#just a little bit of flustered Simon is good for the soul
captain-mj · 1 year
SPOILS OF WAR??? WHERE IS MY BELOVED WHEN WILL IT RETURN FROM THE WAR??? Give me spoils of war or you'll never see your teeth again.
Sorry for taking so long :(
Two days after the end of their trip, Soap went through some of the goods they were sent with. Mostly food, but he noticed that there was a bundle of clothing too. He rooted through and noticed all of it was… sheer. Lots of loose fabrics.
Valeria must’ve sent them, but he didn’t know why. 
Soap immediately tried some of them on. The top only came right under his pecs and had large sleeves that hung down. The bottoms were just sheer, loose pants with a extra little covering for his crotch. He flushed and hugged himself a little in front of the mirror. Why would Ghost have these?
Speak of the fucking devil. Ghost appeared and stared. Wide eyed and flustered. He didn’t have his mask on so Soap got to see just how red he could get. 
“Where are these from?”
“My old clothes.” Ghost whispered. 
Soap put things together fast and flushed, about to apologize but Ghost was looking him up and down like he was a meal. “Like me in this?”
“Yeah. You wear it a lot better than I did.” Ghost crossed the room to him, grabbing him easily. He pulled Soap to him and for a brief moment, Soap pretended he wasn’t a big tough soldier and let Ghost move him around. It ended with Ghost kissing down his chest, sinking to his knees. Soap was going to have to do this more often. His hands tangled into Ghost’s hair, feeling the strands curl around his fingers. 
Ghost mouthed at him and tugged the loose fitting pants down, paying special attention to his thighs before kissing at his cock. Soap tugged his hair and Ghost moaned softly, looking at him. It was dizzying. He looked so beautiful and so soft and so needy and they hadn’t even done anything. His hands ended up on either side of his waist, gently feeling him up. Ghost took all of him down his throat and started to bob his head excitedly. He was undoubtedly skilled, doing things with his tongue that made it hard to keep standing. He swallowed around him a few times before Soap tried to yank him off, squirming but Ghost didn’t let up. Soap felt his vision blur as he came down his throat, feeling him swallow all of it. 
Ghost pulled away and kissed his stomach. “You look good. Now put on something decent.” He got up like he hadn’t just ripped Soap’s soul from his chest. 
“People are coming over. You’ll want to be decent.” 
Soap rushed away and immediately started to get dressed. He wore his normal clothes, though he tried to make it look as if the clothes semi fit him instead of swamped him. 
It was a bit of a blur but he was suddenly sitting at a table with three other men, all of who were looking at Ghost. Soap couldn’t blame him. He still hadn’t put his mask on and was sipping his tea.
“Nice to see you again, Simon.” Price smiled at him.
“Thought you said no one called you that.” Soap interjected. 
Ghost glared. “They don’t usually.”
Alejandro and Rodolfo shared a glance that Soap certainly didn’t miss, but he decided not to press. 
Rodolfo gently tapped on the table. “So what’s the meaning of all of this? Not that I don’t appreciate spending time with you Ghost, I’ve been in your house twice in the years I’ve known you and the last time it was because you’d been stabbed.” 
“I want to perform a mutiny.” The air went cold around them. Almost frigid.
“Now, son, are yo-”
Alejandro slammed his cup down. “I’m in.” 
Ghost paused, looking genuinely surprised. “I really expected to have to fight you on this.”
“Nah. I’ve had a grudge since the beginning.”
Rodolfo frowned. “When he flirted with me?”
“Yes. He shouldn’t have.” 
Ghost shook his head and leaned into Soap. “So much for superior morals.”
Soap felt like he was on the outside of an inside joke, but he smiled nonetheless.
Rodolfo smiled at Alejandro before looking at Ghost. “We all knew each other before him. We can know each other after him.”
Price sighed. “Alright. I can’t let you three get tried for treason and I don’t.” He reached over and put his hand on Ghost’s shoulder, squeezing slightly. “So. Now to make a plan.” 
Alejandro tapped his hand against the table. “Always the hard part.”
“Well, there is one easy way.” Soap pointed out and they all looked at him expectantly. “He wants me anyway right?”
“NO.” Ghost snapped. “Absolutely not. No.” 
“It would be the easiest way.” Alejandro pointed out, looking uneasy about it himself.
“No!” Ghost glared at him and Soap quickly touched his arm, ignoring that he almost flinched back. 
“Simon.” Soap said softly. “It would be. You say you got bored of me. I kill him. You four cover it up.”
Rodolfo nodded. “It would even keep people’s faith in us. No one will even know Soap was there if we play our cards right.” 
Ghost looked distressed and it was clear he was somewhere else mentally. He took a deep breath and his face went painfully neutral. “Fine. You… have a point. Price. Any objections?”
“Would’ve suggested it myself honestly. It is the best option.” 
Ghost nodded. “Alright. I’ll do it later tonight. Fewer people in the streets to see him. Shepherd will be sloppier. Less likely to check for weapons.” 
“It would be better if I found my own.”
“Can’t risk it.” 
Soap saw the way he picked at his nails, the haunted look in his eyes. He very clearly wanted to put his mask back on but had left it in the other room, probably so he wouldn’t tug it back on. 
“Alright, M’eudail.” Soap leaned into him and their hands met. 
Price smiled and said something in Ghost’s ear that made him blush. Everyone seemed to find how red he got just as amusing as Soap did. Unfortunately, as soon as they were gone, Ghost did pull his mask on. 
Soap mourned the loss dramatically and with maximum guilt. Ghost ignored his grief to instead cuddle him close. 
“How did you meet them?”
“Alejandro and Rodolfo?” 
“Yeah. Those two.” 
“They came to meet Roba as ambassadors. Rodolfo was posing as a prince and hired Alejandro as a guard to make the thing more real. Found me and felt guilty.”
Soap kissed his jaw. “I’m glad we met like this. Though I think if I saw you in some of those clothes…”
“I was way smaller back then, but yeah. I was hot.” Ghost snuggled against him. 
Night started to fall and Ghost tightened his grip. “One hour. You have one hour, MacTavish.” 
Something about the use of his last name but Soap nod nervously. It would be easy. In and out. No big deal. 
The walk to Shepherd’s was thankfully lonesome. Not a soul in sight that would place them at the scene of the crime. 
He missed the conversation the two of them had. He didn’t miss the harsh way Ghost shoved him down. It was fake but filled with so much disgust it caught him off guard. 
Soap sat there quietly, only really starting to pay attention when Ghost left the room. 
Shepherd backhanded him before he could get a word in. “I’m disappointed.” The sting of it across his face took him off guard. It had been a while since he had really felt pain. 
“Why?” Soap gritted out. 
“I thought Ghost would be breaking you. You look… pampered.” He grabbed his mohawk and tilted his head to the side, examining him. “Barely a fucking scratch on you. Knew he should’ve left you to me.” 
Soap tensed but waited. If the moment arose, he wanted to make it look accidental. 
Shepherd grabbed the ties around his wrists, loose and easily breakable if Soap moved just right, and yanked him along. Soap tried to get his feet underneath him, but Shepherd didn’t let him. Instead, he just got dragged across the floor, kicking and struggling. 
Soap’s back hit the bed and he wondered briefly how different it would’ve been if Ghost hadn’t bothered. If this was his first night in this village. 
Hands were on his chest. Groping him and saying something. Soap couldn’t understand him. His accent was too thick and also fucking annoying. 
“Should’ve known that soft hearted sap didn’t have it in him. You need discipline.”
“Like a dog?” Soap growled. 
“You’re scottish arent you?” Shepherd sneered. 
The bonds snapped and Soap grabbed the blade hidden in his pants. It sank into Shepherd with a terrifying ease. Cut right through the flesh and muscle. He didn’t dignify him. Didn’t respect him. Death was the natural next step of a tyrant and he did not deserve to go cleanly. 
Soap made sure his heart could never beat again. 
And suddenly Ghost was there. Cleaning his hands. Telling him he was the perfect honeypot. That he was sorry for not waiting the full hour. 
Silly idiot. 
Soap didn’t care. He didn’t care at all. Because Shepherd was dead and Ghost was a live and that all seemed much more important.
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Could you do 43 but Klavquill 🥺👉👈
(43: Here's your medication.)
"Here." Klavier squinted incomprehensible at the bottle of advil that had magically appeared before his very eyes in a feat that only Fraulein Wright could do. However, as Klavier slowly raised his head up to look, he instead found his boyfriend, the Twisted Samurai himself standing there.
"Was?" Klavier managed to grind the word out, eyes squinting in equal parts pain and surprise.
"I said here, fop. Here's your medication." Blackquill replied sullenly. "You are in pain, are you not? Only someone with proper mental fortitude could push through the pain without aid. And you, clearly, are no such person."
Klavier frowned thoughtfully and eyed up the pill bottle. "So I'm undisciplined." He clarified.
"Exceedingly so." Blackquill replied dryly, only to hesitate strangely. "...you are undisciplined when it comes to pain because you refuse to acknowledge when the pain is too much. Even the most noble warrior cannot stand alone."
Blinking, Klavier goggled at Simon in surprise. "That might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Herr Samurai." He pointed out with a slow smile. He reached out and plucked the pill bottle from Blackquill's hand, knocking back two pills with a swig of his coffee. "Ach, danke. That should help."
Blackquill hesitated again.
"You know, fop. People... care about you. They don't like to see you work yourself do death." Blackquill muttered, looking... dare Klavier say... shy?
"What people?" Klavier teased, only to fight back a grin when Blackquill's usually pale, sullen face suddenly went an almost adorable shade of pink.
Huffing, Blackquill crossed his arms and fixed his gaze on some point on the wall above Klavier's left shoulder. "People! I'm sure you have throngs of adoring friends who do not wish to see you suffer." He snapped.
"Actually I think most of my friends would support me suffering a little." Klavier pointed out, mind drifting to the occasional torment the people closest to him could dish out. "In fact, I think you're the only person who I'm close to that hasn't implied they want to kick me in the shins."
Blackquill's blush seemed to deepen.
"Ridiculous. I'm not childish enough to resort to kicking. You are my partner, I tolerate you exceedingly well, and if you were truly insufferable I would simply draw my blade against your foppishness." Simon grumbled. "Now then, I will be going. Leave work at a decent time today or I will skin you." And with that, the Twisted Samurai turned on his heel and stalked out of the room.
Still holding the pill bottle in one hand, Klavier smiled sweetly to himself. "Love you too." He said softly to the empty office.
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cyberdva · 4 years
The Haunting Of Queen Mary's Castle-  C.B  ~P.1☆
Main Masterlist
Colby Brock Masterlist
Summary: Sam and Colby had the bright idea to drag their friends to Scotland, and where would the perfect video location be? How about Queen Mary’s haunted castle? It didn’t help that aspiring physic, Y/N wasn’t too happy to head out of the country, but Colby was there to help. And maybe he wanted something more than being there to help her. Could the spirits be on his side for once?
Word Count: 4k
Date Uploaded:  8/31/20
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: This fic is from the vault. I wrote this around January of this year, I start school again in two days and the work and stress load is going to be horrible, especially with it being half in person, half online. I hope to get some more creativity back when more pressure is put on me. I have plenty of ideas with just not enough passion and time. It’ll trickle back one day.
“Holy Shit…” Colby held his camera closer to his chest as he walked closer towards the breathtaking Neidpath Castle. It’s aura seemed to engulf the curiosity of the young man. His friends splurged on a ten hour trip to Scotland for a quick Youtube video series, he knew near the end, half of them would be begging to go home. The comical routine played its key role in every single episode, no matter what the occasion was. It did make good money to be completely honest. Although, that wasn’t the main focus of their careers. He found himself under a tall bridge-like banister connecting its way to the entire estate. Next to him was his long time roommate, Corey. He sported a bright yellow hoodie in large contrast with Colby’s black one. It was sort of funny, each of his friends had a unique personality, yet connected so well. Of course, they were wearing their own merch. It helped the sales go up, not to mention it was awfully comfortable. A perk to the business if you say.
“And we thought the church was cool…” Sam, Colby’s best friend and other handler of the videography series on their channel, gaped in front of him. This place was bigger than any other private plot they’ve ever visited! It was a couple thousand dollars to rent out for the night, but with the palace’s history it was born to make a hefty income.
“We have this all to ourselves!” Colby nudged Sam, he handed the camera off to his friend Jake, who was talking a mile a minute to the other attendees. A new face poked out of the regular bunch.
“Are you gonna catch me when I get scared, Y/N?” Jake stuck his face in the view of the content woman. Her persona seemed quite drained due to the long trip. She was partially new to the Youtube platform, especially with ghost hunting. Not like Y/N was easily frightened, unlike her friends, it just wasn’t her go to for a cheap thrill. Nerves were indefinitely strained, since it was the first time out with the entire group. Nothing Jake couldn’t fix.
Her laugh trickled out blissfully, ”Wouldn’t Tara get jealous? You don't want to get on her bad side? Do you?” He quickly shook his head and gave a hesitant reply with his sheepish smile.
“We get this all to ourselves?” Colby queried. This place was double the size of the Trap House by far, they had to be scared shitless by the time they left. There had to be some sort of restrictions or a down sided catch to it all.
“Did you do any research on this place?” Y/N  slid up behind the unfocused main man, a small quirk to her. Colby jumped a smidge in light shock. He wasn’t expecting anyone to be genuinely interested with the property. Colby mentally cursed for being so jumpy.
“Jesus Y/N, you scared the shit out me.” He replied, not answering the girl’s question. Y/N met Sam and Colby way back in highschool. Each of them slithered their way into the other’s channels and have made frequent appearances. They definitely weren’t strangers, even though it seemed that way with fans. Y/N had more paranormal encounters out of all of the boys, despite a bit of distaste towards the topic. She was lugged around on long adventures to help them with videos. Some of her videos ranged from ‘‘accidentally’ joining a cult to “selling her soul”. She was the wicca-pedia they needed to not get possessed each trip.
“Ok pussy.” She walked off to talk to Corey, the pair oddly all had a strong connection from somewhere, and Colby sighed as to quickly put on his cheery online persona once more.
Sam waved up at a vacant window as the group, “Hello!” The woman replied unknowingly and aroused quite a shock of embarrassment. A faint giggling came from the couple in the back, “No,no, I do it better.” Corey got a hold of herself, “A Ra-Ta-Ta-tah.” The two burst back into their ceremonial laughs and briefed on about some TikToks they watched on the remotely silent ride from the airport. 
Sam turned back around to see the shorter woman. Notwithstanding her first place in line, “How is he gonna get a kiss kiss? Very ugly to me!” The duo rounded up to each other and laughed on their way up the trail, leaving the others confused and focused on talking to the groundskeeper.
“I’m assuming you are the caretaker of this?” The blonde one waved more at the older woman. She seemed more on the reserved side and peeled her eyes at the sight of a camera. A lovely addition to the already uncomfortable scene.
The woman gracefully approached Sam, “Yes, Yes I am. My name is Katrina.” Sam went on with the lady into a dark back door. The young adults glanced on in uncertainty. 
“Yo, why are they going off by themselves?” Colby asked Jake. The first rule of all of their videos was not to go off by yourself. Bad shit always follows. “He literally was like-”
“He’s been looking at her ass like all day.” Jake joked back, Corey attentively diverted himself from Y/N to get a jump in on whatever that conversation had morphed to.
“That’s whatever the fuck he was doing.” They all snickered and continued on with the inappropriate jokes. Editing this would be like a field day to Reggie.
“Is Kat gonna think…” Colby looked around jokingly, getting another round of laughter from the friends.
“I don’t know..” Colby softly replied. He pressed on to dumbfoundedly impersonate Sam’s girlfriend, “Oh it’s not cheating if he’s not in the same country.”
“It’s sexual relations Jake.” Y/N whispered at him. They continued to poke fun out of the cougar-lady, but her and Sam rushed back soon enough. Just in time to ask questions. 
“Uh, that was pretty much the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Sam pulled everyone aside with a smug look on his face. He honestly always had one of those. The blank stares that were thrown back at him weren’t what he expected. 
“Uh Sam what does that mean.” Jake chuckled. He looked around at everyone not able to catch on. The seriousness of the situation began to settle as everyone genuinely thought Sam could have done some weird shit with that groundskeeper.
“All I have say is that was quick man…” Colby scraped some gunk off of her nails while waiting for following instructions.
Sam obviously didn’t understand, “To fill you guys in I had to learn, kind of, where all the specific light switches were. I didn’t even look around. I just kinda looked at the ground until she saw.”
“You were like that’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” Colby turned the camera to focus on him and Jake mocking Sam’s slight happiness by seeing fancy rocks.
“It was only the stairs!” Sam said defeatedly, he didn’t want to spoil the real first looks.”That’s just giving you a little hint, but um, I asked her if she could you know fill us in on some of the information of, likewise castles here, the hauntings or any deaths and she said she knows some information.”
“Oh cool…” Colby was already quite unenthusiastic about this idea anyways. Katrina retreated out of the building quickly with keys in her hand. She sprinted over to all of them.
“Look it’s Sam’s new girlfriend!” Y/N cheered. Sam spun his head around, probably pulling a muscle in the process. The pure look of utter horror could not be more hysterical. Sam became flustered with a loss for words, his face tinted with a light shade of pink. Before he could muster up any sort of retort Katrina, the groundlady, came jogging back to the group.
“What’s some of the backstory about this castle?” Jake asked, he spun some rings around in his hand. Paying no mind to the other plot line adhering to his right.
“This castle was built in the second half of the 14th-Century, but there was another castle built before that in here. That was built in 110,so uh.” Few ‘Wows’ and ‘Oohs’ cut her off. “That was quite a while ago, but the Neidpath was built by the Family Of Fraser’s and they built a Buddha made castle. This one was burned down by the English army. After a guy named Simon Fraser, who’s the cousin of Braveheart, was captured and executed and that’s why the Buddha made the castle was burned to the ground. Another family built this castle, which was besieged in 1650 by the Cromwellian army. Legend says that this was the only stronghold of the Scottish borders which actually withstanded the siege. Whether it’s true or not, we don’t know, but what we do want you to know is that one-third of the castle collapsed, non-existing anymore.” She spoke with absolute passion. The place had so much rich history, the surrounding observers listened with extreme intent, not to miss one sentence in case it may help their investigation.
Colby raised his eyebrows at this question, “One-third of it?”
Katrina continued on, “Because of the siege. We do have a dungeon in the castle as well.” Everyone went silent.
“A dungeon?!” Jake nearly dropped a silver band he was picking on by the mention of this. His personality perked up and suddenly the whole crowd was uplifted. Finding weird places in “abandoned” areas is always a plus side, but this tops all of it.
“Guys shut up!” Y/N whacked Jake with her phone, he stuck his tongue out while rubbing his shoulder. She didn’t want to leave too bad of a first impression. It would be mortifying if something went wrong and the owner already hates you.
“Is there a dragon?” Corey brought everyone back to the topic of the castle, he didn’t want to be there a minute longer, but in this group you just do what you’re told and shut your mouth.
“We do have quite a big colony of bats under the roof, so I’m not sure if you really want to go down there Mister.” The group laughed and groaned at Katrina’s statement. Running into bats could be the worst thing to encounter.
Corey nodded in response, “So there are dragons.”
The history went on, “It was quite widely used during the 14th and 15th century because that was the only reason for the whole county.” The darker side of it all became slowly prevalent. It wasn’t just a posh place the others expected it to be. 
“Prison?” Sam posed. This just got a lot weirder than they all expected.
“Yes. You’ll be able to get into it because there is this rough opening through, which was made in the 17th century, but before that the only entrance to the dungeon was through the trap door from the guards. I should have shown you that, but I’m not going to. You’ll find it by yourself.
“Oh god…” Colby rubbed the bridge between his nose, an inevitable  headache was beginning to form.
Sam tittered, “Are we just going to fall through? Is that ok?” He got no proper answer, which set his worries on the run.
“So, the last prisoner was there in 1594, I think. We know there was a teenage boy like a 14 year old boy who was just pick pocketing people and he ended up here. The note didn’t say that he actually came out of there again.”
“Like meaning it’s haunted?” Colby preyed on.
“Uh, it is haunted!” Katrina stated blandly.
“Fun for us!” Y/N shrugged to hide her panic. Colby glanced at her. He sensed her anxiousness, he didn’t want her to be upset. Definitely not in the shitty environment. Of course, he cared for her, he just didn’t know how to open up and tell her. Would this really be the place?
“We do have our own one. Her name is Jean Douglas. She died in 1750, she was the daughter of one of the owners of the castle and she died of a broken heart.” The mood fell, a breeze pulled through and messed with the mics. Leaving just a sprinkle of static in the footage. Just in time.
“She was engaged to a young man, but he wasn't wealthy enough to win her family over, so he went abroad to win his fortune and fame and because he was away for far too long she went really sickly and pale and she didn’t eat. She didn’t sleep, so she was really frail when he finally came. When he was riding his horse through the archway she was at the window and he failed to recognize her because she was so altered and broke her heart and she died on the spot.”
The group had a silent reaction to the news, not knowing how to react.
“Ever since then she is walking through the castle being very tall, very gray, very pale looking, weeping.”
“What’s her name again?”
“Jean.” A tiny shiver racked through Sam’s body. He didn’t tell anyone. Just not to set anyone off. Now he really didn’t want to face this spirit.
“Have you ever seen Jean?” Y/N asked, trying her best not to be insensitive with the approach. These things are held really close to some people. Their experiences could be life changing, for others it could most certainly be a lot different.
“No, but I do have ghostbusters coming in several times a year and I asked what was the best recording ever and they were like ‘We got brilliant ones of screams.” 
“And I was like inside of the castle. I’m here sometimes on my own in the middle of the night at midnight, one, two, three o’clock. When I have to lock up after the events and such. Do I really want to do that with screams in my head? No I don’t, I said no.”
“Alright sounds like it’s a nice haunted Scottish castle.” Sam tried his best to play off his uncomfortable feelings with humor. It did not work.
“I’m going to do the dungeon now. I’m not telling you what I’m going to do now and then the place will be yours” Katrina headed back into the castle with an odd vibe. 
“So, she’s gonna make us fall down the trap door, wow.” Jake leaned in for slight commentary.
“How much do you want to bet that we’re going to die?” Y/N grabbed her backpack to locate her wallet and pulled out a twenty.
“I bet 15.” Corey grabbed his wallet too.
“Guy, that is so sad though…” Colby came into the center of all of them, “Ok, that story. Imagine your husband comes home on a little horse and you're in this window, literally right there and then you die on the spot because he's like ‘Who’s that?’ It’s a tall, frail old lady that’s crying everywhere.” Colby clung to his sweatshirt, “Oh that’s so creepy!”
“Colby if you ever do that to me you’ll have to go back to VidCon alone again.” Y/N was putting in her best bet and threw a five at him. “You can use that for your ticket.” He blushed, just like Sam moments before.
Sam added more commentary from behind the camera, “They’ve heard screams within the castle.” Katrina came right back out with her deafening personality, handed the keys to Sam and hopped right back in her small, blue car, and left with no exchange of words.
“She creeps me out.” Jake in discomfort. To be fair, she is a creepy ass old lady who owns a castle in the middle of nowhere.
Corey turned away from the groundskeeper's car and shrugged off his jitters, "So we have a castle to ourselves...”
“This is amazing!” Sam couldn’t contain his excitement.
“No Shit. I still can’t grasp why you all buyout expensive stuff like a castle.” Y/N gripped the abundance of bet money and slid it all bad into her bag.
Colby inspected the property more in depth, as if he was waiting for a ghoul to poke out at any given time, “This is where we’re staying tonight.” With a grand motion upwards Sam panned the camera up and down.
“And you guys...” Sam pulled the camera away from the stronghold and directed the frame to the rest of his friends,”..have not even seen the inside at all.”
“I know, I know.” Colby pulled his beanie down his head, the enlightened sun seemed to cascade into the clouds with a faint breeze.
“Let’s go find our cottage, get ourselves completely set up and ready for the night. Take some pictures before sun down and then go into the castle, because like we can’t lose this sunset and we got to figure this out.” Sam did some weird hand movements in front of the camera and handed it off to the other’s opinions.
Colby nodded his head up and down in agreement,” Yeah definitely.” Jake wandered around with a rock and for the most part everyone said eye to eye.
“Unfair treatment. I wanted to go in now.” Y/N gave a side glance to Sam and Corey brushed his hand over her playfully. She walked back into frame,“All I gotta say is, Colby Brock Hot Edits.” Colby walked up next to her with a shit-eating grin in approval. Who doesn’t love Colby Brock edits?”
“Shut up, you’re just jealous that there’s no Y/N L/N hot edits for you.” He playfully jabbed back at her with a growing flutter in his stomach. He fucking hated that feeling to no end, but it was such a drug. Only when she was around.
“Alright let’s go, I’m bored as shit.” Jake came back with his new pet rock and put his arm around Corey. Sam cut the camera and went down the forked path. Right down the road was a cottage for visitors.
“Hey Y/N,” Colby came jogging up to the colleen, “Did you see any weird stuff yet?” He shoved his hands in his pockets, a symptom of his bashfulness, he began to rethink his uncolorful wording in his sentence. He just had the sudden urge to go up to her and she wasn’t complaining one bit.
She looked over at him, “No, not yet. I just got really put-off by that lady. She just was so…” Her eyes connected with his and a glistening highlight overcame the peaking iris. The words weren’t verbally there, but he understood what was there.
Sam cut her off, “Dude. Look how big this place is.” It was rationally smaller than their house back in LA, but it was sizable for an ancient brick living space.
Jake made the most commotion out of the seven, “Whoever is first picks where they sleep!” He dashed ahead of the group and everyone picked up speed, almost dropping the rock he just adopted.
“I think there’s only like three beds.” Sam panted. No one paid much mind to him and kept running. They all toppled into the door and Corey unlocked it, which left the rest to run up to a room. Jake took the first one to the left, Sam tumbled into the one across. A room had a small couch for Corey and last, but not least…
“Looks like we’re bunking L/N.”
“Fuck you Brock.”
Sam peaked his head in, “Guys, we have film some shots of the place. Come on.” The three made it to the living room where all and sundry were. Sam grabbed his camera and got everyone in shot.
“What?!” With grand motions each person stood up in their acts of shock. Even though it had been there for a solid five minutes the audience always has to be entertained.
Colby turned around, “Yo! We got a TV too!” A small Toshiba was put on a step stool. It would probably gain no use tonight anyways. It looked like a piece of crap too, thank god for Youtube.
They all got up from their seats and went to uncover the rest of the place, “This is nice, very cool.” Colby led them into Corey’s room. A huge bed frame was around a pink canopy bed. Old photos and paintings of the fortress were hung evenly around the perimeter. Sam went through the rest of the rooms and told everyone to head off and get ready.
The guys took cold showers and Y/N soaked in a muddled bath in the basement. She didn’t like it here. Her mind couldn’t unravel much. Sam was stationed upstairs doing a camera touch up with Jake by his side talking about the new Harry Styles album. A half an hour later everyone was wearing at least one faction of Sam and Colby merch, phones were charged and beams from flashlights slid across the floor like a jumping snake.
The group divided into pairs as they walked to the castle. The sky grew much darker than expected and it felt like a looming spirit chipped away at the warm function of friends. The camera was whipped right back out.
“Alright, we are all showered, changed, and ready to explore the castle before sunset.” All went under the arch while the audio was whacked around by the wind.
Colby turned from his conversation to the viewers, "I’m still like flipping out that we’re staying here tonight. That’s crazy!” His lantern swung below him and the towering castle was engulfed by the purple skies. “Look at this place! Look at that beautiful sunset!” He yelled.
Y/N raised her eyebrows, “Since when were you PG-13?”
He blandly stared at her,”Shut up I need to make money,” He looked back at the camera, “When I was like blow-drying my hair and stuff after my shower, my hair dryer was insanely powerful. There’s obviously a lot of energy in it, like the voltage.” 
“I thought he said blow-j-.” Corey chimed in. He shut himself up so they wouldn’t get demonetized, it would be a funny way to go down though. Y/N and Colby giggled along with him. It wasn’t a rare occasion that they all were out laughing and joking, just the side chick with the haunted castle. 
Corey swung his flashlight up and down, “His blow dryer started smoking and like almost blew up.”
“So, what I’m saying is the spirits could use all of this energy to talk to us.”
They all made it to the castle and it was around five-thirty. There wasn’t much to do at this time, but she was always watching. There was something about to happen they could all feel it and that thing, it wasn’t going to be good.
Part 2? Send me an ask if you want it!!
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Meddling siblings, lavender biscuits, encounters with Malcolm, and a sunset in Hampshire. Back to the world of Never Tear Us Apart! 
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Sorry for the months long hiatus but hello, I'm back to Never Tear Us Apart! It’s been outlined and plotted since I wrote the first chapter but I hit a major wall this summer when real life hit me very hard.  It took me awhile to find my way to writing again and when I did return I realized I had so much to process with Wayward Son. It was particularly hard return to writing this particular fic. Much as I loved WS, it definitely put a pause on this fic, which was my version of a sequel to Carry On. I had to decide how I wanted to think about it--did I want to keep going with the story the way I had planned it out or did i somehow want to bring it in line with the canonical story line of WS?  In the end I decided to keep to my original ideas, to stay the course.  To regard this now as an non-canonical AU that is very much set in the post-Carry On world but not the Wayward Son one. I think I found their voices again. I hope those of you that have followed this fic enjoy this update. And for those of you that are new to it--it’s going to keep going. i can’t promise you a set update schedule but i am going to tell this story to the end. Accompanying playlists can be found on spotify under tbazzsnow. 
Here’s a bit of chapter 12:
Simon looks so fucking beautiful right now. His hair is a mess, strands sticking to his forehead, curls tumbled down over his face. He’s flushed from the dancing, finally letting himself succumb to the music—he throws his head back as I watch him, his arms and hips moving sinuously to the beat.
I follow a bead of sweat as it trickles from his forehead, down his jaw, to trace a line along his neck.
I want to lick it off.
That would lead to a whole host of other things I want to do to Simon and no amount of sound-proofing or door-locking spells would prove adequate at keeping my siblings from somehow encroaching on us during daylight hours. They are persistent and undeterrable.
And this next step of intimacy we’ve reached is so new, so precious to me, that I don’t want anything to intrude on it.
The song switches over to “Never Gonna Give You Up” and the mood shifts as Simon opens his eyes and huffs a laugh at me. “I can’t believe you, of all people, have this song on your playlist.”
“It’s Fiona’s playlist.”
“That she made for you.” He’s grinning now and I’m perfectly content to take any amount of shit from him about my musical preferences because the playlist fucking did its job and made him smile again.
Points to Rick Astley. And Fiona, I suppose.
And to me, for not taking this song off the list.
I’m never taking this song off the playlist.
Simon shuffles his way over to me, singing along with the song as he does.
“Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you”
We’re both singing along by the time he puts his arms on my shoulders and I slide mine around his waist.
“Never gonna make you cry  
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you”
It’s just a stupid pop song but I mean every word I’m saying right now. I’d put magic into the lyrics if I dared.
If I thought I needed to.
Simon’s lips find mine as the chorus fades into the next song. His fingers slide up to tangle in my hair and he pulls me closer. “That song is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day, thanks to you.”
We sway to the music as I trail my lips up his jaw to his ear and whisper “I meant every word of it.”
Simon pulls back to look at me, his blue eyes wide and questioning. “What?”
I lean down to press our foreheads together. “Every word of that ridiculous chorus.” All I see is that brilliant blue, the bronze glint of Simon’s eyelashes, the crinkles in the corner of his eyes when he smiles.
He’s smiling up at me. So close that I can feel his breath on my lips when he speaks. “I’ll never give up on you, Baz Pitch. I told you that once. I’ve never turned my back on you and I never will.”
This kiss is searing. His mouth is hot. Everything is hot. He’s pushing against me and I’m pushing back with everything I have, my grip tightening on his hips, his chest pressed up against mine, fingers clenched into my hair, the heat of him radiating into my every pore.
His mouth is dissipating every thought but the ones of him.
I’ll never give up on you, Simon Snow. I don’t know what the world would be like without you.  
His hands are under my shirt, his fingertips leaving blazing trails against my skin. My own drift to his waistband, sliding up to brush his belly, relishing the way he shivers at my touch.
Crowley, I wish we were back in London.
“I wish we were back home.” The words slip out as I mouth at that spot behind Simon’s ear. That makes him shiver too.
“You are home,” Simon says, tilting his head back as my lips trail down to his neck. He slides his leg between mine and presses closer.
“You know what I mean.” I bury my face in his shoulder and breathe him in. He’s brown butter and cinnamon today, with that underlying tangy scent that’s all his own.
I feel his breath in my hair, stirring the strands, his voice just a whisper but I can hear it.  “Home is wherever I’m with you, Baz.”
My heart thumps in my chest. When he says things like that, when he puts words to my own thoughts, when he speaks without stumbling over those words--those are the moments when I truly believe that Simon Snow loves me.
It’s a heady sensation.
A blaze flaring up in my heart, searing its way through my veins.
He’s in my arms, in my heart, in my lungs, he’s made his way into every part of me, pouring warmth and love and life into my very soul.
My mouth finds his. “I love you, Simon Snow.”
I can feel his smile against my lips. “I’ll never get tired of you saying that.”
“Then I’ll never stop saying it.” I kiss him again and I can’t help but smile myself. “I love you, Simon Snow.”
I kiss the mole on his cheek I’ve loved since I was twelve. “I love you, Simon Snow.” I kiss his jaw, his neck, his collarbone, repeating the words every time.
He’s trembling. Eyes closed, head thrown back, the glorious line of his neck exposed to my lips.
His hands rake down my back.
I should pull back . . . I should take a moment . . . I should . . .
Simon opens his eyes to pin me with a look. Pupils blown wide, face flushed, lips parted. “Why’d you stop? I was kind of liking that, yeah.”
His mouth curves up in a bit of a smirk and he’s so fucking delectable I would snog him to oblivion if I could.
Fuck. I’d do more than that.
“We’re here, not home.” It sounds as pathetic out loud as it did in my head.
“That didn’t stop us last night.”
“But . . .” Why the fuck did I stop? “Well, it’s the middle of the day . . . they’re all . . . well, you know. My siblings are . . . they’re devious little goblins.” Crowley, I sound an absolute tit.
Simon raises an eyebrow but he’s absolute shit at it so he ends up looking surprised rather than superior. It’s fucking adorable.
“They’re not even home.”
“They’re not even here. Daphne took them to some children’s play centre for the day.”
“What?” Crowley, I’m repeating myself like an idiot.“How do you know that?”
“Vera told me. When I went for crisps.”
There is no situation that Simon feels cannot be improved with snacks. There are two packets of Walkers on my nightstand.
It’s not salt and vinegar crisps I’m craving at this moment.
“Come here, you stupid git.” Simon pulls me to him by my belt loops. It’s far sexier than it has any right to be. “Soundproof the room, if you’re that worried about it. Magick the door.”
Where the fuck is my wand?
I’m the first to get embarrassed around Baz’s family but it’s happened to me so many times now that I can’t summon up the will to worry about it at the moment. They’ve assumed we’ve been shagging for ages so I’m not fussed.
Particularly when the house is practically empty and Baz is looking like this.
He fed early this morning so he’s got a bit of a flush in his cheeks. And he’s got that look, that look I always used to think meant he was about to attack me. I mean, it is the look he gets when he’s about to attack me, but it’s all about a snogging me senseless type of attack. I like those. I like those a lot.
I like everything about Baz right now. The flush, the brightness of his eyes, how his lips are parted, barely brushed with pink. The way his shirt’s hiked up and his pupils are wide and dark, set against the grey of his eyes.
I pull him closer, fingers hooked in his belt loops and I like the way his breath catches when I do it.
He’s flustered, can hardly get the words out, and Merlin, I love it when he’s just as much of a mess as me.
I know exactly where his wand is. I move my hands to his perfect arse and squeeze. That makes him jump a bit so I yank his wand out of his back pocket and wave it in his face.
“Come on. Drop a “sound of silence” and stop being such a fussbudget.”
He draws back, wand in the air, eyebrows pulled together. “I am not a fussbudget.”
“Fine, then you’re a prig. Merlin, Baz, I’m starting to think you don’t want to have a good shag.”
He grabs my shirt in his grip and pulls me to him and I love the controlled power emanating from him, coiled and ready to unleash.
My tail wraps around his leg and he shivers. Baz will never admit it but he’s definitely got a thing for my tail.
I may have a bit of a thing for this too. I can hold him to me, wrap myself around him in every way.
It’s the last bit of magic left in me, I think. Not anything I can use or tap into or really even feel anymore. But I can still touch him with magic, when I do this. And imagine it’s enough.
read the rest of this chapter on ao3! 
full fic here!
spotify playlists at tbazzsnow 
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It was Fate
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Hey love your writing, been reading it all day and just wow. I was wondering if you could please write a one shot where Negan saves someone with mouth to mouth or something like that sorry for the weird request thanks
Hi, human trashcan here! I thought for the thanksgiving holiday, I’d get off my ass and actually post a one shot. I was working on a one shot for the anniversary of my friend’s passing but that was all the way back in July so I think I’ll save it for December on what would’ve been her birthday. I missed posting on here to be honest. And I’m here with another Negan one shot for you guys. And thanks a bunch for 2,000 followers! That’s pretty freaking wild. I’ve never had 2,000 followers on any of my social media before so this is super weird haha! ANYWAYS, enjoy! And hope you guys had a fun holiday! <3
It was never a dull moment. Every day offered a new adventure. And every day was a good day, at least for Negan it was. It felt like he had the entire world in his hands. Still, it felt very mundane sometimes. Would it kill the world to give him some excitement once in a damn while.
Just like any other day, Negan and his boys were heading over to Alexandria to collect their offering. Dwight was driving while Negan sat beside him, Lucille rested in between his feet. Negan leaned back in his seat, sighing heavily, “Goddamn. We should just set up camp in Alexandria. Avoid this long ass trip to and from.”
“You didn’t have to come,” Dwight pointed out, “You know I’ve got it handled.”
Negan nodded, “I know ya do, D. But I gotta admit I just love payin’ that asshole, Rick a visit every now and then. I’m just rambling.”
“You’ve been acting…not like yourself lately,” Dwight remarked, “Maybe it’s none of my business but um…everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine,” Negan said with another sigh, “Just bored. I can do whatever I want, I have all those wives to keep me company, and I’m bored. Can you believe that shit? Need something, someone to get me outta this rut.”
“Who knows,” Dwight said, “Every day is so different. But how many people have we run into just running around these roads on a random afternoon? Seems like the rest of the world is pretty much dead.”
“Shit, gettin’ a little dark there,” Negan chuckled. The truck driving in front of Dwight slowly came to a stop as they were rounding the corner and Negan groaned, leaning over to try and get a peek, “What the hell are they stopped for?”
Dwight took the key from the ignition and opened up the car door, “Gonna go find out.”
Negan climbed out after him and started tapping on every vehicle he passed by until he reached the very front. They had stopped in front of a pond where a few of his men and had up to but Negan wasn’t the slightest bit focused on them. He went straight over to Simon, resting Lucille on his shoulder, “You wanna tell me what in the fresh fuck is going on here?”
“I don’t know,” Simon grumbled, “They saw something over by the pond. Told them not to stop, that we’ve got shit to do but they wouldn’t listen. Probably just one of the dead ones or something.”
“Ah hell,” Negan muttered. He turned and headed down the small slope that went down to the pond. His men were leaning over as far as they could without actually getting into the water and he shoved through them, “What the fuck are you looking at?”
“Someone was thrashing all around in there,” one man said, “But I can’t see them now.”
A young woman’s head popped out of the water, gasping for air. She thrashed around in the water, her eyes wide and filled with fear. They were all so surprised to see her come up that they couldn’t grab her in time before she plunged back down. “Holy shit,” Negan gasped. He shoved his bat at the man to his right and threw his jacket down onto the dirt, “Someone’s apparently gotta get off their ass and move!” Negan dove into the water, finding the girl being tugged down by a dead one, though it moved a little slower because it was underwater. The girl was losing consciousness by the time Negan got to her. With no weapons to kill the dead one, Negan simply kicked it and tore the girl from its grip. He brought her up to the surface, inhaling sharply as he was finally able to take a breath. Carrying her dead weight, he swam awkwardly to the shore, laying her soaking wet body down onto the ground.
“Everyone back up!” Negan shouted, “Give us some space!”
“Doesn’t look like she’s breathing,” one of Negan’s men said, placing his hand over the holster that held his knife.
“Don’t you dare,” Negan snapped. He clasped his hands together and pushed down on the center of her chest, pumping rapidly. He took a break from that and tilted the girl’s head back and lifted her chin. Pinching her nose, he covered her mouth with his, and blew. He was surprised by how panicked he was. He shouldn’t care if this complete stranger lived or died but there he was continuing with the CPR. At first it seemed hopeless. He pressed against her chest as many times as he could as hard as he could and he gave her as much air as he could and it seemed he’d lost her.
It all started out as a simple fishing trip. You’d just wanted something to eat tonight as food had been so hard to find. You had been alone these past few weeks and that meant that no one could tell you to watch out when a biter came up behind you. It had surprised you and you slipped into the deeper part of the pond. The biter went with you and sank but it didn’t accomplish this without taking you down with it. You hadn’t even thought to call for help as you hadn’t seen another soul in weeks. The trucks driving by had been quite the shock and you were actually able to cry out once before being pulled down to the bottom of the pond. You caught a glimpse of a dark haired man reaching for you before you blacked out. There was a strange feeling of peace that washed you. Is this what death actually felt like? Everything you ever worried about fading away? No longer caring about the pain of all that you’ve lost, all that you’ve experienced. All that trauma and heartache was gone.
The peace you were feeling was starting to get farther and farther away. Your eyes fluttered open and the first thing you saw was the same dark haired man blowing into your mouth. You pushed him off of you, coughing up a bunch of water that just splashed back into your face. The man helped you sit up, his hand on your back as you continued coughing and hacking, breathing in deeply.
“There she is,” he said, patting your back, “Thought we’d lost you there. How the fuck did you end up in that little predicament.”
“Tried fishing,” you panted, slicking your wet hair back, “Guess I should try other ways of finding food.”
The dark haired man looked over the others that were suddenly surrounding you and he shook his head, “Cancel our little trip. We should take her back to the sanctuary.”
“That won’t be necessary,” you said in between coughs, “I’m fine now.”
“You’re soaking wet and you almost died,” he persisted, “And you’re all alone. You won’t make it alone. Just come with us, won’t you? Just for a little while?”
You sighed, “I will if you tell me your name.”
He smiled and stood up, taking you by the hand and helping you up onto your feet, “The name’s Negan.”
You were slightly startled by all the trucks Negan had with him but you still left with him. It probably wasn’t your smartest move but he had jumped in the water to save you from a biter. He couldn’t be that bad, could he? And not only that, he was offering shelter. And you needed shelter desperately. And food. Seeing the sanctuary overwhelmed you even more. You had gone from being all alone to being in a place overflowing with people. You were sitting in the backseat and Negan was peeking at you through the rearview mirror, picking up on your anxiety.
“You’re gonna be okay,” he said, “Just stick with me. Hey, you never did tell me your name.”
“Y/N,” you replied, “This is…a lot. Oh and I’m sorry you guys had to cancel whatever trip you’d planned.”
“Don’t worry about it, darlin’,” Negan said, “Always can just go back next week.”
Once you were safe behind the gates, Negan had you set up with a room of your own, some food, and a dry, clean change of clothes. You were even able to take a bath and clean the last few weeks off your body. You’d turned the bath water grey but at least you were clean. No one had been this nice to you up to this point. You were fed, warm, and most importantly, safe. Could it get any better than this?
“Y/N?” a voice spoke up from behind the door of your new room, “You decent?”
“Come in,” you called back, taking a seat on your new bed. You fought back the urge to get excited over your bed as the door creaked open and Negan’s large frame stood in the doorway, “Oh, Negan. Hi! How’s it going?”
“I was just about to ask you the same question,” Negan said, “How’re you liking your new setup here?”
“I’m trying not to like this too much,” you said, smoothing out the bedspread, “Feels too good to be true. So unreal, ya know?”
“I hear that,” Negan chuckled, “But get comfortable, Y/N. If you want, this could be your new home. I gotta thank you by the way.”
“Thank me?” you said with a laugh, “For what?”
“Been in such a rut,” Negan said, shrugging, “I had said right before we found you that I needed something exciting to come along. Or someone.”
“So a drowning girl is just what you needed,” you teased. Negan looked a little flustered for the first time after this entire time of being confident and cheeky, “I’m kidding. Well, I was looking for safety and more people and then you came along. So, it would seem that…I dunno, it was fate that we found each other.”
“You think so?”
“What would you call it?”
Negan smiled, kicking his foot and looking down at the ground, “Guess I’d call it fate, wouldn’t I?”
You laughed and stood from your bed. You joined him at the doorway and grasped onto the collar of his leather jacket. You weren’t sure what to expect from your stay here in the sanctuary with Negan. Hell, you didn’t even know much more about Negan other than his name and the rather intriguing baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire that he carried everywhere. But maybe you needed something exciting too.
“You’d have to,” you giggled, “Just ain’t no other explanation. But it looks like we’ve got so much more excitement heading our way, Negan.”
HI IT’S BEEN A WHILE, HOW ARE YA? HOW HAVE YA BEEN? I hope this one shot was okay. It’s been a bit since I wrote a one shot and I’m a little rusty. But anyways, love you guys! Have a good holiday weekend 😊
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
"Fine, just do what you have to do" _ "Can you stop being so freaking cute so I can concentrate?" for Balec
Advent Calendar: Day 1
Alec was trying to work. Upcoming Christmas was not an excuse to slack off and it seemed that attacks kept piling up even more than usual. Like demons didn’t want Alec to have Christmas. There was just one thing keeping him from actually making progress on his work.
“I’m trying to work here, babe, do you mind…?”, grunted Alec a little frustrated.
“You work too much”, groaned Bat where he was sprawled out on the couch, earning a pointed look from Alec. “Fine, just do what you have to…”
“Can you stop being so freaking cute so I can concentrate?”, requested Alec.
“I think you’re asking too much of your boyfriend there.”
Rolling his eyes, Alec turned to look at Jace, who was leaning against the doorway with a broad smirk on his lips. Alec wasn’t entirely used to the friendship between his boyfriend and his parabatai yet. When they had first met Bat, got introduced to him by Maia and Simon during the war, Alec would have never expected to end up with the wolf. He had still been a little bitter about how his relationship with Magnus had fallen apart – less so because he wanted it back, but more so because he was aware where his mistakes in that had laid. The lying, the half-truths, not trusting each other or being willing to open up to each other. Those were the mistakes they both had made. And when the lie about the Soul Sword and Magnus choosing the Seelie Queen’s side during the war had pushed them to a definite end, somewhere deep down, Alec had known it was for the best.
That breakup had been well over a year ago by now though.
In the aftermath, Jace had died and gotten possessed and they had to save him. Saved, Jace was sent to the Silent Brothers to heal, both physically and mentally, while Alec had been left to pick up the pieces and try to put them together again. Luke, Bat and Simon had been great helps during that. Trying to find Clary and save her, after they realized she was still alive. Magnus too had helped. He had helped by breaking the possession on Jace already, by sending Alec and Isabelle into Jace’s mind to try and bring him back. But over the following weeks of trying to track Jonathan and Clary, Alec and Magnus had finally gotten the chance to actually talk. They had been purely business during the Owl incident, but afterward? Searching for Clary, while Jace was with the Silent Brothers? For the first time, Alec and Magnus just talked, as… friends. The first step to friendship.
Magnus had come to care a great deal about Jace while Jace had been living with him at the loft. They talked about all that had gone wrong in their relationship and came to the agreement that they had both messed up and that they had a better dynamic now than when they were still dating,
Over the following months, Alec found himself falling in love with Bat, who had helped a lot during the time Jace was gone. They had started dating half a year ago and Alec was just genuinely happy. Bat was kind and gentle and soft – and Alec had learned from his past relationship. He tried being more open, being honest about everything with his lover.
“Fine. What is it you wanted, Bat?”, asked Alec with a sigh and put his work down.
“Magnus wants to go to a Christmas market… somewhere in Europe… with me and when I told Bat about it, he decided that’d be a good double-date”, replied Jace with a grin. “You coming?”
After Jace returned from the Silent Brothers, mentally more stable and overall better than before, he felt a little disconnected from the changes at first. But he adapted scarily quickly to Alec’s new relationship status. Jace and Bat hit it off great after a first night of drinking at the Hunter’s Moon. And only weeks after his return, Jace and Magnus tentatively grew closer. It took them getting Alec’s very explicit vocal blessing to actually go out – but Alec was happy and in love, why would he deny his ex the same thing out of spite? After all, he and Magnus managed to keep a friendship.
“No’s not an answer, mh?”, grunted Alec as he looked at the identical puppy-dog eyes offered to him by his parabatai and his boyfriend. “Okay, fine. I can… finish this later.”
“You’re the best, babe”, grinned Bat and leaned in to kiss his cheek.
Alec blushed, just the faintest bit, before he allowed himself to be pulled along by Bat. Honestly, he knew this was for the best. Bat tended to do this, to distract him whenever he got too lost in work. He could spend a whole day working if he wasn’t pulled away from his work every now and again. Bat would come with food, or simply just… flop down on Alec’s desk. A large, fluffy wolf, taking up all of the space, sprawling out and rolling onto his back so Alec would have to give him a belly-rub. It usually ended with Alec taking a nap cuddled up to his boyfriend and that was exactly what he needed at that time. Bat knew how to nudge him into what he needed when he overworked himself and maybe right now, a date-night and some fresh air were exactly what he needed.
“Ah, so you did manage to pry Alexander off his work. Wonderful”, observed Magnus pleased.
He was waiting for them already. With a smile on his lips did Magnus welcome Jace into a hug and a kiss, having the blonde practically melt into him. Bat tugged on Alec’s hand to gain his attention so when Alec turned toward him, he could kiss the dark-haired Shadowhunter.
“Thanks for making time, Alec”, whispered Bat softly.
“For you? Always”, grumbled Alec and pulled Bat closer, wrapping an arm around Bat’s waist.
“So whipped”, commented Jace with a teasing smirk.
“Don’t tease them, puppy”, chided Magnus and smacked Jace’s ass, making him yelped.
“So literally whipped”, commented Bat with a shit-eating grin.
Jace’s cheeks darkened as he glared pointedly at the wolf and shoved him lightly while Magnus opened up a portal. The warlock exchanged an amused look with Alec as they walked through. When they came out the other side, it took Alec’s breath away. Everything was covered in snow, the little huts and stands and booths were all decorated with sparkling lights and Christmas decorations, Christmas carols were being sung in a foreign language. He looked around in awe.
“I want to try absolutely every food there is, angelito”, declared Bat with sparkling eyes.
“Of course you do”, huffed Alec softly and kissed Bat’s temple. “Though… I’m hungry too.”
“Of course you are. You haven’t eaten all day. Stupid Shadowhunter who can’t watch out for himself”, grumbled Bat and nudged Alec. “I swear, you’d be lost without me.”
“I would”, agreed Alec honestly without missing a beat.
It gave Bat some pause and made the wolf look at him flustered. Smiling, Alec leaned down to properly kiss Bat before the two got pushed along by Magnus and Jace to explore the market.
Read this here on FFNet & here on AO3
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