#just a couple of devious dudes
wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
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Total Drama Future AU design number 4!
He is 38 in this AU.
He was in prison for several years after All Stars, but he sent plenty of letters to his castmates.
Once he was released, he had a plan to make amends with all of them, but there was one very special person he needed to pay a visit to.
He had to go find Scott, he needed to see if Scott was alright.
After asking around, he finally tracked Scott down.
It was a pretty long drive to get there, but it was all worth it.
When he showed up at Scott's renovated farmhouse, (Thanks to Cameron splitting his prize cash from Revenge Of The Island up amongst the cast members) Scott cried tears of joy and relief when he opened the door and saw Duncan standing there.
Even though they hadn't seen each other in years, their love from All Stars remained.
Scott slept better than he had in years with Duncan by his side.
While they never ended up having kids together, Duncan was happy to live on the farm with Scott and Butterscotch.
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youhideastar · 5 months
Why you should watch Story of Yanxi Palace
It seems ridiculous to do a promo post for literally the most-watched television show on the planet, but I follow a lot of accounts that post cdrama gifs, and I don't think I've ever seen a single Yanxi Palace gif, and that's a tragedy.
Story of Yanxi Palace is a 2018 period drama with 70 episodes, set in the harem of the real-life Qing Dynasty Qianlong Emperor and featuring some real-life events and characters from that period. Our heroine is Wei Yingluo, a teenager who enters the Forbidden City as a maid, seeking to solve and then avenge her sister's murder. It was a smash hit when it was released, although it was later censored. You can find it on Viki.
If you liked Nirvana in Fire, you will probably like Yanxi Palace: Wei Yingluo is very similar to Mei Changsu in all the best ways, in that she is devious, ruthless, occasionally very funny, driven by revenge, and possessed of a fundamental core of decency despite her scheming ways. She is also a fifteen-year-old girl. (At the beginning of the show, that is - the drama spans more than a decade.)
Wei Yingluo's relationship with the primary love interest, Fuca Fuheng, is also just *chef's kiss.* She suspects him of her sister's murder, tries to secretly off him a couple times, and he then confronts her about it and hands her a knife, saying, "If you really think I killed your sister, you can kill me now. I won't stop you." We've all seen this scene a dozen times in assorted movies and shows; she loves him so she can't bring herself to do it; she'll drop the knife, they'll embrace--
Reader, Wei Yingluo takes that knife and STABS HIM IN THE CHEST. She stabs him in the chest!!! How can you tell she likes him? Because he survives the experience. Barely.
After that, you think this is a Mei Changsu/Mu Nihuang pairing where there's a relatively normal person who loves their devious little meow meow--and then Fuheng turns around and gaslights Yingluo with zero remorse and you realize that this pairing is actually 100% deranged 4 deranged. The shit these two do to each other and for each other is completely unhinged. At one point, she kills his wife and the two of them never talk about it. Not before, not after, not ever. Legendary. He calls her his zhiji. They will convince you that the height of romance is marrying other people but knowing one another so deeply that you can coordinate intricate political schemes without ever communicating with each other because you can predict one another's moves with perfect accuracy.
Also, the costumes, sets, and props are ridiculously beautiful (and historically accurate!), the characters are like 20 incredibly intelligent and complex women and then like 4 hot dudes, and the score is incredible.
Is there queer rep, you ask? Nothing explicit. But there are a lot of female characters who have very intense, passionate relationships with other female characters. Also, there's a subplot where the Emperor suspects the Empress is having an affair with one of his consorts and you can see his point; finally, there's a character who is intentionally set up to have a very ambiguous sexual orientation: I think you could plausibly argue that he's ace, that he's bi, that he's gay, or that he's straight. I'm not sure even he knows.
There's a lot more to love about it, but when a show's been streamed more than 15 billion times (yes, with a b), I feel like I don't have too much to add. 😂 Give it a try!
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imogenkol · 5 months
reposting because tags are broken sorry
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They're having a very normal night out at the cantina
“I still get my fair share of killing in The Guild, of course. It is a profession that keeps me satisfied on multiple fronts.”
Bix’s eyes glinted knowingly. “You mean, it keeps you from getting bored.”
“Precisely,” Imogen answered with a devious grin. “However, I do find Jedi to be the most effective in that regard. I very much enjoy a challenging duel.”
“I’ll add that to the list of things I know you like to do, then.” She mumbled her next words into her cup as she downed the rest of her drink. “Murder, torture, lightsaber fights.”
“And you enjoy making black market deals and drinking cheap ale I would not feed to a womp rat.” Imogen placed her arm behind Bix and began to caress the backs of her fingers up and down her lover’s side as she stared intently at her. “What a pair we make.”
One of the bartenders — a young female Mirialan with most of her green skin exposed in a tight, revealing outfit — came up to them to retrieve what she must have assumed to be two empty cups. When she noted the practically untouched ale at the end of the table, she asked “Are you finished with this?”
“Yes,” Imogen answered without taking her eyes off of Bix, who had turned her attention to the younger woman.
The bartender continued to intrude. “Could I interest you in something else?”
“No,” Imogen said, dragging the word out in an impatient drawl. She forcefully tore her gaze away from Bix to throw a cold look at the Mirialan. “I get the distinct impression that everything here is as dreadful as that ale.”
Bix rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Ignore her. I’ll take another,” she said, handing over her empty metal cup.
As the slightly disgruntled bartender disappeared from sight, Imogen raised an eyebrow at the mechanic. “‘Ignore her’?”
“It’s the quickest way to get your attention, isn’t it?” Bix asked in anything but an innocent tone.
“Perhaps for you.”
“Come on,” Bix teased, tapping her index finger under Imogen’s chin, “you don’t think she’s cute?”
The bounty hunter grinded her teeth at the implication. “I might have thought so, if you were not here beside me.”
Bix lifted one of her shoulders in a half shrug. “I think she’s cute.”
Imogen narrowed her storming eyes and pulled her lover in closer by her waist. “Do you believe making me jealous is wise?” she mused in a low, smooth tone.
The Mirialan returned with a fresh cup of ale. As she set it on the table, Bix placed a couple of credits down as payment. When the bartender reached for them, Imogen’s free hand clamped down on top of hers like the swift strike of a serpent. The young woman gasped and Imogen saw movement out of the corner of her eye — a bouncer taking a tense step towards them. Imogen smiled dangerously at the girl. She supposed she was more attractive than most, but her looks did little to tempt Imogen beyond mischievous curiosity. She took a moment to lightly prod into the bartender’s mind.
The initial embers of irritation towards Imogen swiftly gave way to a sudden wave of fear. This girl knew she was dangerous, but she didn’t know just how dangerous she could really be. If only she could paint a clearer picture. Imogen felt her own ire melt into amusement as she tightened her grip ever so slightly and caused the girl to flinch. Satisfied, Imogen released her.
“Run along now,” she dismissed.
Bix leveled her gaze. “Are you that starved for attention?”
Imogen pursed her lips thoughtfully at the sight of the bouncer returning to his post. “I may kill her yet. If only to be banned from ever returning to this hovel.”
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned
@voidika @kyber-infinitygems @voidbuggg @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm
@socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf
@thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe
@loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut
@g0dspeeed @mandalhoerian @strangefable
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yadchi-i-guess · 5 months
Deal with the Devil(s)
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By Yadchi (I guess)
Electric Shock AU by @leefl00f
So basically Uzi asks Lizzy for a favor, and after some convincing, the queen bee accepts. Anything for her girlfriend, after all...
SFW tickle fic!
Word count: 2,127
Uzi was in a bad mood.
Granted, most days she was in a bad mood, what with getting older and stuff, but today she was particularly sour. And everyone was gonna know about (or be aware of) it, if it's the last thing on Copper-9 she did.
She'd refused to do any of her schoolwork, talked back to the teacher at every turn, and had chucked a dodgeball at Chad in gym class so hard he crashed into the wall. Even his friend Thad was impressed... which might've made Uzi blush a little.
At least now it was lunchtime, and the little rebel could get some real time to herself. She let her feet carry her to a desolate hallway, perfect, wide open space to let her mind wander.
Uzi settled down at the foot of a locker with a small sigh, finally able to just chill. Batteries were on the menu today in her lunchbox, and she was about to toss one in her mouth when something suddenly grazed her neck.
"Eeheheek! Wahahat the heheeck?!" She squeaked, fumbling for the mysterious little tickler as the battery bounced off her face. She pulled it off and was surprised to see Bit hadn't tagged along for the school day. It was PomPom.
"Hehey! What're you doing here, little dude?" Uzi chuckled.
Knowing that his tickles were well received, PomPom scurring around happily in his friend's hand as he was given a battery. He flashed a "TY <3" message at Uzi, whose facescreen glitched and flashed a ">:3" back.
"Having fun with that icky little pet of yours?" Someone standing over Uzi said.
"AGH! Bite me, Lizzy!" Uzi barked as she shot up and clenched her fist around PomPom. She was almost certain sometimes that Doll's girlfriend had the Solver too, with how easily she spooked her from time to time.
"Oh chillllll, you know my locker's right where you're snackin," Lizzy replied nonchalantly. She reached in for something, then looked back at Uzi, who was still eyeing her angrily.
"Not in the mood for your dumb teasing," the little drone pouted. She was just getting to feel a little better... only for Lizzy to screw it all up again.
"Sheesh, sardonic much?" Lizzy asked. "What's with the foul attitude?"
"And why would you care?"
"Dolly's your cousin, and she made it clear I can't treat you like garbage."
Uzi let out a small "hpmh" and sat back down, forcing her attention back on PomPom grooming his front legs in an attempt to ignore Lizzy. "Just bite me. Doll's the reason why I'm so upset," she said acidically.
"Seriously? Doll making you angry? That's far from a first," Lizzy said as she leaned against the locker. "What's so different about this time?"
"The fact she got away with it!" Uzi spat back. "She tickled me and teased me, and it was stupid, and I couldn't tickle her back! And I FRICKING LOST BECAUSE OF IT!"
A couple nights ago, Doll had challenged Uzi to a Mario Kart rematch to make up for Uzi cheating earlier, but the Russian drone had used the cheeky tactic employed on herself before; tickling Uzi to distract her while they were racing. She had then teleported back home right before Uzi tackled her.
Although it was a generalized rule that revenge would always occur between cousins, Uzi hadn't yet been able to get close enough to Doll and get her sweet revenge, making her typically snarky, mischievous attitude rot like an old piece of human food since then.
But that's when a little lightbulb went off in her head. The one that usually meant another one of her devious little ideas was forming, and a smirk would grow on her face.
"Hey, Lizzy," Uzi said with a gloat. "How would you-"
"Nope, this is between you and Doll," Lizzy interrupted bluntly as she turned away. Unfortunately, she didn't get far as Uzi activated [Translate] on the worker to immobilize her.
"Ohhhhh no you don't," Uzi deadpanned. "You're gonna help me get back at Doll because nothing can stop me."
"Oh, for robo-god's sake, Uzi..." Lizzy sighed as she struggled to break free (to no avail).
"Can't you give it a rest and NOT try to get revenge on her? Besides, what's in it for-"
"First of all, we're cousins, it's like siblings fighting, but you live in different houses," Uzi retorted. "Second off... I know how to make your hangout with your girlfriend betterrrrrr!"
Lizzy just blinked. Could she really trust this little weirdo to make her hangout (totally not date) more enjoyable? Frankly, not really, but she didn't have many other options.
"Go on..." she said dryly.
"Tell ya what," Uzi started to explain. "I'm gonna give you PomPom for the night. Cuddle with Doll for a bit, get really into an old human tv show or something... then let him scurry alllllll over Doll."
"And I get in return...?"
"The delightful giggling from your girlfriend."
"Ugh... and I'll wear one of the spare cheerleader outfits for the rest of the week."
"Hah!" Lizzy chuckled, satisfied. "Consider it done!"
Uzi's face lit up in pure excitement, foreseeing the absolute chaos that would unfold during their date. She released her Solver grip on Lizzy.
"Shake on it?" Uzi asked cheekily, holding out her hand. Lizzy reluctantly took her hand, relieved to see the little rebel didn't try to pull anything.
"Anything to see my girlfriend laugh," Lizzy smirked, but it melted off her face when she saw PomPom crawling on Uzi's shoulder. "But did your friend really have to be a roach...?"
"Yes, bite me," Uzi spat.
The timing could not be more perfect.
Doll came into Lizzy’s room, looking very down and somewhat filthy. She immediately went in for a hug from her popular girlfriend, something she rarely ever did.
"What's wrong, Dolly?" Lizzy asked calmly, stroking the Russian drone's stiff wig.
["Nothing..."] Doll mumbled. ["Got in a fight. Don't wanna talk about it."]
"Yeaaaah... it's ok, girlfriend," Lizzy replied brightly. "Now you have me, and we can just cuddle and be cute together!"
Doll nodded slowly. Lizzy was so good at comforting her that it was almost ridiculous. Her bright, loving disposition was simply infectious. The solver drone settled on the bed to be as close as possible, a moth drawn to her light. Her low mood was a thing of the past within minutes of turning on some human tv show from the 90s.
["This again?"] Doll muttered. ["We watched this last week..."]"Nah, pretty sure this is a..." Lizzy trailed off as she watched the intro. "Nope, never mind. It's the pilot again."
["I've never understood why they named that character 'remember'..."] Doll commented.
Lizzy hummed in reply, and 10 minutes in, she noticed Doll seemed to be very drawn into the show, to the point where she'd barely respond to a poke on the shoulder.
Operation "Revenge of the Giggles" was a go.
The blonde drone reached under her helmet and pulled out a small, wriggling mass that had been sleeping until now. She let PomPom hop off her hand and onto Doll’s head, doing a rather good job of holding in her mischievous snickering.
["What's so funny...?"] Doll asked after a solid minute.
"Ohhhhh, it's a little secret, Dolly." Lizzy replied. "And secrets are blackmail... well, until they get found out, anyway."
["Implying... Eeheheek! *hic* Whaahaht the hehehck?!"]
Lizzy simply smirked as she watched PomPom crawl around on Doll's stomach in excitement, making the solver drone curl up and cover her belly to lessen the tickles. The way Doll squealed with laughter made a wide grin spread on Lizzy’s face, just as wide as the one her girlfriend couldn't contain. It was that adorable.
"Oop! Looks like my secret's out!" Lizzy remarked mischievously.
["Lizzyyyhyhyhy! *hic* Hehehahaa!"] Doll stammered, her voice broken heavily with giggles. ["Geeheheht hihihm off meehehheee! *hic* Ehehhahaha!"]
"Hm, nah," Lizzy answered, leaning back and going on her phone. "I'm totally enjoying this more than I thought I would."
However, it wasn't long before PomPom hopped off of Doll's belly, seemingly uninterested in tickling her more. Doll rolled away to put some kind of distance between her and the bug, falling on the floor.
["Nehehever... do that to me again..."] Doll huffed, her voice still laced with giggles. ["Heeeehh... what're you looking at...?"]
"Uhm... Is PomPom supposed to be squeaking at a random wall?" Lizzy asked, watching the bug chirping at... nothing in particular.
Doll shrugged, then examined the wall as she stood. Perhaps there was a threat on the other side? PomPom sounded very... in distress, something Uzi mentioned that giggle bugs could practically smell danger throughout the whole bunker.
Then Doll spotted the vent. A small one, but it was big enough to let an infestation of bugs in and out. There were two tiny flickers of pink light. Then two more. And more. Lizzy had noticed it, too.
"Uhmm... Dolly...?" Lizzy spoke up hesitantly. "D-does PomPom have any... friends?"
["Dozens, why?"]
[Yep, that checks out], Doll thought.
However, she didn't get a response out of her mouth before more giggling came first. She looked down and saw the giggle bugs already crawling up her legs.
["No no no, nohohoho!"] Doll squealed as she curled around her stomach again. ["Hehhahaha! *hic* Nohohot ahahahgain!"]
"Doll!" Lizzy exclaimed as she perched herself on the backboard of her bed. She wasn’t having it any easier. The bugs had never tickled her before, which meant a lovely new friend. She had managed to get away, but not for long. One of the bugs jumped onto her leg and started its ascension.
"ACK! EW!" Lizzy screeched shrilly. "Get off me-eheeheee! Eheheheheee! Stahahahahap!"
Doll had enough strength to pull her head up and saw Lizzy being swarmed. It was somewhat adorable, hearing the queen bee's goofy, bubbly laughter... too bad she didn't seem to be enjoying it.
["Hehehee! *hic* just leheheheet it haaaahahappen!"] Doll advised as best she could. ["They'll stahahahp eventuallyhyhhy!"]
["I don't knohoohOHOHOHO! AAAAHAHHAA!"]
The unholy screaming that came from Doll just after she stopped laughing almost made Lizzy assume the devil had paid them a visit. The giggle bugs had started using the fuzzy fluffs on their feet and rubbed them on Doll's skin, unluckily on her death spot.
"Hehehehey!" Lizzy exclaimed at the bugs. "Leheheheve her ribs alohoohohne!"
Unfortunately, she didn't count on the bugs getting to her armpits, and she let out an unholy scream of her own.
"AAAAAAAHHAHAA! NOHOHOHOT THEEHHEEHRE!" Lizzy cackled, throwing her head back as the bugs skittered all over her. She was having such a bad time that digital tears of mirth welled up in her optics.
After what seemed like hours (in reality, it was around 7 minutes of on and off tickling), Lizzy finally got to catch a real breath as the bugs got off her body.
"Heeeeeh... hehehe... ok... that actually felt nice... heheh..." Lizzy panted. "D-doll?" ["Lizzyyyhyhyhy! Heheheheh... heheheehelp!"] Doll giggled weakly. She'd had it way worse and was way over her limit. Unfortunately, PomPom and his buddies hadn't gotten the message.
"Oh! Uh, uh..." Lizzy jumped and attempted to scare the bugs away. Given that she had the height advantage, it worked. "Shoo! Get off her! Leave her alone!"
Little by little, the giggle bugs scurried away from Doll and back into the vent, headed up by PomPom, who the worker drones had no doubt was satisfied in another job well done.
"You good, Dolly?" Lizzy asked as she helped Doll off the floor.
["I-I'll be fine..."] Doll stammered as she tried to regain her breath. ["*hic!* hff... hff...]
"Dear robo-god... I'm so sorry, girl!" Lizzy said as she pulled Doll into a hug. "If I'd known Uzi would sic this on us, I'd have never struck a deal!"
["Is ok... is ok..."] Doll replied quietly, patting her girlfriend's back. The two pulled away from each other, looking at one another up and down. Then Lizzy giggled.
"Wow. OMG," she said. "Those giggle bugs really did a number on ya! And in a good way."
Doll looked down at herself. There was no trace of dirt and filth from earlier anywhere. No wonder the giggle bugs went on her so hard.
["Ah, well..."] Doll trailed off awkwardly as she blushed. ["Heheh... they did."]
"Oh you, always being so modest," Lizzy chuckled. She leaned back on the bed. "C'mon. You need alllllll the r&r after that."
Doll nodded and laid down halfway on Lizzy, clinging softly to her as they resumed their show.
["Hey Lizzy...] Doll mumbled.
["Wanna help me get revenge on Uzi tomorrow?"]
["Thanks... what'd I do to deserve you as a girlfriend...]
The end :]
Wow, it has been a HOT MINUTE since I published a tickle fic! I really gotta get back into this, it's so fun writing murder drones fluff. <3
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ghostandsoap · 2 years
hi there, seen requests were open! i love your gecko series, and i was wondering if i could request a ghost x gecko!reader were they have to get dressed up for a mission and they can't stop looking at each other?
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem! "Gecko" Reader
Tags: Undercover work. Sexual tension. Smut if you squint. Playful Ghost.
Word Count: 3.2k
“You won’t be getting anything if you keep this up.”
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Undercover jobs aren’t exactly Ghost’s favorite.
There’s something so unsettling about hiding in plain sight with the understanding that one slip up could cause fatal havoc on himself and the rest of his team. Of course he knows that any and every mission is dangerous for various reasons. But, in his opinion, undercover jobs are just a little too dangerous. Despite this, he understands why they’re necessary and the benefits that they provide.
Going undercover is a solid strategy when it comes to scoping out a target without causing a shower of gunfire and a parade of chaos. A calm and collected demeanor is always the best way to ensure the success of an undercover mission.
For this mission in particular, going undercover was practically the only option.
The subject in question was one bad dude, for lack of a better term. He was the leader of a Russian terrorist group producing and exporting chemical weapons for what you knew to be with not-so-good intentions. There was no telling what devious plans he had in store for the missiles, so the team was on it.
Force 141 was now in the middle of nowhere, preparing to conduct an undercover mission to stalk and track the Russian terrorist leader to find just exactly what his plans were.
Surprisingly, the team acquired information that led them to a rather…odd location.
It wasn’t totally uncommon for an undercover mission to take place in an otherwise public location. Those kinds of places were ideal for finding a target, and the hustle of it all was a great way to go unnoticed.
However, a bar in the middle of nowhere in remote Russia was not where you were expecting to end up.
The Russian leader was known to visit the establishment every week on the same day and around the same time. It was guaranteed that he would be there, and that was the golden window of opportunity.
An undercover ploy was put into effect. Two of the team members would go into the establishment as nothing more than first-time visitors. Staying under the radar while listening for intel and watching for the Russian boss was critical.
The mission was fairly simple: find the target, get the information, and don’t get caught. 
It was decided that you and Ghost were best for this job. The infamous Gecko and Ghost duo was unbreakable. The two of you worked well together and fit one another perfectly. Playing off one another would be important, and no one was better for the job than you two.
It wasn’t like it would be hard to pose as a couple while working undercover. After all, that wasn’t exactly a lie.
You and Ghost spent a couple of days preparing for this undercover mission, mentally prepping yourselves and deciding what you would need to blend in. There was usually a decent amount of prep work when it came to these sorts of things, and this was no exception. 
Not only did you have to act the part, but you had to dress for it too.
“Hey, Ghost?” You called from the closet that you were currently inside of.
The team was holed up in a small house (if you could even call it that) for the duration of this mission. It was a simple structure, a little cramped for all of 141 to fit inside of. It was mainly empty with a few pieces of beaten furniture strewn about. There was one empty room that you could only assume was supposed to be the bedroom, which is the space that you and Ghost were utilizing to get ready.
“Yeah?” The gravelly voice replied from the other side, where he was also getting changed.
“Don’t you think this attire is a bit…formal?” You questioned as you stepped into the black number that Laswell had presented to you.
Ghost chuckled at that. When it came to these kinds of missions, he didn’t ask too many questions. 
“I don’t know, doll. This is just what they gave us.” He buttoned the column of buttons on his shirt.
“Hmm,” You hummed thoughtfully. “Are you going to lose the mask tonight?”
“Very funny,” He said flatly. “Not a chance, Gecko.”
“Don’t you think that will compromise us?” You grinned, although he couldn’t see you from the outside of the closet.
He could hear the smirk in your tone, which brought an amused smile to spread from underneath the black fabric of his balaclava. 
“If it does, then you and Johnny can hassle me about it,” He buckled his belt onto his slacks. “Are you almost ready?”
With a few final adjustments, you stepped out from the closet with a small smile, revealing the outfit that was much more outstanding than your usual kind of clothing. It was a simple, short dress that showed off the shape of your frame that usually buried underneath layers of gear and tactical clothing. 
His eyes nearly popped out of his head. His dark eyes peering from the opening of his mask were wide and glittering with desire. Certainly Ghost had seen it all before, but it was just so…different in this kind of situation. 
It wasn’t often that Ghost was able to ogle over you like this while on a job, and it was something that he was going to take advantage of.
For a moment, Ghost was sure that Laswell was playing a painfully beautiful trick on him. She put you in that dress and expected him to be able to maintain his composure on a critical mission? 
This was torture.
His eyes were wandering, and he didn’t even try to hide it. His mind was racing. This kind of racing that had him dreaming up a dozen different scenarios with each one ending up with you gripping the sheets and whimpering his name with pure ecstasy. 
“Oh baby…” He purred. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
Ghost himself was cleaned up nicely. A black button down shirt and slacks that also showed off assets of his body that were usually hidden away. It brought a tingle to your face and a certain heat to your legs. It wasn’t often that you were blessed with the sight of Ghost being dressed up and stylish. 
“Why not?” You asked him, although you knew exactly what he meant because you were having the exact same kind of sinful thoughts.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to complete this job when you look so…gorgeous.”
His hand reached for yours, the chill of his skin feeling vastly different from your warmth. He had “I want you” written all over his face…well, the part of his face that you could actually see. His free arm came to wrap around your waist, bringing you into the front of his frame. 
“We…we have a job to do, Ghosty.” You breathed slowly to keep yourself calm and cool.
“Oh, I know, baby.” He rumbled.
He raised the bottom of his balaclava, and kissed you quickly, but it was a kiss that said more than words ever could.
“Promise me that when we’re finished…you’re all mine for the rest of the night.” He demanded.
A rush of fire flushed through your core and shot out at your feet. This was going to be one hell of a job to complete.
“That can be arranged.” 
The bar was much smaller than you were expecting…and even then, you were expecting a small pub. 
It was a cabin really. The wooden floors creaked when you walked on the boards, and the walls groaned with every bitter cold wind gust blowing from the outside. 
The air smelled of booze and stale cigarettes, a scent that you would definitely be carrying on your clothes when this was over. 
Incandescent light bulbs were hanging from the ceiling, offering a source of illumination that was nearly burned out in certain places. 
The establishment could hold maybe 30 people. It was cramped for sure, and you were just glad that it wasn’t a totally full house on that particular night. Still, even then the bar was a tight fit. 
You and Ghost were successfully able to slip in mainly undetected. It was pretty obvious that the two of you weren’t regular visitors, so staying on the down low was critical. The less suspicion, the better.
“Stay close to me,” Ghost murmured in your ear, keeping a hand on your lower back to guide you through the crowd. “I don’t want to lose sight of you.”
Ghost towered over many of the guests in the bar. He was a giant, so keeping his head low was difficult. There were a couple of odd stares. A strange masked man and a strange (yet dashing) woman hand-in-hand was bound to draw some attention.
Nonetheless, no one was yelling Russian obscenities or shooting, so you were still in the clear.
There was an empty table at the back of the bar, tucked away in the corner that was much dimmer than the rest of the room. It was a decent place to lay low, but it still gave you a good view of the entire bar.
The chatter from the Russian bar-goers was loud enough to where you and Ghost could talk comfortably, as long as you were keeping an eye on who was watching.
“Keep it casual, you two. No mistakes.” Price’s voice sounded in your ear, once you were comfortably seated.
Price and the rest of the team were in a secure location, listening and monitoring the perimeter of the outside to give you eyes to the areas you couldn’t see from the inside.
“Copy.” You replied.
“Anything yet, Captain?” Ghost asked, being sure to take the seat at the table that faced the door.
“Not yet. Have some patience, Lieutenant.” Price replied.
Ghost let out a quiet huff, a sign that he was antsy and ready to get this finished. Ghost’s dislike for undercover work was showing. He wasn’t still and stoic like usual. He was fidgety and looked like he wanted to combust.
“Well…at least we’re not overdressed.” You laughed, noting the fact that, despite its simplicity, the bar seemed to have a dress code.
“Laswell knew what she was doing.” Ghost reassured you.
“She always does,” You smiled. “Do you think it would be indecent to get a drink?”
Ghost’s brows furrowed in an amused expression, the silhouette of his grin appearing from behind his mask. If you were going to play the part, then he supposed it only made sense to really commit to it.
“You don’t speak Russian.” He remarked.
“No, but I can manage. Besides, they have the good stuff here. I can’t pass that up.” You grinned.
Ghost eyeballed the distance from the bar area to the table. He wanted to be sure that he could see you at all times because the last thing he wanted was for you to get cornered by some creep. 
“Go for it,” Ghost nodded. “Make it two.”
“Make it two…?”
Ghost rolled his eyes, knowing that Soap was having a field day listening to this exchange.
“Please.” Ghost corrected, forcing his smile to stay shielded by the mask.
“That’s better,” You snickered. “Be right back.”
Ghost kept an eye on you as you walked away, watching like a hawk for anyone who even remotely looked at you funny. He also was getting a fine view of your outfit from behind, which sent a shudder down his spine that fizzled into his toes. He shifted in his seat as he watched, his hips readjusting as he tried to push his lustful thoughts away. He needed to hold it together just until the end of the night. He couldn’t blow his cover over this. He’d never hear the end of it.
He witnessed you interact with the Russian barkeep, who somehow seemed to know exactly what you wanted despite the fact that Ghost was sure that your Russian speaking-skills were less than present. His eyes squinted when he followed your frame back to your table, your smile growing brighter as you delivered the two drinks.
“I’m impressed. How did that work out?” Ghost asked, curious to know how you had successfully pulled off this encounter.
“Do you know how much alcohol the Russians drink? Like 75% of the world’s vodka is consumed here,” You remarked, sliding one of the glasses to your lover. “Whiskey for you. Vodka for me.”
“Thanks, G.” Ghost took the glass into his hand.
The glass seemed miniature in his large hand, but he held it so carefully and gently. Ghost peered down into the amber liquid, rotating the glass to watch the drink follow gravity. He took a slow first sip from under his mask, one that would get into his system as quickly as possible. He hoped that it would settle his nerves and keep himself grounded. 
“How are you holding up?” You asked, which brought Ghost back from his busy mind.
“I’m alright,” He answered. “Why do you ask?”
“You look like you’re about to dissolve into your chair.” You remarked. 
“I don’t like to wait.” He muttered, his foot brushing against yours as a suggestive motion.
Your eyes darted right, taking note of who was around in case this conversation took a turn. Not that anyone there was listening or spoke much English — but it was still an immediate reaction. Your conversing back and forth dwindled down when he began to look you over, a tell-tale sign that he was thinking hard about something.
He admired the way your skin glowed in the dim light of the bar, and he wanted nothing more than to whisk you away to a private room and kiss every inch of it. It had been a few weeks since he had really had some private time with you. It was hard to get away when you were on a mission. 
He couldn’t wait for when this was all over.
The conversation had dwindled off and gone stale. A new focus had infiltrated your attention spans, and it was hard to tear away from.
Your eyes followed his hands and up his forearms, studying the way that his biceps were so perfectly outlined in the shirt he was wearing. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one having a hard time keeping the sinful thoughts pushed away. The room that was so crowded before suddenly felt empty, as if there was no way that anyone in the room could see that you and Ghost were eye-fucking each other.
“What’s your status, Lieutenant? You’ve gone quiet on me.” Price spoke, causing both of you to give a slight jump. 
Ghost’s eyes never left you, the tone in his words causing you to have your turn with readjusting in your seat. 
“All good, Captain. Just keeping an eye out.” 
“Copy. Nothing out here yet.” Price replied, completely unaware of what was happening.
Suddenly, one of Ghost’s legs wrapped around yours, his strong calf intertwining with yours and forcing you to lean over the table towards him. A heat rushed into your face, a hot blush burning under your cheeks that seemed to spread down your chest. 
“Ghost,” You warned, keeping your voice only loud enough for him to hear. “Focus.”
“I am focused, Gecko. I’m very focused.” He leaned closer to you, his elbows resting on the tabletop.
“I promised that you can have me after. Don’t do this now.” You pleaded.
“Oh, but you look so good now, darling.” His knee worked its way under your skirt, nudging the area between your legs.
It wasn’t a large table by any means, and his tall legs were doing nothing but playing in his favor. His eyebrows were furrowed in mischief. He knew good and well what he was doing.
“You’re making this harder than it needs to be.” You grumbled.
“But it is a little fun…isn’t it, baby?” He cooed, his eyes narrowing the way they did when he knew that he had you pinned.
This was Ghost’s way of taking advantage of an entertaining opportunity. It was fun for you to watch him squirm, but it was even better when he got to see you do it. He knew if he kept this up, then you’d be desperate to get out of here. 
It didn’t change the fact that you were stuck here until the job was done. No amount of sexual tension and loving desire in the world would make either of you bail (because, frankly, that wasn’t even an option). But it was still a blast to see just how much the other person could take. 
Ghost maneuvered his knee further underneath your dress which caused you to jump and make a quiet squeak when the top of his kneecap made contact with the outside fabric of your now damp panties. 
“Simon, stop it.” You hissed. 
One of your hands was wrapped around the glass of your drink, and if you squeezed any harder, it was going to shatter right there in your hand. 
“That’s Ghost to you, Gecko.” He rumbled, his knee beginning to make gentle, yet calculated motions. 
“You won’t be getting anything if you keep this up.” You tried your best to put on your “bad cop” persona, but it was a very thin facade.
“But you promised me. A promise is a promise, is it not?” He bantered back, satisfaction running rampant through his eyes. 
It seemed that glaring at him from across the table didn’t have the effect that you had been trying for. If anything, it was only egging him on. Instinctively, your hips rotated forward against his leg, a quick rush of pleasure coursing through you until he snatched it back.
“Easy, Gecko. That’s a little indecent, don’t you think?” He tutted. 
“I’ll show you something indecent.” You growled back.
“Oh, I know you will.” He smirked.
Just when you were completely about to lose it, Price’s voice sounded in your ear. 
“Gecko. Ghost. The target just made entry,” Price suddenly spoke, his thick accent distracting you from the conversation at hand. “He’s got two escorts with him. Big and burly bastards.” 
Ghost went into lieutenant mode (thankfully) and snapped his head in the direction towards the door. It gave you a few seconds to collect yourself and prepare to work towards getting this job finished. Sure enough, there was an older man, who seemed to fit the Russian leader image. There were two men standing behind him (more like over him) that were towering and buff. That was definitely your guy.
“Wait for him to get settled, then get closer to him,” Price instructed. “Get the intel and get out unnoticed…if you can.” 
“10/4.” You answered.
“Copy.” Ghost echoed.
The Russian target circled the bar scoping out a place that was fitting for himself and his posse. He passed by you and Ghost once or twice, not seeming to mark either of you as an immediate threat. You and Ghost made sure to keep up the “civilian couple” role for the duration of this interaction. Your eyes never left his, although it was for a very different reason. Ghost was going to pay big time for this one. Getting you all hot and bothered on a mission was definitely not something that you would be letting slide by. 
“Pick this up later?” Ghost asked, not even hiding the grin underneath his balaclava. 
You would get him back one day, but for now, you just wanted to make it to your promised end goal of the evening.
“You’re on."
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chwippy · 1 year
Messaaaageeessss !!
Miles x reader lmfoa WHAT
Online dude who cant stfu and you suddenly can’t speak. [ Fluff, burning, cool reader :P]
Warning(s) - grammar mistakes, confusing writing, a lot of ‘as’ idk why I liked used as, its a safe fanfic with a ton of words and mistakes ig LOL.. Miles is still Spiderman.
Hours after hours.
Messages after messages.
You had been woken up from another message from someone you had met from a discord server you and your friends had made for fun.
It’s been weeks since the server was created, already have been filled with hundreds of people as you felt like you had accomplished something - not having a life!
You took your phone into hand, putting it up til your phone opened automatically and the high brightness that had an automatic increase hit your eyes, making you wince a little.
You quickly recovered from that awful brightness that had been stuck onto your phone, now laying on your back instead of your side now.
You hopped over to instagram, checking out the next messages you had been sent over the past few minutes upon receiving them.
You read them,
M1LES_: DAWG STOP LIKING AND SAY SMTHN M1LES_: (I'm running out of things to text u)
You felt yourself smile a bit from these messages, now going ahead and typing out;
Y_OUR_NME: Do you wanna talk to me that bad?
You sent, closing your phone once again as you didn’t expect him to respond THAT quickly to your reply to his messages.
But he did, you had heard multiple dings from your phone as you checked our him spamming you the following;
M1LES_: Do
You chuckled at such a response as you went ahead and spammed him the same way he did.
You spent a couple of more minutes talking to him back and forth. Until he stopped sending you replies as you had been left on read.
After spamming you multiple messages at a time.
Wow, the audacity of this man.
You proceeded to do the same, spam the poor man with numerous messages until he replied to yours. And it somewhat worked - he read them, just not replied.
You rolled your eyes to the screen, annoyed at not getting him to respond to your messages as you planned your ‘devious’ plan to spam him with calls.
You then started on doing that ‘wicked’ plan of yours, spam calling him both on Discord and Instagram.
You were a master at spamming others using the calling technique? Not sure but you liked to call it a technique.
You continued doing so as you let the one on instagram ring for a while as you go ahead as grab a cup of water.
You hoped he’d decline it and finally respond to your dreadful replies, wasting sleep for him wasn’t easy because you were nearly asleep when you texted him a few minutes ago.
You settled the cup on the sink as you ended the call and started another one while you yawned, looking for some snacks to eat now that you’re downstairs.
Until you heard a certain sound coming out of your phone, hearing a voice come out of it - one you haven’t heard. Quite embarrassing to admit it took you a few seconds to realise your call had been answered.
You immediately got up from your position when you were in search for some midnight snacks. You quickly grabbed your phone as you listened to the voice.
“Y/N?” The one over the phone said, knowing your name. You froze for a moment before realising it is your friend who had answered your call.. oh dear.
You thought about it for a second, decline or not? It was a frustrating choice because you did want to hear his voice a bit more as you stayed silent.
You heard a cough from over the speaker, catching your attention as he spoke once more, “Hello?”
You now braced yourself, finally having the ugly guts to respond to him because you areee the one who called him in the first place.
“Hey,” You finally greeted back, seeming a bit nervous from the small stutter that probably wasn’t noticeable from the other side as you coughed.
You held your phone next to your face, having both hands hold your phone as you patiently waited to hear him continue talking.
“Sorry,” He apologised, “I’m kinda ..busy, right now,” He continued, chuckling weakly as you heard a small thud against the speakers of the phone.
You seemed kinda disappointed knowing that, wanting to talk more in call. You sighed, now going to say your last words before ending the call.
“Talk to you later,” He said, waiting for you to end the call as he held the phone close to him - which seemed obvious to you from the random shuffle in the audio.
“Yeah, uhm.. can we call again?” You asked hesitantly, wanting him to hear it despite it being a mumble.
Yeah, he probably have heard it since we’re in call.
“Sure,” He agreed with his voice being in such a calm manner yet so ..rushed? Before he had ended the call himself.
Sure? Sure.
Wow, not even a goodbye is crazy.
You thought, expecting a much more better response from him since he might have of been the reason why you’re staying up so late.
But he isn’t, you’re clearly the reason for not sleeping yet due to being pretty stubborn to sleep despite telling Miles you to go to sleep soon.
You aren’t, you’re waiting for his call, a message of some sort. You couldn’t erase the thought of hearing his voice once more out of your mind.
It particularly implanted as you felt your heart beat a bit faster.
And whats with all the noises in his part? Was he- was he doing that?.. No, no! Don’t think about that now. He’s the same age as you, it’d be weird - no, it’s somewhat normal..
No.. ew, yuck.
You grossed yourself out for thinking such a thing but the thuds? No, it was quite obvious he was outside - outside?! In public!? No, you’re overthinking it.
Just overthinking it? But why was he so tired? Why do you care so much?!
You’ve soon to come to a conclusion that you’re overthinking everything and that he was simply having a life outside of his phone and those noises were background noises of being hit in the stomach or what? What is this conclusion?
You closed your eyes, still downstairs and not up your bedroom as you sat on your couch thinking about that call.
Maybe you should move on, he probably did.
You stood up, walking over to your phone that you had thrown an ridiculous distance away from you.
You watched your phone light up as soon as you picked it up, showing a notification from discord as you read the user, M1LES_.
You had completely forgotten about how your phone could’ve been absolutely damaged as you instantly dropped it once again. It wasn’t a large distance from the ground but you still gasped.
You didn’t quite understand why you had a big reaction as you picked your phone back up. You looked at the notification, opening your phone
M1LES_: Yo
M1LES_: You still up to call?
You looked at the message for a bit more, not knowing what to say in response as you bit your lip in response.
Y_OUR_NME: sure
You seemed pretty proud of yourself for your response, applauding yourself. Seeming a bit crazy as watched the cctv your guardian had set up turn away from you.
You looked back to your phone now, seeing the bubble stay there for a few moments as you got incredibly bored from waiting.
M1LES_: LAtr
LAtr.. that’s cute.. I guess.
You replied, now feeling yourself get s bit more nervous now that you got a somewhat confirmation that you’d actually.. be.. calling him.
You don’t know exactly when you’d be calling him so you tried to reduce your nervousness as you went inside your room and plopped onto your bed.
You placed your phone on the side of your face, your hand laying on top of it as you laid on your stomach.
Your face was basically implanted onto your pillow, feeling your nervousness either die down or reach a new kind of high.
Most likely a new level of high as you started to kick the air, feeling crazy since he could call you in any minute now.
You just hoped it wouldn’t be when you were about to fall asleep because you are about to fall asleep, and you hoped so badly he could just call you now.
You wanted to hear his voice, and you had no idea why you were so desperate to hear it once more.
You might be insane or you’re just someone who wants to online date a dude who has a great voice and you ridiculously haven’t seen despite being in the same city.
How weird is that.
Maybe you’re the weird one, but how to justify your weird thoughts with weird thoughts? Now you’re just speaking nonsense and you got no idea how to respond to you saying nonsense.
You were stuck in thought, rambling about nonsense while nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter played.. until the audio had slowly faded and started to ring in a ridiculously loud tune as you grabbed your phone to see M1LES_ calling.
He’s calling.
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moody4world · 1 year
La diabla bien vestida
urban’s bemusing encounter with a femme fatale
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“Urban…Urban….URBAN wake up!”
Urban felt a couple light taps on his cheek causing him to stir out of his slumber.
“What?? What is it?”
“Dude i’ve been texting and calling you since i boarded my flight last night what the hell happened to you?”
“I went to the club….” Remembering last night’s encounter Urban suddenly turned to check the other side of the bed to check if she was still there. Tapping the bed frantically and raising the sheets to check under them, confusing and concerning Jack even more.
“Uh…are you okay?”
“Did she leave when you got here?” Jack sith his usual confused face stared back blankly at him.“Urban who the hell are you talking about???”
“The fine ass girl, she had a pink dress on? I knew I had the house to myself so we came back here and you know.”
“Well the house looks just like how I left it and there’s no signs of anyone but you being in here so you were either high as shit or drunk OR crossfaded.”
“No, Jack I swear she was here.”
6 hours ago
A remixed version of Location by Dave was blasting through the speakers at the club while Urban was at a booth with other people he knew. Some are close friends, some are simply acquaintances. Bottles and shots were going around with no remorse but he knew he didn’t have Jack as his designated driver tonight so he was gonna stick to the one cup he poured and a little bit of weed. Urban was in a conversation with a friend before excusing himself to go to the bathroom. On his way there he accidentally bumps into someone else due to all the careless, dancing bodies around him. “I’m so sorry.” Looking up at you Urban was speechless. Your eyes were captivating to him and he didn’t know what it was. Maybe the make up? Maybe just your beautiful eye shape. Was it the darkness yet the shininess of your eyes? He couldn’t tell but what he could tell was that he wanted to get to know you. “Are you gonna say anything else?” You asked.
“You have beautiful eyes”
“Me? Have you seen your own?!” “You have pretty lips too.” “Wow you’re straightforward aren’t you?”
“Why waste time? I’m Urban.” He had to lean down to speak directly in your ear since the music was getting too loud. He offered you his hand as he introduced himself. You gave him your hand and introduced yourself to the handsome man as well. “I like your name Urban, i’m y/n.” At this point Urban completely forgot that his original plan was to go to the bathroom. The moment he saw you, that plan was out the window and the new one was in motion. Spend the night with you, consensually of course. The two of you danced for what felt like hours, getting more and more handsy as the minutes passed. “So y/n do you have plans after this?” It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Urban was very interested in you and you were interested too. You thought it’d be fun to make him work for a little bit. “That’s all up to you.” You whisper in his ear before letting go of his waist to walk towards the exit. Urban was caught off guard by how suddenly you started walking away. He tried to follow you but every time he got a glance of where you were in the crowd, he’d lose you again seconds later. He could see you looking back at him ever so often with a devious smirk on your pretty face which let him know that you just wanted him to play your games.
Urban finally got out the door to find you standing with that same mischievous smirk and your arms crossed. He felt a femme fatale energy from you but he was already mesmerized and didn’t want to come out of whatever trance he was in.
Urban brought you home knowing that the two of you could go as crazy as you'd like since the house was empty. Before you both could even get into the house, his shirt was halfway off and his pants were unbuttoned. Urban has had a remarkable amount of one night stands or casual hook ups but he can’t remember the last time he felt so much lust for someone, let alone a girl he just met. The way you were making his body feel was completely new and otherworldly to him. By the third round he was begging you to let him cum again after edging him even longer than you did during the first two rounds. Urban felt himself releasing and the next thing he knew, he was getting slapped awake by Jack and no signs of you ever being there with him.
Not a single trace. Nothing in the house was misplaced, the vase you two bumped into while aggressively making out on your way to his bedroom? Perfectly intact and where it should be. The glass of water you had at the kitchen counter before your second round? Not even there. Not a single note of your socials or phone number anywhere. Was it all a dream?
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whattraintracks · 6 months
28. Broken Vase - TMNT 2012
Little Raph goes out with a crash.
Mikey looks up from his comic at the sound of a crash. Little Raph runs into his bedroom a moment later, and Mikey's just thrilled the tiny troublemaker came to him first. He beckons Raph to his lap, where the kid tucks inside his shell. With a blanket and some adjustment, the lump looks just like a pillow. Mikey snickers, practicing his innocent face for whoever inevitably comes looking for their mini maestro of mischief.
Seriously, five-year-old Raph is the prince of pranks. The same sweet face and small form that nobody suspects make him the perfect accomplice. Mikey had no idea Raph was so devious. He actually has to reign in some of the kid's ideas. Even then, they've gone through more water balloons, silly string, and air horns in the last couple of weeks than Mikey does in a few months. The guys are still setting off bang snaps around the lair.
Pranks or no pranks, Mikey loves getting to spend so much time with Raph. He and Donnie were thick as thieves when they were all little, and these days Leo's his best friend whenever they're not fighting, so it makes Mikey pretty happy that, right now, he's kid Raph's go-to brother. The others will joke about Mikey being easy to get along with because he's the most childlike, yadda yadda yadda. But you know what! Maybe that's not such a bad thing. What's wrong with dressing up, and playing pretend, and arts and crafts and coloring? Is it just 'cause they're a little older now? Mikey couldn't care less. It makes him happy, it makes Raph happy, and that's all that matters.
He gives Raph's shell a little rat-a-tat-tat and settles back to read. He doesn’t get very deep into his stack when he realises two things. First, no one's come calling for Raph. Second, his lapful of turtle is shaking pretty hard, and it's not with giggles.
He lifts a corner of the blanket. "You good, little man?" 
The only answer is a hiccupy sob.
"Aw, buddy,” he winces.
Sometimes Raph's deviousness comes back to bite him. One of their early pranks caught Leo on a bad day. Leo got really startled and almost started embarrassed-crying, and then Raph was devastated and started actual-crying, and it just went downhill from there. So Mikey's been trying to keep their antics harmless and random.
"No one's come looking for you. They can't be too mad," he assures.
Raph just keeps crying. Mikey’s debating if he should ride it out when he has a brief flash of panic. Mentally shaking himself for not checking sooner, he asks, "Are you hurt?"
More sniffles.
"Hamato Raphael," he says in his best impression of Leo's leader voice, "Are you hurt?"
Finally, a thin, watery voice replies, "No." 
"Okay,” he heaves a sigh of relief. “Okay, that's good, little dude." That took years off his life. No wonder Leo acts so old; Master Splinter must feel ancient.
He slumps against the headboard, tugging Raph a little closer. "No worries, you can chill with big bro Mikey until you feel better. I won't let anyone bother you."
Since Raph usually settles down with snuggles, Mikey returns to his comics, mostly at ease. Sure enough, the quaking and sad noises stop by the time he finishes his last one. Oh, hey, it's probably close to nap time.
"What should we make for your pre-nap snack, kiddo?" he asks cheerfully.
No response.
He repeats Raph's name a few times. Poking him gets nothing, too, so Mikey assumes the micro turtle fell asleep. Oh well, there’s no point in waking him now that he’s out. Someone'll feed him when he wakes up hangry.
With nothing to do and pretty hungry himself, Mikey uses his rad ninja skills to slide Raph to the bed—oh, ouch, numb legs, very numb legs—and wobbles out to find some food. Good old 'out of sight, out of mind' takes over, and Mikey promptly forgets about all things Raphael for the next three hours.
He's having a dinner-making-jam-sesh in the kitchen when Leo peeks in to ask, “Have you seen Raph?”
"Hmm?" He tugs an earbud down. "No, not since I left him to nap in my room."
"In your room?" Leo echoes.
"Yep," Mikey pops the p with a smile, "'Cause I'm obviously little Raph's favorite big brother." But Leo doesn't take the bait. He just furrows his brow and heads back the way he came.
Something pings in the back of Mikey's head. An annoying noise he figures is the universe telling him this is important. So he tosses everything into the slow cooker and races after Leo. Mikey follows soft murmuring to his bedroom, where Leo's crouched beside Raph still tucked in, still in his shell. His big brother rubs a gentle hand across the turtle tot's carapace. Raph hasn't moved an inch since Mikey left, and it fills him with anxiety. The little guy's not moving, not making any noise, he can't even tell if he's breathing.
"Little brother," Leo croons, "will you come out and tell me what's wrong?"
Mikey thanks everything for the gasping, whiny sob that echoes out. Leo catches him with a free hand as he stumbles to the foot of the bed.
No amount of coaxing or bribery draws Raph out, so Leo picks him up and motions Mikey toward the dojo. Right. Getting an adult is absolutely the call in this situation.
They trek to the dojo, picking up a fretting Donnie along the way. Bowing as they enter, Mikey's faintly impressed Leo can manage the correct angle with Raph in his arms and without falling over. Master Splinter is kneeling beside a pile of ceramic shards. After a quick rewind, his brain finds the audio of the crash that started this whole thing. His eyes catch on the dusty robe and an old repair kit, and he wonders if Sensei went to the storage room between then and now.
Furry ears flick in acknowledgment. "Sit, my sons."
Mikey's heart twists when Raph's breath hitches. Leo must notice, too. He kneels to face Master Splinter but doesn't let the little turtle go, arms bundling him tighter. Mikey and Donnie kneel on either side of them, and it feels like falling into rank.
Master Splinter watches them settle from the corner of his eye.
"When Raphael was quite young," he pauses, snout twitching, "the first time, that is—he broke this bowl in a fit of anger." He gestures at the dish before him. It's a beautiful gold-veined thing, and it takes Mikey a minute to notice the original interrupted pattern beneath.
Sensei's voice sharpens subtly, "What have I taught you of kintsugi."
Mikey and his brothers recite the old lesson with practiced ease. They could probably repeat Sensei's cultural lessons word-for-word in their sleep, dreaming about a heritage that can never be theirs. Mikey stumbles over his words only when Raph finally pops out of his shell, rubbing at his eyes and curling against Leo.
Sensei nods approvingly. "Things broken in anger can never be fully restored, but they can be made functional again."
He looks directly at Raph, "Tomorrow, you will aid me in mending this vase you have broken, an active meditation on the consequences of your anger. Do you understand?"
Raph bobs his head miserably. Mikey has just enough time to think, that's it?, before Sensei dismisses all four of them.
That evening, Raph hardly says a word. He's not moping, just quiet, reserved, like he's trying to avoid attention. Mikey's heart breaks when even his best jokes and silliest faces can't bring out the smile that usually comes so easy to his little brother. The three elder turtles wordlessly agree to tag team bedtime, and Mikey feels a little better knowing Raph went to bed with big hugs from each of them.
Then, just like that, it’s over. Donnie cracks the reaging agent, and Raph is back in all his slightly-taller-than-Mikey glory before lunch. And it’s great! It’s Raph whole and himself and 100% back to normal, and he predictably insists they forget the little thing ever happened.
Except Mikey can't. Can't stop thinking about how crappy little Raph's last full day with them was and that it's kind of maybe his fault for not noticing it sooner. He dreams that night of a little big brother with golden veins but broken eyes and that no matter how tight he hugs that tiny turtle, his pieces just won't stay together.
He wakes with a shout that gathers all his big brothers. He lunges teary-eyed at Raph—normal-sized, too big to wrap his arms around Raph—babbling half-formed apologies. Leo and Donnie join the hug, and Raph is pressed in from three sides. Mikey prays that will always be enough to mend whatever tries to break him.
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
Summary: Kenny play drums, Kyle's in drama, has a love story ever been laid out so easily before?
Warnings: Swearing
Authors Note: entering my dialogue era while I recover from the whiplash of finishing a 10K project. so yeah, enjoy some bullshit band kid kenny and drama kid kyle, no promises on quality because tired. the K2 is already like, established, in this one. hope ya'll enjoy
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Kenny McCormick, older brother of one, and in his second year of high school. He's been thinking of dropping out, but there isn't exactly anywhere else that he can get his hands on a drum kit. They are much, much pricier than he initially expected them to be.
And he has friends here too, he doesn't really wanna just, ditch 'em. He'd be ditching them to pursue dreams of a garage band and working at a gas station anyways. Both of which are decent options, but not exactly ideal.
Still, he bides his time. Shattering drum sticks and near puncturing the instruments. Playing until his joints ache and until he gets blisters and callouses from it. It's a grand old time if nothing else, just for fun. For the euphoria of such a destructive instrument, the only one built for taking out his anger on.
He keeps playing, arms crossed over briefly and foot pressing on the kick pedal in perfect time. He looks up from his kit to find Kyle at the door to the band room, the few stairs down give him even more height on him. An arm rests on the railing as he walks down, he takes a seat on the floor a considerable distance from Kenny.
"Shouldn't you be practicing your role?!"
Kyle holds a hand to his ear. Kenny stops playing, pressing a hand to the cymbals to quiet them. He gently places your sticks on top of the snare drum and it rattles.
"Shouldn't you be up at the drama room, Ky?" Kenny asked, leaning over the upper drums of his kit.
Kyle scoffed, "Unlike the rest of those plebeians I've mastered all of my lines, expressions, and body language."
"Nice, you're way too fucking good at that shit. You should have an Emmy award on your wall," Kenny said, he gave a brief spin on his stool. He tapped along the cymbals as he rotated.
"I mean, I'm okay at it," Kyle said as he stood up and walked over to the spread of instruments. There was stray cases everywhere, someone left their flute on the piano. The redhead sat on the bench and pressed down on a key, "But we need some music."
"Music?" There was a bit too much excitement on his voice.
Kyle nodded, "Mostly a drum roll, but it would kill to have actual percussion offstage."
He's pretty sure he's grinning. He's definitely grinning.
"So," Kyle begins with, a devious smirk on his face, "Want in?"
"Fuck yeah! I'll totally do a drum roll for your play! Dude, it'd be a fucking honor," Kenny answered with an ecstatic nod, tapping the tip of his toe to the kick drum. It's bad for the instrument, he doesn't care.
"We already got a snare somewhere in the drama room, just bring your sticks," Kyle said as he stood up and took a couple steps closer to Kenny's kit, "Clubs after school, three fifteen to five."
He leaned over the crash cymbal, "I know, I pick you up on club days, remember idiot?" Kyle leans over and presses a kiss to Kenny's cheek.
"I remember, just making sure you knew it was today man. We don't usually do club on Wednesday nitwit," Kyle answered with smugly, he brought a hand to flick at the blondes forehead.
Kenny gives a hum, "I'll be there, and I'll make sure to wash all of the frog guts off."
"Aw man, you look hot covered in blood," Kyle teased.
"How much blood can there be in a dead frog?" Kenny asked as he gingerly pressed on the hi-hat pedal. It clattered depressingly.
"Good point," Kyle said, "Love you bro."
"We're literally dating," Kenny said.
"You call me dude, I call you bro," Kyle said, he brought a hand to his chest and blew the intensity of his words out of proportion. He was smirking, "Only fair."
"And you wonder why people think we're just friends," Kenny said.
"I'm literally in drama, Ken, I'm pretty sure they've figured out I'm a rampant homo. Although, I can see why they wouldn't be able to tell you are," Kyle said, he vaguely gestured to Kenny as he spoke.
Kenny glanced down to his outfit, "And what is that supposed to mean?"
"C'mon man, you know exactly what I mean. You need some flair, dye your hair, go goth- you've been wearing all orange since we were little kids," Kyle said, "I think I have some red leftover from last years play."
"Where you had to bleach your hair?" Kenny asked.
"Where I had to bleach my hair," Kyle echoed back, "You'd look good with a bit of dyed hair."
"I dunno dude, I think the subtle homosexual look is good on me. If another queer looked at me they'd know I'd be down to clown, and that's what it's all about," Kenny explained as he stood up and brushed down his jacket. He looked down at his outfit, "But you are the drama kid, you may be onto something."
"Exactly- really Ken, some eyeliner would fix you," Kyle said, "Helps draw attention to the face, it's why we always wear so much of it on stage. I think you'd look good with some iridescent black." He brought his hands to rest on Kenny's face, tracing over the shapes and contours of flesh.
"Dude! At least wait until we're out of school, or, in the drama room," Kenny said, batting away Kyle's hands and beating down the flush rising to his face.
"Good point, I got English, see ya in an hour or so," Kyle said before turning to take his leave.
Kenny loitered for a bit longer, science class was on the same floor, "See ya in an hour!"
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tentacle-sydney · 1 year
i got bored and sleep deprived, looked at harper, went "anyone gonna fuck this dude up" and then didnt wait for an answer.
content: sub harper, other person can be whoever you want. kinky shit, i guess. idk man i dont do this shit often.
"You look much prettier like this, you know."
Harper glares, though the effect is diminished by his…less than ideal situation.
Naked, ankles and wrists bound tight, forced to his knees, with a ring gag shoved in his mouth, and, best worst of all, a collar and leash fitted snugly around his neck.
Not exactly the most intimidating sight, really.
His captor laughs at the attempt, settling into the chair in front of the doctor and pulling the leash tighter. It knocks Harper slightly off balance, though he does manage to catch himself.
"Ever the scary one, aren't you? As if you didn't know what you were getting into when you asked for my attention."
They slip a couple fingers into his open mouth, pressing down on his tongue. He suppresses a pleased noise.
"Really, it's almost cute how hard you're trying to act unaffected. We'll have to break you of that habit, hm?"
Their lips twist into a devious grin, pulling the leash tighter with one hand as they slide the other further into his mouth. It causes Harper to gag for a moment before getting control of himself again--- though that control quickly disappears as his captor starts to use those fingers to fuck his mouth. Which would not be as much of an issue, except for that they also start to lightly rub their boot against his already hard cock.
Try as he might, Harper can't stop the moans, whimpers, and gags escaping his throat--- nor can he stop the instinctual jerk of his hips, trying to get more stimulation. He hears another short laugh from the person using him.
"See? I'll have you trained into a nice pretty pet in no time." 
Their motions increase in intensity, slightly. 
"Wouldn't that be such a nice bit of karma, Doctor?"
His needy sounds quickly shift into whines, wordlessly begging for release. He squeezes his eyes shut, embarrassed at how quickly he fell apart.
Suddenly, the fingers in his mouth retreat, and his hair is pulled, jerking his head up. The attention paid to his dick also slows to a stop.
"Now, now. There's a reason you aren't blindfolded, dear. Open your eyes."
He complies, still breathless and whining. He sees them grin, almost fondly, studying his face.
"There's that pretty color I like so much. Do you wanna cum, pretty boy?"
He nods rapidly, as much as he can with the hand is his hair still holding his head tight. Their fond grin quickly shifts to something almost deadly as they once again press their boot against his leaking cock.
"Go ahead, then. Get yourself off. Cum for me."
Needing no further permission, Harper quickly starts grinding against their boot. Between the hand still tugging at his hair and feeling the predatory gaze of the person above him, it doesn't take long for him to spill his seed, leaving it all over their boot and the floor.
They let go of his hair, and rub his dick a bit more before pulling away, relaxing the leash without letting go.
"You've made such a mess, love. I'm of half mind to make you clean my boot with your tongue." 
They stand, tilting his chin up to maintain eye contact.
"But I don't think you deserve the honor, hm? Only perfect little toys get to touch their masters like that."
They walk around behind him, and, assuming that they are done, Harper wiggles his restraints, waiting to be untied. He's interrupted by a scoff, and his head is pulled back by his hair, stealing his breath away.
"I didn't say we were done, darling. I have you to myself all night--- we're just getting started."
He's pushed forward, and his head is guided to the small puddle of cum he left on the floor.
"Be a good boy and clean up the mess you made of my floor, hm?"
Harper realizes it's going to be a very, very long night.
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gren-arlio · 11 months
Olympics ain't until next year, so let's talk about the objectively cooler one. Welcome to Episode 9 of (Waku) Puyo Extras.
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(Always liked how the characters are drawn when they're small. Oh, and the lad next to Satan? That's Rasp, and I believe they don't have a set gender. Least from what I heard from the EPPC.)
Hello one and all, it's the guy who's harassed by Witches (or just a single Witch) all day, every day without fail. Seriously, outta anyone in the world, it's the dude with the Yosuke pfp, it really does run in the Persona Bro archetype to have wack ass luck. (World's worst crackship)
Silly stuff aside, welcome to the 9th episode of Waku Puyo Extras, and if you've been following for a bit, nice to know you've stuck around, and for new guys, it's fine, there's no continuity. Im just late posting this.
This time around, we're talking about PuyoLympics, and I hear you wondering, "Didn't you say you'll talk about Arle's Travel Log last time?" And you're absolutely right, I did. However, it's kinda hard to find footage for the game itself, and I do need extra time, so we'll cover it next time. Curse these games for being niche.
I'm glad PuyoLympics isn't as niche as the others we'll cover some other time (Madou Sugoroku is going to be awful to find footage for,) and I've had this on my backlog, we may as well cover it now, yeah?
So let's cut to the chase, shall we? Not having a tiny video to translate does feel weird still, but otherwise, hope you enjoy.
So, What's the Origins?
Like Serilly's Happy Birthday, PuyoLympics was also a Disc Station game, released in 1997 for PC. Is it safe to say that PC got more games can console players?
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(Not exactly the coolest looking start screen, but the opening itself was pretty cool.)
What's interesting about this game is that there's...two versions of it. Well, sorta. PuyoLympics in Basa~ru is technically a sequel, but it's more of a minigame from the original, so there's that. (Covered an entire game in one paragraph.)
The game itself is a sports game, yeah, but it's also somewhat a collection of minigames as well. Think those Mario Party sports minigames, but Puyofied and also you only can choose 2 characters.
Alright, So What's the Story?
It begins as usual, to be honest. Satan is cooking up devious shit again but he somewhat wants to have a twist. In the meantime, Arle and Witch are arguing (leaving even the narrator a tad confused,) about Arle being unathletic.
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(The peak of this argument. Words I can't even say.)
They then stumble upon a flyer, stating basically "Yo the Olympics are starting. Win to get a wish." and to settle their scores, Arle and Witch compete, along with a couple of other guys we can't play as, notably Rulue, Draco, and Schezo.
Satan decides that everyone will duel for the prize itself, though you only really play as the two girls. But to get in spirit, he dresses up as a coach to fully begin the thing.
(For some reason, all the footage I got were on Witch's side, even with looking on NicoNico. It was legimately hard to find footage for Arle. However, I do know both their endings, at least.)
For Arle's ending, Satan does say that she can indeed make a wish. However, Arle's unsure of what she should even do, and settles for...losing weight. In which Satan gives her...whatever is shown on the bottom.
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(Seriously, what is this? They say it's a magician training cast but...I dunno, man.)
And how about Witch's ending? Well, Satan gives her the choice of whatever she wants, and she's also kinda unsure. However, unlike Arle, she has too MANY wishes to have, and Satan gets absolutely fed up and leaves, angering Witch. And you know what? Good on you, Satan.
So, How's the Gameplay?
Gameplay itself is compressed of several minigames that you play as either Arle or Witch. The Olympics are a big deal after all.
Some of the events are things like the Meter Dash (I'd assume 100,) swimming, and...one game where you smack Puyos aside. I can't explain that one well.
Though in the swimming one, other characters appear at the very least.
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(The whole squad came to cheer you on. You can't tell me they're not good friends.)
The games themselves are fairly short, and usually range about the 40 seconds to about a minute or so, they ain't called minigames for nothing. Still, there's some enjoyment itself with playing them.
How About the Visuals and Characters?
Visually, least in my opinion, the game looks really good, and the OST itself is up to par with the series as a whole. Every character looks fairly well made to boot. Good on ya Compile.
And how about the characters themselves? Well...thankfully, they're fairly retained to what we're used to. Let's talk about the main two.
Our 2nd favorite girl Arle is roughly the same that we usually know her of. Here, she's still pretty dang cheerful thankfully, though with the argument with Witch and the whole going to the Olympics thing to settle their score...it's not petty, I swear.
However, something I want to note is that (supposedly not) due to Witch's comments about her being unathletic does actually kind of stick with her, as her wish is to lose weight...even if Satan kinda went the weird route to help change that. At least it shows she does have insecurities. (Seriously, what the hell is that armor going to do?)
And hey! If you play her route, Rulue makes an appearance early on, as well as Draco, who's sporting her outfit from Puyo SUN.
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(Why are Rulue pants so different anyways? Still, it's nice to see her and Draco appear, even if she's more-so just a conversation with Arle and another for Witch.)
Ah, good old Satan. Never fails to just being a stupid idiot that we love. He's the whole reason why this Olympic thing began, and he's somewhat embracing it. Due to image limits (Yes, I plan the image routes ahead of time,) I can't show...In photos.
Here's a link to it. May as well, since it's so relevant.
He's a blast to actually hear and listen to. I genuinely like this version of Satan. And he even got turned into stone from a comment once. Now THAT'S comedy. I wouldn't say he carries the game, everyone does their part, but I gotta say that he's easily one of, if not the best, written character in this game.
As per the Gren Norm, I got so much more to say about Witch because...if the meme told you anything, she's definitely out there. The whole Olympic thing somewhat escalated due to Witch insulting her over being unathletic, which I mean...ouch.
If you play her route, you actually get a cameo appearance with our boy, the 2nd big guy in this Tumblr blog, Schezo Wegey. And if you know me, I'm gonna explain what happens. (At this point I document every misdeed this girl does)
So, Schezo comes into the frame wearing his Puyo SUN outfit as well, and while Witch says hello and why is he here, immediately labels him as a pervert after he claims he wants Arle again and also wants to win the Olympics.
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(Silly Schezo. You're not playable.)
Witch then asks to take off his cape, because he looks like a pervert when he does...and low and behold, he actually does it, shocking her.
And frankly, I'd be surprised also. However, as none of us predicted, Schezo says if she's gonna laugh, to just do it. But she doesn't. Rather, she compliments him. A lot.
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(If you've seen the meme, she's basically saying that he has a nice physique for his title, and that he has really healthy skin.)
Schezo asks if she's okay, (she's not) and she yells that he's wonderful/beautiful, causing our boy to think that she's gone insane and runs.
And she chases after him.
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(Welcome to my ""Job"". Went from knowledge and Schezo to Knowledge, Schezo, and a lot of documenting of Witch and Arle. You signed up for this.)
Good on Schezo for taking the initiative and actually just leaving...well, more like run away, but good on him.
So...Final Verdict?
The verdict is fairly simple honestly. Elementary, even. The game itself is a very charming game, with a really nice OST, artstyle, and even character writing to an extent. Every character is just fun to read ok and listen to, and it's nice to see such a silly concept be done fairly well.
And For Those Wondering About Arle's Travel Log And Updates Overall:
Don't worry, I got it planned. I'm writing it, I didn't forget it. It's just footage is hard to come by and I want to make this the best I can. And besides...I'm making a Halloween special. I gotta.
And after that special, I plan to take a week or two off to relax. Then...idk, we try to translate Arle's Route of Waku Puyo Dungeon. The Waku part of Waku Puyo Extras will become real AGAIN...
Then, I'll take a break during New Years/Christmas. I don't want to risk burnout. But that'll be all for this time.
See y'all another time.
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Kyle Brofloski/Eric Cartman (SP fic)
('What's up with the fatass?')
/Devious melancholy/ part 2
'Wait? You think I'm gay because I'm from south park?'
'Well duh, everyone from south park is gay'
Slight warning ⚠️ just warning yah that's all, these two deranged characters will get together somehow but they will trust me, they will.
Cartman inspected the apartment his mother rented, it wasn't bad, not as spacious though, but it'll do for now.
He was grasping the place, the town.. everything seem so lame, he couldn't expect any less from North Park but he'll suck it up for money.
Once they have enough money saved he'll make his mother moved them back to South Park. That was his plan; receive the money, get rich and stop being poor finally living the luxury he deserves, and ofcourse, brag his success to Kyle.
He beamed as he looked at the window contemplating everything he needed to do, to get the plan going. He made sure his mom woke up early because he wasn't risking her to make herself look like a incompetent employee on her first day of work, because he knew she had taken some crack last night before getting out from South park the effects of it just hit harder before going to bed, he fucking hates it so much, he was damn lucky she didn't crash the moving van on the way there. Luckily she wasn't required to do any drug test or both would've been screwed.
He never understood why teens his age were into that crap neither did he understood the adults, or Kenny. He just knew they made everyone stupid afterwards, well, more stupid then they already were.
After pushing his mom outside, practically just shoving her outside before slamming the door and setting his game up on the tv.
He played for like an hour before he reluctantly decided to go outside and see what he'll have to handle for a couple of months.
Everthing seemed so— rich? South Park's biggest accomplishment was having a whole's food in town while North Park had state winning champions working at some McDonald's drive-thru.
In less words, everything looked so 'posh', one of the disadvantages there was its weather; it wasn't cold or atleast to a temperature he was already use to, it was the opposite. For what he had searched it was stated to be one of the hottest places in Colorado, it would only snow just at the end of the year, which is insane. He can't imagine not walking to a almost daily snowy white path, stomping hard on the areas that seem to be deeper in depth cause he just liked the feeling of being sunk in like some wormhole, or making snowmen with his friends.
So there he was, complaining as he walked in the heated weather, it was insupportable he felt himself dragged his feet as his sweat poured down like rivers up his face; like melting snow on a sidewalk, the irony.
Unnoticeable passing by some neighborhood as he craved for water, panting duo the excess warmth in his body and the heavy breathing he was making, maybe he should take off his winter coat? He grasped some air as he took it off sighing as he felt a pin of weight let loose, feeling dizzy he leaned himself against some bench near the crosswalk trying to avoid fainting, now sitting down while holding on to his chest.
Seconds later he was tapped in the forehead with a water bottle, he looked up to curse who ever did that but his mouth went straight flat.
It was a North Parker but seemingly his age, so far he's only encountered old folks, but this one, he was wrinkle free, full of youth and had that innocent looking spirit somewhat spread around him. He was blonde with green eyes, kinda handsome for a dude but looked like a total geek.
"You're not from around here aren't you?," He asked, gesturing his bottle for he to grab it.
He reluctantly grabbed it, crisscrossing he wasn't about to be mugged or something, but shrugging it off immediately as he began drinking it. Stranger danger his ass.
"I'm from South Park, I just moved here, nerd," he commented in his usual banter.
The boy wince seemingly annoyed by the name hesitated in just walking away or indulge further in the conversation.
"You're from south park?," he repeated with a cringed expression as he asked, "no wonder I didn't recognize such a fat piece of crap in our town," he retorted with a similar tone he had use when he mocked him.
"Aye! Who do you think you are!? gaywad pussy licker!," he screeched out, gripping on to the bottle he was holding.
"Everything alright, Jackson?," another boy chimed in as some other boy walked beside him.
"I just found ourselves a South Parker," he stated mockingly.
"No way," the jock looking kid said bewildered, "you come from that crappie ass town?," he laughed dryly.
Cartman frowned, "shut the fuck up you mother fuckin' no good pussy lickin' hippies!," he cursed out loud, pointing out the reggae lover looking dude.
"See? This is why Shart park always stays behind, so stuck up in that common bigotry of yours it doesn't let you guys evolve," the jock stated casually, with a smugly smirk. His group of friends laughing beside him.
"Apparently he just moved here," geek boy informed the jock cunt.
"Wooow," the boy said in a sarcastic way, "that'll mean you'll finally be able to evolve from a shit stain to a fart."
The group laughed as he finally got up and pointed accusing to them.
"This is why you're all prestigious little douches in our category!," he exclaimed before storming off forgetting he had left his coat in the bench.
He heard from behind a 'good thing we aren't looking to be categorized from undeveloped pigs,' and with that he went off home, regretting going outside.
It had become dark, now resting in his couch as he layyed in a bored exaggerated manner. He really wanted to play video games with Kenny but he knew that poor piece of crap was still working a shift at those hours and he knew Butters wouldn't be able to do so either as he remembered two days ago he had commented he was grounded for a week. He sighed heavily contemplating to call either Stan or Kyle bothering them to make himself laugh.
But he turned over to look at the door as there was some banging coming from it.
He groaned annoyed as he walked to open it, "what?," he immediately spat dryly half way opening the door.
And his gaze landed to those familiar green marbled eyes he had previously seen that afternoon.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Did you follow me you creeping stalker!?," unironically being a stalker himself, he questioned offended.
The boy frowned shoving his coat to his chest harshly, startling him.
"Just being a good civilian here, lardass," he commented before huffing, as he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up.
"You smoke!?," he asked baffled, he's never seen a nerd smoke before.
"Yeah, so?," the blonde asked incredulously.
"Didn't know geek boys could smoke," He smugly teased.
The boy just huffed as he roll his eyes, mumbling 'South Parkers,' before eyeing him up and down.
"So are you going to study in North park middle-school?," he asked more curious, puffing his cigarette some more, purposely blowing the smoke on his face making the other cough.
"Kinda," Cartman shrugged in response, wincing by the smell emitted.
"I'm Jackson btw, just for you to remember who targeted you first," He remarked as he stomped on his cigarette putting it out, dragging his hands inside his pockets, "what's yours, fatboy?."
"Aye! I ain't fat you piece of shit!," he blurted out, feeling quite some familiarity in the whole ordeal, "Eric, I'm Eric Cartman."
After that 'splendid' encounter with geek boy, his day went to an end, beginning the next day as he was preparing himself to be dropped off at his new school, he stopped in the new bus point he was given and waited to be picked up. He sighed contemplating the new possibilities, new faces, friends, teachers. It's gonna be hard to adapt. But he was Eric T. Cartman, nothing is impossible for him.
He spot the bus half way, heavily breathing he gripped on his backpack.
Entering, the students there just glanced at him indifferent and judgmental, as if he were some weird bug. He sat in some empty seat in the back and heard a couple of students gasped and whispering.
'What was all that about?'
He took out his phone, carelessly about the constant glances at him, texting Kenny about joining on a server that night to play some game.
"Hey, faggot, da fuck are you doing in our seat?."
('Fag' sp canon definition n. 1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders. 2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.)
He glanced up from his screen and visualize the jock kid and his stupid hippie group.
"Oh? This seat yours?," he said in a mocking tone, "don't see your name on it whore cummers," he blurted out as he now rubbed his ass all over 'their' seat taunting.
"Tsk, this dimwit," the red head mumbled to his friends.
He then sat next to him intentionally pushing him against the window both other boys tagged in apparently trying to trap him and suffocate him as they squished him forward the window.
"Goddammit!," he winced out trying to loosen there grip. The group of friends just howled in laughter.
"Admit you suck and piss off, southie," the jock kid stated as he leaned his body on him more.
"Over my dead fucking body, dick head!," he screamed slamming his fist up his nuts.
"¡OWW!," he squirmed in pain, reddened face by the embarrassment and ofcourse the agony pain that raised in his nutcrackers, "we got ourselves a fierce one," he stated still holding on to his balls as he winced his eyes shut.
Both boys tried gripping on him but he moved forward scooping himself over to the front seat shoving off some other students as he was chased around the bus from both geek boy and hippie shit. Jackson grabbed him from the leg as he failed attempting to get out from a window gripping on his body against his.
"Got him," He said grinning, as he swooped his body left and right attempting to make him seem like he were dancing even though it was clearly forced. Like a puppeteer and his puppet.
"Let me go, asshat!," He whined trying to lessen his grip, but couldn't. His strength reminded him so much of Kyle's, looking like he wouldn't bat your shit but was totally the opposite when provoked.
"Hmm," He hummed in a fake contempt, nuzzling his perky nose against his neck causing him to shiver by the touch, "what do you think, Stewart?," the boy asked the jock.
As he was finally recovering himself, passing through the walkway up to him, he punched him hard in the stomach receiving a 'hmph!' In return.
"That he isn't as bad as we thought he'd be for some southie," he smugly stated making the trapped boy arched a brow confused.
"This is Hershey," Stewart gesture the hippie, who just waved casually, "my best friend Jackson," he continued presenting themselves before stepping inside school grounds. The blonde geek acting like he hasn't already presented himself before.
"What's yours, south bitch?," Hershey now chimed in expectantly.
"I'm Eric," he responded unbothered, as he glance at the huge building. If you were to compare this school to South Park's you wouldn't even see his town as a school.
"We can show you around," Jackson suggested with his hands inside his pockets.
"And when he says 'we' he means 'him' I have to go see Gigy at cheerleader practice, peace," Stewart casually waved off as he joined a couple of other douchbags who were also heading to the gymnasium or field, he wasn't sure exactly.
"Me too, I have to meet up with Jeannie for cleaning the courtyard before class starts," Hershey waved off heading another direction, "don't get lost, dog park," he lastly said before running off in a mischievous manner.
"Aye!," he grumbled out, but was left unheard.
Well, Jackson still was awkwardly standing next to him averting his eyes to a building, then to some students walking by and then the ground.
"So— fatass, what's there to know about you?," he asked, continuously walking to the entrance.
He followed along him, "Aye! I ain't fat you stupid queermo!," he screamed out.
"How 'revolutionary'," he stated sarcastic, before glancing at him, "I'm the debate club leader, I like swimming and have two siblings."
Cartman contemplated his answer before nodding as he pouted out his own, "I was the team captain of the football team and was among the popular kids," he beamed out confidently.
"Haha sure you were," Jackson said taunting, immediately pointed out his bluff, "we know who you are, fatboy."
Cartman halted now looking at him attentively.
"You're the fat, narcissistic psychopath from town that feed his half brother his parents," he explained unfazed, "we know all about the shit that happens to your town on a daily it always becomes a huge fuss for all of us when it comes to you assholes," he shrugged, gesturing a locker.
"That's your locker, E-10 right?."
He nodded in response, uncertain if he'd be able to make friends after being so easily revealed, but why was he talking to him so casually if he already knew who he was and what he's capable of?
Neither brought that topic again as Jackson showed him around campus, it was quite big, the tour had to be cut in short until school ended. For his dismay the class he was assigned to didn't include either of the assholes he just met until third period being seemingly the class he shared Spanish with Stewart, beside him he either would had to wait until seventh period which he shared Biology with Hershey.
It's not like he gave a fuck but he wasn't familiar on being a 'new kid', not only that, but Jackson warned him about how people here weren't to found of people who came from South Park noneless people who were born there he called him a 'TP' at first he thought he called him toilet paper but apparently it was a slang of theirs to call South park visitors 'target parker'; which meant they'll trash them until they leave their town. He found it quite dramatic but then again, their own town has shooed city people away before cause they couldn't tolerate their kind.
It also made sense why the group of boys began trashing him when he first mentioned being from South Park, then reluctantly just acting normally once knowing he actually moved here. That still didn't give him a pass but they had gotten a liking to him very quickly for some reason he still can't grasp upon.
And as such he was targeted for being a complete 'southie' even the teacher bashed on him as he was the one to blurt him out to the class for coming from South park. The only friend he managed to make was in his second period, his name was Jamie Hutson; a seemingly naive freckled boy, brown hair with braces who was from New York. He was pretty chill with the fact he was a 'tp' actually he seem to have 'pity' of him for coming out from a town like that. But when he meant 'seemingly' it's because he looked like that, but was a complete jerk to everyone displaying a false attitude infront of teachers being a A+ student but immediately flipping switches bullying some classmates there like an bigoted.
He actually felt grateful that it seem he had been taken lightly being called slurs and some bigotry comments compared to a red head kid that hanged in some wall hanger by his underwear.
"So, what's your socials, shart-fart?," Jamie approached, resting his elbows in his desk as he beamed innocently.
He huffed, "call me shartfart again, asshole, I dare you!," he threatened almost falsely, cause he really didn't want to bother on doing anything.
"Oh? You're gonna do something to me?," He smugly stated, chuckling, "so?," he extend his phone twoards him expecting for he to write his number.
He reluctantly typed his number down before huffing as he heard the bell rang and dashed off.
Maybe it'd be convenient to befriend the bully of their school?
He bumped in to geek boy again, who had cuss him out for not watching his way as he had dropped his books, he didn't bother helping out cause that's just how he is.
"Thanks for shit, asswipe," he spat bitter, as he tried organizing them in his arms.
"You're welcome, dearest," he teasingly said eying him, batting his eyelashes in a innocent manner.
He won't deny he was very appealing for the eye, he like how he shot back instantly every time he taunt back, those fierce eyes hooked him up like a fisherman's fish hook and his sly smirk was dazzling, smug, knowingly. He clearly has that competitive attitude, he seem smart, hot-headed and calculated, he seemed rival material.
Before he could even speak back he stopped him with his palm, "what religion do you follow?," he asked now intriguingly curious.
Jackson arched a brow skeptical, "why do you want to know, fatass!?," he questioned knowingly, a deep annoyed voice.
Cartman couldn't help but to smirk by that, oh, he's perfect.
"Y'know just?," he shrugged smugly, "it doesn't matter I'll figure it out," he winked as he began walking to his next class leaving the boy speechless.
That day he stalked his new 'friends', and found everthing he needed to know about them. He also figured out Jackson Hu was a no good, annoyingly boring cult member of a jehovah witness.
He smirked as he watched a picture of the boy on his laptop, resting his chin on his hand now contemplating all the new insults coming his way.
His third day in North park seemed to be flowing well, now hanging out with the three boys he first met really helped the attention fade away from him. But ofcourse, being part of the gang had requirements.
"I looked up your medias, fatboy and I'm quite disappointed," Stewart shaked his head in disapproval.
"What do you mean?," He asked as he munched on some chips indifferent, he loved his profile it had everything he liked, his personalized feed and pictures of his annoying friends.
"Well, it's.. too— your 'kind'," he stated thoughtful, cringing lightly.
"Yeah, if you want to be one of us, you have to start from zero," Hershey nagged, as he snapped his phone from his jacket opening his medias.
"Aye! What do you think you're doing, hippie!?," he protested, trying to grab his phone but was stopped by Jackson who only extended his arm blocking him from going any further.
"We have an image to keep clean, fatass. If anyone knew we let a stinky south parker in our group no one will take us seriously anymore," he explained.
"Might aswell clean you up from that stank your douche town left you," Stewart added as he crossed his arms now looking at his phone along with Hershey.
"But the whole school knows I'm from South Park!."
"Yeah, but we figured if we take all that stank away we could cure you from your disease," Stewart explained disinterested.
"I ain't sick you motherfucker!," he blurted out angry as he watched how the ginger typed rapidly on his phone.
"Here," Hershey gave back his phone, "now just add your details and will add you back. No south parkers, man," he pointed out seriously.
"Not even Kenny!?," he screamed baffled.
The group looked confused unknowingly and shrugged indifferent of his protests.
"I changed your password and email from your previous so you can't get in, just security majors," the ginger added before taking out his phone, "done, added."
His other friends did the exact same thing adding him back.
He sighed as he looked at his now boring empty profile, all his years worth of work being drained back down, his followers, his posts his reels. This sucked ass.
The sacrifices he has to do for keeping up a few months in this hell of a shit town.
A week in, and he's been blending well in the north park group. He was actually enjoying his stay and was ACTUALLY learning new things.
A requirement also to be seen as part of Stewart's group was to have atleast a average 8.5 grading in each class he took! So he forcefully had to pay attention and STUDY, another was to be atleast in a club and practicing a sport. 'Why not kick me in ball while you're at it, dickwad!,' is what he blurted out as he was told, 'Shut the fuck up, lardbutt! Those are the rules. You either follow or leave your pick!,' is what he had told him.
He thought it'd be impossible but he actually managed after three deadly dreaded days. Jackson even offered to help him out studying, which he found nicely convenient, alway offering himself to go study at his place or at lunch. He was okay with it cause he figured out the boy was loaded and had the best of snacks.
'That's not how the ginger gene works, fatass!' He remembered his previous arguments, 'It so is, you dumb jehovah witness! I know, trust me I'm an expert,' he defended his theories.
Kyle was ginger, Scott and his dad we're ginger, even, and as much as he hates to admit it, he was half ginger. So he knows damn well his people, unfortunately.
It was pretty much heated like that with Jackson, he liked it though. It turned a spark in him.
"So— is that Kenny dude your boyfriend or something?," Jackson asked outta the blue as they headed to his place.
"What? Kenny!?," he said bewildered, "why would you think he'd be my boyfriend!? I ain't gay!."
"You aren't?," he asked looking now incredulous.
"No!?," 'why the fuck would he think that!?' He thought offended.
"Well, you are from South park," he shrugged in a answer.
Did they really see them as some gay faggots?
"Wait? you think I'm gay cause I'm from South Park?," he asked baffled, eyeing him up and down.
'And they called 'us' stupid.'
"Well duh, everyone from south park is gay."
"I'm not gay, asswipe."
Jackson halted, shaking his head in disappointment, "you don't have to feel embarrassed to be yourself, fatass. We are all very accepting and very opened minded," he rested his hand on his shoulder, ignoring his claims.
"That's bullshit, you guys are hypocrites, since I got here I've just been ridiculed for being born in South park," he explained somewhat not continuously contradicting his 'suspicions.'
Jackson slide his arms on his, gripping him lightly, "look, being gay is highly different than being a tp." He added, now caressing his left arm, "I always thought you were cute," he said playfully in a sultry voice.
He was left bewildered, his brain short-cirquited for brief seconds that felt like hours. Did he call him 'cute'?
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bonkbobl · 1 month
omg hello !!! it’s me again (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و i’m so shocked that you wrote such great masterpieces in a short amount of time,, i was literally keeping an eye out on your acc because i looked forward to your continuation of beautiful fool so imagine my surprise when you posted not only the continuation, but two more separate one shots !! i literally DEVOURED all of them upon finding out you posted,, make a deal or play a game might have to be my new favorite of yours… he was so freakin devious making the reader beg for him 😭😭 (but so hot???!!!!) i was blushing the whole time agsjdgsj,,, he was so mean but so gentle??? got me giggling and kicking my feet 🤭 i also really loved happy to please (let’s be real here i love all your writings so far THEY WERE ALL SO GOOD)??? reader making him go feral there was so 🤭 i could totally see him pampering her and overstimulating her,, she’s shy but cheeky and devoted and sweet to him and he’s always so surprised like “… i can’t believe she really likes me…” the feeling of being wanted makes him go crazyyyyy LIKE???? … can u imagine the reader shying away during an intimate act of theirs at the end of a long day (maybe she hides her face in her hands bc she’s feeling to much of something) and he’s just like “no i wanna see you” and she’s just flushed and he’s goes even more feral?? (dude what if he interlocks his hands with hers and kisses her like????) what are your thoughts on this 🤔 (i just really like the idea of him going feral over whatever she does lol) anyways, ur a genius dear author <33 i hope you’re having a great time of day wherever you are !! i look forward to reading more of your writing if you have any that are a wip :)) take care !! (thank u for the meals bc u really served <333 i will def be re-reading them hehe) — 🩰 anon
stop it you're so sweet idk who you are but i love you 😭
ok about how quickly i'm writing these, i surprised even myself with that because even a couple years ago when i was at the peak of my fanfic writing days, i'd post like once a day (on my old blog which i deleted) and i've never been that productive again. im happy that people like roose though theres like a noticable lack of content for him.
AND YEAH SDLKFJDF happy to please only came up in my head because i saw a tiktok that said book roose said his first two wives would lay there silently and he found it somewhat endearing that walda would actually be vocal, which i thought was kind of sweet and out of character for him to say. my mind started wandering to what it would look like in action.
i can absolutely imagine like the second time they have sex, reader is very shy, covering her face as you said. and when roose tells her that he wants to see her, she forces herself to look at him. i think the dynamic i wrote in this fic, he's more loving with her so he'd probably prefer to take reader in missionary, particularly with his forearms resting on either side of her head, forehead pressed to hers. it'd make every noise she makes more audible, every microreaction more visible, and every time he wants to he can just lean down and brush her lips with his.
reader's probably braver and tries less to hide her pleasure going into the future.
roose probably never felt this kind of passion with anyone and he'd actually feel excited to bed her, sometimes catching his thoughts wandering during the day. then he snaps himself out of it and is like bruh im stupid theres so much work to do rn and im thinking about my wife. but seeing her is definitely always the highlight of his day.
on the overstimulation, i think reader probably helped him realize how much he likes eating pussy for sure. because shes so sensitive and reactive and she'll grab his hair and buck against his face shamelessly. he just thinks she's the most beautiful, most sexy thing he's ever seen and even after reader has cum so many times, it's addictive to him. he's always like "one more, i know you can give me one more, sweet wife."
its so much to the point of like when he finally fucks her, reader is squirming around so much and he has to calm her down with little kisses to her forehead and temple. and she can feel it every time his pelvis rubs against her clit.
i will be serving hot meals. i dont really know if i can finish by tonight but i have a lot of wips cooking up. i dont know how my posting frequency will change after school starts though so we'll see (it's starting soon)
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anthurak · 2 years
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As of Episode 6 of G-Witch, we’ve been introduced to two out of the three corporations and great houses at Asticassia Academy; Jeturk Heavy Machinery and Piel Technologies. That in turns leaves just one of the Benerit Group’s Big Three remaining: Grassley Defense Systems and their representative, the surprisingly enigmatic Shaddiq Zenelli.
And I have a hunch they might actually be the most dangerous opponents Suletta and Miorine have yet faced.
Now after everything we’ve seen from JHM and Peil Tech (especially Peil Tech), I’ve seen some people start throwing out theories about how Grassley could be secretly even more fucked up than the other two houses. However, I don’t think that’s quite going to be the case.
For one, it wasn’t exactly hard to guess what each of the other two houses was all about pretty early on. Just from Episode 2, I think we all pegged Vim Jeturk as the typical conniving, power-hungry asshole dad, and also that Peil Tech had to have some shady, probably fucked up shit going on under the table. The only wrinkle with Peil was that we didn’t realize just HOW fucked up their shit was. Basically, it’s been pretty easy to gauge the general vibes of each of the houses thus far.
So what kind of vibes do I think we’ve gotten from Shaddiq, his father Sarius and GDS as a whole?
Personally, I think that while they might not be brutish and conniving like JHM or shady and morally repugnant like Peil Tech, I do think GDS are cunning and devious.
Specifically, I think Shaddiq is going to be by far the smartest, and by extension, most dangerous out of the three aces/pretty-boys Suletta has faced thus far.
Going by both the title of the next episode, and his interactions with Suletta thus far, I think Shaddiq’s (and by extension Grassley’s) plan to ‘defeat’ Suletta won’t be through a duel (at least not at first), but instead by befriending her.
From what we’ve seen of them thus far, Shaddiq and his father really strike me as the types who would look at how Suletta and Aerial have more or less steamrolled over every opponent they’ve gone up against thus far and think; ‘Yeah, there is NO way we’re beating THAT in a straight-up fight. Let’s try something else…’
Meaning, I have a pretty good feeling that Shaddiq is going to try and get close to Suletta. And unlike with Elan a couple episodes back, not simply as a means to gather intel on Aerial, but as a far broader plan of possibly undermining Suletta and maybe even bring her over to his side.
So yeah, I have a feeling we might see an attempt at a seduction gambit by Saddiq, or at the very least a befriending gambit. Something aimed at bringing Suletta, and maybe even her mother and her company under Grassley’s influence.
One interesting detail we learned a couple episodes back was getting a good idea of just what Peil Tech’s original plan for having Elan securing the holder position and just why then never had Elan challenge Guel for the position prior to the start of the show: They were simply biding their time, getting the Pharact ready to the point where it could be piloted reasonably safely (no matter how many ‘enhanced persons’ they burned through in the process…) until they could simply send it out with Elan, likely the original, and curbstomp Guel with a Gundam. It was only Suletta and Aerial entering the picture that their timetable was changed.
So I have a hunch that the next couple episodes will likewise give us an indication in hindsight as to how Shaddiq and Grassley were planning on securing Holder-ship and Miorine’s hand.
(And yes, until we hear otherwise, I am absolutely thinking that the GDS game plan was basically ‘Shaddiq seduces Guel so he defects to their side and brings Miorine with him’ :D)
Which in turn brings us to Shaddiq himself, and why I think this guy is dangerous.
Part of this is simply due to the fact that friendly, seemingly easy-going blonde dudes have a history of turning out to be very dangerous adversaries in Gundam (just look at Graham Aker in 00), but also that we’ve gotten a few hints that Shaddiq occupies a rather different position compared to his peers. Particularly in his dynamic with his parent/boss.
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Consider that Shaddiq actually attends the hearing in Episode 2 alongside his father, while Guel and Elen were nowhere to be seen. And in Episode 3, he’s seen discussing Lady Prospera and the upcoming duel with his father.
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Whereas Miroine’s and Guel’s respective fathers clearly sees them as nothing more than pawns, and… basically everything going on with Elan and Peil Tech, it’s looking like Sarius Zenelli seems to hold his son in a rather higher regard and respect. Instead of simply giving him orders to follow, Sarius councils his son on important matters and has him present to assist him during official dealings. We even know from supplementary material that Shaddiq is already a candidate for the next-generation executives of Grassley Defense Systems.
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Shaddiq doesn’t feel like just a pawn to Sarius. He feels like a protégé. Someone that Sarius has raising and mentoring to take up an important position within GDS, and likely even to one day inherit Sarius’s position. This feels particularly relevant when we remember that Shaddiq is Sarius’s adopted son, which in the kind of feudal-house society that G-Witch has set up, gives the impression that Sarius chose Shaddiq based on merit or potential that Sarius saw in him.
All of this paints Shaddiq as being someone quite intelligent and capable, as well as likely quite loyal to Sarius. Contrast that with someone like Guel, who seems to have been browbeaten into being little more than an attack dog for his father, to the point where it only took a few words of positive encouragement from Suletta to make Guel tell his father to fuck off. Or to Elan, who was somehow in an even worse state.
In other words, Shaddiq is likely NOT going to be so easily turned to Suletta’s side so easily.
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trainofcommand · 1 year
Well, it's rainy outside and kind of cold and that means it's time for some uplifting picspam. So here are some pictures of Kavan Smith that make me think of Stargate fic ideas or AUs and stuff.
Let's start with this one. Evan Lorne (sporting his trademark 'hands on my hips and looking a bit stern' stance - which, surprise! I love) learns that even when he's not on Atlantis - when he's taking some leave in a quiet cabin! - he's still going to have to mobilize his whole 'seriously?' look . Because he signed up for a quiet week away from water and nonsense, and what has shown up on the doorstep of his rented cabin? Some nonsense. It involves General O'Neill, who wants to talk about fishing. "There aren't any lakes nearby, sir," Lorne tells him. Jack just waves that away. Fishing is a state of mind. Also, he needs to hide out for a while. He's sure Lorne understands (Lorne does not).
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Wait, wait. Or what about if this is an AU where Evan Lorne (not in the USAF) is staying in his family cabin after...I don't know some kind of shock...and one morning there's this guy bleeding all over his porch, and he looks like he's been through the wars (but what wars?) and needs some help even though he's remarkably close-mouthed about how he got in this state (bloody, bruised, one arm hanging weird, etc) and after Evan's cleaned him up a bit and put that arm in a sling and given him some water, the guy pushes himself up from a chair, and sways on his feet a bit and says, "Thanks, I'm just gonna--" and he waves in the direction of the door and Evan pulls out the hands-on-hips-stern look and is like, "Nope." And the guy looks like he's going try it anyway, even though he can barely stand. Evan puts The Look into full force, and the guy sits back down. Later, when he's passed out on Evan's couch, Evan looks through his coat pockets (bloody coat) and finds some kind of ID that says Sheppard, John, with a logo he doesn't recognize. It's going to be interesting when the guy wakes up.
This one says 'Evan Lorne werewolf AU' to me. Just a werewolf who likes to hang around with his arms crossed, looking intense and thinking about chasing things down. Maybe he's in the SGC. Maybe he isn't. Maybe he lives in a little town on the edge of a massive forest, a quiet and unremarkable life (except for the whole claws/fangs/wolfy thing, but still, it's quiet) until one day he finds some dude half-dead on the edge of the forest, and whelp, there I go again thinking about the whole 'isolated werewolf/guy running from his terrible past understated romance' thing.
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This one is just dirtbag!Lorne and that's all there is to it, and I thank @dedkake for making it. Also, tongue blep is appealing.
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Post-Atlantis, Lorne is having a rough go of it and is taking some leave time. He's at a loss. Who is he when he's not XO to the least predictable CO in two galaxies? It's a big adjustment. So he's trying out cooking and romantic dinners and the like, and also the whole beard thing. He's not sure it's working for him. Though he does like the plaid. It's comfortable. It's cozy. And Rodney will eat anything Evan puts in front of his face.
(A couple of weeks later, Evan says, "I'm going to shave," and, "I got a call from the SGC." And Rodney is glad, because Evan's cooking is great, it really is, but Rodney can't just eat all day long, he's got work to do).
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This one makes me think of farmers' market AU. Every time. He looks so young. Fresh-faced! Like a farmer or a painter, or guy who likes to be outside all the time, wearing sensible shirts and smouldering a little.
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This one is small but amazing. He looks like a smouldering spy or maybe a devious corporate dude or something. I don't know. AU where Evan Lorne doesn't go into the military but instead gets recruited by the CIA or whatever, and has the cover of corporate mogul in some kind of energy-generating company that allows him to travel around the world easily and also hook up with guys like Radek Zelenka on joint US-EU missions, and then one time they meet up with Rodney McKay (PhD, PhD; CSIS operative) and there are some shenanigans and Elizabeth Weir is their slick diplomat contact. Look, I don't know anything about how the CIA and CSIS work, but it's fun to think about some spy hijinks and like, nice suits and stuff.
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Also, bonus image not of Kavan Smith - Radek Zelenka, EU partner in superspy AU. Looking very slick there, Radek!! I like it. (This stance says, "Are you looking for some fun, CIA superspy Evan Lorne?" The answer, of course, is yes.)
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(I don't even know where I found most of these images, so if I missed crediting you for something, please let me know and I'll add it).
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so easy to become a constellation these days, you used to have to build up a shit ton of legends nowadays ya just gotta get suckerpunched straight into the star stream ✋
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awh im happy for him
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lmao couples fits
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dude they always make the apocalypse food look so good what the hell
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tho in all honesty this part of sangahs always annoyed me a little bit. for some reason the comic showcases ppls willingness yet distain for violence nicely, showing how they hate hurting others but know they have to do it but the way its shown in sangah is like...annoying as all hell. i hate saying anything bad about bc shes a girlboss but shes so hypocritical. she will no thought kill people ruthlessly but then go "why do we have to fight eachother 😩" but on the other hand characters like heewon will voice "i killed people last night, and im happy i did but that doesnt mean i like it" showing both their willingness even if they dont like it but also showing they know this is the way things have to be and theyre willing to adapt to that. like no one else was throwing a fit about it and im not saying she should just suck it up bc i love that theyre trying to show a character who really just doesnt want people to fight but for some reason the way they show it with sangah pisses me off. other than that love her <3
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shes so pretty. yjh im bout to steal your girl. fight me for her 🤺🤺
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PARDON?!??!? STIGMA?!?!?! BLOSSOM?!?!?!? FIRST DOKJA SPECIFIC STIGMA?!?!?! mans already has 2 fables but not one stigma specific to him god damn
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Gilyoung. Gilyoung stop being creepy. stop being fucking creepy sweetie please. im getting scared honey please stop now.
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