#just a silly headcanon of mine
froggydrawz · 4 months
idea for the doai sitcom au
It’s kinda cringy but who gives a fuck
so, Veldigun go into hibernation, right? So what if during the "on the run" arc Clyde does everything it can to not hibernate because it needs to look out for cops and stuff, so it is tired all the time, which results in it being caught off-guard by some Lankmann foundation workers and captured?
what do y’all think about this?
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salamie-baby · 5 months
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Local urban development scheme makes efforts to shelter millions of homeless children across the country within three months
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beatcroc · 1 year
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what, didn't you know most amphibians shed and eat their skin? what did you think was going on there, peppino? this is normal frog stuff. come on now.
many more sketches bc i had way too many thoughts about this to try and illustrate all in a comic. horrid beast fp agenda ❤
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outer-andromeda · 5 months
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I'm supposed to be asleep but I was requested to draw Luz and I couldn't resist whoops :')))
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princeson · 2 months
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"uhh, mob.... who the hell is this???
in which reigen meets dimple's body buddy/tome's uncle (claw security guard) for the first time.
(dw they're all friends now. reigen was just put off at first by the sinister presence this guy was emitting until he learned it was all from dimple. heheh)
dimple friday #32
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kubosai-central · 1 year
(Might draw this out later but)
Imagine Kuboyasu coming over to Saiki’s house while he’s babysitting Yuuta and they talk for a bit. Yuuta doesn’t like that Kuboyasu is dragging Saiki away from watching Cyborg Ciderman with him and doesn’t really like him all that much until Yuuta watches a character that looks like Kuboyasu come in and save Cyborg Ciderman from almost dying and Yuuta starts begging Kuboyasu to stay so that he can protect Saiki and keep them both safe. Kuboyasu, being surprisingly good with kids, tells Yuuta that he’ll only stay if Cyborg Ciderman (Saiki) needs protecting and that Saiki is perfectly capable of keeping himself safe (this strikes a major chord with Saiki and he stays quiet the whole time this is going on).
After Kuboyasu leaves, Yuuta draws Saiki and Kuboyasu as Cyborg Ciderman and that other character and he tells Saiki that he’s glad that the character that looks like Kuboyasu was there to protect and save Cyborg Ciderman and it doesn’t make him weak that he was saved and Saiki begins having a crises about it because on one hand, Yuuta is right, and on the other he has to face the issue of realizing his silly feelings for Kuboyasu and his protectiveness.
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angelsdean · 1 month
of course he has gum in his mouth while he's performing -.-
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noirandchocolate · 14 days
The Yiga Clan isn’t a cult in my honest opinion.
They’re more like a crime syndicate.
If a crime syndicate was also an oppressed minority group subjected to a genocide in the distant past and continued marginalization in the present as they’re forced to lurk at the edges of and mostly outside society to eke out a living through theft and violence while the “good” members of the same minority who accepted the harsh terms of cultural genocide at the hands of the very people they served get to stand next to every other race that reviles them and call them “evil” and “traitors” because they seek justice against the divine-right monarchy that betrayed them first and have forsworn the goddess who never once deigned to help them.
They're not monsters to be mowed down, they're people. People who engage in genuine and understandable strife against authority figures who uphold systems of inequality.
Anyway, that's what I think.
(Edit: For even more of me rambling, see the notes.)
#yiga clan#master Kohga#((ps i only said 'crime syndicate' as a joke i don't mean that sincerely. i mean the main part of my post sincerely.))#((<--clarification bc tone on the internet sometimes doesn't come through))#anyway headcanons are headcanons but here's mine: they're not a cult and they're not indoctrinating anyone#they have beliefs about the royal family and hylian nobility and the kakariko sheikah sure#and those beliefs certainly don't line up with what those groups ('the good guys') think about themselves#but i personally don't think that makes them a cult? again imo#they also love their masters kohga but why shouldn't they? everybody play age of calamity current kohga deserves their love#he's a silly guy with flaws but he cares about his people. this is not properly shown in botw bc he's barely in it.#and it's easy to say 'they revere this looney tunes-level dork whose boss battle was a cakewalk? they must be stupid/indoctrinated!'#but uh...why couldn't they just genuinely love him and think he's cool? why's that so hard to believe?#straight up he IS cool. he just had to deal with Hylia's Chosen Hero who has constant access to a hammerspace arsenal and a Sheikah Slate#((ie kohga's own ancestors' magitech that they were forced to give up or die/be exiled for!))#he himself can clearly *use several ancient Sheikah techniques* without a slate *including magnesis* in the BotW battle!#the yiga clan did nothing wrong (they’ve done many things wrong but can you blame them?) ((you can but yet. can you??))#((this is what we call nuance. and morality not being black and white.))#((ANYWAY THAT'S WHAT I THINK))#((people are obviously allowed to think otherwise and that’s why I said ‘in my honest OPINION’ on this post! but that IS my opinion))#legend of zelda#kidk headcanons
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sgiansporran · 28 days
Innes: Ach. Not only did they list me twice here, but they shortened my name as well.
Muir: It's no that bad. I saw my name listed as Derrick once.
Innes: ...
Innes: I don't remember seeing that...
Muir: Aye, I tore it down.
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mine-ventures · 24 days
How does one become a zombie rather than staying dead? Even a zombie bite in villagers don't always turn to zombification. What is the ruleset here? Mere chance? A certain affliction? RNG?
To become an Undead Mob (Not only just a Zombie for some of these), here in Minecraft, the most common reasons are:
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... Just to put it in a very vage explanation, cause most of the time, it's hard to tell how an Undead Mob became, well, Undead.
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piko-power · 1 month
My Personal Headcanon On Why Amy's Love For Sonic Died Down Lately (and their dynamic)
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When they were younger, Amy's love for Sonic was pretty extreme, and Sonic was, understandable, uncomfortable for the most part. He knows she means well, but that girl needs to calm down.
She can fight, but sometimes her hammer could only stun her enemies for a while. (It took her a long time to get rid of that robot that has been chasing her around Station Square.) She wasn't fully independent yet, even if she fought on her own a couple of times.
She often follows Sonic and his friends around. She is part of the team, but she was not a strong as she is now at the time yet.
She admires Sonic. A LOT. And Sonic knows that. Obviously, he could only run away from something like that, since he is NOT ready for that kind of thing, and whether Amy takes the hint or stop, she still loves him.
...BUT, I think things were slightly starting to change between her and Sonic after Lost World.
Remember this line?
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You remember that? Okay, okay. Here's another totally unrelated question:
Before the events of Lost World, when was the last time Amy said "I love you" to Sonic out loud?
...YEP. 😈 (Unless I'm missing something, let me know lmao)
As more games and adventures come out, the characters get slightly older, and Amy is 12 to 13 now, and she is most certainly at that age where her body starts to change, but especially on how she views Sonic.
She knows she loves Sonic, but it was this moment during her change where she actually wanted to admit that she loves him.
I believe that Amy was all about sharing her affection to him not through confessions, but through obvious hints. Sonic totally got it, and there was no need to confess. Sonic knows she loves her.
...But she never said it. And she almost did, but she never did again for a while.
I think this was the moment in her life where, oh, God, she actually loves Sonic. SHE LOVES HIM, WHAT.
And she was looking back at all the times she had with Sonic that she can now see were unpleasant to Sonic (At least that's what she thinks) and that's probably why she isn't so expressive about her love to him than how she used to back then.
She wasn't sure what to do with this realization, and sets aside it for a while, and nearly stayed as her casual, peppy self... until the Eggman War happened.
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During the 6 months of being with the Resistance, fighting Eggman's army all day and all night, all she can think of was Sonic.
She dreams that he still with not just her, but with her friends. She just wanted to see Sonic again, she just wants to be with her hero again.
But I'd like to think that she was also thinking about how she used to treat Sonic back when they were younger, how Sonic would almost always run away from her whenever she asks him out, or always look so uncomfortable whenever she gets so close to him.
Cringing at those memories big time, she wanted to change and hopefully when Sonic is okay and comes back, she can be better for him.
...Or will he still find her uncomfortable regardless? Would he even be happy to see her at all if he did survive?
But, hold on! She can't just give up her love for Sonic! He made her who she is today! A peppy, nature-loving, hammer-swinging, confident, brave... loud-mouth... annoying... Sonic obsessed... weak... pathetic... lonely little girl.
If she gives up on Sonic, it'll be like she gave up on the one hedgehog who saved her life. If she didn't she'll still be the same ol' Amy.
I also like to think she had parents a long while before she met Sonic, and was even expecting a little sister, but a robot invasion happened from where she was and attacked her parents and instead of trying to save them, after getting hurt, she ran away, hoping that they'll come back okay. But they never did.
She was all alone, and needed someone, a friend, a new family, someone who will hold her hand, anyone, to be there for her. But she was ignored by lots, and at that point, she's better off by herself, but still longed for company.
Eventually though, her tarot cards told her her future hero, and there might be hope after all. She encountered Sonic, held onto the belief of the cards tight, and the rest is history.
So, with that headcanon in mind, not only did Amy loose her parents that she didn't save because of her cowardliness (she was only so little at the time that happened) and also Sonic, who she thought will be her only hope, but now gone.
She doesn't even care if he did come back, he'd probably hate her now after everything she did to him, always talking about their "future wedding" or forcing him to go to Twinkle Park.
For the last few months of the war, it was nothing but Amy mentally beating herself up for either refusing to change or moving on, and they are both not fine choices.
She loves Sonic, but he does not love her, and she finally, finally realized it. And it's probably for the best if no body loved her at all.
But of course Sonic did survive and all of her worries wash away in an instant, she's just not expressive about her love for Sonic AT ALL now, since she's still worried about it but rather not mention it to Sonic because it doesn't matter.
If Sonic doesn't love her, then her feelings don't matter to him, and according to Amy herself, that is okay.
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But also, I'd like to think that Sonic was thinking about his friends a lot up in the Death Egg for the past months, sometimes it's Tails (worried for his safety), sometimes it's Shadow (because he's wondering why he would join Eggman.) At some point, for a few days, Amy was in his mind the longest, and he felt bad about how he thought he was rude and pushy to her.
He wondered if she's not thinking about it too much, and if she is, will she give up on him? Yeah, he doesn't feel the same and still not looking for a relationship, but it's so strange but interesting how anyone could ever like someone like Sonic the Hedgehog. Amy was never afraid to show that, and she probably might be now.
He couldn't help but feel guilty. They were kids when she was like this, but he was so... arrogant at the time too. Not a lot happened at the time yet. He'd always have trouble expressing how much he value his friends, until he shattered the Paradox Prism. (I'd like to think Prime took place before Forces. It makes sense.)
She is such a sweet girl, and he probably made her believe that he didn't care for her. Just because he doesn't feel the same, that doesn't mean he hates her at all.
He wished he never ran away from Amy... Worrying for his little bro and wishing to be a good person for Amy was when Sonic cried in the Death Egg for the first and only time.
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Frontiers, in my opinion, is kind of confirming their dynamic now. Sonic is a lot more sincere and kinder to Amy and she is not all hyperactive and lovey to Sonic. There is probably a real reason for this now.
They are both hiding their feelings from them, and they are both unaware of this. Amy, hiding her mental issues from Sonic, and Sonic, hiding his guilt away from Amy.
None of those things are important now. Sonic is with Amy and Amy is with Sonic. They are here with each other. They can be finally be better for each other now.
They don't care if they'll ever be something more when they get older. None of that matters anymore. They are here with each other. They can be finally be better for each other now.
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Maybe someday they'll both talk about it, but for now, the present is important. They care about each other too much to think about it right now.
It's the kind of love that is unbreakable. It doesn't even have to be romantic. It's just love. Love is important for everyone, in any form. It's something Sonic and his friends need. And especially Sonic and Amy.
Amy Rose is the living embodiment of love, and without her, a lot would go downhill for Sonic and co. Heck, if it weren't for her, Shadow wouldn't have never remembered Maria's promise, which lead him to save the world with Sonic, before he temporarily disappeared from their lives for a while.
She is always there to lend a helping hand for anybody, even bad guys like Metal Sonic, and despite what she had been through, both in Forces and headcanon wise, she still fights back, even without her hammer.
She will pick you back up on your feet, reminding you that you are important and that you are loved, and that you should never give up. It's pretty much the words of encouragement she herself needed also...
She is still the happy, hyper, butt-kicking hedgehog we all know and love, but she still need someone to pick her back up on her feet after so long. Thankfully, she has her friends and her blue hero. The hero who made her who she is today.
I think Amy has no idea how important she thought she is, but Sonic does. Sonic knows fully well how important she is to a lot of people. It's about time he returns the favor to her. It's his turn to remind her how much a lot of people love her.
How much he loves her.
And I feel like The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog was the moment where their dynamic really shined, but also the starting point of their relationship not only healing, but also the next chapter of what's to come for them.
Everyone, friends old and new, gathered around for a special birthday. A birthday for the confident, unshakable, and radiant Amy Rose.
It was such a special moment in Amy's life. After years of chasing and following the people she look up to, she is part of the team, but most importantly, she is part of the family.
She is fully realized as someone more than just a fangirl, but someone strong, courageous, creative, kind and a big inspiration for others.
I feel like this moment here...
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-is where Amy is eternally grateful to call her friends her family. A family she thought she'll never have again. She's not alone anymore, and as long as they're by her side, she'll never will be again.
Her chasing days are over. She's finally caught up to them. She's finally home.
And it's all thanks to Sonic.
If it weren't for him, she'd probably be alone forever. Her past moments with Sonic might be embarrassing to look back on for a while, but they are good memories regardless, because they involve him.
Sonic saved her life in more ways than one, and despite everything, he's grateful to have her too.
He cares about her. He really does... And in her eyes, that all she needed to know. As long as Sonic loves her in his own way, she'll be happy.
Amy hasn't given up on Sonic. As long as Amy always supports him, he'll be happy.
Maybe sometime in the future, they can talk about their problems, but that's a story for another time. At this point, they need to. Right now, they are happy. They are okay.
They are here for each other. They are finally better for each other now.
"You guys won't ever leave me, right?"
"Wouldn't dream of it."
#piko rambles#sonic the hedgehog#amy rose#Meant to be platonic but I don't care if you tag as ship lol#I've been meaning to post something like this for the longest time now but never really got into posting it-#-because you guys REALLY hate seeing these two together for some reason.#Well not for SOME reason. There are valid reasons why you don't ship them. Everyone has valid reason why they don't ship this or that.#But sometimes those reasons can just sound so petty to me. Like the reason why is because Amy is a stalker or Sonic hates her which is FALS#Also those age gap arguments are understandable but so goddamn annoying sometimes. Maybe when they hit their late teens or early twenties-#then they can be together if they want to. Besides a good percentage of Sonic ships are better off if they waited til they're old enough im#I love them regardless of whether they're just friends or an awkward older cringe fail couple lmao#But them being just friends and hiding away all their emotions towards each other just to keep them safe and happy with them- 😭😭😭#Son/adow is my favorite ship of all time and sonamy is my favorite childhood ship/platonic ship because they both have one thing in common.#ANGST 😀#I've been thinking about Sonic and Amy's dynamic as of late and MAN-#Mixed with some personal headcanons of mine and their dynamic as of late just makes me so emotional.#Sonic and Amy have gotten so close now and it's so sweet but so heartbreaking at the same time when you think about it.#I'm so happy they are getting along better and being there for each other but there is so much to dissect here. So much to think about.#I might be a little silly but Amy losing her parents and being alone for so long and being the reason why she's always hanging onto Sonic-#-explains SOOOOOOOOO much about her. At least that's my headcanon for WHY that is.#Amy with abandonment issues speaks to me on a personal level. I'm always afraid of being forgotten or left behind by my family.#I sometimes feel like I'm not good enough no matter how hard I try. I do not blame Amy. I relate to her a lot. It's one of the many reasons#-why Amy is my favorite character besides Sonic and Shadow.#She fights hard to prove she's a valuable member of the team and hates getting left behind but despite all that she wasn't afraid to-#-express herself and her love for people. But after the Eggman War there was some changes that made her less expressive about her love.#Yeah she still loves Sonic but she doesn't admit it because none of that matters anymore and she thought that not being loved by Sonic#-is better than being loved since she nearly wasted her life loving someone who she thought has constantly bothered. 🥲#But I think after TMoStH I think she'll be less afraid of being expressive about it. She and Sonic are just so caring for each other 😭#I love these two way too much that when I think about them for too long I'll start SOBBING 😭😭 I'M EVEN SOBBING RIGHT NOW LMAO
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shima-draws · 8 months
I’m not even at WCI yet so I don’t even have context but my brain won’t shut up about Sanlu Forbidden Romance where Luffy sneaks in to the Vinsmoke mansion (or wherever the hell they’re keeping Sanji) so he can tenderly kiss him under the moonlight. I am unwell
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transexualpirate · 9 months
so we're just being normal about the fact that virgil knows the name of remus' shower drain huh? like we're just taking that in
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compacflt · 1 year
does ice read architectural digest to keep up w home decor trends or are they solely somewhere between coastal gradparents house and mediterranean style home w leather accents
okay. yes. when they first move in together their house is frat-house-ugly-bad. They don’t want to think about it too much. interior decoration is Incriminating when you’re not supposed to be living together. It’s hand-me-down furniture with scuff marks and stains and no sense of interior design or organization etc. After the whole rooster-papers-pulling-divorce fiasco they (mostly ice) basically start throwing money at it in the hopes that it will help heal their relationship so that’s when it actually starts to look nice & like an actual house that people live in and not just their chaotic secret escape-from-reality house
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all of this couched by my own personal opinion that it was a mistake of the highest narrative order to have them buy a house together and everything ive written about it is just an attempt to try to fix/explain that original mistake (as I write about on this blog All the Time)
but late-40s early-50s ice is somewhat clued in to interior design trends yes. think midcentury modern and a Lot of chrome everywhere because they are middle-aged white guys. or, shit, his canonical interior decorating sense, that’s what the house is supposed to look like! It’s supposed to be the TGM house lol. so like dark woods and bookshelves and big windows etc. HOWEVER. this is just a hc that i cant in any good conscience actually work into any type of narrative, but: they’re, like, really into aviation themed decor. like, really really. it allows them to be into the girlycoded hobby of interior decorating because it’s interior decoration about a manlycoded lifestyle. like if you look on etsy for aviation decor…
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ice & mav have it all. i am so serious about this.
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leqclerc · 18 days
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Monaco 🇲🇨, 5th September 2023
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
Casually having the characters I headcanon spend a lot of time around Harold unconsciously using the term "Gosh!", like it's some sort of virus they've picked up from him. One of his 300 diseases, if you will.
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