#just enjoying the nice weather and being at peace bc everything is finally good ;___;
elvenbeard · 8 months
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Spending some quality time each doing their own thing :3
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snowblossomreads · 9 months
Day 18: Blankets and Snuggles
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Pairing: Sinclair Bryant x Fem!Reader
Summary: In where Y/n and Sinclair are now dating and continue their baking tradition from the previous year.
Tag(s)/Warning(s): baking and eating, snuggles and kisses, sweet treats and hugs, just everything warm and fuzzy in this one folks!
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: I'm back with more Sinclair LOL. He has been getting a lot of love and it's what he deserves 😣😣 So enjoy as he finally gets to have his snacks in peace with his favourite person (y/n aka you bc you are a lovely human being ! yeah that's right i'm talking to you person that's reading this 🥰🥰)
"Where have you been [Y/n]?! I've been waiting all day for you, worried sick about where you’d gone off to," Sinclair complained as he watched her take her coat and boots off to not track mud in his home. "You can't tell me you're going to come and bake with me and then not tell me when. It is a crime you know!" He huffed, as he followed her into the kitchen like a lost puppy who had finally found its owner.
"A crime? Really?" She teased, amusement bubbling up in her chest as she went to put the bag of supplies that she had bought with her on the kitchen counter.
Turning around, she saw the slight pout on his thin lips, and she couldn't stifle the giggle at how dejected he looked. This only made his frown grow deeper. Of course Sinclair would be the one to get upset when he was promised snacks and didn't get them on time. But honestly, who wouldn’t be?
"It is! See, this is why you should move in with me," he explained while [Y/n] meandered towards him and threw her arms around his waist in a hug. She swayed side as she looked up at him and how his eyes were bright and passionate as he laid out his reasoning. "Then you can always be around, and we can cook together and cuddle, lots of cuddles! And then you don't have to come out in this dreadful weather when you visit me. Because you'll already be with me! Doesn't that sound nice?"
"It does, but it also sounds like some sort of ploy though! I bet it's just because you want me to bake my world-famous cookies for you every week, innit?"
"Hmph of course not! You know I can have more than food on my mind when it comes to you," he sulked for a moment before his exuberant energy returned. “Though you do make wonderful cookies! And I love them. But I love you more!"
"Aww I love you too Sinclair," she squealed as he kissed her all over her face to prove how much he loved her. "And I know love, I'm just teasing! I know that brilliant mind of yours is always working on something," she beamed causing him to radiate, proud at how much his mind really did work. "But I don't know, my contract isn't up yet for my flat and I want to stay until it's over," she explained, and she could see the sad look that reappeared on his features which made her heart also feel a bit blue. "Buuuut," she drawled out, causing his attention to perk up. "How about we bake and you try to convince me why moving in with you is a good idea. And maybe just maybe I'll give it some more consideration."
"Deal!" He shouted with a grin. "Well, come on what are we waiting for? Let's start because I'm starving!"
Unwrapping themselves from each other, [Y/n] and Sinclair continued their newly instated tradition of baking each year for the holidays. It had started the year before when she had come to spread some cheer on his first post-divorce holiday. One thing led to another and well, not only did they have a new tradition but they had a new relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend!
Last year was gingerbread cookies, and this year would be the same though with some additional ones. Snickerdoodle and thumbprint cookies! All of them were pretty simple to make considering they had the same base just with some extra things done to them in the middle, and she thought it a fun project for them both.
Of course, she had to keep Sinclair from eating the raw pastry again but that was par for the course.
"It smells so nice," he whined as she quickly took the mixing bowl from him. "If it smells nice why can't I eat it!"
"Sinclair please no! Remember what I told you last time and all the other times! I don't want to bring you to hospital if you get sick from eating raw pastry," she chided in good nature before turning back to him and seeing he was up to mischief again. "Hey wait that's for the thumbprint cookies," she laughed as she watched him spooned a bit of jam from the glass container and put it in his mouth.
"We have plenty for them though!" He replied, voice muffled by the spoon still in his mouth.
"Well Mr. Jam man! How about you add some to those cookies, and then you can continue nicking the rest of it," she snickered, as she watched him give her a thumbs up before beginning his mission of jamming the cookies.
It was his duty after all as jam man.
During all that prep, he also listed off all the reasons she should stay with him starting off with the obvious as he stated.
"You can spend time with me, I can spend time with you, I can cook for you, you can cook for me," he rambled on plopping jam in the cookies while stealing some of it for himself. "We can cuddle every day. Oh, I can drive you to work too so you don't have to take the Tube, that means more time together- I said that already didn't I?"
"Yes, yes you did," [Y/n] laughed as she rolled balls of dough in the cinnamon sugar to make the snickerdoodle cookies. "I'm getting a lot of 'we can spend time together' as your reasoning."
"There's nothing wrong with that is it?” He asked, pausing from his jam duties. "I like spending time with you, we always have fun even if we are just here doing nothing."
"Nope, nothing wrong at all! And I do also love our time together, my cheeks always hurt afterwards and in a good way!"
They both turned to look at each other, a bright smile on their lips as they mulled over how much they adored being with one another at every chance they got. Huh…maybe it wouldn't be so bad moving in…she did love the energy he had and of course Sinclair himself. So would it be so bad to share a space with him?
She pondered some more as they continued to finish prepping all the cookies, chatting all through the process as he continued to list off more reasons she should live with him. After they had set a batch of them in the oven, and wrapped up the leftovers, they were startled by the doorbell ringing. 
"I'll get it!" [Y/n] exclaimed bounding out of the kitchen before Sinclair could say anything, leaving him with baking cookies that smelled terrific and made his stomach grumble.
Cookies for lunch what a wonderful thing!
"Okay I know what you're thinking Sinclair," [Y/n]'s voice floated into the room yet he couldn't see her. "'Cookies for lunch! Wonderful!' Well you know I love that but," she appeared with a pizza box in hand and he could have sworn he had fallen even harder in love with her than he thought possible. “I need something a little more substantial so forgive me for ordering pizza before I got here and don't you dare try to pay me back!”
His eyes sparkled as he approached her, or more like bounded towards her, and she only had a second to lift the box in her hand away from her chest before Sinclair was pressed against her and raining more kisses upon her.
“Oh! I love you so much my magical food fairy!” He blurted, squeezing her in a tight hug that had her breathless, yet she couldn't stop the laughter that escaped her at his enthusiasm. “You're just absolutely wonderful, you know that? God do I love you! You always know just how to make my day!”
“Haha well if cheap pizza and cookies make you happy then I'm in luck because I can afford those every week,” she teased as he pressed his lips against hers, cutting her off with a smile as they kissed. “But I don't think our blood work would approve,” she giggled breathlessly when he pulled away.
The sound of the timer on top of the oven went off, signalling that the cookies were done, and also that it was time for them to taste the fruits of their labour.
“Perfect everything is done let's dig in!” Sinclair announced as he let [Y/n] go, enthusiastic about the snacks that they now had. “I’ll bring the plates and cookies you go get comfy in the living room okay?”
Giving him a thumbs up and an ecstatic ‘okay’, she scampered off to get everything nice and cosy on the couch for their meal of junk that was oh so delicious with each other.
The cheap pizza was a hit with both of them as they chatted and laughed while a silly Christmas movie played on the TV. It served as background noise mainly as the two had more than enough to talk about. 
After the meal had been devoured, and everything but the cookies were put up, they found themselves snuggled tight in blankets wrapped around them on the couch as food coma from earlier began to sit in. Her legs were tangled in between Sinclair’s, and her body pressed against his as she lazily played with his hair.
There was a drowsy smile on his lips that was so cute! So much so, that she couldn't resist the urge to lean up a little and give him a soft peck.
“Sinclair,” she whispered against his lips, pulling away and blowing some of his golden hair away from his face causing him to hum softly. 
“I love you very much, you know that right?” She asked in a whisper as she kissed his cheek before she gazed at his sleepy but happy expression.
“Mhmm of course I do,” he replied. "You wouldn’t have come baked with me if you didn’t? And the pizza? You must love me if you brought me pizza [Y/n] it’s a scientific fact.”
His amber eyes squinted at her question as he was very much falling asleep, yet they were still vibrant and conveyed a joyful emotion that was not dulled by drowsiness. She could also see the odd speck of dark green or grey around his eyes that sometimes made them look hazel when the light hit them just right. Gosh was he a work of wonder! How could one person be so handsome, brilliant, and kind all in one? He was like a dream.
“Weeell,” she drawled, playing with the cosy jumper he had been wearing all day that was so soft against her fingertips. “Do you love me?”
Perking up at that question, he leaned down until the tips of their noses touched and he gently rubbed them together causing her to giggle. “Of course I do! You’re my favourite person in the world! Plus you don’t get mad at me when I go and talk your ear off even if what I’m saying is boring to you.”
She grinned, 
“Of course I’m going to listen to you ‘Clair, you deserve to be listened to,” she smiled. "Even though sometimes I have no clue what you’re talking about,” she added making Sinclair nip at her noise like a puppy giving a warning nip. 
It caused her to shriek with laughter and he did it again. However, this time he laid on top of her and wrapped his arms tight around her in a warm hug that caused her to snuggle closer to him underneath the blankets. Their breathy laughter filled the air as they kissed once more while [Y/n] also stroked his cheek as his warm lips captured hers briefly. 
She could get used to this. The cuddling with him every day, kissing him when he went to work and came back. And really anytime truthfully. And him of course, she could get used to waking up and going to sleep in his arms. Honestly, it sounded like a good life. When they pulled away, Sinclair noted the shine in her eyes and his heart began to beat faster as she always got that shine in her eyes when good news was on its way. 
“Well, I guess because I love you so much, and you love me so much I well..maybe it won’t hurt too much for me to move in with you. I could get used to all this cuddling you know?”
It took him a moment to process what she had said, but when he did, a loud shout of joy flew from his lips and almost deafened her. But it was worth the way his entire face brightened and his eyes lit up as if he wasn’t about to fall asleep just a moment ago.
“[Y/n]! This is brilliant, wonderful, oh you’re so wonderful, do you know that?” He asked as he squeezed her tight and made her laugh the sweet sound he loved to hear. “Oh I’m so happy okay we need to get movers, and we can get your stuff here! And your lease, do you want to terminate it early? I know it might cost a bit so if you need any help I’m happy to pay for the fees since I’m making you move. And oh I need to clean the closet so you can have room!”
She watched with a tiny grin as he listed off the things that they would need to do so they could get ready for her move and she couldn’t help the fluttering in her stomach. He was so lovely. And with each little thing he added to their list with enthusiasm, she couldn’t stop how warm her heart felt.
Maybe it knew she had made the right decision, and the thought of it only made her happier as she listened with a sleepy smile to her new roommate's rambling.
A/N: All Sinclair needs is snacks and his girlfriend and he's a happy puppy! Who wouldn't want a man like him 😉😉 I hope everyone gets to have some snacks this holiday and if not, let me know so i can send Sinclair over with cookies!!
Tags: @mercurial-make-em-ups, @deepperplexity
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extravaguk · 4 years
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part of my opposites attract! series. 
ksj / knj / myg / jhs / kth / jjk
pairing: rich!jimin x reader
summary: Yeah, Park Jimin most likely didn't even realize he was being a rude and disrespectful son of a bitch.
wordcount: 5k
genre: smut - angst(? - fluff (? idk u tell me
rated: m 
warnings: a christmas fic in late november, cursing, a huge misunderstanding lmao, i call jimin ‘park jimin’ too many times bc i felt like it, car sex, oral (f recieving), some good ole spanking, (kinda) rough and unprotected sex, a lil of dirty talk, spit kink. thats about it. just an excuse to write jimin fucking you in a car. jimin is not as bad as oc thinks srsly.
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The first time you meet Park Jimin is through mutual friends. On a firday night on December, with white, red and green lights decorating the streets of New York, filled with the typical hustle of the masses doing last minute Christmas shopping, the freezing weather impacting your body temperature, cursing yourself for choosing tights, a skirt and heeled boots that are too pretty but too uncomfortable to wear.
You had never considered yourself a particular enthusiast of Christmas festivities. You guess discovering Santa Claus was, actually, your parents before the rest of the kids in your class was one of the many reasons that made you grow up too soon and therefore, not allowing you to fully enjoy the month of December. Or maybe it had nothing to do with Santa, and more to do with your parents deciding to get a divorce a day before Christmas Eve. A traumatic event for seven year old you, but completely forgotten and overcome by twenty-four year old present you.
Growing up each Christmas suffering the consecuences of a shared custody would have probably had a disastrous effect on anybody else, but not you. Although the separation was a tough reality to accept at first, fortunately your parents were always capable of raising you in an environment full of love and affection, just like any other kid. And you prided yourself on having moved on from those circumstances a long time ago (even if your therapist disagreed and blamed many of your behaviors on it. Whatever.)
To put it simply, December was just not the month for you. It was just another month, like the remaining eleven of the year, except Mariah Carey's voice was heard every five minutes everywhere you'd go and people gave each other presents as if it was only during that time of the year when they remembered their loved ones. 
The only thing you could thank Christmas for were the well deserved two weeks of holidays our work allowed until the new year's arrival. Fifteen days of rest, peace and baking those gingerbread cookies that Seokjin died for and that you sincerely denoted as nauseating.
You truly had no idea what exactly you did wrong that night. You don't know if it was something you said, or something you did, but what you did know was that Park Jimin pursued a silent and personal vendetta against you that continued nowadays.
"Here are your disgusting cookies, you filthy animal." it might have been that very first sentence you said when you entered the bar and reunited with your friends that didn't cause a good impression. "Shit, it's cold as fuck. My nipples are harder than my life." or maybe it was your selection of words while you waved every familiar face hello until you stopped to look at the only (pretty. too pretty, as well) one you had never seen before.
"_____, it's Chrismtas! Santa Clause will only bring you a lump of coal if you keep cursing like that!" Lisa laughed while she kissed your cheek and made space for you to sit next to her. "Oh, by the way, this is Jimin. A friend of Namjoon. He's a newbie!"
Park Jimin was stunning, you had no trouble admitting that. You weren't blind, you weren't stupid, and you could go as far as theorize that his dark eyes, his light and always immaculate styled hair, his sharp jawline and those plump lips as red as cherries must have been sculpted by Satan himself.
Fuck, you were even sure you'd be on your knees in front of Park Jimin in an alternative universe begging for his dick inside your mouth. But in the universe where you and the real Park Jimin reside, he would never come near you unless somebody was aiming a gun into his skull.
You're not precisely sure what it was, but a brief exchange of glances and an evasive and sligh shake of hands with Park Jimin was enough to make you feel ashamed and withdrawn for the rest of the night.
If Jimin wasn't even able to drop a polite "Nice to meet you", he sure as hell wasn't able to pretend you even existed.
Even the small talk you had tried to engaged with him about his shiny pair of shoes went terribly wrong.
"Oh, are those Dolce and Gabbana?"
"Dolce and Gabbana are homphobic, racist and sexist, so no" the grimace on his face should've been enough to make you regret speaking to him in the first place , but the snarky voice of his made you want to run away and hide from him until next Christmas.
In reality, you swore you didn't care. Seriously. Other's opinions were never something that could easily bother you or keep you awake at night. You had always turned a deaf ear to the cruel children that made fun of you due to your parent's divorce, you had always ignored the amount of men that never considered you "ladylike" enough (what the fuck did that even mean, anyway? what exactly made a lady and what didn't?), and you had always disregarded any envous comment surrounding you.
So, fuck Park Jimin! You had said to yourself. He's just a well mannered rich boy. Somebody who didn't resemble you in any aspect. A stupid, pretentious, spoiled boy who's had everything he's ever wanted in the palm of his hand, unlike you. Who the fuck cares what Park Jimin thinks? 
But apparently, you did. 
You would have never placed such importance to whatever it was that roamed inside Jimin's head if his appearances in your group of friends hadn't been so recurrent.
Because each time you were forced to see Jimin's face, you were also forced to experience a strange knot of discomfort and humilliation growing in your stomach in his mere presence. It's not like Jimin did anything specific to make you feel that way. He might not even do it on purpose, or his intentions might not be entirely evil. Maybe he simply didn't realize how he always avoided being by your side like the plague, or how his body immediately tensed and he balled his hands into fists everytime you were less than two feet away from him, or how he would look at you from the corner of his eye everytime you decided you speak, almost as if he was waiting for you to shut up to finally let out the air he was containing inside his lungs in relief.
Yeah, Park Jimin most likely didn't even realize he was being a rude and disrespectful son of a bitch.
And with time, you couldn't help but attribute that disdain and hostility that Park Jimin always directed at you to the many undeniable differences that constituted each of you. Park Jimin, with his impeccable and always well ironed Prada shirts, his spotless trousers, jewelry that probably costed more than three of your annual salaries, and always emanating that Givenchy fragance that screamed "wealth!" every rare occasion you could experiment his presence next to you. Exactly two years after that first meeting with Park Jimin, you hadn't been able to avoid reciprocating that feeling of contempt towards him. Not when you were the only victim of his arrogance. Everybody loved Park Jimin, and Park Jimin loved everyone. 
Except you.
Clinging to your glass of Don Pérignon and finishing the rest of the liquid in one go, you try to snap out of your own thoughts, reminding yourself to return to the conversation you're currently having with Taehyung about a pretty waitress that he's met during one of his art exhibitions (or at least that's what you think you caught him say) and forcing yourself by all means to stop observing the friendly and kind smiles that Park Jimin was shooting to those present from across the room and that you will never be able to achieve. 
"_____? Are you even listening to me, darling?" Taehyung's voice is what makes you finally look away from the dumb blond standing on the opposite side of the room, blinking a few times before clearing your throat. 
"Sorry, Tae." letting out a sigh, you try to brush back and put in place the strand of hair that escaped the intricate hairdo you had tried and so miserably failed to do yourself to try to fit in and hopefully impress such environment of preppy and privilaged people (ahem, Park Jimin)  falling on your forehead as best as you can. "Just been really stressed this week and I'm on another planet. You know how I feel about Christmas. I think I need a new flute of . Or five."
Taehyung sends you a look full of empathy and places one of his hands in your shoulder, squeezing lightly in a comforting way. "I'll get you another one. I'll be right back." You quickly interrupt him though, to prevent him from standing up before you.
"No, really. I'll go. I need some fresh air anyways, if you don't mind." And of course Taehyung doesn't mind, so you get on your feet as graceously as your tipsy state allowed you to (who told you it was a good idea to drink three glasses in less than thirty minutes of the extremely expensive champagne Taehyung had brought to the Christmas party he had organized and why did it convince you it would appease your anxiey?) and make your way towards the table where the rest of the bottles are. A table dangerously close to the conversation Jimin and that friend of Lisa (whose name you don't remember) were having.
Both are with their backs turned and, honestly, you take a silent moment to thank God or whatever is up there because the last thing you need right now is yet another awkward interaction with Jimin, so you try as best as you can to refill your glass of champagne to get out of there as soon as possible, praying to make your exit going unnoticed.
But no. Because the stars and the universe loved to align to make you suffer! They love to play with your karma and they love making you damn that one day you didn't help that lady cross the street. They love making you regret buying those plastic straws. They love making you feel guilty for hacking your neighbour's Wifi when you run out of money to pay for yours. Because the moment you try to take a hold of the bottle in your hands, it slips out of your grasp, and you're watching in slow motion how the sparkling berverage ends up spilling all over the extremely expensive (or so you assume. Balenciaga maybe) suit pants Park Jimin decided to wear that night.
Everything is kind of blurry and you can't even hear anything. You can only watch as Park Jimin turns around, lips parted and eyebrows furrowed, until his eyes find you, the bane of his existance and immediately recognizing the culprit of his now drenched piece of clothing. And you can watch as, once again, his gaze turns almost black and narrow lightly as to reprimend you for what you've caused. But of course he doesn't say a word. He has nothing to say. He doesn't even look surprised. No. Because obviously, Park Jimin knew that if there was somebody in this room willing to ruin his night, it would be you, and only you.
"Shit!" you're the first one to break the strained silence, but that only makes Jimin flinch. "Shit, shit, shit. I'm so fucking dumb! J-Jimin, I'm so sorry, let me just go grab a paper tow-"
"Don't." his voice cuts through you. Literally cuts through you. Because it's not often that Park Jimin decides to aim his words at you, but everytime he does it holds the same frigid tone. Like knives trying to painfully stab your being. "Just, don't."
In reality, you don't know a lot of things and you don't know what causes what happens next. You don't know if it's the specific time of the year, you don't know if it's your internal stress, or if it's Park Jimin, his voice, or the fact that he will never like you. But it's instant. They way something compresses your chest, and suddenly your eyes are not glaced by the alcohol but by something wet that threatens to flow. You would never admit to anyone they're tears.
So, shutting your mouth and swallowing the uncomfortable feeling of anguish in your throat, leaving your flute forgotten on the table and grabbing the bottle instead. Without saying a word, your feet start moving up the stairs of the ridiculously enourmous house Taehyung owns towards the first free and empty balcony you can find. Free of people and free of Park Jimin.
Closing the large window behind you, you allow yourself to close your eyes and take a deep breath; the icy temperature outside immediately welcoming you. Although the hairs on your arm stand up and you know you're probably going to catch a cold (because the dress you've chosen for the dinner is not at all appropiate for such winter climate), at least the tension in your body seems to disappear while oxygen keeps that ugly feeling in your heart at bay from continuing to choke you.
With shaky hands, you take a big gulp straight from the champagne bottle. Fuck Park Jimin. No man will ever have the power to make you feel what you're feeling right now.  Fuck Park Jimin. And fuck his beautiful face and his ability to make you tremble and fear looking like an idiot. Fuck his fancy clothes and his perfect manicured hands and his marvelous but frigthening presence. 
Knock knock.
The sound makes you jump back from the window, hand grasping your chest while you turn around, coming face to face with the man in question.  Your first instinct is to ignore him. But that thought is already out of the way when it's him the one who struggles with the window lock before opening and taking a step towards you. You step back as he steps in, raising your head up high and puffing your chest. Because your second instinct is to tell Park Jimin to go fuck himself.
"_____, I would like to-"
"You would like to what?" Jimin looks taken aback at your harshness. Alcohol has always been a weapon of mass destruction in your system, provoking words to flow too easily and without filter out of your mouth, more than they already do when you're sober. Especially when it's mixed with the frustration you've been harboring inside of you for two years. That's why when the words start to come out, they won't stop. "To make me feel like shit one more time? To look at me with that fucking conceited face trying to make me feel like you're better than me? Or would you like to ignore me once again as you always do everytime we're in the same fucking room to make sure I know you hate my mere existance, even if it's just the two of us right now?"
The steam leaving your lips due to the accelerated beat of your heart blurs his face for an instant while he looks at you dumbfounded. The silence and his expression makes you scoff, an acidic smile adorning your face while you take another sip of your drink because even with such a stupid face, he still looks delectable with his white shirt and ruined pants. You turn around, removing a tear that you hadn't even realized had fallen during your speech and that, frankly, you were hoping he hadn't either. You would blame it on the cold, anyway.
This time, a gust of wind running through you from head to toe, making you forget of Park Jimin's presence looming behind you, reminding you it's still December and the fabric of your dress is doing nothing to conceal you from the cold.
But before you can do anything about it and blame yourself for being dumb and not taking your coat with you before deciding to step into balcony, Park Jimin surprises you once again, this time by placing his navy blue blazer over the naked skin of your arms.
Your back straightens when you feel his warm breath caressing the back of your neck, at the same time that a voice you have never heard Park Jimin use with you echoes in your ears.
"I really don't hate you, _____. I..." Jimin wets his lips. His body trembles, but it's not due to lacking his own coat, while his brain hurriedly searches for words eloquent and adequate enough to explain voice his thoughts. "I like you very much, _____."
Scoffing again while you shake your head, you push down with all your inner strenght the incipent fluttering of butterflies in your stomach that Jimin has managed to cause in just a matter of seconds. It's probably the longest sentence you've heard from him in two years, and you don't exactly understand why your body is reacting the way it is. But you're also not willing to give Park Jimin the satisfaction of knowing that. He doesn't deserve it anyway. So with all the courage you can muster, you turn around with your hands clenching.
And even though being at such short distance from Jimin is a bit overwhelming and unexpected for you, the irritation still making your blood bubble is enough to not let a man as handsome as him derail you from your current circumstances.
"Well, fuck you Park Jimin. You certainly have a funny fucking way to sh-" his hands cradling your jaw that pull you closer to him and his lips that silent you roughly, but with surprising care. Only for a moment. A moment in which your body betrays you and make you melt into hir warmth. But his voice, low and sinfully husky, murmurs against your lips. 
"God, that mouth of yours..." he goes back to attacking your own lips, this time more firm than before, snatching a sigh from you. The sound has his tongue asking for permission into your mouth, and with your body betraying you once again, you part your lips to allow him in. It's him who whimpers this time, while one of his hand moving until it reaches the bottle in your hand and letting it drop carelessly onto the floor, ignoring the sound of glass shattering and the future scolding you'll get from Taehyung. Instead, he sneaks that same hand on your waist, pulling your body flush against his, fingers digging onto your skin. "It's been driving me crazy for two years. Two years, _____."
He mumbles between kisses and swipes his tongue against yours, while he stars walking the both of you until your back meets the nearest concrete wall. 
"Two years of having to hear the incessant filthy words that leave your mouth..." his own stop their movements and you catch yourself before begging him to reattaching his lips to yours, enjoying instead the path of wet kisses and bruises his lips traile from your chin to the pulse of your neck "...and trying my best to hide the painful boners I get whenever you're nearby." 
With your eyes shut, your hands are back in motion, ignoring the voice in your head reminding you he's still an asshole and finding their way between Jimin's soft golden strands of hair. He hums in appreciation, sending goosebumps all over your body. "So, s-so why not do anything about it sooner?" you say, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe properly.
You feel Jimin's body tensing before you and he ceases the movement of his lips against your neck. Breaking away, your heart stops, afraid you might have ruined the moment. But Jimin's in search of your eyes, eyebrows very lighlty raised, the intensity of his gaze pinning you in place. You don't know for how long you stare at each other until Jimin comes out of the trance, eyes descending over your flushed cheeks, the very same color as your lips and the soft flesh of your neck until they reach your cleavage, the glimmering fabric encasing your breasts, taunting him the same way they had been doing all night long.
"You scare me so much..." and then, one of his hands repeats the same journey his eyes just did, until he touches your shoulder, right under his own blazer. "Everytime I look at you, all I can think of why the hell a girl as real as you like you would even glance my way." he slides the strap of your dress slowly tentatively, just enough for you to stop his advances if you chose so. You don't. "You're smart in ways I could never compare, so funny it makes me jealous, and so pretty it leaves me speechless. You're...You're everything I'm not."
His voice resonates in the atmosphere, and you would love to blame it on the cold again for how your body has reacted, but your body heat has increased so much since he started kissing you that it would be stupid not to admit that it's just the effect that Park Jimin has on you tonight. You're sure he would've had the same effect if it had happened before.
Your now uncovered breast doesn't even has to suffer the consequences of the icy wind, because one of Jimin's arms quickly comes around you to hold your body against his, lifting you ever so slighty until your erect nipple is at the same level as his mouth and his lips are enveloping it in their warmth. You gasp his name, and that encourages his teeth to tug softly before his tongue stars moving in circes. 
"My God, you're so perfect." Your head spins while you hold onto his shoulders as tight as you can, the undeniable heat roaming all over your form, hips involuntarily rutting his incipent erection poking your abdomen. "Been thinking about this since that night we first met." Looking for relief, Jimin mirrors your movements without ceasing the administrations on your chest, as one of his hands lifts one of your thighs to wrap around his waist, closing the short gap remaining between the both of you. 
"Ohmygod! F-fuck, Jimin," trying to form coherent phrases is almost impossible, not with Jimin finding a slow and tortuous rythm with his hips, his clothed cock rubbing against your core. Something shifts in the air, because Jimin stops abusing your nipple with a loud pop, and shuts you up by pressing his mouth onto yours in an urgent, dirty and desperate kiss. You could almost hear him swearing, while his hand keeps your jaw in place.
"S-stop talking like that, ______." his voice, inaudible, and his face now hiding in the crook of your neck, the thrusting of his hips speeding up, more and more frantic this time. The hand not holding your thigh against his hipbone reveals your other breast, hand covering it and giving it a light squeeze before tugging at your unattended nipple between his forefinger and his thumb while his tongue and teeth mark the skin on your neck. 
"Hell, I've been dying to stuff your mouth with my cock to prevent you from such foul language," the soft whimpers leacving your mouth coax him into taking the hem of your dress and bunching the fabric until his fingers easily find the place in your body calling to him the most through the lace.  It's immediate, how his fingers dampen at the first touch, surprising the both of you, and how your body jolts and an embarrassing sob escapes your throat. "How-how are you this wet? Holy hell, I could just slide right in..."
And as he says that, one of his fingers pull aside the fabric of your underwear and glide into you, so easy. You insides burning while he fingers you, another finger being added with his thumb rubbing circles on your nub. And fuck, you're not sure if you're just too horny and Park Jimin is a magician with his hands, or maybe it's the way he keeps mouthing at your chest and whispering how soaked you are, but you don't think you've ever been so close to cumming in such a short period of time.
"W-whats stopping you?" you manage with a voice that doesn't even resembles yours, but before your hands can even make work of the zipper of his trousers, he pulls his finger out from your center, causing you to whine in protest.
Jimin licks his lips, eyebrows framing the dark expression that his eyes ooze. Although the desire in his eyes is more than evident, it is also evident the faint hesitation in them. Because Park Jimin doesn't do things this way. Park Jimin was raised in a world of correct manners and conservationism. A world that has taught him when and how to act. And as badly as he is dying to fuck you against the wall of Taehyung's ridiculously inmense house, he also wants to do the right thing. 
"Let me take you on a date." 
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Park Jimin has been spoiled his whole life. Being born in a well-off family has always provided him of everything he had ever wanted and more. From the innecessary number of toys Santa Claus left under his Christmas tree every year since he was a baby, to his fisrt extravagant sports car at the age of eighteen. Park Jimin has never been a greedy or needy man. How could he, when he's had everything he's ever wished in the palm of his hands. He has never missed anything in his entire life. Hasn't missed a roof over his head, warm food on his plate or brand new designers clothes each week. 
It has taken him two years to control himself. He still remembers that night he first met you, just like he remembers every single time you both had coincided in the same place at the same time. He remembered your scent, had memorized your figure over your pieces of clothing and had tried as best as he could to keep a distance from you because he knew you would never give him the time of day. How could you? You probably despised everything he was because he was definitely nothing like you, and that thought intimidated the fuck out of him. He was a mess everytime you wear nearby. Never relied on his voice because he knew he would stutter if you ever spoke to him, could never trust his eyes because if he ever looked at you he was afraid he wouldn't be able to look away. 
And everytime you spoke, shit, that voice of yours always cursing here and there left him wondering how would you sound in a different setting and if you would still be that badmouthed. More specifically, between his sheets. So he did everything he could to minimize your interactions as much as possible. He just never thought he would come across as such a jerk. It was never his intention to hurt you, and seeing you cry that night (although you denied you did, over and over again) seriously made him realize he wanted to make things right. 
He was trying really, really hard to keep it in his pants, to be the same well composed and controled Park Jimin he had mastered himself to be. 
But that damn dress.
After seeing that little black dress hugging your figure when you started taking off your coat at the restaurant, the brief flash of thigh tights that you accidentaly (or not so accidentally) had blessed him with by crossing a leg over the other, that exposed collarbone calling his name and those heeled sandals with straps wrapping around your ankles, reminding him of the snake tempting Eve, Park Jimin was sure he needed to dig into that apple more than anything he has ever needed before.
That's why he surprises you right after you both finish the second course meal by telling the waitress you won't be having desert, at which you look at him somewhat indignant. But the look he shoots you is enough to make you understand if somebody was going to have desert tonight, it would be him. In his Mercedes. 
"I'm gonna-" you gasp, fingers tugging at the soft strands of his now ruined blond hair, his head between your thighs and your legs thrown over his shoulders. His hands have a grip of the meaty flesh of your ass, holding you firmly againt his mouth as it works wonders on your clit. You're sure it hasn't even been ten minutes since Jimin had opened your legs in the backseat of his car, not even bothering to take your underwear off, simply moving the fabric aside before diving in, and you already feel yourself on the edge of an orgasm.
"I know." voice vibrating right into your core, he slows down his administrations, tongue carefully and delicately lapping at your folds while he enjoys the feeling of your fingers loosening their grip and fondly brushing his hair back. You meet his eyes as he pushes a finger inside your core and your whole body twists in agony. 
Jimin stops immediately, lifting his head and focusing his concerned eyes on you. He's about to ask you if he's done anything wrong, but you're fast to roughly pull him up by his hair until his face is leveled with yours. You answer him by kissing him and he returns the kiss with the same eagerness, and now it's your hands that are looking for his cock, palming him through his pants.
"Your dick. Inside. Right Now." you punctuate each phrase with a kiss and he only stops kissing you to pout.
"But I wanted you to cum on my tongue." but still, he's putty in your hands when you undo the botton and the zipper. "Wouldn't you rather me fucking you in my bed, where we're more comfortable?" you notice the slight quivering of his voice when you slide his trousers and boxers down, just enough to pull him out. 
"You can eat me and fuck me as many times as you want tonight, tomorrow and whenever you'd like, but right now..." none of you contain the moan in unision that leaves each of your mouths when just the head of his lenght comes in contact with your entrance. "I really can't wait anymore." brushing your lips over his, you lower your voice. "Wanna get on my hands and knees for you."
Park Jimin has tried to do things the right and appropiate way throughout all his life. He's been a professional from a very young age on how to be in charge of his emotions, his desires and his impulses. Always well mannered and well composed. 
But it's in this moment that Jimin comes to the realization that the only thing that has ever made him lose his mind and self control, is you. Seeing you like this, ass up, grinding your drenched and still thong clad cunt all over his precum dripping lenght, he can't control the way his hand bunches the fabrick of that damn dress over your waist, then flies to your right cheek, a sharp sound of skin filling the air, tearing a gasp from your throat.
"God, I'm-I'm sorry. Couldn't help mys-"
"Do it again."
And he does, the palm of his hand now leaving a reddenning print on your flesh, making you jolt back involuntarily, aligning yourself to the head of his cock and like he had hoped, he slides right in. Not all the way, because Jimin is sure he would cream inside you too soon and he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he did. He wets his lips, clenching his jaw and dropping his palm one more time, hand more steady and purposeful. 
"You like it rough?" voice hoarse and a hand beside your head holding himself, your back to his chest, twitching beneath him as he soothes the sting with his free one. 
"I like you rough." turning your head slowly to peer at him from the corner of your eye, your hips moving on their own accord trying to take him deeper. Your head is suddenly pulled back harshly, Jimin's fingers tangling in your hair as his own hips close the remaining gap between your bodys in an abrupt thurst. You squeal, Jimin's cock finally filling you up to the hilt just like you wanted him to be, the pleasure making your arms wobble and finding it harder to mantain your balance. 
Jimin's breath fawns over your ear, his tongue darting out to suck on your skin sending chills down your spine. "You're such a dream." he groans, torturously sliding out of your core that's gripping around his shaft for dear life. A whine of protest escapes your lips and he tightens the hold on your hair in response, diving right back in. You fall forward, your arms' strenght betraying you as his thrusts find a new rhythm. With your eyes closed shut, you try to muffle the sound of your voice with the back of your hand as Jimin's lips place soft kisses to your exposed shoulder.
"Don't be quiet." he stands straight, the pull on your hair arching your back in such a enticing way it was Jimin look away for a second, cock buried inside of you and his hips faltering. "Been dying to have you like this for so long."
Another clap of his hand against your right cheek, and a particular stroke of his dick that has you mewling as your climax approached again. "S-so good, Jimin. Oh my god."
"You're gonna cum for me?" his fingertips leave bruises on your skin and the windows of his Mercedes are foggy, just like your mind. You can't concentrate on anything that's not Jimin's cock sliding in and out and how much you wished this had happened way sooner. "Gonna cum for me like a good slut?"
Park Jimin always takes his time. Always does things nice and slow to assure the best outcome possible. 
But he can't contain the acceleration of his hips against yours as your walls clench impossibly tight around his cock, your orgasm finally taking over . Can't contain himself from falling forward again, hand twisting your head in his direction and his mouth searching for yours in a fiery and messy kiss. And he most definitely can't barely contain himself from cumming when your you ask him to spit in your mouth. 
"You're gonna kill me." he breathes, removing himself off you and quickly maneuvering you on your back, his dick finding its way back inside you. Picking up right where he left off, skin slapping against skin in an obscene melody, he collects a considerate amount of saliva in his mouth before dropping it into your welcoming tongue, watching you swallow with a smile he hopes he'll be the only one to see in the future. 
And that's what has the last bit of his self restraint slipping from his fingers. He somehow manages to rip the top of your dress down, fabric tearing until your tits are free and his mouth is attacking your nipples, white strings of his release panting your walls, some of it them oozing out that he fucks back right into you. 
It's between ragged breaths, kisses and tender carresses that Jimin promises you more dates in the future and new dresses that he can't promise not to savage apart again.
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realcube · 4 years
comfort hcs 💗 feat. overworked! reader
characters: yaku, oikawa, yams & akaashi
trigger warning: swearing
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thank you to anon for this sweet request!
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morisuke yaku
♡ he has concerned mom energy to i feel like he’d notice that you’re overworking yourself before starts negatively effecting you 
♡ once he figures out that you’re actually stressed and he’s not just being paranoid, he will probably hold an intervention where is like ‘sit down, let’s have a cha--’
♡ but you just push him out the way to grab your coat, ‘sorry, sweetheart. i don’t wanna miss my bus!’
♡ DFRTYJUHG he just stood there like a statue looking at you like (●__●) this bitch-
♡ anyway, once you come back from uni/college/school/ work etc yaku insists that you need to sit down and discuss your problems with him 
♡ then you’re kinda just like ‘what problems?????’
♡ also, after what happened that morning, yaku was not taking ‘no’ as an answer
♡ no matter what you say 
♡ homework? you can do that later
♡ chores? he’ll do them for you if you just listen to him
♡ hungry? you can eat while you listen to him
♡ showering? you smell fine!
♡ so yeah, he will pick you up and carry you to the living room if he has to
♡ he’s probably really serious about the issue bc your feelings aren’t a joke to him but he lined up your favourite plushies on the couch so he could talk to them as a third party when you disagreed with him
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“i study in moderation! and i have not been neglecting our relationship; i just need to focus on my studies!” you tutted, averting your gaze from yaku’s as you thought about his accusation; did he really feel as though you had been taking him for granted? because of course, that wasn’t your intention at all and the more you thought about it, the more you realise that perhaps he was right.
yaku rolled his eyes at your response, quite enraged by your dismissive tendencies but he didn’t want to take his anger out on you so he simply turned to the kiiroitori plush that sat beside him, “duck, do you think (l/n) has been overworking themselves and ignoring both of us?”
kiirotori was forced by yaku’s hand to nod in response.
you snorted slightly before trying to furrow your eyebrows in anger once again, “their name is kiiroitori!” 
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tōru oikawa
♡ dsfghjkl ngl he clearly overworks himself too so he wouldn’t even notice 
♡ he’s like ‘oh, you’re spending hours upon hours of a day - losing sleep and energy - to dedicate yourself solely to one thing so you can be perfect at it??? that’s completely normal!’
♡ spoiler alert, it’s not
♡ it’d probably take a third-party to point that what you are both doing isn’t healthy (either iwaizumi or a therapist)
♡ then you’d both look at each other like ⚆_⚆ wut 
♡ anyway recovery time ig ✨
♡ he’d definitely just try distract you whenever he sees you studying/training/practising
♡ forget overwork, he doesn’t even let you work 
♡ oh and y’all have started having ‘lazy days’ once a month where you make it a point to nothing but each other :))
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you both stared at the television, pretending to be absolutely engrossed by jumanji. however, once you let out your fifth sigh that minute, oikawa could tell that you were just as disinterested as he was so he peered over his shoulder to look at you, “this is so boring.” 
you nodded, shuffling closer to him so he could drape his arm around your shoulder and bury his nose into your hair. “it’s so hard to just sit here and do nothing when i know that i have a lot to do, y’know?”
oikawa hummed in agreement, “but it’s nice to finally spend some quality time with you, angel.” he placed a kiss on your temple, scooting awkwardly in his seat before pulling you down to lay down next to him on couch. 
“yeah,” you purred, happily falling onto the soft cushions while in oikawa’s embrace, “i’ve suddenly had a change of heart - i love these lazy days.”
“that was fast.”
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tadashi yamaguchi
♡ it would take him a wile to built up the courage to actually express his concern about you overworking yourself
♡ but until then, he’ll show them in more subtle ways
♡ like if he sees you working at your desk - whether your posture is straight or not - he’ll rush up to you and massage your shoulders/back while talking
♡ he always sends you goodnight texts and gets v snappy when you text him in the middle of the night 
♡  ‘tadashi, what did you get for number five on the maths hw?’
♡ if he opens the message and notices that you sent that crazy late at night or the ass crack of dawn, he’ll lose his shit
♡ he forces himself to ask you out on dates irl so that if you use work/training/practise etc as an excuse..he can give the puppy eyes 🥺
♡ don’t get me wrong, he’s not manipulative at all but you just overwork yourself so much he think that the teeniest tiniest little bit of fun wouldn’t do you any harm 
♡ he literally cares for you so much and he just wants you to be healthy and happy like is that too much to ask ಥ_ಥ
♡ it would take him 3 months of mental preparation to confront you but he’d do it eventually lol
♡ he’d still be super duper nervous though 👉👈
  ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“(y/n).” yamaguchi’s soft voice rang quietly through the hallway before he stuck his head inside your room in search for you. he let out a sigh upon noticing that - like always - you were sitting at your desk, drowning in papers of schoolwork. 
he hurriedly approached you, suddenly throwing his arms around your shoulders as he hid his face in the crook of your neck before wailing, “(y/n)! i know it’s none of my business but i just think you work yourself way too hard and i see how sleepy you are all the time and you didn’t even eat the cupcakes i made you because you were too busy studying - i thought you loved my cupcakes!”
your eyes widened at the sudden contact and the string of words yamaguchi was babbling in your ear; but you semi-understood what he was getting at. so you steadily turned around to wrap your arms around his neck and rub his spine reassuringly, “i am so sorry, tadashi. i had no idea i was worrying you.”
he shook his head against the skin of your neck, “it’s fine, i worry about everything.” he joked before changing to a more serious tone, “it’s just that-- i think you should care more about yourself. take some time to relax once and a while, y’know?”
his sweet words resulted in your lips curling to a smile while his arms wrapped securely around your body brought you a much-needed feeling of peace, “alright, i’ll try.”
“good.” yamaguchi chirped, pecking your forehead then positioning his face where it was prior, going back to enjoying the feeling of your soft skin agaist his. “-so, are you gonna eat the cupcakes or”
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keiji akaashi 
♡ he overworks himself too
♡ if anything, i think he’d praise you for being ‘hard-working’ at first ‘:)
♡ but once he notices how much you work and how negatively it’s effecting your mental/physical health, he’ll intervene
♡ like yamaguchi, i think he’d start small by subtly doing things to reverse the effects of your stress 
♡ and simultaneously, it kinda helps him too
♡ for example, if you get stress ance, he’ll do a bunch of research on the best skin treatments for it, buy the products then do facemasks with you + create a whole new nightly skincare routine for both of you 
♡ or if your not taking care of yourself properly, he’ll book you both in for a spa appointment 
♡ or if you’re tense, he’ll get you both massages from those professional ppl that make you strip naked
♡ when they make you get your tiddies out, you know they are a professional  masseuse
♡ and he’ll take out on ten times more just to help you relax
♡ also, they’re always slow-paced dates bc like ofc akaashi takes you out to the park/beach for picnics....does he seem the sort of guy to take you bowling?? no.
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you sighed as akaashi brought a spoon up to your lips, looking at you expectantly but you simply whined, “keiji, i should be at home studying right now. you know my exam in 5 months, right?” though akaashi wanted to believe you were joking, the seriousness in your voice made it clear that you genuinely thought 5 months was a short period of time - even considering all the work you’ve already done in preparation for it. 
so akaashi simply shrugged in response, continuing to prod your lip with the spoon until you parted you lips, allowing the pudding he made to enter your mouth. then, he pulled it out lower it to observe your pouty expression for a moment; you were so cute that he couldn’t help but smile softly. 
“i’m sure you’ll do fine, sweetheart. i believe in you.” he said, gripping your waist before placing a tender kiss on your cheek. “for now, let’s enjoy this perfect weather. it only comes around once a year, so why not make the most of it, hm?” 
before you were able to reply, akasshi utilized the hand  the had on your waist to pull you back onto the picnic blanket with him, so you were both looking up at the pale blue sky, decorated with delicate clouds. “what do you see?” he inquired, gesturing up to the shapes the clouds formed.
you snickered, slowly intertwining your finger with his as you examined the sky for any familiar shapes or silhouettes in the sky. “oh!” you exclaimed, lifting your index finger to point to a particular cloud adorning the sky, “that kinda looks like my maths professor in a gallon hat.” 
akaashi snorted, “i have no idea what your maths professor looks like but alright.”
you laughed, lowing your finger but not everting your gaze from the special cloud you spotted, “what about you, babe? what do you see?”
with a moment of hesitation, akaashi immediately replied, “an angel.”
your eyes scanned across the sky for a cloud in the shape on an angel but you simply couldn’t find the one he was referring to, so you whipped your head to the side to see where he was pointing, only notice that his eyes were fixated on you. 
“y-you’re such a simp, keiji.”
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deejadabbles · 4 years
Parkside Confessions (Yami x Reader drabble)
Due to upheavals in my personal life I’ve been unable to write much of anything for several months, so, to help get back into the swing of things I figured I’d make some presents for some people I appreciate here on tumblr. You could also say these are very very, very, very late Christmas gifts. The first one is for @readerinsertfanfiction​ who is not only an amazing writer and someone I admire, but also someone who wrote me a couple fantastic drabbles not long ago.
I know it’s February but I set this during spring time because I’m desperate for winter to be over before I break my ankle on ice while walking to work bc why not. I also kinda tried to give this a Not Quite Unrequited vibe while still making it it’s own thing, so hopefully you like it, Rif <3
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Yugi took note of the way his brother was holding himself; arms crossed tight over his chest, eyes locked firmly on the ground, and lips pursed in a pout unlike any he had seen on Yami before. Yugi was struggling between wanting to laugh and actually feeling sympathy for his big brother.
Instead, the younger man put a comforting hand on Yami’s shoulder, “Hey, you don’t have to be so nervous! Just think of it like any other conversation, you guys have talked a million times before!”
He was glad to feel Yami’s muscles relax a little under his hand, though it only really served to make Yami start shifting his feet in a one-step dance of restlessness. Fidgeting was rare sign in Yami and Yugi fully started to appreciate how shot his nerves must be.
“But this isn’t just any other conversation, Aibou,” Yami muttered and if the sounds of nature in the park were any louder, Yugi might not have heard him. “I’ve practiced what I might say in my mind for over a week, yet I still feel no more prepared to say it face to face than I did two weeks ago.”
That made sense, Yami always did his best thinking on his feet. He was amazing at plans and strategies, but this wasn’t exactly the same as putting good card combinations in your Duel Monster’s deck.
Yugi felt his lips curl into a frown as he turned and peeked out from behind the line of trees they were conveniently settled behind. As always when the weekend weather was nice (and the gang had no plans to hang out) you were there, enjoying the outdoors as you worked on your tablet. Your usual bench was a bit isolated from the main part of the park, set off in the grass some ways away from the play ground and flat field others frolicked through. It was also surrounded by a spattering of trees, so a thick umbrella of leaves protected you from the sun, though your favorite hat did that job well enough. This was the third time Yami had passed through the park when you were here- only to powerwalk passed you without so much as a wave or awkward hello, despite his previous intentions of stealing some one-on-one time with you. 
Living up to the ‘ray of positivity’ title his friend’s bestowed upon him, Yugi quickly though of a solution to get Yami over there and under those trees with you. “Okay, new plan. What ever you’ve been practicing in your head- forget it, throw it out!”
Yami finally lifted his eyes from the uneven grass to blink at him, “What?”
Yugi grabbed his brother by the arm and started tugging, “You always come up with your best plans in the spur of the moment, so stop overthinking what you’re going to say and just go over there! It’ll come to you when you need it, I’m sure!” Yami’s eyes went wide as Yugi actually started (gently) shoving him in the direction of your spot. 
“Aibou, I-”
“No buts!”
“I didn’t say but!”
“Just get over there!”
Another shove with surprising strength behind it and Yami was stumbling out into the open. You hadn’t noticed, him being too far away and you too engrossed in your tablet. Yami stood frozen, like a cat caught climbing the curtains, until he let out a breath and stood straighter. That literal push was helpful, and just like other points in his life, Yami found strength in his brother’s encouragement. He could do this, it wasn’t like talking to you was anything new! It would be fine if he could forget the fact that this was the only time you two had spent alone...and push exactly why he was wanting to talk with you alone to the back of his mind.
Yami watched your bench for a moment, felt himself smile at how at peace you looked. When the breeze picked up and swept through the park, he saw the way it caught and lifted the strands of your hair. Your eyes closed against nature’s intrusion as you tucked some flowing strands behind your ear and Yami felt something warm and fluttering swell in his chest at the almost cinematic sight. That bubbly heat wasn’t new to him, he had actually grown quite accustomed to it the last few weeks. Warmth clawing up his neck and face when you smiled at him, head feeling light and stupid the few times he managed to get a laugh from you, how he wanted bury himself in the moments where you talked about your passions with that look in your eyes. All of these were signs even he couldn’t ignore. 
He had tried, gods had he tried, but he hadn’t managed it for long, he couldn’t. Couldn’t deny the way his eyes followed you like a smitten school boy, or how he scowled in disappointment (and perhaps a drop of jealousy) when he couldn’t snatch the seat next to you, nor how he longed for you to look back at him with similar feelings hidden in your gaze.
With another deep breath, Yami finally moved his feet in something other than nervous fidgeting. He could practically feel Yugi’s eyes on his back as he took strong and sure strides towards you. He passed a young couple on a walk as his mind worked through encouraging words. He tucked his hand in his pockets for a bit of security when he thought of how you would look up at him and greet him in your usually fashion. He took more calming breaths as even that mild imagery made his face heat up. He was closing in on you now, all he had to do was call out and wave and he would be one step closer to everything he had been planning and-
And without breaking stride Yami spun on his heel in a sharp U turn, stormed for a few hot-faced paces, and planted his butt firmly on a bench that was definitely not yours.
He was staring forcefully at the ground again, lips tight in annoyance, and fists clenched over his knees so tight the knuckles were already whitening. He knew he heard Yugi’s voice carried to him on the wind, but at the moment his mind was too busy scolding his love-struck cowardice.
Back in their hiding spot, Yugi huffed, wishing his beloved brother was in reach for a good shaking. “For the love of...”
Now, Yugi was not usually one for acting on impulse, but seeing his brother look so frustratingly hesitant made him act on the first plan that came to mind. Yami just needed a little push, that’s all.
Yugi ran out into the field, put his hands around his mouth like a megaphone, and in the best possible impersonation of his brother’s baritone he could muster, he yelled your name.
On the lonely bench, Yami’s heart sank when he heard a voice (trying to sound like his??) shout your name so loudly it carried across he park. His head snapped up in time to see Yugi retreating back to their previous hiding spot, darting out of sight- but not before the young man flashed him a thumbs up.
A few choice words to hurl at his brother ran through his mind, before Yami heard the voice that made a fresh wave of bubbly heat start in his chest.
“Yami? Is that you?”
Taking an almost audible gulp, Yami turned his head towards you sitting not far across the field. He prayed his dark skin would hide the blush he knew was scorching his face.
“Hello,” the tone was flat and awkward as he lifted his hand in an equally awkward gesture. 
You didn’t seem to mind, or maybe you did and were trying to spare him further embarrassment, because you nodded in greeting with a half smile. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“I was- I” Yami cleared his throat in a hurry, “I was just taking a walk.” Somehow through the haze of panic and mortification he managed to stand up and start walking towards you. Of course he noted how his legs felt like jelly and his stride was likely very odd looking as he closed the distance. “I see you’re enjoying the nice day,” he observed, scrambling for any start to a conversation.
You nodded, “Just until it gets too hot anyway, we won’t have many more cool day like this with summer getting closer.”
“Right. I’m sure Anzu will try to get us to go to the water park when it gets hot.”
When you huffed in bemused laughter he felt some of his tension ease, especially when you said, “Probably, so I’m definitely going to enjoy the spring days while I can. Hey, you want to sit down?”
He found his lips lifting in a smile as you scooted over a bit and patted the newly freed spot beside you. He took it, glad to give his jelly legs a rest, though they were getting better with every passing moment.
“What are you working on? If you don’t mind me asking.”
And just like that you two fell into easy conversation. It didn’t take long for Yami to forget that he was alone with you for the first time, in a nice private setting. Rather it felt like any other day: you and the rest of the gang coming over for an anime marathon, all of you going to the arcade, or playing Monster World at Ryou’s house. It was...simple. Well, almost, but it was getting easier with every word and sentence. 
Of course, he eventually realized that the words to tell you the deeper things in his heart weren’t coming, like Yugi thought they would. Yami wasn’t even able to conjure up the speech he had planned when he took a second to think about it.
Then again, maybe it just wasn’t the right time. Maybe this was all he needed for now. Some time between the two of you, one on one. Something simple, though no less special. Something to help ease him into the things he wanted to say someday.
Yes, this was more than enough right now. He could tell you those deeper feelings held in his heart another day, right now he was more than content to sit by your side and enjoy your smile, your voice, and your company.
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lilbabycee · 4 years
daybreak // steve rogers ✨
hi! i decided to make a tumblr so that i can write here too, not just on AO3 - please be nice to me i’m nervous 🥺 enjoy! xx
↳ summary: an insight into the relationship between steve rogers and his little ray of sunshine. 
↳ relationship: steve rogers x reader
↳ warnings: a lot of cute domestic fluff and some dom/sub undertones bc steve is a closet freak and that’s that
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Steve learned from a young age not to stare directly at the sun but that was becoming an increasingly difficult task when he has a clingy little everyone seemed little to him ray of sunshine sprawled out in his bed most mornings. She carries a certain wonder about her and he is sure that she must be aware of it to some extent for in his eyes, it is impossible for somebody to entrance and captivate the people around her as much as she does without even knowing it.
She isn’t perfect - she snores - loud - and is clumsy and speaks too fast and too loud sometimes. But she can be quiet - like in her refusal to burden him on any of the days when she is feeling more akin to the color of the sky against the New York skyline outside their massive apartment windows than the sunflowers that she insists on keeping on the dining table during the whole year. Or the way she draws in on herself when she’s being heavily criticized, diamond eyes shining in a way that makes his heart freefall to his stomach. The way she can get insecure about her work despite the way people laud it. She is too hard on herself, doesn’t know when to stop even when she is dead on her feet and cries often and quick if she fails to achieve whatever her little fighting heart is set on.
But she is his. Her bright and youthful spirit chose his old and weary one, painting over the tainted black and grey with vibrant yellows and reds and greens and golds using the fine sable brushes that he has tucked away in the lower drawer of his bedside table. Years ago he had come out of the ice, but he had never truly unfrozen until she came and melted him, his own personal sunlight with her arms wrapped around his neck and with him wrapped around her little finger.
Steve had never considered himself a poet. An artist, yes, but even that was a modest affirmation. But then she came into his life, all breezy skirts and pouty lips and he knew that he would have to find a new way to articulate his feelings because he failed to find a way to express how she made him feel. Like eating cool orange slices outside in the summer, the juice running down your chin but you don’t care because the weather’s hot and you’re in love. Like stepping into a warm department store when it’s snowing, knowing full well that you won’t buy anything but it doesn’t matter because you’re warm and you’re in love. Like laying surrounded by loved ones but your arm is cramping because your cousin has been laying on it for hours, but that’s not important because they’re comfortable and you’re in love.
In love. It doesn’t seem like enough to describe what he feels for you, the way that heat blooms in his chest every time you lock eyes or how your smile makes the steady beating of his super soldier heart stutter. Even now, looking down at your sleeping form, he can’t help the boyish smile that grows on his face. His right hand rests on your waist and your head rests right over his heart, the pulsing of it lulling you to sleep the night before. His left hand comes up, thumb gently caressing the bottom lip of your wide-open mouth.
He can feel the magic buzzing in the air in moments like these, the subtle beauty of it all, the life he thought he would never have. You shift on his chest, throwing a leg over his and then settling. Steve exhales, watching the sunlight stream through the crack in the blinds and reflect off of your bare shoulder that his t-shirt has fallen off of, shrouded in the white cotton of the sheets. You were-
His thought process is interrupted by a loud snore and some quiet muttering before you bury your face deeper into his chest. A deep chuckle vibrates through his chest, causing you to shift some more and a quiet groan to escape your lips. He presses a kiss to your forehead and you half-open your eyes as he looks down at you in a way that you can only describe as reverently.
“Good mornin’, doll,” he rasps, voice deeper from sleep and it caresses your ears, making you coo.
“Hi, baby,” you whisper, blinking sleepily up at him, kissing his bare chest right over his heart. “How long have you been up?”
Steve hesitates, contemplating lying for a split second but then he remembers who he’s talking to. He needs not feel embarrassed when you’re around, your accepting nature allowing him to express himself while avoiding judgement.
“A couple of hours now,” he replies, tracing patterns on your bare shoulder absent-mindedly. He glances over at the clock - 8:44 a.m   - and exhales deeply, pushing your head deeper into his chest. You wouldn’t need to be up until around 10, because after that, Tony would surely be up to disrupt your peace with incessant teasing. Today you had offered to help Bruce in the lab with some undisclosed - but “very safe, I can assure you” - project, but that was supposed to be for early in the afternoon.
“Time really flies when you’re being a creep, huh, old man?” You tease, eyes full of mirth as you stare up at the love of your life.
He smirks, digging his fingers into your sides making you giggle and squirm on top of him.
“Watch your mouth there, young lady,” he calls you out in his captain voice, making your stomach flutter and your eyes lower in submission. He knows what that voice does to you, how it melts your resolve. His smirk only grows when he realizes how your eyes have dropped and how quiet you’ve become. “Don’t worry, baby, I know you have work to do. I won’t spank you today. You can find a way to thank me later.”
He follows his last sentence up with a wink and you giggle, always content about how soft he makes you in the morning. Later you may find the time to exhibit your bratty behaviour, but for now, everything was soft and sweet and quiet. You nuzzle your face into his neck and his hands slip down to grip your ass.
“I’m sure I will find a way later, Captain,” you mutter, yawning. His hands start to move in slow, languid circles, as both of you know that you have some time left in your little safe haven bathed in golden light and wrapped up in each other’s body heat. “What are you gonna do today, super soldier?”
He sighs, licking his lips and your eyes can’t help but follow the movement of his pink tongue peeking out between those perfectly pink lips. Instinctively, you bring a hand up to trace their outline, fully appreciating the beauty of the man that you hold captive beneath you.
His pretty blue eyes stare contemplatively at the ceiling and you notice how in this light, they look greener than they do blue. It was as if God himself poured a vat of molten gold into the ocean of his eyes, letting it sit and reflect the sun on this early morning. His cheekbones are pronounced and his jaw is strong, giving his face such a classically beautiful structure. The spun flaxen strands of his golden mane are unruly, but the time that the angels had spent slaving away and spinning it does not go unappreciated. You have a sudden urge to run your fingers through it, but instead your eyes are drawn to his moles and his freckles. They make constellations across his unblemished skin you’re jealous and reassure you that this perfect man that lays beneath you is still indeed human.
“You’re so damn pretty , baby,” you sigh, interrupting whatever response he was about to provide to your question. He smiles up at you and you return it easily, leaning down to place a soft kiss right on top of his lips. He grips your ass slightly tighter pulling you deeper into it. You make a noise of surprise that he quickly swallows, then moving his lips to nip and suck at your neck. Last night was long and he made love to you slowly and lazily, bringing you right to the edge again and again. Keeping up with his elevated libido was a constant but extremely enjoyable workout for you, one that he always found amusing.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he says once he relinquishes your lips from his hold, pecking you one more time. “But I don’t think I’m the pretty one in this relationship.”
He kisses you again before you can protest but then sits up abruptly, taking you with him and making you squeal. Your arms are still wound around his neck while your legs cling desperately onto his waist. His hands still rest on your ass and he wears a bright smile on his face.
“I don’t know about you, doll,” he starts, walking through your shared apartment towards the kitchen. You’re only wearing his t-shirt - one of the bigger ones because why are his shirts always so small - and he can’t help but admire how pretty you look in his clothing. He thinks that he wants to keep you like this forever. “But I’m a little hungry.”
You side-eye him at the potential double entendre - the abused flesh between your legs is already screaming in protest. He doesn’t look at you, but continues looking straight ahead with that naughty little fucking smile on his face, the picture of innocence.
“For food though, sweetheart, I swear it,” he finally cracks, laughing shortly while placing you on the kitchen counter. He deposits another kiss on the tip of your nose, looking at your bratty little pout causing his hand to twitch. He knows that he wouldn’t - can’t spank his best girl before breakfast - and you really are too sore from last night to go again for at least a few more hours. Because, if Steve’s being honest to himself, it never just stops at spanking.
But you’re clingy in the mornings so as soon as he turns to grab a pan from one of the cupboards, you clench your legs tighter around his waist. Turning to you once more, he raises an eyebrow and your pout only intensifies. He doesn’t do anything but kiss it once more before unwrapping your legs from his waist with those strong big ass motherfucking hands .
“What you do want for breakfast, babydoll?” He asks, successfully grabbing the pan this time. You chew on your lip, thinking hard.
“Pancakes?” You question, looking up at him for confirmation. He nods, a smile on his face.
“Go put on your music or something, baby - we can make them together.”
And that’s how you ended up dancing around the kitchen to one of the songs on your playlist, shaking your ass and singing obnoxiously loud as Steve watched you humorously, flipping a pancake here and a piece of bacon there. Soon, you both have glasses full of juice and about three dozen chocolate chip pancakes, as well as multiple pieces of bacon.
When you shove a piece of pancake into your mouth, Steve catches your eye across the jar of sunflowers on the table, light glinting off of the fork that you’re holding and the white plates adorning the table. He dwarfs his hand in yours and plays idly with your fingers.
“I love you,” he states definitively, as if he is stating his name and what color the sky is.
A mouth full of pancake, you grin at him. Quickly swallowing, you lean over the table and kiss him soundly on the lips. He tastes like orange juice and maple syrup and Steve .
“I love you too,” you reply, a small smile on your lips. His smile grows until you snort the last word, your own grin spreading.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
La Mala Vida
Summary: medic finds out that living forever might be less of a hussle,and that maybe this century is worth saving.
Pt 2 here bcs Tumblr wont let me
What do we do with it?people say it is what we want it to be, that the time we have to choose is limited because we dont live forever.
Josef would not agree with that statement.
Hes been living since the 18th Century, and after all these years everything seemed the same.
Its a rainy Day on teufort, why was someone like him still in there? After all the memories he had there.
He didnt quite now, maybe because its residents were quite literally Led poisoned idiots and nobody would suspect a thing from him.
--that would be five dollars Sir-- the Cashier said giving him the newspaper.
The german Man scowled and handed him the money taking it.
'Back in my zime zhe newspaper vas vay cheaper...' he thought.
He then goes to the nearby café, catching his reflection on the windowpane of said café.
He still looked quite handsome for a Man that is centuries old,he lived through Many things and yet there he was, alive and well.
He then sits against the Window minding his own bussines waiting to be attended.
He was so concentrated in the news that he didnt noticed the people that came in and out.
Nor the music playing.
But then, he looks up at the entrance, his face cant help but to contorn in a smile.
The newest generation has been quite of his interest as of lately.
The was something about zentenialls he couldnt quite put his finger on that caused him interest.
A generation that coped with problems with self depreciating humor, yet being able to form a revolution in the span of months in one single app,but also having the biggest of hearts for those in need.
'Siamo condannati alla brutta vida
Quería decirle, bambino
Que usted está trayéndose un flow bandido
Su secreto está guardao aquí conmigo
Sabe, yo respeto pero nunca olvido
Tarde, siempre tarde yo lo siento (wuh)
Les molesta todo lo que rondo
Devoluciones, no caigo en eso
Estoy buscándome yo los pesos, uh
Yo no quería que caiga preso (wow)
Regalito a la mamá, par de billes (par de billes)
Pa que se lo goce y de mí no se olvide (no se olvide)
Y la herida llevo aquí (llevo)
Dime tú si me vas a amar'
The lively music seemed to contrast with the calm ambience of the place.
Jerico pulls down the hood of her hoodie, she looks around for a place to sit, and goes to a far quiet corner of the place.
She sits down putting her bag close to her.
Her ears catch the melody playing and a homesick smile appears on her face tapping her feet to the rythm .
'La mala vida que me persigue
Los tiempos están cambiando y nosotros también
La calle está ardiendo, guiándome
Ni olvido ni perdón a lo que fuiste ayer
Mala vida que me persigue
Mala vida que no puedo salir
Mala vida que me persigue
Mala, mala
Fuck mala vida, mala, mala
Quería más de mí, pero no le di nada
Estamos nasty, curtiendo strada (strada)
Rompiendo tarima como si nada'
She was mouthing the lyrics of the song while softly rocking her body to it.
Medic catched a glimpse of this and smiled.
Finally they go and take his order, then the girls and the waiter dissapears behind the bar.
Jeris glance meets Josefs, she smiles and then goes down to her phone, a hand that was used as a rest for her cheek.
'Lo hacemos igual gore
Tenemos el peso en el pecho
Y aunque duela adentro, lo hacemos igual por los tiempos
Tiempos buenos, tiempo al fin
Tiempos malos que perdí (wuh)
Fuckin' mala vida, te escupo la face
Acuérdate de mí cuando me veas, no compro fake
Los fuckin' vis a vis me tienen maldecí
Estoy maldecía, no puedo salir
Regalito a la mamá, par de billes (par de billes)
Pa que se lo goce y de mí no se olvide (no se olvide)
Y la herida llevo aquí (llevo)'
He then looked back at his own stuff, the music, altough not his favourite was starting to get to him, and so his foot unintentionally started to tap following the beat of the song.
Now he wasnt the type of guy to dwell on his past, he only cared about defying modern science, well he did bring back a Man to life.
Good times.
He sighs, that smile that some found unnerving seemed to have warmed a little bit, the years were softening Him up.
Tough he feels someone watching him, his head turns to find the girl drawing on a piece of paper, what exactly? He couldnt tell.
Until her emerald green eyes met his, her cheeks flushed and looked away with a expression that screamed 'I hope the floor swallows me and never spits me again'.
He chuckled, and a side of him felt quite honored.
Maybe hed ask her for the drawing.
he drank his coffee and read the newspaper,the bitter taste of it wasnt as much of a kick in the mouth, they used to make them stronger too.
Meanwhile jerico couldnt help but dwell on her own problems while she waited.
The cold weather was rather relaxing to her, the cold and rain were always a comfort.
Though there wasnt much to do than wait right now, but shed find a way to entretain herself.
The café was too calm for her,way too calm.
But that is what happends when you used to live in a constant chaos, calm things seemed dangerous, a part of her really enjoyed this.
She sighs being absolutely bored out of her mind.
Her eyes look at the drawing that was just besides her.
Drawing that guy was fun, and the hairstyle did suit him well.
Her leg starts to bounce as she feels a familiar feel on her chest.
Maybe she should give it to him.
Or was it creepy? Did he even wanted it?
--miss heres your tea, and your pastries--the waiter said putting things down from the trail on the table--Anything else?
She shakes her head,the waiter asks her if she would want anything else, she says no.
She ends up paying her things and then enjoying them.
At least like that she doesnt have to go through the process of talking to anyone else than that waiter.
As she drinks though,Someone sits infront of her.
'Cant drink my tea in peace....' when she looks up however she jumps a bit on her Seat.
--Hallo-- the same Man she drew said-- I couldnt help but notice zhat jou vere drawing me,can I see?
The Man had his newspaper rolled under his arm, a huge smile and a coffee on his hand.
His accent, was rather cute, she thought.
--su sure!--Jerico smiles handing him the paper.
The Man looks at the drawing, and then smiles.
--Vould jou look at zhat! joure an true artist! Great job
Her chest warms and a huge grin appears on her face, her hands grip the tea cardboard Cup--thank you very much!
--Mind if I keep it?
--not at all!, I was hoping to give it to you actually,just didnt know if youd like it
--Are jou kidding? Of course id love zo! Oh wait im so stupid, I should pay jou for it ! Jour skills shouldnt be wasted.
As soon as he extends his hand with the Money jerico softly pushes it back.
Her hand had paint stains, yet the skin was soft and they were warm.
--No no please
--i insist!
--Take it as a gift Will you?
He then puts the money away, and nodds-- ah yes,jour generation is good at convincing people, plus good at arguing okay, I Vill keep my money,oh im josef by zhe vay...and zhanks
He extends his hand and she shakes it.
-- vhat a lovely name,vell I should get going , rain is going to get vorse and its a long valk home...lovely zalking vith jou jerico!
Jer smiles -- it was nice to talk to you too
Josef takes the drawing a leaves.
She just sits there, what just happened???
Thats enough interaction for today.
When she finished she grabbed her things and Walked home, the rain poured without mercy, she should have brought an umbrella.
She puts on her headphones and walks faster to the bus stop.
That of course had no FUCKING roof.
luckily the music drowned out the pesky conversation that a guy who obviously didnt know how to take a hint tried to start.
'Fuckin' mala vida, te escupo la face
Acuérdate de mí cuando me veas, no compro fake
Los fuckin' vis a vis me tienen maldecí
Estoy maldecía, no puedo salir
Regalito a la mamá, par de billes (par de billes)
Pa que se lo goce y de mí no se olvide (no se olvide)
Y la herida llevo aquí (llevo)
La mala vida que me persigue (yeah yeah yeah)
Los tiempos están cambiando y nosotros también
La calle está ardiendo, guiándome
Ni olvido ni perdón a lo que fuiste ayer
Mala vida que me persigue
Mala vida que no puedo salir
Mala vida que me persigue
Mala, mala
Está cayéndome lo que nunca te dije yo
Estoy creyendo que los buenos son los malos'
As soon as the music ended she no longer felt the water falling on her , she looks up.
He held the umbrella close to her.
--Hi-- she sheepishly said taking off her headphones.
--Hallo frau,vaiting fot zhe bus I see?
--Yeah, thanks for the umbrella though...should have brought one with me...but didnt...
Both share a giggle.
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jongdaeslut · 5 years
netflix and chill
pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol
rating: mature - it’s a blowjob, my dudes.
summary: chanyeol's content to sit on his new, super comfy (or semi-comfy, if you're a downer like kyungsoo is) couch and enjoy a movie. baekhyun has other plans.
notes: 1 - i wrote this three years ago to fill a prompt (rip exo prompt meme u’ll be in my heart forever) and i have it posted on ao3, but i’m putting it here too bc... quite frankly i need a test fic for blog formatting that’s not Completely Horrifying.
2 - ksoo does not appear in this fic for even one goddamn second
they’re about a third of the way through saw iv when it happens.
“so,” baekhyun says nonchalantly, as if he was talking about the weather, or what he’d had for lunch that day, “i think i might be gay.”
“okay,” chanyeol says, eyes trained on the screen of his piece of shit laptop. “that’s nice.”
it wasn’t that chanyeol didn’t give a shit about his best friend’s sexuality. rather than that, he just found it hard to be surprised by it when he’d already caught him staring at that one freshman’s ass, like, a billion times already.
(he does wushu, baekhyun had sniffed when chanyeol brought it up one time. anyone would stare).
he’d also walked in on his best friend making out with the assistant captain of the basketball team once, but that was neither here nor there.
so baekhyun’s abrupt declaration of his sexuality doesn’t exactly come as a huge shock. but what falls out of his best friend’s mouth next really, really does.
“i think you should let me suck your cock to find out,” he says, and it’s so matter-of-fact that it takes chanyeol a whole eight seconds to register exactly what he’d heard.
“uh,” chanyeol replies intelligently, eyes flicking back and forth between the screen and his best friend’s face, “um.”
“come on,” baekhyun urges him, “you know i’d let you do the same to me if you asked. best bros forever, right?”
well. now chanyeol simply can’t refuse because really, what kind of person would deny their very best bro in the whole entire world the chance to explore their sexuality? not park chanyeol, that’s for sure.
so after a moment’s hesitation, he says, “alright.”
whatever, he thinks to himself as baekhyun lifts himself off the couch and places himself on the floor between chanyeol’s knees. sure, it’s by a dude, and sure, if things get awkward after this it could mean the end of their friendship (well, maybe not that, because baekhyun is the literally least shameless person chanyeol has ever met) - worst case scenario, he’s still getting his dick sucked.
“can you, like, maybe pull your pants down so i can actually get to your dick?" baekhyun says, impatient as always.
chanyeol grumbles in response as he tugs his pants over his hips and down his thighs. "i try to be nice, and this is what i get in return."
baekhyun rolls his eyes. "don't act like you're the one doing me a favor when i’m the one who's about to blow you," he says primly.
"i am the one doing you a favor," complains chanyeol, "i said netflix and chill, not netflix and suck my dick."
"oh, stop whining, you baby," baekhyun says, and then he wraps his mouth around the head of chanyeol's cock and oh, maybe it's baekhyun who's the one doing the favor after all.
"okay," chanyeol says breathlessly, long fingers tangling in baekhyun's hair as the smaller boy's mouth sinks down around his cock, "alright, there is no way you haven't done this before."
baekhyun’s mouth pops off his dick to give him lip. “i never said i hadn’t,” he tells him matter-of-factly.
“i thought you said this was to find out if you’re into dudes!” chanyeol complains, but he doesn’t really give a shit if baekhyun makes the effort to explain himself. part of it’s because he’s pretty sure baekhyun’s already figured out that he’s into dudes on his own, but mostly he just wants his best friend’s pretty (yes, pretty - chanyeol may be straight, but he knows pretty when he sees it, okay?!) mouth back around his cock.
thankfully, baekhyun doesn’t seemed particularly inclined to answer. “who cares?” he responds, sounding mildly irritated. “just shut up and let me suck your dick in peace. or don’t shut up, whatever. be as loud as you want, just stop fucking talking already.”
chanyeol opens his mouth in ready assent, but then baekhyun’s tongue is flicking along the underside of his dick from the shaft to the head, and what comes out instead of words is a garbled mess of sound. he swears he can almost feel the corners of his best friend’s lips curl up in satisfaction.
but then he thinks he hears a zipper being pulled down, and then he’s positive because baekhyun lets out a moan that vibrates through his entire cock. he looks down, and sure enough, baekhyun has a hand wrapped around his own erection and is stroking it firmly. which would be fine, really, but his dick is pointing in the direction of his couch, and he only bought this couch a couple of weeks ago, dammit!
“dude,” chanyeol says, but it’s really only kind of a word and mostly just a groan of pleasure because baekhyun’s mouth feels like heaven.
baekhyun doesn’t bother responding this time, just looks up at chanyeol from his position on the floor, half-lidded eyes gazing up at him through dark lashes, and it’s honestly a way more erotic than chanyeol had bargained for. for a moment, he’s almost entranced, and then baekhyun moans around his cock again and chanyeol’s brought back to reality because as good as this feels, the concept of cleaning his best friend’s spunk off of his favorite piece of furniture isn’t exactly appealing.
“baek, could you, like - fuck -” baekhyun’s tongue dips into the tip of chanyeol’s dick, and it’s more than a little distracting. “i dunno, jack off in a different direction so you don’t - don’t get cum on my couch? please?”
he’s not sure whether or not baekhyun is too caught up in giving head to register what he’s been asked to do or is just plain ignoring him, because he scoots in even closer to the couch and grips the base of chanyeol’s cock with his free hand, sucking at the head with a little more fire than he had been before.
“or you could just - okay,” chanyeol surrenders, allowing his head to loll back in pleasure, “that’s cool too, i guess.”
chanyeol’s whether it’s talent or experience that baekhyun has a lot of, but he figures it doesn’t matter too much, because his mouth is hot and wet and his tongue is nimble and his hand is just tight enough around chanyeol’s cock that he feels like he could go insane, even though he knows he won’t. of course, baekhyun chooses that moment to revisit the whole ‘hey, let’s tongue the underside of chanyeol’s dick!’ plan, and chanyeol decides that no, actually, he’s losing his mind really fucking quickly, especially as he feels his balls tighten, and oh, shit -
“baek,” he gasps out, “baek, i’m gonna nut, fuck!”
he almost expects baekhyun to pull off and finish him with his hand (although he wouldn’t put it past him not to help him cum at all), but instead he lets go of chanyeol’s cock so he can take him all the way into his mouth, to the back of his throat, even, and chanyeol sees that baekhyun’s nose pressed up against his crotch before everything goes white and he cums deep down baekhyun’s throat.
chanyeol falls back against the couch, dazed, and baekhyun takes the opportunity to finish himself with a high-pitched moan. sure enough, it splatters all over the couch, milky white stark against the black of the fabric.
a few moments later, chanyeol catches his breath enough to complain. “what a fucking mess,” he says, “i hope you know i’m not cleaning up your jizz.”
“fucking ungrateful,” baekhyun says, sniffing delicately. it doesn’t suit his actual personality at all, but chanyeol decides to hold his tongue on that one. “i do all that work blowing you, and all you can think about is me getting semen on your couch. which, by the way, is a noble sacrifice considering how much you seemed to enjoy it!”
“it’s brand new!” chanyeol whines, “and it’s leather!”
his best friend scoffs at him in response. “you bought it used, and it’s pleather,” baekhyun tells him flatly. “i think it’ll be alright.”
chanyeol pouts at him. “you’ll understand when you have your first child.”
“unbelievable,” baekhyun shakes his head, “it’s a fucking couch, chanyeol. a couch.”
in the end, though, chanyeol’s the one cleaning up baekhyun’s mess with a damp paper towel and a surprising lack of complaints.
they settle back into the couch to finally finish the movie, and there’s a small calm before chanyeol speaks again.
“baek,” chanyeol says, “i think i might be gay. or bi. or at least, like.. not completely straight.”
baekhyun flutters his eyelashes and tilts his head mischievously. “care to blow me and find out?”
chanyeol gives his answer by forcefully chucking a pillow at baekhyun’s head.
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thewestmeetingroom · 4 years
Ep 45 Exploring the Escarpment and Hart House Farm
Broadcast Dec. 5, 2020
SPEAKERS: Maxwell, Sabrina, Kristen
[Intro Music]
Sabrina:  Hello and welcome to The West Meeting Room. Today's episode is hosted by me, Sabrina, one of the producers of the show. I am so so excited to share a piece that I put together from audio that I captured on a trip to Hart House Farm. For the next half hour, you are invited to come on a journey with myself and two of my friends as we explore somewhere we had never been before, get some fresh air, and chat.
[The following is a recording of the sounds of an outdoor adventure on Hart House Farms. Imagine the crunch of leaves in autumn, the cold wind, and laughter under the trees as you read.]
Kristen:  Well are you going to talk about reptiles then?
Sabrina:  We can eventually. Okay, say something, Kristen.
Kristen:  Hello. Hello. How are you?
Sabrina:  I'm good. How are you?
Kristen:  I'm doing great. We have Maxwell over here in the corner. He is...
Sabrina:  He is walking away. I need to turn up the input level.  
Kristen:  Wow.
Sabrina:  Okay, I'm recording again.
Kristen:  Okay, drones are actually kinda cute though.
Maxwell:  Until they are shooting at you from the sky.
Sabrina:  I don't think it's that kind of drone.  
Maxwell:  I know.  
Sabrina:  You know.
Kristen:  Do you really?
Maxwell:  Okay. Are you recording?
Sabrina:  I am recording.
Maxwell:  Should we go?
Sabrina:  Yeah. I just want to record the adventure, because I don't really know what it is. Wait, are we going inside?
Kristen:  Yeah. Because he wants to ask where the path is to go.
Sabrina:  Okay. So for anyone who doesn't know, by now, we are trying to find some ponds,
Kristen:  and a sauna
Sabrina:  and a sauna, because apparently like you can, if you wish, swim in the ponds. It is like three degrees outside. So I don't know who in their right mind is swimming in these ponds. Literally the guy who's giving us his introduction, he was like, if you're swimming, be careful, because it is very cold, and you could go into shock. It's like, this is when you close down the water. So anyway, there's a pond. The high in this area today is five degrees. Five degrees celsius.
Kristen:  Wow. Those are pretty. What are those are white flowers.
Sabrina:  How many acres of land did it say that they owned? Online? I looked it up. I'm gonna guess it said 100 and something but I could be lying.
Kristen:  Honestly, I don't know how much an acre is.
Sabrina:  Yeah, I don't know how to gauge an acre. I think that's the biggest problem. Like I don't, I don't know what an acre is. So, ah, multiply that out to the space area, but it's very big it's very expansive.  
Kristen:  And I also don't know what the numbers mean to begin with.
Sabrina:  That's a good point. There's like, a nice- I was gonna say a farm. It's not like a farm, like they don't grow anything. There's an orchard.  
Kristen:  Yeah.
Sabrina:  But is it an orchard because you UofT is like, let's tend to these apples. Or did they just come across this land? And they're like, Oh, awesome. Like, here's some apples like, let's cultivate it. Okay, this looks like a ditch.  Like, this is where you throw bodies.
Kristen:  There's a little pathway this way Okay, honestly.  
Sabrina:  There's a pathway? There we go.
Kristen:  Over here.  
Sabrina:  Yeah, I want more crunching noise.
Maxwell:  Yeah.  
Kristen:  Yeah, very satisfying, you know? We are the ones crushing things.
Sabrina:  Facts, also when the wind comes in...
Maxwell:  We'll go in that corner? Are you getting a crunch?
Sabrina:  I am getting a crunch. It's weird because there's so many varying noises. There's your voices, which are quiet depending on how far you are. And then there's the crunch. And then there's the wind, which is like, loud no matter what you do. I might get a picture of those on our way back. So we finally found the path.
Kristen:  This is a much nicer path. Then the one we were walking
Maxwell:  It's was all the way up, we could have avoided all that.
Sabrina:  We weren't even on a path. We were just in the middle of a field. Do you guys want to do a thing for me? Okay, Kristen. Can you just like, describe where we are, describe what you see, describe what you smell, if you smell anything, describe how it makes you feel. Describe why you want to be here, why you don't want to be here.
Kristen:  It's cold. We are walking on very dry pieces of grass that are almost like sticks at this point. There's a variety of trees around. And they are quite beautiful actually. Although I wish there were more leaves on the ground for us to step on. That'd be fun. The crunch would be nice. It's pretty peaceful out here. I would say like the air is actually significantly cleaner than the air in the city. So I can appreciate that.
Sabrina:  Is it like the BC air that you left at home? And you're like, wow, the water tastes better. The air smells better. Is this what this is like?
Kristen:  Yes, yes, this is exactly what it's like. And it reminds me of being home except I didn't live on a farm. So it's a little bit different, but it's pretty similar anyway.
Sabrina:  Thank you. Okay, now we need to find this sauna. But the crunche is nice, it's like autumn.
Kristen:  Yeah, but it hurts.
Sabrina:  Oh, is it because you have the stockings on?  
Kristen:  Hmm?
Sabrina:  Because you have the socks on?
Kristen:  No, it hurts because what's the word? Like, you know, when you step- and they are dry so like, it's like more like sticks that you're stepping on?
Sabrina:  Yeah.
Kristen:  Yeah.
Sabrina:  Hi.
Maxwell:  Hi.
Sabrina:  Do you want to say something?
Maxwell:  The trees are so pretty.
Sabrina:  That was Maxwell
Kristen:  Did you just say the trees are so pretty?
Maxwell:  Yes.
Sabrina:  The gloves I bought, brought, were not the warmest gloves I own. I feel like I have regrets. But it's fine. No regrets, right.
Kristen:  This is mud... This is what it is like to live in the wild. You won't have the nicest gloves of you.  
Sabrina:  That's for sure. This is like the conditions and I was like, Hey, Mom, I think I'm gonna try hunting. And she was like, Ah, you can't even sit outside in like two minutes of rain. This is like the kind of weather that like, I'm literally going to go hunt for like, one week out of the entire season and then any adverse weather and I'm like, okay, we're done.
Kristen:  Packing up. My arrows are gone.
Sabrina:  Yeah, like I better catch a deer like these five days because after this, this is a wrap.  
Kristen:  No horses.
Sabrina:  No horses.  
Kristen:  Okay, there's a fork here.  
Sabrina:  Oh!
Kristen:  But I don't think this is the fork we want because they're pointing that the ponds go that way.
Sabrina:  Okay so let's just follow the signs she said to follow.
Kristen:  This is a nice little downhill walk. There's a cliff right there, which means if you don't see me anymore, this is what happened. I fell, and I cried, and I just laid there.
Sabrina:  I'm gonna make this like the preview of the episode- [laughing]- oh my god, I almost died. I literally almost twisted my ankle. Okay, anyway, I'm gonna make that the, um,  preview of the episode. It's gonna be like, it's gonna start it's just me, Kristen, like "there's a cliff right there and if I don't come back, you know, I ended up. Dead. At the bottom of a cliff". So Max, come here. Tell me what you're seeing. Tell me what you're feeling. Tell me how you're enjoying the space.
Maxwell:  It's good. There's a lot of leaves. The nature's nice. It's a little cold out but like not terrible. But other than that it's just nice to be outside.
Sabrina:  This is like steep. This is like when they said it wasn't accessible. I was like, oh yeah, there's like a couple steps. Like no like I'm about to take a tumble and ruin all of this recording equipment. We found the pond, we found a pond.
Kristen:   One of two ponds
Sabrina:  Was it two ponds or three ponds?  
Kristen:  I think two and then a sauna.
Sabrina:  Two ponds. Okay, that's exciting. There's like a deck. There's some trees, the pond looks kind of questionable. You could get leeches but like it it looks okay.
Kristen:  We're in the middle of nowhere and I need to pee.
Sabrina:  I feel like honestly peeing in the middle of nowhere is better than peeing in those out houses.  
Kristen:  Okay I'm going to go to the corner
Sabrina:  Okay, I'm gonna cut this out of the audio. Okay, let's go max
Kristen:  I've never peed in an outdoor area. Wait wait, Max, do you have napkins?
Maxwell:  Oh true [Inaudible]
Kristen:   [Laughing]
Maxwell:  Is Kristen still alive? I haven't heard a ruffle in a while.
Sabrina:  [Inaudible]
Kristen:  We stan a nice pond.
Sabrina:  So we're at the pond. Would you swim here?  
Maxwell:  Aaaa, questionable. A little murky.
Sabrina:  I don't want to go too close to the water because I'm afraid I can't really feel this with my gloves. And next thing you know, the whole system just gets yeeted into the pond. So, you know,
Maxwell:  but it looks good from a distance. Not with me in it. Not with me in it.
Sabrina:  It looks, it looks pretty Zen. I think it's kind of like a body of water that I wouldn't necessarily want to go in but something that I want to look at.
Maxwell:  But it's not clear like those bodies of water where you see it and like it's so clear it's reflecting everything and stuff.
Sabrina:  I think you're talking about a pool, a man-made pool
Maxwell:  No, in the mountains.
Sabrina:  How much time you spend in the mountains?
Maxwell:  None in my life but, like, I've seen pictures.
Sabrina:  You're saying you want to go to the mountains?  
Maxwell:   Yeah.  
Sabrina:  When?
Maxwell:  Not now.
Sabrina:  Oh, okay. So I'm gonna give you the recording thing cause I want to take a picture. Don't drop it in the water. Talk to the people. Interview Kristen.
Kristen:  You probably would actually end up finding leeches in here.  
Sabrina:  You're not, you need to point it at her mouth. Interview Kristen, Maxwell.
Maxwell:  Why isn't she saying anything?  
Sabrina:  You need to interview her.
Kristen:  You need to ask questions.
Maxwell:  So how is your little adventure?
Kristen:  It was, it was great. Um, nature is nice. Um, this pond. You could probably find a leech in here. Leeches are actually quite small. And the big ones you see are not all of the leeches available in the world. So you could be bitten by a leech without knowing it.
Maxwell:  Have you ever seen leech?
Kristen:  Yes, I tried to hold one actually. Didn't end well. Basically, I was in a lab. And they had leech specimens in there, in jars. And I put my hand in the jar. And I was trying to pick it up. But obviously if it's in water, it's like slippery, and it's swimming around. And it's just a real struggle. So I tried to grab it. And then it started freaking out. And then I started freaking out. So I dropped it and then I was just like, this isn't happening. But I will tell you. If somebody was to give me a leech outside of water, I would hold it.
Sabrina:  Okay, and I'm back. Let's go. Let's go find this sauna. I'm a little afraid to go into the sauna to be honest, with regular clothes. Because then everything's gonna get hot and you're gonna feel significantly colder when you come back out.
Kristen:  I really have no idea what to expect.  
Sabrina:  Have you never been in a sauna before?  
Kristen:  No.
Sabrina:  It's just a very hot room.
Maxwell:  I haven't either.
Sabrina:  I would not suggest spending extensive amount of time in it. Because walking back to the house is going to take a long time and you're going to be twice as cold. Max, I have a question for you.  
Maxwell:  Yeah.  
Sabrina:  Is your neck cold?
Maxwell:  No.
Sabrina:  Your neck is not cold?
Maxwell:  I don't wish I had a scarf right now because a scarf would be terrible.
Sabrina:  So you're telling me that your neck is not cold at all?  
Maxwell:  Like I could be decapitated because my scarf got stuck in the escalator.
Sabrina:  So what you're saying is, you don't have a cold neck.
Maxwell:  Like, it's not going to be warm. Like, I never said it was warm. But like it's not frozen?
Sabrina:  And that was Maxwell with internal temperature. Next week, we will be talking about reptiles. And the best way to store them in your house. See you next time. Sabrina Brathwaite
Kristen:  It looks like there is a dam over here.
Sabrina:  Ooo, do we wanna go investigate?
Kristen:  Sure
Sabrina:  Okay, lead the way Kristen, because you saw.  
Kristen:  I would hold it!
Sabrina:  Hold what?  
Kristen:  A leech.  
Sabrina:  Oh. I don't think anyone's doubting you.
Maxwell:  [Inaudible]
Kristen:  You don't know that. I could tell you were judging me, Maxwell.
Maxwell:  I was just surprised where that went.
Sabrina:  No, that was a good story, though.
Kristen:  I actually have a video of me holding the leech, well trying to. It was clearly unsuccessful.  
Sabrina:  Wait, did they like sterilized the leeches or something? So they don't suck your blood? Or is it like
Kristen:  No, they feed. But they've been fed already. You know, leeches, they can hold up to five times the amount of liquid in their body as blood. They expand so much that when they are full, they are incredibly fat. So you know when you need to feed a leech and you know when you don't need to.
Maxwell:  But does it still not bite? Or like...
Kristen:  Oh, it bites if you irritate it. Or if you like, held on to it for too long. You're poking at it. But, otherwise, if it's okay, if you've only held it for a little bit, it's not gonna bite
Sabrina:  Sounds like me when I'm hungry. Anyway, the battery in this pack? Oh my god.
Kristen  [Inaudible]
Sabrina:  No, my like foot. My foot slid when I was walking. There's moss everywhere. There's dead trees. It's really loud. I don't understand why anyone would hunt in autumn, like the animals can hear from ten miles away like
Kristen:  You know, I really don't actually know what a dam looks like. But that's pretty dam-y.
Sabrina:  I just walked into a branch. That doesn't look like a beaver-made dam.  
Kristen:  Upon, further inspection, it is not a dam.
Sabrina:  So it's been verified. It's not a dam... I'm stuck in these trees, man. Max's neck might not be cold, but mine is.
Maxwell:  You're wearing a scarf.
Kristen:  Yeah,
Sabrina:  I think it's because I'm talking and breathing in the air through my mouth.
Kristen:  And you have asthma.
Sabrina:  And I have asthma. Fun fact, I don't like unsupervised children and my lungs don't like me. More specifically they don't like breathing properly.
Maxwell:  Oh, is that the other lake?
Sabrina:  Looks like you could drown in the second pond.
Kristen:  This is why he said that we shouldn't swim if we don't know how to swim.
Sabrina:  Literally everyone in our group does not swim that well. Well, one of us doesn't know how to swim at all. No one brought bathing suits. Two of us have heavy backpacks and electronics in them, think it's a great day to jump in the pond.  
Kristen:  Yes.  
Sabrina:  Forget the cliff. It's been confirmed that we've made it this far. But if you don't hear from us again, it's because we went into the pond, got hyperthermia, and died.  
Kristen:  Or we went into the sauna, and we got incredibly dehydrated, and died.
Sabrina:  Is this the sauna? What does that say?  
Kristen:  Sauna.  
Sabrina:  Oh. Oh, it does. I thought it said, like, shrimp.
Kristen:  I really like Shrimp.  
Sabrina:  Shrimp is nice.  
Kristen:  Yeah.  
Sabrina:  Shrimp.
Kristen:  Although, did you know that you're supposed-? Oh, there are three ponds.
Sabrina:  See, I knew it was three.  
Kristen:  You're supposed to be quite wary when you're having shrimp in sushi, because they don't often de-gut the shrimp. So the shrimp will be dead. But there will still be fecal matter in their system. And you can eat that without knowing it.
Sabrina:  That's gross.
Maxwell:  Is it safe?
Kristen:  I mean, no one's died from it from what I know. But I don't think it's pleasant to eat fecal matter.
Sabrina:  That's where you're wrong. All right.  
Kristen:  Oh, wow, she's steamy!
Sabrina:  She's steamy.  We're gonna go into the sauna, gonna turn this off because steam is water. And this is technology. Welcome to life advice rant. Welcome to life is- welcome to life advice lamp with Kristen De Los Reyes. Today she's going to tell us a few good things about being small.
Kristen:  Not necessarily two good things, but two things about being small. Earlier, Max was saying that the most likely way for us to die at this point is if a tree fell on us. As a small person, it would probably be pretty easy to avoid a tree falling on you. But as a small person, if a tree fell on you, you'd just be dead. So, you either do well or you don't. That's my two things about being small.
Sabrina:  That's life, folks. The battery on this thing is like going. I think it's because it's cold outside?  
Kristen:  Yeah.  
Sabrina:  Alright.
Kristen:  Extreme temperatures will make your battery die.
Sabrina:  It's time to put it away.  
Sabrina:  Thank you so so much to Max and Kristen, my two friends, for letting me record those moments at the farm. We had gone two years ago and it was a lot of fun returning to this audio and putting it together. A special thank you to Day, Braeden, and the rest of the Hart House Student podcaster team for help in producing the show. Our intro/outro music was produced by Dan Driscoll and, as always, a huge thank you to you, our amazing listeners. We love to hear from you. You can follow us on Instagram @HartHouseStories or on Twitter @HHPodcasting. We also archive all of our episodes on soundcloud at soundcloud.com/HartHouseStories. Before I go, I want to thank you so much for listening. We'll be back next week with The West Meeting Room.
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fmdtaeyongarchive · 7 years
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January 1, 2018: Soundcloud user kwonsongs uploaded a new audio: “New Year’s Day (cover)”
date: december 30, 2017
word count: 1,889 without lyrics
summary: really just me making up for never doing the cover festival para on ash combined with your run of the mill “new year, new me” para. it’s not super important character development but i wanted to establish kinda where he is as the year starts and he’s being emo again and this really might make more sense if i posted the other self-para with stuff that happens before this self-para but that would be too logical, right?
notes:  i really wrote a self-para with taylor swift lyrics in it. f/anfi/ction.net is shaking. anyway this takes the place of that one para i wrote in october as my least favorite piece of writing even though it took a month and a half to write. just me.... constantly outdoing myself for the worse.
“Hold on to the memories; they will hold on to you.”
The night is darkest just before the dawn was a cliche Ash had repeated to himself (and had sung to him in slightly different words by Florence + the Machine through his headphones) numerous times in the past few years . He clung to the times it’d been proven right, but he’d seen how once the dawn had passed into the joyful brightness of mid-day, it could only go back downhill from there. He wanted to hope 2018 would be the dawn followed by a long summer day after the darkness of the past two years, but hope was hard to come by these days.
Time to sit down and record covers was rare lately, too. Two had been uploaded in December before his album dropped, but they’d been recorded in the two months before. Usually he’d play keyboard to accompany himself after picking the song and working out the legal licenses, but he just couldn’t do this one without a piano, so he’d gotten special permission to use one of the BC vocal lesson rooms to sit down at a real piano in a room with good acoustics. His hands ghosted over the black and white keys and he smiled to himself at the all too familiar press of his fingers on each one.
This was his home, more so than a music show stage or even a dance practice room. He’d never felt more comfortable than behind a piano. He’d been playing piano for longer than his memory went back. After eighteen years, it was the most natural thing for his body to do, more than breathing itself. There’d been a time he’d thought his destiny laid with the instrument in front of him. Becoming a world famous pianist wasn’t the most practical dream in this day and age, but when he was only a kid, it was what he’d wanted and he’d been too optimistic to doubt himself.
He couldn’t see that little kid in himself anymore.
Ash sat down at the bench and played the song’s first few notes to make sure the instrument was tuned. Recording his covers could often be an emotional ordeal sinc he rarely wasted his time with songs he couldn’t connect to. His soundcoud account was the closest thing to a diary he had other than his own songwriting notebooks. Millions of people could listen to them, but would they ever know who his love songs and songs of heartbreak went out to? Hansol. Daeun. Yoonah. His feelings for all three of them over the past two years had been documented on the public platform, but he’d never even told them they were about them, much like he didn’t tell them about most of the original songs he’d composed with them in mind. Music, whether it be written by others or written by himself, spoke volumes more than plain words ever could. It was more intimate and vulnerable than a simple exchange of words. Something so real was bound to frighten even the bravest of hearts, something Ash had never claimed to have.
Ash’s love of Taylor Swift songs had become so well-known that it was nearly a joke now, but he’d connected with the song he was going to play from the first time he’d heard it. For all of the dramatic and unrealistic notions he had of romance, the simple idea of an enduring love was one that appealed him to most now after so much self-inflicted heartbreak. On a deeper level than romance, he wanted to be a good person to everyone he loved in any sense. Not just his boyfriend, but also his friends and his parents. His nature had long led him to run from conflict, but he never wanted to be the type of person who hurt others because of his selfishness ever again.
It was a vast improbability that his wish would come to fruition. Ash had never wanted to hurt others, but he still did, so why should he think he could change? It was a flaw in the code of his nature that he was still struggling desperately to accept, but he didn’t have to accept it today. He just had to open up for the sake of music.
The song was easy to play, which was a godsend since he still felt weak from the night before. Life went on and this would help him, he hoped. Music was therapy when the universe didn’t allow him time for the real kind. But he could only rely on a substitute for so long before it ruined him.
The expensive audio recording set up had already been arranged, so he let a few moments of silence linger in the air after hitting record before he deftly began the one bar intro.
“There's glitter on the floor after the party. Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby. Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor. You and me from the night before but...”
The words flowed from his diaphragm as naturally as a nursery rhyme. The beginning was easy to get through, a visualization of the words taking over his mind. He hadn’t been to many parties, at least not the kinds of ragers at fraternities people his age were supposed to be going to. He’d been to plenty of stuffy industry events where there was no glitter and no Polaroids, only fake smiles and the bright flash of press cameras. Recently, he’d also been to plenty of clubs, with their strobe lights and deafening bass, but that was a hollow substitute. Parties with real laughter and a large group of close friends genuinely enjoying being in each other’s company were a distant dream to him. If he could stop pushing people away, would that help him live the idealistic image of his early twenties or was that another sacrifice he’d laid at the altar of BC Entertainment almost nine years ago with no hope of ever experiencing?
“Don’t read the last page. But I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you’re turning away.”
The song began to hit home much earlier than he would have liked. How tempting it would be to be able to know how everything ended in advance. At the end of his life, would he be happy? Would he finally know what happiness was? Would he grow old with someone who could somehow love him despite his never-ending failures or would he continue to disappoint everyone? Would he still be remembered as nothing more than the list of labels that his scandals had branded him with? Attention-seeker. Womanizer. Playboy. Cradle robber. An embarrassment.
Would he continue to sabotage the relationships that meant the most to him? Would his friends admit they only kept him around because they had pitied him and finally leave him for good?
Would he end up truly as alone as he already felt on his worst nights, an isolated man with nothing to keep him going?
His fingers tensed as he played, but he continued, his eyes falling closed as he bit the inside of his bottom lip to center himself. He couldn’t let his thoughts go there. Not now. He needed to get this cover out.
“I want your midnights, But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day.”
Ash’s New Year’s Eve would be spent on a broadcast, but the idea of a trashed room wasn’t unfamiliar to him. After the adrenaline of brushing lips with someone who tasted as much of wine as he did when the clock hit twelve passed, so came the hangover. Hangovers were a normal side effect of life for Ash by now. During his album promotions, he’d pushed through a pounding head and dry throat to do an early show recording a few times. It wasn’t professional and it wasn’t pleasant, but he was beginning to feel he didn’t owe BC the former and the latter was a feeling too uncommon in his line of work to start with.
“You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi. I can tell that it's going to be a long road. I'll be there if you're the toast of the town babe. Or if you strike out and you're crawling home.”
The lyrics hadn’t affected him so much when he was practicing, but now it felt like his chest was shaking from the weight of the words he was singing. Ash wished he wasn’t recording so that he could let himself cry, to obstruct the words before they left his lips, but he’d been crying too much lately that he didn’t know he had it in him anymore.
Being loved had always been Ash’s source of validation. He wasn’t unaware of that fact. He didn’t know where it came from; it wasn’t as if he’d been left wanting for love and affection in his childhood, and yet he so badly needed people to care about him. But when they did, he told himself they’d see the light sooner or later. Every time, he hoped it would happen before he could ruin it like he always did. In the moment he had love, it was nice, but it was a vicious cycle and the true satisfaction that he yearned for it never came.
Naked sincerity rang in his words still. He lived for love when there was so little else to live for, and he sang the verse with every last atom of his being meaning the words he recited, but his mind never let his heart be at peace. He didn’t deserve to sing those words. He’d abandoned so many people at different times, in different ways.
And he’d been abandoned in turn back when his scandal had broken. Friends and acquaintances had stopped contacting him because he was a star plummeting to the ground from a spot in the sky that had been so delicate to begin with. People he’d thought liked him for him revealed they were fair-weather friends only interested in his status as a member of BC’s current hot boy group. That’s all he was to many. All he’d ever be. To the public, status as a living, breathing human was the only thing with which being in Knight hadn’t gifted him. “Three strikes, you’re out turned into “one strike, you’re unforgivable”.
“Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you. Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you. Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you. And I will hold on to you.”
Blocking out everything he was feeling so that he could get through the song wasn’t going to happen. Sometimes Ash felt incomparably numb and sometimes he experienced so many emotions it felt like he’d burst, but those were the only two options lately and he had no control over when each decided to show up. He should be appreciating all of the gifts life had given him—a loving family, friends who cared about him (for now), a healthy body, a job that offered him a salary most twenty-two year olds and most idols alike could only dream of making, but none of that was ever enough for him to feel genuinely happy. He tried, he did, but his mind always dragged him back down and disappointment at his own ungratefulness only made it worse.
“Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere. Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere.”
As Ash played the final notes of the song, he thought about how being able to look back on the next year with fondness when he was old and graying was the most he could ever ask for. It would be another year under BC, another year doing music with Knight he rarely enjoyed performing, and another year of being too busy to spend enough time with anyone other than his manager, but if he put it out into the world that he wanted this year to be better (that he wanted himself to get better), there was the slightest chance the stars would hear his cry for help. He’d tried everything else in vain, so what harm was there in letting the exhaustion of trying finally take over him and letting the universe do the trying instead?
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whyshanti · 5 years
twenty nineteen. periodt.
i genuinely felt the need to write this because i was bored i have not written anything in a really long time. but mostly because there’s only a few who might read this and not care afterwards. it sucks to not be able to do something that i used to enjoy for quite a while. but here i am!
a lot of thoughts to unburden and a lot of unspoken feelings to unpack. let’s get to it, bih.
1. this year felt like it was dragging on. i wanted it to end asap.
so this year, i actually had A LOT of time. where did it go? 
to: movies, series, anime, music, watching youtube videos, breakdowns, feeling stuck & paralyzed,  academics, reading articles about pop culture & mainstream shit, going out with friends, chatting random ppl at night bc i thought i could trust them (and some of them, i can), and etc.
but on a more serious note, i really was more into the world of media, of both mainstream and indie worlds. i still can’t believe i got through this semester when i have been doing these things unrelated to uni. some ppl are also baffled by this activity log that i have. 
point is: i felt like a walking zombie. probably looked like one as well. there is this routine that i have to do and i got really sick of myself. i didn’t have the motivation to strive more. i was always either sleeping (at least for the first half of the year) or watching. it all feels lifeless. the latter part of the year, my body clock was wrecked. i did not like the weather during daytime. at all. i slept during the day when i did not have classes then i was awake at night. but i try to get as much sleep as i can because my health is declining. i think.
also this year felt like it had 3 sequels. unnecessary, boring, full-of-jump-scares type of sequels. fuck.
2. feeling anxious and chill at the same time.
the only thing that made me feel chill at the latter part of the year is the fact that this shit... like all these shitty things we’ve been doing... will pass anyway. 
i don’t know if it’s because of the new system that was implemented but it definitely feels like the stress levels were high only during exam weeks. for real. i am grateful to have THAT kind of “stress privilege (??)” but i also wish i was stressing over something that gives me LIFE. i know i’m studying for something that will actually help me provide something for myself and for my family but my soul (oh crap here’s where things get cheesy) screams i should do something else. 
my friend always tells me to chill but i couldn’t because there’s always that nagging thought that i have to do something productive everyday. i think it stems from past disappointments, failed expectations from ppl close to me, and just basically feeling like a failure. i’m a frantic mess who somehow has the time to do unnecessary things. wish the energy was put into finishing acads on time or earlier, but here we are. think they meant that i should be chill with mysef. to be kind to myself. to not panic and breathe.
another thing is that there’s a load of information shoved in my head that really paralyzes me to act on something.
3. leaving behind the things i’ve outgrown.
it’s so funny how i’ve met few new people this year who i already treasure only to have quite a number of people to walk out of my life.
it’s not really surprising to me. i think we all wanted it to happen anyway. i’m just happy that things kind of subtly fell apart for things to make more sense. the feeling is kind of like how a misplaced puzzle piece is put into its rightful place. finally, i don’t have to force myself and i think the feelings are mutual. anyway, this year was a revelation in itself despite how dragging the pacing felt. love how the gunk went out and i see now what i’ve been blind to. chuck the deuce! definitely a thank u, next moment.
4. meeting new people, unexpected unions.
i definitely did not expect to form connections and be reunited with some of my old friends this year. also witnessed deepened friendships. 
there’s always this thing where i put my energy on a high level when i’m meeting new people just to seem decent and happy then slowly revealing how tired, sad, and boring i can be. then there’s that fear of losing people’s interest in me or people not becoming excited to talk to me about... anything really. never thought i’d have this fear of losing certain people in my life. i want to detach myself from that and from people themselves too (in a healthy way ofc). 
i’ve never ever felt like i could lose people in an instant. there’s that thing where i worry if i’m too much or i’m lacking for people. so i appreciate people who let me know if i’m crossing the line or if i’m doing something that completely annoys them because i really want to be part of people’s lives, meaningfully and genuinely. a good one. i don’t want to half-ass my relationships with other people and i seek loving relationships that thrive and inspire where it doesn’t only get good at the start but is continually progressing even when we don’t see each other often. it’s fascinating how as we get older, we see how relationships are not as simple as we think they are but really are simple at the same time. we have different goals, we are at different stages in our lives, we are facing shit that nobody else seems to understand and things that don’t seem to end, and we can only hope that our mere presence and emotionally available hearts will listen to whatever the other person has to unburden. 
to somehow let them know that they don’t need permission to rest and to do things that they are afraid of pursuing. 
4a. discovering new artists.
AURORA: the most underrated artist for sure. watched every interview/video/set because she is that bitch. her SONGS, man. i swear. she is that ethereal fairy from the forest. her fucking voice just draws me in. she deserved a better role in frozen 2 tho. she needs to be a lead in a musical animated movie. idc idc i said what i said.
beabadoobee: fucking rockstar, reviving the 90s grunge music and looks.
Billie Eilish: a badass. hate how she still stans bieber tho. 
5. daydreaming of a new life.
you don’t know how many times i’ve been dreaming to have a big house. 
it’s time. we really need a new house. i’m not, as what the kids say, vibing with this old house anymore. this is what i wish to leave behind as soon as possible. how do i even get the MONEY to afford it? i’m just hoping for a miracle to happen, you know. i really wish my family gets to be in a better home soon.
i think if u know me, u might have caught me spacing out a few times. 
idk why this always happens. it’s so rude to the person speaking to me but my mind literally drifts off to another planet. it’s not that they’re boring. i just can’t help it. i feel like shit thinking about how many times it has happened to me. 
sometimes, i dream of being this whole new different person. 
someone who is better than who i am. someone who is good at something and is passionate about the things she does. there are a lot of things i am interested in doing but i don’t have the courage to actually do it. idk why i always turn into a statue when i think of things that i wanna do.
6. God.
it’s been a long time. i have lost contact with You but You are always there to patch things up for me. every effin’ time. i cry everytime.
it must be because i was raised in a christian setting. that’s why i always think it’s You who’s working behind the scenes. but still i am grateful.
saved me from certain people.
saved me this semester.
saved me from pulling worthless all-nighters.
provided me financially esp when i thought i had nothing.
prevented a severe acid reflux situation.
gave me new friends.
did literally so many things that saved me from bad situations and people in general like WHO DOES THAT??
7. a life without a plan.
this is literally what i wanted to happen. not carelessly but like where i don’t have to worry about what to do next. just let things be and go with the flow. the first half of this year, i really did not think things through as i normally would and i let plans fall just to enjoy what was in front of me. be at ease and be present during that time. and i did. it was a peaceful, cheery time tbh.
8. every day i wanted to start over just to get over a lot of things.
9. i missed a lot of ppl.
10. i wanted to be held. not by a certain someone. not romantically. but by anyone close to me. *plays i’m with you by avril lavigne*
sometimes we all just need a long hug. that’s all. and it’d be nice to hear more stories from people. :)
11. not everybody will reciprocate the same energy that i send out to them and it’s okay.
this bummed me out. felt like an effin’ loser but i’ve learned that people have businesses to do. life doesn’t always happen the way we want it to.
12. this the final year of college. just finish it already, dumbass. 
13. why can’t i just be kathryn bernardo or AURORA for like a month or a year? i promise i will not ruin their careers lmao.
14. i want to make major changes in my stupid life but money is an issue.
15. the stars are below the sky now.
the state of the environment is the same as of our minds. polluted and overloaded with gibberish to the point that we get scared of doing one thing at a time and where we also don’t throw away the unnecessary baggage/s. 
we’re so intent on doing things all at the same time. finishing everything in one sitting. being productive became an addiction and it scared me how i was becoming affected by this. there’s this constant thought that we collectively share which is to do something by every day and it only adds up to people’s anxiety and depression. social media definitely made us aware of mental illnesses/disorders but then it became a trend. people self-diagnose themselves and end up with the wrong treatment. some people use it as a tool to get followers and... ugh it’s all a mess. i hope people get the right treatment/s AND/or professional help because if they don’t, they’ll lose themselves. i mean... just look at the sky. there’s literally no sign of a star now if u live in the city. we’ve lost sight of what should guide us. we are unconsciously following a false light thru our devices. 
i’m not good at analogies or at explaining things as u can tell. but moving on...
this hyper self-awareness that i have gained from social media has its advantages but is also distracting me from living my best life. i didn’t realize that i was making my own christmas lights inside my seemingly dark mind when really... it’s just clouded by all this information that’s coming in fast and has affected who i am and certain areas of my life. i’ve almost forgotten this and i’ve come to believe again that there’s always an ever-present light and it will take time to get used to its brightness once my mind gets clearer by the day. hopefully, it will.
16. men are trash. 
17. the people who i should avoid always looks odd or unpleasant and has bad energy. i know shit when i sense one. 
18. i’m not happy with my life and with who i am but i’ll work with what i’ve got.
life gives u a mirror and shits on your face. sheesh.
for some reason, i can’t forget what my adviser told me during my 4th year of high school. she told me “it seems like you’re a person full of regrets” and every time i have a cryfest, i think of that. idk why. (never underestimate the power of a few words, folks). you know how like in flow charts, u encounter decision points? the diamond shapes? i think i always decide no and end up with the worst consequence and then there’s no more starting over. 
i don’t think i understand flow charts well. ugh. 
i can’t come up with a cool transition to me having insecurities so let’s say i did!
some people’s beauty, inspiring. but others just make you feel like shit.
i really want to explore my feminine side more because i was more masculine when i was younger. i’m not gentle, i’m a bit aggressive. and it just doesn’t fit with who i want to be. idk why. and also, it’s fun (!!!). you get a taste of what it’s like and it’s so EMPOWERING at least for the short experience that i had. but can make me feel very conscious of my entire being and i just end up wearing cartoony disguises. ironic but BABY STEPS. when i think about it, there’s really no black or white answer whether this or that is feminine or masculine.  
self-love is not a 5-step process. 
it is continuous improvement of oneself to the point where you don’t give a fuck about what they say. i really envy the ones who are comfortable in their own skin, who are totally embracing their flaws. they just bloom. some people just look like them. like it’s SO THEM. unmistakably them. and i think if everyone had that, we would not have standards anymore.
oh, to live in a time where individuality is encouraged but is also discouraged when not lived up to its standards. hurray.
19. this year was the year of mindless decisions. periodt.
20. hoping that the new year, 2020, will be the year of CLARITY where i know who i really am, embracing it, and where i will not be taking anymore of anyone’s bullshit. where i know where i stand in my relationships with other people and vice versa. there will be intentional but meaningful endings that will pave the way for blossoming beginnings. 
let’s hope it unfolds the way it should be. for the better.
bonus: nobody knows what the fuck they’re doing. everyone’s just going with the flow. be yourself.
note: this is a compilation of thoughts, informally. thank u.
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pinelakechic · 6 years
Days 48 to 51: It’s a Wild, Wild World!
Warning: this is a long read! :)
First of all, let me say that wool socks, toque, and down jacket are essentials to my preferred kind of camping! Before leaving Moab, Dan checked the weather and told me that the temperatures in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks were between 1C at night and 24C during the day - that was music to my ears! As much as I have enjoyed the scenery in Moab, I could not wait to get out of the heat and go somewhere that requires bundling up!
We had an early start during last morning in Utah and hit the road just after 7 AM. We ventured westward, further into the Colorado Plateau. We travelled through a matrix of arid landscapes - desert, grassland, scrub shrubs with sagebrush, and pigmy forests - which were relatively flat for the most part with table-top mountains in the distance and occasional mounds and small hills by the highway. We went for miles without seeing a single building and the colours were muted shades of straw and greyish green; even the skies were a bit hazy and overcast most of the morning.
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The scenery got a bit more interesting as we entered Price Canyon, where the road travelled along the Price River. By now, the sky has also cleared up and everything has brightened up. Cliffs, towers, pinnacles, and fins of golden rocks towered over the highway most of the way, but at times they opened up to reveal spurs and valleys with sparse woodlands on the hillside.
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We travelled north and stopped in Provo to go to the off-leash area at Bicentennial Park for Gimli to have a bit of a stretch. Although it was a well-maintained space relatively large, they decided to use coarse sand for the ground, so it was essentially a giant litter box for dogs! It was a bit too dusty for our liking - even Gimli was a bit hesitant picking up his ball because it was covered with sand! Being home to Brigham Young University, I guess it was not surprising to see a Mormon temple on every block…. If you know us, needless to say, we did not linger beyond letting the pup out! Continuing northward, we passed Park City and saw the sprawling, developed area near the ski hills, but we did not check out this ski resort.
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For the third time this trip, we entered Wyoming again and, by now, we were used to the endless grasslands and the remoteness. We did spot a coal mine and a couple of refineries this time though. We were originally going to stop at the campground at Fontenelle Recreation Area (by Fontenelle Reservoir), but because we started early and were feeling well-rested, we decided to just make a rest stop there and move on. When we arrived, the place appeared to be deserted except for one camper with an empty boat trailer at the boat launch. The campground was basic, but it had flush toilets and each site had its own sheltered picnic table  (it was quite windy there!). It was kind of sad to see such public land/facilities (managed by US Department of Interior) not being utilized. We had a picnic lunch amongst the locals (birds and prairie dogs) and were back on the road again.
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A couple of hours later, we arrived in Bridger Teton National Forest, a vast area surrounding the southern end of Grand Teton National Park. We were just about 30 minutes from Jackson and an hour from the entrance of Grand Teton, so this was a good place to stay for the night. We knew there are a few campgrounds within the Bridger Teton NF in this area, so we figured we would just drive to each one to see where we could find a spot. It turned out to be a lot easier than we thought to get a first-come-first-serve campsite close to a national park and tourist town in the middle of the summer!
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We chose to stay at the Hoback Campground next to Hoback River. We found a site that backed up onto the river and decided that it was cool enough to get some firewood from our camp host for the first campfire of this trip! It was so nice being able to sit comfortably outside without any bugs! But no sooner have we settled into our camping chairs, we heard the familiar sound of distant thunder! We barely had a chance to put everything away before it starting raining! It proceeded to hail for a while before it settled into steady rain. Campfire will just have to wait.
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We woke up to a chilly and refreshing morning with no rain! We met a couple, Ken and Tracy, from Florida who has a custom Class B built on a Mercedes Sprinter van. Dan spotted the brush bar on their van, so we stopped to chat with them and share van stories. 
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After a walk with Gimli along the river, we headed into Jackson in search of coffee and breakfast. We found parking just outside the town center and took a leisurely walk to the shops. Fortified by the great coffee and food at JH Coffee Roaster and Restaurant, we were ready to tackle the shops! We were pleasantly surprised by how many stores were dog-friendly! Gimli sure got his share of treats. praise and ear scratches! 
While having coffee, I found the location of the one yarn store in town and we slowly made our way there. Knit on Pearl is in a cute little house and they have a very cozy set up inside. They have a great selection of yarn from local dyers  as well as commercial brands. Since I have already got yarn from merino sheep raised in Wyoming at a different store, I decided to get a skein of blue-faced Leicester-nylon blend. The colour is tonal pale straw/beige with a greyish tinge that was very much like the grasslands that we have driven through. But the name of the colourway turned out to be Elk Horn, which was somewhat representative of the region, except that elks have antlers and not horns…. Minor details!
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On our way back to the car, we stopped in a furniture/interior design store and had one of those weird and wonderful random encounters! The guy working there noticed the bag of yarn I was carrying and asked if I was a knitter, and if so, whether he could have my address. He proceeded to tell us that his great-aunt was a well-known knitter who used to tour the country to teach knitting and whose work was displayed at the Smithsonian. He has inherited her stash and had no idea what to do with it!! I told him that I would be happy to take the yarn off his hands and anything I can't use, I will share with my knitting friends. We exchanged contact info and that was when we found out that he lived in Hong Kong for a couple of years back in the 80's and is surprisngly fluent in Cantonese!
After spending the morning roaming around Jackson, we headed into Grand Teton National Park for an auto tour. We were disappointed that they do not have the driving tour narration for rent, but Ranger Neil gave us great advice on where to go and where to stop given our plan to be at a campground in Yellowstone that evening. He even told us where we would most likely see bears: Spoiler alert! He was bang on!
The smoke from the forest fires in the PNW has been a problem here as well and although we could still see the majestic peaks of the Tetons, everything was covered by the haze. We avoided the crowds at Jenny Lake Visitor Center and went to a viewing point recommended by the park ranger; we went up to Signal Mountain, the highest drivable point of the park and saw the expansive valley below. We were driving through the stretch of road Ranger Neil warned us about high likelihood  of bear sighting when we noticed cars stopped in front of us and park rangers on both sides of the road directing traffic. We knew something was up! Sure enough, there was a black bear on a tree just like you would see on a wood carving! So that was where they got the idea!
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We were stopping at the park signs on the way out of Grand Teton when we met a couple from Kelowna, BC, who have just travelled through Glacier National Park. Since both places were on our "maybe list", we were interested in the fire and smoke conditions. Based on what they told us, we would be wise to avoid those areas; this also means we need to rethink our next step. 
John D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway took us from Grand Teton to  Yellowstone; forest fires in the recent years were evident by the burnt dead wood as well as the new growth on both sides of the road. Once we entered Yellowstone, we  travelled above the canyon through which the Lewis River flows. We caught glimpses of the river whenever there were openings between the trees. Grant Village Campground is the first campground from the south entrance and we felt quite lucky that we were able to find a spot there when we only called 3 or 4 days in advance. When we arrived at our assigned campsite, there was already someone parked there and they were not leaving until the day after. For a moment, we thought we got the dates wrong or we did not understand the labeling of the campsites! We went back to the office and they sorted things out and assigned us a different site instead.
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While Dan set up camp, I took Gimli for a walk and to search for the showers because according to the map, they were further away than one would expect. I started walking further and further away from the campground and still couldn't  find the showers, so I finally asked the park ranger who told me that the facilities were 1/4 mile away! Since we were planning to have a campfire tonight and would get smoky anyway, so we decided we could go without a shower for one more night.
Being in this busy campground in one of the most popular national parks, in the middle of summer, was quite a contrast after our peaceful night in the national forest campground. It was hard to enjoy the nice weather and our campfire when we had for neighbours Drummer Boy, Mr. Megaphone from California (there were about 10 guys in the group but apparently one of them was hoarding the Talking Stick), and Bob the Builder (was he chopping wood for the campfire or trying to build a freaking shed?!).  We knew it would be busy, but there is a difference between a general louder ambient noise and specific people making more noise than anyone else for long periods of time. Fortunately, they all respected the quiet hours and we had a restful night.
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On our first full day in Yellowstone, we got up early and got to the showers soon after they opened - yes, the showers were 1/4 miles away and available between 8 AM and 8:30 PM only. It would have been so much easier if they had been 24-hours and coin operated (1 shower per person per day was included in the camping fee and our tickets had to be marked off by an attendant with each use, and they had to buzz us into the locked shower rooms!). Although the location of the shower and the logistics involved in using them were a bit of a pain, the showers themselves were roomy and the water pressure was good, so as long as we planned ahead, it worked out just fine.
We learned the day before from the park ranger that they could only predict the next immediate eruption of the Old Faithful Geyser one at a time, so we went to the Visitor Center to check the eruption time. The timing turned out to be perfect: we had time to get coffee and  breakfast at the café , walked around the store for a bit, learned about why Yellowstone NP celebrates Christmas in August (See photo), looked at the bull elk on the road, and still had time to get parking and find a good spot in front of the geyser to wait for the "show" to start. It was fascinating to watch the eruption: each time, 4000 to 8000 gallons of water  (about 200F in temperature) is forced through a hole the size of a fist. The eruption we saw lasted for about 2 to 3 minutes, but it could last up to 5 minutes. We walked on the boardwalks around the geyser and saw Firehole River flow among hot springs that feed it; some of the hot springs around were of the most brilliant blues and aquamarine in colour. The water was so clear that you could see the contours of the wall a few feet into the pool. 
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We visited Firehole Lake next and saw more hot, steaming, bubbling pools of water as well as a lone bison in the woods. We were expecting to see bison in herds, but it turned out this would not be the only lone bison we spot in the park… maybe that is what an introvert bison does when the herd becomes too much for them! We continued to drive through the park and when we arrived at Hayden Valley, the woods and mountains opened up to reveal an expansive grassland. Dan was just making a comment about this being prime bison territory and that I should get the binoculars ready when he spotted a dark spot in the distant. That spot turned out to be a bison that was standing among the herd. Once we stopped and climbed up the ladder at the back of the van, we could see the entire herd. It just put a big smile on my face and gave me the chills to see these majestic animals in their natural environment.
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We were feeling really good about spotting that herd, but little did we know that there was a bigger herd on the other side of the valley when we drove a bit further, nor did we expect to have that "quintessential Yellowstone experience" of encountering the bison herd crossing the road  this morning!  We drove through Hayden Valley again on our way to tour the northern part of the park when we came across the "wildlife traffic jam". A number of park rangers were working on getting cars and bison moving along and we were lucky that a spot at the pullout opened up. We stayed there for a while to observe the herd up close and personal! When we started to leave, a couple of them decided to cross directly in front of us, but then the park ranger shooed them along and one of bison got spooked and almost ran into Bilbo!
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We stopped to check out the Upper Falls and the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and ran into Ken and Tracy again. We had a good chat with them and offered them our driveway for boondocking when they are in Seattle. It was at the Upper Falls that we encountered the hoard of tourists that we were worried about… it was so crowded that I could not wait to get out of there. Having said that, it was the only time during our visit at Grand Teton and Yellowstone that we encountered that many people - Dan was worried that it was going to be crazy busy in the parks in mid-August.
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Our last stop in Yellowstone was Mammoth Hot Springs where we drove through the hot springs on what was essentially a paved bike path. The constant flow of hot water and the minerals deposited created a unique environment - vegetation was sparse and the most prominent plant appeared to be junipers-- which was starkly different from the grassy rolling hills in the surrounding. While we ate lunch at Mammoth Village, we saw a herd of elk having their lunch on the hillside.  But that these were not the last of our wildlife sighting: there was a small herd of mountain goats by the road causing minor wildlife traffic jam on our way out of the park as well as a lone elk near the park entrance bidding us farewell as we left.
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Not knowing where exactly where we would go from here, we decided to stop at the next town where there was better connectivity to plan the rest of our trip. After considering a few options while stopped at a gas station in Livingston, MT, we decided to aim for Bend, OR, and then to the Oregon Coast before heading home. Once that was settled, we got in touch with Dan's karate friend, Doug, in Spokane to see if we could stop by their place tomorrow evening. For tonight, we found a site at a KOA campground so that we could do laundry. Tomorrow, we will return to Washington State briefly before the last leg of our journey in Oregon. Until then, good night from Butte, MT.
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Check out our route on Roadtrippers!
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The Regulation Of Attraction And The Bizarre And Wacky World Of Metaphysics By John Peace
The land of the Greeks has a historical past that prolonged for greater than 5000 years. The bargaining is as widespread in Athens as in some other a part of the world. Being an archipelago nation with loads of beaches inside its territory, it is extremely probably that you'll have to use the ferries to explore it more. Every of the favored nations in this continent, every year, has a substantial inhabitants of vacationers visiting because of their culinary attraction. The coast of Greece brings 1000's of visitors every year. But, in the course of this chaos you'll find peaceable places such as the Acropolis, even though it is filled with tourists. That is additionally identified for its Sea Garden Park or Morska Gradina where you can find a variety of vegetation and flowers. The opportunities to discover historic Greek tradition are limitless and a stay in Greece as a travel nurse will yield ample time to get to know this excellent nation and its pleasant folks. As a consequence, an individual from another country all in favour of shopping for property in Greece will need to get hold of what is known as a "pink slip" for wire transfers of money from abroad. • A Schengen visa might in all probability be another good choice, as it contains a lot of the European nations and you would enter those countries on a single stamp visa, besides the U.Okay. and some other nations, which aren't yet on that visa. Amongst his different motivational talking engagements, seminars and private teaching of athletes each well-known and just getting began, Hoddle is currently coaching 2012 Olympic candidate Jenny Brogdon, the former College of Oregon star high jumper who was the Pac-10 runner-up. Festivals like Pentecost Monday, Nafplio Competition, Ancient Olympia Worldwide Pageant, Assumption, Ohi Day, Miaoulia Festival, Nafplio Pageant, Athens International Movie Festival, Second Day of Christmas, Epiphany, Apokreo, Clean Monday, Greek Independence Day and more are the largest celebrations that you can get pleasure from within the Greek capital. However as quickly as plainly the idea for these gadgets fade out, chances are high you are going to transfer to the opposite sorts of presents, present certificates as such. It was as a result of, ladies were prohibited to point out any elements of their skin or show their body shape. Oregano, regardless of of its reputation in Greece, Italy and other Mediterranean international locations, was nearly unknown within the US till after the World War II when troopers introduced dwelling the "pizza taste". The European countries are merely adjusting sooner because they've been shoveling the goodies into the general public trough for longer, and with more shovels. Flame seedless grape, the second most popular seedless grape, compared to Thompson's seedless, deep pink in coloration, spherical with a pleasant crunch and a sweet-tart style steadiness. Head to Paradise Beach Bar, located proper on the beach between the palm bushes. Symi city is where virtually all the lodging is discovered, since in its heyday within the nineteenth century, when Symi grew wealthy on the proceeds of shipbuilding and sponge-diving, the Symiots constructed their imposing three-storey homes nearly exclusively within the town. When we talk about Holiday packages to Greece, you get a very good opportunity of visiting all vacationer points of interest. Luxurious motels have even come up with the novelty plan of creating non-public infinity pools hooked up to the room with beautiful view of the sea and the seaside space. Estimate vary as to how many people truly communicate the Greek language and is anywhere from 15 to 21 million people. In Delphi museum, visitors can see many historical statues. The thought of getting the picture as your idea in giving your presents gives them at the identical time a singular treasure, and it would not dent your pocketbooks as properly. The town of Marsala, inhabitants roughly eighty thousand, was the most important Carthaginian base in Sicily throughout its wars towards Greece and Rome. You might or might not be aware of the decline in artwork training in the last 70 years. Though not as well known they provide a lot to travelers seeking to join with locals while learning the tradition of Greece and avoiding areas overcrowded with vacationer. In addition, to Albania and Kosovo, Albanian can also be spoke in Italy, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece, Turkey, and by immigrant communities in lots of nations all through Europe, as well as in communities in Egypt, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia. Only a few thousand years ago, rainforests covered about 12% of the worlds land surface, round 15.5 million km2, (6 million sq miles). Later I used that reality in "The Bourne Determine." When certainly one of my characters wished to get away, he joined the boat folks in the Caribbean. Because of the harsh economic local weather in past years many emigrated from their Greek homeland all around the world to countries as numerous as Australia, South Africa, Argentina, North America and many others. It is all the time really useful journey to Greece not as tourist; it is higher to decorate alike local people not like foreigners. Greek civilization developed on a rocky, mountainous peninsula that juts onto the Mediterranean Sea from southeastern Europe, and on the Islands in the close by sea. You possibly can take ferry boat rides to nearby islands reminiscent of Tilos and Symi. And while it appears to contradict Einstein's particular relativity, which says nothing can travel quicker than mild, it's extra doubtless that entanglement challenges our ideas of what distance and time actually mean. Finally, for the snowboarding lovers, keep in mind that mainly in Spain and Italy you'll have the chance of nice skiing alternatives, Cruise lovers will get their greatest in Greece touring across the islands, or just taking a Mediterranean cruise that can discover the three countries and even Turkey in the identical bundle. We began up a dialog which got underway with the usual assortment of who, what and the place points. Greece has a surface space of more than 130 thousand square kilometers with the Greek Islands being a couple of quarter of this area. Economists have been warning us about this disaster for years, and their warnings have gone largely unheeded. Even people with infected cystic acne ought to strive thyme oil for 1-2 weeks, 2 instances a day. It has no beaches, but does have lovable rocky coves where tourists get pleasure from snorkeling. Except you might be planning to go and discover the outskirts, attempt to keep away from cabs and rental automobiles as the visitors of the town will eat lots of your time sitting like a duck within the taxi. Additional east in Plaka, the Monument of Lysikrates was built by an 'angel' who funded the play that gained prime prize in 334 BC. It later passed into the hands of Capuchin friars who hosted Lord Byron; one other Lord, Elgin needed to take the monument to London but was thwarted this time by the friars. Certainly, to make the most of an overused time period - when it comes to real estate, Greece is hot. As soon as one is immersed in a Scorching Tub and as you begin to enjoy the warm spa water, it causes two very beneficial physiological occasions to take place in your physique. This place may be, to a sure extent, used for an academic journey together with your kids at the toes of nature at its greatest. In the future we went to the Athinas Avenue food market, which was fairly an expertise. It has good roads on the northern side and many archaeological sites to go to and enjoy. These are simply few of the popular the explanation why individuals journey. No matter season you choose, there are greater than sufficient sights to supply a great European holiday. cheap hotels gloucester A pair of denims, just a few t-shirts, a superb looking comfortable carrying shoe and one other pair of comfy footwear must be taken in the bag for snug movement. In Belguim there is, of course, the well-known Spa the place where the very phrase "Spa" comes from then in England you may have Bath so aptly named. We will start with arguably the most surprising one, the Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia (The National Museum of Higher Greece), a vital archeological museum. Bushes can live to an age of roughly 60 years and develop to about 60 feet tall at maturity. In these exhausting occasions of global meltdown and inflation, spending capacity of individuals has witnessed a pointy nostril-dive. Consider historic Rome, Greece, Modern day China, America. Since taking snapshots are part on the celebration of each event, you may make use of it. You may have these snapshots digitally imaged and print them afterwards. Bloomingdales is renowned for its all-day Sunday parties held often all year long. Now what's the one thing that these Scorching Spring Spas from the past do not have - it is of course an electric Air Blower (in spite of everything in days of previous electrical energy had not been discovered) which is usually fitted on many modern day spas. It was reconstructed nicely over one hundred years ago by individuals who didn't know what they had been doing. The white walnut tree is the most cold hardy of all walnut trees, rising vigorously in zones three-9. There are a number of exceptional panels of the Parthenon frieze that Lord Elgin forgot, and the air pollution-scarred Caryatids. The individuals of every plain and island formed an independent neighborhood known as a metropolis-state. There are numerous good Greek journey guides accessible to detail the quite a few sites to visit. While volley ball and tanning are standard by day, sundowners and impromptu seaside events are on from early evening to properly previous midnight. Close to the primary sq. is the medieval Santa Maria della Isola church and monastery, remodeled in Gothic type and touched up a bit after an earthquake slightly over one hundred years ago. An olive tree replaces the unique in the western court of the temple. Before you visit to any vacation spot, you will need to at all times perceive the transport system of your respective place and regardless whether or not town is from Asia, Europe, Americas or every other part of the world, transport have its limitations and you must respect the gravity of their frequency and availability. Located on a high mountain that is round one hundred fifty meters in height, the Acropolis, or the excessive City, is positioned in the heart of the Greek capital. There are several necessary steps that should be taken to organize, however probably the most vital issues to do to prepare for the coming despair is to begin storing food. You possibly can actually witness some of the most historic sites in your entire world and get a feel for what the powerful Historical Greece was like. It seems that, these hidden positions, has saved them natural and delightful, as a result of the bus with tourist can hardly reach these spots.
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wanderlustlondon · 7 years
10 July
it’s september rn
another day another class. at least today we started late and got out early. we all walked out together and took a right instead of a left out the classroom and got super lost. we wandered through paths connecting the building and somehow got into an elevator that look us to the basement and it looked like a dungeon. also the elevator was equipped for 10 people and we were 7 so it was cozy to say the least. it probably took us around 20 minutes to actually get out of the building.
we wanted to picnic in hyde park but it was a little rainy at lunchtime so we all just went back to dante to make lunch and take naps. i ended up leaving for the v&a at 12:45 with megan and john just so we would have some time to sit and relax in a local park. there were a bunch of little boys playing soccer and idk it was just really cute and felt v local. john ended up falling asleep and megan kept taking pictures of me which heh i don't mind some good candids
we got to the museum and of course we’re lost af in there. we ended up having to ask how to get to the exhibit we needed, which was on a completely different floor than mandy told us (to nobody’s surprise). we ended up getting there right in time for a tour so that was actually pretty nice. there were so many cool things in the theatre exhibit it was easily one of the top ones we went to. we spent a long time wandering around and then while others went to explore more john meg and i went out to the gardens to relax and cool off. some little girl decided to splash us, which is when we chose to left. we were all museum out and now we were wet too
we decided to just walk around and find some cheap eats, which ended up being at a semi sketchy italian place. we split some garlic bread and pizza and for £6 a person wasn’t too bad. we talked a bit about things we still wanted to see and do and I just said i want get as much done with this group bc while I have those extra days it won’t be the same without my favorites around. meg and i finished eating first and we both were just lost in our thoughts until john spoke up and said “sometimes I feel like I’m with two monks when I’m with you two you never start conversations” and I was like hey when megan and i are alone we have great conversations you must be the problem and he just laughed and continued eating
we wandered back down to hyde park to find some ice cream and a few statues/memorials. the weather at this point was absolutely perfect and we got some ice cream and it just felt very “for forever” from dear evan hansen tbh. when we got to the diana memorial park they told us within .2 seconds of stepping on the grounds that we need children to enter. we all apologized and turned around but it didn’t take long for megan to say “ok next time we pretend I'm your 12 year old child, we all have curly hair we could make it work”. we ended up sitting in the shade near the playground and we all fell asleep, it was just so peaceful in there. once we got up we found the peter pan statue just bc i really needed to see it
we were all pretty quiet by this point but still enjoying the company. we headed home on the tube and talked about seeing 42nd street tomorrow. we have to buy rush tickets so it’s still up in the air if it’ll actually happen. when i got back to my room, i took another nap (oops it’s like 8 pm when i wake up), watched some youtube, called mom, cranked out a history paper in about an hour and a half, and finally got to go to bed.
oh also, i stacked up everything in my room that was flat with height so my fan blew on me all night and i was freezing and life is swell
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