#jus tin case
alioks-blog · 3 months
"Wizard of the Emerald City" movie: what we know
The larger Oz fandom is probably focused on the upcoming "Wicked" movie right now, but we want you all to know that there's also a "Wizard of the Emerald City" movie coming (based on Volkov's books), and it's looking VERY promising!
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Iron Woodsman's make-up looks sick, we can't even distinguish it from actual metal! And Strasheela will be played by a mime, with his face being animated in post-production later. Lion will be full-CGI.
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And here is the wicked fairy Bastinda in all her glory! We love the decorations (in purple hues, by the way!) and the eye patch! Does she have a staff there? Interesting.
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What do you call him in english? Cannibal? Anyway, he's looking very scary (yes, there's a Cannibal character in Volkov's canon). Toto is great, and so is our girl Ellie! It's so cool that she's played by an actual 8-year-old girl instead of a more grown-up one. The blurry background of that close-up suggests that maybe she's in a field, meeting Strasheela?
And now, get ready for the part that made us go absolutely BONKERS. Are you ready?
Urfin Jus will be there!!
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This is crazy!! Urfin wasn't in the first book-- wasn't mentioned, that is. In-universe, he was serving as Gingema's underling until she was crushed by the wagon/van. But if the makers of this film are putting Urfin in it now, that really must mean that they'd like to make sequels as well. They're planning ahead, good for them! Aaaah, we really-really hope the film will be great and they will make more!
The kid actor is likely there for size reference and effects, since Urfin is supposed to be tiny. He's taller than an average munchkin, but he's still tiny. Which means that there will be scenes where he is around people taller than him? Will we see him interact with the wicked fairies? Or at least stand by them in silence, that would still be awesome!!
We also like his outfit. It's pretty original and canon: his hat has no brims and bells, his shirt is green, but the colours are all desaturated and dark, very fitting for a villain. And the belt??? Gosh darn it, we love a good practical leather utility belt with little bags and satchels. Never imagined Urfin wearing one of these, but it makes so much sense!!
This turned into a bit of a ramble, but can you blame us? We are going insane over this movie that is not even out yet.
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picavecalyx · 2 years
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What the FUCK is wrong with you? ( accepting ! )
Anonymous asked:
You hurt others, Silva, and I know you're not trying to. But the way you go out of your way to forgive everyone, including the people that have done unspeakable things to them (to yourself)...it hurts. Trying to recover is made all the harder, when they're actively being told that the person that ruined their life was good, all along. Sometimes, it's just. Not. True.
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      “ everyune deserves tu be happy, tu be furgiven. nubudy shuld be unhappy. there are reasuns that peuple du what they du. the actiuns might nut be...gud. but the reasuns uften are. there’s sumething in them that’s gud. i’ll be there fur whuever needs it, even if they’re the wurst persun un the planet. i dun’t think that’s even true. there aren’t bad peuple, simply peuple that du bad things. even if i think that it might be bad i just...dun’t understand it yet. i’m just a kid, adults have reasuns fur what they du that sumetimes we dun’t understand till we’re ulder. ”
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setsailtomorrow · 4 months
Hi, I've really appreciated your fic recs and I wonder if you have any for Beyond Evil?
hello anon! this message made my day <3
i've read some good stuff in the beyond evil fandom. all recs here will be of the han juwon/lee dongsik kind.
chokehold by whir, 5k, M
Contrary to what’s known, their story didn’t start in Manyang. It started at the heart of Seoul, two years ago, with a one night stand.
just what the summary says. but some really good instant attraction and great use of the rating. this writer has the top kudos'd work of the fandom and is well worth a click.
The Reverie of Clouds by DachOsmin, 7k, T+
“What’s your name?” Han Juwon asks, not that he really cares what the answer is.
The man’s face does something complicated, spasms with a series of emotions Juwon can’t name. “Lee Dongsik,” he finally says.
Han Juwon wakes up in a hospital bed. The last thing he remembers is driving to Manyang for his first day of work.
this one hurt.
splinters by stickypearls, 9k, E
At night she dreams of dying. It is not just a memory: memories fade, the way she is already forgetting her father’s twitching shoulder or the odd twinkle in his eyes whenever she talked back at him. No, it is like she is back there for real, dirt darkening the world, buried alive in her own backyard.
AU where Kang Min-jeong lives.
listen. Kang Min-jeong deserves to be explored as a character.
i'd suffer hell if you'd tell me what you'd do to me tonight by ltyrell, 10k, E
A police fundraiser puts Han Juwon and Lee Dongsik in the same room at the same time, before everything.
[or: flirting with that handsome stranger at the bar gets a lot more high stakes once you realize he's the son of your boss, technically]
what it says on the tin. a really good too.
crashing in to something safe by little_roo, 11k, T+
Joo Won catches Min Jung’s elbow to the face and pain erupts in his nose. He is able to straighten the falling trio back up despite the pain but not before Min Jung yells out something intelligible and punches him in the lip. 
“Han Joo Won!” He feels Hyuk wrap an arm around him as more pain starts in his mouth, and he feels the coppery taste of blood. It makes his anxiety flare up and he has to take a deep breath to remind himself that it’s just blood and that it would be okay. He manages to take his handkerchief out from his pocket and presses it on his lip, wincing at the pain.
just a little bit of a misunderstanding, and ust...
Resonant Frequency by RC_McLachlan, 13k, E
Lee Dong-sik is an astonishingly good detective. Correction: was.
Ju-won wrestles with the reminder.
"What was your involvement when you were with the RIU?" Ju-won doesn't remember any of the detectives' names attached to the case notes, let alone if Dong-sik's was on the list, but then he hadn't been looking particularly hard. "I was part of the second team that took a crack at the investigation in 2010." "2009," Ju-won corrects. One side of Dong-sik's mouth pulls up. "Which means you were, what, eight?"
i do love competent Lee Dongsik
Emergency Contact by Magnolia822, 15k, E
After Han Joowon is injured in the line of duty, Lee Dongsik brings him back to Manyang for his convalescence.
He's going to get cared for whether he likes it or not.
oh the carefully pushed down emotions. this fic features having to help with baths. what a set up.
look at the fire and think of me by flumes, 25k, M
The wind must have announced his presence, must have alerted her most loyal guardian, for he hasn’t even lifted his hand to knock when the door swings open and there he stands. Hands in pockets, hip slightly cocked, the waves of jet black hair closer to a more familiar length. But it’s the twinkle in those curving eyes that feels the most surreal, a gut punch into a past that feels a lifetime ago from now, on the porch of Dong-sik’s old family home.
“It’s been a while, Inspector Han.”
Joo-won fights a grimace, looks up. “I need your help.”
my only bookmarked Beyond Evil fic, strange. but it's a very good one. intense.
no lost causes by princesskay, 60k, E 🔒
When a prominent Seoul defense attorney passes away unexpectedly, his fortune and his legacy fall to his only son, Han Joo-won, a recent bar graduate still finding his footing in his father’s firm. Included in the inheritance is a dying Japanese Cherry bonsai tree that once belonged to his mother and bears painful memories of her death years ago. Eager to be rid of the tree, Joo-won meets Lee Dong-sik, the owner of a bonsai nursery in the little village of Manyang, who reportedly takes on "lost cause trees." When Dong-sik insists upon keeping in contact about the survival of the tree, Joo-won warily agrees, not anticipating that the unexpected kindness of the strange but compelling man will change his worldview, his future, and his life.
this is a pretty recent one! a lot of the "big" BE fic were written in 2021, as the series was shown and gathered an audience. this fic is from mid 2023 and it was such a good read. as a plant enjoyer i loved the bonsai as something driving the story. in part.
skin the apple (and leave it to rot) by 64907, 67k, E
Mafia AU. In a bid to prove his worth, Han Joowon goes undercover in a rival clan to assassinate their leader.
no glorifying the mafia. this is dirty this it evil this is corrupt. so a lot of what the actual tv series is as well. the shifting dynamic, power and the tension here is excellent. do click on the author as well, they have some other really good ones as well.
and, i've written it in a few places, but click on the writer if you enjoy the fic. most of the fics i've rec'd here are by prolific writers in the fandom. there's lots to discover!
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mickeymagpie · 4 months
find the word!
@marypsue tagged me, and gave me the words sharp, take, moon, pile, and dream. I have to see if they show up in any of my WIPs, and then post the snippet they appear in if they do.
1 million 'ctrl+F's later... doing just my two main fic WIPs here because i didn't want to search every document lmao.
From ouroboros, ever hungry, the Rise of the TMNT longfic:
Donatello wakes with a violent jolt, gasping for air that doesn’t come fast enough. He reaches up, presses his palms flat over his tympana, closing his eyes again, shuddering in relief when what greets him is silent and dark. His heart beats a solid reassurance in his chest, as he gets his breathing under control. He’s still here. He’s alive. He’s alive. And, perhaps more importantly, he’s alone. Not in the room, of course, but there’s nothing in his head except for his own abating panic, and the fading remnants of the dream.
“Listen, Case, I know you said it’s’all good, but I’m jus’ saying, if you want us to help you beat the shit outta someone, we will,” Leo slurs, because of course his response to the good news was to throw a party, and if there's one thing the resistance is never short on, it's alcohol. “I, for one, wouldn’t ask any questions.” “Your loyalty is noted,” Cassandra says seriously, patting Leo on the shoulder with one hand, and—with grace befitting her ninja training—using the other to slide his tin cup of moonshine out of his grip, smoothly replacing it with one full of water. When she twists her arm back, Donnie follows through with the hand-off. He takes the alcohol further away, out of Leo’s line of sight, before downing it himself.
And the rest from the Gravity Falls triplets fic:
“Bill!” Hands on his shoulders and Bill is shaking, staring at his hands, flesh and bone and skin and fingers and joints and unchanging dimensions too much and too little and he’s bound like this, stuck. He laughs, hysterical, and “Bill, calm down! You’re having a panic attack.” Is he? Is this what panic is? Huh. Funny. Horrible. He hates it! He doesn’t want it anymore! Take it away, folks! Bill realizes he’s still laughing, hyperventilating, words and questions and curses entering his mind but none of them reaching his mouth because he can't get enough air-- “Just breathe with me, Bill,” Mabel instructs. “Listen. In and out.” Seething, he snaps his mouth shut with the dull click of equally dull teeth, and does as told, matching her exaggerated inhales and exhales second-for-second until the room stops spinning and the heavy thump-thump-thump of his heart against his ribs doesn’t feel so much like a death sentence.
“Why do you care?” Bill demands. “Because--” Ford starts, and then… realizes he doesn’t know. There’s no reason to. No reason he should care what happens to Bill anymore, no reason he wouldn’t be within his rights to leave Bill out in the woods alone. But he can’t do that. Not-- not now. “...I’m not just going to let you get yourself killed out here.” Bill laughs a little, half-hysterical, and steps right up to Ford, lip curling with disdain and anger when he has to crane his neck back to meet Ford’s eyes. “Why not, Sixer? Huh? Why do you care what happens to me? Why haven’t you cut the shit and killed me yet?!” He shoves Stanford backward with both hands. Ford stumbles, almost falling back over a stone. He has to look down to find his footing again, and when he looks back up, Bill’s staring at him sharply, as if anticipating retaliation.
“Ooooh,” Mabel exclaims in one store, beelining for a rack of different colored corduroy overalls. She looks through the sizes, pulling down a set in bright yellow to hold up to Bill. He doesn’t immediately reject them, and the legs look the right length, so she nods, slinging them over her arm with the rest of the current to-be-tried-on pile. She then grabs two more sets in the same size: one pink, and one blue. “Oh no,” Dipper says, already knowing what’s coming as Mabel turns to him with a gleam in her eye. “Dipper, do you know what this means?” “We’re gonna become those kids that teachers can only tell apart when they’re color-coded?” And wow, Bill going back to school with them in September is a super weird and terrible concept to think about.
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OwlCrate Unboxing
Through the Seasons August 2023
August's theme is Through the Seasons. The colour scheme seems to be just... winter. It looks like OwlCrate might be going through a weak few months. They do have a trend of ups and downs.
The featured book is "Omen of Ice" by Jus Accardo. I hadn't even heard of this book, and the blurb doesn't sound particularly thrilling. The cover is completely redesigned, and really, really different. To be honest, I don't like either cover much. The standard edition is boring, and the redesign is amateurish. The edges are sprayed (thank god OwlCrate have started doing that again) light blue, and there's foiling on the hardcase, and two different full artwork endpapers. The front one goes really well with the cover, but the back one doesn't fit at all. There's artwork on the interior of the dust jacket, which is so, so gorgeous, I really wish this was the cover, but unfortunately there's no title printed on it so it's not reversible.
The first item is a tin. This is inspired by "A Court of Thorns and Roses". I don't understand the fascination with ACOTAR, but it's a nice tin. I'm not sure what to use it for though. It looks sort of shortbread sized, maybe.
The next item is a solid perfume. This is a really good idea for an item, but. This solid perfume contains aloe vera, which I'm allergic to. Aloe is one of the most common skin allergies, and it's a completely unnecessary ingredient in perfumes. This is based on "An Enchantment of Ravens".
Next is an annotation kit. This is actually less a "kit" than just a set of sticky tabs. They're cool though, because they're super thin, so as well as being page tabs, they can also be used instead of highlighting. I'm really getting into annotating, so I'll add these to my pencil case! These are inspired by "The Fifth Season".
The last item is a story doorway. This one is inspired by "The Chronicles of Narnia". When this collection was announced, I thought it was going to be amazing, but actually these doorways are really ugly. I thought they'd be more decorative. I'm not going to keep a single one of these, and I really hope this collection finishes soon.
This month's pin is inspired by "Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries".
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tobacconist · 2 years
A disproportionate number of the most brilliant, creative and independent-minded people in history came from Cornwall or were of Cornish descent.
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Mama Brontë was a Miss Branwell of Penzance.
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Nobel prize-winning literary genius, author of 'Lord of the Flies' and 'The Spire' and so on. His mum was Cornish.
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Visionary physicist. His mother was Cornish.
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Poet and sex machine, Cornish descent via his grandmother.
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Cornish descent.
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Self-made Renaissance man, chemist, poet, inventor of the Davy lamp, discoverer of laughing gas and half the periodic table, Penzance lad.
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Cornish descent, said his family name was a corruption of Kernouac meaning Cornish.
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Journalist and troublemaker. Cornish descent.
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Comedian and playwright, the funniest man of Dr Johnson's day. Truro boy.
The following are conjectural:
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It can't be proved, it's been hushed up, but it stands to reason.
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Original name Enys-Troon. Discovered the curvature of space by musing on the shape of a pastie. They'll never teach this in schools.
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It's obvious. Fisherman. Often depicted wearing a St Ives painter's smock.
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Black Cornish. Like Black Irish but darker, from going down tin mines.
No-one knows why Cornishmen are supreme but several theories have been put forward over the years.
A Scientific Theory
Darwinism in action. When the Romans invaded, the sheep knuckled under and the stubborn ones headed west. When the Saxons and the Normans came, same thing.
Furthermore hundreds of years of smuggling, wrecking and dodging Judge Jeffreys meant only the smartest survived.
A Mystical Theory
It's something to do with Merlin and Arthur and Tintagel Castle and we are all imbued with a sacred power.
Another Scientific Theory
Residual radiation from tin mines has slowly mutated us into a race of prodigiously-endowed supermen.
A Mystical/Scientific Theory
We are a lost tribe of Israel. We don't have big noses, but we do like dairy products.
With uncertainty over the future and national division rife, now more than ever we need the genetic cream to spread.
The Prime Minister must institute a national programme of Breeding for Strength and Briliance
All Cornish men must be permitted four wives and a dozen concubines.
All Cornish men should have the right of jus prima noctis, sometimes known as the droit du seigneur, over English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish women. Munters may be exempted.
Until this is brought about, anyone who wants superior Cornish genes for their child should contact the proprietor of this website.
As you can see from some of the biographies above, dilution of the Holy Seed of the Master Race by mixing with lesser breeds does not lessen its potency as the Cornish DNA overwhelms all others.
Even before Rome was built the ancient Phoenician seafarers were coming here to trade for tin. The very word Britain may derive from the Phoenician word for the metal. The Cornish language may have Phoenician roots and the mystic invocation Tiddy-Oggy is undoubtedly an esoteric word of power which was used in secret rituals and should only be uttered with great caution. It seems certain that nubile bare-breasted maidens would have cavorted around provocatively in little scraps of chiffon and shimmering metal, giggling wantonly as they enticed all and sundry to unspeakable debaucheries as part of the worship of Baal or Astarte, and would do anything for a piece of tin. My researches into this are ongoing but I have tentatively identified the former locations of ancient brothel-temples in the car park of the Lidl in Penzance and at the site of the Du Maurier Tea Rooms in Bodmin. In the latter in particular it is still possible to feel the tantric vibrations in the ether, especially when Dora the waitress massages her bunions.
But I digress. Again, my researches are ongoing and I cannot say for sure whether or not the Phoenicians fully colonised Cornwall, or the other way around and the ancient Cornish actually were the Phoenicians having conquered them, or we merely ventured forth to sail the world with them as our allies. But the conclusion is inescapable that the Cornish have been the movers and shakers of mankind's history since the dawn of time and, despite suppression by jealous revisionists, scraps of evidence can still be found of our empire having straddled the world.
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The evidence is right in front of you for those with eyes to see.
Look at these hieroglyphs:
Look at it. Look at it. Look at it. Those are Cornish pasties. That's a recipe for making pasties.
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The evidence has been rigorously suppressed by an international conspiracy of lesser breeds but is still there if you know where to look.
Take the Statue of Liberty:
This is what it used to look like before the cover-up:
Independence is irrelevant. The outrage is that the English and other lesser breeds are independent of us. There must and inevitably will be a reorganisation of the map to give the Cornish supermen living room and a restoration of our ancient territories.
In the short term something like the following seems reasonable:
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~ https://www.penwith.co.uk/cornwall/cornwall-uber-alles.htm ~
~ home ~
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i have to assume andrew and aaron minyward from all for the game + coronabeth and ianthe tridentarius from the locked tomb have already been submitted. but jus tin case!
I don't have the Minyard brothers submitted, but yes the Tridentarii are definitely in the tournament.
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100 song list of  2022
in  case  i  need  extra  area, i  did the squee time line already
i will always  need more room  jus tin case th e band is  a rela famus one and i will do some back ground data , 
 this is the  number   song spot lol
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redlightvacuo · 2 years
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“Happy Halloween! Make sure you check back later for a list of our costumes today. Jus tin case you were curious..”
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andreasenmhgdrew · 2 years
Make On your own In The Home By Using These Home Design Ideas
You've definitely come to the correct location if you'd like to get into decor however, you don't know where to start. The subsequent write-up provides excellent information for anyone planning to obtain further knowledge on bettering their interior planning skills. Check this out article and learn.
Anyone that is undergoing an indoor-design and style project can be best if you combine decorative mirrors in the area. Decorative mirrors have two major positive aspects to your rooms they can be in. Initial, they give the style the area is greater than, and 2nd, they reveal lighting producing any room seem much brighter.
While you are decorating your children's space, try out to check out issues off their standpoint. Design inside their area ought to be functional and age-correct. If you have young kids, get straight down and check out points at their vision stage. This can help you select how to make the most of the area inside their place.
An incredible home design hint is usually to constantly be familiar with area when you're designing. If you go nuts with a place it could end up getting chaotic. No matter how great seeking and effectively adorned a room is, if there isn't adequate place to move around no-one will even trouble to go inside.
Use a thorough commitment having an internal fashionable if you choose to hire a skilled. This may help the you both and ensure you will be about the same page, with no excitement or cost overruns. A great indoor developer will need a contract in any case, therefore it is a good way to determine that they are a reputable businessperson.
Make certain that each area has outstanding illumination. Quality illumination will assist you to show off your home, and can even help a room really feel even bigger. If there's a room at your residence which has darker corners in spite of the lighting turned on, select a classy new lamp. It'll make your complete room appear better.
Include dazzling colours to your home to set an extremely light-weight feeling for your personal close friends, loved ones and friends. https://thietkenoithat.com/tin-tuc/articleid/14599/nguyen-ly-thiet-ke-noi-that-khach-san can do this by placing a brilliant couch or cushions inside your living room. These can be any size that you wish and then in any coloration to match your particular area.
When your interior design programs involve shifting any current lights or plumbing related you should hire a skilled. Whilst there are lots of guides and other resources claiming to teach a novice the way to do any task, there is still space for fault. Should you be not experienced in electric power or domestic plumbing you ought to talk to an expert.
Put flowers to your rooms. Should you be looking for the cost effective method to perk up just about any space at home, bring in some blossoms. Both accumulate blooms through your very own back garden or pick some up, position them inside a great vase and place them over a evening stand, reserve rack or conclusion dinner table.
Try out buying add- https://thietkenoithat.com/thiet-ke-noi-that-tre-em for your house in teams of coordinated products. Should https://thietkenoithat.com/tin-tuc/articleid/13375/don-vi-thiet-ke-va-thi-cong-noi-that-uy-tin-tai-ha-noi grab a toss pillow with a department shop, a lamp at the backyard sale and region area rug elsewhere, odds are great they truly is not going to complement after you have every one of them with each other. Buying in units assures colour equilibrium!
Have a look on the internet and at periodicals. There are actually a variety of books that can give you fantastic tips. Before starting preparing, get influenced. Take a look at as much different choices as possible and think about the options. Conserve what you like. Combine suggestions and determine what's doable.
Everything which you have learned about decor can have you experiencing just like you may make some very nice adjustments at home or other's. As soon as you acknowledge that you just do have the ability, you could start to give your ambitions alive. Take advantage of what you've acquired, and become pleased with what you're going to achieve.
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fortislumen-a · 3 years
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alright, okay, i'm fine i think.....
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peechi · 4 years
Uh so about 40 min ago a car fucking exploded right behind my appartment building? (One person was injured and us being treated for non life threatening injuries) someone on twitter said even afte rit happened he was still sitting in the driver's seat trying to finish his cigarette ????
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glacierfront · 5 years
blindhavoc replied to your post “hey wanna see something cool”
(sticks his thumbs into his empty eye sockets)
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    “that’s. pretty cool,” the mouth says, placid, while the soul and the heart and the mind and the body are all saying what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.
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"Did you miss me?"she gasped as Bellamy fucked up into her, arms hard around her thighs and pushing her back against the wall of her cottage. "Did you think of--" / "How can you ask me that?" he growled, losing a little control and pushing up into her erratically. His teeth scraped her neck. "How the fuck." His cock filled her. "Can you. Ask that." Clarke twisted her fingers into his hair and tugged. / "Easily," she said. "I do what I want now."
aoishfoaihsfoihasoifh thank you
I almost want to continue this whilst drunk but i know that it will be incoherent
but this was beautiful and just what i needed
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princesshalfdemon · 3 years
i very much enjoying physically owning my media if i can because i can watch it whenever i want without having to worry about it taking up hundreds of gigabytes (or more) of storage, i can rip it into media files myself i want to sav eit to my computer, watch it on my t and ps4, and jus tin case any pirate sites get killed like kickasstorrents was a while ago
plus the fact streaming services love to do that bullshit with just taking away licenses all the fucking time, like when crunchyroll lost a lot of really good anime because of that shit: like Michiko e Hatchin and Yu Yu Hakudsho, two of my alll-time favorite animes
but instead of getting ANOTHER fucking subscription or finding a good torrent to keep on my computer or external hard drive i can just pop in the blu-raysi own whenever i want
i LIKE owning this shit even if it’s no tthe cheapest i like having complete control over this iwthout stupid streaming bullshit and torrenting (not that i don’t torrent) just god
i fucking hate streaming culture and practices so much
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poptod · 3 years
Pretty, Little Doll (Merriel Shelton x Reader)
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Description: Merriel makes friends with the pretty little doll serving ice cream.
Notes: jus thinking about ice cream. implied female reader, but this.. is too much. theres just too much here. youve been warned. edit: wait no u havent. the warning is that theres suggestive themes and such WC: 2.3k
After working long hours in the broiling sun of the south, what felt best down his parched throat was a beer––a bar where many of his friends and coworkers drank at, and the waitresses wore low-cut dresses with short hems and long stockings. That sight went down wonderfully with several drinks, but what drew his attention today was a newly opened shop.
There was no sign, but the large, pristine windows gave a good view of the inside. Clean, white walls with several tables and chairs to the left, and a counter to order at on the right. Behind it stood you, dressed to the nines in ruffles and bows as you opened up the shop, displaying buckets of ice cream.
Merriel grinned. Lopsided and toothy, and he jogged inside, sweat and dirt still trailing down his skin and clothes. With his shirt slung over his bare shoulder, he met your eye and his cocky smile returned as his chin tilted high.
"Afternoon," he drawled as he approached the counter, barely grazing over the different flavors before returning to you.
"Good afternoon," you said in a much quieter voice, though you did mimic his smile, just more politely. "How may I help you?"
"You new here?" He asked, gesturing generally to the shop.
"Oh, yes," you said. "My grandmother always wanted an ice cream parlor, so.. I thought I could help her."
"That's awful sweet of ya," he said as he leant on the counter, tilting ever closer to you. "This ice cream sweet as you, boo?"
Your mouth fell open, eyes widening as you did a double take. For a moment you were at a loss for words, but you quickly attempted to stammer out a response, a blush burning your face.
"Well, um, we have, uh, strawberry, and um.. chocolate, vanilla, cherry, and uh, banana. And bourbon."
"Bourbon?" He said, a single brow kinked upwards.
"It's my grandma's favorite," you said with a sheepish chuckle.
"Damn, girl. Grandma knows how to have fun," he laughed.
"Would you like to try it?"
Only if I can lick it off you, he thought, his attention drifting to the soft skin of your neck. The thought of it melting down and pooling in your clavicle. While usually he didn't bother to censor himself for anyone, you seemed a little fainthearted. His chances with you would probably be ruined after one too-strange comment.
"Sure," was what he said instead. "Long as it's cold I don't care."
"I understand that. I moved here recently and it's certainly something to try and adapt to the heat," you rambled as you stuck a tiny plastic spoon in the bourbon ice cream, giving him the single bite. "Are you a local?"
"Been here long's I remember," he said, taking the spoon. "What time do ya get off today?"
"Oh, um," you fixed the ruffles on your collar, "I won't be finished till late. We're not all set up yet."
"If y' need some help, I'd be happy to offer my expertise. I do a hell of a lot a' nailin' things ta the wall."
You stared at him again, once more losing your words. He hadn't quite meant what he said, but the fluster he left you in had him grinning, humored by the connotation you'd incorrectly understood.
"That – that'd be very nice of you," you said, wringing your hands. "I don't want to bother you. You look.. busy."
He didn't miss how your eyes raked up his body, from his wrinkled, dusty pants up his bare waist and chest still gleaming with the sweat of morning work. His jaw could cut hearts and he knew that very well; accented it whenever he could as he cocked his chin upwards, watching carefully as your breath froze.
"I won't be busy tonight. How 'bout this." He walked up right to the counter, pressing his hips into the edge of it. "I come after I finish up ma' own job, and I'll give ya' a hand. Don't even gotta pay me."
"Really? But –"
"Don't worry 'bout it. 'S nothin' for a pretty doll like you."
"At least let me get you a cone? It's hot out today," you offered, reaching for the largest waffle cones you had.
The guys wouldn't really take well to him eating ice cream instead of drinking, but he figured they'd eat their words when they saw you.
"Won't say no to that."
As much as he wanted to boast about you, how pretty and sweet you were and how he so easily slid his way into your life, he didn't want his friends finding your shop and vandalizing it with their own dirty boots and flirtatious looks. Only he could do that.
In the evening he returned as promised, having walked from his house on the outskirts of town to your shop on the main street. The build, decorum, and location of the shop screamed rich family to him. No one in his state would be able to afford a business on main street, much less fully renovated and repainted. He could ask you, he decided, about your family, your grandmother, and of course you.
Inside, you were closing up the tubs of ice cream, hauling them out of the display case and into a back storage room. He knocked before he entered, earning a muffled 'come in!' from you.
Before either of you could speak, both the buckets in your arms began to slip, and he ran round to the other side of the counter to help. He took one from you to ease the load.
"Careful, cher," he said, grabbing another bucket in his other arm. "Don't wanna break yaself."
"Thank you," you said, mostly ignoring his comment. "My grandma is in the other room, so just, um.. be polite and proper."
Fat fuckin' chance, he thought in his head, but fortunately did not say aloud as he followed you.
The door swung open into a freezer room, where an old lady stood in the corner, covered head to toe in coats as she stirred.
"I keep telling you to let me do that," you sighed, setting down your container before rushing to her side.
"I can do it quite well myself. I'm not useless, you know," your grandmother said, staring you down with a glare. You hesitated, gauging her carefully, before you relented with another exasperated sigh.
"Fine, alright," you said quietly. "I'll go work on hanging up all the paintings and such."
"Thank you, dear."
You motioned to him as you passed by, pushing open the door and heading out of the freezer. He once again followed you, watching your ass with a grin you never saw.
"We need to hang up these," you said as you brought him to one of the circular tables, each of which carried a small pile of paintings, license plates, or tin posters.
"You got a ladder?" He asked, glancing to the high walls.
"Yes sir," you said, sorting through the different posters. He quirked a brow, intrigued by the possibility of that nickname.
"I neva did get ya name," he said as he leant on one of the tables.
"(Y/N). What's yours?"
"Pretty name for a pretty doll," he half sung, the same, one-sided smile stretched lazily across his face. "My name's Merriel."
"Also a pretty name," you said, picking the largest poster to start with. A pin-up girl in a sailor's suit. "Our ladder isn't all that steady. Will you hold it for me?"
He opened his mouth to offer himself up, but with one look to the ruffled skirt you wore, he shut himself up.
"'Course," was what he said instead.
Everything was a bit of a game––one you were unwittingly a part of, and one where you played your role rather well. A sweet, unassuming little thing, essentially a toy for him, accepting his help and letting him in. He hated to act the predator, but when it came to you he couldn't help it.
That was how he saw it. Hunting you down and taking you for his own at the end of a long chase. However, to any outsider, it appeared in a much simpler way; a young man doing anything for someone he'd developed a crush on. That was how it truly was, though the innocence of his crush was abruptly stripped away as he held the ladder, staring shamelessly up your skirt.
"Huh?" He said, broken out of his dreamy trance.
"I said could you hand me another nail," you said, pointing towards the package of nails with your hammer.
"Oh. You sure ya ain't gonna fall if I leave?" He asked with a grin. You chuckled, shaking your head.
"I'll be alright."
"If you say so, boo."
After a little while he supposed he ought to offer some more help than holding a rickety ladder, and took your place at the top with a hammer in his hand and nails in his mouth. As promised, his experience with nailing things to the wall (nails specifically, not women) made him much faster than you, and the entirety of the wall behind the counter was covered within fifty minutes.
"Thank you for your help, again," you said as you put away the hammer and nails.
"My pleasure," he said, the image of your thighs still fresh in his mind. "If y' ever need help.. I'm happy t' to be of service."
"Well, thank you. Come stop by again soon. On the house," you said as he left, peeking your head out the door and giggling.
"You know I'm stoppin' by again, get two things done in one trip. Some'in sweet for th' eyes and the tongue," he laughed, watching your face light up with a blush.
And it ain't just the ice cream, he thought.
Over the course of the coming summer, he left drinking for the evening, and instead visited your shop over his lunch break. You insisted on giving his cones for free considering he continued to help you out, but he usually found ways to sneak you the money anyway. You were not, as he assumed earlier, a very rich family.
His favorite activity, which he found rather early on, was to sit outside on burning hot days, his shirt draped over the back of his chair as he ate. Through the pristine glass, he spied you watching him often.
You couldn't help it either. Most of your life was spent in your family cabin, cutting you off from many teen and early adulthood experiences. People flirting with you was a lot to deal with, especially when it came from someone as pretty as him, the smooth dips and ripples of his lean muscles shining with sweat and dirt from his construction site.
His tongue. Ever since he made that comment on that first evening you met, you hadn't been able to get it out of your mind. How it rolled and drawled between his puffy lips drawn backwards with his teeth, in a very specific method you'd pinned down to 'the Tongue Thing'.
Your heated, embarrassed blush only worsened as ice cream dripped down his fingers from the heat, cleaned up by a sharp and precise tongue. You could hardly breathe watching him like that, but as he caught your eye you turned quickly away.
His bravado had clearly earned a huge boost from catching you mid-drool, prevalent in his step as he waltzed back into your store. You hardly met his eye, pretending to clean up the counter, but that didn't stop him. He walked right up to you, leaning down with his elbows on the stone, forcing you to stop and look at him, which you did with incredible reluctance.
"You been watchin' me, cher?" He asked, close enough to see his reflection in your wide eyes.
"No," you said quietly.
"A' think you're lyin'," he said, leaning in closer yet. "Betta' not do that. Could land you in some trouble."
You raised your brows.
"Are you threatening me?"
"Not with anythin' ya can't take," he said as he raked his eyes purposefully slow down your body. When you appeared to be at a loss for words, he said, "I'll ask ya again. Were you watching me?"
"... and if I don't answer?" You tested carefully.
"Well then, I think there's too much space between us," he said, grinning cockily as he jumped the counter, crowding you suddenly.
You drew in a sharp breath, backing up as he continued to step forwards till he pinned you to the wall with his hips.
"Tell the truth, baby." he drawled, carefully setting his hands on your hips and pulling you in. Something hard poked you.
"I – I wasn't staring, I –"
He half-grinded into you, pressing you tighter against the wall as his hands drew upwards, resting at your waist.
"Such a pretty thing," he mumbled beneath his breath, watching your stumbling reaction closely.
By pinning you with his hips, he had free roam to move his hands, one of which toyed with the hem of your skirt. It was wrong, certainly, and it was also illegal since you were in plain view of main street, but he lost control the minute his fingertips brushed the soft, supple skin of your thigh.
Your breathing hastened, hips yearning for something, though you didn't know what. When the rough skin of his fingers suddenly brushed inbetween your thighs your hands shot up to steady yourself on Merriel's shoulders. He laughed, running a finger through your lips, finding you already soaked and not wearing underwear. Instantly his laugh faded, devolving into a long, needy moan as his hips once more pushed up into you.
"Th – there's someone – someone coming," you said, eyes darting to the front door.
Immediately he was off you, stepping to the side as you straightened yourself out. You walked forward with shaky legs, which he most definitely noticed, and took the mother and son's orders as usual. When you finished you glanced to him, your heart stopping at the sight of him licking your slick from his fingers.
"I guess your ice cream is as sweet as you, boo," he murmured in your ear, giving you no chance to react before rushing back out to return to his construction job.
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