#just blabbering
fitgothgirl · 11 months
i love social media that's more about something kinda specific or an interest. like i love the sidebar of friend activity on spotify. i love goodreads. i love last.fm. i love hevy. i wish there was more of that type of thing, or at least more people utilizing and being excited for the existing ones. that's the type stuff that really matters in life. it's the few corners of social media left where people aren't getting on soapboxes or looking for clout. it's so enriching and fun and good to bond over. le sigh...
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thepig · 1 year
but yknow being at the point where at every earlier point in my life id drop all contact and remake everything and not doing that is fucking hard and i hope im earning some sort of invisible point i can redeem bc for me it just feels shitty. it even feels shitty lamenting about it bc i know i dont deserve a congrats for not abandoning people but its just. idk. its different. habits are hard to break even when you know theyre bad. i bet itd feel pretty good to run my brain under the tap rn btw
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carrionne0 · 1 year
Something something… the sun going down… blah blah blah… darkness devil… yada yada… please do not let me cook
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puppynivans · 1 year
Why do none of my July 1st posts show on the tag search, I made sure to put no links for that reason, am I shadow banned? what’s going on?
Posting this a test too cuz i’m confused
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adhd-hippie · 2 years
So I don't usually check the replies to my comments on YouTube, I mostly leave them for the creators, positive things that hopefully they'll see and feel good about but occasionally I will leave a message that's a bit critical (usually only to BIG channels) or in response to someone's comment.
Today I actually checked the replies and was a bit baffled by the responses I got.
So one video was about how Russia was using tanks in their war incorrectly and how they should be using them and I left a comment that was basically "um should we be giving tips to the enemy?" it got like 5 replies from dude bros all explaining to me how Russia as a culture won't take our advice and BOYS! That's not the point! Loose lips sink ships you fucking twats, don't literally PUBLISH a "how you could actually win" video. Just don't, no, stop, DON'T. They're literally in the middle of attempting to overtake a free country via war don't give them advice!
The other comment was in reply to someone else's comment. Their comment was an opinion but they were stating it as if it was fact so I popped back with, "you're opinion is subjective, I disagree with you for these subjective reasons, see subjective" and the person I was replying to was all "you would say that because of the subjective reasons you outlined in your opinion". But in a very snarky and dismissive tone and OH MY GOSH.
How can a point be flying so low and someone still fail to grasp it. Yes, darling, exactly I think what I think for the reasons I outlined and that's why my opinion is an OPINION, you opinion is just as much of an opinion as mine!!!
Basically, I've come to the conclusion that as hellish and obnoxious as this website can be the fact that we can just block anyone who's annoying, slightly trollish, or just plain stupid is really a blessing and has frankly spoiled me and made the YouTube comments unbelievably unbearable as a result.
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tiefenschwammerl · 17 days
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mountainshroom · 6 months
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underrated duo 😔👊 were watching season 3 with my mom and guys the firebending masters-episode is SO GOOD
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uvanuva · 8 months
Everytime I listen to fnaf sb's ost, I realize how much I love this game (and how I wish the game was better just like ruin was)
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sanneberi · 9 months
im deffo a weird combination between a james/remus kinnie but goddamn can i not keep my fucking mouth shut about anything that's going on in my little noggin
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cliopadra · 10 months
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dancing-homestuck · 2 years
I wish my cat had a phone so I could text him while I’m at work and tell him I love him and I miss him and he could send back blurry pictures of random things, incomprehensible gibber texts, and audio recordings of his crinkle ball
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fitgothgirl · 6 months
imagine the cognitive dissonance anti-vaxxers will be dealing with if we got a cancer vaccine lol
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wardingshout · 2 months
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apple season
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ch3wy-kom · 1 year
Probably gon be here for a while until twitter either gets its shit together or until I migrate to mastodon for my nsfw shit
Still find that fucking porn ban a load of shit
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tomandgeriatric · 1 year
hm just word puking dont mind me
I was in therapy for all 4 years of high school right? and mostly my main concern (aside from PTSD/Depression/anxiety) was Bipolar Disorder, see, my mom has Bipolar disorder and i know it's genetic.
Anyway, My very last session was like, the day before my 18th birthday and as we were wrapping up, i brought up bipolar one last time and the therapist said something along the lines of "Well, i'm not so concerned about bipolar, you seem to have a decent grasp on your emotions. However, I am maybe concerned that it's OCD" and then i had to leave and that was the last therapy session i ever had. I brushed it off though because at the time, i had your typical 18 year old understanding of OCD "oh it's just like, you're really tidy and you turn light switches on and off. psh that's not me" But as time went on and i learned more about what OCD ACTUALLY is i was like.......oh....hmm....ok >.>
The very thing that landed me in therapy at 14 years old was.....intrusive thoughts lmfao I was terrified that i was gonna kill myself in my sleep somehow to the point that i couldn't sleep. i was afraid i was gonna sleepwalk kill myself....even though i've never sleepwalked in my entire life, and i wasn't particularly suicidal. anyway there's lots of other clues that i see now that i know more about OCD but. goddamn. I don't think it's affecting my life too intrusively? but i am tired, a lot of my time is spent negating intrusive thoughts and anxieties and that's a lot of emotional labor on myself lmao.
Anyway i've still never been like, FORMALLY diagnosed with OCD because i've not been back to therapy since but. hmm. got me thinkin' lol
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meirimerens · 5 months
youtube shorts is just tiktok without being on the app the amount of "i'm a [qualification] and [misinformation]" could make one turn their skin inside-out in protest. "i'm a board-certified OB-GYN & it's only been about the last hundred years that women have actually experienced menopause. We didn't live long enough to experience it" how can you be so incredibly wrong about something so integral to your practice. King of the Hittites Hattusilis III was told in 1250 BCE that his sister was too old to reproduce at age 50+. Aristotle wrote in the 4th century BCE that women stopped menstruating between ages 40 to 50, common menopause ages today still. i cannot begin to tell you how 4th century & 1250 BCE don't really count as "the last hundred years" unless that -s is doing a lot of heavy lifting. waiter waiter more misinformation laws.
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