#jungkook tattoo au
jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
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Jungkook drabble – “And even if you don’t feel the same, that’s okay – I’ll always be here for you.”
Unrequited love au, bestfriend!jungkook | Word Count – 1k
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption 
Eyes animatedly round and bulging from your skull, you stare at your best friend Jungkook in complete astonishment. He’s very drunk, you’re very drunk. It was decided last minute that the two of you would go on an impromptu camping trip tonight, and so you’re sitting by the fire beneath the moonlight and stars with the man you’ve known your entire life. Except there’s one thing you didn’t know about him, one thing he’s been drunkenly rambling about for almost twenty minutes now.
Jungkook is in love with you.
“And even if you don’t feel the same, that’s okay – I’ll always be here for you…” He sighs dramatically into the neck of his beer bottle, nervously chewing his pierced lip.
“Kookie you’re drunk, stop talking shit.” You snort, there’s absolutely no way he’s in love with you. No fucking way. Not in a million years. You’re blushing, fighting a smile, because in all honesty you’re flattered – Jungkook is quite the catch. Hundreds, no scratch that thousands of girls constantly try their luck sliding into the tattooist’s DM’s on Instagram – always disheartened when he doesn’t respond. Any girl would be lucky to have him, but he’s your best friend… You just don’t see him like that.
“I’m one hundred percent serious. I’ve had it bad for you since you kissed me in third grade.” He’s laughing now, shaking his head in disbelief that it’s taken him more than twenty years to admit this to you.
Ah yes, your first kiss. Jungkook’s first kiss. It was the result of him winning his taekwondo tournament after school, you were so happy and proud of him that you went to kiss his cheek when he was announced as the winner – except he had turned into your embrace at that very moment. Escalating into a very awkward, innocent clashing of lips and teeth between two usually shy children.
“Okay first of all I didn’t mean to kiss you,” You hold up your finger, waggling it in your defence, “And it was barely even a kiss it was more us… Clashing—”
He grabs your stray finger, shaking it violently with a wide grin, “It was a kiss.”
“No it wasn’t!” Your head lolls back from laughter, “That was not a kiss.”
“It definitely was, just admit it you had a crush on me and kissed me.”
You roll your eyes, “That’s not true at all…”
“Fuck me Y/N, nothing like shooting a man when he’s already down.” A pained, forced giggle rattles inside the chest his hand clutches in feigned offence.
“Sorry.” You’re biting your lip to stifle laughter, he’s so wasted that his eyes are reddened by alcohol and so hooded that they threaten to close at any moment.
“So you really feel nothing for me, huh?” He sighs, letting go of your hand and sinking back in the camping chair, shielding his embarrassment with the bend of his elbow.
“I-, well…” You feel guilty, terribly so, that his feelings are unrequited. Of course you love him, you’d die for him without a second thought… You just don’t love him like that, “Can you just let me process what you’re saying here? You’re my best friend… I wasn’t expecting this.”
“Really?” You watch his brow quirk knowingly, “You’re telling me you had no idea?”
“Genuinely didn’t have a clue, I still don’t believe you if I’m being honest… You’re just drunk.” You hum, standing to get another bottle of beer from the cooler nearby.
It’s when you walk past your best friend that he firmly grips the back of your knees, bending them until you collapse onto his thighs. You’re straddling him, peering down at his shit-eating smirk with a warning stare. His palms find purchase on your hips, holding you in place.
“Jungkook what are you doing?” You snort, playfully tugging his long brunette locks.
And that’s when it happens, yours and Jungkook’s first actual kiss. It’s like the world stands still when he angles his face up to yours, noses brushing against each other with nothing more than shaky alcohol-stained breaths between you. He presses his lips to yours so delicately that you almost don’t feel it at first, it’s featherlight, tender… Everything you wouldn’t expect from a big beefy tattoo artist covered with piercings and dark artwork of his life.
You sigh against his mouth, head spinning, heart pounding. When he pulls back you almost feel disappointed, but the love swimming in his brown doe-eyes stops you from feeling disheartened. That’s the moment you realise he’s telling the truth.
“Do you believe me now?” He tucks a wayward strand of hair behind your ear, resting his thumb on your cheek when he cups your face.
You roll your eyes, standing from his lap in one swift albeit not so elegant movement, “No, you’re definitely just drunk.” You lie, mentally unable to deal with this right now as beer and something akin to butterflies warm your body.
“Guess I’ll have to remind you in morning when I’m sober then.” He winks, and you throw his fresh beer at him with a scoff.
“I’ll hold you to that.”
The next morning Jungkook pulls you close in the sleeping bag, nestling his forehead in the crook of your neck, “Good morning…” His voice is croaky and thick with sleep, a contrast to the airy pitter patter of raindrops hitting the tent.
“Morning.” You’re stretching in place, welcoming the way his warm hands squeeze your middle.
He sighs knowingly, lacing his inked fingers with yours, “I love you Y/N.”
“I know.” You smile.
AN: thank u for ur request i hope this is okay! :) 
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ggukkiereads · 2 years
Hello!!! I've been thinking about this all day but I can't seem to find it and it's killing me 😵😵 It's a jungkook fic where he gets a tattoo for the OC but he's very nervous to reveal it he's afraid OC won't like it. So he says something like he can get it removed, when trying to reveal it but actually OC loves it!!! One of the details I remember is OC gives Jungkook her number on a napkin with a heart when they first met???? If I'm not wrong. Thank you so much in advance 🥰🥰🥰
🌷 Hi, sorry I don’t know this. If someone has read this please feel free to help fellow reader with the fic they are looking for! Thank you so much! 
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yoon-kooks · 11 months
seven tattoos later | jjk
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🐰pairing: fuckboy!jungkook x tattooartist!reader
🐰genre: fluff, smut
🐰summary: if the hottest fuck boy in town made it a point to visit your little tattoo studio every week, how many tattoos would it take to make you fall in love with him?
🐰word count: 3.3k
🐰warnings: unprotected sex, slight exhibitionism, sex on the couch, doggy, hes big and rough, lip tattoos, hickeys, lil bit of drinking, hes so annoying in this im so sorry
As you close up for the night, you look out the window and count at least four couples out for a dog walk. It’s past eight, but still warm and bright out. It’s like the sun never stops shining. Summer sucks like that.
Maybe you’d appreciate the sun a little more if you had a puppy to walk or at least a handsome guy friend to drag you outside so you aren’t just rotting away in your empty tattoo studio on a Friday night. Everyone’s apparently on vacation or getting married in Hawaii or something, so work’s been exceptionally slow this week. Fuck summer.
It’s lonely.
You might even miss Jeon Jungkook, the last person you ever expected to get along with. The first time he walked into your studio, he didn’t waste any time in hitting on you and making it painfully obvious. You were convinced he only walked in and got a tattoo that day because he thought you’d be an easy lay. 
That was around two months ago.
“What do you think would look good on me?” he’d asked while scrolling through your portfolio. You knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted you to take in his good looks, imagine the carved out physique beneath that leather jacket. That’s what guys like him do. And he was far from the first male client to ask you that. He wasn't special.
“I don’t know, maybe like a bunny or a duckling?” You just said the first things that came to mind—your two favorite animals. You didn’t give a flying fuck about what design would actually look good on someone you’d just met. Your icy heart definitely doesn’t warm up to people that quickly no matter how hot they are.
“Bunnies are cute,” he said without hesitation. You swear he was staring right at the dainty bunny tattoo on your collarbone. Then he tapped the top of his left hand, the one without all the other tattoos. “I’ll take one right here.” 
At the time, you didn’t think he was serious. (He was serious.)
“So, for touch-ups and stuff, it’d probably be good if I had your number, yeah?” he asked, leaning against the counter and admiring the final product on his hand. Him and his cocky ass smile. It’s annoying how hot he is. Unfair, too.
After inputting your number into his phone, you needed to make one thing very clear: “Send me a dick pic and I’ll tattoo all of your exes’ names on your forehead.”
“I promise no dick pics,” he chuckled. He must’ve taken your threat as a cute little joke. “But I would like to take you out sometime.”
For a moment, you just stared at his handsome face. Everything about him was bright and shiny. His pretty eyes, the art wrapped around his arm, that confident smile. The sun had nothing on him.
But the thing is, you knew better than to trust guys like him. They’re always saying shit they don’t mean. And you were tired of being let down by those empty words.
What would make Jeon Jungkook any different from the fuck boys who’ve burned you in the past?
You didn’t know enough about him to answer that question, but you also weren’t willing to get to know him.
It was for the best.
So after you politely declined the invitation, the boy nodded, waved farewell, and jogged out the door. At least he was decent enough to accept his fate and move right along. (He wasn’t.)
Just when you thought you’d gotten rid of him, he spun around. “See you next week for the touch-up, Y/N.”
He was still smiling like an idiot. You didn’t understand why.
“You’re not gonna need a touch-up in a week,” you shouted back as he dashed off. Fast little fucker. You doubt he heard you, but it didn’t really matter. With all those other tattoos, he already knew how touch-ups worked.
Besides, what were the odds of him showing his pretty face again after rejection? Every other client you turned down never came back. Not even for a touch-up.
You didn’t believe for a second Jeon Jungkook would be back.
A week later, he proved you wrong and waltzed right back in like you never rejected his ass. Of course he did. The week after that, he had three of your designs etched into his hand. And he just kept coming back for more, week after week.
Somewhere along the way, you learned he’s a wedding photographer, an artist like you. He’s shown you his photos a few times even after you specifically said you hate weddings. The photos were gorgeous, though. As much as weddings make you want to gag, the sweet moments he captured had the reverse effect. Somehow, you were envious of what those couples had.
You’ve also overcome the impossible task of learning to tolerate his dumb humor. It’s probably because his laugh and smile are so contagious. He won’t stop running his mouth until he sees you smile either, especially when you’re having a bad day. Your cheeks hurt whenever he’s with you.
Fast forward two months and he now has a total of seven of your tattoos. It feels weird not seeing him this week, not breathing in his woodsy cologne, not leaving your mark on his perfect skin. But you suppose that’s just what happens when the guy who’s been annoying the shit out of you suddenly goes to Hawaii. The withdrawal symptoms are kicking in. 
Your world is a whole lot quieter. It’s peaceful for once. And yet, you miss that chaotic idiot. 
Fuck summer. Fuck people who get married in Hawaii.
Your phone buzzes just as you finish cleaning up. Hopefully it’s someone who wants to book an appointment. (It’s not.)
When you read “jungcock,” you roll your eyes with the faintest smile—the perfect example of your clashing feelings for the boy.
jungcock🥴 [8:24PM] “Got time for me tonight?🫦”
Y/N🐰 [8:24PM] “arent you supposed to be in hawaii rn?”
Y/N🐰 [8:24PM] “and dont use that emoji ever again”
jungcock🥴 [8:25PM] “I’d never choose Hawaii over you😌”
jungcock🥴 [8:25PM] “(They called off the wedding)”
jungcock🥴 [8:25PM] “🫦”
[8:25PM] [jungcock🥴 is now blocked]
[8:31PM] [You’ve unblocked jungcock🥴]
jungcock🥴 [8:31PM] “Is that a yes?”
Y/N🐰 [8:31PM] “i hate you a lot”
jungcock🥴 [8:32PM] “Hear me out”
jungcock🥴 [8:32PM] “What if😳👉👈 I brought snacks?”
Y/N🐰 [8:34PM] “fine”
You groan and shove your phone back into your pocket. Sometimes you wonder how you let this dork finesse his way into your life. Where did you go wrong?
Jungkook arrives at your studio ten minutes later with your favorite peace offerings—soju and pancakes. Ah yes, this is how he finessed his way to the top.
“Ooh snacks,” you hum as if you didn’t believe in his ability to pick something up on the way over. “What kind of pancakes did you get?”
“Your favorite, obviously,” he nods, handing you the warm box and a fork. There’s something about the way he crosses his arms, as though he’s just waiting to catch your reaction when you open it. Why does he look so fucking proud of himself?
“I never told you my favorite pancakes.” You raise a brow. The only thing you told him was your favorite pancake place. But they have like a million different options, ranging from classic (blueberry and chocolate chip) to fancy (tiramisu and that edible gold stuff). There’s no way he can magically guess your favorite pancake.
“Just open it.” He gives you his idea of a “playful shove” on the shoulders, which would’ve knocked you over with the pancakes if he hadn’t grabbed a hold of your wrist. He was definitely that annoying kid on the playground who chased around all the girls he had a crush on.
You mumble on about him being too rough as you open the box. To your surprise, it’s strawberries and whipped cream drenched in red syrup on top of a fat stack of pancakes—aka your favorite pancakes.
You look up from the mountain of strawberries and tilt your head at the boy like a confused puppy.
“I asked the waitress with the purple hair what you normally order,” he explains.
“Okay, but she doesn’t know me by name. How’d you describe me to her?”
He takes a few steps closer until you get a whiff of that woodsy cologne you missed so much. You feel the tips of his fingers trace along your collarbone. He’s not so rough anymore. In fact, the warm caress just barely grazes your skin, as if to tease your body. You’ve always lowkey looked forward to that tiny bit of warmth while working on his tattoos. Maybe he’s always been aware.
“I called you a cutie with a bunny tattoo.” His nose scrunches when he smiles this time, giving your skin one last poke. “She knew it was you when I showed her the one on my hand.”
Of course Jeon Jungkook walked into your favorite pancake place pretending to be your boyfriend. Of course he did something as embarrassing as showing off what appears to be matching tattoos. All for the sake of bringing you your favorite pancakes on an otherwise shitty summer night.
“Now she’ll think we have matching tattoos,” you say softly, shoving his chest. “How am I supposed to show my face in there ever again?”
“Hey, I don’t have a problem with the whole matching tattoos thing.” He puts his hands up to protect his chest from your wrath in case you’re feeling feisty. “I’ll just pick it up for you again.”
You’re not feeling feisty, so you give the boy a thumbs-up and bring him over to the couch in the back corner of the studio where you usually eat or take naps.
At long last, you stab a piece of pancake and strawberry and coat it in whipped cream before shoving it into your mouth. It’s delicious. “Is it mean if I say I’m glad the Hawaii wedding was canceled?”
“Because you’d be lonely without me here?” he teases.
“No, it’s because you bought me free pancakes, you simp,” you grin, handing off the fork to the simp so he too can get a taste of heaven. He passes you the soju in return even though you’re already feeling a little giggly.
“It’s not free,” he denies. “I’m supposed to be here for another tattoo, remember?”
After a tiny sip, you set the green bottle aside and grab Jungkook’s hand with both of yours. It looks so silly with all your tattoos surrounding the cute little bunny in the middle. He’s silly for letting you do that to him.
“I don’t think there’s any more room on your hand for another one,” you giggle. “Where am I gonna tattoo you next?”
You wonder how many tattoos he has under his clothes. Maybe he’s already got them all over the place. Then, eventually, his body will run out of space and you won’t be able to tattoo him anymore. That would suck. You kinda like his company.
“What about a lip tattoo?” you chirp, tapping on his lower lip with your index finger. When he doesn’t swat you away, you tug down on his lip ring to check for a hidden tattoo there. Nothing. “I have one.”
“You do?” His eyes immediately fall on your red strawberry lips. You pull down your lower one for him to see tiny black letters that read “bad girl.”
“My ex did it. I was supposed to tattoo ‘bad boy’ on his lip, but he chickened out,” you shrug. “Isn’t that crazy?”
“Wait, I thought you can’t stand matching tattoos?” He’s such a good listener. Boyfriend material.
“I didn’t have anything against them up until that point,” you hum as you play with his wavy hair. The perm is cute on him. “But that’s basically when my perspective changed.”
That’s when you lost faith in men. When you grew to hate the idea of marriage. When you started rejecting every guy who approached you, even if he was half as hot as Jeon Jungkook.
“Well fuck your ex,” he frowns. Yeah, fuck him. No, wait. Your ex isn’t the one you want to fuck right now. “You’ve convinced me. The next tattoo I’m getting is a lip tattoo.”
“Got any design ideas for what you want there?” You climb into his lap, cup his chin with one hand, and play with his lip piercings some more. You’ve never been this up close and personal with Jungkook, but you like it. You can already feel his cock hardening beneath you through your leggings.
“Your lips,” he says without hesitation. Cheesy, but you’ll take any excuse right now to close the gap between you and him.
Just like that, something clicks in your body, and your lips just find their way to his. You’re not sure how much of it is alcohol and how much is your actual feelings for the boy, but it doesn’t really matter. Not when the kiss tastes like strawberry pancakes. It’s perfect.
You throw your arms over his shoulders as he kisses back. He’s already got his hands slipped up the back of your little tank top. 
Your hips start to roll against him.
“Should we close the blinds?” he asks against your lips. “Unless you like an audience.”
You glance at the window. The sun is finally going down, but of course people are still walking their dogs. Maybe they didn’t get the memo that it’s officially fucking hours, not dog walking hours.
Normally, you’d be all for closing the blinds and turning out the lights, but your ass is nice and comfy in his lap and you’d rather not change that. Plus the back of the couch should hide 90% of what’s going on.
You shed your tank top off and toss it onto the coffee table next to the unfinished pancakes. His big eyes flick to your lacy black bralette. 
“Let them watch.” You press your lips into his neck and suck away like a vampire. The hickeys you’re about to leave him with will have to make do as temporary tattoos for now. You’re not gonna have time to tattoo him tonight.
“You sure you want people to see you so desperate and needy like this?” he asks as you wiggle out of your leggings. His hands immediately find your ass and give it a good squeeze.
“I’m not needy,” you whine, your naughty hand feeling how large his cock is through his joggers.
“I think you’re pretty needy, Y/N.” Two fingers slip past your thong and spread the wet lust between your legs. He has the biggest smirk on his face as your body squirms to his touch. You do everything in your power to hold back a gasp. “Do you want me to fuck you that badly?”
Yes, but you’re not going to admit it. Ever.
“No way,” you answer with confidence. He helps you out of his lap and you let him prop you up on your hands and knees so he can get a good look at your ass. “This is just my way of thanking you for the pancakes since we both know you aren’t getting that lip tattoo tonight.”
“The lip tattoo can wait.” You feel your thong drop to the couch where it belongs. Two very strong hands hold you at the waist. “You’re my number one priority tonight.”
As he fills you with his cock, you’re already melting to the heat between your legs. Your weak little arms lose all their strength. You reach for your fluffy white cloud pillow to muffle your moans and let him do all the work from behind.
The tight hold he has on you is a mix of possessiveness and all the sexual tension built up over the past two months. You wonder how many times he thought about bending you over and fucking you silly in the midst of getting a cute little frog tattoo. You’ve seen the way his lustful eyes look at you during his appointments. You’re not that oblivious.
“Nice ass tattoo, by the way.” He pinches the bit of skin with two pink butterflies. You’d always regretted that one because not everyone shares the same appreciation for it, but that tiny love pinch made it all worth it. “You and your cute little tattoos.”
He slides in and out, pounding your deepest spot, and drawing a pathetic whimper from your throat every few seconds. Doesn’t help that he has a finger or two rubbing away at your swollen little clit. That’s when you realize you’ve been missing out on amazing sex for far too long. Seven whole tattoos. That’s how long it took before you gave in.
He’s already rougher now than the playful shove that nearly knocked you over earlier. Good.
This is exactly what you need after such a boring work week.
“What would you be doing now if I were taking wedding pictures in Hawaii?” His voice is getting breathier. He’s working hard out there.
“Gagging at all the romantic shit you’d be sending me.” Even if he weren’t physically there with you, you know he’d still find a way to be annoying. He’d let you know he’s still thinking of you.
“Don’t worry, I won’t make you gag tonight.” You don’t have to turn around to know he’s got that dumb smirk on his face. “Maybe another time. If you’re into that.”
Your response is a soft moan into the pillow. The thought of his cock shoved down your throat isn’t as repulsive as you would’ve thought two months ago. Giving head isn’t usually your thing, but you’re open to trying it with him. You’re glad he can’t see you lick your lips.
He doesn’t slow down either, instead picking up the pace and going harder. Your fingers dig into the pillow, your whole body dripping in pleasure. It feels too good.
“Mm, Jungkook,” you pant like a poor puppy with your ass up in the air. Your little clit can’t take much more of his fingers. You’re so close.
“Thought you couldn’t stand me,” he teases as you tighten around him. He’s so annoying! During sex, too. “And now you’re about to cum for me?”
“Fuck you,” you gasp as the wave of pleasure passes through you. His fingers and cock help you ride out the high. He’s lucky he’s a sweet guy with a strong sex game. Otherwise you wouldn’t have fallen for his annoying ass.
As soon as he pulls out, he flips you onto your back, staring down at you with his cock in hand. A few extra pumps along his length is all he needs to get his release and drizzle your belly with his creamy glaze.
He climbs over you to give you a soft peck on the lips. You’ve been with a lot of fuck boys before, but you can’t remember any of them kissing you once the sex was done and over with.
This boy is different.
He lets you lie there, basking in the afterglow as he searches the studio for a clean towel. When he finally gets ahold of one, he offers a hand to help you sit up and gets you cleaned up.
“All jokes aside, I’m happy you were here tonight,” you say in a tiny voice. “Fuck Hawaii weddings.”
He chuckles in his usual adorkable way. “You should come to a wedding with me sometime—when I’m not working, of course. Maybe you won’t hate them as much as you think.”
You lean in for another kiss. There’s still a hint of pancake on his tongue, but it's even sweeter. “Sure.”
The corners of his lips curve upward in satisfaction. The annoying little shit is about to jump out. You can feel it. (The annoying little shit does not jump out.)
“Now finish your pancakes,” he smiles. For once, it’s not him looking all smug and shit. And it’s really endearing.
Somehow, he just keeps proving you wrong. In a good way.
You look at your favorite pancakes on the table and wave them off. “Nah, I’m good.” Once more, you scoot your ass onto him and press a finger to his lip. “I think I like the taste of you better.”
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peachyjeonss · 1 year
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© peachyjeonss 2023. Do not repost and modify unless permitted to  
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Pairing: Tattoo artist!Jungkook x Lifeguard!Reader    
Genre: strangers to enemies, enemies to lovers, Smut
Warnings: Reader has a belly piercing, mentions of getting high, Jk and reader have nose piercings, size kink, slight daddy kink, Jk is pretty dominant even when it’s not sexual, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap pls), readers kind of a bitch at first, Jk is also kind of a dick at first, clueless reader at times, Jk gets jealous, jk eats her out, reader gets jk off, ass slapping, reader gets bent over the kitchen counter, reader’s kind of a spoiled brat, brat-taming, choking, tummy bulge, praise, degradation, cum eating, brat tamer jk, dirty talk, slight exhibition, Jk is kind of an aggressive person (not in a toxic way obv), 
Rating: M
Synopsis: Summer has begun and so has your job as a lifeguard at the Stillwells Country Club  — Which means; sunny weather, blue pools and cute bathing suits! You’re looking forward to it; just another normal summer working with friends, but your summer takes a turn when you see his sweet eyes and intimidating stature at the staff car wash.
A/N: This is my first posttt, here’s the teaser!
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His sunglasses lean on the tip of his nose as he looks up at the sky, breathing out.
“This is the most relaxed I’ve seen you in a minute.” Yoongi laughs, sitting next to him as he lathers sunscreen on his pale arms.
“Yeah, surprisingly work hasn’t come to my mind yet.” Jungkook admits, letting out a breathless chuckle as he kicks his feet in the water.
Yoongi hums, “Me neither, and I’m not even a sun person.”
“That’s what the rich life does to you, I guess.” Nari giggles, swimming to them.
Taehyung follows suit, pushing his falling sunglasses back up his nose. “Yeah, I’m about to order a pina-colada just ‘cause.”
“Don’t abuse the free membership either.” Jungkook warns, looking back down at his friend. “It was nice of her to do this for us.”
“Yeah, Aya’s always been pretty sweet.” Taehyung agrees, “She has her spoiled moments though, can't take the rich out of the girl completely.”
Nari smiles, “She’s better than me, I wouldn’t even interact with you peasants if I had country club money.”
“Yeah, that’s why you’re not rich.” Yoongi teases, “You’d be horrible.”
“I suppose.” Nari shrugs, looking around before her mouth falls into an O, “This resort even has good-looking lifeguards...”
Jungkook cocks a brow at her, last time he remembers the lifeguard was some scrawny dude with a permanent scowl. Looking up, Jungkook sits up quickly, pushing his sunglasses over his head at the familiar figure he sees switching seats with the old lifeguard. 
“Isn’t that the girl you checked out the other day?” Yoongi asks, his eyes raking over your body shamelessly, making Jungkook shove him gently.
“Yeah, it is.” Jungkook smirks, watching as you offer some kids a cute smile, telling them to watch their step as they run. Even in the basic red swimsuit the lifeguards were required to wear you still somehow managed to look like sin. “She’s friends with Aya, right?”
“Yeah, they're actually really close.” Taehyung says in a forgetful manner, too preoccupied in doggy paddling around his friends. “Been friends since middle school.”
“Shit, so they're like sisters then.” Nari corrects, “Middle school to college is cool, they saw each other get out of the awkward stage.”
“If she even had one.” Jungkook laughs, still eyeing you.
“They say the prettiest girls have the most awkward phases.” Nari shrugs, “I mean, look at me, gorgeous and my awkward stage was horrendous.”
“Yeah, sure.” Yoongi laughs, wincing when Nari pinches his leg.
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Have a good day! ♡
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lesgetittkookie · 1 year
redamancy - jjk (part iii)
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⤖ genre: fluff, future smut, angst, gardener!jeongguk x rich!reader, okay but jeongguk isn't really a gardener like that but you'll see, kinda slow burn but not really
⤖ pairing: jeongguk x female reader
⤖ rating: 18+
⤖word count: approx. 14.1 k words
⤖ chapter warnings: explicit language, angst
summary: jeongguk is just a normal dude with a simple routine. wake up, go to the gym, work his job as a waiter at this posh upscale restaurant in the heart of gangnam before coming home to a night full of video games and ramen (it's delicious and cheap). that routine gets disrupted when he accidentally taps the back of an expensive sports car of one of the richest men in south korea. considering he's broke, he couldn't afford to pay for the damages so the man makes a deal with him by offering him to work at his house as one of the gardeners. jeongguk takes it but wasn't prepared to meet this beautiful young woman who's constantly lounging by the pool, you, the rich man's daughter.
author's note: hi hi hi pls don't kill me yall. i know it's been MONTHS since i last posted. there were many life changing events that occurred in my life and it really held me back from ever completing part 3. i had half of it written in august but it was left abandoned for a while because of my college semester. i also lost motivation to write for so long too. im gonna be honest, i hate this chapter. no matter what i wrote, i was not happy with it at all and im still not. but i didn't wanna keep you guys waiting. the only thing i ask from you is that if you can really give me feedback and thoughts on the chapter, it would be really helpful. seeing you guys enjoy it keeps me motivated to continue writing, the more motivated i am, the sooner i can post future parts. im on summer break so i would really like to finish this story if possible. pls don't be a silent reader. i hope you guys like this chapter. xx M.
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“You’re going to what?” Jeongguk asks, almost dropping the garden snippers on his foot. 
Dohyun jumps a little at the older man’s loud voice, almost dropping the flower bouquet. He dusts off his white button-up, fixing the collar. 
“I’m going to ask Y/N on a date,” He reiterates proudly. “I got her these chocolates from that fancy chocolate store,” He holds up the white box wrapped in a baby pink bow. “And some roses from my aunt’s flower shop.” His other hand props up the bouquet, plastic rustling when he shakes it. 
No way. There’s no way he’s actually going to ask you. Not when you literally just said last night that you don’t have any form of feelings for Dohyun. But you also did mention that you wouldn’t have the heart to turn him down, not wanting to see him hurt. 
God, why did you have to be so nice? Are you actually going to accept the date when Dohyun asks you? 
He looks at Dohyun who seems to be in a daze, probably daydreaming about you and him together. He shivers at the thought of you kissing Dohyun on the corner of his mouth as you did with Jeongguk last night. 
There’s no way you’re going on that date with Dohyun. Not when you’ve made it clear that you’re interested in Jeongguk. If that kiss didn’t mean anything last night, he’d be quite upset. 
“Uh…I don’t know if that’s…a good idea,” Jeongguk replies, voice honeyed. He’d be damned if he lets Dohyun ask you out first. 
The excited smile begins to fade, forming a firm line. He looks at Jeongguk in confusion, “Why?” He asks. 
Fuck, what can he say? There’s no excuse coming to mind. 
“Listen, dude,” Jeongguk walks up to Dohyun, putting his arm around the younger man’s shoulder. “Girls like Y/N, they’re not interested in guys like us.” 
Is he gonna go to hell for lying like this? 
“Guys like…us?” Dohyun questions, looking up at Jeongguk with a clueless pout. 
Jeongguk nods, pretending to look sullen, “Yeah, I mean look at us, we’re just a bunch of commoners,” Something you’ve made very apparent that you don’t care about. “Y/N’s family…they’re rich. She’s probably into guys who own sports cars and Rolex watches.” Lies. You’ve mentioned how you couldn’t stand materialistic guys. 
“So what you’re saying is…” Dohyun stares at the grass thoughtfully, “That I need to have nice and expensive things.” Jeongguk nods in response. 
Yeah, he’s definitely going to hell. 
“B-But I made reservations at that expensive French restaurant,” He tells Jeongguk, looking a little sad. 
Lame. Going to a fancy wine-and-dine restaurant for a date would not impress you, he thinks. You already seem to be sick of your high-class lifestyle. The last thing you would want is to be sitting in a place surrounded by other rich folks.
If it were up to Jeongguk, he would’ve taken you to his favorite street vendor for some tteokbokki and then to the arcade to play games. He thinks you’d enjoy that more. 
“It’s okay man. That wouldn’t have been enough,” Jeongguk shakes his head, putting a hand on the other’s shoulder in a comforting manner,  “She probably would’ve ordered the most expensive wine on the menu.” 
Dohyun’s bottom lip quivers and a look of despair etched onto his face. “I would’ve paid for it.” 
Jeongguk raises an eyebrow, “You could afford that?” 
Dohyun shrugs, “I made a deal with the manager to pay in installments.” Geez, he really had it all planned out. 
“I don’t think she’s worth it, dude,” Jeongguk’s voice is laced with fake sorrow. He hopes you never find out that he’s saying this shit because he does not mean a single damn thing he just told Dohyun. 
“I mean I guess you’re right,” Dohyun looks down at the flower bouquet with a dejected look on his face. “She’s just always been so nice to me so I thought there might’ve been something there.” 
You are a nice person. So nice that it shook Jeongguk to the core. There wasn’t a single bad body in your body it seems. You would never have any ill intentions towards anyone. He’s witnessed it firsthand. You’re damn considerate of others that you were afraid of facing the day Dohyun confessed to you because you didn’t have it in you to turn him down and witness his heartbreak.
If anything, Jeongguk is doing both you and Dohyun a favor. 
“I hear you, buddy,” Jeongguk clasps his hand against Dohyun’s back, making the younger man wince a little. “Guys like us never get the girl.” 
Except for Jeongguk. He thinks he might have a chance.
Too arrogant? 
“I guess I’ll just cancel the reservation,” Dohyun states in melancholy, and Jeongguk immediately nods.
Yes, cancel the reservation. Please. Cancel so Jeongguk can ask you out on a date instead. 
“Well I’m going to go put this stuff back,” Jeongguk tells him, putting the tools away in the bucket. He’s also hoping to catch you sitting outside again. He wonders what swimsuit you’re wearing today. 
“I’ll go with you,” Dohyun mumbles, walking alongside Jeongguk. 
God dammit, never mind, he prays you’re not sitting outside. 
The two men are heading towards the back along the concrete pathway, stopping in front of the shed. Jeongguk looks over at the sunbed where you’re usually sitting but fortunately, you’re not there. His shoulders relax at that and he lets out a sigh of relief. He can’t help but look over at Dohyun, only to see him already staring at the sunbed as well with a gloomy look on his face. 
“Come on, help me put these tools where they need to go,” Jeongguk suggests in an attempt to distract the younger man. He’s not going to lie, he does feel a little guilty for lying like this to him. 
Jeongguk is never the type to really feel guilty which is why his Jin Hyung calls him a dickhead sometimes. But right now, he can feel it just a tad bit. 
Dohyun glances over at the sunbed one last time before hesitantly following Jeongguk inside, placing the bouquet and box of chocolates onto the wooden table. He takes out the tools one by one, placing them onto the hooks. Jeongguk just watches the other, noticing how his frown isn’t going away, eyebrows furrowed. 
Once the tools are placed in their respective places, the two of them head back outside. Dohyun leaves first and Jeongguk follows behind only to bump into the other male’s back when he pauses in his footsteps. He clicks his tongue, looking up at Dohyun only to find him staring longingly at something a few feet away. 
Oh god, please don’t let it be. 
He turns his head and there you are, walking outside of the house in your swimming attire. There’s a book in your hand as per usual and it sounds like you’re humming to a certain tune, earbuds on. 
Jeongguk finds himself panicking, ready to steer Dohyun away from the back but it’s too late. 
“You know what, I’m still gonna tell her,” Dohyun says determinedly. “I’m still gonna ask her out on that date.” He’s got to be joking. “I’m gonna ask her out on that date and then tell her I’ve been in love with her since we were kids.”  Before Jeongguk could respond, Dohyun is already striding over to you, chocolate and flowers in hand. 
This is not going to end well. 
It’s a beautiful day out, you think. The sky is a bright blue, the sun is out and shining high, the garden is looking colorful and vibrant with the newly planted flowers and there’s a nice breeze blowing through the air. You have a smile on your face as you think about all the things that happened yesterday. 
The way Jeongguk kept making you laugh obnoxiously and smile like a fool. He’s unintentionally funny because he’s so honest and blunt. He wouldn’t even try hard to make you laugh, he would just say something casually and actually be serious about it when you think he’s joking. You hope that you can see him again outside of your house soon. 
You haven’t seen him yet and you’re hoping he hasn’t left yet. At least not without saying bye to you. Not that he has to but it be nice if he did. 
You’re listening to music when you walk outside of the house into the backyard, book in hand, ready to begin your reading for the day. You plan to read just for a little bit, drinking a glass of red wine while you wait for Jeongguk to come to the back. 
Luckily, your mother isn’t home, having gone to her company’s building after finding out about some setbacks with the clothing material for her latest fashion line. You have no idea what it was exactly but she was definitely stressed out about it. 
Plopping down onto the lounger, you open your book to the page you bookmarked before picking up your wine glass to take a sip. Before you can bring the glass up to your lips, you hear your name being called by a ringing voice. 
You flinch, almost spilling the wine on your thigh, and look up to see Dohyun striding towards you, a look of determination on his face. In his hands, he’s holding a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. 
Oh god. You were afraid of when this day would come. 
You set down the glass on the circular glass table beside you, closing the book as well. Mustering up your best (fake) smile, you greet him, “Hey,” You clear your throat, “Um you look nice.” 
The compliment immediately brings a bashful smile to his face as he looks down at the ground before looking at you once again. “Thank you,” He responds. 
“Mhm,” You clear your throat, awkwardly looking away. 
God, you were nervous. You already told Jeongguk you were never prepared for the moment when Dohyun was going to ask you out. You always hoped for him to eventually lose feelings and let you go. However, here he is, standing in front of you dressed in nice clothes while holding a flower bouquet. 
You felt like you were going to be sick.
“So I uh,” Dohyun lets out a deep breath. “I was wondering if you would,” No please no. “Sorry,” He shakes his head at himself. “I had a whole speech prepared but now I can’t seem to remember anything,” He tells you and a fake laugh escapes your lips. 
If he can just get nervous and maybe back out…
“Iwaswonderingifyoudliketogoonadatewithme,” He says it so fast that you almost miss it but you knew exactly what he just asked you. 
Your throat feels tight, eyes just staring at him in surprise. What do you say? How can you tell him no? Not when he’s staring at you with those hopeful eyes, hands clutching the bouquet and chocolates. 
How can you go on a date with someone else when you have a crush on Jeongguk? A major crush. Though you don’t know him very well, you know enough to like him. A lot. But maybe he doesn’t like you. He’s still a mystery to you. He’s made it clear that he finds you attractive but what if to him this is just some sort of little game to him? 
After all, he is only working here temporarily. He could just be trying to get into your pants and then disappear right after he gets what he wants. You don’t know. He genuinely seemed interested in having a conversation with you last night but at the same time, it could just be an act. 
“Um Y/N?” Dohyun’s call of your name causes you to snap out of your doubtful thoughts and look up at him. 
“Yes?” You say in surprise. 
“Wait, that's a yes?” An excited smile grows on his face. 
Oh fuck. That’s not what you meant. The smile on his face…how can you say no now? 
Letting out a regretful sigh, you gather a fake smile on your face. “Yes,” You can’t believe you’re doing this. “I’ll go on a date with you.” With those words leaving your lips, your eyes immediately snap to Jeongguk who you didn’t realize was standing a few feet away from you both. 
The look on his face causes your heart to drop into your stomach. 
Did he just witness you say yes to the date? 
Your eyes don’t look away from him, a guilty expression on your face as you stare at his now blank face. It went from surprise to blank in a matter of seconds, a way of showing you that he looks unbothered by what just happened. 
Maybe he is unbothered by it. 
If he isn’t, then he’s doing a great job at not showing it. 
You didn’t mean to say yes. In fact, you were ready to say no. But with the excited look on his face, you don’t have it in you to take it away. You just have to come clean later. You can’t get this far. 
Not when you know you can’t reciprocate your feelings for the man. 
“I’m so glad you said yes!” His smile is vibrant and it looks like he can’t contain his excitement, bouncing on his tiptoes. 
With a tight-lipped smile, you accept the bouquet of red roses he hands you along with the chocolates. Your eyes glance behind him again towards where Jeongguk is standing. He gives you a thumbs-up and a pursed-lip smile before heading towards the gate. 
You open your mouth to say something but Dohyun speaks before any words can escape you, your attention turning back towards him again. 
“So I can pick you up on Friday? How does 7 sound?” He asks you, voice sounding thrilled. 
The more you hear him speak, the worse you feel. There’s no backing out of this now. Jeongguk left without saying anything which causes you to question how he might’ve felt. Maybe he did like you back. Or maybe he just doesn’t care. 
Again, you don’t know. 
The overwhelming feeling of all kinds of emotions fills you and you just wish to disappear but instead, you just give Dohyun another fake smile and say, “Sounds good.” 
“Great!” He grins. “I’ll see you Friday!” He says before turning on his feet and leaving. You watch him walk towards the gate, no longer containing his excitement when you hear him whisper yes yes yes. 
“Jeongguk! Wait up!” You hear Dohyun shout, eagerness, and enthusiasm loud in his tone. 
You wince, looking towards the gate in hopes of catching a glimpse of Jeongguk but you fail to see him at all. He didn’t bother to come to the back and say. But you can probably understand why. You let out a sad sigh, holding up the bouquet of flowers in your hand and staring at them. 
Just one date. You just have to get through this one date. 
Friday evening 
The feeling of dread swirls in your stomach as you stare into the mirror with your hair and face ready for the date you’re about to go on. You’re not looking forward to it at all. Ever since you woke up this morning, you thought about coming up with some sort of excuse to back out of the date. Maybe lie and say you have the stomach flu or something. 
Then again, if you lie, you would just be postponing the date because you have a feeling he would reschedule it for another day. So you thought to yourself that it would be better to get it over with. 
Your plan is to go on the date, eat and then tell him that you don’t have any feelings for him. You know that if you lead him on further, it will end with a more painful heartbreak for him.
You’re also bummed because, for the remainder of the week, you did not see Jeongguk at all. Even when you sat down at the pool all day, constantly looking over at the door in hopes of catching sight of him, he didn’t come towards the back. 
Instead of Jeongguk coming to the shed to drop off the tools, it would either be some other gardener or sometimes even Dohyun who, of course, would wave at you excitedly and remind you about the time of your date on Friday. 
You think he might be disappointed in you and doesn’t want to see you. Or maybe he backed off because he probably thinks you’re giving Dohyun a chance when you’re not. 
You just fucked up by saying yes. 
After telling Dohyun that you don’t have feelings for him, you’re determined to tell Jeongguk you like him when you see him on Monday. And if he doesn’t like you back? 
Well then you’re just going to hide in your room in embarrassment until he finishes working his last few days at your estate
You’re wearing a black long-sleeved dress that has a square-shaped neckline and slightly ruffled sleeves. It reaches below your knees, a slit on the left side, revealing the skin up to your midthigh. You left your hair open in soft curls and your makeup is done minimally. 
You’re putting on your dangly earring when you hear your phone vibrate on the vanity. The screen lights up with a text from Dohyun telling you he’s out front waiting for you. You exhale deeply, attempting to calm yourself down, feeling slightly sick in the stomach. 
Just two hours. You just have to endure this date for two hours. 
Fixing the loose strand of hair in your face, you look into the mirror one last time before grabbing your clutch and walking out of the bedroom and down the spiral steps. You nod your head at one of the maids on your way out, giving her a polite smile. 
When you walk outside of your house, you see Dohyun waiting in front of the gate with another bouquet of flowers. He cleaned himself nicely, wearing a white button-up under a black blazer with matching pants. His hair is pushed back and he’s not wearing those glasses again. 
With an elated grin, he gives you a bow which you return before grabbing the flowers he holds out and muttering a small ‘thanks’ in response. 
He nods, seeming proud of himself before he holds out his hand which you hesitantly take. He walks you to his car, a red Toyota Corolla, opening the door for you politely. 
Your mind can’t help but wonder when you went out with Jeongguk that night at the bar and he told you that chivalry was dead so he wouldn’t open the door for you. You can’t help but smile at the memory, shaking your head. 
Once you’re sitting down in the car, bouquet in your lap along with your clutch, he gently closes the door before jogging towards the driver's side to sit down. His face is beaming when he starts the car again, the sound of a girl group song immediately playing on the Bluetooth loudly, causing you to wince at the volume. 
He looks panicked, cheeks and ears red as he quickly turns down the volume dial on the knob and mumbles a shy ‘sorry. You give him a reassuring smile before looking out of the window.
The car begins moving, an awkward silence immediately filling the air since neither of you say a single word. Dohyun is the first to break it, clearing his throat before speaking. 
“So how was your day?” He asks, attempting to make conversation. 
You shrug, watching outside as he drives out of your neighborhood towards the city. “It was okay. Didn’t really do much.” 
Other than hoping and praying for the date to be canceled one way or another. 
He nods, tapping his index fingers against the steering wheel as he says, “Cool cool. I didn’t do much either.” You nod, listening. “Well actually, I started this new Korean drama. It’s about this guy who…” 
He rambles about the drama, beginning from the first episode and providing you with details on how it all started, and for almost the majority of the car ride, he’s giving you a rundown on how each episode goes down one by one along with his personal opinions. You just nod and add in a few words to make yourself sound interested when really, all you wanted to do was open the car door and roll down the street. 
Unable to help yourself, your mind drifts to the time you were with Jeongguk and how you two talked about the most random things. He would tell you crazy stories about the things he’s done with his friends, always having something ridiculous to say which would make you laugh a crazy amount. 
Again, Jeongguk is blunt and careless about what he says and who he says it to. He never held back from telling you things that might sound absurd to others. 
For this one time when he and his six other friends had a competition on who can eat the most gamja hot dogs at a carnival before they all went on one of those spinning rides and ended up vomiting while the ride was still going. The whole ride had to immediately shut down and people who were waiting in line were not happy and covered in their puke. 
To make the night even worse, his friend Jin almost fought a little kid over the last alpaca plushie at one of the games and it resulted in them being kicked out of the carnival. 
The whole time he had told you that story, he had a smile on his face at the memories and you remember being enraptured by how beautiful he looked with his bunny teeth on display, the small mole beneath his rose-colored lips visible; the hand gestures he’d make to animate the story. 
You don’t realize you’re smiling again until Dohyun calls for your name, causing you to flinch in surprise. 
“Yeah?” You ask, smile dropping and you look at him questioningly. 
“I was um asking what you thought about it?” He wonders, glancing at you before looking back at the road. 
Fuck, what did he ask about? 
“I’m sorry,” You shake your head. “Can you repeat the question?” You look at him apologetically, mentally cursing at yourself for being distracted by Jeongguk again. 
Dohyun clears his throat, “I was asking what your thoughts were on the show so far.” 
Oh right, the show. The one you didn’t listen to a single thing about. God, you don’t know what to say. 
Think, Y/N, think. 
“It sounds…” You’re looking for the right word. “Like there’s a lot going on.” You slightly wince at that, hoping he doesn’t notice. 
Dohyun looks a bit confused, pursing his lips in thought before saying, “Really? I don’t know. I honestly think it’s quite boring. There’s no good drama going on with the characters.” He says and you nod. 
“Honestly you’re right,” You quickly add. “I don’t know what I was thinking,” You let out a fake chuckle. “It needs to be more dramatic.” 
You have no fucking clue what you’re saying. 
Seeming to be satisfied with the answer, he nods with a smile before moving on to a different topic. 
For the rest of the car ride, you try really hard to give him your full attention when he talks, chipping in on things when appropriate up until you guys reach the restaurant. You let out a slightly annoyed sigh under your breath when the restaurant comes into view. 
Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul. 
The French restaurant your mother absolutely loves meanwhile you hate. The food is not bad but it’s not to your taste. You’re also not a fan of the environment, surrounded by all the posh and stuck-up rich people. 
The restaurant has valet parking as well so when you guys pull up to the front, Dohyun quickly opens the door and runs to your side so he can open your own door for you, holding his hand out for you to take. 
You try not to think about how Jeongguk would probably tell you to open the door yourself because he wouldn’t do it for you. 
He hands his keys over to the valet before you both head inside, his hand holding yours. You try not to squirm when he tries to intertwine your fingers, letting out a breath to try and relax. 
He opens the door for you, allowing you to go in first and you give him a thank you before walking inside first, internally grateful that your hands are no longer clasped together.
The aromatic smell of the food immediately hits your nose. The sound of chatter fills your ears along with the utensils hitting against the plates. The sight you see with your eyes is one you are used to. Wealthy people dressed to the nines in their extravagant dresses and suits, sipping on expensive wine. 
“Good evening,” The hostess at the front greets with a practiced smile. “Reservation?” 
Dohyun nods excitedly, “Dohyun at 7:30.” He tells her and she nods, looking at the screen before grabbing two menus from beside her and nudging her head towards the tables. 
“Follow me please,” She says, Dohyun letting you go first before he follows behind you. You walk past other people, avoiding making eye contact with anyone you know. 
This restaurant is where all of the affluent people go, friends of your family that your parents are close to. You wouldn’t be surprised if you saw any of them here though you’d much rather not which is why you just stare at the hostess’ back as she guides you both towards your table. 
Dohyun pulls the chair back for you as soon as you reach the table before he sits himself down. The hostess places the menus down on the table before saying, “Your waiter should be here shortly.” And with that, she leaves. 
“I’ve never been here before so I’m excited,” Dohyun says, flipping through the menu with stars in his eyes.
You shrug, pretending to look through the menu though not really because you already know what you’re going to choose. “I’ve been a few times,” You inform him. 
“Oh,” He looks at you. “Do you like it?” He looks nervous when he waits for your response. 
You give him a pursed-lip smile and say, “Yeah,” You lie. “I like it.” 
He grins, seeming satisfied with the answer before looking at the menu again. You look down at your own menu again in order to distract yourself, waiting for him to decide what he wants to eat. 
“Good evening, my name is Jeongguk and I’ll be your waiter this evening.” As soon as you hear that husky yet gentle voice, your head snaps up to the person and the menu drops onto the table out of surprise. 
And there he is, standing in front of you wearing black slacks that accentuate his strong thighs while he wears a white button-up that hugs his chest. The sleeves are pulled up a bit, his inked arms slightly peaking out. His dark hair is pushed back to reveal his eyebrow piercing and strong brows, a single loose strand slightly falling forward on his forehead. 
His large doe brown eyes meet yours, shock evident on his face as he stares right back at you.  
“Holy shoot Jeongguk!” Dohyun sounds just as surprised as you look before a large smile overtakes his face. 
Jeongguk had no fucking idea that this was the fancy wine and dine restaurant Dohyun was going to take you to for the date.
The whole week Dohyun wouldn’t shut up about it and he didn’t bother asking the younger man which restaurant it was. He wasn’t interested in knowing because quite frankly, he tried not to care. 
To say that he was disappointed when you said yes to Dohyun would be an understatement. He knew you were too nice and didn’t want to hurt the guy but he really thought you’d muster up the courage to turn him down. 
Instead, he watched you say yes and take the flowers and chocolates from Dohyun with that pretty smile on your face. 
Now Jeongguk usually isn’t the type to get jealous. But that’s usually because there’s no one he’s really been interested in. Sure, he’s had a few girlfriends here and there but the relationships don’t last long enough because the girl either ends up batshit crazy or he just couldn’t return the same feelings. 
But seeing Dohyun all excited and happy about taking you out on a date would just piss him off. He wanted to be the one to take you out. He thinks his plan would’ve been more solid and fun. Taking you out to the arcade before eating at his favorite fried chicken spot with beer.
Jeongguk can’t deny that he holds these strong feelings of infatuation towards you. You interest him because you’re different. Sure, it might sound like those typical cliche things but he’s speaking the truth. You’re intelligent, funny, and so fucking kind to others. Let’s not also forget how immensely beautiful you are. 
Yeah, he’s got a gigantic crush on you. 
Too bad he’s standing in front of you as your waiter and not as the date sitting across from you. He can’t seem to take his eyes off of you right now. Taking in your wide eyes and slightly ajar mouth, he tries not to act just as surprised by keeping a blank stare. 
“Oh wow, didn’t expect to see you guys here,” Jeongguk says, voice flat and void of any emotion. 
Before you can say anything, Dohyun says, “Jeongguk, I didn't know you worked here!” Jeongguk tries not to wince at Dohyun’s loud enthusiastic voice. 
“Yeah,” Jeongguk clears his throat, giving his full attention to Dohyun so he doesn’t stare at you. “Usually the evening shifts now since you know…I work at the other place.” He informs him. 
Dohyun nods, “Cool cool.” He looks across at you. “Isn’t it funny how Jeongguk is our waiter, Y/N?” 
Jeongguk looks at you who’s just looking at Dohyun before glancing at him, “Yeah, it’s pretty crazy.” Your voice is shy of speaking and he thinks it's because of him. He holds eye contact with you, taking in the small pout on your glossy lips. There’s a certain emotion in your eye, almost looking apologetic but Jeongguk tries to brush it off. 
“Anyways, what would you guys like to start off with? Something to drink maybe?” Jeongguk asks, pulling out a pen and his notepad. 
Don’t fucking look at Y/N, Jeongguk. 
Dohyun looks at you first with a questioning gaze, “Y/N?” 
You clear your throat as you shut the menu, “I’ll just have water.” Jeongguk nods before looking at Dohyun. 
“I’ll also have water,” The younger man smiles at Y/N. 
Why the fuck is this guy always smiling? Jeongguk wonders. 
And why the fuck are they both just ordering water? If Jeongguk were you, he’d be ordering the overpriced wines for the hell of it. Maybe just maybe…he can make this date a bit more entertaining for himself. 
Jeongguk stands straighter and then looks at Dohyun, “Are you sure you guys don’t want to try the red wine? It’s Pinot Noir. A classic.” 
Dohyun’s eyes widen for a second before they glance at you and then back to Jeongguk. Jeongguk looks at Dohyun and secretly winks, almost as a way of communicating to the younger man that this is going to impress you.
Jeongguk knows it won’t but he’s bored and sad. Sue him. 
Dohyun nods rapidly and says, “We’ll have some of that as well.” 
Before Jeongguk can say anything, you cut in by saying, “Are you sure about that? It’s quite expensive, Dohyun.” You’re looking at him in concern, pointing a manicured nail at the price of the wine on the menu. 
Dohyun just shakes his head and tries to wave it off, “Don’t worry, Y/N. I can afford it. Order whatever you want.” 
You purse your lips, not saying anything else. Your eyes shift to Jeongguk slightly squinting at him almost in suspicion but he just shrugs, turning around to walk away. 
Is Jeongguk going to look like an asshole for trying to sabotage this date? Probably. Does he care? Not really. He’s trying to save your ass before Dohyun confesses to you. He needs to make sure that doesn’t happen otherwise you’re going to end up lying and telling the man that you like him back when Jeongguk knows damn well you don’t.
Though Jeongguk only really hung out with you once, he knows enough to say that you will feel extremely guilty for hurting someone else’s feelings. You’ve proven that just by going on this date with Dohyun regardless of the fact that you don’t hold any feelings for the guy. You just didn’t want to turn him down because you knew he’d be heartbroken. 
Jeongguk is not going to let you accept Dohyun’s confession. Not when Jeongguk likes you and you like him. At least he thinks you like him because if that kiss on the corner of his mouth didn’t mean anything he doesn’t know what the fuck that meant. 
Surely you weren’t leading him on. Or maybe that’s how you say goodbye to your friends? 
Wait, but then again you don’t have friends. 
This shit is going to give Jeongguk a headache. By the end of this date, if it doesn’t turn into a complete disaster, Jeongguk is going to stop being a pussy and say something. He doesn’t exactly know what yet. But something. 
Pouring the wine into the fancy glasses, he puts them on a tray and brings them back out to the table. The first thing he sees when he heads towards your table is your smiling face looking directly at Dohyun. 
Hell no. 
“Here’s your water,” Jeongguk places down each glass one by one. “And your wine,” He carefully puts down yours, making direct eye contact with you as he does. He notices you gulp and he tries to hold back a smile. When he’s setting Dohyun’s glass on the table, his finger accidentally knocks over the glass, causing it to tip over onto the table and a little bit on Dohyun’s slacks. 
Okay, that one wasn’t planned, Jeongguk swears. 
Dohyun gasps out of surprise, standing up with his pants slightly soaked in the wine. Meanwhile, you’re just staring with your hand covering your mouth, eyes wide. Jeongguk quickly acts shocked as well. 
“I am so sorry,” He picks up the white cloth napkin and attempts to dab it on Dohyun’s pants at the front. “I’m really sorry. I don’t know how that fell over.” He pretends to wince, facial expression feigning guilt. 
Some of the people at the surrounding tables are watching, talking amongst themselves as they stare at what just happened. It’s like they’re expecting Dohyun to lash out at Jeongguk or something but instead, he says, “Hey it’s okay. It was an accident.” He grabs the cloth from the Jeongguk, patting the pants himself.
This guy is so damn nice, Jeongguk hates it. Why is he so damn nice? 
“You sure you don’t want to go clean up?” Jeongguk hears you ask, watching the whole scene in concern. 
“No no,” Dohyun shakes his head and waves off. “It’s alright. At least I’m wearing black pants so it’s not that noticeable.” He laughs and you just nod in response. 
“I’ll get you another glass,” Jeongguk speaks, turning around to get him another glass. Once he returns with a new one, he carefully places it on the table. 
“Alright, so did you guys decide what you want to eat?” Jeongguk clasps his hands together, looking between the two, gaze lingering on you. 
Look away, Jeongguk. Look. Away. 
“Hm, I’m having a hard time deciding actually,” Dohyun pouts, brows furrowed as he studies the menu. “Do you have any recommendations?” 
Boy, Jeongguk sure does. 
Clearing his throat, he slightly cranes his neck to look over at the menu and points at one item in particular, “I recommend this filet mignon. Everyone loves it.” And it’s fucking expensive as fuck. 
Jeongguk hears you add to the conversation, “It’s almost 150,000 won…” You’re staring at him in ridicule, mouth parted and eyes wide. 
If there’s anything Jeongguk has learned about you, it’s that you’re not dumb. In fact, you are very fucking intelligent and he’s pretty sure you can see right through his actions. But for some reason, that doesn’t stop Jeongguk. Maybe he wants to have a bit of fun with this. In his defense, he’s trying to help you. 
“Don’t worry about the price, Y/N. I can afford it,” Dohyun acts nonchalantly, looking up at Jeongguk and confidently saying, “I’ll have that.” He then looks at you. “Y/N?” 
You let out a defeated sigh, closing the menu, “I’ll just have the risotto carnaroli de coquillages.” The way you say it so eloquently in French almost makes Jeongguk's dick hard. God, it sounded so hot. 
How much more attractive and interesting can you get? 
And also, where the fuck did you learn to speak perfect French?
It seems as though Jeongguk isn’t the only one affected by your French speaking because when he looks at Dohyun, the younger man is just staring at you with parted lips and stars in his eyes as if you’re the greatest thing he’s ever seen. 
You’re so damn nice that you ended up choosing the cheapest entree on the menu. You were just way too damn considerate. There goes that rich girl persona he was trying to paint to Dohyun. 
Trying not to physically drool, Jeongguk looks away and nods, “Got it.” He walks always so fast, almost bumping into another waiter on his way. 
You have a feeling that Jeongguk is trying to fuck up the date you’re on with Dohyun. You can see right through him. Having the poor guy choose expensive menu items so he can impress you when Jeongguk knows damn well you’re not about it. 
At least this can kind of confirm that he was affected by the whole date thing. That answers some questions but not all. 
Also, can you just say that Jeongguk looks fine as fuck in his uniform? 
If you had known that he works here as a waiter, you would’ve definitely joined your mother for the sake of seeing him. The sight of him wearing that tight-fitted button-up with those slacks hugging his ass almost had you drooling. 
You tried so hard not to just dead-on stare at him the whole time while he was standing right in front of you. You just couldn’t help yourself at times, eyes trailing down from his perfectly structured face to his chest and down to his tattooed covered hands and forearms that were peaking out from beneath his shirt sleeve. 
Your mind was steering away to some…unholy thoughts. Especially because of those damn thighs. 
Why did he have to be so damn hot? 
Okay, you’re getting a little too carried away right now. You need to focus. Focus on Dohyun. The man you came on a date with. You have to try and at least make some sort of conversation with him. He’s always asking you for your opinion and thoughts on what he’s saying but you end up stuttering your way through the conversation since you have no idea what he’s asking you about when you’re not listening. 
Jeongguk being here as your damn waiter does not help the situation at all. Although you think he’s trying to help you in a somewhat cruel way you need to get him to stop. You’re beginning to feel guilty as fuck when you see the man do something that is the total opposite of impressing you. 
“Um Y/N?” You’re snapped out of your thoughts when you hear Dohyun calling your name. 
“Yes? Sorry,” You apologize, feeling bad for being distracted again. 
Dohyun shakes his head, a small smile on his face, “No worries. I just wanted to talk to you about something.” 
Your heart races at that and you gulp, beginning to feel a little worried at what exactly he wants to say. No no, you didn’t think it be this soon. You need to tell him before he tells you. You can’t let him tell you first. 
Before you can say anything more, he continues, “I don’t know if you remember that before you left for college I was going to–” 
“More wine anyone?” Jeongguk cuts in, holding up the bottle and acting oblivious to what he just interrupted. Your shoulders relax in relief and you nod rapidly. 
You really need a fucking drink to get through this. 
“Yes please,” You hold up your glass and he pours it in for you. 
“There you go,” His fingers brush against yours which ensures the glass is in your hand’s grip when you pull it back and you try not to shiver at the tinging feeling and his eyes directly looking into yours.
“Dohyun?” Jeongguk looks at him with a questioning gaze, holding out the bottle but the other just shakes his head in response. 
“I’m good thanks,” He looks eager for Jeongguk to leave right now, knee bouncing in anxiousness. 
“Okay well your food should be here shortly,” Jeongguk says before turning to leave. He looks a bit hesitant to leave, glancing over his shoulder to look at you and you just send him a fake small smile, looking down into your lap. 
What the fuck do you do? 
“As I was saying Y/N, before you left for college I was going to tell you something,” Dohyun’s voice sounds a little shaky when he speaks. “But you had to leave and I never got the chance but for so long I–” 
“Bathroom!” You blurt out, eyes going wide. 
Dohyun looks confused, “Huh?” 
You let out a nervous laugh, “Um I just really need to use the bathroom,” You stand up, grabbing your purse. “Can you give me a few minutes? I really gotta pee.” No, you don’t. You need to go freak the fuck out and possibly climb out of the window. 
“Oh okay,” He nods understandably before flashing you a sweet smile. “I’ll wait.” 
You give him a fake smile in response, pushing into your chair before walking towards the bathroom. You maneuver your way around a few waiters, avoiding eye contact and rushing inside. Luckily no one else is in the bathroom so you just stand in front of the sink, taking a few deep breaths as you stare into the mirror. 
You don’t know how to turn him down. He’s getting so close to telling you about his feelings. You didn’t have the heart to turn him down for the date. What if you can’t reject his feelings for you either? 
If that ends up happening, you’d be absolutely fucked. 
You don’t even fucking see a window in here otherwise you’d escape right there. 
“You okay?” You hear a familiar voice ask, causing you to flinch in surprise, hand resting on your chest. 
“Holy shit,” You exhale. “You scared me.” You look at Jeongguk, wondering how the hell you didn’t hear him enter the bathroom. 
The women’s bathroom might you add. 
“Yeah yeah,” You try to wave off. “I’m fine. What are you doing in here?” You quickly ask, looking away and pretending to look into the mirror and fix your hair. 
“I saw you come in and you didn’t look too good,” He shrugs, hands in his pocket as he leans against the wall. “Just thought I’d check up on you.” 
Your heart swells a little at his concern. You’re in awe at the fact that he cared enough to come to see how you’re doing because he thought something was wrong. God, he’s making you like him more and more. 
“I’m,” You clear your throat, “I’m good.” You’re not. “I think.” You add before letting out a shaky breath. “It’s not every day that someone is about to confess about being in love with you for years.” You let out a humorless chuckle. 
“Well you’re right about that,” Jeongguk says and you look at him with a raised eyebrow. He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Sorry, not helping.” 
“Not at all,” You respond, turning around so you can lean your back against the counter of the sink. “Aren’t you going to be in trouble for being here?” 
Jeongguk shrugs, “Not my first time being in the women’s bathroom during a shift,” He smirks and your chest slightly tinges in jealousy at what he’s implying but then he adds, “I once had to help an old lady clean a stain off of her dress.” You relax at that, causing Jeongguk to smirk. 
“What did you think I meant?” He teases and you roll your eyes in response. 
“Was it a wine stain cus’ you sure seem to be quite clumsy for a waiter,” You ask with heavy sarcasm, watching how he pushes himself off the wall. 
“Hey! That was actually an accident,” Jeongguk tries to defend. 
“I’m sure it was,” You remark, arms crossed over your chest. You try not to notice how he’s slowly walking toward you. 
“It was,” He answers before saying, “Look I’m trying to help you out over here.” 
You pout, avoiding eye contact with him by staring down at the pristine tiled floor. “I don’t need help.” 
You’re lying. You really fucking need help. 
Jeongguk lets out a sigh, “Y/N, why’d you say yes to the date if you knew you didn’t like him?” He asks, pierced brow raised in question. 
Unable to meet his eyes, you fiddle with the rings on your fingers and say, “I just felt really bad because he just seemed so excited,” You look up at him, “I just didn’t know how to say no.” 
Jeongguk nods and you notice how he’s standing directly in front of you now. You swallow at the sight of how good he looks in his button-up that shows off his small waist and strong chest. The sleeves are snug around his biceps and the black dress pants accentuate his strong thighs. 
“Yeah but now look,” His hand gestures towards the door to refer to Dohyun. “You said yes to the guy, making him think he has a chance or that you might like him or something.” The guilt weighs down on your chest and you stare down at the floor in shame. 
 Jeongguk is right. You made the mistake of saying yes and it probably made Dohyun hopeful that the feelings he has for you are mutual in return. But that’s not true when the man standing a few inches in front of you is the only one you want. 
Seeing the uniform hug his body in a way that shows off his toned muscles almost has you drooling and you try not to shiver at how his dark eyes give you a once-over. You know you look good with the way your black dress is hugging your body, the slit reaching your midthigh, showing off your smooth skin. His eyes seem to linger on that area in particular and you try not to smile. 
“I just couldn’t say no,” You whine, pouting at the floor with your arms crossing over your chest. 
Jeongguk dips his head a bit, bringing it closer to yours with just a few inches of space in between, and asks, “And why couldn’t you say no?” 
Your eyes can’t help but wander to his rose petal-colored lips that look so soft at the moment. You’re curious to know how the piercing would feel if you were to just kiss him on the mouth. There’s also that cute little mole he has beneath his bottom lip. Swallowing, you look up to find his doe-brown eyes staring at your own lips as well. 
Clearing your throat, you answer, “Because he brought me flowers a-and…” You shyly look away from his intense gaze, cheeks flushing as you look behind him. “And he got those expensive chocolates. I just didn’t know how to say no.” 
“What about me?” Jeongguk inquires, causing you to snap your head to look at him in surprise. 
“What about you?” You raise an eyebrow in question. 
Your heart starts to race when you notice his right hand come up to your face, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. His fingers lightly brush against your exposed neck, causing you to slightly shiver at his touch. 
If he can just wrap those hands around your throat you don’t think you’d mind at all. 
“What if I brought you flowers and overpriced chocolates and asked you out to dinner?” He asks, eyes watching how you grab his right hand, fingers tracing over the tattoos on his knuckles. 
“I would’ve said yes even if you didn’t bring me flowers or overpriced chocolates,” You tell him truthfully, enjoying the satisfied look on his face. 
“Well,” He looks down at your joined hands before intertwining his fingers with yours. “Good to know I don’t have any competition.” You snort at that, suddenly feeling brave and pull him closer to you. 
You know you shouldn’t be doing this right now. Not when you’re literally on a date with someone who’s been crushing on you since you were kids but you’re in the bathroom with your waiter slash gardener slash friend? Acquaintance? Whatever he is, what you know for sure is that you want to kiss him right in the mouth because he looks too good not to. 
So you do. 
Forgetting about everything else going on, you make the move you’ve been desperately wanting to make since you saw the man standing in front of you. 
You grab the collar of his shirt and tug him down so you can press your lips against his in a lustful kiss. A small noise of surprise leaves his lips but he quickly reacts by putting his hands on your waist and returning the affection.
The feeling of his lips against yours was nothing like you’d ever felt before. They felt almost silk-like and pillowy as they moved against yours in the heated kiss. Sparks ignite, in your chest, buzzing throughout your entire body as his large hands slid up and down your back before moving down toward your hip. He squeezes it softly, causing you to inhale sharply.
His lips move against yours in a soft but sensual manner that has your knees slightly quivering and your heart pounding. You feel breathless when you pull apart for a few seconds with his forehead resting against yours. His right-hand cups your face, thumb playing with your bottom lip.
Jeongguk smirks, “You look good with your lipstick smeared.” You roll your eyes playfully but you can feel the heat in your cheeks at his comment. 
“Shut up,” You pull him until your lower back hits the counter behind you, his hands caging your body against it which causes a rush of excitement to run up your spine. You can’t help but give him a once over, noticing how pink his lips look now, hair slightly unruly from your hands. Jeongguk watches as you bring your hands to his chest, fiddling with the collar before letting them trail down his chest to feel his pecs. 
The muscles feel hard and firm beneath your hand as you trail them down toward his abdomen. When your hands dip a little too low, he quickly snatches your hand and holds it up against his chest, tugging you close by the waist with the other arm. 
“Nuh-uh,” Jeongguk clicks his tongue, “As much as I’m into the idea of fucking you in a public area, you are not about to start this in the fucking bathroom at my job.” Your cheeks flush immediately and you try to shove him away but he hardly moves. 
God, you just wanted to devour him right here. You couldn’t handle the sight in front of you right now. You know this is just his work uniform but you never would’ve thought that he can look this good. You just wanted to get on your knees and… 
“Y/N.” You immediately snap out of your horny thoughts, eyes wide and face warm. Jeongguk has a stupid smirk on his face as if he knows what you’re thinking about right now. 
Despite wanting to tackle him to the ground and have him take you right here, you remember you have a whole date waiting for you outside at the table most likely wondering where you are. 
“What?” You clear your throat, pushing those lustful thoughts aside. 
Jeongguk holds a teasing smile on his face, “Are you dreaming about my dick?” 
“What-no!” You deny, pushing him off and turning towards the mirror to fix your hair. You notice how your lipstick is smeared, courtesy of Jeongguk. You take a tissue and clean it before opening your clutch to pull out the liquid lipstick so you can reapply it. 
You can feel Jeongguk’s eyes on you the whole time as you’re bent over the counter, looking closely in the mirror. You try not to make eye contact, gliding the applicator across your bottom lip. 
Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel his hand slide on your hip but you pretend to like it doesn’t affect you even though your heart rate starts to increase and a feeling of thrill runs up your spine. 
“You were totally dreaming about my dick,” You glare at him through the mirror, elbowing him in the abdomen which causes him to slightly groan. 
“Why would I be thinking about your dick when I’m on a date with someone else right now?” You ask. 
Jeongguk snickers, “You weren’t saying that when you had your tongue down my throat a few minutes ago.” 
Your jaw drops and you turn around, pushing at his shoulder, “I did not have my tongue down your throat.” 
He has that smug smile on his annoyingly handsome face that had you contemplating whether you wanted to smack him or kiss him again. 
“It’s okay, you’re too shy to admit it right now. You’ll get comfortable eventually,” He shrugs, avoiding the little punch you were about to deliver to his chest. He grabs your hand instead and pulls you towards him once again with his tattooed arm around your waist while the other cups your cheek. 
“You’re annoying,” You mumble, playing with the top button on his shirt. You notice ink peeking out from where the shirt is unbuttoned which you somehow haven’t noticed before. 
Can this man get any more attractive? 
“I’d say charming,” Jeongguk responds before asking, “We’ve been here for quite some time now.” 
“You’re the one who followed me,” You retorted. 
“I had to make sure you were okay,” Jeongguk defends, thumb stroking your cheek. “What are you going to do now?” 
You let out a dreaded sigh, letting your hands rest against his chest as you say, “I’m going to have to tell him I’m not interested.” You shake your head. “I shouldn’t have said yes in the first place. It was a mistake from that day but he just had this hopeful smile on his face. I didn’t have it in me to deny him.” 
Jeongguk looks at you with a nonjudgmental gaze, nodding his head. “You can’t let this drag out any longer.” 
“I know,” You agree, thinking about how crushed Dohyun is going to look once you tell him the truth. 
“He’s going to be heartbroken,” Jeongguk adds. 
You pout, “I know.”
“But I’m going to be one happy man.” 
“I know–wait what?” You almost missed what he said and he just chuckles in response. “Why would you be happy?” 
“Cuz then I can ask you out on a date,” Jeongguk says with full confidence, wrapping both arms around your waist and swaying you side to side. 
“And you’re so sure I’d say yes?” You ask, eyebrows raised in question. 
He narrows his eyes at you playfully and says, “With the way you were about to get on your knees I’d like to think–” 
You slap his chest, “God, you’re so annoying! See if I ever give you head now.” 
“I’m kidding,” Jeongguk pouts. “You can’t take away that privilege already. You haven’t even done it yet.” 
Rolling your eyes at his response, your hand plays with the piercing in his right eyebrow. His hands rest on your lower back casually as if you guys have done this a million times. Jeongguk is definitely a touchy person but not in a way that’s made you uncomfortable of course. You’ve enjoyed the feeling of his hands on your body and you wonder what it would feel like on your bare skin. 
You’d definitely like to find that out. 
To say that you’re surprised he’s even talking to you would be an understatement. Especially after the day he saw you accepting Dohyun’s little gifts and proposal to dinner. He had left so abruptly much to your disappointment. And even after that, you didn’t even catch wind of him when working around the garden. 
You really thought you lost your opportunity with him but his actions and words say otherwise. 
“You didn’t answer my question,” Jeongguk’s statement breaks you out of your thoughts. 
“What question?” 
He raises an eyebrow, “If you’d like to go on a date with me.” He runs his thumb over your bottom lip, staring at them as if he wants to just devour them again but he’s restraining himself. 
You didn’t even realize he asked you that question. 
With a snort, you say, “Are you seriously going to ask me this in the bathroom while my actual date is waiting for me outside?”
Jeongguk rolls his eyes at you, “I’m sorry would you like me to shower you with flowers and expensive as fuck chocolates? I can also ask Bill, who is playing the violin in the dining room right now, to play you a song while I ask you out.” 
This time you roll your eyes at his response, “No need for flowers and expensive as fuck chocolates,” you emphasize his words. “And his name is Bill? He doesn’t even look like a Bill.” 
“That’s what I’ve been telling my coworkers. He looks more like a Marvin to me.” Jeongguk says and you nod your head in agreement after a quick thought. 
“Tell you what, give me your number first and then I’ll give you a response,” You don’t know where this confidence suddenly came from 
“You know you could’ve just asked me for my number if you wanted it so bad,” He laughs and you ignore him, handing him your phone. 
“Hush, I need to leave now so hurry up,” You watch as he types in his number, an amused smile pulling at his lips which causes you to narrow your eyes at him.
He hands you back your phone, an innocent smile on his face while you’re looking at him suspiciously. When you glance down at your phone, you understand why he has that look on his face. 
The contact name for his number is My super hot gardener &lt;3 <3
Can he get any more annoying? 
“Are you kidding me?” You ask him but don’t change the name anyways. 
“Not at all, love.” He pulls you forward once more, cupping your face with both hands this time, causing you to look up at him. “Listen, don’t worry about how Dohyun is going to feel, and don’t beat yourself up about it either.” You nod sadly. “You can’t keep leading him on like this. Neither of you deserve that. So just be honest about your feelings towards him.” Jeongguk tilts your head up to look at him. “You have to put yourself first okay?” 
You nod understandingly, hands going behind his neck to pull him down for another sweet kiss because you just couldn’t fucking help yourself. The feeling of his lips on yours was just so damn addicting. The way he was gazing at you with those soft doe eyes and the comforting words he provided had your stomach fluttering with butterflies. 
Your lips move in sync, arms tightening around one another as if you didn’t want to let each other go. His tongue prods at your lips, asking for entrance which you grant. His tongue slides into your mouth, hands digging into your hips as he fights for dominance with your own tongue. The kiss becomes more and more heated, your hands tangling in his wavy hair once again while you’re pretty sure your lipstick is smeared over both your lips as well as his own. 
The sound of your phone vibrating has you pulling back from his lips with a loud POP. Your chest is heaving, slightly out of breath from the intense kiss. Jeongguk runs his thumb across his lip to clean the faint lipstick while you’re opening your purse to see a message from Dohyun. 
Dohyun: Hey Y/N, are you okay?” 
Great, he must think you’re fighting for your life in the bathroom or something. It’s probably been well over 20 minutes so you can’t blame him. 
“I really have to go now.” You tell Jeongguk and he nods understandingly. 
“It’s fine,” He grabs a tissue and brings it up to clean beneath your lower lip. “Your lipstick smeared again.” You smile at the gesture in a thankful manner, letting him clean it for you.
He’s going to kill you. 
“Remember what I said okay?” He tells you and you nod in response, your throat feeling tight already at the conversation you’ve been dreading the whole night. “And I’ll be nearby in case you need help.” You nod once again, feeling reassured by his words. 
“Okay, thanks.” You give him a sweet smile, leaning up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek which catches him off guard.  
“Yeah…” He clears his throat, “No problem.” 
With a small smile, you turn around and walk out the bathroom door not without looking over your shoulder at Jeongguk one last time. 
Here goes nothing. 
“Hey, sorry I took so long,” You apologize to Dohyun, straightening out your dress before sitting back down on the chair. 
Dohyun just gives you a sweet, understanding smile in return and says, “It’s okay. Jeongguk hasn’t even come by with the food yet.” 
You cough, taking a sip of your water to hide the flush of your cheeks. If only he knew Jeongguk was too busy with his tongue down your throat in the bathroom. The thought of what just went down in the bathroom had your stomach swirling in excitement. You hope the small smile on your face was not too obvious.  
“Is everything okay?” Dohyun’s voice is filled with concern. 
You’re snapped out of your thoughts at the sound of his question, looking up at him with wide eyes. You need to focus on the fact that you’re on a date with Dohyun right now and that you only have to endure this for a little bit longer before the food comes. 
Then you actually have to let Dohyun down politely. Honestly, you don’t even know why you don’t just get it over with right now. 
Jeongguk’s words echo in your head, telling you that it’s okay to think about yourself and turn Dohyun down. There’s no reason for you to be stretching this time out even longer. It’ll save him the heartbreak. It’s not like he was wrong. The further you lead Dohyun on, the more hurt he’ll be in the end when he finds out you do not reciprocate mutual feelings.
You also can’t forget the soft look in Jeongguk’s eyes. It was a look that you’d never seen on his face before and one that you didn’t think he was capable of showing considering his intimidating aura. But if there’s one thing you learned, it’s that Jeongguk is far from intimidating underneath all those piercings, ink, and black clothes. 
God, you just wanted this date to be over so you can tell Jeongguk to fuck off his shift for the night and go somewhere so the two of you can spend some time together. 
“Uh yeah, I’m okay,” You take a sip of your wine this time. “I’m fine. It’s just a little hot in here.” You’re praying he buys that excuse for your flushed face. You exaggerate it by fanning yourself with the menu listed with the different alcoholic beverages. 
“Oh no,” Dohyun looks worried. “Do you want to go somewhere else?” He asks seriously. 
“No no,” You wave off. “I’ll be okay. Thank you though.” You reassure him with a small smile. You are not about to drag this night out any longer. 
Dohyun nods though he looks a bit unconvinced. You fiddle with your fingers, unsure of what else to say. The silence between the two of you is awkward. You’re staring down into your lap while Dohyun opens and closes his mouth as if he wants to say something but holds himself back. 
“So Y/N,” You look up at Dohyun. “You probably already have an idea why I asked you out to dinner.” You try not to make it obvious when your eyes become a little wider, your heart dropping in your chest. “I mean..” He chuckles a bit, scratching the back of his neck. “We’ve known each other for so long. I remember watching you as a kid, thinking you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” You try to smile but you think it looks more like a grimace. 
“I remember when one of the kids your mom would set you up with for playdates was being so mean to me  but you just…came to the rescue and told them to leave me alone.” The memory was quite vivid to you only because ever since that day, you noticed how Dohyun would start bringing you small gifts like a flower from the garden or pieces of candy. “That’s when I knew I started to develop feelings for you.” 
And there it is. The expression on his face is filled with admiration and love as he stares at you intently, pouring his heart out to you and confessing his feelings. Something you’ve always feared because you knew that by the end of this, he was going to leave with a broken heart. You let yourself get way too far and led him to this point. Now it’s your job to end it. 
“I just really want to tell you that I’ve always loved–” 
Dohyun gets interrupted when Jeongguk arrives with a tray carrying your entrees. “Alright you guys, the food is here.” Dohyun’s face drops, falling silent at the interruption while you’re filled with relief, exhaling out a breath. You look up at Jeongguk only to catch him already looking at you, giving you a small wink that Dohyun isn’t able to see. 
“Filet mignon for you,” Jeongguk sets down the plate in front of Dohyun who thanks him in response with a polite smile. “And risotto for the pretty lady,” Jeongguk emphasizes pretty and you bite your lip to hide the smile that threatens to form on your face. 
“Thank you, Jeongguk,” Your foot brushes against his ankle purposely when you uncross your legs and he just looks at you with a certain glint in his eyes, a pierced eyebrow raised at the gesture. 
“No problem,” He clears his throat, breaking eye contact so it doesn’t look so obvious to Dohyun. “Is there anything else you guys need?” 
Dohyun looks at you in question and you shake your head as a no in response. He then looks back up at Jeongguk and gives him a grateful smile, “No, we’re good. Thanks, man.” 
“Yeah, no problem. I’ll be back to check on you guys,” He informed you and it sounded like he was mostly talking to you from the way he looks at you, eyes lingering before leaves. He needs to stop making it so damn obvious. 
“So…” Dohyun is about to start talking but you interrupt him. 
“Let’s eat, I’m starving,” You immediately pick up the fork and dig into the feed even though you had no appetite to consume food. If anything, you felt nauseous. You’re dreading the conversation that you’re about to have. 
“Wow,” Dohyun’s eyes are wide as he chews his food. “This steak is amazing.” He gushes, cutting into the meat with his knife and fork before holding it in your direction. “You need to try this.” 
You shake your head, “Oh no, I’m okay. Thank you though.” You politely decline and give him a grateful smile. 
“No seriously,” He responds. “You have to try this.” He seems persistent, wiggling his fork towards you with a bite of the tender-looking steak. You gulp, noticing how he’s leaning forward in anticipation with an eager look in his eyes. You’re about to lean forward, lips parted to take a bite but Jeongguk being the savior he is–God, you can just kiss him–comes back. 
“You guys look like you’re running low on wine so I brought some more,” Jeongguk chirps, moving Dohyun’s arm back so he can pour into the glass. You bite down on your lower lip to keep yourself from smiling widely, meeting Jeongguk’s eyes with a thankful expression. You opt to stare at his beautiful inked hands pouring into the wine glass as you try not to make it obvious when your hand secretly strokes his thigh. You hold back a laugh when you notice him slightly flinch out of surprise, jaw clenching, and eyes narrowed when he glances at you.
You feign a look of innocence and say, “Thank you for the wine.” You’re grateful that the table is high enough that Dohyun can’t see how Jeongguk takes his left hand while the right is still holding the bottle and squeezes your hand. 
Jeongguk clears his throat, 
“Thanks, Jeongguk,” Dohyun gives him an appreciative smile, “I was just trying to get Y/N to try the filet mignon.” 
“Oh yes,” Jeongguk says, attempting to sound professional and you bite back a laugh, “Many customers rave over the filet mignon. The cows were fed organic grass which is one of the reasons why it’s so delectable.” 
Organic grass? What the fuck is he even saying? 
You know damn well he’s trying to be funny but the way he said it with a straight face would make one think he’s serious. For example, Dohyun looked utterly fascinated by the thought. 
“Wow, are they really?” 
Jeongguk snorts but quickly covers it with a cough, “Yeah man. Don’t you know? Those cows are living their best life. Better than you and I,” Jeongguk takes the fork out of Dohyun’s hand and the other boy just stares at him, eyes wide in curiosity. He grabs the piece of steak that was originally meant for you and slides the bite into his mouth before giving Dohyun the fork back. Jeongguk scrunches up his face in delight, almost looking angry as he chews before he lets out a sigh and looks back at Dohyun. “Dare I say the cows are living a better life than Y/N too.” 
You cover your face, unable to hold back your giggles while Dohyun just looks confused now. Jeongguk has a small smile on his face as he glances at you, feeling accomplished for making you laugh so cutely. 
“I have to ask my uncle about this if it’s true,” Dohyun shakes his head, expression full of surprise as he looks deep in thought. “He owns a farm so maybe he can start doing that too.” 
Jeongguk looks like he’s trying not to burst out laughing this time but instead nods, “Yeah let me know what he says, man.” 
“Jeongguk, Suho is calling you to the back,” A waiter whispers into his ear, “Like now.” 
“Now?” Jeongguk asks and the other waiter nods. He looks back at you and sees you swallow nervously. This means Jeongguk can no longer save you from delaying this any further. It’s either now or never. 
You look back at Jeongguk and give him a reassuring nod in a subtle manner to tell him it’s okay if he leaves. He glances over at Dohyun, noticing how the other boy is tapping his foot impatiently beneath the table as if waiting for Jeongguk to leave so he can pick up where he left off. 
“Alright,” Jeongguk clears his throat, “Looks like I’m needed in the back. Are you guys good?” He asks, mostly directing the question at you based on the direct eye contact he makes, eyebrow raised. 
You give him an appreciative smile, “I’m good. Thank you, Jeongguk.” 
“Me too. Thanks, Jeongguk!” Dohyun says a slight eagerness following his tone. 
“Okay cool, be right back.” He tells you, sending you a small comforting smile. You let out a deep breath, looking over at Dohyun who’s already staring at you with a nervous expression on his face. 
“Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you. I’ve been meaning to tell you for so long but…” Dohyun twiddles with his fingers resting on top of the table. “I would just get so nervous and chicken out,” He chuckles at himself with a shake of his head. “I’ve always admired you and your kindness. Your kindness is what drew me to you more than anything. Comforting people when they’re upset and going out of your way to make them feel better.” Your lips turn up into a small smile at his words but your chest aches out of guilt with what you’re about to do. “Basically, what I’m trying to tell you is that…I uh really really like you. I’ve liked you since we were kids. Maybe even love.” Dohyun lets out a quivering laugh, avoiding eye contact. “I was wondering if you’d give me a chance.” 
Your throat feels like it’s closing up as you hear his words, processing them clearly. The feeling of your heart pounding against your chest and beating in your ears, your face feeling warm and flushed. You look down at your hands in your lap, playing with the ring on your index finger as you let out a shaky breath through your lips. 
“Dohyun…you’ve always been a sweet guy,” You begin, “So selfless and always thinking of others.” You add and he nods, a smile playing on his lips from your compliment. “But I…I’m sorry,” You feel your eyes stinging as you notice the smile vanish from his face, lips pursing in despair. “I don’t see you that way.” You finally say. 
His face crumples a bit, shoulders and head dropping as soon as the words leave your lips. He looks down into his lap and you swear you can hear him sniffling a bit. The silence between you two is almost deafening, the sound of other customers and cutlery being the only thing you hear. 
“I’m really sorry,” You say again, eyes welling up a bit because of how bad you feel. “I probably shouldn’t have even said yes to you because it seems like I’ve led you on but I just didn’t know how to tell you no.” 
Dohyun just nods in response, not moving a single inch from his position and his lack of words is killing you. You notice Jeongguk peeking at you from behind the door, locking eyes with you. He immediately notices the sorrowful look on your face, stepping forward to approach you but you quickly shake your head. 
Not yet, you try to tell him. You think this conversation needs to end with closure. You don’t want to leave without making sure he’s okay. You know he’s not okay and he probably won’t be for some time. He’s had feelings for you for so long, he must feel so crushed by your rejection. 
When Dohyun finally lifts his head up to look at you, you feel your chest ache at his red-rimmed eyes and quivering lips. “Y-You won’t even give me a chance? Like… not even if I take you on more dates a-and maybe let you get to know me better?” He wipes his nose with the back of his hand, sniffling. 
You shake your head, a sad smile on your lips. “I’m sorry…I just,” You look over at Jeongguk who’s talking to another customer while constantly glancing at you in concern. “I like someone else.” You tell him, feeling like absolute shit. You just didn’t know what else you could’ve told him for him to completely let you go. You had to tell him the truth. 
His face shows pure anguish, looking completely defeated. “So I-I don’t stand a chance against him?” He asks, voice hoarse. 
“I’m sorry,” is the only thing you think you can say in response to that. 
He just nods, head hanging low and lets out a quiet. “Okay.” 
“Everything good?” Jeongguk decides to cut in, saving you from this painful moment. 
Dohyun just looks up and Jeongguk in response and nods solemnly, “Yeah can we get the check please?” 
“Uh yeah sure,” Jeongguk responds. “Boxes?” 
“No thanks,” Dohyun immediately says, his voice cracking. “Y/N,” He looks at you properly for the first time. “Do you think I can get a r-ride home? I-I just don’t think I can…” He looks like he’s about to have a breakdown so you immediately cut in. 
“It’s okay. Don’t even worry about it.” Your voice is soft, feeling like you need to speak to him in a delicate manner because he may break any second. “I’ll call my driver.” 
“Okay,” Dohyun nods. “I’m gonna go. I’ll see you on Monday.” He says quickly before getting up swiftly. There’s a fresh set of tears in his eyes and he nods at Jeongguk. Head hanging low with his feet dragging across the floor, he walks towards the door without looking back. 
You stare at the door, never feeling this much guilt and regret in your life. Guilt for turning him down but also regret even accepting this date. You think saying yes to the date probably gave him high hopes that you had feelings for him in return. You should’ve come clean at the pool when he asked you out in the first place.  
“Oh god,” You cover your face with both hands. “I feel so awful. I feel so fucking awful. I can’t believe he cried.” Your throat feels tight and painful, unable to get the image of your head. 
“Hey hey,” Jeongguk looks around before kneeling beside you, hand on your arm, “It’s okay. You had to do it okay?” You nod but don’t move your hands away from your face. 
“I know I just can’t forget the look on his face,” You whisper into your hands. “I just feel so bad.” 
“I know Y/N. That wasn’t an easy thing to do,” Jeongguk acknowledges, rubbing his hand up and down your back in a comforting manner. 
Not only do you feel like a total asshole right now, you’re a little embarrassed at the fact that Jeongguk is seeing you on the verge of bursting into tears but you cannot help yourself. 
“Hey listen,” His voice is gentle and you feel him move closer to you, his chest pressing against your knee. “A lot of these people are looking at us and I don’t know if they know who you are but I don’t want it spreading around that you were crying in this boujee ass restaurant in the headlines tomorrow.” You chuckle a little taking the napkin he’s holding out for you, patting it beneath your eyes. 
“Thank you,” You say quietly, unable to look him in the eyes. 
“Of course,” He clears his throat. “I’m about to finish my shift soon. Um if you want, I can give you a ride home?” He offers before quickly adding. “Only if you want to. I won’t be offended if you just want your driver to pick you up.”
You finally look at him for the first time, taking slightly widened doe eyes, face looking soft. He’s tugging at the piercing on his lower lip, a nervous habit you’ve noticed from the time you’ve spent with him. 
“I would really appreciate that,” You inform him with a grateful smile. 
His shoulders visibly relax at your answer, a sigh escaping his lips. 
“Thank God you said that,” He pretends to wipe the sweat off his forehead, “I don’t think I was ready to handle the rejection.” He tells you and you feel like there’s some underlying truth to that. 
“The dude I’m crushing on is offering me a ride, who am I to say no?” You say bravely and he freezes, eyes wide and full of surprise with how you say that without a single stutter. 
“D-Dude you’re crushing on me?” He repeats, bringing his hand up to point his index finger at him. “Am I the dude you’re crushing on?” He asks in disbelief. 
You give him an ‘Are you joking’ look, pushing at his shoulder. “Who else is offering me a ride home here?” You ask him. 
“I’m sure tons of people would. You’re beautiful.” He says easily and you flush, not expecting that response at all. 
“Oh,” You look down at your lap with a smile on your lips. Feeling so flustered by his compliment, you change the subject. “Is it wrong to do all this after I just broke someone’s heart?” You ask him. 
Jeongguk shakes his head, “No, you did what you had to do, Y/N.” You nod, a slightly guilty expression appearing on your face once again. “Here,” He pulls out what looks like car keys from his back pocket. “Do you want to wait in my car while I finish up here?” 
You nod, grabbing the keys from him with a smile, “I’ll wait.” You grab your purse, pulling the strap onto your shoulder. Jeongguk also stands up from his kneeling position, brushing his black pants. 
Once you stand up, you have to peer up to look at him. Even with your heels on you, you’re still barely reaching his damn shoulder. 
Are you really that short or is he just super tall? 
“By the way,” You start, causing him to immediately pause from picking up the plate and giving you his full attention with the way he turns his body to look at you, eyes meeting yours. For some reason that makes your heart flutter. “Can you charge the dinner on my card?” You open your purse to pull out your tiny card holder. “It’s the least I can do for Dohyun.” You add, handing him the card. 
Jeongguk looks down at the card in his hand as if it’s the most fascinating thing he’s ever seen, eyes squinting before widening. He holds the card up to the light as if inspecting it before bringing it back down and closer to his face again.
“Um, is everything okay?” You ask in confusion. 
“Did you just hand me a black card?” His voice is full of surprise, mouth slightly ajar. 
“Yeah…” You trail off, looking down at your feet. 
Great, he must think you’re a spoiled brat. 
“Do you know the amount of unnecessary and useless shit I would buy if I had one of these?” He holds the card in his fingers as if it’s fine china. 
“I mean you can,” You respond and he just looks at you in disbelief.
“Baby you’re too sweet but I never thought about getting sugar mama.” He smirks before adding, “At least not anymore.” Your heart flutters and you try not to squeal at the fact that he casually called you ‘baby’. 
This man is trying to kill you. 
You pretend to act unbothered by his words with a roll of your eyes, shoving at his shoulder, “Shut up before I make you pay for this dinner.” You threaten and he immediately closes his mouth, turning towards the table. You laugh in response, shaking your head at him. 
“I’ll be out in 10 minutes,” He tells you and you nod, a smile on your face as you step towards the door already feeling a lot better just by talking to him. 
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jjungkookislife · 2 years
Butterfly Tattoo Studio: Taehyung and Jungkook
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pairing: apprentice!taehyung x piercer/tattoo artist!jungkook x f. reader x piercer!hoseok x jimin
genre: poly au, s2l, piercers/tattoo artists au, smut [18+]
wc: 8.1k
summary: Two weeks have come and gone as you step onto the front step of BTS. Unfortunately, you've come at a busy time and Hoseok can't see you as quickly as you'd like, but don't worry, Taehyung and Jungkook are more than glad to help.
warnings: cursing, tattooed and pierced!tae, hoseok, and jungkook, heavy use of petnames (doll, baby, babe, princess, sweetheart, etc), detailed descriptions of piercings, mention/use of needles and fear of needles, blood, sex at a workplace (tae's and jungkook's and hobi's), marking (hickeys, biting), hair pulling, oral sex (f. giving and receiving), fingering (f. receiving), multiple orgasms, threesome, voyeurism, bd!Taehyung, protected sex, slight manhandling, (idk if there's a spank in there but just in case), cum swallowing
date: June 4, 2022
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Two weeks passed rather quickly and despite keeping in contact with Hoseok, the two of you hadn’t had a chance to see each other since your last appointment. 
Once again, nerves bubble in your stomach, coating every bit of you as you grab the doorknob, tugging at the hem of your yellow sundress. 
Music blared from the speakers when you walk in, drowning out the chime of the bells above your head. 
Jimin, however, has ears like Dolores from Encanto and looks up immediately, turning the music down. He perks up in his seat, shoving the man beside him off the desk. 
The man next to him huffs, glaring menacingly at Jimin before he notices you. 
“Oh,” he says simply, eyeing you up and down with a hunger you’ve only seen in Hoseok’s eyes. 
“Hi,” you chirp, biting your lip as the stranger’s eyes follow your movement, his tongue swiping along his bottom lip. 
Jimin is gazing at you from beneath his long lashes, mouth-watering and pants tightening at the sight of you. Ever since Hoseok had shared you with a kiss, you’ve been all he could think about. It was near torture having to listen to Hoseok go on and on about you and the sweet sounds he got you to make that night. 
“Hello! Welcome back,” Jimin grins, and your nerves instantly triple. How could you forget how gorgeous he was? 
“Thank you! I’m here to see Hoseok but I also wanted to get two more piercings, maybe,” you bite your lip nervously and Jimin can’t help but wish it was him who was biting and sucking on your bottom lip while his hands gripped handfuls of your ass. 
“You’re here for Hoseok?” You turn to the man beside Jimin, meeting his gaze for the first time. He’s gorgeous but you weren’t surprised after the few people you’ve come in contact with. However, he was a different type of pretty. While Jimin was soft and delicate, more angelic than anything else, this man screamed sin! His dark hair curled over the bandana he wore, and his black and white button-down was large over his frame but the sleeves were rolled up to show his toned defined arms. He appeared to be chewing gum but never once did you get a scent or sight of it. 
He was broad and tall and the slope of his nose was perfect for looking down at you in an almost pretentious way but then he smiled and all those thoughts left your head. His smile is soft and sweet and it makes him look so much younger. Even the tattoos on his arm appear to be of anime you recognize and watched as a child until you started reading manga instead. 
“Sorry, doll,” he gets your attention, still chewing on his gum. “Hoseok has a list of clients a mile long today.” 
You look to the waiting room and see at least six people waiting. You forget they always welcome walk-ins. 
“I’m sure I can squeeze you in before his next client,” Jimin says as he looks at his list for a moment. He ignores when the curly-haired man pokes him in the side. After a few more incessant pokes, Jimin huffs. He glares at the man and then gives you a friendly, flirty smile that has your heart fluttering. 
“Or Taehyung, here, can take you with him and Jungkook,” Jimin finally grits as he points to Taehyung. “Tae’s our apprentice and Jungkook is finishing up a tattoo, but he’s also one of our piercers.”
“You’re in good hands with me and Kookie, doll,” Taehyung licks his lips as he walks around the desk to stand near you. You can smell his cologne, a cedar scent with a hint of citrus, and it has your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Fuck, you were a sucker for a good-smelling man. 
“Won’t Hoseok be upset?” You turn to ask Jimin, who’s leaning forward with his chin cradled in his hands. 
Jimin smirks. “Hoseok isn’t bothered by sharing with us. He’ll still see you after your piercings are done, and I’m sure he’d be glad if Tae got some new experience. Don’t worry, pretty, Hoseok isn’t unaccustomed to sharing. In fact, he enjoys it.”
You miss the look Taehyung and Jimin exchange as you nod. “Come with me, baby.”
Taehyung takes your hand in his, and you wonder if he can hear the way your heart is pounding against your chest. If he can, he doesn’t say anything as he leads you down the same hallway as last time, humming softly as he goes. 
When you arrive at a black door, he stops, poking his head in before turning back to you. 
“My studio is still under construction, so I use Jungkook’s. It’ll just be a second,” he assures you as he waits for Jungkook to finish up with his client. 
“Here we go!” Taehyung exclaims when the previous client walks out and you walk in guided by Tae. “Just have a seat in that chair, baby.”
You nod, swallowing thickly as you look around the room. Similar to Hoseok’s studio, there are pictures on the wall and certificates as well as licenses. There are a few piercing photos, a few amazing tattoo pieces, and sketches and near the giant desk pushed to the far wall. There’s bright art from every horror movie you grew up watching. 
Sitting at the desk in a black leather chair is the man you assume to be Jungkook. He’s got his broad back turned to you but you can still admire his physique and catch a glimpse of his full sleeve save for the wrist down. 
You hadn’t even seen his face yet but you could assume he was drop-dead gorgeous, as gorgeous as everyone else in the building. Licking your lips, you sit back as your knee jiggles up and down. You’re not sure why you’re this nervous again, you’d done fabulously with your last piercing and this should be a piece of cake. However, those thoughts do little to stifle your nerves. Oh well. 
“This is your next client,” Taehyung points to you, saying your name in a tone that leaves you breathless as you wave meekly to Jungkook when he turns around. His black cargo pants are right against his thighs as he spins in his chair, manspreading as he looks at you. 
Fuck, you think. Your eyes immediately focus on his combat boots and for a split second, you wanna ask him to step on you. 
Jungkook is even hotter than you thought! His onyx locks are long, reaching the collar of his shirt.  His hair is slightly messy, almost as if he’s been running his hand through it enough to keep it off his forehead and some of it falls over his right eye. You can see the shine of an eyebrow piercing beneath his fringe and you’re immediately taken in by the glint on his lip from another piercing. 
“Hello,” he says simply, introducing himself as he turns to place his phone on the desk. His right ear is pierced to the max and you wonder just how high his pain tolerance is. You don’t think you could ever get that done all at once. 
“What are we doing for you today, love?” Jungkook’s voice is smooth, and for a moment you want him to say your name just so you can store it for later and play it back again and again. 
“I wanted to get my nose pierced and maybe my eyebrow,” you state. “If you think it’ll suit me.”
Taehyung leans closer to you, shutting the door after him as he gets a better look at you. You’re very beautiful. That was obvious from the moment you walked in, and after hearing about you from Jimin, he was eager to meet you. You knocked the wind out of him when you stepped through the doors just minutes before, and he was almost thankful Hoseok was busy. Sure, not all the clients waiting in the reception area were here for piercings, but who was he to pass up the chance to pierce you and get you to himself and Jungkook?
“I think it would suit you, babe. What do you think, Kook?” Taehyung moves to the side, allowing Jungkook to walk up to you. 
Immediately your breath is caught in your throat as this magnificent specimen leans forward. His dark eyes study you for a moment, his hand raising and you see the tattoos on his knuckles. 
“May I?” He asks softly, almost shyly as his hand lingers in front of you. Taehyung chuckles from the side but says nothing as his friend waits for your answer. 
“Yes,” you answer as you look up at Jungkook. His fingers grip your chin, turning you this way and that. 
“It’ll suit either side you want, love. Which side did you want to do?” Jungkook asks as he releases you, taking a step back. 
“The right side,” you answer automatically. Jungkook smirks, “We’ll match.”
“What side did you want for your nostril?” Taehyung asks as he pulls up a chair beside yours. 
“The left,” you answer and he nods before turning to Jungkook. 
“I can do the nose and you can do the brow. What do you think?”
“That works. Lemme just get the stuff ready,” Jungkook busies himself with grabbing his tools, pulling a small table on wheels to the side as he walks around the room grabbing the essentials. 
“There’s no need to be nervous, babe.” Tae tries to reassure you, his fingers lacing with yours with ease. “I’ve been an apprentice for a good while and Jungkook was a piercer long before he was tattooing. You’re in great hands.”
“I’ve seen your work online, both of you. It’s great,” you compliment. “I’m glad you both work here with Hobi.”
Taehyung looks over at Jungkook, smirking. And Jungkook returns the smirk, his eyes a little brighter, filled with mischief as Taehyung turns back to you. 
“Hobi, huh?” He teases, noting the way you look up at the ceiling but his hand squeezes yours and you can’t help but meet his gaze. “I didn’t know you were so close.”
“Oh, he, uh said I could call him that,” you flush, biting your lip. Had you overstepped? 
“You must be very special, love,” Jungkook states seriously. “He doesn’t let just  anyone call him that. He must really like you.”
Your eyes widen, heat heavy on your cheeks. “Oh, I wouldn’t know about that. Maybe he was just being nice.”
“Don’t do that,” Jungkook scolds. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’ve got a lot to offer.”
With furrowed brows, you wonder what he means by that but before you can gather the courage to ask, Taehyung is releasing your hand and rising to his feet. 
There’s a slight tension in the room and it almost stifles Taehyung. Instead of letting it get to him, he goes to wash his hands, asking which piercing you would like first. 
“Which will hurt more?” You ask, feeling the thundering of your heart against your rib cage. Why were you doing this again?
“Hmm,” Jungkook hums. “The nostril, I’d say. But Tae’s the one who’s gotten that pierced. My brow wasn’t that bad and neither was my lip.”
“It depends on you, doll,” Taehyung adds. “Could be either. But we can do the nostril first if you’d like.”
“Sure,” you agree and he grins before drying his hands and putting on a pair of black gloves. He grabs a marker and a hand mirror before he leans in front of you. Jungkook watches from the sidelines, making sure Tae remembers all his training. He knew he had nothing to worry about, he’d been an apprentice for a while and was doing very well so far. 
“Have a look, sweetheart. I can change the placement now, not later,” Taehyung reminds you with a chuckle as he hands you the mirror, his hands purposely brushing yours. 
Smiling softly, you take the mirror and admire the black dot for a moment from all angles before deciding it’s a good spot. You hand the mirror back. Taehyung takes it to set aside before he’s grabbing an alcohol wipe. You watch as he rips it open, cleaning your nose gently as he hums. 
His cologne pleasantly engulfs you, focusing on not moving as he leans closer and you can see down his shirt. His golden skin looks soft to the touch, flawless as you get a better peek when he leans further to tilt your head up slightly. 
“Do you want me to count, baby?” Taehyung’s question brings you out of the myriad of thoughts swirling in your head, almost all of them obscene. 
“Please,” you respond.
“So polite,” Jungkook grins mischievously as he steps closer to watch Taehyung. 
“Isn’t she? She’s very sweet from what I’ve heard,” Taehyung snickers as he opens a needle. 
Jungkook says nothing else, smirking to himself. He too had heard about your escapade in Hobi’s studio. Not that Hobi was bragging, Jimin just didn’t know how to shut the fuck up when they were all together at home snuggling on their giant bed. 
“You can close your eyes if you’re scared of needles, babe. No judgment here,” Taehyung clicks his tongue and Jungkook immediately agrees. 
In a second, your eyes are squeezed shut. You’re very aware of all the noises in the room and you relax when you feel a hand grip yours. You squeezed it in thanks, inhaling as you felt the press of the needle and grit your teeth. Fuck, that hurt a little. 
Taehyung’s deep voice is explaining everything he’s doing, praising you as he goes until he’s finally done. 
“Breathe out for me, sweet girl. The worst is over,” Jungkook instructs as Taehyung easily gets the jewelry in your nose. He steps away to grab a napkin, pressing it to your nose. 
“Just a bit of blood, babe. Nothing to worry about,” he explains. You give him a thumbs up and realize your hand is attached to Jungkook’s. 
You apologize but he just squeezes your hand in response. Taehyung pressed the napkin to your nose, waiting for the bleeding to stop and grinning once it did. 
“You’re such a good girl,” he praises as he throws the napkin away in the trash. Jungkook inspects the piercing, praising Taehyung for a job well done as he releases your hand.
Jungkook goes to wash his hands as Taehyung takes his previous spot. His fingers lace with yours as he asks how you’re feeling, making sure you don’t feel faint.
“I’m okay,” you assure him.
“We can take a few minutes. There’s no rush, baby doll. We’ve got all day for you,” Taehyung smiles sweetly and you melt.
Meanwhile, Jungkook is getting his gloves on in preparation to pierce your brow. He waits until you’re ready, listening to Taehyung talking your head off to try and calm you, but you’re nervous, regardless.
“Ready, princess?” Jungkook asks as he lifts the marker. He looks at the dots he’s marked and opens the new needle.
“Yes,” you answer, receiving a squeeze from Tae’s hand.
“You’ve got this, baby girl. You did so well with me. Don’t you wanna please JK?” Taehyung teases, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Y-yes,” you stutter.
Jungkook chuckles. “Tae, don’t fuck with her.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to help!”
“Mhm,” Jungkook hums as he stands beside you. “Well, aren’t you pretty?”
Taehyung snickers beside you. “And I’m the one flirting with her?”
“She’s cute.”
“She’s right here,” you interrupt. Jungkook apologizes, asking if you’re ready before you’re squeezing Tae’s hand.
“Yes,” you listen to Jungkook’s instructions, inhaling deeply when he says so. “Oh fuck!”
“Yeah, that one hurt, huh?” Jungkook asks once he gets the bar through. “Worst part’s over though. You took it well.”
Taehyung snickers from beside you. Your hand is still laced with his but the other is on his thigh. You hadn’t even realized you had moved it.
“No need,” Taehyung smirks and you feel your face flush with heat.
“Your brow isn’t even bleeding. What a good girl you are, huh? Eager to please,” Jungkook smirks as you look away, squeezing Taehyung’s hand.
“You tease too much, Kook,” Taehyung scoffs as he leans in close to you, his free hand cupping your face, his nose just millimeters from yours. You hold your breath as you look up at him but he just hums in response, his featherlight touch sending sparks down your spine.
Jungkook watches the two of you intently. 
“Perfect.” Taehyung hums as he caresses your cheek with his thumb. “Just perfect.” 
His breath ghosts your face and you blink owlishly. How were these two worse off than Hoseok? How did you ever think you’d survive them both?
“Just perfect,” Taehyung repeats as his lips press against yours. Your eyes widen for a moment before they’re squeezed shut and you’re kissing him back. Jungkook watches from the sidelines, a smirk on his lips as Taehyung grips your hips to hold you closer and you’re on your feet before you realize it.
You’re not shy in kissing back, your tongue slipping past his lips, surprising him as he allows you in. Your fingers thread through his dark locks, moaning when his hands cup your tits. Your mind is spinning, but who are you to deny someone as hot as him? You can’t pass up the opportunity, not when his kisses are just as sinful as you imagined they’d be.
“Fuck,” a low curse captures your attention, and it’s then you remember you’re not alone. 
Jungkook’s eyes are dark, glazed with lust as he watches you with Taehyung. He’s biting his bottom lip, his tongue playing with his lip ring. Your heart flutters.
Taehyung’s large palm cups your face, turning you to face him. “Want him to join us?”
You swallow thickly, nodding. “Yes, please.”
Jungkook chuckles, smirking as he approaches the both of you. He takes you from Taehyung easily, leading you to the table where he hops on first, spreading his legs to situate you in between. 
“Easier access for Tae,” Jungkook says simply as your back meets his chest and his hands are gripping your thighs, cursing at the softness and warmth of them. “You look so beautiful in this dress. Tell me, love, did you wear this for our sweet Hobi?”
Jungkook’s teasing tone sends tingles down your spine as his lips brush against the sensitive skin of your neck.
“Is it that obvious?” you ask meekly as your eyes meet Taehyung’s.
“Only a little,” he answers as Jungkook’s tattooed hand grips your hip, moving upward slowly to cup your breast over your dress. You gasp, turning to Jungkook, who closes the distance between you with his lips. 
Taehyung watches his boyfriend kissing you, groping you as you make out. He’s been in this position plenty of times before, and he can’t help the heat that floods his body every time he sees Jungkook with someone. There’s something about him that drives him wild, finding it hard to just stand back and watch. Maybe it’s the fact that Hobi already had a taste of you? Maybe it was that his soulmate had as well? Or maybe it was the cute way you shied away from him but still managed to surprise him with little bursts of confidence, like kissing him with tongue? Whatever it was, it made it hard for him to hold back for too long as he stood between your legs.
Jungkook is the first to pull away from the kiss, smiling up at his boyfriend. Taehyung grins, leaning forward and you gasp when he bypasses you to kiss Jungkook.
Despite his lips occupied by Jungkook, Taehyung’s hands grip your thigh. You’re not sure what to do, but he notes this and takes your hand to place on his shoulder. He smirks at you before he’s kissing you again.
“She’s pushing against my cock,” Jungkook says with a grin. You whine in embarrassment but Taehyung nips your bottom lip. “None of that, doll. No need to be embarrassed with us. We just want to please you.”
“Please you,” Jungkook repeats as he pushes your hair over one shoulder to kiss the other. His lips are soft against your skin, teeth gently scraping the heated flesh. You’re overwhelmed by both but Taehyung kisses you, guiding your hands in unbuttoning his shirt as Jungkook’s hands toy with your dress.
“Can we take this off, love?” Jungkook asks as he lets your dress go. You turn to look at him, his beautiful brown eyes taking you by surprise, his cute smile almost looks bashful as you note the hearts in his eyes. How did someone with such a rough-looking exterior look so sweet and soft when asking to undress you? It made your head spin, talk about duality.
“Yes,” you answer confidently, moaning when Taehyung starts kissing your neck, nipping and sucking on the column of your throat until your fingers thread through his hair, mindful of his bandana as his hands and Jungkook’s are helping you out of your dress.
They’re both surprised to see you in nothing but a pair of white panties that cling to you. 
“Fuck, you look good enough to eat,” Taehyung licks his lips, biting his lip as his hooded gaze meets Jungkook, who's busy cupping your breasts, rolling the pert nipples between his fingertips as his lips find their home on the column of your throat.
“Tae,” you moan when he grips your thighs, putting them over Jungkook’s. He nips at your inner thighs, loving the softness and warmth of your skin as his tongue laves over your wet panties.
“So good for us, aren’t you doll? Want us to make you come for us?” Jungkook asks in between kisses, your hand moving behind you to grab a handful of his thick black hair, tugging as you beg him to make you come.
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself, princess. We both want to get a taste of you,” Taehyung tuts as he pulls your panties down your legs with little trouble. He tucks your panties in his back pocket so he won’t lose them when they’re done with you.
“Please,” you plead, your eyes softening for Tae. 
“My tongue isn’t pierced like Hobi’s, but I know I can get you to come just as easily without it,” he brags as he drops to his knees. 
Jungkook grips your chin with his forefinger and thumb, turning you to him, his soft lips meeting yours as Tae licks a stripe along your wet folds. Jungkook chuckles, his breath fanning across your lips as he kisses you again, feeling every inch of your body that he can.
He eventually guides your hand to Taehyung’s hair. “He likes when you tug on his hair.”
Taehyung groans at Jungkook’s words, affirming them. You’re tentative at first but note the way Taehyung reacts, tongue diving deeper into you. You arch into Jungkook, his lips kissing every bit of you within reach as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, praising you for being so good for them.
“Taehyung,” you moan, hips rising slightly to meet his face. Jungkook smiles at your eagerness, his attention on your face, and the way your expression changes as you grow closer and closer to your orgasm.
“Keep going, Tae. She looks like she’s ready to fall apart on your tongue,” Jungkook groans, cursing as you pull him into a kiss that’s all teeth and tongue. 
Taehyung looks up at the two of you, his cock throbbing in the confines of his pants, his hand moving to stroke it over the denim, popping the button open before pulling the zipper down. There’s nothing hotter than watching his boyfriend with someone else, and he knows Jungkook must be just as hard as he is.
Slowly, Taehyung swirls his tongue on your clit, sucking it and nipping it lightly to gauge your reaction. You cry out, whimpering and begging for more as you writhe in his boyfriend’s lap. Taehyung listens, intent on pleasuring you as much as possible, and just like Jimin had gone on and on about you, you taste just as divine as described. He couldn’t get enough of you. You flooded his senses and made him want more and more. Taehyung was sure he could devour you whole if given the chance.
“Do you want to take his cock, love?” Jungkook asks in between kisses. He’s glad the marks he’s left on your skin are slowly blooming, pride swelling in his chest. He tongues his lip ring, lust-filled eyes locked on yours. You’re pulsating, blood rushing in your ears as you nod. “Yes.”
Jungkook pecks your lips, his hand caressing your cheek.
“We can stop whenever you want, okay?” he assures you.
“Yes,” you nod. “I want it. I want you. Both of you,” you look at Taehyung, who nods. He slowly teases your entrance with two of his fingers, collecting your arousal before he’s pushing into you. He maintains eye contact as he curls his fingers, watching your face to see what you like and what you don’t.
When his fingers speed up and Jungkook rubs your clit, you start moaning louder. You try to muffle your moans by kissing and sucking on Jungkook’s neck, but both men want to hear you come apart for them.
“Moan for us, or I’ll stop, baby,” Taehyung threatens. That’s all it takes for you to be more vocal. You lose yourself to the feeling, your body growing hotter and hotter as pleasure pools in your belly, embarrassed by the lewd sounds of your arousal as Taehyung finger fucks you faster and faster.
You fall back onto Jungkook, who steadies you with a firm arm around your waist. 
“That’s it, baby. Are you gonna come for us?” Jungkook smirks, kissing your cheek.
“Yes! Yes! Tae! Please!” you nearly sob as he licks your clit and your thighs tremble. You’re so close, you whine. Taehyung doesn’t falter, eyes glued on you as you tug on his hair rather harshly, causing him to groan.
“Taehyung! Tae!” you scream, nearly in tears as you arch into him, wanting to fuck his face as your orgasm hits and you soak him, your thighs, and the table beneath you. 
“Fucking hell, baby girl,” Jungkook curses as he watches you combust. You’re panting heavily, a sheen of sweat covering your body as your head falls forward, your hair falling over your eyes.
You’re whining softly, gripping Jungkook’s thigh hard as you try to catch your breath.
Taehyung slowly pulls his fingers from you once he’s sure you’ve ridden your high. He pops them into his mouth, cursing as your essence coats his taste buds. 
“Share,” Jungkook huffs with a pout. 
Taehyung rolls his eyes, used to his boyfriend getting his way as he rises to his feet. He kisses Jungkook with no hesitation. The younger man’s tongue meets his, eager to get a taste of you.
You watch on, licking your lips. Feeling the heat of your stare, Jungkook turns to you and kisses you roughly.
Taehyung watches for a few moments, licking his lips and running a hand through his hair. When you and Jungkook break for air, he quirks his head in question. “Still want me to fuck you, baby?”
“Yes,” you answer bashfully.
“No need to be shy with us, love.” Jungkook nuzzles into your hair. 
“He’s right,” Taehyung nods in agreement as he helps you off Jungkook’s thighs and then the table. Jungkook chuckles at the wet spots on his jeans.
“Whoops,” you grimace when you spot them.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jungkook shrugs as Taehyung turns you to face him. He cups your face, bringing his lips down on yours while Jungkook takes his shirt off. He watches the both of you with hungry eyes, his hand going to palm himself over his jeans, biting on his lip to keep from moaning.
Taehyung is exploring every inch of your body with his large hands. Touching everywhere and lighting a fire deep inside you as he holds you to his body, your arms draped over his shoulders as you kiss him. 
“Can’t wait to be inside you,” he murmurs against your lips. You moan in response. Taehyung rests his forehead against yours. “Why don’t you help Kook out of his pants?”
“Yeah. Y-yes,” you swallow audibly, so lust drunk you can barely think as you turn around to face Jungkook, who smiles warmly at you.
“Hey, doll,” he grins.
“Can I?” you ask, eyes glued to his abs as your hands rest on his thighs. 
“Go for it, princess,” he moves his hands out of the way, planting them behind him as he leans back to allow you room to undo the button of his pants and tug the zipper down. He raises one leg at a time as you struggle to pull his tight jeans down his thick, muscular thighs.
With a laugh, Jungkook helps you until you’re tugging his boxers with his pants down to his knees. When his cock smacks against his abdomen, cock drooling pre-cum, your mouth waters. 
“Please, can I?” you beg as you meet his hooded gaze. He languidly strokes himself. His tongue plays with his lip ring, gaze hard and pierced brow raised as he studies you.
“Why should I let you?” his question befuddles you as he continues to stroke himself.
“Because I want to taste you, Jungkook,” you answer honestly. Jungkook tongues his cheek, nodding his consent as your hand replaces his.
“Don’t scare her,” Taehyung clicks his tongue at his boyfriend.
“Just want her to work for it a little,” Jungkook shrugs. 
Taehyung rolls his eyes but says nothing else as he runs his hands over your body. His lips plant gentle kisses on your shoulders, kissing down your spine while he kneads your ass. Your dulcet moans fill the room, and he reaches into his wallet to take out a condom. 
You look so delectable bent over in front of him. He loves how wet you are, your thighs coated in your arousal and he knows he can’t go much longer without being inside you.
“Doll?” he hums.
“Yes?” you question, looking at him over your shoulder. He holds the condom up, “Wanna keep going?”
“Yes, Tae. Please!” you exclaim.
Taehyung chuckles, his breath hitting your skin and sending tingles down your back. It takes him a moment to rip the condom packet open, stroking himself a few times with a few guttural groans escaping him as he slides the condom down his length.
Jungkook focuses on your hand as it moves up and down his dick, your spit hitting the head. He grunts, biting his lip.
“Put your mouth around it if you want, love,” he encourages but leaves the choice up to you. You nod eagerly, glad he’d said something because you were too shy to ask if you could take him in your mouth.
Your tongue swirls around the head once, using your spit to coat him. 
“Don’t be a tease,” Jungkook warns with a raised brow. You smile, gasping when you feel Taehyung pushing into you. You curse, crying out for Jungkook as you get pushed forward. Taehyung’s big hand grips your hip while the other pushes his cock into you further. He knows it’ll take a few minutes for you to accommodate him enough to take all of him, but fuck, you’re so warm and wet even through the condom. His head lolls back, tongue peeking from between his lips as he pushes past the tight ring of muscles that squeeze him just right.
“Oh, fuck! Taehyung!” you rasp, clutching Jungkook’s thighs, nails leaving their mark on his skin. 
“Breathe, baby,” Jungkook says softly. “Breathe.”
“So big,” you utter as you look up at Jungkook.
“But you can take it, right?” Jungkook checks in. You nod, cock hungry and ready for more. Taehyung takes his time, slowly pulling out and pushing back in little by little until his pelvis is pressed to your ass.
He rubs your back, moving down to your ass.
“You’re taking me so well, princess. You’re so tight and wet,” he curses as he gives a tentative thrust and you gasp.
“Fuck me, Tae.”
Taehyung shakes the hair out of his eyes as he thrusts into you, setting a slow pace that allows him to reach deep inside you, right where you need him.
“Fuck,” you groan as try to focus, a hard task when Taehyung’s huge cock is buried inside you and Jungkook’s is inches from your face.
Jungkook smirks, knowing what it’s like to feel stuffed to the brim. He doesn’t say a word as you stroke him slowly, lips wrapped around him as you try to find a rhythm while Taehyung’s fucking into you, smacking your ass and using it to pull you to him.
When you finally bob your head up and down, spitting on his length and twisting your wrist to please Jungkook, he’s losing it. Mind reeling, cock hard and dribbling pre-cum into your pretty little mouth, moaning your name as he hits the back of your throat and you suck him off like your life depends on it.
Jungkook’s fingers weave through your hair, tugging as he fucks your face, listening to you gag around him. You meet his gaze, both fiery and full of lust as you bob up and down, making sure you roll his balls in your hands as your saliva runs down to them. He groans as he leans back further. His eyes flutter shut, his whiny cries making you wetter and wetter as Taehyung grips you hard enough to bruise, fucking you open for his fat cock as you sob his name, muffled by Jungkook’s heavy cock on your tongue.
“That’s it, baby girl. Take my fat cock like a good girl. Come around me, I know you want to,” Taehyung grunts as he fucks you faster.
The table Jungkook is on, slams into the wall with his thrusts and Jungkook curses as he pants, feeling you moan around him. His hair is disheveled from him carding his hand through it, too overcome with pleasure, unsure of what to grab onto.
Taehyung meets his gaze, and Jungkook loses it when you tongue his slit. 
“Fuck, fuck. Doll, I’m gonna cum,” he warns but you don’t stop. You continue bobbing up and down, hollowing out your cheeks and tonguing his slit until he’s gripping your hair and thrusting into you, fucking your throat as he cries out for you. 
“Baby! Baby, baby, baby!” Jungkook sobs, whining as he cums in your mouth but you don’t stop sucking him off. He whimpers when you tongue his slit again, collecting the remnants of his orgasm before releasing him and he hisses when he falls back onto the table.
His head lolls back as his pretty eyes sting with unshed tears and he stares at the ceiling as he tries to regulate his breathing. “Fuck, you’ve got a mouth on you, love.”
You make a show of swallowing before you grin proudly, but soon it’s wiped from your face as Taehyung grips your arms, putting them behind your back as he uses them for leverage. 
“Come for me, baby.” Taehyung urges as he holds your hands behind your back with one hand and the other moves between your thighs, rubbing your clit in rigid circles. Seeing his boyfriend stuff your mouth full of come had riled him up more so, wanting to do the same.
Your cries grow in octaves. Taehyung’s name rolls off your tongue in broken sobs as your thighs tremble. Jungkook watches you intently as Taehyung makes you orgasm once again, soaking his cock and clenching around him until he’s pulling out.
“Can I come in your mouth?” Taehyung asks as he rips off the condom, stroking himself.
“Yes! Yes, please!” you nearly sob as you hastily drop to your knees in front of him. Taehyung curses. Your hand wrapped around him as you press your lips to his cock. You use your tongue to lick at the head and it doesn’t take too long until you’re rewarded with Taehyung cumming in your mouth, spurt after thick spurt hitting your tongue as you wrap your lips around him even as some of it runs down your chin.
Taehyung’s eyes are wild as he watches you swallow, again and again, only pulling away when you’re sure he’s done. You make a show of sticking your tongue out, licking up what you can from your chin before he’s helping you to your shaking legs and slotting his lips over yours, getting a taste of himself and Jungkook.
It’s a dirty, messy, kiss that leaves your toes curling as he walks you back into Jungkook, who kisses you next.
You’re left breathless and naked with your hand over your chest to try and calm the rapid pounding of your heart. You’re relieved to find Jungkook and Taehyung just as breathless as you. Jungkook is the first to get dressed before he’s picking your dress off the floor.
Jungkook helps you get dressed, kissing you as he pulls the dress over your head. He kisses you after you slide your arms into each of the armholes and then Taehyung steps up with your panties in his hands. His tattooed arm gets your attention as he holds your hip and you hold his shoulder to steady yourself as you step into your panties. 
Jungkook makes sure your dress isn’t stuffed into your panties before he’s pulling you into a hug. Fuck, he didn’t want to let you go.
Taehyung wraps his arms around both of you. “That was unexpected.”
“But good?” you ask hesitantly.
“So good, princess,” Jungkook assures you as he sits on his chair and pulls you with him while Taehyung gets dressed and cleans the table. 
Jungkook places your hands on his shoulder as he nuzzles into your neck, kissing it softly. You melt into him, not wanting to let him go.
Taehyung crouches down in front of you both, his hand resting on your thigh. He wishes you were at his home, he’d be able to cuddle the both of you to his heart’s content but he’s very aware that your activities haven’t gone unnoticed and it’s only a matter of time until Jimin or Hoseok are knocking on Jungkook’s door.
Taehyung steals a kiss from your lips, smiling when you grow flustered.
“We should get you to Hoseok, baby,” Taehyung whispers.
Your eyes widen, and suddenly you remember what you were here for, aside from your two new piercings.
“Oh, yeah!” you flush with heat as you get off Jungkook’s lap in a hurry. Taehyung chuckles as he rises to his full height.
“Come,” he takes your hand while Jungkook gets up and leads you to the door.
Dazed with a bright grin on your face, Jungkook and Taehyung walk with you hand in hand toward Hoseok’s studio. Jungkook wraps you up in his arms, his head on your shoulder as he sways you from side to side while Taehyung steps forward to knock on Hoseok’s door.
“Come in!” comes Hoseok’s response as Tae turns the knob and pushes the door open. Hoseok smiles when he sees his boyfriend looking absolutely delectable with his just fucked hair, he assumes he and Jungkook may have gone at it again in between clients. The two youngest always found it hard to keep their hands to themselves, especially in close quarters.
“Hey, babe,” Hoseok waves him over and Taehyung shakes his head. Hoseok raises a brow. Something was up.
“I brought someone,” he says simply before he looks over his shoulder and Jungkook is bringing you in. Hoseok is at a loss for words for a moment, swallowing thickly.
Well, this wasn’t exactly how he planned on easing you into his lifestyle.
“Hey, sweetheart! I was starting to worry you weren’t gonna show up,” Hoseok greets you easily as you step forward and pats the chair for you to take a seat. You do so, thighs still trembling and face still flushed thanks to your shenanigans with Jungkook and Taehyung.
Smirking, Hoseok rolls his chair forward. He can smell his boyfriends’ colognes on you, a scent he knows he can get used to when it melds with your soft flowery one.
“Ooh, you got two new piercings,” he comments as he gently cups your face. The rings on his hand are cool against your hot skin. 
Turning to Jungkook, he asks, “Was this your doing?”
Jungkook looks away, his ears turning red as he finds the ceiling irrevocably interesting. Hoseok tuts, turning to Taehyung and raising a dark brow. Your thighs press together, remembering the last time you were in this studio, and Hoseok notes your movements before he’s turning to face you.
His dark eyes are nearly black as he takes you in, from the heavy rise and fall of your chest to the budding marks on your skin. If he looks a little closer, he’ll note the very, very familiar indents of the younger’s teeth, always a biter, that one. 
“I did her nose,” Taehyung finally finds his voice. Licking his lips, he shoves his hands in his pockets as he leans against Hoseok’s desk, careful not to disturb any of the work that lies on it. “Jungkook did her brow.”
Hoseok nods as he leans in closer, noting a bit of swelling on your eyebrow, but nothing looks worrying at the moment. “Did you take it well, princess?” 
“I did. It hurt,” you answer honestly as your hand goes to touch your brow, but Hoseok’s fingers wrap around your wrist gently.
“Baby girl, didn’t you promise you’d be good and not touch?” Hoseok asks in a low tone that has you biting back a moan. What was it about him that made you want to be the best girl for him? To please him and be praised by him again and again? Fuck, he was a danger to your health and he knew it; if his devilish grin was anything to go by.
“I did. I promise,” you clear your throat, hoping to rid yourself of the knot that forms. Jungkook giggles beside you, he’s all too familiar with Hoseok’s no-bullshit aura, and seeing its effect on you makes him giddy. 
“Good!” Hoseok claps his hands softly. You pout, not liking how quickly his touch has left you. Taehyung snickers, covering his mouth with his hand. He exchanges a look with Jungkook before he’s walking over.
“Well, it looks like you’re in good hands,” Taehyung says with a hint of laughter. 
“Yeah, we’ll see you upfront. I think we’re closing in a bit,” Jungkook states as he grabs Taehyung’s hand before either of you can protest.
“Subtle,” Hoseok rolls his eyes but is glad when they’re gone. You seem to relax a bit when they’re gone, and Hobi knows how overwhelming it can be when they’re all around.
“How does it look?” you ask, referring to your septum piercing and Hoseok switches to professional mode. He moves in closer, his hands on your cheeks once again as he tilts your head back a little bit. He inspects it, asking if you’ve been following his directions to the T and you nod as best as you can before answering verbally.
You ask him a few questions and he answers them all before he’s tapping your nose. “You’re the poster perfect client, babe. Did Tae and Kook take your picture?”
“No?” you think back and shake your head. “We got distracted.”
“I bet you did,” he laughs as he moves his leg forward and digs into his jeans pocket to take his phone out. You can’t help how nice his thick thighs look encased in his jeans and your eyes innocently waver over to his crotch.
“Brazen, are we?” Hoseok chuckles as he meets your embarrassed gaze.
“I-I was just…”
“Hoping to see my cock?” Hoseok grins salaciously and you bite your lip. 
“And here I thought you were my good girl,” he clicks his tongue, feigning disappointment before he’s asking you to sit up. He rises from his seat, taking pictures of your new piercings before he’s slipping his phone back into his pocket.
“Do you have plans tonight, baby girl?” Hoseok asks as he holds his hand out for you to take. His hand is warm in yours and you’re careful as you rise off the chair, smoothing down your dress with your other hand. 
“I’m free,” you answer, wondering what it is he has planned.
“Would you like to go out with me tonight?” Hoseok asks as he leads you into the hallway, pausing to turn the light off in his studio. He doesn’t need any of his belongings for tonight and he can pack a different bag for work tomorrow, anyway.
“Of course!” you blurt out, groaning at how overeager you sound. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologize, sweetheart. I like your enthusiasm and besides, you already know I like you, so seeing you so excited to go out with me makes me incredibly happy.”
You smile, feeling the fluttering of butterflies in your stomach.
Hoseok returns your smile, his hand pushing a lock of your hair behind your ear. “You look so beautiful, love. I like your dress.”
“Thank you. I wore it for you,” you say honestly, maintaining eye contact. Hoseok nearly growls at your admittance, gently pressing you to the wall beside his studio as he captures your lips with his. It had been hard keeping his distance from you, trying to remain professional but he’d been hoping to see you since the first time. Work had been drowning him lately and he’d been looking forward to today immensely. He was glad to have you in his arms once again, kissing you and rekindling that initial spark from that night.
“Hoseok,” his name escapes you in a heady tone that makes his cock throb. Fuck, he wants another taste of you but he’s set on taking you out first before any of that occurs again.
“I know, baby. Fuck, you’ve got me losing my mind,” he admits, kissing your cheek before he’s leading you down the hall to the reception area.
Jimin smirks when he sees both of you holding hands as you stroll to the reception desk. “Well, don’t you look ravished?”
Jungkook shoves his foot into the back of Jimin’s chair, causing him to be squished into his desk. Jimin sends a glare over his shoulder to Jungkook, who rolls his eyes.
Clearing his throat, Jimin smiles and tries again. “Don’t you look ravishing!”
“Thank you,” you nod. “I wasn’t sure if the eyebrow piercing would suit me.”
“You look great, love,” Taehyung assures you and you note he’s in the same spot you’d seen him in when you’d first walked in earlier. You thank him sincerely.
“Oh, I need to pay,” you say as you reach for your purse and Hoseok stops you, handing his card to Jimin, who smirks like the cat who ate the canary.
“Hobi, you didn’t have-” Hoseok shushes you with a kiss. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Then dinner’s on me,” you reply and he’s about to protest, but you kiss him before he can say a word.
“Ooh, she’s got you matched,” Jimin giggles as he hands Hobi his card and receipt.
“She does, doesn’t she?” Hoseok asks with sparkling eyes as his heart skips a beat. He wraps his arm around your waist to pull you close and you smile shyly as you lean into him.
Jungkook and Taehyung watch the two of you intently, grinning to themselves before Jimin is rising from his seat, and grabbing his backpack off the desk.
“Well, everyone else has left for the day, and a shop without piercers doesn’t need to be open. Do you want to go to dinner?” Jimin asks Tae and Jungkook, who nod.
“You better not follow us,” Hoseok raises a brow.
“Now, would we do something like that?” Jungkook asks in the best innocent tone he can conjure, his hands over his heart.
“Yes, yes you would,” Hoseok scoffs as he leads you out of the shop and walks you to your car. He tells you where to meet him, stealing a kiss from you before he’s shutting your car door once you’re settled in. He watches you go before he’s looking over his shoulder at his three boyfriends, who have hearts in their eyes along with mischief.
They were definitely going to show up to dinner.
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thank you for reading! ♡ if you liked it, please let me know! 💌
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thefaithfulwriter1 · 6 months
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𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐏𝐏 | ❝ Not really sure how to feel about it. Something in the way you move. Makes me feel like I can't live without you. It takes me all the way. I want you to stay. ❞ - Rihanna & Mikky Ekko
Summary - When love is true, distances doesn't matter. That was something she read somewhere from the internet. It proves to be true though when she meets two handsome men on a dating app called Cupid Matchmaker App. Two men she never thought would notice her even on a simple dating app. The three soon embark on a journey together finding love in each other, through texting, video calls, calls, and then finally meeting.
Pairing - Taehyung x Fem!Reader x Jungkook
Alternative Universe - Normal Life, Social Media (Sort Of), Tattoo Artist
Warnings - Fluff, Angst, Semi Smut, Language, Mention of Past Sexual Abuse, Poly. Relationship, MxM, MxMxF, FxM, May Add If Needed
Main Characters - 𝐘/𝐧 𝐋/𝐧 - The Shy Painter / Artist, 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠 -Tattoo Artist, 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 - Tattoo Artist, 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭 & 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧 - The Owner of Tattoo shop, 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐣𝐢𝐧 - The Chef, 𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢 - The Musician, 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 - The Dance Instructor / Piercer, 𝐉𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧 - Dance Instructor / Tattoo Artist, 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬 - (Nina Dobrev -Y/n's Best friend) - Florist, 𝐓𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 (Kat Graham - Elena's Girlfriend/ Y/n's Friend) - Photographer
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muniimyg · 2 years
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things untold; a collection of fleeting moments
#2 ! the one where it’s all about what jungkook wants
navi | m. list | ask me ! | add yourself to my taglist !
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tsundere jungkook + warm / oblivious oc 
friends to lovers
non-idol / uni au 
oc is lowkey short tempered (she’s done playing dem games 😭)
jungkook is an idiot
suggestive pick-up lines in the most wholesome way possible…
undertones of jealousy (ft nam joon)
wow this part two took a while huh <: thank u for being so patient ! this is dedicated to the lovely @pamzn​ who has over and over shown so much love for these two <3  
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part one | part two (fin) | so it ends (alternate universe) 
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“Do you like Messi?”
Jungkook looks up from his iPad and greets you with a sour face. Though his silence feels less deadly these days, you can’t help but wish for more give. Even if your silly ways have warmed his heart, he remains the same for the most part. Jungkook is quiet, calm, and ever so confusing as usual. 
Oh, so confusing.. 
“Okay.. So you know that pick-up line,” you mumble, pushing your chair closer to his. Jungkook inhales sharply to recenter himself. You’ve been doing this a lot lately. You’ve been getting closer and closer to him. Honestly, any closer and you just might meet his heart. He holds his breath for a second, trying to register your following words: “do you know Kim Nam Joon?”
“What?” Jungkook asks in pure confusion. 
He has never talked to you about his friends. If he ever has, it should have been about Park Jimin or Kim Taehyung. The funniest stories and most memorable part of his youth are almost always when they’re around. See, if Jungkook was to ever share parts of his life with you, he would definitely be sharing those stories. The ones that make him sound so exciting and youthful. The ones that make him look good and impressive—not the ones that involved Kim Nam Joon. 
Kim Nam Joon is his friend that carries his deepest feelings and dreams. He’s practically Jungkook’s therapist. He knows Jungkook inside and out. 
Then, it clicks. 
If you knew Nam Joon then does that mean you know?
“Kim Nam Joon,” you repeat.
Jungkook nods slowly, “yes, I know him.”
“... Do you think he’s cute?”
Jungkook’s heart drops.
Maybe you don’t know.
“Do you?” he struggles to ask. He isn’t too sure where this conversation was going. In fact, he feels like he could throw up. Should he pack up his things and make a lame excuse to leave? Is that too much of a pussy move? Or should he stick around and pry into your feelings? Did you have feelings for Nam Joon?
It’s an odd feeling that swirls in the pit of his stomach. 
No, it’s not jealousy.. Well, not all of it at least. More than ever, he thinks this is the moment he may lose you. That’s what worries him. That’s what makes him feel dizzy. 
“I think you’re cuter.” 
Your comment earns a scoff from Jungkook. He’s trying so hard to play it cool like his life depends on it... Because it does. He is trying so hard not to let his cheeks blush too much but wow, are they heating up like crazy. He attempts to turn away for a second, but you beat him to it, cupping his cheeks with the palm of your hands. For a split second, it almost catches you off guard. Have you always been this close to him without noticing? 
“Are you blushing?” you pry, amused and feeling a boost of confidence. “Is the Jeon Jungkook blushing because I called him cute?” 
You want to revel in this moment. It’s times like these where you feel like maybe there is something between you two. That, maybe, just maybe, you had an effect on him. Your suspicious are shut down the moment he lowers his gaze. He wraps his hands around your wrist and pushing away. “Get studying, ___.”
You bite your lip, trying to stop yourself from laughing. Why is he acting so difficult? Does he not understand what you’re trying to do? How the line between friends and lovers is so blurry between you two? You’ve been dancing on it like a ballerina. You’ve been testing the boarders as if there’s nothing to lose. 
“You didn’t even come here to study, did you?” he theorizes. It’s mainly a pass at trying to change the subject. Tapping his apple pen onto the top of your cap, you furrow your eyebrows. Your eyes follow the movement of his hands, fully fixated on his hand tattoos. He clears his throat when he notices where your eyes and mind have drifted off. You blink and pick up where he left off. 
“I did! I just need a study break—”
Jungkook huffs, fully knowing you and your tactics. “___, you read half an article, opened your textbook only to put sticky notes on the chapters you need to catch up on, and then went on Instagram to post about your studious life.”
“Hey! That counts! I am totally studying,” you begin to explain, feeling frustrated and defensive. No, actually, you feel defeated. You want to stop. How are you supposed to focus on your work when you’re into your clueless study buddy? “I’m good at studying. I study hard! You just don’t appreciate my study methods—”
“Studying hard or hardly studying?” Jungkook teases. 
Of course he thinks that’s funny. 
Jungkook has always been more studious than you. It’s not like it mattered though. You could whip up an essay faster than him any day and receive better marks… But when it comes to self discipline and bullshit like math, he was your guy. When it comes to consistency and details, he was your guy. 
That’s just it. 
He’s your guy. 
So, you attempt again. 
“… Are you hungry? Do you want to eat some ramen?” you suggest, completely dismissing your books. You won’t even continue your disagreement with him. In a way, this was you giving him an out from further annoyance. Your disorganized ways are oddly organized it’s almost like there is direction when it comes to your fickle ways. He knows that better than anyone. He finds it endearing. Even so, Jungkook rolls his eyes and pushes your study material towards you. 
You sit still, fixing your gaze on him. You could look at him forever. Why is he so handsome? Something about his tattoos made him look even more complete to you. 
“You have a final coming up, ___. Focus,” he lectures before taking out his AirPods and turning to face the other way. You should focus. He believes you can. Though you two sit next to each other, it’s like you’re both in two different world. How could he study when your bodies are this close to one another? “Focus and I’ll let you colour my tattoos again.”
He hasn’t let you do that in a while. Partly because you he had his tattoos touched up and partly because you didn’t need an excuse to sit on his lap these days. It’s become your favourite spot and Jungkook never seems to mind. He likes having you close. One way or another, he has learned to brush off his invasive thoughts even when you wear skirts.
“I don’t want to,” you whine. “I don’t like you right now.”
He puts his hand on top of his heart and pretends to be hurt. Despite your effort to throw a fit, he offers you his arm. You shake your head, even turning the other cheek to add a dramatic effect. In disbelief of your attitude, Jungkook takes your hand. He squeezes it. His hand stays there, holding yours. Fingers intertwining like they were made to do so. Your eyes flicker between his side profile and your hands. “If you need a break, then take it. I’m right here.” Jungkook says it like it’s nothing. You watch him put on his AirPods and continue to focus on his work. Meanwhile, you begin to get lost in your thoughts. 
This is new.
Does he know what he said? Does he know what he’s holding? Beyond your hand, he is holding your heart.
Could he hear your heart or the unending confessions you’ve made in your head?
Was he listening?
“You’re going to make me lose.” You slump your body posture, more than ready to hit your head on the table. Swiftly, Jungkook lets go of your hand and places it on top of the table where your forehead hits. When your forehead makes contact with his hand, you close your eyes and sigh. “All of this and you still haven’t asked me out..” 
He doesn’t move or tell you to. He stays, letting you use him in any and every way needed. It makes this feel so much more difficult. How is he this sweet? “Hmm?” he asks rather monotoned.
Wait... Did he catch what you just said?
You sit up and watch as he takes back his hand. He begins to tap over the screen and continues to write notes. You even wave your hands in front of his iPad to get his attention. He pushes your hand away and continues to concentrate. He doesn’t even bother looking up. You reach for your sticky notes and peel one from the stack. You crumple it up in your hand and toss it at him. 
When it hits him, he glares at you. Then, he resumes back to his iPad. It’s then that you realize Jungkook still has his Airpods on.  
You huff, annoyed and frustrated that this is how things are going. You pick up your bag and get up from your seat. Jungkook lifts his head when he feels your presence shift. He patiently watches you put your bag down and slide your books to the seat across from him. There, you sit. Taking off his Airpods, he crosses his arms. Unamused, Jungkook shakes his head. “What’s up with the move? Seriously, no more study breaks.” His warning almost sounds threatening. It doesn’t scare you though. 
“I’m going.”
“What why?” he snaps, shifting to grab his things. In a hurry, he begins to pack up. “Uhm, I’ll probably head out too if you’re leaving. Where are you going?”
“To Nam Joon,” you confess. 
Jungkook’s heart drops for the second time tonight. “What?” Jungkook feels stressed. His eyes are practically falling out of his head. He looks so hurt already. He feels defeated.
You shrug, trying to keep yourself composed. If this was to work, you’d have to keep yourself together. You can’t get too excited. It’d be too easy for him. “Nam Joon—you know Nam Joon right? You should. He’s your friend.” You say it slyly. You say it almost in a lewd manner and it makes him curious. It makes him run possible scenarios in his head—most of which he did not like. 
“Yes,” Jungkook scoffs at you. Why are you so childish? It makes being mad at you so much harder. Are you purposely trying to get a reaction out of him? Well, good for you. 
It’s working. 
 “Of course I know my friend. Didn’t know he was yours.” Jungkook hisses, practically offended at this point. 
“We’re decent friends. Actually, he and I have a bet. I have until the end of the year to win… And, well... It’s the beginning of Decemeber.”
“Yes, I know months of the year as well.” Jungkook digresses softly, completely confused. You meant no harm, of course. Yet, he can’t help but feel riled up. What could you possibly have to do with Nam Joon? A bet? That’s ridiculous. “I know Nam Joon and I know the months of the year. I’m a genius, really.”
You nudge him. “Maybe I’m just dumb. I didn’t take you for a shy type. I thought you would have done it by now.. We’ve been hanging out for 5 months and you let me colour in your tattoos. I sit on your lap even when we’re doing something stupid like showing each other TikToks. You hold my hand and even carry my books—“
“I know,” Jungkook acknowledges. “What does this have to do with Nam Joon?”
You frown.
“Everything. Don’t you get it?”
“Get what?”
You want to cry. You feel like you’re out of ways to beat around the bush. You should just say it. You should just get this over with because now it feels painful. “I thought I was the oblivious type.”
Jungkook looks at you confused for the nth time this afternoon. “I know what you’re saying.” He implies, thinking it’s about being aware of his actions. Which, he is. He just never expected you to be.
“Then I don’t get it.”
“Get what?”
“Why haven’t you asked me out?”
Jungkook can not believe the words that had just fallen out of your mouth. Did you really just say that? He purses his lips, finding it difficult to think straight when his heart suddenly lightened up. Luckily, he takes this as his chance. He shouldn’t shy away from you. Why should he? He’s sure of his feelings for you—why deny it? His small crush turned into an everyday feeling. 
It turned into love. 
Love in the kindest, slowest, he-tilts-the-umbrella-for-you way possible. 
“I mean, Nam Joon said you’d take a while to ask me out. I figured with all the time we spend together, giving me until the end of the year would be enough but it’s almost December and you—“
“I didn’t want to scare you away.”
You pause.
“Well, I’m pretty brave,” you chide, tilting your head at him. You aren’t sure what to feel. Offended that he didn’t think you could be a big girl and face your feelings? Annoyed that he feels so insecure it gets in the way of the possibility of you and him? Or should you feel touched that he likes you so much he was too afraid to confess because he didn’t want to be rejected? Or something more romantic like he didn’t want to lose you?
It makes you dizzy.
It makes your heart tighten.
It makes you want to understand.
Your thoughts at interrupted as Jungkook mimics your head tilt and leans across the table. “Come back here, please.”
You roll your eyes, but do as he says. Surely, you would never turn down an opportunity to communicate with him. For a cold man, he sure knows how to melt your heart. 
As you’re about to take a seat on the chair beside him, he tugs you down to his lap. At that, you cross your arms, pout, and sigh deeply. You sit on his lap more often than not and it just upsets you even more knowing that… You don’t know. You’re too upset at this mess.
Was he not understanding? How much more straightforward did you have to be? A moment of silence grows between you two. You feel anxious, waiting for him to say something. 
Anything. Say anything. 
Instead, he greets this moment with a soft laugh as he notices your fallen expression. He rests he buries his face in the crook of your neck and shoulder. It’s comfortable between you two. You wish moments like these with him could last forever. 
You shift your head, turning to face him. 
“You still brave?” Jungkook murmurs into your skin. 
You giggle, completely forgetting that you want to be upset with him. You want him to go through more before you drown yourself in him. But alas, your heart beats for him. You intertwine your fingers together, finding comfort in the way his skin feels against yours. It’s the small things like holding his hand or sitting on his lap that just make you feel like you’re his. 
“Hmm, you aren’t so scary when you’re this close,” you reason with him. He hums, squinting at you as you face him. Before you can process this moment any future, he leans forward. 
“How about now?” Jungkook asks, eyeing your lips. He lifts his hand to fix your hair. You gulp. “___?”
“Yes, Jungkook?”
“You’re really pretty.”
Your heart soars.
For a moment, all you can think about are his lips. His lips, dangerously close to yours. You think about his heart. His heart, fully yours. Then, you think about what happens now. 
What does happen now? 
You clear your throat, disrupting the trance he put you in. “Jungkook, come any closer and I might just—”
Jungkook places his hand on your back and pushes your body close to his. Your faces are so close, your heart can’t help but feel so many things. “Okay, okay,” you utter, looking into his eyes. You decide you’ll fold first. You place your hand on his chest, liking how he feels this close to you. “I’m really scared right now.”
He chuckles, letting himself soak in this moment. “Do you wanna see my cat?”
“Wait, what? You have a cat?” you gasp. You feel a little confused at his sudden request. 
“No,” Jungkook shakes his head, feeling a little dumb from his attempt. “___, I’m asking you out.”
“Oh,” you connect. “Okay, good.. Yes, I’d love to go out with you.” You let go of his hand and pat his head for a job well done. You even pinch his cheeks and giggle at the sight of his squishy face. He glares at you but does nothing to stop you. Snickering, you add; “in your face, Nam Joon.”
Jungkook laughs hearty before placing a kiss on your cheek. It’s followed by many kisses along your neck and behind your ear as you resume sitting on his lap. At one point, you grab his arm to trace his tattoos with your finger tips. You continue to ramble about who-knows-what… It’s almost as if you two did not just cross the line between friends to lovers.
But it’s alright. 
Jungkook realizes that you didn’t need to hear any of his thoughts. 
You’ve been listening. 
Rather than being able to hear his heart beat the way it does when you’re around, you’re close enough to feel it. 
That’s why it’s happening today. You know. You don’t need to assume how he feels. You two are completely the oblivious type but no more. It’s over. This is where you two begin.
Honestly, if he asked, you’d tell him the truth. You’d let him listen to your heart because if today he wanted to study and hold your hand, and tomorrow he asked for you to love him—you’d do it in a heartbeat. 
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airblushbts · 1 year
Chapter 2 : No more clothes 🥲😩
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Why are these so hot 🥵😵‍💫
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vanilladaises-rp · 1 year
Tattoo Shop Update
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“I know it hurts but you have to stay still love” she coos rubbing your leg soothingly “do you need another break?”
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“I’m on break leave me alone” he spat avoiding you
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“It’s okay if you mess up calm down” he chuckled at how focused you looked practicing on him “chill, stop shaking”
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tags🫶🏻: @idontlikelizards @honey-beaut @livealittleoc-cb @luxora @halloween-idols @onlyomega-cb @nana-n-nono @angelsxdemons-cb @clubwnderland @lunaaofthemoon @taetaemylovie @wiickedxgood @bunnybubchan @lowblotrp @moonlightchn @domxbot @welcome-to-maniac @dia-oc @mooncremes @hybridsheltercb @jayswritingcafe @mxthxbot @writingstuffandmore @monstax-cb @zzzhoonie @k-venturetime @badbf-cb @evicted-oc @yanderexmuses
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daydream-letushine · 1 year
15.30 Appointement : Kim Taehyung For Jeon Jungkook (geniale piercing) - by PaperTigersBlackAndWhite
Taehyung makes a bet, the forfeit of which is getting his dick pierced.
He loses the bet.
Good thing the piercer has nice eyes. And face. And hands. Not so nice that he seems to keep laughing at Taehyung, but you can't have everything.
Tattoo parlor
Tattoo artist & Piercer JK
Strangers to Lovers
Fluff & Humor
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mini-minn · 1 year
Chapter 8: It Was All A Mess
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin
Rating: M
Chapter Word Count: 4012
Total Word Count: 33,909
Status: Ongoing
Jimin was often approached by alphas, but he had never been interested. That all changed when a mysterious tattooed alpha named Jungkook came strolling into his life and showed him the importance of letting someone else take care of you.
Jungkook knew he could come across as intimidating, but really, he was soft and sweet at heart. When he starts falling for a cute pink-haired omega, he can’t help but want to be the best alpha that Jimin has ever met.
When a threatening figure from Jimin's past forces their way back into his life, the omega is faced with a difficult decision. Spend his heat with them or jeopardize his best friend's future. It doesn't help that he's starting to have a different alpha in mind as his heat partner.
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yoon-kooks · 11 months
seven tattoos later | jjk | teaser
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🐰pairing: fuckboy!jungkook x tattooartist!reader
🐰genre: fluff, smut
🐰summary: if the hottest fuck boy in town made it a point to visit your little tattoo studio every week, how many tattoos would it take to make you fall in love with him?
🐰word count: less than 5k probably
🐰warnings: unprotected sex, slight exhibitionism, sex on the couch, doggy, lip tattoos, hickeys, lil bit of drinking, hes so annoying in this im so sorry, will add more smut warnings after i write it lol
🫦read it here!🫦
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wiltedrosewritings · 4 months
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Solana's reserved a musty room at a local motel and waits as she was originally instructed. The room is pungent of cigarettes. Both the bed sheets and the carpet are plagued by irregularly-shaped stains she dares not attempt to identify. Even so, it's not the room's critical state of hygiene that has her pacing back and forth, nibbling her fingernails.
Mentally, she's reciting some sort of prayer - not that she's ever been instructed as to how to do a proper one. It's more pleading than prayer, than reverence, she'd say. Begging for everything to go as planned, to go smoothly; no hurdles, no set-backs, no losses. All at no cost, of course, like a favor from the heavens. They are known for their grace, are they not?
A little too easily, and quickly, her prayers are answered with a sequence of taps on the door.
Her halting stops. She draws in a breath and waits out for another tap, to verify she'd not imagined it.
Peering through the peep-hole on the room door, a raven head of curls comes into view, bent to gaze at the ground. The knocker has a pale arm propped against the solid door.
Solana unhooks the chain from the door, twists the lock and the knob, swinging it open to meet Yoongi.
Her gaze rakes his complexion - no wounds - then skitters down to the duffel bag in his clutch, stuffed beyond its limit.
Hurriedly, Yoongi transfers its weight into her hold.
She staggers because of its weight, employ the efforts of her other hand at hoisting it up.
Yoongi's dark eyes steadily bore into hers, as if it's the last good look he'll get of her. As though he's snapping a mental picture in the hopes of preserving what will easily be lost in a matter of minutes.
In a swift motion, he brushes his warm lips with her forehead, and gently squeezes her cheek with his hand.
She barely mutters a hurried greeting, or inquiry as to what's in the duffel bag, when he beats her to it.
"No time for questions, Ana." His cheeks are flushed the way a runner's are after jogging a number of miles, nostrils flaring. Every other second, he glances over his shoulder, chest heaving. "You just have to trust me."
"Blindly," she affirms with a nod.
Stammering for a breath, he proceeds, "Alright, there's a train that leaves at 7 AM. Minstowe East station. Ticket is in the bag. You hop on. You avoid contact with strangers. You keep running." He pauses, gaze dancing between hers, allows the instructions sink in.
"Whatever you do," he continues, "you don't look back. Hear me?" He licks the sweat collecting at the bow of his upper lip.
Solana nods.
Anxiously, he shits his weight off the doorframe, onto his sore legs that threaten to buckle beneath him, then leans back onto the frame. He presses his forehead against hers one last time. "Ana, this is it. A chance at a new life. Promise me you won't look back."
Solana stalls, slow to acclimate, unable to conjure even half as much determine courage as him.
She rolls her bottom lip inward into a fine line.
Around Yoongi, for the years she'd known him, she'd never been strong. Rather, she'd always crumble, bear herself vulnerable, because at some point early in their journey she'd learned he was worthy of her trust. He'd never done, or would ever do, anything to hurt her.
Tears collect on her lash-line.
"What about you? What will happen to you, Yoongs?"
"Don't worry. There's at least seven lives left in here." He gently claps her cheek. "Promise?" Lifts his weight off the frame, decidedly this time, like ripping a band-aid and committing to tolerating the discomfort; or pulling a decayed tooth by slamming a door with a string attached to its handle.
Apprehensively, she responds "I promise," knowing that's the only thing he's waiting for to disappear. Part of her wants to object, just so he'd stay.
Yoongi's frame dwindles in size as he jogs across the vacant parking lot, into the mist of dawn.
Before he's completely out of sight, she calls one last time "Hey, Yoongs?"
He slows but doesn't turn. Can't bear to look back at her. Doesn't want the last view of her to be that of tears.
"Thank you..."
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Conversation dwindles into a tranquil cadence; the kind that rises out from the comfort of each others' quiet presence; the kind that wraps about two figures as they partake in their individual projects while in each others' constant company - one writing away on their laptop, the other reading the last 50 pages of a book.
“I missed you, Yoongs,” she hums and nuzzles her nose into his neck for added comfort. Even with being able to hold him flush against her, and feeling his chest rise with a rhythmic breath, Solana finds it hard to believe. Through the dim night, she blinks at the sight of him, the silhouette of his relaxed face, as though it is a mirage that could vanish with a gush of wind. “I thought I’d never see you again. Had mentally prepared myself to live that version of reality.”
The latter presses his lips into her temple, extinguishing any doubt about his presence. "Can't get rid of me that easily, Sol."
She smiles at the certainty in that statement. As reliable as a law. Yoongi would always be there. Always. Like a moon to its planet, or a planet to its sun, unified in orbit, though at times imperceivable.
“I did something bad,” her voice trembles unsteady, thinking back to their parting, the things she'd wanted to confess to him back then but felt robbed by the urgency of the conditions they'd found themselves in. Her grip tightens around the fabric of his tee shirt, clings to it like a lifeline on the side of a hill.
Solana knows that nothing she could confess would drive Yoongi to abandoning her. Her hold on him is desperate, though. A fearful child clinging to its comfort plush to wait out the deceiving night.
“I know,” he hums, “we all do at some point.” He wraps a sturdy hand around her head laying her cheek over his chest, presses his cheek over her crown and holds her safe. “It’s what you do from there on that matters.”
“Was running the right thing?”
“Sometimes it is,” he responds. “You are safe, that’s all what matters. You did the right thing fleeing. Sometimes fear can surprise you. It can be powerful like that. Protective.”
Her soft voice comes out as a mumble over his creased shirt, “I don’t want to live the rest of my life on the run. So scared - I’m so fucking scared of what will happen when it catches up to me-”
“-it won’t,” his tone is firm, voice stable, unlike hers. She clings to it like the gospel truth. Lets it wash her clean of her sins. Steps into a new life with firm believe in those two words. “You won’t have to keep running. You don’t have to.”
“What do you mean?” She tenses, grip over his shirt loosening. Starts to withdraw, considering the dreadful possibility flying through her mind that this could be a trap; that the one who knew all of her intimacies could betray her.
Solana he rises to her elbows, untethered hair billowing over his chest like thick stage curtains.
“It’s over,” he adds. “War is won.”
He cups her chin, the whispers soft, “Stop. Running.” Draws his thumb along the sharp lines of her jaw. Risks getting sliced open. She's worth the shed of a tear or drop of blood, he thinks. No one else he'd take a bullet for.
It's frightening, the overwhelming sense of protection that has flourished through the years. He doesn't fight it though.
There is a blotchy raven tattoo on the dorsal side of his pasty hand. Solana often would call it "the melted raven who flew too close to the sun" given its appearance.
“It’s what I came to tell you.”
"How about you? Will you stop running, too?"
"Honey, I’m a track star."
Solana erupts into a guffaw, head thrashing.
Laughter contagious like the flu, Yoongi finds himself caught in a fit of chuckles, cheeks burning sore, abdomen flexing without relent. It has been so long since he has felt that sort of happy - the kind you preemptively feel sorry about losing. The kind you feel you don’t deserve. The kind that makes you suspicious that life is only dangling it in front of you to snap it out of your grasp as soon as you start getting your hopes up. The kind that feels too good to be true, your hands quaking as you hold it, fearful you might drop it.
Her slap to his chest begs a genuine response.
They sit in silence, wherein he is pensive, nibbling on his lower lip while gazing up through the condensed glass ceiling. The moonglow halos him angelically.
She could watch him forever, the way you'd watch a relative peacefully sleep, so adoringly caught up you neglect the passage of time. The way its unspeakably comforting to watch the ones you love rest in safety.
He takes an inhale, conclusive, mind settled on the words he has chosen. Then holds it in apprehension. In fear that echoes that pre-emptive sadness that shades everything a shade of blue in its wake. Happiness is so close, it grazes his fingertips, and yet he knows on some deep, primal level that a graze is all he’ll ever be allotted. Fears it so much that it is practically a fact.
Still, he takes the leap. A graze being worth it enough. He musters the courage to voice, “I don’t know. Do you think this sob town, with its organic juice shops and yoga centers, is ready to accept me?"
To which she responds by linking her arms around his torso and bringing both their bodies collapsing over the sheets sprawled over the floor. “I’ll convert you into my flower boy. We will have to do something about that persistent brooding face of yours, though.” Her hand travels up to cup his cheek in the dark. "Can’t have you scaring away potential customers.”
Yoongi responds, "So far your only customer is Lico, and I’d say she likes me - or my lap, at least."
They fall asleep in each others' arms.
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Yoongi's taken up an affinity towards clementines ever since Ana brought home a net of them with the intent of propagating.
The bearing of fruit would take two-to-three years, at minimum, if the propagate were to survive through to fruition, so Ana had explained. Yoongi isn't really the patient-type. He's been living in survival mode much too long, living in the tomorrow instead of the now. Hasn't known anything else, because when you are born into a burning home, you expect to see the rest of the world up in flames, or something like that.
It's a warm Saturday morning. Yoongi and Ana weave through a market strip, the former, clutching two nets of clementines in his left grip.
An effervescing chuckle responds to the sight of him - his stoic figure, clad in shades of black, neck craned amidst the pop-up stalls, turning over items on the display tables, carefully reading the ingredients on the back of items. Ana recognizes she's successfully converted him into a farmer's market boy. A flower boy, with his rose-like thorns. Her flower boy, as she'd originally promised.
Despite holding the item in proximity, he squints his eyes into half-moons, always plagued by poor vision. He has a recipe in mind he wants to cook tonight.
Ana's light touch grazes the surface of different farming books stacked over a display table.
She's got one split to the table of contents, skimming the ink with pensively pinched brows when a hand encircles her cheek, clasps her mouth with suction.
Her heart rate quickens, pounding against her sternum.
And despite standing there paralyzed by fear, her hands start sweating, ready to take any measure that would ensure survival. A swing behind her head, perhaps? A quick swivel and a knee to the groin? A bite to the delicate flesh pressed to her lips?
When her eyes flutter down to gauge just how much space and freedom she has to proceed with the third option, blotchy black ink in the lose figure of a raven taking flight comes into view.
Instantly, her tense shoulders relax, and she sinks back against Yoongi's torso. Feeling inexplicable relieved.
Peaking over her shoulder at his furrowed countenance, she attempts to voice her questions with incoherent mumbles. Her flighty eyes round and gauging the ripple of thoughts on his gradient of micro-expressions.
His hand relaxes and slides from your mouth to rest on your shoulder. He lifts his other hand to press a pale finger to his lips.
Ana quips a brow but obliges, nonetheless. The fear in Yoongi's ebony eyes is jarringly palpable. She dares not underestimate it.
Again, her heart rate quickens, ears and cheeks flushing hot this time. Even with the erratic rhythm of her heart circulating, a dizzy spell befalls her.
Yoongi's strong hold anchors her weight but, in the process of cradling her unsteady body, the net of clementines tears against the jagged edge of the table.
A flurry of orange unfolds, spilling abundantly over the ground, all thumping and loud and indefinitely rolling in tangential directions. Beckoning attention. Impossible to ignore.
"Fuck," Yoongi breathes against her temple, dotted in summer sweat.
He links his calloused hand with hers and takes flight, in a nature entirely practiced and his own.
Ana doesn't stall to ask what, or who, exactly they are running from. She'd started suspecting as soon as she met the familiar hue of fear on his face, the focused squint of his eyes, the flare of his nostrils in response to adrenaline.
They are prey on the run from the same predator that has chased them to the edges of the forest.
If either of them get caught this time, chances are there won't be any hope reuniting from thereon. The effects would be grave and permanent. That's all she needs to know to match her strides with Yoongi's.
So much for a safe haven.
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₊˚♬ Slow Dancing in a Burning Room - John Mayer
Mist hovers the street and in the faint orange of early morning it's as if the heavens have collapsed. A rendition of a fragmented sky collecting at her feet.
In an attempt to preserve heat and subdue a shiver, Solana hugs the hoodie Jeongguk had lent her, after having stripped her of her own appropriately-sized garments and scattered them across his bedroom floor the night prior.
She leaps off the elevated side-walk, onto the faded pavement markings of a pedestrian crossing.
Hopping onto the opposing side-walk, she cranes her head, squints her eyes to peer through the fogged windows of her store.
No lights are on. Stagnant shadows are cast over the front desk and the few flower arrangements she'd managed to set out last night before Jeongguk greedily claimed her attention.
A crisp whistle tears through the silent streets, its echo rising over her head.
She hops to face the street, back turned to her dormant shop.
The tattoo parlor across also sleeps, its neon sign shut off. She lifts her gaze to the windows of the floor above the parlor. A figure leans over the windosill, smiling, toothy, dimpled at the corners, eyes twinkling like those morning stars that refuse to be put out by the radiance of the sun.
Blushing, Solana's nervous gaze rakes his slept-in look - tussled curls, wrinkle tee. Even here, a street away, she can still feel the warmth of his skin on hers.
He motions with his hands for her to step into her store. Doesn't allow himself to hop in for a shower until he's sure she's inside, safe.
Despite her arrival, indicated by the jingle of a bell above the swinging door, the store continues to sleep undisturbed. No one comes running to greet her. She quickly assumes Yoongi's still asleep; that he'd stayed up far later than he'd realized working on his prose only to miss his rise alarm - if he'd even remembered to set one.
His absence, however, is far less questionable than that of a familiar furry tail wrapping around ankles.
Solana coos "Lico?" a number of times, starting at a whisper, rising to a song-like tune.
"Hun?" She bends to seek the tri-colored creature in the spaces beneath furniture. Opens and closes door worried she might have locked him somewhere yesterday without noticing.
Her pulse starts to quicken, thumbing muffled in her ears, such that she doesn't hear the storefront door open.
Having scoured the upstairs kitchen and found no trace of the kitty, her feet clap down the stairs.
"I can't find Lico, Yoongs." She braces her unsteady weight by clasping the railing of the stairs and looks towards the entrance. Fixes her gaze at the back of Yoongi's raven head, wishing for him to turn with Lico in his hold.
With hunched shoulders and a square build, Yoongi works on the number of locks of the door, turning them with a symphony of clicks. Any other day, she would have instantly read him as a red flag, as someone who is hiding something, but today, she can only frantically cry for the stray kitty she'd developed an affinity for.
Yoongi doesn't have to turn to imagine the way horror has stretched her face, widened her eyes, drooped her lips into a frown. He's seen fear in her too many times in their shared life to not have the scarring image seared into memory.
Something in his chest squeezes tightly. A sharp pain piercing him, leaving him staggering for a steady breath. He'd promised to never see that look again; to never have her subjected to fearsome conditions again.
More and more, it seems like every effort at keeping her safe is met with exceeding danger. He can't keep up. The promises falling hollow.
In a voice barely above a whisper, he informs her Lico was involved in a hit-and-run right outside the shop. Tells her he just returned from the animal hospital. "There's not much they could do..."
"What?" Solana's steps thud heavy in approach, behind him. Her quaking hand anchors itself to the sleeve of his shirt. He continues to face the door. Hasn't moved a step since he arrived. Can't bear to look at her.
"You were supposed to be watching him," her voice quivers, on the precipe of shattering. She needs him to tell her it's a cruel joke. She needs him to turn around and have the kitty sleeping soundly in his hold how it so often does.
"I was," he admits. Clears his throat, a heavy lump materializing there, making words hard to form. "I was watching him-"
"-then, what happened?" She angrily tugs at his sleeve, forcing him to turn and face her. Her destroyed gaze demands an explanation, some sort of justification, though none could suffice. Not even from the lips of Yoongi, who she blindly trusts with her life.
An angry red clouds his right eye, so angry that his eyelid is swollen shut. Crusted blood stripes his brow above the assault.
Instictively, Solana stumbles back, mouth handing slack and vacant of words. She rakes her look across him, scans the rest of his body for signs of injury. An abrasion on his lower lip.
Knuckles of his hands a similar shade as his eye, only the flesh is worn and eroded down.
Slowly, she draws near, lifting a hand to gently cup his cheek. "Wh-who did this to you?" Some part of her already knows the answer to that, still, she wants to hear it from his lips. The same lips that would assure her everything would be alright at the end of the day. The lips that always knew the right response.
"I shouldn't have ever come, Ana." Yoongi shatters into a fragile boy she'd never met. Tears stream down his cheeks, mingling with blood, sweat, dirt. In the ten years of calling Yoongi a friend - family - she'd never once seen him shed a single tear, and she'd seen him do horrible things just as many times as she'd seen horrible things being done to him.
"They know."
She pulls him into the tightest embrace her trembling hands can secure, cradles his head over her chest despite his stature.
Her voice barely above a whisper against his temple, "They know?"
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Ana's cried so much this night that her cheeks now feel tight and crusted with her tears, frozen into a painful frown. Her hands are clasped over Yoongi's chest, tight, as if he might disappear otherwise. His heart drums lightly but consistently beneath her palm.
"I'm sorry, Sol," his voice cracks, though it's been hours since he arrived and delivered the news. Hours of trying to sit in the grief over the hardwood floor and numb himself to it long enough to regain composure. "I'm sorry for what happened to Lico..." Tears wet the inner sides of her forearms, his cheeks nustled against them. "I'm sorry I guided them here and now it's all ruined."
Ana nuzzles her nose into the crown of his raven head. Inhales his scent. Mumbles into his hair, "You're not ok, Yoongs." It shatters her voice the way it shatters her heart that she failed to protect either of them.
"Please," she begs, "come with me. Let's leave, just us two, like always. We'll change our names, our appearances. We'll keep on the run until we find another safe place to land. You're not safe. I can't lose you, too."
"Ana, I'm so tired...so tired of running..."
They sit in silence. Streaks of warm sunlight pour in through the drawn blinds of the store; Ana had shut them shortly after his arrival, just as she'd twisted the sign to display "Closed." Later today, she'd send out apologies instead of her regular newsletter; offer compensation for the inconvenience in the form of discounts and BOGO offers.
The curtains aren't long enough to touch the ground, so a slight sliver above the ground offers them vantage through the glass of the front door. Shoes march across the side-walk, some march up to the store door and halt before turning away with muffled conversation.
Though it's broad daylight, they haven't been able to turn away from the door. Danger obeys no laws, and would surely neglect the "Closed" sign to collect its debt.
If it had arrived to assault Yoongi last night, what's to say it wouldn't show up whenever, unannounced. It knows their location now. There's no hiding.
"I hate that history's repeating itself," Yoongi remarks in a drained tone, just barely above a whisper, "but you have to leave, Solana. I tried so hard against it. I really did."
"Why won't you come with me?" Her hands grip the collar of his shirt. "It's not a matter of 'can't' because you can. You simply won't. Why?"
"I'll stay and lure them off your trail. It's best this way." "What if they hurt you?"
He doesn't respond. He can't imagine anything hurting more than now.
"You know that Jeon kid," he says, neglecting the subject is only a number of years younger, not an entire decade. He persists to call him that from his youthful appearance. Kid looks like he's never grieved a day in his life. "I think it's time you come clean with him. You've started a life here, ana. Started to cultivate some sense of happiness. You deserve that. Don't give it up."
Ana shakes her head and though Yoongi's not facing her, he can feel her body shake with objection. With fear.
"He doesn't know what I did," her tone's solid, no longer quaking now. Slices firmly through the silence. "Doesn't know me, not the real me, the ugly me I try so hard to shove down, to bury."
Yoongi folds forward, warmth departing from your chest. Swivels in his seat to face her.
She averts his knowing gaze, eyes growing glossy in the faint light.
"I'm scared he won't want me when he finds out." Her lips tremble. "Scared whatever that's growing between us is so fragile that it could end in an instant, with a single confession." Shutting her eyes to tame her emotions, a string of glass-like tears descends her cheek.
Yoongi cups Solana's cheek and wipes the stray tear with his thumb. "It's impossible to not want you."
⊹❤️‍🔥₊ what are your thoughts on solana x yoongi dynamic? you likey? (i am kind of obsessed with them, tbh)
⊹❤️‍🔥₊ i swear this is supposed to be a fic where jeongguk's endgame (yoongi has other plans, apparently)
⊹❤️‍🔥₊ this post will be expanding indefinitely as I concoct scenes involving solana x yoongi so make sure to check back frequently and save the post for future reference :)
⊹❤️‍🔥₊ this is also cross-posted up on my ao3 profile. to access, click here
0 notes
lesgetittkookie · 2 years
redamancy - jjk (part II)
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⤖ genre: fluff, future smut, angst, gardener!jeongguk x rich!reader, okay but jeongguk isn't really a gardener like that but you'll see, kinda slow burn but not really
⤖ pairing: jeongguk x female reader
⤖ rating: 18+
⤖word count: approx. 12.2 k words
⤖ warnings: explicit language
summary: jeongguk is just a normal dude with a simple routine. wake up, go to the gym, work his job as a waiter at this posh upscale restaurant in the heart of gangnam before coming home to a night full of video games and ramen (it's delicious and cheap). that routine gets disrupted when he accidentally taps the back of an expensive sports car of one of the richest men in south korea. considering he's broke, he couldn't afford to pay for the damages so the man makes a deal with him by offering him to work at his house as one of the gardeners. jeongguk takes it but wasn't prepared to meet this beautiful young woman who's constantly lounging by the pool, you, the rich man's daughter.
author's note: hiiii here we are with part 2!! i just want to say that when i originally started this story, i did not intend for them to immediately jump into things. after outlining this story, i didn't realize it would be kind of slow burn. but honestly tho, it's really not that much of a slow burn. i hope you guys enjoy part 2. i have to be honest and say i had trouble writing it at first because i just wasn't satisfied with how it was turning out. i also didn't expect it to be this long but here we are lol. on a side note, i've noticed people saying that they'd like to be added to the taglist which i've actually never made before. but if you want to be added to the taglist, please send me an ask. have a lovely day!
Your legs felt like they were ready to give out at any moment. With the lack of food in your system and the amount of walking you’ve done, you’re just about ready to collapse to the ground. Meanwhile your mother continues ahead of you, happy to step into the next shop to search for more clothes. 
It was a pain shopping with your mother. She must take her sweet time, having the store employees bring her clothes so she can scrutinize them one by one until there’s something deemed to her liking or approval. 
You just came out of the Hermes store after what seems like an hour later, your mother having bought four new purses because according to her, “My other Hermes bags are in poor condition.” Though you know it was an excuse to buy four other colors so she can match them with her outfits. If there’s one thing your mother isn’t, that is an outfit repeater. You would never catch her wearing the same outfit in public more than once.
You love your mother, you really do. It makes you happy to spend time with her, especially since you were away from her for so long. However, her way of spending time with you is by going shopping whereas all you want to do is sit in and watch a movie with her. You don’t think this woman has ever actually sat down to watch a movie since you were a kid. 
It’s been a few days since you’ve been home. There hasn’t been much going on other than you watching Netflix in the theater room you guys have in the house and munching on whatever the home chefs have cooked. 
Your mother walked in on you eating a pint of the brown sugar brittle ice cream while binging the latest Korean drama people have been raving about on social media. With a disapproving look, she had told you she wants to go shopping because ‘it’s been a while since we’ve had a mother-daughter day, my love.’ 
Hence, here you are trudging behind your mother who is dressed to the nines with not a single hair out of place. Meanwhile you’re clad in a black turtleneck dress topped with an oversized dark grey blazer that reaches your mid-thigh. A large buckle is cinched around your waist, and you’ve got on a pair of black platform boots that go slightly above your ankles. In your hand you hold a black leather quilted Chanel bag. 
It's a requirement from your mother to be dressed up whenever the two of you go out because, ‘Y/N, it would be embarrassing if a fashion mogul’s daughter were to wear such basic clothing.’  Not that you have any complaints, you enjoy dressing up. You have the money and privilege to buy nice clothing you might as well take advantage of it. 
More than yourself, you feel bad for your mother’s assistant who is walking beside her with at least ten bags in her hands from all the designer shops you’ve visited. You insisted on helping her carry some of them, but she just wouldn’t budge. Probably too afraid to hand you a bag in front of your mother. 
You need some form of food or beverage in your system before you pass out. You call for your mother before she enters the MAC makeup store, causing her to stop in her tracks and look at you expectantly with a raised eyebrow. 
“Mother, you can look through this store while I get a drink from that café we just passed,” you tell her, referring your hand to the coffee shop two stores behind. 
She raises her eyebrows, gaze switching between the café and you before speaking, “Sweetheart, we have reservations at Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul at seven.” She taps her manicured nail on top of her Rolex watch to point out the time being six-thirty. 
You purse your lips, eyes shutting so you don’t end up rolling them at her, “It’s just a drink, mother.” 
“Drink that is probably made with cheap ingredients. I’m sure the French restaurant has a—” She starts but you interrupt her before she can finish. 
“Mother, I’m just really thirsty right now and would like a drink,” Voice controlled in attempt to not sound too irritated with her, you give her a tight-lipped smile. 
She lets out a defeated sigh, looking at her assistant who just shrugs in response. “Fine but be quick.” And with that, her assistant opens the door of the shop, bags rustling on her elbow and your mother disappears inside. 
Shoulders relaxing and a breath of relief escaping your lips, you head inside of the café. The sweet smell of pastries and coffee immediately fill your nostrils, making you smile in delight. The atmosphere is nice and cozy, korean ballads playing on the speakers. 
“Okay so what other suggestions do you have?” Jimin asks Taehyung incredulously, straw touching his pursed lips. 
“How about sky diving?” Taehyung responds, slurping his strawberry crème Frappuccino loudly. It’s quiet for a moment, causing him to look up between his friends, “What?” He wonders in genuine confusion. 
Jeongguk just shakes his head tiredly, drinking his own mocha frappe and enjoying the frozen taste of the chocolatey beverage swirled with a hint of bitterness. He’s more of a Frappuccino and juice kind of guy over lattes and americanos. He doesn’t understand how his friends drink that nasty stuff. 
The three of them are currently sitting in a booth of a coffee shop they frequent at since it’s close to the record store their friend, Yoongi, owns. Well, also because their Jin hyung is the manager here and he’s currently working at the front. They can hear his windshield wiper laugh at something one of the old men playing chess by the window said.
Jeongguk met up with the other two after finishing his shift at the restaurant he works at. Luckily, he didn’t have to go to the Kim’s estate today for his gardening job. Taehyung was coming from his job where he works at a pottery studio whereas Jimin just finished teaching a dance class. The three of them were talking about things they can do for Jeongguk’s birthday which happens to be in a few weeks. 
Jeongguk insisted it was too early to even plan anything, but Jimin insisted that they should at least have some form of idea for what they can do. Being the angel that Jimin is, he would never let any of their friends not celebrate their birthday. He was the one who started the whole celebration tradition every time someone in their friend group’s birthday came around. 
“Tae,” Jimin holds is head in his hand, “You do realize Jin hyung and Hobi hyung would never do that.” 
“Sure they would,” Taehyung quips enthusiastically, mouth wrapping around the straw again to slurp his drink. 
“No,” Jeongguk shakes head, “They won’t. They would piss themselves before we’d even get on the plane.” He looks at Jimin, “Why do we even ask him for suggestions? You know he always has spontaneous ideas.” 
With an offended look, hand on his chest, Taehyung says, “My ideas are always fun. It’s not my fault you guys are pussies.” 
“We can’t even afford to go sky driving, you fool.” Jimin tells him and Taehyung pauses in place, mouth open in thought for a few seconds. 
“Wait, you’re right. We’re too poor for that.” Taehyung deflates, leaning his back against the cushioned booth. 
“Look, we still have time, hyung. And you know me,” Jeongguk leans back against the cushion as well, twirling his straw in his drink, “My birthday isn’t a big deal. We can just hang out at Jin hyung’s apartment or something.” He suggests. 
“Yah! Why do you guys always wanna celebrate at my apartment?” The handsome man in question interrupts, walking up next to their table. There was a black apron wrapped around his waist, indicating that he was still on his shift. 
“Because your apartment is the biggest out of everyone’s,” Jeongguk tells him matter-of-factly, scooting over with an irritated sigh when Jin shoves him aside so he can sit down.
“So what? You guys always make a ruckus every time you come over,” Jin whines, “Remember last time when you were at my house. I had complaints from the floors above and below and my neighbors next door.”
“It’s not our fault Jimin hyung was cheating in monopoly,” Taehyung remarks and Jimin gasps out of offense. 
“For the millionth, I was not cheating!” He defends but the three of them still don’t believe it. There was no way he was able to win all those properties. 
“Yeah yeah,” Jin waves off, “Whatever you say.” Jimin just pouts in return, arms crossing over his chest as he leans back against the booth. 
“You guys are dickheads, full offense,” Jimin sneers at all of them. “You have no faith that I can win at a game just because I—” He’s cut off by a loud gasp coming from Taehyung, startling all of them. 
“What is it?” Jeongguk asks curiously, taking in his friend’s agape jaw as he stares passed them towards something at the front. 
“Did Mr. Lee flip the table again after losing in chess?” Jin groans, about to stand up so he can break up the fight between the two old men again. 
Those chess games are always intense. Last time Jeongguk was at the coffee shop, he saw Mr. Lee raise his cane at the other man out of anger but before he can smack him, Jin had to step in between only to get whacked in the head. Jeongguk could’ve sworn that he was going to die of laughter that day.
“No dude…” Taehyung leans his cheek on his palm and sighs dreamily, “There’s this really pretty girl who just ordered at the cash register and she’s holding one of those leather quilted Chanel bags.” They all shake their heads at him because he’s so damn dramatic. 
“No way,” Jin grunts, “Every customer I served today was old and smelled like—”
“Holy shit, she’s got the cutest face,” Taehyung pants and everyone at the table grows curious. Jimin scoots all the way down until he’s sticking his head out the booth like Taehyung to see what he’s talking about. 
“Oh, he’s not kidding,” Jimin stares along with the boy. 
This peaks Jeongguk and Jin’s interest, causing them to turn their heads and look as well. Jeongguk follows their line of vision, eyes widening in recognition because it’s you. You’re standing there in front of the pick-up counter, dressed in stylish clothes that are most likely very expensive. Your eyes wander around the coffee shop, a small smile playing on your lips as you wait for your order
Jin whistles, mouth open as well, “She looks expensive.” He comments. 
“She is,” Jeongguk responds, causing the three of the guys to look at him questioningly, “That’s Mr. Kim’s daughter.” 
“That’s her?” Jimin gawks.
“You weren’t kidding about how hot she is,” Jin adds. 
Jeongguk doesn’t look away, watching how you hold the door open for an elder lady whose hands were full, offering to help her out. The lady shakes her head with a smile on her face and you lightly bow your head in return, giving her a sweet smile. 
He’s been seeing you by the pool from time to time. It’s been a few days since he first met you. You guys didn’t interact much. Whenever you were around one another, you would greet each other with a smile or wave but nothing more. You’d say hi to Jeongguk whenever you were sitting by the pool and he’d wave back, trying not to stare at you for too long because he didn’t want to look like a creep. He just couldn’t himself sometimes and peek some glances at you reading a book, clothed in a new swimsuit. Some of them would show a little more cleavage than normal and he’d try not to look.
Sometimes he would see Dohyun attempt to conversate with you, stuttering out of nervousness but you were never rude about it, just responding back politely to the boy. 
You genuinely seemed like a nice person much to Jeongguk’s surprise. He would’ve thought the daughter of a rich family like yours would be stuck up and snobby. But you weren’t. You seemed to be independent, doing things yourself without the help of the butlers or maids in the house. 
“Dude…” Taehyung whispers, “I can’t believe you get to see her whenever you’re working. You must be jerking off somewhere in private.” 
Jeongguk looks at him with furrowed brows and a scowl on his face, “Listen, there’s a time and place for jerking off and it wouldn’t be at their house.” 
“Ahhh so you admit you do that when you leave from there?” Jin smirks but Jeongguk just glares in return. 
“I can’t stand you guys sometimes,” He mumbles, peaking at you one more time before looking down at the table again. 
He would’ve loved to talk to you more but for some reason, he’s been hesitant. He doesn’t know if it’s because you’re basically the daughter of his boss and he’d get in trouble for talking with you, let alone being near you.. Or he’s just intimidated by you for some reason even though you look like you wouldn’t even harm a fly. 
“What was her name again?” Jimin asks.
“Y/N…” Jeongguk mumbles. 
“Don’t worry dude, I’ll help you out,” Taehyung reassures and Jeongguk just looks at him confused before his eyes widen because— “Hey Y/N! Over here!” 
Jeongguk wants to die. He wants the ground to open a hole and swallow him. He wants to disappear for good. Maybe move to Amsterdam. But before running away, he’s going to murder Kim Taehyung and toss his body into the Han River. 
“Tae!” Jeongguk hisses, lips pursed and nostrils flaring out of annoyance. 
“Oh shit, she’s coming over here,” Taehyung whispers, smiling excitedly and waving at the approaching person. 
Stupid Taehyung and his stupid social butterfly personality. 
Jeongguk covers his face with his hand, feeling his ears burning up because you’re going to see that it’s him and know that he talked about you to his friend because how else would Taehyung know your name. 
“Hi…do I know you? Oh—Jeongguk?” You sounded wary at first, most likely because you didn’t know who Taehyung was and why he knew your name, but your voice changed to realization when you recognize him sitting at the table as well. 
Jeongguk lifts his hands from his face to look at you, “Hey Y/N.” 
“Hey…” You greet back, flashing him a small smile. “I was wondering how you,” You refer to Taehyung, “knew my name.” 
“Ah yes, Jeongguk told us you live at the house he’s been working at,” Taehyung clarifies, and you look like you’re holding back a smile. Jeongguk attempts to avoid your curious glance, staring down at the table. “I’m Kim Taehyung, Jeongguk’s best friend.” 
Ex-best friend now, Jeongguk thinks. 
You shake the hand Taehyung is holding out, “I’m Y/N but it looks like you already know that.” You chuckle. 
Death, where are you? When are you coming?
“I’m Jimin,” The boy sitting next to Taehyung introduces himself, flashing his signature eye smile where his eyes turn into crescent which automatically causes you to smile back in return. 
The Park Jimin effect. You already seem charmed by it. 
“Nice to meet you, Jimin,” you nod your head towards him. 
“And allow me to introduce myself, I am Seokjin, but you can call me Jin,” The older man speaks, holding out his hand for you to shake as well. “I am the man who raised,” Pointing his thumb towards Jeongguk behind him, “This kid right here.” 
Jeongguk scoffs, “You didn’t raise me.” 
“As you can see, when they grow older, they become ungrateful pieces of shits,” Jin speaks through a smile, making you cover your mouth and laugh. 
“I see,” Your eyes meet Jeongguk’s once again before they look away. . 
“So, what brings you down here, Y/N?” Taehyung asks, chin resting on his hand to show you that he has your full attention. 
“Oh nothing,” You shake your head and let out a tired sigh, “Just been shopping with my mother for hours. I got thirsty and decided to get a drink.” 
Jeongguk can see how nervous you are with the way your hand is tightly clenching the chain of your purse. The tip of your ears are a little red and you don’t hold eye contact with any of them for too long.
You must not talk to people often. 
“Nice, nice,” Taehyung nods and then glances down at something in your hand, making you curious and check what he’s looking at. 
Jeongguk wants to smack his palm against his face. There’s no way he’s about to ask if—
“Is that real Chanel?”
Of course, he would ask. 
There’s no way Taehyung wouldn’t ask when he’s a fan of fashion and constantly splurges on designer wear when he can. 
“Oh, um I think it is,” You hold up the black purse, “I’ve had it for some time I guess it looks a little worn out.” 
“No way, I just…it’s so shiny,” Taehyung marvels, making you chuckle. “Do you mind if I look at it?” 
Yep, it’s done. They’re done. Jeongguk can’t do this anymore. 
Jimin smacks Taehyung’s shoulder, causing the other boy to flinch while Jeongguk groans, face in his hands again. Jin just laughs out loud, smacking the table.
“Yah! You don’t just ask someone that,” Jin muses and Taehyung just pouts, looking like a kicked puppy.
“It’s okay,” You laugh, “I don’t mind.” You hand the purse over as if you’ve known Taehyung all his life and there’s no big deal with just simply handing him a two-thousand-dollar purse.
You just met the guy, Jeongguk thinks. 
“Iced vanilla latte for Y/N!” One of the café workers call, forcing you to look away. 
“Oh, I’ll be right back,” You inform, pulling away from the table to get your drink. 
As soon as you leave to get the drink, Jeongguk crumbles his receipt and tosses it at Taehyung’s face, hitting his forehead. “What the fuck are you doing?” 
Taehyung ignores Jeongguk, “This is such a nice purse, guys feel it.” He holds out the purse in the center of the table and Jimin and Jin poke it curiously. 
“Feels luxurious,” Jin comments and Jimin nods in agreement. 
“You guys are killing me,” Jeongguk groans, watching you walk back to the table after saying thank you to the worker. 
“Y/N, this is such a nice purse,” Taehyung tells you, handing you your purse bag so you can shrug the chain onto your shoulder again.
“Oh, thank you,” You wrap your lips around the iced latte to take a sip. “This is a good latte.” 
“It probably would’ve been even better if I made it,” Jin jokes, though Jeongguk knows he’s being serious. You giggle, straw between your lips. 
You have such a cute laugh, he thinks. Jeongguk wouldn’t mind hearing it more. In fact, he’s a little jealous that his friends are making you laugh when he’s barely talked to you. Before anyone can say anything else, the sound of a cell phone ringing causes you guys to halt. 
“Oop, sorry about that,” You mutter, setting your drink down onto the table so you can open your purse and dig through it for your phone. He notices how you roll your eyes, clicking the volume button to turn off the ringing. “It’s my mother. She’s probably wondering where I am right now.” 
Jeongguk deflates, a little bummed that you must leave. But at the same time, he feels relief because he doesn’t think he can handle any more embarrassing comments from his friends. 
“Awh that’s okay. It was nice meeting you!” Taehyung beams. 
Your lips pull into a bright smile, “You as well. It was lovely to meet all of you.” 
Your eyes meet with Jeongguk’s a little longer than the rest of everyone else when you say goodbye to them, causing his lips to pull into a small smirk. There’s a certain gleam in your eye and he notices that you’re trying not to smile too widely. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Jeongguk,” You mutter shyly, and he nods, watching you wave at the other boys one last time before leaving the coffee shop. 
“He’s staring,” Jimin laughs, seeing how Jeongguk’s eyes watch you disappear down the sidewalk. 
He feels something wet in his ear, causing him to flinch. He looks at Jin in disgust when he realizes the man put his finger in his mouth before poking it into his ear. The older man is just laughing that hideous laugh of his.
“Dude what the fuck,” Jeongguk whacks his shoulder. “Are you sure you’re older than us? or are you 10?”
“Yah! We were calling your name, but you were too busy watching her leave,” Jin snickers. 
“I was just…” Think of an excuse, Jeongguk. “I was trying to make sure she left safely.” His eyes might’ve stared a little too long at your bare legs, but he won’t admit that. 
“No but for real dude, you weren’t kidding. She’s cute,” Taehyung says and the other two boys nod. 
“You calling her over here, did not fucking help,” Jeongguk glowers and Taehyung just waves it off. 
“Please,” Taehyung finishes the rest of his drink, “You’re gonna thank me later because at least she knows you talk about her.” 
Jeongguk just stares at him, lips parted, and eyebrows furrowed. “She’s gonna think I’m weird.” 
“You’ve always been weird. Somehow chicks still dig that,” Jin adds, standing up from the table to go back to the kitchen. 
“She was definitely looking at you a lot, Guk-ah.” Jimin remarks and Jeongguk just shrugs in response. 
“Taehyung, you’re dead to me,” Jeongguk scoots out of the booth, ready to go home. 
“Thank you so much, Taehyung.” Taehyung changes the tone of his voice to try and imitate Jeongguk’s. “Thank you for giving Y/N the push to talk to me.” 
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Jeongguk grumbles, tossing his cup in the trash. “I’ll see you losers later.” 
The following day at the Kim estate, Jeongguk is wiping the sweat off his forehead after he finishes throwing some mulch on top of the soil. He heaves out a deep breath, squinting to avoid the sunlight that’s directly beaming down on him. He pulls off the thick gloves he’s wearing and tosses them onto the ground. His palms are sweaty, causing him to grimace and wipe it against his shirt. 
Pulling his phone out from the pocket of his jumpsuit to look at the time, it was three thirty-four in the afternoon which means it was almost time for him to pack up and go. He begins putting the tools into a bucket, ready to take it back to the shed. 
Luckily, Dohyun isn’t here today to bother him like he usually does by the end of the work day. He called in about something important he had to do. Jeongukk doesn’t know and he certainly doesn’t care. 
Earlier when he was in the backyard with one of the other workers, he noticed that you weren’t there yet. Quite frankly, he doesn’t know if he wants to see you after what happened yesterday. He’s still a little worried that you might think he’s a creep now but judging from the smile you gave him before leaving, you might be okay. 
When he’s walking towards the back with the bucket full of tools in one hand, he looks up and sees you lying on the sun lounger once again in your usual position with a book in your hand and wine glass in the other. He bites down on his lower lip, trying not to smile or look excited. However, the corners of his mouth can’t help but pull up at the sight of cute you look, invested into the book you’re reading. You eyebrows are furrowed and there’s a pout on your glossy lips. 
He disappears into the shed, setting the bucket onto the shelf. Resting his hand on top of one of the wooden tables, he taps his finger against it in contemplation. Maybe he should walk up to you and apologize about his embarrassing friends yesterday. He’s not really the type to get embarrassed though. Jeongukk doesn’t know why but your opinion of him matters for some reason. 
He also unfriended Taehyung on their PlayStation connect, refusing to play Call of Duty with him just to be petty. The other boy had called him through Jimin’s phone to whine and eventually, Jeongguk gave in. 
He turns around, walking right out of the shed only to harshly bump into your body. You almost lose balance and fall back but he quickly catches you by wrapping one of his arms around your back like the males do in those Korean dramas Jimin watches. You squeal, hands pressing to his chest. 
“Hi,” Your cheeks are flushed pink. Jeongguk just thinks it's cute that you’re flustered. 
He’s trying so hard not to dip his gaze below your neck, knowing you were in another swimsuit where your cleavage is spilling out yet again. It looks even more visible from his angle above you due to his tall stature. Jeongguk gulps, a large hand pressed over almost the entirety of your bare back and he can feel you slightly shiver. 
He is a weak man. 
Your eyes are full of surprise, lips in a pout yet they look so damn kissable. He has the strong urge to lean down and press his lips against yours, curious about how they would taste. How it feels to put his tongue in your mouth and ravish you. Your neck looks kissable too, smooth, and bare and perfect for him to bite into. 
Calm the fuck down, Jeongguk. 
“Hey,” Jeongguk muses, lips quirking into a smirk. “Looking for me?” 
“Uh…” You let out a breathy laugh, looking away, “Actually I was.” 
This takes him by surprise, brow raising in question. You purse your lips, eyes trailing from his face to his chest which your hands are still pressed against. It appears you’re trying to control yourself as well. Avoiding looking at his chest, Jeongguk tries to hold back a laugh. Clearing your throat, you pat his right pec, signaling him that you were okay, and he quickly lets go. 
“Sorry,” He mumbles, and you just shake your head. 
“No no, you’re fine. It was my fault for bumping into you like that,” You reassure, fingers twiddling together. 
“How are you doing?” You ask him and he just shrugs, leaning his shoulder against the doorway of the shed. 
Keep it cool, Jeongguk. Pretend like yesterday didn’t happen. Don’t even bring it up. 
“I’m alright. About to head out actually,” He informs you. 
“Aw really?” you ask and Jeongguk could tell you’re a little disappointed from the way your shoulders drop. 
“Yeah, it’s been a long day,” he tells you, making you nod understandably. “Is there something you needed?” 
Your eyes widen in surprise for a second before they turn back normal, “Um I just needed help with something but it’s okay, you can leave. I don’t wanna hold you up. I’ll just ask someone else.”
Jeongguk shakes his head, “Nah don’t worry about it. What’s up?” He prods. 
You look hesitant to speak, probably worried you’re being a bother even though you’re not. At least you’re speaking to him. He thought you would want nothing to do with him.
“The umbrella by the sunbed isn’t opening. I think the lever to pull it up is stuck,” You explain, hand referring to the closed umbrella by the chair. 
Jeongguk looks at it before glancing back at you, “I can help you.” 
Your eyes light up in happiness but you still ask, “Are you sure?” 
He responds with a nod, giving you a reassuring look, “Yeah, it won’t take long I think.” He walks with you following in toe behind him. He feels your eyes on his back and he smirks a little. 
He knows he has a nice ass. He’s been told by many. He takes great pride in it. However, it boosts his ego even more when he knows that you’re looking.  
Wrapping his hand around the lever, he grunts when it takes a bit of a push to pull it up, but it eventually does, making you clap. 
“Yay, thank you!” You grin, “The sun has been bugging me.” 
“Yeah, no problem,” He rests his hands on his hips, glancing down at the book on the table. The edge of his lips quirk up.
“What?” You follow his line of vision and notice him staring at the book, “Have you read that book before?”
“Yeah, and the ending sucked,” Jeongguk tells you, picking up the book. 
You groan, “No way, really?” And he nods in response. “I didn’t know you like romance books.” You say, curiosity in your tone. 
Jeongguk shrugs, “I don’t,” That’s a lie, he loves them. “But my little sister loves them,” No she doesn’t, she’s a fan of the horror genre but you didn’t need to know that. 
“Ah I see,” You look down at the floor, “I didn’t know you have a sister.” 
“Yeah, she’s thirteen.” Jeongguk doesn’t know why he tells you that when you didn’t even ask. 
You nod at the information, the air becoming silent for a moment. Neither of you speak, unsure of what to say. You seem to find the pool interesting, eyes set on the water, but your cheeks are flushed and you’re biting into your lower lip. Jeongguk takes that minute to allow his eyes to travel over your beautiful figure clad in a black one-piece that hugs your curves. It has a sweetheart neckline which again, shows a bit of your cleavage. There are slits running down on each side, revealing your skin even more. 
He just wanted to pick you up and take you somewhere where he can devour you. Maybe even on the sunbed but that wouldn’t look good if someone walked in. 
Jeongguk really needs to control his damn thoughts. You might not even be interested. 
Mentally slapping himself out of his horny thoughts, he clears his throat, “So I notice you read a lot of books.” 
Your eyes move back to his face and there’s a glint in your eyes, brow raised in question. “You must be looking over here a lot to notice then.” 
Fuck, Jeongguk really dug his grave for that one. Why would he say that? 
You have a knowing smile on your lips, but Jeongguk refuses to be nervous about it. Instead, he holds up his hands in defense and says, “It was just an observation,” You giggle and that makes his stomach flutter because holy shit, it was such an adorable sound, “I can’t help but look at what’s in my peripheral vision every time I come here.” He points to the shed. 
You hum, amusement apparent on your face and you don’t push it any further. Instead, you respond, “Yeah, I read a lot,” A sigh escapes your lips, “I have nothing better to do if I’m being honest.” 
Before he can even think he asks, “Don’t you have friends?” He wants to smack himself at how rude he must sound but you don’t seem to look offended. 
Rather, you have a small smile on your lips, but it looks a little sad, and you shrug mindlessly, “Not really friends friends. Most people become friends with me because they know who my parents are or they’re too stuck up for my liking. My mother tries to get me to go out with some of the girls from people that she knows but…” You shake your head, a frown on your face as if thinking back to a memory, “…they’re really not my cup of tea.” 
Jeongguk catches the small glimpse of sadness on your face and for some reason, it causes a small ache in his chest. He doesn’t know you at all, but he can tell you are genuinely being truthful about it. You seemed afraid to befriend someone without the intention of them using you. You’re not the type of person to let someone use you, he can see that. But you also seem to be a little worried about how people view you based on how he saw you interacting with his friends yesterday. 
“So, you just sit by the pool and read all day?” He asks and you nod. 
“Pretty much,” You confirm before adding, “Or watch Netflix in the theater room.” 
Jesus, they have a theater room in this house? It shouldn’t surprise him, considering how large the mansion is but it still takes him by surprise. He can only imagine how amazing his video game would look on the large screen. 
“Sounds…boring,” He states bluntly and you just laugh, nodding your head. 
“It can be boring,” You agree. 
Jeongguk ponders for a moment, looking away from you. Your life sounds pretty lame if he’s being honest. You’re a nice girl, he thinks. You don’t have much going on and you just got back from college. He can’t imagine how your days are going to look. If you’re just going to sit by the pool and read the rest all of the time…then maybe he can help. 
He doesn’t know if he’s going to regret this. Or if he’s going to get in trouble for being involved with you, let alone talking with you. Jeongguk likes to think of himself as a pretty fun guy. Maybe he can show you just how to have fun. 
He can’t believe he’s about to offer you this. Here goes nothing. 
The tall boy clears his throat, opening his mouth to say, “You know,” You look at him, listening, “I was actually just about to head to this bar after work.” He really wasn’t but he can use a drink. “Do you wanna come?” 
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise at the question, “Me?” 
Jeongguk snorts, “You’re the only one here aren’t you?” 
You roll your eyes, cheeks tinting a little but you compose yourself, “Right. That would be–” 
Before you can finish answering, a shrill voice calls for your name, causing you both to turn your heads to the door. Standing at the door dressed in a pristine white suit is a woman, sunglasses perched on her nose and hair tied in a tight bun. Her lips are set in a straight line and she’s staring at Jeongguk and you. 
She looks kind of scary if you ask Jeongguk. 
Is this who Jeongguk thinks it is? 
“Y/N, what are you doing?” The woman asks accusingly. 
“Mother,” Mother? “I just had to ask Jeongguk for help,” You tell her, “The umbrella wouldn’t open.” Your hand refers to the umbrella by the sunbed. 
The woman hums but she still looks unimpressed. Jeongguk can already tell she wasn’t a fan of him. He can’t imagine how the scene looks to her; you standing a tad bit close to him, a house worker who she must think is slacking on the job. Not only that but the tattoos all over his arm must make her think he’s some sort of punk. 
Not that it’s new to Jeongguk. He’s used to the last bit. 
“Hm, well come inside,” Her voice is a little stern and he catches you rolling your eyes at ground, “And you,” She looks over Jeongguk, “Get back to work.” 
You would think that Jeongguk is intimidated by Mrs. Kim but he’s really not. Instead, he gives her a smug smile, “I’m actually off work now, ma’am.” 
“Oh,” Seoyeon has a fake smile on her face, “Well then you can lead yourself out of the gate over there.” 
“Of course,” Jeongguk bows, pretending to be oblivious to her small frown. He looks over at you to see you staring at your mom with a look that says ‘you’re being rude.’ 
“I’ll be there in a second,” You inform her. 
“No, now,” Your mother demands and he holds back a laugh when he sees you look up at the sky, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath to control yourself. 
He wonders if you two get along. 
You look over at Jeongguk, taking a few steps closer and whisper, “I’ll meet you outside of the front gate. Give me twenty minutes please.” Jeongguk’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise but his lips quirk up into a smirk. You bow to him and say, “Thank you for helping me with the umbrella, Jeongguk-ssi.” Your voice is a little loud so your mother can hear. 
Jeongguk bites down on his lower lip to keep himself from laughing before he gives you a small bow as well, “Of course, Ms. Kim,” He emphasizes your name and you narrow your eyes at him before quickly walking away. 
He tries not to turn his head to watch you walk away, knowing that Mrs. Kim is staring. Instead he walks towards the gate to leave so he doesn’t have to feel her eyes on him anymore. Jeongguk isn’t bothered if the woman doesn’t like him, it’s not like he’s going to work here for very long. 
Stepping out of the gate, he walks down to his beat up truck that’s parked down the street. There’s excitement swirling in his stomach at the thought of going out with you. He doesn’t know what to expect out of this but he’s about to find out. Maybe he’ll see that this nice personality of yours is just a facade and he’ll see your true colors.
Who knows? 
If so, he would feel disappointed for some reason. 
“Y/N, what was that?” Your mother asks you as soon as you walk in. 
You feign innocence, “What was what?” 
“Why were you speaking to him?” She presses, sliding her sunglasses into her hair. 
You let out an exasperated sigh, “I told you why. He was literally just helping me.” You don’t understand why she’s being like this. She never cares about who you talk to. Somehow your interaction with Jeongguk is bothersome for her. 
She stares at you for a moment, studying your face as if to figure out if you’re telling the truth. Few seconds later, she lets out a sigh, shaking her head. “That boy looks like bad news. I was just concerned that he was making you uncomfortable.” 
“He wasn’t,” You quickly defend. Not once has Jeongguk done anything to make you feel uncomfortable. This is your first time interacting one on one. Sure you feel his eyes on you from time to time when you’re by the pool but you like that. You’ve purposely been sitting there, hoping to catch his attention. You would pick the cutest swimsuits just for that reason. 
You would pout, feeling defeated every time he would leave without saying anything to you. Maybe he’s just not interested in you like that but your interaction with his friends says otherwise. You were determined to find out. 
For him to invite you out to the bar had you feeling giddy and full of excitement. He doesn’t seem like he has any ill intentions. He honestly might just feel sorry for you because of how lame your life is. You’re not sure. But you want to explore more. You want to get to know him more because he’s lit this spark of curiosity in you that just wouldn’t go away. 
“Okay,” Your mother gives you a tight lipped smile but she doesn’t look convinced. She changes the subject, “I was going to head out to the Kangs house for lunch. Their daughter just came back from Europe and I thought you would want to go.” 
The Kang’s daughter? As in Kang Sohee? You would never willingly hang out with her. Not after this one time you went to their house when you were just a teenager and found her snorting cocaine off her bathroom counter. Immediately panicking, she begged you not to tell her parents. That was your first and last time ever going to Kang’s house. 
So no, you don’t want to go. 
“Actually, I’m going out with some friends,” You lie. You wouldn’t consider Jeongguk a friend, not even an acquaintance. You barely know him but who knows, maybe that could change after today. 
Your mother casts you a look of surprise. Do you really look that much of a loner to everyone? 
“Oh,” she responds, “Do I know them?” She wonders. 
You shake your head no, you would never tell her who it is. Considering the way she acted earlier when she caught you speaking with Jeongguk, you know she would be unhappy if she found out you’re going to a bar with him. 
“No, you don’t. I met them in America. They’re visiting here,” You explain and she nods, seeming to believe your words. 
“Okay then,” Your mother looks a little speechless, “Have fun I guess.” 
Shoulders relaxing, a shiver of excitement runs through your body when you turn around and go upstairs to your room to change. Before you can go up the second step, your mother calls for you, causing you to pause in your tracks and look at her questioningly. 
“Y/N sweetheart, just be careful around that boy,” Your stomach drops when you realize she’s referring to Jeongguk and you think it’s because she might’ve figured you out. “He doesn’t look like a good influence. Let him do his job and leave.” You relax, realizing she just meant from what happened earlier. 
You don’t say anything other than, “Okay.” Before going upstairs. You’re a grown adult. You can make decisions for yourself. You’d be damned if you let her words stop you from getting ready to go. 
You rush into your walk-in closet to find some clothes. After a few minutes of searching through the racks, you go with a tight black off the shoulder top and pair it with high waisted loose jeans. To top it off, you wear a pair of chunky black heeled ankle boots on your feet. You don’t have time for doing a full face of makeup so you just put on some mascara and eyeliner. Smacking your strawberry flavored lip gloss against your lips, you run your hand through your hair that cascades down your back before grabbing the same Chanel purse you had on yesterday. 
Rushing down the steps, you head out the front door, looking around to make sure you’re not leaving at the same time as your mother. You bow to the doorman at the gate, greeting him before he opens it and lets you out. Eyes wandering around your surroundings, your head snaps towards the sound of a car honking and you look to see a tattooed hand waving out of the window. 
Your shoulders relax and you look behind you one last time before walking towards a black pick up truck. You open the door, greeting Jeongguk with a small smile and close it shut. 
“Hi,” You greet shyly, tugging on the seatbelt. 
Jeongguk looks amused, pierced lip curled up into a smirk, “Hey.” He then adds, “Sorry I didn’t get out to open the door for you. Chivalry is really dead, you know.” 
You laugh at his honesty before saying, “It’s fine, I’m sick of people opening the door for me anyways.” You turn to look at him and swallow at how good he looks. 
He must’ve changed in his car while waiting for you because now he’s wearing a black baggy shirt with a pair of ripped jeans. There’s a silver chain around his neck and his hair looks wavy as it curtains on each side of his face. One tattooed hand is resting on top of the steering wheel while the other is holding the gear stick. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” He comments and you roll your eyes, cheeks heating up. 
Way to be fucking obvious.
“Whatever,” You respond, sitting back in the seat. You look around, eyes observing the car
“Yeah, it’s a pretty shitty car I know,” Jeongguk says as he pulls the car into drive. 
You quickly look at him and shake your head, “No, it’s cute.” You shrug and he snorts, “I love the little key chain.” You reach up to play with the little anime keychain hanging from the rearview mirror. 
“Cute huh?” Jeongguk muses and you just nod. 
“Smells nice in here,” You remark. 
“Oh yeah, I’m sensitive to smell. I’ve got like four car fresheners,” He tells you and you raise your eyebrows at him. 
“Four car fresheners?” You ask, judgment clear in your tone and Jeongguk opens his mouth to speak again. 
“You try sitting in your own sweat after a long day of work. It stinks.” He defends before adding the next in a much quieter tone, “And I like the smell of flowers.” He mumbles, making you giggle. 
“I don’t judge,” You respond and it's quiet for a few moments. 
“Your mom certainly does,” He utters, clicking his tongue before looking at you, “Too soon?” 
You shake your head, “No, it’s fine. She can be quite judgemental about people who aren’t…” You hesitate to finish the sentence but Jeongguk does it for you. 
“Rich,” He states and you nod guilty. “It’s fine. I get it. I wasn’t really surprised if I’m being honest.” 
“Really?” You stare at his side profile, taking in the slope of his nose and his sharp jawline. The silver barbell that runs through his dark eyebrows. God, he’s so fine. 
Jeongguk just shrugs, glancing at you before he makes a turn, “I mean yeah. I guess it’s kind of something I expected of rich people.” 
Your lips pull down into a small frown at his words, sullen from the thought that he may see you as judgmental. You don’t consider yourself judgmental. Or least, you try not to judge. And you definitely hate the whole rich people only talking to other rich people thing. That’s probably one of the many reasons why you aren’t friends with other people that your family knows. They always think they’re above everyone else. 
You gather the courage to ask, “Is that what you think I am?” You wonder before adding, “And be honest.”
The car stops at a red light and he turns over to look at you, an unreadable glint in his eyes and his lips tug into a small grin, “You might not be so bad.” You relax at his words, the tension leaving your body. For some reason you just didn’t want him to view you as those arrogant rich people. He then adds, “Or you can just be fooling me right now and you could be crazier than you look?” 
Your jaw drops in offense and you smack his shoulder, “What do you mean crazier than I look?” 
Jeongguk cackles, throwing his head back and you gulp at the sight of the veins in his neck. “I’m kidding.” He says. 
You scoff, crossing your arms to pretend to look annoyed. “I’m sure you were.” 
“I aaaaam,” He drags, tugging at your elbow and you try not to smile. 
In contrast from earlier when the silence was awkward by the pool, it seems to be more comfortable now that you’re talking and joking around. You can’t stop thinking about the smile Jeongguk had when he laughed. His bunny teeth displayed and his eyes crinkling. It had to be your favorite look on him and it makes you happy that you were the cause of it. 
“So where is this bar?” You question, staring out the window as you drive through the city. 
“It’s a bar in Itaewon,” He answers, making another turn at a light. “My friends and I go there all the time.” He tells you before adding, “You know, when we’re not broke and finally get our paychecks.” 
You chuckle at the last bit because of how casually he says it and then you ask, “The friends I saw yesterday?” 
“Mhm,” He confirms. 
When your mind wanders to the events that took place yesterday, you remember how all of his friends were good looking. You recall the conversations you had but the main thing that brings a small smile to your face is when you realize how they knew your name. 
“So,” You start and hear Jeongguk mumble under his breath ‘Oh god’ because you think he knows where this is going, “You talk about me to your friends huh?” 
Jeongguk groans, looking as if he was dreading this conversation, “Look, I saw you walk into the coffee shop, recognized it was you and told them who you are.” He says and you narrow your eyes at him suspiciously. He notices and clicks his tongue, “I’m serious, that’s what happened.” 
“Right,” You say slowly, “Whatever you say.” Voice in a sing-a-song tone. You knew there had to be more to it but he wasn’t going to tell you it seems. 
“Please, I’m sure you gushed about me being hot to your friends,” He says 
“I told you I don’t have any friends– wait! Ah hah!” You raise your finger at him accusingly. “So you told them I was hot.” You feel a sense of pride at that, internally gushing over the fact that he finds you attractive.
“What–No I,” He tries to come up with something but at this point, there’s really no saving. He lets out a defeated sigh, “Yeah yeah, I might’ve mentioned that. So what?” He tries to be nonchalant about it. 
Your lips pressed together to suppress a smile and you turn your head the other way so you’re looking out the window again, “Nothing.” Gathering up the courage you then mutter quietly, “I found you attractive too.” Your cheeks feel warm and you refuse to look at him. 
Beside you, Jeongguk has a small smile on his face as he looks at the road ahead after hearing you utter the last part shyly. 
The sound of glasses clinking and chatter fill your ears as you walk into the bar with Jeongguk. The interior design was dark and sleek, booths against one side of the wall and a row of tables pressed up against the other. The lights are a little dim but it fits with the vibes. The smell of bar food fills your nostrils, causing your mouth to salivate. There’s not many people right now but you can imagine how busy it’ll get later. There’s a bunch of men playing pool, laughing while sipping on their drinks. 
You’re oblivious to the lingering eyes of other males on you until Jeongguk points it out, making your eyes widen in surprise. Curiously, you look around only to meet the eyes of a man who’s starring you up and down before he gives you a wink. Your face scrunches up in distaste and you roll your eyes before looking away. You feel the warmth radiating off Jeongguk's body which is pressed close to your side, his hand hovering over your lower back but not fully touching it. Almost as if he’s hesitant to touch you. 
“You really don’t realize the effect you have huh?” He chuckles, pulling out the stool for you to sit on. 
“I thought you said chivalry is dead,” You joke, sitting down on the stool before patting the one next to you. 
“Listen, I’m not that much of an asshole,” He remarks, sitting beside you and you just giggle in response. 
“Hey Jeongguk, what’s up man?” A tall man behind the bar greets, bumping his fist with the boy sitting next to you. He’s got tattoos as well though, not as much as Jeongguk but a few scattered on his arm and peaking out of his chest beneath his t-shirt. He’s got a handsome face as well. 
Jesus, are all of his friends good looking?
“Yugyeom, hey,” Jeongguk greets. 
“You guys on a date?” Yugyeom asks, wiggling his eyebrows before looking at you. “Hi, I’m Yugyeom, nice to meet you.” 
You give a smile before introducing yourself as well, “Y/N.” Yugyeom bumps his fist with Jeongguk again, with a look you don’t seem to understand and you don’t think Jeongguk will explain to you either based on the sheepish expression on his face. 
“So what can I get you guys to drink?” The bartender asks, hands pressed against the counter. 
Jeongguk looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to respond. You shrug, “What kind of wine do you have?” 
“Wine?” Jeongguk snorts, making you pout out of embarrassment. 
“Leave me alone,” You whine, “I’m not much of a drinker.” 
Jeongguk chuckles, shaking his head before turning to look at Yugyeom, “She’ll have a cranberry vodka and I’ll have the usual.” 
Yugyeom nods, “You got it.” He turns around to begin making the drinks. 
“I can’t believe you wanted wine,” Judgement in his tone but you can tell he was joking. 
“That’s the only alcohol I really drink,” You defend, eating some of the complimentary nuts in front of you. 
Jeongguk puffs out a laugh, “The wine you drink probably costs more than what my car is worth.” He says in a matter-of-fact tone. 
Rolling your eyes at his words, you just munch on the cashews. You notice how Jeongguk doesn’t grab those specifically, probably noticing that you like those the most from the way you kept eating them. You can’t help but smile at that, chest fluttering. 
“Alright,” Yugyeom comes back, “Rum coke for you,” He hands the glass to Jeongguk, “And cranberry vodka for the pretty lady.” He gives you a charming grin when he hands it to you. 
“Thank you,” You tell him and he just bows at you before walking away to another customer on the other side. You bring the glass up to your lips, feeling Jeongguk’s eyes on you when you take a sip. You smack your lips together, trying to decipher the taste. He’s looking at you curiously, small smile on his lips. 
“What?” You ask him, wondering why he’s staring. 
“How is it?” He asks. 
You shrug, taking another sip and then say, “It just tastes like cranberry juice.” 
“Here,” He slides his glass over to you, “Wanna try some of mine?” You nod in response, picking up the glass to take a small sip. 
The taste is refreshing of the ice cold coke but you can feel that hint of bitterness from the rum hitting the back of your throat. 
“Mm,” You hum. “It’s good. Refreshing, I like it.” You tell him truthfully. “Try some of mine,” You push your drink towards him. 
“I’ve had this before,” He says but picks up the glass to take a sip anyways. You watch him when he does, eyes falling to his throat where his Adam's apple moves when he swallows the beverage. “I mean it’s good I guess.” He tells you before commenting, “It tastes like juice.” He reiterates with a shrug and you laugh in response. 
“I told you!” You exclaim, taking another sip of his coke before handing it back to him but before you can, he shakes his head. 
“Yeah honestly my hyung knows more about alcohol than me.” He tells you with a grimace before adding, “You can have that one,” you look at him questioningly but he just waves it off. “You like it, drink it.” 
The butterflies in your stomach are intense, your heart swooning at his action. He’s just making you feel more and more interested in him. You did not expect him to be so thoughtful. Maybe it isn’t a big deal to him but for you, it’s such a kind gesture. 
“Thank you,” You say, drinking again and he just nods in response. 
“So how did you end up working as a gardener?” You wonder. 
Jeongguk seems to choke on his drink a little, causing you to jump in surprise and look at him in concern. He clears his throat, setting the glass down onto the coaster.
“I uh…you don’t know?” He asks and you glance at him in question, shaking your head before bringing the glass up to your lips again. “Well… I hit your dad’s car.” He tells you and this time, you’re almost choking on your drink. Jeongguk holds out a napkin so you can wipe your chin. 
“You what?” Your eyes are wide, mouth open and you look at him as if he’s joking. 
He’s not.
He clicks his tongue, “Yeah… but listen, it wasn’t that bad. I just kind of tapped the back of his car but….yeah I couldn’t get away with it.” He shakes his head as if disappointed at that and it makes you laugh. 
“Well at least you guys were okay,” You say pointedly and he nods in agreement. 
“Your dad’s a real cheap ass you know that,” He says bluntly and you snort at that. “No but really, he is. Because he could’ve just let me go, you know. But no, he had to get my contact information. He knew I was broke by the looks of it so instead of paying him back directly, he told me I can work off my debt.” He explains, not caring one bit that it’s your father he’s talking about. You’re not offended in the slightest, looking at him in amusement which prods him to say, “What?” 
You shake your head, pressing your lips so you don’t laugh, “Nothing. You’re just very honest.” You tell him. 
His eyebrows raise in surprise, hand playing with the straw of his drink and he asks, “Is that…bad?” 
“No,” You smile. “Not at all. It’s refreshing honestly.” It’s true. Half the time people talk to you, you can tell it was a facade sometimes which would be quite frustrating for you. They’d be afraid to say anything that would offend you, not wanting to be on your bad side. 
But Jeongguk, he didn’t care. He was honest. You liked that a lot. 
“That’s good,” He tugs at the piercing in his lip thoughtfully, “My hyung tells me I can be a real dickhead sometimes.” 
“I wouldn’t disagree with that,” You mutter jokingly, causing him to look at you with narrowed eyes, tongue poking into his cheek. 
“Gee, thanks.” His voice is monotone when he says it and you snicker. 
“Now I have a question for you,” He says and you look at him, wondering what it could be.
“Sure, what is it?” You ask. 
He purses his lips together in wonderment before asking, “How did Dohyun know you the first day we met? He talked to you as if you guys have been friends for a while.” His tone says that he was genuinely curious. 
You suck in the air through clenched teeth and shake your head, “I wouldn’t say we’re really friends…maybe acquaintances? I’m not sure. I might sound like a bitch for saying that.” Jeongguk shakes his head as if saying no, encouraging you to continue, “His grandpa used to be the gardener for our house. He’d always come with him when he was a little boy,” You explain to him, thinking back to the times when you were just twelve years old. 
Sometimes he’d come up to you when you were playing on the swing set and he’d hand you a single flower which you would take from him out of politeness. He looked so excited whenever you took it out of his hands and said thank you, almost as if it was the greatest achievement he ever made. 
Other than flowers, he’d bring you single pieces of candy and you didn’t have the heart to tell him that you hated orange flavored candies. You would secretly give it to your younger brother everytime. 
“And he’s been working there ever since?” Jeongguk asks and you nod in response. 
“Yeah…pretty much. He was pretty upset when I had to leave for America,” You don’t know why you tell him that. 
“Yeah?” He sounds amused, “The boy is quite literally whipped for you.” He tells you and you just shrug in response. 
“Oh I already know,” You tell him and this time he looks at you with wide eyes, sipping on his drink as if this is the most interesting thing he’s heard. “It’s been like that since we were kids. I think he wanted to tell me before I left but I had to go so…he said he would tell me when I would come back.” 
“Hm,” He hums, tongue pressing against his teeth as if pondering, “Well you’re back. Has he told you yet?” 
You let out a relieved sigh, “No not yet. I’m afraid when he does tho. I don’t know if I have it in me to see the look of heartbreak on his face. He’s always smiling.” You tell him, feeling him look at you. 
“He’d definitely be heartbroken, I can tell you that,” Jeongguk says before adding with a snort, “Could’ve sworn he was about to pop a boner when he saw you by the pool the first time I was with him.” 
You look at him in disgust and he just cackles loudly, throwing his head back when he does, making you smile again. You just love when he laughs like that. 
You purse your lips before asking, “How about you?” 
Jeongguk looks confused, looking at you quizzically, “What about me?” 
“Did you pop a boner when you saw me?” You joke but there was some underlying seriousness to it. 
Jeongguk scoffs, looking down at the table, “As if I’d ever tell you that.” 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” You grin, about to take a sip of the coke but he grips the hand holding the cup before you can take the sip. 
“Didn’t your parents teach you any manners? Gimme back my drink,” He commands, trying to take the glass away from you but you tighten your grip on the glass as he tries to pull it away from you but instead, tugs you along with it. You squeal, shuffling forward and instantly gripping his strong thigh when you feel yourself leaning back as if you were about to fall and he quickly wraps his left arm around your back to prevent it from happening. 
Your faces are closer in proximity now, eyes staring at one another. There’s a certain glint in Jeongguk’s eyes when you look at them and you can’t help but fixate on his rose colored lips that have the silver piercing. You wonder what it would feel like against your own lips if you were to just lean forward and kiss them. 
Your heart is pounding in your chest, teeth biting into your lower lip when you notice him glance down at your lips as well. Before anything can happen, you feel a finger poke your stomach, causing you to immediately recoil. 
You look down to see Jeongguk’s pointed finger that did the action, surprised that you didn’t seem to notice it move away from behind your back. You also failed to notice him take the glass right out of your hands when he poked you, causing you to whine. 
“Asshole!” You exclaim, attempting to get it back but he just turns his body away from you to take a sip, his left arm held in front of you as if to block you.
Jeongguk says after taking a sip, “I’m not the one asking people if they pop boners.” You roll your eyes at that, giving up and crossing your arms. 
“I’m just kidding, here,” He holds out the glass for you and you lift your hand to take it but he pulls it back again to tease you, “Say please.” His voice is stern. 
Instead you respond monotonously, “You’re a dick.” 
Jeongguk sucks the air through his teeth and says, “You seem to be quite fond of my dick.” He jokes and you smack his shoulder, snatching the glass back so you can drink the rest of it. 
For the rest of the night, you guys talk and laugh about random things while munching on the bar food Yugyeom gives you guys on the house. Jeongguk would make you giggle when he makes commentary on the men who were playing pool, making fun of how badly one of guys were playing and it was the same guy who had winked at you earlier. Once it was reaching 8 o’clock and the bar was in full swing, that’s when the two of you decided to leave. 
This time when you were leaving the bar, his arm was wrapped around your back protectively as he guided you out of the place, fending off the lewd looks coming from the other men. Once you were outside and were walking towards his parked truck, you pause in your tracks, making him stop and gaze at you curiously. 
“Wait,” Your eyebrows are furrowed, “Are you okay to drive?” You ask, realizing that you both just drank alcohol and that he still has to drive back. 
Jeongguk breathes out a laugh, looking at you in amusement, “What do you take me for? A light weight?” You just raise your brow at him in response and he lets out a sigh, “I’m fine. It was just one drink. I wouldn’t be driving you back home if I knew I couldn’t.” His voice sounds truthful when he tells you this and for some reason, your heart stutters at that. 
“Okay,” your shoulders relax and you nod, believing him. 
Jeongguk releases his lower lip from his teeth and says, “If you’re still uncomfortable, I can call you a cab.” He offers and you just shake your head. 
“No it’s okay,” You say before adding, “I trust you.” 
He stares at you for a moment, eyes flicking around your face as if to see if you were telling the truth before he nods, “Alright, come on.” 
The car ride back to your house was quiet for the most part. You’d say a few things here and there and Jeongguk would respond but there wasn’t more to it. The silence isn’t awkward however. Rather, it’s pleasant, a new wave of comfortableness between the two of you.
You had a really fun time tonight, you think. Probably the most in a while. You don’t think you can remember the last time you’ve laughed as much as you did tonight and it brings a smile to your face when you think about all the funny moments and jokes the two of you shared. 
Jeongguk has ignited this fire inside of you that you don’t think you’ve ever felt. He’s funny, handsome, honest and thoughtful. For a guy you only literally just started talking to, you can already feel yourself starting to like him a lot more than you anticipated. At first you just found him to be attractive and thought he’d simply be a nice eye candy when you’d sit by the pool. However, after talking to him tonight, you found yourself wanting to get to know him more. He talked to you like you were any other person, not seeming to give a damn about who you are. 
You don’t realize you’re smiling until you hear Jeongguk clear his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts and you notice how the car is now stopped and parked in front of the large gate outside of your house. 
“Well, this was fun,” His tone is a little awkward when he says it, fingers tapping against the steering wheel. 
You nod in agreement, grinning, “Yeah it was. I had a really good time.” 
His lips quirk up into a small smile at that and he says, “That’s good. I’m glad.” 
It’s quiet for a moment, the both of you unsure what to say. You break it first, “I guess I should go then.” He nods in response, clicking the unlock button of the doors.
You open the door, hesitating to get out. You’re about to step out but pause for a second, turning to look at him only to find him already looking at you. He looks curious when you stare at him and asks, “What?” 
Here goes nothing. 
You scoot over in the passenger seat, leaning over the console to peck the corner of his mouth before pulling back and stepping out of the car, “Goodnight. See you tomorrow!” You speak fastly, swiftly shutting the door before rushing towards the gate.Your cheeks are warm and he probably saw how red they are. He just stares at you wide eyed, almost in disbelief at what just happened.
You press your lips together, keeping yourself from smiling before waving at him one last time. You hope it wasn’t weird for him. If you read this entirely wrong the whole time, you don’t know how you would face him tomorrow. 
You had no idea that Jeongguk was still sitting outside in his truck, a smile playing on his lips at what just happened. 
Jeongguk couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday night. The way you would  throw your head back and laugh, hand covering your mouth. He kept making jokes and waggish commentary about how ridiculous other people in the bar look. He noticed that you were definitely a light weight. You weren't drunk but you were a little tipsy. 
You became a little more touchy, shoving him or smacking his shoulder at times when he’d tease you. At one point, your hand was on his thigh absentmindedly and he’d begun to get nervous when it fell dangerously close to his crotch. It wasn’t intentional. You were clueless to how close your hand was, too busy rambling to an old man about the tricks of blackjack. 
Did he mention that you’re more socializing after drinking alcohol? 
Jeongguk found himself having a good time with you, enjoying your bubbly and talkative personality. You were more open and comfortable around him so it was gratifying to see this side of you. You didn’t have some nice act persona that you were putting up. 
It’s what happened at the very end of your time together that had him stunned. When you kissed him on the corner of his mouth and gave him the prettiest smile he’s ever seen on you. Your cheeks were flushed a pink and you looked proud of yourself from the glimpse he caught your face before you rushed out of his truck. 
It brought an automatic smile to his face, hand touching the part where you kissed him. How soft your lips felt on top of his skin. The scent of strawberry coming from your lip gloss that lingered. It’s not like Jeongguk hasn’t been kissed before. He has. But this felt different. This kiss came from you. He can feel himself having an actual crush on you. Not just physically wanting you but emotionally. He can feel something there. He was willing to explore it with you. Take it further. 
Is he thinking too far ahead? 
Sue him, this might just be his first real crush in so long. He knows there’s still so much to learn about you but after last night, he thinks he gets the idea. He just wants to see where it goes.
All he knows is that he likes being around you a lot. 
A small smile is playing on his lips as he cuts the unnecessary weeds out of one of the bushes and he doesn't realize it until Dohyun comes up to him and points it out. 
“Hey hyung! What’s got you all happy?” The boy asks in bafflement, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile since you’ve started working here.” 
Jeongguk’s smile immediately drops, mouth pulled into a straight line. He’s not telling this guy why he’s happy. Considering Dohyun has the biggest crush on you, he has no idea how he’d react. Not that he’d trust Dohyun regardless of if he has a crush on you or not. Jeongguk assumes no one around the house is allowed to know about you and him hanging out and maybe he just prefers to keep it that way. 
He feels a bit bad for the guy if he’s being honest. Dohyun’s been crushing on you since guys were just kids meanwhile Jeongguk just met you. However, you’ve made it clear that you do not see Dohyun in that way at all. 
If you really like Jeongguk, he’d be an idiot to pass that up. 
“Nothing man,” Jeongguk responds, turning to look at Dohyun only for his eyes to widen at the sight he sees before him. 
Dohyun no longer has the long hair that gets into his face. His hair is now cropped short on the sides and trimmed at the top. Gone are those thick rimmed glasses that’s constantly pushing up the bridge of his nose. But that’s not what takes Jeongguk by surprise the most, it’s the black slacks and white button down that he has on that makes the older wonder what he’s up to. There’s a bouquet of red roses in one hand and a box of what looks like chocolates in the other. 
Oh God, is he about to do what he thinks he is?
“Uh hey…” Jeongguk starts, dropping the plant snips onto the floor, “What’s with the whole…” He gestures his hand towards Dohyun’s get up. 
The younger man grins, cheeks tinting a little pink, “I’m about to ask Y/N out on a date.” 
Well fuck. 
taglist: @janedukiesworld @rjsmochii @mwitsmejk @jjeonjjk7 @whoa-jo @tearsdntfall617 @linda-botello
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jjungkookislife · 1 year
Butterfly Tattoo Studio: Morning Kisses
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pairing: jimin x f. reader, hopekook x f. reader
genre: fluff, future polyam au, [18+]
summary: another morning with hoseok and another morning call from a flirty jimin.
wc: 510
warnings: some innuendos, implied smut, hoseok might have a sir kink?
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“Good morning, love!” Jimin’s voice rings through your phone when you answer his video call. Your hair is still a little wild, sticking up at odd angles as you walk to the kitchen with your phone. After a second date, with Hobi promising it was just dessert, the boys had stayed up waiting for his return, eager to hear all about it. But just like your first date, Hobi was nowhere to be seen. They assumed he was at your place, finally calling it a night early in the morning before deciding to call around 8 a.m. just to check in and make sure their boyfriend was safe.  
“Good morning, Jimin,” you chirp. You pause when you see a shirtless Hoseok in your kitchen making you breakfast and coffee. Boy, you could get used to this. 
“Babe?” Jimin’s voice brings you back to earth and Hoseok turns at the sound. 
“Oh. Hey, doll. I didn’t mean to wake you,” Hoseok smiles bashfully. 
“Oh, so that’s where you are,” Jimin’s voice comes through again and Hobi raises a brow. You turn the screen so he can see his boyfriend, who smiles villainously at Hoseok. 
“Jimin,” Hoseok warns, but it goes over his head. 
“So that’s what you meant by having dessert,” Jimin teases, and you huff a laugh. 
“I tease,” Jimin sticks his tongue out. “We were just wondering if you were joining us for breakfast, but I can see you’re occupied.”
“It’s breakfast,” you say as you move closer to Hobi and he wraps his arm around your waist. Jimin giggles and then Jungkook appears beside him on the screen.  
“Ooh, well don’t you two look comfy,” Jungkook smirks and Hobi groans. 
“Why are you even up this early?” Hoseok grumbles as he nuzzles into your neck. 
“We were waiting for you,” Jungkook shrugs. “We wanted to make sure you were in good hands.”
“And apparently you are,” Jimin licks his lips, his tone low and flirty. It sends tingles down your back. 
“Jimin,” you breathe his name and he winks, noting the way you move against Hobi. 
“By no means stop on our account.”
“Jimin,” Hoseok warns, and he laughs in response. 
“We’ll let you two enjoy your morning together,” Jimin promises, a bright smile on his lips. “Oh, and babe?”
“Yeah?” You ask in response. 
“Hoseok goes wild if you suck on the spot right behind his ear. Enjoy!” With that, the phone call ends and Hoseok is groaning into your shoulder. 
“I’d like to say they’re not always like that, but…” Hoseok trails off with a sheepish smile.
 You laugh, shaking your head. “They’re funny and they care about you, even if they tease the hell out of us. I can’t wait to see them again. Dinner was fun that one time.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Hoseok grins, kissing your cheek before turning back to the stove. “But first, breakfast.”
“Yes, sir,” you smile with a sparkle of mischief in your eye. Hoseok licks his lips. 
“Don’t be starting something you can’t finish, doll.”
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