#jupiter (pjo)
So like, I think that Jupiter wanted to kill jason as a child.
Eliminate the threat, this little child, before he grows up to eventually dethrone him. But Jason was needed for the quest, so he just settled with physical and psychological abuse instead :)
And when the quest was over, Jason was free to kill anyway, and I think Jason knew it.
He thought he could outrun it, he'd go to Camp Half Blood and attend like normal school. He wouldn't be a threat.
Bur he was from his birth and he died. He knew he was going to die.
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sodamnbored · 1 month
Post Titan War
Zeus: Your boy is out of control. Who does he think he is, questioning us as parents? I raised two kids and they’re just fine!
Poseidon, flatly: One spent five years as a tree, and the other spent his formative years thinking that he was a wolf.
Zeus: Well, that’s not my fault. Blame the mother. I was barely ever around!
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Jason went on a solo quest when he was younger. Camp Jupiter was so proud that their little son of Jupiter was getting his own quest
. He helped Jupiter’s sacred Eagles. He loved those eagles, they visited him on occasion. A huge basilisk was threatening their nesting grounds. Jason killed it all by himself.
The camp saw Jason’s quest as a great success. He was victorious and came back with the basilisk’s fang as a prize.
The camp didn’t see Lichtenberg scars running down his back that Jupiter gave him because one of the eagles was injured. The only reason Jason was able to physically move was because Juno healed his wounds.
But the scars would be permanent.
The seven assumed the scars were from Jason’s powers.
But Percy and Annabeth know.
Thalia never had scars from using her powers
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iheartgirlzn · 25 days
obviously, zeus + poseidon + hades all swore on the styx to have no more kids… but they did. and i was thinking what if their kids are cursed because of it (because obvi the gods are gods so they won’t be effected).
thalia grace, daughter of the god of the skies → has a fear of heights
percy jackson, son of the god of the sea → has a fear of drowning
nico di angelo, son of the god of the underworld (where it’s basically always night) → has a fear of the dark
are jason and hazel cursed too? obviously jupiter + neptune + pluto didn’t swear that they’d stop having kids so does it count for them as well? BECAUSE
jason grace, son of the god of the gods → has a fear of leadership and making important choices / he’s indecisive (or something like that.)
hazel levesque, daughter of the god of underworld (where the river lethe is, which is related to memories) → has a fear of her past
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witchhazelevesque · 3 months
Wait wait wait, so like in an AU where Hera is Leo’s godly parent, how do you think Zeus would react?
In The Lost Hero, Annabeth tells Piper that Hera is the goddess of marriage and doesn’t have kids with anyone but Zeus.
Would he be like “I don’t like my wife, but no one else is allowed to like her either”? She’d probably hide the fact, maybe pose Leo as a child of Hephaestus since like, Hephaestus had to get his intelligence from somewhere right? And Esperanza is gonna teach him all about engineering anyway so. Or maybe she hides it in a more blatant way and just plans for him to remain unclaimed until the right moment. 
But things always come out eventually- (she probably resents Percy and his requirement that the gods claim their children even more) would Zeus be angry like Juno was about Jason? Would he demand to be given the child? But it’s Zeus so he might just be like, “I don’t want to deal with a kid.” Maybe he wants to just kill him. Maybe he doesn’t care. Maybe he does demand the child but relegates the task of raising him to one of his subordinates. 
Also, I’m wheezing because that makes Jason and Leo step brothers. Like the weirdest, most unenthusiastic step siblings. Leo’s thinking, I finally have a brother and it’s him, who I can never live up to? Great. It’s not even a one to one comparison but Leo feels even more inadequate now. Thalia is 1) furious but 2) having the time of her life because she has something to hold over Hera’s head now. She tells Leo that it’s a good thing it was Hera and not Juno, because Jupiter wouldn’t have been as lenient as Zeus. 
But also like. Hera IS the goddess of marriage and it’s not like if the maiden goddesses had kids through alternate means, they aren’t bound to the same restrictions as Hera, this is literally antithetical to her very nature. She and Jason discuss why she doesn’t have demigod children and the ramifications of this at the end of TLH. She’s often abducted because she holds the Olympians together, imagine what kind of damage this would wreak, the way it would shake the foundation of Olympus. Yeah, Zeus probably can’t let it slide because of this. (The first great prophecy says ‘the eldest gods’ right? Because honestly this would fit great in a Leo Was Around Then AU and he could have been the prophecy child that could end the gods reign if the eldest goddesses counted)
And that’s not helping Leo’s belief that he’s a mistake and the cause of so many problems. If Leo doesn’t have his fire in this AU then Esperanza likely dies in some sort of attack from monsters or gods that were after Leo and of course he’s going to blame himself. 
Or maybe she doesn’t die at all because Hera is actually really proactive and involved in the lives of the demigods and her plan for the prophecy of seven does work so she can probably find some way to keep Esperanza safe.
And if Gaea does try to kill her to break Leo, oh just imagine Gaea versus Hera, the previous mother of everything against the current queen of the universe. I’m already of the mind that there should have been something there burning between them in canon, they were the ones scheming, add to it all this context?  Let’s go.
Also, if Drew was willing to use Jason because he was prince of the universe then she’d probably be willing to do the same to Leo since he is also a prince of the universe and that’s really funny. And I have a head canon that Drew genuinely respects Hera for securing her power when there were so few options for her, so there is something like real admiration for Leo and that could lead to an actual friendship.  
But there is genuinely a lot of resentment and hurt feelings and envy going on between Leo, Jason and Thalia. It’s the sort of emotions all the enemies in TLH wanted to stir up to get the Greeks and Romans to turn on one another, and since Aphrodite told Piper that she’d be the deciding factor of what happens when Greeks and Romans meet, well that’s some material for the lost trio to contend with. 
And Leo wants to resent Hera and he does, but he also is so, so aware of how much she must have loved his mother to break her marriage vows, even if just emotionally. If Esperanza is still alive and Leo sees them together? Oh he would not know how to handle that. Because it’s clear his mom loves Hera, but she’s not expecting or even wanting to rekindle things, she just wants what’s best for Leo. 
And since she does know, she does understand the importance of Leo’s role in the prophecy, it might actually be that she had him not out of love, but out of necessity. Like she saw that he needed to exist (in this context she sees that she would be the immortal to bring him about, not Hephaestus) and yes it is the antithesis of what she is, but it must happen. There is power in that choice itself. They talk about how much of a gamble she took in shaping the seven of prophecy, this would be the gamble.
And either way- Leo is the literal embodiment of broken vows, add to that that those vows were probably the only ones ever kept in the Olympians’ world. He is the sins of his godly mother, and much like Jason was predestined to be what the gods shaped him into, the journey Leo would go though because he’s the one destined to fulfill an oath with his final breath that has been prophesied for millennia? He does it in part for atonement, not because he believes he’s at fault any longer, but because it’s what has to be done. 
That juxtaposition? That irony? That goddamn growth and tragedy? 
Hera did consider making him immortal when he was a baby. She knew she wouldn’t, the world needed him to be a hero. But she also knew the kind of life her child would have and she didn’t want him to suffer that pain for the sake of pain itself. If he was immortal he would suffer it for eternity. He’d be bound to follow her husband’s orders in a way that demigods didn’t have to, even though they should. 
He would take commitment incredibly seriously. Take his canon loyalty and selflessness and add to it this visceral, integral awareness  of the consequences of going back on one’s word. 
The dynamics he could have with the rest of the main characters. Percy’s the savior of Olympus and Leo’s the potential key to its destruction. There might be bad blood on Percy’s side at first because of the way Hera’s treated his friends, but it wouldn’t last long because he knows Leo isn’t at fault.
Annabeth is not so quick to let go of her resentment. It’s irrational but it’s what it is. The Romans would be even more appalled than they were about Annabeth’s existence. He wouldn’t even need to be possessed and attack New Rome, his presence is enough.
Thalia would likely be the one to understand him best because she struggled so much with the temptation that came with being the child of the last great prophecy and became a hunter to take herself out of that narrative. Leo doesn’t have that option or anyone to take his place because there’s no role or job or quest, it’s just his identity.
And them being close makes Jason envious because in TLH he felt like Thalia didn’t have room for him in her life. If Leo is Jupiter’s by his demands then it’s Jason and Leo belonging to one another’s parents and that is complicated because they don’t want to be in the others place but still- there’s a degree of belonging that the other doesn’t have with their own parent.
By the end of TLH, Jason is talking to Zeus’s statue telling him he understands why Zeus has to keep his distance and that Jason is going to try and make him proud. Leo being acknowledged by his father even in this way when his father can’t do the same for Jason is hard to deal with. He knows Leo’s not at fault, he knows Leo doesn’t want this, but that doesn’t erase how it feels.
Nico is both deeply unsettled because he has respect and understanding for the ways of their world and completely unfazed because he knows what it is to be shunned, and he has to look at the bright side here because he has never been treated with such blatant hostility.  
I’m gonna have to make a part 2 for this
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in7ernt-ju1ce · 7 months
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Redrew the reference photo as Jason Grace with a few of my person head cannons (If anyone wants me to make a post about my head cannons please ask!). The main visible ones are Jason’s pale blue eyes, from going blind after seeing Hera’s true form, and the lightning bolt ‘scar’ (ish?) on his face which he had matching with Thalia as children on Jupiter/Zeus which I head cannon as how they got claimed or they got as some accident when they discovered their powers for the first time.
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littlestarbeam · 8 months
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The Fluffy Starlet. Beryl Grace
Inspired by https://archiveofourown.org/works/42399735
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half-gone · 6 months
If Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were to fight CHB would win. This is based solely on the fact that they actually know how to think outside the box.
They’re also crazy.
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sophiejacksonchase · 2 months
Percy: so let me just get this clear, Leo speaks three languages, he's super tech savvy, and he's in AP math classes.
Leo: pretty much, yeah.
Percy: and Solace over here is like number one professional doctor with years of training and actual practice.
Will: I'm kinda cheating with the magic, but I read the books to make sure.
Percy: meanwhile Reyna, Jason, Hazel and Frank were/are a teenage war general. That must had required something.
Reyna, jason, Hazel and Frank: way too much leadership skills.
Percy: Calipso can make clothes from scratch, and how to grow her own food.
Calipso: I do.
Percy: Nico knows like six languages. And had years of playing video games.
Nico: I know Italian, Latin, Greek, English, and a little bit of French, so like, four and a half.
Percy: Annabeth gained architectural experience when she designed the fucking Olympus.
Annabeth: that was awesome.
Percy: Piper have a famous father, and she speaks French.
Piper: I don't like to talk about it.
Percy: all of you people are actually useful in the mortal world. I am wanted for arson.
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sally: aw! you kids got matching friendship streaks in your hair?
Percy and Annabeth: *nervous laughter*
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Ok this makes 0 sense, but you know that line 'even the iron still fears the rot' in Ptolomea by Ethel Cain?
That's like Jupiter, in a way
Jupiter is the iron, the strong leader who no one questions, who is basically infallible.
Basically infallible.
Jupiter is scared of Jason, afraid of the cycles of pateicide, afraid of the rot that will inevitably destroy him won't it? The strong leader is scared of his son.
Even the iron still fears the rot
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Whenever I think of Camp Jupiter.. I just get so.. mad. Knowing that even after 11 years of Jason's sheer service, even after the fact that he dedicated his whole life to Rome at the age of 2, a ripe CHILD, a BABY, nobody even cared to look for him even 6 months after his disappearance..??
Nobody went "I miss Jason!" Like everyone did in Camp half blood for Percy, even the hunters of Artemis went out of their way to look for him. Jason's "friends" Dakota or Gwendolyn never spared a glance at his direction, his friendship with Reyna was fractured because of communication issues, etc.
Camp Jupiter was, realistically NOTHING without Jason (and Reyna duh) yet they have the audacity to neglect him.
And then they cheaply "made up" for it by giving him some grand state funeral. What's the point? His body was wrapped in an expensive silk, but his soul left that world feeling useless and unwanted. An expensive fancy funeral isnt going to change that.
His funeral was dark and empty, because not a single one of his Greek friends could make it.
Jason Grace was doomed to be chained to the clutches of the soulless camp of Rome till the very end. Like Michael Varus said "born a roman, die a roman"
Camp Jupiter was more or less a dystopian society covered up with beautiful architecture. Like shiny fake gold that wears off its glow.
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goblinwithartsupplies · 6 months
Juno's Point.
For the first time, Juno gets furious, - how dare this lustful bastard!? How dare he impose himself on the grieving groom, how dare he!? Isn't he the god of justice and honor, shouldn't he represent the highest morality!? Why is he acting so disgusting!? He did not save Jason, although for him it would have been as easy as asking a nymph to give him nectar - just one white-hot lightning and a vile chimera infamously enhanced by Hecate's magic would have been destroyed and Jason was alive.. But Jupiter never took care of his children, - Jason's death cry never sounded. This creature bit into his throat too quickly. She trashes their bedroom as when she found out about Beryl Grace's newly rounded belly and silently sits down amid the chaos she caused in a torn dress and with shaggy hair. The nymphs, timidly trying to restore order, run, flashing their heels when she screams at them. Soon everyone will find out that their sovereign seems to have taken a mortal lover again. Jupiter comes in amazingly on time, Juno is silent, just sits next to a broken mirror and combs her hair, Jupiter ignores her and just goes to bed. He is too busy fantasizing about the young body of son of Neptune, Juno would rather turn the boy into one of her peacocks than let Jupiter even touch him with the tip of her fingers.
For the second time, Juno is next to her mother. Rhea refused to change when the Roman Empire came, she remained Rhea, an endlessly loving and faithful mother of her children even when they became different. Juno is crying on her mother's lap, soiling her white linen tunic with tears, grief for Jason eats her nonexistent heart, she was so bad only when Jupiter hung her over chaos. maybe that's why the gods refused to fully love their demigod children? because it hurts too much to lose them. Rhea comforts her with her infinitely gentle voice and says that this is the truth of life, mortals are dying and they must accept it. Part of Juno's consciousness, with a touch of dark humor, draws a parallel between her and some mortal child who lost a pet for the first time. Jason was, in fact, her beloved, devoted and affectionate puppy. When she returns to Olympus, Jupiter greets her in their bedroom with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. maybe grief made her too sensitive, maybe she just longed for love, but this simple gesture melts her like snow in the rays of the sun in spring. They are entwined in a loving embrace in their bed as husband and wife, Juno prefers not to pay attention to his detachment, she feels desired again, and this dulls the grief and that's enough.
The third time, Juno looks and wants to intervene. Perseus is grieving just like her, the goddess is sincerely surprised that he is still alive. Perseus comes to work with trembling legs and a thick fog of pain in his mind, Jupiter is waiting for him as usual and Perseus pounces on any source of comfort. He asks for hugs, simple intimacy and warmth, but for Jupiter it's like a red rag for a bull, he kidnapped and possessed a mortal princess, just because she was swimming in the river where he saw. The wind roars, Juno feels anger boiling inside, no she won't allow it, no no no and once again no, let her husband pursue mortals, but leave Jason's grieving fiance alone. But to her amazement, Jupiter obeys Perseus, does not demand anything in return, there is not a hint of arousal in him, he does not crave his body. They hug, really just hug, - Perseus presses his back against Jupiter's chest, crying into the crook of his elbow, Jupiter presses his lips to the top of his head, his hands gently rest on his shoulders. It looks strange and gentle, pure, there is a strange closeness in them, a strange closeness, not like the closeness of lovers or father and son, but it is a tender and affectionate closeness, similar to love but not being it. Jupiter is not interested in Perseus as a beautiful body warming his bed or as a lover, Juno realizes, But he feels something gentle for him, while remaining loyal to me, a Perseus is still faithful and mourns Jason. Juno decides to give the son of Neptune his mercy, let this closeness with Jupiter comfort him. She would not harm him or the children if this strange union bore fruit.
Hey, hello! could you please rate and voice your opinion about my letter - beginner anon.
This is honestly perfect. I’m intrigued about the idea of a platonic relationship causing kids. The way Juno is protective of Jason even when he’s dead is so sweet
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modawg · 5 months
percy would legit be one of the hardest ppl to get over if you had any type of feelings for that man
like swear you’d like be waiting for him to do smth bad or look ugly waiting for that ick and IT WOULD NEVER COMEEEE
like if you look at nico bro is SCRAPING THE BARREL for ANYTHING to dislike abt percy
percy smiles a little too bright nico has to turn away and mentally remind himself that percy was one of the last ppl to see his sister alive
rachel legit can’t like him so she probably just watches from afar and she’s chill anyway
if calypso found out percy planted that little flower she gave him and subsequently learned he liked planting and kept that flower alive in her memory??? ITD BE WRAPSSSSSSS
like percy is legit just such a good person that anytime someone has a crush on him 🙏🏼 thoughts and prayers bc that crush is haunting you for the rest of your life
ik moving to new rome is gonna kick start that too bc i feel like chb everyone’s gotten used to him yk everyone’s like “sigh there’s percy and his beautiful face and nice laugh and good morals and self sacrificing ways sigh annabeth sure is lucky love those two together tbh”
but now they’re being introduced to all these new ppl who have to learn that percy is simply percy and bro is wifed up
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witchhazelevesque · 3 months
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seagull9111 · 18 days
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as a fandom we need to talk about how funny this scene was
romans: *nervous*
nico: *enjoying himself*
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