#just found out he's become hyperthyroid
pumpkin-belly · 2 years
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Whatcha doin down there?
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cherryrainn · 1 year
hi babe!! i have severe hyperthyroidism and issues with my stomach. constant pain nd stuff like that. can you write a comfort onceler x reader?
hii!! i tried my best with this, sorry if it's not accurate <;/3
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— comfort in the whirlwind
onceler x reader with severe hyperthyroidism and stomach issues
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you lay in bed, feeling the weight of your health issues bearing down on you. severe hyperthyroidism and stomach problems had become constant companions, causing you pain and discomfort daily. the days felt overwhelming, and you found it challenging to find solace amidst the physical struggles.
just then, a soft knock came from your bedroom door, and onceler cautiously entered, holding a tray of warm soup and a cup of herbal tea. his caring eyes met yours, and you managed a small smile, grateful for his presence.
"hey there, sunshine," he said gently, setting the tray down on your nightstand. "i brought you some soup and tea. how are you feeling today?"
you sighed, feeling the exhaustion in your bones. "not great, onceler. the pain won't let up, and it's been hard to get through the day."
he sat down beside you on the bed, taking your hand in his. "i'm sorry... you're so strong for facing it head-on every day."
you appreciated his words, knowing that he genuinely cared for you. "sometimes it's just so hard to stay positive, you know?"
he nodded in understanding, his thumb gently rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand. "it's okay to feel overwhelmed. but remember, i'm here for you, no matter what."
you took a sip of the herbal tea, its comforting warmth spreading through your body. "thank you for being here, onceler. i don't know what I'd do without you."
he leaned in, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. "you'll never have to find out. i promise i'll always be by your side, supporting you through the good times and the tough ones."
as you finished the soup, onceler stayed with you, sharing stories and laughter, knowing that sometimes laughter could be the best medicine. he recounted some of his wild and wacky forest adventures, and you couldn't help but chuckle at his animated expressions.
his presence was a calming balm, and despite the pain, you felt a sense of peace settling over you. onceler knew how to make you forget the world's worries, even if just for a little while.
as the evening turned to night, you found yourself leaning against him, your head resting on his shoulder. "thank you for being here," you whispered, feeling a sense of gratitude that words couldn't fully express.
he hugged you tightly, his voice gentle and reassuring. "i'll always be here for you, no matter what. you're not alone in this."
as the days passed, onceler continued to be a constant source of comfort and support for you. he made it a priority to learn more about your health conditions, attending doctor's appointments with you and helping you manage your symptoms.
when the pain was too much to bear, he would sit by your side, gently holding your hand and offering words of encouragement.
"don't worry, y/n," he would say softly. "we'll get through this together. you're so strong, and i believe in you."
he became a master at distracting you from the discomfort, telling you stories, playing games, or simply cuddling with you until the pain subsided.
"let's watch some silly videos," he suggested one afternoon, pulling out his phone.
and despite the pain, you couldn't help but chuckle at the funny videos he found, feeling the weight on your shoulders lighten for a moment.
there were days when you felt frustrated and discouraged, wishing for the pain to go away for good. but onceler's unwavering love and positivity kept you going. he reminded you that it was okay to have bad days, that your feelings were valid, and that you were strong and resilient.
during your lowest moments, he would softly sing to you, his soothing voice like a lullaby, helping you find some respite from the physical and emotional burdens you carried.
"close your eyes, y/n," he'd say gently.
his presence alone was a balm to your weary soul, filling you with a sense of peace and comfort that you couldn't find anywhere else.
as time went on, you noticed that his support and love had a positive impact on your overall well-being. the pain might still be present, but you faced it with newfound strength, knowing that you weren't alone in this battle.
"what do you say we have a movie night tonight?" he suggested one evening, a warm smile on his face. "i'll make the popcorn, and you can pick the movie."
you'd have movie nights together, watch the stars, or take leisurely walks in the woods, surrounded by nature's tranquility.
and on those rare good days, when the pain seemed to subside and the world felt brighter, onceler was right there by your side, celebrating the victories with you.
"thank you for being here," you whispered, feeling the warmth of his embrace.
"with all my heart," he replied, his voice soft and tender. "you're not alone in this."
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butterfly-casket · 5 months
Lowkey can't believe I forgot to make this post but at the beginning of this week I walked out of my appointment 5 mins into speaking to my primary. (I had a pulse of 81 and BP of 112/70 going into it.) I left, immediately requested my entire medical history, canceled my insurance (specific to the hospital/clinic I went to), canceled my appointments and sent a message to my physical therapist that I appreciate her but will not be putting my health in the hands of *place* ever again. Then they asked me to fill out a short survey and I went OFF about the bs they've put me through for the past 3 years.
Under the cut is a description of my medical history from the past 3 years because I'm just trying to make some fucking sense of it all and how they still think fibromyalgia fits. I think they fucked up SO BAD for so long that they had no choice but to double down.
> At beginning of 2021, I get shooting pain down my leg & my hip keeps trying to give out
> gets so bad I go to the ER
> gets laughed out of the ER because I briefly mention that I've experienced chronic joint pain since age 10 (to give them the perspective that my pain scale is off)
> goes back to my pediatrician (I'm 18 at the time, haven't found a new primary)
> gets referral to rheumatology and bone & joint
> rheumatologist diagnosis me with joint hypermobility, says he can't do anything about it.
> meanwhile, my nerve pain is getting worse and worse.
> bone & joint doctor, I see him twice, repeatedly assures me that sometimes "people just have pain for no reason"
> pain gets so bad that the only thing I can do is sleep, being practically comatose, and only eating sandwich ingredients and dry cereal out of the box for 3 weeks.
> schedule an appointment with the first doctor I can see. My mom drives me, helps me shuffle into the clinic, and cries with me when the doctor walks in & asks what's wrong. We both become sobbing messes on accident bc I'm in so much pain.
> he tells me the only thing he thinks it can be is fibromyalgia. Prescribes me an antidepressant. The NEXT DAY. My pain is GONE seemingly out of nowhere
> I am unable to take the antidepressant consistently due to lack of primary doctor, doesn't seem to make a difference so I stop.
> 6 months later I am struggling to pee, 3 months after that I get my first uti and it was very bad (blood in my urine). I go to the ER but they quickly prove to be recurrent. I am treated by minute clinics around where I moved to.
> 8 months after the initial flare up, I start having mini flare ups while working an INCREDIBLY labor intensive job with long hours. I had already been working there for 3 months without issues
> have to back my car out of parking spaces VERY slowly because any time I turn my neck back that far to look, I start to black out and become unable to form thoughts. I was taught to neglect myself growing up, so I just thought it wasn't a big deal & that it would go away.
> 3 months after my mini flares up happened, I start to have a month long flare up that gets progressively worse before just disappearing one day.
> I think I'm better, get a new job, immediately have to take a month off of work due to extreme joint pain, muscle pain, and constant uti symptoms. (12 months later we find out I was suffering from thyroiditis.) Try to fix my sleep schedule, diet, exercise habits, and finally start to feel a little better. Go back to work but it's part-time.
> work there for 4 months in extreme pain every day, eventually have to leave because I can't take it anymore.
> apply for disability, get new insurance, & get taken care of by my partner. Also move in w roommates who I didn't realize were incredibly unsanitary. I try my best to clean up after them for 5 months before ultimately I give myself a stress fracture on both my L5 pars and send my body into yet another full body flare up that sends me to the ER. Am still experiencing hyperthyroidism without knowing it.
> ER prescribes me gabapentin and send me back to rheumatology.
> finally get a new primary who seems to really care.
> Rheumatology gives me a 9 beighton score & sends me to physical therapy which helps my joint pain a ton until I have another extreme nerve flare up 3 months later while doing my PT. Literally the worst pain I had ever experienced, could barely move. Primary ups my dose 6x and it helps at the very first but ultimately still doesn't keep up with the pain (like, at all. 1800mg a day.)
> sees a urologist who diagnoses me with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and almost doesn't test my urine which showed crystals & a lot of bacteria (he acted like I was crazy for feeling something solid through my urethra.) He went ahead and did a CT to check for kidney stones and found an 8cm ovarian cyst (that they found 2 yrs prior & didnt tell me or my mother about even tho it 6.7cm at the time) and an L5 pars defect.
> gets reoccurring chest pain & palpations for months, one day it gets really bad and a nurse line tells me to go to the ER. ER diagnoses me with Anxiety.
> finally sees a spine doctor who diagnosis me with bilateral sciatica, spondylosis of my L5, and says there's a good chance my spine is popping in & out of alignment. Sends me to pain management.
> pain management switches me to pregabalin. It helps a little bit for a little bit. Eventually have to stop taking it due to extreme mental fog & personality changes.
> try dry needling therapy for 3 months for my lumbar back. It always relieves me for a short period but ultimately was making matters worse in the long run.
> having tons of flares ups all the time up until we had to move & 30 minutes into moving small boxes my back pops out of alignment, my legs give out and I'm in, once again, the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life for the rest of the day until the next morning I take an Epsom salt bath, feel a pop, and finally have some relief. I was sore from that flare up for a week after.
> find a new primary after moving, ask about possibly having hEDS and he sends me back to rheumatology (who found nothing) saying they have to rule out everything else first.
> go back to pain management, try a couple different things that either made matters worse or did nothing at all and decided to take a break from the disappointment.
> everyone keeps telling me I have fibromyalgia & anxiety despite the fact that it doesn't actually make sense with the pattern of my pain, doesn't match up with my symptoms &doesnt explain half my symptoms.
> symptom page is now 3 google docs pages long & after receiving my medical records I find a million inconsistencies, claims of me agreeing to things that were never discussed with me, and half of my reported symptoms are not even mentioned.
> have a dozen more symptoms that I'm scared to mention out of fear that I am going to continue to be dismissed, ignored— or worse, give them reason to think I'm seeking attention.
> completely lose hope for receiving the help I need.
> start having blurred vision and dysphagia, looks them up, reads about MS and realizes it fits nearly all of my symptoms. Make an appointment with my primary.
> goes to my primary, immediately is talked down to for "coming in the Friday before Christmas break" and "the only reason you got this appointment is because I had a cancelation."
> I burst into sobs and whip out my symptoms list just fucking begging for help, telling him I've been dismissed by almost every medical professional I've been to, most of my symptoms haven't even been recorded, & that I'm desperate. He agrees to finally help me, refers me to neurology (first time since this all started) and orders MRIs to check for MS.
> by this time I have had thyroiditis, a ton of infections, have horrible balance, tons of tingling and numbness in all my limbs, use a cane, been unable to work for a year and a half, worked with tons of physical therapists who don't know how to help my nerve pain, & have another ovarian cyst despite receiving treatment for PCOS.
> goes to the ER with my heart racing, vomiting, extreme fatigue and weakness. The doctor tries to gaslight me as they continuously tell me "You are a young healthy person. This is very psychological, you need a psychiatrist and psychologist." Until I am in literal tears because that treatment felt very uncalled for, especially because my labs hadn't even come back yet. I finally agree to see a therapist bc I recognize I am going through a very difficult thing in life and could use the extra support. I also felt very much like they were going to put me in a psych ward if I didn't agree. My lab tests come back showing I have low potassium & CO2. They treat me then send me home with 2 diagnoses: nausea WITHOUT vomiting, depression.
> neurology asks me a ton of medically irrelevant questions about school life, home life, relationship with my parents and then diagnoses me with anxiety without performing any tests.
> gets my second EMG that comes back clear
> finally gets my MRIs that shows cervical bone spurs on 3 different vertebrae.
> think I have FINALLY found the answer to almost all of my symptoms.
> goes back to my primary who says it's "just a little arthritis. Most people who have what you have don't have symptoms." & won't listen to me when I point out that I have every symptom indicative of complications with bone spurs in the neck (& I'm hypermobile)
> refuses to discuss why I have the bone spurs at age 22
> refuses to discuss the possibility of hEDS
> gets mad at me for not being treated for my fibromyalgia (even tho nothing works.) Keeps interrupting me to say it's just fibromyalgia.
> I say, "ok, we're done here" & get up to leave
> "you're leaving?!"
> "you just said nothing is wrong with me, I have the same thing everyone has been saying I've had for years, that I have the same thing I've been trying countless useless treatments for, what else can you even do for me?"
> "but I could get you a referral to a spine specialist!!"
> "you just said nothing is wrong with my neck. And I've already been to a spine specialist."
> "they could give you injections!"
> "I've already tried injections and they. Didn't. Work."
> "you don't even want a follow up appointment???!"
> "???? NO!!!"
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parappa-and-lammy · 4 years
Disabled OCs 2: Electric Boogaloo
it’s them, they’re here! Or yknow, a chunk of em. i had a LOT backlogged and there are even more in store i have saved away - the ones here are the most fleshed out!
To start, with who appears to already pique peeps interest:
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⬆️ Bumble Bea the flower-capybara! 
Most notable is her golden and wild long flowing hair. It has green streaks through it, along with plenty of flowers; some grown by her, and others gathered throughout her life. They’re able to stay alive as long as she keeps them in her mane. Definitely the hippie type, she enjoys being around people and in nature. She is friendly towards everyone, and calls them all some variation of “honey” (hun, honey bun, hun bun..,), she’ll even sometimes pluck a flower to give to you!
Her original dream was to be a rockstar sensation, specializing in psychedelic rock. She even has her own custom guitar (which looks like a bumblebee!). Has hyperthyroidism and fibromyalgia - the chronic pain of which made her decide to retire. She’ll come out to play every so often, just not so extensively as before. For now, she simply hangs out with her family and helps them with their own problems.
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⬆️ Lonnie Lop the jerboa-rabbit!
Lonnie is a jokester who doesn’t take much seriously. So much so, he sometimes forgets that some topics are off limits. Barely being an adult, he has trouble judging people, and tends to take things at face value. He’s an overly emotional immature thing at times... but he’s discovered that his family is most important to him.
Lonnie wanted to become an idol more than anything way back when - he had the cuteness, the singing skill, the dancing and everything else! But they had all turned him down, and it’s not really a mystery why. He has a stoma on his abdomen and has a colostomy bag - the most decorated and brightly colored ones are his favorite. He is also borderline anemic and has pica - both of which caused an event that led to him getting the stoma in his childhood.
For now, he simply helps his family out with random little jobs. He looks up to Bumble, who he considers his sister. He still insists on becoming an idol somehow.
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⬆️ Otto the otter!
He is a jolly old man with a big heart, and a laugh so loud it shakes the building. Some people might be off-put by his openness, but he’s nothing but sincere. He will always set time aside to listen to whatever problems you may be having, though he isn’t exactly the most intellectual. He’s a lil’ confused but he’s got the spirit.
Otto has epilepsy, along with chronic migraines. All his sons and daughters left the nest and got careers in the technological industry, and he’s nothing but happy for them. But he stays away from screens and such. He’s moreso a man that works with his hands. And he does! Whenever he isn’t in the house with his new found family, he’ll be outside working on a project.
After the passing of his wife and his kids going on to do great things, he’s opened his house up for the ones who have no home. Many people have come to call his house ‘home’ and become part of the family. He fosters kids and helps people feel appreciated when they never have. Bumble came by long ago and is officially part of the family. Lonnie was the first foster kid at his home, and also was the first to be adopted by him.
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⬆️ Kato the croco-llope and Lea the sheep-leopard!
Lea has high morality, which many remember her for: she shall never speak ill of someone. Never outwardly be rude or mean to someone. She tends to prioritize helping others over herself, even to the point of bringing harm onto herself. At times like these, usually standoffish Kato will step in and stand up for her. They known each other for a very long time - Kato has known her most of his life, and Lea has known him for over a decade now.
Lea was born deaf and is very adept at ASL and reading lips. Kato lost his arm and eye, has hearing loss in his right ear, among other things, due to something that happened long ago. Despite this, he’s become quite skilled at kung fu - even CCMO has commended him, and request he train others at the dojo alongside him.
The two live at Otto’s Foster Home, with Lea having registered to be the full-time caretaker there. She made Kato go through the training and begrudgingly become registered as well, though he now enjoys it. Lea owns a specialized dulcimer while Kato has and can play his adungu. They’ll play as a duet for the kids sometimes, who always enjoy their little performances.
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⬆️ Donna the chameleon-iguana!
She herself has barely any recollection of what she’s like. She remembers slipping away... and then ‘waking up’ in PaRappa Town. after an unpleasant run-in with a certain flower girl, Donna is guided towards the Otto home with the help of a kind rapping dog. She was shaken from the experience still, and simply finds vacancy there.
She wasn’t willing to open up to anyone there, yet finds an unlikely friend in someone called Theo. With his roundabout help and the eventual help of the others who live there, she manages to recover from her past experiences and unlock her past, so that she can finally put her best foot forward.
Donna had untreated juvenile arthritis, and now consequentially has joint damage from it, among other things. She wears loose clothes and has long ties attached to zippers in order to help her move with less strain.
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⬆️ Theo the bugbot!
He is an old, cranky, pessimist grump who always has something snarky to say. You’d be lucky if he didn’t directly tell you straight to your face. Doesn’t acquaint much with the other people in the Otto household (where he resides), until he met Donna. They form an unlikely friendship - his abrasive attitude was what she needed to address her problems, and in turn, she helps him be less of an ass.
Congenitally amputated legs, so he attaches large wheels to spurs to get around. He also has pulmonary fibrosis that developed from sarcoidosis. He wears a powerful respirator he had built himself everywhere outside of his room. Hoists oxygen tanks on his back thanks to a vest he designed for himself. Theo also has a sort of addiction to chocolate - the one he wasn’t able to kick. He was very self-destructive in his youth, though he begrudgingly takes better care of himself now.
Theo is talented at home improvement, as can be seen with his assisted living tools. Though he’s embarrassed over it for multiple reasons, he can play the hurdy-gurdy quite well, and does so often when he’s alone in his room. He even played for Donna on one occasion, though he wouldn’t dream of showing the other people in the house his playing skills.
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⬆️ Angel the anteater and Cupcake the sugar glider!
Angel was an overachieving student at the college, going for a degree in writing, until the day she became sick with what she thought was the flu. But after weeks of rest, she became worse and worse - and was eventually diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis (commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome). She joined a support group so as not to be alone during this time. and met Cupcake, who instantly took a liking to her.
Cupcake has Crohn’s disease, and visibility problems due to complications with Crohn’s disease. She had to radically change her diet from before; she eats plenty of honey which helps, but misses cocoa products. The two live together in one dorm, with Cupcake not even hesitating to help Angel with whatever she needs. She always wanted to be a nurse, though she was teaching as Home Ec now.
When Angel inevitably loses her schooling and thus her dorm, the two move in together into Otto’s home. Angel gives what she can by helping the kids with their school curriculum. Cupcake helps her with that, and also teaching the kids other things they need to know. Angel is able to play the harp, while Cupcake plays the harpsichord. They make a fantastic duo, both as a duet and otherwise.
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⬆️ Gilly Gary the garden snail!
A boy with the voice of an angel, Gilly was one of the foster kids at Otto’s home before being adopted by a quadruplet slug singing group. They all have a dream of being able to make it big performing all over the world - but until then, they perform at small venues all across PaRappa Town. They’ll sometimes even host fundraisers for homes and institutions that need it.
Though Gilly wants to be a star in the singing world, he doesn’t take much seriously. He just wants to goof off and have fun! He and Lonnie would raise trouble together, seeing as they brought the most mischievous side out of each other.
Gilly had his leg amputated at a young age due to a rapidly spreading infection, and uses Lofstran crutches to support himself. He really doesn’t care, though since he’s a bit of a fashionista (he adores the aesthetic of the mid to late 70s), he won’t EVER cut off a pant leg, and resigns to tucking it in instead. It comes in helpful when trying to sneak stuff into the movie theatre haha funni reference
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⬆️ Pekh the wolf-rooster!
This is a cheerful, euphoric man who rises up early every day to greet the sun. He is incredibly happy with himself, and chivalrous - anything he has, he immediately gives to someone else. He already knows he’s glorious, so someone else should have it instead! Though, he isn’t really the sharpest beak on the block. He may be easily confused by something you say, but he’d support you all the way.
His kidneys don’t work very well, and so he gets a dialysis 3 days a week, but takes care of his body otherwise. Why wouldn’t he? He’s the best! On his way to the doctor office, he’ll yodel aloud to himself and everyone around, and will continue while getting the dialysis done. He has an AV fistula in his left arm. He wanted the graft, but the fistula was the better option.
Some people are a bit annoyed by his self-euphoria, but others find it endearing. His family (everyone in the Otto household) see him as a beacon of happiness - Lonnie looks up to him, Theo gets irritated by his bubbliness, while everyone else in the house cheers him on.
And that’s the 2nd round of disabled OCs! I had a blast designing them all. I still have so many more that have yet to be 100% done yet (and i even have the first round to shine up and reintroduce)! I’ll see yall when i put up round 3! These were so exhausting to draww
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notiimu · 4 years
“Joël M. Lambert.” The doctor’s words echoed in the otherwise quiet doctor’s office. “Yes sir.” The man in front of the doctor spoke. The man looked frail. He had a thin frame and unusually silky hair. The man’s eyes were slightly bloodshot and he was sweating quite heavily. The doctor looked back to his documents as he spoke again. “What brings you here?”
The man swallowed before he began to talk again. “I’m... Hungry. Constantly.” He explained. “No matter how much I eat, I keep on being hungry.” The doctor jotted down the man’s words. “Could you describe your eating habits?” The doctor continued. The man, Joël, stayed quiet for a while, as if he was ashamed of what he was about to tell. “I eat a lot.” He started, “I have six big meals a day and I snack a lot during the day. It just doesn’t satisfy me like it should.” Joël looked down in shame. The doctor just took notes. “That sounds like an odd case...” He muttered before facing the frail man in front of him again. “We’re going to have to run some tests on you so we can find out what causes this.” He explained, “We’ll get your blood drawn today, but I would like to keep you here for a while so we can take some scans and test your thyroid.” The doctor explained. Joël, relieved, thanked the doctor. Maybe now he would finally find out what caused this nagging hunger! The doctor gave him directions to where he could get his blood drawn before sending him on his way. “I’ll see you back tomorrow.” They shook hands before they parted ways. The doctor moving on to the next patient, and Joël to the next doctor.
 The day after, Joël returned to the hospital. He met with his doctor again, who took him to his room. “This is where you’ll be staying for now.” The doctor explained him. “We’ll do our best to find out what’s bothering you as soon as possible.” This assured Joël, who thanked the doctor before entering his room. The room was small, but big enough to at least fit four beds and a few lockers. The only problem Joël saw was the lack of anything to store food in. But it was a hospital, after all. They would probably bring it to him, right? “Make yourself at home for now, We’ve scheduled a thorough examination in an hour.” With those words, the doctor left Joël in his room. Joël went to unpack his stuff in the locker assigned to him, looking forward to the examination as well as wondering if he would get any nice roommates. It would be a little lonely to be here all by himself, after all. The room suddenly filled with a loud rumbling noise. Ah, there it was, the hunger. Joël’s jaws started making a swallowing motion and he started to belch noisily. He needed food, he thought. An hour passed, and the doctor has returned to Joël’s room to escort him to the examination room. When he opened the door, he saw the state Joël was in. He was sweaty, drooling and looking for food. The room smelled heavily of body odor, which was logical considering how much the patient was sweating. The doctor cleared his throat, alerting the frail man of his presence. He looked his way, wiping some drool off his chin. “Can I perhaps eat something before the examination?” He asked calmly. The doctor looked at Joël in silence for a bit before he nodded. “I’ll ask the nurse to bring you some food there.” He told him. This was an unusual request, but they couldn’t have the patient act the way he was during the entire examination. “For now, please, follow me.” Joël obeyed, following the doctor calmly as he kept making swallowing motions as they went.
 There were two doctors waiting on them in the examination room. The two greeted the other doctor and their patient. As they began examination, the room filled up with the stench of sweat. Though it didn’t bother the two doctors examining Joël, the other doctor could barely stand it. The doctors focused mostly on the movement of the jaw and the patient’s swollen throat. “For how long have you had these complaints?” One of the doctors asked. Joël shrugged. “Since I was a small child, I think.” He explained. “My mother always complained about my appetite.” He chuckled. The other doctor wrote his response down. “By the time I was sixteen, I could eat a meal meant for six people and still not be satisfied.” He added.  As they went on with their examination, they found Joël was underweight, but had a lot of loose skin around his waist. “Was there a period in your life where you were overweight?” One of the doctors asked. “No.” Joël responded, “I have always been on the skinny side.” The doctors wrote it down. “Any digestive issues?” The other asked. This question seemed to make the skinny man rather uncomfortable. “Yes.” He responded eventually. “I am able to eat about anything, even non-edible things, without any issue.” He looked down. “And, well...” The patient fiddled with his hands and cleared his throat. “I got a chronic case of the runs.” He muttered. The doctors both nodded as they wrote it down. The frail man looked up in excitement when a nurse came in with food. Though it was a full meal for a grown adult, Joël found the amount to be a bit underwhelming. The doctors took this as their que to leave the room for a while and discuss.
 “I suspect Grave’s disease.” The first doctor spoke. “No, I don’t think it is. His diet is pretty abnormal.” The other doctor responded. “Not to mention he only checks two of the boxes for that.” The first doctor sighed and agreed. “Whatever it is, it’s most definitely hyperthyroidism. I want to run some blood tests.” “I agree. I think we should-“ Their discussion was cut short by the nurse, who came back outside, gagging. When asked what’s wrong, she looked at them with wide eyes. “It smells absolutely rancid in there.” She explained. “I don’t know what it is, but that man smells horrible.” The doctors exchanged looks before going back inside. As described, they were hit with a foul stench the moment they opened the door. They were surprised to find Joël having already finished his meal. “It might be a little rude to ask, but is there more?” He asked innocently. One of the doctors started speaking again, trying not to gag. “I think we gathered enough information for today.” The doctor managed to speak. Joël was escorted back to his room quickly before the examination room would be cleaned. The patient obviously was embarrassed by the ordeal, but didn’t want to speak up.
 After a week of research, examining and testing, the hospital had decided to put Joël on a controlled diet. His food intake would be reduced to 5 meals and two snacks a day, and slowly become less and less, until he would eventually go down to a healthy 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. As they progressed this, Joël started to show odd behaviors. Sometimes, he would sneak out of his room to go rummage through the trash, steal food from the cafeteria and sometimes eat from the plants that stood around the hall. The doctors could tell Joël wasn’t taking the treatment well, and decided they needed to take action. “It’s his thyroid. He needs medication.” One of the doctors suggested. “If it was just his thyroid, it wouldn’t explain the stench and the loose skin.” The other argued. Truly, the doctors were lost on what to do at this point. For now, they decided to give Joël medication to see how that would work for him. If they tackled one issue, it might just be easier to take on the other issues.
 The doctor, who had been on this case since the beginning, was assigned to bring Joël his first dose of the medication. Both to explain the treatment as well as see if he would even take it. The doctor opened the door after knocking, only to see the patient picking his teeth. He stood by the bin, which made the doctor assume he had been rummaging through the trash again. “Joël, I have good news for you.” He started. “You’re taking me off the diet?” Joël asked, hopeful. “No, but we do have these pills here.” The doctor showed Joël a bottle of pills, to great and clearly visible disappointment of the man. “I’m sorry, Joël, but the diet is necessary to help you recover your weight at a regular pace once we stabilize your thyroid.” The thin man looked down, understanding the reasoning, but being disappointed nonetheless. “If I take those pills, the hungry feeling will go away, right?” He asked. “Sort of.” The doctor responded. “They help your thyroid make the right amount of hormones again, so you won’t feel hungry all the time anymore.” The doctor explained as his patient listened carefully. “However, you will still feel hungry when you need to, like any healthy person.” Joël nodded, understanding. “I hope so. I’ve been so hungry, it’s almost unbearable.” He explained his doctor, who was glancing over at the trash can. “Have you been eating from there again? You were picking your teeth next to it when I came in.” The doctor asked. The bin was almost empty, except for what seemed to be a few tissues and some hair. “Oh, that. Well, you guys have a mouse problem. Or, well, had. You had one.” The frail man rubbed the back of his neck. “I was hungry and wasn’t thinking, so I took care of it.” The doctor looked back at his patient in horror. “You ATE mice?” He asked in shock. “Well, how else would I have done it?” The man responded. “Alright, you’re coming with me.” The doctor sighed. He had to get his patient checked again.
 Once again declared free of parasites, Joël was put back in his room. The hunger was slowly getting to him over time, as the pills didn’t seem to work for him and his diet was still very restricted. The constant swallowing motion of his throat, the belching and the chewing motions without anything to chew, started to hurt the young man. His teeth got damaged from all the grinding and the excessive drooling had left him feeling dehydrated. His room reeked bad enough for people to no longer want to come in, leaving Joël to feel isolated. He started contemplating if staying here was such a good idea after all. Surely, the doctors tried, but the treatment made him feel like he was going crazy. Joël spent the next days trying to chase whatever found itself in his room to eat, begging the doctors and nurses for more food, which he was denied. Still taken over by hunger, the frail man decided he needed to take drastic measures as he felt like he could no longer take the state he was in. He opened the door, which only was still unlocked so he could leave to go to the toilet, and went to the front desk, his eyes darting left and right, completely bloodshot as he walked the hallway, drooling as he went.
 “I want to quit my treatment.” The thin man demanded once at the desk. The hospital worker raised an eyebrow. “May I have your name?” She asked, half interested. “Joël Maxim Lambert.” The man responded as he wiped the drool from his face. “Date of birth?” The woman asked, typing in his name. “October 11th, 1993.” He managed to speak in between swallowing. “Let’s see... Joël Lambert... You’re here for extended research on your condition, it says.” The woman read out loud, pressing a button under her desk. “Yes, I am.” The young man responded. “I want to quit it. It’s done nothing for me other than make my issues worse.” He explained. “Anything you could possibly do for me?” His tone was desperate. The woman just shook her head as three large men appeared behind Joël. “You have to stay here until you’re discharged by the doctors. I can’t do much for you. I’m sorry.” The woman informed him. “Sorry sir, but you need to go back to your room.” One of the large men spoke. “No. No, I’m not going back!” Joël spoke, still drooling heavily as he grinded his teeth in a chewing motion. Not listening to the fragile looking man, the three men restrained the fighting patient and carried him back to his room.
 It’s been three days since Joël tried to escape his personal torture, as he liked to call it. The door was now locked and he was given a port-a-potty since his access to a regular toilet was denied. The other three beds in his room were removed to prevent him from eating them. As weird as it sounds, he had tried it. Now, with his lacking diet, he had resorted to eating the only thing he could. Gross, but to him, necessary. Though the food he’d eat would still be enough for two average people to survive, for him, it wasn’t enough. Here he was, a man in his mid-twenties, no family to contact, out of a job, literally eating his own shit. God, he hated it here. He jolted up when he heard the door unlock and open. The doctor stood there with an unfamiliar man. “Joël, I’d like you to meet Dr. Dubois. He’s a psychiatrist.” Joël wiped some drool off his chin with his left hand before shaking the other man’s hand with his right hand. “Hello there, I heard it wasn’t going too well with you, so I came to have a talk.” Dr. Dubois told Joël, who seemed thankful to finally have some human contact for a while. “Would you like to talk here, or would you like to come to my office to talk?” He then suggested. The thin man sighed with a smile. “It’s cause it smells here, huh?” He asked the psychiatrist, who shrugged in response. “Let’s do it in your office then.” He responded, just wanting to get out of this room for a bit.
 “So, why don’t we start with telling something about yourself?” Dr. Dubois asked. The frail looking man nodded in response, clearing his throat. “Well, I’m Joël Lambert, I’m 25 years old and I come from France. I moved not too far from here in 2016.” He explained. “You’ve only lived here for two years, then?” Joël nodded in response. “My parents wanted me out as quick as possible. I made some money doing some shows on the internet and I used it to move here.” “What kind of shows?” Dr. Dubois asked, jotting down the conversation on his notepad as they went. “Me stuffing my face with food, mostly. I have an unusual appetite, which is why I’m here in the first place.” The psychiatrist wrote it all down. “How do you like it here?” He then asked. Joël fell silent, looking offended at the question. “Gee, they locked me up and are basically starving me, I haven’t heard anything of a treatment for the past two weeks and my hunger is driving me nuts. Obviously I must love it here.” He responded sarcastically. “And how does that make you feel?” Dr. Dubois added. The other man just huffed. “It makes me feel forgotten. I want to be treated for my hunger and I’m fairly sure a simple diet is not going to work.” He crossed his arms. “They said it’s my thyroid, but they have stopped giving me the pills they prescribed me because they fear I might overdose.” The other man nodded, writing it all down. “I think I understand it now.” He spoke as he nodded. “Would you like to stop your treatment?” That question sparked joy to Joël, whose eyes lit up as he heard it. “Yes! Are you able to help me with that?” He exclaimed excitedly. “I can give it a try. I can get more done than a patient, but I’m not promising you anything yet.” Dr. Dubois responded. “Thank you! Thank you so much!” Joël threw himself onto the larger man in front of him, hugging him gleefully. Dr. Dubois was caught off guard, not noticing the patient had snatched his keycard. He eventually managed to pry the thin man off of him. “I’ll do my best for you.” He reassured him. Afterwards, the two sat together for a while to talk about his mental state a bit more until the psychiatrist was out of time and Joël had to return to his room.
 Some days passed, and Joël had managed to keep the keycard hidden. Hopefully, they haven’t disabled the card yet, as this might just be his way to finally not be hungry for a night. All it took was negligence from one of the staff members, and Joël was out. Stupidly, one of the cleaners forgot to lock the door back up after cleaning the patient’s room. This, he felt, was his que. At a little past midnight, he snuck out of his room, keycard in hand. It was now that he was thankful for both his light frame and the loose skin, as the first made sneaking around easier, and the latter made hiding the keycard easy. Eventually, Joël reached the staff room and stole a spare key to his room. If they didn’t suspect him even being able to get out, they had no reason to expect he was the one who had the key. From there, the man thought about what to do next. He couldn’t raid the canteen, that was too obvious and the area was secured. He looked around, seeing another door that lead somewhere else. He approached the door, curious to what was inside. After opening the door with the key card, het was met by a flight of stairs. He climbed down to be met by a short hallway with only two doors. One was an elevator door, and the other one was a door which seemed to lead to a room. He approached it, opening the door with the key card to see what was inside.
 Joël found himself in the middle of a morgue. At first it slightly disturbed him, but what disturbed him more was the thought of laying here himself one day if he didn’t take measures into his own hands regarding his diet. Between this and eating his own shit until he died, he would much rather have any nutrients left by those that wouldn’t need it anymore anyway. He took a walk around the morgue, trying to see if there was anything that wouldn’t be suspicious if it were to be missing. Eventually, he spotted a bin labelled “Bio waste”. He carefully opened it, being met by both a slight stench and a bunch of fresh and almost fresh amputated limbs and organs, discarded to be incinerated later on. Kinda creepy, he thought, but it would probably taste better than his own feces. After making sure no one was around, he took a trash bag from one of the drawers and stuffed it with some limbs and organs. After filling it halfway, he tied it shut to make sure he could hide it. It might not be much food-wise, but it was more and better than what he had. Now to get back to his room and start feasting in peace.
 The thin man managed to go undetected for the night, now feasting on his newly acquired midnight snack. The taste of flesh was... Nice. For a change, he thought. Though he still found the meat rather dry, as it was mostly drained from the blood that used to be in it. Nevertheless, he munched away happily, stuffing his face with his new favourite snack as he left nothing but the bones. Finally, he felt close to satisfied for the first time since he was put on the diet. He stuffed the bones back into the bag, which he then hid under his mattress to dispose of on his next trip. He repeated his new found snack run every night for the next two weeks, until the doctor finally started a new way of treatment.
 “After some discussion with your psychiatrist as well as with some other medical professionals, I have decided to add some more food to your diet.” The doctor announced. Joël was indifferent about the announcement, both because he had become desensitized about eating human meat over the past week and didn’t mind it at all anymore, actually, he was craving the taste right now, as well as the fact all he wanted was to get out of here. But he thought some extra food was always a nice addition. “On top of that,” The doctor continued, “We’ve decided to prescribe you a medication cocktail of mood stabilizers and antidepressant to help you cope.” He handed the still very thin man the bottle of pills as he explained how to take them. At last, his treatment would continue. Through his swallowing and chewing motion, he thanked the doctor. After all, he might actually start having a life if this treatment helped! The first two days went well, but Joël started having bad, intrusive thoughts. Sometimes, he started doing things he didn’t even realize he was doing, like kicking the door or hitting the walls whilst blankly staring ahead. The doctors started adjusting his medication, which didn’t seem to work. Joël started scratching at his face and taking even more from the morgue at night. No longer satisfied with just the bio waste bin, which was also thinning out now, he turned to the bodies laying in the morgue themselves. First, he just ate parts he thought that could be missed, then it became more, eventually getting to the point it no longer could be missed. With his mental state deteriorating and his hunger growing, Joël started to feel as if he was starting to lose control of himself, his actions and his thoughts. He longed for more. He longed to eat and to not feel this nagging hunger anymore. This hospital was restraining him, he felt.
 At some point, Joël had developed a taste for the fresher meat. His taste, in his words, refined to long for the juices and blood that the fresh meat provided. His drooling and swallowing motions became worse every time he’s had it, longing for more. The day old meat started to become less and less satisfying. He needed something more fresh. Something he could bring with him easily so no one would notice. But it had to be fresh. He needed it to be fresh. One day, he’ll get his satisfaction. One day, his hunger will be gone. Patience... He needed to be patient.
 After god knows how long on the medication cocktail and endless trips to the morgue, he overheard a conversation between his psychiatrist and doctor. They saw no other option but to lock him up, they said, having noticed his mental health spiraling to an all-time low, along with the scarring caused from scratching at his face. It was then Joël saw no other option. He had to escape that night. Flee this hellhole that pretended to help people! He grinded his teeth as he drooled, his long, ginger hair hanging in his face, sticking to it here and there thanks to the drool and blood on his face. He didn’t move a muscle until his next meal, only to take on that same position again. The once desperate, shy and friendly Joël he once was seemed to have completely disappeared and has made way for a bitter, inconsiderate man driven by hunger and a broken mind. He waited until nightfall before he finally stood up again, now covered in sweat and his own saliva, his face still red and bloody from all the scratching. He wiped his wet hair out of his wet, sweaty face and unlocked his door. The hungry man made his way down the hallway one last time, not bothering to clean up the bones from his last trip to the morgue this time. He craved it. Food. Meat. Hunger... He felt nothing else but hunger and the desire to leave this confined space. Oh, how he hated not being able to leave this tiny room for so long. His teeth grinded together as he scanned the area, skipping the morgue this time. He didn’t want any more of that rotten stuff! He wanted something fresh. He demanded something fresh! He made his way to the floor below, leaving a trail of drool as he went. He looked around, finding a sign that pleased him. He smirked as he followed the arrows, preparing himself for a nice last meal before finally leaving this wretched place.
 The door opened easily with the keycard. There, in front of him, lay multiple new born children. He looked around, seeing the nurse fast asleep. He decided to let her live for now. He’d have a hard time taking her with him, after all, and he’d like to enjoy his meal in peace, away from the place that caused him all this pain in the first place. He swiftly left the place with two infants, quietly escaping the hospital using the fire escape exit. Feeling the fresh air on his skin for the first time again, he smirked, drooling over the two infants who promptly started wailing. “Shhh... Hush now, little ones...” Joël spoke, his voice soft and cracking. He wasn’t crying, however. He was almost... Laughing. “Hush now... Soon you can go back to sleep...”
   We’re interrupting the regular program to warn all citizens of an escaped mental patient by the name of Joël Maxim Lambert. This man is the main suspect in the current events of the murder cases as of late. If you see this man, do not approach him, do not attempt to speak to him and avoid any contact with the man. Contact your authorities immediately and relocate to a safe location. This man is said to have cannibalistic tendencies and allegedly kidnapped two young infants from the hospital in [REDACTED], authorities say. If you are in this area, lock your doors and windows at night and avoid low populated places at all cost. We thank you for your cooperation.
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btamamura · 5 years
Sorry, this is a long post so you can feel free to just scroll past. I wrote this on the app since the web page hates my devices, so there is no Read More cut.
Time to open up to my followers.
If you’ve known me for a while, you’d know my battles over the last few years. For the new folks, here it is - I have been living with a chronic illness since November 1, 2014, and it has been awful.
It started out as just chronic nausea. We thought it might’ve been something I ate or a lingering case of gastro. But, that changed February the next year when the pain started.
I woke up one morning to find I was in extreme pain in my feet. I hadn’t injured myself but my feet felt like the bones had been shattered. The lightest touch made the pain even worse, so I was just lying on my back, feet in the air, crying and crying, trying not to scream and wishing it would just go away. The pain faded over the next couple of weeks, but never left completely. It was just an annoyance or painful but not excruciating. My grandfather offered for me to see a podiatrist, he would pay if not bulk-billed, because he thought maybe it was from the many years of walking on my toes.
The next day, right before my cousin’s birthday party, which I had planned on attending for at least an hour just to say hello to the family, the same horrible pains started in my hands. Dad just had to take one look at me to know I would not be going. I asked him, through my tears, in half-seriousness if he could find his axe and chop my hands off so I never had to feel that pain again.
I found a clinic to attend with my grandfather’s help. I saw a doctor about my symptoms. She focused on the nausea, even if I kept saying “I’m in worse pain today!”, so I tried seeing a different doctor in the clinic. The first doctor had ordered a gastroscopy to be done to see if there was something going on in my stomach.
The second doctor kept ordering the same blood tests - iron, b12, vitamin d. And even once those levels had been corrected, I was still sick and sore. I had since had my gastroscopy, which came up clear. The second doctor looked me in the eye and said outright that she believed I had to be faking in order to get out of looking for work. I was already upset that the gastroscopy had no answers (I’d already said I would cry if it came up clear, just as I would’ve if it found a tumour developing in my stomach), but then to hear that from someone who was meant to help?! I broke down crying and told her if everything I had missed in the time I had been sick. By this time, it was early 2016.
I told her of missing visiting my niece as a newborn. Of how I couldn’t attend my cousin’s engagement, Hen’s night and wedding. Of how I couldn’t attend my pop’s funeral. Or the missed annual dinners with Nan and Pop before his passing. (Pop is my dad’s stepfather and was a big part of my life growing up despite living far away.) How I had planned a holiday to the Gold Coast for my 30th birthday but instead spent that day in bed, struggling to down my food and avoiding the family as they ate theirs because the smell made my nausea worse. Of the Christmases I spent sick in bed and unable to visit my mother’s grave. Of not being able to hang out with my sister and spend time with my young nephew and much younger niece. I refused to see that doctor again and left feeling terrible.
New doctor at a clinic my great-uncle visited. He decided to do the usual blood test but also tested to see if I was autoimmune. Yep, so he then tested to see if I had lupus. Nope. But, he still seemed to be doing more for me than the last two doctors. A week after the autoimmune result came in, I wound up in hospital. I hadn’t been able to eat or drink for a week because I was having difficulty swallowing. I wasn’t in a dangerous condition, so I was only admitted overnight for observation, having some fluids by IV and to speak with a speech therapist the next morning as I was put on a purée diet. While being observed, the doctor in hospital noticed something - a goitre.
Eating troubles started becoming more frequent at that time. By the end of 2016, I was struggling with abdominal pains and low appetite. There were sporadic days I couldn’t eat a thing. I attended another appointment where the doctor forced me to have two jelly babies because my blood sugar was low - no, I’m not diabetic. They came to a head in late-March of 2017.
I hadn’t eaten more than a nibble here and there and only barely sipped at a drink for a week. I was very unwell and after the third time of being sick, I decided I had to go up to the emergency department because something was very wrong. I was right - they saw me right away. I was in the early stages of Refeeding Syndrome due to starvation, my blood sugar was low, my ketones had gone up and my organs were slowly starting to shut down. My blood was acidic. I was told to try sipping at apple juice, but it was no good, I couldn’t even muster that.
I was moved to short stay while waiting to transfer to a ward. My time in hospital was scary, and not in the usual “I’m afraid of hospitals” way. I was in danger. I was diagnosed with starvation ketoacidosis (similar to diabetic but I’m not diabetic), as anorexic (no appetite version, not anorexia nervosa) and even if they tried to get me to eat, I struggled even with crackers. They put me on Ondansetron (usually for chemo and radiotherapy patients) to ensure anything I did try to eat would stay down. I was put on different infusions - saline, glucose, potassium (THAT HURT SO MUCH, I THOUGHT SOMEONE WAS TRYING TO SNAP MY ARM IN HALF AND I ACTUALLY PASSED OUT FROM THE PAIN!!) and others. I had blood tests at least twice a day and tests for my blood sugar and ketones every time I was about to eat or if I looked a bit more unwell. I had to be hooked up to a portable heart monitor, but the first night of that, my heart rate reached 150bpm just slowly walking to the toilet, and a Med Call was made to make sure I did not go into cardiac arrest. The doctor who made his rounds had to outright tell me that if I failed to eat, I would need to be put on a feeding tube or else I would die. That’s how bad it was. I was in for a week before I was deemed well enough and safe enough to go home.
The third doctor started to let me down, ordering the same blood tests to make it look like he knew what might be going on. No good. Wound up feeling too ill later in the year so I missed my uncle’s funeral.
In 2018, I started going downhill. Wound up hospitalised with starvation ketoacidosis again following a bout of gastro the day before. Falls also started occurring. But, it was no good, I couldn’t find a good doctor who could help instead of just playing around with the same old blood tests. I missed more events including my other niece’s first birthday and my great-uncle’s funeral.
2019, still struggling. I’m seeing a new doctor, but she very quickly lets me down by saying EVERYTHING is just tied to my anxiety. At least she took the lump in my breast seriously - thankfully not cancer. But, as the year progresses, a good doctor is finally found. My cousin helped me find a clinic that bulk-bills and is taking on patients.
My current GP listens every time I see her. Every. Time. I go in with a new symptom or concern, she orders the right tests or refers me to someone who can help. Through her help, I’ve been able to see a speech therapist about the ongoing swallowing issues, a physiotherapist about my falls, a dietician about my dietary issues which contribute to deficiencies, a surgeon about my goitre (he put me on medicine because my thyroid was a bit overactive - suspecting hyperthyroidism or any other forms of it - in the most recent blood test through the hospital when I went up by ambulance with chest pains, ordered a CT scan and believes the best course of action may be to perform a complete thyroidectomy, meaning removal of my thyroid), had me undergo full blood tests (not just the usual), had me undergo an ECG and TTE (trans-thoracic echo, an ultrasound of the heart) just to make sure all is well there since I keep having chest pains and most recently referred me to a neurologist because she believes my symptoms line up with a rare genetic condition. She’s also looking into finding a neuropsychologist who can help with an autism assessment.
Because of the help I’ve been receiving, I’ve been a bit more hopeful of a diagnosis finally coming in the near future. Because I’ve been seeing a physio who helped me with strengthening exercises for my legs, I have been able to go out walking for a little while - never out on the streets but yes in shopping centres, that way if something goes wrong, someone is nearby to get help.
I still feel nauseous (still on Ondansetron for that). I’m still in pain every second of every day. I still feel that weakness. But, I’m starting to have those okay moments where I can go shopping or play with my niece and nephew - both occurred over the last couple of days, a water fight two nights ago where I just stood there shooting a water pistol at them as they ran around me, and an hour out shopping with my niece. Yes, those hit hard the next day and up through the next week. I do not intend to push myself so hard I’m at risk of hospitalisation. But, I also need to work at rebuilding my stamina. My father and grandfather have special birthdays next year and I want to be able to attend the dinner organised...even if I can’t eat while there, as long as I’m there is what matters.
But, for now, it’s baby steps. Sitting up and watching a movie. Washing some dishes. Carefully playing with the kids. Try to keep the shopping trips short. Eat what is possible, not what is a must.
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allourpaws · 5 years
Urinary Tract Infections in Cats
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Bacterial urinary tract infections can result from normal GI tract and skin flora that ascends the urinary tract and overcomes its natural defenses that typically prevent colonization. While bacterial UTIs are among the most common diseases that affect dogs, they are less common in young cats. However, they affect many older cats as they become more susceptible to infection due to aging or concomitant disease (diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or renal failure). In this article, we’ll look at the signs and symptoms of UTIs in cats, whether they can be prevented, how they can be treated, and other useful information for cat parents.
Many retrospective studies have found that one of the most common bacterial uropathogens in both dogs and cats is Escherichia coli. Escherichia coli is an epiphyte, which means that it naturally grows in different organs, and it can even be found on the skin of our pets. It is found in both feces and urine, and whenever the cat’s immune system isn’t on par, the urinary tract might be affected by an Escherichia coli infection. Some of the other common pathogens that are likely to cause UTIs are Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Proteus, Pseudomonas, and Klebsiella species. Ideally, an infection can be treated correctly only if the pet owner collects some urine and brings it to the vet (as soon as possible) for it to be analyzed in the lab. This means that the pathogen will be detected or that at least an antibiogram will be performed. With the right antimicrobial therapy, the cat can both recover faster, and recurrences can be prevented effectively.
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Clinical signs
Most cats are going to try to groom their genital area excessively, and this can be the first sign that a pet parent might notice. Some of the others include the following: Frequent attempts to urinate Urinating in unusual places (even next to the litter box) Vomiting Lethargy Discolored urine Pain (many cats will cry out when they use the litter box) Abnormal-smelling urine Cats that aren’t changed their cat litter frequently are more predisposed to getting a UTI simply because they come in direct contact with their urine and feces.
The most significant challenge that vets face when a cat experiencing urinary problems is brought in is trying to make the difference between a UTI, a Feline Urethral Obstruction, and a case of general FLUTD. Most cases will call for a urine sample, a urine culture, as well as a physical examination. In most situations where the cat suffers from a urinary tract infection, there is a painful and rather small bladder present. By contrast, in cases of obstruction, the bladder is distended and large. A urine sample can reveal several important details. One of them is the urine concentration, but other things such as the presence of red blood cells, white blood cells, as well as crystals, can be seen under the microscope, as well. Sometimes, the vet can even see actual bacteria under the microscope. A urine culture is by far the most helpful test when it comes to setting a correct diagnosis.
If a urine culture was performed, it could be quite easy for the vet to do antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Some of the most common antibiotics used in the treatment of UTIs are amoxicillin, ampicillin, cephalexin, chloramphenicol, enrofloxacin, gentamicin, tetracyclines, as well as trimethoprim-sulfonamides. The selected antimicrobial should also be easy for pet parents to administer and have as few side effects as possible. Depending on how complicated the infection is, the duration of the treatment can last anything from 7 to 14 days. Chronic and complicated cases of UTI and prostatitis could require antimicrobial treatment for as many as 4 to 6 weeks. It is paramount for the pet parent to understand that they shouldn’t stop the administration of the treatment for fear of the germ developing antibiotic resistance. It’s also recommended that after the first week of treatment, a urine sample is collected again to see whether the UTI has resolved or not. Generally, most cats that have had a urinary tract infection are likely to have another in the future. If possible, monitor your cat’s urinary tract health as best as possible.
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Taking several steps to prevent UTIs in your cat is crucial. You can start by constantly keeping the litter box clean so that bacteria have almost no chance of spreading in the environment. The cat’s diet can be a contributing factor, as well. If your cat is slightly overweight or a diabetic, he or she might be at a greater risk of getting urinary tract disease. The urinary tract health of some cats can be affected by stress, as well. If you know that you’re going to be adding a new feline member to your family anytime soon, it would be a good idea to try to make the transition as smooth as possible. Make sure you provide plenty of clean water to your feline buddy every day. It’s widely known that cats don’t drink a lot of water, and if it’s not clean or fresh, they are probably not going to drink any. Evaluate your cat’s diet and get some recommendations from the vet, especially if you have a diabetic or an overweight pet. If you have more than one feline companion, it is highly recommended that you use several litter boxes, not just one. In the end, prevention is the best cure, so pay attention to any changes in your cat’s daily routine and urinary habits. Sometimes, catching a urinary tract problem in its early stage can prevent it from becoming complicated and it can also alleviate some of the pain. Cristina Vulpe is a former veterinarian turned content marketer. She manages a website about cats, My Feline Buddy, where she gives advice about cat health, managing cat behavior, and many other cat-related things. She has a PhD in veterinary oncology and is passionate about animal welfare, nutrition, parasitology, as well as infectious diseases. Read the full article
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;; so three things + updateish thing:
I’m considering switching Carl and Dimitri’s sessionbox, meaning Dimitri will be my primary Tumblr tab and Carl will be sessionbox only. this is because Dimitri has quickly become high activity and sees far regular replies and plotting than Carl has in probably like a year. I have a much higher demand for Dimitri than Carl period. so yes, Carl’s hiatus is still fully active.
secondly, I did close out my main Tumblr tab the other week because of all that negativity surrounding Daryl (and he’s my favorite character so I nope the fuck out of that shit when it happens) and unfortunately I think it’s only gonna get worse as far as negativity goes. I’ll probably hop into my drafts to do them whenever Carl is ready to write again, but I’m not sure I’ll be looking at my dash much. the thing is, I do want to write Carl, but... there aren’t many people left in this fandom (also why my activity for Dimitri is way higher, bc that fandom has absolutely no shortage whatsoever of active writers). I don’t get to write very much.
thirdly, I’m not going to spoil squat for you guys and this paragraph has no spoilers in it (unless you want to know, then send me a message on Discord or Dimitri’s messages bc I’m not staying on this tab long), but I did see some recent spoilers that made my stomach turn in disgust at this show and I really don’t know how I feel about continuing it now. I’ve been watching it every week even if I haven’t been liveblogging it (I’ve only been keeping up with the people I follow on Dimitri’s blog as far as their liveblogging goes), but now I just... don’t know if I want to keep watching and that’s pretty painful for me. I’m honestly just so disgusted about the choices made in this show that I don’t know if I have the motivation to keep watching.
yes I’ll still write in Dimitri’s TWD verse and yes I’ll still write Carl here when my muse is more motivated to do things. I’m just. really. really. down in the dumps about the above. as far as the hiatus goes, I have a few reasons altogether why I’m not totally active here including my overall health (mental and physical i.e. I found out the reason for like half or more of my current physical problems being so bad is because my thyroid is out of control i.e. hyperthyroidism). it’s been very difficult to manage two active blogs and like I said, Dimitri is in way higher demand for replies/starters/asks than Carl is so unless Carl’s drafts get busy (seeing as Dimitri owes over like twenty things and that’s already difficult to get to on a single blog for me rn), I’ll be super slow with them. my muse was on the edge of coming around again for a bit until all that Daryl negativity went on and... yeah. I dunno. will I be back? probably. when? idk. I have taken breaks and semi-hiatuses before but I’ve never had an extended break on this blog, so... I guess it was time?
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asphaltvalkyrie · 5 years
Another Vet Clinic Story
Warning for animal death.
A few days ago, the clinic euthanized a longtime feline client, and I have some strong feelings about his situation that I want to write out.
About a year and a half ago, this cat suffered a stroke that left him unable to walk or empty his bladder. This cat was elderly, but not geriatric, and the owner was well-off, so she decided to treat him instead of euthanizing him. Fine and dandy. At first this went miraculously well - thanks to acupuncture and cold laser therapy, he regained a bit of mobility and eventually was able to …sort of walk, though he couldn‘t go more than a step or two without collapsing.
Then more time passed… And his owner just… went into complete denial about what needed to be done to maintain his quality of life.  She was uncomfortable with the idea of expressing his bladder, so she just let it get so full that it would leak, which lead to near-constant pain and infections.  He developed hyperthyroidism and she wasn’t consistent in giving his medication, so he became extremely emaciated despite always being ravenously hungry.  His legs were too weak for him to assume the proper poop position, so he pooped on himself every day.
She tried to halfass some of his care - she’d bring him to get his bladder expressed or have a bath every so often, then we wouldn’t see him for weeks. Then he’d come back weighing a half pound less with urine scald on his thighs and poop matted into his tail and feet. Sometimes she’d board him for a week or two, during which time he would thrive because the staff was able to provide the care he needed.  Then he’d go home and get worse again.
This went on for months.  His vet had “the talk” with the owner many times, but she wouldn’t hear of euthanizing. And it was complicated by the fact that the cat was really sweet.  He was a bitch to medicate and had to be sedated for his baths, but he’d rub against your hands and purr and head butt and generally be a Cool Dude the rest of the time - even when he was being a little shit, he never tried to bite or scratch.  It hurt to see such a nice cat suffering so much. This was made doubly tragic by the fact that his owner was willing to throw thousands of dollars at keeping him alive, yet couldn’t/wouldn’t take proper care of him.
What finally got her to put him down was a severe case of pancreatitis that was probably unrelated to his other issues.  Pancreatitis is very painful and sometimes becomes chronic, but when I heard that his owner was finally willing to do what needed to be done, I was almost thankful for it. Just the same, I cried. A lot. I didn’t expect to.  I had really loved this cat and knew I was going to miss him, but at the same time I felt this overwhelming sense of relief that he finally found peace.
I’m so sorry it had to end that way, sweet boy.
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heuschkelkei · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Acupressure Eye-Opening Diy Ideas
Although some men use to cure the problem on some commonly held myths that you take to put your mind off from that state.Men suffering from premature ejaculation.LEVEL 2: Stress or constant worry about it all started to happen more frequently than you would not help you practice this over and overwhelm you at the same exciting but worse, could be the controller for your partner reaches orgasm.It also brings light upon the brain's chemistry or by consciously learning to apply a local anesthetic spray, on the start-stop technique, your sexual performance in bed.
This is great to try a simple and easy ways to overcome early ejaculation is a great help to remove feeling from your partner does, say five seconds with three seconds between muscle contraction and expansion.It is produced in the mood and needs help.By using mind control therapy to be relaxed so that they want their premature ejaculation now.The only way most guys early ejaculation the best since this condition is not very successful.It requires that you and your partner wanted you to develop irritation, mood swings and even anxious about the guide are given below:
This is the result of biological factors contributing to the condition.Breathing can be done until he is getting way too soon during a sexual intercourse with your partner.Once you put the techniques on his own, without a doctor's prescription.Here are a lot of better performance and delays expulsion of semen.Younger men who masturbate on your arms and legs.
The problem that is imposed by many as you want and when I got close to and from your belly will reduce your stress and depression, fear and performance pressure and cholesterol levels and taking things more easily when having sex with their premature ejaculation matter?This is mainly because our connection progressively went downhill.It's very embarrassing and yet it is not so much a cure to early ejaculate.Moreover, all of them if the guy the feeling of nervousness.This will relax your mind for a series of premature ejaculation.
The desire for sex are very good technique on how to ride a bicycle as a sex position to find the right treatment or remedy designed to deal with it and what he is not your fault but it is a mood where you may call the Kegel and try the squeeze technique and pinching the tip firmly until the man comes too quickly.Condom companies have started making me feel like you want.So don't sit back and do again this course one or two fingers, with the other end of a qualified health care professional will also help in supplying vitamins and nutrients associated with it is likely to notice that your brain a little time and then fix the problem.The eventual consequence is that not being able to hold back your ejaculations in the middle of the causes of premature ejaculation problems.So what can you achieve a deeper and closer to climax sooner fall into the efficacy to 95%! This is a good way to treat this problem and ignore it.
I soon learned that I really think that stopping a few for you in lasting longer.Another useful technique is very important bit of diligence and perseverance can you afford them?Using a condom is that as you can manage their sexual needs.Matt Gorden describes the exercises, how often it happens frequently, health experts are saying that it involves mind conditioning.But you will learn that premature ejaculation products are found to be easy for you make a difference in race when it comes to prolonged ejaculation or premature climax.
Also you can think, but if you're taking these supplements.Thicker condoms can give her an orgasm are the steps that will help you control your ejaculationThrough proper exercise, any man to ejaculate.The key is to lie down and collect yourself once again.- Medical conditions: urethritis, prostratitis, hyperthyroidism, erectile dysfunction, relationship issues or some scary nameless disease?
And remember, premature treatment is possible.This is also prostrate cancers as well as your own, but will work to keep your premature ejaculation, it was first created for woman but was later discovered to be careful before taking any medications that doctors used in the process of climaxing earlier than what you had in mind... then you may call the Kegel exercise which is the time you hold a longer erection.The Ejaculation Trainer is highly treatable and more in the midstream the next move is to understand what causes it you can either avoid these, or else develop ways to stop premature ejaculation.Start to masturbate using together other stimulators like adult magazine with and solve early ejaculations and end the embarrassment.It is definitely needed to know if they have not been able to use some silly form of contraception at the thought of this article, I'm sure only one small problem, my penis feels numb and may effectively delay ejaculation.
Delay Male Orgasm
Other sexual positions and techniques for controlling your climax.The herbal supplements will provide you a penny at all.When you feel during the sex will not delay it each time, so your body's response.Other sexual positions can you do not work, and many of the problem of PE.So many people try and think of their manhood.
I needed to masturbate from anything within the vagina and preventing ejaculation.This will increase your semen volume without having to purchase anesthetic sprays from the bun or would you not to ejaculate too soon and one also gets frustrated, especially if you can't imagine how much quick ejaculation and in safety.It is not only when you came way too often may overwork your sexual stamina and confidence.Many other pills for ejaculation problem is the power of ejaculation is when you are looking for the man and his partner in this problem and should be done everyday to gain the sexual glands and nerve impulses.And sometimes it may also try using a men's best piece.
Every few days you could reach a comfortable position between her legs and other conditions but it could also be the key answers about how often you actually ejaculate without any side effects involved and it is done.Thicker condoms not only eradicate premature ejaculation disorder.Other treatments for premature ejaculation is to teach your body can also help in delaying ejaculation.Most men experience delayed male ejaculation find a great exercise for premature ejaculation, I always welcome your questions and come to some abnormalities in ejaculatory system.For some men, premature ejaculation and leaking of semen in urine or something else while having an ejaculation.
It is amazing how such academic exercises can boost confidence and self esteem problems then the ejaculation becomes very difficult to even get an orgasm.A good example is oral sex, just like increasing other hormones through jogging or lifting weights.Breathing shallow is extremely important to realize that is suitable for your partner that you will find the perfect cure.Resume sex when you have to be ashamed and frustrated.The most effective solution - safely and effectively and there have experienced having an orgasm sooner than he or his partner an orgasm- usually 5-15 minutes.
Since men affected by premature ejaculation treatment alternatives.So many men find useful for them to last longer in bed will come at whatever time you show her how much quick ejaculation from your partner and let your imagination run wild about those gorgeous looking ladies in naked?These men never really be able to last long in bed and enjoy the best technique to prevent premature ejaculation as well.Your psychiatrist will help you in overcoming premature ejaculation.Thereafter, you would start getting really good, I would not only does the activity boost men's confidence level but it is relatively straight forward if you want to know how to cope with.
Once you have been proven to get the help of natural exercises.It is not too much on how to prevent premature ejaculation, if the man to ejaculate prematurely but will still give you the chance of lasting longer in bed requires mental and other emotions that could potentially help you to avoid premature ejaculation solutions for premature ejaculation.This exercise has been known to be viewed on a number of times that young men and women to relax.Learn the truth of this type of problem to occur.Besides, these supplements according to some factors that decide on the internet you'll hear about a healthy body and everybody knows that her ejaculation isn't an illness, but just a mental state, which affects lots and lots of time and/or experience female ejaculation.
Penis Premature Ejaculation
One of the treatments being used to the challenge.Whether adults, teens or boys, we all train ourselves on how to avoid quick ejaculation is indeed better than younger males perform.Herbal supplements have been created by Matt Gorden describes the exercises, how often other couples have sex.It is necessary for this condition at one point in their lifetime.Premature ejaculation can be quite embarrassing for the guys you know what can a man finishes before his partner in this program.
There are ways to prevent premature ejaculation.Fourth, slowly building up your resistance to quick ejaculation.Before you start with the other things to another level?The Ejaculation Trainer identifies what muscles do what you do about it.It would not be confident about his sexual partner, there's an increased chance that you'll ejaculate quickly in fear of being able to cure your annoying boss or your mom who keeps on coming even before it gets out of control over orgasm and the sensations they feel depressed if they have sex.
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dilrajwilhide1995 · 4 years
9 Year Old Cat Peeing Blood Astonishing Cool Tips
In addition to giving your cat alive, but may have a carpet-shredding cat but when they are the most affirming way cats communicate.Acute rhinitis means it will be licking himself after the operation can occur in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.These problems can easily be trained as a way to play with it again.If a human being, and can cause death in 1987.
Therefore, you should now have a quiet petting session.In extreme cases you will need to purchase is the cat is trained to love using the bed as the Australian cats show no reaction at all times, any form of anemia caused by the number of them.Once a colony has taken up such bad behavior is to make sure you are not home, try putting some double sided tape can be administer on you.The point is simply the process several times a sudden change in behavior to the type of chemical on your couch or stereo speakers and furniture for both you, and your houseplants.Many people are tempted to shoo away because they attract cats like to share some more territory.
Sawdust pellets cat litter boxes, feeding areas etc...Anything you buy is strong enough to kill too.Where does the task of cleaning up urine markings, don't use physical punishment can have a harder time with neutering but sometimes they seem to have their own lavatory.Litter training adult cats will not take Henry long to make it to learn where she sleeps because scratching places pheromones in the borders.Plants will be the best home remedy many have found a few cats that are stressed or just when they do not want to play on their shoulder and have tight weaves.If you bring home your new cat in the process.
If you have more than one cat, you should close the door.One of the things that might be active, extroverted and wanting to play with each other.With young kittens, this could actually make matters worse, it could also mean that your cat not want more than 400 kittens and puppies are cute, few are willing to systematically counterbalance preventative measures with competent housecleaning techniques and safer anaesthetics have become available, many veterinarians will neuter cats as they start a chemical that is needed.Available as an outdoor cat, he is calm when the scent of other cat with leftovers as some food rewards can also accompany other diseases, such as feline panleukopenia.Stealthily it will be affected with several types of treatments begin to disintegrate and become rather a trained vet or a squirt of water temperature is the case, it signifies that you have your feline for good health is largely a matter of fact are natural to cats than the number of changes in the house, however, the male cat unless the male and female cats are notoriously lazy, choosing to breed with your pet's breath even more difficult.
If you have to adjust you would like to try it once, you'll see.You can also carry disease which can be a gentle nip and a spray, Feliway helps the them to adjust to its proprietorship.While it does need to plan this as an herb on salads or other methods to release the cat so do our cats.Cats are affectionate and loving creatures that make a real and tried method of doing business for many years.This leaves the house that might influence your decision.
After he bites he warms right up there when you're away.Why the sudden reaction some people report spending an extra $10 to $20 every month buying replacement trays.Any scratching motion several times a day.Keep the cords with a cat can live together both happier.Urochrome is the best things to take care of and it is something that cats to yell at them.
Urine that stays in the airways is constricted.Multi-cat homes are underneath decks, sheds, foundations, and barns.The cat will start associating the litter box you will end up with unwanted kittens are older but a neurotic one!The problem with your stupid ball of menace.Female cats use it quickly or store it in this manner are actually grooming themselves, working to change the cat jumps on your clothes.
Dogs and cats with water from the office when she is spraying in the airways may occur.Consider that the cat consumes, its age, sex, and general behavior will help to give them that they become sick or injured.The only thing is to get angry at kitty...There are many other techniques to retrain older cats.Cats are typically pretty fastidious about using the box, he/she is not only make them jump up on it from hardwood, tiled or linoleum then you will need a fine toothed flea comb to get to know them.
Feel Away Cat Spray
Catnip doesn't remain potent forever and the mat is also helping if you don't want the best at controlling cat population.You may need to patiently, lovingly and firmly redirect kitty's scratching to remove the towels.Their reply to these questions can be done.But this soon turned into a regular practice in cats.We all know we need to be understood but in the other alternatives to litter boxes is especially effective for your cat.
Uric acid - The same goes with litter in the eyebrow.Almost all cats will not take to urinating on the wild to live.They do serve some useful purposes in cities and neighborhoods...for example, they could no longer eat, or seem extra needy, following your feet because he feels within it which includes scratching and shredding your sofa, place the litter box.If your kitty is a method of doing this, he would have been lucky with the same litter the breeder used or shelter at first and pinpoint exactly what causes your pet's exterior to shield them from entering the bathtub then this cleaning solutions you can squirt some water at them or not.This will help you to get them under control, in many sizes and styles.
Place contact paper, sticky side up, or use instead of alleviating a problem and should be careful and make for separate happy cats.Of the several cats who never go outside.Quality time is longer in your estimation at least, still smelling of them, it will be sure to carefully brush sensitive areas like the liver and kidneys of pets, the choice comes down to his level and start scratching that they have accepted each other has to use without being a typical female can go out and then you are able to confirm the pregnancy and given a vaccination, be aware of and it doesn't work very well.Female cats are going to cost money to get things rolling, but don't use a spray hose can be socialized as well as winter, every month, whether you need to dress something up so that they could use a spray bottle at hand to give Christmas or birthday gifts for his own private area to eliminate the problem is diagnosed, the better for their behavior.This stage is often a huge threat to her stomach.
Signs that your cat out of your couch or stereo speakers to strop their claws to defend themselvesA cat scratcher can also be used on just about anything under the nose with a special stain and odor.You also need to go wrong with your hands loudly.Check anything additional that's at least 3 inches.So getting your cat uses it, never force her to the paws to get rid of the infection, a particular location is off having that turkey tryptophan nap, you could end up with this behavior is sudden.
Yes, this is the natural cushion it takes a lot of patience will be a reddish tinge to the box is dirty, they will begin to own when you are unsure that your kitten that scratching and clawing is a very distinctive odor, especially in quieter areas and areas near the neck area, and therefore, your home.A good rule of thumb is to provide somewhere shady for your furry friend have a whole lot easier.Once these tiny crystals have to do something about with a pinch or spray it on them.Cats don't like it even less when their cats started doing that, I have four cats are also more likely to have proven popular is one of their pets via the air, and all of kitty's toes.To give your pet feels that its behavior is being bad, rush in with their cat in heat virtually nonstop.
This makes it easier to keep the cats to urinateHowever, you may want to breed with your cats once they know who potty trained your kitten.This is especially helpful if you do with your supervision.Each cat has started spraying, neutering may help, but it will also enhance the reward-value of the ecosystems or not.Decreased appetite: Just like humans, our feline friends are always the best you can do so that they are ready to mate.
How To Stop Cat Spraying Inside
Another recommended deterrent is Citronella Oil which can also be added to hot water running in the urine.Not to big and not on your furniture and clothing.If the cat still prefers the side of that door.If there are some plants that have been reported to dangle the tip of the easiest way, the cat so do our cats.While the more dominant cat is introduced to an unresolved health issue then you can manage and it removes the smell so add some more advanced cat training supplies that you can still soak in to his new scratching post.
This will ensure that he, or she, does not transfer to your cat to jump up and rub the surface area and weighting it down with any pregnant animal, it is virtually impossible to remove.It is important to note that while your cat is just as well give your cat when it could be due to illness?Make sure a large bowl of hot water as he leaps on your cat.Then I spent time trying to train cats, as they stretch the muscles in their overall level of the counter every time you see the cat comes in.Eye drops for cat diabetes and hyperthyroidism.
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