#july 2 2021
destinyc1020 · 2 years
💫Happy "Tomdaya Reveal Day"!!! 😁😁
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I still can't believe it's already been a year since THESE pictures came out.
Whew! Time flies! 💨 
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melandrama · 1 year
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years
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pixielott: when ur smiling the whole world smiles with youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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realisticjojoxreader · 6 months
if requests are open….jotaro getting jealous over some guy flirting with y/n🥺🥺
jotaro x reader (?), kind of an au i guess. he's part 4 age, 1.3k
"Hi, honey," says a voice, clearly directed at you. When you turn around, you see some guy standing there, shooting you a frankly stunning smile. He's not just some guy… he's Some Guy, and when he winks at you, you feel yourself flush despite everything. You're normally less susceptible to flirting from random strangers but holy shit, this guy is cute as hell. What's a person like you to do? Not react? Ridiculous. Perish the thought. "Come here often?" Oof.
Despite never having seen this man before, and despite the completely generic, awful pickup line he just used on you, you decide the guy is worth your time. He's just too damn hot to let go. If you don't shoot your shot, you're going to regret it for the rest of your life. So what if he's kind of an idiot? Look at that jawline! Those curls!
"Hi," you reply shyly, twirling your hair around your finger. If he's allowed to be ridiculously cliche, then you are, too. It's called equality. "I do, actually."
His eyes light up with delight, for some reason, even though your reply was incredibly boring. You guess that makes sense, considering the guy's opener. He's probably just kind of a boring guy. At least he's gorgeous. "Does that mean you can help me out here? I'm kind of lost."
…Lost? How is he lost? This is a boba place. There are menus on every available surface. Ordering boba is really not all that complicated but hey, it's a foot in the door with this sexy, sexy man, so whatever.
In an extraordinary show of patience, you walk Some Guy through every step of ordering bubble tea. He is very hot but he is not very smart.
When he asks you what your favorite flavor is, you smile shyly and tell him your exact order. With a big dumb grin on his face, he turns to the cashier and orders what you helped him decide on, as well as your favorite, confirming your suspicion that he's buying you a drink. (That basically makes this a date, right? Right.) The cashier, clearly thankful that the two of you are finally done holding up the line, rings it up and shoos you both toward the pickup end of the counter.
Over on the pickup side, you damn near have a heart attack. You don't know how you didn't notice it before, but the employee here—who has apparently been here the whole time—is the most handsome man you've ever seen in your life. He is so beautiful he makes Some Guy look like just some guy. (Wait, wait, he gave a name for the order… Daniel? You think it's Daniel. Let's go with Daniel.)
The employee is just kind of standing around, waiting for the drinks to be made. To fill the silence, Daniel chats mindlessly, standing a little closer to you than is probably warranted, but you don't mind.
Handsome Employee, however, looks at Daniel like Daniel killed his fucking family, all narrowed eyes and furrowed eyebrows. You think that if Handsome Employee looked at you like that, you'd pee your pants, but Daniel doesn't even seem to notice it. Hot, dumb, and ballsy, that Daniel. He's like an anime character.
Daniel, all smiles, wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a side-hug. While this might have been nice earlier, when he was Some Guy, now he's just some guy and you're not really loving him touching you unprompted. Handsome Employee doesn't seem to be loving it, either, which is interesting. He looks… Well, more than pissed, he looks kind of jealous?
There's no way, though, right? He must be seething over something else.
Blithe as anything, his arm tight around you, Daniel looks at Handsome Employee and teases, "Everything good? Y'got a mighty frown."
Somehow, Handsome Employee's expression sours further. He looks like he's trying to blow Daniel up with his mind. "Kinda handsy," he says, voice like gravel. And what else could it possibly be? He's jealous.
But why? Does he… Oh, God, he likes you, doesn't he? This is the best day of your life!
It makes sense, you think. You look unusually adorable today—Daniel approached you, too, remember—and this is your favorite boba place. You're here, like, all the time. It's not unreasonable to think Handsome Employee noticed you! You definitely notice regulars at your job, so why wouldn't he notice his?
His gaze is pure poison. It makes you giddy. You feel stupid with it. You know you should step away from Daniel, should try to clear up the misunderstanding, should flaunt your availability, but… Well, it's kind of nice to be wanted!
As if reading your mind, Daniel pulls you even closer. "This one doesn't seem to mind," he says, jostling you a little.
You blush. You nod. Handsome Employee looks apoplectic. Instead of commenting, though, another employee arrives, two cups in hand. They hand them over to Handsome Employee and quickly turn away, perhaps sensing the rancid vibes. Voice caustic, Handsome Employee holds up your drink and the monstrosity that Daniel ordered and grits out, "Order up."
Neither of you move to grab the drinks.
Handsome Employee's eye twitches. "Order up," he repeats meaningfully, his knuckles whitening around the cups. "Let go of that freak and get your damn drinks."
Wow. It's kind of a wonder the guy hasn't been fired, with customer service like that. Calling Daniel a freak right to his face! You forgive Handsome Employee, of course, because he's so handsome, but still. It's a little rude.
Daniel smiles wide, opens his mouth, but Handsome Employee cuts him off with, "You're not cute, Devin."
Oh. It's Devin. You were close!
"I'm the cutest," says not-Daniel. He looks self-satisfied and punch-drunk. He looks like today is the best day of his life, though you can't fathom why. He's about to lose you to a lowly boba shop employee! "And you're jealous!"
"If you don't come grab these drinks," growls Handsome Employee, his eyes like fire, "I'm going to throw them."
Upon hearing that, you spring into action, because this is your favorite top and you'd really rather it not get covered in milk tea and that toxic slutch Devin ordered. Wiggling out from under Devin's arm, you zip over to the counter, arms outstretched. You only grab yours, though. Devin's on his own.
Instead of just letting you take your drink, though, Handsome Employee grabs your arm and pulls you towards him with a frankly unwarranted amount of force. His skin is so warm it almost burns. He leans forward, and you can't help but lean in, too.
You feel giddy. What's he going to say to you that he couldn't say in front of Devin?
"Touch my boyfriend again," says Handsome Employee, "and you're going home in a body bag. Now get the fuck out of here." And with that, he lets you go. The sudden release sends you flying backwards. You land heavily on your ass, probably bruising your tailbone.
Looming over you with a smarmy grin is Devin. "Thanks for all your help, you were a peach," he says, and he has the gall to fucking wink at you. "It's hard to get Jotaro riled up, you know? So I appreciate your sacrifice." He grabs his drink from his boyfriend, punctures the lid like a pro, then takes a long pull. "Delish! Alright, babe, I'm outta here, I'll see you at home. Byeeee!" Then he's out the door.
A beat of silence. You feel dizzy. You want to cry. "How long are you going to sit on the floor?" Jotaro asks acerbically, and you just can't take it anymore. You fling your drink at him. As if on instinct, he punches it away from him, and it, of course, explodes in a shower of milk tea and tapioca pearls.
Scrambling over the counter, Jotaro is on you in a flash, grabbing you by your collar like a naughty kitten. He drags you out of the door. "Never come back here!" And with that, he tosses you bodily, and you land with a wet splat in a nearby drainage ditch turned canal with the recent rain.
All that and you didn't even get to drink your boba.
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shinigami-striker · 11 months
James Arnold Taylor as Ratchet | Saturday, 07.22.2023
Kudos to James Arnold Taylor, the voice of Ratchet since the 2003 release of Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando on the PlayStation 2!
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bluejaywriter · 5 months
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Anyway, I've been sitting on "The Five Times Queen Hippolyta Had Her Heart Broken (and the one time she didn't)" for about 2.5 years and 2024 seems like as good time as any to finally release it!
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chubricvkastrule · 11 months
Happy upcoming 4th of July!!
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i suggest buster is the main lover of july 4th celebration just because, while for ash this day is just another reason for being louder than usual
rosita as the most patriotic person ever
(johnny and gunter don't get that american vibe)
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chalamet-chalamet · 2 years
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‘Dune 2’ begins filming tomorrow (7/4/22) in Italy. 💥
(Source: bit.ly/3OXpVVT)
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thelifeofniy · 11 months
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thisismyobsessionnow · 11 months
Btw, this happened:
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And Demoni also passed Teatro d'ira in album plays.
Now, the only question is how long until this changes?
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
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thethingything · 11 months
I feel feverish and like I'm starting to get a cold or something and it's freaking me out because July last year was when we got ill and then just kept being ill for 10 months and know there's nothing specific about it being July that made that happen but uhh it was traumatic and we all know what trauma does to brains.
other people in the household have also felt like they're getting ill so I'm guessing it is that we've caught something but if so then that fucking sucks and I'm gonna have to deal with both the physical symptoms and having flashbacks and stuff because of it.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens and hope it doesn't end fuck us up too much
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trans-estinien · 5 months
kinda wild that a year ago eleutherios was in heavensward.
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yeebeemaxheehee · 2 years
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me currently
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sixofravens-reads · 1 year
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Using this to justify my irrational hold-requesting
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littlemixdaily · 11 months
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July 2, 2021
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