#jungshin reaction
imfoive · 12 days
The Youngest Son - Chapter 9
Minho x Reader (fem.) Genre: non-idol au!, Suspense, Angst, Romance, Mature Warnings: tw-descriptions of car accident, mentions of drinking, cursing, blood, implied & attempted m*rder, car accident, somewhat proofread WC: 7.8k A/N: Oh no! I dropped all my angst. oops... ALSO can you believe that this is the second to last chapter??? Feedback is always welcome, enjoy! ── MASTERLIST
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Synopsis: The youngest son of the Lee family was stubborn, he was arrogant, he was conniving. Hiding it all behind the mask of a calm and collected man, the youngest son was a master at mind games. Playing a dangerous game where trust is a luxury and betrayal lurks around every corner. He had sworn once, to not let family ties or any feelings hold him back. Yet, against all odds, she had him completely wrapped around her fingers, and he had no desire to break free.
Missed a chapter? - Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8
CHAPTER 9 ────────────────────
The shareholder’s meeting arrived faster than anticipated. An unspoken tension in the room, two sides within one corporation.
While many conservative members sided with Jungshin, the eldest grandson, an automatic heir to L Corp., there were a select handful that doubted whether he had what it takes to make another impact like his Grandfather had once.
They turned to Lee Minho. The youngest of the family. At such an age he was able to make himself known, both internally and within the media. His name buzzed amongst society, on top of it all, was his engagement into the Park family. An automatic attention grabber for many of the executives and shareholders who were on the fence.
Within the grand presentation hall, everything was cordial. Smiles exchanged, nods and greetings, captured by the handful of reporters from major business news stations allowed in for an exclusive scoop of this meeting.
Both candidates exuded confidence as they took their respective positions in the room. The grand doors swung open, and Chairman Lee made his entrance for the first time in a long while. His smiling face surveyed the crowd, which stood in respect. The cameras and videographers were positioned at the back of the room to capture every moment of the presentation at the small stage where the contenders would present their plans.
Finally, Lee Jungshin greeted the audience with a polite smile and motioned for his younger brother to take the floor first. 
   “I’m very proud of my brother.” He began. 
   “Vice President Lee has come a long way, and I want him to know that this older brother of his supports him in everything.” He placed a hand over his chest and glanced toward Minho with a supportive nod, a twinge of sarcasm in his tone that only the youngest son could hear it seemed.
The crowd responded positively to his words, erupting with a breif applause as Minho stepped forward to the podium, taking the space Jungshin stepped out of. The older cousin gave him a friendly pat on the back before smirking and walking off the stage.
   “I’d like to thank my brother for such a warm introduction.” Minho said, his gaze briefly meeting Jungshin before focusing back on the audience. “His support means a lot to me.”
With that, Minho launched into the presentation he had meticulously prepared over the weeks. He glanced back at the crowd periodically, gauging their reactions. 
When it came to crowd work and presentations, the youngest son probably came out on top, surpassing all his brothers, no matter how seasoned they thought they were. It was something even Park Hyunmin admired in the young vice president. Ofcourse, his presentation went off without a hitch, and the old Chairman’s smile conveyed nothing but approval.
As Minho concluded his speech, his eyes gravitated towards the back, Secretary Kim stood by the door, sharing a knowing glance with his superior. A silent task assigned amidst the bustle of the large room. Minho stepped aside to allow Jungshin onto the stage. 
   “Nuh-uh, don’t leave just yet,” Jungshin said, halting Minho’s descent from the stage. He flashed a scheming smile at his younger brother before turning back to the crowd.
   “Before I begin.” Jungshin addressed the crowd of suits and flashes. 
   “I’d like to bring forth some issues within L Corp. and explain why certain individuals are unfit to lead our esteemed company.” Jungshin clicked the remote, and the screen illuminated with information he intended to reveal.
   “As you see on the screen, this is the dishonesty within L Corp.”
A collective gasp swept through the room as the screen displayed a compilation of international bank accounts linked to slush funds siphoning off company profits over the years. Corruption. The display of which made the journalists jump up. Flashes lighting up the room.
The name on these accounts was Lee Min—Jungshin.
The eldest grandson’s smile faltered, his eyes widening at the sight. He instantly shot a glance at Minho, who was barely containing a snicker behind the finger that pretended to swipe the tip of his nose.
The cameras flashed even more furiously as the audience reacted.
   “Turn it off!” Lee Mooyoung shouted at the technician.
   “Stop the reporters!” Another voice yelled.
Security struggled to contain the uproar as reporters, who were paid off to capture the downfall of Lee Jungshin by a certain chairman, scrambled to capture the unfolding drama. The room grew chaotic as the eldest Lee grandson stumbled in his attempts to manage the situation.
   “You should’ve proofread your information, brother. An amateur mistake.” Minho taunted with a smirk.
Hearing the sinister tone in his voice, Jungshin lost his composure, lunging at Minho and grabbing him by the collar. The younger man made no effort to resist, and the reporters’ excitement only escalated. Even the shareholders intervened, trying to stop the cameras and get Jungshin off the stage.
   “You fool, get out right now!” Mooyoung roared, pulling his son away from Minho.
Minho’s gaze shifted to the Chairman, who remained calm, his hands clasped around his cane. The old man’s smile suggested he was thoroughly entertained by the spectacle before him. By the joke of a meeting.
A good businessman doesn't give away his plans. But a conniving one knows just when to exploit an already dirty scheme.
Another lesson the Chairman had instilled into Minho.
The plan went awry somewhere. The slush funds opened to disqualify Minho were suddenly pinned on the older brother. As were more things.
Lee Jungshin became an scapegoat. Sacrificed to the media, the public. A punishment he deserved for his stupid action. Not only did he get heat for internal corruption, but for his reputation amongst the businessmen plummeted for his whistle-blowing.
Jungshin didn’t usually fall for such things. Blinded by envy and his ego. For the greed he didn’t realize he had. For Y/N who he didn’t particularly have any interest for, simply wanting to tear her away from Lee Minho.
Yet, he fell easily into the trap the youngest had laid out for him. Lee Minho had always been good at outwitting Jungshin.
And there went his competition.
The heavy zipped duffle bag thudded against the ground, sliding to a halt. The young assistant looked up at the Chairman, who stood tall with his imposing presence, Secretary Cha behind him, cradling a bundle of Minho.
   “It was money that you wanted wasn’t it? Take it, it’s your price for giving me a son.” Chairman Lee said, his voice carrying a note of disdain.
The young mother reached forward, her fingers working the zipper of the black bag, revealing wads of neatly bundled cash. Her eyes, that had scanned the money with a wide, gleaming gaze, hardened as she looked up, fury etched on her face.
   “You think I’m selling you my son?” She spat, rising to her full height.
The Chairman regarded her with a faint smile, slightly amused at the sudden boldness in her demeanor.
   “Isn’t that what you wanted? To be set for life?”
The young assistant fell silent, her gaze shifting to the baby, who had just been discharged from the hospital and was now making soft, innocent coos.
   “You can take him. But you have to pay me every month.” She dared to demand, her gaze glaring, but voice trembling with a mix of defiance and desperation. 
The motherly gaze in her eyes vanished. Sold to the temptations of money.
   “Hah! Wasn’t that easy Secretary Cha?” Chairman Lee chuckled, as he glanced back at his secretary before turning his attention back to the mother of his child.
   “Fine. Every month—”
   “The same amount.” She insisted, cutting him off.
The Chairman hesitated for a moment, then nodded with a smile.
   “And I’m not selling my son. I know he’ll be grateful for growing up in a wealthy home.” She muttered, turning back to the duffle bag, her hands trembling as she worked to close it.
The Chairman nodded as if he understood her words, though his gaze remained indifferent. As he prepared to leave, she stopped him once more.
   “His name is Minho.”
The Chairman did not turn but remained by the door, his gaze fixed on the child and his secretary.
   “You’ll get your payment for giving me Minho.” He said over his shoulder, his tone dropping.
As they exited, leaving the mother alone in the church aisle, the old man glanced at the baby in Secretary Cha’s arms.
   “You’re a fighter, aren’t you, Minho?” He said with a chuckle, sliding into the backseat of his car as he took the infant into his arms.
   “You fought so hard to survive, yet your mother abandoned you. Lured by the sight of a few stacks of change. You poor child.” The baby stirred in his arms, eliciting another chuckle from the Chairman.
A swelling in his heart took form. Perhaps he was truly getting old, becoming unexpectedly emotional over the glimmer in his youngest’s eyes.
   “Sir, what should we do about her?” Secretary Cha asked, his eyes meeting the darkened expression of Chairman Lee through the rear-view mirror.
   “Give all her payment at once.” The Chairman ordered coldly, his gaze shifting to the monastery that grew distant as they drove away.
   “Every month. That wench must be kidding me.” He mumbled to himself, clearly irked by the thought, by the boldness in her gaze that could one day become a threat to him in the future.
It’s best to nip these kinds of things in the bud.
Secretary Kim was only a rookie, yet he was doing tasks that no one on his level even heard of.
The young man didn’t think he’d be assigned to Lee Minho out of all the executives in the company.
Lee Minho was the Vice President of his department, just a few steps away from the President. And everyone knew that high-ranking executives like him had skeletons in their closets, and Minho was no exception. Yet, despite his newness and uncertainty, Kim Yongguk had found himself into some of those secrets, which his superior revealed with surprising candor.
Lee Minho was charming. And the young secretary was easily impressed.
Kim Yongguk took his tasks seriously, but still, wet behind the ears. Nothing compared to Secretary Cha who had eyes and ears everywhere. An extension of the founder of L. Corporation.
Secretary Kim hurried into Minho’s office, having knocked quickly on the door. Minho looked up from his desk with a narrowed gaze, taking in the sight of his young secretary who looked frantic almost.
   “This was on my desk this morning,” Yongguk announced, handing over a long envelope. It bore no name or additional information, just a written label.
To: Lee Minho
Immediately the young vice president was able to recognize the handwriting that belonged to Secretary Cha. 
Minho opened the envelope, revealing a resume. An outdated one from years and years ago.
His gaze froze at the headshot photo attached to the top corner of the paper. It was a photograph of an ordinary woman, nothing special, a darker haired woman, plain and simple.
But what caught his eye was the cross around her neck.
His throat felt dry.
Minho’s fingers tightened around the paper, his expression darkening. The Chairman’s message was clearly received. He had sent this information without any intention of hiding it was from him. Yet, this revelation only fueled Minho’s anger. The fact that his grandfather had chosen to reveal this now, and in such an indirect manner, was maddening. 
For years, Minho had believed he was the product of an affair between Lee Doyoung and a maid who had once worked at their residence. 
All his life, he’d paid the price of that.
That belief had shaped his actions, his quest for revenge, and the intricate schemes he had woven. Yet one simple piece of paper shattered that reality.
Everything stemmed from a big, fat lie.
He felt disoriented, infuriated, confused. Stuck in a maze that got more and more twisted at each new discovery. 
Why was his grandfather going through such lengths to hide who he was, yet ironically chose to reveal it all now? It was as if the Chairman had purposely chosen this exact moment to pull the curtain back, fully aware that Minho, upon discovering the truth, would confront him immediately. 
The timing seemed deliberate and strategic, designed to provoke a reaction, or perhaps to manipulate Minho’s next moves.
The double doors to the Chairman’s study burst open with a force that made the hinges rattle. Minho stormed in, his face a mask of fury, his grip tight around the envelope he had received. There was no need for formality or politeness, he was done with games and pretense.
He flung the envelope onto the table in front of the Chairman, causing it to scatter across the desk, its contents clattering against the ceramic cup and plate of the old man’s drink. The Chairman remained unflinching, his demeanor unchanged despite the storm brewing in front of him. Although inwardly, he was slightly taken aback by such aggressive behavior from the usual calm headed man.
Surely the grandson had the right to act out in such a circumstance, especially when the Grandfather himself had sent him the new information, luring Minho to him.
   “Ah, I see you got the envelope.” The old man said casually, crossing one leg over the other as if the commotion were a mere inconvenience.
Minho hated that unreadable look in his grandfather’s eyes. The way he smiled like an absolute psychopath in a situation like this pissed him off even more.
   “Grandfather.” Minho’s voice was edged with barely contained fury. 
   “I’m tired of playing this game. Please tell me, what does this woman have to do with me?”
The youngest son had already figured it out himself. 
She was his birth mother. 
But he wanted to hear it from the old man himself. 
   “Take a seat for this. I don’t like when we’re not speaking on the same level.” Chairman Lee said, gesturing toward the empty chair across from him.
The younger man, barely restraining his anger, pulled the chair back with an almost aggressive force.
   “Aren’t you in search of your birthmother? You seemed like you were stuck, so I helped out a little.” The old man’s voice was even, nonchalant.
   “If you knew, why couldn’t you just tell me from the get-go?” The response was cold and harsh, frustrations boiling over.
   “You seemed like you were enjoying snooping around. Sneaky schemes you’ve cooked up unbeknownst to anyone. Besides, you never asked me.” Chairman Lee’s tone was dismissive, observing how Minho pieced together the new thoughts that arose in his mind.
The old man had always been quick to catch onto things, and somewhere deep down, Minho was aware there were chances he had already gotten caught. Snooping, sneaking.
Minho’s eyes narrowed, his voice low and cold. “Would you have told me?”
   “Well I just did, didn’t I?” The Chairman laughed, his amusement barely concealed.
But of course the young man across from him was not amused in the slightest, his fists balled into tight clenches.
   “That woman who gave birth to you abandoned you.”
The reveal of such a detail was something Minho had figured, his own conclusion he had come up with over the years of being degraded in the Lee family. Of not having a maternal figure watching over him. 
   “And Yoon Sooyeon? Why was I fooled into believing that she was my birth mother all my life?” Minho’s voice was a mix of confusion and betrayal.
The youngest son felt his face flush, skin hot from the sheer anger he felt overwhelmed with.
The Chairman sipped his drink calmly. “Ah, just a part of the story, to make it easier for you.”
Minho couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous that sounded.
   “Story? Easier for me?” His tone was incredulous.
   “Nothing was ever easy for me, grandfather. I spent all my life fighting for my place. Was it all just a means of entertainment for you? A story?” There was anger laced with every word that came out of the young man’s mouth, teeth clenching.
Finally, the old man’s smile faltered, seeing the look in his youngest’s eyes.
   “I didn’t want it to be hard for you son, believe me. It was the best I could.”
Minho’s frustration reached its peak, repeating the words in a low tone to himself, still unable to process everything that he heard.
   “The best you could do…” He bit his bottom lip, struggling to control his rage. 
   “I needed to do anything to get you into the family without anyone asking any questions. I couldn’t abandon you too, son. I didn’t want to be like your mother.”
At those words, the youngest son’s eyes darted back to meet the Chairman, freezing at the soft gaze he gave him.
Minho’s expression relaxed, confusion and disbelief flooding over him.
His mind worked automatically.
Yoon Sooyeon was not his mother. His mother didn’t have any relation to Lee Doyoung. 
His mother was a young assistant that worked under Secretary Cha. An assistant who had ties with the chairman. 
The pieces fell together like a complete puzzle.
His gaze wandered, getting teary on their own as he stared at the man across from him in utter disbelief.
With shock. In denial.
Yet, he finally understood. 
The realization almost crashed down on him.
And it was not what he had anticipated. Not even close to anything he thought of.
   “No...There’s no way right? T-that’s ridiculous.” Minho whispered, his voice cracking. The weight of the truth was almost unbearable.
He attempted to laugh, but it ceased almost immediately when he looked across at his grandfather. 
His father.
Minho pushed his chair back, it’s dragging, loud against the tiles, hand running through his hair. While The Chairman watched Minho with a mix of pity and frustration. 
   “You don’t have to beat yourself up over it. I’ve always been on your side. Nothing will change.”
His head swiveled up from his thoughts at the old man’s words.
   “Nothing will ever be the same grand—” He stopped, unable to fully articulate the depth of his emotions. 
At what to even address this man as.
The distraught Vice President didn’t even hear what the old man said next, his ears ringing. 
It had always been a game for the old man, and he had happily gone along with it without knowing. Doing everything he was told by the same man who told him nothing.
The Old Man looked after him, supported him, and was always doting on him for his own selfish reasons. Minho was just a pawn and the chairman was just a senile old man who played puppeteer in this sick survival of the fittest game he controlled. 
   “You’re just like me. This little thing won’t be able to hinder you. You’re a Lee. You’re my son.” The Chairman said with a finality that was meant to be reassuring.
Meant to break Minho free of those useless emotions that held him back from truly embodying a greedy, corrupt, yet capable head of L. Corporation.
The perfect businessman.
But the old man didn’t realize just what kind of damage he had done to the young man sitting across from him. Minho’s whole world came crashing down, who he was, the driving factor behind his need to rise higher. The drive to take revenge against those who looked down on him.
And suddenly had no plan at all.
Minho was going to crash.
He was going to fall like he had feared. Perhaps losing everything he had put at stake.
The woman he loved flashed in his eyes.
He couldn’t crash. He didn’t want to lose the only thing that appeared to be true in his life.
Minho didn’t want to be a Lee.
He spoke out in a whisper, his cold voice looking up at the face of his so-called father. 
   “I’m nothing like you. I never will be.” He leaned over the table, his voice low and filled with pain.
The old man’s surprise was evident as his youngest son glared into his eyes.
   “You can take L Corp. and rot with it. From today, I’m no longer a Lee.” He almost growled before pushing the table back, its contents clattering, and storming out.
   “Wait. Min—”
The door slammed to a close behind a furious Minho, who kept walking, the anger that resonated through his body driving his legs to take long strides out of the residence he never wanted to look back at. 
By the time the Chairman’s son got to his car, his legs finally gave out, and he stumbled forward. His figure leaned against the cold of the vehicle, grounding himself. 
Minho’s eyes got teary and he suddenly wanted to cry. 
The youngest son of the Chairman didn’t think he would be this affected by the truth. 
He didn’t think it would stop him from reaching his goals. 
But he stood there. Disgusted. 
By himself, by the chairman, by the things he had happily done at the command of the man who was the reason behind his misery.
He was disgusted by his birth-mother, the woman who folded to money, who didn’t even try to raise him. 
His phone rang, and he fumbled with it, wondering why his hands were shaking, why his vision was blurry.
   “Hi!” Y/N’s cheerful voice came through the speaker, and Minho’s heart ached even more.
   “Y-Y/N…” His voice was barely a whisper, the tears finally falling uncontrollably.
In the study, the Chairman sat frozen, his mind racing. He had been wrong about Minho. He had thought he knew his son, that Minho would be unshaken by the truth. 
That Minho was like him.
But the young man’s reaction had revealed a depth of vulnerability and disappointment that the old man hadn’t anticipated. The glare he’d seen in Minho’s eyes before he stormed out, flashed in the old father’s eyes. 
His teary expression and his final words, made the old man hold his heart.
Minho couldn’t abandon him. He wasn’t allowed to. 
The old man’s heart pounded, a sudden pain gripping him.
His faithful secretary entered the room, with even more disappointing news.
   “Lee Joohyeon has returned. And he’s demanding he be put in Jungshin’s position.”
Those pathetic fools. One didn’t have good timing, and one didn’t have timing at all. 
   “I can’t leave my company, my child, to any of those idiots. I’d rather do what Minho said and rot with it.” He muttered, his unease palpable.
The secretary, suddenly noticed the Chairman’s distress, slowly leaning in.
   “Sir, are you okay?”
The old man looked up, a pained expression on his face. His voice was tinged with a mix of fear and confusion.
   “Why does my heart hurt?”
Y/N entered the apartment, the dim light of the setting sun filtering through the closed curtains, casting long shadows across the room. The silence was heavy, almost oppressive, as she made her way into the living room, her heart pounding with concern.
Minho’s earlier call had been brief, his voice wavering with an urgency that had sent her racing over, leaving her worried and anxious.
And there Minho sat. In the middle of the dark room. The only light came from the sliver of sunset peeking through the curtains, casting a glow on him. His posture was hunched, his head buried in his hands, as if he was lost in a storm of thoughts or trapped in his worry.
   “Minho…” Y/N whispered, her voice barely breaking the silence as she drew closer. 
She stood before him, her heart aching at the sight of him so vulnerable. Her presence seemed to rouse him from his daze, and he looked up at her, his eyes red-rimmed and cheeks glistening with drying tears. A sight that made her brows knit, expression contorting with concern.
Minho’s lips quivered as her presence. Without a word, he reached out, pulling her into a tight embrace. His body shook slightly as he buried his face into her standing figure, seeking solace in her warmth. Y/N didn’t say anything, a few seconds of surprise, before she wrapped her arms around him, her fingers threading through his hair, offering him the comfort he so desperately needed.
And they stayed like that. Settling into a silence so serene they were close to getting lost in it.
In the stillness, Minho’s cell phone, abandoned atop his discarded blazer, vibrated intermittently. The screen lit up with a cascade of missed texts and calls.
He sniffed, and Y/N gently pulled away, sitting on the coffee table directly across from Minho and edged closer. Her gaze, filled with worry, stayed locked on him. Minho wiped his eyes, struggling to regain composure, but his earlier distress still hung heavy in the air.
   “What happened?” Her voice was soothing, her soft eyes searching his for answers.
He dropped his head for a moment before looking up. 
   “You know I’m an illegitimate child, don’t you?” He asked instead, his voice was low but clear, as if he hadn’t been crying at all.
Y/N blinked, her mouth slowly closing in silent acknowledgment.
Of course she knew. 
She knew the moment she had witnessed his father strike him in what was meant to be a private moment. She knew when he had uttered those words of not choosing to be a Lee.
She had seen the shared looks between his brothers, the guarded expressions of his mother, sometimes tinted with disgust.
She noticed the forced smiles from his relatives. 
But Y/N had never let it matter. She simply didn’t care.
Instead, she cupped his jaw with one hand, tilting his face up to look at her with an intense gaze. 
   “Does it matter?” She asked, her smile gentle and reassuring.
He managed a thin smile, his hand brushing lightly over hers. “It does to everyone else.”
He muttered more to himself than to her. Taking both her hands into his, he placed them on his lap and pulled her closer. 
   “...Would you still love me if I’m not a Lee?”
Confusion flickered in her eyes, as she tried to understand where this was coming from. 
   “Will you stay with me, even if I leave L Corp. and the Lee family behind?”
Y/N seemed to finally understand, her expression softened, and she smiled at him, nodding almost immediately. 
   “I won’t leave. I’ll love you even if you’re just Minho.”
Her words seemed to bring a sense of calm to him, and he smiled softly at her, his grip tightening in relief. But still certain worries lingered.
   “It might ruin your reputation. Your family might hate it.”
She let out a soft laugh, shaking her head. “My family doesn’t care about things like that.”
   “They’ll tell me I have to leave you. They’ll hide you away.” He retorted, trying to make her reconsider. 
That there was still time. That she could still get away from the mess of a man Minho was.
   “You won’t get rid of me that easily.” She said with a full laugh instead, an attempt to bring back the cheery look in his eyes that she suddenly missed seeing.
   “I’m scared I won’t let you leave even if you wanted to.” He whispered, his gaze fixed on their intertwined hands.
She leaned forward and kissed his forehead, her gesture just enough to tell him that she wasn’t going anywhere, not even if her father told her to.
But Y/N knew her father wasn’t that kind of man. He was one of the last people who would stoop to such low blows.
Lee Joohyeon looked around, waiting for his grandfather. Instead, Secretary Cha emerged from the Old Man’s room.
   “Chairman Lee isn’t feeling well. He’s gone to rest.”
   “Well, did you tell him what I said? Jungshin lost his chance. Someone has to step up to clean up his mess.” Joohyeon spat.
The secretary inhaled deeply, then exhaled silently before stepping aside to let the grandson enter. Joohyeon did so without hesitation.
The old man, lying in bed while attempting to get ahold of Minho, didn’t even notice when Joohyeon had entered. But once he did, his face contorted with a scowl, his frustration automatically grew at the sight of his second grandson.
   “What the hell are you doing here? Didn’t Secretary Cha tell you that I have nothing to say to you?”
The tough-guy act Joohyeon had put on in the hall, faltered in the presence of the Chairman. He looked at him pleadingly almost.
   “Grandfather, I just need one last chance. I can prove to everyone that I’m worthy.”
The Chairman laughed, making Joohyeon blink in confusion.
   “Worthy? That’s why you killed Jae?” The Chairman watched as Joohyeon’s desperate gaze shifted to shock.
His eyes widened in horror and disbelief.
   “What? You think I didn’t know? Ha! You fool. If you really were worthy, you would have covered your tracks better.”
Joohyeon clenched his fists to stop them from shaking. His mouth opened as he stammered. 
   “Grandfather, I-I didn’t mean to. It-it all happened so fast—I didn’t tell anyone.”
The old man shook his head, leaning back into the grand headboard of his bed.
   “You didn’t tell anyone, but it was easy for others to figure it out. Take me for example. I caught you right away from the dash cam footage.”
The mention of the car cameras left Joohyeon silent, struck by shock and realization. He hadn’t even considered that. He had been so preoccupied with the yacht CCTV and the threats he received about it that he overlooked Jae’s car as evidence. He had been lucky it was his grandfather who caught him.
   “This fool. He had no idea… and he thought he was worthy.” The Chairman said coldly, more to himself than to the distraught grandson.
The old man’s sharp gaze scrutinized Joohyeon.
   “Tell me, have you done anything about the person behind the messages yourself? Or did Minho handle it, like always?”
Joohyeon hadn’t realized the Chairman knew about that as well, but he should have expected it. Silence was his only answer, and the old man nodded as if he had anticipated that response.
   “See? Do you see why Minho is more worthy than you?”
There it was again.
The comparison between Minho and Joohyeon was a sharp, familiar sting. Joohyeon felt his anger rise but remained silent, knowing better than to challenge the Chairman. Instead, his head hung in shame as he exited the room.
The door closed behind him, and he could hear the old man’s laughter echoing in the silence of the hallway. Joohyeon’s fists clenched tightly, turning red with anger.
Minho seemed to be the favored one, but Joohyeon was the legitimate Lee between the two. And if people were to find out…the media could make an opportunity for Joohyeon to be a wild card in the succession game.
The youngest son wasn’t sure when he had fallen asleep. The sun had completely set, and the city was aglow with night lights and busy cars. The living room was quiet, illuminated only by a lamp in the corner. He sat up on the couch, still groggy, trying to figure out the time.
His phone, turned off and silent, rested on the coffee table where Y/N had sat earlier. Minho looked around for her. He heard her in the kitchen, the water running briefly before it was turned off. Glancing over, he saw her behind the kitchen counter, the dining table nearly set. She noticed him sitting up and watching her, and her surprised expression softened into a loving smile.
   “You’re awake!” Y/N exclaimed, placing a pitcher of water on the white table before stepping down from the raised kitchen and dining area to join him in the living room.
Minho returned a smile, nodding. He reached an arm out to her, for her to take his hand. She grinned and did almost naturally, sliding onto the couch next to him.
   “How long was I asleep?” He asked.
Y/N tilted her head, thinking for a moment, her gaze drifting to the ceiling. “Two, three hours? Not very long though.”
He nodded, understanding, and then looked at her with the same affection she had shown him. Her lips thinned into another soft smile, fingers tracing against his jaw.
   “Should we get married?” She asked.
This time she wasn’t kidding, nor was there a hint of mischief in her eyes. Only a warm and determined smile on her lips.
   “Let’s get married.” He answered, smiling back at her.
She moved to kneel on the couch, facing him, both her hands finally cupping his face in her palms. 
   “Tomorrow. I’ll leave work early.” She stated, confident he was as ready as she was.
And he was. 
He nodded softly, wrapping his hands around her and pulling her into his chest.
   “I love you.” He whispered.
Y/N melted into his arms, feeling at home, at ease. Her lips easily chased after his into a deep kiss that left them desperate for more. Fingers raking, tugging in attempts to sear marks and kisses. Excited for what was to come, for the long night celebrating.
Suddenly both of them couldn’t wait until the sun rose. Couldn’t wait until tomorrow afternoon.
The promised time was still hours away. And though they had to eventually part, their limb’s reluctantly untangling from one another’s warmth, the thought of their upcoming union made the youngest son nearly forget his distress, almost forgetting the secret of his origins as Chairman Lee’s illegitimate child.
Minho stared at the missed calls from his “grandfather,” dozens of them. Clearly, the last conversation hadn’t conveyed his message. Leaning against the car door, parked just a few feet away from the marriage bureau where he was to meet Y/N, he pushed aside any irritation or stress from the Lee family’s demands.
Especially when Minho spotted his bride-to-be approaching him gracefully in a formal white dress. It wasn’t the grand wedding gown he might have imagined for her, the one she would’ve picked out as she walked down the aisle to him. Yet still, Y/N looked stunning. Absolutely breathtaking. It hugged her in all the right places, flowed elegantly with the wind, almost like in the movies. If she wasn’t standing right in front of him, giggling at his reaction, he might have thought she was an angel. Seeing his intense gaze on her, Y/N’s cheeks flushed, and she suddenly felt shy. The way he looked at her, as if she was the only person in the world, made her feel a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. She shifted slightly, a soft blush spreading across her face.
   “I tried to look like a bride. Do I look—”
   “Absolutely beautiful.” Minho cut in, smiling broadly.
Y/N’s smile only grew wider as she took her purse in one hand and reached for his hand with the other, their fingers linking together.
   “Shall we get married?”
Joohyeon anxiously shook his leg up and down, glancing repeatedly toward the entrance of the private restaurant room where he waited, taking another quick sip of water from the glass set in front.
The door slid open, and Joohyeon’s head snapped up, standing to his feet, his expression a mix of hope and apprehension. Park Hyunmin entered, his smile friendly but his eyes sharp. He gestured for Joohyeon to take a seat.
   “Long time no see Lee Joohyeon.” The older man greeted, settling into his chair as Joohyeon sits across from him. 
They are surrounded by an assortment of side dishes already set on the table.
   “I appreciate you coming on such short notice, Director Park.” Joohyeon began, about to pour a drink for the man, before Park Hyunmin stopped him.
   “Ah, I won’t be staying long, so let’s skip the drinks.” He lightly covered the glass.
Joohyeon nodded, trying to calm his nerves. “Sorry to drag you out here, but there’s something you need to know.”
Park Hyunmin raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. 
   “Yes, you mentioned it concerns my daughter’s…well-being.
Joohyeon took a deep breath and pulled out a brown paper envelope, sliding it across the table to Park Hyunmin. It doesn’t take long for Director Park to pull out the contents from inside, brows narrowed in confusion.
   “Who the hell is this?” He asked, turning the photo toward Joohyeon.
Joohyeon braced himself, letting out a deep exhale.
   “That is Yoon Sooyeon. Minho’s birth mother.”
A tense silence settled between them. Park Hyunmin’s face shifted from confusion to understanding, realizing the implications of the revelation, automatically understanding what that meant. 
A lot of things were starting to make sense. 
However, what didn’t make sense to the older man was why Minho’s so-called older brother sat here revealing such a well-kept family secret.
   “And you’re telling me this because…?” Park Hyunmin’s voice was flat, as if he already suspected the information.
Joohyeon, taken aback, struggled to understand the older man’s reaction. 
   “Did you know that Lee Minho is an illegitimate son? A maid’s son?”
The director’s gaze moved to the alcohol. The situation called for a drink. But he controlled the urge, maintaining his composure. 
   “I didn’t know.” His tone was curt.
   “If this information gets out, it could ruin your reputation. Think of your daughter.” Joohyeon strained.
The father fell silent as if he was thinking. But then erupted with a loud laugh that stunned Joohyeon, the sound echoing in the private dining room.
   “This information is your family secret. I know I won’t leak it. Are you going to?”
Joohyeon’s face reddened with frustration, unable to come up with a suitable retort. And Park Hyunmin only sighed. He had once thought that Joohyeon was very capable, that he would go places. But here he was now, spewing nonsense.
He shook his head, clearly unimpressed.
   “Also I must ask this.” Y/N’s father tossed the photo of the maid back into the pile of documents Joohyeon brought, raising a brow.
   “Illegitimate?” He made a face. 
As if he were disgusted. But it wasn’t because of Minho. But because of the man who sat in front of him.
   “Do people still discriminate because of that?” He looked baffled, glancing at the baby picture of Minho amongst the pile.
   “And just because his mother was a maid, doesn’t mean he’s incapable of doing a good job.”
Joohyeon’s expression was one of bewilderment as he listened to the older man. Park Hyunmin continued, his tone dismissive.
   “Tell me this.” He leaned back into his seat, one leg crossing over the other, genuinely asking almost.
   “You and all your other brothers are…legitimate children. Exactly what have you achieved?” 
Joohyeon felt his cheeks heat up. Flushed in embarrassment. In anger. Yet he couldn’t even react, because what the man had said were true.
The other brothers. A dead druggie, a self-appointed outcast, a whistle-blowing thief, and…a murderer.
   “My daughter might seem free spirited, but she’s a very good judge of character. Seeing as how she’s only stuck to Minho’s side since she met him, just shows he’s doing something right.” Park Hyunmin chuckled, slowly putting together the paper documents neatly back into the envelope.
   “Also, it’s not a big secret family secret, nor that it matters, but I’m not a Park by birth. I was adopted, but look at me now.” Y/N’s father said with a wide grin, standing up and looking down at Joohyeon, who had dropped his head in shame.
   “Let’s pretend we never met tonight hmm?” Director Park patted Joohyeon on the shoulder before making his exit.
Lee Joohyeon remained frozen, stunned and silent, drowning in his shame and confusion. In the anger that brimmed within him.
The youngest son of the Lee family was possessive. 
And he wouldn’t deny that either. Although he couldn’t say for sure when it took life, unaware of how the subconscious possessiveness surfaced.
Minho never truly had anything to call his own, so it made sense that he wanted to protect and claim what little he had. 
The youngest son had to make sure others were aware that they had crossed him. Had messed with what belonged to him.
The sixteen year old felt desire for the first time. 
He didn’t want to admit or even acknowledge that he felt attracted to the snobby Y/N Park. 
There was no way. 
He had always thought he was too good. Out of her league. Even though that was absolute nonsense. He denied it, and would do so for years to come, before his feelings had him cornered.
But the first time he felt protective of her was when he was sixteen. 
Possessive of the girl he claimed was nothing but a headache. He had to admit that at least.
The boys in their grade loved to kiss up to her, try to befriend her, get on her good side. Of course, she was able to see past all that and didn’t entertain them one bit. An attribute of hers that Minho actually admired.
Growing up, the youngest son always maintained his mask. Had to make sure, no one knew the real him. But that began to crack the moment Minho met Y/N. And it continued to crumble away slowly.
Even without Y/N there sometimes, he had his weak moments. Those moments he needed to make sure the people who thought they could step all over him, knew that there were consequences they’d have to pay.
Minho stared at the class clown, the curly haired brunette that lived up to his title. The boy had stared back at him with a smug smile on his lips, unafraid of the number one in school. High and mighty.
Minho had overheard him talking to his group of friends. Bad-mouthing Y/N. Her looks, her status, her grades. The same ones who would kiss her feet if she asked. 
It was a simple question.
   “Can you say all that in front of her?” Minho’s voice was calm, but there was a steely edge to it that made the boys around him uneasy.
The clown had gotten a little offended, embarrassed in front of his friends. The school bell rang, punctuating the tension in the air, prompting the rest of the boys to scatter back inside. Minho laughed, but was pulled back by the brunette.
   “You seem to care an awful lot about that bitch.” He  retorted with a smirk, crossing his arms defiantly as he leaned against the rooftop railing, lower back flush against the metal.
Minho tilted his head, eyeing him up and down once before his demeanor shifted subtly, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face. 
A flicker of evil.
Without another word, he shoved the class clown, catching him off guard. Fear flashed in the boy’s eyes as he stumbled backward, teetering dangerously close to the edge.
   “What the fuck! Pull me up. Pull me up now!” The boy’s panicked voice echoed against the concrete walls, carrying with the afternoon air as his feet flailed, dangling over the edge.
Minho’s grip tightened on the boy’s wrist, his voice calm yet laced with authority, slight groan. “I don’t like two-faced people.”
   “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry! Please! Please don’t let go!” The class clown’s voice trembled, desperation evident in his pleas as he clung to Minho’s arm, his sleeve.
   “If you wanna dance and be a clown, go ahead. But quit saying shit that doesn’t make me laugh. Got it?” Minho’s brow furrowed slightly, both at his words and the strain he felt from the pull, his grip unyielding as he held the boy suspended over the rooftop.
   “Yes! I got it! Please help me!” The boy’s voice cracked, his face contorted with fear and tears.
With a strained effort, Minho managed to pull the brunette back onto the rooftop, the latter’s legs shaking as he collapsed to the solid ground in relief. 
But he only let out a shaky scream as he looked back at Minho, scrambling to his feet, his eyes wide with disbelief and fear as he rushed back inside without looking back.
Minho leaned against the railing, watching the metal door slam shut. His heart pounded with a mix of adrenaline and a gnawing sense of unease. He had acted impulsively, driven by a protective instinct he hadn’t fully understood until now.
He dangled some kid off a roof because he spoke badly about Y/N.
What would happen if someone had hurt her?
The answer chilled him to the core.
He’d probably kill them.
And he was okay with that thought.
Y/N stared at their wedding bands on their ring fingers, the marriage certificate nestled like a cherished treasure in the transparent folder she held close to her chest.
   “Is it truly that unbelievable?” Minho finally broke the silence that had enveloped them in the front seats of his parked car, gazing at his new wife with a mix of wonder and amusement.
Y/N had been admiring their hands side by side, admiring the wedding rings Minho had remembered to prepare, for the past five minutes, raised in front of them.
   “I’m finally your wife. It actually is hard to believe.” She admitted, her voice filled with joy.
Minho smiled warmly, his right hand patting her head before his left intertwined his fingers with hers. Bringing them to his lips and giving her knuckles a soft kiss.
   “You’re stuck with me for life, darling. Death is the only escape you have from me, I’m afraid.” He chuckled, teasing gently.
   “I’ll haunt you even in the afterlife.” She laughed, with a roll of her eyes before leaning in to meet his lips for a sweet, sensual kiss.
As she pulled out of their kiss, her eyes grew big, as if she suddenly remembered something.
   “I have to brag to Jihoon about this.” She exclaimed, fishing her cell phone out of her purse to snap a quick photo, Minho watching in awe, letting her pose their intertwined hands for a picture.
Satisfied, she hit send and glanced back at him behind the wheel. Y/N inhaled deeply, taking in the pretty sight of her new husband.
   “Now what? Do we go consummate our marriage?” She asked, giggles bubbling in her voice, mischief in her gaze.
Minho chuckled at her words, shaking his head before starting the car.
   “I have something to show you.” His happy expression darkened, mirroring the mischievous look she had just seconds ago.
His words easily piqued Y/N’s curiosity, making her sit up with a sudden excitement.
The car eased out of the parking spot and onto the road. Perhaps Minho should’ve attached a “just married” sign behind it so everyone was aware that Y/N Park was his forever.
A cheesy idea, the stoic man had never imagined he would have come up with.
   “Is it a surprise?” His new wife prodded, turning to look at him, but he only laughed, his eyes focused on the road.
   “Is it a place?—Oh! Is it a gift?” Y/N continued, tugging at the fabric of his blazer sleeve, her excitement growing.
   “You’ll see when we get there. Be patient.” He chuckled, stealing a glance at her.
A glance was enough.
His eyes flicked past her, to the window behind her.
His smile fell.
   “...Death is the only escape you have from me, I’m afraid.”
Minho had never truly considered the consequences of his shady deeds and schemes. The actions he took in the shadows with little thought of what came next. 
He had lived his life with a sense of invincibility, convinced that his cleverness and quick thinking would shield him from any fallout.
But perhaps now, he was finally going to pay a price. 
It happened so fast. Too fast for the new husband to have enough time to react. 
All he could do was stare at the oncoming headlights before the collision reverberated loudly through the darkening sky. 
Then, silence descended, eerie and unsettling.
The evening sky seemed darker than usual as Minho’s car skidded across the road, spinning violently before crashing into the metal guardrail.
The white vehicle that had struck them lay a few feet away, front mangled, but the damage to Minho’s car was worse, smoke rising ominously.
The silence, eerie. Ringing.
Lee Minho slowly groaned, his head moving slowly against the leather seat, feeling the warmth of blood trickling down his skin. A sudden stinging pain washed over his entire body. There was a metallic tang of blood filling his nostrils, on his tongue. His eyes turned towards the woman who had been smiling beside him just moments ago, hazy vision trying to focus.
Y/N lay unnervingly quiet, face turned away.
Her white dress was now stained a deep, dark red. A crimson seep into the now tainted fabric.
A color that didn’t quite match the new bride.
The sound of blood dripping onto the floor mats echoed loudly in the silence with a faint rhythm. Minho opened his mouth to call out to her, but his voice failed him.
   “Y/...N?” He managed to croak, his voice a strained whisper.
She was still.
She was silent.
Again. No response.
He tried again, a desperate plea this time, his body wracked with pain as he struggled to move. Attempting to reach over but failed. Tears welled up in his eyes and streamed down his cheeks unchecked.
His vision blurred, the edges growing hazy.
The other car, empty now, its driver vanished, stood abandoned at the scene. The sirens echoed in the distance, or perhaps they were closer, Minho couldn’t distinguish amidst the ringing in his ears.
No. This wasn’t how it was supposed to end.
His eyes drooped shut, consciousness slipping away.
The night enveloped him in its darkness.
Was this truly the end?
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ to be continued.
── ask to be tagged! - @minh0scat, @qwonyoung23, @tsunderelino, @thecutiepieme, @candyquokka
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soshiharin · 4 months
not so secret
summary: in which harin and jungshin aren’t a secret anymore
set: 7 oct 2014
word count: 2.0k
warnings: mention of food, slut shaming; swearing; arguing
an: words in bold are english. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
harin’s masterlist
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Harin clasped her necklace, brushing her hair over her shoulder. She looked among her jewellery, picking out three rings to wear for the day. She left her room, going to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.
“You’re awake,” she commented, noticing Tiffany standing in the middle of the kitchen. She was still wearing her pyjamas and rubbing her eyes as if she just woke up.
“Can you make me breakfast?” Tiffany asked, not moving from her position.
Harin turned away from the cabinets to look at her member. “You want me to make you food?”
Tiffany dropped her hand, squinting her eyes at Harin as she thought her request over. “Nevermind,” she said, remembering that Harin couldn’t cook.
“Should I go get us something from the convenience store around the block? I can get one of those lunchboxes,” Harin suggested after not finding anything ready to eat in any of the cupboards or the fridge.
“Please,” Tiffany begged, clasping her hands in front of her chest. “I’m starving.”
“Okay.” Harin popped into her room to get her handbag before walking to the front door. “I’ll get enough for all of us,” she called out, opening the door.
The walk to the convenience store was relatively short. There weren’t that many people inside the shop, so Harin was able to quickly pick out the lunchboxes she would need for her and her members, also buying fizzy drinks for them. When she went to pay, the cashier eyed her weirdly. Harin didn’t pay it any mind, though. It hadn’t been that long since Jessica left the group, so people were still very open about their reactions. So when the cashier basically shoved the plastic bag into Harin’s hand, she didn’t think anything of it, instead quietly thanking him and quickly leaving.
She returned to the dorm almost as quickly as it took for her to leave. Walking into the apartment, she took off her shoes, exchanging them for slippers. She passed by the living room, where she saw Tiffany lying on the couch, and went to the kitchen, unpacking the food she got.
“Tiffany-yah, your food is here,” she told her member as she walked to her with her meal and drink.
Tiffany shot up into a seated position, holding her hands out to accept her breakfast. “Thank you. I thought I was dying of hunger.”
Harin groaned as she went to retrieve her food. “So dramatic.” She sat down next to Tiffany as the older girl turned on the TV. They watched one of the weekend morning dramas as they ate their food. Glancing at the closed door behind them, Harin took a sip of her drink. “Is Taeyeon not waking up today?”
“I don’t know,” Tiffany began, “but she was on the phone with someone earlier. I think someone from the company. She was speaking formally.”
Harin nodded and the two continued to eat their breakfast in silence. After a few minutes, their doorbell rang. Tiffany was already in the kitchen putting away their containers, so she went to answer the door. When she saw through the door camera that Jungshin was at the door, she immediately let him in.
“Is Harin here?” He asked, not bothering to greet.
Tiffany took note of how frazzled he looked, nodding her head. “Yeah, she’s on the couch.”
When the two walked past the entryway into the apartment, Harin was still watching the TV. She had changed the channel to a sci-fi movie, trying to catch up with the plot of it.
“Harin-ah,” Jungshin called out, causing her to turn around to look at him.
She smiled when she saw him. “Oh, hi. What are you doing here?”
“You haven’t been answering your phone,” he said, walking to stand behind the couch.
“Uh… Tiffany was using my phone charger last night, I only put it on the charger ten minutes ago, or something.” She studied him, taking note of his shaking hands. “What’s going on?”
“They know,” he breathed out.
Harin felt her body tense as she registered what she was told. There was only one thing that could mean, only one thing concerning her and Jungshin that could make him so shaken up. She sprung to her feet, going to her room to fetch her phone. Once she had turned it on, there was an influx of notifications, texts and missed calls.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she muttered as she saw the articles. Behind her, she felt Jungshin place his hand on her shoulder. She ran a distressed hand through her hair. “An industry insider?”
Jungshin sighed and she felt the air hit the back of her neck. “I don’t know if they mean a Dispatch employee, someone in either of our companies, or someone close to us… My managers said they don’t know who told.” When Harin didn’t respond, too busy scrolling through different articles, he took the phone from her hand and turned her around to face him. “Reading all of that won’t do anything. For now, we need to decide whether or not we’re confirming.”
“We already agreed to confirm it if this ever happened,” she pointed out, voice very matter-of-fact, “so let’s just continue with that plan.”
“Okay.” He nodded. He dropped her phone on her bed, reaching for her hands instead. “We’re going to get through this,” he said in a soothing voice. “Now that people know about us, we’ll be able to go on dates together more freely.”
Harin scoffed. “You can’t be serious,” she groaned, taking her hands from his hold. She walked around her bed, putting some space between the two of them. “You can’t seriously believe that. Now that we’re public, we’ll be able to be together freely and comfortably? If you were dating any other woman — if you were dating a more liked woman — then I would believe that. You would most definitely be able to go out with her, and proclaim your love for her. But you’re dating me.”
“I know you’re a private person–”
“It’s not that!” Although her voice rose in pitch, it did not rise in volume. “It’s the fact that every woman in Korea hates me. With a passion.” She stared at her boyfriend. “Do you expect me to believe that you have not read any comments under any of the articles? Because just a glance–” she reached for her phone– “would let you know what everyone thinks.” She went onto a popular forum. “‘With how slutty she is, he’s probably just her boyfriend of the month’, ‘I wonder what he even sees in her’, ‘Harin really is just a witch’, ‘She just can’t keep her hands off of our oppas’, ‘Isn’t she too much of a whore to be with him?’, ‘She probably has many other boyfriends’... These aren’t even comments from your fans.”
“I don’t care about those comments.”
“I do! You’re someone who’s being fooled into believing I’m loyal, I’m someone who’s sleeping her way through the industry. I–” She sighed. “We can confirm our relationship, but we cannot act as if everything will be fine. The industry insider is the least of our problems.”
He nodded, understanding what she was saying and where she was coming from. “I hear you. I’m sorry.”
She crossed her arms and sighed. “You don’t have to apologise,” she told him.
“They won’t, so I will.” He walked to her and placed his hands on her elbows. “We’ll get through this.”
“Yeah,” she exhaled sharply. “We will.” She looked over his shoulder at the closed door. “We’re coming out now!” She loudly announced, hearring a shuffling behind the door.
The couple walked to the door, opening it to find Taeyeon and Tiffany sitting on the couch. Harin felt her lips twitch watched her members pretend that they weren’t just listening.
“I’ll tell my company that we’re going to confirm it,” Jungshin told her, touching her arm lightly. “I’ll talk to you later today?”
She nodded wordlessly and he leaned forward to quickly kiss her cheek. He waved goodbye to her members, who did the same. They were all quiet as he left, waiting to hear the Beep! of the door closing.
“How are you?” Tiffany asked.
Harin sighed, moving to sit down between her members. She felt the tell-tale signs of incoming tears: a slight ringing in her eyes, a pull in her nose, and watering in her eyes. She leaned her again against the back of the couch, closing her eyes as the first tears dropped.
“Oh, Harin,” Taeyeon cooed, wrapping her arms around her member.
Tiffany leaned forward for the tissue box, putting it in Harin’s lap. She brushed her member’s hair softly. “Hey,” she softly said, causing Harin to open her eyes and look at you, “we’re here for you. This’ll blow over soon, trust me.”
“Thanks,” she said. Seeing as Tiffany also had her relationship publicised, Harin found it easy to believe her words. She took a steadying breath, using a tissue to dry her cheeks. “The comments are–”
“The comments are wrong,” Taeyeon said firmly. “They don’t know you. We do. And we know that you are nothing like what they are saying.”
“Yeah,” Tiffany agreed. “They don’t know the real you. They’re just jealous.”
“I know all that, I do.” Harin sniffled. “I just… I don’t know, I’m sorry. Now you’re all going to be dragged into this.”
“Don’t worry about that. We just care about you and how you’re dealing with this.”
“Oh, I’m practically perfect,” she quipped, smirking slightly. From her room, she heard her phone ring. “I have to go answer that,” she groaned, “it’s probably the company.”
“I told them to go easy on you,” Taeyeon said as she watched Harin stand up. “You did nothing wrong.”
“Thank you, angel.” She went to her room, closing the door behind her. Her phone call with the company lasted ten minutes, there wasn’t really much to discuss seeing as Harin had told them about her relationship just last month and they had agreed to confirm the relationship should it ever be exposed. The only thing they had to do was formulate an official response. After the call, she opened her KakaoTalk messages.
Choi Sooyoung [08:29] I just saw the articles. Are you okay?
Im Yoona [08:31] Unnie, how are you?
Lee Jungshin [08:32] Where are you? I’m coming over to your dorm!
Hahm Eunjung [08:43] Take deep breaths, everything will be okay
Jin Seoyeon [08:47] Don’t panic!❤️
Cho Mija [08:51] We need to discuss this
Harin spent most of the day in her room, only coming out at meal times. Her members didn’t pester her about anything, giving her time to herself. After dinner, the three of them sat on the couch and watched Thoroughly Modern Millie — Harin’s choice, of course. They paused the movie for a bathroom break and to get more popcorn.
“I just wish I knew who told Dispatch,” Harin said as she put more popcorn into their bowls. “I mean, they had pictures of us.”
“That means they knew you were going on a date,” Taeyeon added. “Or they were just in the right place at the right time.”
Harin shook her head, returning to the living room. “It couldn’t have been the first one, because I only told you and he only told his members. So unless one of you has loose lips…”
“It was just a lucky person,” her leader finished, accepting the bowl of popcorn.
Tiffany returned from the bathroom, hopping onto the couch. She placed the throw blanket across her lap and picked up her bowl of popcorn. “It probably wasn’t anyone that you know,” she said, having heard the later part of the conversation. “Maybe it was a staff member that overheard something.”
“That makes sense!” Taeyeon gasped.
Harin nodded, accepting the explanation and pressed play on the DVD. The movie had been playing for another fifteen minutes when her phone began to chime, signifying texts.
“Is that your boyfriend?” Tiffany teased in a sing-song voice.
“He’s probably just saying goodnight,” Harin said with a roll of her eyes at her member’s antics. She picked up her phone, her eyebrow quirking up in shock to see who texted her. She clicked on the notification to see the messages and scoffed. “I know who the industry insider is,” she told her members before showing them the texts.
Jessica Jung [22:48] I didn’t mean for this to happen
Jessica Jung [22:48] Can we talk?
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tagging: @lyskooluv (send an ask or dm to be on/off the taglist)
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©️ jang harin
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smolwritingchick · 5 months
What would be CNBlue’s impression of Jennie when they meet her and talk to her? Would they mention about her in their interviews? If they do, how would they describe her?
I see them saying that she is very enthusiastic and a great example of Fan Service for fans. A respectful girl who is eager to learn. I also see them being shocked to learn Jennie made the desserts when they were eating cupcakes during a music show or another event, raving about her baking.
With Yonghwa I see him saying that the way JenKook are with each other is a wonderful example of true love. He’d also bring up in an interview or something that he noticed Jennie watching him play the guitar on stage in such a focused manner while vibing, like she was analyzing how he played and making mental notes on how to improve. It surprised him at first but then he felt happy to be admired for his work. And before he could ask if she wanted any advice on the guitar, she kindly beat him to it and wanted to have jam sessions. With their busy schedules, they try to visit each other at their studios to play the guitar and do covers. They could even cover Shallow together!! Wowww I think I just created a story idea.
Yonghwa and Jennie cover Shallow from A Star Is Born. Maybe at one of the end of the year events.
Minhyuk: He loves Jennie’s excitement for things. Even if she is a famous artist, he enjoys her genuine reactions to things. He’d chuckle when she points out “wait I saw you in that show! I knew you looked familiar! Wow! You did amazing!” 🙌🏾 Maybe he could give her advice on kdramas when she decides to try to audition for one. I see him highly praising her for her acting and bring up how he encouraged her to take risks with auditions. He could even could recommend places for her and Jungkook to check out for future dates. They’d do jam sessions too
Jungshin: Since he’s big on fashion, I see him assisting Jennie when it comes to attending fashion events as she becomes a bigger name with Bangtan and getting involved in endorsements and fashion brands. She’d be a bit overwhelmed with it but he’d definitely put her concerns to rest. They’d attend Seoul fashion week for sure. He’ll also do jam sessions with her as well. 😁
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kpopreac-tion · 7 years
CNBlue Reaction To You Buying An Airplane Ticket To See Them
CNBlue reaction to their girlfriend getting Airplane tickets to go to them on their birthday? Sorry for my bad English - Requested By Anonymous
YONGHWA: “I can’t wait to see you.” He would be absolutely ecstatic to see you again. You’d been away for so long and he couldn’t wait to finally hold you in his arms again 
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MINHYUK: "You didn't have to do that." He wanted to see you and was happy when you got him the ticket but he didn't want to burden you. However, his birthday was important to him and he wanted to be with you
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JONGHYUN: "Why would you do that? You shouldn't have." He also didn't want to burden you with such costs but he couldn't wait to see you or spend his birthday with you 
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JUNGSHIN: "I'm coming." He would start packing as soon as possible as he couldn't wait to see you. He loved you and wanted to spend his birthday with you and nothing would stop him
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noona-clock · 5 years
CNBLUE When You Stay Up Late Reading
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post.
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Yonghwa finds it incredibly endearing that you tend to stay up late because you’re reading. He doesn’t mind it one bit; he might even stay up late reading (or watching television) with you. As long as he gets to spend time with you -- and snuggle you -- he’s happy.
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To be honest, Minhyuk might get a little jealous and lonely. He wants to sleep, and he can’t fall asleep if he’s not cuddling you. But since you won’t put your book down, he finds one (or both) of his cats so he can cuddle them instead. Hmph!
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Jungshin would be more concerned about Simba losing sleep than himself. He would buy you a booklight so you don’t keep the lamp on; that way, Simba can fall asleep easier and sleep more soundly! Jungshin would also want to know about what you’re reading. He would ask questions (quietly) and want to hear about all of your thoughts.
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multifandom-hoes · 7 years
First Time With Them: CNBLUE JUNGSHIN
/ JungShin // YongHwa /
/ ASTRO // B.A.P // BIGBANG // BtoB // BTS // EXO // GOT7 // KActor // KHH // PENTAGON // SF9// WINNER // SEVENTEEN // NCT // MONSTA X /
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Would literally be the sweetest first time you could ever imagine????? ;
And so romantic???? ;
Even though he would be red from embarrassment at doing all that romantic stuff;
He would still try very hard;
Just to please you;
That would be his show of courtship;
And then whenever he’d hint that you two should head home for an even more romantic and passionate evening;
He would start things off with such maddening kisses;
Like no joke;
His smiles are already panty dropping well surprise surprise- his smiles and kisses are like on a whole another level;
And he’d love nibbling on your lip as well because something in that action was just so satisfying to him? ;
So by the end of the whole ordeal you’ll have your lips very much swollen
     Very swollen;
He may not be much into hickeys and marking in general- but boy would he love receiving them;
I also think that he’d be the first to get completely nude;
Only because he knew you might be uncomfortable otherwise;
So to ease your tension he’d be like “Hey look I’m naked and not shy- join me” ;
Which would make him even more embarrassed and he’d cover his face and be like “?????? what even am I doin,,ng????” ;
Which then will make the situation actually hilarious and you’d stop being at all nervous and like “Hey, you know what? You rite” ;
And this change in the atmosphere will actually make him relax a ton and instead of taking the whole ordeal very fucking seriously he’d fuck you like he’d already done it a thousand of times;
Meaning that his thrusts would be quick and snappy;
Kisses more deep and passionate;
And yet after keeping up the pace he would slow down just before your orgasm;
Because he wanted to have more time with you;
Taste you more;
Feel you more;
It would be a very, very long night.
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emeraldbabygirl · 4 years
Here’s a list tall idols because my size kink was triggered about 2 hours ago and that’s how long it took me to make this list. The majority of these idols are the reason for my size kink uwu. Feel free to add more. I couldn’t tag all the groups because of the tag limit.I tried to keep just the 6 foot bitches but whole groups are on here cause they tall daddies uwu! I’m going to tag @obiwon-shenobi and @ithinkilikeit-reactions because I know one of y’all has a size kink uwu!
Nakta (former member of Topp Dogg) - 6ft
Xero (Topp Dogg/ Xeno-T) - 5′11
Gohn (former member of Topp Dogg) - 6ft
Kidoh (former member of Topp Dogg) - 5′10
Hyeontae (former member of Topp Dogg and Beatwin) - 6ft
Jiwon (former member of Topp Dogg and Mr.Mr.) - 6ft
St.Van (VAV) - 5′11
Baron (VAV) - 5′10
ACE (VAV) - 5′9
Ayno (VAV) - 6ft
Jacob (VAV) - 6ft
Lou (VAV) - 6ft
Ziu (VAV) - 6ft
Jae-I (Great Guys) - 5′10
Horyeong (Great Guys) - 6ft
Haneul (Great Guys) - 6ft
Daun (Great Guys) - 5′10
Donghwi (Great Guys) - 5′10
Dongin (Great Guys) - 6ft
Hwalchan (Great Guys) - 6′2
Uiyeon (Great Guys) - 6′3
Baekgyeol (great Guys) - 6′1
Sanha (Astro) - 6′1
Zelo (B.A.P) - 6′2
Youjin (former member of KNK) - 6′1
Heejun (KNK) - 5′10
Jihun (KNK) - 6′1
Inseong (KNK) - 6ft
Dongwon (KNK) - 6ft
Seoham (KNK) - 6′2
Suhyun (Snuper) - 5′9
Woosung (Snuper) - 6ft
Sangho (Snuper) - 6ft
Inseong (SF9) - 6ft
Jaeyoon (SF9) - 6ft
Zuho (SF9) - 6ft
Rowoon (SF9)  - 6′2
Shinwon (Pentagon) - 6ft
Yanan (Pentagon) - 6′1
Yuto (Pentagon) - 5′11
Wooseok (Pentagon) - 6′2
Yunmin (Newkidd) - 6ft
Yonghoon (OneWe) - 6ft
Inhaeng (Halo) - 6′1
Jaeyong (Halo) - 6ft
Heecheon (Halo) - 6′1
Listen (The Legend) - 6′1
Roi (The Legend) - 5′11
Jaehyuk (The Legend) - 6′1
Lito (The Legend) - 6ft
Changsun (The Legend) - 6ft
Kyungil (History) - 6ft
Dokyun (History) - 6ft
Sihyeong (History) - 5′11
Jaeho (History) - 5′8
Yijeong (History) - 5′8
Sunwoo (Boys Republic) - 6ft
Hyuk (Vixx) -6ft
Ravi (Vixx) - 6ft
Leo (Vixx) - 6ft
Seungwoo (Victon) - 6ft
Byungchan (Victon) - 6ft
Yixuan (UNIQ) - 6ft
Sungjoo (UNIQ) - 5′10
Wenhan (UNIQ) - 5′10
Seungyoun (UNIQ) - 5′10
Yibo (UNIQ) - 5′11
Yunsung (Noir) - 5′11
Roh Ji Hoon - 6ft
Jion (N.Tic)  - 5′10
Sangwook (N.Tic) - 5′11
Seunghoo (N.Tic) - 5′10
Dowon (former member of Varsity and N.Tic) - 5′10
Jinseo (N.Tic) -6ft
Seunghyub (N.Flying)- 5′11
Sulhu (former member of LU:KUS/L.A.U) - 6′2
Jinhwan (The Man BLK) - 6ft
Sungyong (The Man BLK) - 6ft
SeUng(The Man BLK)  - 6′2
ChanYi (The Man BLK) - 5′10
Junwon (The Man BLK) - 5′11
Hyeongseok (The Man BLK) - 6ft
Woojin (The Man BLK) -5′10
Seungho (The Man BLK) - 6′1
Jeongyou (The Man BLK) - 6ft
Taewoo (The Man BLK) - 5′9
Chanyeol (Exo) - 6ft
Wu Yifan (former member of Exo) - 6′1
Huang ZiTao (former member of Exo) - 6ft
Minhyuk (CNBLUE) - 6ft
Jungshin (CNBLUE) - 6′1
Jaeun (Argon) - 6′1
Gon (Argon) - 5′11
Yeoun (Argon) - 6ft
Gon (Vanner) - 5′11
Bumjun (2Z) - 6′1
Hojin (2Z) - 6′2
Jiseob (2Z) - 6′1
Junghyun (2Z) - 6′4 (I ACTUALLY SCREAMED)
Hyunwoong (fomer member of 14U and 2Z) - 6ft
Jun.H (UNVS) - 5′9
YY (UNVS) - 5′9
Eunho (UNVS) - 6ft
Changgyu - (UNVS) - 5′8
Jen (UNVS) - 5′11
Hyun (Target) - 5′11
Zeth (Target) - 5′11
Laon (ENOi) - 5′10
Dojin  (ENOi) - 5′11
Hamin (ENOi) - 6ft
Avin (ENOi) - 5′10
Gun (ENOi) - 6ft
J-Kid (ENOi) - 5′10
Hyunjun (IZ) - 5′11
Jihoo (IZ) - 5′11
Woosu (IZ) - 5′11
Junyoung (IZ) - 5′11
Kim Yoon (Dustin) - 6ft
Rano (E’LAST)  - 5′8
Seungyeop (E’LAST) - 5′8
Baekgyeul (E’LAST) - 5′9
Romin (E’LAST) - 5′9
Wonhyuk (E’LAST) - 5′9
Yejun (E’LAST) - 5′8
Yunho (ATEEZ) - 6ft
Mingi (ATEEZ) - 6ft
Sungah (9 Muses) - 5′8
Kyungri (9 Muses) - 5′7
Hyemi (9 Muses) - 5′7
Sojin (9 Muses) - 5′7
Keumjo (9 Muses) - 5′6
Jaekyung (9 Muses) - 5′8
Rana (9 Muses) - 5′8
Bini (9 Muses) - 5′8
Lee Sam (9 Muses) - 5′8
Sera (9 Muses) -5′6
Eunji (9 Muses) - 5′8
Euaerin (9 Muses) - 5′8
Minha (9 Muses) - 5′8
Hyuna (9 Muses) - 5′8
Sooyoung (Girls Generation) - 5′7 
Joy (Red Velvet) - 5′6
Aisha (Everglow) - 5′9
Nana (Afterschool)  - 5′7
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
PWYL’s 2019 Masterlist!
We’re a few days out from the end of the year, with two stories to post, but since everything is ready to go, it’s time to share this post with you all! It’s crazy how much I’ve written this year! I’ve made this list for those who wish to browse it and organised it so that some things will be linked and others will take you to the group masterlist (because if I linked everything, the links wouldn’t all work). 
Thank you for everyone who has supported my stories this year!
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Series: (12)
King of Demons (2018-2019 series) - Got7
Beyond the Palace Walls (2018-2019 series) - Jung Jaehyun
Destined (To Love You Forever) - Park Jinyoung
Too Good To Be Wrong - Park Chanyeol
Through His Eyes - Im Jaebum
Could You Marry Me? - Son Hyunwoo / Shownu
The Right Choice - Mark Tuan
Spiritual Connection - Brian Kang / Day6
You Didn’t Let Me! - Yoo Kihyun / Park Jinyoung / Lee Seunggi
The Spirit(s) of Christmas - Day6
Idol Advent - various idols
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Collaborations: (6)
An Easter Collab to Dye For - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Christmas in July 2019 - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Puppy Week - with @goodnightkisseu​ + @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Frightful October 2019 - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
Mistletoe Manor - with @noona-clock​
All I Want For Christmas - with 6 other GOT7 writers (listed in collab masterlist!)
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Oneshot/scenarios: (170)
Ab6ix (masterlist HERE)
Rite of Passage - Youngmin
Spark - Woong
Scented - Donghyun
Love Error - Woong
Astro (masterlist HERE)
Sanctuary - Moonbin
Manipulated - Moonbin
BAP (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Himchan
Home - Youngjae
Compassion - Yongguk
Kiss Me Again - Youngjae
Getaway - Daehyun
Uninvited - Himchan
Lit - Daehyun
BTS (masterlist HERE)
Boyfriend Taehyung
Love Sick - Namjoon
What Happens Next - Namjoon
CNBlue (masterlist HERE)
It’s In The Books - Jungshin
After Party - Jungshin
A Christmas Date - Minhyuk
Day6 (masterlist HERE)
Neighbourly - Jae
The Handsome Stranger - Brian
Existence - Sungjin
Too Early - Sungjin
Her Name - Jae
Join Forces - Brian
His Voice - Jae
That Good - Jae
Just Rest - Brian
Exo (masterlist HERE)
Back for Good - Chanyeol
Different Kisses with Kyungsoo
Be Okay - Kyungsoo
Remind Me - Minseok
Consolation Prize - Sehun
Lip Treatment - Sehun
Be Mine - Minseok 
Challenging Silence - Sehun
Fool of Compromise - Sehun
The Only Choice - Jongdae
Nap Time - Jongin
Destination - Jongin
Buttoned Up - Jongin
Power Suit - Sehun
The Special Outfit - Sehun
Who’s Surprised? - Baekhyun
Perception - Kyungsoo
Clueless - Chanyeol
Puppy Love - Suho
Sage - Chanyeol
Do It All - Minseok
High Notes - Jongdae
Plan B - Kyungsoo
Got7 (masterlist HERE)
Drunken Confession - Jaebum
Intrigued - Mark
The Morning After - Jaebum
Your Neighbour - Jaebum
Shower Again - Jaebum
Hidden Confessions - Jackson
Renewed - Yugyeom
Exposed - Jinyoung
Hasty Assumptions - Jinyoung
Biased - BamBam
Chosen - Jackson
Well Played - BamBam
Stubborn - Jinyoung
Mixed Signals - Jinyoung
An Exception - Jinyoung
The Favour - Mark
Tell Me More - Mark
Clarity - Jinyoung
Unplanned - Mark
Under The Stars - BamBam
Revelations - Yugyeom
Relax - Mark
Premature - Jackson
Petulant - Jinyoung
Your Turn - Jinyoung
Take A Break  - Jinyoung
Past and Present - Jinyoung
Touch - Jaebum
Not Just A Wallflower - Yugyeom
As Long As It Takes - Jaebum
Made With Love - Mark
Mistaken - Mark
This Seat’s Taken - Jackson
Hair Attack - Jinyoung
Change of Plans - Jinyoung 
Cloudy With A Chance of Sunshine - Youngjae
The Perfect Match - Jinyoung
Melt - Jinyoung
The Right Sort - Jinyoung
No Spell Needed - Jinyoung 
Back Again - Mark
Three Whole Days - Jaebum
Spotless - Jinyoung
A New Spring - Jaebum
Head First - Jinyoung
Combined - Effort - Yugyeom
Even If I Tried - Jinyoung
Fan Encounter - Jaebum
All I Want For Christmas Is: Chocolate - Jackson
New Predictions - Mark
Ikon (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Chanwoo
Treasure of the Sea - Hanbin
No More Goodbyes - Donghyuk
K-Actors (masterlist HERE)
Still Constant - Hyungsik
Are You Annoyed? - Ahn Hyoseop
Written In The Books - Jung Haein
Monsta X (masterlist HERE)
Everyone Has a Weakness - Kihyun
Romantic Notions - Shownu
Wrong Number - Changkyun
First Kiss - Wonho
A New Formula - Changkyun
A Role To Play - Kihyun
Reap The Rewards - Wonho
A Kissing Game - Wonho
Pawsed - Shownu
Until You’re Better - Kihyun
Worthy - Kihyun
Walk With Me - Minhyuk
Well Trained - Kihyun
Added Extras - Changkyun
Heartless - Hyungwon
What A Dream - Kihyun
Experimental - Changkyun
Could You Remember Me? - Shownu
What Happens After Midnight - Kihyun
NCT (masterlist HERE)
Out of Time - Kun
Valentine’s Couple - Jaehyun
Game Night - Doyoung
Body Conscious - Jaehyun
Who Told You To Protect Me? - Haechan
Sophie’s Moving This Castle - Taeyong
Old Maple - Mark
Put Together - Doyoung
A Not So Simple Answer - Johnny
Nu’Est (masterlist HERE)
We Got Married with Minhyun
Different Kisses with Minki
Change The Date - Minhyun
Dream Girl - Minhyun
Life Lessons - Minhyun
A Dramatic Start - Minhyun
Flutter - Baekho
Defining Roles - Minhyun
Seventeen (masterlist HERE)
The Best Easter Ever - Hoshi
Human Nature - Jeonghan
Kiss It Better - Jun
Shinee (masterlist HERE)
Just Smile! - Onew
Stray Kids (masterlist HERE)
Within - Felix
Guilty As Charged - Chan
TVXQ (masterlist HERE)
Birthday Cheese - Changmin
Vixx (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Hyuk
Different Kisses with Ken
Excessive - Taekwoon
Overheard - Taekwoon
Dance Sessions - Hakyeon
Reconnected - Taekwoon
Legend - Taekwoon
Wanna One (masterlist HERE)
Alliance - Seongwoo
We Got Married with Minhyun
Boyfriend Jaehwan
Different Kisses with Jaehwan
Call The Shots - Seongwoo
Different Kisses with Bae Jinyoung
Warming Up - Jaehwan
Change The Date - Minhyun 
Dream Girl - Minhyun
Best Seat In The House - Daniel
Life Lessons - Minhyun
A Dramatic Start - Minhyun
Test of Love - Daniel
Defining Roles - Minhyun
Winner (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Mino
With A Bow On Top  - Seunghoon
Various Artists (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Zico
Reassurance - Hyunsik (BTOB)
Universe - Hyunsik (BTOB)
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Got7 as Airforce7 reaction
Chelle Chats Drabbles: (377)
Jan - Jun // Jul - Dec
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phoenix-oasis · 5 years
hi! my request is a imagine where Jb has an interview and they ask him about his girlfriend idol please
Hi @gatonegroyblanco, this is Admin Oasis!  I hope that this is what you were looking for.  I’m really sorry that it’s so short, and that it’s taken a while for me to write.  I hope you enjoy this, and I hope that you this is what you wanted.
Asks are open if you want to request a scenario, reactions, or a headcannon.  Just click the masterlist tab under our name and it will take you to our rules for request post.
Rules for Requests
The Interview
Genre: fluff, girlfriend idol AU!
Pairing: JB x female Reader
Summary: JB has an interview, and the interviewer asks him about you.  JB’s reaction is very curious, and the interviewer finds the reaction funny.
Warning: fluff, more fluff, tooth decaying fluff, cute JB, because even though he’s sexy, he is very cute too.
Word Count: 946
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JB stretched as he woke up from a nap in the Mnet Countdown green room.  HE was being interviewed by one person, for his job in producing music for their hoobae groups.
“Are you finally awake?” Jinyoung’s voice asked.
Jinyoung had come with JB as moral support.  The other boys were busy, and Jinyoung volunteered to come with him. JB yawned, and stretched again, and he nodded at Jinyoung.
“Good, because your phone has been going off every five minutes.  Answer your girlfriend, please.”
JB couldn’t help the goofy smile on his face, as he reached for his phone. You had sent him three text messages, and had one missed call from you.
“Good luck in your interview, oppa,” your first message read.
“The girls and I are getting ready to start out Japan leg of the tour today.”
“You must be napping before your interview.  I tried calling before we boarded, but you didn’t answer.”
JB called you, and you answered right away.  “Hi, oppa!  Have you had your interview yet?”
“No, I haven’t,” he answered, groaning as he lied back down.  “I’m like fifteen minutes away from the interview. What time is Sunshine’s show? Maybe I can make it.”
“Seven thirty, and no.  I refuse to have you fly out here after your interview.  Go home and rest.”
“No.  I’m telling them not to let you in.”
JB laughed, sitting up as the make up artist returned for touch ups.  “Ok, jagi.  I have to go now, ok.”
“Good luck!”
“You too, have a great show.”
Once the make up artist was done, the stage manager went to get JB for his interview.  He was micked up, and the host greeted him.  Jinyoung sat just off camera, smiling at JB.
The stage manager nodded, and queued the host to start.  The host turned to the camera, a huge smile on his face.
“Good afternoon!  I’m your host for this afternoon, Yoon Jungshin, and we are here today with a very special guest.  We have Im Jaebum.”
“Hello, I’m Jaebum, also known as JB.”
“Now you have become a very successful music producer, both for Got7 and the individual members right?”
“Yes, I’ve been writing songs for Got7 for a few years now, and we’ve been very successful with my songs.  Recently, though, I helped Jackson and Youngjae with songs for their solo albums.”
Jongshin smiled.  “You’ve produced and written music for other idol groups too, right.  You wrote for the Boyz, and for ITZY, correct?”
“Yes,” JB said, before he laughed.
“And for JYP’s new girl group, Sunshine, right?”
Jinyoung chuckled silently, as JB blushed instantly.  His smile was big and wide, and his eye smile was intense.  He cleared his throat, tilted his head to the side in embarrassment, and nodded.  The interviewer chuckled.
“Yes, I have.”
“That is an interesting reaction, Jaebum,” Jongshin said, an with an answering grin.  “You reacted like that because Y/N is in the group Sunshine.”  JB blushed again, tilting his head.  “Y/N is your girlfriend, right?”
“Aish,” he whispered, covering his face.  “Yes, she is my girlfriend.  Yes, I’ve written songs for her and her group.”
“JB, tell me,” Jongshin said, leaning forward, “what is Y/N’s best feature?”
JB laughed, covered his face again, and shook his head.  “Ahhhh!”  With a laugh, he looked at Jongshin.  “Y/N has the prettiest of y/e/c eyes in the world.”  He chuckled.  “She has the best smile too.”
“Oh, how romantic,” Jinyoung mouthed from the sidelines.
“The perfect date for you two?”
“She likes to go on picnics, and walks in parks.”  JB sighed.  “But I think the best dates are when we watch movies at home, relaxing, and eating take-out.”
“She supports you and your career?  You support her and her career?”
“Yes,” JB answered nodding.  “She would be here, but she has a show in Japan.  I would be there, but she told me to go home and rest after this interview.”
“Wow, what a good girlfriend,” Jongshin said, smiling.  “How are you and her with each other’s fans?”
“She loves ahgase, and is very supportive of our fandom.”  His smile was natural, and brimming with love and affection. “Sunsiners are amazing too.  They support our relationship, and they know that I love them too.”
“So, you love each other?”
“I love her, so very much.  She takes care of me and I her.  We support each other, and root for each other.  She is my absolute everything.”  He blushed, smiling.  “She reminds me not to overwork myself, and I remind her that she is perfect the way that she is, and to eat snacks with me at midnight.”
JB and the host laughed, as he nodded.  That was all the time that they had, and Jongshin said his farewells.  
 When he was back at his home, with his cats, you decided to video call him. “Oppa!” you said, and hid your face from him behind your hands.  “Why did you say all those things about me!”
JB laughed, wishing he could kiss your cute blushing face right now. “Because I love you, and everything I said was true.”
“I am getting on the first flight back to you.”
“You have another show in Osaka tomorrow!” he said, shaking his head.
“I don’t care.  I want to hold you right now.”
JB laughed.  “I was thinking the same thing.”
“I’m boarding now.  I will see you in three hours.”
JB hung up and smiled wide.  He waited for you to call to tell him to pick you up at the airport.  He couldn’t wait to tell you that the loved you, and show you, all night long.
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imfoive · 21 days
The Youngest Son - Chapter 7
Minho x Reader (fem.) Genre: non-idol au!, Suspense, Angst, Romance, Mature Warnings: mentions of drinking, cursing, pregnancy & abortion, power play, physical harm, somewhat proofread WC: 6.8K A/N: Would LOVE to hear everyone’s thoughts/reactions 😁 Feedback is always welcome, enjoy! ── MASTERLIST
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Synopsis: The youngest son of the Lee family was stubborn, he was arrogant, he was conniving. Hiding it all behind the mask of a calm and collected man, the youngest son was a master at mind games. Playing a dangerous game where trust is a luxury and betrayal lurks around every corner. He had sworn once, to not let family ties or any feelings hold him back. Yet, against all odds, she had him completely wrapped around her fingers, and he had no desire to break free.
Missed a chapter? - Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6
CHAPTER 7 ────────────────────
Family dinners were never a good occurrence in the Lee residence, still they loved to pretend and pick at each other’s words in the pretense of a get-together.
The awkward tension in the dining room was palpable. Each member shifted uncomfortably, as if they all wanted to speak but were holding back.
The seats at the ends of the table were empty, Lee Joohyeon, still unofficially exiled, Lee Jihoon, who had likely found a place to hide for the evening, and Lee Jookshin, who had recently given birth, were all missing.
   “Why does everyone look so tense? You should be happy. The Parks want L Corp. to have sole industrial contract with their Rose Garden Resort.” The grandfather observed, noting the somber atmosphere.
Lee Mooyoung cleared his throat, casting a glance to his right at his wife, then across the table to where Doyoung sat next to Minho.
   “Park Hyunmin insisted on signing the contract only if Minho was on the board.” Lee Mooyoung said coldly, his irritation clear.
Minho looked up at the mention of his name, but before he could respond, Lee Doyoung’s hand slammed on the table.
   “What’s wrong with my son being on the team? He’s the reason we got the deal. Besides, it was the daughter’s decision.” Doyoung argued.
Minho clenches his jaw at the words “my son”, which he had come to despise, words used only when they wanted to boast about his achievements.
   “So what?! Jungshin has done a lot too!” Mooyoung retorted at his brother with the same anger.
The oldest daughter-in-law laughed scornfully and leaned toward Minho.
   “Is it because you managed to rekindle something with Y/N Park that they made this proposition? Just a few days ago, you barely spoke to each other.”
Jungshin watched as Minho smiled at his mother, then glanced back at him. The older brother’s frustration grew. He had been trying to win over Y/N Park for months, only to be met with indifference. She didn’t even heed to his advances.
   “I don’t mix personal and professional matters, Aunt. I’m sure they had a reason for their decision.” Minho said calmly.
The grandfather groaned, drawing the family’s attention back to him.
It wasn’t deja vu perse, this was more of a routine. They all got together, argued over petty things while the old man ate his dinner alone in their presence.
A meeting disguised as family dinner.
   “I’m sure Minho will do a good job. If not, we can always have Jungshin clean up his mess.” Chairman Lee stated.
Jungshin broke his silence, glaring at the head of the table. “But why am I the second choice? I have an impeccable reputation, and I’m sure people will take me more seriously than this young kid.” He pointed
The grandfather set down his utensils, his expression stern.
   “You’re lucky to even be a second choice. Y/N Park didn’t even consider you.” He admonished, signaling Secretary Cha that he was finished with his meal.
Jungshin fell silent, unable to argue back. He got up angrily, muttering an “excuse me” before storming out the room.
The older daughter-in-law watched the younger one snicker behind her wine glass. Mooyoung clenched his napkin tightly, visibly upset.
The old man finally stood up.
   “Minho, I need to speak with you. Follow me.” He said, heading out of the room.
Despite the chaos, one comment lingered in the Chairman’s mind.
The twenty-seven-year-old vice-president was significantly younger than others at his level, and there was a limit to how seriously he could be taken. He needed to prove his trustworthiness and dedication. He needed to do something that made them find him more responsible.
   “Minho. It’s about time you get married.” The old man said abruptly.
Minho blinked back at his words, taken aback.
The young vice president did not see that coming. He should have. But he didn’t.
He had been distracted.
─────────────────────── The Lee family was known for its business sense, though it varied among them. Each had their own responsibilities.
Every child in the Lee family had a special talent, whether it was a way with words or good luck. Though they all had potential, not everyone pursued it. Take Lee Jookshin, for example. Unlike her mother, who was a trophy wife, Jookshin was highly intelligent and excelled in school. However, in their society, her smarts were less important than finding a husband who could support her, while she provided ideas.
The saying went, “Behind every successful man is a woman.”
Then there was Lee Jihoon, the fourth grandson.
Sure, the man had a list of wild hobbies like racing cars and flying planes. He was nothing but ordinary, unremarkable in the eyes of his family.
And to complicate matters further, Jihoon was gay.
Growing up, Jihoon struggled under the weight of conservative norms that pushed him to rebel. He was always getting punished, often ran away from his parents, family, and responsibilities. From himself. He tried to fit in, dating models and elite women to please his family, as if to show he was making an effort. To prove he was contributing something to the overly expectant Lees.
The first man he kissed was the son of Sorewa Airlines’ founder. This older man left Jihoon, then twenty-three, in a whirlwind of confusion, frustration, and exhilaration.
The first man he kissed promised him the world, only to turn around and marry a woman from their circle instead.
Jihoon hated this damn circle. The world he was trapped in.
He hated the attention, the unspoken rules.
And most of all, Jihoon hated L Corp.
Everytime he returned after his spontaneous “run-away” trips, he was tied down by someone in his family, whether it was his mother, his father or even that damn Secretary Cha who was just an extension of his Grandfather’s reach. He’d be stuck in their world for a few months before another chance to escape came along.
Two years after his first male lover chose to conform to societal norms and married the daughter of a big-name entrepreneur, Jihoon saw him again at a banquet. Though Jihoon knew the man would be there, the banquet being hosted by his family, he didn’t expect to be so affected by their meeting.
Ben Choi, the son of Sorewa Airline’s head, stole fleeting glances. As Jihoon stood behind his father, who was exchanging hugs and greetings with his grandfather and the rest of the Lee family, he felt the man’s gaze on him. Ben stood with his wife, who smiled brightly at everyone she met. Jihoon tried to avoid looking at him, but with Minho being led away by Y/N and his siblings scattered around the banquet hall, he had no choice but to stay near his grandfather. The Chairman gave him a stern glance, his out-there choice of clothing, something the old man wasn’t fond of, but still he smiled at his old friend, laughing.
Jihoon thought he could enjoy the banquet without running into Ben Choi directly, but as soon as he let his guard down, there he was, alone with his ex-lover. He had slipped out to the balcony for a break from the classical music and to clear his head. The alcohol had him buzzing, and his arms were sore from playing pool.
When the balcony door creaked open, Jihoon quickly tried to hide his lit cigarette. He froze, his expression softening when he saw Ben step outside.
   “I see you haven’t kicked the habit.” Ben said, his voice still deep, as he slid his hands into his pockets, approaching.
Jihoon turned back to the gardens, returning to his cigarette.
   “How have you been?” Ben leaned against the railing, watching Jihoon closely.
   “I’ve been well. You and—” Jihoon glanced back at the banquet hall. “Your wife?”
   “Good. We’re good. As you can see from this grand celebration.”
Jihoon exhaled a cloud of smoke. “Yeah. The last time you had a big event, you announced your marriage. What’s the occasion this time? Kids?”
Ben laughed loudly, shaking his head in denial.
   “Your sense of fashion is still impressive. I was surprised to see you like this.” Ben said, eyeing the blue of Jihoon’s suit.
Jihoon shrugged. “At least you can pick me out of a crowd of those boring outfits inside.” He nodded toward the balcony doors that lead back inside.
Ben’s smile faded, and his expression softened.
   “I’d be able to pick you out from anywhere.” He stated quietly.
Jihoon was silent for a moment before laughing.
   “Except you didn’t pick me, Ben.” He crushed his cigarette on the stone railing.
The balcony door swung open abruptly as Y/N stepped outside, looking for Lee Minho, who had ditched her earlier than usual. She had noticed a mess of spilt wine on him, but now he was nowhere in sight.
As Y/N scanned the balcony, her eyes widened in shock when she saw Ben Choi and Lee Jihoon passionately kissing a few feet away.
The two men froze, surprised at her arrival, Ben shoved Jihoon back instinctively, who stumbled back and collided against the nearby bench with a crash.
Y/N gasped, stunned by the scene. Stunned by the action.
Ben reached out to Jihoon, who was on the ground and appeared hurt, but faltered. He stepped back abruptly and quickly turned to leave. Both Jihoon and a stunned Y/N watched him pass by her figure and run away.
   “Ha. ‘Pick me out’ my ass.” Jihoon muttered, wincing from the pain in his lower abdomen after the collision.
He sat up and looked at Y/N, who now stood in front of him, arms crossed and head tilted.
   “What are you staring at?” He grunted, slowly standing and brushing off his clothes.
Y/N remained silent, her heels clicking on the granite floor as she approached him. Her eyes felt like they were burning him with scrutiny, judging him, squinting as if examining an exhibit in a zoo.
   “Yeah, I like cock. So what?” Jihoon snapped angrily.
But instantly froze, eyes widening as he realized he had said that. Out loud.
Y/N blinked, stunned once again. Speechless at his bold confession.
Jihoon looked away in humiliation and frustration, running his hands through his hair. He then glared at Y/N, trying to maintain his composure.
   “What are you going to do about it?” He demanded, clenching his jaw and trying to appear calm, though he was shaking inside from being caught.
She sighed and uncrossed her arms. “I have my own boy issues to deal with. I don’t have the time or interest to deal with your little affair.” She pointed.
For a moment he felt relieved, but he couldn’t breathe just yet. Everyone knew Y/N was closely tied to Minho, who listened to his parents and grandfather.
   “I know many people in our society who are gay, but have you ever heard me spill those secrets?” Y/N said, as if reading his mind.
   “I was just surprised because Ben Choi is a married man.” She added.
Her words jolted Jihoon back to reality. He had forgotten that Ben Choi had a pretty wife to get back to. And would never acknowledge Jihoon as more than a business acquaintance. His bruised ribs were a painful reminder.
   “Minho was heading to the bathroom with that that Ryu whatever her name is.” Jihoon muttered, brushing past her and returning to the hall.
Lee Jihoon was good at pretending, he was also good at dropping off the map. Finding ways to escape the clutches of his grandfather who seemed to have eyes everywhere. He’d party on the beaches of Bali, sail the waters of Thailand, sleep with European men. He could be himself. Jihoon pretended he wasn’t afraid of his family, always acting out, always rebelling.
But Chairman Lee’s power was a constant source of fear. When Chairman Lee finally discovered Jihoon's secrets. Throwing the pictures of his grandson in the arms of another man at some nightclub, he covered it up, leaving Jihoon feeling cornered.
   “Starting tomorrow, you’ll be working at L Corp.”
And just like that, Jihoon was trapped.
The old chairman had always been traditional, clinging to old ways. He started his business from scratch, driven by the desire to be highly sought after but lacked the funds. He seduced a wealthy investor’s daughter, using her money to grow his company and attract more investors. He had children young, raising them with a businessman’s mindset and marrying them off early.
His rich wife, once a valuable asset for him, became a show-piece in his house after her family name and money was no longer needed for her husband to get his foot into doors, slowly fading away. And suddenly one day, he was a middle-aged widower.
As he got older, he realized that the sons he had conditioned to be the best, the sons trained to take over his company, were incapable.
No, his sons were idiots, and their children were doomed the moment they were born. It was a disappointment he couldn’t bear. He could never disrespect his life’s work like that.
His eldest son spent his time drinking with frauds posing as investors, while his younger son chased after a young maid in the family home.
Both were pathetic.
But the Chairman was no better.
The first time he saw the young assistant was when Secretary Cha introduced her in his office. She stood nervously, straight-backed.
   “Welcome. I hope you assist my secretary well.” He said.
She nodded, shaking his hand quickly and expressing how honored she was to work at L Corp.
The Chairman chuckled and patted her shoulder, trying to ease her nerves.
And throughout their meeting, he watched her scribble notes, tap her foot in anxiety, and fidget with the cross around her neck. When she noticed him watching and smiled, she returned the gesture.
In high society, scandals were unacceptable. One either avoided them or paid to keep them hidden. A messy private life could lead to plummeting stocks, and the Chairman was determined to do anything to maintain L Corp’s pristine image.
The young assistant was driven by greed. She wanted more than just a paycheck. She desired to be the madam of the house, to hold a significant share of the company. She aimed to seduce the Chairman, and she even succeeded.
Though he was just a man, he was also calculating, conniving. Always thinking ahead.
   “Why did you have to be so greedy?”
The celebration of Lee Jookshin’s firstborn was a grand affair, hosted by her delighted parents, now finally grandparents. Although the baby wasn’t a Lee, he was the first great-grandson of Chairman Lee, making him special.
The mansion bustled with guests. The young prince was showered with gifts, and his parents beamed with pride.
Jihoon scanned the grand hall, now more crowded than usual, with familiar faces moving past him to see the new nephew. The boy would soon learn that the world had a way of surprising him.
His grandfather entertained old friends, while Secretary Cha took a rare break. How he managed to stay glued to the Chairman after all these decades makes the young man ponder in bewilderment everytime he thinks of the secretary.
Everyone was there, but Minho.
That prompt man was always present for events like these, always kissing ass, always at arm’s length. But right now, he was missing.
Jihoon took a drink from a passing server’s tray and glanced around. Park Hyunmin was engaged in conversation with his uncle and father, while his wife mingled with other women. Y/N was busy entertaining Jungshin, though she appeared visibly exhausted by his incessant babbling.
Then he spots Ben Choi. His ex lover.
Ben had aged over the years Jihoon had not seen him. He was still with his pretty wife. He was a father now. Yet, Jihoon no longer felt the sharp pang of emotion for the older man. Even though Ben’s gaze lingered on him with the same intensity as it had six years ago on that balcony, Jihoon no longer cared. He decided to find some other entertainment.
Minho glanced around as he climbed the back stairs to the second floor of the family mansion. The celebration below filled the grand hall and garden with noise, but the second floor was quiet and serene in comparison.
The youngest son of the family walked cautiously, pausing outside the double wooden doors of Chairman Lee’s study. He glanced back to ensure no one had seen him. The last time he had been here, his grandfather had insisted he get married and had presented several profiles of young women from high society. Minho had promised to review the files, but his attention had been drawn to something else when Secretary Cha opened the file cabinet to retrieve them.
His mind stuck on it ever since.
It was only a brief glance from a few feet away, but Minho’s attention was immediately captured by a file at the very bottom of the cabinet. By a familiar name that rang in his mind from time to time.
The youngest son entered the dark, silent study, closing the wooden door behind him with a soft creak and a final click. He made his way to the large curtained window overlooking the back gardens, peering through a crack to scan the guests below. He spotted his grandfather next to some familiar face. Minho knew he needed to act quickly before the Chairman noticed his absence. His initial plan was to slip in and out unnoticed, but after his aunt spotted him and he had made up an excuse about forgetting a gift in his car, he was already running behind. Ten minutes had passed, he had missed a call from his father, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before they became insistent.
As Minho opened the cabinet where he remembered the files had been, he held up his cellphone’s dim flashlight. His fingers froze when he noticed the lock. He hadn’t considered that the cabinet might be secured. He had assumed it was just a regular one.
He suddenly wondered why the cabinet was locked. What could possibly need to be password-protected?
He inhaled sharply with narrowed brows, frustrated before pressing generic combinations, ones an old man might remember.
The machine beeped, flashing red.
He had two more attempts before it would ring loudly. Something he definitely didn’t want. He tried again, thinking hard about any possible combination.
Wrong again.
   “Fuck.” He muttered.
Before he could attempt and most likely fail with a final combination, his phone buzzed, startling him. It was his father, again.
Minho walked back to the curtains, peeking outside as he answered the call.
   “Yes, Father.”
   “Where are you? Your grandfather is looking for you. He wants to introduce you to a friend. Get here now.”
   “Yes, I was entertaining some guests by the front.” Minho lied.
The call ended abruptly. He sighed in defeat, glancing one last time at the locked safe, ultimately making a shuffled exit.
Minho entered the well-lit garden, greeting everyone he passed with a smile.
   “Ah, Mr. Wang, great to see you.” He said, shaking hands as he made his way toward the group where his grandfather and father were gathered.
Chairman Lee’s face lit up with a grin upon seeing Minho. He spread his arms wide in welcome.
   “Look who’s finally arrived, my favorite grandson!” He boomed. Mooyoung’s discomfort was palpable before he exchanged a glance with Jungshin.
   “You haven’t met yet, Minho. This is my old friend Son Hyungdon. He moved to Italy about fifteen years ago.” Chairman Lee introduced.
The older, bigger man chuckled heartily and shook Minho’s hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you. You’ve really made a name for yourself at L Corporation, haven’t you?”
   “You’re giving me too much credit, sir.” Minho replied with a polite smile.
Mr. Son laughed again, glancing at the Chairman and then at the other guests.
   “Humble. I like it.” He patted Minho’s arm before letting go.
As the older men engaged in small talk, their circle gradually shrank. Minho scanned the area for the face he was looking for, and his eyes brightened up spotting Y/N at one of the tables, sipping her drink and observing the scene with a detached air.
God, was she as radiating as ever. He just wished to stride over there and envelop her in his arms, inhale her sweet scent.
   “And what about your granddaughter, did you manage to bring her back from Italy?” The Chairman asked, his words bringing Minho back to their boring conversation.
   “She’s somewhere around here, she’s a little introverted you see. Not a big fan of big crowds.” Son Hyungdon replied.
Minho nodded, scanning the crowd for someone who might be related to Son Hyungdon.
   “Is she in the kiddie section?” The grandson asked, glancing back at the older man.
There was a second of silence before both old men chuckled loudly.
   “I didn’t know your grandson was a jokester too!” Hyungdon laughed while Minho stood genuinely confused.
   “I don’t think he’s joking.” Chairman Lee chuckled along, patting Minho’s back.
   “I’m flattered you think I’m young enough to have tiny grandchildren. But she’s actually twenty-three.”
Minho nodded slowly, letting out a soft “Ah” as he realized his mistake, feeling a bit embarrassed.
   “Why don’t you go find her and keep her company?” Chairman Lee suggested, nudging him.
   “She goes by Sky.” Mr. Son added, both old men practically shooing him away.
The grandson blinked, puzzled by their insistence, wondering why the name sounded so familiar. Despite his curiosity, he began searching for the so-called introverted granddaughter, though he was tempted to find some lame excuse to go bicker with his secret girlfriend.
Then he spotted her and understood why the two old men were so eager for him to meet her.
Or, Son Haneul, twenty-three.
One of his marriage candidates.
God damn it. His grandfather was truly a sneaky old man.
He bit the inside of his cheek and slipped his hands into his trouser pockets as he observed the young woman sipping champagne by a stone bench near the rose maze. It took her a few seconds to notice him observing her.
   “Oh. Hi.” She blurted out, startled.
Minho thinned his lips into a smile Y/N would hate to see on his face, and walked toward this young woman
   “You must be Sky.” He extended his hand.
His marriage candidate blinked a few times, either mesmerized by his beauty or surprised by his sudden approach, it was hard to tell.
   “Ah! Yes. I am Sky.” She responded awkwardly, taking his hand for a gentle handshake.
Minho let out a chuckle, nodding.
   “Nice to meet you. I’m Lee Minho, Chairman Lee’s youngest grandson.”
Her mouth opened slightly in silent understanding as she nodded.
   “Your grandfather sent me, asked me to keep you company.”
   “You really don’t have to. I was just admiring the roses.” She glanced down shyly.
Minho chuckled again and returned his hands to his pockets.
   “I can show you around the garden if you’d like. We have more than just roses here.”
She paused for a few seconds before nodding. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Y/N rested her chin on her palm, her elbow propped on the high table behind which she stood. She watched, irritated, as her boyfriend shamelessly flirted with another young woman.
That asshole.
   “What do you think they’re talking about?” Jihoon’s voice, sudden and close, almost made her jump.
She turned to him in surprise. Her reaction prompted Jihoon to laugh, placing his empty glass on the table and glancing back at the duo by the flower garden.
   “She seems a little young, don’t you think?”
   “That’s because you’re like one hundred years old.” Y/N muttered, downing her drink.
   “I spoke to her briefly earlier. She’s definitely from a foreign country, has a distinct accent... I’m thinking European.” The older man continued, more to himself than to Y/N.
Y/N sighed in frustration. “You really don’t have any friends, do you?” She remarked snarkily.
Jihoon shrugged, glancing around the garden.
   “The only person here worthy of being my friend is the newborn inside.” He responded with a laugh.
   “Besides, you don’t have friends either. The one you had is over there laughing up a storm with that young child.” He said, pointing with his empty glass toward Minho and Hanuel.
   “Minho isn’t my friend.” She spat bitterly.
   “Right, right.” He nodded slowly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
   “Do you want to leave this lame party and do something fun with me?” He asked, leaning into the table with a grin.
Y/N squinted, trying to figure out exactly why he had approached her.
   “Come on, fun with Jihoon, or party for a newborn?” The older man uses his hands as an imaginary scale, weighing the choices.
Y/N looked around, her parents, busy in their own conversation, socializing to their maximum.
Her boyfriend was clearly distracted, and the only people who had approached her, aside from those trying to curry her favor, were that weirdo Jungshin and now his chatty cousin.
   “Fine, let's go.”
Minho laughed with Sky, correcting her slip of the tongue due to the language barrier. But his eyes follow Y/N, trailing behind girlfriend and Jihoon, one of his eyebrows raise.
Y/N glanced back and smirked in his direction. He was definitely watching her.
You want to play games, Minho?
But the very next morning, Y/N’s eyes flew open, staring at the white ceiling brightly lit by sun rays filtering through the drawn curtains. Her body shot up, scanning the very familiar room.
She could hear the distant sound of water running in the bathroom. Grabbing her head, and hissing in a sudden pain, she slowly climbed out from under the covers, still dressed in last night’s jumpsuit. Y/N looked around for her purse, grabbed it from the bedside table, and was almost out the door when the door behind opened with a click.
   “Really. Are you really going to bolt on me now?”
She turned around, sheepishly grinning at her boyfriend, who stood half-naked in the bathroom doorway, arms crossed over his chest.
   “No, I was-uh, thirsty!” Y/N attempted to lie, but both their eyes trail to the glass pitcher of water on his bedside table. She groaned and rolled her eyes, sinking back onto the bed.
   “How’d I even end up here?” She asked, rubbing her face and looking down at the bandages on her elbow and knuckles.
   “You and Lee Jihoon got into a fist fight.” Minho said nonchalantly, striding over towards the bedside.
   “Huh?!” She exclaimed, staring at him in shock.
   “You headed to his favorite bar, got drunk. Argued over—I think—who was the better looking brother amongst us, then that clearly escalated.” He said, pointing at her bandages before reaching for the glass and pitcher of water.
   “You’re telling me, I actually hit Jihoon over a stupid drunken argument?” Y/N was still in disbelief.
   “Yeah, hair-pulling and all.” Minho shrugged with a soft chuckle, pouring the water and handing it to her.
   “You called me crying, saying you’d beaten him up and were scared he might die.”
Y/N covered her face in embarrassment, starting to remember bits and pieces of her “fun night” with that stupid Jihoon.
Then she recalled why she had gone with Jihoon in the first place and glared at Minho.
   “I’m sure it must’ve broken your heart to leave your new foreign friend and rush over to help stupid me right?” She jabbed.
Minho stifled another laugh, shaking his head because he knew exactly who she was referring to.
   “Why would it break my heart?” He crosses his arms over his chest.
   “I’m meeting Miss Son again for lunch.”
He watched her expression darken, brows narrowing as she glared at him.
   “That’s fine, I have to meet and apologize to Jihoon anyways.” She downs the water.
It was obvious.
Y/N was jealous.
But she’d never admit it.
He sighed, taking the empty glass from her.
   “If you keep hanging out with him, I’ll get jealous.” He said instead.
His response immediately made her grin, her usual sassy expression returning. Automatic fingers intertwined with his.
Ever so easy to please.
   “I had a question—” Minho began, his words cut short by her pull.
   “Am I close with Jihoon? Not really. He kept going on and on about a fun time so I just humored him—”
   “No, not that.” Minho laughed, shaking his head.
He sat up, playing with her fingers, a little reluctant to ask while Y/N blinked, waiting for him to continue.
   “If you were an old man, right…”
She narrowed her brows, wondering where this was going.
   “Let’s say you had to come up with a four-digit password. What would you set it as?” He asked.
Y/N thought for a moment, the room fell silent with Minho waiting for her response.
   “How old am I?” She countered.
   “In your seventies.”
   “Okay…um, probably something easy to remember, like—”
   “It’s not your birthday or an important anniversary,” Minho interrupted, completing her thought.
Y/N scratched her neck, thinking again. Truly confused.
   “Does this old man have a favorite person or someone important, like a wife or child? It could be their birthday.” She suggested.
Minho began to think but then cut himself off, his mind returning to last night.
“My favorite grandson.”
The woman in his grasp touched his arm, leaning in, bringing him out of his thoughts.
   “Who is this old man anyway?” She asked, genuinely curious.
He smiled and shook his head, brushing it off.
   “It was just a question to get your brain working after all that drinking.” He said playfully, poking her temple. He stood up, and she scrunched up her face.
   “I made breakfast, let’s eat before we have to part ways again.” He smiled at her, fingers gripping her wrist lightly.
Y/N knew it wasn’t just some question. Minho was clearly referring to Chairman Lee. And it had to have been weighing on his mind for him to ask her for help.
Y/N smiled back at him and followed.
It wasn’t something she would have to worry about.
She tried convincing herself.
There Minho was again, a tall figure in the dark, his eyes locked on the safe’s buttons, illuminated only by the light of his cell phone.
It was much more challenging to sneak in this time. The last time, he had exploited the celebration of the newborn to slip into Chairman Lee’s study again. Finding another opportunity had taken a week and a half.
His grandfather was out with Son Hyungdon at some wineries and wouldn’t return until this evening. Minho was set to join them for dinner, so now was his only chance to access the safe.
Who knew when the old man would leave his office unattended again?
On top of that, he had to watch out for Secretary Cha. There was no time to waste.
His thoughts drifted back to Rose’s comment about the old man’s favorite person. The possibilities of his safe combination, limited yet still a mystery.
Chairman Lee loved no one but himself. Minho found it hard to believe he had a favorite.
Yet the memory of the Chairman’s smile, the warm welcome at the party, and the words “my favorite grandson” rang in his ears.
It couldn’t be.
Still, Minho pressed the buttons
The safe beeped with an error sound.
He was disappointed, for some reason and let out a strained sighed in the dark. It would have been too easy for his birthday to be the password to such an important safe, even if he were the old man’s so-called favorite. Now he was convinced it was just sweet talk spewed in the presence of his friends.
The sound of footsteps jolted him from his thoughts. He turned his head toward the double doors, eyes darting around for a place to hide.
The doors creaked open, and footsteps echoed across the tiles. The desk lamp was turned on.
It was Secretary Cha. The old man was always punctual, even on days he wasn’t trailing behind the Chairman.
Minho held his breath, pressing flat against the floor, peeking through a small crack between the desk and the sofa where he hid. The angle was perfect for watching the secretary’s actions.
Secretary Cha tidied the desk, sorting through some files. He picked up a few, then opened the cabinet and pressed the buttons with ease.
Minho frowned, trying to decipher the significance of these numbers to the Chairman. The secretary placed the files into the safe, pulled out a small flash drive, and tucked it into one of the corner compartments.
The safe locked with a quick click, and Secretary Cha turned off the lamp and left, closing the study doors behind him.
Minho remained hidden behind the sofa, waiting until the footsteps faded away. Slowly, he got up and approached the safe. Glancing back at the doors, he opened the cabinet door, turned on his phone’s flashlight, and aimed it at the keypad.
The light flashed green, accompanied by a different beep, and the safe opened.
Minho blinked, surprised. He knew the numbers represented days in a month, but what did they signify?
There was no time to ponder.
He pulled open the metal door of the locker, scanning the files inside. One was labeled “Lee Doyoung,” another “Lee Joohyeon.” The Chairman had a file on every family member, some thick, some thin.
Minho wasn’t surprised.
He had uncovered some dirt on his so-called family himself. There was even a file for him, but he had no interest in that. His fingers searched through the files until he found the one that had caught his attention. His hand froze as he read the name.
Yoon Sooyeon.
His birth mother.
Of course the bastard son knew who his mother was. He had been taunted throughout his childhood, his brothers teasing and bullying him, calling him names.
   “Dirty Blood”
   “Maid’s Son”
   “That Yoon Sooyeon must have bewitched my husband.”
All directed to a ten year old.
The file was thin compared to the others. Minho opened it, and his breath hitched.
A photograph.
He picked it up slowly, an unknown emotion spreading through his body as he took in the image of the woman.
This was his mother.
   “Yoon Sooyeon.” He whispered.
But the emotion vanished quickly, replaced by unease as he read the death certificate beneath the photo.
Yoon Sooyeon died on September 22nd. Two days before he was even born.
Minho’s heart raced, a tightening sensation in his chest. His mind struggled to process the information. He didn’t know whether to cry or be angry.
He was simply… confused.
How could his birth mother, the maid who had supposedly “bewitched” his father, have died before he was even born?
There had to be a mistake.
No, there must have been some error, either with the date of her death or his birth.
Then something clicked in Minho’s mind.
The passcode numbers.
Was he born a month after the date he’d celebrated his whole life?
Frustrated, he quickly rummaged through the files again, pulling out the one with his name on it, easily finding a copy of his birth certificate.
September, Twenty-Fourth
His parents were the people he’d known as his “mother” and “father” all his life.
But Minho wasn’t convinced. As he sifted through the old man’s collected information, he noticed his school certificates among the documents.
Number one in Math.
Number one in Science.
Number one in Politics.
He hadn’t realized he’d accumulated so many certificates.
His hand stopped flipping through the files as he pulled out a wrinkled, creased paper. Another birth certificate.
Lee Minho.
Born on October Twenty-Fifth.
The names of his parents, blacked out.
He wasn’t shocked. Just, more confused and lost. The deeper he dug, the more in the dark he felt. His gaze returned to the password keypad of the safe.
His real birthday.
But that didn’t explain why Yoon Soo-Yeon’s death date was a whole month before his actual birth.
His brows relaxed, drawing a conclusion.
This woman… was not his real mother. The woman whose name had been imbedded into his head was not his birth mother.
Minho swallowed, trying to ease the dryness in his throat.
A shiver ran down his spine. His gut told him he wasn’t going to like what he was about to discover.
Did he truly wish to uncover such a truth?
   “What do you mean pregnant?!”
Chairman Lee’s words was strained, shock and a hint of anger in his voice, his wide eyes fixed on the young assistant.
   “Yes. I’m pregnant and it’s your child.” The young assistant whispered, her voice trembling with nerves and fear.
The silence in the office was deafening, the then unretired chairman blinked, looking around as if unable to process what he was hearing. He should have known better.
What else did he expect after taking a fondness to the young assistant, who always drew his attention whenever she entered his office. It was clear now that it was all a ploy, planned to use her beauty and fragile words to catch his eye.
   “Get rid of it.” He said coldly, turning towards the window and sliding his hands into his pockets.
Her head shot up, eyes wide with disbelief.
   “How can you say that? It’s your child. You have to take responsibility!” She yelled, instinctively placing a hand over her stomach.
He turned swiftly at her stupid remark, his cold eyes locking onto hers.
   “What kind of responsibility? We were just having some fun. What do you want me to do? Marry you and tell the world I was seduced by a young secretary assistant only months after my wife passed away?”
Tears welled up in her eyes as she glared at him with disgust.
   “You shouldn’t have slept with me if you didn’t want to marry me.” She snapped, her face reflecting her anger.
The chairman strode forward and grabbed her by the neck, choking her. She clawed at his fingers desperately, gasping for air.
   “That’s not how the world works. If I’d known you were just trying to trap me into marriage, I would’ve dealt with you a long time ago.” He said, tightening his grip as her face turned red. She struggled to free herself.
   “Listen, like a good girl, and disappear from my sight.” He muttered as he finally released her.
She collapsed onto the floor, coughing profusely and clutching her neck, tears streaming down her face.
   “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll make sure you’re gone for good.” He warned, walking out of the room.
Secretary Cha hurried to his side as he exited his office.
   “Get someone to keep an eye on her. I don’t want another mess.” Chairman Lee instructed as he entered the elevator.
The chairman was already dealing with a mess created by his sons, who had soured relations with one of their major clients. A client he himself had built strong ties with years prior.
Upon his arrival at the Lee mansion, he was greeted by the loud screams of a young Jungshin yelling at his caretaker.
   “If you force me to eat I’ll get my father to fire you right away!” Young Joohyeon shouted, arms crossed over his chest.
The grandfather watched with a frown.
These spoiled brats.
He had thought he would be able to be at peace once his sons began slowly taking over the duties at the company. But he was hit with disappointment after disappointment, and looking at the spoiled grandchildren around the house, he couldn’t help but see a doomed future for L Corp.
A few weeks later, Secretary Cha entered his study and closed the door behind him, standing seriously in front of the chairman’s desk.
   “She ran away from the city and is headed towards her hometown.”
The chairman’s expression softened, recognizing who his secretary was referring to.
   “She hasn’t gotten rid of the baby.”
The room fell silent as the older man contemplated.
   “What do you want to do, sir?” Secretary Cha asked.
A sharp thought flashed across the chairman’s mind, his eyes almost lighting up at how brilliant it was.
   “Leave her.” Chairman Lee said.
He suddenly saw this as a chance to start over. A chance to raise another version of himself.
Chairman Lee had always been a conniving and calculating man. A businessman through and through.
   “How can I just waste it all now?”
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ to be continued.
── ask to be tagged! - @minh0scat, @qwonyoung23, @tsunderelino, @thecutiepieme, @candyquokka
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soshiharin · 1 month
an: this was posted on the 3rd of december, 2014
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2014 ‘MAMA Awards’ Called Out For Unprofessionalism
Many were left disappointed by the actions of the cameramen
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On December 3, the 2014 MAMA Awards took place, honoring a year of achievements for artists.
While this was a happy occasion for many artists, many netizens have expressed their disappointment with the award show, namely the cameramen, for their actions during the show.
Earlier this year, Dispatch reported that Girls’ Generation’s Harin and CNBLUE’s Jungshin were dating. Their relationship was short lived, however, when a month later, their breakup was announced.
At the MAMA Awards, CNBLUE and Harin, and member Tiffany, were in attendance. The problem many viewers found was the fact that the camera kept showing Harin and then Jungshin on the screen or vice versa. When Harin was accepting the award for ‘Best OST,’ the camera showed Jungshin’s reaction and when CNBLUE was accepting their award for ‘Besy Band Performance,’ the camera showed Harin’s reaction.
This continued to happen randomly throughout the show, including John Legend’s performance of ‘All of Me.’ It happened so frequently that Tiffany started blocking Harin from the camera and Jungshin just stared down at his lap.
Netizens had a lot to say about this:
[+726, -29] They both looked uncomfortable...
[+1082, -382] They were doing a similar thing to Tiffany and 2PM’s Nickhun, but those two are still dating so it feels better
[+5722, -862] What was the point of that?
[+891, -182] Didn’t Jungshin look a bit shocked and heartbroken when he saw Harin on the screen?
[+781, -292] Oh, what to do? Yonghwa was patting Jungshin’s back...
[+8623, -972] Her member had to block her from the cameras... The cameramen don’t know when enough is enough!
[+2873, -782] Did anyone notice Harin singing along to ‘All of Me’?
Harin’s reaction is drawing a lot of attention online. After her relationship with Jungshin was publicised, she endured a massive wave of hate directed at her that continued even after they broke. Seeing Harin’s reaction made netizens wonder if perhaps they took things tok far:
[+4632, -231] Harin looked a bit sick didn’t she?
[+872, -608] Do you think all of the comments got to Harin? Why isn’t she singing along to the performances like Tiffany?
[+583, -892] I noticed the only time Harin smiled was when Tiffany was doing her stage... Is she okay?
[+9028, -287] As expected, you commenters took things too far and are only now realising and showing fake concern
[+276, -97] I’m glad Tiffany was there with her at least
[+8624, -283] Her eyes really look soulless... Was it all too much?
Even though their relationship has ended, we wish both Jungshin and Harin well in their future endeavors!
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©️ jang harin
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powerpuffs · 6 years
open to: anyone ! muse: gu jungshin
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。:゜☆。 ・゚゚・。. A FLUSTERED REACTION, expertly feigned with the raise of her brows and the characteristic widening of her eyes. Eyelashes blink slowly, head tilting to the side as she slides her phone in the back pocket of her jeans. “I don’t know what you’re talking about --- I don’t have a phone.”
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kpopreac-tion · 7 years
CNBlue Reaction To Their Pregnant Girlfriend Leaving For Europe For A Month
Hi! How would CNBlue react to their pregnant girlfriend leaving for a month to visit her family in Europe? - Requested By Anonymous
YONGHWA: "Nope. You're not going. I'm going with you." He would vehemently refuse. He didn't want you going to Europe by yourself for so long considering the fact you were pregnant and he wouldn't be there. 
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JONGHYUN: "I don't think it's a good idea for you to go. What if something happens?" He would be stating all the thinks that could happen to you while you were gone up in the end would let you go. 
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MINHYUK: "Do you really have to be gone for so long? What if you shortened your trip?" He wouldn't necessarily stop you from going because he knew how important family was to you but he would try to get you to shorten your trip. 
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JUNGSHIN: "Have fun but be careful. Call me everyday and keep me updated." He'd be worried but wouldn't stop you. He'd make sure you kept him updated on the pregnancy and was able to get in touch if he needed to.
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noona-clock · 6 years
CNBlue when you throw them a Welcome Home party
Thank you @cramelot for the idea!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post.
-Admin B
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Yonghwa would pretend to be surprised, but he would’ve known all along that you would do something like this! He would’ve been expecting a party with all of your friends and family to celebrate him being discharged from the military, but to appease you, he would be all “Oh my goodness! You did all this?! For me?! Wow, I can’t believe it!” And then the two of you would party would the night away with your loved ones!
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When Jonghyun comes home from the military - permanently - and sees you’ve hung up a ‘Welcome Home’ banner and made treats, he would playfully scold you. “What is this? You rascal, you’re throwing a party, aren’t you?” But when you assure him the party is just for you and his cats, he would wrap you up in the biggest hug and whisper how much he missed you.
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Minhyuk would get so shy and happy when he sees you’ve prepared a ‘Welcome Home from the Military’ party for him! He would smile that sweet, sunshine smile of his and act all embarrassed and adorable. It would be just his closest friends and family members at the party because you know having a huge party would be too overwhelming. When everyone leaves, he’ll be more than happy to spend some alone time with you, though.
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Unlike Yonghwa, Jungshin would have no idea that you were throwing a Welcome Home party for him. He would be genuinely surprised - very pleasantly surprised. He’ll be constantly smiling and thanking everyone for coming, and when he sees Simba wearing a party hat, he’ll whip out his phone and take so many pictures. The party will definitely be documented on social media!
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joannemarie93 · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdXXb4LfszM)
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
A small update on my fanfics
I have an assload of fanfic ideas written out on a word doc but there’s so many cringey BTS one’s I had to delete them omg. There are cute Monsta-X, Astro and Yoongi oneshots that I made tho. And I have a few with a mix of idols. It literally used to be all BTS and now it’s all VAV except I have some ideas for reactions that are underrated groups or members uwu.
I started on a cute cafe/dinner one with Monsta-X and I started a oneshot with N. If I move all I have written down in my notes on my phone I can move them to the doc and then decide which ones to keep and which to get rid of.
It’ll take awhile because there’s a lot but if I change the members or groups I use I’ll have more of a variety. As far as what I have saved in my drafts, I’ve got more VAV content, a cute Shownu oneshot, a cute ATEEZ reaction, 2 Dongin blurbs/drabbles (I’m still trying to learn the difference between the two), a Wonho thing, a spicy Zuho fanfic and a lil Teen Top thing.
As for other ideas that I’ve had, idols include:
Yijeong and Kyungil
I think it’s Christian Yu, Dongwoo and Wonho?
Jay Park, Junhyuk, and C.A.P
Hwasa, Hyuna, Zico, CNU, Jay Park and Umji,
Hyungwon, Jungshin, Dongwoo Namjoon and Yoongi
Baekho and St.Van
There’s a spicy St.Van, ACE and Baron one
Yoongi, Wonho and Kyungil
And then there was gonna be this big mashup? of members from Monsta-X, Got7, Seventeen, B.A.P, BTS, Block B, KARD, Girls Generation and ikon
I also made one with Jin, Jungkook and Jimin? I think with Jennie, Tiffany and Jo Kwon
There’s a short but cute? CNU one, there’s a Heecheon one, a cute Jian one, there’s one with all the members of Imfact
And then there are 2 that have to do with a boy band and girl group I made up but that would be a series and I’m not good at series’s because I had one with SF9, Jungkook and Tzuyu as characters and that derailed fast uwu
Basically I have to go through which ideas I want to keep or trash and actually start writing them
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