#Emergency Dance Party playlist
loveshotzz · 7 months
I guess it’s never really over
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mechanic!steve harrington x fem!reader exes to lovers
chapter one -
Late arrivals and big asks
A broken down car, a party at Reefer Rick’s, and a bandaid that needs to be ripped off.
warnings: 18+ drinking, smoking, lots of tension, some king!steve angst in the form of a flashback.
wc: 10.1k
series masterlist | series playlist
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June - 
The air is sticky, thick with the kind of humidity only Indiana could have at 9:30 pm. An annoyed breath expands into your lungs as you lean against your car that refuses to do anything but sputter. Despite your irritation, your glossed lips twitch with the nostalgia that creeps into your heart because after all these years it still smells the same.
Crossing your arms, your eyes trail over the clear night sky not polluted with the kind of man-made smog that blankets the city and the stars shimmer like diamonds in its absence. The warmth of the overrun engine is still hot on your exposed calves, the light breeze making the bottom of your sundress dance across the tops of your thighs. White beams emerge, cutting through the dark at the top of the hill, followed by the roar only a tow truck can make, and this time, the smile you fought off before spreads wide across your face.
Butterflies wake up in a frenzy deep in your gut, with nerves that twitch from your fingertips at the thought of finally getting to hug your best friend after months apart. You push off the side of your car as the truck approaches, eyes squinting to make out the second outline in the front cabin as it pulls over. You recognize the messy mane of hair that could only belong to Eddie Munson in the driver seat almost instantly and his dimple filled smile brings you back to memories you thought you’d long forgotten. 
“Well, well, well, would you look at what the cat dragged in!” Robin sticks her head out of the window with a wide grin as the big tires slow to a stop in front of your car, “are my eyes deceiving me or is my best friend in the entire world actually in Hawkins, Indiana right now?” 
The rasp in her voice sounds just like it does over the phone and despite the roll of your eyes, your cheeks hurt from how happy you are.
“Shut up, don’t act like you didn’t guilt me out here by saying the fate of your future depends on it.” Uncrossing your arms, you open them wide, “I made the ultimate sacrifice for you, so are you gonna hug me or not?”
Dramatic? Yes. But it works like a charm when she flings open the passenger door and charges at you in a mess of honey blond waves and freckles, almost tackling you with the force of her impact wrapping her arms around you.
Too distracted by Robin, you almost don’t notice the creak of the driver's side door or the filled out frame of the man that used to be a lanky teenage boy walking past as Eddie starts to attach your car to his truck. He’s taller than you remembered even bending down, and despite the navy blue coveralls, you can still see that his pale skin is littered with even more tattoos.
“I can’t believe my guilt trip worked!” Robin beams, finally letting you go, her whole body practically vibrating with excitement as she claps her ring clad hands together.
“I really can’t believe it either,” you laugh nervously, the reality of what it means to come back starting to set in after seeing just one familiar face, but this isn’t high school anymore and you’re definitely not the same person you were five years ago either.
“Thanks so much, Eddie,” you break the ice when he stands back up, and the sound of your voice has his big brown eyes warmed with gold light up just like his face when he turns his full attention onto you. Scruff filled dimples poking even bigger holes in his cheeks.
“It’s my pleasure, sweetheart, I almost didn’t believe Robin when she called me. I thought it was a prank.” He beckons you over with open arms, “now that I know it’s not, you have exactly 10 seconds to get over here and hug me before I change my mind.”
There’s zero hesitation about giving into his ‘demand’ and when your arms wrap around his waist, you’re brought back to afternoons in the woods behind the school with heavy lidded eyes and lopsided grins. 
“Your own auto shop, huh?” You smile up at him, pulling away, “Eddie Munson, the business owner.”
He rolls his eyes but the pink tint that colors in his cheeks tells you he appreciates the praise.
“Yeah, something like that.” He chuckles, “Got a soft spot for that old man in the trailer park, couldn’t bring myself to leave.”
Your heart warms at the fondness that drips from his ton. 
“Okay, as sweet as this little reunion is. You’re late, and we have a party to get to.” Robin interrupts snatching your keys out of your hand, dropping them in Eddie’s.
“A party?” You snap confused, and Eddie takes that as his queue to walk away with a knowing smirk.
“Yes, this is the summer of fun and reckless abandon, this is the last summer of our youth before we have to be adults. Do you understand me?” Her fingers are digging into your shoulders by the end of her rant, with the kind of look in her eyes that you’re absolutely going to have to revisit after a few weeks. 
“This is the part where I remind you that I graduated college last year.” 
Your best friend scoffs at you.
“Just humor me, okay? It’s your grand homecoming.” She pushes out her bottom lip, and makes her eyes big in a way she knows you can’t say no to.
“Fine.” You huff, making her finally let you go with the kind of pleased smirk that tells you she never thought she was going to lose to begin with.
“Great, it’s time to rip the bandaid off anyway.” Robin practically mumbles the last part turning on her heel to head back to the truck.
It takes a minute for her words to stick to your ears and their meaning to ring loud through your head, but when they do it feels like the air is stolen from your lungs. 
“Rip what bandaid off, Robin?!” 
It’s his name tightens in your chest but you refuse to say it, even after all this time it burns coming back up. 
“Since you had to drive for so long, I’ll sit in the middle because I’m just that good of a friend, you know?” She winks with a shit eating grin before pulling herself up and disappearing inside the cab of the truck, ignoring your question, like she’s not asking you to do the one thing you said you’d never do. 
See Steve Harrington again.
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I tell myself, ‘draw the line.’
You wonder if Robin can feel the daggers you’re glaring into the back of her head as the two of you walk up the driveway to Rick’s house. Gravel crunching hard under your converse as you keep up with her black combat boots. She looks effortlessly cool in her high waisted jean shorts, and her oversized army green jacket covered in patches. You’d compliment her if you weren’t so mad.
“I can’t believe you guys still have parties here.” You scoff, making your sour attitude known, but your best friend ignores it with ease.
“I can’t believe you forgot to have fun. Don’t you live in the city?” Turning around with a smirk, she can’t help but laugh at the look on your face. 
She stops abruptly, almost making you run into her leaving you both just close enough to the party to hear the bass of the music spilling through the cracks in the windows. The low chatter of people echoes through the trees that surround you and bounce off the lake not that far away. The thought of hearing the calm baritone of his voice mixed in makes your chest tight with the kind of nerves that dare you to high tail it and run.
“It’s been five years.” Robin’s playful demeanor breaks and becomes pleading with a kind of desperation you’ve never seen from her before. “He’s not the person you knew in high school, I need you to understand that. You think I’d call someone like that my best friend?”
“Hey!-“ You object at the title, and it makes her lips twitch despite serious lines that crease her face.
“Stop, you know what I mean,” her painted fingers grab onto yours, squeezing them lightly, “please, just give him a chance. I’m not asking you to get back together or even be friends, just get along enough not to kill each other this summer. I can’t choose between you. I won’t.”
The genuine love she has for Steve is apparent in the way her ocean blue eyes threaten to drown you in their sincerity, and you can’t find it in yourself to say no to her. 
“Fine.” You accept your defeat in practically a whisper, but it makes your best friend squeal nonetheless. The giddiness from before coming back tenfold as she links arms with you, continuing your way up to the house. 
It’s just a summer, right?
The crowd gets bigger as more people start to come into view, between groups smoking cigarettes outside, couples arguing by cars, others making out against them. The smell of beer gets more pungent with each step, the atmosphere a stark contrast to the way the moon glows against the peaceful waters behind the madness of the house. 
Salt N Pepa’s ‘Push It’ plays loud enough for you to make out the words when you reach the front steps, walking through clouds of tobacco smoke to get to the unlocked door. The interior hasn’t changed at all since high school, the smell of stale lime and tequila stinging your nose. The bass of the music vibrates under your shoes as Robin unlinks her arms and you have to fight the urge to yank her back.
“Drinks or …Steve first?” She asks, her nerves about the situation finally showing themselves as she bites at her thumbnail. 
“Absolutely drinks! Is that a trick question?” You half whisper, half yell, looking around as if saying his name out loud might summon him.
“Okay! Okay!” Robin hisses, grabbing your wrist, leading you towards the familiar path to Rick’s kitchen.
Suddenly you wonder what your makeup looks like after a long day of traveling in your car, your fingers tugging at the bottom of your dress before adjusting the front of it so it sits just right. You itch to grab your lip gloss that’s tucked into the side of your bra, but you don’t want to deal with the look you’d get if you went for it.
Rounding the corner to the living room, your heart sinks to the bottom of your stomach before you even have a chance to stop it when your eyes meet that messy head of chestnut hair, and a pair of hot pink nails tangled inside it. 
“Oh - I - god dammit.” Robin groans, when you're met with number two on your list, making out with a pretty blond on the couch.
Despite the years and distance, there’s still a sting that you feel in the corners of your eyes. It’s not enough for any tears to fall, there’s none left for him anymore, but it’s enough for the anger you’ve clung to since the day he broke your heart to boil hot under your skin. It singes the wings of the butterflies that try to take flight when you see the way his frame has filled out, how he’s somehow grown more handsome than the last time you saw him. 
Robin coughs, squeezing your wrist in reassurance.
“Hey, - uh, Steve.” The sound of his name catches his attention, long brown lashes fluttering open to reveal the deep coffee of his eyes that widen when they lock with yours for the first time in years. 
His lips pull from the blond’s with a loud smack, leaving a small trail of glitter on the side of his mouth that he tries to wipe away quickly with his wrist. Black ink you’ve never seen before looks bold on his tanned skin that glows like it’s been freshly kissed by the sun. 
His gaze wanders up and down your body like he’s unsure you’re actually real, and if it wasn’t for the obvious shock of your arrival and the way the color seems to drain from his face, you’d snap at him for the way it lingers over your curves. 
“Um, Robin, what the fuck?” The sound of his voice makes your heart skip a beat, and again when his hand drags through his hair just how you remembered.
“Surprise?” She shrugs, wincing when he scoffs loudly and the warmth that went missing floods his cheeks, turning them bright red. The blond next to him eyes you up while she clutches harder to his waist, and you can’t stop the rise of your brows and the giggle that bubbles past your lips because of it.
Steve’s head snaps towards you, something softening the moss that hides in his eyes when he hears the noise despite the sarcasm that drips from it, and you really get to look at him for the first time since high school graduation. 
God, you wish you could’ve had that drink. 
The jawline that always drove you mad is sharper, peppered with the kind of hardly there stubble that tells you he’s only missed one shaving day. A problem he never used to have, and somehow, it makes him all that much more attractive. 
His hair is a little messier than his carefully crafted look that used to take him a good forty five minutes every morning. It curls wildly at the ends now, tucking behind his ears and fanning along the nape of his freckled neck. It still looks as soft as you remember, though. 
His shoulders are broader, stretching the white cotton of his shirt tight enough across his chest that you can see the outline of a thick patch of hair that had only just started growing when you knew him last. The dark wash of his jeans makes them look almost black, fitting snug over his thighs, cuffed at the bottoms framing the tops of his boots.
Why couldn’t Steve Harrington just peak in high school like he was supposed to?
“So yeah, this is awkward.” Your best friend laughs nervously, “We’re going to get a drink or three because this scenario is by far the worst case and not the way this was supposed to go in my head, but anyway, look who’s here for the summer! We’ll talk later!“ 
Robin grabs your wrist before Steve can respond, pulling you back into the party and away from your ex-boyfriend while the realization of the summer you’ve foolishly agreed to hits you all at once. It turns your body weightless as the two of you weave in and out of the crowd. It tightens in your chest, the music turning muffled hitting your ear drums. Suddenly, you're not the woman who crossed state lines to the one place she said she’d never come back to, happily living the lie that you’d actually forgotten about him to be a good friend.
You’re the girl who let him keep you a secret, and you hate him for it.
Sneakers hit the sticky tile floor that hasn’t changed since 1984, the harsh lighting of the kitchen makes you both squint. It’s calmer than the rest of the house, just a few groups lingering off in the corners, too deep in conversation to care about you and Robin. Letting go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding, your ears start to pop too, Eddie Money’s Take Me Home Tonight coming through crystal clear.
“The band-aid might have been violently ripped off, but hey, it’s ripped off nonetheless.” Robin shrugs, finding the half-drunk bottle of tequila on the counter. “I think we should count this as a win and take a shot to celebrate.”
“A win?! Are you kidding me?!” You hiss, completely bewildered.
“Yes a win - oh no.” Her blue eyes go wide at whatever’s behind you, but it doesn’t take you long to figure out when that familiar spice and cedar of his cologne hits your nose.
“Right so, who’s going to let me know what’s going on?”
His voice comes out close enough to send your lashes fluttering, mimicking your heart. The nerves you’d just gotten over threaten to come back tenfold, but you manage to swallow them down just like in high school, turning around.
“I think it’s obvious what’s going on, Steve,”
It’s not as hard to say his name as you thought it would be, but it is hard to stare at his face from this close. Specifically, the two moles that dot his cheek that you always used to kiss, or the ones on his neck that you hate still taunt you for more. 
“I’m here for the summer.”
Steve Harrington had thought about this moment a lot, but Rick’s house was never the backdrop for it. His eyes take in the features you’ve not only grown into but somehow are even more beautiful than he remembers. Even if they’re twisted in a glare. 
“I meant, why didn’t I know until right now?” He manages to get out with a shake of his head narrowing his eyes at Robin, who’s too busy trying to find clean shot glasses to notice.
“Why would you need to know?” You snap, making a nervous hand card through his hair
“Cause I’ve, uh,  you know, I’ve asked about you a few times,” the last part comes out a little harsher, clearly directed at your best friend, who you know is actively ignoring you both now.
“Why? Why would you need to know anything about me?” Your hostility still shocks him even though he was expecting it. His eyebrows shoot up just like his hands in surrender. “Why didn’t you tell me, Robin?”
She groans loudly, slamming the tequila bottle down on the counter before turning around.
“You said you didn’t want to hear anything about him after you moved, why would I tell you he was asking about you?”
“Wait -“ Steve butts in this time, “seriously?”
“Oh my god, can you two shut the fuck up for a second and take these shots? You’re really putting a damper on the beginning of the best summer of our lives,” Robin snaps before waving a hand in front of three freshly poured shots.
It’s a struggle to tear your eyes from him, your body responding to his presence in a way that feels like it’s turning against you. It has you downing your shot in one quick motion before anyone else can even touch theirs. 
“Wow, okay.” Robin deadpans before shaking her head, wasting no time in following your lead.
“So we’re not cheersing anymore? Isn’t that bad luck?” Steve mutters, shoulder brushing against yours as he leans forward to grab his shot, the slightest touch enough to engulf your skin into flames.
A whole summer? Fuck.
“Robin, pour another one.” You rush with pinched brows as you try to move past the bitter sting of the alcohol going down your throat, taking a step toward her and away from him, you add “and we’ll cheers.”
You refuse to meet his gaze when you say it, but you can feel the intensity of it on the side of your face, begging you to break.
“Rob’s, how are you guys getting home?” Steve finally breaks, giving up his quiet fight for now, and you hate the way his nickname for her softens your heart.
“Huh, that’s a good question, I hadn’t thought that far yet.” She admits, over pouring so tequila splashes against the countertop, looking up at him with a mischievous grin.
“RECKLESS ABANDON STEVEY!” Cutting him off, she downs her shot in his disapproving face.
“You didn’t cheers again.” Steve sighs, hands finding his hips as you whine an irritated, “We needed to cheers!” At the same time.
Your eyes meet his finally, his knowing smirk twisting the corners of your lips despite yourself. You blame the tequila starting to warm the blood in your veins.
“Well, you need to take yours then if we’re doing another one ‘the proper’ way, or it’s not going to be even.” Robin points at your drink in a silent challenge. 
You know how this game works.
“Fine.” You shrug, downing it with more ease than the last one.
“Oh my god. Stop! Do not pour another one before you answer my question, please!” Steve sounds exasperated, grabbing the bottle from her before she can disobey, “How are you getting home?” 
You try not to focus on how much larger his already big hands are now, or how small the bottle looks wrapped up in his palm compared to your best friends. The second shot takes the edge off your nerves in a way that your shoulders relax. Leaning against the counter, you cross your arms, watching the two of them bicker, catching Steve’s wandering gaze on your exposed legs while he tries his best to keep his focus on Robin. It boosts your ego in a way that has the anger hiding just under the surface go from a boil to a slow simmer.
“I don’t know Harrington, do you know anybody with a car?” She wiggles two thick brows at him, the second shot making her blue eyes glassy, and her smile a little more goofy.
“Why’d I know you were going to say that? And why did I know you were going to do this?” Steve sighs, letting her snatch the bottle out of his hand.
“What? Bring her to the party?” Robin snorts pointing a thumb in your direction, making you gasp.
“No! What? No. But don’t think,” Steve clears his throat looking at you awkwardly before finishing a little quieter, “don’t think we’re not going to talk about this later.”
“I can still hear you.” You remind him with a sarcastic smirk.
“Yeah, I know you can. Look, I’ll DD for you because obviously tonight is, uhh,” he gestures to you with cheeks that grow pinker by the second, “a big deal. But you gotta stop doing this to me, I need you to get your license you’re out of colleg-”
“Shots! Steve’s driving us home!” Robin whoops loudly, and an irritated Steve pinches the bridge of his nose before walking away. 
Your eyes follow him out the door, shoulder blades flexing under cotton when he runs another hand through his hair before disappearing from sight. You try to push down the small pang of jealousy that makes a familiar home inside your chest remembering the blond girl waiting for him on the couch.
“Okay, okay,” Robin interrupts your inner struggle at the perfect time, sliding an overflowing shot over to you with a giggle that's contagious and it banishes Steve from your mind just like magic. “I’m not going to forget this time, promise.”
“I don’t think I can afford for you to forget again,” you smirk, raising your glass, tequila spilling over the tops of your fingers, “cheers!”
You both down them at the same speed, slamming the empty glasses back onto the countertop with laughter that bounces off the walls and threatens to drown out the music. And for a second you think maybe you can actually do this.
“I’m so happy you’re here!” She squeals, throwing her arms around your neck, doing a terrible job of holding her weight up. Grabbing onto her waist, you do your best to steady her, “Look I just want to say while he’s gone, I know this isn’t easy for you, okay? I know.”
She hiccups before pulling away slightly to look at you as she finishes,“But It means so much to me, and I just wanna say I’m proud of you. I mean, who knows, you’ve changed, he’s changed-”
“Nope, no, you’re done. Where’s the weed? I wanna smoke some weed.” You push Robin away, rolling your eyes at the loud laugh your reaction gets from her.
There’s a long summer ahead of you, but right now, all you need is to find a joint and try not to think about your ex in the next room.
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With a few more shots and a couple of hits from a blunt you and Robin you’d stumbled upon being passed amongst a group outside, you start to really feel like you’re back home. Nostalgia hits you hard in the gut as you walk through the crowded living room hand in hand with your best friend, giggling and stumbling back to the kitchen on the hunt for some food. 
“God, I’m so hungry!” Robin practically growls when you hit the harsh lighting again making you both hiss.
An empty bottle of tequila sits on the counter now and red solo cups litter the floor that weren’t there before, and a growing pile of bitten into limes cover the counters in a sticky mess. Alone and left to your own devices Robin begins to raid the cupboards, huffing when she finds nothing behind every door she aggressively yanks open.
“Why is his kitchen always so empty? Like? Do we just always miss the party?” You hiccup, tripping on a tile that’s coming out of the grout. 
You catch yourself on the kitchen island in front of you, a loud laugh bubbling up from your chest, too drunk to focus on how gross the formica feels under your fingertips.
“There’s literally nothing to eat in here, not even like an old bag of stale chips.” She opens the first cabinet one last time before slamming it shut, officially giving up with a thump of her forehead against the wood. “This is why he’s always at the diner.”
“Wait, Rick actually lives here still?” Another hiccup, you foolishly lean your elbows on the counter, something you’ll regret in the morning as you stare at your best friend with a toothy smile, completely unaffected by the news about the missing food that seems to be ruining her entire mood.
“How can he sell weed and not have any food in his house? What happens when he gets the munchies?!” She throws her hands up, ignoring your question and answering it all at the same time. “I’m gonna find a bathroom, and then we’re gonna find Steve - don’t make that face, he’ll take us through a drive-thru.”
“Don’t be gone long, I don’t know anyone here!” You whine with a childish drunk stomp of your foot, still sporting that sour look she told you to wipe off. The carefree girl from moments before now gone in the blink of an eye.
“Literally like five minutes, I swear!” She promises, turning around with a smirk as she crosses her heart with a ring covered finger like you used to do as kids, easily earning the smile from you she was hoping for.
You watch her disappear into the party, staring after bouncing honey waves until they’re out of your sight. 
Suddenly alone for the first time in hours, the kitchen feels quiet. The bass of the music is distant, and your thoughts are heavy just like your feet as your last shot of tequila settles with the rest. Your brain wanders to places that you thought you’d banished from the corners of your mind for years. It takes you to the pink fullness of his lips, and has you biting the bottom of yours. Then it’s the freckles that dot the bridge of his nose and explode across his cheeks, even leaving their mark on the bottom of his earlobe.
You’d found that one the night you’d tried to count them all. You never finished.
Then you remember the blond on the couch, and how her pink nails dug into the thick chestnut of his hair that you used to tug on when his kisses got to be too much. She turns into Nancy Wheeler and those stolen looks in the hallways at school, and suddenly, you hate him all over again.
“Jesus, you’re in here alone? Where’s Robin?” Steve’s voice makes you jump at the worst possible time, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scar-“
“Seriously?!” You snap, turning around with crossed arms. Leaning against the counter, you hope that you don’t seem as drunk as you are, but the way his lips twitch regardless of your attitude tells you that it’s not working. “She went to the bathroom and then was going to look for you.”
“So, it just makes sense for me to hang out here then, right?”Steve raises his hands in a silent plea for permission. 
His big boots take heavy steps towards you, and just like on cue, has your body betraying you. The plush dough of your thighs pressing harder together each time he gets closer to closing the gap. 
Cautiously taking the spot a few feet away from you, he keeps his hands up till he feels safe enough to shove them in his pockets. The spice of his cologne smells fresh, and you wonder if he sprayed it before walking in here. It overpowers everything else around you, invading your senses and committing itself to memory despite you.
“I um, I really hope this is okay to say,” he stammers watching the way one of your eyebrows arches up, and it doesn’t take long for his hand to escape from his pocket to run through his hair again, “but it’s, it’s good to see you. I m-missed you, Robin’s missed you.”
“Shouldn’t you be hanging out with your girlfriend?” You ignore him and tuck his words away to unpack another time with a sober mind.
“Cassie? She’s not my girlfriend.” He answers without any hesitation, something sparking alive inside the gold of his eyes that has one side of his mouth tugging up. 
“Does she know that?” 
“I’m pretty sure she does considering she left with another guy not that long ago.” He snorts, the confidence you’ve always known him to have finding its way back, and you don’t miss the way he scoots closer. 
So you scoot back.
“Sucks to suck, Harrington.” You sigh, impressed with how well you’re playing off the victory lap you’re shamefully running in your head at the new information.
“There you are!” Robin rushes in, face flushed and out of breath, interrupting the moment you weren’t ready to have yet at the perfect time “Somehow I got roped into like a keg stand and I think it’s really time for us to go home guys.”
She tries to shush you, but even you can see from across the room the way sweat starts to bead across her forehead, the blush in her cheeks going pale before she runs to the trash can. Steve pushes off the island without any hesitation, rushing to the other side of the kitchen, gathering her hair in his hands to hold it back.
“What were you thinking?” Steve scolds her in the softest way possible, rubbing her back as all the beer finds its way out of her body.  
Those big eyes of his that you’re sure are going to haunt your dreams meet yours, and in that moment the room decides it wants to spin. You’re not sure if it’s the night of tequila with nothing but a weed chaser catching up to you or if it’s the onslaught of feelings you’ve successfully suppressed for the last five years coming back to seek their revenge. The deadly combination of both comes to a head the more you watch the gentle way Steve handles Robin and it makes you realize it’s time to go.
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You manage to pull yourself together enough to help Steve get Robin in his car, heart almost stopping when you walk up to the same Maroon BMW he took your virginity in. It takes everything inside of you not to abort the mission, run to Robin’s apartment by figuring your way through the woods you used to play in, do anything but sit in those leather seats. But your best friend’s drunk rambles of how happy she is to have her ‘two amigos and how that it makes three now’ while professing her undying love for both of you has you putting on a brave face, and then your big girl pants when you have to sit in the front seat next to him.
It’s in perfect condition, just like the morning he pulled into the parking lot Junior year with it. Your stomach twists in the kind of knots that have you wrapping your arms around your waist. The smell of leather and pine pulling on the back of your throat, and all the memories that come with it. He keeps the radio low, and you can hardly make out the faint sounds of whatever late night talk show was on over the soft snores of a passed out Robin in the backseat. 
“I thought you’d have a different car by now.” You grumble sinking further into your seat, keeping your eyes trained on the trees that zoom past your window.
“You’ll have to pry her from my cold, dead hands, honey.” Steve chuckles, relaxing a little more into his own, a big hand finding a new resting spot on the stick shift.
The endearment sends you reeling, the tequila making it hard to bite your tongue.
“Don’t call me that.” Quickly realizing that staring out the window does nothing to help your already dicey equilibrium, you decide to finally look at him, but you’re not sure if that’s any better.
‘What? Honey?” He asks, fully knowing the answer but egging you on just the same with a ghost of a smirk on his lips.
Narrowing your eyes, you turn fully in your seat doing your best to ignore the way the street lights bounce off his sharp features as you face him.
“What? So you just make out with girls that you’re not dating and get away with it?” 
Steve snorts, licking his lips and meeting your angry gaze with an amused one. 
“I am twenty-four and single.”
Scoffing at his answer, you pause to collect your words that keep getting tangled on the tip of your tongue from too many drinks and how the whites of his teeth start to show in a grin as he glances in the rearview mirror to check on Robin.
“You think you can do whatever you want don’t you?”
“No -“
“What? Because you didn’t peak in high school like you were supposed to, you somehow just got hotter, you think the rules don’t apply to you or something?”
“Good to know you still think I’m hot.” Steve’s face cracks into a smile, turning into an apartment complex you’re assuming is Robin’s. 
“You’re the worst,” you try to deflect weakly, turning back in your seat with a huff.
“I definitely used to be,” he mumbles mostly to himself, putting the car in park, both of you jerking forward slightly. The sudden lack of movement makes Robin groan in the back, lashes fluttering open to look at her surroundings.
“Oh, thank god, I think I’m gonna be sick again.” Her throat sounds hoarse when she finally speaks, but it’s all she can manage before a dry heave has the boy next to you scrambling.
“Not in my car! Not in my car!” Steve’s quick to jump out of the driver's seat rushing to get your best friend out of the back, leaving you alone to fight with your seatbelt. 
Frustrated, you blow a breath out from between your pressed lips tugging on the smooth material while your thumb smashes the release button. It doesn’t budge and the cedar starts to pick at your nerves. An angry noise squeaks from the back of your throat catching Steve’s attention who finally gets Robin on her feet. The spice of his cologne swallows you whole when he emerges back into the car. Leaning over the console he’s gentle when he pushes your hand away. You don’t protest his help this time, eyes tracing the gold chain that slips out from under his shirt. It shimmers everytime it swings from his neck when it hits the moonlight, clicking the button with ease, releasing you from your self imposed trap.
“Thanks,” you grumble, using a wobbling arm to open your door, clambering out less gracefully than you intended.
“Are you good to follow me? I don’t think Robin’s gonna make it up the steps on her own.” Closing the car door, he leans over the top of it, his eyes watching the way you maneuver around his car like you’re walking on thin ice.
“I’m fine,” you growl, right as you lose your footing catching yourself with an open palm on the hood of his trunk.
“Seriously, I can help I just have to take you both one at a -“
“Steve, I said I’m fine. I don’t need anything from you.” You interrupt and if you weren’t so focused on putting one foot in front of the other, you’d see the way the harshness of your words make him wince.
He stares at you for a minute longer before muttering a quiet ‘whatever’ scooping Robin up and tucking her into his side. You follow them at your own pace up the cement steps to the second floor, thankful that her apartment isn’t too far from the landing when you get to the top. Your legs start to feel like Jell-O waiting for him to unlock the door, the long drive from New York and the night finally catching up to you in a way that makes your eyelids heavy as Steve pushes open her front door. 
“Bathroom! Bathroom!” Robin manages to get out when she and Steve cross the threshold first, a string of cuss words spilling out of his mouth as he tries to hurry her to the place she was begging to be taken to.
You use the full force of your weight with your back to the door, closing behind you with a loud slam. The navy blue couch in the middle of her living room begging you to sit down, an invitation your clumsy steps accept, leading you to the fluffy cushions. Collapsing onto them with a satisfied hum, you sink into the foam, lashes fluttering and eyelids getting heavier with each second that passes, and soon you find yourself giving in with a warm cheek pressed into the arm rest.
You don’t know how much time has passed when the feeling of your laces being tugged loose stirs you awake. Trying to focus with vision still blurry from sleep, Steve’s messy head of hair comes clear into your line of sight. Long fingers pull the white strings from the metal eyelets of your converse, a warm palm wrapping around your ankle that sends a shiver up your spine as he slowly wiggles your sneaker off your foot. The white tube socks that cover your feet make him smile with a thumb that dares to rub a small circle on your skin before dropping it to work on the other.
“Steve,” you manage to get out, voice still thick with sleep.
“I’m just tucking you in, that’s all hon- and then I’ll get out of your hair.” He clears his throat after the nickname that set you off earlier burns like acid dying on his tongue.
You grumble something unintelligible, rubbing the mascara off your eyes as he pulls your other shoe off the pad of his thumb doing the same thing to your other ankle making your toes curl. Both his hands find their way to your calves squeezing softly at the muscles before he starts to lift them up.
“Come on, let's get you laying on your side.” He coos, helping you adjust so you’re finally horizontal. You groan a little, reaching out for him on instinct, the softness of his touch making a very drunk you crave more. 
“I’d love to cuddle but I think you’d actually kill me in the morning,” he laughs to himself knowing you won’t remember any of this when you wake up.
You make some more noises that he can’t figure out if they're supposed to be words or not as he drapes Robin’s thick throw blanket over you. Grabbing the material in your fists when you feel it, you pull it even closer, a low satisfied hum spilling from between your lips that still sparkle with leftover glitter from your gloss. He watches the way you curl into yourself, fingers twitching at his side to run his knuckles over your cheek.
“Steve,” his name comes out clear as day, kicking up his heart rate.
“Yeah?” He squats down next to your face, the warmth of your breath hitting his face while your eyebrows furrow in your sleepy state trying to get whatever you want to say out.
“You really broke my heart, you know that?”
Your words punch the air out of his lungs, just like your unexpected arrival. Something he’s fantasized about happening more times than he’d like to admit.
“Yeah, I know.” He sighs defeated, giving into his urges for comfort with knuckles that brush against the warmth of your skin, a familiar burn stings his eyes when you subconsciously lean into it. 
You don’t say anything else to him, the furrow of your brows smoothing out as your face finally starts to relax under his touch. He watches the way your shoulders move with each deep breath that pulls you further into sleep and away from him. 
He takes a selfish minute to stare at you uninterrupted, tracing your cheekbone one last time before he stands up to leave, he knows he won’t get any sleep, and the words you won’t remember saying are already haunting him like a bad dream.
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“Do you really wanna love me like you say you do? Give it to me like you say you do? Cause it’s hard enough you gotta treat me like this, lonely enough to let you treat me like this. Do you really love me?”
Steve was late, glancing down at pink the digital watch on your wrist, fifteen minutes late. Five lockers down from his, you wait for him at what’s been your meeting spot for the last eight months. Far away enough from his locker that no one would suspect you waiting for the King of Hawkins himself, but close enough to the janitor's closet for him to steal you away from sight without anyone noticing for the forty-five minutes of study hall. 
Hushed argumentative whispers catch your attention, nerves making your feet move from side to side unsure if you should abandon ship and just go and study for the final in your last period. Nancy Wheeler's eyes meet yours as she rounds the corner with her best friend Barb, the corners of her lips pulling up ever so slightly giving you a small wave which you return as she tries to ignore her friend.
“He’s just trying to get in your pants! Come on, you have to be smart enough to know that.” Barb points at the note Nancy is clutching in her hand so hard that the whites of her knuckles show.
“It’s not like that, I’m just tutoring him.” She argues but the blush that creeps across her cheeks and spreads down her neck gives her away.
I’m just tutoring him.
That simple sentence is enough for your world to tip off its axis, chest tightening at the realization of who they're arguing about. All the canceled plans the past few weeks with the excuse of extra tutoring starts to feel like a knife to the gut. Prince Charming rounds the corner holding and twists the handle with a bright flirtatious smile that used to be just for you, only now it’s flashed at the dainty brunette who melts under it because no one is immune to Steve Harrington. 
It takes him a minute to see you, too wrapped up in Nancy who’s back is pressed to the lockers, caged in by Steve’s big hand splayed against the metal by her head. They’re too far to hear what he’s saying to her, but the confident way his teeth flash and the sweet giggle he earns from it tells you everything you need to know. Tears burn at the corners of your eyes, but you don’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing them fall. Fists clenched at your sides, the blunt ends of your nails dig into your palms as you hold in the sob that threatens to give you away as you walk past them, meeting his guilty eyes before you round the corner.  
The pounding in your head wakes you up before the sun that leaks through Robin’s small kitchen window. Your hangover rings in your ears with a vengeance, and has you letting out a pained groan. Everything after the joint you shared outside at the party is nothing but a blur, a scattered puzzle with pieces missing as you try and figure out how you ended up back home and tucked into the couch. 
“Are you alive out there?” Robin’s voice calls out weakly from down the hall in her room. 
“Barely,” you grumble, agitation kicking in from dehydration and the old wounds your dream decided to rip open.
“I’d say I’m never drinking again but we both know that’s a lie,” she says, muffled by what sounds like a pillow.
A giggle tries to escape, but it only makes you wince, clutching your forehead willing the pain to subside.
“How’d we even get home?” You croak, rubbing harshly at your eyes before attempting to sit up, covering them with a cupped palm as your surroundings get brighter.
“Steve,” Robin’s voice comes out right next to you, surprising you by appearing in the entryway. 
Hearing his name out loud sends the kind of rage that scorches through your veins, it burns from your fingertips remembering the look on his face when you broke up a few weeks after that day in the hallway your dreams so sweetly reminded you of. 
It was Pity.
Your best friend ignores your silence and the sour look on your face as you silently take a trip down memory lane while she shuffles into the living room wandering to the attached kitchen. 
“How far is Eddie’s shop from here?” You grimace watching her chug from a carton of orange juice.
“Oh, super close. You can walk from here.” She answers, wiping her upper lip with the back of your hand, “they opened like two hours ago, I’m sure he’s already looked at your car.”
“I think I’m going to shower and go over, do you want to come with me?” Raising your hands above your head, you stretch your sore muscles as a yawn comes out in the middle of your question.
“I think I need to rot in bed for a little while longer before I go walk amongst the living, I promise I’m all yours after I don’t feel like a freaking crypt keeper.” Your yawn is contagious, giving you a view of all her perfectly straight teeth.
“I demand something greasy for lunch when I get back then.” You point at her finding your footing on the carpet, noticing your converse are tucked nice and neat against the couch next to you. The feeling of Steve’s knuckles is a ghost against your skin, details starting to come out clear from the murky waters. 
Heat rushes to your cheek at the memory while your emotions start to go at war with each other over what to feel towards the man who tucked you and your best friend in last night, but also broke your heart in a way you don’t think you’ll ever quite forget. 
“I’m on it boss, god, I wish Benny’s was still open.” Robin interrupts the inner struggle she’s oblivious to you having as she walks past you flinging herself on the couch you’d just won the battle of leaving “But I’ll think of something good, I promise.”
Just like your yawn, the smile she gives you is contagious despite the sharp pain you get in your head from moving too much and you both laugh wincing when it only gets worse. 
Ibuprofen first, then your car.
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Birds chirp loudly, mocking the headache that's turned into something more annoying than painful after a handful of ibuprofen. The sticky air is still suffocating even in a pair of black biker shorts and an oversized loose fitting tee, while the sun shines golden against the cerulean sky without a cloud in sight to hide you from its light. 
The heat warming off its rays makes beads of sweat start to collect at the crown of your head and the nape of your neck, while the incline Eddie’s spinning auto body sign sits on top of threatens to take your breath away. Unwanted thoughts of Steve Harrington keep your pace quick, stewing over the last twenty-four hours and everything it’s unraveled.
The small parking lot is empty when you reach it, kicking small rocks with the toe of your sneaker as you cross it. The double garage doors are open, Metallica’s Seek and Destroy echoing loudly, tugging up the corners of your lips. Your Chevrolet Caprice is the only car semi-lifted in the air with a pair navy coverall-clad legs underneath it.
Opening your mouth, Eddie’s name dies on your tongue before you get a chance to shout it, clocking him and his wild curls sitting in the glass office inside. Those big brown eyes meet yours from across the way, a dimple filled grin lighting up his face waving excitedly from his chair before standing up.
“Glad to see you’re alive, princess.” He teases stepping out of his glass case, with coveralls that are gray today.
“Honestly, it’s a miracle,” you laugh, confused eyes darting to the large boots under your car that don’t seem to have any reaction to the sound of your voice.
“Oh, I heard all about your first night back home. In fact my shop opened thirty minutes late because of it,” he chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the open metal frame where the door should be. Faded bats that you remember when they were fresh dancing across his arm with his movements.
“Wait, what?” You ask, confusion pinching your brows together right as the mysterious pair of legs start pushing out whoever’s under your car.
“I didn’t get back to my place till almost four in the morning after getting you two home and in bed,” Steve emerges flashing you his million dollar smile as he sits up on the dolly, the sleeves of his own coveralls tied tight around his waist and hair wild like he’d just rolled out of bed, “I slept through my alarm.”
The immediate glare that hardens your face when you see him has Eddie's eyes light with obvious amusement. 
“What are you doing here? And why are you touching my car?” You snap, trying to push the worries about what you look like deep under the irritation and the distraction that begs to steal your anger with his arms on full display like this. Or how the patch of chest hair that peeks out the top of it shines with sweat. 
“I work here,” Steve snorts like it’s the most obvious conclusion, because, well, it is, “and I volunteered to look at it, Eddie’s got his hands full.” 
That was a lie, he begged him.
“Since when do you know anything about cars?” Snorting, your attitude makes him roll his eyes, pushing himself off the ground.
It’s a struggle to hold his gaze when he stands at full height, biceps flexing with his movements practically daring you to look. He pulls out a faded maroon rag from his pocket and starts wiping off the fresh black from his hands that’s already stained under his nail beds. The hard bottoms of his work boots making their way across the cement floors of the garage. 
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me anymore, that’s what happens when someone leaves for five years.” Steve antagonizes, his lack of sleep leaving him with thin patience.
He stops just close enough for you to smell how the woodsy spice of his cologne mixes with the sweet bitterness of the oil that seems to find a way to leave its mark on every surface in here. Including him.
“I’m going to finish balancing the books, why don’t you tell her the good news first and then the bad,” Eddie pours ice over the tension that threatens to boil over before it can turn hostile, catching the way both of your nostrils flare and shoulders square up.
“Wait, there’s good news and bad news?” Your focus on Steve shifts as Eddie’s words sink in.
“Like I said, I’m going to finish balancing the books.” The metal head reminds you, giving a half salute with two fingers while simultaneously shooting a stern look to Steve who’s mouthing something behind you. “Your mechanic’s going to go over everything with you, we can talk about pricing when it’s all said and done.”
“Seriously?” You bluster as Eddie shrugs with the kind of nonchalance that sends you reeling before sitting back down, tuning the dial-up on the radio in his office. End of discussion.
“Look -“
“How do I even know that you know what you’re talking about?” You interrupt, making his full lips set into a straight line.
“Are you going to be like this the whole time?” Steve sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose before crossing his arms, the tops of his shoulders moving with them. 
A pleading expression softens his features instead of the hard combative one you were anticipating, and it helps your blood pressure return to normal. The realization hitting you that maybe skipping breakfast with a hangover probably wasn’t your smartest idea.
“N-no, sorry, I just feel like -“
“Shit? Yeah, I bet.” He chuckles, and your jaw clicks. Maybe if you count to three…
“Just tell me what’s wrong with my car, Steve.” It comes out clipped, but it's an improvement from your fingers twitching to rip that handsome head right off those shoulders that won’t stop trying to distract you.
“How about you tell me the last time you had your oil changed?” He counters, taking a few steps back to sit on the hood of the rusted baby blue Buick behind him. 
“Uhh, I- I think,” All the blood rushes to your cheeks, warming your skin as you try to wrack your brain and not focus on the way his legs spread wide to keep his balance. “Maybe, like, six months ago.”
“Six months?!” The number must be worse than whatever Steve was preparing for when a dirty hand runs through his hair, “and then you drove it three states to get here?”
“Yeah, I - I mean, hearing you say it out loud,” you grimace thinking of all the weeks you ignored that flashing orange light on your dashboard.
“So then you shouldn’t be surprised when I tell you that your engine locked up.” 
“Is this the bad news?” 
“Kind of,”
“What do you mean kind of?”
“Look, the good news is that I can fix it, the bad news is that I have to order a few parts that could take up to three weeks to get here, then the job itself is going to take me probably another week.” He sighs standing up, starting back towards your car with you quick on his heels.
“That’s the whole summer!” You argue like it could possibly make a difference, frustration pricking at the corners of your eyes watching him pop open the hood.
“More like half of it, but hey, you’re lucky I can even get it running again without having to replace the whole thing.” He meets your gaze from under his lashes leaning over the engine, long nimble fingers unscrewing the cap where your oil should go.
“So what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to get around?” You know that part isn’t his problem, this entire mess is your own doing but it doesn’t stop it coming out in a whine. You blame your hangover.
“You’re gonna be just fine, city girl,” Steve grins up at you before reaching even further under the hood, muscles flexing with him, “besides we both know I can’t say no to Robin.”
He pulls at a small tube that’s purpose is unknown to you but you keep eyes trained on his movements like you have an idea, anything to keep the focus off the gold chain that dangles from his neck. 
“Or you.” The last part comes out so quiet, a focused look pinching his brows together as he continues his investigation.
He doesn’t look at you when he shrugs, pulling at something with a little more force that makes you both flinch. 
“How much is this going to cost me, Steve?” Your defeat shows in your tone, as the question slips quietly from between your lips that you wish you’d have put gloss on now.
He grunts at the same time something pops against metal under his hands, muttering a string of curse words under his breath before standing back up wiping his palms on the white cotton of his tank top. Charcoal stains fill the small grooves in the fabric with each swipe of his hands, pulling the collar further down every time. It’s a losing battle not to look at his chest when every motion reveals more of the thick curls underneath. 
Steve clears his throat, letting you know that you’ve been caught and it’s at this moment you wish you could walk in front of the moving truck that drives loudly past the shop, only exaggerating the silence that follows.
“Don’t stress about that today,” he smiles, letting you off the hook for now, something mischievous dancing in his eyes for another time. “Like Eddie said, we’ll figure it out.”
“Don’t stress about it?! Have you met me?” You huff, the money you’ve saved up for the summer starting to dwindle right before your eyes. 
“I have actually,” Steve chuckles, stepping close enough for the tips of your shoes to touch his boots. He feels bold when you don’t make any attempt to move away like at the party or retreat when he closes the gap. A thumb and forefinger finding their way to your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze, “and you’re going to be fine, I promise.”
Your lips part on their own, the full force of his face from this close stealing the breath from your lungs. You can smell the coffee he had this morning and the mint from his toothpaste still lingering on his breath. The stubble that lines his sharp jaw is even more noticeable today, tapering off at the top of his neck making the cluster of moles that live there stand out even more. A pink tongue runs over his full bottom lip and it has your lashes fluttering against the tops of your cheeks.
“Now go get some food, grumpy,” his voice comes out low, a teasing edge to it that reminds you of what it’s like to have Steve Harrington flirt with you. “I’ll call when I get the parts, okay?”
It’s like detention junior year all over again as you turn into putty in his hand. Still too attractive for his own good, all you can do is nod while all the fight you had left inside you disappears as the pad of his thumb swipes soft against your heated skin just under your pouted lip before letting you go. He turns on his heel after that, walking back to the box of tools he has spread out over his workbench before adding,
“Do me a favor and tell Robin she owes me a new shirt.”
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beta’d by @sweetsweetjellybean
🌻 chapter two
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slasherbvnnie · 2 years
Until We Found You | Part VII
Welcome to Part VII, we’re officially nearing the end... two more parts left of this mini series! It’s been fun writing this, I hope you all come to enjoy the next mini series or my drabbles. As always, heed the tags below.
Modern Day College Scream AU, Obsessed AFAB!Reader, Eventual Poly!Ghostface x reader, Eventual NSFW, All characters 18+
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VIII Part IX
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Word Count: 1685
Music bounced off the walls of the Macher’s household, Stu playing one of his infamous playlists as everyone from uni was either drinking, fucking, making out or taking hits of various substances. Your little group was gathered in front of the tv, watching Halloween. Stu and Tatum were cuddled up, Sidney was leaned back in Billy’s arms and Randy was cuddling up with one of the couch pillows. You however were sat next to Colton, aka, the dude Stu had scared off the day before. When you arrived to the party with Sidney and Tatum, you two locked eyes and he was hesitant to walk over to you. You explained to Colton that Stu was just trying to scare him off yesterday and even though you explained how things were complicated- leaving out the whole being in love with serial killers note- he took that as still having a chance.
No one in your group noticed the glares Stu and Billy were giving Colton, not even Bailey himself, but the boys continued to stare daggers right into his skull. If they had been real ones, Colton would have been done for since the second he sat down next to you. Hell, they were probably planning ways to murder him the second Stu noticed someone had invited him to the party. Tatum had moved from Stu’s hold and said she was off to get more alcohol, heading out towards the garage. Colton took the opportunity to show to your friends that he was kind and insisted on helping her. The two left, Tatum raising her brows and smiling at you, mouthing if he was your secret lover. You laughed, giving her a shrug as she rolled her eyes and continued out to the garage with him.
After some time passed and your little group participated with drinking, dancing, and the respective couples making out in the private rooms, you and Colton were left talking on the porch as most people from the party left. Randy headed out as well, having an early shift tomorrow while your other friends stayed since Stu offered for them to spend the night. Sid and Billy were upstairs, Stu and Tatum off god knows where and you were just relaxing with Colton. “So is it really that complicated?” He questioned you as you shrugged, “we just don’t know if we want to be a thing yet.” You said with a shrug, Colton nodding as he finished off his beer. “I am going to get us some refills so we can finish this conversation,” he said with a smile as you laughed and nodded. You felt a bit weird, you were falling head over heels for your two masked lovers, but deep down inside you, you wondered if they would ever reveal themselves to you. You didn’t know if you could handle the heartbreak of never being with them. As he went back inside you saw Tatum emerging with a drunk Sidney wrapped around her shoulders, “I’m going to drop Sidney off at home, she puked all in the guest room. Stu said he’s gonna kick out the stragglers soon,” she said, you patted Sidney on her back. “Feel better, maybe Billy gave you mono,” you joked as she whined and stumbled off with Tatum to her car.
After you watched them drive off you looked back inside, wondering what was taking Colton so long. You sighed, about to walk in before noticing someone in the corner of your eye. You turned towards the figure, seeing your beloved masked killer standing there. “So you are stalking me,” you said as you stood up. They tilted their head, approaching you as you looked around to see if anyone was watching. You were about to say something else before they grabbed your wrist, holding up your arm to them before they swiped the knife across your skin. “What the fuck?” You yelled out, trying to pull your arm away from them before you heard glass drop on the floor. You once again tried to pull away, only to let out a scream when you felt the knife cut your side. You looked to them with tears in your eyes, “why?” You screamed at them before you turned to see Colton there, beers dropped onto the porch as he ran and pushed you away from the killer, “Get the fuck off of her, freak!” He yelled as the killer let go of your wrist, Colton punched them but quickly stopped when he was stabbed in his side. You let out a scream, adrenaline filling your veins as you tried to act surprised, but you weren’t sure if it was an act after all, they had tried to stab you. One of your secret lovers tried to stab you, the tears that fell out began to blur your vision. “Go get help!” Colton yelled to you before the killer once again wounded him, you backed away as you saw the blood, running inside the house.
Your heart was somehow beating a thousand miles a minute despite being shattered. You didn’t know if it was one of your boys behind the mask or some wannabe killer, but you cried as you ran, wondering if they were using you all along. You saw people scattering from your screams, looking around to see who could help. You ran upstairs to find Stu, running into him as you tried to get to his room. “Stu!” You yelled, putting your hands on his chest as you tried to get him to move. “Stu, we have to go, the killer-“ you pleaded, grabbing onto him as he smiled and grabbed your wrists. “Stu?” You asked, looking up at him as he chuckled. “Don’t worry, little minx. We won’t hurt you, not any more than he did.” He said as he held up your arm that was injured. “Billy sure is mean to you, isn’t he doll,” He said as he wiped away your waterfall of tears. “Sorry about that, he was watching us,” you heard the familiar voice say from behind you. You backed away from Stu, staring back and forth at the two of them. “What?” You asked, confused on what was happening, the adrenaline from earlier making you disoriented and dizzy. “Wasn’t it obvious? I mean Oliver? Oliver’s fucking goons? Colton? Hell we haven’t gotten to Sid and Tate yet,” Stu said as you furrowed your brows and squinted at him. “We?” You asked as the killer laughed, walking closer to you and pulling off his mask. “We, us, the two standing in front of you.” Billy said as you looked to them, stepping back away once more. You were having trouble trying to understand that they were the two killers, the two you slept with, the two you unknowingly helped cheat against your best friends.
“I mean, we never intended for this to happen, Casey and Steve were just supposed to be random, but since Casey was Stu’s ex we needed someone to throw them off. You haven’t known Stu for very long, I mean, two years isn’t enough time to really know someone, right?” Billy explained, stepping closer to you. “You were supposed to be target number two, but Billy noticed all your little papers and drawings about us,” Stu said as he stood in front of you, tracing your face just like he had before. “And we couldn’t kill off our first little fan,” “No, we couldn’t have. You were too pretty,” Stu said as he stepped behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as Billy now stood in front of you.
“Plus, with how good you made us feel, we couldn’t gut you after that,” he chuckled, tracing the bloody knife along your cheek. “But, Sid and- and Tate,” you said softly, Billy smirking. “It’s just taken a bit longer to get to them. Tatum was supposed to be next but your stupid study date got in our way. Oh, and Sidney is our big grand finale. But when you mentioned Oliver and his group, we had some other business to do,” he said as Stu laughed. “We would have brought you his heart as a little momento but you can guess how that would have been bad,” Stu said as you sniffled, “what’s wrong, little bunny?” Billy asked, you shook your head. All the information was hitting you all at once, Tatum and Sidney were going to die, Colton was bleeding out on the porch, and the boys you had known for only two years or less were the ones who planned it all.
“It’s just a lot,” you admitted, sniffling once more. “You didn’t even trust me yesterday, do you know how sad that made me? And- and you tried killing me! I mean jesus fuck I even had a crush on both of you without the mask! And all this time while you two have been sneaking in and out of my bedroom you’ve had girlfriends who you’ve been kissing and fucking and just-“ your rant was ended when Billy put his lips on yours, you pushed at his chest, backing up into Stu. “Don’t worry, you’re going to survive this with us. We’re going to move Bailey so Tatum won’t see him. After that, we take care of her and then we go get Sid. I mean, after all, it’s not us doing it. It’s all poor Mr. Prescott,” Stu said as you looked to him. “Mr. Prescott? But hes-“ “he’s in the closet. All tied up and waiting for his big debut, psycho dad.” Billy said as he looked to you. “Come on, get yourself together, it’s time for act three baby,” He said as he pat your cheek, flashing you his infamous grin. “Don’t worry, doll, you’ll be a big tv star. Gale is going to be up your ass after tonight! Up all our asses!” Stu laughed, “Who knows, maybe you’ll get the latest hottest actress to play you in the movie they’ll make about us,” he said as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you downstairs.
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tellmegoodbye · 3 days
Tarlos Ask Game
Thank you @strandnreyes for helping me brainstorm!
🙇🏽‍♂️ What embarrassing stories do Carlos' sisters like to share about him from when he was little?
⛈️ A thunderstorm knocks out the power for the night. What is Tarlos getting up to?
💃 Tarlos goes on a dancing date. Tell us about how it goes.
⚽️ We know TK played hockey as a kid. What sport(s) did Carlos play? Are there any other extracurricular activities they enjoyed?
🕵🏽‍♂️ Which is your favorite case that Carlos has solved? What types of cases do you think he'll take on in season five other than investigating Gabriel's death?
❤️‍🔥 When and where was TK and Carlos' first time? Are you a Bathroom Blowjob™ truther? Do you have a different take on how things happened?
🔍 Who do you think killed Gabriel? Walk us through your own "Carlos catches the killer" storyline if you'd like.
🐎 How does TK react to seeing Carlos "good with horses" Reyes for the first time?
💞 How did the first "I love you" happen? Do you hc that 2x12 was the first time they said it properly? Do you think it came before 2x04?
🏡 How did Carlos ask TK to move in?
🏔 Carlos has mentioned his desire for adventure despite his tendency to get homesick. What kind of adventures do you see him and TK having one day?
🏖 What does a Tarlos beach day look like to you?
🐶 What are TK and Carlos' favorite dog breeds? Which one do they get if they eventually get a dog of their own?
🍲 What are TK and Carlos' favorite dishes to cook for these occasions: For date night, For when the other is sick, For parties?
📷 Walk us through the different photo albums TK and Carlos keep on their phones.
💌 What was Carlos' first crush on a boy? TK's?
🗽 Which would you rather have? A Tarlos trip to New York? Or a visit out on the ranch? Tell us what shenanigans they'd get up to.
☄️ Which emergency or disaster gives TK and Carlos the most nightmares to this day?
🎶 It's time to expose these boys' spotify playlists! What are TK and Carlos' favorite genres, artists, songs, etc.
🎼 What is one song you would have liked them to have at their wedding?
💍 What are TK and Carlos' favorite moments from the wedding, aside from the vows?
💐 What are their date nights like?
🦎 Tell us about some of the latest Lou II adventures.
💬 Share some notable moments from TK and Carlos' message history.
🏥 Let us finally solve the mystery of TK's first coma. How did it happen? How serious was it?
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ashisgreedy · 1 year
Garreth's Gareer AU HCs
Written By @finalgirllx and @greedyforgarreth simultaneously.
Headcannon's of Garreth Weasley in different careers! 
(These start out serious but we became delirious over time writing this. They devolve into… well, you will see.)
This was not edited. Cheers!
"Weasley's Confections"
He comes home smelling like sugar every day
He always has flour or frosting in his hair
He'd always bring home a sweet for you
He'd write your names on the little sweets
He's always brainstorming new cake-decorating ideas
He'd always try out new flavor combinations, leading to a very messy kitchen!
He has his own frosting line
during the holidays he has you come and assist him in helping customers in his little shop
During Christmas, you and he dress up as Mr. and Mrs. Claus to decorate cookies with kids
He holds a cake-baking class every once in a while for the community
He’s a personal caterer, with a small team
He puts on a little show as he cooks for small parties
He has signature dishes he makes that are unique to his catering business
He definitely has a roster of corny jokes for the occasion 
His favorite clients are small bachelorette parties and groups of older ladies because he loves how energetic they are and they laugh at his corny jokes.
Unbuttons his chefs coat throughout the evening for bachelorette parties 
“I'm having a pasta-tively great time”
He would have a volunteer come up for silly demonstrations - how to crack an egg
He hosts his own booth at food festivals to help market is personal business 
Robert Irwin vibes - Always educating people on animals
He loves helping with the petting zoos! 
Passionate about preservation of the species and holds educational classes for nearby schools. 
His favorite animal would be an iguana 
He definitely gives away stuffed animals from the gift shop! 
Wears a khaki uniform at all times in the zoo
When he’s not in that - he’s in animal patterns and Hawaiian shirts.
As a side hobby, he surfs to raise money for ocean animals
He’d definitely buy environmentally friendly items at all times
Airline pilot 
Mile high club a million times
Has dated all the stewardesses
Has a mask kink.
Falls asleep almost immediately after the plane takes off
Yoga Instructor
Holds instructional classes for business people during their lunch hour.
He’s insanely flexible, and shows it off
Knows his butt gets a lot of attendees
He wears silly headbands
Specializes in Hot Yoga classes
Would have the corniest playlist
His best friend Leander is the Zumba instructor 
He also teaches the occasional water aerobics 
Takes his yoga knowledge into the bedroom 
Wedding planner (morally corrupt)
Really pays attention to the needs of the fiancees…wink
Makes sure to attach his personal cell phone..wink
“Does he know what colors you’d like for the wedding? Or does he not listen to you as well as I could…” wink
Turns cake tasting erotic, feeding the fiancee a cake bite in front of her fiance… wink
He helps put the garter on the bride, slowly… wink
He offers you private dance lessons before the big day…wink 
Ruins your dress before the husband gets the chance…wink 
Shows you the ring he would have gotten for you instead (It’s much better).
Actually listens to you (unlike your fiance)...wink 
You met when he carried you out of a burning building..sexily 
He saves your kitten and gives it an oxygen mask until it’s lively again.
He pushes you out of the way of a falling burning ceiling 
He lets you wear his helmet to calm you down. (He tells you how silly you look and it helps)
He single-handedly prevented a train collision and explosion in the center of the city 
Sexy arms, covered in soot, and he takes off his jacket and you lick him up 
He’s the one that carries the massive axe that busts through walls. 
"Is this the firehouse? Because you've got me feeling the heat."
Him sliding down the pole during an emergency *Eyes emoji*
Massage therapist 
His massages take ages because he makes sure to work out EVERY knot you have before you get off his table. 
“Oh my dear, you sure are a little tense, aren’t you? Let’s fix that.” 
Love the hot rocks, “ooh, a little hot” whenever he uses them
He gives all kinds of facials for his dedicated clients 
If you get really, really horny during the massage, he says he’ll give you a “happy ending” but really it's just a clap of his hands and a smile.
He plays “Happy” by Pharell Williams at the end of every massage
Sometimes he’ll offer a bonus technique where he steps on the client 
His spa music is just hip hop and rap songs turned into gentle melodies. 
The clue is in your panties~
If you’re a threesome, he and the other suggest “split up and look for clues” aka your holes. 
When he’s feeling goofy he’ll bring a magnifying glass to your pussy. “I don’t need this, I already know where the clit is!” 
The hat stays on during sex.
Handcuffs. Nuff said.
He makes the outline of a body on the floor with painters tape and fucks you in that position. 
He asks you questions during sex like “Where were you at 11:34 PM Monday evening?” “Do you have an alibi?” “What crimes have you committed?” “Can you please state your full name and contact information?” “Your childhood street address?” 
He makes you hold his badge up to him during sex.
He smokes his cigar after. 
Diving into that… wink.
Speedos all day, every day.
He is super happy to carry a whistle with him all day.
He would’ve saved Ash that one time. 
He wouldn’t have let finalgirllx fall into that lake on her bike. 
He smells like coconut from the sunscreen
Sand *everywhere* “Got some sandy buttcheeks there!” 
When he runs, his pecs bounce.
Really enjoys the maritime accuracy of Spongebob Squarepants 
Very proud of his CPR certification. 
Driving instructor 
Bends you over the seat and fucks you to make sure the leather of the seat cushion is durable. 
Makes you sit on his lap and it causes the horn to honk. He doesn’t mind <3
“I wanna ride.”
Pretends to honk the horn, but really he’s just squeezing your breasts. 
Fingers you while you parallel park to make sure you really know what you're doing. 
“Red means stop, green means go.” But this is your safe word instead. 
Is very passionate about turn signals and will yell at you if you forget to use it. Drivers safety biotch
"Do you believe in love at first drive, or should I take you for another spin?"
Kindergarten teacher 
Fucks all the single moms. 
He is excellent with kids and really enjoys providing them a foundation for a bright future ahead of them.
Has a breaking and entering kink. 
His favorite craft to do with the children is making flowers out of tissue paper. He loves seeing the look on the parent's faces when they gift it. 
Has a mask kink. 
“Baby Shark” is banned from the classroom. 
Enjoys macaroni art. 
He has a talking stick that he’s very strict about using.
Loves having the students draw him and he puts every single one on the walls of the classroom.
There are lots of memes of him online. 
“It’ll be wet out this evening, and I’m not just talking about you, ladies.” Gets fired immediately
Becomes an at home meteorologist that says suggestive things about the news on his lives. 
More popular than any news station in the entire world. 
Part times as a camboy. Uses the same channel. 
Sticks his ass out a bit when he points to the green screen. That he somehow has one at his house. 
Instagram polls asking what he should wear during his next live. 
“It’s gonna be cold, ladies! Don’t wear your bras!” …wink 
His camboy name is “Weather Boy” and he makes people call him that professionally as well. 
The front of his business card is for meteorology and the back is his camboy persona.
Very good with his fingers. 
The Weasley Wigouts - his band name!
Picks a new genre for every album, he likes to switch it up. Makes for some very confusing tours. 
Tongue piercing.
Has a tramp stamp tattoo on his lower back of Professor Sharp. 
Got his start on Soundcloud. 
Calls his fangirls his “Weasley Sluts!” 
Orders Subway for lunch for the band every day. 
Grew his hair out longer so he can headbang with it, even during soft songs. 
Manbun Garreth era! 
Science teacher 
Really looks up to Bill Nye. 
Wears a lab coat everywhere. 
Always flirts with the math teachers. 
Loves the volcano experiments more than anything. 
He gets wayyyy too hyped about the science fair. “It’s next week! Don’t forget!” and the students groan.
Always has granola bars and hot chocolate stocked in case any student is hungry.
Never sends any of his students to detention. He takes them aside and just says “Come on, man…” 
When teaching a chapter on biology and reproduction, he yells at the students to “AVERT YOUR EYES!” and dramatically covers his own. 
"What did the biologist wear to impress their date? Designer genes!"
Has a tattoo on his chest that says “The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
Voice over artist 
Gets his start in English dubs of hentai. 
He has a small role as an NPC in Hogwarts Legacy. Guess who! 
Loves voice acting for the Elder Scrolls series. 
Will do raps for his fans on live, as much as 15 songs. 
Can sing and has a small youtube video with cover songs he loves. 
His most popular cover is of “Sugar, We’re Going Down,” by Fall Out Boy. 
Treats BookTok to sexy ASMR from time to time. 
Knows all the meanings to all the flowers in his shop.
Wants to fuck you on a flower bed. 
Really loves blue flowers (I don’t know the names of flowers).
He obsesses over flower arrangements and makes them look perfect! 
Always has dirt on his face and under his nails. 
"If kisses were petals, I'd give you a garden."
Has a mask kink. 
Will arrange all of the flowers for his own wedding. 
Loves to roleplay as Ghostface with his partner. 
Always smells fantastic. 
Likes to put a flower behind his ear when he’s working.
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
New WIP Tag Game! OC Fun Facts!
Hey! So I'm bored and want to do something fun, so here it goes a new OC tag game!
(I originally posted this in the wrong place lol, because I was hella tired yesterday, but here it goes - a repost on my actual blog lmao)
Also, pls reblog to get the game going! 💕
Rules: Make a list of fun facts about your OCs. Like a headcanon list, if you will! Except it's actually canon lol.
I'll go with some of the cast from Scrapyard Boys!
Valen Cassidy
... has never dated anyone before and despite his usual brash, occasionally hawkish, and extroverted personality, actually feels really awkward/too shy to ask anyone out
... likes pop rock, pop punk, and heavy metal. his music taste varies between happy-go-lucky, upbeat, feel-good songs and the most aggressive "I hate the world"-type heavy metal
... hyper fixates on arcade games and hates losing. like, he'll throw a full-on pity party or start an argument if he loses In front of other people
... can only sleep properly if he has his dinosaur plushie with him but will never let anyone find out
...can mess someone up in a fight, especially if he hates that person or if that person threatened his friends. like he is freakishly strong and has a very short temper - his punches are devastating and his superpower isn't even super-strength
... is a night owl and hates waking up too early. is the most grumpy, angry kid in the face of the earth up until 10AM even if he drinks a truckload of coffee
... has some anger issues and feels super bad when he accidentally snaps at/says something rude to someone without a reason - he doesn't mean to be rude, and if he happens to be stressed and loses his temper, he is very harsh on himself afterward
... can actually bake pretty well and loves making cupcakes
... hates horror movies with a burning passion but will watch them if dared just to uphold his "tough guy" reputation, and then promptly won't sleep for two nights straight afterwards
... since his power is Electrical Conduction, he can actually charge things, like cellphones and laptops, etc, if he does so very carefully
Quince Warren
... likes 80s pop music and early 2000s alternative rock songs, especially grunge
... prefers to solve things diplomatically or by talking it out, because his powers are usually lethal to others and he's scared of using his powers to this day
... likes waking up early, usually before anybody else, and sleeps so soundly he could literally sleep through the apocalypse if it happened
... could not dance properly if his life depended on it
... drinks more coffee than is probably healthy, but likely doesn't realize it isn't ideal
... cries while watching romantic comedies and gets way too invested when watching soap operas
... has unnatural pain tolerance - can probably break an arm and legit not realize anything is wrong until someone points it out
... will eat pizza for breakfast if unsupervised
... is unhingedly good at hide-and-seek to the point that his friends will give up looking for him and he'll simply emerge, seemingly from out of nowhere, and they'll have no idea where he came from
... is very respectful to others and despises people who don't respect other's boundaries
Jordan Raith
... suffers from chronic insomnia and gets pissed off when he can't sleep even though he knows to expect it, takes sleeping medicine but his superhuman metabolism refuses to let it work
... likes all things macabre, gothic, and dark, ranging from 1800s gothic romance novels to early 2000s teen horror movies, will 100% enjoy the heck out of a Halloween party
... occasionally sleepwalks and talks in his sleep almost every night
... adores fast food, especially from diners, and his favorite food to order is strawberry milkshakes with a plate of tuna sandwiches and chocolate chip cookies
... loves listening to music and is almost always wearing his headphones, has a playlist for every occasion, and his favorite music genres range from moody, dark aesthetic songs to cheesy pop songs
... has a 'bad boy style' and genuinely digs it, as he is a fan of a gothic aesthetic, and despite being a troublemaker is also a cinnamon roll
... is the most dangerous, murderous, and downright ruthless member of the main cast, even some villains are afraid of him
... has an old motorcycle
... confessed his feelings for the girl he likes (Maggie) a week after meeting her, and their first date was eating ice cream on a graveyard. they've been soulmates ever since
... hates loud noises and people who are obnoxiously loud in proximity to him
... is unpredictable and genuinely terrifying to his enemies
... is bad at handling tech and social media - gets confused easily and might post a bunch of nonsense on accident + has no patience to handle it
Emily Warren
... loves puppies and cats with her whole heart, and has a chonky cat named Sir Theodore Smothie The Third, who has the personality of a chaotic little bastard of a gremlin
... has a crush on Valen because she finds his personality endearing and he is generally a great friend but is waiting to figure out if he feels the same about her
... loves survival videogames and is very competitive when it comes to beating a high score
... despite singing rather well, likes to playfully sing as awfully as she can to annoy her brother (Quince)
... can play the guitar decently and likes learning new tunes
... rarely gets into fights but has a couple of brass knuckles and a switchblade in her pockets just in case
... dyes a single strand of her hair a different color each month, or every time she can remember to
... wears glasses and has very poor eyesight without them
... her power is Combustion and she has pretty bad control over it so she can either cause block-levelling explosions or less than nothing, and it's very much a problem
... loves musicals and boy bands - and has a poster of her favorite boy band in her room
... adds stickers to anything and everything, especially if they're glittery stickers
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@wyked-ao3 and OPEN TAG
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snootlestheangel · 8 months
*happy flapping while tearing up* I JUST HAD THE CUTEST FUCKING IDEA
@stuffireadandenjoy some To Love, To Let Go things
First, the actual idea and then it turns into just general thoughts.
Gaz who unironically still listens to My Chemical Romance because, sue him they made good music, okay??
Sometime after she gets used to the boys, Bailey ends up getting babysat by Gaz while Price and Nik enjoy a date night. Gaz has introduced Bailey to his favorite music, and it so happens that MCR kind of dominates that playlist.
She ends up really liking them, and they have little dance parties when he's watching her.
But there's one of their songs she ends up listening to on her own. Famous Last Words simply cause it's an absolute banger but also cause the one line "I am not afraid to keep on living"
Bailey who has spent the better part of the last year of her life terrified and struggling with recovering from some really traumatic things. Bailey who's been through so much and lost everything. Bailey who ends up with a loving family, with a new life that coddles her so she can keep being a kid rather than being forced to grow up way too fast.
Bailey who isn't afraid to keep being a silly kid cause isn't that what she is? Bailey who isn't afraid of the dark anymore. Bailey who isn't afraid to ask for help and to be herself.
She and Gaz just having an absolute blast whenever he's the one "babysitting" her. They put on so many different playlists. There's the one with mostly MCR, there's the early 2000s dance/party music. There's a country playlist put together mostly by Bailey that Gaz secretly enjoys (if only because she knows all the words to every song and gets really into singing along)
Price and Nik coming home to the two of them crashed on the couch, both fast asleep. Price having to take a moment after carrying Bailey to her bed because "when did she get so big?" Price realizing she's finally happy and healthy and he can partially thank his boys.
He can thank his boys because they took their time to help her see and experience good things in life.
Ghost who took the time to sit with her and listen to her special interests. Ghost who took the time to help her research things she's interested in because he remembers a time in his life that any of his interests were stomped under a boot. Ghost who takes the time to teach her important things, like how to defend herself and what to do in certain emergency situations. Ghost who teaches her little things too, like how to sew a button onto a shirt. Ghost who sees a brilliant kid and doesn't want her to be limited. Ghost who sees a broken kid with so much potential and desperately trying to boost her. He's too blinded by the things he saw in Tommy, but it works out. Ghost who wants her safe but knows she's not the same anymore. Ghost who wants her to use what she learns to her advantage.
Soap who took the time to help her confidence. Soap who took the time to find different diets/meal plans she could try to gain some weight back while also keeping her sensory things in mind. Soap who doesn't let her feel guilty for avoiding certain foods because she has a sensory aversion to them. Soap who took the time to remind her of how beautiful her smile is. Soap who took the time to help her care for her hair after months of not being properly cared for. Soap who has thick hair himself and grew up in a family of women that had long, wavy, thick hair. Soap teaching her how to french braid and not letting her be embarrassed for not knowing how. Soap who helped her become confident in her own skin because he remembers a time when he wasn't and how miserable life was then.
Gaz who took the time to show her joy. Gaz who took the time to remind her of the little things. Little things like how a good song can make your day just a bit better. Gaz who helped her weaponize her intelligence (Gaz teaching her how to be sassy basically). Gaz who helped her find peace with the things she lost by helping her see the things she's gained. Gaz being there to remind her that, yes this is cheesy but rainbows look best after a thunderstorm, don't they? Gaz who helped her bring elements of her life before The Incident into her life now. Gaz who is there to help her look back on her family she lost and smile, because while she mourns, they still loved her. She wouldn't be there if it hadn't been for them, and there's beauty in that.
Anyways, now that I've made us both cry, I'm gonna work on typing up actual parts of To Love, To Let Go cause it's actually consuming my soul at this point.
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wastelandmoony · 2 months
Déjà Vécu: Peace
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Chapter Thirty-Three : Peace
Summary: The wedding of the century, and the demise of a star.
Characters: Remus Lupin/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader (no use of y/n), James Potter, Petter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Lily Evans
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI
Déjà Vécu Masterlist
Companion Playlist
Read on AO3
December 18th, 1978
It didn’t feel like the holidays, at least not to her. Being a member of the Order had proven more draining that initially thought, though she’d yet to receive any official missions other than random patrols here and there. She was actually beginning to almost enjoy patrols in a sick way; they allowed her the chance to get to know other members of the Order. Molly Weasley had immediately become one of her favorite people. Molly (along with fellow Order member and husband Arthur) had 5 children, including twins which had just been born that past April, so she had retired from going on missions and had taken on a den mother role instead; ensuring everyone was fed and healed from any injuries acquired in the field (which was becoming more and more commonplace). She tried to help Molly whenever the chance arose, spending countless hours dancing and singing in the numerous safe houses while also trying to wrangle her boys; though only 9 months old, the twins were already turning out to be quite the handful. Molly tried her best to bring the holiday spirit out of everyone, but unfortunately each day became harder and harder.
A fatal attack on a goblin family in Nottingham.
The murder of Alan Winger and his wife Elena.
The torture and subsequent slaughter of the McGregor’s, a muggle family from a quiet town up north.
Every day the news was worse. Every day she held her breath and waited for word that someone she knew, someone she loved, had been caught in the crossfire. 
Sirius and Remus both went on their first missions, much to the former’s joy. Thankfully, it wasn’t anything too dangerous, just a short bit of reconnaissance tailing a suspected sympathizer, but Sirius came back to the apartment practically sizzling with excitement. Both Dumbledore and Kingsley had began to use him more and more due to his animagus abilities, the two older wizards turning a blind-eye to the fact that he wasn’t registered. 
Kingsley called an emergency meeting towards the end of December, as always not providing any insight into the cause in case of interception. As they arrived at Potter Manor (this month’s designated meeting house) the air was thick with undetermined tension. Sirius laced their fingers together as they walked through the front door, James nodding grimly at them from the sitting room entryway. Sirius motioned at her to take a seat in the last remaining armchair, choosing to stand solidly beside her. Remus stood by James and Peter, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed as Dumbledore swept into the room. 
“My apologies for the last minute summons, but there has been a shake up in the opposing ranks,” he spoke calmly but deliberately. In a moment of stupidity, she quickly thought it was Voldemort himself, immediately followed by a mental chastising as how utter implausible that was; no one knew where he was, he was a master at disappearing without a trace. Dumbledore’s attention landed on her, or at least she thought so, freezing her heart entirely.
“Regulus Black has been reported missing.”
Her hand shot up to Sirius’, fingers closing around his slack palm; he didn’t squeeze them back, just stood perfect still in what she knew was an attempt at being perceived as indifferent. 
“When?” He managed, barely choking out the word.
“Your father sent word yesterday, we intercepted the owl before it reached the intended party.”
Sirius’ hand twitched in her grip, “And there’s no leads on what happened, or where he could’ve gone?”
Dumbledore bowed his head a fraction of an inch, “From what we understand, Regulus was last seen meeting with three unnamed sympathizers on the outskirts of Knockturn Alley earlier this week, after that there has been no trace.”
Sirius nodded once, his movements robotic and restrained, “I’m sure my parents are beside themselves.” Kingsley gave him a slightly pitying glance, to which she knew Sirius was internally flogging himself. As Dumbledore moved on to different matters, Sirius silently excused himself from the sitting room, quickly escaping to the kitchen away from prying eyes. She followed, not before shooting James and Remus a quick reassuring look (Peter hadn’t even noticed they’d left, he seemed too entranced by their old headmaster’s explanation of a new patrol tactic). 
Sirius stood in the dim kitchen, hands on his head and breathing deeply. Her heart broke for him. She placed a gentle hand on his ribs to alert him of her presence. 
“Let’s go home,” she whispered, “We don’t have to stay, Moony can fill us in on anything important later.” He nodded slowly, eyes closed in an attempt at dissociating. She took his hand, leading him to the back garden, and apparated them back to the apartment. 
She had to hand it to him, Sirius held his shit together pretty well all things considered. He remained quiet during the walk up the stairs to the door; he was calm as they went inside and didn’t bother to turn on any of the lights; all the way down the hallway he was silent as she led him to the bedroom, even shutting the door softly. As soon as they were truly alone, Sirius broke. 
Burying his face in his hands, he let out a cry. She immediately wrapped him in her arms as he clung to her body. As selfish as it sounded, this was the Sirius she loved most, the one that the rest of the world never got to see; the one that let his emotions flow freely when they were alone, no longer afraid of judgment or ridicule for simply feeling.
“He’s just a kid…” he whimpered into her shoulder. Reggie was young, that much was true, but then again they all were. None of them should have to be living through any of this.
“I’m sure he’s okay,” she smoothed his hair, not believing her own words for a moment. They’d both heard too many of these stories recently, the people that had mysteriously gone missing without a trace. Half of them turned up dead at a Death Eater’s hand, the other half vanishing indefinitely. Sirius pulled away, beginning to pace the carpet. 
“I knew this would fucking happen…” 
“Knew what would happen, love?” She kept her voice gentle, feeling like she would need to pull Sirius back from the emotional cliff he was dangling from.
“Once he took the mark, I knew he’d try to rise too quickly, try to be one of the greats, just like our parents always told him he was. They put this idea in both of our heads when we were younger, that we were destined for greatness simply because of the house we were born into. Obviously I found out pretty early on that it was complete rubbish, but Reg…he believed it.” 
She kept quiet, letting him vent and get it all out. 
“I reckon he got in too deep, tried to impress his Dark Lord with whatever crafty bullshit he could manage…only to get completely fucked over by one of those cretins.” He stopped pacing and stared blankly out the bedroom window. 
She was at a loss for words. The overwhelming need to comfort him was suffocating, but the action never came. Regulus wasn’t her favorite person in the world, that much was known, regardless of what he had done to help her in the past. But she knew how much guilt Sirius harbored for his younger brother, the bone crushing regret of not doing more to get him out of that toxic house sooner. As she watched him standing there, pale face illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the window, she knew he was blaming himself. 
“Sirius,” she whispered, “Let’s go to bed.”
He didn’t look at her, just turned and began to walk towards the door.
“Where’re you going?” A slight panic prevalent in her voice.
“Out,” he growled. 
“Sirius, stop!” 
“I need to be alone,” he shoved away from her reach and stalked towards the door. The words hit her like a bullet in the chest. Since they were kids, he had turned to her for comfort, more so than the others. She’d always been his safe haven. It was the foundation of their entire relationship. 
“Sirius, please, let me help—“
“You can’t.” He turned slightly as he grabbed the front door handle, and she saw the intensity and sadness in his eyes, though they still refused to look at her. “He’s my brother. You wouldn’t—I just…I’m sorry. I love you.”
Her voice cracked as she stood helplessly in the hall, “I love you too.”
The slam of the door echoed through her soul.
She never asked where he went that night. That was between him and the ghost of Regulus Black. 
May 10th, 1979
“Leave it to James to get married on the hottest day of the year so far,” she grumbled, fanning herself with a hand, taking in the meticulously decorated grounds of Potter Manor. Though it was only Spring, the summer heat had decided to arrive early, baking the garden for what was going to be the most physically uncomfortable wedding ceremony of her life. 
“I’m already fucking sweating…” she grumbled, moving to walk inside and join the rest of the girls upstairs to finish helping the bride get ready. Sirius followed, looking immaculate and unbothered in his black dress robes. As they reached the top of the stairs to head in opposite directions, her to Lily and Sirius to James, he reached out and kissed the top of her head. 
“In case I forget to tell you later, you look beautiful,” he mumbled into her hair. She beamed as he pulled away, taking a step backwards to make his way toward his best friends’ childhood bedroom. “…and I can’t wait to tear that dress off you later.” 
Her jaw dropped in faux shock, the fluttering of her heart picking up immensely.
He winked, turning fully to join the rest of the boys. 
Taking a deep inhale to calm the butterflies in her stomach, she pushed open the door to help Lily get ready to marry the love of her life.
“What if I trip?” Lily whispered nervously, waiting for the back doors of the Manor to open for their turn to walk down the aisle. 
“You won’t, just take it one step at a time.” She said calmly, taking in the panicked green eyes of her friend. Lily look gorgeous in her dress, it was simple but fit her like glove. A long veil trimmed with lace made her look like a goddess amongst mortals. Fleamont stepped up beside her, offering his arm for Lily to take. The elder Potter had graciously offered to walk her down the aisle, given that Lily had not spoken with her family in years. The sight of the two of them standing arm in arm made her tear up, the sound of the procession music shook her out of it before her makeup got ruined. She squeezed Lily’s hand one last time, and turned to face the doors as they opened, signaling her descent down the white aisle to where her friends were currently waiting. 
The journey was nerve wracking, and she absolutely loathed having all of those eyes on her as she tried to focus on not falling on her face. Halfway down, she looked up and immediately met Sirius’ stare. He stood beside James, gaze locked on her. She gave him a small smile, and he matched it, his bright blue eyes sparkling in the afternoon sun. As she took her place at the end of the altar, the music began to hit its peak. The back doors opened one last time, and everyone stood to watch as Lily Evans made her way out into the sunlight. 
James cried three times during the ceremony. Once when he saw Lily for the first time, once when he read his vows, and once more as they were pronounced husband and wife. Remus owed her 5 galleons, he had bet it would only be twice. 
Sirius’ eyes didn’t stray from her during the entire ceremony, something she was acutely aware of while trying to pay attention. The moment they filed from the altar, he took her hand and held it tightly, kissing every knuckle as they met up with Remus and Peter at the doors back inside the Manor. 
“Ready to go party with Mr. and Mrs. Potter?” Peter smirked as they approached. 
Sirius groaned, “That sounds so weird to say…”
“But also kind of…right?” She cocked an eyebrow at him. Remus chuckled softly, shaking his head, “Let’s go in, I need a drink.”
Sirius grinned, still holding onto her hand, “Me fuckin’ too, mate.”
The Potter’s had transformed the library in the east wing of the manor into a reception space. She knew some sort of magic alterations had been done the moment she saw the room, but she had been too entranced by the transformation that she forgot to ask questions. Remus immediately grabbed two firewhisky’s from a passing server, handing one to Sirius as he took a sip. She gave him a look that screamed “what the fuck?”
Remus shrugged, “I only have two hands!” 
Peter left and brought her back a drink, a matching bubbly one to his own, and they clinked them together conspiratorially.
They mingled and chatted with various attendees, eventually joining the rest of the group at their shared table beside the dance floor. Sirius draped an arm over the back of her chair as they relaxed and watched their two friends took their first dance as husband and wife. 
The rest of the night was filled with laughter, raucous singing, and so so so much dancing. Remus and Peter were completely drunk, James not far behind them. Even Lily was beyond tipsy, her red hair slightly disheveled as she spun around the dance floor with Mary. Towards the end of the night, a slow ballad began to play and Sirius pulled her to dance for one final time. She leaned her head on his shoulder as they swayed, his one hand playing with her fingers as the other rested gently on her back. 
“Did I already tell you how beautiful you look?” He murmured, the evidence of a smirk in his tone. 
She giggled, feeling light as air from the drinks and cheerfulness of the night, “Yes you have, a few times actually.”
Sirius echoed the laughter, pulling her closer, “Well, I mean it. I couldn’t breathe when I saw you walking down that aisle…”
She felt his hand stiffen against her back.
“I couldn’t help but think…” he trailed off, and she pulled back slightly to look at him.
“Of what?” She brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes.
He paused, a look of uncertainty and what she clocked almost as embarrassment crossed his beautiful face. 
“It’s okay,” she cooed, “you can tell me.”
Sirius inhaled and brought his gaze back to hers, “I couldn’t help but think about what it would be like…if it was us instead.” 
Her heart skipped a beat so violently that for a moment she thought she would pass out. Sirius was it for her, she’d known that for a while now, but neither of them had talked about any long-term plans regarding their relationship; the war was too unpredictable, and they didn’t want to lose sight of that. 
“I love you…” she melted into him, wrapping both arms around his neck so she could breathe him in. He tightened his grip, burying his face in her hair.
“Marry me.” It wasn’t necessarily a question, more of a statement; a definitive declaration of where their story would end up. She ceased breathing, wanting so badly to say yes and kiss him until he was just as breathless. But she couldn’t. He knew she couldn’t.
She pulled back and took his face in both hands, kissing him softly. 
“Ask me after the war,” she whispered, looking deeply into his eyes. They didn’t hold any animosity, nor offense at her words. If anything, there was a glimmer of promise. “Ask me after the war, and I’ll say yes.”
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booksc8pes · 1 year
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     Before there was Simon and Baz, there was the college freshman who wrote about them. Published before Carry On, Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl gives us the story of Cather, her sister Wren (yes, their names are each half of Catherine), and their respective college experiences.
Cath is a perfect example of the 2010s it girl, by which I mean she is Not Like Other Girls. She wears glasses, favors oversized sweaters, has "emergency dance parties" to Kanye West songs, and is one of the most popular writers in the World Of Mages fandom, a thinly-veiled Harry Potter AU where Harry and Draco have the enemies-to-lovers arc they deserve didn’t get in the original series. What separates Cath from other characters like her is that all of these traits are not a replacement for an actual personality. 
Writing is a deep love for Cath, and it turns from a coping skill into something that she wants to do as a career. We see her grow from someone who depends on fandom and media as a means of escapism/as a crutch, but through the rest of the book we see how this has brought her the ability to make friends and romantic relationships- how fandom pushes her out into the real world, as it were, when she is ready to try. She also does not leave fandom spaces entirely- there is no polarizing of online and offline spaces or placing it as superior to the other.
Fangirl also shows how the genre has progressed since the "golden age" of YA. The explosion of YA content and fanfiction in the 2010s can be likened to the increase in the genre after the publication of Maureen Daly's Seventeenth Summer, as well as the rise of the "problem novel" in the 60s and 70s.
The thing I love the most about Fangirl is that it gives incoming college students a more nuanced idea of what their first year experience can look like, and it doesn't shy away from the isolation and challenges freshman students can feel. For me, Cath's character was something solid for me to project on when I was struggling at that age, and her success made me believe that I could find that space for myself. Through being so candid about these experiences, Rowell continues the "clear-eyed and unflinching look" at the way young adults come of age and step into the world (Cart).
Above all, Fangirl is love letter to fandom. It shows how online and fanmade spaces bring people together and creates spaces for them to feel safe expressing themselves when the real world is still too threatening to exist in. I tried to do the same with my playlist. It's not too accurate to the time, since I included some of the songs I listened to as a college freshman, but I made sure to add plenty of Kanye for those dorm room dance parties.
Take a trip back to 2013 and listen to Cath's mixtape, or check out some fandom posts in her tumblr reblogs.
Works Cited:
Cart, Michael. “The Sixties and Seventies.” Young Adult Literature: From Romance to Realism, ALA Neal-Schuman, Chicago, 2022, p. 32.
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
Petals and Thornes
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(If you'd like to be tagged in this series, let me know!)
Book: The Royal Romance (Primarily Books 2 and 3)
Pairings: Hana x Kiara.
Set during the events of Books 2 and 3 of TRR. This series will be partly canon-compliant to the books in terms of story beats, but with significant changes.
A/N: Preceding the actual series will be a few one-shot fics...all setting up Hanara's friendships and their characterization before the events of the series begin. I'm also planning a very short series on Esther's (MC) month at the Beaumont Estate, that touches on certain parts of this series as well.
Get to Know Hana*
Tea Drunk
A young Hana gets a special reward for good behaviour from her parents.
With A Little Help From My Friends: Music Room | Esther
Whiskey with Drake, dance battles with Maxwell, sweet treats with Esther. On the night Hana is to leave Cordonia, what special moment of friendship will she share with Prince Liam? Set during Liam's Coronation festivities in TRR1, after Hana's love confession to Esther and before Liam's love confession in the hedge maze.
A Piece of Land to Call My Own
At the end of Liam's engagement tour, Hana finds herself without a home, without a family, without any place she can truly call hers'. She tries to keep her worries to herself, but will her friend King Liam find out sooner than later?
Music Headcanons
Hana Lee: Duchess of Krysanthe
Character Playlist
Get to Know Kiara*
There is a lot on little Kiara's mind as she goes biking with her cousin Céleste around Loire. Can Céleste help her?
A Child of Babel
The five times Kiara uttered the proverb of a language under her breath, and the two times she did it to someone's face.
It Takes a Village
A young Kiara Thorne has something important to say to her parents.
An Ear to the Ground
To the rest of Cordonia, Lady Kiara Thorne of Castelserraillan is just another suitor, destined at failure in winning the Crown Prince's hand. Luckily for Kiara, that isn't why she's here. Set during the social season in TRR1.
The Perfect Gift
Six different suitors, six different Coronation Day gifts. Kiara Thorne watches as each suitor gives Prince Liam their gift, and wonders at the bonds they all share with him.
Fashion Faux Pas
You'd think the daughter of one of the most fashionable duchies in the country would be given the absolute best of haute couture. But alas...
Too Little, (But Perhaps Not) Too Late
At King Liam and Duchess Esther's bachelorette party, Penelope has something to say to her best friend Kiara.
Family and House Background
Kiara the Polyglot
Character Playlist
One-shots/Short Fics In This Universe:
A Blossoming Friendship (TRR1)
Rivals and suitors for the Prince's social season, are never really expected to become friends. All that changes - for Lady Hana and Lady Kiara - with one conversation.
Out of the Chrysalis (TRR2): Emerging | Evolving
The "Hana attempts Casual Dating" Fic. WIP.
Petals and Thornes: Main Masterlist
As the Engagement Tour begins post Prince - we mean King - Liam's engagement, ladies of the court Hana Lee and Kiara Thorne embark on new journeys of their own.
Through the court's travels around Italy, Paris, Shanghai, New York - and later, all around Cordonia - the two women learn to let go...of the people who they thought were the Great Loves of their lives...and open themselves to the prospect of something new.
(coming soon!!)
Post P&T
These are fics that will take place after the events of the series...but that I've written before I started the series itself (or that I may write alongside the series)
Rose Gold
Six months after King Liam and Queen Esther's wedding, Hana and Kiara take their next big step as a couple.
Batalla del Vino
It's the Haro Wine Festival! Kiara and Hana spend a day in La Rioja, Spain, getting into a messy wine fight of epic proportions!
Laylat al-Henna
It's the night before Kiara and Hana's wedding! What fun things do Kiara's cousins from Fes have in store for their henna night?
Reader Fatigue
Over a year after she has settled in with her wife in Cordonia, why does Hana not feel the same joy when she reads??
Hindsight is 20/20
Hana and Kiara travel to England...after recieving a letter from Hana's former fiancè. Hana explores her journey as a bi woman in a walk down memory lane.
Hana and Kiara's Wedding
The Lee-Thorne Children
Click here to check out the Side Stories in P&T Masterlist!
*Some of the fics in the "Get to Know..." sections are written in the timeline of the Petals and Thornes series...as and when I add chapters closer to when those events occur, I will shift them to the series list itself.
** Petals and Thornes will reference another series of mine: Eleanor's Kitchen. That series takes place in the same universe and you will find recurring characters and relationships from this fic in P&T.
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chronicallybloodless · 11 months
Heavy to Hold - Chapter 18
Laid Bare
Pairing: Astarion x enby!tav Status: in progress Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Genre: angst/comfort | slow burn Alternating second-person POV Contains spoilers for the whole game basically TW: it's an astarion fic: descriptions of trauma, abuse, sexual violence, etc. | smut | full tag list on AO3 Read from the beginning: AO3 | Tumblr Listen to the Playlist
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“I think that I haven’t been giving you everything that you want. I’ve been terribly selfish, drinking you in every night and giving you nothing of myself in return.” You let your lips brush against their neck as you spoke, the implication of your words hanging in the air.
Read on AO3
Read on Tumblr ↓
Astarion's POV
The party had finally died down, with the Tieflings that were sober enough to walk making their way back towards the grove while the others lay wherever they fell, contentedly dozing in the safety of your camp.
As you laid awake in your bedroll, you weren’t sure what was making you more uncomfortable—the hunger gnawing at your core or the anxious nerves tying your stomach in knots.
As part of your efforts to solidify your relationship with Tav—and thus, solidify your alliance and personal safety—you had finally made a move to take your relationship beyond the intimacy of your nightly feedings into something more explicitly sexual. And while Tav had agreed to your advances, they had asked that you meet after the party had ended, which meant that one, you had to endure watching everyone else at the party continually try to flirt with them and two, you had to wait for several hours as your feelings of anxiety grew.
You kept trying to tell yourself that you had no reason to be worried. After all, you had successfully charmed and bedded more than your fair share of suitors over the years, and thus you should have been confident in your ability to do the same with Tav.
But you weren’t, and that was making you uneasy.
You decided that you needed some time to clear your head before you met with Tav, so you made your way towards the forest clearing. You spent your walk over going over what you wanted to say in your head, but somehow, every line that you had didn’t quite seem right.
You tried to picture it in your mind. Tav, slowly approaching, moonlight dancing in the silver strands of their hair. You emerge from the forest—shirtless, of course, despite the chill—and deliver a line with sultry lust.
“I’ve been waiting.” You purred. “Waiting since the first time I set eyes on you….Waiting to have you.”
“Have you now?”
You turned, shocked to find that Tav had indeed approached you slowly from the forest, but you were so caught up in your rehearsal that you hadn’t noticed. They stood in the clearing, arms drawn in close as they shivered in the oversized coat you had inadvertently given them on your first night together, a bemused smirk on their face as they watched your unintended performance.
“Tav! I um….I didn’t see you there.”
“Were you flirting with the squirrels then?”
“Of course not.” You sighed. “I was just….trying to think of what I wanted to say to you.”
“I appreciate the effort, but considering you put a knife to my throat the first time we met, I would perhaps go with a different line.” They moved closer to you as they spoke, their voice lilting as they teased you. You should have expected as much.
Your lines never seemed to work as well on Tav. They were too quick-witted; they would pounce on any slip of the tongue or imprecise wording with glee, reducing you to stuttering mumbles as you tried to keep up. Anything intended to be genuinely romantic would be similarly disarmed, either because they could sense your insincerity or because they themselves weren’t comfortable with it. As things stood, they kept you off-balance; all your proven tactics were wasted on your Drow companion. But you did know one thing that worked.
You closed the distance between the two of you, gently placing a hand on their waist as you held their gaze. You hoped that if you moved quickly enough, they would be content to let you control the situation as you pleasured them. If they kept talking, you might lose your nerve. Already, they had reminded you that their first memory of you was distinctly less romantic than your first memory of them, and their choice of outerwear for the evening was not making those feelings any easier to bear.
“Are you cold? It’s a bit early in the season to be needing a coat.” You pulled them tighter, though your cold body offered little help against the chill.
“Just a bit. Could just be the anemia.” They smiled as they relaxed into your embrace.
“Then I’ll just have to do something to get you warmed up.” You whispered into their ear as you pressed your body against theirs.
“What did you have in mind?”
“I think that I haven’t been giving you everything that you want. I’ve been terribly selfish, drinking you in every night and giving you nothing of myself in return.” You let your lips brush against their neck as you spoke, the implication of your words hanging in the air.
They tilted their head away from yours and looked into your eyes. Their body was tense, stubbornly refusing to yield against yours like nights past.
“Astarion, you know that I don’t let you drink from me because I want anything in return, right?” They furrowed their brow.
“Don’t you though? Why else would you be so eager to meet me every night?” You placed a hand on their cheek. “I think you want to be tasted.”
“And what do you want?” Their eyes were unblinking as they held your gaze.
“Isn’t it obvious?” You tried to distract from the question by pressing your body closer to theirs. “Pleasure. Come, lose yourself in me. Isn’t that what you’ve been after all along?” You purred.
You blinked at them.
“No, that isn’t what I want.” There was a sadness in their eyes as they looked at you, clearly disappointed by your words. “I don’t want either of us to be lost. I want to be here with you, present, in the moment.”
“I don’t understand; why did you bother coming out here just to say no?” You lowered your arms, releasing your hold on them.
“I’m not saying no, I’m saying….not like this.” They reached for your hand, but you pulled it away. You had been so sure that you were ready—that this was the right time—and now it was all blowing up in your face.
“So many other times it was obvious you wanted me.” You shook your head. “Am I not good enough for you? Too disgusting and vile of a creature?” The venom of your hurt seeped into your words as they looked at you. “Then why do you moan underneath me night after night? Why did you scream my name when that pathetic priest was torturing you? I am offering you what you want, why won’t you take it?” You snarled. Their lips trembled and their body tensed.
“Because I don’t know what you want.”
“What does that even mean, what I want, I’m the one who asked you to come out here!”
“Like you said, there were a million times we could have if you wanted to, but you didn’t seem interested in anything more.” They looked down at their clenched fist, trying to hold their composure as tears welled in their eyes. “I was trying to be respectful of that boundary. I’m sorry that I wasn’t very good at hiding how I felt. I hope you didn’t think that I was trying to get you to give me anything more.”
You stood, frustration still coursing through you as you tried to understand their words. Apparently your efforts to hide your attraction from Tav had given them the wrong impression. All the nights you had lied awake, dreaming of them, and they had no idea. They didn’t believe that you could truly want them.
“Tav...” You knew you needed to explain, to say more about how you felt, but they had folded in on themselves as their feelings came to the surface.
“I didn’t want to pressure you into anything you weren’t comfortable with and I know things get really tense at camp and I’m the only one who really sticks up for you and—”
“—But I do that because I care about you and I don’t want that to come with an expectation, and I’m so sorry if I made you think that you needed to—“
“Tav please.” Your voice trembled as you reached for their hand.
“…What’s wrong?” They blinked away tears, their fingers intertwining with yours.
“Tav I…..gods there’s so much.” You swallowed, hoping to avoid tears of your own. “First of all, thank you.”
“For what?”
“For not letting me be a monster.” You squeezed their hand, hoping for reassurance that you weren’t going to scare them away with what you needed to tell them.
“What do you mean?”
“Since the first time I laid eyes on you, I wanted you. But it was…..complicated. I wanted you to give me everything that night, and I wanted to have every night with you, and I wanted you to have more nights even if it meant the end of mine. Centuries of being like this, and I had never felt so conflicted.” The tears in your eyes started to stream over your cheeks. “And then, when I thought it was over and you might get hurt and I’d never see you again and I—”
“Astarion, I’m sorry that you’re hurting.” They gently wiped the tears from your face. “But I’m really confused.”
“Gods that’s the worst fucking part.” You swallowed, trying to halt the tears. “You don’t even fucking remember. I’ve had to hold this secret to myself this whole time and it’s eating me alive.”
“What secret? Astarion I still don’t know what’s going on.” They held your gaze, upset that they didn’t know how to comfort you.
“Give me your coat.” You exhaled, deciding that it would be easier to show Tav than try to explain.
“What, why?”
“Humor me, please.”
Tav released your hand and slid out of the coat, pausing to run their fingers over the fraying embroidery before they handed the coat to you. You slipped it on with a practiced ease, fastening the buckles and straightening your collar as Tav watched.
“Like a glove.” You stood tall and smoothed out a few wrinkles. “Perfectly tailored to my exact measurements, 200 years ago.” Your eyes dropped. “I was….buried in it.”
“Then why do I have it?” Their voice was barely a whisper, their brow furrowed as they finally tried to remember how they came to own a coat that was too big for them.
“Because you were cold, darling.” You took their hand in yours. “You were out in the cold because….something happened to you, and then I….almost happened to you.” You forced yourself to hold their gaze as their eyes searched yours, trying to understand. The truth was bitter on your tongue.
“We met before….?”
“But, the Mind Flayers got us. I thought I’d never see you again.”
But here you are.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” They tightened their grip on your hand.
“Because you had either forgotten or wanted to forget, and I didn’t want to be the one who reminded you.”
Because I didn’t want to remind you of what I almost did to you.
“But….what happened? Why don’t I remember anything?”
“You didn’t say. I found you on the beach near Wyrm’s Crossing, clothes practically torn off, head bleeding, neck bruised.” They were looking at you now with the same hurt eyes.
“I can’t remember any of that.” They touched their neck, feeling for bruises that had long since faded away.
“Sometimes our minds are kind enough to let us forget what happens to our bodies.” You stroked their hair. They leaned their head into your hand as they took deep, steadying breaths.
“Were you….going to take me to Cazador?” They whispered.
“I was supposed to.” You steadied yourself. “But I wanted you for myself.”
“I thought you weren’t allowed to feed from people?”
“With you in my arms, I didn’t give a damn about Cazador’s rules. I wanted you—your blood, your body, everything. I was ready to face whatever punishment came to me, so long as I could have you.”
“So I was still prey, but yours, not his? Is that it?”
“….I suppose so.” Your stomach fell at the comparison. Were you any better than Cazador?
“Is that still how you think of me?” The disappointment in their eyes was almost too much for you to bear.
“Gods no.” You shook your head. “Even then, it was more complicated than that. There was…something, I don’t know.” They squeezed your hand. “I wanted to let you go, for you to be safe. But…I wasn’t strong enough to do it.” You dropped your head as the shame overtook you. “Too selfish I suppose. If I had, maybe you wouldn’t have ended up here with this tadpole in your head.”
You looked at them, searching for how they felt. You couldn’t tell whether their expression was one of pity, disappointment, or pain.
You stood in silence, their eyes locked on yours. You desperately wanted them to say something, anything, so you knew how they felt, but they said nothing as they maintained their grip on your hand.
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yellobb · 1 year
Fic concept: 41
Art: 87
Either: 10
Misc: 5
I hope I did that right. XD 💜
Thank you so much for the ask, Belle! ❤️❤️❤️ I have no idea how you found that post, but yay! More questions!!!! (From my ideas ask game)
Fic Concept 41:
"Simon as a monk or whatever the catholic equivalent is for men"
Simon is just so religion-coded! I feel like we don't see enough rep for Catholic guilt or religious devotion Simon, and I want more of it. This one is open to steal if y'all want, since I know literally nothing about religion lol. (Also Mary and I might be touching on this in that Sound of Music AU we haven't messed with in... months 😅)
Art Concept 87:
"Home (Edward sharp) - while in America"
One of my animatic ideas! This song is one of the ones on my snowbaz playlist and I feel like it fits so well with Wayward Son. Baz trying to communicate with Simon that Simon is his home and that "there ain't nothing that I need" besides him. Different scenes from Wayward Son playing out as the song goes on. Then the speaking part is where Baz tells Simon the story of the moment he fell in love with him 🥰
Feel free to steal this one if you want! It's a cool idea, but I don't think I'll ever actually do it lol
Either 10:
"Sherlock AU: Sherlock - Baz, Watson - Simon"
I really feel like this fits their dynamic. Baz as the jaded, emotionally repressed genius struggling with addiction who won't let anyone get close enough to touch. Simon as the golden retriever character who allows his empathy to shine through. He seems like he's dumb at first, but he's smart in his own ways and Baz is forced to see it. Simon slowly bringing Baz out of his shell by putting up with his BS 😆
I was a big superwholock girlie in middle school, so Johnlock still has a special place in my heart :) The dynamic does fit super well though, and I'd love to see it as art, a comic, or a fic! Feel free to steal this if it speaks to you :)
Misc 5:
"Mashup song from Simon’s playlist with one from Baz’s playlist for max emotional fuckery"
This idea came from one of our emergency dance parties in the Discord :) Mary showed us a mashup one of her old classmates made (brilliant, showstopping), then Emma suggested we do a fandom song-mashup event, and I was like "OH SHIT!"
Can you imagine though??? Pull the most angsty songs from Rainbow's Simon and Baz playlists and have the song switch between the two. We hear Simon's self-doubt and trauma and then cut to Baz's longing 😭
Like, Helplessness Blues and August? Going Invisible 2 and Earlier Days? Or even better, take one of the songs that show up in both playlists with different singers (A Case of You and Riches and Wonders) and have it switch between the two voices at the parts which are most emotionally impactful for each person (or have both play at the same time!)
This one I'm almost certainly going to do at some point, but I also would not mind seeing other people do them 👀
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loveshotzz · 8 months
A sneak peek 🌻
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[This snippet takes place after your first night back in Hawkins, the morning after a party that Steve had to take a very drunk you and Robin home from. The morning after some things were said that you don’t remember 😌]
📻 fic playlist
Birds chirp loudly, mocking the headache that's turned into something more annoying than painful after a handful of ibuprofen. The sticky air is still suffocating even in a pair of black biker shorts and an oversized loose fitting tee, while the sun shines golden against the cerulean sky without a cloud insight to hide you from its light.
The heat warming off its rays makes beads of sweat start to collect at the crown of your head and the nape of your neck, while the incline Eddie’s spinning auto body sign sits on top of threatens to take your breath away. Unwanted thoughts of Steve Harrington keep your pace quick, stewing over the last twenty four hours and everything it’s unraveled.
The small parking lot is empty, the toe of your sneaker kicking small rocks as you cross it. The double garage doors are open, Metallica’s Seek and Destroy echoing loudly, tugging up the corners of your lips. Your Chevrolet Caprice is the only car semi lifted in the air with a pair navy coverall clad legs underneath it.
Opening your mouth, Eddie’s name dies on your tongue before you have a chance to shout it, clocking him and his wild curls sitting in the glass office inside. Those big brown eyes meet yours from across the way, and a dimple filled grin cracks wide across his face as he stands up.
“Glad to see you’re alive princess.” He teases, stepping out of his glass case with coveralls that are clean today, not the stained mess they were last night.
“Honestly, it’s a miracle, but there’s no saying no to Robin, you know that.” You laugh, confused eyes darting to the large boots under your car that don’t seem to react to the sound of your voice.
“Trust me, I heard all about your first night back home. In fact my shop opened thirty minutes late because of it,” he chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the open metal frame where the door should be. Faded bats that you remember when they were fresh dance across his arm with his movements.
“Wait, what?” You ask, confusion pinching your brows together right as the mysterious pair of legs start pushing out whoever’s under your car.
“I didn’t get back to my place till almost four in the morning after getting you two home and in bed,” Steve Harrington emerges flashing you his million dollar smile as he sits up on the dolly, the sleeves of his own coveralls tied tight around his waist and hair wild like he’d just rolled out of bed.
“I slept through my alarm.”
The immediate glare that hardens your face when you see him has Eddie's eyes light up with obvious amusement.
“What are you doing here? And why are you touching my car?” You snap, trying to push the worries about what you look like deep under the irritation and the distraction that begs to steal your anger with his arms on full display like this. Or how the patch of chest hair that peeks out the top of his tank top shines with sweat.
“I work here,” Steve snorts like it’s the most obvious conclusion, because, well, it is, “and I volunteered to look at it, Eddie’s got his hands full.”
That was a lie, he begged him.
“Since when do you know anything about cars?” You snort, making him roll his eyes, pushing himself off the ground.
It’s a struggle to hold his gaze when he stands at full height, biceps flexing with his movements practically daring you to look. He pulls out a faded maroon rag from his pocket and starts wiping off the fresh black from his hands that’s already stained under his nail beds. The hard bottoms of his work boots making their way across the cement floors of the garage.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me anymore, that’s what happens when someone leaves for five years.” Steve antagonizes, stopping just close enough for you to smell how the cedar of his cologne mixes with the sweet bitterness of the oil that seems to find a way to leave its mark on every surface in here. Including him.
“I’m going to finish balancing the books, why don’t you tell her the good news first and then the bad news,” Eddie pours ice over the tension that threatens to boil over before it can turn hostile, catching the way your nostrils flare and shoulders square up.
“Wait, there’s good news and bad news?” Your focus on Steve shifts as Eddie’s words sink in.
“Like I said, I’m going to finish balancing the books.” The metal head reminds you, giving a half salute with two fingers while simultaneously shooting a stern look to Steve who’s mouthing something behind you. “Your mechanic’s going to go over everything with you, we can talk about pricing when it’s all said and done.”
“Seriously?” You bluster as Eddie shrugs with the kind of nonchalance that sends you reeling before sitting back down, tuning the dial up on the speaker in his office.
End of discussion.
“Look -“
“How do I even know that you know what you’re talking about?” You interrupt, making his full lips set into a straight line.
“Are you going to be like this the whole time?” Steve sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose before crossing his arms, the tops of his shoulders moving with them. You can see the green that hides in his eyes, only shimmering if you look close enough in the sunlight.
A pleading expression softens his features instead of the hard combative one you were anticipating, and it has your blood pressure returning to normal. The realization hitting you that maybe skipping breakfast with a hangover probably wasn’t your smartest idea.
“N-no, sorry, I just feel like -“
“Shit? Yeah I bet.” He chuckles, and your jaw clicks. Maybe if you count to three…
“Just tell me what’s wrong with my car, Steve.” It comes out clipped, but it's an improvement from your fingers twitching to rip that handsome head right off those shoulders that won’t stop trying to distract you.
“How about you tell me the last time you had your oil changed?” He counters, taking a few steps back to sit on the hood of the rusted baby blue Buick behind him.
“Uhh, I- I think,” All the blood rushes to your cheeks, warming your skin as you try to wrack your brain and not focus on the way his legs spread wide to keep his balance. “Maybe like, six months ago.”
“Six months?!” The number must be worse than whatever Steve was preparing for when a dirty hand runs through his hair, “and then you drove it three states to get here?”
“Yeah, I - I mean, hearing you say it out loud,” you grimace thinking of all the weeks you ignored that flashing orange light on your dashboard.
“So then you shouldn’t be surprised when I tell you that your engine locked up.” He sighs with a disappointed expression.
“Is this the bad news?”
“Kind of,”
“What do you mean kind of?”
“Look, the good news is that I can fix it, the bad news is that I have to order a few parts that could take up to three weeks to get here, then the job itself is going to take me probably another week.” He sighs standing up, starting back towards your car with you quick on his heels.
“That’s the whole summer!” You argue like it could possibly make a difference, frustration pricking at the corners of your eyes watching him pop open the hood.
“More like half of it, but hey, you’re lucky I can even get it running again without having to replace the whole thing.” He meets your gaze from under his lashes leaning over the engine, long nimble fingers unscrewing the cap where your oil should go.
“So what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to get around?” You know that part isn’t his problem, this entire mess is your own doing but it doesn’t stop it coming out in a whine. You blame your hangover.
“You’re gonna be just fine city girl,” Steve grins up at you before reaching even further under the hood, muscles flexing with him, “besides we both know I can’t say no to Robin.”
He pulls at a small tube that’s purpose is unknown to you but you keep eyes trained on his movements like you have an idea, anything to keep the focus off the gold chain that dangles from his neck.
“Or you.” The last part comes out so quiet, a focused look pinching his brows together as he continues his investigation.
He doesn’t look at you when he shrugs, pulling at something with a little more force that makes you both flinch.
“How much is this going to cost me, Steve?” Your defeat shows in your tone, as the question slips quietly from between your lips that you wish you’d have put gloss on now.
He grunts at the same time something pops against metal under his hands, muttering a string of curse words under his breath before standing back up wiping his palms on the white cotton of his tank top. Charcoal stains fill the small grooves in the fabric with each swipe of his hands, pulling the collar further down every time. It’s a losing battle not to look at his chest when every motion reveals more of the thick curls underneath.
Steve clears his throat, letting you know that you’ve been caught and it’s at this moment you wish you could walk in front of the moving truck that drives loudly past the shop, only exaggerating the silence that follows.
“Don’t stress about that today,” he smiles, letting you off the hook for now, something mischievous dancing in his eyes for another time. “Like Eddie said, we’ll figure it out.”
“Don’t stress about it?! Have you met me?” You huff, the money you’ve saved up for the summer starting to dwindle right before your eyes.
“I have actually,” Steve chuckles, stepping close enough for the tips of your shoes to touch his boots. He feels bold when you don’t make any attempt to move away like at the party or retreat when he closes the gap this time. A thumb and forefinger find their way to your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze, “and you’re going to be fine, I promise.”
Your lips part on their own, the full force of his face from this close stealing the breath from your lungs. You can smell the coffee he had this morning and the mint from his tooth paste still lingering on his breath. The stubble that lines his sharp jaw is even more noticeable today, tapering off at the top of his neck making the cluster of moles that live there stand out even more. A pink tongue runs over his full bottom lip and it has your lashes fluttering against the tops of your cheeks.
“Now go get some food, grumpy,” his voice comes out low, a teasing edge to it that reminds you of what it’s like to have Steve Harrington flirt with you. “I’ll call when I get the parts okay?”
It’s like detention junior year all over again, turning into putty in his hand. Still too attractive for his own good, all you can do is nod while all the fight you had left inside you disappears as the pad of his thumb swipes soft against your heated skin just under your pouted lip before letting you go. He turns on his heel after that, walking back to the box of tools he has spread out over his work bench before adding,
“Do me a favor though and tell Robin she owes me a new pair of sneakers.”
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overwatchfics · 2 years
Can I get a match up please?
I am Bi with a girl pref.
I'm a 5'3 girl with brown eyes, black curly hair, tan skin. I enjoy playing games, drawing, baking, going to museums, going out for walks, and I love science. I also LOVEEE shopping. Any kind of shopping makes me happy. I love animals too!
I am mainly introverted but I get those random burst of energy where I wanna be mad social. I am told I am quiet, nice, thoughtful, and I'm generous.
My favorite type of music is mostly pop. You will totally catch me listening to some Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen, Selena Gomez, Beyoncé, and more. I will occasionally listen to R&B and rap.
I match you with...
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D.va! - Hana Song
Fun fact D.va is actually 5'6 so being with someone shorter than her gives her a sense of pride she hasn't felt in a while, usually being relatively short on the teams she works with.
Forehead and cheek kisses, also expect her to act smug when you ask for her to grab something off of a taller shelf (that she totally put up there so you would ask)
Hana loves looking at art, I feel she just scrolls through tumblr looking at fanart of her favorite games, anything you draw she is sharing immediately. Your #1 fan.
Hana herself is very similar in terms of being introverted but having bursts of social energy. She's a hardcore gamer who loves sharing a quiet comfortable space with you as well as going out on the occasional night out with friends or what not.
Hana can be pretty chaotic, so your mellow energy really balances her out, she overworks herself to bone and someone needs to be there to calm her down and in turn she'd spark some energy in your life (Hana is basically your caffeine) and get you to try or do fun things you've never done before.
Love to shop, sometimes you have to drag her out or vice versa
Legit I feel like D.va would listen to the type of stuff you do. She'd take you out flying in her Mech, jamming to your Spotify playlist. Also, if it's been a particularly stressful night for either of you, you'll both get dressed in fluffy pajamas and have an emergency dance party, just shake that stress out.
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Brigitte Lindholm
Brigitte is very very tall. She doesn't mind your height at all! She'd love nothing more than to pull you close and squeeze you in her arms. Biggest spoon energy, she will be your shield and your blanket this girl I swear.
This girl is such a history buff I feel like. She loves hearing Reinhardt's stories of the good Ol' days and museum trips are something she love to go out and do with you.
Her mom is a pro baker, if you love baking, she'll take you to her parents' house and have you do recipe swap with her mom. Bake a really good pie and you basically win her parents over
Brigitte is an engineer which in itself is a form of science so scientific discussions are a yes! Though if it's in the field of biology she might be a little lost, but she'll still listen and inquire!
Brigitte feels like a full introvert to me. She's a lil awkward, but she's trying her best! Our goofy lil crusader also likes going out occasionally with some friends or coworkers.
I have the idea that Brig sings Taylor Swift in the shower so be prepared for that lmfao. Very good dancer so if you've got that stuff playing you might see her grab a whisk from the kitchen and use it as a microphone
Other people who I'd match you with: Lucio, Echo, and Mei.
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darkroastnotes · 2 years
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March 17th, 2023
It's St. Patrick's Day. Today will be the first time I ever attend a St. Patty's house party. My world has flipped upside down, or right side up (?) for the hundredth time. Life is good. Life is so good. I've emerged from the thick gloomy fog at last.
I'm giddy and fidgetty. My dopey smile is raising eyebrows at work. My latte art looks alive, like the white milky streaks are dancing in the cup. I'm excited for life, for art, for music, for this new chapter with the love of my life.
I feel like I'm in a TV series. On this episode of my life, the ensemble of characters reunite at a house party. Who knows what wacky adventures they will have, who knows what sparks will fly! With this newfound perspective I've forced myself to adopt, I'm impatient to see what this weekend will have in store.
You can tell I'm in a good mood if I'm thrashing around to my power metal playlist in the back office instead of sitting and resting on my break.
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sobahan784 · 2 years
🥷🏻 Indie Dance & Progressive House Mix 017 (Airsand, Max Freeze, RoelBeat, Space Food, Oliver Poll)
In this mix, you'll hear some of the most popular indie dance tracks from around the world. From airy house to pumping Trance, this mix has something for everyone! If you're looking for some great indie dance tracks, make sure to check out this mix! You'll find some of the latest and greatest indie dance tracks from some of the best DJs in the world. This mix is perfect for a party or for listening to when you're studying. So make sure to add it to your playlist today! 
► TRACKLIST: 00:00 RoelBeat & Margaryan - Eyes (Original Mix) 05:10 NAASA, Alex Spite - Your Eyes (Original Mix) 09:08 DMITRY SID - The Game of Shadows (Original Mix) 12:50 Aaryan - Zero4Zero (Original Mix) 16:35 Steering, rybin, EPI - Btf (Space Food Remix) 21:22 Brosso - So Ham (Original Mix) 24:40 Kinky Sound, Modbit - Connect (Original Mix) 29:19 Alvee & Corresponsal - B4 (AXM Master) 33:37 Airsand, Jebby Jay - Tamum (Original Mix) 37:31 Andi & Alex - Comprendo 41:27 Airsand, Sedat — Emergency Exit (Original Mix) 45:37 Marc DePulse, Far&High - Underrated (Original Mix) 49:51 Henri Bergmann, Wennink - We Just Keep On Going (Original Mix) 54:16 SNYL - Space Scout (Original Mix) 57:40 Oliver Poll & KATAR - Persia 1:03:23 Joe Fisher, Gridlayer - Holographic 1:07:33 No Hopes & Max Freeze - Space Music (Extended Mix) 1:10:57 AFFKT - Roommush (Original Mix) 1:15:00 JAMIIE - Mussoya 1:19:40 Andhim - Choose Love (Gerd Janson Remix (Extended)) This is indie dance and progressive house mix playlist I recorded in December 2022 in Bali.
Watch Now :
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lostforysbth · 2 years
yeonjun found love in soobin long after they both began working, long after he'd expected to settle down if he was being honest. he had no one to blame but himself on that, though, too into his work to notice his social and love lives were deteriorating. due to his colleagues' insistence, he'd attended a party that led to him meeting the love of his life.
yeonjun's job had always been taxing. it had only grown more taxing the longer he stayed at the company. but thanks to that, he got to come home to soobin.
he got to witness soobin's attempts to cook dinner, soobin passed out on the couch mid-game covered in snacks, soobin bawling from the numerous dramas and animes he tortured himself with.
it was nothing but it was everything to yeonjun. the more he saw these moments of soobin, the deeper he fell into him. but the bigger his love grew, so did his guilt.
the guilt of rarely being there due to his busy schedule. guilt of having to leave soobin every time there was an emergency at work. guilt of wanting to be with soobin but not giving much in return.
he tried to compensate with extra cuddles on the weekends, when they mainly just stayed in bed until one of their stomachs started to grumble. on weekends, yeonjun appointed himself as the household chef and, while he was on kitchen duty, soobin would watch him like the lovestruck fool that he was.
throughout the cooking process and over their meals, they would talk about going out and doing all the fun things they did and thought they'd do while still in their youths.
at one point, yeonjun reminisced his senior prom and wished he had it with soobin instead. at the time, he had spent it alone in a corner, simply watching his friends mess around with their dates. but then soobin confessed that he dropped out of high school, so he didnt have any experience to speak of at all.
at that, yeonjun insisted that they changed it immediately, made soobin change into his one good suit for wedding events while he cleared up the living room, sofa and coffee table to the wall, and vacuumed any crumbs from all the snacks they inhaled over the past weeks.
while yeonjun was putting on his own suit, soobin was watching him from their bed full of curiosity and amusement, not knowing what yeonjun was planning exactly but endeared by his passion all the same.
when yeonjun held soobin's hand and walked him out of their shared bedroom, soobin finally noticed the space in the middle of their living room, the closed curtains, and the flower petals all over the floor (he found the bald flower stalks in the kitchen trash can later that night).
after finding a playlist of slow songs to dance to, yeonjun threw his phone to the sofa and extended his hand to soobin.
"shall we dance?"
skip a couple months into the future, yeonjun had asked soobin if he wanted to adopt a pet. he always hated the idea of leaving soobin alone at home and soobin always gushed about how cute hueningkai's puppies were and how adorable this raccoon he found on youtube was and how he wanted to pet anything and everything fluffy.
but to his surprise, soobin asked if they could adopt a kid instead. by the end of the process, they had an adorable kid in their care who shared soobin's eyesmile and yeonjun's sass.
weekends at home were never this chaotic and fun and lively before, but yeonjun wished for nothing more than to keep his little family happy.
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