#just a chillin' taco
vrnicky · 1 year
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So uh,,, I was convinced from friends to actually post this so uh,,
@scrambledmeggys I heard and saw you like fell papyruses! So I bring mine! Captain!! He is a gentleman who everytime he sees you he will kiss your hand <3
So ye *runs away*
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yuriprince · 6 months
i think i also use ocs more in selfship cuz in real life i’m not the most interesting person in the world? so i would much rather follow the life of someone more interesting? i don’t often think to make Me But Cooler, i usually default to Cooler Person Than Me ig lol
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haechanhues · 1 year
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pairing : secret boyfriend! lee know x fem!reader x fake boyfriend! han
genre : fluff. angst. sex is implied. 
warnings : swearing. very crude and sometimes dark humour. fights. sappy shit. insults directed at skz members and other idols (that do not reflect my own thoughts but this is not to be confused with the actual members and insults directed at them). arguments. namecalling. jealousy. drama. there’s some toxic elements within this story. very suggestive comments.
summary : you have two boyfriends. one’s fake and the other a secret. one is avoiding love whilst the other is slowly opening himself to it. a story in which one’s cowardice, another’s insecurities and your own volition leads you here, overwhelmed and exhausted, in the middle of two best friends. 
status : completed 
taglist : @soobin-chois @penny-quinn @brit97 @bestleeknowstan @hhjkji @skzgallll @aspenwritesstuff @amara-mars @midsoulz @flvr4ane @01liacore @septicrebel @sheiiy
main masterlist 
banner : I made it myself! Which is why I also have to point out something that is just irritating me the longer i look at it...please excuse the fact that Han’s picture doesn’t quite align with the box inside the polaroid shape. ‘You don’t even notice it’ Yes but I can’t unsee it now that I’ve seen it and it will bother me. 
written chapter : * 
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moodboard | profile 1 | profile 2 
chapter one : spreads like wildfire 
chapter two : idiot patrol feat. reason + gf 
chapter three : cute nicknames are a necessity 
chapter four : left nutless king 
chapter five : trained to annoy  
chapter six : the hunted : exhibit a 
chapter seven : the hunted : exhibit b
chapter eight : the hunted : exhibit c + d 
chapter nine : the hunted : exhibit e 
chapter ten : the hunted : exhibit f 
chapter eleven : turn in your pitchforks 
chapter twelve : can’t make that kind of shit up! 
chapter thirteen : the freedom in different 
chapter fourteen : a movie kiss 
chapter fifteen : sounds culty 
chapter sixteen : he’s right there *
chapter seventeen : need 
chapter eighteen : you’re glowing 
chapter nineteen : the one time felix almost broke up a fake relationship
chapter twenty : short of rabid *
chapter twenty one : the only third wheeler 
chapter twenty two : taco-twosday 
chapter twenty three : prague inspired 
chapter twenty four : pho sure 
chapter twenty five : family beach day 
chapter twenty six : stacks * 
chapter twenty seven : sad movies 
chapter twenty eight : fuck bitches get money 
chapter twenty nine : because 
chapter thirty : three punches for the pretty one
chapter thirty one : nerves
chapter thirty two : queen st
chapter thirty three : been chillin’ 
chapter thirty four : ‘i feel like being alone’ sad 
chapter thirty five : gossip in the quad
chapter thirty six : bringing our girl home 
chapter thirty seven : chicken chop 
chapter thirty eight : jester’s play * 
chapter thirty nine : talk to her 
chapter forty : you can’t even say it * 
chapter forty one : crime against humanity 
chapter forty two : i wanna try this
chapter forty three : a place you and i know 
chapter forty four : little kitten 
chapter forty five : hope you’re hungry
chapter forty six : quotes
chapter forty seven : chocolate bars 
chapter forty eight : our (drunken) hymns 
chapter forty nine : hallucinating
chapter fifty : the first piece
author’s confessions + thank you wrap up
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from-beyond · 10 months
whats the best dish youve had in the past few weeks!!!! hows your summer treating you!!!! are u returning to school in the fall and how do you feel abt that???
Hiya buddy!!
A few weeks ago I tried a new taco place with my best friend and it ruled. I got a chicken taco that had this avocado aioli and crispy fried onions and it was an absolute banger!
TBH this summer has been no fun at all, I've literally just been working, but I have been chillin in my hammock with an iced coffee every few days, which makes life worth living.
I am returning to school in August and I honestly can't wait! Living at home again is driving me insane, so I look forward to getting back to my apartment. I'm also taking two classes for my video production minor this semester that sound super fun, and I'm writing movie reviews for the campus newspaper too. Lot's to look forward to! :D
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 months
What's the most worthwhile thing you've done in the last year? Time spent with family, doing things I enjoy, and taking care of health related issues.
What foods make you want to gag? One is Canadian bacon. It's a texture thing.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Not so much these days, but I used to be. I'd still like to be, but it's hard right now.
Have you ever made out with someone? Yeah.
What time do you get sleepy? I'm sleepy all day.
What music do you listen to? I like variety.
How old were you when you started to walk? I never got to that stage, I was a victim of a drive-by shooting at just 7 months old.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? I get along with all my family, but I'm not close with all of them. I'm closest to my mom and younger brother.
What cheers you up when you're sad? I just kinda have to go through it. I'm kinda just a sad person.
What do you sleep in? An oversized tee.
Have you ever tanned topless? Nooo. I would absolutely not feel comfortable doing that. I don't even go tanning at all, really. I mean, if I'm at the beach I'll get some sun cause I spend several hours out there, but that's not what I'm there to do. I don't set out to tan, it's just a bonus. I just love the beach.
Wear jewelry? Yeah, but I had to take it off prior to surgery recently and I haven't put it back on, yet.
What's something you've been told you're good at? I've been told I'm a good writer.
How much can you eat? Not a lot, but it's enough for me. Like, I just had 4 rolled chicken tacos from Taco Bell and I'm full. I will say I've had more of an appetite lately and have been doing a lot more snacking.
What's the furthest away you've ever traveled? From California to Georgia.
Are you a cat or dog person? I'm a dog person.
Have you ever done drugs? Just weed.
What does your room look like? It's small and cluttered. I had to get a special hospital like bed that you can make sit up or lie down and it takes up more space than my old bed did. I also have a lot of medical supplies everywhere. Plus, there's an office chair we keep in here for my mom or whoever is chillin with me in my room. I also just have a lot of other stuff and my room is just too small.
Recommend a really amazing book. Depends what you like.
Recommend a really amazing song.
Recommend a really amazing movie. Not saying it's the most amazing movie ever, but I've been rewatching The Hunger Games movies before seeing the new one and I still think they're just as good as when I first saw them. I haven't rewatched them in a long time and I'm still a fan. It's not cringe at all like when I rewatched Twilight lmaoooo.
Who's your favorite actor/actress? Alexander Skarsgard.
Have you ever run away from home? No.
Do you exercise ever? I haven't done my arm exercises in awhile, I need to get back to that. I just recently spent 3 weeks in the hospital, so I lost some of my strength.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the colour? No, I actually hate it. It's super short and choppy and has no style to it. It's all my natural color, too, which I'm not a fan of. I miss my long red hair D:
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? Uh, I've only ever heard that name in The Junglebook.
Are you a Disney movie fan? I love Disney.
Do you eat seafood? Noooo.
When was the last time you cried? Earlier today. I have those days/moments where I cry cause I mourn my old life and how some things used to be and I'm afraid because of my health it'll never be that way again.
Do you have good working habits? I don't work and I have no desire to work to be honest, but if I did I know I'd do my best and want to do well. I would definitely try.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? I don't know exactly, but I'm going the wrong direction right now that's for sure.
What are your boundaries? This is too deep right now.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? >> predictably, I immediately forgot every funny thing I've ever encountered
What are two quirky little things about you? I don't know. I feel like that's something you'd have to ask someone who knows me well.
Are you claustrophobic? I can say with absolute certainty that I am. My MRI scans during my hospital stay recently confirmed yet again. It is HORRIBLE and I had to be sedated.
Do you like getting wasted? Blech, noooo. I stopped doing that 10 years ago and don't miss drinking at all. I don't even want to just have a drink or two, I want nothing to do with alcohol at all.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Someone I have stuff in common with, good sense of humor, and we just vibe, ya know?
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rhianna? .Rihanna.
What religion are you, if any? Christian.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? .My family includes my doggo, so they're all safe and in that case I'd try to save whatever things of mine I could. I'd definitely have to get my meds, I'd want my phone, laptop, purse with my wallet, a hoodie... ugh it would be so hard cause obviously I'd want to save all my things but I just have too much.
Do you have any sash belts? No.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc Undergarments, an oversized Barbie tee, a choker necklace.
Does caffeine make you hyper? Nope. It helps take some edge off, but otherwise it does nothing anymore. I just genuinely like coffee so I still drink it.
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oingybinkywangobongo · 9 months
Me last night: just chillin' vibing to my music
(meanwhile in the headspace/innerworld)
Shiloh: ♪Despacito
All the Danny's and the sluggeritos
Join together for some spicy burritos
Driving round in their boingy chevaritos!!♪
Jared: ole ole
♪Why you no add sauce in my taco baggy
Ain't my fault you cretins are saggy
You messed up this time my frendito
You better get your shit togetherito
Don't don't don't
Don't you shame me or my Boingoritos
I'll give u a pass if you let me sneako
You can bet your ass I'm full blood gingerito
Me: *smh* wtf was that?!
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bugpiss · 9 months
vines i need 2 quote more
road work ahead? uh, yeah, i sure hope it does!
hurricane katrina? more like hurricane tortilla!!
a potato flew around my room before you came
i'm in me mum's car broom broom
i smell like beef
hey my name is trey i have a basketball game tomorrow well i'm a point guard i got shoe game
mother trucker dude that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick
i'm washing me and my clothes
i don't have enough money for chicken nugget
ha ha ha i do that
can i get a waffle? can i pls get a waffle?
there's only 1 race...the human race WHAT ABOUT NASCAR?
and they were roommates OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES
i wanna be a cowboy babeyy
do it for the vine
staaaahp! i coulda dropped mah croissant
oh hi thanks 4 checking in I'M STILL A PIECE OF GARBAGE
happy crimus..... it's crismun....merry crisis. merry chrysler
get to del taco. they got a new thing called freesha… free… freeshavaca-do
chris IS THAT A WEED?! no this is a crayon- I'M CALLING THE POLICE 911 whats ur emergency
two bros chillin in a hot tub 5 feet apart cuz they're not gay
so i'm sitting there BBQ SAUCE ON MY TITTIES
look at all those chickens
oh mah gawd i love chipotle
i didn't get no sleep cause of y'all, y'all not gone get no sleep cause of me
mrs keisha? mrs keisha? oh my fucking god she fucking dead
how much did you pay for that taco? aight, yo, you know this boy got his free taco
so no head?
that is NOT correct
anything for u beyonce
um i've never been to oovoo javer
ah fuck i can't believe you've done this
there is only one thing worse than a rapist. A CHILD no
hi welcome to chili's
everybody say colorado!! I'M A GIRAFFE
i brought you frankincense. thank you. i brought you myrrh. thank you. mur-dur! JUDAS NO
ily bitch i aint never gonna stop loving you bitch
come get yall's juice
so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift?
honey, you've got a big storm coming
i like turtles
deez nuts HA GOTTEM
oh i like ya accent where you from? i’m liberian. oh my bad. *whispering* i like your accent
go ahead and introduce yourselves. my name is michael with a B and i’ve been afraid of insects my entire- stop, stop, stop. where? hmm? where’s the B? there’s a bee?
dad, look, it’s the good kush this is the dollar store, how good can it be?
wow an avocadooooo thaaaanksss
jared, can you read number 23 for the class? no, i cannot what up i’m jared i'm 19 and i never fucking learned how to read
hey i'm a lesbian i thought you were american
ooooo he need some milk
it is wednesday my dudes AAAAAAAAA
give me your FUCKING MONEY
what the fuck richard
why are you running WHY ARE YOU RUNNING
whoever threw that paper, YOUR MOM'S A HOE
lebron james
i'm just cooking pizza *FUCKING FALLS*
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cyberthot666 · 1 year
I’m literally on the clock just eating some fish tacos drinking a peach cider and chillin. I love it here. I manifested this shit.
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goddessdelaluna · 1 year
If I come to Canada . Then come with me go to hotel🤭.
Let’s go bang hard. “Netflix , chillin and taco”
Why just one taco bro I don’t share 💕😇🌮
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mao-likes-2-draw · 2 years
Saw: Two brooooos!  Gaty: Chillin' in a hot tub!  Saw: Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay!  Gaty: Saw: Gaty: *tearing up*  Saw: Babe, c'mon...  Gaty: AND HERE YOU REALLY HAD ME THINKING WE HAD SOMETHING. 
Gaty: WHOEVER CAUSED THIS MESS IS GOING TO-  Saw: It was me...  Gaty: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Gaty: Saw, we all pitched in and got you a leash.
Saw: What? What makes you think I need one of those?
Book, Lollipop and Taco: We lost you in the aisles of fucking 7/11.
Taco: *chokes on something*  Lollipop: Jeez, Taco, don't die on us.  Taco: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!
*Gaty is casually searching around the room*  Lollipop: Hey Gaty, what’re you looking for?  Gaty: My will to live.  *Saw walks into the room*  Gaty: Oh, there it is.
Lollipop: Truth or dare?  Saw: Dare.  Lollipop: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room.  Saw: Hey Taco?  Taco, blushing: Yeah?  Saw: Can you move? I'm trying to get to Gaty.
Book: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this?  Lollipop, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Gaty: What's gone wrong, Saw?  Saw: Hey! That’s one hell of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis.  Gaty: That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling?  Saw: Well... There’s a crisis. 
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vrnicky · 1 year
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@under-art-reblogs @ratsoh-writes
The whole gang is here!!!
Phew that took a while lol
Reblogs appreciated!
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pinkspiraling · 2 years
i’m getting anxious bc i’m stressing myself out about being productive today. i don’t really feel like being productive tho i kinda just wanna get taco bell and watch a documentary. i think i’m gonna follow that desire bc i don’t even have a deadline for any of my productive stuff like i think i’m just gonna kick back and chill today! guilt free chillin, i can’t wait
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cwmorton · 2 months
Title: "The Hilariously Outrageous Guide to Street Eats, Bro!" Yo, yo, yo! You chillin', broheims? Alright, fam, get ready. Today, I'm about to share some real downtown wisdom about the best grub spots where your bucks can buy you bombastic bites that'll light you up like Times Square on New Year's Eve! We talkin' street food, baby! Let's rock and roll! First off, remove that silver spoon from ya mouth, scrap that Michelin Star crap, and don the mantle of some true culture crawling, my dudes. You put on those back-alley-ombre shades and get ready to hustle these heavenly havens of heartiness! 1. "The Hotdog Stand Hustle" Check it, brotatoes! Uptown, downtown, right on the corner of "Who cares?" and "I’m gonna chow down regardless"—there’s that magic moment when your beady little peepers spot that showstopper of a hot dog stand! Those dogs get grilled up better than your lame excuses for not texting back last weekend! Sloppy, scrumptious, and straight-up sinful, there's nothing like munching on a good ol' hotdog at 2 AM when you can’t remember your own name! 2. "The Taco Takedown" Listen up, amigos! Tacos are not just food—they're a freakin' street phenomenon! Gorge on guacamole-filled wonderfulness topped with the spiciest salsa, tucked into a teeny tortilla that makes your taste buds scream "Ay, caramba!" You might bite your tongue with the first crunch, and when the flavor hits, your tongue's like "Worth it, bro!" 3. "The Pretzel Pandemonium" Look, if you don't dig pretzels, we gotta problem, palski. Salty, dough delirium twisted into knots like your brains after one tequila shot too many! Whether it's a classic glazed baby or a loaded one sprinkled with some funky flavors, y'all ready to get twisted, fam? 4. "The Pizza Pie Hurl" Bro, even your Aunt Karen knows that there ain't no party like a pizza party! We ain't talkin' 'bout some fancy-schmancy cardboard cut-out crap from a Pizza Palace; we mean the real deal! The gooey meltdown of mozzarella on your mucky mitts that leaves a trail of tasty tomato sauce running down your chin, that’s the life, homies! 5. "The Crepe Crusade" Finally, to the land of the French! Ooh la la… let's sizzle and shimmy with some seriously sweet street sophistication – crepes! Delicate dollies of syrup-drenched satisfaction to flip those frowns upside down. Chocolate, strawberries, bananas - legit whatever your heart desires! So, there ya have it, my home slices! A slammin' and jammin' guide to the world's bomb-diggiest street eats! Get out there, and go gobble up the deliciousness that’s greasier than your hair gel! And hey, always remember - Calories don't count on the street, bro! Peace out!
https://oaidalleapiprodscus.blob.core.windows.net/private/org-ebiS2uoTJCiy7DgIarKqzpPd/user-LilFgADY9X3ssMBrnG5HyJkp/img-f7znXVa2yG1tXbgNh7JkHN1q.png?st=2024-02-25T20%3A40%3A52Z&se=2024-02-25T22%3A40%3A52Z&sp=r&sv=2021-08-06&sr=b&rscd=inline&rsct=image/png&skoid=6aaadede-4fb3-4698-a8f6-684d7786b067&sktid=a48cca56-e6da-484e-a814-9c849652bcb3&skt=2024-02-25T10%3A31%3A10Z&ske=2024-02-26T10%3A31%3A10Z&sks=b&skv=2021-08-06&sig=8%2BwFj8QAqEXMdmSm9Ivy7NFCkg%2BdGAH%2B4sJMCQQ81Wk%3DYo, yo, yo! You chillin', broheims? Alright, fam, get ready. Today, I'm about to share some real downtown wisdom about the best grub spots where your bucks can buy you bombastic bites that'll light you up like Times Square on New Year's Eve! We're talking about street food, baby! Let's rock and roll! First off, remove that silver spoon from your mouth, scrap that Michelin Star crap, and don the mantle of some true culture crawling, my dudes. You put on those back-alley-ombre shades and get ready to hustle these heavenly havens of heartiness! 1. "The Hotdog Stand Hustle" Check it, brotatoes! Uptown, downtown, right on the corner of "Who cares?" and "I’m gonna chow down regardless"—there’s that magic moment when your beady little peepers spot that showstopper of a hot dog stand! Those dogs get grilled up better than your lame excuses for not texting back last weekend! Sloppy, scrumptious, and straight-up sinful, there's nothing like munching on a good ol' hotdog at 2 AM when you can’t remember your own name! 2. "The Taco Takedown" Listen up,
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picklewednesday · 7 months
got bored. here's what I think the ii contestants would listen to. LOOONG post.
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OJ - He's a Blur fan. all the way. Maybe some Pulp (HA GET IT.? DO YOU GET THE JOKE) or Oasis
Taco - She enjoys classical music me thinks :3
Paper - In my mind he likes Jazz and Frank Sinatra. He seems like the type of guy. Not sure what kind of music EP would like though:(
Pickle - OAHGhHGAHAWJQSH he likes the smiths and also video game ost's.
Bow - oh sshe is SUCH an ABBA fan. okay. she is THE dancing queen.
Apple - She likes disney songs :) I think shed be a big fan of tangled especially
Marsh - hot take. she only listens to music if it's in the background. if you see her wearing headphones she is listening to a podcast.
Bomb - weezer. just. weezer.
Paintbrush - I think they'd really enjoy things like laufey and faye webster :)
Salt - she is so lana del ray vinyl core /j but yeah fiona apple and lana del ray I think. mitski.
Lightbulb - she loves ALL music she will boogie to anything. if she had to choose though, vocaloid is her fabourite
Pepper - lana del ray and fiona apple as well. girl in red too. mitski.
Balloon - the adventure time soundtrack. that's it. that's all he listens to. his top song for 5 years in a row now has been remember you.
Nickel - just because I cant think of anything else for him I think it would be really funny if he was a Car Seat Headrest and McCafferty fan.
Knife - come on. hes a punk. he also likes mitski let's be real
Baseball - again. he only listens to soundtracks. one year he only listened to the pulp fiction and baby driver soundtracks. the entire year.
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Test Tube - oingo boingo. and. eugh. weird al yankovic.
Suitcase - she's a faye webster girlie. I just think shed enjoy it :)
Mic - UMMMM SHE LIKES ROCK!! and some metal occasionally. her favourite band would be the runaways me thinks. actually she especially loves any all female rock bands.
Fan - Tally Hall. Will Wood. Lemon Demon. Oingo Boingo. Weird Al. The Living Tombstone. Need I go on?
Soap - Shes in the faye webster and laufey and alex g and tv girl club. BUUUTTTTTT she likes listening to rock and metal with mic ad well since she always knows just what to reccomend to her
Cheesy - Weird Al. yes this is because of my little pony friendship is magic.
Yin - oh he lOVES tv girl. okay. he loves that shit.
Yang - COMPLETE opposite of Yin. he loves metal, especially nu metal (dont kill me for this you know he does.)
Dough - he only listens to white noise or like. those other colour noises. he switches the colour noise depending in his mood. usually its brown noise. just. okay
Trophy - ke$ha. also techno and like intense work out music. but ke$ha is only for when shes actually working out and the techno and work out music is for when she's just chillin.
Cherries - animaniacs songs. and I can just feel it in my balls man.
Tissues - I think he'd enjoy undertake and eelatrune music . but also Disney love songs
okay that's it. no iii because. I dont like them /j I just dont know what theyd like.
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resmarted · 9 months
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last week i was telling jen that today is the lion's gate portal and she was like oh no! what the FUCK is a lion's gate portal?? my kids go back to school that day!! happy i got to celebrate it with her and her famfam and delicious tacos!
was so excited all week to talk to my cult leader guru favorite internet psychic who i gatekeep girlboss til death do us part but she did not call for our appointment today and i still haven't heard back so it is for these reasons i will be putting all major decisions on hold. i can't just make my own choices without her input i'm neurotic not a fool.
someone reached out and asked me to apply for a position at their company in pa. i said i would think about it and today very dramatically exclaimed that there is nothing left here for me i just want to go where the weather is bearable and my people are!! i am always so convinced philly is the answer to all my problems until it's time to walk through 4ft of snow. if i become bicoastal will you start committing hate crimes against me. be honest.
keep getting omens a mysterious woman with good news will arrive at my door i hope it's taylor swift (all other arrivals will be turned away)
also keep hearing "you are about to have several options in love" and i hope one of them is lily singh
okay but seriously do you know how reasonable the electricity bills are in other states? my peco bills used to be like $40-80. i feel like we all know how i am liable to haul off on an entergy tangent. i am sick of backpaying for hurricanes that knocked the power out for months because the entire state is run on flimsy telephone pole wires from 1875. i used to think i would stay in the trenches and go down fighting but mama needs a mcfricken break.
i'll prob come back to fight after i'm done chillin
also keep getting signs someone from the past is trying to come back and it's making me want to change my home address and phone number.
being archangel metatron in disguise is honestly not all it's cracked up to be. would not recommend
WOULD recommend spicy impossible ground beef and staying in this city solely for jen turbo tits 🌮
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sanemi-i · 11 months
~ Hi everyone!!
My name is Vanessa but y’all can call me April 😌
Few things about myself
I’m obsessed with demon slayer if y’all can’t tell already 🤣😭
Favorite food is Birrias Tacos
I’m LGBTQIA friendly! Super queer over here so it’s all love and gold coins by the end of rainbow lol
If I get to chose what to become when I’m reincarnated in next life, it’ll be a tiger no question! Just chillin in sunbath in beautiful nature far farrr away from weirdo humans and their 9-5 jobs 😭
My inbox is open for anyone! You are loved, you matter, and you’re beautiful/handsome so always remember that 🖤🖤
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