#julias caesar
the-puffinry · 2 years
When the news spread that Julius Caesar’s adopted nephew Octavian had defeated Mark Antony at the battle of Actium (31 B.C.), thereby ensuring that he would become the emperor Augustus, at least one parrot appeared among his well-wishers, greeting him with the words “Hail Caesar, conqueror and leader!” (Macrobius 3.30; my translation). This was a calculated appeal to the victor’s largesse, of course; it takes a long time to teach a parrot to say anything, so the bird’s greeting offered powerful evidence of its owner’s loyalty.
In this case, the ploy worked, and Octavian bought the bird from its owner for a handsome sum. But another fortune-hunter used a raven for the same purpose, with less than ideal results:
It happened that a man appeared before Caesar with a raven, which he had taught to say, “Hail Caesar, conqueror and leader!”
Caesar, marveling, bought the dutiful bird for twenty thousand coins. But a companion of the bird’s trainer, who had received nothing of this generosity, declared that the trainer had another bird, too, which Caesar demanded to see as well. When brought forward, it greeted him with the words “Hail Antony, conqueror and leader!” (Macrobius 3.30; my translation)             
The bird-trainer evidently had been hedging his bets.
from Parrot Culture: Our 2500-Year-Long Fascination with the World's Most Talkative Bird by Bruce Thomas Boehrer.
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dropoutposts · 10 months
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So Firaxis Games did the funniest thing this month and made an Ides of March challenge for Civ 6. I just feel like tumblr should know given the national holiday and all.
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tevarious · 1 year
hi (with the intention of stabbing you 23 times)
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arttsuka · 4 days
I’ve been cracking up so hard at your Jedtavius-adopts-Augustus AU
In the AU I write Octavius WAS Augustus so instead they have Augustus’s daughter, Julia the Elder
I’d love to see your bust Augustus VS Julia in a conversation or something but only if you want. They’d fight so bad.
Realistically I don't think he'd be able to meet her but who cares. Originally i was going to make her a miniature but when I searched her online and the first thing that came up was her bust I instantly thought "like father like daughter" so here.
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They'd definitely fight.
"Well, you don't have a torso"
"I wish I didn't have ears either so I wouldn't have to listen to you"
Another drawing of her (this turned out better but I'm too tired to redraw the first one, sorry)
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I used this as a reference (technically there was another bust of her presumably but it didn't have a nose and I don't think I can draw her without a nose :/ )
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Honestly it would make more sense if Octavius was Augustus but like, I still think it's funnier this way (also my research was done at 5 in the morning I wasn't exactly in a position to think clearly. Don't make aus at 5 in the morning people)
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duxfemina · 4 months
Who of the many women that surrounded Mark Antony could you see yourself being FRIENDS with? Not who you admire the most but who you'd enjoy drinks and dishing the dirt with the most
It's honestly kind of hilarious how the "Julio-Claudian" Dynasty is really a bunch of Antonians. Over half of the emperors and most of the influential women of the family are all Antonians
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wolframpant · 3 months
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Livia Drusilla
(30 January 58 BCE - 29 CE)
In the purity of her home life, she was of the ancient type but was more gracious than was thought fitting in ladies of former days. An imperious mother and an amiable wife, she was a match for the diplomacy of her husband and the dissimulation of her son. – Tacitus, Annals, V.1
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catilinas · 4 months
wait also the catiline conspiracy by john maddox roberts. it says a lot that he has a whole series of mystery novels set in 1st century bcs rome and i haven’t bothered to read the rest of them because of their aura of Terrible
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skippingseaglass · 20 days
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(don't worry he doesn't actually believe that uzi's biromantic because she's from a country of biromantic people he's going along with the bit and making her think he does because he gets to be mean sometimes too. awesome biromania lore in the tags)
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editfandom · 26 days
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Megalopolis, 2024
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Hi! I'm the anon who ask about augustus and Agrippa's memory. So, I know this is weird question (& frankly I don't even know why I type this lol) but don't you think (if your theory about them romantically into each other is right) there would be some awkwardness in augustus, agrippa and julia's dynamic with each other after agrippa and julia's marriage? (also once again, pardon my english because I'm half asleep)
You're probably right about the awkwardness! It seems to have been Augustus' idea, too. Agrippa did his best to make it work and was faithful to Julia. Julia probably wasn't happy, though.
I suspect Agrippa was a very tolerant guy. Besides his knack for staying out of drama, I only recall one incident where he really got angry - when the people of Ilium endangered Julia's life - and he relented quickly.
Augustus often put his family in difficult situations. Like making poor Julia marry her stepbrother after Agrippa died. Or making Tiberius divorce his wife whom he dearly loved. Or using his sister's humiliating rejection by her husband Antony for propaganda. He had a political purpose for each of these, and it's clear he was trying to secure Rome's future, but...he was absolutely willing to sacrifice people, or stamp out opposition, to achieve that.
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theromaboo · 1 year
Guys I need to draw some ancient Romans for this one thing but I don't know who to draw.
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loveofaddy · 1 year
Caesar &Julia ✨️
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blogdemocratesjr · 1 year
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Contemplations (1870), Confidence (1862) & Antique Family Symposium by Joseph Coomans 
By Scribonia he had a daughter Julia, by Livia no children at all, although he earnestly desired issue. One baby was conceived, but was prematurely born. He gave Julia in marriage first to Marcellus, son of his sister Octavia and hardly more than a boy, and then after his death to Marcus Agrippa, prevailing upon his sister to yield her son-in‐law to him; for at that time Agrippa had to wife one of the Marcellas and had children from her. When Agrippa also died, Augustus, after considering various alliances for a long time, even in the equestrian order, finally chose his stepson Tiberius, obliging him to divorce his wife, who was with child and by whom he was already a father. Marc Antony writes that Augustus first betrothed his daughter to his son Antonius and then to Cotiso, king of the Getae, at the same time asking for the hand of the king's daughter for himself in turn. ... From Agrippa and Julia he had three grandsons, Gaius, Lucius, and Agrippa, and two granddaughters, Julia and Agrippina. He married Julia to Lucius Paulus, the censor's son, and Agrippina to Germanicus his sister's grandson. Gaius and Lucius he adopted at home, privately buying them from their father by a symbolic sale, and initiated them into administrative life when they were still young, sending them to the provinces and the armies as consuls elect. In bringing up his daughter and his granddaughters he even had them taught spinning and weaving, and he forbade them to say or do anything except openly and such as might be recorded in the household diary. He was most strict in keeping them from meeting strangers, once writing to Lucius Vinicius, a young man of good position and character: "You have acted presumptuously in coming to Baiae to call on my daughter." ... But at the height of his happiness and his confidence in his family and its training, Fortune proved fickle. He found the two Julias, his daughter and granddaughter, guilty of every form of vice, and banished them. ... He bore the death of his kin with far more resignation than their misconduct. For he was not greatly broken by the fate of Gaius and Lucius, but he informed the senate of his daughter's fall through a letter read in his absence by a quaestor, and for very shame would meet no one for a long time, and even thought of putting her to death. At all events, when one of her confidantes, a freedwoman called Phoebe, hanged herself at about that same time, he said: "I would rather have been Phoebe's father." After Julia was banished, he denied her the use of wine and every form of luxury, and would not allow any man, bond or free, to come near her without his permission, and then not without being informed of his stature, complexion, and even of any marks or scars upon his body. It was not until five years later that he moved her from the island 80 to the mainland and treated her with somewhat less rigour. But he could not by any means be prevailed on to recall her altogether, and when the Roman people several times interceded for her and urgently pressed their suit, he in open assembly called upon the gods to curse them with like daughters and like wives. He would not allow the child born to his granddaughter Julia after her sentence to be recognized or reared. As Agrippa grew no more manageable, but on the contrary became madder from day to day, he transferred him to an island and set a guard of soldiers over him besides. He also provided by a decree of the senate that he should be confined there for all time, and at every mention of him and of the Julias he would sigh deeply and even cry out: "Would that I ne'er had wedded and would I had died without offspring”; and he never alluded to them except as his three boils and his three ulcers.
In his youth he was betrothed to the daughter of Publius Servilius Isauricus, but when he became reconciled with Antony after their first quarrel, and their troops begged that the rivals be further united by some tie of kinship, he took to wife Antony's stepdaughter Claudia, daughter of Fulvia by Publius Clodius, although she was barely of marriageable age; but because of a falling out with his mother-in‐law Fulvia, he divorced her before they had begun to live together. Shortly after that he married Scribonia, who had been wedded before to two ex-consuls, and was a mother by one of them. He divorced her also, "unable to put up with her shrewish disposition," as he himself writes, and at once took Livia Drusilla from her husband Tiberius Nero, although she was with child [Tiberius] at the time; and he loved and esteemed her to the end without a rival. ... Moreover, to avoid the danger of forgetting what he was to say, or wasting time in committing it to memory, he adopted the practice of reading everything from a manuscript. Even his conversations with individuals and the more important of those with his own wife Livia, he always wrote out and read from a note-book, for fear of saying too much or too little if he spoke offhand. ... Then he sent them all off, and while he was asking some newcomers from the city about the daughter of Drusus, who was ill, he suddenly passed away as he was kissing Livia, uttering these last words: "Live mindful of our wedlock, Livia, and farewell," thus blessed with an easy death and such a one as he had always longed for. For almost always on hearing that anyone had died swiftly and painlessly, he prayed that he and his might have a like euthanasia, for that was the term he was wont to use. He gave but one single sign of wandering before he breathed his last, calling out in sudden terror that forty men were carrying him off. And even this was rather a premonition than a delusion, since it was that very number of soldiers of the pretorian guard that carried him forth to lie in state.
—Suetonius, Life of Augustus
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Everybody line up for height!
(No the height isn’t 100% accurate but for basic ideas I imagine Jed and Oct to be 2 inches tall)
Character order: Jed, Oct, Lawrence, Felix, Cyrus, Peter, Luna, Clementine, Lucius, Betsy, Little Julia, Umbra, Onofria, Julia
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Ranking characters by how likely they are to become a finalist
22 - Max - He literally gave up the opportunity to ever compete again.
21&20 - Patrick and Kitty - They're busy with the aftermath.
19 - Courtney - I doubt that they would be considered for the role of a returnee seeing as the 2 characters they have beef with are in the peanut gallery.
18 - Mclovin - Has been confirmed to be going home early and i doubt that he will come back. He lacks a spine and will fold under the pressure if tasked to start drama. He only got to the finale last season because everyone was worried about the actually threatening characters.
17 - Ass - May come back to start drama. People will easily see through that tho.
16 - Michela - Sorry queen but I doubt you'll win again :(
15 - Mal - Same as Ass but the characters are less likely to suspect her. They just think shes weird. I do think she is the most likely to return tho.
14 - Austin - I just can't visualise him winning, especially going up against absolutely amazing contestants like Bonnie, Scruffy and Scary.
13 - Julia - Would come back to start up drama the same way Mal and Ass would; However, she has one thing the other 2 don't. A Lover An Ally. Also, she will be much more helpfulin challenges as her skills with technology and logical mind will become much more useful in this sort of setting while her average strength and durability are much less of a downside.
12 - Scruffy - Hot take: Their amazing skills will make them a massive target post merge; In addition, their great strength and godlike durability will be less likely to dominate in this sort of setting. They'll definitely get to the merge tho.
11 - Frollo - Only this high because of the smaller cast. I doubt that he'll win as I feel like 13 episodes is to short for the massive character arc he needs.
10 - Joner - Can do a lot of developing and growing with the whole Michela and Mclovin. Might also have a lot of film knowledge.
9 - Staci - An extremely flexible character. She can be a surprise villain, just a funky lil guy here to cause problems or a friend to support the other characters. They can use their engineering skills to help in challenges, friendly personality and geeky charm to make allies and gain votes if the finale is just like action. Her implied fear of blood may hold them back tho.
8 - O - Now having a supportive friend in Fren and fewer fear or action oriented challenges, I feel like he has a very solid chance to win. He's very kind so he might do a Mclovin/Owen and Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing into the finale.
7 - Shamod - A solid all-round contestant. Not much to say tbh.
6 - Scary - So much can be done with them.
5 - Peter - Beth vibes.
4 - Bonnie - Controversial, but I feel like Caesar is much more suited for this season and a season with both of them as winners may have a much lower stakes finale - even more meh than all stars imo. He will get into the merge but then be eliminated to trigger Caesar's growth.
3 - Fren - He's Smart. He slays. He has awful taste in men. He's kind. He loves films and theatre. He has a strong friendship with O. He's fucking green. He is musically talented. He has probably made several music videos.
2 - Kelly - I believe in them. They definitely have watched many films and they strike me as one of those popular femmes that are very talented in many areas. Legally Blonde core.
1 - Caesar - This is his season.
oh very well reasoned ranking, I will say (not confirmed) but I do think Joner will keep up the trend of not putting finalists in the finals again (once again not confirmed, just vibes0
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