#just a friendly reminder so T isn't the only one saying it every time
lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie, here to join in on the dissatisfaction train if your up for it. Let's list off somethings shall we and see what they remind you of. Relationships, romantic and platonic, that sucked people in in the initial seasons being now completely neglected/non-existent. A beloved character constantly being regressed to old behavior because the showrunner can't seem to come up with a storyline for them that shows their growth. Bottle episodes that don't make any sense to pop up when
they do since it delays other key plot lines. Events that should be impactful to multiple characters don't lead to any meaningful interactions. People getting criticized for pointing out how poorly things are being handled by other fans who insist it's the best thing ever. And let's not forget forcing unlikable/self-insert characters down our throats in places they don't belong while ignoring the existence of the ones we were interested in. Yup, you guessed it, I'm again  forced to compare 911 to RNM because this all feels like S3/S4 deja vu and I do not have the patience for that nonsense again. And no, we are nowhere near as bad off as what shitshow put us through, we still have some really good character stories and truly fun moments, but i feel like the cracks are showing. The ensemble show is rapidly feeling not-very-ensembly and it's disappointing. Add to that just the frustration of Buck never having a storyline where he actually gets to  address his trauma or his issues and it's no surprise people's patience is thin. And yes, the sperm donor nonsense hasn't fully played out, but did they really need to have a growth arc for Buck centered around guest characters that, when it's mentioned around his family, it's played for laughs?? We all thought surely the whole TayKay BS would give us something good last season, but instead she left with Buck's blessing, her terrible character flaws ignored. Just, I'm so tired 😔
My friend as usual we are absolutely on the same page! I haven’t been on as much and have been binging through some fic instead to make me feel a little better because on the one hand I absolutely cannot with the toxic positivity (not that everyone being positive about the show is “toxic” but you all know what I mean, the “if you have a single criticism, you’re stupid and should quit watching the show you obviously hate and don’t understand” crowd), but on the other I’m still overall having WAY more fun watching the episodes when they air than I did last season so I can’t really deal with the utterly hopeless, everything is awful crowd either! I’m just such a mix of emotions about everything right now (lady time hormones are NOT helping either) that it’s hard to know how to feel.
You’re SOOO right about the RNM war flashbacks though! While yes, 911 isn’t nearly as bad as the last 3 seasons of Plothole New Mexico, the similarities are...pretty startling and deeply frustrating! It’s always been odd that 911 didn’t have characters interacting with each other (Maddie and Eddie have never had a one-on-one scene despite being two of the most important people in Buck’s life and IT’S WEIRD!), but you almost didn’t really notice because there were so many good group scenes with most of the characters and everyone really felt like one big family. But now, the focus seems to have shifted so much to these new/different dynamics, and the show is completely ignoring the old ones so much so that it’s becoming more jarring instead of an enjoyable addition to the dynamics we know and love. @canonicallyobserving911 made a brilliant post recently about how the continuity and closure of storylines is being affected by this shift, not just with Buddie but things like Athena going through a major trauma and shift on her whole childhood friendship with someone and there being zero scenes with Hen about it, the person she first told about the girl going missing in the first place. I also mentioned how the scenes and dynamics with the firefam we are getting, especially in recent episodes, is basically just used for comic relief. Buck and Hen get close to some real talk but only while being drunk so the scene is still “silly”, and Eddie and Chim, while being a lot of fun to see together, have also only been used for the levity in the episodes. I love seeing them having fun, but given they are the two men who have had the mothers of their children leave, it feels like we should be getting some deeper scenes with them instead of just surface-level “fun” to keep the episodes “light”. (Not to mention BS like the tsunami coming up with some rando actress barely older than May instead of with someone we know and care about, and Buck not even being mentioned at all. I am....still eating glass about that nonsense.) 
And Buck....whoooo boy is Buck the Michael Guerin of this show. He of course isn’t treated nearly as badly by his found family as Michael often was, especially this past season, but the writing has been shying away from ever letting Buck truly deal with stuff. And I don’t want to hear any of that “healing isn’t linear” BS because a) it’s TV and it kinda has to be a little bit to keep things flowing, and b) that isn’t the point. We aren’t seeing Buck having momentary set backs that he overcomes like we’ve seen with Bobby and his alcoholism, we’re getting cyclical “one step forward, two steps back” storylines. We see a plot introduced, Buck spirals a bit and does something dumb, get’s lectured, rinse and repeat. I thought s4 and seeing him in therapy, seeing him snap at his parents (”Love me anyway” scene my absolute fucking beloved), seeing Eddie validate his feelings and Chim being a calming but firm presence helping back up both Maddie AND Buck, would really lead to some growth. But then Eddie got shot and we didn’t get a single scene of the firefam comforting him, or telling him they understood because all those kinds of scenes were used to wedge fucking Tay Kay into everything and the firefam scene we got was Bobby snapping at Buck, with no follow up of them talking about how worried Bobby was about both Buck AND Eddie. S5 could have given us more growth with Buck realizing he can and should step away from a relationship that isn’t bringing him any joy or providing him any of the support he needs. And had they made that call to wrap it up in 5a we might have gotten to see that more clearly, and then had Buck free to be the support for other storylines that SHOULD have been the major arcs for 5b like Maddie and Chim, Eddie’s breakdown, and we really should have gotten *something* for Bobby to do since his shooting was immediately forgotten and never mentioned again either, but then he had a whole celling fall on his back (you know, the one that was hurt originally, leading to his substance abuse issues?) and didn’t do anything with that, or with the truck falling off the cliff so I can’t say I’m really that surprised. 🤷🏻‍♀️  
You know my thoughts on 6x03 being pointless how it was done, but having both that episode AND Tomorrow in the same half-season when we’re already getting 1 less episode than normal before season break is just messy and asking for disaster and honestly ruined a lot of the flow from 6x02 into 6x04 but given that they also brought the sperm donor thing up and then had zilch about it for a month is bad pacing too so the “bottle” episodes aren’t the whole issue, but 6x03 and how that whole storyline was handled is certainly a part of the issue.
It’s also frustrating seeing these moments that could be SUCH great fodder for drama and involving the firefam directly instead of being separate storylines with guest characters, instead being played off for laughs, and quick one-off scenes. I am never going to be over the potential of things like Eddie working at dispatch when Buck and his team are in danger and him not being able to help being another thing that leads to his breakdown, or Chim surviving Jonah and then getting abducted at work, when his partner Hen isn’t there to have his back, and Buck placing himself in danger to save him while Bobby and Eddie are helpless to do anything, stuck at the scene of the original accident. These are SUCH perfect set-ups for some great character moments and conversations within the core group that are just being passed by, and for what?! For cheap cheating drama, and masturbation jokes, and a break-up AND make-up that happen mostly off screen, and a breakdown we barely saw? If I wanted to watch pointless drama for the sake of pointless drama I’d watch Grey’s Anatomy or something. 
There is something off about the show and even with everyone back there is something integral missing. This show was always fun and funny but also heartfelt and while it was dramatic, there was a realness to the drama, not just for the main character, but also in the way the emergencies were handled. Sometimes fun and silly, sometimes with jokes being cracked, but it never felt like the jokes or fun was at the expense of the characters involved. And that feeling seems to be missing, the way any YA novel-turned-movie by cash-grabbing studio execs who just wanted to cash in on merch sales feel so hollow and soulless compared to the books. Because the people running things do not love and care about the thing they are making and above all they do not respect it, or the audience for it. That’s the feeling I get when I see Buck getting ambushed at work, and his family finding out about this thing that *should* result in some deep, loving conversations and concern for one of their own being played for laughs at Buck’s expense, or an emergency with people in distress during the incident and during their rescue, but their call to 911 is some "memeable”, quippy pun. The crew and the cast still clearly love and respect the work they are doing, but looking at the writing, it’s just NOT the same and really does feel like KR’s idea of “lighter” is “making everything into a joke” instead of realizing that when you create tension there has to be a release, when someone suffers, there needs to be comfort, when characters fight, they need to make up. 
I’m with you, my friend. I’m just so, so tired. And god forbid I say that because then I’m suddenly “hate watching” and “don’t understand the show” and should quit watching. Did I laugh during this episode? YES! Did Eddie throwing that bracelet at Chim add 3 years to my life? YES! Did Hen and Chim stopping to yell and ask why that damn bracelet was still around make my heart swell with joy? YES! Did happy, relaxed, Beach!Eddie re-write my brain forever? YES! But at the same time, are a few surface level fun scenes enough to sustain the show? To make it memorable? What’s that quote? Art isn’t supposed to be pretty, it’s supposed to make you feel something”, and this show used to have such depth and heart that there are STILL scenes and episodes I’ve seen multiple times that just thinking about give me literal chills or makes me tear up a little. But it hasn’t been that way, consistently, in a LONG time and the audience is getting tired.
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mammonswhore · 6 months
MC and their tiny dog!
summary: MC gets their little dog from the human world to the House of Lamentation and everyone has mixed reactions about it!
This idea came to me while avoiding uni work so enjoy.
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Everyone was so happy you were coming back from the Human Realm, you were gone for almost a month and all the demons were waiting for you coming back. Much to their surprise, you brought back your most loved companion: your dog.
You call this a dog? Really?
He is speechless and for bad because he never agreed to you having a puppy at home.
When he gets a chance he will pull you away and ask you what do you mean by this. You have various choices but the most efficient one is to remind him that he said you were equals and that meant being able to take decisions on what gets inside the house.
That serves to butter him up and make him daydream of running the House together as more than equals. He will grunt and mumble how he is stilo thw head of the house but the dog can stay as long as you take care of it's needs.
He isn´t friendly with the puppy unless the puppy is friendly first. Maybe the pup sneaks inside his office and sleeps at his feet while he works or even the puppy waits for him at the main entrance and wiggles when he gets home. He isn't going to be specially sweet to him but he will pet the dog and buy him little toys every once in a while.
Now,Lucifer knows how important the dog is for you so he will keep his mean thoughts to himself but to him a creature thar size is not worthy calling a dog.
Won't even think of taking the dog on a walk but he will offer himself to go buy him food or any supplies he needs.
"I don't appreciate your dog, I am doing it because I appreciate you and the effort you make."
He's lying,he appreciates the dog because the dog's love for him it's a sign of trust and respect and if you ever treat the dog like your little child he will 100% puff his chest and say the dog loves him to be with you.
He doesn't want the dog on his bed nor yours but he can sleep on the couchs if you keep their hair brushed and neat.
When he gets accustomed to the pup he will tell you that whenever you need help making them take a bath just call him. Honestly he just wants to have that kind of domestic moments with you.
Overall an 7/10 because he will never not look down on the pup because of their size.
Now see,he likes cats more BUT he is such a good kind soul that all animals like him, including your dog.
It doesn't come as a surprise when your dog follows him around the house and wiggles at him to play.
And just like you, the dog wins over Mammon's heart in no time. They go on walks together and Mammon went as far as to call himself their step-dad.
The dog sleeps with him and has his own bed on his room as well as another set of plates to eat and drink from because the House is enormous for a dog who's as tiny as they are.
Teaches your dog tricks to surprise you. Suddenly Mammon claps and the dog plays dead and you get a heart attack because Mammon forgot to warn you. His bad, he's sorry please don't hate him.
The size of the dog amuses him so much, he gets so giddy when the dog sneaks into small places, hops on top of him or anything that includes taking advantage of his size.
Buys him a new collar and a new tag that has yours and his number in case the little one goes missing.
His smile ia bigger than ever when the dog waits for him at the main entrance, Mammon drops to his knees to pick his kid and snuggle him a little before both of them go to your room to also snuggle you.
Total dog dad 11/10
Not so friendly with the dog not only because he's jealous but also because the dog looks at him too much for his liking. He's okay with looking at the pup as long as they don't stare at him with 'empty eyes' as he called them.
Wouldn't let them inside his room, he thinks dogs are not naturally clean creatures nor they are careful. He will die if the dog chews at anything he finds valuable or worst, if the dog eats anything that they found on his room and dies.
If the dog is calm and usually chill, Levi will lay down on your bed and the dog will get some petting and cuddles but it has to be in your room.
He strikes me as an allergic person and if he happens to be allergic to the dog Levi will probably get on a medical treatment because a. It's going to be a hassle and b. He loves you and you spend a lot of time with the little one.
He's not very good at showing emotions but he will show his appreciation for the dog in tiny gifts and talking to them about his day. It's a common sight to find them in your bed talking (Well, only Levi does the talking but still) and playing with a toy that keeps the dog jumping around.
5/10 because he will kick the dog out when he gets tired of them.
Totally not. "That thing can´t have a place in my home! I can´t have a cat but MC gets to have a damn dog?" He is furious.
He won´t lash out to you nor the dog, Lucifer will pay for the broken plates. Both of them yell at each other through dinner until Lucifer dismisses them and the only sound that can be heard for at least an hour or so is Satan telling Lucifer he is "an ungrateful fucker who has preference" and Lucifer would dismiss him and ignore his points. This will blow into a heated argument, they will most likely throw hands but hey Satan´s got a cat now.
After Lucifer agreed that Satan could have a cat (he was tired to argue), Satan seemed more than happy and Mr. Whiskers seemed to be chill around your dog so there were no biggie.
Each animal stays on it´s own room until they get used to the other, then they will slowly start to come around and be friendly.
Now, if they are friendly from the beginning then Satan will look at your dog more fondly but if they don´t Satan will most likely dislike your dog and say your puppy lacks manners and that you should put more effort into raising him.
"Oh but look at it! It doesn´t have the calm and charm of a cat I find it´s fluffiness annoying and pompous, I can´t think of why you would share something as sacred as your bed with that."
He really is annoying about your dog so you need to set boundaries clear and tell him to shut the fuck up.
1/10 This one doesn´t need a clearer explanation.
Total cutie! Asmo loves your dog!
He is another dog dad, he loves how your puppy is so affectionate and playful with him. He loves taking pictures of your pup and posting them, there´s thousands of videos of them playing tag, with sticks, even there´s a few pics of Asmo showering your little one.
He is the perfect person to go to the vet with, he talks to the dog all the way through and helps the little one relax when they are about to see the vet.
He keeps a stash of stuff for your puppy like clothes, dog food, treats and more. Asmodeus is so enamored with your pup, he thinks your puppy is so small and cheerful and he thinks they resemble you.
"MC your dog is just like you it´s true, the dogs resembles their owners!"
Asmodeus is the sweetest alive when it comes to cute animals, he doesn't like the fur the tiny one leaves around but he bought a brush for his clothes.
He loves how you two are really close, Asmo enjoys seeing the pup follow you around and be your companion. He is a little worried sometimes because everyone and everything in the house is big and the dog is really smal.
He really likes putting the dog on his bed and playing with it, rubbing it's belly and speaking to them the same way one speaks to babies.
100% the first one to throw a fit if somebody says the dog is ugly, don't call his baby ugly!
Super dog dad, 10/10 he exceeded on his duties.
He likes it,he doesn't love it bu he loves the look on your face when the dog is around, how you enjoy it's company so if it makes you happy then everything is fine.
He is usually fond of dogs and he is fond of your dog but it's really tiny and it makes him uncomfortable.
Before you,Beel wasn't used to hang around things or people significantly smaller than him and even you are smaller than him due to his demonic traits but still. He doesn't want to hurt the puppy,he knows it will kill your heart if something happened to the dog that you see as your kid. He us used to you and the little trinkets you give him as well as the little things in your every day life that he came to notice but the dog moves,it has life and a mind and it kind of scares him.
He reads a lot about tiny dogs so he can know how to help you, he wants to be involved but with his hands and strength away from the puppy as to not hurt them.
"Is his heart okay? I closed the door too loud and I read that it could scare them so much their hearts stopped."
Eventually Beel will come around and hang around with the dog,petting them and playing with so much gentleness.
If the dog likes the soft game is cool but if the dog likes playing rough he is more than okay. Soon enough Beel is bitten in places like his toes, fingers, hands, arms and whenever the dog can reach. Truly it's tiny teeth do no harm to Beel other than tickle him.
He likes brushing the dog, washing its clothes and teeth, sharing small pieces of his food with them. Watching them interact it's extremely adorable.
I'll put him on a 9/10 because he barked back at the dog once.
Nope. 100% dislikes the dog, it's always following you and growling at him and it makes his skin itch.
More than once he made jokes about pushing the dog when it's going downstairs to watch him fall, he earned a punch in the stomach (deserved).
Satan once said that the pup dislikes Belphie so much because they are similar to MC and they probably sensed his vibes. Belphie is hurt and bothered but he tries to be less of a little shit to the dog ever since.
It takes some time, a few growls from both sides and some biting but they get there. Belphie once shared a piece of meat with the pup and they have been less wary of him ever since, the pup once barked to Lucifer and Belphie softened a little at the sight.
Belphie doesn't like to be bothered while sleeping but he does like the extra watm the dog provides when they lay at his feet. Progressively the dog likes him more and more to the point of sleeping by his side at the height of his shoulder even going as far as to lay on top of him.
Dislikes the licking, like he finds it disgusting most of the time specially when the dog licked his face he made the worst gagging noise.
He likes to feed the dog because it reminds him of Beel, the dog is excited when he eats food and so is Beel.
Again overall 7/10 because he's not good nor bad he just exists alongside the dog.
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angelicsjn · 5 months
how are the six yanderes with a friendly s/o? Like no matter the gender, they're js very friendly. I can only imagine niko's reaction 😭😭 ANYWAYS I LOVE UR WORKS KEEP IT UP!! <33
Thank you so much, angel!
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This honestly makes Roman happy.
He finds it hard to connect to people on a personal scale, so he would initially be very interested in you based on how you treat others - no matter who they are.
Plus, while in a relationship it only aids him and his image. How can he be a mean and tough person if his partner is the epitome of kindness?
The journalists are obsessed with you and your drace, how you bright up every photo and the fans can't help but love you.
But Roman doesn't get jealous easy, he's secure in himself and your relationship.
Befriend his teammate, have dinners with the other wags, go to parties in Monaco with him and drink champagne on yachts with his closest friends!
Everybody knows better than to cross Roman Beauregard and his shiniest trophy.
He's very kind himself! So he loves it. Two sunshines are better than one.
At times he would prefer you to be more standoffish, he doesn't like that nasty twinge he feels in his chest when you laugh at one of his teammates jokes a little too hard, but it still makes him happy that his friends and family like you.
Anyway, nobody will threaten your relationship; they're a dumb person if they do because well... Have you seen the size of him?
In general, he adores your kindness and appreciates the positivity you give him after a bad day, but sometimes he suffers a sad case of jealousy.
Oh boy...
He HATES it. It annoys him. So. Fucking. Much.
Why are you smiling at that stranger?
Why do you laugh at their jokes? They aren't even funny.
Stop complimenting the colour of that persons T-shirt. Compliment him!
He goes borderline insane and blames you for almost causing him a bullying scandal online due to his jealous rage.
He will water it down, take all of that kindness and keep it for himself.
He's selfish, in every way possible.
He doesn't really notice it at first since he's around very 'happy' people all of the time.
He just believes that you're being nice to look good, to make friends. Maybe you're lying.
Even better - you're saying it subliminally to him...
He wore red yesterday, obviously you're complimenting the girls red coat as a hint. Duh!
But he also takes notes. Whatever you like in a person, he will become.
Just for you, darling!
It makes his life a whole lot easier as regards to communication with him.
If you speak first, show openess and kindness, he feels more confident because you can carry the initial conversations until his nerves have settled.
He does feel jealousy at times, especially if you show more interest in someone else; someone better than him; someone more desirable than him.
Hayden isn't mean, it's not who he is. Much like you he prefers kindness but being kind doesn't get the girl, not usually, so seeing you bond with others so freely makes him feel under attack.
what if you find better?
He loves it.
He loves your kind nature, your giving self. He loves how you attract so much energy and spread so much love.
You truly are an angel sent down to love, to love the earth and its people.
To love him.
It reminds him that there is good on earth and that God believes he is worthy of such a gem.
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writefinch · 5 months
Hey! Sorry to pull you in here before your break, we just need a quick chat. So, long story short, uh, a customer complained that you point-blank offered him a condom.
This isn't the first time. You know it's against company policy. You're only supposed to get them if the customer requests it first. Like, you're not even supposed to have them on display. I know that part is stupid, but if the regional manager checks the tapes and sees condom bowls in plain view, I'd still get written up.
No, no, absolutely not, I'm not going to write you up. I don't think it's necessary and you know it goes totally against my management style. I want to talk through your concerns.
I wanna remind you that we take all the recommended industry-standard precautions. In fact we go above them! First off, you're fully vaxxed, and that's the end of ninety percent of things to worry about, period. You've got an IUD on the company health plan, even though your T-shots probably suppress it. The customers get a physical screen in the waiting area. All us boys and girlies get tested every three weeks, twice as frequent as the industry standard.
That's already extensive, it makes you safer than the vast majority of people in our line of work. If we did any more, customers will get the wrong idea. They'll think we're an unclean brothel with unclean customers. It'd remind them too much of all the you-know-what from the past few years.
Yes, you're not wrong about that. Breakthrough infections happen, and people get sick. But you know what I'm gonna say? You're very robust, you know that? You've been here for what, eighteen months, you've been pulling long hours and beacoup extra shifts and you've barely caught a sniffle. The testosterone must be helping!
Now you might not stay this lucky forever, that's why we have six paid sick days and a flexible admin rota. Usually when you catch something it'll be a mild itch and trouble peeing. You won't even wanna rest, and yeah you won't get the full rate for paid clients, you can still get paid to do the laundry and the paperwork for a week while it clears up.
Every year I get a couple of colds from my kids and take three or four days off, and every year I always get a VD from one of the clients and spend a week washing sheets and cleaning dildos. You know what that gives me? Two or three days rolled over into vacation time!
Yes, you can get unlucky. You can get a couple of back-to-back infections. I tell every boy and girl who starts here the same thing: before they take out a loan on a new car or move out of their toxic roommate situation, make sure to get two weeks pay in a savings account. Even if you do have to dip into your rainy day fund, you know full well that there's always extra shifts to pick up around here.
Yeah, you can catch something nasty. You can have a bad reaction. We all remember how scary it was before the vaccines were available. But here's the thing: you drive to work, right? You're on the freeway twice a day. Forty-thousand people die every year in car crashes, and tens of thousands more get life-changing injuries. You don't spend every day worrying about that, right?
You just get on with it and live your life.
Look, I'm really sorry about this whole thing. You're really special to me, you know that? You're a genuine friend to me, I mean that. We get on really well, all the girls love you, you're a hit with clients and that's why I jumped on this y'know? This job is only as fun as the people here make it, and I don't want to see you written up for something that can be talked out.
Discipline here is so stupid. I'm fucking sick of the owners hassling girls, and boys, out of working here and then crying and bitching when we can't meet customer demand.
I said I'd be out of here as soon as I get my HVAC cert but if they put us all through that again I'll just quit on the spot. That's why I want to look out for you. You've helped me through some really difficult times, on shift and off. I wouldn't have been able to get through junket season without you. I'm serious, if you hadn't joined when you did, there'd be gun laws named after me.
Thanks for listening, and again, I'm sorry for even bringing this stuff up. Just promise you'll keep what I've said in mind? We've all got to look out for each other here.
Hey, once you're back from break, can I have your help with something? I've got a no-refusal client and well, all the other girls refused. What? No I don't want you to take him, c'mon man I'm not gonna let you off a written warning to guilt you into picking up my shit, honestly! No, I'm the supervisor on shift so it's up to me.
Anyway he's not into boys, even pretty ones like you, sorry. But he's a real charmer, so would you mind sticking close in case he starts throwing up or throwing hands? If I have to hit the panic button I think Sergei will throw him out of a window, and nobody needs that headache.
Thanks, I really appreciate it. We'll be in the spa room, so let me know when you're ready to play pool boy…
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prismdelta · 2 years
Giant Grandpa OC
Name: Elhanan
Age: 75 years old Physically, Biologically unknown
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Giant
Height: 100 feet tall and still growing
Occupation: Tattoo Artist, Barista, Professional Bodybuilder Strongman
Broadly Middle Eastern
Unknown, but they did come from all the Countries from the Middle East and Egypt.
Personality and General Background: A Strong, Intimidating, and Fierce looking Old Man that could send shivers down your spine, Tinies are usually naturally Scared of Giants but he takes that Fear to a Whole new Level.
Especially his size and his Appearance, along with Gang Tattoos on his Muscular Arms, one may think he is part of a Gang, like an Old timer, well that's partially true.He was Part of Gang that specialises in the Capturing of Tinies and selling them on Blood Markets, as well as eating them up.He has quite the History that make him top of every Giant Slayer's Kill list, even though they have never seen him face to face.
He was no longer one of them but even if those Tattoos were Fading but it would always stay on him as a Reminder of what he did in the Past, Elhanan feels guilty for all the pain, all the broken families that he had caused, that's why he tries so hard to help Tinies in everywhere he goes, especially at his Workplace, a Tattoo-Coffee shop Parlor known as "Black Arts"
Little Tiny Kids who come back from School, usually goes to his Shop, to study or even just hear one of Elhanan's Stories, he is a Great Storyteller and with Old, Gruff and Raspy Voice, it made every story he told like a Tale passed down for Generations.The Kids call him, Grandpa El, because of his age, and Teens could count on him to be the Best Gym bro....or in this Case Best Gym Grandpa.
He is now Gentle and Friendly and has the tendency to be a Dad to everyone, he makes the Best Coffee and does the most Aesthetic Tattoos in existence, however underneath all of that he is extremely guilty for what he did in his Youth and afterall he did he isn't surprised to hear that a Giant Slayer was in town, possibly here to end his Life.
Fun fact: His Favourite Coffee is Turkish Coffee
He doesn't eat Tinies anymore, well more like he only does Mouthplay and a little Teasing but nothing much, unlike most Giants of the Younger Generation, his Predator senses are stronger and frankly much more dangerous.
He doesn't know who the Giant Slayer is, but he does know they were coming for him and every Giant and Sizeshifter, he is willing to get Killed by them due to his everlasting Guilt.
When he is really close to you, he calls you Bug for fun, he doesn't mean it in a Bad way, he says it to the Tiny kids all the time, those are his little bugs.
This OC is part of an Ongoing Tumblr G/t project where I make OCs, with Tropes like Coffee Shop, Florist/Tattoo Artist AUs, but it's filled with other roles and it's situated in a Mall for Giants, Humans, Tinies and Sizeshifters, the encounters are Fluffy and Wholesome in the day but of course it has a Dark plot, which usually happens at Night.
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joyandthephantoms · 1 year
wonder how it'd be to love you
1k, T, Flynn/Nick
flynn nick fake dating!
on ao3
The thing about Nick Danforth-Evans is that Flynn doesn’t talk to him. It’s not out of spite or anything; Flynn’s got nothing against him—well, okay. She has a pretty minimal number of things against him. Julie liked him for years, which means Flynn has been judging him for years, but he’s honestly, like. Fine. Kind of a boring pushover, definitely too good for Carrie and nowhere near good enough for Julie, but the list of gripes ends there. As far as Flynn can tell, he’s not secretly an asshole or anything, he’s just some guy.
Still, though, they’re not friends, they never have been, they’re not even particularly friendly, so it’s weird to find him hovering around her locker before the first bell, and even weirder when he says, “Hey, can I maybe get your help with something?”
Since Flynn is also not an asshole, she doesn’t bring up the established lack of friendship, just says, “What’s up?”
“Um . . .” He tugs at the sleeve of his jacket, looks up and down the hall like he's trying to make sure no one is watching, and then rolls forward and back on the balls of his feet just once before asking, “Would you be willing to go out with me for a little while? Just for like, a month or two.”
She can’t help it: she laughs in his face. “Is that how you ask people out? Holy moly, no wonder you haven’t managed to date anyone but Carrie.”
“No, that’s . . . kind of why I’m asking,” Nick says. “Sorry, I did this in the stupidest way possible, can I just—okay.” He visibly resets, and, okay, it’s a little bit endearing, if only because it reminds Flynn that Julie is the same kind of awkward. "Sorry. I shouldn't have sprung that on you out of nowhere. It's complicated, and I'm not trying to put you in a weird position, I just—"
The bell interrupts him, and he curses. "Can we meet up later? Not a date or anything, just so I can explain better."
"Sure," Flynn says. Her afternoon is wide open, and she's dying to find out what on earth is going on here.
"Cool. Okay. You're the best." He gives her a thumbs up, then changes his mind and goes for finger guns instead, and then he's gone.
“Walk me through the logic here again,” Flynn says eight hours later, sitting cross legged on Nick's bedroom floor. "You want to, what, pretend to date someone Carrie hates to make her mad? Not jealous, though, I got that part, so are we just pissing her off for fun, or what?"
“It’s not like that,” Nick says. “Look, I just—I really need to not get back together with her this time.”
“And you need me for this because . . . ?”
“Because I’m really bad at not dating her,” Nick admits. “Every time we break up, I tell myself I'm going to actually stay away from her for good this time, and then I always get back with her anyway. I need a good reason not to, and I need someone else to hold me to it.”
“Okay,” Flynn says, “But like. You’re not this desperate, right? Like you do realize there are people out there who actually want to date you.”
“I’m not gonna use someone like that,” Nick insists. “It isn’t fair unless they’re in on it.”
It's a low bar, but Flynn can admit that it's nice that Nick isn't willing to string along some poor girl just because he's a spineless idiot about his ex-girlfriend. He's at least being honest about what he's asking for, and she respects that.
And she does get his whole thing with Carrie, really. Julie knew that Carrie wasn't good for her months before things permanently blew up between them, but that didn't mean it was easy for her to break out of patterns of hoping and trying and giving in, and all Flynn could do was be the best friend she could be, try to prove to Julie that it's actually super easy and cool and fun to treat her well. She hated watching her go through all that, but she'd do it a hundred times over if Julie needed her to.
Nick doesn't have anything close to that kind of best friend privilege, but, yeah, the particular predicament he's in does kinda hit close for Flynn. Even if it's dumb, she wants to help him.
"Okay," she says. "Let's talk details."
Nick blinks at her, surprised. “Does that mean you’re in?”
“It means I want details. Terms and conditions first, then I tell you if I agree to them."
"Fair enough," Nick says. "What do you need to know?"
"How long do you need me to do this? Cause I hate to break it to you, but I don't think Carrie's going anywhere any time soon, and I'm not gonna hold your hand all the way through to graduation."
"No, of course not," Nick says, "I wouldn't ask you to. I really do just need a month or two, like I said. Carrie and I have never broken up for more than three weeks, so I think if I can get a little bit past that point, I should be fine."
"Cool," Flynn says. "What do I get out of this?"
Nick cringes. "I know I'm asking for a huge favor here. I'll pay for all our dates and everything, we can go wherever you want, and I can drive, too, whenever you want me to, if that helps."
"Not a bad deal," Flynn decides. "What kind of PDA are you expecting? I assume that's the main point here."
"Whatever you're cool with," Nick says quickly. "Doesn't need to be anything major, as long as you can, you know, act like you like me, let me walk you to class, post a couple dates on your instagram, stuff like that."
"Easy," Flynn says. "Okay. I just need to check on one more thing, give me a second." She pulls out her phone and opens up her text thread with Julie.
just curious
you're like
100% sure you're over Nick
Julie immediately responds with a selfie: she's sitting pressed up against Luke, his arm wrapped around her waist and his chin hooked over her shoulder, both of them grinning like heart-eyed idiots.
Flynn looks back up at Nick. "I'm in."
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fnaf-a-palooza · 3 years
May we get some bear yanderes please? Classic Freddy, Twisted Freddy, CTW Freddy, Glamrock Freddy, and Withered Freddy? If these haven't changed, then could you just copy and paste? Thank ya! I know I'm an asshole I'm sorry
I'll only be doing Classic and Withered Freddy (adding Toy Freddy, Golden Freddy, and Lefty) because I don't know much about CTW or Twisted Freddy at all (haven't read the books, sorry ;-; I need to get on that).  Rockstar Freddy, Glamrock Freddy, and Funtime Freddy have already been written for. If you'd like hcs for Nedbear, Fredbear, and Helpy, feel free to request! Also, you're all good! ^^ No need to apologize.
Warning: Yandere Themes
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Freddy is a patient yandere, who will wait for his chance to pursue you. Due to his careful steps in inserting himself into your life, he doesn't really see a need to kidnap you. He's a friendly man, who you've grown to like over the course of time. You may not even notice his yandere tendencies at all or the way he narrows his eyes at those who bother you. Freddy becomes someone you can come to for support or vent to. He's an astounding listener and wonderful at comforting you—and that is what he wants. It's not an act. This is all genuine since he loves you deeply and wants you to feel comfortable around him. Freddy is aware of the unhealthy feelings he's experiencing, but he can work with that. The yandere tendencies are kept to a minimum as he reminds himself in due time that you'll be his. I mean, who else could make you this happy? It's hard to come across people like him who are kind to you out of the good in their heart and not for selfish gain... So why don't you just choose him?
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Unlike original Freddy, Withered Freddy is not as patient when it comes to his darling and is an extremely possessive yandere. He's upset and oh so lonely to the point where he deeply craves affection. Though, he won't outright admit it unless pushed to answer. There is no planning on his part and is mostly stalking and watching your every move. You've caught his interest and now he wants to know why. The more he watches, the more he gets attached. When he gets attached is when he'll get more impatient. His actions are not always thoroughly thought out and mostly taken in the moment, which can lead to some inconveniences whether on his or your end. One of these inconveniences would be the consequences of him just kidnapping you with no second thought. Freddy has waited too long. Now lays the repercussions since he did just pick you off out of nowhere while you were alone. Still, he'll manage and try to take things smoothly as he tells you that you won't be leaving anytime soon.
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Honestly couldn't believe something like this would happen, but Golden Freddy isn't complaining too much. Sadly though, you won't know much about him until he either reveals himself to you or the two of you stumble upon each other. 'Till then, he carefully watches you and occasionally assists you should you need it. Notes are posts here and there for you; informing you about certain things about the pizzeria such as the quietest places to take break or helpful tips. These do also serve as reminders to take care of yourself. Golden Freddy doesn't like to keep things like this, but there's a nagging fear on how you'd react to him. It does irk him how he can't be with you in person and others can. He hates this intense feeling of bitterness towards those who can spend time with you. This just conflicts with the mindset that he doesn't deserve you at all, but he just can't keep himself away. No matter how much he says so. Still, of course you will grow to wonder who this mysterious stranger was and start to investigate. Golden Freddy takes this chance to lure you—it's become too much to wait any longer.
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With insecurities like him, I'd say Toy Freddy is a clingy and smothering yandere. He's the leader of his crew, but not the boss—which the title is reserved for a certain puppet. T. Freddy is aware of that and painfully aware that he is not very intimidating. More so... Soft. He hates that. So when he gains an obsession towards you, he absolutely wants to make a great impression on you; to be someone you can rely on. He gives a helping hand when you need it, which is nice. However, it soon becomes slightly annoying when he starts insisting on assisting you with almost everything. You voice this out to him, and you feel a bit guilty at his hurt expression. T. Freddy just wants you to always seek his help. He wants to be useful and the shoulder you can lean on. Hearing that he's annoying really hurts his heart. Was it too much? He's very sorry. He'll try again; do better next time. As a yandere, T. Freddy doesn't pin blame on others for why you'd do this; he knows it's him. However, the thing with that is he won't believe his behavior is unhealthy. It's the delusional part that does it.
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It starts of with curiosity and interest until Lefty notices that it's becoming something more. This interest in you will soon develop and he'll more of an obsessive yandere in the long run. Again, he actually notices that all this is unraveling, but for some reason he just watches as it does. You've brought this about in him and he wants to relish in it. Lefty has come to hang off every word you say and cherish the moments you share together. You don't mind his tendencies to having his mind wander and bring him back down gently. He feels like you treat him like he's normal and not a nuisance, lost cause, or just a waste of potential. However, it gets irritable to hear that others are close to you as well. Lefty wishes he didn't have to experience this sort of pain, but it just happens. He knows that there will be other people, but sometimes he just wants to be the only person you turn your attention to. It sounds selfish, he admits, but he can't help it. If they so arrogantly believe they can just keep you to themselves... He'll just have to take matters in his own hands.
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nashibirne · 3 years
Gimme Shelter - 3
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Chapter 3 anyone? Well...here it comes. I hope you enjoy it. If so, please leave me a comment, like or replog. 💜
Previous part -> Nashi’s Masterlist
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC (Kat Spencer)
Words: ~3.1k
Summary: Henry has to deal with a personal crisis and he finds shelter with his old rugby mate Sam and his sister Kat. She used to be Henry’s best friend a very long time ago. Will they be able to become friends again or maybe even more? Chapter 3: Henry tries to get closer to Kat but there are various obstacles.
Warnings: RPF, mention of mental health issues and panic attacks, language
No beta! All mistakes are mine. English is not my mother tongue so expect bad grammar and wrong spelling.
Disclaimer: I don’t know the real Henry Cavill, this is pure fiction and nothing more
Credits: Pics for the moodboard from Pinterest. Face claims: Kat = Jennifer Connelly, Eli = Stephen James
Taglist (please let me know if you want to be added or removed)
@lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @hell1129-blog @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @madbaddic7ed @artandotherdelights @sweetlybigdragonn @notabronte @littlefreya @luclittlepond @eldarwen333 @meowpurrbooks @marantha @rn7rocks
I should've known better than to cheat a friend
And waste the chance that I'd been given
So I'm never gonna dance again
The way I danced with you, ohh
Never without your love
From Careless Whisper written by Andrew J. Ridgeley / George Michael
Henry was wrong thinking their conversation was the end of Kat's distant behaviour. Sure, it got better but she was still acting aloof and it was clear as day that she still couldn't see him as a friend. She treated him like a guest. Always polite and friendly but keeping her distance and neutrality. And that was the reason why he was really looking forward to tonight. It was Saturday and they were going to visit the city festival that took place every summer and that was a big event in the little town of St. Ives. Henry, Kat and Sam with his girlfriend Lydia, who was a delicate and very pretty black woman with an astonishing amount of energy, always in a good mood and wearing her heart on her sleeve. Henry immediately got why Kat liked her so much, when he met her for the first time a day after he moved in. She was funny and very smart, a real tough cookie but caring and warm-hearted, too. So it was going to be just the four of them and of course he was hoping for a chance to come a little closer to Kat in the relaxed atmosphere of the public party with some music and drinks. Maybe she was able to loosen up around him there. 
When they arrived the festival was in full swing. The city was crowded with tourists and locals, smiling faces everywhere and the friends were in a good mood, too. Sam and Lydia were standing arm in arm and Kat was sure her brother had finally found his perfect match. She'd never seen him so in love before and she was genuinely happy for him. Henry went to a stall and came back with four glasses of beer, after he had taken a few selfies with some fangirls. Kat was wondering how he felt about this. About the fact that he got recognized although he was in St. Ives to escape all the media hype and all the pressure that it had put on him in the last years but he didn't seem to care. Maybe he's so used to it that it doesn't bother him, Kat thought, or he's just not showing it. "Cheers." Henry said, smiling at them, holding Kat's gaze a little longer than usual which made her nervous. "Cheers." They answered in unison and Kat started to look around. There were various stalls selling all kinds of stuff, from kitsch to unique art and she even spotted some carousels. The band that had been playing was just leaving the stage right in front of the harbour.
"Isn't that Elijah?" Sam nudged her and nodded at a stall a few meters away. 
"Who?" Lydia craned her neck to take a look. "The inked guy?"
"Shit. Yes, that's him." Kat made a face and Henry turned around. There was only one inked guy. He was tall and buff, tattooed from head to toe - literally. He was young, 24 or 25  maybe, and very handsome, Henry had to admit that. Piercing blue eyes, a sharp jawline and high cheekbones, his black hair worn in a stylish undercut, dressed in ripped jeans and a simple white T-shirt.
"This is your fuck boy?" Lydia blurted out. Kat shushed her with an awkward grin. "He was my fuck boy. Past tense."
Henry felt his stomach twist in a strange mix of jealousy, anger and protectiveness.
"Damn, girl. You never mentioned he is that hot. I see why you didn't say no to him."
"Excuse me?" Sam looked at his girlfriend with a frown. "You don't even like tattoos?" Lydia laughed out loud and kissed him. "You're right, baby, he's gross." 
"There he comes." Henry said looking at Kat who rolled her eyes.
"Heaven help." She muttered under her breath.
"Kat, good to see you." Ink guy hugged her before he eyed her up and down. "You look great." 
"Hi. Thanks. You look good too." She smiled at him and there was an awkward pause until she cleared her throat to introduce him.
"Um, yeah, you know my brother Sam and this is his girlfriend Lydia." She pointed at them. "And here we have our new housemate Henry." She nodded at him and Henry flinched. Housemate. Not friend, just housemate.
"Guys, this is Elijah. We used to do Yoga together."
Elijah glanced at her before he put on a lewd smirk. "Yeah, let's call it Yoga." He raised his eyebrows and gave Kat a sexy wink.
"Speaking of which. I really miss our long and intense...Yoga exercises." He grinned. "I think about you a lot to get into the right mood, whenever I do Yoga...all alone. On my own. Almost every night."
Kat raised an eyebrow and returned his flirtatious smile. "I'm sure you don't have problems finding a new Yoga partner."
"No, I don't. I've tried it with a few. But it's hard to find someone as good as you. As flexible and experienced and passionate...about Yoga."
Kat was speechless for a moment and Elijah stepped closer and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. "Maybe we can do a session tonight."
Kat looked him in the eyes, biting her bottom lip. "Yeah. Maybe. If I'm in the mood for Yoga later."
He grinned. "See you on the dance floor? The DJ's gonna start his show in a few."
"Sure." Kat nodded.
"Great. See ya, guys." He waved at them and strolled away with a swagger that annoyed Henry.
When he was out of earshot Sam laughed out loud.
"Fuck, sis. Did the guy just tell you, you're his wank-rag?"
Kat knitted her brows with an embarrassed grin. "Shut up, okay? I don't wanna hear anything about this. This conversation never happened." She blushed furiously and Henry would have loved to ask her about the story behind all this but he kept his mouth shut. It was none of his business. He was just the housemate.
It took Henry another four glasses of beer to  find the courage to ask her about Mr. Ink anyway.
"So what's going on with you and...Elijah?" Henry faked nonchalance by giving her just a quick glance and a tiny smile.
"Nothing." Kat didn't even look at him. Instead she watched the dancing crowd in front of the stage.
"I see." Henry tried to shrug it off and took another sip of his beer. He knew he shouldn't drink so much but it helped him to loosen up. 
"Do you really think it's good for you to drink so much when you're still on your meds?"
Henry wasn't surprised by her question. She had always taken care of him. She had always been his voice of reason.
"No. Actually I know it's a very bad idea."
"But you do it anyway. Some things never change." Kat turned to him, took his glass out of his hands and replaced it with her glass of coke. He accepted it with a lopsided grin and the look they shared when their hands touched for a second made his heart flutter.
"I had a fling with him last year." Kat finally explained. "We went to the same Yoga class and we started to...well...have sex. It only lasted a two months."
"Why did it end?"
"It got a little out of hand. Eli wanted more than booty calls but I didn't. I just wanted casual fucks…"
Henry looked at her with a frown. Of course she misinterpreted his expression.
"Don't you dare judge me, Cavill…" Her voice was tense.
"I don't judge you, Kat. Casual sex can be great, I know that. I'm just surprised. I mean, you used to be the romantic type…"
"Romance is dead, Henry." She tried to temper her words with a smile but he knew that look that crossed her eyes. A mixture of defiance and sadness, that indicated a topic that worried her though she wouldn't want to talk about it. "Kat…." He touched her arm and she flinched as if his hand was burning her. Kat gave Henry an apologetic smile. Shaking her head she took his hand and gave it a quick squeeze. "I'm fine." The way he looked at her -his head cocked, his gaze intense- made her skin tingle and so she quickly averted her eyes.
She constantly had to remind herself of their conversation a few days ago. She was willing to give it a try, to be friends with him again but she just wasn't able to shake off the past. And the mixed emotions she had just thinking about him weren't helpful as well. She was attracted to him more than she wanted to be and at the same time she couldn't stand being too close to him. Henry opened his mouth to say something but before he was able to do so Lydia took Kat by the hand and dragged her away. "Come on, Kat. Let's dance. I love this song."
Elijah found Kat on the dance floor after just five minutes. She seemed to be hesitant at first about dancing with him but after another five minutes she had given in and now Henry was watching them getting closer with every song, moving to the rhythm, Elijah was holding her very close, rubbing his body against hers and it looked pretty hot.
"The guy's got moves, huh?" Sam nudged Henry with a grin.
"Yeah." He couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"If you're so annoyed by him, why don't you do something about it?"
Henry looked at him with a frown. "What do you mean?"
"I mean you can go on watching them dry humping on the dancefloor with hungry eyes or you can go dance with Kat yourself."
Henry let out a snort.
"I don't think your sister wants to dance with me."
"You'll never know if you don't try."
Henry just grunted and tried to shrug it off but Sam didn't want to let him off the hook.
"Just go and dance with her."
"I don't know."
"Oh come on, Cavill. Don't be such a sissy."
"Where's the point, Sam. She hates me."
Sam shook his head. "She doesn't hate you."
"But she doesn't like me either." Henry wasn't convinced. 
"She likes you more than she dislikes you." Sam replied cryptically. "Now, come on. Go and put this prick in his place." Sam took Henry's glass and gave him a little shove. "Go." Henry stumbled forward. "Go." Sam repeated. Henry rolled his eyes. "Fine. She thinks I'm an idiot anyway. Not a problem if I make a fool of myself."
Henry made his way through the dancing crowd and when he finally stood right beside them Kat noticed him with a surprised smile. She stopped moving and Elijah gave him an angry glance. "Sorry, but I have to cut in." 
"You do?" Kat asked sarcastically. "I do. Sorry, mate." He took Kat's hand and pulled her away from Elijah.
"Fancy a dance?" He indicated a bow and gave her a wink.
Kat grinned and gave Eli an apologetic shrug before turning to Henry again.
"Why not. Show me your moves."
And so they danced. Not as sexy and close as she had danced with Mr. Ink but still. She seemed to be happy and enjoying his company and that was all Henry was asking for. He wasn't the best dancer but it felt okay after the first awkward moments and Kat even touched him from time to time. After the third uptempo song the DJ played a slow track and he pulled Kat closer. She hesitated for a brief moment but then she wrapped her arms around his neck and he held her by her waist. They swayed to the slow music, their bodies not touching but their eyes met and Henry was wondering if Kat's heart was racing as fast as his. 
Kat's heart was indeed racing. So many years ago this had been all she'd ever wished for. To dance with him to a romantic song. To feel his hands on her body. To be close to him. But those teenage dreams belonged to the past. She didn't believe in the idea of everlasting love anymore. She had given up on waiting for 'the one' a long time ago. And even if she had this tiny spark of hope for finding true love remaining in the darkest corners of her mind, it couldn't be Henry, could it? Her heart and mind screamed no. No, woman, he broke your heart. Don't get too close to him. You're going to burn your fingers. Again. He's not the one for you. But her body said yes. Go for it, woman. You're attracted to him. You've yearned for him 22 years, now get what you're craving.
Kat started to panic when Henry's gaze got more and more intense. She felt like drowning in his ocean blue eyes and burning up in his body heat at the same time. She knew that warm, fluttery feeling in her belly that was caused by his smile and his touch too well and she wouldn't let this happen again. He might have tricked her once but she wouldn't let him trick her twice. No fucking way.
Kat let go of his neck and took a step back and he knew their dance was over. Elijah gladly took over again and all Henry could do was to quit the field. 
When Kat came home the next morning she found Sam in the kitchen making scrambled eggs and bacon.
"Morning. That smells heavenly."
"Morning. Will be done in a minute if you want some."
"I'd love to. I'm starving."
Sam turned around with a smirk.
"Really? No morning-after-breakfast at Elijah's?"
Kat rolled her eyes. "I didn't want to stay any longer, it just makes things awkward."
"I see. Is this going to be a regular thing again? You and your toyboy?"
"No." Kat shook her head. "Definitely not. Where are Lydia and Henry?"
"Lydia has a bad hangover and Henry….well, I guess he's still asleep. He didn't feel well last night." Sam turned around and gave his sister a plate filled with eggs, bacon and a bagel. Kat looked at him with a frown. "How's that? He was fine when I left. Did he drink too much?"
"No, no, he just had water after you scolded him for drinking." Sam winked at her with a grin. Getting serious he sat down and looked at her. "He had some kind of panic attack. Just freaked out…"
"God, Sam. That's awful. What happened?" Kat looked at her brother with a stunned expression on her face.
"I don't really know. It began with some people that recognized him. He took photos with them, it didn't seem to be a problem but then more and more fans came and surrounded him and he did his best to be nice and fulfill all their requests, he signed shirts and took selfies, one girl wanted his signature on her bra, it was crazy and soon got out of hand. I could see the panic in his eyes although he did his best to hide it. He was so polite and kind although a drunk guy, I guess the boyfriend of one of his fans, started to insult him. But at some point his face turned so pale and his hands started to shake, I was afraid he was about to pass out."
"Oh my god." Kat was really worried, Sam could easily tell by the deep frown and the knitted brows. "What did you do?"
"I got him out of there. Lydia calmed down the remaining fans and told them he had the flu or something and we went home."
"What did Henry say? Was it his first panic attack?"
"He didn't say much, didn't really want to talk about it. He went straight to bed. It was horrible, Kat."
"Yeah. I thought I'd bring him breakfast later. Or maybe you want to do it?"
Sam looked at Kat while he was eating a piece of bacon.
"I don't know, Sam."
"He trusts you, Kat."
"You are his friend."
"I'm his mate, that's a difference."
"No, it's quibble. You and him are closer than me and him. Whatever you call it." Kat arched an eyebrow and gave her brother an annoyed glance.
"Oh, come on,you know how it is, Kat. Guys don't talk about emotional stuff like this…"
"Maybe I don't want to talk about emotional stuff with him either."
Sam gave her a knowing look. "Are you afraid you're gonna fall for him again?"
Kat blinked repeatedly, speechless for a moment.
"What are you talking about?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest. Sam leaned back in his chair. "Look, Kat, I know I was busy with my own love life at school but I wasn't completely blind. I know you were in love with Henry. You always denied it but it was obvious to me. I knew you were lying when you said he's just a friend to you and I know that your friendship ended out of the blue when Hen and Poppy became a thing. So it's not so hard to draw the conclusion that he broke your heart and that you're afraid that history is going to repeat itself."
Kat chewed on her bottom lip but she didn't say a word. She just shrugged and pulled off pieces of her bagel absent minded.
"I think he needs you, Kat. He needs what the two of you had at school. That deep, unconditional kind of friendship. I can't give him that, we're not close enough, but you can."
She looked at Sam with a frown.
"I'm not so sure. It's not that easy. What we had back then is gone."
"I'm sure it's not. It's just buried under your past. You can dig it out."
Kat closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose with a deep sigh. "I'm not a therapist."
"Good, because he has a therapist. What he doesn't have is someone who knows him like you do. Someone he can trust."
"Alright. I'll do it. I'm gonna bring him his breakfast and see if he wants to talk but I'm going to blame you if this ends in disaster."
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senjuside · 3 years
“Uchiha Izuna,” it—he rasps dryly, face cold as marble. “Good morning. Would you tell me why your brother keeps throwing gifts in my face everytime we meet?”
Looking at the sides of his futon with the sudden realization that Tobira isn’t letting him goes anywhere, with the heavy body almost smashing him in the mattress, Izuna thinks about how he should tell a fucking siren that his absolute insane brother is trying to propose in a very, very archaic way.
Giving a trembling, wry smile at the thing, Izuna shivers heavily when the siren smiles back, with too many sharp teeths to be peaceful or friendly in any way.
And they’ve the audacity to tell Izuna was the one who hadn’t any survival instinct remaining.
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara
Rating: T
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 2734
Written for @madatobiweek, Week 1: Folklore and mythology // The moment I knew. Read on AO3 or under the cut :)
(my bad for any mistake or something guys. english, as you'll see, isn't my first language :p good reading, anyway <3)
Madara had never been a usual lover—always all sharp barbs and rough language used as a comfortable shield to hide the soft gazes he’d give Tobirama—even if, Tobirama supposes, they’ve never been a usual couple either.
Madara is a peculiar creature, Tobirama knows. He’s harsh to deal with, hurdle, and for onces paranoid. But, Tobirama thinks with a nearly fond, in love smile, he would’ve his moments as well.
Like his apparently newly gained obsession with gifts.
It was quite cute from the very first time. A weighty book written in the old language of the dwarfs, that lived in the south. An anklet of silver, and a ring of amestice. Even a couple of heavy fur collars, soft that hurted at the touch, smelling distinguly like Madara.
All the gifts are carefully bestowed inside of his cave, in a safe bubble of air to not screw up with nothing. Was a really sweet action of such a rough man like Madara, rude like Tobirama is pretty aware he usually is, so Tobirama wouldn’t like to waste those kinda rare openly ways to show affection.
Unlike the dragons, sirens like Tobirama in general don't really give a matter to the thing’s price, gold or diamond—even if Tobirama is pretty sure that sirens do not usually get gifts from pleasure. They’re usually too busy with the ‘charming pretty sallys underwater and so devour’-thing to make good first impressions or build relationships.
But, Tobirama supposes, everything certainly has a limit.
And now Madara is nearly to overtake it. Hard.
“FOR YOU,” Madara yells, even if he's one step away from Tobirama, sitting poorly in the river’s muddy margens.
Tobirama blinks at him, wordlessly for a second, but Madara doesn’t offer anything more but turns into his back and runs away, giving Tobirama no chance to thank or say a word.
For the fifty time, just this week.
It’s starting to turn… cansative, Tobirama ponders, looking carefully at the golden mirror in his hands.
Pursing his lips down, Tobirama honestly thinks that this shit is elongating itself for a way more than it would be necessary.
If Madara isn’t going to get his head out of his ass, Tobirama may have some questions to ask the Uchiha.
A drop of water falls down to rest on Izuna’s cheek, followed by another, and another. Izuna struggles himself over asleep, frowning.
Another drop falls through his jaw, to dive inside his open sleep-yakuta, cold as hell, making Izuna quivers hard and wake up suddenly, shaking, just to blink open his eyes, his vision cloudy by the sleepness, and get himself face to face with—all Izuna’s words — a sharp feature elevated above him, pale as a paper with devilish red eyes, imobile, gazing at him deeply.
The only thing that hinders Izuna to scream for help is the creature’s hand put against his mouth. The room still was shadowish by the close fusumas, and a thick trail of water left spots on the tatames. Not daring to look away, Izuna inbreate sharply, wide-eyed looking at the impassive face of the thing above him.
A vision that, for Izuna’s total and absolute terror, slowly starts to remind him disturbingly of some of Madara's descriptions.
And, although Izuna knew Madara has a lover outside the clan—and probably any person that could hear or read lips in the Uchiha did notice Madara being insupportable and repugnantly sweet when he was singing praises at his dearest Tobira— he could never expect a fucking siren just out of Izuna’s wrostes nightmares.
“Uchiha Izuna,” it—he rasps dryly, face cold as marble. “Good morning. Would you tell me why your brother keeps throwing gifts in my face everytime we meet?”
Izuna shallows hardly, repentinaly regretting deeply having fought with Madara to sleep for one more hour instead of attending the clan’s reunion this morning. Looking at the sides of his futon with the sudden realization that Tobira isn’t letting him goes anywhere, with the heavy body almost smashing him in the mattress, Izuna thinks about how he should tell a fucking siren that his absolute insane brother is trying to propose in a very, very archaic way.
Giving a trembling, wry smile at the thing, Izuna shivers heavily when the siren smiles back, with too many sharp teeths to be peaceful or friendly in any way.
And they’ve the audacity to tell Izuna was the one who hadn’t any survival instinct remaining.
Dragons are such beautiful, sweet and possessive creatures, Tobirama learned with the time. Differently from his specie, for onces cold and kinda cruel, hovering in deep, cold waters, so deep that even the light couldn’t come in there sometimes, the dragons aren’t any different from the fire they could spit out.
Their love would burn, deep and beautiful, as blaze fierling all along the night.
Tobirama is a child from the sea; his love isn’t scorching as the dragon’s love is but silent and peaceful like a quiet summer night browsing in calm sea, at the same it is furious and instotable like the worst of the storms. It is measureless as is the ocean, for sure hurdle, for times, but never flawed.
Dragons are explosive as the fire that growls into their veins. They’re imediatalist, and they trust deeply or simply do not. There’s no middle term in love, in family. You’re theirs, or isn’t.
They’re explosions of emotions, stars collapsing in supernovas—all the opposite of Tobirama, cold and racionable when the situation needs, treacherous in confidence, never trusting in no one but himself, despite using it to climb at his objectives, and there’s no shame in admit that: he’s what he’s and wouldn’t change for nobody.
Tobirama knows he’s hard to deal with, but, if there’s a single resemblance between sirens and dragons, when you’re into his heart, you’re there forever—because the tide may change, but the trail will be always there for thoses who venture to travel and conquist. And when Madara stole that kiss from him, Tobirama allowed him to stay, for forever, if he wanted to. He was from Madara from body and soul since that time when Madara’s fingers nuzzled down his scales.
Tobirama chuckles softly to himself, nestling the pearl necklace Madara had given him this week against his chest. He’s just Madara's, but it seems like his koibito doesn’t notice this yet.
Little fool.
“You were building a treasure for me.”
It is the first thing Tobirama says, his voice dry as usual while he points out, when Madara comes into his field of vision.
Naturally, Tobirama knew of the dragon’s tendencies to accumulate, of course. He may have spent half a life peeking around deep waters, but he’s not oblivious. Even Madara already had prided himself for Tobirama after he stole—”found around the battlefield, I ain’t a thief, siren of hell”— a sword or a helmet he considered good enough to be on his particular treasure.
He never thought, however, that this would extend to their partners.
Madara seems to freeze in half a way, a few steps from where he meets Tobirama almost every night. His heavy cloak rock softly with the wind, the stiff scale next to the horns in the temples fading out with the creamy skin the moonlight's light—light that doesn't do anything to hide Madara's soft flush when he stops throughout the trail to the river’s margers, looking anything but absolutely cute.
Who’d say that this ugly mug may be so adorable, Tobirama scoffs mentally, playful, as he perceives Madara starts to look more and more ashamed. So different from the pride warrior he had seen Madara transformed himself amidst the battlefield more than one time, tearing apart flesh with his claws as he'd cutting raw silk.
Tobirama smiles softly, although he’s been pretty aware that his sharp, long teeths probably doesn't seem like an amorous expression at all. "Stop get stood here like a idiot and come here, stupid," Tobirama scoffs gentily.
Madara's eyes narrow thighly, the narrow slits brighting in the night with a soft red glow, but does, taking a step in to sit in the river's margers
Tobirama pushes his body up to rest his head next to Madara's lap.
“You made quite a mess, you know that?” Tobirama said softly. “Your brother seemed to be absolutely terrified when he saw me.”
Madara frowns, widening his eyes a bit.  “Did you go see Izuna?”
“Any problem?” Tobirama asks dryly, arching a cheeky eyebrow. “I was getting tired of having my partner throwing things at me and so turning away to run off, you know.”
Madara grimaces, poking Tobirama’s forehead softly. “Peace, siren of mine. I was just asking.”
Tobirama huffs, as the pride creature Madara knows he’s, narrowing his eyes before getting started again, “he didn’t help, though. I suppose he was too afraid of me eating him alive or something to mutter more than a couple of words without passing out.”
Madara cannot help but laugh. “Sounds like him. And explains why he was looking like a crazy man to the koi pond when I went off.”
“Of the couple of things he could make minimally undestable, I discovered some interesting things,” Tobirama continues dryly, but there’s a background of palpable diversion in his voice. “He said something about ‘absolutely insane relatives’—” Madara turns his eyes there, “—‘stupid courtship’ and I’m pretty sure he did yell a think alike ‘engagement.’”
Madara suddenly curses mentaly his pale skin when his cheeks sembles to catch on fire again, as well the always trained eyes of Tobirama, shining like two rubies in the damp, his gaze burning in his face, watchful at all his little reactions. Huffing to get away his sudden embarrassment, Madara grumbles grumply, “and you connect the dots. Of course you did, fuckin’ genius son of a bitch.”
Tobirama smiles, a simple contraction on the edge of his lips. “Naturally,” he brags himself, the insupportable. “I’d appreciate a contribution of yours, throught.”
Madara grimaces, but doesn’t take a word against him. Cleaning his throat with a soft disgust contraction on his lips, he gets started, “... yes, it’s kind of an engagement, but more like… a proposal. You know that every dragon has a collection of something, right? I collect bright, mortal things. Such as weapons,” Madara explains calmy, but he’s feeling anxious, Tobirama can say by the way he keeps his gaze trained in his hands, an adorable soft flush covering his pale cheeks. “Therefore, when we’ve got interest in someone, it was usual for the dragon to give his interest with gifts to add to their treasure. That’s why I wanted to give you something that would… fit with you. Not just. Trinket."
“I supposed it would be something like that,” Tobirama sings, smiling. “So, I should return your gifts, shouldn’t I?”
Madara whips up himself, stumbling around the words, “I-I mean, if you’d accept the courtship—”
Tobirama laughed. “Oh, you’re such a fool sometimes, my love.” Madara opens his mouth to hash out wrathful, but Tobirama keeps speaking before Madara can have the chance for saying anything, “of course I’d, Madara. If a siren matches, they’d match for a life. There’s no dating. You’re mine and I've been yours since the day I accepted you inside my home.”
Madara blinks. He breathes, “oh.”
Tobirama scoffs before he could hold himself, “oh, fuckin’ jerk.”
Madara squawks aloud, opening his mouth to fuss, but Tobirama just chunkles, getting on his elbows to stand up and press their lips softly.
“I hate you,” Madara murmurs against Tobirama’s mouth a second later, just to make his point.
One of Tobirama’s teeth nips on Madara’s lip lightly, not enough to hurt or to take off blood, but teasing. Feeling playful, Tobirama gently pushes down a handful of Madara’s hair to make him curve next to him, easing the angle for Tobirama to lick inside Madara’s mouth. “I hate you too, sweetheart,” he scoffs, “no worries.”
Madara turns his eyes, sighing when he presses their foreheads together. “Shitty idiot. I was trying to be romantic, y’know.”
Tobirama arches an eyebrow. “I highly doubt you were romantic for a second of your entire life.”
Madara seems to be offended, bristiling like an urchin. “I’m very romantic, thank you! And thinking I did an entire courtship plan to you bawl me out like that…”
Smiling easily, Tobirama nudges softly, “did you, so?”
Madara flusters himself with a petty whiff, getting started grumply, “I mean, it’s a little anquite, but… I wanted to show you that, mm-I mean, like the tradition says. That you aren’t something I’m taking ownership of, but that I am sharing my treasure with you, and what’s mine is yours.”
“That’s,” Tobirama says a couple of moments later, blinking a bit of surprise, but with his voice repugnantly soft and gentle, “especially sweet of you. Thank you, Madara.”
Madara huffs. “Don’t mention it.”
Tobirama rolls his eyes, playfully poking Madara’s tight with sharp teeth. “Don’t be so smug about it.”
Madara arches an eyebrow. “Hope you haven’t forgotten I am an Uchiha. It’s in my blood.”
“Stupidness?” Tobirama asks dryly.
“No. We do like to exhibe our things. Especially those mortal and beautiful. Or just the ones that bite.”
Tobirama’s face covers quickly with red. He grumbles, pouting sulky, “shut the fucking up, Uchiha. That’s the only thing your pea-sized brain can think about?”
“When I’ve a willing, beautiful siren only for me?” Madara smirks. “Absolutely.”
Preening a hand across the soft, sleek scales where it united together with the almost phantasmagoric white skin from Tobirama’s belly, by where it is out of the water, resting in the mud next to one of Madara’s legs, Madara hums happily. “Sirens don't have some type of honeymoon?” he asks serenely.
Tobirama chuckles. “I think they’d.”
“I suppose I’ve to celebrate with my pretty fiancé.” Madara shudders. “Haven’t I?”
“I’m sure you’ve,” Tobirama replies easily, spreading out his arms to deliberately offer Madara a better vision of his chest, letting the way down his belly free, easy for Madara to slip with his hand. Arching an eyebrow, Tobirama asks, “shy now, Madara?”
Madara scoffs aloud. “Nothing I haven’t seen yet, bastard.”
“Tired already of, so?”
“Never.” Madara’s quick to ensure. “You’re always a show aside. And I’d suppose we'll have to consummate. Again. Dragon style.”
Tobirama cannot help but laugh. “Why are you always a shitty mood killer? Better—why do I accept getting engaged with you, from all the people?”
Giggling, Madara noses Tobirama’s jaw absently. “Because you love me, clearly.”
Tobirama does, of course—but it wasn't like he’s going to say it and inflame Madara’s ego more than it already is.
Instead, Tobirama just moans softly when Madara scrapes his blunt teeth in his neck, huffing a blow of heated air against the bruise he certainly left.
Greedy, his lover is, and Tobirama doesn’t do anything to appease that when Madara growls softly some verbal affirmation of that but smiles, his teeth scraping dangerously Madara’s pants, sucking a bruise next to his hips.
Tobirama’s smile is all teeth. “Cute of you to think dragon’s are the only ones with possessive tendencies here.”
“There’s a motherfucker demon living on your koi pond, Madara! Are you fucking crazy?!”
“The demon surely has a name,” Tobirama rumbles, thicc and sharp, a dark playfulness trickling on his tone, from where he’s upholding his head on his hands, above the engawa, arching an eyebrow to Izuna as he smiles, all teeth.
“Madara!” Izuna cries out. “He’ll pull my feet when you’re asleep and so drown me! Look at him!”
Tobirama hums, without any shame, and, perhaps propositaly, arches his upper lip a bit to show his teeth better, as he’d growling.
“He’s learning how to smile,” Madara grumbles at him, blind by passion. Or charmed, Izuna thinks, narrowing his eyes to the thing, floating in the koi pond, looking absolutely suspiciously serene. “And Tobirama will be perfectly fine. He’ll not drown you or anyone. Stop being rude with my bride, Izuna! Where’s your manners?”
While Madara keeps talking around and complaining about Izuna, Tobirama arches a sharp eyebrow at him. “Easy now, Izuna. I’m living here, and I’d hate to eat my brother-in-law accidentally.”
Whimpering, Izuna would like to know where he could sign up to change from his family, thank you so much.
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indianamoonshine · 3 years
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Chapter 7 | Superman (Ice Cream)
Summary: Every summer you work on your father’s strawberry farm with your three sisters. It’s a way to take a break from the big city but summers in the midwest are hot and they linger. This year, your father’s old and mysterious friend shows up to stay on your land for a reason yet to be determined. Din Djarin seems dangerous, but kind enough, and the two of you quickly become…well, let’s fact it…smitten.
Rating: (+18) for future and explict sexual content.
A/N: Hi friends! This chapter isn't as long as the others, but I've already got a head start on the next one!
Warnings: I can't find anything in this short chapter that would trigger anybody, so yay!
One can tell a lot about a person by their choice of ice cream.
For instance: Rhea likes honey flavored. It’s a rarity, but Scoops specializes in it. It meant she was sweet, though refined, and organic in these regards. Charlotte prefers amaretto fudge which implies she is a hopeless romantic and the kind of woman who loves vintage films (that alone says quite a bit). You prefer Superman. Maybe that meant the obvious; you’re the youngest and a little bit of a fledgling with a silly sense of humor. You like to be doused in color and leave a sweet taste on people’s lips (some say you’d do anything to please and they could be right).
And Din, well, you were surprised to find that Din ordered sherbert; raspberry and just one scoop. When you questioned his choice (not to say sherbert wasn’t tasty, but at an ice cream parlor it just felt wrong) he justified it by saying he didn’t like the texture of ice cream. Ice cream reminds me of snot, he says to you. You still haven’t gotten that out of your head (and was a bit turned off when you received your cone because of it).
Scoops is in the next town over. It’s a tourist town full of counter-culture fanatics and overlooks the stunning landscape of Lake Michigan. The beach is always packed with families toting cheap red coolers or wild young adults slathered in sunscreen. The air is light and clean with no trace of salt, but it’s a glorious kind of smell you’ve never been able to describe. Lake Michigan is something of mystery – after all, it’s one of the biggest freshwater lakes in the world -- but its appeal might be because it’s watched you grow throughout the years. The great body of water is something of a deity, all-powerful and all-encompassing in its compassion and protectiveness.
The weather is still scorching, but while the ice cream helps, it melts quickly. Along the boardwalk where Scoops is located are dozens of shops all lined up in a neat row and bustling with smiling people, laughing with one another, and arms weighed down with chic looking boutique bags. Most of the population is wealthy because of its tourism and the ridiculous economic situation, so this comes as no surprise. Charlotte and Rhea fawn over the window displays, pointing out which expensive items of clothing they wish they could afford.
Charlotte squeals upon seeing a sundress with a silhouette that she couldn’t possibly deny; Rhea agrees enthusiastically. While they gaggle, you keep your eyes on some birds that dive for pieces of corn dogs fallen upon the walkway. There was a lot going on so it was only natural that your brain retreat to idle, given that you had little to no spending money in general.
“We have to go in,” Charlotte sings to Rhea. “We have to. I need it.”
Rhea admits that she couldn’t pass up the chance either but promises she wouldn’t buy the same dress. The two of them invite both you and Din inside, but you shake your heads, eager of the idea to be alone with one another. It was a risky thing, especially considering how your feelings for Din exposed themselves upon your face like traffic signs. While your sisters certainly knew of your schoolgirl crush on Din, they’ve made no indication they suspect Din of reciprocating those feelings. How embarrassing for you.
When the girls are out of view, door closing behind them with a ring of a silver bell, Din immediately turns to you with a grin. It’s a slight grin – the kind you wouldn’t have been able to notice had it not been for your keen observation of him. His thoughts, actions, and feelings show upon his face like a stroke patient’s might – a little lopsided and faint, but still genuine. You can’t help but wonder why he’s so hesitant to show any exuberant display around anyone else. Did that have anything to do with his family? Any past relationships? Even his career? The career you had no inkling of? It wasn’t like pulling teeth; getting him to chuckle seems easy enough, but his friendliness couldn’t be mistaken for jolliness in any sense of the word.
Either way, Din is smiling – albeit, faintly – as he appears next to you.
“Were you planning that?” he teases, spooning his sherbert.
You shrug, licking the sides of your waffle cone. “I was counting on it.”
The two of you smile at one another and continue your walk with pleasant conversation. You people-watch and he casually jokes around by creating exaggerated scenarios for each of them as they pass. (“That guy in the red swim trunks and sports shades definitely cheats on his girlfriend.”) You can’t help but wonder if you sound ridiculous by the way you snort with laughter each time he says something clever, but he grins pleasantly anyway. It’s difficult to not get a big head each time you manage to get him to do anything other than monitor his surroundings – you notice he has a habit of it, despite how hard he tries to pretend he doesn’t.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna try it?” you offer, ice cream cone melting a bit down the sides.
Din wrinkles his nose but sighs after a moment, maybe weakened by your puppy dog eyes. Wishful thinking. “Alright. Just for you.”
You smile widely with satisfaction, bringing the cone up to his lips. And just when he’s about to bend down to lick the sugary treat, you push the cone onto his face. Din blinks, expression blank, and you’re afraid you might’ve crossed a line. The colorful ice cream stains his chin, dripping down onto his neck, and then soils the collar of his t-shirt. You prepare for the blow, cringing a bit under his gaping. But just when you’re about to stutter an apology and run away, Din presses his lips in a thin line to stop himself from letting out a full-bodied laugh.
“Oh, you think that’s funny don’t you?” he raises his brows in jest.
You sigh out in relief. He’s clearly amused. “Yes actually,” you quip, donning a pair of innocent and fluttering eyes.
He nods a few times, lips pursed, and humming with consideration. “I see,” he muses, hands placing themselves on your hips and squeezing.
You shriek in a fit of giggles as he pushes you gently against the brick of a nearby building. It’s cold against your skin, but nowhere near as chilly as Din’s milky lips peppering chaste kisses against your cheeks. His lashes bat against you, tickling your cheeks, and you become sticky with fruity condensed milk as the gleeful bombardment continues. His name escapes your mouth between your humored twittering. He has you pinned between himself and a wall - you are quite literally trapped - and in front of the public no less.
He wasn’t ashamed of you.
It’s almost a reaction what happens next.
Your hands lock themselves around his neck, mouth pressing against his full lips for the very first time. The people surrounding you disappear, the noise of the busy street vanishing completely. You’d expected your first kiss with him to be serious, maybe even a little awkward with graceless fumbling. But the two of you are snickering against one another, the embrace as natural as breathing. He’s cupping your cheek with the caution he’d shown this morning; he must’ve been terrified you’d crumble beneath him.
You felt like you could.
He’s holding back, and you know this because his lips are soft and slow as a wounded butterfly with clipped wing. The hand that isn’t holding your cheek has pulled you in by the hips. It’s getting harder to breathe, even if it’s closed mouthed. He spoke and the world spun - but his lips make the world sing.
You’re the first to pull away, eyes fluttering open with an uncontrollable eagerness to perceive his countenance. What you expected, you can’t remember, because when you find his eyes still closed, relishing in the kiss with a full-bodied smile, you feel nauseous with excitement. It was almost too much.
Yet not enough at all.
The napkin around your ice cream cone is soaked, but you crumble it in a ball and bring it to Din’s face anyway. You pat against his cheek, wiping away as much of the ice cream as you could while he recovers. Some of it has collected on his dense mustache and you resist the urge to laugh at that.
He nods to himself like he’s trying to get a grasp on what just happened, eyes opening with caution to gaze into yours. He looks tired, but the kind that was delicious; the kind that you look forward to remedying. You must’ve taken an energy from him.
You hope you did.
Because he took it all from you.
He lets out a breathy laugh and you place a thumb against his jaw to wipe some stray remnants from him. “I think I like ice cream now,” he jokes.
The two of you manage to escape.
This is after Rhea and Charlotte come bouncing out of the store, bags in hand, and giddy smiles upon their faces. You laugh with them as they show you their purchases while Din looks on from the sidelines, knee bouncing with alacrity.
You’re weak by the kiss, the blush from your cheeks still prominent. You were positive your sisters would notice, that tonight they’d drill you with questions they already knew the answer to. Women have a way of knowing when another woman has been kissed as zealously as you just had. It wasn’t just the pink in your face that would give you away; it was the dreamy glint in your eyes, the bit of Superman that you’d missed upon Din’s cheek, and the trembling of each item they forced in your hands.
You say your goodbyes to your sisters, promising you’d be home in time for movie night, and skip alongside Din while walking to Bessie. When he’s sure the two of you are in the clear, he takes your hand and massages the space between your thumb and forefinger. Tension subsides in your shoulders.
This was new to you. You’d kissed guys as a teenager; even had a few boyfriends here or there. But that’d been years ago and none of them alighted a fire in your belly like Din has. His company was ethereal - he was made of stardust; you were sure of it. And it seemed silly - even a little frightening - that your feelings have evolved so quickly. For hells sake, you’d just met him a few days ago. Could you really be just, well, stupid? And maybe he was feeding off that stupidity for his own personal gain?
This thought alone makes you feel guilty. You try to ignore the anxiety and focus on the feel of his hand, tanned and masculine, and breathe. The smell of fried dough wafts from down the boardwalk, the tune of an old carnival song muffled in the distance by the chaos of summer. The sun was still high in the sky; it was only five in the afternoon but your body felt as though it’d been up for an entire day, weak with the intensity from such a rush of adrenaline.
Upon arriving to the car, Din opens the door for you and a bit of paint from devoted Bessie showers upon the pavement. You can’t help but wonder if he knew you’d leave early with him and the idea of bringing two separate vehicles was clouded with hidden agenda. This, of course, starts up the cycle of mental dramatization again.
Gods, why can’t you just leave it alone? Why can’t you feel something for once in your life? You’ve spent so many years hiding in the corner in fear of getting hurt – of opening yourself to be exposed to new and terminal wounds even if the process was liberating. And Din was liberating in more ways than one; in ways that have surprised you, despite how little you’ve known him.
As soon as he climbs in, you scooch as close as possible to his side. Your bravery surprises yourself, but you wouldn’t overthink it, especially when he smiles cheekily your way. You’ve leaned your head against his shoulder just before reaching for his free hand again and placing it in your lap with a tight grip.
You may get hurt later. But for now, that pain was worth experiencing. Din Djarin already seems to be worthy of experiencing.
Bessie rumbles to life but he starts for the crown of your head first, lips brushing against you, and light as a feather.
If Din hadn’t been such an experienced driver, he was sure he would’ve crashed by now.
No. He was positive he would’ve crashed. It was nearly impossible to concentrate on the plainness of the road when a goddess was sitting in the seat beside him, holding his hand, and gazing out into the fields you rush past. You exuberantly point out each time there was a farm where cattle and horses grazed, their tails flicking to shoo away flies. He realizes that you love cows (“especially the brown ones,” you had smiled) and makes a mental note of it.
The house is in view now, the strawberries blooming the land with color beneath their plants’ emerald leaves. Your sisters hadn’t beat you there and your father’s truck wasn’t parked in front like it normally was. Not that it would’ve mattered that his friend was home, but Din preferred your father find out…later; when Din felt confident in your feelings for him and you felt confident in his. You were too important to risk losing so soon or even at all.
And that terrifies him.
And just when Din’s about to turn onto the road that leads directly to the house, you gasp beside him.
It frightens him. He isn’t well acquainted with your exclamations yet, so it was hard to distinguish whether your outburst is harmless or exclaimed in the face of danger. He pauses, foot stepping on the brake pedal, and lunges Bessie forward with too much exertion. Upon instinct, he reaches out an arm to prevent you from slamming yourself against the dashboard by the sudden halt.
He immediately looks to you, brows furrowed in concern, and chest heaving with epinephrine. “What is it?!” he jolts out.
You’re staring into the nearby woods with narrowed eyes, silent as a bug. The thicket and vines wrap themselves around one another, graceful in their disorganized summer. Din couldn’t find any movement interrupting the overgrowth, but he had a suspicion you’ve seen an animal of some kind. What else could have caused you to gasp so randomly?
Something pretty incredible, apparently. Because just as Din’s about to repeat himself, far more concerned with your silence than anything, you swing open the rusted door and sprint into the woods.
{ Tag List: @steeevienicks, @hallway5, @t3a-bag, @dodgerandevans, @lumimon47, @dancingwiththeplanets }
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papergirllife · 4 years
Chasing The Flames
Chapter 8 : The Pull of The Heartstrings
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Jeno opened the door of his dorm to hear all the boys gathered around the living room, hollering like they won the lotto.
" What's with you guys? "
" We're happy for you, hyung. "
" For what, Chenle? "
" You just came back from the photoshoot with Y/N. There should be some progress. " Renjun questioned with curious eyes.
" Not telling. "
" Yah, stop being so secretive to us. "
" I'm respecting Y/N's privacy Haechan, something you would never do for us. "
But Jeno couldn't help but smile at the events that taken place today as he retreated back into his room.
As he finished showered, Renjun came in the room with a smirk on his face.
" You and Jaemin should be grateful to me. I invited Y/N to have a cook off with Chenle and I on Friday night. "
" She agreed to come? "
" Yup. You guys get to spend more time with her as long as the both of you help out for dinner, this is a win-win situation."
" Thanks man. "
" You guys better be serious about Y/N. She's a nice girl. "
" Yes, boss. "
" I'm actually surprised you're so into her. I thought Jaemin was the one that wanted to bring her into the relationship. "
" I was actually jealous of her at first, because of the attention she was receiving from Jaemin. But then after I spent some time with her that day, I realised that she's really a special one. "
" I don't know much about polyamorous relationships, but I'll still support the decisions that the both of you make. "
" Thanks, Renjun. "
Jaemin ordered a pizza for the both of them to share as Jeno got back later than their dinner time.
They were watching a movie on TV, the others being focused on the plot, but Jeno being lost in his thoughts.
" Is something wrong? " Jaemin whispered.
" No. I was just thinking about what happened today. "
Jaemin snuggled up to Jeno, while taking a huge bite into the pizza, making Jeno coo at him.
" Is there something about Y/N's that's bothering you? "
" No. I enjoyed every moment with her. "
" Then why do you look sad? "
" I'm just confused with my own feelings. How can we love each other but still potentially love another person ?"
" Maybe it's because we never dated any girls before. So we crave for one in our life. "
" But we've never shown interest in other girls. Why Y/N? Why did you like Y/N among all female friends and colleagues we know? "
" I don't know. My first impression of her was that she was a diligent assistant of Mr Kang. Then when we started talking to her, I was hooked on by her shy demeanor. Then I realised that she had a great personality, she's friendly and quirky and so easy to be around. She doesn't treat us like idols, she sees us as human beings. Whenever I'm with her, I feel a sense of freedom or escape."
Jeno nodded at what Jaemin said, connecting the way Jaemin described Y/N to recent events.
" After Y/N, we won't be adding new members into the relationship, right? "
This made Jaemin laugh and nearly choke on his piece of pizza.
" Jeno ah, let's just focus on getting one girl at a time. Plus, if Y/N accepts us, I don't think she'll accept another female in the relationship. Just because we're bisexuals, doesn't mean she is. "
" I'm just checking, because I definitely won't have time for three people. "
" Good to know that my Jeno is a loyal man."
" Chenle, how many times have I told you to get that thing out of the way? "
" What do you mean that thing? It's my sole physical entertainment other than video games. "
Jeno was being stressed about Y/ N coming over for dinner.
On the other hand, Jaemin was busy cleaning the kitchen from the mess Jisung had made from his midnight snack.
Jaemin although didn't show his nervousness as Jeno is, still feels the stress of the expectations he wishes to make for Y/N.
Although all the guys think that Y/N's quite smitten with the both of them after hours debate of what they had experienced from both their alone time with Y/N, Jaemin still wants to take things slowly and start off as good friends.
Y/N seems raw towards the feelings that they think she's feeling for them, so Jaemin and Jeno have decided to make only minor advances and let her sort out her feelings, if she does have feelings for them.
' I hope she does. ' Jaemin thoughts to himself.
Jaemin looked towards Jeno's direction and saw that Jeno's disassembling Chenle's indoor basketball court, dumping it back into its box.
After finishing up with the kitchen, Jaemin checks the fridge a second time to make sure that they had stocked up on groceries for tonight.
Jaemin was about to clear away the take out on the dining table when Renjun stopped him.
" I'll do it. Go take a shower and get dressed."
" Thanks. "
When Jaemin got out of the bath, Renjun pushed Jeno to wash up.
" Shouldn't I shower after cooking dinner? "
" You have to smell and look clean for
Y/N, you can just take another one layer in the night. "
" Any clothing advice, Injunie? "
" She thinks you look cute in pink. "
" You're the best. I can kiss you right now. "
" Save that for Jeno and Y/N, or I'll kick your butt. "
" How do you get so much information out of her? "
" Because we text often. "
" Oh. "
" Why? Are you jealous? "
" I'm just surprised. "
" She's from my home country, she says I remind her of home. "
" That's nice of you. "
" She doesn't have many friends, she reminded me of the time when I first got here. "
" I'll go check the whole place again. "
" Don't be so nervous. "
" I'll try. "
When I got there, Jaemin was waiting for me outside the dorms.
" You didn't have to wait outside for me, it's cold, you would've gotten sick if I wasn't early. "
" I know you're punctual. Plus, it'll be embarrassing if you went to the 127 and WayV's blocks. "
" God, I can't imagine. "
" Why did you bring groceries? "
" Just in case you guys don't have any. "
" Of course we do, we just bought today. I'll help you take those. "
When Jaemin grabs the bags from my hands, I could feel electric shocks up my fingertips, making my cheeks warm in the cold air.
" Thank you. "
When Jaemin opened the door, the first one to greet you was Donghyuck.
" Long time no see, Y/N. Hope you didn't miss me too much, 127 needs me. "
" There's not a day that goes by I don't hear bullshit coming from his mouth. "
" I thought you'd be used to it by now. "
" Yeah, but I thought he would've behaved more with guest around. "
" What are you saying? Y/N isn't a guest, she's like family. Right Y/N? "
" Whatever you say, Hyuck. It's good to see you. "
" Nice place you guys got here, I like the kitchen too. It's bigger than the one I have. "
" You can always move in, Y/N. "
" Yeah right, Lee Soo Man would be on my ass. "
" Chenle! You look so cute with those cat ears. "
" Don't mind them, I lost a bet to Jisung. Come check out this gun I won in pubg."
Jeno walked out of his room when he heard the commotion going on outside, beckoning Renjun to follow.
" Y/N, you're here. Then let's get this started."
We gathered at the kitchen to get ready for the mini cook off.
" Okay, who wants to be in my team? " Renjun looked at everyone expectantly, but had a shock when he realised no one wanted to be on his team.
" I'm picking Chenle and Hyuck. Y/N, you can take Jeno and Jaemin. "
" Hyung, that's not fair. Both your teammates cook often. But Jeno doesn't cook at all, Y/N noona's team is having the losing end. "
" Jisung you are the judge, so go to your room and play games while we cook, no peeking. "
Renjun was giving Jisung the stink eye while everyone of us laughed at their interaction.
" Okay, so what are we cooking? "
" I was planning on cooking sweet and sour pork cutlets and salty egg minced meat steam egg. Sounds good?"
Jeno and Jaemin nodded enthusiastically, hurrying to gather the ingredients as I listed them down.
" Wait, what's salted egg? I don't think we have that in the fridge. "
" Don't worry, Jeno. I bought them at the wet market today, it's in the bag. "
" Got it. "
I made the batter for the cutlets as they break the eggs into a bowl with the minced meat.
" Jaemin, stir this batter. I'll handle the egg. "
I broke two salted eggs and cut the pieces of the yolk into tinier pieces and put them into the bowl of egg, stirring it to space out the ingredients.
When it was ready, I began to steam the egg at the stove.
" Remember Y/N. One stove per team. "
Renjun was looking at me with a smug look on his face as he oversees the two of his friends cooking.
" I see you're making Korean food. "
" And you're making Chinese food. What a way to win Jisung's stomach, but I'm confident he'll love my cooking, he always did. "
" That's because he never ate my cooking before. "
" Oh it's on Y/N. "
The both both of us went back to our respective sides.
Cooking with Jaemin and Jeno was fun, the way Jaemin laughed at Jeno for trying to get the pork to stick to the batter.
I stepped away from my teammates to take a photo of both of them frying the cutlets.
' They suite the domestic theme that's going on here. '
Wait, what am I thinking? God, I need to focus on making the sauce or I'll lose to Renjun.
When we were done, Renjun was arguing about something with Hyuck. While Chenle was coping on cooking alone.
It was one of the funniest sights ever.
Jaemin, being the observant person he was, realised that we haven't cooked the rice.
" Need help? "
" It's just rice, I can handle myself. Go rest on the sofa with Jeno, be with you guys in a bit. "
When I got to the sofa, Jeno had took off his apron to reveal a tight fitting white t shirt.
His muscular built was evident under the thin layer of cotton, I never realised Jeno had such a good built, it was truly a sight to behold.
" I really like your new glasses. "
I had to bring up a topic to distract from Jeno, he's Jaemin's boyfriend for fuck's sake.
" Thanks. You look nice too. "
" It's just a sweater, nothing nice about it to me. "
" The mint colour, it matches well with your hair colour. "
" Thank you. "
I looked away from his gaze, scared that my cheeks were as red as I feared.
" Y/N? "
I looked back at Jeno to see that he was holding a box of chocolates.
" This is for you. As a thank you for cooking dinner. "
" Thank you, I didn't know I'll be receiving any gifts from anyone in Korea. Thank you so much. "
Even though it was just a box of chocolates, it made me happy. I don't have any other friends other than my boss, these guys mean so much to me.
" I'm glad you liked it. "
Jeno placed his hand on my knee as a friendly gesture, but my body acted as if it was the best feeling ever.
The warmth coming from his palm was addicting.
My thoughts were interrupted when Renjun announced that dinner was ready and hollered Jisung out from his room.
We ate dinner with a carefree chatter. I asked Donghyuck about him and Mark balancing the upcoming promotions and them expressing their excitement in working with me again.
" So Jisung, what do you think are the best dishes here? "
" The dishes that I've never ate before today. "
" Have kids they said, they'll be lovely they said. "
" Oh come on, hyung. Don't be too sad about losing to Y/N, Jisung always liked new things. "
" Let me introduce you to some thangs. "
Jeno shut Chenle up with a slice of beef within the second he finished the verse of 127's new song.
" Sorry, he's always been like that. " Jeno said with apologetic eyes.
" Don't worry, Hyuck told me everything about Chenle's crush on Taeyong. "
" Everyone has a crush on Taeyong hyung, ask Jisung. "
" The both of you are weird, case closed."
After dinner, we decided to watch a movie.
Hyuck and Chenle settled on some horror movie called Polaroid.
All of us were wedged on the sofa except for Chenle and Jisung who settled for sitting on the carpeted floor.
I was happily munching on my oreos when a sudden jump scare caught me off guard.
I basically jumped into Jaemin's lap when it happened.
" Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. "
" It's okay. It's called horror for a reason. "
He put his arm around my shoulders.
" There's nothing to be scared of with me around. "
Even though he meant that to be flirty, it still warmed my heart.
From then on, my attention was no longer fully on the movie in front of me. I started noticing little details of Jaemin tonight.
The way his pink sweater matches so well with his fair skin and the feeling of his broad shoulders whenever I leaned onto them.
The scent of Jaemin's cotton fragrance reminded me of waking up on my comfy bed, everything about Jaemin tonight makes my heart soft.
I barely noticed that the movie ended as Renjun announced that we were going to watch a drama that he wanted to watch for a long time.
I always got sleepy during dramas as they just aren't my genre of movies, and this time was no exception.
The only difference from this time and all the other times was the warmth and support I had beside me as I dozed off to slumber.
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bangtancentricsblog · 4 years
○werewolf in the suburbs○
➣ just your friendly neighborhood werewolf trying to keep his secret, well a secret
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❒ pairing: kim namjoon x reader
❒ genre: angst, fluff, slight humor, slight crack (maybe)
❒ alternative universe: werewolf
❒ rating: NC 17
❒ word count: 4.8k +
warnings/disclosures: no edit we die like men, angst but like mild angst, werewolves Jimin and Jungkook, mc is human, cameos from yoongi, Jimin is a dick, self deprecating thoughts, connected universe, Easter eggs keke, old people, fluff is at the end, I’m sorry this is such a mess, there’s nothing too bad in the one, can you spot the song references? clearly namu is my favorite
monster mash ml • main ml • AO3
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The trees look beautiful today, Namjoon thinks as he sips his morning tea, but he can’t enjoy it as you bore holes into his head from across the street. He’s lived here for more than two years now and he’s familiar with everyone but you are a complete stranger. A new face in his safe suburban community, and it was a community when the only people who lived here were elderly couples. He didn't mind them after all he was friendly with all of them, hell he did a lot of work for them. Like Norman who owned the farm down the road, he helped with whatever he could and in return Norman would let him have fresh fruits and vegetables.
Lilian from the flower shop let him have his pick of seedlings from the nursery when he helped unload deliveries. Jack the local butcher let him have his pick of meats and cheeses for cheap, while their town's mayor offered his niece’s hand in marriage for becoming a positive member in the community. Youngest member of the community would be more accurate, Namjoon had nothing but time on his hands and so he helped where he could when he could. He liked his quiet life, that is until you showed up with your paint splattered overalls and messy hair. He won't even mention the cute oversized glasses and that infectious laughter of yours because he hated it.
What's more, you ruined his perfect little routine, the house you now lived in used to belong to a woman named Alice, a woman who had nothing but harsh words to say but was sweet even with her glare. He liked Alice, she reminded him of his own grandmother back home and she hadn’t mentioned leaving the last time he’d been over tending to her garden. So he wondered just what exactly you’re doing in her house. There were exactly four houses on the street, all decently sized with dense forest to their surroundings. Namjoon liked his home, the wrap around porch was something his friend Jimin had loved when he’d bought it. Most importantly he liked that the forest behind his home was a direct path to his pack's land 40 miles away.
Somehow when you’d introduced yourself you’d shown a little too much interest in him, and it creeped him out. Since then you’d come around so often he was alway ready to receive you, he’d offer you tea and sometimes you’d accept happily and other times you’d decline a stuttery mess of words slipping past your lips as you’d hurried away from him. Today however you’d just been staring at him from across the street beneath the shade of an old oak tree. The leaves long since changed color to a vibrant goldenrod. The air held a chill as it swept past bringing with it the soft scent that he knew came off you. It was like fresh mint, refreshing but tainted with the lingering of chocolate that always made him shudder. What a weird mix, he thought.
He’s tired of waiting though, so he stands making his way over to you ready to offer you tea. Though he’s surprised to see you fast asleep, your head tilted towards his direction. It’s cute, the way your brows furrow the slightest and the pout to your lips, but there’s something more. The scent of salt on you is strong, more so than usual and it worries him slightly as he drops down to crouch in front of you. He takes a deep breath catching something else, he’s not sure what though. Humans were such complicated beings, scents were easy to tell apart in his kind but with humans there were too many scents that lingered. To many possibilities, and unfortunately Namjoon hadn’t been around humans for long enough to really know.
His wolf whines at him, as he moves closer nuzzling your hair to really get an idea of what's wrong. You sigh eyelids fluttering slightly, leaning closer to him with a shiver. Closer, his wolf hums, but Namjoon moves away, hand going to press against your forehead. You’re warm, warmer than he thinks is normal for humans. Almost as warm as he is, and he’s a wholly different species, it worries him. He’s quick to haul you into his arms and towards his house, to his surprise you snuggle closer to his body, he pays no mind to how his wolf purrs at the contact.
The following day and a half he spends taking care of you, to the best of his abilities that is. Luckily enough for him your fever broke the following night (something he had to look up) and went into town to get human medicine. Delia from the pharmacy smiled politely and had laughed when he stumbled through his explanation for buying so much over the counter medicines. It had been mortifying for him to call you his girlfriend, but he’d rather not tell them it was you he was taking care of. If he’s being completely transparent he has no idea how exactly you’d gotten better but you had and he's happy for it.
“Hey.” he greets over the rim of his coffee mug as he sits at his kitchen island. You look better, even your scent smells better, more minty than chocolatey today it washes over him in an oddly refreshing way.
“Hi, thanks for taking care of me.” you laugh softly tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your eyes are squinted, in the early morning light and the strawberry skys are just now giving way to the mango and blueberry that come after the near crack of dawn.
“You’re welcome, would you like some coffee, maybe tea?” he asks.
“No, I’m okay. I should probably head home and shower. I already put the sheets to wash. I hope you don't mind, thank you again.”
“I’ll walk you home then.” he makes to move out of his seat, meeting your gaze at the slight muffle squeak that comes tumbling from your lips.
“No, that’s okay you’ve done enough.” you quickly mutter shuffling your feet before giving him one last thank you and excusing yourself. That’s cute, he thinks leaning his cheek into his palm. The smile that tugs at his lips, is soft, dreamy even but Namjoon is none the wiser. He feels a bit woozy all of a sudden groaning slightly at the way the light irritates his eyes. It isn't often that he falls ill but he hasn't been feeling all too well for the last couple of days since he’s brought you into his home. He hopes it’s pre-rut symptoms but he’s not too sure after all there’s something different about this.
“Maybe I should go home for a bit.” he mutters to no one in particular, as he stands moving to rinse his mug before making his way to his bedroom.
The sun hangs high in the sky by the time you have showered and fed your poor cat Castiel. Who hasn't left your side since you’ve come home, which is odd in itself considering he’s a dick most days. He’s purring on your chest pawing at your face every few minutes to get you to kiss his head, and you do with a soft giggle. His fur is soft as silk as you run your finger through it absentmindedly. Your mind is elsewhere, sifting through the hazy memories of the last two days that you’d been away from home. Namjoon was very kind to you, and sure he was tall, broad, an absolute tree of a man that had your poor simple heart falling for him in an instant.
It’s too bad you couldn't be calm and confident like your cousin sometimes, she would know what to do. Though, you doubt he’d be interested in you either way, he seemed like the type who liked booksmart, ambitious girls. Girls who wore clothes of the latest season, with long legs and big brains, the put together type which was everything you weren’t. Who wanted a bubbly overly clumsy failed artist living off an inheritance in the middle of nowhere? You sigh heavily, heart aching as you realize the little crush you had has probably withered with the little bit of self deprecating thoughts. Well it was a nice little fantasy you supposed, but you really should do something to thank him. You briefly wonder if your cousin has time to help you bake Namjoon something.
To your surprise, your cousin does indeed have time to come help you. She’s at your house a few days later, her best friend in tow, Yoongi’s been a constant in both your lives you’d long since started treating him like family. Though you’re a little sad to not see Suga, her super cute and cuddly black cat, he’s nothing like your Castiel. She mutters something about him being a little too sick for the travels.
“So, what do you want to make?” she asks, tying her long hair up into a ponytail. You do the same though your hair is much shorter than hers. Yoongi goes through your cabinets pulling bowls and the hand mixer to help prep. You smile at him gratefully moving to pull aprons off the hooks in the pantry.
“Smells like a dog in here.” Yoongi says after knotting his apron, and you wince taking deep breaths to catch the scent he speaks of. You don’t find anything out of the usual, just the lingering scent of pineapple from the candle that sits on your coffee table.
“Maybe I should close the windows.” You offer, missing the shared look between your cousin and Yoongi.
“____, sweetie, what do you want to make?” Your cousin asks again as you fiddle with the windows.
“I don’t really know, maybe muffins, how about chocolatechip?” You say, tilting your head slightly, not entirely sure if he’ll even like them. Truth be told you're not sure Namjoon even eats carbs not with the way he was built, not that you were looking. I mean sure you looked, but like respectfully! It was hard to miss anyways especially when his boobs were just as big if not bigger than your own! Again, you had looked, respectfully! She hums in thought and Yoongi moves to stand behind her wrapping his arms around her, resting his chin on her head.
“How about we make a little of everything, I know you like muffins so we’ll make enough so that you can enjoy them too.” She offers swaying slightly along with Yoongi who seems to have grown bored rather quickly. You smile, moving to wrap your own arms around her to squish her between you and Yoongi. She groans, muttering her discomfort but you know she loves it as cold as she may pretend to be.
Jimin and Jungkook are pulling on some shorts before walking out of the forest, beads of sweat shine in the low light of the evening as they move past the foliage and onto Namjoon’s property. They’d come looking for Namjoon who hadn’t answered when Jin had called to check in with the younger wolf, and had yet to return the call. Jimin still loves this wrap around porch, he thinks he could get used to this if he really wanted out of pack life but he doesn't, not yet anyways. They’re coming around the side when they spot you standing at the door a basket in hand, the glasses you wear are comically big on your face slipping down your nose as you mutter to yourself. Jimin takes you in, the chunky cable knit sweater dwarfs you significantly making your look so small, but the whole outfit you wear reminds him of a child.
The pale blue of your sweater adds just a touch of color to your outfit, the tights and booties you wear are black. He’s most drawn to the half pigtails that sit atop your head, cute he thinks. He watches you for a bit longer before your gaze darts up as Jungkook steps closer peeking over your shoulder like some overgrown pup. He sighs internally because of course the pup of their group would step closer at the scent of food.
“Hi, oh my god you’re naked!” you yell dropping your gaze again to avoid looking at their half naked forms. He stifles a chuckle so as not to offend you, humans were so very amusing.
“We’re not naked.” Jimin says watching as you try and shrink away from his gaze, however Jungkook still stands behind you. It’s almost funny how you look like a caged mouse between the two of them ready to be devoured.
“Your boobs are out.” You mumble bringing the basket you hold in front of your face to further hide behind. Jimin pauses, d-did you just say boobs? Jungkook’s eyes grow in size as he meets Jimin’s gaze he can see the way the other man’s body trembles with concealed laughter.
“Who are you again?” Jimin asks, noticing the peculiar way Jungkook has not so subtly taken to sniffing you. Not the basket in your hand but you.
“I’m a friend of Namjoon’s, ____, I live down the street.” you say cheerily.
“A friend you say? I don't think he’s ever mentioned you before.” Jimin quirks his head slightly stepping closer.
“Oh, that’s okay we uh, we aren't that close?” you murmur gaze falling to your feet once more.
“Then are you really friends? You’re kinda plain looking, you aren't too tall, I’d say you’re very average at best.” you flinch back from him after what he’s said. You gnaw on your lip to keep quiet because you know. You offer him a tight smile, eyes glazed over and Jungkook is the one to glare at Jimin, because the pleasant mix of chocolate and mint with a hint of something oh so familiar has soured.
“I should go, please give this to Namjoon.” you thrust the basket into Jimin’s chest, he fumbles with it almost dropping it altogether as you turn on your heel almost tripping down the stairs in your rush to get away from the two. You’re out of sight in an instant, Jimin looks a little smug as Jungkook stares at the space you once occupied.
“That was really mean of you.” Jungkook spits.
“Who cares, she’s human.” Jimin scoffs, narrowing his eyes at the taller boy. He shoves the basket at Jungkook moving to take the spare key from where it’s wedged above the door frame. There’s a soft click before the two make their way inside, the house smells almost the same a little stale but mostly the same. It’s unnaturally quiet as they move further into the house which is unsettling. Jungkook sets the basket down in the kitchen moving towards the lone bedroom on the first floor before something is darting past him. The giant taupe mass that zips past has his lips quirking slightly.
“Namjoon you had us scared!” he laughs as the elder buries his muzzle in Jungkook’s abdomen.
“Why didn't you check in?” Jimin asks as he enters the room, the growl that rips through the room is brief as the giant wolf’s ears flick to the side before he’s bolting out the open front door. The two yell after him running out to follow him but the elder is gone, and for the first time since Namjoon has moved out of pack territory Jimin and Jungkook are worried.
Yoongi stretches out on your rooftop yawning a bit as he watches the giant mutt sprint into your yard. A quirk to his head as he sits quietly and watches as it goes sniffing around the area, well that’s interesting he thinks as a single corner of his lips tilt up.
Your cheeks itch, you think as you rub at them with the back of your hands; your nose is runny and unfortunately you don't have any tissues. It’s not like you to cry over something like that, especially when it came from a virtual stranger, a really good looking one at that. You hate that he was so quick to see the things you didn't like about yourself almost as if he knew. It’s stupid really because you had worked past this, had gone all your life being ridiculed and compared to your near perfect cousin. The one who went to a private school, who’d won the gene pool lottery because she was gorgeous, she’d beg to differ but despite all that you don't resent her. Not when she cared about you as much as she did, she doted on you as much as she could.
Still you can't help but wonder what it would've been like to be a little more like her, it’s silly because you don't really want her life necessarily. You just wanted something to call your own, you sigh letting your eyes fall closed as you try your hardest not to fall deeper into those nasty thoughts. Somehow you’d ended up sitting in the forest behind your house back against a tree in hiding. Mostly because your cousin is fiercely protective of you, but also because you don't want her to see the tear tracks that stick to your cheeks. The leaves crunch not far from you, and you whip your head in that direction, heart racing. You shriek as a furry mass collides into your body knocking you over. It whines loudly nuzzling into you and you glance down to see a giant dog?
He’s beautiful, shiny coat of taupe fur shines in the low light filtering through the treetops, big beautiful eyes that literally shimmer as he blinks at you. This dog has stolen your heart and you wonder just where the hell he came from. He’s yipping, bumping his head to your chest, before dropping his weight to lay beside you, head happily nestled between your boobs. He huffs a breath, blowing it into your face and you giggle. The whine he lets out is low almost like he’s crying, it breaks your heart a little.
“It’s okay, big guy please don't cry.” you coo running your fingers through his fur, his rumbles happily almost like a purr but slightly different. The laugh you let out is involuntary as his tongue swipes at your cheeks, you push at his massive head in an attempt to get him to stop but he just won't. He really is beautiful you think as he growls playfully at you pulling at your hair before nuzzling close, but he’s a little too big for you.
“-onie!” you hear and the dog goes stiff, turning and growling at whoever has approached you two. You peek around the dog's massive body to see Namjoon’s friend, the mean one standing there hands out. His eyes dart towards you pulling more growls from the dog as he does so, the other boy comes to stand beside his friend.
“Is this your dog?” you ask shuffling to your feet with a curious stare.
“Yes, he’s very viscous so he isn't usually let out.” Jimin says watching as both you and Namjoon quirk your heads at him at the blatant lie.
“He seems friendly enough to me.” you say running a hand through the dogs fur again.
“He must like you!” Jungkook supplies quickly as if to cover for the elders poor lie.
“Monie, come here.” Jimin says motioning to Namjoon who just stands beside you, as he lets out a sad little whine. He doesn't move, you kneel beside him scratching behind his ears and planting a soft little kiss to his nose.
“Go, thank you.” you smile, and he bumps his head against your face for one more kiss before he walks over, turning to glance at you and sprinting past Jimin and Jungkook. Jimin curses turning on his heel and rushing after him. Jungkook however stays stock still staring at something over your shoulder.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m sure Namjoon will be happy to see you.” he smiles before turning and sprinting in the direction he’d come.
Your cousin stands at your back door, a frown marring her features as she watches Jungkook run off. What was that mutt doing here, better yet what the hell were you doing hanging out with a pack of wolves in the forest no less. This was interesting, she thinks heading back inside before you can see.
“What did you say to her?” Namjoon asks after he’s shifted back to his human form tugging at the waistband of his sweats.
“Why are you assuming I said anything, Jungkook could’ve been the one to say something.” Jimin huffs crossing his arms at his chest.
“I said nuffing.” Jungkook offers around a mouthful of muffin. Namjoon stares at the younger long and hard, because he didn’t have muffins.
“Where’d you get that?”
“Your neighbor brought them over earlier. She’s super cute by the way.” He says, watching amusedly as Namjoon growls at him. It surprises Jimin because Namjoon had never growled at anyone least of all his favorite!
“D-do you like her?” Jimin gags more than a little scandalized at the idea. A human, Namjoon liked a human. Maybe he needed to move back to pack territory, yeah that seemed like a good idea.
“I don't know. She’s different, she smells nice I mean. Like mint and chocolate which is weird already but like in a good way. My wolf likes her too and y’know that's good, maybe?” Jungkook is smiling extra wide, looking almost manic, while Jimin looks like he’ll be sick.
“Maybe you should come back home, Jin would love the help y'know. I’m sure you’re tired of the stench of denture cream and prunes.” Jimin sniffs.
“Not really, I like it here.” he murmurs rubbing at the back of his head.
“Jungkook stop eating and say something!” Jimin shouts almost hysterically.
“These muffins are really good, Namjoon you should have some since your cute neighbor brought them over. Jimin please eat something you can be melodramatic when you’re hungry.” He says waving the baked goodness at the two of them. Jimin is reluctant to take one from him while Namjoon is more than happy to load up on carbs after being stuck in his wolf form for almost a week. He bites into it groaning because this had to be the best muffin he’d ever had, his insides warm at the thought of you baking them and bringing them over.
“I think she might be your mate.” Jungkook offers, biting into a blueberry muffin, it’s his fourth of the batch.
“What?” Namjoon sputters, choking on the bit he has in his mouth.
“Why would you say that?” Jimin says, sounding appalled but still stuffs his cheeks full of muffin.
“I’m just saying, as someone who already has their mate I would know.” he says with an air of arrogance.
“Just because your mate is human doesn’t mean Namjoon’s is.” Jimin huffs with a pout.
“She’s a witch, not a human, and I mean he’s acting a lot like I did when I first met her.”
“Doesn’t her familiar hate you?”
“That's besides the point, what I’m saying is he’s acting like a wolf with a non-wolf mate would.” Jungkook glares at Jimin, for such a small man he sure likes to go toe to toe with someone much bigger than him in every aspect.
“Do you really think so?” Namjoon asks eyes wide in wonder. There’s a glimmer to them, a shine he didn't have before. His wolfs yips happily, the smile that splits Namjoon’s lips is very telling. Jimin groans because of course another one of his close pack mates would have a human mate, it only made sense.
You’re gnawing on your lip when your cousin walks into the kitchen the next morning. She looks slightly disheveled, a scowl on her lips at the way the shine literally blinds her. Yoongi comes in after her, looking no less awake than she does a pout to his lips that tilts your own upwards.
“Morning, coffee?” you ask as both of them nod their head once before sitting at the island.
“Why does the sun have to be up everyday, why can't it be cold and gloomy all the time.” your cousin groans into her palms as she drags them across her face in an attempt to wake up a little more.
“It can’t be that bad.” you laugh hugging her as you put a mug of the caffeine in front of her and repeating the process with Yoongi who whines when you move away from him. You’re quickly plating a light breakfast, nothing that requires a lot because truth be told you’re feeling a little frazzled today. The butterflies in your tummy have yet to settle, you almost feel nauseous, but in a good way. Toasted bagels with cream cheese, and fruit will have to do you suppose, you’re also a little sad that your cousin and Yoongi have to go home soon, because you really liked having them over, it beats living in a house as big as this all on your lonesome.
“What’s going on over there rainbow bright?” Yoongi asks, a hint of concern lacing his tone.
“Nothing, I’m just gonna miss you two.” you smile sadly at them.
“Why? It’s not like we can’t come visit or vice versa.”
“I don't know, I like having you around.” your cousin gags muttering about how it’s too early for all this sweetness.
“Your teeth will rot if you stay this sweet, but I don't think you’ll be alone for long.” she smirks into her coffee cup. You’re about to ask why when there’s a knock at your door, and you hurriedly wipe your hands to see who it could be. You pull the door open, and to your surprise Namjoon stands there a small bouquet of daisies in hand.
“Namjoon, hi.” you say a little too breathlessly.
“Hi, um can we talk?” he asks, scratching at his neck sheepishly. You nod, casting a glance over your shoulder and stepping onto your porch.
“What’s up?” you ask, heart fluttering in your chest as he hesitantly raises the flowers in hand.
“These are for you. I’m sorry if Jimin offended you, he has a way with words.” he winces because Jimin truly was a menace and the main reason a lot of she-wolves steered clear of him.
“Thank you, he was a little harsh but I’m a big girl and I can handle it.” His heart breaks a little and his anger simmers, he swears he’ll make Jimin regret hurting you.
“Still, he didn't have a right to, and thank you for the muffins they were really good.” he smiles a dimple winking out, that makes you internally sigh because gosh darnit he was super cute.
“I’m glad you liked them, it was a thank you for taking care of me.” you mutter warmth rushing to your cheeks.
“I, I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go out sometime?” he asks, skin flushed gaze glued to the floor. Your skin heats further, you must’ve heard him wrong.
“I’m, s-sorry?” you stutter.
“Would you like to go out sometime?” he asks again feeling embarrassed, maybe Jungkook had been wrong after all.
“Like, a, a, d-date?” you squeak, almost certain you’re about to faint.
“Yeah, like a date, I, I’m sorry maybe I should just -”
“NO! I mean yes of course I’d love to go on a date!” you scream, embarrassment washing over you at the sheer volume you’d used legs suddenly feeling like jelly.
“Great, how does Saturday sound? Seven okay?” he asks, excitement leaking into his tone as you stutter out a confirmation. His smile widens turning on his heel and tripping down your steps, barely catching himself before throwing a smile you way once more, saturday can’t come quick enough.
Jimin and Jungkook laugh in the bushes nearby having watched the whole ordeal. Similarly Yoongi and your cousin muffle their laughter belly aching at just how awkwardly comical the two of you were.
Six months later ~
“I can’t believe Jimin made me think Monie was a dog.” you laugh wrapping your arms around Namjoon.
“Please don't remind me, I will never live that down.” he murmurs into the crown of your head. He’s holding you close, the wall of his kitchen are painted the early morning strawberry of the sky, giving way to the mango and blueberry that come after the near crack of dawn, and everything feels perfect. You’re wearing his shirt, all warm, sleep still clouding your eyes but no less love drunk than yesterday. He takes a deep breath swaying the two of you to a silent tune, you smell of mint and chocolate, a weird mix but also of home.
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bnhaheadcanonsmha · 3 years
Anon-W Pt. 1: Hi! Can I request a match-up? Here's some info about me :) I am feminine-presenting, but use they/them pronouns, have long brown hair and hazel eyes, and I'm 5'7". In general, I'm a bit socially awkward and have a hard time keeping conversation with new people (especially via text/video/phone call!), but I love being in social situations and breaking out of my comfort zone. Once you get to know me, I'm actually quite loud and outgoing. Physical affection isn't my thing, but...
Part 2: "Anon-W Pt. 2: ...I try my best in romantic relationships. My friends are the most important thing in my life, and I'd do anything for them. My Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw, I'm an ENFJ-T, and my sun sign is (Jan.) Aquarius. I'm also Bi, so gender isn't an issue when it comes to dating, though I've found I tend to prefer females. I love to sing, read, and write, but I also spend a lot of my time sewing and baking. Anywho, thanks for the match-up! xx"
Thanks for requesting, hope you like it!
I ship you with... Ochako Uraraka!
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For some reasons, I headcanon Ochako as very shy during most of her middle-school but who managed to open to open to world during her last year or during the school break before U.A. All of this to say that she understands very well you're awkwardness around some social interactions. With the time, she became good at texting, so it doesn't bother her to be the one texting the most.
Though, as we know, her phone is an old one, so she can't send pics nor receive them as much as she wants: that's why she prefers by far real encounters and dates. Since she's now out-going and surrounded by a bunch of (over) friendly persons, she's a good fit for someone who wants to try new things, especially when it comes to social interactions.
We can't cut it out though: she loves physical affection. However, she tries not to put you too much out of your comfort zone (Ochako being a very vocal person and knowing communication is the key in a relationship would always ask you if what she wants to do is okay, etc.) I think the only real "required" physical contact for her is hand holdings, so she would be very content to hold your hand while watching a movie for example.
Ochako is a woman with (thankfully) a lot of life skill, such as cooking and sewing. However, it came more out of obligations (i.e, living alone) rather than passion. It's why, when you show her your skill in these fields and talk about, as a passion, her eyes start sparkling. She doesn't like doing things out of obligation, so dating someone who likes both is a good way to start actively cooking and sewing, this time to connect with you (she also hopes you'll show her good receipes).
This headcanons is about my experience of Ravenclaw and Aquarius, so it's possible it doesn't apply: I just can't help but image the few weeks/months before you two started dating. On one hand there's an oblivious Aquarius (because Aquarius tend to be blind when it comes to love apparently) and on the other, an Ochako who knows she's in love with you but doesn't want to appear too obvious but e v e r y o n e knows about your mutual crush. Let's say it took all Kirishima's patience and Mina's shenanigans to make both of you date.
I also ship you with... Shinya Kamihara!
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I'm well aware this can be surprising, mostly because he's very underrated (it was my first choice, but since you probably don't remember him (no shame, I had to read the manga again to be reminded of this precious person), I decided to put it as a second choice).
He's the kind to be "old-fashioned", only using his phone once every blue moon, so more keen to ask you out on (friendly at first, then romantic) dates because it's easier for him to enter in communication.
He's described as a very secretive person, so he's not the one to start huge social interactions: he never hold parties, nor do he proposes to several people to go eat at the restaurant or to join an event. However, he doesn't do it out or shyness, so he would mind accompagning you in activities.
I imagine both of you having a very domestic relationship, homey kind too. He would like to hear you sing while you cook or sew and he's himself reading or helping you. I think he would like sewing; for an unknown reason, I headcanon him liking patching up his costume, so you would sew together!
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siancore · 5 years
I know this isn't 1 word but can I request "First Time" for Sambucky drabble please?
Anon, since you sent more than one word, I wrote more than one hundred words (I got carried away). Enjoy the Sambucky Fluff! 
The first time that Bucky Barnes admitted to himself that he liked guys the same way he liked gals was exciting, but a little nerve-wracking. He was fourteen years old and Archie O’Connor from around the way shared a soda with him. When Archie passed him the bottle and smiled at him that way, Bucky’s tummy did a hundred little flips. Just like it did that time when Katie Finnegan handed him a library book and their fingers touched a little.
Yep, Bucky liked gals, but he liked guys, too. But what would people think? Nothing nice. What would they say? Probably mean things.
So, Bucky pushed those feelings aside. When he turned fifteen, he asked if Katie wanted to get an ice cream cone with him, even though he could have just as easily asked Archie out. Well, maybe not as easily. What would people think? He reminded himself: Nothing nice.
The first time Bucky ever kissed another guy was when he was nineteen. Stanley Richards had traveled from California one summer to visit relatives. They met at the corner store and hit it off right away; he helped Bucky carry some groceries home. He had the kindest eyes Bucky had ever seen up to that point: Big and bright. They spent the summer together visiting Coney Island and listening to the wireless in Bucky’s small bedroom. When Stanley had to leave, Bucky cried and the two of them shared a soft kiss in the privacy of his room. What would people think? Two guys holding one another like that as their hearts pined. Nothing nice, he figured, so he pretended that the aching in his chest was not love.
The first time Bucky admitted he was in love was when he was twenty-one. Her name was Dolores McNeely and she had a cheeky grin, and the cutest dimples he ever did see. He took her out dancing most weekends. She liked the fast tunes best, and he would spin her around the dancefloor until they felt dizzy and their faces hurt from smiling. When they first made love, Bucky was sweet and gentle. He never wanted the moment to end. He told her that he’d save his dimes and buy her a brand-new ring. He couldn’t wait for her to take his last name. But the war came, and he had to leave. The first time Bucky admitted he had a broken heart was when he read Dolores’ final letter to say she was engaged to another guy. Bucky cried, and tossed the letter away. The last time he felt like that was the night that Stanley went back to California.
The first time Bucky saw Sam Wilson, he was trying to kill people: Sam included. But he doesn’t do that anymore. Though the weight of the shame and guilt was still heavy on his shoulders. He still regretted the things he was forced to do. He mourned the life that was stolen away from him. He resented the things that had happened to him; things that tried to leave him as cold as the chamber he was frozen in.
Sam was the one who told him every single day that he had to let it go. That what happened was in the past and couldn’t be changed and that beating himself up about it was never going to help anyone. Least of all himself.
“Forgive yourself,” Sam told him. “Everyone else has.”
Then Sam placed his hand on Bucky’s shoulder and gave it a gentle, comforting squeeze. And that was the first time that Bucky ever had a crush on a friend.
Sam was a great friend and eventual housemate. He called Bucky dude and made him laugh. He was patient and generous with his time and energy. He would listen to Bucky and offer advice. And he had the most beautiful smile Bucky had ever seen in any decade.
The first time Bucky felt raw jealousy was when Leticia Byrnes came traipsing out of Sam’s bedroom one particularly cold Saturday morning. Sam’s USAF t-shirt was way too big on her as she waltzed into their kitchen and looked in the fridge.
“I’m makin’ breakfast,” said Bucky, trying to sound as friendly as he could. “Want some?”
She grabbed a carrot and took a bite, before shooting him a sweet smile and saying, “Maybe later.”
As she headed in the direction of Sam’s bedroom, she turned and said, “But thanks, Billy.”
She was already closing the door when he said, “My name’s Bucky.”
The second time Bucky was jealous was when Andre Stannard called by their apartment to take Sam out on a date. Andre was tall and handsome. Clean-cut and well put-together. Bucky felt self-conscious near him since his hair was getting too long, and he probably could do with a shave. He ran his fingers through his messy tresses and watched the two of them from the sofa as they complimented one another before heading out. When Andre pressed his hands to the lapels of Sam’s jacket, Bucky rolled his eyes so far back in his head he thought they’d get stuck.
“Be back later, Buck,” Sam called out. “Don’t wait up.”
Bucky plastered the best smile over his face that he could muster for Sam, and wished them a good evening. That night, he lay in his bedroom, sleep evading him, until he heard Sam come home alone. He smiled to himself that the date ended with Andre not returning, but then felt bad because he only wanted Sam to be happy.
The first time Bucky ever admitted to anyone that he liked guys as well as gals, was when Sam helped him make a Facebook page. He didn’t want to give away too much, and didn’t really know what he was doing, so he filled out the information sections quickly. Sam inspected it, his gaze lingering on Bucky’s profile picture a beat longer than was necessary.
“Dude, you accidentally checked that you’re into men and women,” Sam pointed out. “Want me to go back in and change it?”
Bucky stared at the screen a moment, and then looked over at Sam. I like guys and gals the same. Why shouldn’t I say so? But what would people think?
Probably the same things they thought about Sam: That he is a hero; a really great guy; a good friend; a total catch; that he is kind, fair, generous, and caring; that he deserves love from whomever he chooses to love.
What would people say? Probably the same things they say about Sam: That the person he ends up with, regardless of their gender, had better treat him right.
“It wasn’t an accident,” said Bucky, as he glanced coyly at Sam. “I like guys and gals.”
The first time Sam Wilson kissed Bucky Barnes was on an otherwise uneventful Thursday night. They were sitting on their sofa, playfully arguing about what show they wanted to stream. Sam had taken the remote control and shoved it underneath one of the cushions. Bucky turned slightly, leaned over and tried to reach for it as Sam grabbed hold of his hand. They both froze as Sam’s gaze locked onto Bucky’s.
“Wow,” said Sam. “You’re really tryin’ to distract me by getting handsy, uh?”
“No,” said Bucky, suddenly forgetting how to speak when Sam’s thumb rubbed his as they entwined their fingers.
“What’s happening here?” Sam whispered.
“I don’t know,” Bucky replied, just as quietly. “But I like it.”
“Yeah,” said Sam. “Me too.”
Sam shifted so that he was facing Bucky. He brought his hand to Bucky’s face and cupped it gently. Bucky thought his heart was going to leap from his chest as Sam leaned in closer. Their eyes closed as their lips finally met. His tummy did a hundred little flips.
The first time Bucky had ever held a guy’s hand out in public was when he and Sam were taking a slow, relaxed walk through a city park. They stopped a moment while Sam tossed some seeds to the pigeons. The sunshine caressed Sam’s beautiful face and shimmered in his dark brown eyes. Bucky lost his train of thought for a moment, stunned by just how handsome Sam was.
“You good, Buck?” he asked, noticing a faraway look in his eyes.
“Yeah,” said Bucky with a smile, as he slipped his hand into Sam’s. “Never been better.”
The first time Bucky made love to a guy was when he and Sam took their relationship to another level. It was perfect; better than he could have ever hoped for. Sam was perfect and Bucky was sweet and gentle. He kissed Sam all over his body and held him close. He loved him for the first time, just like it would be their last time.
The first time Bucky told Sam he loved him was after a particularly hard mission. Sam had been hit with shrapnel that pierced his suit. He lost a lot of blood that day. Bucky sat by his side in the sterile hospital room until he woke up.
“Hey,” said Sam tiredly as he came to.
Hey,” Bucky replied with a relieved smile.
They both went to speak at once, then laughed.
“You go,” said Sam. “I wasn’t gonna say anything important.”
“I love you, Sam Wilson,” Bucky blurted out. “Don’t scare me like that again.”
The first time Bucky had saved enough dimes to buy a brand-new ring was the week that Sam was out of town. It had only been a few days, but Bucky was missing him like crazy. He could not imagine his life without him: Kind, sweet Sam; his Sam. The guy who he could just be himself around. The guy who made everything better just by being there. The guy he was completely and utterly in love with. The guy who loved him back.
He stood in front of the glass case inside of the jewelry store. The finely crafted bands sparkled under the strategically placed lights. He didn’t need to choose the most expensive of the bunch, just one that represented their love: Strong and unending. He asked to get a closer look at a plain silver band. He imagined Sam’s face lighting up as he drops to one knee and asks for his hand in marriage.
What would people think? That they are the luckiest couple alive.
What would people say? That they’re happy for them.
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roseduroi · 6 years
I believe in you || Theo Raeken
Pairing: Theo Raeken x Reader
Word count: 3,193
Summary: Theo Raeken has always been known as the Bad Guy, the Villain of the story. When he came back from Hell, no one believed he'd learned his lesson. But that's until a sweet petite girl shows up, offering her help. Takes place at 6x12
{A/N}: I was never good at writing summaries. My very first story inserting the Reader! I know how much sometimes it means to read a preference (or a Fanfiction, or an Imagine, or a One-shot), a story with a {Y/N}; how much it can help. It's even better to read it about you and your heroes. To have an opportunity to imagine something you wish was true.  
So being a fangirl and some-kind-of-writer, I wrote a few parts series about one of my favorite characters. English isn't my native language, I'm so sorry for the mistakes.
Much much love and happy reading!
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It was one of those cold nights that Theo had to spend in his car. After he had come back from Hell, he became homeless. His “family” kicked him out, probably because they were still afraid of him; after all, he had tortured them, manipulated them, and used them. And Theo didn’t even blame them, heck he totally understood these people. He was cruel and ruthless, and selfish back then, no wonder why he didn’t have friends either to ask for help. No one wanted to help him, he was known as the Bad Guy, and one of the hardest things in life is to get rid of the reputation you’ve made over the years, months, or even weeks. After all, it only takes seven seconds to make your first impression and weeks to try to change it into something better.
No one believed that he’d changed and was no longer the same guy who only wanted power. Being in Hell made its point that the power isn’t everything. Cruelty doesn’t make you powerful, but it makes you feared. And as much as Theo had tried to make them believe he’d changed, it had always been pointless, because no one had listened. And he thought he deserved it, every second he spent on Earth after he’d returned from Hell, Theo believed he merited it. He considered himself that he didn’t deserve forgiveness, that forgiveness had to be earned and that that it would be earned, at first he needed to be given a chance to finally prove that there is some good left in him. But no one had given a try. Why should they anyway? After everything he’d done, after all that pain he’d caused, bad things he’d done, why should they spare him? Not for nothing they say karma is a bitch.
Theo parked his car near the abandoned building, away from the city center, hoping that at least here he would get some rest without any interrupting from the police and he could finally fall asleep in peace.  He wrapped the blanket around himself and lay on his back, placing one arm under his head, and another on his abdomen. The young male lifted his eyes and looked at the night sky view through the window of the car. It was probably the only positive thing about sleeping in the truck. The sky was always beautiful, cloudy or not, it was one of the most beautiful things he's ever seen, and he wouldn’t have seen it if he was in the house, on the comfortable bed, sleeping under the roof.
But mostly he liked to stare at the stars, these shiny small dots in the sky which showed you the path you should go. He listened to, with the help of the wind rustling tree leaves; from time to time his ears caught the sounds of a passing car across the street or the fading footsteps of a simple human. He always gazed at the Moon, his hazel eyes scanning over it all, remembering the story about how the sun loved the Moon so much he died every night to let her breathe. Theo never stopped looking, dreaming or thinking about it, he just always waited until his eyes felt heavy and sleep took over his body, sinking into the deep Kingdom of sleep.
He closed his eyes, just wanting to rest for a little while before one of the deputies shows up again and tells him to leave. But just as he’d closed his hazel eyes, a soft knocking on the window could be heard.
A deep sigh left his mouth. He just wanted to get some sleep, was it too much to ask?
The light brown-haired male frowned and began to say something, but when he saw that the person outside the window wasn’t someone he’d expected to see standing there, he quickly shut his mouth. Theo widened his eyes and slowly sat up when he saw a girl, standing in front of him with a sincere and friendly smile on her face.  
It was {Y/N}, {Y/N} McCall, Scott’s little sister. Her hair was braided into a messy thick braid with a few strands falling on her face.  Her eyes were big and full of empathy and gentleness. Her cheeks were pink and a little bit puffy from the coldness. She wore a white long-sleeved shirt with black small elephants all over the soft material. While her black jeans matched her white converse shoes. {Y/N} was a very beautiful, petite girl, who sparkled with her innocence and kindness.  
Theo didn’t know her very well though. He didn't get a chance to get to know her better. Sure, he's met her in person before and all, they've even exchanged a few words between each other, but that's it, nothing more, nothing less. He remembered the day he met her, the early Saturday morning when he accidentally spilled his coffee all over her t-shirt, ruining it at the process. It wasn't like it had never happened before, because it sure had, many times before, because let's be clear, he was never an early morning person, so anyway, he'd been expecting some yelling, snapping and harsh words flying everywhere (that was what he'd always received after) but instead of it he got a soft "it's okay" from her.      
After that, they’d become friends, sort of. When Scott had found out about Theo being friends with his little sister, he strictly forbade her from seeing him, but {Y/N} didn’t take it very well. She was hurt knowing that Scott didn’t support her friendship with Theo, and she was even more hurt when her mum, Melissa, had taken her brother’s side, agreeing with him that it was for the best if Theo weren’t in her life. The Chimera hadn’t been very surprised by such a behavior. No, he‘d even understood why Scott was doing so and why Melissa was agreeing with him and not {Y/N}. {Y/N} had a very soft heart, she was naïve. And that was why Theo had chosen to back away.  He was starting to care for her and caring for her meant danger. She would’ve been in danger if he’d stayed in her life. He didn’t want that, Scott and his mum were right, it was for the best.
“{Y/N}?“ Theo asked, sitting up, his voice full of surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“I went grocery shopping.” The girl answered quickly, gripping her jeans as he frowned a little bit, clearly knowing she was lying. He didn’t even need to listen to her heartbeat to tell she’d lied, her eyes said everything that was needed. And besides all the stores were closed at this hour. “What are you doing here?”
“Admiring the sky.” The Chimera simply pointed out and got out of the car, a small frown still on his face. She took a small step back, giving him some space and tilting her head that she could look into his eyes. “Why are you really here? And don’t lie.” He asked, looking straight into her eyes and listening to how quickly her heart was beating. She was nervous and... Did he smell concern?
“I...” {Y/N} stopped briefly, thinking if she should say the real reason why she was here. The young girl shyly tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as a small blush appeared on her now gentle pink cheeks. “I-I’m here for you.” She stuttered.
“You don’t have to sleep in the car every night.” She looked down at the ground, finding her shoes very interesting now. “It’s not safe.”  
The male’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t need your pity.” He bickered, his voice coming out a bit harsher than he wanted to. The girl’s eyes widened and she looked up at him.
“It’s not pity.” She shook her head. “I just think you don’t deserve it.” The girl said and after a brief moment of silent, she added. “No one does.”
“I do,” Theo said and dropped his gaze, no longer wanting to look into her eyes. “I killed my own sister, {Y/N}, your brother. I had done horrible things to people, to your friends. How come I don’t deserve so?” She cringed a little when he mentioned Scott. She remembered that night, remembered how her mum was trying to save him, how tears streamed down her face, she remembered the indescribable fear she felt for her big brother. But she shook off the bad memory; she wasn’t there to remind him of his horrible decisions and mistakes he’d made. No. She was there to help him, not judge him.
{Y/N} focused on his guilty eyes that wouldn’t meet hers.
“You were literally dragged to Hell. That was your punishment. People change, Theo.” She said softly, staring into his eyes when he’d finally looked at her. “You’ve changed.”
“Not everyone would agree with you on this one, Peaches.” He told her, using her nickname. The girl frowned her eyebrows a little as her lower lip protruded in a small, imperceptible pout. He always called her that, it was a nickname made by him for only her. From the very first day he met her, as he saw these pink soft cheeks of hers, which painted, even more, pinker as she blushed, the nickname Peaches had stuck ever since then.  
“Who cares what others think?” She asked, deciding to ignore the nickname.
Theo had always admired how she’s always tried to see the good in people, even in those who have made bad decisions in their life. Just like him. She always wanted to give them a change, saying if people would try to be kinder to one another, try to understand each other a little bit more often; the world would be a better place. Perhaps it would, after all, we’ve created the world we are now living in ourselves, but in the same way, we can make it better. We are the blacksmith of our lives. We made it this way, but we can also try to make it better.
The girl sighed. “I didn’t come here to judge you, Theo. I came here because I want to help you.” She told him softly and took a step closer to him.
“You could spend a few nights or as much as you need at my house, you know until you get back on your feet. I would talk to my mum and Scott; you wouldn’t have to worry about them.” Theo felt a warm feeling spread across his chest as she continued talking. The thought of her caring for him warmed his heart. “It’s not safe to be here, especially at night time. Anything could happen.”
“I’m a Chimera, {Y/N}. I can defend myself perfectly fine." Theo reminded her, closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them, his now glowing golden eyes staring directly at her. But when he flicked his wrist and his sharp claws sprouted out, the girl flinched and without realizing it she took a small step back.
Theo froze as he noticed her flinching. He quickly shifted his eyes back to normal and retracted his claws, not wanting to scare her more, it was the last thing he wanted to do. God, how could he be so stupid? He looked at her, wanting to see her eyes, but she was staring at the ground as if she were embarrassed about what has just happened.
“See what I’m talking about?” After some time of silence, he spoke gentle, causing her to lift up her head and look at him with sad eyes. “How can people trust me, if they‘re afraid?”
“Theo, I’m not–“ but he cut her off.
“You should go. It’s late. Scott and your mum are probably worrying that you’re not home.” He said calmly. “And believe me when I say none of them will be happy if they find out you’re with me.”
“I’m not going anywhere without you. And if necessary, I’ll stay here all night."
He was fascinated by her stubbornness and determination. He loved to see that spark that lighted her eyes when she defended something that she thought was right. But right now it wasn’t one of those moments. Yes, she was very kind by offering him to stay at her house and help him get back on his feet again, but he also knew that even if she did talk to her brother and mum, they still wouldn’t change their mind. {Y/N} would just get in trouble because of him. Scott would probably get mad at her and Melissa wouldn’t be very pleased too. He knew how much her family meant to her, and he would never try to stand between her family and her. He just couldn’t hurt her that much.
So he looked into her eyes for the last time, giving her that "go home" look, and got into the driver's seat, leaving her standing there alone, lost in her own thoughts.
A soft shaky sigh left {Y/N}’s mouth as she shivered. It was late and they both were tired, but the girl wasn’t going anywhere. She didn’t come here just to have a pep talk with him and go home. No, and if she needed to prove to him that she wasn’t pitying him, fine, she’d do it, she’d stay here all night if necessary. She cared for him, deeply.
When she looked at Theo, his eyes were closed, but she knew he wasn’t sleeping. The girl frowned slightly. Maybe the feelings were one-sided? Maybe he really didn’t change and Scott and Melissa were right? Maybe some people don’t change, that they’re just overwhelmed with anger and can feel only contempt for others human beings..? But she refused to think that way. She just couldn’t. If it’s not her who will see the good in others, then who will?  
She slowly sat down on the cold ground and leaned against the door of the truck. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, trying to warm up. The night was pretty cold and she began to regret she hadn’t taken a jacket with herself. She just didn’t think she would need to spend the night outside. The girl put her head on her knees and closed her eyes, listening to the loud silence.
After some time Theo opened his eyes and sighed. {Y/N} was still here and she really was not going to go anywhere without him. He could clearly and loudly hear how rapidly her heart was beating from the cold. He heard her teeth chattering, her hard breathing, and how she moved from time to time, trying to warm herself up at least a little bit. He couldn’t continue listening to it as if it was nothing, he couldn’t ignore it anymore. It was like being tortured, worse. Theo cared for her and listening to her shaking from the cold hurt him. And if she gets sick, it will be his entire fault.
The Chimera looked at the car’s mirror and only then he understood that she really was going to keep her word and won’t go anywhere. She just sat there, curled up in a ball on attempt to keep herself warm, and probably thinking how much of an idiot he was now being.
Theo frowned when he got out of the car and the chilly wind met his face. The night was cool, the wind blew gentle but chilly breezes as the small dots were brightly shining in the sky. He turned his head to the left, his gaze softening at the sight in front of him.
“{Y/N}?” He whispered but didn’t get any response. Could she have fallen asleep in this chilly weather? Theo knelt down in front of her trembling body and carefully put his large hand on her knee, giving it a firm but gently shake. “Peaches, wake up.”
“Theo?” {Y/N} blinked. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked at the kneeling Chimera in front of her.  
“Come on, let’s go to the car.” He told her gently. “You’re shaking.”
“You care.” The girl smiled softly and slowly stood up. His arms were gently placed on her torso, holding her balance, while her palms rested on his broad shoulders and her cheek was pressed to his firm chest. Theo was warm and she needed someone to hold her. She felt happy. Never in her life has she felt this safe as she felt now being held in his arms. He was giving her everything a woman would ever want from her man. Protection. Love. Warmth.
She didn’t know when it happened. She didn’t know when she started to have those feelings for him. Maybe it was when she saw him for the very first time or maybe when he saved Liam, but from that exact moment, she knew he’d changed. The old Theo would have never done that. From that moment, she knew he was trying to fix things up; he was trying to be better and maybe just then she realized she felt something more than friendly feelings toward him. She didn’t know, but what she did know was that, that at this exact moment she just wanted to feel his lips on hers.
Everything was perfect. The stars, the Moon, even that chilly wind wasn’t that chilly anymore. When their eyes met, it seemed like everything froze. She slowly shut her eyes, tilting up her head a little and when their lips were just inches apart, Theo opened his eyes and pulled away.
He pulled away… he rejected her.
But as soon as she wanted to step away from him, Theo growled and only then {Y/N} saw that they weren’t alone. Several men, hunters, stood before them, surrounding them and pointing their guns directly at her and Theo. Theo’s eyes flashed gold as he gently pushed the petite girl behind him, standing in front of her as if he was her shield. He could hear how quickly her heart was beating, telling him she was scared. And he was too; the thought of her being hurt frightened him.  
And then they fired.
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ethien · 5 years
Link x MonsterHybrid! S/o where Link has to defend his s/o from the people in the Kingdom bc they think s/o is dangerous but really isn't (Unless provoked)?
I really liked the idea. Reminds me of a little daydream I had some time ago.
The ficlet turned out more like a lecture than a cute fluff story in my opinion. I hope, you like it a bit.
The taleabout Brynhildr the horned goddess
Genre: little drama/ a bit fluff
Words: 1.154
When he wasa child, his mother did tell him bedtime-stories from mystical legends. Hisfavorite one was Brynhildr the hornedgoddess. It tells about a young girl who lived in a cave near the villagebecause she was different.
Her parents didn’t want her and left her aloneas a child. They were disgusted by her horns on her head and her deep red eyes.They thought she was a monster who wants to harm them. But she wasn´t. She washalf hylian and the other half was unknown to her. It didn’t change the fact shewas a kind and friendly girl who could not harm anyone. But no one knows. Shewas raised by some korok who visited her cave. When she grown up to a woman sheonly left the cave for going to the great fairies. They were next to the korokher only friends. It was okay for her.
One day when she went to the fairies she met amale hylian. He was a traveler and highly injured. He asked her for help himand ignored her appearance. She took him to the great fairy and he got healed.She thought the man would yell at her being a monster. Instead of angry, he wasthankful to her. He also was a bit curious about her.
From this moment, he often visited her. Theydid lot things together and they become dear friends. He could not understandwhy people think she could be a monster. She wasn’t.
It was natural that their friendship leads toLove.
However, one day he stopped coming to her. Sheheard from the korok he got arrested by protecting you. She sneaked in thevillage and tried to escape with him.
The villagers attack her and yelled at her. Shedidn’t do anything. Until he fall to the ground and died in her arms. She wasso furious her sleeping power awakens. With her magic she pushed the villageraway. She summoned a dark soldier who killed his murderer.
She went back to the cave and cried. Now shewas a monster and her Beloved was gone.
Years passed and the people forgot about her.
It was fate she meet another male at the greatfairy spot. He looked similar to her beloved.
It was his younger brother.
Before she could say anything he falls on hisknees and begs for forgiveness. He knew about her because his brother told himfantastic stories about her. He was there for asking her for help. An evil mageterrorized the village and no one could protect them.
She was unsure. The villagers took the love ofher life away. How could she help them? But inside she knew it was wrong not tohelp.
So she went in the village and fights the evilmage. She wins but also died in the fight. From this day she was a goddess tothis village who teaches everyone to be kind to your environment. Even it isdifferent.
He reallyliked this tale. It influences his life huge and he grown up to a kind andfriendly male who respects and helps everyone in need. His name is Link.
It turnedout he is the hero of the kingdom, so he saved the princess a lot of times fromthe evil.
With hisjobs and duties, he travelled around the kingdom and meet new people. It werenormal meetings until he visited a small village in the near of the mountains.
There was astatue of the goddess Brynhildr heknew from the tale. He was amazed the tale was a true one. He kneels for herand prays. The people there also told him about it and where happy he knew thestory.
At the lastday of his stay he wandered around the area and like in the tale he found theplace of a great fairy. He also saw some korok and then he saw you.
You werelike Brynhildr in the tale. A youngfemale half hylian and half unknown. It was like you were the reincarnation ofher.
Incomparison to her, you were highly afraid to see a hylian male. You immediatelyhide behind the great fairy.
“Don’t beafraid, my dear. I know this hylian quite well. He is the savior of thiskingdom and he often helps my sisters and their dear childs” the great fairysaid and you came out of your hide.
You shylywaved to him and so your friendship starts.
You couldwalk around the area. The villagers were quite delighted to meet you despitethe fact you were very shy at the beginning.
Link showedyou around, you both spend a lot of time together talking and exploring. It waskind of natural like in the tale you both fall in love with each other.
He wantedto take you to his home but you were unsure. You knew your village was a safeplace. But the outside of it could be terrified. You agreed but you dressed upto hide your horns.
You arrivedat the castle and it went well. It got worse when Zelda, the princess ofhyrule, asked to put the coat down. You put it down. She was a bit terrified atthe beginning but she believed your pure soul. She also knew the tale about thehorned goddess.
You thoughtyou were safe. It didn’t take long to change. Rumors went around. You’re amonster, wanted to kill the princess and harm the kingdom. It hurt you butevery time Link comforted you.
It changednothing.
It gotworse when soldiers attack you with their blades and leave deep wounds in yourskin. You cried and were afraid. You saw the blade and believed to die.
The swordsclenched and Link stand before you. He defended you.
“Why areyou attacking her?”
“She didnot do anything to you and she didn’t plan something”
“Just lookat her. She’s a monster with these horns and those eyes”
Link lookedat you. He sweetly smiled to you.
“I only seea beautiful woman who is one of the kindest persons I ever meet.” He said.
“Becauseyou look different to others doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. You need to knowsomeone before you judge them”
He went toyou and looked over your injuries. He lifts you up in his arms.
“If you’restill the opinion she’s a monster I will be not your hero anymore. I willprotect her and defend everyone who didn’t see her personality”.
You bothleft castle town.
Link reallyloved the tale from Brynhildr the hornedgoddess. It teaches him to be kind and respectful to his environment.
You’re theonly thing he loved more than this tale. Because you were his horned goddessfor the end of your both lifes.
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