#jup face
queeriboh · 1 year
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okay (almost) full cosplay test feeling a little better about myself and not rushed as much + makeup this time and !!!!!!! feeling a lot better about things tbh. now I have exsctly 20 minutes to get my real hair and clothes on and eat and go to work lolllllllllll
bonus and gay:
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websterss · 26 days
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SUMMARY: Let’s pretend the group survives because Tyler finds out his ex-girlfriend had his baby, so Tyler decides to stay.
WARNING(S): angst, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, back-and-forth banter
PAIRING: Tyler Harrison x fem!Reader
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! Don't ask me where this idea came from, I don't know either. Feedback is always welcomed! <3
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“Y/n?” You paused mid-step as you slowly turned around to garner the attention of Kay. You thanked the vendor and placed the meal inside your bag. Her curly hair wasn’t hard to miss amongst the colony.
“Kay…hi.” You offer her a small grin.
“Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in so long. What’s it been like three years.” You didn’t mind the hug she gave you as she stepped forward.
“Four actually.” You grin with a faint laugh patting her back gently. You can’t stand to bear a second of the awkward silence so you continue. Asking the dreaded question Kay had hoped to hear from you to report back to her brother when she returned home. “H-How is…everyone? Navarro? Bjorn?…Tyler? Yeah, what’s he been up to lately?” You pocket your hands into your coat.
“Miserable, lost without you.” You roll your eyes at her exaggerated confession. “It’s true!” Her grin widens. “He can’t shut up about you not since you broke up.”
“Sure…” You hum in genuine curiosity.
“He misses you. We all do…” You give her a faint smile, it not entirely reaching your eyes.
“When’s the last time you’ve seen Rain?” Thoughts of how her and Tyler had a small thing going flooded your mind. “I haven’t seen her since I left.”
“Yeah?” You nod.
“I haven’t seen Rain since her parents died.”
“Oh…that's awful.” You gape in shock. “I hadn’t known.” You muttered.
“We didn’t either till the news spread. News around here travels fast.”
“Hopefully not too fast.” You breathe a laugh.
Kay stood back watching how your posture used to be better and how your comfort showed itself amongst the people. You had never shied away from anything apart from public speaking, looking at you now was like staring at your ghost. A hollow version of what she knew you to truly be like. For her, for Kay, news traveled at lightning speed, and you try to play it off as though motherhood doesn’t define your entire being at the moment. Kay was well aware of the secret you thought you did well to keep.
“How is she?” You don’t even look at her to try and understand what she means by ‘she’. You knew you had caught sight of her curly locks all those years ago when you picked Jup up from her lessons. You close your eyes, a heavy weighted sigh leaves you as you fight the urge to cry out.
“I assumed it was you. No one else stands and lingers like a creepy stalker.” You muster a faint laugh.
“Would it have made any difference then, from now, knowing about her?”
“No.” You look off to the side. Watching as the hustle and bustle of your colony’s people flowed and moved. “I still wouldn’t have told you…or him.”
“I think you should.” Kay suggests.
“I think you need to stay out of my business Kay.” You try and shove past her, but she doesn't let up easy.
"Y/n-" She grabs you by your arm.
"He left!" You whip around in her face. "He left, Kay. He was scared to be more and he walked away and got with Rain. I don't hold anything against her for it. She'd be stupid not to fall in love with him...I fell in love with him...and yet I was stuck trying to survive and eat for two on this stupid mining colonization." Your facade falling. “She’s three Kay…She'll never get to see the sun.” Your arms fall against your sides in a slump.
"Then come with us...we have a plan. Tyler has a plan!" Kay pleaded. "But you have to tell him. You have to tell him about her!"
"I don't think I can Kay, not now at least. I got to go!"
"No wait we can figure this all-"
"Kay, I got to go." You pleaded, then took off. Knowing it was never good to leave Jup on her own. She knew to stay, but even then, if you took longer than usual, she'd wake up and begin to wonder where you were.
You had pushed through your shelter's door with a huff as your frantic mind gazed at the empty cot. "Jup baby, I'm here!" You call out to her.
"Who goes 'dere?" You whip around. The voice was far from intimidating as the high-pitched tone suddenly appeared from under a sheet on your small dining table meant for two, and two only.
You emit a sigh of relief as you lower yourself to her eye level. You tilt your head at her weapon of choice. A spoon...
"Do okay?" She wonders as she peers past your shoulder. You had taught her in a manner of speaking that only her three-year-old mind could come to grasp and knowing your baby girl she was quick to catch on. Your heart melts at the anticipation behind her eyes. The braved expression she held for you, but it was her eyes, ones you wouldn't dare admit to Kay that you missed, that gave Jup away. Where she tried to be fearless, she was still just your baby, fear hidden behind those brown eyes– like his.
"Just like we practiced..." You haul her up into your arms and press a greeting onto her cheek. "How was your nap?"
"Good..." She murmurs.
"Yeah? That's good. Hey, guess what I brought?" You gasp enthusiastically. "I got us breakfast and dinner for this whole week!" You cheer, bouncing her on your hip. She brings her hands together and claps in excitement. "Maybe, next week we can score ourselves a rare steak. Heard those are hard to come by." You set her down and begin to unpack your bag with the food you were able to trade for scraps and material you had.
While you worked, Jup sat on your bed and began to play with her stuffed toy, a black bear made up from scraps of fabric and stuffed with leftovers of some pants that no longer fit. Jup's long dark hair is tied into a messy ponytail as she mumbles to herself quietly. You smile at her playing mindlessly.
You move around your small kitchen keeping one eye on her and the shadows of those that pass your shelter. You would wonder if Tyler would show up on one random night, knocking. You'd open the door and his gaze would meet yours then slowly meet that of the little girl whose hair and eyes reflected his own. You knew you'd never truly be able to get away from him. From the inevitable introduction of a father meeting his daughter for the first time. You just hoped that if the time ever did call for it. He wouldn't hate you for it like he does fiercely in your dreams.
After a little while, it's almost time to eat, so you go over to Jup and scoop her off of the bed. "Hey little lady, you hungry yet?" You ask her as she nods her head, her messy hair bobbing with her movement. You kiss her head and set her down in her seat at the small table. You give her a little portion of her dinner and a tall cup of water, then you take your seat. You sit in silence. Small sounds of chewing as she does her best to reach the tabletop. You offer her a smile as you poke at another stale cauliflower. It wasn't the best but there was more to complain about than the food on Jackson Star.
Jup begins to drink from her cup, but her interest is piqued when suddenly there's a knock at the door. She takes a small sip as she places the cup carefully back on the table, and looks to you for reassurance.
You were slightly taken aback. You hadn't been expecting anyone. For the most part, the only person who ever came to your door was your neighbor, Sue, she lent you stuff she thinks you'd find useful for you and little Juniper. But the knock sounded different. Heavier. You glance down at Jup then haul her up the seat. You tense hearing another knock before you make up your mind and decide the small closet is your safest bet. You set her down and go to close the door behind you. "Baby, you stay right here and stay quiet, I'll see who it is, okay?" You tell her as you slowly begin to stand up.
With one last glance at her, you close the door behind you. Another knock rings out and you take a small, deep breath in. Though another glance at the table you hastily store her leftovers away on the kitchen counter.
You walk over to the metal hatch door and unlatch it slowly. It opens with a small creak, revealing not your neighbor, nor an unfamiliar face, but Tyler. Your heart feels as though it's about to give out in your chest. You were frozen in place as you took in the sight of him. He never seemed to stray from the whole dark, tall, and handsome stereotype. It almost made you want to laugh, but you kept still as your hand gripped the door handle. "Ty?"
Tyler breathes out at the sight of you. How lovely you are. How beautiful you are. He never stopped reminding you how you'd always find ways to render him breathless. Albeit, it'd get him a punch or two in the shoulder but he would have complimented you over and over if it allowed him to see you smile once more. How he wished for it now, seeing your weary-eyed expression. You were breaking his heart and all you had barely done was look at him and call him 'Ty' after four years.
He didn't know quite how to approach you now. The look he earned from you was one of exhaustion. He could hardly read you, but he'd be damned if he didn't try. Not only was the thought of talking to you after so long terrifying, but the thought of messing it up terrified him further. "Hey." He mumbled through his thick accent, his eyes scanning how you had the door only slightly open. "Mind if I come in?"
Tyler almost grimaced seeing how you had closed the door an inch more, limiting the space between you both. He knew then and there the forward approach had been the wrong approach, especially when it came to you. You instantly put your walls up around you. He could see it from your tensed-up shoulders that you wanted to get him out of here as fast as you could.
The silence was loud between both of you. He wanted to say something. Maybe a compliment would get you to crack, but he wouldn't take the risk. He wouldn't risk scaring you off. Tyler's eyes had a look in them that showed his desperation to keep you from shutting the door in his face. He wouldn't hold it against you if you did. He could tell you wouldn't let him in. "Y/n-" He began.
"What are you doing here, Tyler?"
He almost visibly winces at the tone of your strained voice. He looks past you, into your home. Tyler's gaze lands on the small table with only one setting and his heart sinks. You notice his look and your grip tightens on the door. He couldn't help it. He had to ask. "Are you…alone right now?"
He almost visibly winces at the tone of your strained voice. He looks past you, into your home. Tyler's gaze lands on the small table with only one setting and his heart sinks. You notice his look and your grip tightens on the door. He couldn't help it. He had to ask. "Are you…alone right now?"
The look on your face doesn't waver. You know exactly where he's going with the question, yet you can't bring yourself to shut the door. You're frozen, but you refuse to answer him. It takes everything in you to keep your cool. You bite the inside of your cheek and avert your gaze.
He had wanted to say so much to you. To apologize for the way he had left you and treated you. To tell you he had missed you and to see you again without the fear of you shutting him out. But he found it hard to find all the words that he wanted to say. "Y/n, let me in." He stepped over the threshold as your hand shot out to stop his entry.
"What did Kay tell you?" You asked with grit in your voice. "I haven't seen your face in four years, why now? What the hell did she tell you?" You shove against his chest.
Tyler catches your arm as you shove him, he's holding it between you. He's taken by surprise by your reaction to him showing up. He looks down at you with his widened eyes as he tries to come up with the words. "She didn't- Y/n, just stop." He grabs hold of your wrists, stopping you from pushing against his hold. "I just want to talk to you. Just let me talk to you." Tyler pleads. He was scared. The anger you're releasing was almost unexpected but not unwelcome. Anger was something he could deal with. Anything was better than silence from you.
"Don't lie to me, Tyler." You say through gritted teeth, trying to pull your arm back to yourself. "Why are you here all of a sudden, huh?"
"Huh?" You go to shove him again. He grabs your wrists and uses his strength to shove you against the wall next to your door, pinning both of your arms on either side of your head. You look over in time to see him kick close your door. The slam drowning out your heavy breathing. Tyler looms over you, his chest rising and falling.
The air between you is thick and charged as he keeps you held against the wall. His chest was flush against yours and he held your wrists over your head as he stared down at you. You watched his gaze move from your eyes which burned into his own. He's staring at your heaving chest, the curve of your collarbone before he looks back down at your face. His own heart was pounding, so loud it almost drowned out the sound of your own. You could only hear one another's heavy breathing.
"Get out…" You slump back against the wall.
Tyler's expression falters. He doesn't listen, of course. No, he only grips your wrists tighter in response as he leans in closer. His body pushes against yours more until there's almost no space between you both. "No." He says to your request, his voice is heavy and deep. There's a desperation in his tone. "I'm not leaving till you talk to me." His lips are close to yours and he doesn't miss how your eyes lower to glance at them. "Only if you talk to me."
"The nerve you have to show your face now-" You begin to give it to him.
He takes it as he keeps you pinned to the wall. He almost flinches at the harshness in your voice, but he doesn't say anything about it. This was nothing new. Tyler always seemed to love it when you gave him an earful. He enjoyed seeing the frustration in your eyes, how your lips would get in a pout. He watched as you opened your mouth again only he spoke before you could voice your opinion. "Just shut up for a second and listen to me damn it!"
That shuts you up for him. He almost smirks but catches himself, though you can see him almost enjoying the look of annoyance in your eyes. He didn't miss the way your eyes once again glanced down at his parted lips. "No more yelling. Just listen." Tyler mutters, his head moving slightly closer.
"You're yelling though…" You furrow your brows at him.
He almost chuckles, almost. How stubborn you still were. But he was trying to be serious with you for once. He lifts his hold around your wrists, his nose almost touching yours. "Because you're being stubborn-headed." He lets his voice soften as he looks at you.
"I think you're just being a gigantic dick."
Tyler raises an eyebrow at you now. He almost wanted to laugh at you. What he does instead is tighten his grip on you again as he stares down at you. "And you're being a pain in my arse." He responds to you with a huff. "Always have been, always will be."
"Tyler…what did Kay say to you?"
That stops him and his cocky demeanor suddenly falters. Tyler is silent for a moment, his lips in a straight line as he refuses to meet your gaze. "She said…" He begins to say but almost feels ashamed to tell you. "She said that I have-"
"Mommy…do good?"
Too engrossed by each other you had forgotten about the small human you had tucked away from sight. Her voice was small and curious. You look past Tyler, your eyes instantly falling onto Juniper.
You almost gasped, as did Tyler as both of your heads snapped to look at Jup in the moment of surprise. She was standing by the small little counter you had, still holding her stuffed bear tight in her grip. The sight of her causes Tyler to slowly step back away from you, his eyes are widened in disbelief.
"-a daughter." He freezes, and his shoulders drop as does your heart at the sight of Jup who was supposed to stay hidden, and in that moment Tyler looks back over at you. He watches you as he sees the guilt wash over your features.
You grimace as you go over and haul her up into your arms. Her head laid against your shoulder, clinging to her bear in her little hands.
"Ty, this is Juniper. Your daughter."
Tyler's mind went a mile a minute as he took in the sight of the little girl staring at him from the safety of your arms. He could see the guilt in your eyes, almost as though you were caught doing something you weren't meant to be doing. He looks down at his daughter, her messy black locks and big dark eyes. The girl was a mini version of himself. Apart from her ears, smile, and nose. She was his.
"I almost tore a new one into Kay after she got home and told me. Almost didn't believe her." His laugh fainted. "All this time?"
You had gotten her tray of food and sat her down on her chair. Juniper obliged but still kept a cautious eye on the random man in her home. "Tyler, you didn't want this." You gesture between you both. "You wanted an out, so I let you go."
Tyler couldn’t take his eyes off of the little girl. His daughter. He couldn’t believe it. He knew Kay was never one to lie about something so big, but to see it right before his eyes was a completely different story. “You could’ve told me.” He said, more quietly than he thought possible.
"You would have stayed for her. When I needed you to stay because of her, and because of me. But you didn't want anything serious, and I wasn't gonna sit by and watch you stay for a baby, not when you couldn't even look me in the eye anymore."
Those words hit him hard, almost like a punch in the gut. He wanted to defend himself. You were right. He couldn't deny that you were. He had wanted freedom, he wanted off this colony, a new life. No strings attached. But now standing there, he wasn't so sure anymore. He could've had so much more than what he had settled for. He had pushed you away and ran because he was scared of something real. And as he looked at his daughter, he could see the proof of his cowardice.
“You should have told me,” Tyler repeated, he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He looked back at you. “I had a right to know.”
"No Ty, you didn't. Not then." You deny.
"And why not??" Tyler's voice rises. He couldn't believe it. He had a daughter this whole time. He had gotten you pregnant and ran away and you hid that fact from him for almost four years. “You decided that on your own.” He retorted back. Tyler took a step forward, his hands went to his pocket, in a desperate attempt to look indifferent. He watched as you sat down beside Jup, running a hand along her messy hair. "I should have been a part of her life. I should have been with you- Y/n, I had a right to know about her, damn it.”
"You left me. You gave me no other choice." You peer up at him through watered eyes. "I needed you…"
“And I needed space goddamn it.” Tyler snapped. He took a step back, as though to distance himself from you. But when he saw the tears in your eyes, something inside him ached. He wanted to walk over and comfort you, but he didn’t. He stood there like a jackass, watching you fight back tears. “I just needed time to think…I couldn’t breathe when I was with you. You overwhelmed me.” He admits, his shoulders slumped.
"Oh…" Your voice dies down at his words. You muster a nod before you look over at Jup watching the scene unfold before her.
She was watching with big curious eyes, taking in the atmosphere of this new man that was in her home. Tyler could see the similarities between himself in the little girl. How she looked and moved, it was as though he was looking at a reflection of himself in the small child. He watched as you smiled at her, reassuring her that everything was fine.
Tyler’s breath gets stuck in his chest as he watches how you are with his daughter. The two of you looked and moved naturally together. And here he was raising his voice wondering if she thought the worst of him. He notices your change in demeanor and suddenly, he’s kicking himself. He hadn’t meant for it to come out that way. He hadn’t meant for those words to be backhanded. But they were and he hurt you once more.
"I'm sorry." You glance up at him as he starts. "That came out wrong, I didn't mean for it to. Heat of the moment…" He palms his face. Tyler sighs his mind and heart racing. He’s hurt you by saying that. He hadn't meant it in that way, but he knew how it sounded. “Y/n, that’s not what I meant.”
"Yeah, but you still said it Tyler. Such a shitty thing to say too!"
“Yeah, I did and I’m sorry, okay.” He lets out a frustrated sigh as he runs his hands along his face again. It was frustrating. It was all so damn frustrating. Everything about this was. He was frustrated for hurting you, for saying those words and he was frustrated for having a daughter that he should have known about years ago. “Damn it-“ He mumbles, shaking his head.
"You know the more you keep swearing in front of our kid, the more bad habits she'll be likely to pick up."
That shuts him up.
Tyler lets out a huff as he looks down at his daughter. He takes a few steps towards you and Jup. He’s watching you, how you caress back her hair and keep her reassured as you try to act like everything is normal. He stops to stand beside her. He looks down at her, taking in the details of her face now that he’s up close to her. He smiles softly for her, hoping to appear as less of a threat to her.
"You're still a jackass..." You mutter under your breath, but the smirk that grows on his lips tells you he heard you loud and clear.
He snorts softly at that, unable to deny it. Tyler doesn’t hesitate to lean down and whisper a response back to you. “And you’re still the love of my life.”
You still. Frozen from the shock and complete obscurity of his words.
Tyler grins at your reaction. He straightens up, hands back in his pockets. His eyes are almost mischievous as he watches you falter. “Perhaps I should have kept that to myself.” He teases.
"Yeah, that might've been wiser." You huff with a laugh.
“Yeah, I’ve never been one to make smart decisions.” Tyler chuckles. He leans himself against the table, keeping his eyes on you. He’s watching how you still have a hand on top of Jup’s messy hair as a reassuring touch. He nods his head at the sight. “She looks like me, but it’s your ears.” He teases. "You're smile and nose."
"Well thank god, it wasn't your ears."
"Hey, what's wrong with my ears?" He says as he puts a hand over his heart, the other one goes to his ear and acts offended by your statement.
You feign a grimace.
Tyler huffs under his breath at your expression. "Oh, real mature." He grumbles as he crosses his arms, a pout visible on his face. "You never had a problem with my ears before."
You surrender.
Tyler grins at the sight, watching you throw in the towel. He takes his hands from his chest and ear, leaning himself down again so he gets close to you.
“I do mean it though. You are and always have been the love of my life."
"I'm a loss in your life, Tyler." You correct.
His head almost snaps back in disbelief at your statement. Tyler shakes his head. "No, you have never been a loss to me. You are- you have only ever been the best part of my life. I just-" He pauses as he suddenly feels himself get frustrated with himself all over again. "Damn it, can you just stop putting words in my mouth, and listen to the fact that I never stopped loving you! Even when I left to train. Even when we were over. I never stopped."
"Tyler this is crazy-"
"No this isn't crazy!" Tyler snaps again, but his tone quickly deflates as he looks to make sure that Jup hasn't heard him. He takes a breath as he runs a hand over his hair again in frustration. "It’s not. You're everything I want. Everything I have ever wanted. You're the light of my life, and I can’t let you go again. I have spent so many years miserable that-"
"Kay did mention that." He gave you a look. "Sorry."
"-I was never happy when I was away from you, I didn't know how miserable I truly was until I left."
"It's not that easy for me. Tyler, you just told me a few minutes ago that you couldn't breathe around me, that I overwhelmed you. Make it make sense!"
"You do overwhelm me, damn it!" Tyler snaps again, he stands straight now, and he can feel a rush of adrenaline suddenly running through his body. "You make my heart race a million miles a minute. You're the only person who can piss me off and make me feel like a damn fool in love. You don't take my shit and make me want to kiss you every time we've argued. You make me feel so much all at once and sometimes I can't handle it. But I don't want to feel numb anymore! I didn't know what I had until I lost it. Until I lost you. No one else makes me feel that…god not even Rain."
"Oh god...Tyler." You ran a hand down your face.
Tyler sighs as he watches you, seeing your expression change yet again. "I got my second chance right here with you. With Juniper. Us."
You tilt your head hearing his words. "Ty…"
Tyler reaches over and grabs your hand, it surprises you by the sudden touch. He gently pulls you back up to your feet, getting you to stand in front of him. He’s got a tight grip on your hand like if he lets go you might disappear. "I want us. I want you. I want you and our kid and I-" He struggles for the right words that he so desperately wants to say. "I want this family more than anything."
"You do?"
Tyler can hear the uncertainty in your voice. He hates it. He reaches up and cups your face with his hand, forcing you to look at him directly. He gazes into your eyes, almost pleading for you to see that he’s being sincere. "Yes," He answers simply, quietly. He leans in, resting his head against yours. "I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life."
"Tyler if you leave us, I will never forgive you-"
"I won’t." He exclaims. He’s gripping your hand in his like a vice. "I’m not leaving. Not this time. I made that mistake before, you’re not getting rid of me." He gently presses his forehead against yours. He’s looking at you carefully. "…do you believe me? Do you trust me?"
Your faint nod had him relaxing.
Tyler lets out a relieved sigh at your nod. He’s got all of this energy, adrenaline, and fear coursing through his body and it takes all of it to not just grab you and kiss you. Instead, he just pulls you against him and wraps his arms around you, holding you tight. He closes his eyes as he buries his face in your hair, pressing kisses into your skin.
You wrap your arms around him and inhale his scent. Your hug only lasts so long when Juniper has you both pulling away again. "Mommy."
You can both hear her soft voice and when you and Tyler pull away from each other, you see that little Jup has come to stand beside you both. Her bear and now a picture you were all too familiar with in her hands. She’s looking up at you with her big brown eyes, and her messy hair. She tugs on your shirt with a soft pout of her lips.
"What do you have there baby? Is this for me?" You haul her up into your arms. Tyler lingers behind you, watching your interactions.
Jup happily climbs up into your arms and she is careful of the picture she’s holding as she tucks her face into your neck. She’s still holding onto it tightly between her little hands as she mumbles something against your skin, but her words are muffled. She pulls back slightly so she can hold up the picture to you.
Tyler registers what is it before you can turn it over. "You kept it."
Your eyes are now fixated on the picture in your hands. It’s the picture you had taken the day you found out you were pregnant with Jup. Your hair was done, and you dawned one of your nicer shirts. Both you and Tyler were looking at each other while his arms were wrapped around your waist and his chin was resting against your shoulder. He had kept the picture in the inside pocket of his jacket for a while. Now you held onto it.
In the picture, the essence of your happiness had been captured. It was one of the happiest days you had ever felt. The month that followed after that day. You tried to forget it ever happened.
Yes, you had kept it. You’d kept it under yours and Jup's cot all these years.
"You gave it to me remember."
"I would've thought you'd thrown it out by now."
You were both silent for what felt like an eternity as you looked down at the picture, running your thumb over your faces.
"No, I couldn't." You admit, softly. "It meant too much to throw away. Besides, it's the closest thing I got to an ultrasound around here." You shrug.
Jup peers out of your neck as she watches the two of you talk, still not quite registering who this man is. “Who?” She says, with her head at a tilt.
"Jup this is Tyler, Tyler…He's your-" You peer up at him not knowing what to officially label him as.
Tyler clears his throat as he’s suddenly put on the spot. He looks at her, seeing how she looks at him with such curiosity. He feels his heart suddenly flutter again when he hears the word your, like some sort of proof of belonging.
“I’m your dad,” He answers confidently, smiling softly at her and her messy head of hair. "Your daddy." His accent coming through. "I'm here to stay if you'll have me. If your mommy will have me." He peers cheekily into your eyes, where you have to fight the urge to roll your own.
"What do you think Jup. Should we let him stay?"
Jup’s eyes go wide at the question and her interest is perked by the sudden proposal. Her head suddenly pops away from your neck as she looks at you and she nods her head, with her messy hair flailing. It was a rather eager nod on her part. "Yes!"
"Yeah?" Tyler's grin widens.
Jup nods her head. "Yes!" She confirms again, more excitedly this time. She's looking down at Tyler with those big brown eyes, and she's got a smile on her face. Tyler leans in and pecks her curls, grinning from ear to ear, knowing he has her approval. "Looks like I'm sticking around then, Jup's orders," He replies, meeting your gaze.
"Guess so, soldier."
"Guess so." Tyler repeats back, with that damn smirk of his. He can’t take his eyes off you. He’s watching you like you’re something he's finally got to have again. It makes his heart clench.
Tyler takes you by surprise when he’s suddenly close enough to touch you. He brings his hand to your neck, cupping it in the palm of his large hands as he leans in, using the leverage to pull you into him. His lips are on yours in an instant, firm and eager against your mouth. Your surprised gasp has your mouth open to his and he takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
You use one of your hands to pull him closer.
Tyler pulls away, breathing heavily against your lips. "I've been wanting to do that since you opened the door." His chuckle makes your grin widen.
"So stupid…" You shake your head.
Tyler lets out a huff as he grins. He cups the side of your face with his hand, resting his forehead against yours. “Damn you. You drive me mad, woman.”
"Yeah? Well, you're gonna have to get used to it around here."
"I think I'll manage. I'm tougher than I look." Tyler grins as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. He's close enough that you can hear his accent through his words as he peers into your eyes.
"No, you're not…"
"No?" Tyler’s eyes were narrow as he picked up a bit of a teasing tone in your voice. "Oh, it's like that then, is it?" He says as he raises an eyebrow. "You hear this Jup, your mum says I'm not tough." He feigns hurt.
"Tuff." Jup repeats back to him. "Tuff, tuff, tuff."
Tyler grins. "That's right, Jup." He says as he gently reaches out and boops her nose with his finger, earning a little giggle out of her and the sound makes his heart warm.
"Please don't encourage her. She doesn't need to learn bad habits from her dad."
"Oh come on, she’s not going to pick up my bad habits…" Tyler glances between you and her. "Besides, she already has your cautiousness, so it's too late."
"Well, I'd rather that than have her watch your macho tough guy act unfold. Jackson Star knows I've seen enough of it."
Tyler huffs. "It’s not macho. It’s called having a backbone." He snaps back, with a tone that you know is more playful than serious. "I’m teaching my daughter to be strong."
"I think you mean thick-headed, excuse me it's time for her bedtime." You walk around him to get her settled onto the cot.
"Hey! I'm not thick-headed." Tyler protests as he gives you a look of disbelief. He glances over at Jup who is sitting quietly in your arms and suddenly he looks concerned. “W-Wait, bedtime? How early does she sleep?”
"Tyler, It's a quarter past eleven." You gesture to the hologram clock on the small counter. Tyler turns to look at it.
He blinks. "It’s that late already?" He exclaims in disbelief as he looks from you to the clock and back again. 
“Quarter past eleven. No wonder she’s so tired,” He muses as he looks back over Jup. Sure enough, your daughter is fighting to keep her eyes open, and her head is slowly drooping against your shoulder. "Damn, I guess I didn’t realize we had been talking for that long."
You shift her so that her head is on the pillow you share. "I put her down early, but you showed so I really couldn't at the moment. The best I could do is get her to eat her meal."
Tyler steps to your side as he watches you gently arrange her on the cot. He can’t help but smile as he watches you make sure Jup is comfortable before you give her a soft kiss on her forehead. “She’s a big girl.” He muses, softly, as he watches her little head fall back against the pillow and the even little puffs of her breath.
"I wouldn't say that. She still needs mommy to tuck her in."
Tyler glances at you as he grins. He lets out a huff of a laugh. “I’m guessing she inherited that from you, huh?” He teases. "Does mommy need daddy to tuck her in?"
"No." You huff with a laugh, shoving his shoulder.
Tyler laughs as he rubs his shoulder. “Ow.” Despite it being a very soft shove. He glances down at you, his eyes scanning over your features. "You are just as stubborn as I remember you being. I'm telling you, love." He muses as he steps closer to you, using his height to try and intimidate you.
"Just like you remember?" You hum.
"Yeah…" Tyler slowly nods as he takes another step closer to you. He stands in front of you, and you have to have your head tilted back to look up at him. "Just like I remember. Stubborn. And beautiful. A deadly combination, I’m telling you."
"I'm glad you came." You admit. Tyler’s smile softens at your words. He reaches down and takes your hand in his, squeezing it.
“I’m sorry I took so long.” He apologizes, softly.
"Took you about four years...but who's counting." You shrug.
Tyler rubs the back of his neck embarrassed. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m sorry it took me a while to get my head out of my own arse." He glances at you, looking sheepish. “I’m here now, though. I’m not going anywhere else.”
"Good, 'cause if you do. I’ll throw you into outer space." You lean in and peck his lips for a sweet kiss.
“Oh, I don’t doubt you would.” A deep chuckle rumbles through his chest.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
The Astrology of Doppelgangers
I know the astrology behind the physiognomy of people is a very popular niche in astrology but its truly crazy how so many people who look eerily similar share the same nakshatras or planetary dominance.
Heath Ledger & Joseph Gordon Levitt
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Heath- Revati Sun & Rising
Joseph- Ashlesha Moon with Sun Conjunct Mercury (in Dhanishta)
Both men are very Mercurial looking
2. Sarah Snook & Cari Cakes
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Sarah- Anuradha Sun, Mars in 1h, Mercury in Vishaka in 2h, Moon conjunct Jupiter (in Revati), Mars in Swati in 1h, Saturn in Jyeshta atmakaraka
Cari- Anuradha Rising, Mars in 1h, Vishaka Moon, Mercury conjunct Mars in 1h (in Jyeshta) and Sun conjunct Rahu (in Purvashada), Mars in Jyeshta atmakaraka
3. Janhvi Kapoor & Laura Harrier
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Janhvi- Shravana Moon, Saturn & Ketu in UBP, Mercury conjunct Venus in Shatabhisha (Horse Yoni)
Laura- Mars conjunct Rahu in Shravana, UBP Sun, Ashwini Moon (Horse Yoni)
5. Francis Bean Cobain & Alexandra Daddario
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Alexandra- Venus in Jyeshta atmakaraka, Purvabhadrapada Sun
Frances- Revati Moon, Venus conjunct Jupiter (Jup in 1h)
They have a Mercury and Jupiter influenced appearance
7. Hozier & Chris Evans
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Hozier- Anuradha Moon, Sun in 1h, Shravana stellium
Chris- Anuradha Rising, Sun in 2h, Mars in Rohini in 2h
They have Saturn, Sun & Moon influence in their lewkzz
8. Tom Hardy & Logan Marshall Green
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Tom- Mars conjunct Jupiter in Ardra, Venus in Ashlesha
Logan- Swati Sun & Mercury, Shatabhisha Moon, Venus in Jyeshta
They have Rahu & Mercury influenced lewkzz
9. Fiona Apple & Ty Dolla Sign
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their birth times are unknown
Fiona- Sun atmakaraka, Mars conjunct Jupiter in Ardra, Ketu in Revati
Ty- Sun atmakaraka, Venus in Shatabhisha, Jupiter in Swati, Sun in Revati
Their eyes are soo Rahuvian, I wish I knew their rising signs :(
10. Solange & Orlando Jones
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Orlando- Sun conjunct Rahu (in Revati)
Solange- Ardra Sun
They have a Rahuvian appearance, wish I knew their birth time because I feel like they have other aspects in common
11. Boy George & Sam Smith
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Sam- Mula Moon (dog yoni), Venus atmakaraka (in Krittika)
George- Ardra Moon (dog yoni), Venus in 1h (in Bharani)
13. Myrna Loy & Deva Cassel
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Myrna- Purvaphalguni Moon conjunct Mercury, Ketu conjunct Asc in Shatabhisha
Deva- Purvaphalguni Sun, Magha Moon conjunct Mercury, Rahu in 2h
Claire had mentioned how Rahuvian women have serpentine features, I see that in both of their eye area and face shape, especially the pinched back nose, they also have Purvaphalguni in their big 3 (Rat yoni face shape) and Ketuvian influence as well
14. John Malkovich & Austin Butler
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Austin- Anuradha Moon, Mars in Purvaphalguni amatyakaraka, Jupiter in Ashlesha atmakaraka, Ketu in Punarvasu
John- Mercury conjunct Venus in Anuradha, Purvaphalguni Rising, Jyeshta Sun, Ketu in Punarvasu
In my post about the absorptive quality of Venus I had mentioned the two of them, Austin pretends to be Elvis irl (made worse by the fact that his atmakaraka is in a water sign) and John pretends to be European lol
Venusian men give me the creeps ngl, idk why Claire made them seem like the most ideal type of man ugh
15. Denise Richards and Doutzen Kroes
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Denise- Dhanishta Sun, Vishaka Moon, Krittika Rising
Doutzen- Venus & Mars in Purvabhadrapada, Saturn & Ketu in Vishaka, Uttarashada Sun conjunct Jupiter
They have Lion Yoni (Dhanishta & PBP), heavy Jupiter influence and Sun influence (Krittika & Uttarashada)
16. Leighton Meester & Minka Kelly
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Leighton- Mercury in Purvabhadrapada atmakaraka, Revati Moon amatyakaraka
Minka- Vishaka Moon amatyakaraka
Jupiter, Mercury & Moon seem to affect their appearance
17. Christopher Walken & Scarlett Johansson
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Christopher Walken- Revati Sun, Shravana Moon
Scarlett- Mars in Shravana 2h, Mercury in Jyeshta 1h (atmakaraka), Venus & Jupiter in Purvashada in 2h
I think their Monkey Yoni (Shravana + Purvashada) along with Mercury influence (Revati & Jyeshta) contributes to their facial similarity.
18. Dimple Kapadia & Sandra Bullock
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Dimple- Chitra Moon, Rohini Sun, Mercury in Krittika atmakaraka
Sandra-Dhanishta Moon, Venus & Mars in Mrigashira, Moon amatyakaraka and Jupiter in Krittika atmakaraka
They have Mars, Moon & Jupiter influence, Rohini & Mrigashira's Serpent Yoni can also be seen
19. Collin Ferrell & Emraan Hashmi
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Colin- Sun in Rohini, Purvabhadrapada Moon, Venus atmakaraka (in Punarvasu), Jupiter in Pushya (exalted) & Saturn in UBP (hella Saturn energy)
Emraan- Moon in Shravana, Purvabhadrapada Mars (amatyakaraka) & Ketu, Venus atmakaraka (in Dhanishta), Sun conjunct Mercury in UBP
They have Moon, Jupiter, Saturn & Venus influence, Dhanishta & Purvabhadrapada's Lion Yoni can also be seen in their appearance
20. Raveena Tandon & Twinkle Khanna
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Raveena- Chitra stellium (Mercury, Venus, Mars)
Twinkle-Dhanishta Moon
Mars dominant bombshells<3 fun fact Raveena used to date Akshay Kumar in the 90s and Twinkle is married to Akshay, I guess he has a type lol
21. Minhyuk & Soobin
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Minhyuk- Revati Moon, Venus in Jyeshta
Soobin- Jyeshta Sun
Two Mercurial kings <33
22. Priyanka Chopra & Eva Mendes
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Priyanka is Punarvasu Sun, Venus in Mrigashira, Mars & Jupiter in Chitra (heavy Mars energy)
Eva is Purvabhadrapada Sun, Mercury conjunct Jupiter (in Dhanishta), Saturn conjunct Ketu (in Mrigashira) (basically a lot of Mars influence)
They both have heavy Jupiter + Mars energy in their chart, both of these are masculine planets and if you watch their interviews you can see how tough or kinda fierce, zero bullshit they can be BUT all that said, Priyanka has Rohini Moon (exalted) and some Hasta placements as well, whereas Eva is a Pushya Moon, Moon influence makes you very Yin and Pushya is the most feminine nakshatra so while they have a strong, intimidating, "don't mess with me" attitude & influence going on, they're both also very feminine, very refined, very poised etc, I think its especially reflected in their street style as well.
23. NingNing & Jennie
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Their similarity is their facial shape and overall facial harmony
Ningning- exalted Jupiter (Jupiter exalts in Cancer), Mercury conjunct Mars (in Hasta), Chitra Sun (Tiger yoni)
Jennie- Vishaka Moon (Tiger yoni), Sun conjunct Mercury (in Uttarashada)
The tiger yoni resemblance + Jupiter inverted triangle face shape + Mercury influence giving delicate features is <33
24. Taeyeon & Karina
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Karina- Punarvasu Moon, Mercury & Venus in UBP, Mars conjunct Jupiter (in Bharani)
Taeyeon- Purvabhadrapada Sun, UBP Moon, Mars conjunct Jupiter (in Krittika)
They have Jupiter, Saturn & Mars influence in their appearance
Its interesting because Karina's conjunction (look out for conjunctions in your chart btw, they have a major influence on you) is in a Venusian nak which is yin whereas Taeyeon's in a Sun nak which is yang, I think this reflects in their appearance as well since they look similar but Taeyeon has a bolder vibe, along with a pronounced Yang appearance (Dramatic/Gamine in essence theory)
25. Hrithik Roshan & Bradley Cooper
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Hrithik- Purvashada Sun & Mercury, Pushya Moon, Anuradha Rising
Bradley- Purvashada Sun, Chitra Moon, Anuradha Rising
They have the same big 3 minus their Moon naks. Their appearance is affected by Venus & Saturn.
26. Disha Patani & Penelope Cruz
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Disha- Mrigashira Stellium (Sun, Venus & Ketu), Ashwini Mars, Jupiter in Magha, Rahu in Mula
Penelope- Mrigashira Saturn & Ketu, Ashwini Sun & Mercury
Disha & Penelope have a similar combination of nakshatras with a strong Mars + Ketu influence, Penelope has Ashwini (Ketu ruled) in her luminaries whereas Disha has a Ketu stellium in 3 different nakshatras (I don't count this as a stellium in the traditional sense but having that much Ketuvian energy in your chart is bound to have an effect on you)
27. Julia Michaels & Soha Ali Khan
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Soha- Swati Moon & Mars, Venus in Vishaka atmakaraka & Ketu in Purvabhadrapada
Julia Michaels- Swati stellium, Vishaka Sun & Moon
They have a Swati & Jupiter influenced appearance
28. Anushka Sharma & Julia Michaels
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Anushka- Swati Moon, Sun conjunct Jupiter (in Bharani)
Julia- Swati stellium (mercury, venus & jupiter), Sun & Moon in Vishaka
They have a Swati, Sun and Jupiter influence.
29. Ryan Gosling & Ranbir Kapoor
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Ryan- Purvashada Sun, Shravana Ketu, Venus & Saturn in Hasta
Ranbir-Shravana Moon, Purvashada Ketu, Sun & Mercury in Hasta
They have strong Moon influenced appearance along with Shravana & Purvashada's Monkey Yoni
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jupitermoontarot24 · 7 months
💗Your Next Relationship??+When 💗😯
I will be back to give you guys a reading sometime soon tumblr fam!! hopefully this week. miss you guys!!
in the meantime check it out !!!
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Here are some excepts from the reading :) enjoy
Pile 1😋
I see you guys getting dressed up really nicely going to guys favorite restaurants or a museum or something like that. Person could be tall, they could dress really nicely or fancy even if it's not expensive it looks expensive on this person. This person could like to wear suits or more casual suits. This person likes to dress like a grown man / woman.
Pile 2🤩
They could be a different race or a different Financial background also.This person really likes you for who you are. They think you are very beautiful inside and out. They like your lips and your face. They like your smile and your laugh and they make you really happy. I think you will smile a lot with this person. You can feel the genuineness when you're with this person.
Pile 3💚
I think they put up with a lot from their ex so please be this person's peace pile 3. This person can put you in a new house or a new apartment and buy your furniture as well. This person is scared of you thinking that they might cheat on you or they will cheat on you. I think this person may have dealt with this in their past relationships so it's like reverse trust issues almost..This person also could have been cheated on so if you were to be unfaithful, this person they would see the signs immediately.
Pile 4😵‍💫
This is the relationship where you star gaze and sungaze. Or you have picnics or you go out in the forest and laugh, might even Skinny Dip or go to lakes and put your feet in. Have sex on the beach. This is a traditional fairy tale love. I can even see you guys carving your name in trees. Making sandcastles collecting seashells.Pointing out which clouds look like each other, painting each other. Getting each other stuffed animals, naming your stuffed animals after each other. wow ;) love that for you pile 4
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Neteyam x human reader
Chapter 2
(Tw: Smut, Rough, Size kink)
Link part 1 at the bottom! I think if these chapters keep going well im going to make it a 6 part story! I would love to share some more smut and actual plot with you!
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It was a few hours later that Kiri came hurdling through your bedroom door, "You won't believe what happened!" She yelled before planting herself on your freshly cleaned bed.
You sat up with interest placing your book down next to you, your face scrunching up at the movement. "Well you have to tell me now!" You exclaimed trying to match her enthousiasm.
She didn't seem to notice your struggle as she leaned toward you like she was sharing the greatest secret ever, her placing her blue hands on your shoulders "Neteyam. was. in. a. fight!" She laughed loudly at her own words, "He came home like two hours ago, all bruised up!"
Your heart jumped in your stomach, "What?" You mumbled. Apparently he had found an excuse.
"Yup! He came home like he hadn't been out all night, and Neytiri about threw a fit when he wouldn't tell her who did it!" Kiri smirked. "It was very rewarding to see him rebel against the parents, he's normally such a 'perfect son'."
Jup the perfect son who had said and done the most unholy things to you just the night before...
You shook your head, feeling guilty at the thought of Neteyam having to lie to his parents. You knew he strived to be a worthy succesor, you doubted this whole ordeal had been worth the hassle for him.
You let out a sigh, "What did Jake say? Was he very mad?" You asked softly.
Kiri rolled her eyes. "Well honestly he wasn't thrilled at first, but when he heard Neteyam had won the fight and he knew Neytiri wasn't watching he just gave him a pat on the back."
You let out a sigh of relief, "That's good"
"He always gets away with so much more than us," She complained. Dramatically draping herself over your pillows, raising her head to look at you.
"Oh yes i almost forgot to ask, tommorow the other Na'vi from the clan and us are going to the Hallelujah mountains! Did you want to come?" She asked excitedly.
You gave her a doubtfull look, you really didn't want to face Neteyam yet.
"Oh come on y/n pleassee! Neteyam probably won't even be allowed to attend!" Kiri pleaded, she had probably mistaken your curiosity about her brother as hostile... not whatever it actually was.
"Okay... fine" you finally murmured, honestly suprised you were able to resist her puppy dog eyes so long.
"Good! Lo'ak said he would pick you up after dropping of spider, you better be ready Y/n because the warriors are going to do a race on their ikrans again!" Kiri ranted, you somehow catching the whole thing.
"Wait wow, they allowed them to race again? After what happened last time?" You lifted your eyebrows in suprise, suprised Jake had been so lenient.
"Well he kind of has too! It's a holy ceremony, so however dangerous it is it's still in the name of Eywa!" Kiri shrugged.
"Now do you still want me to show you my new book?" You said to change the subject.
Kiri nodded excitedly and jumped to sit beside you.
You stood in front of the human lab in the dewy morning air, droplets of water still covering the plants around you. The sun still low in the sky, casting a warm light on the landscape.
It felt strange to look at your surroundings freely without the usual glass in front of your face, the new and improved mask Norm had made 'finally' fool proof. Now it just existed of an oxygen wire and a little machine clipped too your pants.
You had taken the rest of yesterday for yourself giving yourself a much needed relaxing bath. Honestly the aching muscles and other aching bits on your body still remained, not to mention the bruises and hickeys almost everywhere. You and Neteyam hadn't noticed instantly but you were sure he was covered as well.
A whistle pierced the air, startling you as Lo'ak's Ikran landed next to you, his mouth pulled into an inviting grin "Come on 'sky demon', we need to get to the others!" He yelled holding out a hand toward you, lifting you up to sit behind him.
Your dress thankfully covered any other hickeys and bruises as your legs were mostly unharmed. You had put on a blouse over it, the thin fabric covering your neck and arms nicely.
"You allright y/n? You seem off today." Lo'ak said softly, the boy was honestly too sweet sometimes. And he was indeed correct about you being quiet, you were normally much more talkative with him.
"Yup, still tired i guess" you just replied, hoping he wouldn't question you more.
"Hey i still wanted to ask you about Net...." he was interupted by a large amount of whoops and yells. The other Na'vi circling the two of you.
"Hey lovely sky demon! It's been a while since you joined us isn't it?" Mi,ak a younger na'vi waved at you with a smile, the jest more of a joke than a serious insult.
"Yup! Been a while! But here i am!" You yell at her, thankfull your lips didn't even come close to Lo'aks ears in this position.
The boy lands the ikran on a big ledge of one of the flying mountains, a large group allready gathered there. Spider and Kiri running up to the two of you.
"Y/n! There you are!" Kiri yelled with an excited Tuk hanging on her arm, "You better get off quick, they are going to start soon!" Spider yelled as he helped you off the large animal, carying you off and setting you on the ground.
Tuk held your hand tightly the moment you got off, dragging you along with her to the crowd"I'm so excited!," She yelled loudly.
Lo'ak waved at the other two as he quickly turned around and moved his ikran to the large group gathered on the edge of the mountain.
It was interesting how many different colour ikran there were, today they seemed almost peacefull. It had been strange to see the animals in a group not meant for war, a melancholy settling in your stomach at the sight.
The warriors were lining up at the edge of the platform, their bodies covered in war paint and more practical clothing than normal.
Confusion circled your stomach as you spotted another familiar Ikran in the midst of the chaos. "Oh my god, is that Neteyam?" You asked softly a flabbergasted expression on your face as you stared at the man.
"Yup! It totally is! NETEYAM!" Tuk screamed so loudly it almost blew your eardrums out. He swiveled around to look at her, his eyes instantly on your form.
He caught your eye, the two of you lost in the other for a second. He seemed so much older as he sat on the ikran, his riding visor set on his hairline and a thick leather piece clasped around his waist. His shoulders seemed broad, and his jawline seemed so strong. He looked like a true warrior.
Even from here you could see the scratches, bruises and hickeys across his body. You doubted another person would know what those were, you had never seen another Na'vi with any.
Jake, Neytiri and the other older Na'vi were stood next to him, Jake having switched his usual huge ikran with a normal sized one. Neteyam barely seemed any smaller than them from this distance.
It scared you how grown up he seemed to get, you knew you didn't belong in his future. Or at least the future his parents intended him to have.
Kiri gave you a sheepish smile as she leaned over, "Yeah, he suddenly insisted on coming this morning. I kind of forgot to tell you."
You opened your mouth to respond,...
"Allright! Today the riding Na'vi are racing their ikran to the Sljikla tree located on the other side of the halleluyah mountains." An older male you recognised as Heliruin yelled toward the remaining crowd of people stood in front of him, he had a fucked up knee from an ill placed bullet in the war. That was probably why he didn't compete.
"Now before you go there! You have to grab a marker from both of the other islands, he lifted up two pieces of red and yellow cloth "There are just enough for all of you, so if anyone grabs two your disqualified!"
"You are competing for the honor of victory and for a token dedicated to your win!" He finally yelled, the crowd roaring at the beaded sting he held in the air, a rare red gem hanging on the end.
"Now we wil start on three,
Chaos ensued as all the Ikran set off into the sky, the contestants all trying to slow down the others instantly. This meant pushing, kicking and throwing things at the other contestants. Which was the thing that caused a collision with a rock last year.
"Whooo you all got this!" Tuk yelled loudly, you only able to stare at your blue guy currently in the lead with your heart in your throat. He went impossibly fast in grabbing the markers, the others struggling to keep up. He moved like a warrior, his ikran following his lead like another limb.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as an ikran you recognised as Jake's tried to pull in front of Neteyam and cut him off. He seemed unfaced though so your heart calmed down a bit as he expertly moved across the mountains.
Finally Neteyam touched down on the ground in front of the tree, you just barely being able to see him place a palm on the tree. Jake wasn't far behind, touching the tree after him.
You looked around you at the crowd, the world seeming to slow down for a second. You noticed a few things all at once, Na'vi skin was beautifull in the sunlight, There were really a lot of beautifull women in the clan, and alot of them really liked your big blue guy.
You let out a shaky sigh, what had you done sleeping with him. You had really set yourself up for future heartache when he chose a Na'vi mate in the end.
Your friends all yelled loudly, you being more distracted by your thoughts.
It was another while before Neteyam, Jake and the rest arrived back at the ledge. You remained a bit behind the group, a bit too unsure of yourself to greet him first. It seemed Neteyam was first, afterwards Jake, after him Neytiri then two unknown riders and then Lo'ak.
The father and son jumped of the Ikran first, the other Na'vi coming over to congratulate him. Someone placing the token in his hand during. The other Sully kids gathered around their older brother, him strangely just looking around in the crowd in thought.
Neytiri who had also stepped of her Ikran looking at the young man in confusion. "You allright son?" She asked placing a hand on her grown son's shoulder.
"Yep I'm fine," He murmured obviously stil not listening as he looked around, growing more desperate by the second.
The other Na'vi seemed confused at his strange demeanor as well. You frowned in confusion, as he pushed a few other Na'vi out of his way.
Jake went to follow him, but was stopped by the crowd.
Neteyam's gaze hit yours in a flash, a relieved expression on his face as he finally looked into your eyes.. The world went quiet around you two as he walked toward you. Your heart beat reverberating through your body and your body relaxing as you looked at him.
He was on you in seconds, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you into an embrace. "I missed you, He murmured into your hair breathing in softly, "I won this for you" he muttered as he hesitatingly let you go of your hand to give you something.
The beaded string hit your palm softly, the red gem shining beautifully in the light. You stared at him and it with wide eyes, Neteyam just giving you a nervous smile.
"Well...wow... thank you so much. I love it." you finally settled on as you pulled his head down to give him a peck on the cheek. He blushed as well, his cheeks turning purple as a large smile spread on his cheeks. His hands softly stroking your waist.
"Let me put it in your hair, he muttered as he gathered a large strand of hair in his hands, expertly tying the bead into your hair. His hands carressing way more of your neck than neccesary during.
A warmth filled your stomach as you stared at his concentrated face.
The act was usually only reserved for mated people but he didn't seem to care, a satisfied smile appearing on his face as he stood back to behold his handiwork. The thin hair wrap blending in well with your hair, but standing out enough for people to notice.
Neither of you really acknowledged the crowd around you until it was a bit too late, a cough interrupting the two of you. Neteyam instantly moving in front of you at the interuption. Him calming down at the familiar face.
"Uhm bro, you might want to take this elsewhere" Lo'ak whispered as he gestured to Jake and Neytiri who were staring wide eyed at the two of you, a confused Norm quickly being called over by the Sully matriarch,
"Yup, he's right" You murmured as you saw a few other people in the crowd start staring too. Neteyam seemed annoyed he had to let you go, slowly pulling his hands of your waist.
Lo'ak grasped his brothers arm, "I'll distract them bro," He gave his brother a teasing look. "Then you might finally get over yourself and just kiss her." he let out a mocking laugh. "Allthough i doubt that"
Little did he know what they had done allready, you noticed Neteyam hide a smirk aswell.
The older of the two released a sigh at his brothers antics, but patted him on the back anyway before the boy left.
"lets go over there" Neteyam murmured as he pointed to a small alcove in the rock. You would be totally hidden from sight there, unless someone walked in that is.
He grasped your hand and pulled you toward it, Lo'ak starting to tell an heavily embelished 'war story' to distract the crowd. Effectively distracting the parents so you could slip away.
You were around the corner first, turning your body around to face him. "I'm not sure how were going to hide this anym..." you couldn't finish your sentence, his lips interupting you mid sentence as they covered yours in a sudden kiss. His tongue softly licking your lips as you opened up your mouth to let him slip his tongue in.
He groaned in your mouth, a hand grasping your ass automatically. You whined into his mouth, before he seperated from you for a second, leaving you hot and bothered.
"I'm really sorry, but this new oxygen mask, i just really neede..." He murmured guiltily, you interupting him this time as you jumped up in his arms wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down toward you.
He let out a low growl, when you pulled at one of his braids. His arms wrapped under your thighs as he lifted you up. You wrapping your legs around him ignoring the discomfort between your legs to harshly rub against him.
A deep growl reverberated from his mouth as Neteyam deepened the kiss pressing your back against the wall as he grinded against you this time. His bare chest rubbing against your clothed one, you really wishing you could press your naked one against him again.
"I would take you right here, but...." he let out a shaky sigh, "You really need to rest, we really pushed you hard for our first time" He mumbled into your ear.
"Do you remember? My cock pressed deep into you, stretching you out so well?" He breathed out the words, a distant look on his face as he was lost in thought. You startled as you felt a bulge start to form under his loincloth, it pressing increasingly hard at your now moist panties.
"Uhm...Neteyam?" You squeeked, your voice turning higher than you wanted. He startled from his thoughts accidentally grinding against you more.
You let out a moan, as his bulge pressed against your core. "Please tell me to stop, i can't hurt you." He sadly murmured in your ear softly as he rutted against you.
You shook your head "This is fine, we just.." you let out a wanting moan. "We just can't.... you can't put your cock in me." You struggled to keep your voice normal.
You felt your body becoming warmer every second, his rough loincloth rubbing your clothed clit every time he came into contact. You both started to move faster against eachother, him groaning harshly into your mouth.
Your throat failed you as you let out the most ungodly moan, just as his erection slipped out from his loincloth and slid across your clothed folds. It's head softly sitting between your moist thighs.
You stared at him with half lidded eyes, your body deciding for you as you automatically slid your thighs back and forth over his member. His groaning continuing harshly, you feeling him start to shake.
You felt his hand enter your panties for a second, his fingers just raking across your wet folds before he suddenly took it out. You whined at the sensitive feeling, looking wide eyed as he licked his fingers clean.
Your teeth grazed his bottom lip, as you placed your lips over his. His face dwarving yours, his mouth way bigger than your own. That didn't stop him when he ran his tongue through your mouth, put it back in his own before collecting your combination of saliva on his tongue and sticking it back in your mouth.
You moaned softly at the strange taste.
The remaining shame you had both felt was gone as you lost yourselves in eachother. It must have been an obscene sight as his cock was pressed between your thighs and you devoured eachother messily. Both of your moans and the sucking and smacking sounds echoeing in the cave.
Neteyam grasped your blouse, pulling it open too reveal your allready bruised neck. He worked his mouth over the supple flesh, sucking harshly.
"You know you are mine, and your rubbing me so good." He cooed as his blue hand stroked your cheek, "Wouldn't it just be riviting if one of our clan mates saw us here, they would walk in and they would see you covered in my spit. Grinding on my cock" he sighed softly.
"They would know your mine instantly," He closed his eyes in bliss his pace growing harder and faster.
His cock sliding harshly across your abused folds was mind numbing, your mind so far gone you could barely think.
"I'm all yours big guy," you whispered as you looked into his big golden eyes, his pupils dilating again as his movements became eratic whilst he neared his orgasm.
"And you own me." He murmured as he harshly pressed you against the wall one last time, you feeling his sticky seed spill between your legs.
He let out a shaky sigh as he enjoyed the aftereffects of his orgasm, it almost being hypnotising to see him release himself on your body.
He softly tucked his now softened member back in his loincloth, giving you a sudden shy smile.
"Now i really want to pleasure you aswell" Neteyam murmured, as he started to kiss down your body.
Footsteps echoed through the cave as someone neared their secret spot. You both looking at eachother with wide eyes.
You pulled down your dress over your now sticky thighs, ignoring the warm feeling of his cum in your underwear.
Neteyam wiped your and his mouth with his hand, quickly placing you on your feet, jumping away from you instantly.
The familiar face of two of your friends, Mi,ak and Siatam entered the cave the female Na'vi startling at the two of you stood inside the small space.
"Oh hello there you two! Were you having a private conversation again?" Mi,ak said with a raised eyebrow. Siatam smiled as well, "Guys you should really talk to other people and not just yourselves! You two are way too close friends" She teased with a smile.
The two of you were known for being close friends and sneaking of to talk with eachother a lot, to your friends this wasn't strange behaviour at all. You never knew your innocent escapades from before could mean so much more now.
Luckily they didn't seem to see the change.
"Oh wel no not at all private! Haha.. were were just talking about the competition!" You somehow came up with an excuse, Neteyam giving you an impressed smile at your quick thinking.
Mi,ak and Siatam smiled broadly "Now Neteyam i have to admit that this was impressive even for you! You bested your father like it was nothing!" Mi,ak complimented, placing a tentative hand on Neteyam's shoulder. "You are a very mighty warrior.
He brushed of her hand instantly, instead grasping your arm and tugging you with him.You smiled awkwardly, very uncomfortable with the situation.
Mi'ak didn't seem to notice his rejection, only strolling after the two of you as you excited the cave. Still raving about his riding skills.
You looked around the crowd quickly, no one really noticing the strange pair and their temporary dissapearance. Except when your eyes met cold ones on the other side of the crowd, you instantly recognising them as Neytiri's, you quickly distanced yourself from Neteyam, softly nudging him to Mi'ak. He stumbled a bit accidentally getting a bit too close to the other Na'vi who stroked a hand across his chest again before joining her other friends.
When Neteyam looked back at you in confusion you slightly nudged your head toward his father. Neteyam's nodding in understanding.
He gave you a soft look before strolling toward his other friends, glancing behind him to stare at you during.
You and Neteyam had spend that whole day and the two after stealing secret glances at eachother. Jake, Neytiri and now Norm were not taking their eyes of the two of you for one second, them basically locking the two of you up night and day.
They couldn't possibly know everything that had happened. But you were sure the hair wrap had been the final nail in the coffin.
They had began pushing you and Spider together again, them constantly teaming the two of you up for things.
You noticed they had done the same to Neteyam as the boy now only seemed to do two things, which was dully strolling behind Mi'ak as they got teamed up for something random or full on glaring at Spider.
You could honestly say you really missed him, life just seemed so empty without your best friend around. Although Kiri thankfully still managed to cheer you up slightly.
It was around the end of the third day that they finally dropped their constant surveilance on the two of you.
The Metkayina clan had decided to visit your tribe the following week, the tribe had aided a lot during the Na'vi vs the sky people war. You and the other kids had all fought with them, it was a time with a lot of tears and blood spilled and none of the others really enjoyed talking about it.
You had been the only human they had tolerated there, this only after you risked your life to save the little kids of the tribe who were almost killed by a stray soldier. Spider was almost thrown to the sharks after he tried to save Quaritch, so they probably still kind of loathed him for that.
Anyway, considering the preperations of the celebration, sleeping arrangements and sustenance the 'adults' had gone on a frantic rampage to get everything ready in time.
And this made it that when you had locked eyes across the camp, and when the parents looked away you both snuck of to the only place no one would be at that time.
One of the extra halls attached to the old human base had been a pool, which was basically a 'cleaner' lake. The other scientists made sure it was still functional, as they still used it for excerise often.
This was one of the places you didn't have to wear a mask, and so Neteyam had practically forced the two of you over here.
"Why exactly did you want to meet here again?" You murmured as you turned your head to look at the large alien behind you. He just shrugged avoiding the question before placing the oxygen tank down and taking a hefty puff through the mask.
You turned to look at the pool, the water seeming strangely blue because of the tiles at the bottom. It was actually quite a deep pool you could barely see the bottom on the deep end of the pool, luckily a sort of ramp style made it that the pool became way less deep on the other end.
A lot of the lights had stopped working over the years, as now only the lights in the pool still remained functional. You noticed the water gave the room a blue tint as the reflection of the soft ripples shone on you and Neteyam.
You startled out of your thoughts as your blue alien reached around you to unbutton your pants. You let out a squeek as his hands shamelessly explored your body. "You wear too much clothes." he whispered in your ear.
"No i don't, and you can't allways rip my clothes off" you teased, a blush rising on your cheeks.
"Hm, i wouldn't mind making you new ones" he murmured as his eyes scanned your legs, you squirming under his gaze. His gaze grew more intense as you kicked of your now unbuttoned pants slowly lifting up your tanktop.
He instantly laid his warm hand on your belly his palm almost covering it entirely. You shivered at the sudden touch. "You are so soft.." he murmured to himself. He grasped onto the little bit of fat on the underside of your stomach, "I want to feel this against me again soon."
You blushed bright red as you swatted as his hands, "Neteyam! You can't just suddenly say stuff like that" you murmured.
His yellow eyes seemed almost green in the blue light, a smile circling his lips. "You are mine, and you are beautifull and soft, and i have the right to tell you that," he spoke in english this time, his Na'vi accent still visible through the words. His warm hand stubbornly remaining on your stomach as he gave you an intense stare.
Neteyam was suprisingly possesive these days, and you honestly hadn't known your gentle friend had this dominance in him. Not to mention the sudden rebelious streak he was on, actively deceiving his parents to spend time with you.
His hands moved toward your hips, softly pulling your body toward his and bending down to look you in the eye. "You are so small," he mumbled as his breath hit your face.
He placed a little peck on your nose, before his warm mouth slowly covered yours. Him dominating the kiss instantly, softly running his larger tongue through your mouth. You let out a moan, him groaning in response.
His fingers tickled your stomach softly, you letting out a squeel at the familiar action. This something he had done since he figured out as you were kids what a fun reaction he got by doing it.
He and Lo'ak often did things like that when you were kids.
A sudden idea struck you as you pulled his hands of your hips, allowing yourself to quickly slip downward making an escape as you ducked out from under him.
"Y/n?" He asked confused as he looked around to see where you ran off too. His gaze caught on a ripple in the water, him walking over to the edge to look for you, unknowingly peering into the blue abyss.
You smirked as you slowly snuck up behind him ducking down and using one of his hunting skills he had taught you when you were both young teens. The skill now proving usefull as you steadied yourself and pushed out your hands, your big blue alien letting out a scream and spashing water everywhere as he stumbled into the pool.
You laughed loudly as his head popped out from under the waves, revealing an annoyed looking Neteyam with his braids now clung to his skin.
"Your going to pay for that!" He yelled loudly, a gleefull smile revealing he wasn't actually all that annoyed with you. The sight familiar to you as you imagined a younger Neteyam doing the same, his round face and tiny body now replaced with a strong jawline and broad shoulders.
You had played like this all the time when you were kids and it was kind of nice to kind of relive that now.
His gaze turned gentle as he swam to the edge, "What are you thinking about?" He murmured, leisurely crossing his arms over the edge and placing his chin down on top.
You let out a sigh, "I guess i was just reminicing a little." You sat down next to his arms, placing your feet in the water and dangling them slightly.
Neteyam nodded softly, keeping his gaze fixed on your face.
"Do you remember going to the lakes when we were kids?" You asked, softly caressing one of his now soaked braids.
A smile spread on his lips as he gained a distant look in his eyes, "I don't think i can ever forget all that joy and happiness, we might have been young but i still remember a lot from back then." His hand grasped yours giving it a little squeeze.
"I was just afraid that all that trauma from the war might have overshadowed that," you murmured softly, thinking back to all the loss and death you had all endured so young. "Some things are still a bit muddled sometimes,"
You thought back to the time that you had gone to save Spider from the sky people. You, Lo'ak and Neteyam sneaking into the poachers boat and somehow succeeding to retrieve the other boy. Only for one of their men to show up at the last second to shoot at them, he had actually managed to hit Neteyam if it wasn't for the fact you managed to push him in the water just in time.
The only problem being that you had not taken into account that the guy would switch to swinging his gun around when his bullets ran out.
Which was how you got your lights punched out before you were plunged into the water, the guy thinking you were dead. Neteyam had looked behind him to find you, only to find your lifeless form floating right next to him.
Que the most horrifying moment ever when he thought you were dead, still dragging your body right to the nearest shore. He had basically screamed at his brother that he had forced them to go rescue Spider. When he finally calmed down a bit they recruited Tsureya to stay with your body, as they couldn't find a pulse.
Neteyam had basically gone on a murder spree, murdering a LOT of people as revenge. You scaring Tsureya's socks off as you suddenly started moving again.
Needless to say, it was a pleasant suprise for your blue alien when he returned to find you very much concussed but still alive. He had basically been your nurse the entire time you got better. Staying beside you even when you insisted he rested himself.
That was when he had first started acting strange around you allready.
You felt Neteyam squeeze your hand, pulling you from your memories. "Your thinking about the war aren't you? You do that alot these days." He murmured softly giving you a meaningfull stare.
You shrugged, averting your gaze "Don't you do it too? Especially now things changed between us."
Neteyam let out a breath, "Yes, i do. But mostly at night... when you aren't with me" His grip on your hand tightened before he spoke again. "I have a lot of nightmares these days, about.. uhm.. about losing you."
You turned to him in suprise, "About what happened back at the ship?"
He flinched before nodding, avoiding your gaze as you tried to look him in the eyes.
You slid yourself over to him, him instantly making space for you to sit on the edge in front of him.
"Teyam?" You murmured as you grasped his chin toward you, "I'm here now." You placed a kiss on his nose before placing your forehead on his.
He 'innocently' smiled, "Say if i happen to have another one of those Nightmares, you wouldn't mind if i climb into bed with you right?" His warm hands slid over your legs before settling on your hips.
You knew he was joking, but you couldn't help but take what he said seriously. "I would never mind spending time with you Neteyam, whatever the time whatever the place." You gave him a soft smile.
The look on his face warmed your insides as he smiled the biggest you had ever seen him smile. He placed his hands under your arms, lifting you off the edge of the pool and in his arms.
You let out a squeek, not at all expecting the action.Your body suddenly flush against his musculair chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands sliding downward until he held you up by your thighs.
"So good" you heard him mutter as he drew you as close as you possibly could be, his yellow eyes gaining that primal tint you had seen only once before as he observed your form.
A familiar warmth grew between your legs, you struggling to keep your cool because of it. You really only wanted one thing, and you needed it right now. You needed that delicious fullness right now, you even slightly wanting the pain that came with it.
"Neteyam?" You asked softly as his eyes instantly flashed to yours, "Well uhm... ithinkimreadytohavesexwithyouagain" Your words were impossible to decipher, your big blue guy staring at you with concerned eyes.
"Are you allr..." he began before you cut him off, softly pressing a finger to his lips.
"I... think" you took a deep breath "I'm ready to uhm.. have sex with you.. again." You murmered as you covered your blush with your hands. "Roughly." You added, your mind straying toward the bruises and hard thrusting you had enjoyed the first time.
Neteyam let out a low growl, "Roughly?" He asked, releasing a shaky sigh as you nodded. "I need to hear you say it y/n," He murmured, grasping your face with your hand.
You let out a whine, "I want you to fill me so deeply i can barely breath,.ah... i want you to take control" you finally moaned out,
Your big blue alien stepped backwards a bit, suddenly loosing his footing.
A huge splash of water rippled the pool as Neteyam stumbled, effectively dunking you both under water, totally disorienting you as you went under.
You both reached the surface of the water at the same time, catching your breath. Neteyam instantly scanning around himself to find you. You letting out a loud laugh as his eyes hit yours, splashing him with a little wave of water.
The tension from before momentarily forgotten as you played in the water.
He gave you a comically insulted look, it quickly turning relieved as he saw your smile. "You little skang!" He yelled as he used his large arm to send you a wave, it washing over you instantly.
"Oh come on, this is not a fair fight!" You exclaimed loudly, teasingly kicking him in the shin.
He let out an exaterated whine before he threw his body toward you picking you up under your arms, him dropping you afterwards. You felt some water enter your nose as you went under, you sputtering slightly in suprise.
He lifted you up again, "Shouldn't have contended me, ma y/n." He murmured into your ear, it a reference to the play water fights you would have as children.
He placed his arms around you softly, you both taking a second to just bask in eachothers presence. His arms settled around you in a way you only saw and felt him.
After a short while you felt his breath turn uneven, "Teyam, you really need oxygen" You warned.
Neteyam hesitantly let you go but finally swam toward the other side of the pool lifting himself on the edge before taking a puff of oxygen from the tank.
He turned to look at you, "That was unexpected." he murmured with an humorous smile on his face. Him obviously meaning the tension and then the tumble you guys just took.
"Now this totally killed my mood here, welp guess we'll just go back to the rest." You shrugged, sarcastically turning away from him and starting to swim away.
"OH no you don't," Neteyam yelled jokingly but not that jokingly at the same time.
You laughed, "Well i suppose you'll have to catch me then!" You taunted him giving him a meaningfull look.
He smirked before he walked over to the edge of the water, peering down on your form a little ways ahead.,
You underestimate me little mate! I'll catch you faster than you think!" He exclaimed loudly as you heard a loud splash behind you, Neteyam giving chase.
You swam toward the shallow end of the pool as quickly as your limbs would allow, slowly making your way toward the ramp, the water now coming up to your waist as you waided through at record speed.
You felt him gain on you,
You slowly kept crawling upward the water splashing loudly as you practically threw yourself forward, adrenaline rushing through your body as you heard the sound of his large body getting closer and closer to your smaller form.
You noticed him reach out to grab you a little too late, you stumbling down on your stomach. You were about to sit up too crawl when you were held down by two large legs pinning you too the ground. His large member sitting right on your ass.
"Got you" Neteyam whispered in your ear as his hands pinned yours to the dry part of the ramp, only your bottom half still fully submerged.
"Well, claim your price then my love" You murmured softly as you jokingly shook your bottom at him. He let out an excited growl, rutting against your body roughly. You letting out a moan as you felt his cock slip down, just missing your clothed entrance as it landed between your folds.
He sat on his knees around your legs, your ass pushed upwards toward him. Neteyam letting out a frustrated sigh and simply tearing off your bra and underwear, you letting out a gasp at the sting of the clothes digging into your skin as they tore. He threw the shreds somewhere to his right before reaching his hand down and placing the head of his cock at your entrance.
You shivered at the sudden sensitivity of your folds. You whimpering as you tried to dig your nails into the tiled pool. You tried to catch your breath from your running, failing immensely.
He pushed in without warning, you dropping yourself on your stomach with a breathless groan as he filled you to the brim. His large member stretching you out instantly, it feeling like it set aflame every sensitive place in your body all at once.
You tried to catch your breath, gasping heavily as your body adjusted to the large intruder. The filled feeling foreign but familiar as you could feel the tip of his cock reach far into you.
He groaned in your ear "You can't run away from me my mate," his breath uneven as he set a sudden harsh pace, his cock pulling all the way out of you before slamming into you again.
You were slowly pushed forward as he thrusted into you, his hands settled on your waist to keep you still.
You whined under him, your cunt a tingling mess as you took him, you feeling him so deep in your body you could see stars. "Oh god, your so deep" You moaned out, not able to keep the words in.
You tried to push yourself up on your underarms, intending to scootch yourself forward a bit. Him sliding out of you a little as you moved away from him.
You were pulled back harshly, a deep voice whispering in your ear. "Stay here" Neteyam demanded as he pulled your arms behind you, your body angling backwards as he slammed into you again, you feeling your belly rub against the tile with every thrust. His pace became more irregulair, you unnable to calculate his next move and completely at his mercy.
This new position drove him right into your sweet spot, your orgasm approaching fast and your eyes growing hazy as your surroundings went blurry. You let out a highpitched moan, your body shaking terribly as your cunt squeezed his cock uncontrollably.
Neteyam let out a feral groan, pushing your body back down practically laying on you as he drove himself in and out of you. He was animalistic as he growled and hugged your body to his in a posessive embrace.
You had never felt him like this, but you couldn't help but like it as he dominated your body in every sense. It was like your mind grew empty for a second, the only thing in your mind the hot pleasure coursing through your veins and the satisfying feeling of fullness in your stomach.
And every time he growled and ground himself into you, you felt yourself floating farther from your body. Your entire being overtaken by him as you let out unfiltered moans. "Oh please, please, please" you heard your voice come out of your throst even when you didn't remember speaking them.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you really hoped no one would come anywhere near to the back of the human base. It a sure fact that they would hear the absolute massacre taking place. The huge alien rutting into you like a rabid animal, and you taking it like a bitch in heat.
He suddenly slowed down, his pace slower but his thrusts harsher than before as your body was harshly pushed into the tiles, your warm head settled on the cold surface as you let out incoherent words of satisfaction. You were scooted forwards like a rag doll as he moved you at his will. "Yes you are doing so well, my little mate. You are so damn tight." He murmured in your ear again, his warm breath tickling your neck.
You felt him swell up inside of you, your body tingling as Neteyam let out a hoarse moan, his seed spilling inside your womb and pumping it farther into you. The squelching obscene as it echoed through the dark pool.
You felt the knot in your stomach unravel suddenly but harshly as you let out a final moan, your legs shaking even harder than before and your body basically going limp on the tiles. Your brain too fucked out to even think.
The blue light of the pool faded away for a second as black spots covered your vision, a loud ringing filling your ears.
"Y/n, ...re .... allright?" You heard Neteyam ask you something, but your mind struggled to figure out what he had said.
You frowned in confusion as you felt Neteyam shake you a bit, "Y/n..please.. r...ond.." a panicked tone filtered in his words, you feeling his weight lift off of your limbs.
You curled your legs into your chest, placing your arms under yourself but letting out a whimper as you failed to sit up. Your heartbeat soared in your ears, it like a drum as it pounded in your head. His eyes widening as your eyes rolled upward, your vision fading.
"Y/N?" Neteyam's loud shout echoed through your mind. Your eyes shot open, revealing your big blue guy above you you as his palms softly hit your cheeks to keep you awake. "Teyam?" You murmured softly, a relieved look on his face as you acknowledged him.
You felt his arms slip around your body as he gently lifted you of the ground, you blinked.
When you opened your eyes again, you were cradled in Neteyam's arms. Your naked body flush against his. One of his arms holding you steady and the other one supporting your head. You weren't in the pool anymore, now sitting on the tile by your clothes. You stared around with dumbfounded eyes, "W..What happened?" You asked weakly.
Neteyam stared at you with worried eyes "You just didn't respond, i didn't know what to do." He mumbled softly as tears filled his eyes, slowly running down his cheeks. "I was just so worried, I'm so sorry." he murmured into your still damp hair.
You softly pushed your forehead against his, "It's not your fault," You let out a slow breath before sitting up in his arms.
"Why did you pass out? Did i push you too far?" He asked worriedly.
You shook your head, "No, no, not at all, i think i pushed myself too far... you did... amazing."
You leaned forward, softly kissing away his tears. A soft smile circling your lips afterwards, as you softly pressed the tip of your nose to the spots on his face.
"You felt so good, it was like i lost my mind. It was like something came over me." His eyes were still wild, no doubt still calming down from his orgasm.
"I had the same, you really are mine" You murmured in his ear,
Neteyam's eyes met your own again, his eyes soft and so filled with affection you could barely breathe. "I see you." He murmured softly, as he placed his hand on your cheek.
"I see you" you murmured, placing your arms around his warm chest as he did the same. You stayed in his embrace for a while as you both calmed down from your high both in the emotional and in the physical sense.
After a while you both got up, your body aching in so many places you would surely have to check in a mirror later. You slowly put on your clothes, your big blue guy keeping a close eye on you during.
"I really hurt you..." Neteyam murmured as he trailed his fingers over the allready forming bruises on your arms and legs
His fingers slowly brushed over to your neck, his hands tracing a few spots there. "I have marked you here as well." He did seemed pleased at 'that' thought, his stance instantly growing taller as he observed the love bites on your neck.
You finished dressing quite quickly, you both finally ready to sneak out the pool. "Shit" you cursed as you stared at the black nothingness.
Neteyam looked at you in confusion, "What is it?"
"Look outside"
You quickly grabbed his hand dragging him with you as you entered the dark hallway. Him just allowing himself to move with you as you peered around the narrow passages thankfully able to navigate in the dark.
"We have to move quickly here" you murmured as you stuck your head out into the main hall, quickly peering around to see if you saw any scientists wandering around thankfully seeing the corridor entirely empty.
You pulled him into the hallway, slowly crouching/crawling under the windows to the labs, you knowing that some of the human workers liked to work late.
You had no idea what time it was, but you sincerily hoped it wasn't past nine yet. Neytiri, Jake and Norm would trow a fit if they appeared past curfew again.
The pair of you slowly neared the avatar room where the big metal door leading outside was located, his big blue form sticking out like a sore thumb as they sneaked past the various hallways leading there.
You crouched beside the doorframe, peering into the room. It was silent in there safe for the occasional snore, you looking back at Neteyam to see if he heard anything. He gave you a silent nod, slowly moving in front of you this time as he grasped your smaller hand in his to guide you forward. You both sneaking past the giant tanks, one of them containing Kiri's mother..which was honestly quite weird.
You finally had the door in sight, Neteyam reaching forward to grab the handle as you both stood up. "Goodni...." you were interupted by his lips on your own as his large hand cupped your face. You gasped as his tongue entered your mouth, him groaning as your teeth grazed his lips.
You felt yourself get carried away, him apparently having the same problem as he harshly slammed your back against the wall. Your legs wrapped around his waist pulling him toward you as his hands roughly kneaded your behind.
"Okay... we... should.. really stop" You mumbled between kisses. Neteyam only letting out an dejected moan before unwillingly pulling away from you, softly setting you back down on your feet.
"I shall see you tommorow" He murmured giving you one last kiss and stepping out the door.
Your private moment being way less private than the both of you thought.
(Welp! That was part two! Again please let me know if you liked it! I think I will only do a part 3 if you guys want me to! Also let me know if i need to be more descriptive, I am sometimes not sure if i put enough.)
Link to part 3:
Link to part 1!:
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justtwotired · 9 months
Im Vic, Can i please get something with colby? The reader would be a ex gf who runs into him when sam and him are recording a video and he asks if they could meet up after they are done recording. She says yes and sam goes back to the hotel leaving them alone maybe there are some sparks still there.
Hi! Yes, definitely! I’m sorry I posted like more then a month after your request, I’ve just been really busy with school and other writing projects of mine, but thank you so much for the req<3
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I laughed as Amelia made a joke about our experience a few hours ago in the haunted house we work at. I was packing my bag to go home while she was staying to give a tour of the house to some guests who where going to check it out and come back the next night.
“Hey, unheard your tour is being recorded for YouTube,” I commented and she smiled a bit giddy. “It is! I really can’t wait, this is actually so exciting, does my hair look alright?” She asked and I laughed.
“You look amazing, don’t worry,” I reassured and she winked at me in a flirtatious way, making me blow her a kiss. “We are such girlfriends,” she joked and I shook my head with a small laugh.
“Hey, wasn’t one of your ex boyfriends a YouTuber who recorded in haunted places?” She asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, he still is, I didn’t really speak with him anymore… sometimes I wish I still did,” I admitted making her wiggle her eyebrows at me. “Oh don’t look at me like that, it’ll never happen, I know it,” I sighed and she gave me a reassuring smile.
“It’ll be fine hun, if nothing works out you can always marry me,” she said and I gave her a look. “I’m sure your husband would love that,” I said and she waved me off.
“I’d dump him for you,” she said and I snorted, going to hit her arm but she quickly dodged and stuck out her tongue at me.
“What’s the name of the YouTubers coming here? I’ll look them up to see if they’re anything interesting,” I said, grabbing my phone.
“Oh, Sam and Colby,” she said and I paused, looking at her in surprise. “You’re joking right?” I asked and she shook her head.
“No, why?” She questioned and then her face hit with realisation. “Don’t tell me one of them is your ex,” she said and I nodded.
“Jup, Colby is my ex, and I think this is my cue to go before they arrive,” I said and she hid back a smile, making me glare at her.
Of course, as if the world hated me, we heard a car arrive outside, making me want to sink trough the ground right at that moment.
With a teasing grin, Amelia walked towards the front door and I followed her, not like I could escape now anyway, my car was parked outside.
When Amelia opened the door, I immediately noticed the two of them and seemingly two friends. Sam was holding a camera and filming himself and another guy, then he pointed the camera at me and Amelia making our way outside.
His eyes visibly widened at the sight of me and he instinctively pointed the camera at Colby who seemed to be rather shocked when he noticed me.
“Hi, Amelia,” she introduced herself, shaking Sam’s hand and then Colby’s, followed by the other two who where apparently called ‘Josh and Seth.’
“Hey,” Same greeted me with a smile and opened his arms, making me pull him into a hug. We had become great friends after me and Colby became a couple, but when he and I broke up, I stopped contacting Sam as it was kind of a unwritten rule.
“Hi, it’s been a while,” I said with a small grin. I shook both hands of Josh and Seth, introducing myself, before turning to Colby who seemed lost in how to greet me.
With a small smile I opened my arms to invite him for a hug which he excepted, holding me tightly and resting his chin on my head, just like old times.
“I didn’t know you two where coming,” I said, taking a step back. “We didn’t know you worked here,” Colby said and I chuckled.
“Isn’t it a small world?” Amelia said, making Sam point the camera at her.
“You’re our guide then, right?” He asked and she nodded. “That would be me,” she answered.
“Do tell us about yourself,” Colby said and she shot me a nervous glance, making me give her a thumbs up.
“Alright, I am Amelia Cooper, I’ve been working at the -haunted house name- for about three years now and I’ll be your guide this evening,” she said and I smiled at her approvingly.
“Great, and you can introduce yourself aswel,” Sam then pointed the camera at me, making me chuckle.
“Alright then,” I said, telling the camera my name. “I have been working here for- I think for almost a year now, and I won’t be your guide for this evening because I am actually leaving, but I’m going to be here tomorrow night to receive you for your night alone,” I explained.
“Alright, great, let’s go inside then,” Sam said and shut of the camera. “I didn’t hear that you moved,” Sam commented and looked at me.
“Oh, I didn’t really, I just live with Amelia trough the week but I mostly go bakc home around the weekend, so I kind of live her, but I kind of don’t,” I said making him chuckle.
“Alright, sorry if I’m being clueless, but you know each other, because…?” Seth pointed a finger at the three of us a bit confused.
“Oh, ex girlfriend,” I pointed at Colby, making both Josh and Seth nod in understanding. “But, you guys can go inside to start the tour, I’m heading home because I think the cat will kill me if I am to late with feeding him,” I said making Amelia let out a noice of offense.
“Was that a jab at my cat?” She asked giving me a scolding look, I stuck my tongue out, making her chuckle. “I’ll see you later,” she waved and gestured at the boys to follow her, making her way back inside.
I wanted to walk towards my car but was stopped when Colby laid his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him with a questioning look.
“Hey, Uhm, I wondered if you wanted to hang out later tonight?” He asked and I felt heat rise to my cheeks, because it is actually something I really hoped he’d ask but I was to afraid to do it myself.
“Yes, sure, sounds fun,” I said with a small smile. “I’ll text you my address, you may pick me up when you’re done with the tour, we can head to the fair that’s in town,” I said, knowing he loves those.
He gave me an excited grin. “I’ll be there,” he promised and then followed his friends inside.
Later that evening, I got a text from Colby saying he was on his way. Amelia was home already and she told me he and his friends were headed back to the hotel first before Colby would pick me up.
It made sense, as they only had one car at the moment.
After about 15 minutes, there were knocks on the door and I quickly shot up from the couch and opened the door, finding Colby looking at me with a smile.
“Ready to go?” He asked and I nodded. “Of course I am,” I said and yelled a goodbye to Amelia before following Colby to his car.
“So, what have you been up to?” He asked as we were driving to the fair.
“Nothing much, just mostly working at the house,” I shrugged with a small smile. “I became interested in those kind of things because of you, you know,” I said, masking him give me a small smile back.
“I already hoped so,” he said, sending me a small wink, making me bite the inside of my lip, trying not to blush.
“And you?” I asked. “What have you been up to?” I liked at him while he kept his eyes on the road.
“Mostly just making video’s,” he admitted. “And of course a few party’s here and there,” he grinned slightly, making me chuckle.
“Yeah, I expected nothing less,” I gave him a look, making him give me a ‘guilty’ look back. It caused me to laugh and shake my head.
It was silent for a moment when we stopped laughing. It wasn’t really awkward, but not comfortable either.
“And uh,” he started. “Any new relationships?” He asked, a bit too curious if you ask me. Bit I couldn’t blame him, I’d been aching to ask him the same question after all.
“Oh, I dated about two guys between the time we broke up and now, but one was just a small fling and the other was a bit serious, but I eventually broke it off because he wasn’t really my type after all,” I admitted.
The guy I had been in a relationship with had been nice and all, but nothing like Colby, he was not what I was looking for and I had to break it off because it was unfair for him.
“What about you?” I asked, maybe a bit to intrigued, but what could I say, I really wanted to know if he had found better than me.
“Just a few flings really, nothing serious,” he admitted and looked at me. “Nothing like you,” he said, making me blush and smile rather proudly.
We eventually arrived at the fair and I immediately dragged him towards my favourite ride, making him laugh and tell me I was like a child, making me roll my eyes and whack his arm.
We stayed at the fair for multiple hours, and just like in the movies, he managed to win a huge teddy bear for me.
We eventually sat down somewhere to eat and I yawned as we sat at the table.
“Tired?” He asked with a chuckle and I nodded, combing a hand trough my hair. “I’ll bring you home, come on,” he stood up a reached out a hand, I took it and he pulled me up.
We threw away the paper cups and trays and headed towards the car.
He took my hand in his, making me look up at him with a smile, I’d missed how our hands fitted so perfectly together.
“Thank you, for tonight,” I said at the excit of the fair and he smiled at me. “I’m happy you wanted to come,” he answered.
“Can I be honest with you?” I asked and he nodded rather interested. “I really missed you,” I said, pursing my lips slightly.
“I missed you too,” he admitted with a low chuckle, I gave him a soft smile and looked into his eyes, I’d missed those eyes.
His eyes shot down to my lips for a second and I could feel excitement start to bubble in my stomach. I shot a longing glance at his own lips, making him grin at me.
He put up a hand and rested it on my cheek. “May I kiss you?” He whispered and I chuckled.
“Obviously,” I said, before standing on my toes and connecting our lips.
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bfiaflbox · 8 months
The only time I feel I might get better
Pairing: Matty x Reader Warnings: Mentions of Drugs, drug use, alcoholism and recovery Disclaimer: All I know about this is second hand knowledge and things I googled so don't get mad when I get something wrong. I just thought this scenario is an interesting one and wanted to type it out. I kind of hate and love it at the same time.
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It‘s around 11 pm when your doorbell rings. You were about to go to bed and were definitely not expecting visitors, so you‘re hesitant about answering. The doorbell rings again. „Y/n, are you there?!“ you hear a familiar voice shout. It’s Matty. In the middle of the night. Frantically ringing your doorbell. This is not a good sign.
You open the door to a disheveled looking Man who seems like he‘s about to cry. He‘s breathing heavily and fidgets with his hands. „I fucked up“ he almost whispers. Without asking any questions you let him in and go into support-person-mode.
The second the door closes behind Matty, he starts rambling. „Fuck, I‘m sorry, I’m so SO sorry. I'm so fucking tired, I can't think. I fucked up. I don’t know what came over me, I just couldn’t fight the urge to use anymore so I went out and…“ tears start falling down his face.
„Okay, okay, breathe!“ you try to convey as much calm as you can and look him in the eyes. You notice he doesn’t look particularly high or out of it just… sad and tired. „Is it ok if I touch you?“ it’s the most important question in this friendship of yours, however fucked up and complicated it may be. He had to ask before he could touch you every time not to trigger something in you, and you extended the same courtesy to him. He nods and you start to stroke his arms. „How about you come in and we talk?“ and maybe calm down before going to see a professional about it.
He nods and both of you make your way to the living room and sit down on the couch. Matty buries his face in his hands, elbows on knees.
„Okay, Matty, tell me what happened“
„I don’t know, I haven’t really slept in days and I feel so drained and everything‘s too much and I just wanted something to make that feeling go away, to feel some peace and smack was the only thing I was able to think of. Fuck! This is bad. I don’t want to do this again.“ you know the feeling all too well. „Fuck. I couldn’t even score myself, the guy selling knew who l am so I paid another junkie to do it. I'm so pathetic.“
„Have you consumed any?“
He shakes his head. „I didn’t. I couldn’t. I came here instead. I’m sober right now. Please believe me“
„I do, I believe you“
He‘s pressing his palms into his eyes, probably a desperate attempt to stop the tears.
„Do you still have it?“
„Go on, hand it over“ you extend your open hand. He can’t have it near him. It’s like the first rule of addiction recovery: remove temptation. It‘s what he did for you when he got rid of all the alcohol that you were gifted early into recovery by people who didn’t know about your addiction. It‘s what he kept doing for you over the years, being there with you, frequently checking in during family gatherings, work events and birthdays, occasions that were typically linked to alcohol consumption.
Matty reaches into his pocket and produces a small packet of tinfoil wrapped in plastic and hands it over without question.
„That all?“
He nods
„Right, ok. I‘m going to dispose of this in the kitchen, do you want some tea?“
„Yes please“ he chokes out.
You go into your kitchen, put the kettle on and get the opioid disposal process started. How to get rid of heroin is one of the many things you had no idea of before your friendship with Matty, but now you know exactly what to do: you get out a glass from the cubboard, fill it halfway with water and dump the contents of the little packet into it. You go to your fridge and see if you still have any lemon juice left and find some that you forgot you had which also smells rank. Doesn’t matter, it will do. You add the juice to make the opioids dissolve in water like you learned in a fucked up chemistry lesson you would only get from a sober heroin addict and stir. Then you get a ziplock bag and go to the hallway cubboard where you store cat litter for exactly this occasion. You fill a good amount of the cat litter into the ziplock bag and return to the kitchen, take the heroin-lemon-water and dump it into the cat litter. It produces an absolutely disgusting looking brown mass, rendering the opiates completely unsalvageable. You zip up the bag and throw it in the trash.
When you come back to the living room from the kitchen, two mugs of tea in hand, you find Matty laying down on your couch, blanket over his legs. You put the mugs down on the coffee table and sit down on the floor in front of the couch. You reach your hand to his face and stroke his cheek with your thumb. He sighs and absolutely heartbreaking sigh.
„I know“, you whisper. And you do. You know how hard it can be to be a recovering addict, being on the brink of relapse.
Matty seems to calm down a bit. He's stopped crying and you just sit with him and the emotions in silence.
„Thank you“ he whispers after some time.
„Always“ you reply softly.
„Can I stay?“
„You know you can“, you smile.
He audibly exhales and timidly asks „can you please not tell George?“ oh yes, the accountability system. No keeping secrets, owning up to your mistakes, making sure you don’t isolate, etcetera, etcetera. It‘s not an official program, more like a thing you both came up with on your own.
„You know I have to tell him, it‘s part of the deal, remember?“
„I know, but I want to tell him myself.“
„Okay. But I‘m gonna make sure you do!“
„Tomorrow?“ he sounds so drained and exhausted.
„Tomorrow“, you agree. You don’t think you‘d have it in you to ask anything of him that he doesn’t want to do. You’re soft like that for him.
You sit in silence for a few minutes, admiring his face. His annoyingly handsome, lovely face and his slender but strong body. You long for him. And you long for him to get better. If only you could crack open his ribcage and personally fix everything that gives him grief, you would do it.
„I‘m so sorry“ he whispers again.
„I know. Trust me, I know“
„I feel like this right here is the only place where I can exist without judgement“, he admits and it makes you proud that you managed to create such a safe space for him and at the same time it breaks your heart knowing that the world is full of people watching and judging him. But truly, you feel like you‘re only returning the favour. He‘s been there for you through the worst parts of your life, always turning up for you when it mattered. A part of you fears you might no longer be here had it not been for him.
„Maybe here with you is even the only place I might get better… being with you makes me feel less helpless“
„Next time just come over without stopping at the dealer‘s before, yeah?“ you joke but on the inside your heart is burning. You want him and you want him to want you.
Matty smiles and you can feel him relaxing even more. Your hand is still tangled in his hair, thumb still stroking over his cheek. He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. He‘s exhausted and his body is begging for sleep. „It‘s okay, you can sleep, I‘ll stay here“ you say softly and you‘re not sure if he heard you because all his muscles are relaxing and he‘s lightly snoring, seemingly fast asleep.
You just sit here and watch him. You think about that one time he told you he didn’t feel worthy of any love or affection coming his way which makes you acutely aware of all the love you hold for him, that you don’t know where to put, that has nowhere to go. You wish you could tell him. Tell him that you‘ve never loved anyone like you love him. That you feel like you‘re missing an integral part of yourself when he‘s not there with you. That you love every part of him, even the ones he himself hates, that his vulnerability only makes you respect him more.
It is there and then, sitting on your living room floor in front of your couch with a sleeping Matty on it, that you decide you‘re gonna tell him. Tomorrow. You lay your head down on the couch, telling yourself you‘re only going to rest your eyes a bit before you fall asleep as well.
Little do you know that when Matty wakes up from a weird dream in the middle of the night and finds you asleep in what must be an uncomfortable position on the floor next to him, he decides that in the morning he is going to get over himself, be brave for once and just tell you that he loves you.
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feral-harpy · 1 year
Fanfic Idea:
I've always thought that the whole situation in the end of Season 2 of Stranger Things, where Billy finds Steve with the kids at the Byers' house, was screaming serial killer.
So I'd imagine Billy just randomly seeing Steve burry a suspiciously wet bag in the middle of the forest by night as more than a little fucked up.
The next few days are just Billy trying to figure out if the former King Steve is a serial killer, maybe, proberbly...
Plus points if Hopper finds him snooping at Steve's and warns him to keep away. Because, let's face it, Billy would immediately go: jup, the cop is in on it. This is a fucking conspiracy!
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TBB s3 ep13 THOUGHTS!!
Starting off with a sunny shot of Tantiss seems like a good omen
I probably just jinxed it huh?
Poor baby
But they get toys
“You really think we can trust that hydrosnake?”
“I can hear you.”
Bitch is bitching about the Captains uniform like he hasn’t been wearing prison pj’s for two episodes
Oh? Omega snuck a weapon?
Smart girl
Omega is there for what? One day? Two? And she already has a plan to get them all out
The boys will finally find tantiss only for her to stand on a pile of rubble with a blaster and the other kids around her like “oh you finally made it?”
Echo stripping their armour from all colour pls this is making me so sad🥲
Like I know it’s just for infiltration but idk, their armour losing it’s individuality is feeling like a BAD omen to me
“That’s ’do your thing, sir.’”
“I don’t think so.”
Bro really just wants to get punched in the face, huh?
“Where is your captain?”
“Uh… … … captaining?”
I’ve been laughing at this for 2 minutes straight
The comedic timing was *chef’s kiss*
see I knew Wrecker was gonna beat the shit out of him
Honestly Rampart is the most whiny little bitch I’ve ever seen
Like JESUS CHRIST just shut your mouth
Like he’s complaining about EVERYTHING like he has a say?
Hate to break it to you buddy, but YOU DONT
That sequence of Echo sneaking aboard was 10/10
Fucking droid vacuum? LOVE IT
“Bout time.”
While wearing the guys hat HAHAHAHAHAH
I was SO SURE that it would go wrong again
Honestly since Cross missed the shot I’ve been scared
I mean, I knew Omega was gonna make it out, but I wasn’t so sure about the rest of the batch
Honestly for a second there I was like “Jup, this is it. The moment we lose Echo.”
Yo besties, this one was a rollercoaster
I mean I had a good time but I went through a lot of emotions there phew 😮‍💨
So does this mean that Cross can kill Rampart now? Because they don’t need him anymore, right?
Also, I love that Echo is back, but again, I AM SO SAD REX ISN’T WITH HIM! Because if Rex isn’t in this episode, then he probably won’t be in the next two either. Like I was really hoping we were past the “let Rex show up in ONE (1) arc per season, somewhere mid-season” thing. Like I was hoping we were gonna actually tie him into the story so that the torch for “clone centric animation show” could be passed to him and now I’m less optimistic.
I mean, anything can happen still but… we have two episodes left and somehow we still don’t quite know what the deal is with Omega’s blood and M-count, she still needs to escape, we still don’t know who clone X is, and we somehow need to find a conclusion for the batch AND the clone rebellion that explains their absence in future storylines without being rushed and… that’s,,,, A LOT?
In conclusion, I am very confused and scared and I’d like to go home now pls (by which I mean the batch should get to go back to Pabu with ALL THE OTHER CLONES IN TBE GALAXY and have a nice little life🥺)
anyways see you next week! hahahaha🥲
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trapastrology · 2 months
My Decision has been made...
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Good Afternoon, my beautiful astro babes!
A Week ago, I made a poll asking if you'd all rather me go the route of Patreon or Twitch. I want to take a bigger step in my career esp given my upcoming transits and other circumstances.
The poll has officially ended and there was a weeks' time to vote.
Patreon was the WINNER
I actually prefer this over twitch being that i can do more and there be a huge bang for your buck!
My Patreon will include a lot such as...
Lives (will be available to watch even if you missed it)
Exclusive In-depth information
Merch (towards the end of the year)
Discounts for readings, books and classes exclusive to patreon members
YouTube style videos (so those on Patreon will be seeing my face lol)
Classes strictly for Patreon members (the classes will be chosen by them)
& way more!
There will only be one tier. I find that this is the easiest way for me to post quality content between 2 platforms (Tumblr & Patreon) as well as not having people feel "left out" who may not be able to maintain the purchase of other tiers they may really like to join.
The only Tier will be $9. Being that a lot of quality content and such will be produced every month, I find that this is an amount that isn't too, too much but can still be sustainable for me.
I will be very ecstatic for those of you who'd like to join. I will be able to do more with something that I love to do without any outside sources intervening. This will also help me better interact with everyone one on one and giving a specific group of people what they want and need. The information i'll have on my Patreon will definitely be things that you can (& should) apply to your daily life to better your quality of life. This will also be towards people trying to get into the deeper parts of astrology.
I hope that everyone who wants to join is able to join!
However, there is one more thing I'd like to address. As a 1H Jup, I like to ask for signs from the universe for if I should do something or not. I was wondering if I should go on to Patreon/Twitch or if I should continue to stay on social medias strictly being that I've been on here for years.
Yesterday, I was accused of "stealing" my book title name from someone handle. For those of you who have been here for a while & came from twitter, I released Written In The Cosmos, on May 1st and was working on it a month prior to posting about it on April 1st. Nothing about or from my book was ever stolen from someone or something else. The title? Came from my mom. I asked her to help me with title and chapter names and she gave me a few and Written in the cosmos was supposed to be a chapter title but I switched it to a book title. The Artwork? If you've read any of my book promo, you'd know that it is Watercolor Painted by me! I also posted the whole tutorial on my personal TikTok and I painted it way before I thought about my book. The contents? was all me. Experiences I had and gathering information from people I interviewed! This is the first and last time I'll speak on this being that I honestly don't have the energy or anything to prove becuz as I worked on my book, I posted about it all the time. However, she commented on my post about my book, so I dm'd her asking her to clarify the issue and then I was blocked instantly. Furthermore, I took this as a sign to do bigger things becuz as a Scorpio/8H plmnt, if you aren't doing your thing and someone isn't trying to accuse you of something you didn't do...are you doing it right??? LOL
Nevertheless, everyone here knows I only post original content and I'm usually out and about when I think of posts info and ideas so I'll put it in my voice memos and type them out later.
Thank you for everyone who has purchased my book becuz it's meant the absolute world to be being that I thought it wasn't good enough to share! You are very appreciated by me forever and always!
I can't wait to start my New Patreon journey while also continuing my journey on here!
If you got this far, I love you and more content will be loading!!!!!!!
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burstsofenergy · 2 months
Hello people :D This is the very first time I participate in a fandom event! (I am excited and a bit nervous tbh). This is my contribution to @narutorarepairweek's event!
This is btw also my very first fanfic for the Naruto fandom. So feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you again @narutorarepairweek for hosting this event! I am really glad to have found it and I really loved all the prompts :D
(Aburame Shino/Hyuuga Hinata)
Her chest heaved under the heavy breaths she was taking. She was sure that everyone around her was aware of her panting breaths. She tried to calm herself, get her breathing under control.
Hide her weakness.
Something warm pressed against her left leg. She glanced down, bracing herself in the back of her mind for another surprise attack.
“Akamaru!” Surprise coloured her voice.
The large ninja dog gave her an answering bark and got closer to her when she crouched down, welcoming her hands in his fur.
“W-what are you doing here? Are you okay?” Hands were moving through white fur, checking for wounds, eyes mustered the dog thoroughly.
“How on earth are you able to keep your fur spotless? Really? You must have some secret you are hiding from me.” She chuckled when she couldn’t feel nor see anything out of order. The white fur of her canine companion shining in the sun that peeked out from the clouds above them.
Akamaru gave her another approving bark, sitting down to give her more access to shower him with attention.
“Figures that you sneaked away from boring briefings to get your daily fill of petting from Hinata!”
“Huh?” A loud voice disrupted the relative silence that had spread around the camp around her.
When she looked up, Kiba was jogging in their direction, a bright grin on his face. She felt something loosen in her chest, as if someone released a tight rope that had been tied around it. Kiba’s left cheek sported a smudge of dirt and his black jacket was covered in dust and his trousers were covered with little flecks of dirt and dried blood, but his gait was as purposeful and secure as ever and judging from the power with which he waved his arm over his head, his upper body was also unscathed.
“You sneaked away from a briefing?” She repeated towards the dog who had moved to show her his belly, basically begging her to rub it.
“Jup, he left me completely alone too! You are some kind of comrade!”
Another hand joined hers, giving the whining animal a pat on the head.
“But really, can’t say I wouldn’t have tried the same.”
“Kiba!” Hinata chided her former team member.
“I know, I know, meetings and briefings are important! Just saying that sometimes I can understand the impulse to just – you know – sneak away.”
A heavy sigh escaped him at that, his eyes getting a far-away look.
“To go back to the village. Running around the forest, lying in the grass under the warm sun. Just forgetting everything else.”
“Kiba-“ Hinata whispered, her hand moving forwards, covering Kiba’s hand.
“Ah! Sorry! Don’t let me drag you down with my sentimental musings!” The young man rushed to say while rubbing his neck in embarrassment. A forced laugh followed his statement.
“No. Your feelings are important, and I am glad that you chose to share them with me!” Hinata’s hair flew around her with the force of her head shaking. Her eyes settling on the young shinobi in front of her, his hand now clasped between hers.
Kiba cleared his throat, before he laid his free hand on top of their clasped ones.
“Uhm, thank you. Really, thank you. Hinata-. I really, I mean I really can’t even imagine being here without you! Like, I know I can’t really complain with my sister and my mother also being in my division!” His eyes wandered off until they landed on the white mutt between them.
“And Akamaru, really. I mean, I probably would be dead already if not for Akamaru- “His voice faded, his eyes closing.
“But” he continued, his eyes open and staring directly into Hinata’s, “I am also really grateful for your continued presence and your continued friendship, Hinata!” He said and squeezed their clasped hands.
“Kiba- “
“Yeah, I know! I am not usually one for all this emotional blabla but, you know, with all that is happening every day,” He shrugged helplessly, “you never know if you get another chance, you know? And really, somethings are better said out loud at least once, right?” He gave her a very obviously forced smile.
Hinata opened her mouth to return the heartfelt words when they were suddenly interrupted.
“Ah, nobody told me we were having a heart-to-heart today.”
Hinata whirled around – her hair once again flying around and nearly hitting Kiba in the face.
“Shino!” She whispered in shock and surprise.
“Well, can’t do that if you are nowhere to be found, can I?” Kiba countered with a smug grin on his face.
Akamaru moved to greet Shino, lying down in front of him with a playful bark.
Shino gave the white ninken a rather unimpressed look, making Hinata chuckle slightly. She once again rubbed Akamaru’s belly showering him with compliments.
“I can’t really help it, Akamaru just has a way with words.” Hinata said teasingly giving Shino a happy smile.
“Aw, com’ on, Shino! As if you can resist Akamaru’s patented puppy eyes!” Kiba was now standing next to Shino and gave him a clap on his shoulder.
As if on cue, Akamaru sat up and focused all his channelled cuteness on the usually stoic shinobi.
Kiba’s laughter, joined by Hinata’s light giggles echoed through the camp when Shino kneeled down to curl his fingers behind Akamaru’s ears. The triumphant look in Akamaru’s eyes seemed to make even Shino smile as the Aburame was sporting a slight smile.
“So?” Kiba started after some moments had passed.
“So, what?” Shino answered, his attention still on Akamaru.
“Where were you? Like I said, I was looking for you and you were nowhere to be found!” Kiba sighed annoyance written clear on his face.
“Ah, I had a mission.”
“And what?”
Kiba groaned in frustration, throwing his hands in the air.
“And what kind of mission?”
“A secret mission.”
Hinata watched the exchange with a fond smile on her face, laughing quietly at Kiba’s growing frustration and Shino’s slight smirk that he hid from him.
“Shino don’t tease poor Kiba like that! You know that he is just worried about you missing. As am I.” She added the last part and gave his hand a small squeeze.
“Poor Kiba?!?” Kiba repeated questioningly.
“I was asked to join a small group of sensor shinobis to check the perimeter once again. The division leader got notice that one of Naruto’s doppelgangers is on his way to us. From what I understand, they should help identify clones made out of White Zetsu.”
“That makes sense, I think. I mean if not even Hinata or Neji can identify them, well…”
“Yes, I also think that it has something to do with the nine-tail.”
“Hm, maybe he is able to sense it because of his training with the toads? I mean back when he was fighting Pain, he was also able to channel nature chakra if I remember correctly.”
Shino and Kiba were watching Hinata now. She was looking down, her eyes following her hand as she caressed Akamaru.
“Do you, I mean, do you think you will be okay?” Kiba had lowered his voice and kneeled next to Shino, aware of the people around them.
Shino and Kiba shared a concerned look before they both focused on Hinata once again.
“With Naruto coming here.” Shino added when Hinata remained silent. Kiba gave him an irritated look and rolled his eyes.
“What we meant to ask is, do you need us to do anything? Because if so, just say the word!” Kiba said slowly watching Hinata closely.
“Really, you wouldn’t believe the range of tactics and skills in our arsenal! We are your guys!” Kiba tried when Hinata was still not answering.
They shared another alarmed look when they heard a sniff from Hinata. She moved her arm in front of her face, drying tears that had run down her cheeks, before she lifted her face.
“A-are you okay?”
Kiba asked very carefully, his eyes moving around her face.
“Yes, I am perfectly fine, thank you both for caring.” She answered, a bright smile etched onto her face.
“You sure?” Kiba questioned with a disbelieving frown on his face.
“Yes. You see, I have realized something recently.” She said and grabbed both of their hand in each of her own.
“While I will probably never stop admiring Naruto, I think that I am finally ready to face the reality, so to say.”
“Which is?” Kiba asked as if he was afraid of the answer.
“Naruto Uzumaki is not reciprocating my feelings. And it looks as if he never will.”
“You don’t seem too sad about this.”
“Shino!” Kiba used his free hand to hit himself on the forehead.
“No, it’s okay Kiba. Shino is right with his observation. I am also a bit surprised about my lack of…”
“Devastation?” Kiba offered.
“Yes, that might be the fitting word. After my confession during the fight with Pain, well… I mean, I basically told Naruto that I loved him and he…
“He never approached me afterwards. He never tried to have a conversation about it. He simply continued as usual.
“And at first, I tried to rationalize it. That Naruto is a bit slow when it comes to stuff like that, that he is incredibly busy with all the new fame that he is now enjoying but… Well,”
She squeezed their hands.
“You two were also busy. Still-“
A loud Gong echoed through the whole camp interrupting their conversation and startling them back into the reality.
Akamaru and Kiba were the first on their feet – and paws. Akamaru barked and looked to Kiba as if looking for confirmation.
“Yes, I smell it too, buddy.” Kiba said and turned to the rest of Team 8.
“I think that Naruto will not arrive in time, unfortunately.”
A whistling sound caught their attention and the group looked towards the back of the camp.
“Kiba! Akamaru! Chop, chop!”
Kiba’s mother, Tsume Inazuka, still had her fingers to her lips when her commandeering voice echoed through the camp making the two young clan members snap to attention.
After giving his mother a nod, Kiba turned around to his team members once again.
“Looks like I am now also part of a secret mission.” He teased his chest puffed out in exaggerated pride.
“Good Luck!” Hinata said and her hand once again squeezed Kiba’s before she leaned forward and slung her arms around Akamaru giving him a big hug.
“Take care.” Shino said in his usual monotone manner.
Active combat situations are characterised by their dynamic and unpredictable nature. Even for strategic masterminds like Shikamaru or his father, it is difficult to maintain an overview. Depending on the position of the observer, the fighting can be perceived as one inter-linked action – or countless small fights. For the person on the ground, it is nearly impossible to focus on the grand scheme of things, as their attention is forced on the fight that is right in front of them – the attacker that is throwing their kunai right at them. Even though Hinata profits very much from her kekkei genkai, she simply lacks the strategic mastermind and intellectual prowess that her cousin Neji is showcasing again and again in this war. Thanks to Neji’s analytical capabilities, he can give precise orders and is able to quickly react when the enemy tries to distract or trap them, making him a valuable member of every team he is put in.
These thoughts run through Hinata’s mind when she watches how her cousin deflects attacks with an ease that reminds her of swatting away an annoying fly. Especially when put next to his former team members, Neji’s skills come to fruition. With practiced ease he gives orders – sometimes only a mere sign to the enemy is enough – and his former team members know exactly what they have to do.
“Hinata! Behind you!”
She swirls around, her eyes glowing with her activated Byakuugan. 
A shinobi that was about to pierce her back reverted back to a White Zetsu and lies on the floor, sliced in two, Akamaru chewing nearly leisurely on the lower half of the mysterious creature.
“Are you alright?!”
Hands are suddenly grasping her shoulders, shaking her body slightly. Wide eyes stare at her face, panic etched into the face of her long-time friend.
“Yes, thanks to you.” She says and Kiba’s panic fades as quickly as it came.
“Phew! You really got me there, Hinata. Really, phew!”
Kiba bent over and rested his hands on his knees catching his breath. Hinata, her kekkei genkai still activated, reached for a kunai and sliced the white clone that had come up behind Kiba in two.
“Yo, Kiba!”
Hinata and Kiba lifted their heads in surprise and saw an orange flash moving towards their location.
Before Kiba could react, a glowing Naruto landed directly in front of them.
“Naruto!” Hinata exclaimed before she could stop herself.
“You never shy away from a dramatic entrance, do you?” Kiba laughed mustering the bright flames that seemed to engulf their friend.
With Naruto’s help it was easy to identify the clones and they quickly decimating the imposters and pushed the attackers further from the camp. Hinata was glad to see Naruto, even though it was only a doppelganger. It meant that the original Naruto was alive somewhere and had enough chakra and stamina to produce all these copies of himself. She had long wondered how she might feel when she is once again face to face with her long-time crush. But now the only feeling in her chest is relief. She made the right decision when she decided to let go of her feelings for Naruto. Looking back, she could kick herself for all the time she spent yearning for the blonde young man. Her feelings had shielded her from the reality and made her look at it through rose-coloured glasses. The reality looked differently. While Naruto had played a crucial role in her childhood – his support during the Chuunin exams a shining example of that – she never had his undivided attention. Not like Sakura, for example – or Sasuke.
And this carried on until now. Naruto was fighting literally next to her, but he was not even really acknowledging her. It wasn’t as if he was actively avoiding her as if he were embarrassed or unsure how to act. No, he simply treated her like everyone else. And while she was glad that Naruto didn’t avoid her, she knew now that she will never be a top priority for him. And she finally gathered her courage to draw a line. She was finally ready to demand more than just the bare minimum of human decency. Naruto only looked at her when it was easy for him, but he never really moved out of his way for her. And she was happy for him. Happy that he was finally reaching his true potential and gained the recognition and admiration he had always yearned for. But she was also happy for herself, that she had the strength to let go of her fanciful dream of him choosing her.
It made her see the world clearer. Lifting a huge weight from her shoulders and helped her focus more on herself and the people in her life that were really there for her. Like Kiba and Shino, for example.
The pursuit of the scattered groups of remaining clones drew her further and further from the camp, deeper into the surrounding forest.
The sun was slipping behind the mountains and the blue of the sky above turned darker with each passing moment. Her eyes hurt from the continued use of her kekkei genkai, still she forced her way through the trees, watching closely for clues of any traps or surprise attacks. Her kunai flew through the air and hit one of the clones in the leg slowing him down, she pushed forward and with a well-placed punch the clone was quickly decimated.
Suddenly she was surrounded by White Zetsu clones. They seemed to grew all around her, pushing her into the defence. She was able to defend herself and deflect all their attacks, but she was forced to flee nevertheless, deeper into the forest. She doesn’t know how long the clones were after her, she had lost all sense of time what felt like ages ago. The temperature around her dropped with every meter she ventured deeper into the forest. She run as long as her legs were able to carry her. When even the last rays of sunshine left the world around her, she stopped and checked her surroundings. Only when she was sure that nobody and nothing was after her, she let herself relax.
But the relief was short-lived because now that her body was not pumping adrenaline through her veins, she became aware of her dire situation. She was alone in an unknown forest. It was dark and the sky was too cloudy to use the stars as orientation. And even if she were able to navigate her way back to the camp, she had overused the Byakuugan which meant that she was not only suffering from a terrible headache but also that her vision was restricted. Even without the Byakuugan, her eyes were not working properly.
Remembering how the White Zetsu clones grew out of any plant, she gathered her last strength and was able to find a stone cave that offered her some shelter. She didn’t dare to make a fire, so she simply huddled close to the wall and hugged her knees to her chest. She was lucky that she had the mind to stash some protein bars into her pockets in the morning. She also had to thank Neji for refilling her water bottle. She tried to look at the positive side – she had something to eat and drink. And if she remembered correctly, the temperature shouldn’t drop too low so she also wouldn’t freeze to death. All in all, she had most of the basic needs covered.
Still, she couldn’t help but feel panic rising in her chest. Every time she gave in and closed her aching eyes, her ears seemed to pick up any sounds of the forest and she ripped her eyes open in panic, scanning the entrance of the cave. A small voice in the back of her mind was reminding her that the reason why shinobi usually formed teams and avoided solo missions is because of situations like these. Warmth spread through her when she noted that this voice sounded very much like Neji. She could practically picture the disappointed frown that he would wear when he notices that she was not back in the camp by nightfall. The worry that he would try to hide from the others. Guilt washed over her, and she felt something squeezing her chest. As if her heart was squeezed by an invisible hand. She tried to distract herself, tried to convince herself that Neji was clever, he would know that she was probably stuck in the forest and would return the next day. She tried to force herself to believe that Neji would not think that something happened to her. She tried to resonate with herself that Kiba and Akamaru would be able to smell if she was hurt, that they would know that she was simply too exhausted to make it back safe. They would surely know that she was fine and would not worry too much about her. And even if Kiba would worry about her, Shino would surely step in and calm him down. Yes, she could always count on Shino’s rational mind. He would surely know that she was simply too exhausted, really, he would probably be disappointed if she didn’t try to rest and recover before trying to find a way back to the camp.
She was sure that her teammates would meet her half way tomorrow, using their skills to track her down and help her finding her way back. She had to smile imagining Kiba running around impatient and loud, demanding Neji letting him go and track her down right now. The smile developed into a chuckle when she thought about Shino’s reaction. Because while Kiba was always the most outspoken among them, Shino was probably the most determined. Which would probably surprise many, but not Hinata. She knew how much her quiet friend was trying, how much effort he put into everything he did. Whatever Shino did, he did it with all his being. Whatever decision he made; he stood behind it no matter what. Really, once he makes up his mind, nobody will convince him otherwise. Warmth spread through her thinking about the rare moments Shino had let her look behind his stoic mask. Moments when she saw the genuine care in his eyes, moments when she heard affection and warmth in his voice. While Kiba was easily distracted, Shino’s attention seemed unwavering. He seemed to always know when she was sad, appearing next to her with something sweet in his hand, sitting down next to her, offering a shoulder to lean onto. Really it was Shino’s determined care for her that made her realize that there was more to being friends, that while her feelings for Naruto were strong, they could not hide the lack of attention Naruto was giving her.
Reminded of the feeling of Shino sitting next to her, their shoulders touching, she was feeling especially cold. She yearned for the steady warmth of Shino next to her. She longed for the slight buzzing sounds that seemed to surround him when they weren’t on a mission. A sound she now always associated with warmth and safety. Safety – something she desperately lacked right now, as her eyes were burning with exhaustion, begging for them to be closed. But the fear and apprehension continued to make it impossible for her to rest or even really consider closing her eyes. Additionally, the forest around her seemed to come awake, animals moving around, rustling leaves and stepping on branches. Panic seized her heart as she realized that she was helpless right now. Her stamina was exhausted, and she only had a few kunai left in her pouch.
She pressed her face into her knees, trying her best not to cry. Despair and fear coursed through her, making her feel even more miserable. And incapable. After all, she was a kunoichi, she should have no problem with situations like these. She should be strong and resilient. Stressful situations like these shouldn’t bring her to her knees like that. After all, she is the only one to blame for her situation as well. A skilled kunoichi wouldn’t even be in a situation like that, Hinata thought, and a sob filled her chest. She refused to let it out, refused to capitulate fully, refused to give in to the overwhelming fear that washed over her. Still, here, alone, in this cave, in the middle of an unknown forest, she could admit to herself that she never missed Shino’s presence as much as now. A tear slipped down her cheek, leaving a hot trail behind.
Her head snapped up when she heard movement close to the entrance of the cave. She reached behind her to draw a kunai and forced herself to her feet, trying her best to be as silent as possible. Fear and panic spread through her, making it difficult to breath. She tightened her grip on the kunai and tried to force her attention through the dizzying headache and the burning of her eyes. She suddenly noticed several bugs flying close to her face, the buzzing sound triggering a familiar feeling in her heart. She lowered her kunai a bit, watching the bugs closely, trying to remember if she could identify them somehow.
Her head snapped to the direction of the voice.
“Shino.” Her voice sounded very breathless, even to herself.
“You came.”
She uttered, her bright eyes wide in shock. She felt her knees buckle and was mentally preparing herself for the hard ground. But she never felt it, she was suddenly engulfed in a familiar warmth.
“You called.”
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queeriboh · 2 months
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outfit pics from today bc I spent sooo long on my hair just to go home and see my parents lol
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ratsoh-writes · 6 months
You can do it Jups! I wanna see your defeated face like last time
*that last was towards the fell monster*
You better not have enchanted anything!
The fell monster gives you a slimy smile
Fell: well you’ll just have to see~
Narrowing his eyes, Jupyter throws the first dart, and it bounces right off the target!
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Doll Like Beauty: Vedic Astrology Analysis
in the early 2000s, models with a babyface were very popular. throughout the years i've come across many celebs who have very doll like visuals or neotenous features and I thought it would be fun to analyse them through the lens of astrology.
Lets start with the mother of all doll faced models, Miss Gemma Ward herself.
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She's Swati Sun with either UBP/Revati Moon with Jupiter in Revati atmakaraka, if she has UBP Moon then its conjunct her Rahu in UBP and you can see the confluence of all these naks and placements on her face.
2. Vlada Roslyakova
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She has Punarvasu sun amatyakaraka, Anuradha Moon, Mercury & Venus in Ardra, she also has Saturn in Jyeshta atmakaraka
3. Devon Aoki
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she's Ashlesha Sun amatyakaraka, Aswini Moon, Venus in Punarvasu with Mars & Jup in Swati, Saturn in Chitra atmakaraka
4. Miranda Kerr
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Aswini Sun, Punarvasu Moon, Mercury in Bharani atmakaraka and Mars in Bharani amatyakaraka and Pushya Rising
5. Lily Cole
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She's Ardra Moon with Mercury (atmakaraka) & Venus in Mrigashira and Jupiter in Bharani (amatyakaraka)
6. Jessica Stam
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Jessica's features are sharper and less baby-ish but she still looks vv doll like.
She's Aswini Sun, Chitra Moon atmakaraka
7. Heather Marks
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She's Rohini Sun, Chitra Moon atmakaraka, Mrigashira Mercury & Venus with Jupiter in Bharani amatyakaraka
8. Gigi Hadid
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She's Aswini Sun & Rising, Dhanishta Moon atmakaraka, Saturn in Purva Bhadrapada amatyakaraka
9. Natalia Vodianova
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She's Aswini Moon, Mars (amatyakaraka) conjunct Saturn (atmakaraka) in Chitra
10. Sasha Pivovarova
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She has Uttarashada Sun/Mercury/Venus, Rohini Moon, Mars in Vishaka atmakaraka and Jupiter in Dhanishta amatyakaraka
Now I'll discuss some non-model folks
11. Sulli
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She has UBP Sun, Swati Moon conjunct Jupiter. Mars in Purvabhadrapada atmakaraka
12. Christina Ricci
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Dhanishta Sun (atmakaraka), Purva Ashada Moon & Magha Rising
13. Selena Gomez
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Pushya Sun & Rising, Aswini Moon, Mercury (atmakaraka) & Venus in Ashlesha, Saturn in Shravana (amatyakaraka)
14. Jennie Kim
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Uttara Ashada Sun conjunct Mercury, Vishaka Moon, Saturn in Purvabhadrapada atmakaraka
15. Hedy Lamarr
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Vishaka Sun atmakaraka, Pushya Moon & Mrigashira Rising
She has Jupiter in Shravana amatyakaraka
16. Emily Browning
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Jyeshta Sun & Mercury (amatyakaraka), Vishaka Moon (atmakaraka)
17. Rihanna
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She looks like a Bratz doll come to life. She's Shatabhisha Sun, Revati stellium (Moon, Venus & Rising)
Mercury in Shravana atmakaraka and Venus in Revati amatyakaraka
18. Divya Bharti
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She's Shatabhisha Sun conjunct Mercury, Revati Moon atmakaraka, Swati Rising
19. Jayaprada
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She's Revati Sun, Purvabhadrapada Moon (atmakaraka) conjunct Mars (amatyakaraka)
20. Gene Tierney
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She's Anuradha Sun, Shatabhisha Moon, Rohini Rising, Mercury in Vishaka atmakaraka
21. Vanessa Paradis
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She's Mula Sun, Punarvasu Moon conjunct Ketu, Swati Rising
22. Mila Kunis
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She's Ashlesha Sun atmakaraka, Swati Moon, Mercury in Purva phalguni amatyakaraka
23. Kim Yoo Jung
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She's Uttaraphalguni Sun, Dhanishta Moon atmakaraka with Venus in Ashlesha amatyakaraka
24. Christina Millian
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She's Uttaraphalguni Sun, Purva phalguni Moon atmakaraka
25. Eartha Kitt
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She's Uttarashada Sun, Punarvasu Moon (atmakaraka) and Mercury in Purvashada (amatyakaraka) and Anuradha Rising
26. Bhanupriya
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Sun conjunct Mercury (atmakaraka) in Uttara Ashada, Purvabhadrapada Moon, Mars in Chitra amatyakaraka
27. Ni Ni
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She's Ashlesha Sun (amatyakaraka) conjunct Mercury (atmakaraka), Mrigashira Moon
28. Shu Qi
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She's Aswini Sun, Vishaka Moon, Mercury in Bharani (amatyakaraka) and Mars in Punarvasu atmakaraka
29. Anna Tsuchiya
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She has Purvabhadrapada Sun (amatyakaraka) conjunct Mercury (atmakaraka), Mrigashira Moon
30. Mumtaz
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Pushya Sun & Venus, Purva Ashada Moon, Mercury & Rising in Punarvasu, Mars in Mrigashira atmakaraka
In Asian countries and in Asian media, women with more youthful, ingenue features are represented more as that's what's considered beautiful. Therefore you'll see far more examples of Asian celebs who are babyfaced than you will of Western celebs. This does not mean all Asians are babyfaced.
In the West sharper more intense, androgynous features are considered striking and beautiful therefore women with more babyish faces stand out as unique looking.
Anywho, on the basis of my research I've come to understand a certain group of naks are commonly found across women who have doll like visuals (Uttarashada, Dhanishta, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Vishaka, Purvabhadrapada, Aswini etc) a combination of Mercury and Moon or Jupiter/Saturn influence is what creates the features that lead to a doll like face.
A dollface usually has a small chin, a round/diamond/inverted triangle ish face shape, small nose, large or wide set eyes, pouty lips, a high forehead and high cheekbones and prominent cheek apples. This is a very hyperfeminine appearance. Thus it shouldn't be surprising that many of these natives have Moon conjunctions or Moon as their atmakaraka/amatyakaraka. Another prominent aspect is having atmakaraka/amatyakaraka in Saturn; since Saturn rules over bones, a small compact face with prominent bone structure signifies Saturn's influence.
I am of the opinion that beyond a single nak affecting a native's appearance, its usually a combination of several naks/planetary influences, thus it makes sense to see how Jupiter, which has the tendency to enlarge features give a native pouty lips, large eyes along with Mercury which makes features small, petite and dainty. Large features on a small face creates doll beauty.
I was surprised to see Martian naks (Dhanishta, Mrigashira, Chitra) on here but given its nature, Mars acts very similar to Saturn and creates compact faces with very prominent features; it creates youthful and striking beauty in women. Aswini was also surprising, especially since other Ketu naks weren't evidently present. But since Aswini is the very first nak, it makes sense as to why its natives have babyish faces.
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leonaluv · 6 months
Vishakha woman thread : Vishakha a Sanskrit word meaning divided and branch. 'The branched one " making one energetic, gifted, and strong will to succeed.
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vishakha rising for a woman indicates a woman's focus on her career and the goals she wants to achieve. Lee da Hee plays an ambitious character wanting to prove she has to want what it takes to lead her family business. She is wearing the color pink a symbol of Venus. In libra
Sorry for the buffering in the video 😅 and Lee da hee is only viewed by her look.I think this might be why people might see the more negative sign or destructive nature of venus being taken as an object of beauty.
Georgia O'Keeffe (Asc, Jup, Sun, &Moon) in libra a famous painter known for her floral art. She was the first woman to have an exhibit at a museum. The record holder of having the most expensive painting paid for women. (44.4 million).
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Sun in a libra ♎ woman is outgoing and tend to be somewhat competitive with other woman. Often referred to as traditional beauty and love being creative. Sun in libra is debilitated resulting in issues with the father. Self-esteem issues.
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Elsa Hosk -former Victoria secret model and work for other top brands. She also was a professional basketball player but gave it up for modeling. ☀
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Lilly Adrige - a former model now a YouTuber and she mentioned how she was asked a couple of times to fix her tooth gap. She also models for Victoria secret model and is in her mercury Dasha now hosting awards shows.
Moon in libra vishakha -The nature of the moon in libra in vish the ladies tend to be shyer. Cheerful and laughs a lot like how Claire Nakti mentioned in her vish. video. Same as the ladies taking on a persona that often would be a "dark" deity archetype.
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Beyonce- was shy growing up and Solange mention in another interview how she had no friends growing up.
Janet Jackson mentions how she felt shy being offstage and how she is only being offered dark roles in films. Later in the interview, she says she rather do something cheerful.
Normani in this interview highlights how singers or performers, in general, will channel in different energy to perform.
Momo-Kpop Idol considers one of the best dancers in kpop. She doesn't feel that confident in singing and I noticed the ladies will often joke about themselves. On hit the stage she dance to Beyonce (vish. Moon ) song crazy in love.
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trigger warning-Symbolizing a toxic relationship the black blanket showing how her lover passes away (sucid😔) into red(blood) the dancers showing the dual nature(hate &love) covering her face in black paint like a mask everyone not acknowledging the famous case suwon Toso.
She dance with Mina Sun in Pisces ( ubh) and Virgo ( Hasta) Who played the role of the victim
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Wheein is also Vishakha moon also a great dance
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divinatorydoll · 2 years
how jupiter in aries will affect us: 📝
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jupiter in aries is an exciting transit that we'll be experiencing until may 16th, 2023. jupiter's ingress into aries will supply the collective with a straightforward, persistent, and achievement-driven energy.
as i said in my instagram live about this transit, jupiter is going to give us brand new eyes in the sense that we will see situations and people for who they are, regardless of the time we've spent with them. remember that aries is the sign of eyesight and clarity; with jupiter representing wisdom and honesty, we're going to develop a more truthful understanding of others and our own circumstances.
jupiter will impact you differently depending on the house(s) it moves through while it transits aries, read more below !!
jupiter in the 1H: a nice time to gain weight. you may feel a desire to dress / express yourself more pompously and independently — also a good time to dye your hair red or wear more red clothing, accessories, etc. this transit is also particularly helpful for figuring out elements of your identity and behavior.
jupiter in the 2H: this is an ideal transit for starting your own business or working towards establishing your own sources of income, rather than relying on someone else's. this would also be a magnificent time to build more self-esteem and deepen your spiritual relationship with yourself.
jupiter in the 3H: perfect for learning a new language. great for re-evaluating conflicts with your siblings and extended family, especially those that involve honesty, integrity, or a difference in beliefs. this would also be a good time to resolve (legal) issues with your neighbors or members of your local community.
jupiter in the 4H: helpful for establishing boundaries in your domestic space and family life, especially if you have a parent / housemate who is domineering or acts like a know-it-all. this is also great for personalizing your home and making it your own if you feel like it lacks individuality or character.
jupiter in the 5H: wonderful for having casual sex / establishing refreshing sexual relationships; getting into a new romantic relationship is also very possible. the 5H also has much to do with children, so pregnancy is also something to keep in mind when experiencing this particular transit.
jupiter in the 6H: a fabulous time to introduce new things into your routine that will stick; things that will actually benefit you too. more of a chance to face conflicts with the higher-ups at your workplace. you could also experience some inflammation or headaches more frequently during this transit, as aries rules both.
jupiter in the 7H: you could find yourself getting into more abrasive situations with people in public spaces, so try to navigate social situations wisely. perfect for settling contractual disputes or finalizing a divorce. ironically, this is also a great transit for "giving new life" to your existing close relationships, whether that's marital, romantic, platonic, etc
jupiter in the 8H: great for adding to a savings account / creating a collection of personal wealth for yourself. a good time for releasing shame around "skeletons in the closet" and personal embarrassments. there's also much opportunity with this transit to spice up your sexual life and try new, exciting things sexually.
jupiter in the 9H: this transit can make very powerful changes to your faith and your philosophies — make sure you interrogate your beliefs and analyze why you believe what you do. excellent for accumulating publicity and attaining media opportunities, as well as publishing personal bodies of work such as memoirs, autobiographies, self-portraits, etc.
jupiter in the 10H: an incredible time for showing off your originality in the public sphere and establishing your own name amongst others in your industry. great for making plans for your future that involve marriage, wealth, higher education, religious practices, etc.
jupiter in the 11H: this transit will help you see your friendships and social circles with unadulterated clarity — it can be a time for difficult conversations with people because they show you a side of themselves that they've never revealed to you before. think before you speak on social media as your opinions will be evaluated more intensely during this period.
jupiter in the 12H: many significant spiritual realizations can be made under this transit. there also tends to be an inherent need for personal space and isolation from others, even without realizing it. a greater chance to experience dreams or visions that have violent imagery (such as seeing weaponry, fighting, injury, etc.)
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