
"WHAT'S ASGARD LIKE?" YOU ASKED THOR softly as he held you on his chest. The two of you were both bare, naked flesh pressed together and limbs tangled. Your hair had started to grow out so that it was at your shoulders now and Thor was moving his fingers through it, stroking your head softly.
"It's beautiful." Thor said in that low voice of his. He could be quiet when he wanted to, which was usually only after the two of you were done messing around in bed. "The city is large, and everything appears to be made of glass and reflective metal, but it is more than that. The palace is huge, we have large horses and wolves and ravens. The people there are fair and ancient, though the children are young and more like Loki in most aspects till they grow up."
Thor rolled over a little so that you were laying next to him now, burying his face into your neck, his voice and breath sending vibrations and shivers up and down your spine.
"I cannot wait to introduce you to Sif, she's my other soulmate. Fandral and Volstagg are my best friends besides Hogun. Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun make up the warrior three and Sif is a companion. The name was to good and the number three is very lucky and powerful to change it warrior four."
"What is Sif like?" You asked.
"She's tall and beautiful, though hard. She can be extremely stubborn and does not like to give in. She's an excellent warrior of course, you have to be if you are a woman to make it into battle. Though our men and women are equal, most women are sent into healing or crafts or even making weapons, not wielding them. However, every woman does know how to wield a blade, if it ever came to that. She softens the others. Hogun is much softer now than when we were growing up. But in all honesty, that might be more Elizabeth than Sif."
"You love it there?"
"It is home." Thor agreed. "You will see and understand once you see it. And you should know that it is your home too, even if we have not had ceremony yet."
You smiled at that as Thor lifted his head out of your neck to gaze lovingly at you. "And we get to go this Saturday?"
"Indeed. I was not sure if we would be going so soon, but mother requests it and we attempt to give her everything she wants." Thor said happily. "You'll love her. She'll love you. It'll be perfect, you'll see."
"I don't suppose I'll be expected of anything?" You asked worriedly. "I won't have to make a speech or anything, right?"
Thor laughed. "You will only have to be by my side for a majority of the time, though you can, of course, be with your other soulmates. And Loki."
You paused, wondering if Thor knew. Wondering if he knew Loki was not really your soulmate. Or perhaps Thor simply assumed Loki would have chosen you and you would have chosen Loki anyways. You wanted to, but you were unsure, not sure if you could handle it if he was watching your sister with coveted eyes when he was supposed to be yours.
"Loki said he's not my soulmate."
"He told you then? About being Jotun?" Thor asked, frowning lightly. "Did he ask you to take him anyways?"
"He said I could accept him and he would be mine, or reject him and he would be Elizabeth's." You admitted. Loki was his brother after all, surely Thor would have some insight.
Thor's eyes widened a little. "That is surprising."
"What were you expecting?" You asked curiously.
Thor thought about it. "To be frank, I thought he would take multiple soulmates. You see, Jotuns' can put their mark on as many people as they want- so long as they have consent. Not only had I thought he would choose both you and your sister, but I thought perhaps he'd put a mark on Sif and perhaps Fandral and Hogun as well. I wonder. . ."
"He did say something about Hogun being okay with him joining him and my sister." You said.
"Perhaps he did not want to choose both of you because he thought it would cause problems between the both of you." Thor pondered, seemingly inside his own head. "That is curious, though I think it would cause more problems if he only chose one."
"You do not have any issues with him sharing Sif with you though?" You asked curiously.
Thor shrugged. "Loki and I have shared Sif many times before. Hogun and I have as well. You will find that Asgardians take a little less stock in the whole soulmate business. Your family is not solely your tattoos and your love can extend past the tattoos. You choose who you love, you don't let love choose for you."
You thought about that. The idea of no bonds and yet bonds being there at the same time. Complete acception without having to have a inked bond with them. It was an enthralling, delicious, tempting idea.
But could you actually go through with it? Could you accept Loki being both yours and Elizabeth's without a bond between any of you?
"Tell me more." You whispered, curling into his arms.
"Yes my Queen." Thor said lovingly, and kissed you passionately on the lips.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
ELIZABETH WAS APPREHENSIVE AS SHE headed down to Tony's lab. She hadn't spoken to Tony since he'd helped her off the floor and then he'd disappeared back into his lab. She thought now it was something more like his bedroom at this point. He almost never left it and she found it sad that Stephen was so equally immersed in the library that they had no one to pull them out and take care of them. Y/N did not bother, she simply went with her other soulmates.
She walked into the lab and Tony looked up expectantly and smiled upon seeing her. It was a smile of relief and yet a hint of joy that Elizabeth was not used to. He looked down at the sandwich in her hands. "I thought you hated bread?"
"I do." She said, putting the sandwich down on another table. "It's for you."
Tony blushed and she was surprised once more.
"I um. . . sort've need your help." Tony said, blushing deeper. "Will you?"
"Sure, with what?" Elizabeth asked, coming to stand next to him. He was taller than her by a few inches, standing just above his shoulder. She could smell a faint cologne that she couldn't identify but probably cost a gazillion dollars wafting off of him.
Tony gestured to the machine he was working with. "I unfortunately don't have four hands. Gosh, can you imagine how cool that would be," He said dreamily, going off onto a tangent. "having four hands would help me complete so many things faster."
Elizabeth smiled a little. Now that she thought about it, she had rarely seen any side of Tony besides a tired or sleepy one. Here, he was in his element. Here was his true self.
"Sorry." Tony said, clearing his throat. "Anyways, if you could hold it, here and here, that would be amazing. You can hold as tight as you need while I fix these screws."
Elizabeth reached out, touching the machine where he'd asked her. "You're not afraid my powers will ruin the entire thing?"
"No." Tony said firmly. "I'm not."
Elizabeth was silent as she watched him tighten bolts and other objects. Messing with wires, pushing green buttons, connecting clips of metal with other clips of metal. He could have called anyone down here to help him. Why her?
"What does this do?" She asked. "Or, what are you hoping it'll do in the future?"
"Hopefully, it'll become an energy absorber." Tony replied. "It's a lot of complicated language, but in short terms, it's for you. I can't figure out anything smaller yet, so this is the solution right now. If this is done properly, there will be a panel with electrodes. You can put them on your hands and it will absorb your powers. I don't think it can take all of them, just enough every day so that you can live a normal life."
Elizabeth was touched. "Thank you Tony."
Her eyes caught on a glass flower that sat on the shelf. Unlike the other objects on the shelf, it was clean, the glass catching on the lights, throwing colours up on the walls. It was ornate, beautiful, and clearly homemade.
"You blow glass." Elizabeth said quietly, her words making Tony choke.
"I- what?!" He blurted out.
Elizabeth nodded up towards the flower. "It's beautiful. The glass flower."
"Oh." Tony said, sighing in relief. "Yeah. It was my first time er- blowing it. I'd never really worked with such a fragile material as glass. Not for decoration anyways."
Tony put the screwdriver down and Elizabeth let go of the machine. "Well, if that was all-"
"Wait!" Tony shouted in panic, lightly grabbing her wrist. "Stay for just a moment, please? I want to tell you something."
Elizabeth grew wary. "I don't want excuses T-"
"They're not." He said. "Well, maybe they are. Look, I'm not asking you to take me back if you don't want me. And that's not a fair play on words because I'm the one who didn't take you first. But I just want to tell you what my stupid mind was thinking."
Elizabeth sighed and sat down. "Only if you eat your sandwich first."
Tony's relief seemed to roll off of him in waves and Elizabeth had to tell him to slow down or he was going to choke on his sandwich and die.
In reality, Elizabeth wasn't mad. She was realizing that effort wasn't only one way. She should not have sat back and waited for them to come to her. She should have made an effort as well and tried to come to them, at least with Tony and Stephen. They were used to keeping themselves locked up in a single room for seventy-two hours. They weren't going to change overnight.
"When you first heard of Tony Stark, what did you think of?" He asked softly as he put the plate aside.
Elizabeth thought about it. She couldn't entirely pin a moment where she had first heard of his name. "I remember you were with weapons. And then you were kidnapped. I think the first time I started associating your name with anything was with technology. If someone said Tony Stark, I thought of the daydream simulation you had created."
Tony looked seemingly taken aback and then chuckled. "You know, most people say 'Iron man' or 'rich' or 'billionaire'."
"I'm not most people." Elizabeth whispered. "I read Bruce Banners Gamma Radiation books for fun."
He watched her lips quirk into a small smile and he smiled too. "The things is, besides Stephen, there has never been another person who didn't want me around for either my body, my name, or my money."
"She has no qualms about spending my money." Tony said quietly. "And that's not her fault because I ask her to. And I'm fine with it, because giving money to people, giving them gifts, that's how I show my love. And if I'm not giving them gifts, I'm fucking around with them. But you. . . you didn't want me for any of that. You refused to spend my money, you didn't want sex, you were so different and. . . and I was terrified you were going to reject me. It was like you didn't need me. So I thought. . . I so stupidly thought if I locked myself in the lab, you wouldn't have a chance to reject me. Maybe you just needed time, maybe you would spend my money, show me that you were okay with spending my money, but you didn't. You spent your own, even when you barely had enough. And I thought it meant you couldn't rely on me or maybe you didn't want to rely on me. I've never. . . it was an ego thing I guess because I've never not been needed. And you were so clearly in love with Hogun that I knew I'd become background. And that wasn't fair to you. And I'm sorry. If I could restart it all, I wouldn't hide. It was unfair to put that ideology on you when you didn't even know I was doing it. Because you didn't know me. Because I didn't let you get to know me. But I can't restart it. I can't even beg because I don't deserve it and I know I don't. But I had to tell you, I had to let you know that even if you leave here and never look back, it's not because I didn't love you."
Elizabeth reached out softly and took his hand. She smiled a little and said. "Tony, look at me."
He looked at her and she read him. Despair and self loathing were the most prominent emotions. And behind that was hatred towards himself and just the slightest bit of hope.
"I don't spend your money because I haven't earned it. I'm not your wife. I have no rights to your money, even if you say I do. I could never spend your money without being yours. And I believe my virginity is sacred to a marriage only. That I should be pure in front of God when I stand at the altar and take my soulmates for husbands. I cannot promise that I will accept you. But I also know I should've made an effort too. You and Stephen are both used to going days without leaving your respective places. I should've done more. So, if you can promise that you will at least try after this, then I too will try and we will see where this goes."
He wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her passionately, but somehow didn't believe that was what she had meant about trying. "I promise."
Elizabeth smiled. "I saw that look. You can kiss me."
He stood up, leaning down to press his lips to hers. She tilted her head up a little from where she was sitting. He could taste salt and ice-cream. She could taste ham and cucumber.
Tony moved past her to pick up the glass flower. "I made this for you. I thought you'd appreciate something home made instead of bought. It's a Magnolia Elizabeth flower, just in case you were wondering."
Elizabeth's face turned pink and she accepted it happily. "Thank you Tony."
"Elizabeth, I really will try." Tony said solemnly. "But the habit of being in his lab for hours upon hours is all I've known since I was twenty or so. I can't promise that I can get out of it. But you are more than welcome to come here."
Elizabeth smiled, rubbing her finger over the glass. "I will."
She turned.
"Let me take you out to dinner. As a date. Men always pay the bill on a date, soulmate or not." He bargained, grinning.
Elizabeth laughed. "Fine. Tomorrow."
He grinned as she left. It had gone a thousand times better than he had planned or imagined. Now, he just needed to not screw it up.
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winter-clue-heart · 1 month
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Ice Cream, anyone? 🍦
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Ooooh, smut prompt 31 and 6 with Loki! (wonder if that would be even POSSIBLE with JotunLoki?! 😮)
Oooo I’ve never done a JotunLoki one before 😁 how exciting - apologies in advance if it’s trash
#31 ~ “I can’t stop picturing you sucking my dick like that ice lolly.”
#6 ~ “Can you feel what you’re doing to me?”
Jotun Loki x female reader
It was exceptionally hot in the compound today. So hot that you worried for Loki but he assured that he was fine. You assumed that he’d done some sort of spell so that he wouldn’t melt or whatever it was that that witch could do. You didn’t properly understand his powers or his two forms for that matter apart from that one of them was this Loki, human looking, and the other one looked like some sort of handsome blue sex god who had the libido of an addict starved. You never told Loki but that one was your favourite.
Currently, you were sitting on Lokis lap as you ate an ice lolly, mid conversation with some of the other Avengers. Every time you laughed, Lokis grip on you tightened slightly for a few moments before he loosened it again. Once the others turned towards someone else, Loki pulled you against him slightly as he whispered in your ear.
“I can’t stop picturing you sucking my dick like that ice lolly.” He spoke eliciting a small giggle from you causing you to shake in his lap again “can you feel what you’re doing to me.” He added, grinding his hips into yours slightly so you could feel his erection. An idea popped into your head as you brought the ice lolly back to your lips. Whenever Loki was in his other form, he was considerably colder. Perhaps you would suck his dick like an ice lolly.
“Wait for me in my room and Loki, I wanna see you blue.” You smiled, turning to speak in his ear. You got off of his lap as he adjusted his trousers whilst he stood before making his way towards your room.
When you entered, you found Loki nude in his Jotun form waiting for you with a smirk. He was so much bigger in this form.
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Thor: Then why do you dress like one
Y/n: he’s right, you do look a little like a witch. You also do spells Loki
Thor: Sounds like a witch
Y/n: Whatever you say Loki whatever you say
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zeriphi · 5 months
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Zacki standing on an off screen ledge in order to be ~not~ comically shorter than his 12ft husband.
Somehow my last piece of this specific iteration of Zacki and Loki "breached containment" and I'm not sure how but also not complaining.
(OC, MCU self insert, Zacki Udonta Party Thor universe vers.)
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misschris1412 · 2 years
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Rose McIver : Esteline (fée d’Alfheim)
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vbecker10 · 2 years
I'm Here (Part 2 of 2)
Part 1 here
Pairing: Jotun Loki x gender neutral reader
Warnings: touch of self doubt, bit of angst, fluff and happiness as promised
POV: Y/N pov & Loki pov
Summary: After a string of terrible blind dates, Loki is pushed into trying online dating and despite his doubts, he meets you. The two of you become fast friends and soon you find yourself falling for him completely. After a few months, Loki begins to ask if he can visit you but every time he does, you come up with an excuse to keep him away. Eventually, Loki decides it's worth the risk and goes to Norway to see you, but will you be excited to see him?
Word Count: 4k words
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(Y/N POV - the next day)
You come home after work and kick off your shoes as you sigh loudly. You check your phone again and throw it on the couch, Loki still hasn't responded to your last message and why would he. Sinking into the couch, you put your hand over your face and feel the tears begin surface again, you were so tired of crying but you couldn't stop. You can feel your heart breaking into pieces, Loki had finally given up on you and you only had yourself to blame.
(Y/N POV- the night before)
When you told him he couldn't come, he said you he understood like always and then he quickly changed the subject. Everything seemed fine, he had just gotten back from a mission and you were thrilled he was safe and you could to talk to him again. After about half an hour or so he told you he needed to take care of a few things and he would talk to you as soon as he was free. A few hours later he finally sent you a text, but you weren't expecting it to be this.
"Y/N, can we talk about why I can't visit you? I want to understand. I care about you so much, you know that, and I want to be with you. I want you to be mine and I thought you felt the same. Please, just tell me the truth, why don't you want to see me?" the message said and you could feel your chest tighten.
Your fingers ghosted over the keypad as you tried to tell him what was going on in your mind. Your inner voice screamed, telling you that you weren't extraordinary enough for him... he was an Avenger. You didn't deserve to be loved or cared for by him... he was a prince. He would leave as soon as he realized you were beneath him... he was a god. You were deeply in love with him but you the voice would tell you that you would never he his.
You try to respond but you can't get your thoughts together. It must have taken you too long because your phone chimes again and your heart sinks. "I'm sorry I keep asking, I won't bring it up again," you can barely hold yourself together when you see those words.
You stare at the phone, your hands shaking slightly and you write back, "Loki, I'm sorry." He didn't reply to you again that night, you laid awake holding your pillow tightly as you cried and cursed yourself. When the sun rose, you were still awake and there was still no response.
Your phone chimes and you pick it up, smiling through your tears when you see a new message from Loki. Maybe he hadn't given up on you completely, you hope when you open the text.
"Hi love," it says and you wipe your eyes, letting out a small sigh.
You reply back quickly, "Hi Loki, I've missed you. I'm so sorry about last night."
Those stupid dots appear and disappear several times and your anxiety starts to rise. Was he going to end things officially, is that why he messaged you? No, you try to reason with yourself, he called you 'love', he wouldn't if he was upset with you, would he? You bite your lip and wait for him to finish typing.
"I missed you every second. I'm sorry I didn't respond to you last night, I have a surprise for you but it took a bit longer than I thought," he replies.
"A surprise?" you ask curiously. He had a sweet habit of sending you small gifts when something reminded him of you or he saw something he thought you would like. What kind of surprise would have kept him from talking to you for so long, you wonder.
"I'm here," he types and your mind freezes.
You stare at the words, finally writing back, "Where is here?"
"I came to see you," he texts back and you put the phone screen down on the table quickly.
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You pace back and forth at baggage claim, waiting for a response. Peter had told you not to come but after Y/N wouldn't explain why they didn't want to see you, you bought the first ticket you could. You couldn't wait any longer, you needed an answer.
After a few minutes without a reply, you text again, "Y/N, I know you told me not to come but I want to talk to you, please answer me."
You feel yourself holding your breath as the message remains unread. You wander slowly through the airport and take a seat at a random gate. You put your face in your hand, realizing maybe you had made a mistake. Y/N didn't want you here. Your phone vibrates and you open it excitedly but it's a new text from Peter. You sigh, not in the mood to tell him he was right, you lock your phone again.
You feel something bump into your leg and you look up, seeing a happy couple walk past you. The man apologizes to you with a smile, his arms wrapped tightly around his partner's waist. You nod to him and sit back in the seat, looking at your phone again. You unlock it and decide to send another text.
"I'm sorry for whatever it is I've done to make you not want to see me. I'm going to try and book a ticket back home," you hit send and stand up. "I won't try to visit again, but we can still talk if you want to," you text, feeling your heart tear in half.
You make your way to the ticket agents and stand at the back of the line, your phone on your pocket. Each time you move forward, you lose a piece of hope until you finally reach the counter. You purchase a ticket to go back to New York and lean against a wall, taking your phone out again. The messages you've sent are still unread. "My flight is in an hour, I'm sorry I came," you type slowly then rest your head on the wall.
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You sit on the couch, your arms wrapped around your knees as your phone continues to chime on the coffee table. You put your head on your arms and cry silently as your thoughts keep you from responding to him. Your phone chimes again and you wipe your eyes with the back of your hand, slowly reaching for it. You see four new messages and you take a deep breath as you open them. You read the last message and stand up quickly, he was leaving. Suddenly your only thought is that you needed to stop him. You click on his image in your phone and do something you've never done before, you call him.
Racing to put your shoes on and grabbing your keys, you hear the ringing continue. Please pick up, you say out loud and finally you hear him answer. "Y/N?" he asks in a low voice.
"Loki, please don't leave. I'm sorry, I'm coming. Please wait for me," you say quickly as you get into your car, breathing hard from crying.
"I'm still here love," he replies and you start your car. "Take your time Y/N, I'm not going anywhere," he tells you in a soothing voice and you let out a small laugh between tears. You had hurt him yet again today but he was still worried about you as he told you to drive carefully. You hang up and try to focus on the forty-five minute drive you have ahead of you.
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You call Peter and let him know Y/N is on their way, he sounds so excited for you and he wishes you good luck. You purposefully leave out the part where Y/N ignored you for so long you bought a return ticket. It just isn't something you want to talk about right now. You decide to sit in the waiting area for about half an hour then you make your way towards the exit.
Standing outside by the line of cars waiting to pick up friends, family and loved ones you begin to search their faces for someone you had never seen. You start to feel your hope fading again when you realize its been over an hour since Y/N said they were on their way. Had they changed their mind at a red light or were they here and still unwilling to meet you, you can't help but wonder. You close your eyes and lean against the facade of the building, trying to hold onto your last bit of hope that they will be here.
"Loki?" you hear a voice call to you.
You open your eyes and stand up straight. "Y/N?" you ask, coming face to face with them for the first time. They nod slowly and smile, their eyes are red and their cheeks are streaked with tears. Without thinking, you move quickly, pulling them close to you as you wrap your arms around them tightly. Their body is tense but you feel them relax against yours as they exhale deeply and grip the fabric at the back of your jacket.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Loki," they mumble into your chest and you shake your head. You release your grip slightly and touch their cheek, wiping away the fresh tears.
"Look at me love," you say softly and they look up cautiously. "You're here now, that's all that matters to me," they nod again and wipe their eyes on the back of their hand.
"I'm such a mess right now, this isn't how I wanted you to see me the first time," they say as they look down again. They pull at the sleeves of their jacket and you smile at how cute they look when they are awkward.
You take one of their hands in yours, running your thumb over their knuckle and they look up at you again. "I think you are perfect Y/N," you tell them, then you lean down and softly kiss their forehead. You are afraid if you move too quickly they will run even though you desperately want to feel their lips on yours.
They blush and you stroke their cheek again, wiping the last of their tears with your thumb. "Norns, it is so good to finally be close to you. To hear your voice, to see your smile, to hug you tightly. I've wished for nothing else since we began talking."
Y/N smiles and looks up at you, "Thank you for not listening to me."
They hug you tighter and you want nothing more then to never let go of them. The two of you stand with your arms wrapped tightly around one another a few moments longer and then they pull back slightly. You can feel yourself tense up, worried about what the next steps are now.
"Um.... so, did you get a hotel or...?" their question trails off.
"I wasn't honestly sure what to do about my sleeping arrangements. If you are more comfortable, I can get a room somewhere nearby," you offer.
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You pull into your driveway and turn off the car, looking over at Loki you smile nervously and he squeezes your hand. "Well, here it is," you tell him and he looks out the window at your small, one story house. You get out of the car and begin to worry he is going to regret not staying in one of the high end hotels in the city. He's probably used to such lavish and extravagant things whereas you're idea of luxury was using your dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand. "I know it's not a palace or a super high-tech skyscraper but-" you start.
"It looks like a home," he says, then he looks back at you and smiles. He takes his bag and then holds his other hand out for you. You interlock your fingers with his and you instantly begin to feel calmer. "Shall we?" he asks and you nod before you can change your mind.
You open the front door and as you let him in you feel extremely thankful you are a naturally tidy person. Keeping your hand in his, you give him a quick tour of your home, guiding him through your living room into it dining room and kitchen then finally your bedroom. He walks over to your bed and he runs his long fingers over the soft green blanket he had sent you. You watch his face light up when he looks around the room and sees all the things he sent you displayed proudly. You cherished every gift and you were glad he could finally see how much you loved the books, the stuffed animal and the postcards of various places in New York you had wanted to visit.
Loki sits on your bed and looks over at you, his smile fading slowly as you sit next to him. He sighs and places his hand gently on your knee, you put your hand over top of his.
"Can we talk about why I wouldn't let you visit?" you ask quietly and he nods. You take a deep breath and look at the floor, unable to look in his eyes. After a moment or two, you finally open up to him, telling him all your fears and negative thoughts. You feel the tears slowly building again and then his hands touches your face softly making you look at him.
"I wish you had told me this before," he tells you in a caring voice. He shifts to be closer to you, one arm around your waist and his hand still on your cheek. "You are everything I have ever wanted and more. I would never change a single thing about you love, you are perfect in every way," he tells you and you begin to smile but you notice a sadness in his eyes.
"Loki, what's wrong?" you ask.
"You aren't the only one who has doubts about worthiness," he says and you ask what he means. "There's something I have not told you, I wasn't sure how to. I'm not... I'm not who you think I am, I'm not an Asgardian," he tells you and you look at him questioningly. He lets go of you, bringing his hands together to fidget with his fingers. You sit quietly and listen to Loki as he looks at his hands, telling you about Odin, Laufey and Jotunheim. When he finishes, you put your hand over his and he finally looks up at you.
"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, you didn't deserve to be taken or used by them. But Loki..." you make sure he is still looking at you. "None of that changes how I feel about you. I'm sorry Odin made you feel like you were a monster but he's wrong. You are kind and patient and loving, you didn't deserve to have him as a father."
He smiles a bit and then he lifts your hand to his lips, kissing it lightly. "Besides, I don't think I could tell an Asgardian from a Jotun if my life depended on it," you joke but he shakes his head.
"You would be able to tell," he says and you ask how. He is quiet for a moment, then he gestures to himself and says, "This is all an illusion... I've never shown anyone what I truly look like."
You keep your fingers intertwined with his, "I would love to see the real you but you don't have to if you aren't ready."
He looks worried but says, "I want to show you, I just don't want you to be afraid of me."
"I could never be scared of you," you tell him and he nods.
He looks down at his hand in yours and his fingers slowly turn the most beautiful shade of blue you have ever seen. The color gradually moves up until his arms, neck and face are blue as well. Thin ridges form in intricate patterns on his arms and face. When he looks up at you, his eyes are as red as rubies. Without even thinking, you slowly reach out with your free hand and trace one of the raised lines on his cheek.
"Is it ok?" he asks and you smile back at him.
"Of course it's ok Loki. I told you, you are not a monster. You are stunning and you have the most striking eyes I've ever seen," you tell him and he smiles. You feel yourself lean forward suddenly and you press your lips to his quickly, before pulling away and hiding your blushing face in your hands.
He looks at you almost as if he is in shock and then he chuckles a bit. "Not in a million years did I think you were going to kiss me first," he says, the smile on his face growing.
"I didn't think I was going to do that either," you say from behind your hands.
He laughs again and reaches to take your hands away from your face. You lean back as you laugh and end up with your back on your bed. You feel the space on the bed next to you sink and you lower your hands slightly to see Loki lying on his side next to you. He props himself up on his elbow and he smiles warmly at you. He touches your cheek lightly and his skin feels cold but not uncomfortably so.
He looks at you for a moment, his fingers tracing your jaw as you look up at him and says, "Y/N... there is one more thing I need to tell you." You feel yourself holding your breath, unsure what his last secret could be. "I am completely and utterly in love with you," he tells you as you look into his deep red eyes.
You exhale with a smile and say, "Loki, I am madly in love with you. I have been since we first started talking."
You place your hand on the back of his neck and gently pull him towards you. He presses his lips to yours, softly at first then you feel him put his arm around your waist. He shifts onto his back and pulls you on top of him, never breaking the kiss. One of his large hands rests on your lower back, holding you tightly to him while his other hand cups your cheek. You feel his tongue run across your lips and you open your mouth, moaning softly as his tongue meets yours. Your fingers run through his long, raven curls and you bite his lip lightly as you finally break the kiss to catch your breath.
"Y/N," he kisses your nose softly, "I still can't believe I'm here with you."
You rest your head on his shoulder and listen to his heartbeat with a smile. "I can't either. I've dreamt about laying in your arms for so long, I never thought it would actually happen," you tell him.
He kisses the top of your head and runs his fingers up and down your back. "You're stuck with me now," he jokes but you shake your head and hold him tighter.
"You're going to have to go back," you say quietly.
"Not yet, we have two weeks love," he reminds you of how long he told Stark and the team he would be away. "We will figure this out. I'm not going to be able to stay away from you for very long."
You nod hopefully and close your eyes. You aren't sure how long you two stayed like that but you must have fallen asleep. Loki's strong arms are still wrapped around your body, holding your back to his chest as you both lay on your sides. You readjust a little, pressing yourself closer to his body and he smiles in his sleep. "Y/N..." he whispers softly, and you kiss his cheek before closing your eyes again.
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(LOKI POV - the next morning)
You open your eyes to an unfamiliar loud beeping and groan. "Sorry, it's my alarm," Y/N tells you as the turn it off.
They kiss your cheek and move to slide out of the bed but you keep your arm around them. Pulling them back to you, you shake your head. "No, stay," you mumble.
Y/N giggles and says, "Loki, I have to go to work. I'll tell my boss I need to use my vacation time for the rest of this week and next week but I have to at least go in today."
You groan again but know they are right. You couldn't really expect them not to go to work, especially since you had come without warning them. "I'll be home around six, ok?" they tell you when you loosen your grip to let them out of the bed.
"I like that," you smile, sitting up a bit.
"Like what?" they ask.
"You coming home to me," you tell them as you get out of the bed.
Y/N smiles as you walk over to them. "I like it too," they say, you put your arms around them. Leaning down, you kiss them and then go into the kitchen to make coffee for both of you while they get ready.
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(Y/N POV - night before Loki leaves)
Loki lays on his back and you curl up against his side, resting your head on his chest. You put one arm around him and he holds you close. You look into his glowing red eyes and smile. You were so happy he felt comfortable enough with you to remain in his Jotun form while you were in the house, you wanted him to be himself completely.
"I love you," you tell him as he shuts off the light.
"I love you too," he says, placing his fingers under your chin to tilt your head towards his. He kisses you and you kiss him back. "Goodnight love," he says and you can hear the smile in his voice.
You tell him goodnight and close your eyes but you know sleep will be hard to come by tonight. It's your last night together for who knows how long, months most likely but how many? Three... four? Would it be another six months before he can come back? You don't want to think about how much it will hurt to see him leave so you try to focus on all the memories the two of you made while he was here.
You remember when you came home from work the day after he arrived. You walked through the door and there were candles all throughout the living and dining rooms. A large vase of fresh flowers sat in the middle of the table and there was soft music playing. He greeted you at the door with a warm smile, wrapping his arms around you as he kissed you and told you he missed you. He kept an arm around your waist as he took you to the dining room, pulling out your chair like a true gentleman. He had cooked dinner for the both of you and you admitted to him that you were shocked he knew how to cook.
Over the next few days, the two of you took several trips into the city. Visiting museums, bookstores and even seeing a movie. You had taken him to your favorite park and he told you about the gardens on Asgard. No matter what you did or where you went, Loki never let go of you. He always held your hand or kept his arm around your waist and you loved every second of it.
At the beginning of the second week, it began to snow so you stayed home together. You lit the fireplace in your living room and curled up on the floor in front of the couch as Loki read poems and short stories to you. You would close your eyes and listen to the sound of his voice as you played with his long hair. When the snow got higher, you had a snowball fight then built a snowman before coming inside for hot chocolate. You taught him how to make smores and they quickly became one of his favorite foods.
The more time you spent with him, the deeper you fell for him which you didn't think was possible. Loki was the most amazing person you had ever met and you were terrified to say goodbye to him.
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(LOKI POV - night before you leave)
Your eyes flutter open and the room is still dark. You listen, trying to figure out what sound woke you. Feeling Y/N shake slightly in your arms, you realize they are crying quietly.
"Y/N, love are you ok?" you ask in a whisper. They sniffle and you can feel them shake their head 'no'. "What's wrong?" you ask but you have a feeling you know.
"I don't want to do this. I can't say goodbye to you," they say quietly. Y/N rolls over so they aren't facing you, trying to hide their face in the pillow. "What if you can't come back to visit again or..." they don't finish their question.
"Y/N, I don't want to say goodbye to you either. I would stay here forever if I could," you tell them honestly. "Look at me," you say softly, putting your hand on their shoulder as you sit up. They roll back towards you and you lean down, kissing them deeply. "I love you more than anything and I promise we will be together," you say. You hadn't figured out how it was going to work but you knew you would do anything to be with Y/N.
"I love you too Loki," they tell you but you can hear the sadness in their voice.
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(LOKI POV - two weeks after your trip)
You sit in your armchair by the window, reading a new book, trying to distract yourself from how much you miss Y/N. As much as you enjoyed the phone calls and video chats, nothing would compare to physically being with them. You found it difficult to sleep without them cuddled against you and waking up alone gave you an empty feeling.
Your phone vibrates on the side table and you smile. "Hi Loki, I missed you," the text reads.
"Hi love," you type back. "I missed you too. How was work?" you ask, knowing it was a little after six there.
There is a pause for a few minutes then you get another message that simply says, "I'm here."
"Y/N, where are you?" you ask, standing up slowly, putting your book on your chair.
A picture loads and you nearly drop your phone. Its a selfie of Y/N smiling as they stand in front of a large steel and glass building. You recognize it immediately, it's Stark Tower.
You make your way down to street level as quickly as possible and see Y/N waiting for you just outside the doors. You throw your arms around them and hug them tightly, lifting them off the ground. Y/N giggles and you set them back down, still holding them. They reach up and touch your face softly then guide your lips to theirs.
"What... what are you doing here?" you ask, you are confused by you can't stop smiling.
"I didn’t want to say anything because I didn't think it would work out but... I applied for a job here a week or so before you came to visit," they point towards the tower. "And they called me a couple of days ago."
You can barely believe what you are hearing, "You... you're going to work here? And live in New York?" you ask in shock.
They smile and nod then say, "I haven't actually had time to look for a place yet-"
"Move in with me," you say without even thinking.
@michelleleewise @ace-of-gay @high-functioning-lokipath @poetic-fiasco @soubi001 @lokisninerealms @lulubellea13 @lovingchoices14  @justasecretwriter @theaudacitytowrite @klaushargreeves420 @coffeeorsomething-irl @lokisgoodgirl @xorpsbane @avoliax @talesofadragon @lokiandbuckysdoll @animnerd @juulle987 @lokiprompts21 @javagirl328 @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @mochie85 @princess-asgard
Y/N reaches up and kisses you, their hand on the back of your neck, your hands still firmly around their waist. "I would love to," they answer.
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mr-bigdaddy · 10 months
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mo-the-half · 3 months
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:) working on Asmund’s outfit. I really like how it turned out. I think this one’s a keeper.
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louthegothartist · 2 years
The Royal Children of Jotunheim
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White Hair: Helblindi Laufeyson, second born.
No hands: Anda Laufeydöttr, forth and last born. (My OC)
Shortest: Loki Laufeyson, first born
In all blue: Bylester Laufeyson, third born.
They're attending a Royal thing, so time to dress up.
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braveclementine · 9 hours
Chapter 21
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
YOU SCREAMED AS SHE FELL, BUCKY rushing to your side to pull you into a hug. Hogun and Loki caught her together as she fell. He hadn't killed her, you realized, just put a sleeping solution into her veins. You were shaking though, and Bucky held you tighter in his hands.
"What the hell was that?" Hogun asked, spinning around angrily on Fury.
"Perhaps you didn't notice, but she just emitted ice out of her body." Fury pointed out. "She clearly can't control it. They didn't let her go because she was useless, they let her go to use her as a weapon against us. We can't afford that. We can use one of the holding cells-"
"You're kidding me." Loki almost snarled. "There is no way in Hell-"
"It's what has to be done." Steve said. "She's dangero-"
Steve had to duck as Loki threw a dagger at him. Bucky immediately let you go, pulling out his gun and pointed it at Loki. "Do that again, I dare you."
Loki made another dagger appear, throwing it at Steve again and Bucky shot the gun. Loki simply moved out of the way and the bullet imbedded itself into the wall behind him. Thor's hammer crackled to life and he pointed it at Bucky with blazing eyes.
"ENOUGH!" Wanda shouted, red energy pulsed throughout the room and even you felt the sweeping calm that was emitted.
Once everyone had calmed down a little, Fury continued. "We can put her in one of the holding cells. Wanda, you can teach her how to control her powers. Or Pietro. Meanwhile, Stark and Banner can look for an antidote or create something to keep her powers down."
Tony looked stricken- actually most everyone did except maybe Steve. At that moment, Nat and Bruce entered the room and took everything in with wide eyes.
"What the hell happened?" Nat asked, looking from Elizabeth's body still in Loki's arms while Hogun stood next to her, his hand on his sword to drawn it if necessary, to the shattered and still partly frozen coffee table to Fury who still had his dart gun in his hand.
"It's a long story Romanoff." Fury finally said. "Rogers, Stark, Maximoff, get to your assigned jobs."
Hogun wasn't having it. "You are not putting her in a cell like she's a criminal."
"She has to be isolated for everyone's protection, including her own." Fury said, narrowing his eyes at the Asian Asgardian.
Thor reached out, touching Hogun's shoulder. "C'mon mate. Wanda will help her and she'll be out in no time."
With Thor's command, Hogun finally backed off, turning his back and storming over to the window. Loki trailed after him, keeping a sideways eye on Bucky the entire time.
Steve was the one that moved forward, picking Elizabeth's body up off the ground. He flinched again and you realized that her skin must be cold. Wanda quickly followed after her, her brother on her heels.
"Once again, anyone want to explain something to me?" Nat asked with raised eyebrows. "Because I swear Nick, if you're putting that girl in the containment chamber for no reason at all, I'm going to shoot you."
"TYPHON gave her powers." Clint spoke up now. He looked troubled as well. "There was. . . well a slight outburst. No one was hurt or anything, except the table clearly. But Fury assumes they sent her as an explosive weapon. She doesn't know how to control the powers."
Nat turned on her heel without saying anything to storm back to the elevator. You wondered for a moment where she was going.
You slid off the table. You had to see Elizabeth. You were feeling as though everything that had just happened was your fault. If you had just agreed to her request, she would've been fine. Her and Hogun would have left, you wouldn't even know that she had any powers.
"Miss Y/L/N, I would suggest that you don't go down there quite yet." Fury's voice said behind you as you headed to the elevator. "She won't even be awake yet."
You paused at the elevator and looked over at him. "She's my little sister. And I've done a really crappy job of being the protective big sister. But I don't plan on screwing up anymore."
You let the elevator doors close below you, no one coming to stop you and you descended downwards towards the basement of the building.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
TONY SAT IN HIS LAB, STARING AT THE sculpture on his desk. It made him itchy when he couldn't give people his money. It was an issue he had, he knew it was. But those around him usually didn't mind. Stephen had gotten him to a point where he only bought him things for holidays and Y/N never turned a thing down. But Elizabeth. . .
So he'd made something instead. He hadn't really been sure what sort of thing to make for her. So he'd put a bunch of glass together, using fire and torches, restarting over and over until he'd made a Magnolia Elizabeth flower out of glass. It was multi-coloured, mostly green and blue, with some hints of purple and yellow in there was well.
And now, he was fairly certain she hated him. Hated all of them. The way she'd almost rejected Steve if Loki hadn't put a hand over her mouth. What if she had rejected all of them? What if she had wanted to reject all of them?
Well, if she hadn't before, she most certainly would now. Fury shouldn't have shot her. Steve shouldn't have put her in the case.
He felt the suffocation rise in his throat at the thought of Elizabeth leaving, even though he knew it was the best for her. He could play the blame game and point fingers at Steve and Bucky, but he knew he had barely paid her any attention either. The proof was right there on his back. There was almost no colour in their bond. Only the faintest of cream at the tip of the birds wings.
He knew he deserved it if she left.
They all did.
He picked the glass flower up, throwing it to the floor. Before it hit the ground, it was sucked up into an orange portal and he looked up to see the flower in Stephens' hands. "It was to pretty to destroy, even if you never give it to her." Stephen said softly, putting the glass sculpture back down on the desk.
"Tones, are you alright?" Stephen asked softly.
"No. We deserve it, don't we? Her leaving us?" Tony asked, looking up at him.
Stephen sighed. He felt terrible for Tony and himself, but he loved Tony to much to lie to him. "Yes."
Tony nodded, sitting down in his chair. "It feels. . . wrong to be so upset about the idea of her leaving, even if she's staying now but that's because she's being forced to. But it feels wrong because-"
"Because we weren't there for her before." Stephen finished, pulling Tony into his arms. "Yeah, we both fucked up royally."
"Do you think. . . do you think there is any chance she'd take us back?" Tony asked softly. "Maybe if I explain, if I can change."
Stephen observed him for a moment and then said softly. "I love you Tony. So I'm not going to lie to you. You can tell her why you stayed away. But I can't promise it'll do anything more than maybe the two of you separate on good terms."
Tony nodded. Stephen kissed the side of his head. "Do you have plans for how to tone her powers down?"
"No." Tony whispered feeling useless, glancing over at the flower again. "None."
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ELIZABETH WOKE UP, FEELING COLD. She'd felt cold ever since the procedures that she had done. She felt like there was ice in her veins, liquid ice and it hurt.
She lifted her head and saw that she was laying on the floor of a padded white room. There was a large glass window in front of her that she could only see her reflection in, and a white door. It was like something out of a horror movie, with an asylum.
She sat up, and then got to her feet. She assumed that the Avengers were watching her and she touched the spot where Fury had shot her.
She went over to sit in the corner, the padded walls providing the only warmth. She leaned her head against it and closed her eyes again. All she wanted to think about was summer now. The heat baking her into a golden tan. Baby lambs and calves and goats and piglets and chicks and puppies and rabbits and horse foals being born. Learning to walk and run. Swimming in the pond. Sitting in the hayloft with Hogun, reading a book and eating fresh apples. She could almost smell it. Smell the summer.
And now it was fall. The colours on the trees turning from green to orange and red. Sometimes yellow, but mostly orange. It would get cooler so that the animals were spending more time in their barns and hutches. The rabbits would grow thicker coats. Her and her father would go out and plant pumpkins and corn. She'd have to wear a thick coat and fingerless gloves.
And her father would sing a country song by someone named Luke Bryan and he'd sing it every year, every day of fall until she was singing it along with him.
It's harvest time in this little town Time to bring it on in, pay the loans down Fill our diesel tank up, make another round There's a big red moon comin' up in the sky Combine's cuttin' in a staggered line The only time of year we miss the church bells chime It's harvest time
Of course, he sung it even when they were planting. But the song was catchy regardless.
A smile came to her lips, hearing the song in her head, sung by her father.
There's a thermos and a water jug rollin' around in the cab A set of socket wrenches wrapped up in a greasy red rag Bobby's mother pulls in the field bringin' us supper We grab a bite and make sure to hug her Saddle back up and let the big wheels roll
Her lips started to move, as she sang quietly.
It's harvest time in this little town Time to bring it on in, pay the loans down Fill our diesel tank up, make another round There's a big red moon comin' up in the sky Combine's cuttin' in a staggered line The only time of year we miss the church bells chime It's harvest time
She cut off, voice choked and buried her head in her knees. She'd give up all of her soulmates if it meant she could be back on her farm with her father, singing that song.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
HOGUN SAT IN THE CHAIR BY THE WINDOW, watching his soulmate cry. He'd never had a soulmate before. Fandral and Thor had had Sif. Volstagg had a nice girl down in the village. But not him. He only had one. Sometimes Fandral, Thor, and Sif invited him into their bedroom and he'd fooled around with them quite a few times. It wasn't uncommon on Asgard to take in those who weren't your soulmates. Sometimes you had to wait a thousand years.
And now he had her. What? Five months? They were already bonded, had already had their Asgardian ceremony. Were waiting to get their Earthy marriage. He loved her and he was letting them keep her in the cage.
Fury hadn't trust him not to try and help her escape so F.R.I.D.A.Y. had reluctantly denied Hogun access into the case. It pissed him off.
Loki was the only other one in the room. Hogun had never had much to do with Loki before Loki had been pardoned and joined the Avengers. Loki caused trouble, he was quiet, he was a bookworm. But they'd bonded over the idea that they were both soulmate less.
Now, he glanced up at Loki who was looking at Elizabeth with a troubled look on his face. Hogun glanced at where Y/N's soulmark was but it was covered by his long sleeves.
Loki turned and walked away without a word and Hogun called out, "Loki."
Loki stopped but did not turn back around and Hogun said softly. "It would have been a yes from me."
Loki simply nodded, and left the room.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Loki's soft voice interrupted you as you sat on your bed, staring out the window at New York. The tall skyscrapers entranced you as though in a dream and you pulled back now to look at him.
Loki nodded, "Perhaps I am."
"Why?" You asked. "Why are we not close?"
"We are." Loki replied. "At least, I feel that we are. Though, not as close as your other soulmates, I agree. I am. . . more reserved in the romantic fashion. I do not share my affection easily. But I care about you, I thought you should know. And therefore, I will explain. I'm sure you've noticed that my soulmark has not filled with colour."
You glanced down at where the snake sat on your hand, twining around your finger. "Yes."
"It's because I'm Jotun." Loki finished. "Jotuns, you see, do not have soulmates."
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