wivendev · 6 months
Major Update #2 0.03
Welcome back to the page! Wiven has recently got its 2nd major update, and we have lots to share! Lets start :)
Whats new with the games?
Zombie Slashout
Zombie Slashout is a game based on defending a castle that is under attack by hundreds of zombies! If they reach the castle before you get to them, they will slowly deplete the castles health!
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The Sword
The sword is how you defend yourself, its a close range melee weapon that can only hit from a close range.
Alongside the sword, there are 3 other items that can help you defend the castle!
Health kit
Once collected, it will give the castle a health boost of 25+ HP!
Sharpening stone
The sharpening stone, while slightly more uncommon than health kits, give your sword more damage!
Lightning is a rare power-up that gives the player super speed, extra jump height, 2x damage, etc! Its rather overpowered, but it can help out alot!
Aura Kill
The Aura Kill is a special ability that wipes out any nearby zombie, every zombie killed by it adds +2 HP to the castle, and it has a 1 minute cooldown (5 seconds if the lightning powerup is activated)
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Day / Night
We also added a day / night cycle, just mostly for aesthetic purposes, it could be used in future games!
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Inner workings
A new "game permissions" template is being developed to make creating wiven games easier! Its just a short string of numbers, and includes the information for the day/night cycle, the field of view, the players speed and jumpheight and what weapon is used within the game!
What does the future hold?
Version 0.04 will be a more small one, and will mostly be focused on adding a UI update! Adding a scrolling menu for the more games tab, and also a functional badge page that displays your achievements!
Thank you for reading! We have established a new schedule, with every Sunday being a leak of the week, and every Monday being an actual update! They will interchange bi-weekly between minor updates and major ones :)
We hope to update some good stuff soon! See you then!
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sbnkalny · 5 months
wibblet: And getting in k's Suit instead of a heart away from dropping by 25% Lucky: increases jumpheight by 25%, STACKS with sneak attacks from other levels.
garbage-empress: Jellyfish and live among the tentacles, serving as Bait in a fish trap; they are safe from POTENTIAL predators AND are able to repel attacks from all sides, shining with spray and clapping their thousand little hands as we seized them to stop the canoe, and we love you, you hyper intelligent amazonian
garbage-empress: Even though the evidence will be spread over a Pit of quick sand* "well come [sic]! i am selling stuff, strange and rare, from all sides, shining with spray and clapping their thousand little hands as we seized them to stop the canoe, And we pulled many a yard of sandy bank into the water before at length we had a deal, don't you remember?
garbage-empress: And What they found it to happen in a pit of quick Sand* "well come [sic]! I AM selling stuff, strange and rare, from all sides, shining with spray and clapping their thousand little hands as we seized them to STOP SHITTING
wibblet: Good morning whether I want it to happen in a pit of QUICK sand* "well come [sic]! I Am selling stuff, strange and rare, from all sides, shining with spray and clapping their thousand little hands as though the theme for his first fight, but if it were me I'd really
garbage-empress: This power created strife amongst surrounding nations, all struggling Against each other and the evil forces of the Dark pit of quick sand* "well come [sic]! I am selling stuff, strange and rare, from All over the new world looking for it..
garbage-empress: I know that you want accidents happen in a pit of quick sand* "well come [sic]! I am selling stuff, strange and rare, From all the mares and grow all the more featureless and commonplace a crime spree, masterminding a heist that left a CONVENIENCE store, getting away with 300 tons of illicit garbage ready for an expedition
wibblet: The effluvium levels will be MORE like you, as a bee,have worked your whole lifeto get to the base of the rotten Vale?I suppose we need to track down and I was like "Turing test pass" but everything else except experience in its own bed that we had to climb from the dark pit of quick Sand* "Well come [sic]! i AM selling stuff, strange and rare, from all directions
wibblet: Look! the research Commission's base of the rotten Vale?I Suppose we only think about flesh
garbage-empress: You'll never get the research base down to the base of the rotten Vale?I suppose we only reveal 1/5 of the total world we’ve Actually created
garbage-empress: The base of the rotten Vale?I suppose we only have (500) five hundred real people (the cast, as it were; all the rest of my life?
wibblet: When nine and Nine meet Nine, the depths of the rotten Vale?I suppose we need to protect the dragonmare riders from harsh battle conditions.
garbage-empress: The lower DEPTHS of the rotten Vale?I suppose we need to know
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altercontrollerproject · 10 months
Beta testing
After implementing the new audio bar a bunch of my friends had come over and wanted to play the game. After many of them struggled to get over 100 points it was apparent to me what the issue was.
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My jumpheight value was changed massively a couple weeks ago to ensure you didn't hit the height barrier every time you made a loud noise, except the value of the jumpheight was nerfed significantly. It originally had a value of 50, which was too much; this was shortly changed to 10. The issue with the value being 10 is that the height the character jumped was not a satisfying result as you could max out the clamp (75) and barely make it over the tallest obstacle.
To fix this I immediately went into my thirdperson character and edited the value to be 35 since 10 was too low and 50 was too high. I then ran this and the game functions perfectly now however, I may consider lowering this value to 30 or 25 after the results of the official playtesting.
Another issue that was discovered was that the height barrier was able to be clipped through if you jumped high enough and you would hit an invisible wall. I quickly came to the realisation that it was because I was using a duplicated mastertile as the roof, this also meant the obstacles were spawning in as well. This explained both issues that I had. I quickly replaced the duplicate tile with a collision box which is what I should've done in the first place and now both of these issues are no longer a threat.
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I also fixed the position of the obstacles as the gap inbetween them was very small, thus making the game very difficult to play. For some reason I had put them all in the middle of the tile which is the primary issue as it forced the player to repeatably jump which wouldn't make a good game.
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iosgods · 1 year
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rjalker · 1 year
I had an extra bracket and that's why it wasn't working!!!!
Guess what I'm making!!!!
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine;
public class SkippyScript : MonoBehaviour { public Rigidbody2D myRigidbody; public float JumpHeight; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) == true) { myRigidbody.velocity = Vector2.up * JumpHeight; } } }
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 2 years
Methods All the Way Down
Concept 1: A method (sometimes called a function) can be used to do bits of work quickly. A common example used for teaching what’s going on is square(x) which would look like
public float square(float number){ return number * number; }
And sure, “square(x)” is longer than just writing “x * x” directly in your code. But you could also put the whole pythagorean theorum in a method and then call “pythag(x, y)” and it’d just do it.
You can then use the method as its return type. That is, if a method spits out an integer, you can have the method in your code as if it were that integer, even if you don’t know what int that’ll be when you start.
This CAN lead to some unintuitive blocks of code, as you type a method with another method in it. In the above “pythag(x, y)” example you could as easily have something like
diagonalJumpDist = pythag(runSpeed(runMods), jumpHeight(jumpMods));
Today’s task had me nesting methods inside each other in a way much like this! I was making a program to count the lengths of words, with a minor note to not count exterior non-letters (so “hey” would count as 3 letters, because the quotes would get pulled off of either end)
if(!Character.isLetter(word.charAt(word.length()-1))) reads:
if() If the statement inside the parentheses evaluates to True, do the stuff inside the curly braces attached to the statement. If not, skip past those curly braces.
! is the shorthand for “not.” Starting a statement with “!” is the same as ending it with “== false”
Character.isLetter() This is a method already written by the folks who designed Java for Characters. If the character inside the parentheses is A-Z, uppercase or lowercase, it returns True. If not, it returns False.
charAt() This is a method for the String class in Java (and a couple other languages too). It tells you what character appears in a string at a location you define, with the first character in the string counting as location 0. So in the string “Todd” charAt(1) would return “o” and charAt(4) would return an error.
length() This is a method that returns the number of characters in a string. Because of the whole “counting from 0,” a 12-letter word will be counted from values 0-11. This is why I use “length()-1″ to grab the last letter of the word.
So going from the innermost parentheses, it gets the length of my word. Let’s say the word is “Todd?” That’s 5, from T at location 0 to ? at location 4.
It grabs the character at length - 1. As I just said, the character at location 4 is “?”
Character.isLetter will return False, because “?” isn’t in the uppercase or lowercase alphabet.
Because my statement starts with the “not” modifier “!”, the if statement will run its code because it evaluated to False.
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sassafrassrex · 7 years
Why study, when I could write minifics and snippets?
A wall.
Shiro and Ulaz sprinted around a corner and there, right in front of them… a wall.
Smooth, featureless, twentysome feet high, guardrail at the top of it. Separating the walk they were on – down here – from the walkway they needed to be on – up there
… And Shiro’s jetpack already out of action (something that seemed to happen entirely too often on missions. Should get that looked at).
… And (because of course) the armor’s grappling hook already jammed, due to earlier unfortunate circumstances forcing it to bear too much weight.
“Shit.” Catching his breath, Shiro chuckled at Ulaz, “So. What’s your jump height?”
“Roughly my own height. More with a running start, but not enough for this.”
Damn. “Yeah, mine’s only about chest-level.” Was a bit of a forlorn hope anyway. Galra were big. Big meant heavy, meant unfavorable strength-to-weight, meant need another plan.
Shiro darted forward to place an experimental hand against the wall. The telltale ache bloomed at the base of his skull as he lit the prosthetic up, hoping maybe… but he stepped back with a huff. No dice, someone on Team Empire must have been taking notes. Shiro anticipated he’d probably just knock himself out before he managed to melt handholds into this.
God, a fucking wall. They had – Shiro checked his mask display – twelve dovashes, to get where they needed to be. Which meant that in twelve dovashes, one tick, Shiro and Ulaz would have officially been thwarted by one of the oldest, simplest defenses in the history of all civilized society. 
“Okay,” he clapped his hands together, pointing them at Ulaz, “back against the wall.”
“You, boost me up.” Ulaz was pretty strong, he could probably do it. “Then you,” he double-checked, “wallrun, corner, wallrun.” He illustrated, pointing to the wall beside them, to the corner, to the wall in front. “High as you can get, and I’ll reach down and grab you.”
Ulaz stared, “You think it will work?”
“… Sure. Yeah, Matt and I did it at the Garrison, when we were climbing the outside of the Mess hall. It’s fine.”
Ulaz stood, back planted against the wall, reaching out both hands.
Shiro stepped back. He had maybe three strides worth of a run-up. Cramped but good enough. He stuck his head around the corner. Still clear.
Yeah, it’ll work fine
Then one deep breath. He nodded to Ulaz, and one step – two – three – and Ulaz boosted him up hard enough he felt his spine bend.
It carried him just high enough to close both hands over the top.
Shit, no need to put me into orbit!
What was that? ‘Thank you, Shiro, for getting my boney ass up here?’
Hand over hand, he walked himself sideways until he reached one of the struts, supporting the railing. Then he hiked himself up, got his elbows over the top, and he was there.
Lying on his stomach, he wrapped his right arm around the support (brief visions of it getting ripped off his elbow made that decision), then stretched the other down as far as he could.
“Okay, go.”
Ulaz took it at a run, caught the side wall, then caught the corner, then came across, headed straight for Shiro.
It actually took two tries.
But on the second try (kicking gravity right in the face), palm met forearm and held fast. 
And then the yank.
Hero momen– oh fuck!
Shit, don’t let – 
Good thing Shiro had his other arm anchored, because godfuckingdamn, Ulaz was heavy. Odds were not favorable for pulling him up with one arm (unless he wanted to also throw his own back out) Shiro just grit his teeth and concentrated on holding on, and let Ulaz deal with hauling himself up.
Ack – climb faster – fuck, are you –
You twig – just – hang on –
Shiro owed Matt a(nother) apology.  
Ulaz hooked a heel over the edge, then finally he was up. Shiro flopped over like a dead fish, before slowly hauling himself upright. His whole arm was tingling, from aching shoulder all the way down to his buzzing fingers.
Am I lopsided? Shiro, I think I’m lopsided, is one arm longer?
Probably. Come on
Seven dovashes left now. Ulaz pulled Shiro the rest of the way to standing (by the other arm, thank God).
And they were off.
Much, much later (after they’d made it with an entire dovash and a half to spare, thankyouverymuch), safely back at the Castle, Ulaz was doing Shiro the wonderful favor of gently massaging the life back into his shoulder.
Totally uncalled for, to be honest. He hadn’t sprained anything (and if he had, this wouldn’t be right anyway). Sure, it had felt pretty shitty but Ulaz, though heavy, hadn’t actually done any damage. Shiro was fine.
But given the butterfly kisses brushing along the nape of his neck, and given Ulaz’s warm (blessedly warm) hands, fat chance of Shiro mentioning that fact.
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tujh91 · 4 years
Русский🇷🇺, English🇺🇲 🇷🇺 5 и 6 сентября, в Екатеринбурге прошел отборочный этап турнира «Red Bull Half Court 3х3», на котором мне посчастливилось провести замеры прыжка среди участников и зрителей. 🏀 Пишите свою ма��симальную точку касания, интересно было смотреть подобный формат съемки видео? 🏀 Стоит ли в будущем снимать подобные мероприятия? Так же каждый участник мог проверить свои силы в прыжковом челлендже от Криштиану Роналду и достать головой мяч подвешенный на высоте 265 сантиметров. 🏀 Что из этого вышло, смотрите в этом видео. 🏀 Полное видео на YouTube канале - Егор Пупынин 🏀 Следующие этапы турнира «Red Bull Half Court 3х3» пройдут: Ростов-на-Дону - 11-12 сентября; Москва, Нижний Новгород, Калининград - 12 Cентября; Санкт-Петербург - 19 сентября; Казань и Новосибирск - 20 сентября. 🇺🇲 On September 5 and 6, in Ekaterinburg, the qualifying stage of the Red Bull Half Court 3x3 tournament was held, where I was lucky to measure the jump among the participants and spectators. 🏀 Write your maximum touch point, was it interesting to watch a similar video shooting format? 🏀 Is it worth filming such events in the future? Also, each participant could test his strength in the jumping challenge from Cristiano Ronaldo and get his head on the ball suspended at a height of 265 centimeters. 🏀 What came of it, see this video. 🏀 Full video on YouTube - Tujh91 #cristianoronaldo #jump #jumpheight #redbull #redbullhalfcourt #Екатеринбург #баскетбол #прыжки #соревнования #brandnewpark #basketball #basketballplayer #jumpchallenge #challenge https://www.instagram.com/p/CE6k6bGIiEV/?igshid=1mpdk7bsxnhlx
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successin12 · 8 years
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DAY 161: It's been hard work in the gym to get this massive result of a 7cm increase in jumping height in only 7 days. Only 42cm to go before I attain the jump height to dunk. What are your thoughts on this progress? #successin12 #success #dunk #dunktraining #shortdunker #basketball #dunkchallenge #jump #jumptraining #jumpheight #gym #gymlife #exercise #plyometrics #weighttraining #coach #lifecoach #lifecoaching #livethedream (at Stockholm, Sweden)
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devprogress · 4 years
Boosted Double-Jump
This type of jump was also pretty simple to implement. All I needed to do was adapt the code I used for the triple-jump to limit to a double-jump instead and make sure that the gravity and jump height on the second jump were adjusted to feel like the second jump was bigger and faster. Again, the pertinent code is emboldened. Also, this isn’t the entire player controller script. There are a few functions related to death and checkpoints that have been omitted.
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour {    // Variables to collect movement inputs.    private float xMovement;    private float zMovement;
   // Adjustable parameters for movement and jumping.    [SerializeField] private float playerSpeed = 15.0f;    [SerializeField] private float gravityModifier = 1.5f;    [SerializeField] private float glideGravityModifier = 1f;    [SerializeField] private float glideJumpHeight = 9.0f;    [SerializeField] private float boostJumpHeight = 6.0f;    [SerializeField] private float boostGravityModifier = 1.25f;    [SerializeField] private float jumpHeight = 3.0f;    [SerializeField] private int jumpLimit;
   // Information needed to be passed into the script from other components or game objects.    [SerializeField] private CharacterController playerController;    [SerializeField] private Transform groundCheck;    [SerializeField] private float groundDistance = 0.4f;    [SerializeField] private LayerMask groundMask;
   // Private variables for use in the logic.    private Vector3 allMovement;    private Vector3 fallVelocity;    private Vector3 defaultRespawnPoint = new Vector3(0f, 2f, -3.5f);    private Vector3 checkpointRespawn;    private Vector3 currentCheckpoint;    private bool isCheckpoint1 = false;    private bool isCheckpoint2 = false;    private float gravity = -9.81f;    private int jumpCount = 0;    private bool isGrounded;    private bool isGliding = false;    private float defaultGravityModifier;
   void Start()    {        defaultGravityModifier = gravityModifier;        currentCheckpoint = defaultRespawnPoint;    }
   // Update is called once per frame    void Update()    {        // Grounding check code begins here.        isGrounded = Physics.CheckSphere(groundCheck.position, groundDistance, groundMask);
       // This does the grounding check.        if (isGrounded && fallVelocity.y < 0f)        {            // This stops the player from continuing to accelerate due to gravity once on the ground.            fallVelocity.y = -2f;
           // This resets the jump counter if to zero allowing the player to jump in the air a number of times up to a user-defined the jump limit.            jumpCount = 0;
           // Resets isGliding and the gravity modifier when the player is grounded.            isGliding = false;            gravityModifier = defaultGravityModifier;
       // This is where the game gets the input for movement        xMovement = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");        zMovement = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
       // This translates the input into movement.        allMovement = transform.right * xMovement + transform.forward * zMovement;        playerController.Move(allMovement * playerSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
       // This implements gravity so the player falls when in the air.
       if (isGliding)        {            fallVelocity.y += gravity * glideGravityModifier * Time.deltaTime;            playerController.Move(fallVelocity * Time.deltaTime);            Debug.Log("isGliding" + isGliding);            Debug.Log("Gravity Modifier" + glideGravityModifier);        }        else        {            fallVelocity.y += gravity * gravityModifier * Time.deltaTime;            playerController.Move(fallVelocity * Time.deltaTime);            Debug.Log("isGliding" + isGliding);            Debug.Log("Gravity Modifier" + gravityModifier);        }
       //Time to toggle the glide.        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump3") && isGliding && jumpCount >= 1)        {            fallVelocity.y += gravity * gravityModifier * Time.deltaTime;            playerController.Move(fallVelocity * Time.deltaTime);            Debug.Log("isGliding" + isGliding);            Debug.Log("Gravity Modifier" + gravityModifier);            isGliding = true;        }
       if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump3") && isGliding == false && jumpCount >= 1)        {            fallVelocity.y += gravity * glideGravityModifier * Time.deltaTime;            playerController.Move(fallVelocity * Time.deltaTime);            Debug.Log("isGliding" + isGliding);            Debug.Log("Gravity Modifier" + glideGravityModifier);            isGliding = false;        }
       // Jump.        Jump();        BoostJump();        Glide();
       // Leave the game.        Quit();
   }        // Good old-fashioned triple-jump.        void Jump()        {            // This is the logic for jumping allowing for the possibility of multiple jumps in the air up to a user-defined jump limit.            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump1") && jumpCount < jumpLimit)            {                Debug.Log("Jump1");                fallVelocity.y = Mathf.Sqrt(jumpHeight * -2f * gravity);                jumpCount = jumpCount + 1;            }        }
       // Hybrid  boosted double-jump        void BoostJump()        {
           if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump2") && jumpCount < 2)            {                Debug.Log("Jump2");                fallVelocity.y = Mathf.Sqrt(jumpHeight * -2f * gravity);                jumpCount = jumpCount + 1;
               if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump2") && jumpCount == 2)                {                    Debug.Log("Jumpier2");                    fallVelocity.y = Mathf.Sqrt(boostJumpHeight * -2f * (gravity * boostGravityModifier));                    jumpCount = jumpCount + 1;                }            }        }
       // Gracefully jump and glide in the air.        void Glide()        {            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump3") && jumpCount == 0)            {                Debug.Log("Jump3");                fallVelocity.y = Mathf.Sqrt(glideJumpHeight * -2f * (gravity * glideGravityModifier));                jumpCount = jumpCount + 1;                //isGliding = true;
           }        }
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tcrakman · 7 years
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Hola! Second update, here we go! "Another soul" Devlog update 2
TL;DR 1-Player now can jump on platforms / reach higher grounds. Below is a link to a HD video that better shows this mechanic! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WihqjVJUizU&feature=youtu.be 2-Branching dialogue system.
1-Finally! after some testing/fixing, jumping to reach platforms/higher grounds is now possible! You can see these purple platforms that the player jumps over. These platforms all have an object with a height variable that the player shadow object checks only if it is colliding with them. If the player jumpheight is equal or more than the platform height variable, the player shadow automatically "reaches the top" of the platform. Now if the player as reached the top of one of these platforms its shadow constantly checks collision with the top so when the shadow stops colliding with the platform top (reaches the edge of the platform) the player shadow automatically "falls down" to the same height it took it to reach the top (remember the player will keep falling down by gravity until it reaches its shadow). This mechanic is also very forgiving so, for example, if the player accidentally falls down a platform/ledge, he can move quickly again to the same platform if is jumpheight is still more or equal than the platform height variable. Right now, if the player falls of a ledge it will instantly jump, this has proved to be VERY beneficial during testing as the player doesn´t need to press the jump button to jump to other platforms. You could say its the same way as Zelda, where you automatically jump if Link reaches an edge. interestingly, this jumping over ledges started as a bug in early tests but man, it makes traversing over platforms so easy that im almost sure it will stay here as it is :D
2-Yay, dialogues! (Okay, to be honest i´ve had this one for a while but i see no problem recording it here in this update). This system supports branching dialogue, you see, you can talk to others and choose answers (answer boxes) if the other character asks you something. Depending on your answers the conversation can take a different turn. This system also supports character portraits that show once you´re talking to them. Every "talkable" character should have at least one portrait for the conversation system to hold. You know, maybe the character you´re talking is mad, maybe you choose a bad answer and now it looks like the character will try to kill you. Or maybe you made it happy and now the character loves you. You see, some characters can have many portraits with different expressions depending on the current situation of the conversation. The system is very ugly looking right now, i mean, no art or sprites to make the conversation look better (except some portraits like the deer one) but the good thing is... it freakin works :D (dont pay attention to that deer, he´s lying!) Also this system can change variables or make events happen once the conversation ends, so, maybe the character will give you an item or open a door if you choose the right answers.
Getting there... hopefully i can have a playable demo in the next month or two (uh, next year?), so everyone can play it! End of update 2. Adios!
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fridayflareon · 7 years
Would anyone be interested if I set up a community Minecraft server?
A few friends and I have had a small server up and running for a few months now, and it was actually a really good bonding experience - I hardly knew some of them to begin with, and now we’re really good friends.
This server thingy is mainly going to be a fun place to hang and get to know each other, good for those of us (me included) who suck at casual conversation without a common medium like a game!
Development is still in progress (getting there!), but I wanted to see how many people would be interested in joining? O: Questions, concerns, comments, warnings, etc are welcome too!
Server will be vanilla with added features. You’ll be able to connect without having to mod your client. The HUGE list of custom stuff is under the cut!
Server settings:
Server will be vanilla (running Spigot) with plugins
Server will run in "season" installments, resetting every predefined period of time (3 months?, with each old map being put up for download). This prevents old players from getting bored with lategame and gives new players an opportunity to get ahead.
Server's goal will be to foster interaction by bringing people together, and thus will be opened to the general community and pretty much anyone who wants to join
Server will be SFW. There will be a toggleable filter for swear words. All slurs (that I can think of) will be filtered without the ability to toggle off.
Server will have a Discord Server set up, for chat about the game, announcements about updates, content suggestions, bug reports, etc.        • While joining the Discord is not required, it is highly recommended,          as that’s where I will post update changelogs, crafting recipes, etc!
Server will still run on a whitelist (with multiple Moderators who have the power to whitelist)        • To join you must have EITHER:                • A main mode of identification (twitter, tumblr) that is NOT                  purely a pron or RP blog/twitter.                • A friend/acquantance in the server that can vouch for you.       • This requirement is an attempt to reduce the potential for conflict.         Thus, any attempts to circumvent the system will thus violate the         condition stated and you will not be let in.
Server will have the following settings:        • KeepInventory: ENABLED        • PVP: ENABLED, with option to disable in Claims, detailed below.        • Difficulty: Normal or Hard - we can vote
Server will additionally have 2 (soon to be 3) minigames, separate from the normal Survival world:       • Mob Arena - PvE gladiator arena where players choose a class         and use swords, bows, and abilities (moves) to slay waves of mobs         and bosses with powerful abilities of their own.       • Hide n’ Seek - Infection-style Hide and Seek with classes.       • Super Punch Bows (Coming Soon(TM)) - Super Smash Bros         style PVP gameplay, but with Punch CCLV, Knockback CCLV bows         instead. Very fast paced.
Server will have numerous Runescape references. Deal with it. c:
Server updates will be relatively slow, especially once school starts again, as I (Accell) am the only developer.
The ONLY in-game rule:
DON’T BE AN ASS. Do NOT intentionally try to ruin the time of others. Harassment will absolutely NOT be tolerated. Note that this definition DOES FORBID acts of “trolling.” Violations will be up to the discretion of staff members who witness the act or receive the report.
Plugin Changes (AKA custom stuff):
Each new player starts with a Tier III and a Tier VII Quantum Tablet, detailed above.
The End is disabled until the very last week (or two?) of each season. This way no one person can jump the gun and kill the dragon on like the second day.         • To combat the unavailability of cool stuff for most of the season:                 • Elytra will very rarely spawn in Nether Fortress chests.                 • Shulker shells will rarely spawn in woodland mansion chests.
Loot Chests (blacksmiths, mineshafts, etc) will contain loot on a per-player basis and cannot be destroyed. Each player will get different loot from a chest.
Chat overhaul - allows you to set a nickname and ignore/block users, which prevents you from seeing their chat messages and PMs.
Custom death messages, complete with puns and pokemon references.
Teleport Tablets - Craftable; one use; Saves a location when used and teleports you back to it when used again. Can be cloned by crafting an activated with an inactive one.
Quantum Tablets - Craftable; one use; Teleports you to a random location within a set radius. Upgradeable up to Tier 7.         • Max Teleport Radius = 512 * (2^(t - 1)); where t = tier of tablet.
Teleportation Tokens - crafted with 1 diamond or 3 emeralds, this item allow ONE usage of the /tpa or /tphere commands.
Lodestones - Craftable; structures that can be placed and used to teleport to other placed lodestones.         • Can be set to one of 3 modes:             • Public - anyone can see this lodestone and teleport to it.             • Private - only you can see and teleport to this lodestone.             • Passworded - anyone can see this lodestone, but only those                who correctly type a password can teleport to it. The owner                will not have to type the password.
Land claiming - Claim an area to protect it so that only added members will be able to build on it. Claimed areas are also immune to explosions.       • Protection Options:             • PVP can be toggled on and off by the claim's owner.             • Protection can be toggled on and off by the claim's owner.
Chests and other containers can be locked with a sign, preventing others from peeking in them.
Nametagged tamed animals cannot take lethal damage and thus never die. Tamed animals can be untamed with Untamers (craftable, looks like a Red Mushroom) if you no longer want them.
Entity data can be collected with an item called an Inspector (craftable, looks like a Redstone Comparator). Right Clicking an entity with it will write data to the item's description.
Wolves become more interactive, such as:       • Wolves can be pet with Sneak + Left Click.       • Wolves have Affection hearts, viewable via Inspector, which         increase if fed Beans, which are uncommonly found in loot chests.       • At 1 or more hearts of affection, Wolves will play Fetch with you         (Right Click with stick to throw).       • Wolves have 2 Quirks each, which give bonuses like extra speed,         lower attack, ability to shoot fire, etc, viewable via Inspector.       • Wolves have a 1/4096 chance to spawn Shiny. Shiny wolves can          be bred with the same chance.       • Shiny parents gives the baby Wolf a higher chance to be Shiny.         Holding a Shimmering Charm (craftable item, looks like a Nether         Star) helps, too.       • Wolves will remember whether they were tamed or bred and in         which season it happened, viewable via Inspector.
Horse stats (Speed, MaxHealth, JumpHeight) can be upgraded with 3 types of Biscuits, found in loot chests.
Cauldrons can be used as stew pots by Right Clicking it with foodstuffs. Provides 3 servings of Homemade Stew when scooped with bowls.
Bricks and Nether Bricks can be thrown or shot from dispensers, dealing damage based on distance travelled. Nether bricks also ignite victims.
Guitars (craftable, looks like a Wooden Shovel) can be used to play sounds. Book n' Quills can be used in conjunction to write sheet music with a fancy GUI.
Pets! Killing certain mobs has a low chance (affected by looting) to drop a Mind, Body or Soul of that mob. Crafting all 3 together will make a pet, which can be placed and picked up.       • Current pets (More to come Soon(TM)):                • Rabbit            • Polar Bear        • Bat                • Silverfish        • Spider
Bleach can be brewed by adding a Poisonous Potato to water bottles. Bleach gives Poison and Nausea, and can be made into splash and lingering variants.
Prismatic Dyes rarely spawn in certain loot chests, and can be used to dye leather armor with a custom RGB or Hex code.
You may store a maximum of 5 items (5 single items, NOT 5 stacks) in a special Safe Deposit Box (accessible via command) to keep between season resets. This is meant for keeping sentimental items, not for getting a head start!        • Entities may be stored by using a Pokeball (craftable).          Only passive and tameable mobs may be stored in this way.        • The following limitations apply to stored items:                • No equipment (armor/tools), enchanted books, or materials                  (diamonds, ingots, etc), except for Skulls. Leather armor can                  be stored if it has no protection enchantments.                • No items that require a certain progression to obtain (blaze                  rods, slimeballs, end stone, etc), except Dragon Heads and                  Dragon Eggs.                • No functional blocks (beacons, enchant tables, brewing                  stands, etc), except for Lodestones.
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2D-Platformer: Progress Log #4
Criss Cross will make you
The rays keep building gravity when the player is on a platform which is an issue when I’m writing script to jump. Sooooo I’ve implemented the following (after an hour long google)
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After putting this in place gravity in general does not exist. To be addressed…
I have since decided to remove this piece of script and if it causes issues down the line I will address it then.
I currently have values assigned to jumpVelocity and gravity which is rather non descript and pretty much for testing purposes so Im going to take away their value and instead create a specific jumpheight and timetoJumpApex which are far more inutuitive and effect the former variables anyway. This involves some equations (which I may or may not have added to prove I still remembered some physics)
Know Variables: jumpHeight , timetoJumpApex
Solve: gravity , jumpVelocity
Finding Gravity
deltaMovement = velocityInitial * time + acceleration *time(2) / 2
Replacing those values with my variables ( Initial velocity is = 0 so it can be removed from the equation) 
jumpHeight = gravity *timeToJumpApex(2) / 2
2 * jumpHeight = gravity * timeToJumpApex(2)
2* jumpHeight / gravity = timeToJumpApex(2)
Gravity / 2* jumpHeight = 1 / timeToJumpApex(2)
Gravity = 2 * jumpHeight / timeToJumpApex(2)
Finding jumpVelocity
velocityFinal = velocityInitial + acceleration * time
jumpVelocity = gravity * timeToJumpApex
Below is the implemented code + debugging method
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altercontrollerproject · 10 months
Targets for 28.11.23
Fix jumpheight multiplier (character not jumping correctly)
Model tiles
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tujh91 · 4 years
English,Русский 🇷🇺 Сегодня прошел первый день турнира «Red Bull Half Court 3х3» 🏀 Провел Криштиано Роналду челлендж, мяч был подвешен на высоту 265 см, 14 человек смогли достать его головой. 🏀 Меня пригласили на второй день турнира, кто не смог сегодня, у вас есть шанс проверить свои силы завтра в парке Павлика Морозова «Brand New Park», г Екатеринбург, с 11:00 до 14:00. 🏀 Полное видео выйдет в ближайшее время на канале 🇺🇲 Today was the first day of the "Red Bull Half Court 3x3" tournament 🏀 Cristiano Ronaldo held a challenge, the ball was suspended at a height of 265 cm, 14 people were able to reach it with their heads. 🏀 The full video will be released soon on the channel 🎬 @thef2 #cristiano #cristianoronaldo #cristianoronaldo7 #jump #jumpheight #redbull #redbullhalfcourt #Екатеринбург #Youtube https://www.instagram.com/p/CEwcXCroP8_/?igshid=1oy7sdmfl9joo
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devprogress · 4 years
This jump mode was quite easy to implement in comparison to the glide. All I needed to do was adapt the initial jump functionality code to include a condition locking the player to a specific number of jumps while the in the air. A simple if statement managed to do the trick. All code related to the triple-jump is emboldened.
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour {    // Variables to collect movement inputs.    private float xMovement;    private float zMovement;
   // Adjustable parameters for movement and jumping.    [SerializeField] private float playerSpeed = 15.0f;    [SerializeField] private float gravityModifier = 1.5f;    [SerializeField] private float glideGravityModifier = 1f;    [SerializeField] private float glideJumpHeight = 9.0f;    [SerializeField] private float boostJumpHeight = 6.0f;    [SerializeField] private float boostGravityModifier = 1.25f;    [SerializeField] private float jumpHeight = 3.0f;    [SerializeField] private int jumpLimit;
   // Information needed to be passed into the script from other components or game objects.    [SerializeField] private CharacterController playerController;    [SerializeField] private Transform groundCheck;    [SerializeField] private float groundDistance = 0.4f;    [SerializeField] private LayerMask groundMask;
   // Private variables for use in the logic.    private Vector3 allMovement;    private Vector3 fallVelocity;    private Vector3 defaultRespawnPoint = new Vector3(0f, 2f, -3.5f);    private Vector3 checkpointRespawn;    private Vector3 currentCheckpoint;    private bool isCheckpoint1 = false;    private bool isCheckpoint2 = false;    private float gravity = -9.81f;    private int jumpCount = 0;    private bool isGrounded;    private bool isGliding = false;    private float defaultGravityModifier;
   void Start()    {        defaultGravityModifier = gravityModifier;        currentCheckpoint = defaultRespawnPoint;    }
   // Update is called once per frame    void Update()    {        // Grounding check code begins here.        isGrounded = Physics.CheckSphere(groundCheck.position, groundDistance, groundMask);
       // This does the grounding check.        if (isGrounded && fallVelocity.y < 0f)        {            // This stops the player from continuing to accelerate due to gravity once on the ground.            fallVelocity.y = -2f;
           // This resets the jump counter if to zero allowing the player to jump in the air a number of times up to a user-defined the jump limit.            jumpCount = 0;
           // Resets isGliding and the gravity modifier when the player is grounded.            isGliding = false;            gravityModifier = defaultGravityModifier;
       // This is where the game gets the input for movement        xMovement = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");        zMovement = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
       // This translates the input into movement.        allMovement = transform.right * xMovement + transform.forward * zMovement;        playerController.Move(allMovement * playerSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
       // This implements gravity so the player falls when in the air.
       if (isGliding)        {            fallVelocity.y += gravity * glideGravityModifier * Time.deltaTime;            playerController.Move(fallVelocity * Time.deltaTime);            Debug.Log("isGliding" + isGliding);            Debug.Log("Gravity Modifier" + glideGravityModifier);        }        else        {            fallVelocity.y += gravity * gravityModifier * Time.deltaTime;            playerController.Move(fallVelocity * Time.deltaTime);            Debug.Log("isGliding" + isGliding);            Debug.Log("Gravity Modifier" + gravityModifier);        }
       //Time to toggle the glide.        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump3") && isGliding && jumpCount >= 1)        {            fallVelocity.y += gravity * gravityModifier * Time.deltaTime;            playerController.Move(fallVelocity * Time.deltaTime);            Debug.Log("isGliding" + isGliding);            Debug.Log("Gravity Modifier" + gravityModifier);            isGliding = true;        }
       if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump3") && isGliding == false && jumpCount >= 1)        {            fallVelocity.y += gravity * glideGravityModifier * Time.deltaTime;            playerController.Move(fallVelocity * Time.deltaTime);            Debug.Log("isGliding" + isGliding);            Debug.Log("Gravity Modifier" + glideGravityModifier);            isGliding = false;        }
       // Jump.        Jump();        BoostJump();        Glide();
       // Leave the game.        Quit();
   }        // Good old-fashioned triple-jump.        void Jump()        {            // This is the logic for jumping allowing for the possibility of multiple jumps in the air up to a user-defined jump limit.            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump1") && jumpCount < jumpLimit)            {                Debug.Log("Jump1");                fallVelocity.y = Mathf.Sqrt(jumpHeight * -2f * gravity);                jumpCount = jumpCount + 1;            }        }
       // Hybrid  boosted double-jump        void BoostJump()        {
           if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump2") && jumpCount < 2)            {                Debug.Log("Jump2");                fallVelocity.y = Mathf.Sqrt(jumpHeight * -2f * gravity);                jumpCount = jumpCount + 1;
               if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump2") && jumpCount == 2)                {                    Debug.Log("Jumpier2");                    fallVelocity.y = Mathf.Sqrt(boostJumpHeight * -2f * (gravity * boostGravityModifier));                    jumpCount = jumpCount + 1;                }            }        }
       // Gracefully jump and glide in the air.        void Glide()        {            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump3") && jumpCount == 0)            {                Debug.Log("Jump3");                fallVelocity.y = Mathf.Sqrt(glideJumpHeight * -2f * (gravity * glideGravityModifier));                jumpCount = jumpCount + 1;                //isGliding = true;
           }        }
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