#just gonna brainrot about ocs here now
lilisette · 11 months
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bit obsessed with him lately. the new face preset for warriors + new hair is sooooo *chefs kiss* he looks so soft and sweet 😭 so tempted to develop his character further even though i have no time to...
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solverse · 11 months
okay, we all know about SAGAU and its different hundred of aus (not complaining tho, some are chef kiss out there) but like I've been interested in Honkai Star Rail self-aware AU– like i know it's been out for a while but the SAGAU concept is even better when it comes to HSR because of it sheer size and potential.
(not saying Genshin SAGAU aren't good tho.)
It just that I've been having this brainrot and I just need to get it out.
Imagine in SAHSR (yk, self-aware honkai star rail), we got an OC (or reader, if you're more comfortable with that– i refuse to use Y/N, just no) that is an Aeon.
Nothing shocking but lets turn that up a bit by making the OC (or Reader) the oldest yet an unknown Aeon since they went into hiding, but still kept watch of the galaxies. People know little to nothing about OC other than their loyal followers– like, even some of the newer Aeons know nothing about us (or Reader).
My brain rot came up with the Aeon of Mortality. Kinda like an emphasization that we (the Aeon) was here before most of the living being in the galaxies (hence the 'creator' thingy).
Or Aeon of Origin would be a good one too since theres Terminus, the Aeon of Finality.
(kinda like a direct reference to Kiana and Mei, hehe.) But im leaning more towards Aeon of Mortality.
Heck, yk how the Imaginary element embodies the light of lives? yeh, spin that point to how when OC(or Reader), the Aeon of Mortality came into existence, which created the Imaginary element. hell, maybe even drag the Quantum element in too bcs mortality also embodies the aspect of death.
some of the faction/group names i came up with are [Freedom-willed Sworn], [Home of the Epheremeal] and [Anti-Entropy].
not gonna explain the meaning of all of that, but they all gotta do with mortality, freedom, freewill, the will to choose and live, etc.
now thats out of the way, lets get to the fun part!
OC (or Reader) is the Aeon that watches over the Trailblazers (like, us players) and latches onto the Astral Express because they used to be besties with Akilivi ( D: ). Stelle/Caelus have no idea how they got a whole Aeon to get attached to them but they aren't complaining!
(we are also the one enabling the two's trash-loving behavior lmao)
the Astral Express also has no idea why an Aeon, the oldest one (and one they know nothing about) decided to ride along with them. Himeko got used to our presence as we appeared when she repaired the train.
March is confused but happy, Dan Heng is cautious but tolerant and Welt is skeptical but lenient. But slowly, they get used to our presence and might even start liking our help and support!
Asta and Arlan are surprised to know that the oldest Aeon known is constantly watching over them. They've never met an Aeon that interact so close! Herta might have a whole aneurysm wanting to learn anything about us.
Screwllum and Ruan Mei would try to stop her but even they could not hide their curiosity about the oldest Aeon.
The Stellaron Hunters are surprised by our appearance as it was not written or foretold in Elio's script. Kafka is amused by the outcome, also a bit delighted to know that the Aeon (or Reader) was watching over them.
Going to Jarilo-IV! Surprise, surprise! Theres someone in Belobog who is a [Freedom-willed Sworn]! who is it? it can be whoever you might think it is!
The Jarilo-IV gang would be shocked to know that an Aeon was traveling alongside the Astral Express and was currently watching over them.
Some of them would be shy and awkward for knowing that, especially Bronya and Gepard. Some would be apprehensive, like Seele and Svarog. And some would be delighted! Aka, Sampo, Serval and Luka! Even Clara and Hook are happy to have us here.
Next station, the Xianzhou Luofu! right from the start, every kind of words gets out when they find out that the Aeon of Mortality is with the Astral Express. Xianzhou Luofu are skeptical of us, since they do not know of our standing, especially when it comes to the Plague Author (Yaoshi.)
not to mention OC/Reader is the Aeon of Mortality and little is known about us so they might think that our path is aligned with Yaoshi. (which doesnt, honestly.)
Jing Yuan would be suspicious of us but he would hide it well, Fu Xuan would be discontent since the future she saw did not include us, Yanqing have his own opinion but he'd follow Jing Yuan's belief, Sushang would be fascinated and Luocha would be surprised at our reveal.
Tingyun (or Phantylia) would be intrigued at our sudden appearance, Yukong is the same as Jing Yuan (just that she doesn't hide it) and Qingque wouldn't really care.
but once the Xianzhou Luofu quest is over and the gang understands that OC/Reader is not aligned with Yaoshi, they start warming up to us! while Xianzhou Luofu is devoted to Lan the Hunt in their pursue to eradicate Yaoshi, they wouldn't oppose the help of the oldest Aeon!
also, our relationship with some of the Aeons? Aeon OC/Reader constantly gives Qlipoth headaches and they would get worried about us since we do all kinds of shits ehehe.
Aeon OC/Reader constantly annoys Lan (affectionately) and Nanook whenever they get the chance.
OC/Reader are besties with Xipe (goes on a date all the time) and IX (bcs its hilarious). Likes to go sightseeing with Fuli and constantly argue with Aha lmao.
p.s. im hesitant to include the notion of 'Reader' as im not used to using that title but i think most people are more comfortable with that. i, however, will not use Y/N.
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mochiiniko · 6 months
RHYTHM DOCTOR FAN SPOTTED!!!! YOUR VIDEOS ARE SO COOL WHAT THE HECK?!? also your brush is cool, i’ve been using it and it’s really nice 👌. Any advice for just drawing and art in general?
RD GANG YEAAAAAA also thank you i really appreciate it 😭 
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im glad you like the brush as well!! as for advice i cant really say i could give like actual professional tips since im still learning art myself, tho i will be sharing what helped me at least (under the cut since i think this is gonna be pretty long wbhwbhb)
when it comes to drawing in general, one of the things that helped me the most can be summarized in this tweet 
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drawing rhythm doctor fanart for a year unironically helped me with posing, anatomy, coloring and improve with my artstyle which is funny since it's essentially the brainrot keeping me going
the best way i could explain this as advice is to find subjects or topics youre passionate about. it could be making fanart for your favorite media (me </3), making ocs, drawing environments, and just anything youre happy with. while it's important to get out of your comfort zone to learn, it's important to be comfortable with art first 
also!! please!! dont make art *just* for the sake of posting dont be like me during my artstreet days im begging you 😭😭😭. of course this doesnt apply to every artist, since im sure there are people who do need to post consistently. but if you draw solely because you enjoy it, please remember to keep it that way and prioritize yourself! lots of rd art i made are self indulgent that i just so happened to post, which is honestly why i made so much art now that i think about it 💀
initially i was gonna add a color tutorial here so it's in one singular post but it's almost 1 am and probably for the best that i just do it tomorrow lmao
edit: tutorial pt 2 yippee
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oneluckydragon · 2 months
got hit with the echo+sora brainrot so i am once more rambling in your askbox about it. because reasons.
anywho i think there is something truly saddening about echo's struggles to make peace within herself and how she truly finds it hard to find that peace when she is so certain that if the truth about her origins were to be revealed to the world, much less to *sora*, everything she achieved, everything she worked for, all of which matters to her most, will crumble away in a moment's notice.
but the fear of losing all your life's work is none compared to the fear of losing sora. the feeling of poison that settled itself within themselves and between each other out of fear and tragedy of what had happened to them is familiar. echo's resemblance to dusknoir was already enough to set the two off because of how much it had all hurt to see someone you love and yourself turn into a mockery and a splitting image of someone who had pretended to care yet showed he never did at all, but this poison is louder. it hurts to bare, to carry, and to have none but yourself to be its sole holder.
but this poison, this feeling of heartache is different. because whereas the previous pain was something both of them felt, sora was lucky enough to not have known the truth about the person who she cares for so dearly.
echo knows that she used to be darkrai. and it haunts her to have known that her previous incarnation was so *cruel*, all for the sake of it just feeling right. wishing to engulf an entire world in darkness, solely for whatever desire she used to have.
and for how much she knows, how much she will hammer it into her own head that she is *not* like that anymore, that she looks at her past with sneer and disgust and that she will not be the barer of evil anymore, it will not matter in the slightest when she will have to look at sora if she were to ever find out.
how afraid, angry and dejected she would look when finding out, and how she will go on the defense/offense because of how much this will overwhelm her.
because when echo looks at her own shadow, she sees herself for what she is. she knows what she is, be it out of shame or guilt.
but when sora will look at it, she will see a tall, contorting and menacing shadow, towering over with a bright cyan eye doing nothing but looking at her, as if tempting her to make the next move.
and she defends herself. from someone she knows will not harm her. she raises her arms up in self defense from a hand that would never hurt her more than the world has already did.
she knows echo will not hurt her. and thats why she is afraid.
Oh my oh my OH MY, Sinnoh!!! YES YES YES!
HOW!!! IN THE WORLD!!! Are you so good at crawling into my head and creating these vivid analysis/snippets on my OCs??? I've barely shared ANY information about Echo and Sora because I've been wanting to hoard most of my stuff for when my fic is finally finished... but... I think you've broken my resolve a bit, if I'm entirely honest.
You know what? I'm so inspired by your accuracy and eagerness to talk about my girls that I'm gonna forgo my crippling anxiety regarding my writing skills and instead post a snippet of my WIP fic here as a treat for you. A teaser, if you will. Since I have no idea when the fic in question will actually be done and ready (or when I will be satisfied with it, cause the thing is currently 36,000 words and still slowly climbing). And now you've got me eager to share SOMETHING of my fic with you and anyone that might want to take a peek at it.
Please enjoy this conversation between Dusknoir and Echo. The topic deals a lot with what you'd described up above!! c:
[Note: this is an unedited part of my fic because I am still in the process of writing and it may change in the future, so please be gentle w/ me but I'd love to read any thoughts/comments that pop up while reading!! pls send asks or replies or anything really cause I love you guys]
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
“I’m going to tell you something now, and you are going to listen.” Echo commands with a sharp bite in her voice that Dusknoir cannot fathom ignoring. He pauses and then offers a slow nod, waiting, wondering what she could possibly desire to tell him at a time like this, of all things.
Minutes pass as Echo remains rooted in place, still as her own shadow, and her eyes dart around as she stares at the patches of dry grass and sand beneath her paws. Her claws clench and unclench, digging into the earth like daggers as the wind of the forest (it’s trees so close, just behind them, a looming sort of presence that could engulf them whole) whistles through the surrounding branches, carrying stray leaves of many bright greens through the chilling breeze. Dusknoir watches them dance around Echo, twirling, floating down, down, down… but it’s quiet, too quiet, and Dusknoir feels a shiver pass through him when Echo’s voice finally rings out through the silence.
"When I evolved, Sora was petrified," She says, nearly a whisper, an admission that melts away her confidence and appears to bring her a flood of both shame and regret. Her face twists up then, strangely, like she’d felt a twinge of pain from somewhere deep inside the very fabric of her own soul and was unable to quell it. "She couldn’t even bring herself to look at me most days. At first, my appearance… well, it reminded her too much of you. And eventually of someone I used to be.”
Someone I used to be. At that, Dusknoir’s immediate reaction is to recall Echo’s previous life as a human, as the miserable shell of a creature surviving alongside Grovyle that he’d relentlessly hunted in the dark future. A human made of contempt and anger and apathy, who never smiled or laughed or cried or screamed like the old legends said humans would-- an entity that simply existed rather than lived. An echo of a life long dead and buried. But, judging by her tone, by her voice, by some uneasy intuition itching in the back of his mind like a swarm of pestilent Ninjask… he knows that she means something else entirely. Something that she isn’t willing to share. And frankly, that concept utterly terrifies him.
Someone I used to be. Dusknoir wants to speak, to break his own silence, wants to ask the myriad of questions bubbling up in his throat because this isn't the first time she's hinted at another life beyond being human, but those questions die at the source like a flame doused in water. And always the coward, coward, coward, instead he takes the easy way out by doing nothing at all. Whether Echo notices his surge of inner conflict or not-- the nervous wring of his hands and the tremble in his spine that he cannot control under her gaze-- she does not react.
“I’d take a step and Sora would flinch away.” Echo confesses, her markings flickering with light before going dark and dead, as if her body wished to snuff them out entirely, a deep seated rejection, a self-loathing so strong that Dusknoir cannot help but recognize it and empathize, and his heart aches, “It took ages for her to stop shaking when I’d speak. To stop looking at me like-- like I was going to…” 
Echo grimaces like she’s enduring waves of grueling torture and doesn’t finish that string of thought, but it’s not hard to make an educated guess on what went unsaid. Like I was going to betray her. Hurt her. Break her heart. She’s been through so much already and I couldn’t bear to be another influence in the history of her suffering. I hate myself because of how I made her feel. When her eyes went wide in fear and through them I could see myself staring back like some sort of burden, some sort of curse.
“I am not my past.” Proud and true, Echo straightens up and holds her head high, a spark igniting in her eyes, a glint of determination, a will to keep going and going despite such circumstances and strife, despite this horrid, unspeakable past that haunts her so, “And I am definitely not you. It’s taken a while, but I know that much now. I’ve accepted it.”
I am not my past. And I am definitely not you.
A sigh, a breath, and Echo glances at him with a certain sorrow that cannot be described, a sorrow that lingers even through the veil of her tenacity, "But no matter how I feel, no matter my conviction, my shadows still find ways through the cracks. Every time I think I'm getting a grip and that I might finally understand myself… I change all over again." She admits, sounding more angry and tired than defeated now-- like a mirror of her old self, her human self that had clawed and damned and cursed him, despised him more than anything. "I hate it. I hate that I never truly know who I am. That I have to learn about my past through stories others tell me, or through fragments of twisted, broken memories that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Through conflict and pain and… and..."
"Echo," Dusknoir murmurs her name softly, an offering, a potential escape if only she would wish to drop the subject and forget this conversation had ever happened-- if she'd overstepped and needed an excuse to back out, a diversion, an understanding. And briefly, Dusknoir wonders why she is opening up about this particular information, why she would delve into something so vulnerable, so personal. Why she would bring up this hurtful history when it obviously brings her great discomfort.
And then, he gets an answer.
“You’re lucky, Dusknoir." There it is, that wildfire burning in her eyes again. A spark that’s new and bold and startling. But lucky? No, never. He'd have to disagree, accounting the mountain of evidence that was his life and regrettable deeds.
"You already know exactly who you are and what you’ve done, and most importantly why. You have more than a tattered picture of yourself that reflects broken answers. And you can change with that knowledge. I see you trying.” She tells him, searching, looking for something so deeply and Dusknoir wishes he knew what it could be so that he could give it to her, because he would, he would gladly give it to her without a second thought if it meant they could be close again. But he isn’t a fool, and he’s wise enough to know they’ll never be like they were before. “And if somehow I could change, even as half-assed as I have. Well, then what’s your excuse?”
You can do it, say her unspoken words, I believe in you.
#Sinnoh I have so many Echo and Sora feels right now and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT HOW DO I COPE#like... i am so amazed with what you wrote in this ask i honestly don't even know HOW to reply because I'm stunned it's so perfect#my fic is from Dusknoir's POV and explores his relationship with Grovyle and Celebi and also his reconciliation with Echo and Sora#just stating that for anyone who hasn't seen my previous post about my WIP fic cause that was like... more than 6 months ago#I am... really REALLY nervous posting this because Dusknoir is very beloved by the community and I wanna do him justice#and there are SO many amazing writers amongst my mutuals and I wanna be a COOL KID like you guys#I realize this snippet is mostly just about Echo and that Dusknoir has no actual dialogue... (even tho he talks A LOT in the fic)#but the portions of Dusknoir's thoughts and descriptions I want to GET RIGHT the vibes need to be ACCURATE#(pls tell me the vibes are accurate)#note: he is majorly nervous rn tho cause he and Echo have not fully reconciled and he's TRYING to listen and be there for her now#(insert his attempt at dadnoir; he's giving it a shot guys)#Meanwhile Echo is dealing with BIG TIME problems and regrets and guilt cause Dusknoir returning to the past resurfaced all of that grief#Me; the writer; knowing that the truth about Echo's past would mess up Dusknoir for YEARS: oh my idiot ghost dad... you have NO idea bro#echo/umbreon#sora/lucario#pmd ocs#dusknoir#pmd eos#pmd2#wip fic#Yes I have a fic title but I'm not sharing it cause it's spoilers ok
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mothwingwritings · 5 months
Dreaming Of World's End
Reader X Zenos Yae Galvus
Waaah it has been so long!!! I apologize for the absence! I have been working on and doing all kinds of stuff (fics included) as of late so I did one of my classic dip outs there for a moment, but I’m here! Just plunking away as usual. :)
With Dawntrail coming up I have been focusing a big chunk of my free time on trying to beat Endwalker (I am slow in all things, video games included lul) because I wanna be there with the herd with Dawntrail comes out!!! I have no idea if I am gonna make it, but I am doing the best I can to catch up!!!
That being said: Zenos brainrot propelled this fic from my brain, to my computer, to you. Was I and am I also writing a bunch of other things? Yes. Is this the only thing I could momentarily focus on writing-wise because I have been compromised by my love for this fucked up man? Also yes. I’m sorry. It’s bad. I was already obsessed with him in Stormblood and now that I am deep within the clutches of the Endwalker msq… It’s over for me guys. It was a good run, but rip to me. My WOL may be playing hard to get, but I’m sure not. Zenos if you are reading this, you can just have me.
So without further ado, here is a Zenos fic I have been working on! My love for him aside, I think Zenos is a super fun character to write for, so I really hope I did him some justice! This is a reader insert fic, but you are the Warrior of Light in it so feel free to insert your OC’s and WOL if you like! I tried to keep the reader neutral, but I will say it’s def aimed more at a female reader/character and if you are a shorter race like a Lala it will probs be a little wonky, so my apologies. Also, I am about half way? A little over half way? through the Endwalker main story, so potential spoilers up to that point. This fic takes place sometime between post Shadowbringers and the first part of Endwalker.
Nothing overly explicit, but due to the nature of this fic it is 18+ please!
Thank you so much for reading!!! <3 I truly hope you enjoyed!
WARNINGS: Unhealthy relationship (if you can even call it a relationship), intense infatuation, implied noncon, noncon mentions,  a lot of fighting and mentions of fighting, mentions of death and the end of the world, unwanted touching, Endwalker spoilers.
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It was always the same dream.
Amaurot. The end times. Death, destruction, chaos. Streets tainted by endless misery, stifling woe permeating the air as people ran about frantically, picked off left and right by horrendous, nightmarish monsters. Screams pierced the air as the remaining survivors struggled in vain, desperate to escape a fate that they could not avoid.
Just as any other night, he would watch it all unfold with cold indifference. Walking through the crumbling, fire charred lanes of this shell of a once bustling city, he would take it all in at a leisurely pace, maintaining a stride no more rushed than if he were taking a pleasant stroll. His features would be void of distress or malaise, his face a blank slate as he paraded down roads lined with bodies and devastation.
Zenos could say it was because he had grown accustomed to it, have the same dream each night and the grisly scenario that laid in wait past your closed eyes was bound to no longer shock you. But that would be a lie, as this ghastly nightmare had never truthfully bothered him to begin with. He simply didn’t care, not about the dying planet, nor its inhabitants that suffered the same fate. This scene from another time, this moment from a faraway place that no longer existed, he couldn’t bring himself to feel any form of remorse for the phantoms left to wallow helplessly in this endless, hellish loop, even if his own star was on track to share the same fate.
An echo of the past was just that, to dwell on it was a fool’s errand.
But tonight, it was not the end of times that greeted him when he closed his eyes. In its place stood an immaculate hall appearing to belong to some manner of grandiose castle. Pristine and orderly, he sat upon a large throne questionably positioned in the middle of the walkway, facing so that a vast expanse of the hall was clearly within his view.
Had he been here before? It was hard to say, having been trapped by palace walls most of his life they all blurred together after a certain point. Perhaps this wasn’t even a castle, but some manner of fortress. The varying weapons displayed neatly along the surrounding walls certainly made it feel as if this was more than just a mere abode for royalty to live out their boringly opulent lives, perhaps it doubled as an armory of sorts? Every sword, spear, and battle axe looked immaculately cared for; their blades so sharp simply looking at them made you feel as if you had been sliced.
His time to dwell upon the mystery of his surroundings was quick to dissipate however, as he felt a familiar presence approach him from behind. He remained still when a delicate hand was placed upon him, crawling from his arm to slide unhurriedly across his broad shoulders. The caress occupied the entirety of his thoughts, manicured nails scratching lightly against his flesh as they raked across his back, pressing just hard enough that they left a pleasant burn in their wake.
“There you are,” a deceptively alluring voice purred in his ear. Phantom arms draped themselves loosely over his shoulders, their fingers moving to trace a swirling pattern upon his chest. Goosebumps littered his arms at the brief contact. “Were you hiding from me?”
A small smile spread across his lips. What elation merely hearing your voice caused.
Were he not already aware of it, he would recognize he was in a dream from this interaction alone. You, only you, would be welcomed to touch him this way. But even were he to offer invitation, you would never do so of your own free will. There was a mixture of pride and revulsion that kept your interactions with him void of skinship, save for the fleeting contact that occurred when you were locked in combat.
His motivations, the way he chose to experience the world, your differing values and opinions. Like night and day, they barred you from reciprocating his feelings towards you. Because of this, he was left to revel in your touch exclusively in the realm of dreams.
“On the contrary,” he hummed, “you have been the one to keep me waiting.”
A low chuckle reverberated from your chest, sending a shiver down his spine. You rose to your full height, pulling away slowly until you disconnected from him completely. Even if the contact was nothing more than an attempt at provocation, he missed your touch the moment you detached yourself.
“Well then I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, my lord,” you enunciated his title tauntingly, the playful lilt in your voice exciting him further. He heard you take several languid steps away from him before you spoke once more. “That is, if you even have a heart that can offer forgiveness.”
Zenos rose to his feet, turning to finally face you. Your back greeted him as you stared up at the myriad of weaponry covering the back wall, the hand that was moments ago atop his chest now gracefully running across the hilt of a long sword. Your fingers lingered on the handle, moving as if you were going to grip it, but never completing the task.
Zenos smiled. You were toying with him.
“You jest,” he spoke, taking a measured step your way, “if anyone has intimate knowledge of the existence of my heart and whom it beats for, it is you.”
Your posture stiffened in acknowledgment of the insinuation, yet you refused to turn his way.
“Is that so,” your voice seemed distant, as if you were unwilling to accept the burden of the intense desire he held for you, “Forgive me, I must have misread the situation. Due to the nature of how our meetings always end, I figured you only ever wanted one thing from me, and that is my blood.”
A low chuckle rumbled from within him, his eyes crinkling in amusement. For all that you were, all the skills and knowledge that you held, you could certainly be dense.
“I desire all you have to offer,” he answered plainly, “Your fury and malice, your rage and rancor, your disdain and desire,” he continued to approach you, each step slow and deliberate as he closed in on your staunch form. “Your love and affection are no different. I want to consume your every thought, just as you consume mine. I want you to taste me in the air you breathe and feel me crawling under your skin, even when I am far removed from your presence.”
He stopped several steps away from you, keeping his distance but lingering close enough that it bordered on intrusive. He raised his hand calmly, reaching out to grab a stray lock of your hair between his fingers. He gingerly caressed the silky strands, smirking when he noted that even such slight contact caused a shudder to lurch your otherwise statuesque form.
“You can play the fool all you want, but you cannot hide the fact that the same beast that dwells in me is also within you. They call out, craving each other to the point of madness.  We need each other. This dance we share must continue in perpetuity, lest our fierce yearning for each other’s presence turn us to savages incapable of rational thought, driven to the point of committing mass, undiscriminating destruction as a means to appease ourselves.”
He smirked, placing a gentle kiss atop the tendrils in his hand, before letting it slip from his grasp completely. “And you would do anything to divert that misfortune, would you not hero?”
Your shoulders began to quiver, shaken by the threat of violence he could and would commit simply to be by your side.  An impatient sigh escaped his lips, “So come, what better way is there to quench each other’s thirst and prevent calamity than through a mutually beneficial rendezvous? Surely even someone as set in their way as you are is in agreeance.”
“I was under the assumption that you planned on battling me until the world was torn asunder, regardless of if I entertain your perversions or not,” Your voice dripped with disdain as you spat your response at him, “If that is the case, pray tell why I should not cut you down where you stand? Why must the dance continue if the outcome is all the same?”
Your words made the smile on his face grow, stretching his lips to an unnatural degree. Taking another step forward, he leaned in until his mouth grazing the shell of your ear. Placing his hands firmly atop your shoulders, he gave a tight squeeze as he responded.
“Because we share one destiny,” he pressed his cheek flush against your head, inhaling deeply before releasing it in a slow, shaky sigh, “even now as you try so hard to deny me, our fate is intertwined, my warrior. You cannot escape me, and I have no desire to escape you. The dismantling of this world as a result of our conquest is all but inevitable and I welcome it with open arms.”
“I won’t let the world crumble to ash.” Your bold declaration was spoken as if it were fact, the conviction in your voice sending a surge of wanton excitement coursing through his veins. “Say and do as you like, the future you seek will never come to pass.”
Oh, how he adored you.
“Hmm,” he hummed, “You can try and stop me, but you cannot escape what has been predestined.”
During the course of the conversation, your hand had had traveled to the base of an axe, your fingers wrapping around it to grasp the handle in a constricting hold. All of the anger that had been bubbling up reflected in the whites of your knuckles, the tremor of your hand becoming more apparent as your composure slipped further and further. The cool demeanor you initially donned had completely shifted, overridden by the immense agitation his presence was inviting.
The axe was ripped swiftly from the wall, lacking fluidity. There was no care for keeping the wall in tact or making sure all the other weapons that surrounded it stayed in their spot. You ripped it down with one great tug, bits of stone and surrounding armaments clattering noisily into a massive steel heap on the ground as you finally spun around to face him. Zenos had seconds to react as you swung down in a wide arc, the finely sharpened blade slicing easily through the decorative tiling that coated the floor, decimating the ground where he once stood.
“There we are,” Zenos growled in anticipation, sizing you up with a bloodthirsty grin, “you are a vision to behold when you let your ferocity consume you.”
You deigned to answer him, your icy countenance his only response as you straightened your posture, considering your next move.  Your distaste for him was clear as you hefted your axe from the ground, dust settling around you as it was freed with a mighty yank. Weapon in hand, you came for him in a relentless torrent, striking at him in a flurry of breakneck swings. In the ensuing madness, he grabbed the nearest weapon he could reach-a sword that was more ornate that functional, but it would serve its purpose for the time being.
The enmity increased as he reciprocated your attacks. Parrying each blow with a steady hand, he responded to your blows with calculated strikes of his own, expertly countering your aggression. The air around the two of you had become electric, charged with hostility and fervor as you hacked away at each other time and time again.
Though frantic, the assault was far from inelegant. Each swing of your axe and swipe of his blade was an orchestrated maneuver befitting the couple who performed them. It was as beautiful as it was fierce, a true force of nature. To an untrained eye the activity would appear as nothing more than a blur of chaos, annihilating all that was in its wake. But to Zenos, a man who had dedicated himself to your study, it was a sight that made his heart ache.
He was witnessing a glorious preamble, a promise forged in battle between himself and his righteous and powerful hero, the only person with whom he ever felt a true connection. This battle, amongst all of its other perks, gave him purpose.
Fighting you, he felt alive. To be the sole receiver of all your ire, your discontent, your undivided attention… it was like a dream. He realized this encounter was most likely just that, a conjuring of your presence from his sleep addled mind, a side effect of his constant ruminations of you. You already occupied each of his waking thoughts, it only made sense that having you visit in his dreams would soon follow.
Be that as it may, the knowledge that this moment lived solely in his mind did little to dissuade his desire to get lost in it, to get lost in you.  If he couldn’t have you in the waking world, his dreams would have to suffice, at least for the time being. Besides, there were things he could accomplish in his dreams that would never be plausible elsewhere, moments of intimacy he could forge that would never present a chance of happening in reality.
A particularly rough blow sent Zenos reeling. The sword knocked from his hand scattered just out of reach, his body lurching to an abrupt stop as he collided with rubble that had piled up behind him. A quick glance your way revealed a small smirk ghosting your lips, a hint of satisfaction shining through your hostility. He could see the assurance reflected in your eyes, a swell of pride over the victory you would soon be relishing.
Zenos mirrored your glee, pleased you were having as much fun as he was.
As you hoisted your axe high, thoroughly preoccupied with your pending achievement, Zenos took the moment to strike. Launching himself from the ground, he rammed his body against yours, hitting you hard and fast. The speed at which he closed the gap astounded you as much as the collision had, causing the axe to topple from your hands, skittering out of your reach. A pained grunt escaped your lips as you collided with the ground, Zenos following suit atop you. His hand cradled the back of your head as you fell, catching hold before it could crack against the stony floor. It would do no good to have you suffer injury and pass out now, not as things were about to get truly interesting.
Positioning himself atop your fallen form, his body caged you in as you lay beneath him, panting and exhausted. Splayed amongst the rubble, your confusion morphed into a look of annoyance as you realized your situation had drastically changed. Your success had been stolen from you and now the thief had you cornered, trapped right where he wanted.
“I wish you could see yourself as I see you in this moment,” Zenos spoke between his own labored breaths, pressing into you ever further as his face hovered inches from your own, “Disheveled and feral, transformed by your bloodlust, you have never been more breathtaking.”
“I’m not like you,” you retorted sharply, “I don’t revel in such acts of savagery.”
Zenos chuckled, “And yet you seemed quite delighted moments ago when you were convinced victory was within your grasp.” You frowned as his hand found purchase on your chin, gripping it in a tight pinch to keep your focus fixed his way, “But here you are now, bested and at my mercy.”
You grimaced, “I have yet to lose to you. I refuse to concede defeat.”
In response to your bold declaration, he gave a throaty, booming laugh. How was it that you always knew just what to say to drive him absolutely mad with desire?
Unable to contain himself any longer, Zenos smashed his lips to yours, capturing you in a heated and hungry kiss. Your brain took a moment to comprehend the abrupt action, but as it did you began to struggle against it, thrashing and clawing at him in an effort to create distance.  Zenos remained firm, making it clear that you had expended far more energy than he had, leaving your assault lacking the power needed to stop him. Whines of displeasure snaked from your mouth as his grip tightened on your chin, squeezing so roughly you couldn’t help but gasp in pain. Eagerly seizing the opportunity, he muscled his tongue inside of you, lapping at the inside of your mouth aggressively. He groaned as he savored the taste of you.
When a need for air arose, he pulled back slightly, staring down at you with lidded eyes. Your saliva coated his lips, giving a glossy sheen as they curled into an offputtingly tranquil smile. His hand moved from your chin to drag languidly across your cheek, the brief touch of his rough finger tips sending a shiver down your spine. Your gaze wavered the longer you stayed trapped in this awkward position, your eyes brimming with uncertainty. You seemed unsure of where to look, what to do, how to escape. In his wishful thinking, Zenos wondered if perhaps you were even unsure if you truly wanted to escape.
Amongst your numerous charms, Zenos found your enigmatic personality to be one of your most appealing. Being such a virtuous being, your motivations, ambition, and drive were all easy enough to sort out. You are Hydaelyn’s chosen, the Warrior of Light, the people’s champion, and you live up to those titles and more. You are a hero through and through, a source of salvation for those you protect and a complete nightmare for those that offer opposition. There is no doubt that you are a force to be reckoned with, no matter what the encounter or situation may be.
And what good hero is without a nemesis? It’s a role the disgraced Prince and betrayer of his kin plays well. In his illustrious life he had gone through the motions, donned many hats, played countless roles, many of which were not of his choosing. But of all his grand titles, your adversary is most certainly his favorite, the only one that gives him any sense of pride. Your existence gave him purpose, and for you alone he kept up the hunt.
But he knew it was different for you. Though cut of the same cloth and driven by destiny to engage him, your feelings did not completely align with his own. You were driven by more than barbarity, more than a duty to save your people and your planet. There was something inside of you, something that made you YOU, that he could never truly know, no matter how desperately he wanted to.
You were his greatest conundrum, a true mystery, and when you look at him as you were now with those eyes that swirled with anger, uncertainty, grief, and something yet unspoken… What was he to do but become a slave to this maddening, consuming attraction?
He gloated about being the victor, but it was clear you would always have the upper hand.
“Get off of me.”
The demand brought him back to the present, sheer determination replacing the conflicting emotions that fought for dominance within you. He could tell by the bite in your voice that your vigor was returning, and given a bit more time and provocation, the battle would gloriously resume.
“Eagar to carry on with our dance, are you?” He responded, an almost teasing lilt to his voice, “Or is it that you just can’t stand the thought of defeat at my hands?
“I already told you, you didn’t defeat me,” you glowered, your rage becoming palpable the longer his unwanted presence loomed, “I came here to end this farce and I plan to do just that.”
A beat of silence passed, followed by a sigh. Parting your lips to speak, your voice came out quieter, more desperate than it had previously.
“I wanted to keep this is civil as possible and respect your wishes as best I could, no matter how twisted they may be. But even for your own benefit, you refuse to entertain the notion of making this situation even the slightest bit amicable. You speak of such lofty things as fate and destiny, but all I am witnessing is you causing unnecessary suffering, hiding behind my name to do so.”
For a split second, another flash of uncertainty danced across your features. You bit your bottom lip in vexation, a glimmer lighting your eyes as they swept across his handsome face, “There is more to this world, more to this life, than waiting for its untimely end. To live out your days perpetuating death and blind havoc is no way to exist, it’s a tragedy. Why can’t you see that? Zenos, I-“
As if taken by surprise, you cut your own words short, silencing the previous thought that had been brewing. Zenos felt as if you looked pained, staring at him with pleading eyes, face scrunched up in frustration. Even with all the hate you carried for him, you were still trying to understand him, still clinging to the hope that maybe you could save him too.
Here, on the cusp of annihilation, you were doing all you could to fulfill the role of hero and protect the people that you loved. In order to fulfill that duty, it meant he must be defeated. There could be no other ending, the inexorable conclusion to all of this was always cold and endless death. Whether it would be all of humanities or just his own was still to be determined, but it did little to change the fact that there was no future to plan for, only a violently rapturous and melancholic end.
To be cherished by you, to feel your love as if he were one of your dearest companions… It was a thought not meant to be dwelled on, but one he found hard to completely shake from his head. How would it feel to be earnestly and unequivocally loved by you? Perhaps in another world, another time, your souls would be reborn and given another chance. A fresh beginning to grow together, an opportunity to nurture something more than the misfortune this world had thrust upon you. Maybe in some alternate telling of this tale the two of you were together and happy, with nothing but a bright future awaiting you on the horizon.
But that was simply a foolish daydream. All that he had, all he could hope for, was the here and now.
You sighed again, steeling your resolve with a shake of your head, “Never mind. You have already proven to me mere words cannot move you, so I will save my breath.”
Raising your torso as much as his hold on you would allow, your eyes bore into his, fully accepting the challenge that lay ahead. Though still restrained, there was an aura of dominance that surrounded you. It was a warning to Zenos that your binds were temporary, whether he released you willingly or otherwise was his decision, but regardless the outcome would be the same.
“If it’s the end you want, it’s the end I will bring you,” your soft words clashed with the look of malice reflected in your eyes, your breath fanning his face as your noses nearly touched. For an instant your eyes darted to his lips, and Zenos wondered if it would be you to instigate the kiss this time.
“I will fulfill my role. I will be your end and your salvation.”
Your words pierced him, the proclamation sending sparks of excitement to course through him, igniting his soul. His whole body burned for you, intense and consuming, his need for you was beginning to show itself in ways beyond his control. Pressing his hips flush between your spread legs, he made his intentions known to you, a shiver wracking his body when you released a small gasp of surprise.
Clutching the remaining shreds of his sanity, he grunted as you writhed against his growing arousal, pulling your body up towards him until he had engulfed you in a tight embrace.
“Enough time has been wasted,” he snarled into your neck, his chest rumbling as his grip on you tightened, “let us deliver a ruin unto ourselves so extraordinary, so beautiful, that naught will remain but the scattered fragments of this forsaken world.”
Loosening his grip, he pressed his lips to your forehead in a chaste, yet gentle, kiss. Your brow furrowed at his touch, shoulders tensing as you drew yourself back from him, recoiling at the small display of adoration. He found the reaction endearing, even with his intentions laid bare and and his hardened cock pressed firmly against your core, it was the smallest token of his affection that caused you to squirm.
Repugnance, hatred, scorn- whatever you felt for him in this moment, none of it mattered, none of it deterred him. He loved you, and he would make that love known in the only way he knew how, while he still had time to do so.
“This shall be my final gift to you,” he purred into your ear, his grip latching securely to your tunic. With nimble hands he started to pull, exposing yourself to him bit by bit as the fabric turned to tatters in his hands.  “Let us relish it my friend, my warrior, my beloved. Destroy me, and I shall be your devastation in kind. ”
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doveissummerstuck · 4 months
PAGE 1-10 ACT 1
we here chat
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Ok this begins now,,,
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The iconic a young man stands in his bedroom he really do be standing tho
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but thats literally his name guys!!! and I got insulted,,, so sad literally cries
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yeah ok pal,,, im still gonna call you zoosmell pooplord,, :/ anyways first character of the comic he's really silly guys look at that goofy smile bro is literally 8D
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ok so first the room,, we sharin a bday ,, pretty cool next the fucking cake on the drawer..for what purpose john,, ok next the bed,, banger I love his sheets next the hot male above his bed,, smash /hj next the hammer and nails on the floor??? PICK THAT UP JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chest go hard tho but why there a cake on it
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yeah i can tell about the cakes,, I can tell johnny boy,, o em gee programmaer u nerd (i code for a living) I <3 paranormal lore yall,, and good for u as a magician but fuck dat have to do with the nails and on the floor and the cake on drawer,,,wait bars
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i didnt even notice he didnt have his arms what (homestuck brainrot)
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dumbass pooplord antics /lh
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yea do that remove that oddly placed cake
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i would NOT do that ( i would absolutely do that) but I wouldn't put it on his bed,, I've eaten cake in bed to many crumbs :/
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get yo arms my manz you you you armless
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what the fuck,, WHY ARE YOU HOKDLING UR OWN ARMS,, also why the photo in the chest look like his dad
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and they disapereadd with the captachalogeu
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oh they fake ik that ( no I didnt) now get up to some silly antics my boy ,,, bruh is a captachaloguemaxxing syalldex sigma 😹 (sorry) anwyas look at the other items
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first we got arms
next we got beans???
next we got ultimate silly antics disguise
a book titled Colonel Sasacare's Daunting text and Magicl Rivorioli and Practical Japripory
next we have a book titled wise guy
next we have a sword that looks like its made of white bamboo
a wizard hat that matches the chest
and more beans???????????????????
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oh,, ik that tottally, :3 i mean i got most of them right ,, but tf is a beagle puss is that what its called,,, anyways
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bro only got 4 lilttle logue thingies bruhh
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isnt vernaclaur a vein or something what
yeah bro and u have 2 cakes pls put 2 AND 2 TOGETHER
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this is finna be good!!!
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ion think bro can equip it
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knew he couldnt equpi it,, call me vriska cause I'm pyshcic (that joke made no sense sorry) ,, bro got the worst fecth modus every bro cant access shit,,, bros room finna be looking like he just got passed the blunt,, STACK DATA STRUTCTURE??? nerdy ass fetch modus bruh,, (I love the name) bro I find it puzzling and mildly irritating too bruh oml,,, "but with any hope" but with any hope.. but wwith any hope? but wvith any hope? but wvwith any hope?
sorry yrall ampora moment [the last 1 is my ampora oc guys :::::::;) ]
ok imma shut up now good night or good morning ,, imma contiunwe this later,,
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isa-ghost · 8 months
Btw I've made a new tag "AMFMN things" for all things related to the fic. Be it actual chapters, The Writing Process(tm), asks, shitposts, etc. It'll all be under there.
Bc I'm sliding this into some main tags just in case, here's a,, recap of what the fuck I'm talking about, I guess:
Was making qPhil headcanons bc blorbo brainrot go brrrrr
Made some about Ender King possessed Phil
Got an ask about how Phil's closest friends would save him from EK
For some reason that altered my brain chemistry so hard that I started plotting a fic despite never ever writing any fanfic in my life
Fic is called Awake Me From My Nightmare (AMFMN). I have 7½ chapters planned and atm I'm toying with the idea of 12+ total at of the time of posting this. Aw yeah baby, longfic. Drawing out the angst. 😎
It'll be posted on ao3, visible to everyone so you don't need an acc to read it or leave kudos/comments, etc!! :]
Gonna post chapters with links to the fic ofc, but might still also post the actual chapters on Tumblr (pls answer the poll at the bottom if you don't mind!)
Decided to stir some hype outside my friend groups that know abt it by posting a Plot Summary. Holy fuck unexpected amount of reception to it (thanks btw ;-; <3)
I started writing chapter 1 yesterday!! :D
To keep up my motivation for it, I'm always down 24/7 to get asks about it!! It's been generating new ideas for me and I love love LOVE dropping crumbs while I create stuff in general.
And, as I am the queen of it, I keep shitposting about writing & the fic itself too.
So in order to keep all that in one concise place I'm making a blog tag #AMFMN things to keep all that in one convenient place
So uh yeah. Hi. I've been writing OC stuff for 12+ years but now bc of unexpected events, I'm finally writing a fandom fic.
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gameshow-host-wally · 5 months
I love how people wanted to talk to me lately, but I have my own blog over here @no-name-blu
If you wan't to talk to me personally ask about boundaries or random info, go to my personal blog instead because this is an ask blog for gameshow Wally.
It's a bit quiet lately I know, I'm just busy with irl stuff and my brainrot over my OC XD plus I'm on hiatus rn and I just never announced it
Anyways, if you want to talk to me, go to my personal account. Or else I'm sending Gameshow to your location to personally make fun of you /aff
From now on, I'm also gonna stop responding to asks in this blog that's only for me
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iamhereinthebg · 1 year
thoughts on the new chapter?
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*salt about tbhk incoming* :')))
I already announced it on instagram but my interest in tbhk have dropped drastically since some time and I was gonna give the manga the benefit of the doubt because chap 104 was okay Ig?
Chapter 105 just showed everything I have been not liking about the writing in tbhk in one chapter youhou
let's go on the positive first!
I adore class 1-A I would die for them
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The pages in black and white were cool, the art is perfect as always. Maybe seeing an Akane and Hanako team up would be fire af but with Teru here I doubt it so this is a tiny hope I will put in hell with everything else for now.
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I love you Kou and Mistuba
Yokoo is rocking this outfit too. I like the fact that the clock being destroyed just stops everything and everyone's time (like a certain character but who has a limit *COUGHS* probably for this reason Ig)
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Idk if I am strong enough to go on a full explanation on why my interest dropped since some chapters, this didn't start on this one, this one was just the last straw. I will just show the most obvious choices that I don't like ( my opinion btw this is just the feeling I have while reading, take this with a BIG grain of salt)
I've been reading tbhk for 4 years and I am tired of waiting for stuff the author litteraly won't do anything about and just stay in their comfort zone
No repercussions on the mcs for some choices they made, no repercussions on wounds/stuff that happened which should have need time to heal for the characters or for them to grow, giving us always the same team up so no room for real character/relationship development beside the obvious (and with how slow Hanako and Nene have been going honestly making the same characters always interact doesn't help at all apparently L O L), BIG difference of pacing for characters growth, making the story take always the same route with the same characters being kidnapped and the same ones doing the savings, putting characters in an arc they have no reason to be part of so just making them stand in the background like a caricature of themselves, making characters 'mysterious' or forgetting their character development just to use them as some sort of deus ex machina, and the worst of all:
Making Nene just a reason for Hanako to react and nothing else. No character development for her, no reason for her to be in some scenes, this is just sad to watch at this point. Aoi had this problem at the beginning of the manga for Akane mostly for comedic reason and they had growth, seeing they are putting Nene in this position after more than 100 chapters and her being the mc is just awful.
I honestly just want more diversity in the choices they are making in their writing, and the last chapter proves me that either it will come in a long time or it never will.
At least the art is pretty, and the worst part is that I KNOW AidaIro knows how use setup, they know how to write really good stuff and good characters, complex stories, and it's GOOD. So seeing this in the recent chapters just makes me even more tired x'))
Once again, my opinion, but the way Nene and Aoi are treated in the manga makes me wanna explode. AidaIro are capable of writing good female characters (thank you Mei and Sumire for being perfect from start to end), Aoi and Nene had wonderful time too, so idk why all of this is happening rn tbh. It's just sad.
Maybe the brainrot will come back, I still love the characters, but I really need to take a break from the fandom anyways (not gonna expand on this but oh boy how annoying a part of the fandom is, a lot of people are the sweetest but a part makes me wanna explode, I've been more than 3 years here and I think that the most I can take at this point)
ANYWAYS :DDD idk what I will do with this account for now ^^ I will probably still rb some stuff or post old tbhk doodles I never finished :00 Idk what I wanna draw now probably ocs stuff so I won't post them here I think ^^ I hope everyone is alright yay
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aweisz · 30 days
hi please yap about ur ocs they seem to skrunkly and i need to know more 🙏🙏 please please olease please please
thanks!!!!! putting it under a cut
this are all the ocs for now
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also the bloodline timeline (ha) that i made up and am working off
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gonna put this here too for safekeeping
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gabriel is at this point the guy ive thought the most about. hes a former catholic priest and it fucked him up in a major way. joined the ministry in his mid 30s and became a cardinal by his 50s. was around 65 when he left
tristis ii (or just tristis bc idc about his brothers rn) and leo had some sort of fwb situation going on and decided to have kids when the clergy suggested it. leo became mother superior at some point
alissa and ben are chaos twins. very different but two halves of a whole
this is it for coherent thoughts. otherwise just screaming and brainrot
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nebuladreamz · 2 years
Hi hi, I'm Nebula! I'm just a funky lil guy with various hyperfixations and have no idea when a different one hits me oops. I go by they/them pronouns, but she/her is fine too!
Art will be tagged as #nebula art and doodles, and writing will be tagged as #nebula writes
I love horror,, it's very neat, but I also enjoy anime and musicals!
I'm also on AO3 as NebulaDreamz, writing a Sun and Moon (Security Breach) x Y/N fic this is my life now (you can check it out here!)
Any posts I make about it (art or writing) will be tagged as both 'starlit skies' and 'fnaf starlit skies'
I've also got silly little fnaf ocs! They're under the tags 'priscilla prism' and 'monarch fnaf oc' (I'm gonna make an oc tag I prommy); feel free to ask questions about them! I have. Brainrot of them
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CUSTOMIZED BLOG, I WILL BLOCK YOU AS THAT'S WHAT BOTS LOOK LIKE (if you are an actual person and I block you by mistake, please let me know through anon!)
That's- about it, I'm open for asks, just don't be weird. Be gay, do crimes
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ghostkingart · 28 days
Doodle idea or general ask/prompt! I saw Our Flag Means Death as a fandom you’re into. How do you think Astarion or one of your OCs would look or function in that universe? Would they prefer Black Beard or Stede as a captain? What would their job on a pirate ship be? How would they dress?
What a beautiful prompt! I absolutely adore pirates and, fun fact, I've got an ongoing Black Sails fanfic on my ao3 🤭 kinda on hiatus due to BG3 brainrot but it's out there!
I'm gonna put up a trigger warning here for: discussion of abuse, prostitution and sadomasochism, and I'll put my reply under the cut (it turned out very long yet again).
P.S. OFMD friends I'm sorry this is showing up in your tags. To briefly explain we're talking about a crossover between OFMD and Baldur's Gate 3. Feel free to skip 🫶
I do think Astarion would prefer the old school Blackbeard as his captain, maybe Valeriy would also, but Veles would definitely prefer Stede. However, at the same time, with learning vulnerability being a big theme for all these characters, I think either captain would be fine for all three of them.
Tangent but I think Veles being in Stede's crew would help him so much with his feelings of inadequacy and his desperate need to be useful at any cost. Stede would show him that it's okay to just exist and be yourself.
I imagine Astarion and Valeriy would have followed Blackbeard until he meets Stede (where Veles would be) and then, just like in the show, Stede and Veles's side would teach Blackbeard, Astarion and Valeriy's side to be gentler, kinder and more vulnerable.
I can see Astarion, Valeriy and Veles being in a polycule in this AU but get this: Valeriy and Izzy. I'm obsessed with it now omg.
Fun fact: some of Valeriy's original backstory versions include him being a pirate. This never fit into the overall story/lore however, so I scrapped it.
I'll yap about this more later but let me tell you what I think each of them would do. First things first, I'm honestly not sure what Astarion would do, I don't think he'd be ranked too high, but I also don't think he'd be ranked too low. Somewhere in the middle imo.
Valeriy would be like Izzy's own right hand man and/or ranked just below Izzy. They have a similar ruthlessness to them.
Veles would be a master of navigation on Stede's ship I think.
I think I'll draw them in this AU actually, but I'll come back with that later.
I think Izzy and Valeriy in particular would work so well together because, just like Veles is distinctly a masochist due to his backstory, Valeriy is a sadist, except that Valeriy has a much healthier approach to his sadism than Veles has to his masochism. I've talked about this sm already but Veles's masochism transcends sex and he most certainly sees himself as an object. Valeriy is nothing like that, he's very careful, gentle and communicative if there's any sadomaso play going on, and he keeps it all in the bedroom.
I don't think I need to explain why Valeriy's sadism would work well with Izzy, OFMD fans have talked about it enough for me haha. But I wanna reiterate that I imagine it all being consensual and mindful, honestly very much unlike Astarion and Veles where at times it gets super messy due to them both being messed up in their own right.
How about how I imagine they became pirates? I mean it's a pretty simple answer. Historically it's pretty accurate, to my knowledge, that people on the margins of society escaped to become pirates. It checks out because Astarion, Veles and Valeriy are all a flavor of queer (bi, gay and pan in my hc). But also, all three of them have some type of abusers to run away from as well as an overall bad life situation (think Valeriy who's already escaped his father, but has only landed himself in prostitution instead. he'd like to leave that behind).
Random bit of a headcanon here, I think Veles would be a person of color in a non-magical AU, and I think that because of the racism towards drow analogy in DND. I'd probably completely redesign Veles for a non-magical AU, but all in its time.
I think Veles would be super cool with the rest of Stede's crew. He'd be very shy at first I think, but he'd find acceptance within the ranks.
I'm also thinking about, once the two crews join, Valeriy would really enjoy listening to Stede or Lucius read to him. Another fun fact: Valeriy reaaaally likes books, he simply can't read them on his own. Meanwhile I don't think he'd have many opportunities to be read to in Blackbeard's crew (this isn't an Ed is illiterate thing btw, this is an Ed has a reputation thing).
I think that's all I have for now! If you have any more ideas for this AU pleaseeee send me another ask!! This was so fun :D
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astolfofo · 1 year
coming back here again to be annoying sorry- but have you been enjoying hsr? any brain rot thoughts so far? :>
ur not annoying in the slightest! ty for sending in these asks. I've been enjoying Hsr a lot. I'm kinda busy as of right now, so I haven't been playing too much, and I haven't gotten too far in the story. But. I will be playing and writing more in July. So... we'll see until then
also I'm so sorry for just like. answering these like more than half a day apart, I wrote this at 3am and forgot to post it. So I apologize for any spelling errors or if it's like. Uncomprehendable.
As for brainrot ideas...
Okay so the first one I had was about Isekai!engineer reader. Honestly, sort of more like an oc at this point, but it's kinda more of my own self-insert more than anything so... hehe. Basically my idea for this is that like, any good old classic isekai. You're living your life, as an engineering major, until you get pulled into the HSR world. No reason why, but now you're just here. Depending on where you land, it's either gonna get bloody and brutal for you, or it's gonna be a cakewalk, so you have to be careful.
You're given a weapon (gun) for basic self defense, and you know the basic skills, but to survive, but... it's not like these skills will be of much use against an entire world with an envoirment the real world can only dream of.
But it's okay. You're an engineer. You've been through tough times, you know how to survive. You're not one of those wimpy kids who took computer science, or computer engineering. You've been out in the wild for various projects, you've survived long periods of harsh times. You're confident in your practical survival abilities. You have to be. Plus, it's not like you can hesitate, cause you might die at any given point. You're not from this world, and you know people are hostile here.
And because I'm a helpless simp for Kafka (this entire au was literally made while i was thinking about kafka hhhhnnng), no matter where you land initally, given that you survive, you're gonna run into Kafka, and she's gonna take you. Because you're interesting to her, you're an exception to the world. You don't have any future, nor a destiny, you were guaranteed to die.
But not anymore. Kafka's going to keep you no matter what. No one else will be able to have you. She'll have you alive, even if it's the last thing she does.
And you can't escape Kafka. You can't escape the world until you die. Everyone is after you. For less than pleasant means too.
Okay also... I've just been having chronic brainrot over Dan Heng.
Like just... Him. Him as a very self aware, yet painfully unaware yandere is just... incomprehendable screaming noises. Like he's introverted, has attachment issues, and is just hella repressed. He'd know these emotions... feelings aren't normal, but he can't help himself as he just falls into insanity. Maybe you showed kindness to him, maybe you looked at him a bit more than usual, or even talked to him. Well, whatever it is, he can't help but long for more of it. It's been too long since he had a will for something. It's wrong. It's so wrong. He's aware enough to know that. But you make him feel complete. And he can't help it. He can play this war of mind and heart all he wants, but in the end he'll always succumb to his emotions.
And he'll win you over no matter what. It's the only thing he can do.
Oh a few others just include like... mean girl Seele/Bronya (Heather's style au. no I will not elaborate. please ask me to elaborate)
Yandere trailblazer too...
Oh Oh and Asta x Subordinate reader (I love asta)
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localgardenweed · 1 year
I made a Eddsworld x Sonic AU a few months ago back in like January during the Sonic brainrot peak and like finally getting around to sharing some of the art and minor lore.
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These are the designs for the main gang!! This was gonna be a full poster and i have lineart done but i kinda gave up on it. They all still do their usual shenanigans het into wacky shit but now they get to destroy Mobius with pride. Also occasional vigilantes but usual when shit is going wrong but Sonic and friends are on their own misadventure
Edd is a grizzly bear, Matt a vampire bat, Tom a porcupine and Tord a red fox
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I also did the neighbors for good measure! Eduardo is a pitbull, Mark a peacock, Jon a opossum, and Todd a wolf. They just bother the main gang and get into their own shit, also maybe Jon dies idk yet still cant decide
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And also Pat and Paul. I have them working as GUN agents since i thought they’d like that life. Pat is a falcon and Paul a ram. I also realized that Pat is the only one here atm thats colored in oopsies
I will definitely post more about these suckers and also the OC’s me and friends put into this AU. No one is safe rn NO ONEEE
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lilyharvord · 7 months
Flash Fic Friday #4
I'm in Coriane and Nikolas (my OC) Brainrot Land. I have a whole playlist for them now and it makes my heart hurt for them. You're Gonna Go Far by Noah Kahan with Brandi Carlile is definitely the song for them in this. So here is Nik being a stupid boy and Coriane being (a maybe) aware girl. Prompt 4 for flash fic friday @nortaeventcouncil. Enjoy everyone (:
            “Why would I stand by while he said those things?” Nikolas Samos was by no means a small person, nor did he have short legs. He walked fast when he needed to, and yet, he was worried right now that he should be running to keep up with his best friend.
            Almost a head shorter than him, Coriane still managed to to be three steps ahead when she was upset. She had practically left him behind as she berated him. When she whipped around though at his words, her school bag almost smacked him in the stomach. He ground to a halt on the stone arboretum path they always took to get home. The loose stone under his worn boots kicked up and snapped against the toes of hers as she took a half step closer to him.
Rarely was Coriane this upset, and if he was being questioned by anyone, he would say it was terrifying when she was in a mood like this. If he was being perfectly honest, which he never would be, he would admit that she was ridiculously attractive too. Her eyes went from the jewel fall leaf colors to burning ore in seconds as she drew her lips in a tight line and adjusted her bag so it was hanging in its original place on her shoulder. He was like a bar of iron under that gaze, fracturing and melting to an ooze that would very easily roll back down the hill.
Gods be damned when she scrunched her brows like that, he wanted to take his thumb and physically smooth out the lines like he was working with a particularly temperamental sheet of metal.
“Because Nik,” She seethed as she glared at him. “People have said plenty of horrible things in front of and behind my back my whole life. One more won’t kill me.” She threw the words like darts and each one pinged him like one.
He didn’t mean to, but those words made him draw up to his full height. Coriane was not ignorant, she wouldn’t be his aunt's best if she were. Which could only mean she was and had always been willingly ignoring all the things he had been doing lately. It was driving him insane. He could barely sleep while thoughts of her drove him to almost get up and pace his bedroom. When he had slipped that beautiful corsage on her wrist for the stupid dance he hadn’t even wanted to go to, he had so desperately wanted to trail his fingers along her wrist. Instead he’d let go a little too quickly and teased her not to get too excited and wilt the flowers with her body temperature. She’d smacked his arm hard enough to make it ache, but then she had held the same spot with both hands a minute later and sent a chill down his spine during the quick round of pictures by resting her head on his arm. After that he’d stood in a daze and smiled and looked down at her while she pleaded with her parents to just let them leave already, that yes he would have her back by midnight like they had agreed to, that she would be careful, on and on it had gone, but he hadn’t been able to stop looking at her. She had looked so beautiful with the black liner highlighting the shape of her eyes and making them so much brighter in the evening sunlight, the dark red lip stick, and the tiny amount of glitter she had painted across her shoulders. He had to hold himself back from trying to catch the tulle of her dress as she spun around and grabbed his hand to drag him down the street to meet their friends to go. He still thought about that dress and the way the cut of the top had accentuated her waist and shoulders and collarbones. He'd wanted to trace the bones with his fingers the whole drive to the dance. And afterward too, when she had fallen asleep on his shoulder in the back as Douglas had raced back up the mountain to get them back by midnight in his new drop top that his father had gotten him for his birthday. He still dreamed about the smell of her hair after it had drifted around his and across his face in the wind after she had let the curls out from the half up-half down style that had shown off her neck. He'd wanted to trace her neck and kiss it, and cup it the whole night while they danced and laughed. His hand still burned from her holding it the other day while he sat on her porch and told her about what he had seen on his Peidmont mission.
Her ignoring the way he had been watching the side of her face while they sat near the lake last week was just another string in a long line of them that had driven them to this point. It was making him insane that she so clearly was not experiencing the same thing.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He said coolly. “You’re my best friend, I’m not going to just stand there while Xavier say that you took his dick like a princess.” The words felt like poison going through his teeth. They still ached from how tightly he had been grinding them when he grabbed the front of Xavier's jacket and pinned him to the brick wall outside the history building after he said that. It had taken Cori and Douglas to pry him off of Xavier who had trailed after them teasing and cajoling him, asking him if he was jealous from his pathetic position in the friend zone. Douglas and Vince had to physically hold him back while Cori pushed him back and got in his face to tell him to calm the fuck down. She didn't cuss unless she was really and truly pissed off, which had made him come down a few notches. But it had started to open that can of worms and he was so afraid now that she was about to rip the top off of it.
She exhaled an exasperated sound from her nose as she threw her head back and her hands up. The sunlight cut across her features so perfectly it made his stomach ache and he crossed her arms self-consciously as she brought her hands back down to rest them on her hips.
“You’re being ridiculous.” She retorted. “Why do you give a fuck what Xavier says about me?”
“Because he only says shit like that if he’s actually been with that girl!”
“And why would it matter Nik? What does it matter if we did or we didn’t?” She laughed bitterly as she dragged her hand through her hair, pulling the unruly curls out of her face.
“Because I—” He swallowed the rest of the words, watching as the corners of her brows scrunched together just a hint. He shook his head instead and began again. “Because I care about you and what people think of you.”
That crease didn’t disappear but her eyes softened as she clung to the strap of her messenger bag and took a step closer to him. He wanted to back up so badly, but he held his ground as she looked up at him and said, “I can take care of myself with stuff like this.”
“I know.” He admitted, the fire in him dying like she had taken it from him. She always handled those things with such grace, and he was envious of her ability to just roll her eyes and purse her lips. He knew that wasn’t going to stop him from putting a good solid fist through Xavier's mouth if he said anything else. Still she smiled at him, and her eyes lit bright as she shrugged and turned, throwing her comment over her shoulder.
“Besides,” the word was like a hook and he was a fish willingly caught on it. He immediately began to trail her and then came into lock step within only two strides. She smiled at him and teased, “I’m still looking for the right person for that stuff.”  
His heart squeezed painfully in his chest. I'm right here, he wanted to say as he adjusted his jacket. He forced a laugh anyway and said, “I’d like to see you find someone who isn’t afraid of your dad.”
Her smile turned wicked as she winked and replied. “He’s not the one to be afraid of, my mom is.”
That wink punctured a hole in his chest and even as the air left in a rush that he hid behind a laugh again, he still felt the way his heart broke a little more in his chest over her smile.
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
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"So I will fly into tomorrow! Delighting in their sorrow! As a better day begins...this time, nobody's gonna stop me! No evil's gonna top me! For Wicked Always Wins! A happy ending will be mine, for Wicked Always Wins!"
-Rebecca Mader, "Wicked Always Wins" from "Once Upon a Time"
I've mentioned my OC Theodore Hamilton, a.k.a. "Theo" for short, several times in the past. However, I've never had any art of him aside from a concept sketch made by my friend @belliesandburps. Well, now I can finally offer a reference image of sorts for him, courtesy of another dear friend, @twisted-brainrot. Theodore is based on the Wicked Witch of the West from "The Wizard of Oz," taking particular inspiration from the version in the film "Oz the Great and Powerful." (Largely because that version is a Disney property.) At first encounter, Theodore definitely seems to live up to his inspiration's nasty reputation: he is standoffish and curt at his best moments, and really, REALLY mean-spirited at his worst. He's very prickly, vindictive, and his moods range from skulking and sneering to maniacally cackling like a madman as he watches others struggle. He legitimately seems to enjoy watching people feel miserable, and he's very, VERY spiteful, sometimes to a petty degree: do anything to upset him, and you may have trouble on the horizon. In typical fashion, however, Theodore isn't all bad: the truth is that he's just a very lonely, cynical, pessimistic sort who feels wronged by the world around him, so he lashes out against what he perceives as an unfair universe. He thinks of himself as someone inferior in a lot of ways, but he doesn't want others to see him as such, so he does his best to be as "wicked" as possible as a sort of defense mechanism. Part of his eternal disappointment is that, unlike most of the other students at Night Raven College, Theo actually is NOT proud to be a member of NRC, and only attends the school because he effectively feels he has no other choice. He's quick to anger and tries to avoid getting attached to people as a result. Think of him as sort of a much more evil version of Jack: a tsundere with a sadistic streak. Once you get past his vicious side, his vulnerabilities become more apparent. Theodore's most noteworthy skill in magic is his talent on flying broomsticks. He's a flying ace; an exceptionally skilled broom rider who prides himself on his speed and versatility in the air. He is at his most genuinely happy when he's on a broom, racing through the wind. His Unique Magic is called "Fly, My Pretties!" which summons a number of shadowy creatures that resemble Flying Monkeys. These Shadow Monkeys serve as his minions, working under his will, but he can only summon them a certain number of times within a certain time limit before he expends too much magical energy. One last thing about Theo: while not necessarily a predatory sort, he DOES have a massive sweet tooth. It's actually a fact he's embarrassed by: he eats candies and pastries very frequently. Yet despite all that sugar, he never seems to gain much weight. Go figure. This is one of two images meant as part of a long-delayed trade between myself and TB. You can find my part of the trade here. If you're reading this, thank you so, So, SO much, TB! This was beyond worth the wait! <3
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