#judy doe
mealbits · 1 year
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SHES FINALLY FINISHED!!!!! her name is judy doe :3
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hyunpic · 15 days
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panelshowsource · 4 months
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doli-nemae · 2 months
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"I want to be your guide
Into the afterlife
It's a gift, look past the pain like I do
I want to see your eyes
Just before your demise
When only fear remains inside you"
- "Remains" by Aviators
(lasombra Deacon and tzimisce Viktor belong to @clericnortke !!)
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quicksillver · 7 months
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[image: Digital painting of Judy Alvarez from Cyberpunk 2077. She has her head tilted forward, looking at the viewer out of the corner of her eyes with a neutral expression.]
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wyrmwright · 8 months
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KiY and John Doe
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Straight up had a dream last night that DC revealed that Bart and Kon were dating and it was in the WILDEST FUCKING WAY.
K, so picture this: Clark needs someone to fly around disguised as him for a plan. So Clark goes through the options in his head: Bruce can't fly, MM is off world, Jon is too much of a twink to be believable, Kara is blonde, Kon is.... Perfect! With a person in mind who would be perfect for his plan, Clark flies off to find Kon.
Cut to Judy Garrick zipping around the Garrick's house. Joan is quietly scrapbooking at the kitchen table and Judy is bored out of her mind. Judy asks Joan if there is anything she can do because she is so unbelievably bored.
Joan responds, very calmly, that she can hear "your brother's boyfriend touching down in the backyard, so why don't you go ask him?"
Judy's face jumps from emotion to emotion as three things are revealed at once. 1) Joan considers Bart to be a son and thus, Judy's brother, 2) Judy's new brother is not straight and 3) Bart has a boyfriend who is in the backyard.
So Judy immediately runs to the backyard and is stunned to bump into Clark (who was there looking for Kon) and then the dream continued on with the two of them hunting down Bart&Kon (who were just at school being normal goddammit!!!) but the entire time Judy is secretly out for blood because she thinks that Joan was referring to Clark and that this adult man is trying to date her new little brother and Judy keeps trying to kill him but it doesn't work because Clark is Kryptonian (and oblivious to the attempted homicides).
Anyway, wild dream all around.
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zootopiathingz · 6 months
I know majority of people think “haha Nick does stupid shit and Judy has to keep him in control” which don’t get me wrong is a funny trope, but I like to think canonly it’s the opposite.
I’m not saying Judy does stupid shit on purpose or for no reason, but she is very case-focused and will stop at nothing to finish her job, even at the risk of her own safety. Girl puts her life on the line multiple times throughout the movie and arguably if it weren’t for Nick she would’ve ended up dead. He is much more concerned with their safety and making sure they both make it out okay from dangerous situations.
So yeah, Judy is just as capable of putting her life at risk, and Nick is the only one actively keeping her alive
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starboysbrainrot · 7 months
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i wanted to practice anatomy so here’s a bunch of nonsense I drew this weekend (with some of my personal hcs like always)
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kingsandbastardz · 4 months
here u go, ask for trying times: give me your pitch for shipping wudi, i've got maybe one foot on that ship but i'm curious on your thoughts (gl on the all-nighter!!)
I survived it, sorta. The deadlines keep trucking om 😭 So here's my thoughts:
It's really unfortunate that we don't see enough of Wuyan but I do think we have enough of a framework to draw some interesting conclusions about them both relationship-wise. So here's to me heavily analyzing the 5 minutes Wuyan is on screen! LMAO:
Service as show of devotion - Chooses to act like and appear as a lower rank personal servant to dfs even though he clearly has a lot of power to draw from to get things done and dfs tells him he sees his rank as being much higher
Of everyone that focuses their attention on dfs, he's the only one that doesn't want to own or control him (master di - slave, jlq - wife, llh - 主人, fdb - wants to be in charge)
Despite knowing he was massively outclassed, still put himself in lxy's path at donghai
Shared experience: both survived the Donghai battle together and both have matching chest scars courtesy of lxy. They also worked side by side for years to accomplish the same goals
Llh is presented as knowing dfs the best - but imo, that means wuyan knows even more. Wuyan knows all the why's that llh doesn't know
We don't see much general conversation but considering how relaxed dfs is around him and willing to winge about personal things - he seems like he's actually capable of communicating well with dfs lmao
Pure headcanon here, but I want to say he and dfs learned or figured out how to hide their chi at a high level together. DFS uses it all the time and seems to be undetectable even to llh - wuyan seems to be undetectable to the world - I mean i think his name means something like "without presence"? He comes pre-labelled. So I think it's something martial-skill related that would give additional meat to dfs' respect for him
Guards dfs' secrets - how dfs truly feels about all the mengzhu stuff and rankings etc. Don't know if he knows anything about Di Fortress, but anything he does know about dfs' background it's not going to be a topic of conversation
He pays attention to dfs' preferences and knows how to deliver them in the form he prefers (see jlq who doesn't know his preferences and hates that dfs doesn't like what she prepared for him)
As a personal guard, in the early days when dfs was weaker, he likely went with dfs to any secret meetings with llh, hid his chi to keep guard, and was privy to what went on between them. Likely is the only one that would know this information - which is also why he fully understands why dfs is obsessed with llh and supports him. And listened to him mourn him for however many years (I assume he's the one providing clean clothes and food during seclusion so that's 10 years of crying he's been privy to)
Is willing to extend his top level standard of service to the ppl dfs cares about
He acts like he's a nobody, and he's not a pretty face, but everything points to him actually being a very, very competent and high-level guy in his area of expertise? So a good match to dfs. His martial skill isn't comparable, so he can't fight him like lxy, but he can do all the things dfs doesn't like to do - like the organizational stuff, dealing with and managing ppl, etc.
Headcanon again: i can really see them having an experimental phase in their youth together. Like something where dfs and him kinda decide to test things out and then maybe deciding the timing was bad or they weren't into each other like that at that time or whatever. But deciding to remain friends instead. And continuing to build jinyuan alliance together and everything else. It's like best bro + work spouse rolled into one -- with the wild result that they come out even stronger at the end of it. Think lxy + zhan yunfei but they see each other and work together every day. Successfully. With some extra headcanon and a small stretch you can probably position him and dfs as foils to lxy and shan gudao? (Sadly not enough info about the formation of daily workings of JA back then)
headcanon continued: They have to have good communication because they negotiated or figured out how to navigate their Situation and have clearly been at it for awhile - with one being a 'servant' and with the other one having ptsd issues with servitude/slavery. In the waterfall scene we get to see dfs mildly checking in and essentially being all, "Uh, you still good there? Remember you can change things up any time you want. My opinion of you is still A++ fyi" and Wuyan essentially signalling he's fine by continuing on as always.
Wuyan is the last person alive that remembers who dfs was before Jinyuan Alliance and the development of the Di Mengzhu persona. He helped craft that persona.
Basically if you are into themes like fealty and devotion and the sort of comfort you can get from a long time friendship where they've seen each other at their worst. Where they've figured out how to communicate and operate/exist together seamlessly while making allowances for each others' needs and interests. This is it!
They could be queer platonic, they could be sexual, they can be any permutations of anything and it still doesn't change the basis of their relationship which is years of trust, communication, hard work and shared experiences.
Like imagine teenagers - one holding the other guy's hair up while he vomits blood and bile into an alley. Where they patch each others' wounds in the shadow of someone's doorway after getting their asses kicked but somehow also saving each other from getting killed that day. They're the ones that figure out how to kill together. How to hide together. They figure out how to teach others to kill and hide together. They build power with their joined hands and with it they gain the money and prestige that allows them a comfortable place to sleep and full bellies. They give this same thing to others. They build it up so well people can afford to do normal ppl shit like fall in love and get married.
These are things they likely wouldn't have thought of when they were engaged in a battle royale in the street. It's them, their circle of friends, against everyone else in the world. And even when all their friends are now dead - they're still alive. They're still together. They'll see it through.
Maybe one day they'll find their way into each other's beds - the future is ever changing. But whether they do or not doesn't matter - they already have each other. They've survived this much together. Anything else is just icing.
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mealbits · 1 year
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wexhappyxfew · 1 day
hey! in one of your recent answers to an ask, you said that judy often told her self off for having a crush as a teenager - does she feel any of that hesitation or kind of self-deprivation with rosie?
i would definitely say yes to that — i mentioned something in that previous ask about how judy’s past in a major player in her current present life (and not necessarily in all bad ways) but i would say this is one such example where is DOES affect her in not entirely the best light.
growing up on a farm, with a lack of an education, a whole lot of siblings, stressed out parents and a stress bubble around the house, when things like that DID happen, ie getting a crush and not feeling like she could talk about it with someone. she’d think about it and go over it in her head and then try to detach herself from that idea. there’s that hint of self-deprivation there already. this idea that there’s other, better options and that her having a crush is something she’ll eventually get over. so having that experience in her youth DEFINITELY makes her hesitant with rosie in many ways.
there was a prompt i did a few weeks back where judy is promoted to lieutenant (by rosie’s doing) and she lets it slip a bit that she sorta-kinda-maybe-possible is in love with him and/or loves him and we don’t know what HE thinks of that, we just get judy’s interpretation. but she tells him that ‘no one has ever loved him like she has’ sorta vibes and she realizes ‘oh shit THATS what i said’ and makes a run for it. running from the fact she said that. AND NOW — we still don’t know what their next meeting is and if judy tries to clear that up or make things right. which brings us to that idea of hesitation and self-deprivation. she feels if she were confident in herself, she would’ve ran with it. but having those experiences and having feelings before that she detached from, suddenly she is enthralled with rosie and really doesn’t know what to do.
that’s definitely why the Silver Bullets crew is so important to her — it makes her feel OKAY to have those feelings and she has people who she can talk about them with her. especially about her feelings for rosie. and i think that’s really sweet :) her feeling comfortable enough to open up.
but definitely would say it makes her more hesitant. because things get VERY REAL VERY FAST. and she’s suddenly like — i AM in love with him. what do i do? do i DESERVE this? that’s her biggest question. oh judy rybinski u sweet bean!!!!!!! <3
fantastic question friend! thank you and i hope you enjoyed my response! :)
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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“Oh,” she says, perturbed, “Jude is here.”
I swipe the heel of my hand under my teary eye, “Yeah, he is. We’re doing maths.”
“Looks like it.”
“Shell, do you want to come in?” Jen says, “We were just taking a break if you wanted to talk about something.”
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“Um, no, I’ll talk to you later.”
“No, come on,” she holds out her hands and beckons her over to us, “Come and chill out with us.”
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Michelle’s journey to the bed is stilted, like she can’t imagine something more awkward than sharing space on a mattress with me, and I am awkward too, discomfort in my stomach as she occupies the patch of bed to Jen’s right, while I sit on her left, one earphone still dangling from my ear. 
Jen slings arms around us both, “I wish you two would just hang out,” she says, “Wah! It’s so silly, yeah, Michelle you’re, like, doing the emo thing right now and Jude has decided to be a Rugby Wanker, but why does that have to divide us? At the end of the day you’re both immigrants, and I’m gay. We’d be the ideal friend group,” she nudges us with her knees, “outsiders, yeah?” 
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“Jude is not an immigrant in the same way. He’s white.”
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“His grandmother on his dad’s side is Portuguese,” Jen says diplomatically, and we both roll our eyes, “God, I’m joking, I know it’s not the same,” She snatches hold of my face, “But look at his complexion, hm? Can’t you see it a little bit? That lit-from-within skin? God, he’s so pretty.”
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Michelle makes a face, “Um, I think I’m going to go out and hang with Evan.”
“Isn’t that what you and Debra were shouting about just now?”
She goes a bit red, and eyes flit to mine for a moment and make me wish I wasn’t here. “Yeah, mam doesn’t want me to go out but like, she can’t really tell me what to do.”
“Okay, well, suit yourself. You’re missing out here though, Jude was just singing My Chemical Romance to me, and it was gorgeous.”
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It’s my turn to feel embarrassed, “Clearly you’re not missing much. Um, have fun with Evan.”
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“Yeah, I will,” She stands up and adjusts the hem of her black mini skirt, “Do I look okay, Jen?” Her tights have loads of holes in them, but I assume she wants them to be like that so I don’t give any insight.
“Yeah you’re hot. Go get rode.” She gives her a playful slap in the bum and she’s gone. We listen to her boots thunder down the stairs, then the slam of the front door. Debra screams at her to come back, or at least put on a coat. She does neither.
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“You’re so weird around Michelle,” Jen accuses me as we resume our trigonometry lesson, “Why do you do that? You just stop talking.”
“I don’t know. I guess I can sense that she doesn’t like me.”
“She would like you if you talked to her.”
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“I don’t know, Jen. If she was going to like me she’d probably have done it already,” I scan the page of equations for something that looks familiar, and can’t even remember what we were working on. “I think I must have done something, or maybe she just doesn’t like the kind of person that I am.”
“But you’re the sweetest, nicest, cutest boy alive,” Jen protests, “That’s not it. I think it’s just a clique thing. She’s just used to hanging out with a certain crowd of people. She doesn’t think that the people who play sport are going to be nice to people like her.”
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“Well, I hate that then, because it’s not true. Being on the school rugby team and not having greasy hair doesn’t make me an arsehole by default.”
“What you just said does.”
“Saying she has greasy hair doesn’t really help your case.”
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“It’s not Michelle who has greasy hair. I was thinking about the other people who hang around the back steps of the lunch room.”
A snort, “You can say Evan.”
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“Yeah, Evan’s hair is greasy sometimes. But like, so what, I guess. He doesn’t have to wash it,” I find a doodle I did earlier in margin of the maths book, a little drawing of a guy with lank hair flopped over one eye and a mouth full of sharp, pointed teeth. “He also doesn’t have to be an arsehole, which he is, by the way. Not me.”
“Evan is actually pretty nice.”
“I think you should make an effort with him. I think he’s just cagey, and I think if you took time to hang out with him and talk to him then you’d see that you actually have a lot in common, you know? He’s got really good taste in music, and he’s funny, and he likes to draw.��
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“Yeah, I know, he and Michelle sit down at the back of my art class and scribble pictures of crying eyes and wilting roses and shit for the whole hour.”
“They’re so deep and romantic like that,” She says wistfully, and I can't tell if she’s joking. 
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“I think if you make an effort with him then you and Michelle can get closer and then we’ll all be like a big happy family. The perfect little friend group, hm?”
I snicker, “So I’d be going through this effort for your direct benefit?”
“Of course,” She says, rolling over to her back and shooting me a grin, “Who else would it be for?” 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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pokesil22-art · 3 months
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Them again <3
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keefechambers · 11 months
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#the righteous gemstones fandom
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vivanightcity · 5 months
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We'll meet again Don't know where Don't know when But I know we'll meet again some sunny day
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