#follow for occasional cute cat pics
pumpkin-belly · 2 years
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Whatcha doin down there?
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
I know you’re already super busy and booked but if you can, Munseong Kim/Ji Yeonwoo fluff and headcanons would be cool. There is little to none on them, please pace yourself I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.
Hmmm. Let's do... texting habits (ish). And sorry I included my cuties Wangguk and Taehoon too 😊
HTF texting habits hc: Munseong, Yeonwoo, Wangguk, Taehoon
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Munseong is a pretty cool and reserved guy, and that shows with his texting habits
He keeps it short and to the point, not a lot of emojis and everything comes across a little deadpan with his replies.
However, he is extremely fast respond back to you and usually within the minute... even if it doesn't warrant a response he'll at least send back a 😄 Sweet boy doesn't want to leave you hanging!
And if he's late to text back (by his standards), he'll always apologise even though you've explained a million times it's fine and you know he's doing his own thing.
Don't expect any memes, or him to react with anything apart from confusion. But you can always expect a good morning or good night.
Whenever he's feeling a bit down, he will read over your old messages and imagine your smile and your face lighting up on the other side.
...Or just call you to hear your voice.
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Yeonwoo always makes time for texting you even with his hectic study schedule.
Thinks of it as a little treat, something to look forward to after frying his brain for the last couple hours.
He's always a bit contrite for his late replies too but it doesn't deter you with your double, triple, quadruple+ texting. It brightens his day seeing your name pop up on his phone, even if there are 10+ messages waiting.
Once his study schedule chills out and he makes more time for Kyokushin, he also makes more time for you!
Anything that pops into his head that he thinks you'll like, or that he thinks of saying, he'll just come right out with it.
More often than not it's a cute cat/dog meme or silly fluffy pics.
Occasionally it'll be blurred selfies of him during training. Just a lil hi and a way to say he's thinking of you.
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Ah, another pretty reserved one.
Wangguk uses emojis more than you would expect, and is pretty cute with them to be honest. Adds them to provide a bit more context and depth with his responses because he knows how dry he can sound 🥺
Keeps his messages pretty short unless there's something that he is passionate about then he'll just ramble and send a full on essay. Punctuated with another follow up message to say sorry. It's pretty goddamn cute tbh.
Sends you a LOT of pictures. Innocent ones that is. Pictures tell a thousand words and he loves his photography.
Pics to say good morning, good night, thinking of you, thought you would like this. Usually Wangguk isn't in them, which makes any selfies even more special.
Also loves when you respond back in kind, sending him snaps of your day and just you.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not, is extremely clued up with memes or anything slightly unhinged thanks to Gyeoul and her sense of humour. Will send on any to you that makes him chuckle.
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Listen if Taehoon wants your attention, he'll let you know. That includes messages and calls at 4am just to fuck with you. Especially when he hears your exasperated sigh and groggy voice. Or even an angry reply to "GO TF TO SLEEP!!" It will never not be funny to him. Maybe that's on you for continuing to respond and pick up all the time.
Cute good morning, good night texts? No chance.
Although he is very good at letting you know where he is, what he's up to. And expects similar from you. It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just wants to know you're safe. A hangover from Dowoon.
And this bastard is also pretty leisurely with his responses. You can be having a full on conversation, responses back within the minute then he leaves you on read for hours.
However, if you do the same then expect a call "why the fuck aren't you answering me." If you miss that, then expect an annoyed Taehoon on your doorstep.
Again, another hangover from Dowoon. His mind just goes to the worst case scenarios.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 7 months
My Sweetheart: Part 6
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You purchase a vintage sweetheart bracelet from an antique store and with it, comes the spirit of the woman who owned it. Through her, you go on an interesting journey to find out what happened to her old lover.
Series Masterlist
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It isn’t a day Bucky needs to be at the shelter for volunteer work but after that first day, he's come in to check up on Alpine. The little white cat couldn’t stay away from Bucky and, it seems, Bucky couldn't stay away either. As soon as Bucky would place the little guy back in his cage, the crying would start and it pulled at Bucky’s heartstrings. So Bucky kept Alpine with him the entire time he worked in the cat room with you, Yelena, and Kamala.
Seeing you in your work place, Bucky could see that you were very determined and assertive, but also caring and compassionate. You made sure to treat every animal you handled with the love and care they deserve. It's admirable and cute to see how soft you are with the animals.
But Bucky’s not here for you, no. He’s here strictly for Alpine. That’s it.
You freeze when you see Bucky in the lobby. Your brows furrow in confusion, “Back again so soon?” It's the third day this weekend, he's come by.
He shrugs, “Wanted to check on Alpine.”
You chuckle, “He’s got you wrapped around his little paws, huh?” You joke as you gesture for him to follow to the cat room.
“Birds of a feather flock together…or cats, I should say.”
You let him into the room and as soon as he stood in front of Al's cage, the kitten starts yelling up a storm. Bucky chuckles and sticks a vibranium finger through the bars, "I missed you too, buddy."
You unlock the cage and Bucky immediately plucks him out and the kitten is crawling up his shirt. You smile wide at the little animal, "He's gotten super attached to you already."
"I feel the same," Bucky murmurs, gently stroking the kitten's back with his vibranium hand.
"Since you're here, you think you can help me clean the dog kennels? Mikayla and Reese went to go walk them around. It'd be a lot quicker with another person."
"Sure," he replies with a shrug. He follows you outside to the dog kennel area where it's formed a circle and there's a yard in the middle. Bucky stops as he watches Alpine climb into the hoodie he's wearing. He feels the kitten wiggle around until his head pops up through the top.
"You comfy?" he pats the kittens head with a smile on his face.
"That's so frickin' cute! Can I take a picture?"
"I guess," Bucky replies, still peering down at Alpine with a fond look in his eyes. You snap a few pics and then slip your phone back into your pocket.
"So we'll pick up any poop in the kennels. We take the blankets and beds out, then power wash each kennel. Depending on the state of the blankets and beds, we either put them back or throw them in the bins for a wash. Got it?"
Bucky nods, "It's okay if Alpine is still with me?"
You glance at the white kitten. His eyes looking back at you with curiosity. You softly smile, "As long as you keep an eye on him and make sure he's safe."
"Of course."
"Cool. Come on," you gesture for him to follow you to grab the cleaning supplies.
Dot watches as Bucky follows your lead in cleaning the kennels. He watches and listens to you intently, making sure he gets everything right.
Dot smiles to herself as Bucky gets to cleaning. He's humming a song to himself and occasionally stops to check on the white cat. Dot sees Alpine's presence as a two for one deal. Because Bucky seems to have an attachment to the cat, he's more inclined to see you at work. The woman hopes that this further helps bring Bucky to find true happiness and, maybe, even love.
She leans against the wall and watches as you and Bucky work in tandem to clean one of the kennels. She sees the power wash hose and picks it up. She switches it to the lowest level and turns it on, causing you and Bucky to jump in surprise.
"Did you do that?!" you ask him.
With wide eyes, he shakes his head.
You groan, "Dot, are you kidding me?!"
The hose shoots your way and you dodge it, running right into Bucky's arms. He looks at you with concern, "You okay?"
Dot smiles to herself at the sight, you in Bucky's arms. She proceeds to hit Bucky with some water and he jolts, "Hey! Not cool, Dot!"
She snickers and turns off the water and drops the hose, stepping out of the kennel to give you guys some privacy.
"You okay?" you ask, glancing at the large wet spot on him.
He shrugs, "I guess," he then peers into his hoodie, Alpine, now awake from his nap, meowing up at him, "Yeah, sorry, buddy."
"Maybe you should put Alpine back, just in case. Also, we have some spare shirts you could borrow if you want."
"Yeah, alright."
The two of exit the kennel and walk back to the main building, Dot following behind you, a skip to her step.
After Alpine was put back into his enclosure, Bucky followed you to your office. You pulled out a bin, "We have these shirts for volunteers to use when we have events." You plucked up a bright electric blue one and tossed it to the super soldier, "This should fit you."
"Thanks," Bucky says and then proceeds to slip out of his jacket and pulling his hoodie over his head.
"Okay, okay! Sorry!" he rushes out of your office and down the hall to the bathroom. You pinch the bridge of your nose and, unbeknownst to you, Dot is doing the same thing.
You look down at the gold bracelet on your wrist, "Listen, Dot, I don't know what you're trying to do, but knock it off. I'm trying work, Bucky's here to help me. And before you tell me anything, he's here for Alpine. Not me. If he's ready to adopt Alpine, great, but in no way am I gonna let you try to romance us. He's not interested."
If you could see Dot right now, you'd see she's shaking her head.
When Bucky comes back in, you straighten up and you can't help but giggle at his appearance.
He frowns, "What?"
"You look like a highlighter," you poke at his shoulder before you could even think. Realizing what you did, you back up immediately, "Sorry."
"It's fine," he murmurs and rubs the back of his neck with his vibranium arm, which you see now in all its glory since the other times you've seen him, he's been wearing long sleeves.
"Woah. I've seen pictures of your arm online but seeing it in person...so much cooler."
Bucky's face scrunches up in confusion, "You looked up pictures of my arm?"
Your eyes widen in horror, "What?! No! I looked up you-well, researched you when this whole Dot thing happened. So pictures of you with your cool vibranium arm showed up in the search. Very badass."
"I've killed people with this arm," he states in a deadpan manner.
"Well, do you plan on killing me with it?"
"Then I'm good. Anyway, we should really hurry up and get back to cleaning. The dogs will be back soon."
"Yeah, alright," Bucky says, placing it leather jacket and hoodie onto your desk before following you out the door.
When Bucky gets back to the compound, Kamala is immediately running up to him, "Soooo where were you off to on this fine day?"
He rolls his eyes, "Out."
"Like out on a date?"
"Just out, Kamala."
"He went to the shelter again," Yelena states from the kitchen as she munched on some cup of noodles.
"How'd you know that?" Bucky asked the young Russian.
She nods at his shirt, "Your shirt. You weren't wearing that when you left."
Bucky looks at her with dead eyes, "Do you always note what I wear, Belova?"
"No. You always wear dark colors and that," she points at the electric blue shirt, "is not dark. It's the complete opposite of dark. It's like you want people to notice you!"
He holds his hand up and rolls his eyes, "Alright, I get it."
"So you went to the shelter. Where Y/N works. Y/N works at the shelter you went to. Interesting," Kamala says with an excited grin.
"I went to see Alpine, kid."
He moves towards the kitchen and opens the fridge to pull out a water bottle, "I like the little guy."
"But you don't like the woman who cares for him when you're not there?" Yelena asks, continuing to slurp her noodles.
"I didn't say that."
"So you do like Y/N?!" Kamala exclaims.
Bucky hangs his head down, eyes closed and hands on his hips. He sighs, "I didn't say that either. I like Y/N but as a colleague. She's nice and I admire how much she cares for the animals at the shelter. Obviously, I have to see her if I want to see Alpine."
Yelena nods, "Are you going to adopt him?"
"I'm not sure. I really want to, but who's gonna watch him when I'm out on missions."
"We can," she responds as if it's the most obvious answer in the world, "Any one of us could watch him and if we're all needed, I'm sure Y/N wouldn't mind watching him."
"We'll see, alright? As much as I'd love to have him, it takes a lot of time and commitment to care for a kitten and I'm not sure if I'll have that right now."
"Understandable," Kamala says with a nod, "It's good that you're being considerate of what's best for him."
"Thanks, kid," Bucky mumbles, chugging down the rest of his water. With a gasp, he tosses the bottle into the recycling, "I'm gonna take a shower. I spent the day cleaning the kennels and I stink of dog poop."
Kamala nods, "Yeah, that's probably best."
When Bucky leaves the young Avenger turns to Yelena, "So? Wanna help me?"
The older blonde woman shrugs, "He made it very clear he's not interested in Y/N, Kamala."
"That's fine! We don't have to make them fall in love with each other! I just want to help Bucky find his happiness! ...oh and to help her get rid of the spirit that's stuck to her."
"The what?!"
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sixknight · 10 months
Thinking about this post I made...
If the Brothers had a Tumblr
Lucifer- Mostly just follows Diavolo, his brothers, and MC. Uses it somewhat as a journal but also reblogs art, quotes from books, and music. Sometimes argues with Mammon in the notes.
Mammon- Reblogs a lot of those money/luck will come your way posts. Also reblogs a lot of photos of cars, jewelry, and money. Uses it as a diary for random thoughts sometimes (usually about MC or his brothers) too and likes to post selfies showing off. Gets anon hate and it's usually just Asmo trying to mess with him.
Leviathan- Anime, video games, movies, idols! It's full of fandom posts from himself and others! He also reblogs a lot of animal pics. Occasional shitpost bc he thinks they're funny. Also shares and reblogs cosplay and sewing tips. Has a nice little circle of gaming otaku mutuals that he cherishes.
Asmodeus- Reblogs and posts a lot of fashion and makeup stuff. Posts selfies/thirst traps every day. His blog also gets very n/s/f/w bc he is Horny On Main™️ (much to Lucifer's embarrassment... "Don't post that it could be on the internet forever Asmo". Complains about Mammon occasionally. Has definitely met up with some of his followers to sleep with them.
Satan- Reblogs academia aesthetic posts. Posts and reblogs a lot of stuff about books and even gives book recommendations. Lots of cat pictures... Like, every cat picture he sees... Also uses it to vent to help him with his anger. Loves having discussions with askers over books and is down to proof read people's stories if they come to him for it.
Beelzebub- Follows soooooo many recipe blogs. Reblogs every pic of food he sees and tags them with "🤤". Reblogs pics of animals from time to time too, especially the cute puppy pictures he sees. Also reblogs workout tips. Sometimes talks about himself, MC, and his brothers on his blog, mostly about Belphie. Posts workout selfies and gains a bunch of followers from them.
Belphegor- Reblogs a lot of those memes/shitposts that are like "DJ blankie and DJ pillow in the house tonight" and "girls when they have to get out of bed". Literally every random thought he has gets tossed into this void. Also reblogs recipes and tags Beel in them. Tags MC in things that he knows they like too.
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iamumbra195 · 1 year
Job Headcannons for the Karakura Gang
I hate most of the jobs everyone in bleach was stuck with or their occupation wasn't mentioned or I didn't notice it because I've only really brushed over the chapter so I've taken the liberties to think about different ones for them
Orihime: I've already mentioned what I would've loved to see her become in another post but I think a creative path really suits her. One of her defining traits was how creative her mind is, regardless of the fact that the things she comes up with are rather absurd and it would've been great to see her become a writer, a mangaka, a conspiracy theorist, just anything down a creative path. She's stated to be intelligent-- the third in her district and she's emotionally intelligent as well which means that she could go down whatever path she wished but I think something creative would be what makes her happy. Plus, she was in the crafts club with Ishida, creativity suits her
Ichigo: I'm sorry I have nothing to say about his job, I absolutely love it. Him being a translater because he wants to bridge the gap between two worlds and his little ass being Shakespeare nerd is one of my favourite things about him so I have no complaints. Him being a translater is also perfect for my Orihime job hc because he could be her translater if she writes a fantasy book or creates a mangaka and I think that's absolutely adorable given the fact that they end up together. Just imagine the two of them together in their early twenties before they got married with her writing/drawing her story and him editing/proofreading/translating it for her-- it's so cute *sobs*
(God, I am the most inconsistent shipper in the universe like one day I love a ship because it has me kicking my feet and giggling but then the next I'm like '.... meh.' like what??? make up your mind brain, do I like them or not???)
Chad: ANIMALS. I said this in another post but it got like no attention so I'm saying it again. Chad + animals = my happiness. But anyways Chad becoming a boxer at the end of the manga… idk, it never sat right with me. I mean, he likes cute things and animals given his reaction to yoruichi in cat form and the fact that he kept yuichi’s parrot even after konso he could’ve been like a vet or a zoologist or an animal trainer of some kind. Imagine we got a pic of him hanging out with a bunch of parrots and yuichi's parrot in another country like the amazon rain forest or something. It would've been amazing. Also the idea of him being in a band as like a side thing just struck me and I absolutely love it, I would've loved to see him and Ichigo being in a band as like a thing they did on the side for fun and Uryuu would join them occassionally (this is totally not influenced by Uryuu and Ichigo both holding guitars in the new opening, what are you talking about)
Uryu: Honestly. Honestly, I'm a little offended for him. The groundwork for him to be a fashion designer was all there, it would've been amazing. Him and Orihime could have a beautiful friendship in which he makes her beautiful outfits when she goes out for like book signing or something for her and she occasionally moonlights as one of his models in the fashion shows he enters, dragging Ichigo along with her sometimes because you cannot look me in the eye and tell me every single person in that show is not model-worthy, I dare you. I hate that he became a doctor, following in his father's footsteps and I hate that he's shown to be alone at the end of the manga. I get that he's the loner character but his connection to Ichigo and Orihime are so important to me, I hate that even after all this time he's still alone.
Keigo: Once again, I'm not truly upset with his career, he feels like the type of person that wants a comfy life and while he's fully willing to throw hands for his friends and deeply cares about them, his ramen shop suits him. I like to hc that it gets really popular after Ishida and Orihime are seen visiting it. I also love the idea of him joining chad and Ichigo in their little band sometimes
Mizuiro: He strikes me as the entrepreneur/lawyer type but also... imagine him as an actor. My mind is just really stuck on that idea, it's so fun. Idk it just feels like the sort of thing that his shitty rich (I think?? Mizuiro feels like the rich neglected type ngl) mom would hate so I love it. He's so unhinged just look at this clip omg: Mizuiro vs Aizen. He threw a molotov cocktail at Aizen with the most calm expression on his face like who does that?? Love him to pieces. I also love the idea of him and Urahara becoming friends and Ichigo and Keigo just not vibing with that fact at all XD
Tatsuki: My favourite girly achieved her goal of becoming a vale tudo champion and then proceeded to open a dojo of her own. She was a big help for Orihime when learning how to draw fight scenes (as a mangaka) and would often serve as her model for doing so. Uryuu designed the uniform for her dojo because I love the idea of the two of them becoming friends while agonizing over Ichigo's stupidity
Karin: This might sound weird but- but I think being a detective really suits her. Don't ask me why or how, she just does. She specializes in murder cases-- specifically those of children because she wants to help them move on, inspired by how upset she was about yuichi's situation and how much she wanted to right that specific wrong. She solves those murders with help from the ghosts she can see and evidence she finds to prove her 'hunches'. I know it's been stated that she doesn't want to be involved with the spiritual world however, it seems like she's moved on from that, especially after Ichigo got his powers back. She has a really good reputation despite being so young. She also activated a form of her powers, not really enough to be called a fullbring or anything but she can manipulate the reishi around her and in her body (quincy-like ik I just feel like she leans more into her quincy heritage than her shinigami one like Ichigo) to augment her natural strength, especially in her legs. I like the idea of her still playing/coaching soccer when she's older
Yuzu: honestly, she is not expanded on the same way Karin, Ichigo, and Isshin are, which I find a little sad but I love her nonetheless. From what we've observed, she enjoys or feels a duty to take care of the ppl around her so I do think her becoming a doctor or a nurse is a really suitable occupation for her and I especially think that her attachment to her family would lead her to taking over the Kurosaki clinic or working with Isshin until she has to do so.
So that's the end of my headcannon rant, what do you think?
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
omg andy.... shoto is so cute w his cat pfps..... so sorry to dump this on you but it really brought on the y/n thoughts for some reason ;; like imagine its early on in his pro hero career and u get a dm asking if u can use one of ur fanarts as a pfp and ur like ofc w credits pls!! and a second later ur notifs are blowing up bc the shoto todoroki (and not a fan acc) has tagged u in his "new pfp" tweet and theres a little secondary "so round :)" tweet after that makes you realise its him!! not his management or whatever but actually him!!!! and maybe time passes and he climbs up the ranks but still shoto likes his little cat drawing pfps so every few months he does a competition type thing for his new pfp and you join for the hell of it but end up winning and not only is ur silly little cat hero doodles shotos pfp for the second time (!!) but he tags you after for credits and is like "ah they always make cat me look so round and happy, im a big fan :)" and ur like staring at ur phone, half in shock and half giggling that he remembers you!! im so sorry this ask is horrifically long i just have a lot of shoto thoughts and ur ideas are always soo cute, much love <33
This is so unbelievably cute omg I am eating this shit right up.
You just about pass away when he follows you and you catch him occasionally liking pics of your cat. Which turns into DMing pictures of your cat. Which turns into chatting, which eventually turns into meeting, and then before you know it you're dating. 😌
I think he would love to have an artist as a parter so much too. He saves every single one of your little cat doodles whether it's on a post-it or a handmade anniversary card. He loves them and loves you so so much. 🥺
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Hi I literally goshed over how cute the dog ask was! So I came up with an idea for part 2 how would the riddlers react to ether there hench men or another members of the rouges gallery making there dog an Instagram account and said dog becoming Instagram famous with over 1,000 followers ps I luv your writing
"Riddler's with Dogs Pt 2" Riddler Party Ask
I'm glad! This is definitely in my Arena so I'm happy to give more! After this one I have a cat ask for riddlers too, so look forward to that. And thank you for the praise <3 Part one is here!
TW: None
It was Victor. Victor would have done it for Penguin's dog Edward but then his boss would have gotten all pissy and it wasn't worth it. What's Edward (the human) going to do when he takes pictures of Oswald (the dog) for Insta? Riddle him to death? Try to outshoot the shooter? Please.
Edward and Oswald (the human) hang out often enough for Victor to sneak video and pictures of the little guy. He documents care videos of things Edward does for "records" when Oswald (the dog) has to be taken care of by others. Really, he's posting them on Instagram.
Once Edward finds out, he's frustrated and demands for Victor to take it all down since it's not even his dog! That is, until Victor is showing off the numbers Oswald (the dog) is doing. One of his most popular photos is a candid pic of the dog in Oswald (the human's) lap snoring when Edward was away one weekend.
....He can't deny it makes him a little happy to see the positive comments and likes on all these small, innocuous moments that otherwise would have been taken for granted. Victor can keep it up. For now. But there's definitely going to be high end glamor shots added via Edward himself.
one of the younglings had to introduce him to the concept. Always on her tiny phone snapping photos of everything including Pascal. Then one day she's trying to explain what Instagram is. So it's like a digital photobook. That sounds adorable, but really, is it relevant to anything?
She then points to the number of followers and says that's the amount of people who want updates about Pascal and his antics. Edward brightens at the thought. Wait, there are comments? Oh, would you look at that, they love him!
Edward is like that happy, dorky uncle who now wants to be included on the photo taking. What's the perfect cinematic shot? The Instagram game turns to short videos, which then turns to tiktok shorts once he's shown how to do that... Pascal ends up getting a fancy riddler suit jacket of his own with the proceeds.
Imagine you're a hostage in 1960s Gotham. The Riddler has overtaken the event with his goons. There is a corgi in a question mark themed suit. One of the goons is filming the corgi shaking his little hips as he walks. Riddler poses a question for the audience at home. This is going to take hours if Batman doesn't arrive quickly.
Query and Echo did it. They aren't a constant presence like they were at one time, but they still appreciate the occasional team up with their favorite man in green. And they fall in love with little Curie.
They tease him for trying to retire and "settle down" with his dog... As they take pictures and video with filters of her in her little fashion coat. Echo jokingly makes the Instagram at first as they're all a little tipsy on wine. Then both of them post pictures and videos of her with Edward in the background.
Then... Oh, shit. This got bigger than they ever planned. Sure, cute animals are popular but- Edward isn't mad when he finds out. In fact, he's amused and downright smug. Of course she's popular, look at her!
He ends up making a small video game with her as the star. Hey, don't blame him for making profit off of a popularity hype. It's a good game, brings in honest money and puts his name back on the market. Win-win in his opinion.
Zero Year
Despite being notorious for not playing well with others, he has to have some goons later on to help with the heavy lifting. One of them ended up being good with Minerva so Edward thought, what the hell, they could clean up after her when he's busy. What he didn't realize is the guy ended up taking photos and posted a few of them online. That curly tail is to die for!
Edward caught the man on his phone looking at photos of Minerva and found the account with less than 100 followers. Photos that were fine but not great. So he took over the account immediately.
He immediately decided to up Minerva's aesthetic game. High quality photos, photo shoots, cosplay- Yes, cosplay. The amount of followers bumps up past 1,000 within a couple weeks. It doesn't help he messed with the website algorithm. Just a little. Everyone WILL appreciate his dorky beautiful dog.
The one time he decided to actually hire people instead of just robots to do his bidding, and they do this. First, one of them decided to show off his doggie grooming background and freshened him up. Unnecessary! Asimov was fine! Then he's getting messages from Harley of all people telling him his dog is online and famous.
He corners his henchpeople who shrug saying it was a fluke. Passing the time when they wait around for orders! People love the one-eyed little creature. And they love seeing Edward show rare soft moments towards him.
People call his dog ugly-cute and he's offended on behalf of Asimov. Asimov is perfectly fine the way he is. He's not ugly! Someone has to explain that's a good thing and he scoffs them off.
At some point he gets tired of having henchmen around in his space and boots them to the streets. Then he hacks into the account and changes the password and authentication so the account can stay up. If he remembers he'll throw videos up, usually of Asimov doing tricks showing how smart he is.
Funny enough it's his buddy Catwoman who does it. Selina KNOWS an Instagram worthy pet when she sees it. And this puppy is CUTE. Plus she's probably one of the few people he'd allow in his space besides Bane and actually trust. Bane is also in several pictures with Columbo. He knows the show, it was one of the few things that would ever play on the one shitty, shitty TV in the prison he grew up in.
She's delighted to tell him once the account gets popular. He scoffs and doesn't believe it until she shows him the numbers.
He supposes people have good taste about the pain in his ass. Then the memes start where they compare the riddler's dog to the TV show detective he's named after. He says how ridiculous they are and how people should use their time better, but Selina catches him giving a sensible chuckle at them often.
Let's be real, he started the Instagram account. He figured his followers could go see pictures of her when he's not streaming and she's in the background. What he didn't expect was a flurry of other followers that have no idea who is is, but want to see more of wiggly Ava. It's enough to make him anxious.
The pictures aren't the best or the quality of videos but she's just so delightful and when he opens up about her story, it garners even more views. There's something so genuine about the presentation.
He tries to get some overlap into his Riddler persona but it doesn't work out. Batman follows the Ava account. Just to make sure there aren't any secret messages there. That's it. Absolutely not because the dog is adorable.
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egyx0s-brainrot · 2 years
Little idea for an Egyxos headcanon...
Egyxos has their own version of Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. So one day, when Hyksos tells Leo about Egyxos version of the internet, Horus gives Leo permision to explore and post on the Egyxos web with the condition of not causing any trouble...
3 days later, the Egyxos web is flouted with cute cats and dogs pics 😋
But talking all serius, can you imagen if Egyxos have their versions of human social media where even Kefer the pharao possible posts about gardening tips!!!
Everyone exept for maybe Apis would make posts about their dayli lives and Exaton wouls follow all thise accounts but for other reasons.
Leo has the equivalent of an Instagram account, where he posts a mix of cute animal pictures and cool things he sees during his missions. He has livestreamed before during a mission and it was as fun and chaotic as you could imagine
Kha has a Tumblr blog, very lowkey and chil. It's mostly made of reblogs of the things he likes and the occasional post where he shares his thoughts
Hykos has Twitter. Dunno what exactly he posts, but he seems like a Twitter kind of guy
Kefer with a gardening blog is a very nice image, too. But what if he also had, like, a gardening segment on Tv? It would be one of the most watched, that's for sure!
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Hm, as far as I know, lions, domestics, and cheetahs are the only naturally social cats, but there are cases of other species being raised in zoos or sanctuaries that take well to staying together in groups, like tigers. I can't really see Laventon being a lion or a cheetah, which would leave the only highly social cat as a domestic. Which you talking about Laventon tricking a typically very solitary Cyllene into having a family reminds me of when a calico cat made friends with a lynx living in a zoo, and the zoo decided to adopt the cat because she and the lynx were practically inseparable lol (there are some really cute pics and videos of them too). So friendly house cat Laventon tricking Cyllene into being his best friend and to adopt a couple of kittens she didn't want seems fitting lol. Maybe she could be a tiger? Calico colors, but terrifying and deadly. She doesn't know how this happened and neither does Kamado, but he regrets letting it happen because now he has to occasionally try to play sheepdog with them and that's just demeaning for a wolf.
Them waving their ears to capture attention makes me wonder if their ears follow their arms when they do their point and call. One ear up, one ear flat to the side, like an L.
Oh no, that's a really good point that the lack of people around probably feels really disconcerting after living in a busy city. Probably feels far too quiet, too, and anyone who's been out in the wilderness often knows that the real danger is when things suddenly go silent, so his brain is probably on high alert for whatever caused the lack of noise he still subconsciously expects, whenever he's not dissociating. I actually kind of want Ingo to be a white-sided jackrabbit, because as far as I've been able to find they're the only ones that pair bond (sources say usually male and female, but I don't think it necessarily has to be, so we can say they get a twin bond lol) and constantly stick together, which means that his twitchy prey instincts would normally be calmer because he'd have a second pair of eyes to keep lookout, but now he's in a much more dangerous place, without his twin as a secondary source of protection, and without even a crowd he can hide in. Plus everything else that's going on with his brain after the rift. Not a great mix.
Hell, since he's a desert species, his posture could be a combination of feeling too vulnerable and not liking how much of a target he is being that tall while that alone, and a habit he got into to try to keep warm, hunching down and bending his knees from the same instinct that makes you curl into a ball when you're cold, but not so much that he couldn't run if he needed to.
I mean, if he was lucky he'd already be wearing some form of shoe, if he was at work when he was taken, since I imagine working near trains and in a busy station where someone might step on your toes or drop some litter you really don't want to step in that shoes might be a safety precaution. But even if he was, without the right kind of shoes he could easily still get frostbite on his feet, since they wouldn't be designed to keep the cold and snow out. I imagine they would notice pretty quick that he needed shoes or better shoes though. If he still had feeling in them, he'd be limping or doing that thing where you lift one foot/paw up to try to keep at least one out of the burning cold. And if he didn't, then there'd be some pretty obvious frostbite signs unless they didn't think to take his shoes off. Unless he was found pretty quick, he'd likely have at least mild hypothermia too, since his coat isn't likely to be built to keep heat in and neither would any other part of his uniform he happened to have on, and jackrabbits are long and lanky without much fat on them. He'd probably actually be better off than human Ingo, since any kind of fur is better than bare skin, but if we're talking about frostbite his poor ears would be so vulnerable to it. If he's really, really unlucky he might have to be returned to Unova with his ears as tattered as his coat from where they had to cut away parts completely necrotic from frostbite.
A necklace or trinket seems like it'd be so easily lost though? Maybe they have thin tunics and if they get too hot they can take after Gaeric and tie it around their waist? A tunic is much harder to lose and also more eye catching by virtue of being bigger. Though you're right, if they really didn't want to wear one I'm sure they'd have some other way to show affiliation. And yes to them keeping warmer clothes in stock, just in case!
Also, I've been thinking about what Adaman could be, and I was thinking maybe a Blue-Spotted Tree Monitor? Colorful, blue, speedy, and remember what I said about monitor lizards sometimes being considered bad luck? Depending on the culture they can be either bad or good luck, but given your theory about him being insecure about his fitness as a leader, I think it could go either way. I mean, he'd certainly look the part, which would make people confident in him, especially if they considered his species good luck, but maybe he heard somewhere that monitors were bad luck and in his insecurity he worried if that might be the case after all? Perhaps in the Pearl Clan reptiles are thought to be unlucky (not to the clan, just have terrible personal luck), because they always die very young if they're not swiftly moved to a warmer environment to live, and he's like, 'not to be blasphemous, but they might be a little bit right about that since I'm the way I am.'
For Lian, I was thinking either an Arctic ground squirrel or a marmot. Both live underground and would be better suited than most alpine and Arctic animals to live in the warmer fieldlands because when it gets too cold they hibernate anyway. Marmots even typically live in rock piles, which would match his whole rock thing.
ok this is a new one but can i propose for cyllene: mountain lion. idk it just feels like it fits? vibes-wise? plus, unlike lions and tigers, they're not The apex predator and other animals, like wolves (in packs), can and will occasionally take their kills, which feels appropriate since she's still technically second to kamado. i'm still not sold on housecat laventon though, hmmm. (...actually, he could be a rabbit. it would explain why he's got that perpetually surprised/nervous expression, and make the fact that cyllene frequently defers to him even more fun than it already is. and also maybe protag hears ingo is a jackrabbit, goes "oh rabbits i know what those are like!" and then is Very Surprised how little like laventon he is when they actually meet)
i've actually been using mostly black-tailed jackrabbits as reference for ingo, bc they are the most Concerningly Weird-looking to me, but honestly i'm playing it fast and loose with the exact accuracy anyway so he's just sort of a Generic Hare at this point. oof that's a good point about him losing the one watching his back though, ouch. like right!! honestly that's probably why they were able to take over a busy, noisy subway system in the first place—as long as they stuck together it was never overwhelming or panic-inducing. they probably got desensitized to it over time, too. to the point where now it's the exact lack of that environment that's terrifying. and he's so exposed and he can't even keep an eye on all his surroundings at once! that+the cold thing you mentioned to, yes. of course he's not standing up straight!
one thing i feel like i maybe haven't articulated very well (or at all, rip) is that it's not quite that ingo doesn't feel anything. it's more like the line of communication between his actual emotions and what he's consciously aware of has been severed. at any given moment he literally never knows how he feels. that is until it gets to the boiling point where it just starts throwing random physical reactions at him to vent something. so what that means is probably that mostly he's chill but sometimes his prey instincts will kick into overdrive like he's being actively chased even though there's Literally Nothing happening. and then he immediately goes back to tuning everything out as soon as it's over. gee that was weird, not indicative of any really serious issues at all i'm sure, anyway
and then oof you're right those ears would do so badly in the icelands. he'd probably want to do something about them regardless considering those things are made to dispel heat. great if you're a desert species that does a lot of running, or something with nice insulating fluff, not so nice if you're a desert hare suddenly dumped into a frozen wasteland. pearl clan better find him fast before that becomes a death sentence
ooooh i do like adaman being a lizard. however, can i counter-propose: frilled lizard? it's more Dramatic, the frill could stand in for his hair, and i like the idea of him and melli both having big displays since they're supposedly childhood friends (just... used for very different purposes, lol). if the pearl clan considers reptiles in general to be unlucky, which i think makes a ton of sense (even if they do survive, they're basically forced into exile, along with any parents or family who wanted to stay with them) you can still have that emotion even.
ooh yeah lian being a marmot would fit really well! for other wardens... not sure why but i could see calaba being a sheep, maybe? she'd probably want to keep her wool sheared short for the mirelands, though, bc i feel like that's the warmest (and also most humid) environment in hisui (and that would make for difficulties when going back to the pearl settlement, oof). and maybe palina's a reindeer? or an antelope? idk, i'm spitballing. also: i know sabi's diamond but what if she was a little penguin chick
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uneryx · 2 years
Oh Shit, It's Renee
Well I needed a new pinned so here's an intro for all the new ppl following me off of twitter. Who Are You, Ya Weirdo? HI! I'm Renee - a mid-30s animation industry goof who currently lives in Vancouver, BC that likes cats, music, anime trash boys and trash men, elves, fantasy and yelling about all of it. I am a salty old goth with a lot of opinions about everything. Why Should I Follow You? Do you like Critically Acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV with the Free Trial up to Level 60 70 and the Heavensward Stormblood Expansion? How about Netflix's The Dragon Prince? Or cool spooky Halloween-themed shit year-round? Or maybe lefty yelling about the state of the world? If you do, you're in the right place. My primary hobby as of right now is Final Fantasy XIV. My main is Hades Moonveil @ Coeurl (A *very* AU catboy Emet-Selch). I draw FFXIV related stuff occasionally! I am also semi-active in The Dragon Prince fandom... I was more active in 2019-2020 and established a small following then, but TDP isn't my main fandom anymore. Still like it though! Will probably reblog stuff about it with some regularity. I have a cat named Merlin, he is very fat and very cute. There will be pics of him. Anything else? I strongly believe in the rights of every human being to live their best lives - t*erfs, truscum, swerfs, racists, homophobes and other bigots can fuck right on off. I am a friendly monster! Bitey, salty and grumpy, but friendly! Just don't be an asshole and you won't get bit lmao.
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purrpuppy · 9 days
hii my name is angel, im a part of a DID system and i’m just using this as a diary!! im a full-time kitty who likes magic the gathering and overwatch! i have a QPP named lucky who i love dearly, and a boyfriend named anthony who is the greatest!
maybe tw for occasional vents? :0 i dont really know!! no need to follow me but if you do i’ll love you forever and ever :3 i really like anime and i want to watch more … give me recommendations!!
i kin misa amane and roxy lalonde :) feel free to dm me cute cat pics !!
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aventoru · 2 months
football wag
character(s) : everyone
warning(s) : none
a/n : js some brainrot about life as the wag of these characters when they’re pro!athletes 🫶 edit : inspired by the haikyuu ver i saw from @/sunaluv
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being his wag has both its pros and cons
you’re introduced to the luxurious lifestyle since he’s making bank
but the fans are CRAZY over him and his love life
you’ll get the best (and worst) of both worlds
he’s buying you the newest fashion items and luxury goods, the trendiest accessories, and hottest cars (of course, you buy him extravagant gifts as well)
not only that, you’ve live together in a big ass MANSION 💸💸💸
you’ve also gotten your own following on social media and become an influencer with your own tv show and brand ambassador (pop off!)
sometimes you two do collabs and the entertainment industry goes WILD
of course, you inevitably receive hate from jealous fans
some claim you’re not good enough for him, others say you’re a gold digger
but you don’t have to worry because he’s defending you left and right, taking care of all the hate that you get
it’s not like you’re worried anyway, because at the end of the day, you’re his and he’s yours
you’re constantly in the spotlight, under the scrutiny of probably everyone who knows him
but if it’s with him, you think everything is totally worth it
KAISER, SHIDOU, aiku, sae, REO, lavihno, CHRIS PRINCE, raichi, karasu, otoya, kunigami
he lives a rather private life with you
he only cares about you and your little family together (aka you, him, and the cute cat you guys adopted)
everyone knows you’re his gf but you both are so lowkey, no one actually knows you
ofc he’ll defend you from the hate comments but you aren’t really publicly active on social media and the paparazzi has like 3 pics of u MAX so what even is there to say?
he has a little cozy apartment that he lives in with you, nothing too fancy or extravagant and you both like it that way
after all, you would prefer to save that money and spend it on other things
but honestly what more could you ask for when you wake up tangled in the sheets next to his beautiful face every single day?
you two have cute little dates (baking, movie marathons, candle making, gaming, etc.) together, UGH IT’S SO DOMESTIC
even when you two go out, you’re so lowkey the press misses it most of the time and you’re able to enjoy your date in peace
usually when you go out, you two go on picnics, to local restaurants, bowling, cafes, and other mundane things that couples do
(also, this doesn’t mean he doesn’t treat you to expensive dates occasionally 💸)
anyways you both are in your own little world and there’s nothing that could come between the two of you 🫶
RIN, HIORI, niko, NAGI, ness, also sae, noa, loki, barou, kiyora, yukimiya, chigiri
hes genuine both to his fans and to you
once everyone has found out that you’re dating, he welcomes both love and hate, but still manages to keep you safe from the judgmental eyes of others
he tells his fans that he genuinely cares for you and hopes that they will come to accept you
if they don’t then too bad, it’s his life and they can’t do anything about it 😝
as for you, he treats you like royalty (as he should!)
you two aren’t afraid to make your relationship public and it’s shown through the usual outings he takes you to
you’re his plus one at every single event / gala he’s invited to
if/when his fans finally warm up to you, you two begin to make content together
you show up on his social media, and you even created a tiktok account for the both of you to create content and hop on trends
due to your frequent appearance, you gain a following of your own as well
despite that, your personal lives still remain quite private
like on special occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays he makes an effort to spend the day alone with you in the comfort of your home, away from the press and the rest of the world
you two sometimes do domestic activities together (he cooks for you, you two have a skincare routine, etc.)
despite being so open and public about your relationship, he still manages to make you feel special 🫶
ISAGI, snuffy, BACHIRA, lorenzo
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tabbi-mysteries · 8 months
Greetings, chosen one. Arise from your slumber.
Just kidding. It’s me again.
So…new question! How good do you think your favorite DCMK characters would be when it comes to using social media? Who has the most followers, who knows how to get the most reposts, and who gets banned for starting fights? Also, what sort of themes would their accounts follow (i.e. food blogs, aesthetics, fashion, etc.)?
- Secret Santa
Hello again!
This was so interesting to think about actually so sorry if I go on for a bit because the gears in my brain are turning with all sorts of ideas!!!
Shinichi - I think he's really good at using social media, like he knows all the ins and outs, keeps track of popular trends, lightening fast at working out what key terms to search to find suspects socials etc. I think we see a lot of evidence for this kind of behaviour in canon too actually! Because of that I also think he'd be capable of running a journalistic style blog and true crime insights and capable of making it really popular! That said... I also kinda think despite being capable of that if he actually wouldn't XD he probably just has private socials he uses to follow his friends and occasionally tweets a Sherlock Holmes quote.
Kaito - An absolute master of social media. The best of it of all the characters, has multiple socials and actively uses all of them, he has an account to show of magic tricks and another for general stuff where he posts pics of him and his friends and daily life and sweet treats and KID fanboying. On the KID side he probably has like an unofficial official KID account and sometimes even live blogs during heists just to mess with the taskforce XD he probably also has and maintains multiple fake profiles for various undercover identities. He's very busy! But it does pay off for him, his magic trick blog is probably extremely popular!
Sonoko - All her chaos in probably on one big uncoordinated social XD shopping hauls? Travel vlogs? KID fangirling? Gushing over her boyfriend? You can't have one without all the others XD probably comes across as a bit of a rich girl showing off her money initially but is surprisingly relatable about other matters.
Ran - unintentionally a massive social media success, I could see her posting general stuff and life bits and pieces about everything from recipes, karate, a new cafe, a cute dog she saw etc. and it's just such a genuinely nice blog and any pictures she posts of her she's always looking amazing (because when does she not look great?) And she skyrockets to success without actually trying and is genuinely surprised by it.
Heiji - has a lot of the same skills as Shinichi when it comes to using social media but is also a much more active blogger! I think he'd have a food blog actually, boy knows his way around every local place is Osaka and Kyoto it seems and is keen to share what he likes about each place! He's also probably a great photographer seeing as he likes to keep an eye out for scenic locations!
Kazuha - she'd have a various well organised fan accounts I think! One for Heiji, another for Kamen Yaiba, another for Gomera etc. (why yes I did just watch Kamen Yaiba Vs Gomera recently how could you tell XD) They're small and niche but popular within their communities.
Amuro - it may be a blog for a fake identity but I feel like the Amuro identity definitely needs a blog and like anything he attempts he puts his all into it XD it's probably a cooking blog where he shares recipes and tips and tricks for the kitchen and it's pretty popular.
The Detective Boys! - Haibara said they were too young to have individual accounts but let them make one to advertise the Detective Boys! They post about their achievements and occasionally make some personal posts, Ayumi likes to mention nice things that happened each day like meeting cats, Mitsuhiko likes to share science trivia pieces and Genta likes to take photos of his dinner! It's a small blog and not very well known except for brief spikes when they make the news because of a case but it's a very cute blog. (On a side note Haibara absolutely has a personal account she uses to be a little snide sometimes and post about Higo)
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year
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News Feed or Junk Feed It may surprise some of you to know that when I am on my iMac, I very rarely ever go to my Facebook news feed. Whenever I open Facebook in Firefox, I always go directly to my timeline instead, which I have bookmarked. It seems that with the Facebook app on my iPhone, I don't have this option. Upon launching it, the app takes me directly to my news feed whether I like it or not. So why do I choose to go to my timeline instead of to my news feed? Basically, because more often than not, the news feed is full of all kinds of junk in which I am not the least bit interested. The very worst has to be all of the political garbage. Even some of my Christian friends do it. People — including some Christians — take sides, and then they do everything they can to support the politicians who they like, and to blast and condemn the politicians who they don’t like. I mean, the political gossip, rumors and accusations is as thick as stew. It is unending. I am sorry folks, but I really don’t need that in my news feed. I get enough of that kind of nonsense in the daily news bundles which are downloaded to my email client. Then there are those people who spend a lot of their time attacking or defending certain popular preachers in the news feed. Personally, while I do expose the errors of a few popular preachers in some of my older articles, for the most part, I strive to stay out of those kinds of discussions, particularly when they are occurring online. As I explain in the following KJV Bible verse list, I believe that we should each abide in our own calling, and leave the ministries of others to be sorted out by the Lord. If they are in error, or false prophets, God will expose them at length: "Abide in Your Calling" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse243.html So as I said, I am sorry, but I am not interested in reading that kind of stuff in my news feed. Then, of course, there are all of the conspiracy theorists with their often off-the-wall ideas, rumors and links to questionable websites, many of which contain bogus info and fake news. I have spoken about this before, and have even made some graphics concerning this topic. So again, no thanks, but I’ll pass on this kind of stuff in my news feed. I just don't need it. As if all of the above is not enough to turn me off to the Facebook news feed, then there are all of the posts regarding the latest styles in clothing, ads for make-up, the latest celeb gossip, the coolest apps, etc. Again, I am sorry, but I am not the least bit interested in those kinds of things. Now, I know a lot of you enjoy posting images of your beloved pets. Believe me; I understand that. I am an animal and nature lover too. I have had pets of one sort or another since I was a young boy. Occasionally, I will share photos or short videos of my two cats, Polo and Eljio. But for the most part, while your cute pet images and videos are often very adorable, nevertheless, I can do without being overwhelmed by dozens of them in my news feed as well. Sorry. I realize that what each person puts on their timeline is a very personal decision. Your timeline is yours to do with as you please, and that is indeed your right, regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. If you want to fill it up with pics and videos of your family and relatives, or with any of the other things which I previously mentioned, that is your choice. However, at the same time, please understand that, personally, the bottom line for me is this: I primarily joined Facebook so that I can use it as an outlet to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s it. In fact, that is why I purchased my very first computer so many years ago. I look at my computer, and social networks, as tools to share the Good News of Salvation and other related topics. Now, considering that most, if not all, of my FB friends are Christians, I would assume that they are also interested in sharing the Gospel with other people on Facebook as well.
Sadly, I must confess that I am both amazed and disappointed by the amount of worthless junk in my news feed; much of which is generated by my Christian friends. Yes, there is some Christian content by a small number of my friends. However, having to wade through all of the crap in order to find the good content is just not worth my time. So, as a result, I will mainly stick to just posting on my timeline, and I will stay away from my news feed as much as possible. Look at it this way. At least when you visit my timeline, you will know exactly what you will find there: Plenty of God's Word. And it won’t include any of the aforementioned worthless junk. I post some humorous stuff now and then, and as I said, sometimes cat photos, but for the most part, you will find good Christian content which will feed, inspire and motivate you. I hope that I am a blessing to you. https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/news-feed-or-junk-feed/?feed_id=74347&_unique_id=65095a09b22d6&News%20Feed%20or%20Junk%20Feed
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home-improvment · 1 year
15 practical cleaning supplies for pet-related messes, according to professional product testers
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15 practical cleaning supplies for pet-related messes, according to professional product testers
Pets are wonderful, but they can leave messes that are difficult to clear up.
We have a lot of expertise at Insider Reviews cleaning up after our pets.
We use the following 15 cleaning tools to keep our surfaces clean, get rid of odors and stains, and remove fur.
Pets and kids are frequently contrasted. They both are adorably cute, captivate our attention, and frequently say or do the greatest things. And even though pets aren't precisely like children, we frequently think of them as family. 
Pets can be untidy, despite this. They require a lot of cleanup, from accidents in the bathroom to shedding on all the furnishings. We've compiled our favorite products to make cleaning up after your furry companion a little simpler.
A pet fur remover for furniture and clothing
ChomChom Roller, available at Amazon, $26.95
I can't recall what made me make this impulsive purchase, but it was a wise choice. Two rollers on the ChomChom almost magically but gently remove fur from cat trees and furniture. It requires de-furring fairly frequently, so I keep a garbage can nearby, but it works better than any other pet-hair tool I've tried. — Senior homer correspondent Jenny McGrath
Lint Rollers for Pet Hair Extra Sticky Remover $18.87
To clean up after my two cats, I have lint rollers placed all throughout my home. They are primarily used on my clothes and bed linens, but I also use them on the floor when I'm too lazy to vacuum. and on the cats themselves occasionally when they are too indolent to groom themselves. — Ellen Hoffman, chief executive officer of service journalism
An odor remover for your cat's litter box
Rocco & Roxie Litter Box Odor Eliminator, available at Amazon, $11.97
Essential oils and pieces of maize cob are used to make Rocco & Roxie's Litter Box stench Eliminator, which works to get rid of the moisture and stench of the litter. Using a friend's litter box, freelance journalist Mary Marlowe Leverette tried the litter odor remover. Leverette said in her review that while it didn't fully get rid of the smell of litter, it did help and she would use it again.
A clever pet broom for collecting hair and more
Furemover Extendable Pet Hair Removal Broom, available at Chewy, $12.98
The Furemover serves as a sweeper as well as a lint roller, a vacuum cleaner-like crumbs collector, and even a dust collector. It's a favorite of former Insider Reviews kitchen and house colleague Anna Popp.  
I began raking the rug using the broom as a rake and discovered that it collected all of the canine and human hair into clumps. Furthermore, Popp noted in her evaluation of the Furemover, "the rubber bristles also exposed crumbs and lint embedded in the carpet.
A handheld vacuum to clean up stubborn pet hair
Black+Decker Dustbuster Advanced Clean Cordless Handheld Vacuum, available at Amazon, $49
The Black+Decker Dustbuster Advanced Clean is the finest handheld vacuum for pet hair, according to my tests of dozens of vacuums to see how well they remove pet hair. It is compact, lightweight, and simple to use. In our tests, it was the only handheld that completely removed all pet hair from carpet, hardwood, and a vehicle. Visit our guide to learn more about other vacuums that effectively remove cat hair. — James Brains, a writer for homes and kitchens
A cleaning solution for your rugs and carpet
Carbona Oxy-Powered Pet Stain & Odor Remover, available at Amazon, $15
My cats always choose a place on one of my area rugs to vomit up food or a hairball, without fail. Correct, the messier the cleaning, the better. This material works wonders to remove stains from flooring. — Service journalism's editor in chief, Ellen Hoffman
A 2-in-1 wet mop and robot vacuum for all kinds of messes
Bissell Spin Wave Hard Floor Expert Pet Robot Vacuum, available at Amazon, $229.73
Picking up pet hair is a daily hassle if you have a companion that sheds a lot. You can prevent tumbleweeds made of pet hair by using a robot vacuum. For pet hair, the Bissell Spin Wave is my preferred robot cleaner. Pet hair was successfully removed from carpeting and hardwood surfaces using this product. And because the mop heads spin, it has a mopping function that actually performs well. — James Brains, a writer for homes and kitchens
A detergent that eliminates lingering pet odors
Nature's Miracle Laundry Boost, available at Petco, $10.99
This product's attractiveness lies in the fact that it is an enzymatic cleaner, which means it eliminates canine odors like urine. Additionally, it doesn't contain any scents that could aggravate a cat or dog's epidermis. I use it to launder everything, including the stinky blankets and beds and bath towels for my dog. They exit the washer with little to no odor after adding no extra detergent. - Lisa Sabatini, senior home and pets editor
A litter pail that can hold weeks of waste
Litter Genie Plus Pail, available at Amazon, $18.81
In our household, we love the Litter Genie. It implies that we won't need to regularly take out the trash to get clear of garbage odors. It is very simple to empty and reset, and it can contain several weeks' worth of used litter. -Deputy editor Lauren Savoie
A drain cover for a clog-free tub
OXO Good Grips Silicone Drain Protector, available at Amazon, $11.99
It's simple to get caught up in the moment when bathing thick-coated dogs at home and just let the fur go down the drain. That, however, is a recipe for clog accumulation and upcoming pipe blockage. I use this OXO drain cap to guard against that impending doom. It makes cleaning simpler because I can simply hose down the tub without fretting about clogs, and it collects a ton of the dense undercoat that becomes loosened during doggy baths. — Tech deals and streaming correspondent Sarah Saril
A grass broom that works wonders for fur
Caravelle Choi Bong Co Vietnam Handmade Straw Broom, available at Amazon, $17.99
We always had one of these brooms on hand when I was growing up in a Filipino home. In comparison to any plastic substitutes you might find at the store, they are made of fine yet sturdy grass that is more effective at collecting small particles like dust and, yes, canine fur. I frequently use this broom to sweep some of the bigger piles of fur out of the way rather than repeatedly stuffing my vacuum's bin with heaping amounts of fur. Since the batting doesn't adhere to the bristles, it's also a fantastic instrument for sweeping up the insides of stuffed animals. — Sarah Saril, reporter for tech sales and streaming
A stain and odor eliminator made of essential oils
Rocco & Roxie Professional Strength Stain and Odor Eliminator, available at Amazon $19.97
Your pet's accidents are lifted and the odors are neutralized by the Rocco & Roxie Professional Strength Stain and Odor Eliminator, so you won't have to worry about interior bathroom mishaps happening again. Mary Marlowe Leverette, a free-lance writer for Insider Reviews, loves this spray. 
Essential oils are used by The Stain and Odor Eliminator to stop stains from occurring repeatedly in the same place. In her Rocco & Roxie review, Leverette stated, "I love it so much that I purchased the 1-gallon container so I have the cleaner on hand to refill the spray bottle. 
Disinfecting wipes for quick sanitizing
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes 3-pack, available at Amazon, $25.62
Accidents are a given when toilet training a puppy. Cleaning is made simpler and my child is kept from accessing any cleaning solutions that I might otherwise have to leave out by always having a box of disinfecting wipes on hand. I still use these wipes to clean water bowl messes, nose marks on the glass, and other surfaces even for my senior, house-trained canines. — Sarah Saril, reporter for tech sales and streaming
Biodegradable waste bags
Greener Walker Poop Bags, available at Amazon, $15.29
I like to keep my lawn tidy, so I use poop bags frequently to quickly collect any refuse. These ones retain power while being inexpensive and biodegradable. These are my top picks after experimenting with a variety of alternatives, and I use them for both canine walks and housecleaning. — Sarah Saril, reporter for tech sales and streaming
A portable paw cleaner to keep your floors shining
Dexas MudBuster, available at Amazon, $13
Cleaning your pet's feet is simpler with the Dexas MudBuster. Simply add some water to the MudBuster, position your dog's paw inside, and then gently twist the container, whether you're about to enter your car or your home. There are three different versions available for the foldable paw cleaner. Even if your dog doesn't mind having their paws cleaned, this product still makes the task simpler and is more effective than using a damp cloth, according to freelance reporter Alicia Betz for Insider Reviews.
A stick vacuum specifically for pet cleanups
Dyson V8 Animal Vacuum Cleaner, available at Amazon, $131.74
A dependable stick vacuum has been the most useful tool for removing copious quantities of pet hair. For fast and simple fur cleanup, I've been using the same refurbished Dyson V6 for years. It's so handy to just whip it off the wall. With the same device, you can easily remove hair from couches, get into small spaces, and cover large areas thanks to the assortment of attachments. — Sarah Saril, reporter for tech sales and streaming
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finelinevogue · 3 years
hiii ! could you write something about harry stalking y/n's Instagram but her account is private, so he sends a request and she accepts and she follows him back, and harry likes her pics (which aren't many) and tries to find out if she do you have a boyfriend or something?
this might be quite short but i hope this is alright for you;
“What’s the correct reaction I should use when Harry Styles requests to follow me?”
You asked your best friend, Heather, as you were both lounging on your bed. She was sat up against the headboard and you lay the opposite way around, holding you phone to the ceiling.
It was just another simple day for the two of you. You’d worked a long shift at the local supermarket and Heather had worker her long shift at the cat shelter, both of you now just having some down time to relax and regroup your thoughts before you even thought to start on dinner. Heather, your best friend and roommate, was an absolute tyrant in the kitchen which meant you were often the one to cook dinner. Tonight was shrimp risotto, if you could be bothered to get out of bed to actually make it. However you were no grounded to your bed more than ever, shocked with the current notification staring you square in the eyes.
“Why?” Heather laughed at you, not noticing your heavily serious face to your question, “you having your daily dreams over the man again?”
Okay, you didn’t have daily dreams… Nightly dreams, maybe. You had liked Harry for a while actually, perhaps since he had cut his hair for a movie he had done. You weren’t a huge fan of his and listened to his music occasionally - like when you were folding laundry or on a long train ride - but you weren’t dedicated to him. He was cute and his voice sounded really lovely. He was definitely the face you used in your nighttime scenarios, but you would never admit that out loud.
“No,” you briefly paused to find the right words to say, “because Harry Styles just requested to follow me.”
“You— What!” Heather sprung up from her position on the bed, but you stayed still and eyes fixed to your phone.
“Appropriate reaction?” You asked again, handing her your phone so she could see for herself.
“Um, ascending into heaven, I don’t know do I? The really question is why the fuck haven’t you accepted it?” She was quick to answer your question and even quicker to ask hers, looking at you as if you’d just told her you were born with only one tit.
“Maybe because it’s Harry Styles!” You exclaimed, sitting up and looking at her now the same way she had just done you.
“Babe, honey, that’s exactly why you need to accept him.” Tossing you back your phone you caught it as you looked to her. God, what was happening? You’d been stacking shelves at a supermarket 3 hours ago and now you were about to accept a follow request from Harry Styles - like the same man who you think about every night before bed and yet know barely anything about.
“Oh fuck it.” You clicked accept and then followed him back, switching your phone off and throwing it down onto the bed.
“Did you..”
Then you started to freak.
It hit you that Harry Styles could see all of your instagram photos - even the ones you were tagged in. Then you questioned whether he would even bother to stalk you? Was he that kind of person? How did he even find you in the first place? You had 489 followers to his near 50 million, so it’s not exactly like he just saw you appear in his notifications - you didn’t even follow him until 30 seconds ago. Let’s say he did see your photos, what would he see? For starters there’s the photos of you and your parents dogs and then just your parents. There’s you on the beach and you in the snow. There’s you with friends and still some posted of people you didn’t like anymore. It was okay.
“Do you think he’s wanking off to that picture of you in your lingerie?” Heather broke the silence.
“What?” You looked at her baffled by such a question.
“You know? The one you just posted like two days ago because it was body positivity week at the gym?”
You’d completely forgotten about that photo and you scrambled quick for your phone. God, you couldn’t let Harry see you like that. You’d felt really, really, good when you’d posted it, dressed in your black lingerie from Victorias Secret, but now you were insecure that Harry could’ve looked at the photo and… well, vomited maybe?
“Oh no, no, no.” You repeated as you went back onto Instagram, only to freeze. “Holy fuck balls.”
If your mother heard the tone of your tongue from the past 5 minutes, she would have you strung up on her washing line by your toes. Okay not literally, but something similar.
“What? What’s happened?” Heather pressed, nosy to the current situation.
“He liked the photo.”
“He what?” Heather shouted, a shit eating grin on her face.
“Oh my fuck he liked the photo.” You put the phone on the bed and got up off to stand up, pacing whilst your rubbed your hands over your stressed temples. “He liked the look.” You repeated to yourself, trying to convince yourself that this was actually happening.
Harry Styles had seen a photo of you in your lingerie. That is not something you’d ever thought you’d ever say, but there’s the fact. Like he’d seen you - your body. You paced the length of your bedroom, completely in your own head wondering where you’d go in your life past this moment. Crawling under a heavy rock to live forever sounded pretty good right now though.
“Have you done freaking out yet?” Heather asked sarcastically, watching you pace with your phone in her hands.
“No. Yes. Maybe. Is this an acceptable reaction?” You stressed your hands through your hair and cupped your hand over your mouth in shock that this was genuinely happening.
“So I shouldn’t tell you that he’s also sent a direct message?” She asked rhetorically, making you stop wearing a track into your carpet.
“Do you want to sit down first or…” Heather asked, clearly concerned you weren’t handling this all very well.
“No. I’d rather just collapse afterwards.” You nodded your head, egging her to continue.
“Okay…” She rolled her eyes and returned her eyes to the screen to start reading out the message. “Y/N—”
“Oh jesus.” You interrupted, clutching onto your desk chair as your legs went weak and you had to sit down. Heather laughed at you before continuing, her eyes lighting up as she skim read the message.
“I hope you’re having a lovely day. I hope you don’t find my follow request or liking of your photos too creepy or forward, it’s just I think you’re really beautiful and ever since I heard about you I just had to know who you were. If you don’t want to reply, that’s alright I understand, but if you would like to know me a bit more as I would like to get to know you then feel free to call me or just message back. If, however, you are already seeing someone I apologise for this message to both you and your partner. Wishing you all the best, H. x”
Breathe check. Yes, still breathing.
“Y/N?” Heather asked, noticing you were struck still.
“Okay…” You let out a shaky breathe, doing some internal meditation to try and calm the buzzing of nerves that were rushing throughout your entire body.
“Y/N?” Heather snapped you out of your attempt of peace. “What do you want to do now?”
“He called me beautiful.” You smiled at her she smiled back, happy that you were happy.
“He also said he had heard about you from somewhere?” Heather asked, having picked up on that important bit of information.
“And he wants to get to know me.”
“Yes, okay lover-woman, let’s focus here.”
“Right, yes. Focus.” You nodded your head, still in a dreamy daze.
“Should we call him?” Heather asked.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind?” You threw your hands up in the air, which shocked you both. “Woah, sorry. Do you seriously think he’s going to want to listen to me paralysed at the lips? No.”
“So, text?”
“Text, yes.” You sighed, coming to sit on the bed next to her and draft a message back to the man who was about to change your life.
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