#just guard koreas +1 please
leonsmain · 2 years
dude if uruway scores again ill cry. ghana is playing for korea right now and you dont understand how much i am yelling at this screen. theres a minute left
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jexnkookie · 2 months
The Law of Attraction (Lawyer!Jung Kook x Reader) [Part 1]
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Story Synopsis: Throughout his life, Jung Kook has only ever loved one girl. Despite her being out of his league and of an elite class that he wasn't born into, he fell hard, keeping his feelings a closely guarded secret. When they parted ways, and Jung Kook pursued his law career, he did so with the intent of moving on. But when she unexpectedly arrives back into his life, Jung Kook finds himself once again face to face with his own insecurities, and the girl of his dreams.
Story Rating: M (18+) [Language, sex, depression, alcoholism] Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Characters/Pairings: Lawyer! Jung Kook x Reader (feat. Jimin x Reader)
Chapter Word Count: 2.6k
Authors Note: I have this listed as "part one", because I may want to continue it in the future! This is just an idea that I've had floating around in my head, and I really haven't been inspired to write more of my other story lately, so why not put this out? If you'd like more of this story, please let me know and I can possibly continue it, if it's something y'all are interested in!
(It got another part)
Next Chapter
Series Masterlist
New York City is always bustling on a Monday morning. Crowds of people piling onto the sprawling connection of subway, buses and sidewalks on their way for another week of hard work. Jung Kook was among them, wearing a discounted, freshly pressed suit, and a fresh cup of Starbucks coffee in his hand. AirPods in his ear, he let the newest pop playlist cover up the sound of the crowded street on his way to his new office. There was a little, barely noticeable pep in his step, hinting at his excitement for his first day. 
His office building was rather large, even by his own metrics. Coming from Seoul, Jung Kook was no stranger to towering buildings, but this fresh law office had something glistening about its structure. As he entered through the front rotating tour, scanning the pass in his lanyard to be let in, any seasoned attorney would quickly recognize the wide-eyed young man as an ambitious rookie. 
“Jung Kook!” A voice called out from across the lobby. Jung Kook stopped walking and looked up, scanning the room to see Mr. Kim Namjoon, one of the best defense attorneys he’s ever had the pleasure of meeting, greeting him with a dimpled smile. 
“Good morning, Mr. Kim!” Jung Kook responded, quickly making his way over to greet him. 
“Aish, Jung Kook. Call me Namjoon.” He smiled shyly. “We’ll be working together as partners, I won’t be just a mentor to you anymore. I want you to feel comfortable around me.” 
“Right, of course.” Jung Kook grinned. “Thank you for bringing me here, I’m really excited.” 
“That’s great to hear.” Namjoon’s voice was warm and sincere. “I wasn’t sure how’d willing you’d be to leave Korea, but I’m glad you’re here.” 
“Yeah, it um…” Jung Kook pauses, thinking to himself for a moment for the right words to say. “It was a move that was for the best.” 
Namjoon kept a smile on his face, but furrowed his brows just briefly as he read into the younger man’s explanation. Not wanting to press too much, he motioned Jung Kook to follow him to the elevator. They walked together with comfortable conversation, questions about Jung Kook’s move to the city and his commute. As the elevator took them high above the rest of the city, Jung Kook’s finger absentmindedly tapped on the coffee cup he held, jitters taking over. 
“We had a case come in that I think you’ll be perfect to help me with.” Namjoon said, leading Jung Kook to his new office overlooking the city. There was an unorganized set of case files already on the desk. “You can put your stuff here, please make this space your own. The case is centering a Korean family, actually, so I thought maybe the two of us could connect with them on that level. Wealthy family, they’ve been doing business in the States a long time. But the son of the founder just recently inherited the company, and he’s being accused of defrauding investors. I need you to look over the case, and tell me what you think.” 
Jung Kook nodded as he took his seat at his desk, opening up the file to read the defendant’s name, Park Jimin. The name sounded oddly familiar to him, but he brushed it aside as he read the details of the case. 
“…Coaxed into investments using fraudulent and misleading data and projections…” Jung Kook read out loud, under his breath, before looking up at Namjoon. “So, he allegedly massaged the numbers into looking bigger than they are, leading to an increase of investments.” 
“Hm.” Namjoon hummed, leaning against the door frame. “Then when the actual numbers came in, and they were nowhere close to what he had projected, he didn’t have the money to pay out. Now it’s our problem.” 
“Yeah, ok.” Jung Kook nodded. “I have some ideas but I’d like to ask him some questions.” 
“Perfect. I’ll give you his contact info, but he should be flying into the city tomorrow. He wants to meet with us anyways, he just needed a little time.” 
“For what?” 
“He recently got engaged.” Namjoon responded nonchalantly, scrolling through the contacts in his iPhone. “She comes from a wealthy family from Busan, apparently. Their fathers knew each other, since they’re both from the city..” 
“Oh, they’re both from my city, I knew his name sounded familiar.” Jung Kook acknowledged. “Since her family is wealthy, maybe I’ve heard of them, too. What’s her name?” 
“Aish, I can’t remember…” Namjoon thought for a moment. “Mr. Park mentioned her, and now my mind is blanking.” 
The two startled when Namjoon’s phone rang. Namjoon apologized before stepping out to take the client’s call, leaving Jung Kook with his case files to further review. The rest of the day passed for the new, young lawyer, buried in a mountain of papers and taking notes. Namjoon peeked into his office on occasion to bring him coffee, or chat, or ask him about the case. But it was a slow, calm first day. 
As was the next day, and the day after that. Jung Kook got into a routine as the weeks passed, feeling a growing sense of familiarity with the way that he was able to bury himself in his work. It was a nice way to briefly consume himself and chase away the loneliness of the last two years of his life. 
He slowly made friends at his new firm. Never the extrovert, he was shy at first and afraid to open up. But knowing Namjoon for several years gave him a foot in the door, and allowed him an entry way into conversations that he wouldn’t have had otherwise. They asked about his life back home, and never dug too deep when he gave vague answers. He appreciated that, and his colleagues grew to like the handsome young lawyer. 
Finally, on a Friday, as the week was winding down and Jung Kook was thinking of possible weekend plans, Namjoon quickly walked into his office after a brief warning knock to his door. 
“We have a surprise meeting with Mr. Park.” Namjoon explained. “He just flew in from Seoul with his fiancé, and called me to say they want to meet with us. They’ll be here in a few minutes, so grab your notes and meet me in the conference room.” 
Jung Kook’s eyes widened and he responded with a quick “ok”, before gathering up his collection of papers into a manila folder, and walking to meet Namjoon, stopping momentarily only to grab another quick cup of coffee to make sure he was alert. Being his first client meeting since joining the firm, he wanted to make sure he was at his best. 
Settling into the conference room, Jung Kook looked over his notes, and made sure to have a pen to write down anything he may need later. He could see a light reflection of himself in the wall of windows facing the rest of the office, which he used to make sure his hair and suit looked presentable. He was hoping that with the money he made off of this case, he could buy a new, nicer suit like the one he saw in a shop window that he passed by not long ago. 
His thoughts of a modest suit however were quieted by the presence of what he knew immediately to be his client walking down the office halls, nearing the conference room. Dressed in a luxurious, designer black suit and Louboutin loafers, Park Jimin was striking at first glance. He hid his eyes behind black sunglasses despite being indoors, and his dyed blonde hair complimented his glowing complexion and lush, pink lips. He looked expensive, the textbook definition of an heir. 
The woman by his side looked gorgeous, Jung Kook thought. She was also beautifully dressed, in a sharp, maroon pencil dress and heels, with sunglasses also covering her eyes. Her Chanel bag dangled off her shoulder, her head was down, and her hand was intertwined with Mr. Park’s as they walked.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Park.” Namjoon greeted with a bow as he opened the door for the couple. “How was the flight in?” 
“It was excellent, thank you. Please, call me Jimin.” Jimin responded, taking off his sunglasses, before turning his attention to Jung Kook. “Hello, I’m not sure we’ve met.” 
“Jeon Jung Kook. I’ve just recently been added to look over the case.” Jung Kook smiled, standing up from his chair to bow. “It’s a pleasure.” 
“Park Jimin.” Jimin introduced himself. “And this is my fiancé, Y/N.” 
Y/N. Jung Kook repeated in his head, his eyes widening. It’s not possible. 
You took off your glasses before bowing to Namjoon, and raised to meet Jung Kook’s eyes. Your expression matched his own, recognizing the man instantly. 
“Jung Kook?” You smiled warmly. “Jeon Jung Kook? Oh my God, what a small world!” 
“You two know each other?” Namjoon asked with a raised brow. He looked over at the young lawyer, who was staring at you with large eyes and parted lips. 
“Jung Kook is an old classmate of mine.” You explained to Namjoon and your fiancé. “We went to the same university ages ago, when we were still living in Busan.” 
This was Jung Kook’s worst nightmare unfolding right before his eyes. Here you were. You. Just as warm, beautiful, and personable as ever. Just as clueless as ever. It was amazing how you could be such an angel, but put him through so much pain, and not even know it. 
“How have you been?” You asked with an innocent, bright grin. “I haven’t seen you in so long!” 
“I-I’ve… been good.” Jung Kook stuttered, causing the other men in the room to look at him with growing suspicion. 
“Honey, I don’t know that you’ve ever mentioned a Jung Kook.” Jimin said in a sweet tone directed at you, while his eyes judgmentally looked Jung Kook up and down. Namjoon nervously watched the interaction, waiting to bud in at any opportune time. 
“We just had a couple classes together.” You explained. “Jung Kook, wasn’t it um…” 
“History.” He finished your sentence, quicker and more deadpan in his tone than what he meant to. “And our political science class.” 
“That’s right!” You nodded. “I remember you were always so smart, I guess it makes perfect sense you practice law now.” 
“We’re happy to have him on the team.” Namjoon interjected, walking over to Jung Kook’s side of the table. He noted how Jimin still seemed unsure of Jung Kook’s mannerisms, and wanted to press on with the meeting. “Let’s get started, I’m sure the two of you have plans for the evening.” 
Everyone took their seat, and Jung Kook stared at the blank notepad in front of him. He could feel Jimin’s eyes on him, but pretended not to be bothered. He scribbled down the date on the paper, desperate to not meet the client’s gaze. 
“So, we reviewed the case.” Namjoon began, seeing how Jimin’s death stare didn’t shake from Jung Kook as he spoke. “We think that we have an excellent shot at winning, and to be completely honest, we’re expecting the judge to throw the case out.” 
“That’s great news!” You said excitedly. “Honey, you’ve been so worried about this.” 
Jimin looked at you, his eyes softening and a soft smile appearing. He rested a hand on your thigh, and looked over towards Namjoon. 
“That is great news. Thank you, Mr. Kim.” 
“Jung Kook has been reviewing the case for several days now, and he put together a couple arguments that we’ll present to the court, and have this ordeal finished, so you can move on.” 
“Y-Yeah, so um…” Jung Kook started, the weight of everyone’s stare feeling heavy and thick in the air. He was careful to avoid your eyes in particular, sure that his reaction would be less than professional. “First of all, the numbers allegedly presented to investors were never your numbers, Mr. Park, they were the numbers that your father had supposedly projected. The suit is filed against you, not the company, so we can argue that you cannot be held personably liable for any losses. A-Also, there’s no um… There’s no physical evidence of these exact projections being shown that the plaintiffs presented so um… We could argue insufficient evidence.” 
If Jung Kook were brave, he’d look up from his notes to see the way you grinned at him with the same, beautiful smile he used to see walking across campus every day. If he were brave, he’d tell you how beautiful that smile, and the rest of you, have always been to him. 
If he were brave, he would’ve told you that a long time ago. But Jung Kook has never been brave. Not then, and definitely not now. Not when his client is shooting daggers at him from across the table, and a sparkling 24k gold and diamond on your finger reminds him of the thing he’s always known; you’re too good for someone like him. You deserve more. 
“I think that sounds like an excellent plan.” Jimin said calmly, eyeing the young lawyer up and down, before turning his attention to you. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “I think Mr. Jeon has this whole thing figured out. What do you think, darling?”
“I agree.” You blushed at your fiancé’s uncharacteristic public affection. “He’s always been so smart.” 
“It seems so.” Jimin responded. “In that case, I believe we can wrap up this check-in meeting. I’d like to take my love out to dinner tonight. It’s her first time in New York City.” 
“Is it?” Namjoon’s voice was pleasant but quick as he spoke. “Well, let’s not keep you two waiting. Thank you for coming in, and we’ll be in touch. Please, Mr. Park, don’t be afraid to reach out to either of us if you need anything.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jimin said, getting up from his chair and helping you out of yours before bowing to the lawyers. 
“Jung Kook, it was so nice to see you.” You said, waving at him while Jimin placed a hand on your back to lead you from the room. “Thank you for working on this for us.” 
“O-Of course.” He bowed. “You two have a nice night.” 
With that, Jimin led you away from the room and down the office, and Jung Kook watched as he took your hand in his and caressed your skin with his thumb. It amazed him how even after all this time, seeing you with another man makes his chest ache. 
“So….” Namjoon’s irritable voice said, leaning against the table. “You want to tell me what the fuck that was about?” 
“It’s nothing.” Jung Kook responded quietly, cleaning up his papers to avoid making eye contact. “Just an old classmate.” 
“Nothing?” Namjoon asked with a scoff. “Our client just burned a hole through you with his glare the entire meeting, and you want to call that nothing?” 
“I want to go home.” Jung Kook said with growing frustration. “I promise, it’s nothing. It’s just been a hard first few weeks, ok?” 
Jung Kook was headed out the door quickly, when Namjoon grabbed his arm to make him stop for a moment.
“If something is going on with our client’s fiancé… if there’s a history there or whatever, you need to let me know so we can manage this. We can’t lose Jimin as a client, we’d both be out of a job. He brings in too much money.” 
“What, does he get into this type of shit a lot or something?” 
“What do you think?” Namjoon asks. “It’s part of the job, dealing with rich clients that have more money than sense. They didn’t teach you that in class? Or were you too busy ogling her?” 
“It’s really nothing.” Jung Kook said, this time more calmly through gritted teeth. “I just need to go home.” 
Namjoon sighed as Jung Kook left the room, and cursed his luck with the obvious situation under his breath. 
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vitaminseetarot · 10 months
PAC Pick a Ride: Your Next Big Adventure 🌌🌠🌃
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Thank you for voting in my latest poll! I'm surprised and glad to see that Next Big Adventure won by a landslide! Seeing as we have the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 12th, it makes sense that we are collectively interested in seeing what the next chapter has in store. Please note that some of these other topics mentioned in my polls may appear in future pick a card readings, so stay tuned.
So without further ado, let's get into our piles! Pretend as though you are a Knight from your favorite tarot deck about to embark on your next journey. Please choose your mode of transportation:
1 - Plane 2 - Ship 3 - Motorbike 4 - Train
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Pile 1 - Plane
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Cards: Re-Evaluate, Pencil Sketch, The Pilgrim, Ceres - Nurture, Patience, 26. Protection - Finding What's Important; I Magician, 10 of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, XIX The Sun Channeled Locations: Canada, Singapore, Morocco, Ukraine, Australia, Philippines, UK, New Zealand, NYC, South Korea
Hi pile 1, you've chosen to travel by air, bypassing all the long troublesome routes. After all, the sky's the limit! Isn't it nice to measure your distance by how the crow flies sometimes? You're ready to catapult yourself into the next big adventure; I can tell there's a lot of excitement to see what's ahead here. You'd rather get to the next phase of your life instantly yet with ease. This is likely the pile with big career goals, especially if moving or actual traveling will be in the big picture. Maybe you're dreaming of traveling by plane as part of your future dream job? You don't just want to get there, as great as that is--it has to be done with intention.
You're in the process of drawing out what your next life would look like. The future seems full of creative possibilities, but with Pencil Sketch next to Re-evaluate, you're being asked to pay attention to the details. How do you want things to go one month from now, and one year from now? As great as it would be to have an entire decade mapped out, it's unrealistic, but it doesn't mean you can't draft some concepts. You should have something in mind, though, instead of setting out with a knapsack and praying for the best. If your next career or long term project could be anything you wanted, are you going to hop into something for 10 years that doesn't end up panning out in your favor, or would you rather delicately test something for a year before diving in? Moving forward can be exciting, but if you're going by plane, you will need some coordinates.
I think your reading is super straightforward, pile 1. You've got a lucky edge going for you with the tarot cards here. Whatever kind of career goal you have in mind, you may have a chance to "make it big" at some point. That won't come without a lot of foresight and careful investment, however. Don't try to rush into any big decisions right off the bat. I occasionally see the Magician card as the one signifying "read between the lines". If any contracts get involved, be very careful and read thoroughly. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification. The ones giving you the contact would rather see you jump in it blind, but you've got the crafty Magician energy to help you out during this retrograde period.
As eager as you are to begin your next journey, you're being asked to consider what you want to grow over the long term. This reading wants to shift the focus away from the end goal, even if there's a message here about acting with intention. Setting intention doesn't mean straying away from the present moment to only consider what happens in the end. Part of paying attention to detail means being aware and present in what's happening around you. The present moment is a crucial aspect of your growth period, and it wants you to gently guard after and care for your goal as though it were a plant. You know the fruit of the plant will be ready to eat when it's there and fully ripened, but in the meantime you can enjoy its flowers and fresh budding leaves.
Enjoy the gentle growth process, because once you do start to take off, you may be shocked by how high you'll find yourself in mere seconds. The initial lift of the plane as it begins to run with the sky can give you a wonky feeling like your whole world is shifting and moving with you. Your sense of time can change, requiring adjustment. If you're unprepared, the change could feel overwhelming. Make sure that by the time you're ready for that big takeoff in your work or projects, you will have built up a solid foundation to ground you once you're ready to come back down to earth. That's how you'll build lasting success in your life's next adventure. Stay optimistic, because that positive shift could come sooner than you think!
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Pile 2 - Ship
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Cards: Limitless, Calla, The Alchemist, 10. Capricorn - Achieve, Express Love, 11. Invention - Burning with Passion; X Wheel of Fortune, 4 of Wands, VII Chariot, 10 of Swords Channeled Locations: India, Greece, Ethiopia, Thailand, Spain, Iceland, Turkey, Croatia, South Africa
The seas are calling you, pile 2, calmly asking you to take only what's truly needed with you. The water's may be choppy, but out in the expansive blue seas, you can feel connected to the coasts of the entire world. With a firm grasp of the ship's wheel, you designate yourself captain as you adjust your sails and set your sights for the hidden treasure that lies ahead--or perhaps beneath your anchor. You're entering your next big adventure lit up with grand ideas for what to do all laid out on your map. Over the vast horizon, anything could happen, and you could find yourself shaking hands with anybody new. This pile may be seeking proposals or offers of some kind, ones that will let you dream bigger than you have before. This pile likely has a good idea of where to go next, or at least some interesting things written down.
These cards ask you to make peace with some aspect of your past. It could be that whatever you had planned before didn't entirely work out in your favor. As much as the online community talks about how rejection is divine protection, sometimes having plans fall apart is not going to feel good, even when you're just glad it's over with. The worst thing can be the feeling of not knowing what to expect after a fall. But your next chapter is showing a lot of promise in things to come, so don't let your past be the omen of your future. The tides are turning right now, and if you can focus on what you'd like to accomplish next, you'll be able to shift those tides in your favor. The first step is to see that you've survived the bad times, and that in itself makes you a victor. With that, you can move ahead with more confidence than before.
That's the thing about Capricorn energy: it thrives in conditions that others would consider too harsh or demanding. It's the drive to take the roughest materials and make diamonds from them. Once you can decide to make peace with what you've gone through, you can take the nuggets of wisdom you've garnered to make a beautiful new path for yourself. You dissolve the worst of your experiences and bring them together to make it better, as the Alchemist card suggests. The difficult times and failed attempts were not for waste; you've gained a lot of valuable growth that will provide a smoother current toward success in your next endeavor. This could be the pile that wants to start a business. Please know that simply starting a business, or even taking the first steps to plan one, takes a lot of guts already. If you've managed to go that far, congratulations! It takes a lot of hard work for a new business to be survive the long haul. So celebrate your milestones, no matter how small they seem.
Part of what makes this next chapter so fortuitous for you is how the energy is transiting through. You could be hit with a wave of inspiration from out of nowhere. If you've been stuck in one place without any wind to carry you through the fog, be prepared for that big splash! All hiccups set aside, you're still brimming with a lot of zeal for your next idea. You may even receive a cascade of insight, so be sure to write these things down as they come. You never know if something silly and small could end up helping you out later on. Your next big adventure is going to put the spark back in you, with a feeling of having a second chance at life, as Calla lilies represent rebirth. Don't be afraid to get excited over what's to come, pile 2. Your faith that things will work out for the better is contagious, as is your gratitude for the accomplishments you've made so far.
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Pile 3 - Motorbike
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Cards: Breathe, Snowboard, The Heir (Rx), 5. Leo - Shine, Balance, 21. Resilience - Finding Your Limits; 6 of Cups, Queen of Cups, Page of Wands, XIII Death Channeled Locations: Mexico, Italy, Midwest US, France, Norway, Egypt, Chile, Brazil
Your pile is like the fiery passion of the wands suit. Independent and bold, you chose to take open road for your next adventure, blazing a new path in front of your very eyes. You have an eagerness to take the world by storm, going wherever your first impulse wishes to carry you. This pile has a lot of drive to move forward to the next chapter with as much speed as possible, optimistic to find that next golden opportunity. And you're not afraid of a little showboating along the way. You even have the Snowboard palette card, which is a sport involving nothing but speeding down slopes and catching incredible air. This pile is the most excited for their next adventure.
Except actually, pile 3, you're being asked to slow down a little bit. And I get it! I get that this message can be so frustrating when you see what looks to be an endless highway yet the speed limit says 55. That might be a good pace for many folks, but for this pile it's not nearly enough! The thing to keep in mind is that this process of moderating your pace is for your overall benefit. See, you have the only reversed archetype card in all the piles. The card speaks of untapped potential, which is still there. It's simply saying that whatever you're seeking to do next, you're not totally ready because there is too much you're still carrying with you. To go with the motorbike analogy again, any leftover baggage from your past is going to weigh you down so it's in your benefit to review what you have before you can move forward. The more you let it go, the faster you'll be able to pick up the pace.
You have a lot to be proud of with how far you've come already. This pile likely thrives on challenges and sees overcoming them as a big part of spiritual development. Which can be true in many cases, and you demonstrate clearly that you're not afraid of what's to come next. It may come as a shock to you that your next chapter might be a little more quiet than expected. This is likely because, if you've gone through a lot of growth in your last chapter, it makes sense to have some downtime to balance things out. The Queen of Cups can be introverted energy, but she knows how to use her alone time to replenish her soul with art and meditation. You may have more time to spend by yourself steeped in creative drive rather than trying to accomplish too many things in the outer world.
This is one of the more spiritually oriented piles; over this next big phase in your life, your creative skills may flourish and evolve to another level. Maybe for a while you've been inclined towards artistic pursuits, but feel a desire to expand upon what you're already doing. With this energy, you're in alignment to have more time and energy to devote towards passions like painting, sports, or music. In this way, you can take that immense enthusiastic drive from the Page of Wands and channel it into something constructive or purposeful, even if you don't intend to monetize it.
Your next big adventure is tackling the speed limits that exist within you: the self imposed beliefs that tell you how fast you can go or where you're allowed to proceed. Thing is, in your inner world, you have a lot more freedom than you would on any highway. You can choose for yourself how you wish to manifest your passions into the world, and you can decide how much or how little passion you put into your work. Things like imposter syndrome can be their own mountains to climb, and this time around you're more geared up than ever to take it on. Once the spiritual mountains have been overcome, you'll be able to top anything the next chapter in life brings you.
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Pile 4 - Train
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Cards: Nucleus, Billiard Green, The Gambler, 44. Sixth House - Sustainability, Trust, 1. Vision - Contemplating the Future; XVIII The Moon, 10 of Wands, 3 Cups, XV The Devil Channeled Locations: West US, Sweden, Japan, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Slovenia, China, Germany, Switzerland
You've picked the solid, earthy pile of moving forward to your next adventure by train. Locomotion is slow but it's steady and reliable with time. Fully embodying the principles of inertia, once it moves it keeps moving, but it takes a lot of initial effort to get things going. Something you've worked on is slow going, but you're close or nearing the finish line. Once this is accomplished, things will move much more smoothly for you without so much push. Your next chapter will be steady, but it will be easier than before because it's already in motion.
I find this pile intriguing, y'all. You have Gambler above the Billiard card, and the Devil card shows a casino as well. It's almost bringing to mind old train heist movies. There's action, adventure, mystery, and a lot of fun here in this pile. Your next big adventure could involve having more chances to go out and have fun with friends. You could meet new friends around this time who will have a lot of extra pep in their step. They'll get you out of your shell if you've been in one for a while. Alternatively, if you see yourself as a party loving daredevil already, this new friendship may slow you down and protect you a little, in a good sense. They'll either be the head to your heart, or the heart to your head.
This pile is definitely more inclined to go with the flow in the next chapter. I almost typed 'glow' on accident, so perhaps you'll also experience basking in a 'glow' of some kind. You could be overcoming a huge obstacle at this time and look forward to more unstructured down time. You're encouraged to take time to enjoy yourself before moving to the next phase, but to also balance it out by taking moments to see where you'd rather go next. It's easy, after a huge achievement, to lose pace once the "now what?" sign is reached on your path. Go-with-the-flow doesn't necessarily mean 'fuck around and see what happens', lol. Try to find a middle ground here between playing and planning.
Your work-life balance will likely have some kind of pressure valve released like steam. You've had to really push for what you wanted this year. When opportunities looked scant, you had to tap in to your own power and immense resources to pull through. You've done so in flying colors. So your desire for freedom and thrills after a hard chapter is totally understandable. If you're not finished with something, there's almost a temptation here to run from it now and deal with it later. This isn't recommended; push through to the end because soon you will find yourself on the other side basking in the glow, and relaxing will be so much easier once you're fully done.
There's also advice to not get too carried away with material desires here. Your next chapter may have your finances fluctuating up and down, so try to stay steady with investments. If a windfall comes in, don't spend it all in a day. The Trust card here is talking about how you trust yourself with your resources and energy. When you're able to carry a greater amount with more responsibility, more will be added to you in due time. You're being asked to make small and consistent investments with wherever you're putting your value and resources into. Nothing wrong with wanting to splurge on something nice of course, especially if you've been working hard and you want to reward yourself. This is more to do with long term investments over the next few years.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
Decks Used: Tarotwave, Starcodes Astro Oracle, Citadel Oracle, StarDragons, Opal Oracle, Starlight Messages, Color Palette cards
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jjuwuni · 1 year
caught in his web ; choi yeonjun ch. 1 | SWEET DREAMS
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pairings — yeonjun x afab reader
genre — smut (lots of it so minors dni please), fluff, angst, college!au, friends to lovers, drama
word count (for this chapter) — ~2.3k
summary —  You thought you’d be immune to Choi Yeonjun's charms, turns out you were completely, utterly, shamefully wrong. 
And what’s worse? He’s your new best friend's boyfriend.
Wanna hear something even worse than that? His dad and your mom are dating.
MOA University: An educational institution created for the 1%. The elite of the elites. Those who are to inherit large multinational companies, take oath in office, and represent Korea's future in business and politics. This is where it begins.
warnings — almost-stepbro!yeonjun but not really since your parents are in the early stages of dating, kinda slow burn yes, black haired!yeonjun, bad boy yeonjun, all of you are trust fund babies, all the tubatu's make a cameo and are in the same friend group, might reference some other 4th gen idols, alcohol, drinking, drunken mishaps, lots of sex, profanity - lots of it, yeonjun is a menace but he's so cute wtf i'm screaming, jealousy, making out etc. minors dni istg! i'm watching y'all..
A/N: hello! bela here! my apologies for dipping after posting the preview. here is the official first chapter! hope you guys like it. i'll try to update more frequently. 🙏 comments and reblogs are very much appreciated xoxo also please do let me know if you'd like to be tagged for the next parts!
MASTERLIST: [ preview ] | [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ]
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
“O-oh..” You clear your throat after telling yourself to get it together about a million times. Opening your mouth after what seemed like an eternity, “I uh.. Uncle Minjun? It’s nice to meet you. I’m y/n.” You offer your hand out to the man who was undeniably a splitting image of Yeonjun - just older.
He was dashing and had an air of charisma around him. One would know that being in the real estate business, you need to have some type of charm after all, so you're not too surprised that he owns the biggest housing and commercial property business in Asia. He seemed like the type to be able to sway you easily into buying things without much hesitation. 
Also explains why your mom fell for him.
“y/n.. Very nice to meet you finally. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you from your mother, you seem like a very smart lady. And as expected - beautiful too. Surely you have a lot of suitors by now, eh?” He says in a playful manner, as you finally take a seat to join them, right across from Yeonjun. 
“Oh, trust me, dad. Soobinnie's all over her.” The male across from you nonchalantly points out, making you cough right as you scoop the clear soup into your mouth. 
“Oh? CEO Dongwon's son? Well sounds like he’s a decent man.” Your mother for sure wouldn't pass off the chance to give her two cents, “Why didn’t you tell me this, sweetie? You should invite Soobin here sometime.” She lets out a giddy laugh as you grimace into your soup.
"Well, we’re not an item, Mom. And you know I want to focus on my studies first…” 
“It’s rare you hear that nowadays eh? I wish my son would see education the same way as you y/n. Maybe you should teach him a thing or two, huh?” Minjun replies, sipping from his scotch glass and giving Yeonjun a look to which the younger male replies with a sarcastic scowl. 
“I’m sure Chaewon’s got that covered.” You take the opportunity to tease back, it was your way of repaying him for bringing Soobin up. “They’re a really cute couple.” You smile the sweetest one you can muster and look over at his dad who seems to suddenly be interested at the mere mention of a girl. 
“Well, if you’re serious about dating her, son, stop bringing random girls home. You know the guards see you when you do that, right? It's quite distasteful really.” 
Your eyes widen upon learning this little piece of information, he was still bringing girls home, even though he’s dating my friend?  You think to yourself. You could feel Yeonjun’s glare directed at you from across the table, but ultimately decide to avoid it and just eat. 
“I-I’ll go get the dessert.” You shoot up from your seat not too long after, wanting to do anything to get you out of that semi-awkward situation. 
“I’ll help you y/n!” Yeonjun chimes in, walking behind you and following you into the kitchen- giving you no other choice. 
“Ahjumma, can you please take out the cream cake my mom bought this morning? I’ll cut it myself.” You say in a polite tone and a smile to match, watching the older lady walk out back to the refrigerators to go grab it. 
You let out an exasperated sigh, leaning back against the expensive Italian marble countertop. “Not even an hour with you and I’m already tired.” You glare at the male.
It’s true, there’s a reason why you never got along with him, as he was always picking on you. But it was more of a welcomed gesture for you because even though it was annoying, you were just glad you are not a part of the population of MOA-U girls who have fallen victim and succumbed to his charms. 
“Well, you do know what this means… right y/n?” Yeonjun asks, almost in a teasing tone from what you can pick up.
Soon, his hands lay flat over the countertop, on each side of your hip - effectively trapping you in. 
You swallow hard, you’ve never been this close to him before. 
Chaewon always had somewhat of a fence around him in school, which is why we’ve never been face-to-face like this. You find yourself taking note of his prominent features- from his black locks, which complimented his hazel eyes, his strong jawline, his raised nose bridge, and even that cute, boyish smile. 
“H-huh?” Great, what was that part about being immune to his charms again? 
“We’re going to be siblings," He says, arms wrapping around your waist, "..so you’ll see more of me around, most likely.” His smile stretches out even more, and it was like he enjoyed that you were flustered by the mischievous glint in his eyes.
Like a shark being able to smell fear from a few feet away. 
"You're... You weirdo." Was all you were able to say, and it took all of your might to push him off of you, and right on time too, as the help finally came back with the cake to save the day. 
You leave the kitchen as fast as you could, and even as you briskly walked away, you could feel Yeonjun smirking behind you.
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
"I don't know how I feel about it, honestly." You say as you plop down on one of the couches in Chaewon's living room after school that day. 
"My best friend and my boyfriend becoming step-siblings? Who would have thought..." Chaewon says with a smile, though you couldn't tell if it was a sarcastic smile or one that was of genuine nature. 
"I know my mom's been a notorious magnet for rich dudes but I never thought she would end up in the arms of Choi Minjun, tsk. This is driving me nuts." You whine out, pulling at your hair and punching the throw pillow repeatedly.
"You do know there's some business strategy side to this, right unnie?" Minjeong suddenly speaks up. The youngest in your group rarely opened her mouth, which is why all four of you were all ears whenever she decides to give her input on things. 
"How so?" You ask, trying to make sense of the situation and guessing where she was going with this statement.
"Mm well... Yeonjun oppa's dad owns a lot of properties, and you guys own a lot of department stores.. So if your companies merge... Then, your mom can expand to more places and oppa's dad will acquire more patrons because of the brand - since your mom does have an insane amount of fans. It will be the merger that everyone in Korea will be talking about." 
"Wow.. I never really thought of it that way." You say in a hushed tone, trying to put the pieces together. 
"At this rate you'll be richer than all three of us combined. With the exception of Chaewon, of course." Yeji says in a joking manner, her statement causing Chaewon to flip her hair over her shoulder. 
You laugh it off, "Ah, well- that's.. that's really not my concern now. All I know is that my mother needs to get her life together.." 
"Well look at the bright side y/n, at least you get to look after my baby for me," Chaewon interjects, putting her hand over her chest. "You know, you can report to me and tell me if there are girls who try to flirt with him and all that. You’re basically going to be his younger sister anyways." She points out, nodding her head a few times. 
You stay silent, suddenly remembering that one little fact that his dad gave away at dinner.
He was still bringing random girls home at this point. 
There was an inner battle in you suddenly - should I say something? Or should I keep it under wraps since their relationship isn’t my business anyway? Something prompts you to go for the latter, not open your mouth and just nod.
You'd rather not be caught in the middle of the drama.
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
As expected, there was another party that night at Chaewon’s house.
There were indeed perks to being inheritors to future companies: your parents were more often than not, too busy to take note of anyone's whereabouts. Which is why you have the luxury to party whenever you wanted.
Surprisingly, you were actually in the mood to party then. As you’ve managed to down a few shots of soju as well as soju bombs with Yeji.  
And not surprisingly, Chaewon was all over Yeonjun that night.
You could feel him staring at you from time to time though. Nevertheless, you don't think much of it- as you’ve always made it a point not to.
He's probably waiting for me to f*ck up or something so he can tattletale on me to my mom next time we have a ‘family’ meal. 
“How’s my favorite girl?” Soobin’s voice made its presence known as he wraps his arm around your neck and pulls you into a hug. Your arms instinctively wrap around his torso, and you stay that way for a few minutes. 
“Ah- y/n! Before I forget! Remember how you were looking for that limited edition version of that manga we both loved?!” He asks as you pull away from the hug. You, of course, nod quickly.
The two of you have a lot of similarities, and your love for mangas and graphic novels was one of them. 
In a swift motion, he then pulls out something from his bag. And lo and behold, in its pristine condition, was the same novel you've been searching high and low for. 
“WHAT! NO WAY!!!” You shout over the music, enough to draw attention from the people around you. You envelop him in another excited hug out of gratitude. “I can’t believe you found it?! How did you do it? I had my mom’s assistant look all over for it. Even my grandparents’ staff were searching for it.” 
“Ah well, I have my connections. You’re not the only one, y/n.” Soobin winks as soon as you pull away to take the manga and read through the back cover. 
The rest of the night was spent with Soobin and a few more soju bottles. And by the end of the night, you were feeling the ugly effects of alcohol. 
Cuddled up with him on one side of the couch, with the two of you talking about all the animes you’ve watched the past week. It was pretty fun to have someone with whom you could nerd out, especially in a group of socialites such as the one you both have. 
“Ah, you’re remarkable. I can’t believe you like the same things I do.” He said, pinching your nose which causes you to scrunch it upwards. 
“y/n...?” He suddenly grows quiet after a few moments of just staring at each other. 
“H-huh?” You ask, your forehead creasing in curiosity. Unfortunately, right on time, your vision starts to blur, and the dimmed-out lights in the living room turned party area wasn’t helping. “W-what is it?” 
“C-can I k-kiss-- Y-yah.. y/n?! Hey! You ok?!”
That was pretty much the last thing you hear before passing out. 
And that was it, your dear old friend alcohol got the better of you, knocking you out on his lap. 
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
“Yeonjun, I don’t understand, you know I can bring her home safely.” 
Was I dreaming? 
“I know, but I promised her mom I’d take care of her, and that’s what I’ll do so hand her over.” His voice didn’t falter, standing firm to the promise he made to your mom.
W-wait.. I can’t see anything.. I can’t open my eyes. I’m still dizzy,  I can only hear faintly.. Ah, what is happening to me?!.. 
“Pff, alright, fine Jjunie.. But you better not try any funny business.” 
You could feel another pair of strong arms underneath you, cradling you as you shifted. The air is crisp and cold as it brushes through your legs. You were outside.
“Babe! Where are you going?! You can let Soobin handle her and the party’s not over yet.” 
That was Chaewon’s voice..
“I have to go Chae, I’ll bring her home first and make sure she’s settled. I’ll see you tomorrow in school hmm?” 
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
You wake up to music, a hummed lullaby of sorts. It was soothing and pleasant to hear. You can feel the soft mattress under your tired body. With how familiar it all felt, you could tell you were in your bed.
Apart from that, you can feel someone stroking your hair. 
Your eyelids felt so heavy as you open them, curious to see who it was. But you could barely see, vision still blurry no thanks to the after-effects of alcohol.
Add that, and the fact that it was rather pitch dark around your room- signaling that all the lights were off.
Someone was in your room, that you knew. Because you can hear him and his melodic humming, and whoever it was- he was unmistakably sitting at the edge of your bed next to you. 
“O-ow..” You croak out, feeling the throbbing in your head.  Pressing the palm of your hand against your forehead almost immediately, the melodic, soft voice cuts as you note the mattress' weight shift when the person beside you leans in to check on you.
“y/n, don't get up, just get some rest…” That voice, you know who it belongs to, but it took you a while to process it. 
Yeonjun’s voice? 
Even though you wanted so badly to keep your eyes open and verify if your guess was correct, you've had way too much to drink to keep up.
You couldn’t believe it though. How can someone so rugged and nonchalant about things have such a sweet voice? Plus, the mere idea that he’s here to make sure you're okay- that definitely does not seem like something he’d do. 
Or have you had a skewed vision of him this whole time?
Soon after, You feel his lips against your forehead. His soft buds leave a small peck and a tingling sensation on your skin, and you swore your cheeks felt a lot more heated than it was before.
At that point, you weren't sure if it was all a dream. You feel your stomach churn. Was it butterflies? Nah, it must be the soju. You tell yourself.
“Sweet dreams, y/n.” And with that, you drift off into dreamland.
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mioyeo · 2 years
8 Makes 1 Team
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No matter how different , without one of us there’s no 8 makes 1 Team
Synopsis : In which 8 boys build a friendship despise of their differences with the help of a psychiatrist
Pairing : psychiatrist! Reader x Ateez (for now )
Themes : angst , mental struggles, fears , Disorders etc
Warnings : this chapter includes mentions of Threatening, Schizophrenia, Violent behavior, tears , mentions of skinning , please tell me if I forgot something , and I’m not romanticizing Disorders in anyway and this is pure fiction meaning this doesn’t represent Ateez in any way
Word count : 1k?
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𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟬𝟮𝟱𝟲
𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙚 : 𝙆𝙞𝙢 𝙃𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙟𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙜
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 : 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟳, 𝟭𝟵𝟵𝟴
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: 𝟭,𝟳𝟮𝗺
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 : 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘇𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗮 , 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿
𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘳: 𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 , 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘮 , 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨
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She read her patients file walking down the hall , where guards stood at least at each door for safety with pepper sprays and a taser
Y/n just got transferred to Koreas biggest and kind of dangerous psychiatric a week ago because of a job offer , and here she was walking to her first patient of the day
It was quiet as she approached the cell door with the Number 0256 and a yellow sticker on it indicating that it needed to be careful around the patient
She waited for the guard to open the door and walked in seeing a black haired boy laying on the bed covered up till his stomach in green pajamas that had cute dogs on it
He looked peaceful yet she couldn't get fooled by the scene , she knew better than to just fall for the image the patient was giving
Some patients deceived doctors or guards to escape their room
With soft steps being heard he got alarmed and shot his head up and backed up against the wall that was connected together with his bed
The look he gave made her heart ache , it screamed fear even when she tried sitting on the chair she brought as he started distancing himself
" If you come closer I-I'll smash your skull ! "
He shouted at her with furiously and repeatedly hitting his head as if something was telling him to do anything bad against his will
" I mean no harm , I'm actually here to get to know you and help but I want to know your name first so I can talk easily with you "
" Liar ! Y-Your just like everyone else , I don't need your help and I don't want it ! "
He yelled once again , but she didn't flinch or anything that showed signs of being scared
" Listen im the opposite of everyone else here that has been treated you like your not a normal person like everybody else "
Y/n saw him picking at his skin harshly which started bleeding and leaving some cuts
" Make it stop ! Please stop stop ! "
"If you want me to help can I touch you then? "
She extended her hands slowly waiting for him to allow her to clean and bandage his cuts
" Help me p-please make them stop hurting me "
" Can I really help or are you not sure ? "
" Please help me I’m loosing so much blood ! "
“ Dont worry it just a little ”
She grabbed his arm softly before cleaning the cuts with alcohol after giving the boy a warning making him scream in pain and whimper
" Can you tell me your name now ? "
" it's H-H-Hongjoong and thank you "
" No need to thank me , and you have a really nice name do you know what it means ? "
He shook his head and wiped his tears as he looked dumbfounded
" Hong means wide and Joong center "
" What's that supposed to mean "
Hongjoong pulled his hands away when she finished bandaging it up and yelled standing up on his bed
" Your special Hongjoong , your name means to be the center of the wide world "
" But their going to hurt me ! "
" Nobody is going to hurt you as long as I'm here Hongjoong and I'll make sure of it ok ? that's why I'm here for you "
She smiled softly looking as he wandered his eyes around confused
" What d-does y-your name mean ? "
" You know I actually never knew what my name meant before but I promise the next time I visit you I'll tell you what it means ok ? "
" You will just leave like everyone else here or worse hit me if I don't listen "
His voice changed to a monotonous one as he stared at her with a blank face
" They hit you ? What did you do against it ? "
He suddenly teared up again and covered himself under his blankets and started shaking
" I said no touching and the guard hit me on the cheek two times "
" Hongjoong it's ok to say no and let me tell you something , some people just don't understand what no means which is bad "
She softly uncovered his face
" Repeat with me , it is ok to say no "
" It is ok to say no "
He wiped his tears and kept chanting the words over and over again , until her watch started blinking playing star 1117 instrumental version catching his attention
" Looks like our time is over Joongie "
" No ! don't leave me their going to get me please don't leave me here  alone "
He started screaming and hitting his head
" Hongjoong it's alright I'll come back ok ? Now let's tuck you in you must be tired "
She waited for him to lay down and tucked him in softly following with her caressing his soft hair for him to relax
" Promise you'll be back ? "
" I promise you I'll be back "
Mission get to know Patient 0256 done
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relativelydimensional · 2 months
A List of BL for Connie (P2)
we're back baybeyyyy @ceieon has watched most of her first list so the time has come again for me and @bansheeeeeeeeeee to rec some stuff. As always you can watch these in (almost) any order connie so enjoy <3
After the introductory list we're going for a more specific criteria:
shows for the post-Bad Buddy blues
more mature pairings, found family vibes, acts of service, and pouty rich boys
and shows for your interview with a vampire comedown (aka messy and possibly supernatural shows).
1. A Tale of 1000 Stars (2021 , Thailand)
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Okay so you loved bad buddy which means you NEED to watch 1000 stars because it's made my the same guy, P'Aof, who we love and cherish. This show is about Tian, a spoilt rich boy who lives life on the edge until he learns he has heart disease and gets a heart transplant. His donor is a lovely volunteer teacher called Torfun, who is a literal angel and died in a car accident (rip torfun). Overcome with survivors guilt, Tian moves out to the rural village Torfun was working in to continue her work. The village is on the border of Thailand and thus is vulnerable to danger from militia/criminals/arms traders/generally not nice people, and is under the care of the forest guard headed by Chief Phupha, who is ridiculously hot for no reason. This is all very hallmark movie tbh, with Tian escaping the pressure of the city to find himself in the countryside and also he and the chief are the only two hot people so obviously they have to get together. Their dynamic starts out as very antagonistic and banter-y, but it quickly shifts into soft territory. It's just a really lovely story about two people who have gone through a lot, and find a home in each other. The pairing, phutian, is more mature than patpran, and the chemistry between Earth and Mix is sooooo palpable it kinda hurts to witness it. FUCK ME this show is JUST SO GOOD. Also drake is here <3
If you want: rural escapism, hot men in uniform, the MOST steadfast and romantic love story ever told, love at first fight, mature MCs who like each other and are assured and confident in their relationship, shirtless product placement, the perfect amount of angst, knightley and emma vibes, and there was only one mosquito net, this is the show for you.
Number of Episodes: 10. Length of Episodes: 1 hour. Watch on YouTube or Viki (but it's less fun :(((( ) .
2. Where Your Eyes Linger (2020, Korea)
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(Imagine me in an alleyway with a long trench coat beckoning you towards me). Hey kid,,,, i heard you like bodyguard AUs and power dynamics,,,,maybe a little codependency on the side? I've got a few for you but how about this one to start? Its short, its korean and goddamn does it hit.
Tae-Joo is a pouty rich boy with a knack for getting into trouble, Kang Gook is his stoic and repressed bodyguard who protects him from everything. They're codependant; they go to the same school, both do judo together, hell they sleep in the same bed! Don't question it, the tropes are truely tropeing in this show and thats all we care about. This show is truely a BL speedrun. All together the runtime is less than 90 minutes, we know hardly anything about these central characters but who cares they're compelling. Small warning for ear stuff.
If you want: repression, power dynamics, forced proximity, INSANE chemistry, codependency at its finest, jealousy, and a nice low commitment watch, this is the show for you.
Number of Episodes: 8. Episode Length: 10-15 min. Watch on Viki
3. Moonlight chicken (2023, Thailand)
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Note: please watch 1000 stars before this (and give yourself a good amount of time/shows between them).
Moonlight Chicken was P'Aof's next show after bad buddy and BOY was it a good one. Departing from adapting pre-existing novels, this is an original story written specifically for the actors Earth and Mix (as well as for specific side actors too!). Set in post-covid tourist town Pataya, Moonlight Chicken is about Jim, the owner of a struggling diner which is famous for selling hainanese chicken rice. One night he meets Wen and they spend the night together. I know you're not a prude like me but just a warning these two fuck in part 1 of ep 1 and after 1000 stars it can be a shock to the system (also more ear stuff so a warning for that). As their relationship progresses we learn more about both of their messy past relationships and how those relationships have shaped them. It's predominantly character driven so it makes for really interesting drama and nuanced critiques of queer identity in thailand.
ALSO there's a lovely side love story between Li Ming (Jim's nephew) and Heart, a lonely kid who has recently become hard of hearing and isn't supported by his rich/able-bodied parents. These two are honestly the highlight for me, it's a really sweet and understated friendship turned romance. It's also quite nuanced in its exploration of disability and the lack of services for disabled people. I was so suprised by the actors Fourth and Gemini who are so young but literally carry this whole show on their backs?? Sensational. I also wanna give a special mention of First and Khaotung who both look so pretty when they cry <3 Also mark pakin is here.
If you want: sexy one night stand which turns into something more, a more mature couple who work through their past relationship baggage, found family, a MC who is the guardian (but not parent) of an angsty teen, a VERY WHOLESOME and soft side couple, good disability representation, yummy commentary on the experiences of queer people in Thailand, and the single most hysterical line in BL history "isn't it difficult enough being poor? and now you're gay?", this is the show for you.
Number of eps: 8. Episode length: 1 hour. Watch on YouTube
4. We Best Love: No. 1 For You (2021, Taiwan)
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TAIWAN IS IN THE HOUSE BABY! I can't believe we haven't recced you a Taiwanese show yet....although no I can believe it because these guys don't mess around and their shows can be kinda full on. This is a nice starter though, nice and short with only 6 episodes, great tropes and chemistry that'll knock your socks off. The premise is simple – Zhao Shu Yi is another pouty rich boy who has been in a hearted one-sided rivalry with Gao Shi De who he HATES because he's always ranking second to him in school/sports. Gao Shi De on the other hand is in a one-sided unrequited situation with Shu Yi, and is only #1 in anything so his crush will notice him. When Shu Yi is heartbroken bc his two besties just got together and he had a crush on the girl, Shi De uses it as a prime opportunity to get closer with him....by blackmailing him into being his little servant around uni..... Because this show is Taiwanese it goes kinda hard with the manipulation and toxicity hahahah but trust its way less toxic than a lot of other BLs. Delicious tropes are everywhere in this one, and the rivalry aspect will certainly help heal the wounds left by bad buddy. Small warning for someone singing in ep 4.
If you want: academic rivals to lovers, power dynamics, forced proximity, jealousy, there was only one bed (actually it was two singles but they pushed them together), acts of service, a tsundere MC and a pining but confident love interest, silly fun times with a side order of toxicity, and a second season I deleted from my mind bc i hated it so much, this is the show for you.
Number of Episodes: 6. Length of Episodes: 23 min. Watch on kisskh
5. Our Dining Table (2023, Japan)
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There has been a distinct lack of cosy japanese shows on this list so far and for that I am sorry. But let me offer you this soft domestic treat as a reward for your patience. Yutaka is a lonely introvert who has some family trauma. One day he's minding his own business eating his lunch in the park when a ridiculously cute child accosts him and eats his lunch. The kid's older brother/guardian is very apologetic but asks Yutaka to come back to teach him how to cook rice balls. Truely this concept could only happen in Japan where its apparently not dangerous to invite random dudes who give your kids rice balls in public parks over for dinner. Anyway this show is found family at its finest, soft and low stakes with cute characters and a nice slow burn. It's very reminiscent of other japanese shows, specifically cherry magic, where the introverted MC connects with his love interest but is also forced to connect with the lovely other people around him. Also idk where they found the little kid playing Tane because he just so chaotic and cute it makes me wanna scream.
If you want: found family, acts of service, domesticity, a shy MC coming out of their shell to their partner, a rough around the edges but fond love interest who is the guardian of a young child, youngest child trauma rep, a hot older dad, and the universal japanese BL love language of rice porridge, scarves, and tamagoyaki (japanese omelettes) this is the show for you.
Number of episodes: 10 + a special. Length of episodes: 23 min. Watch on KissKH or Billibilli.
6. Midnight Museum shut up its BL (2023, Thailand)
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Between March and April of 2023 I was INSANE about this show, it was all i thought about, it was all i talked about, it was all i read about. It OWNED ME. The show is about Khatha, an immortal loser who literally can't use facetime bc he's such a grandpa, who runs a museum for cursed artefacts. He meets Dome, who mysteriously looks like Khatha's "brother"/lover/little bud from many centuries ago. Also every ep we're looking at a new artefact and also there's an evil cult that may or may not be related to Dome's lookalike. GOD, how do I even explain the plot to you? Half of this show is set in the eponymous museum but the other half is set on an asteroid??? Some of it is a period romance, and some of it is a detective show. THE christian god figures as a semi-major character? Everyone is hot but absolutely NOBODY is fucking its insane.
I'm going to be clear with you, this show is not good. Does the plot make sense? no. Is it well paced/written? Debatable. Is it acted out by some of gmmtv's best to such a sensational level you can't look away? YES. Give this one four eps and i promise you'll be as crazy as me, as soon as the monster of the week format dies down gmmtv pulls out all the stops. Nanon and Tay are personal faves throughout but Tor and Gun are also sensational in their acting and commitment to the queerbait. I think this could be a good one for the IWAV comedown because it's steeped in gothic homoeroticism and its supernatural too.
If you want: hot people, queerbait at its finest, supernatural lore that barely makes any sense, monster of the week turned conspiracy theory, proof that god himself wants to fuck Gun Attaphan, all your problematic faves, and evil Nanon Korapat tag teaming it with Gun in the olympic sport that is serving cunt, this is the show for you.
Number of episodes: 10. Episode Length: 46 min. Watch on YouTube
7. Only Friends (2023, Thailand)
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You were there when we were watching this so I know you remember how insane we were when it was on. This show also covers the interview with a vampire comedown criteria in that it's full of sad and toxic gay people. This show is truely just a big old slutty mess and i enjoyed every second of it. plenty of yummy pairings, hot people and depending on what order you watch this list in some familiar faces too. Plot? It barely has one. But why is this some of the best written character focused tv ive watched?? Everyone has a fatal flaw and acts according to that. Mew is a virgin. Top is a manwhore. Boston is a sociopath. Nick is a literal criminal. Ray is a slutty alcoholic. Sand is into indie music. They may make bad choices but we understand why so it's not annoying. It's sensational and you simply cannot look away but for the love of god you will need to wear earphones. There's also some delightfully racy Drake based sex scenes and also a lesbian side couple who are the least problematic people here.
If you want: MESS, that one friend group where everyone's fucking, a demi MC that makes me feel so seen, a slutty sociopath manipulating everyone, the most wet and pathetic mark pakin you'll ever witness, more mess, serious breeches of privacy laws, ships that are so toxic you feel you shouldn't be rooting for them but the chemistry is too good, and lesbians that don't get indie films, this is the show for you.
Number of episodes: 12. Episode Length: 40 min. Watch on Youtube.
Bonus: Our Skyy 2: Bad Buddy x 1000 stars (2023)
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If you're considering watching this rn I am assuming you watched 1000 stars (and loved it). I know you're gonna watch this anyway so I just want to make sure you're going in with enough context. So this is the second season of Our Skyy (the first of which came out in 2018). Our Skyy is an anthology series which is a collection of specials for preexisting GMMTV shows. It's essentially pure fanfic.....except it's made by the same people who made the original shows. It's fanfic-y because it never makes any sense, it routinely features silly plot points like body swaps, time travel, curses, magic babies, etc. The great thing about ourskyy is we get to see more of our faves, the other great thing is because it has such crack fanfic energy you can take it or leave it canon wise. Anyway you're in for a damn treat with this one because it's a crossover ep between patpran and phutian and i am FERAL.
If you want: pure fanfiction of our two fave p'aof pairings hanging out, fanservice upon fanservice, more secret dating and chaotic horniness from patpran, domestic disputes and petty banter from phutian, fix-it fic levels of CLOSURE for both couples, heaps of recreations of different scenes, fanboy patpran having gay crisises about meeting both Tian and Phu, and another rooftop scene which makes me SOB this is the show for you!
Number of Episodes: 4. Length of Episodes: 1 hour. Watch on YouTube.
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lucielxbe · 7 months
hello!! i’m back here again with the same muse. irl got to me previously so hopefully two times the charm, i’m going to actually work on things this time!
presenting my muse, ryeo jihyun or more commonly known as luciel! a chaebol who seeks to enter lime entertainment with his own efforts and prove his worth… well, that’s how it’s supposed to go, right? you can take a closer look at him at his profile and background.
under the cut i’ll be listing some general connections and plot ideas that i’d like to have, otherwise i’ll be happy to brainstorm ideas~ like this post if you’d like to plot in dms or discord upon request! (i respond quicker on discord!)
plot ideas !
fellow nepobabies. relationships that could extend from when luciel entered high school until present time. perhaps the two of you befriended each other for the connections when attending high society events, whether it remains superficial or they became real friends is up to you!
on the topic of friends, luciel is pretty much outgoing and gets along well with his peers. although it’s been about 3-4 years since he started living in korea and temporarily getting away from his parents, he doesn’t spare much time for his personal hobbies or even trying to find any… someone please bring him to do normal activities like any other person,
acquaintances from the world of classical music; it’s not like luciel was a popular figure in there, he appeared and vanished like the wind — but he’s definitely left a lasting impression of sorts with his last performance in a piano competition. he didn’t win the first spot, but the applauses he had were the loudest that day.
enemies/rivals, those who envies his social status and skills or people who’ll want to take advantage of him. luciel doesn’t has a tendency to hold hard feelings against these people, but he could get annoyed by it and potentially pour oil to the fire. he could get rather mean about it too, because he doesn’t takes insults kindly especially if it’s unwarranted. though at the end of the day, he’ll just laugh and thinks its comedy.
on that note, an enemies to friends route would be nice too! internal conflicts with each other but somehow forms a closer bond together along the way, and they’ll be able to look back on their memories with a smile.
following up from enemies yet again, it’ll be nice to have a person or two with music in their blood who are able to tell luciel’s lack of passion towards music. this part could be slightly selective and depends if your muse is able to feel his, emptiness.
coffee friends! luciel has his own expensive coffee machine and bags of coffee beans from all around the world, a coffee addict if you may.
friends into literature! he’s almost always seen with a book of the sorts in his hands and is often seen studying shakespearean works.
more friends but this time… close friends. he’ll lower his guard down from his typical prince charming attitude he’s curated for the general public and speak more comfortably with you. luciel is still pretty much the same except that he shows less expressions than he normally does and talks less, but at this point he’ll always listen to your worries and help you out when necessary. he can be a tease too, lightheartedly throws a sarcastic comment here and there; but he’ll always mean well.
one sided crushes perhaps! please keep in mind that luciel is engaged that’s arranged by their respective families, but this is kept private and only very close friends will know. that being said, at the moment he has no endgame so maybe he could develop actual romantic feelings for someone? maybe? maybe??
engagement partner is opened as well, currently it’s an npc buuut if it works for your muse, we can plot it out! ( 0 / 1 )
exes?????????????????? exes without feelings that definitely didn't worked out but that's why they got together.
he’s more fluent in japanese since he’s lived most of his life there in tokyo! so friends/acquaintances from there, or even a reunion in korea is a choice~
any other plots in mind? hit me with it! i’ll be very happy to hear them out!! ( ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ)
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sweetcandlyliar · 7 months
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» MEANING: Choi [ 崔 Korean From Sino Korean 崔 (choe) meaning "high, lofty, towering".] Eoduun [/eoduun/ 1. black. adjective. If you describe a situation as black, you are emphasizing that it is very bad indeed.]
VERSE: How To Kill A King; Sanguine; Night Shift.
OTHER NAMES: The CEO over at the big agency Eoduun is signed up to doesn't like his government name so they gave him KALI [Kali, Hinduism, Bengali, Tamil which means "the black one" in Sanskrit. The Hindu goddess Kali is the fierce destructive form of the wife of Shiva. She is usually depicted with black skin and four arms, holding a severed head and brandishing a sword. As a personal name, it is generally masculine in India.] since his name has the same meaning in Korean. *The Korean company Eoduun is sign up to has distributors outside the country. Their biggest partner is the ARIKUN COMPANY.
AGE: 21-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 3rd December 2002, Tuesday, night time.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Daegu, South Korea.
POWERS: Ahm, he's super talented but he doesn't realize it. He's a great songwriter and he plays various musical instruments but he lacks confidence in himself.
OCCUPATION: Member of a South Korean band called X.
GENDER: Cisgender Male.
SEXUALITY: My boy's bi, bi, bi...
POSITIVE: Generous, Idealistic, Great sense of humor, Ambitious, Determined.
NEGATIVE: Impatient, Ambitious, Tactless, Idealistic, Stubborn.
FACE CLAIM: Lee Joo-yeon.
HEIGHT: 5'9 [179 cm.]
WEIGHT: 122 lbs. [58 kg.]
BUILD: Lean, athletic.
GAIT: Relaxed.
HOMETOWN: Daegu, South Korea.
RESIDENCE: Seoul, South Korea, currently.
NATIONALITY: South Korean.
FINANCIAL STATUS: He just started earning money...
EDUCATION LEVEL: He's attending uni.
DEGREES: He's taking classes in Business Administration.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: His first language his hangul. He speaks English, Japanese, and Mandarin.
PARENTS: To be added.
SIBLINGS: He's got younger siblings.
PETS: He's got a kitty cat...
HISTORY: So, Eoduun was born and raised in a typical Korean family. Parents wanted him to study but he wanted to become a musician. Since he's the eldest child, his parents who are hard workers, wanted him to 'take life seriously,' get into a good college, be a public servant or at least work for a decent company. They never really encouraged his love for music although he iss very, very good. And it made sense for them that they didn't because they didn't have money to send him training or send him to art or music school. SOOO, this boy stowed away and went to Seoul at age 17 and worked various jobs and wrote songs he sold for nothing until he met a person, an entity that promised him success.
Eoduun is a very ambitious individual. He's so ambitious that he willingly sold his soul to an entity that tricked him - he didn't know that his time is going to be up soon. A blood disease left undetected will take his life three years after selling his soul.
2024, on his the year of his death, Eoduun would pass away and his soul that he sold is bound to be slave to the entity that tricked him who would use Eoduun's soul however it pleased.
BUT Thanatos got to Eodunn in time, preventing the transfer of soul to the trickster, however, the trickster knew how to fool death and Thanatos. Aside from the luck and success the entity bartered Eoduun, it slipped a power that Eoduun didn't know he had, the power of healing. And Thanatos can't work properly with this glitch. It would prolong Eoduun's time on the human realm.
The trickster plays the game with Thanatos, holding Eoduun's soul hostage, perhaps not physically, but Eoduun's soul is not able to leave human realm when his time is up.
Thanatos then takes over Eoduun's body to guard Eoduun's soul. He puts Eoduun's mind to sleep some time but a lot of times, they co-habit Eoduun's body.
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Eoduun doesn't really date. He wants to be a great and successful musician so he was so focused on that.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Thanatos and a human bff.
THOUGHTS ON LOVE: His ambition is his love.
PHOBIA(S): None.
MENTAL DISEASE(S): Depression...
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yuzon3 · 2 years
🧠 last read
🦋 complete
| Noona! Please Help! by emerald-notes 🧠 P2
-> Her little brothers can’t attend to a single task without her help. Be it a dance competition or asking out a girl for a date, they always seem to be finding everything too hard to go through without her by their side. ‘Our lucky charm’; that’s what they like to call her. But what if she turns out to be a misfortune in different situations in one single day?
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-> min yoongi x reader x park jimin
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-> You've been lurking in the shadows, protecting the seven of Bangtan even if it means you must give your own life. After all, that's what you do when you are in love with someone irrevocably. That pain seems to be miniscule in light of their safety. But it was never about you, for all you are is a speck of dust in the universe they have created for them and their girlfriend. Your heart's at war, but it's fine, you can smile through the pain as long as it means they smile- for her.
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summary: After being invited to dinner at his hyungs' girlfriend's house, Jungkook finally got to be a part of that polyamorous relationship... Or, until then, he thought he was included too.
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-> you were sent to do your job you didn’t expect to fall in love
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-> forever is just an illusion, nothing lasts forever. don’t make me a promise that you cannot keep. please...it’ll break my heart
baby (you complete us) by purpleyoon 🧠 chap 8
-> Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.
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-> You are a powerful witch, cursed and hurt through ages. Owner of your esoteric shop, you were resigned to live this lonely life when the powerful magic of soulmates and fate came to you.
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| to be damned by jungkooksthighs 🧠 Chap 2
-> As a history major you were well acquainted with the legend of the Thornheart witch trials, but it was difficult to picture something so wild dangerous and fascinating ever happening in your small town. Impossible even. That was until you met a tall, handsome stranger who knew a little too much about the events that took place 330 years
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-> you're a successful hybrid writer and psychologist, who takes in seven hybrids one stormy night after finding one of their pack stealing from your garden
| Eveythibg falls (into place) by blog-name-idk 🦋
-> Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
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Claret Cravings by vvh0adie
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dreamer-hangugeo · 2 years
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𝐊𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫:  V-다 보니 ✏️𝐔𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 This expression is used to indicate that the speaker learned something new after doing some action or behavior continuously from some time in the past, or that a certain situation has occurred as a result of that behavior. E.g. 한국에 와서 김치를 먹다 보니 이제는 김치 없으면 밥을 못 먹어요. (After eating kimchi frequently in Korea, I can't eat rice without kimchi now.) ✏️ 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 (1) 다 of -다 보니 is the shortened form of -다가, which refers to something occurring in the middle of a continuous action, and -보니 is the shortened form of the combination of the verb 보다 và -(으)니까, which refers to a discovery or result. Therefore, the form -다가 보니까 and -다 보니까 can be used with the same meaning. E.g. 일하다 보니 어느새 오후 7시가 넘었더라고요. = 일하다가 보니까 어느새 오후 7시가 넘었더라고요. = 일하다 보니까 어느새 오후 7시가 넘었더라고요. (While I keep working, I just realize that it was over 7pm.) (2) When adjective or 이다 comes before -다 보니, the preceding clause indicates the reason or cause of the event or action in the following clause. E.g. Noun + 이다: 대통령은 한 나라의 대표이다 보니 경호하는 사람들이 많을 수밖에 없어요. (Since the president is the representative of a country, it is unavoidable that he or she will be heavily guarded by many people.) Adjective: 그 일이 워낙 중요하다 보니 혼자 결정할 수 없었어요. (Because it was in fact an important matter, I couldn't decide by myself.) (3) The grammar -다 보니 can be combined with the grammar -게 되다 or - 아/어지다 to express that after doing something repeatedly/continuously, you become or in a certain state as the result. E.g. - V-다 보니 V- 게 되다 저는 열심히 공부하다 보니 한국어를 잘하게 됐어요. (I studied hard and ended up being able to speak Korean well) - V-다 보니 Adj - 아/어지다 매일 공원에서 운동하다 보니 건강해졌어요. (As I worked out at the park every day, my health was gotten better.) (4)  -다 보니 is that it is used to indicate repeated and continuing behaviors, hence, it is often used with adverbs of repetition such as 계속 (continuously), 꾸준히 (steadily), 항상 (always), 자주 (often), 매일 (every day)… (5) Please note that as the result was already completed, the following clause must be in past or present tenses. ✏️ 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Attach -다 보니to the root of a verb in the present tense. Verb + -다 보니: 가다 → 가다 보니 먹다→ 먹다 보니 살다 → 살다 보니 ✏️ 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬 1. 집이 엉망이구나. - 혼자 살다 보니 집 정리를 잘 안 하게 돼요. (This house is a mess. - While living alone, I can't clean up often.) 2. 민아 씨는 지성 씨를 싫어하지 않았어요? - 처음엔 싫어했는데 매일 같이 일하다 보니 앤디 씨의 좋은 점이 보이더라고요. (Mina, don't you dislike Jisung? - I didn't like him at first, but after working with him together every day, I have come to see his good points.) 3. 마라톤이 힘들지 않아요? - 힘들지만 계속 달리다 보니 적응이 되었어요. (Isn't it hard to run a marathon? - It's hard, but because I kept running, I got used to it.) 4. 왜 직장을 그만뒀어요? - 너무 오래 같은 일을 하다 보니 지겨워져서 다른 일을 해 보려고요. (Why did you quit your job? I've been doing the same thing for so long that I'm tired of it, so I'm going to try something else.) 5. 경제 신문을 매일 읽다 보니 자연스럽게 경제에 대해 잘 알게 되었어요. (As I read the economics newspaper every day, I naturally got to know about the economy well.)
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flvntism · 2 years
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--— loading student files for MARCUS FLINT, please hold !! alright, i think i've got it now.. you're twenty six years old and in your sixth year, SPECIALISING IN MAGICAL HISTORY ?? i can't wait to see where that takes you. bear with me, dear, i just need to confirm some more information with you. pureblood, slytherin house, cisman, he/him, and member of slytherin quidditch team, broom racing league, aurelius tribune's senior assistant editor, and culinary club are all correct ?? perfect.
full name: marcus minjun flint age: twenty six birthday: dec 23 gender: cismale pronouns: he/him orientation: bisexual (closeted) face claim: lee dohyun
height: six feet build: tall, well built, sturdy eyes: intense dark brown eyes piercings: both ears are pierced (although he usually only has one earring in at a time) tattoos: the word 'silex' under his collarbone. snake tattoo around his arm. clothing style: usually streetwear. loves the black/white palette with shades of green.
positive traits: rational, dependable negative traits: guarded, stubborn natal chart: capricorn sun,  capricorn moon, aries rising mbti: isfj - defender enneagram: 1 - the reformer alignment: neutral evil languages: english, korean, latin likes: cooking !!, quidditch!!!, skygazing dislikes: herbology (kills any plant he touches), exams
augustus flint was of a vicious lineage with koreans that had clawed their way into the unwilling european groups to be accepted. he was a proud and loving but harsh. in korea, he fell in love with the chaebol chu somin, who had passion in her eyes and love for adventure.
marcus minjae flint was born and he was raised for glory, for splendor. he would carry the lineage of the word 'flint' and have everything he required to achieve it.
yet there was a certain wisdom that continued to allude him. no amount of different tutors in chess, in dueling could help him make it click. the only tutor that stayed longer for a year was his quidditch tutor.
it would bog him down throughout thiudreiks and aurelius. his mother's lips would purse tighter every break, his father would breeze through in a dismissal. he would hear whispers and rumors of how he was all brawn, no brain.
so he leaned into it. protect those who cared about him by whatever means necessary, let everyone out to rot. he didn't have any witty words, but he had other things he could rely on.
fun fact [to be expanded continually]
marcus got interested in magical history because of quidditch! after an intense argument about two vs three beaters, he decided to look the formation of quidditch. an all nighter and missed transfiguration class later, he was soaked into something he was Actually Interested In. he steadily got into history and got better at memorization in general, as long as it was interesting to him.
marcus went to thiudreiks for school!
wanted connections. pinterest.
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arcinscrit · 8 days
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𝐢.     𝒂𝒓𝒄 · 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒕     /  ɑʁsɛ̃kʁi  /     adjective     .     1.   𝐚𝐫𝐜   (arch)   ,   𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭   (to   inscribe)   2.   inscribed   arch   3.   describes   a   person   ,   especially   a   woman   ,   who   possesses   a   strong   ,   almost   regal   presence   despite   an   outward   appearance   that   might   seem   delicate   or   understated   4.   quiet   strength   ,   inner   power   .     𝐴𝑁   𝐼𝑁𝑇𝑅𝑂𝑆𝑃𝐸𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑉𝐸   𝐼𝑁     ;     the   weight   of   a   world's   fate   on   delicate   and   feminine   shoulders   ,   a   mask   of   TOUGHNESS   concealing   a   FRAGILE   soul   ,   raw   heartbeat   beneath   guarded   bravado   ,   A   HEART   HARDENED   BY   LOSS   ,   the   echoes   of   innocence   lost   to   the   night   ,   THE   SHARP   WIT   OF   A   REBEL’S   TONGUE   .
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penned   with   love   by   alicia    ,    21+    ,    est   .     please   do   not   interact   unless   you’re   a   part   of   the   group   .
click   below   for   more   information   .
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born   in   korea ,   raised   in   the   shadows   of   a   family   legacy   /   grandmother   was   a   slayer   killed   in   the   line   of   duty   /   grew   up   knowing   her   destiny   but   rebelled   against   the   weight   of   expectations   /   carries   a   chip   on   her   shoulder   and   a   wicked   sense   of   humor   /   sarcastic ,   sharp - tongued ,   always   ready   with   a   witty   comeback   /   intensely   loyal   to   her   friends   /   has   a   soft   spot   for   underdogs   /   not   afraid   to   punch   first   and   ask   questions   later   /   has   a   dark   sense   of   humor   /   loves   the   thrill   of   a   fight   /   rocks   dark   makeup   and   cropped   hoodies   /   outfits   give   tomb   raider   vibes ,   always   practical   but   with   an   edge   /   into   motorcycles ,   butterfly   knives ,   combat   boots ,   and   anything   that   screams   “badass”   /   thrives   on   adrenaline   and   danger   /   never   seen   without   a   coffee   in   hand   /   the   type   to   shrug   off   injuries   with   a   laugh   /   has   a   black   leather   jacket   that   smells   faintly   of   blood   and   rain ,   keeps   it   close   /   has   a   complicated   relationship   with   her   heritage   /   favorite   hangout   is   an   old   garage   where   she   works   on   her   bike   /   fixes   her   motorcycle   herself ,   never   trusts   anyone   else   to   do   it   /   loves   the   smell   of   motor   oil   and   the   hum   of   engines   /   sucker   for   high - energy   music ,   something   to   match   her   fast - paced   life   /   got   into   cooking   by   accident ,   needed   a   job   to   keep   her   mind   off   the   slayer   life   /   not   your   typical   chef   —   no   fancy   apron   or   toque ,   just   hair   pulled   into   a   messy   ponytail ,   a   cap   flipped   backward ,   and   leather   jacket   hung   on   a   hook   in   the   kitchen   /   prefers   savory ,   bold   flavors   /   go - to   dish   is   a   spicy   stir - fry   that   packs   a   punch   /   finds   an   odd   sense   of   peace   in   a   busy   kitchen ,   where   she   lets   her   guard   down ,   if   only   just   a   little   /   always   quick   to   mock   her   own   life   situation   /   still   figuring   out   how   to   balance   her   past   with   the   life   she   wants   /   secretly   craves   normalcy   but   knows   she’ll   never   have   it   /   fights   like   she’s   got   nothing   to   lose ,   because   maybe   she   does
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meep923 · 1 year
༻Your Appearance Messed Me Up(yuyeon)༺
Chapter 12/25 + bonus chapter
Yuqi's POV
I pulled out my notebook. I drew a sketch of the secret archives room. Thanks to my photographic memory, I was able to remember most of the tags and labels since the last time I sneaked into there as a dare. I quickly marked out the shelves that I needed to check and take files from. 
I looked at my phone to check the time. 1700. I needed to plan my steps and moves carefully. I also needed a suit to keep all my weapons. 
hey, bro, I need a suit black
need something to cover my face with many pockets, i need to keep weapons
read 17:03
got that
will make one now
probs will be done in 3 days
Lucas is good at making clothes. He is a tailor now. He did not want to follow his family's footstep and make a living in marketing. He is currently a successful tailor with his own brand. Now that I got my suit covered, I went to the secret compartment that I kept in the apartment. I unlatched the floorboard and saw my stash of weapons. I smiled. Those were the ones that I had customised to a black that could camouflage itself to the shade of the environment its in. 
There was a pistol with 4 changes of bullets, a taser, paralyzers, small electrocuters that take the shape of a circle and is around 1 inch in diameter, there was also a foldable baton. I love the arsenal that I had. It will be so much easier to take down the guards. 
Over the next few days, I bought takeout with Lucas's card while I perfected my plan. Three days later, Lucas brought me the suit I had requested for. I love it. It had pockets on the side and a hidden holster for the gun and the baton on both sides. It was black and came with a hood that covered both my face and my hair. 
"Thanks. I will pay you once I get back to Korea." I said.
"No need, you can go on a date with me to repay me." Lucas winked, smiling. I fake gagged and he stopped smiling.
"You know that we are never going to be possible. You know full well that I like girls." I replied, looking away. He pouted. I ignored him. Lucas had a crush on me ever since the first day we've met. I knew that he wanted to date me and he has been flirting a little bit with me here and there. I chose to ignore him. 
I pushed him out of the apartment and shut the door on him. I went back to planning. I must take action today. It is a Saturday, I need to get the files then board the morning plane tomorrow morning. I went out onto the streets with a hoodie over my head. I knew a place that would be safe for me to keep and pick up after the mission. I went to buy a foldable backpack, a fake designer bag, a fake branded dress, a pair of fake branded shoes and a pair of sunglasses. I bought a wig that showed that I had red hair.
At 6pm, I walked into the main hall of the company with my suit and the bag I bought today in the designer bag. I wore the sunglasses and the wig and walked to the main lobby of the company. A security guard tried to stop me," Miss, please, you need to register."
I turned to look at him and growled. "Do you think I have the time? I caught my bastard boyfriend cheating on me. I'm here to teach him a lesson." He immediately stepped away. I walked into the elevator and pressed the buttons to the 17th level. It's one level below the archives and there are normal office workers there.
I saw Zhang Qifan, one of the persons that I had placed in the office to get insider information that father never wanted me to get. I went in and dragged him by his arm to the stairwell." Need your help. I am going to the archives, I want you to cause a distraction, I need to sneak in at 10 tonight." I quickly told him in a hushed voice. Then in a louder voice, "You cheating bastard! How dare you see another woman while we are dating." I slapped him hard on his arm. I winked at him and he got the message.
"I'm so sorry honey! Trust me, it wasn't how it appeared to be. Please, that woman was just a green tea bitch (An internet slang used to describe a young woman that likes to dress and act in a certain fashion in order to portray herself as pure and innocent). We have nothing in between." He cried in an exaggerated fashion, I tried to control my laughter. There was a security camera in the stairwell. 
I walked out of the stairwell and went to the bathroom. I locked myself into a bathroom stall and changed into my suit. I took off the wig and slipped the hoodie over my head. When I was sure that there was no one in the bathroom, I looked around and saw a window. I looked up and saw that the window led up to the level above. I locked the door at the entrance of the bathroom, left the cameo I had, took out a piece of harness and lifted myself out of the window. 
I swiftly climbed into the window above and pulled the harness up. I knew for a fact that no there are no female employees on this level, so the bathroom will be clear. I kept my harness in the bag I bought and placed it in a stall just in case. The lights were off, I had to be careful at all times. I peeked out of the door and saw that there was no security cameras in that particular hallway.
Now, I just needed to wait.
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lilacshouko · 2 years
We Need a Little Romance In Life
Warning(s): bad grammar 😭 I’m trying to fix within my abilites | Update: unkown | Webtoon heavy (follow webtoon with a change here and there) | OC centric (Female)-but you can think however you want.
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Chapter 2
Enjoy! ><
A few days later
Kartein went out first, followed by Claris once she heard a ruckus outside. She just finished giving the final touch to Jiwoo’s. She was greeted by a bunch of awakeners, and 4 of them are in their teen.
‘They must be Jiwoo’s friends’ 
Unknowingly, she smiled and felt warm.
‘What a sight’
“Thank you very much”
Claris returned to her brother's side and noticed Jiyoung bowing to Kartein.
“It’s Yoo Jiyoung, the president of Shinhwa”
Kartein noted, The black-haired beauty replied with a yes.
While Kartein takes a look around, Claris decides to introduce herself formally to Jiyoung.
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Yoo Jiyoung, Korea’s no.1 awakeners and Shinhwa’s President. I am Claris, Kartein’s younger sister.” Claris swallows her shyness, she has to make a dignified, good impression in front of other influential awakeners!
“It is a pleasure, Lady Claris”
“Please, just Claris. I’m just happy to meet other powerful female awakeners, I’m sure we could be good friends. I would love to chat more with you, but we have to rest now. See you next time, Jiyoung”
Kayden, Kartein, and Claris left the place to go back to the house. Kayden took the lead.
While Kartein is busy trying the technique, Claris went out for a few days, to do some business, Kartein and Kayden are informed that she won’t be at the house for a few days. Kartein albeit reluctantly decided to let her, as long as she keeps contact.
With Claris, she arrived at the Union. Now, standing in front of Park Seongha. Blushing, fidgeting, and looking up. That man is taller than her. She even wears heels! And she only comes to his upper torso area?!
“He-Hello! I keep my words!”
“Yes. I can see that. Uhm, do you need something from Union Lady Claris?”
“O-oh! Please, just Claris! Ur..yes…I-I-I would like to meet Dr.Delein!”
Seongha stiffened, 
“I’m afraid….I can’t let you visit Dr.Delein”
“Oh? Urm….why?”
“Because he’s under strict surveillance and contact is minimalized, to not have the previous trouble happen in the future”
“…..I can’t have that….”
Despite Claris' blooming crush on Seongha, she wants to meet Dr.Delein in person, and she will. Her demeanor and aura changed, Seongha noticed and tightened up his guard. Claris not longer blushing and smiling, but cold.
“…I want to meet Dr.Delein…now, Park Seongha from Union, it will do you good to lead the way. I don’t like to play around”
Seongha frowned, but he very much understand, that Union would not be safe if he didn’t abide by her wish. Claris is known to be a pacifist now, but in the past, Claris are known to be ruthless, the only outcome from fighting her was death, or their core shattered beyond fixing. He couldn’t take any chances, with the current things going on in the country.
“Alright, but I will stay inside too. I hope you can understand that, …Claris”
The woman back to her smiling face and pink dusting her cheeks.
“Yes, of course! Tha-thank you!”
Seongha sighed, he can’t deny that she looks very ravishing, wearing a sundress and her smiling face….her round eyes and plump, soft, lips….
‘Urg, focus! Park Seongha!’
Focus he did. Seongha leads the way.
Inside the visiting room.
Claris sit in front of Dr.Delein, and Park Seongha standing near the table beside Claris.
Claris is still with a smile on her face, while Dr.Delein looks a bit taken back and wary of her presence.
“Hello, Dr.Delein, I’m afraid we never meet. But I heard numerous illegal deeds you did around. I have to say, you did a great job covering your track"
“Uh, Yes…”
“O-oh! I’m Claris!”
“Yes..Lady Claris. I know about you”
“All good things I hope!”
“No-now! I come here to tell you something”
“What is it?”
“Please refrain from running away again like before. Even if your student, Wooin is in danger. It won’t do you or him any good, when it comes to that, I may or may not have to finish you off. I acknowledge your abilities, especially how nice of you to heal Jiwoo’s arms. But this and that are different things. Wooin is a strong boy, trust him”
“I know…I understand..is that all?”
Claris smiled and stood up, Dr.Delein noticed and followed. She extends her hand, and he reciprocates. 
“I just don’t want a knowledgeable awakener like you to fall into the wrong hands”
Suddenly blue energy appeared from Claris’s hand to Dr.Delein. Seongha immediately separate the two, and he glared at Claris.
The platinum-haired woman flinched, and before he could say anything, Claris cut him off
“Re-relax! I just mark him down!! Now I know if he ever ran away, I can easily track him down. Of course, I will inform Union if that will ever happen! So..so..calm down okay”
Seongha, still frowning, decided to trust her words.
"Now, my business is done here"
"...You just come to warn and..mark..me? How can you know that I won't erase the mark..?"
Claris smiles,
"I come here to mark you, seeing your past crimes and you're valuable, not to me but others. Also, you're free to try erasing the mark. I am sure you know my capabilities Dr.Delein. You're smart" 
With that, she walked out.
Now that they are out from the Union’s Headquarters.
Claris gives her phone to Seongha, 
“Please, give a y-your number”
She can’t stand still, fidgeting with a red face.
Seongha obliged. 
came from Seongha’s.
“That-that’s my number. Feel free to contact me, Seongha.”
He nodded, watching her. Feeling a bit warm...
“Uhm, are you busy right now, Seongha?”
Claris gather all the courage and grab Seongha’s hand, gripping it hard.
“Take me around will you?”
Shooting Seongha her pleading eyes, he froze. 
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renjunphile · 3 years
offside | lee donghyuck / haechan
⇢ word count: 16.5k ⇢ pairing: nct's lee donghyuck / haechan x female reader ⇢ tags: football!au, fluff, angst if you squint, summer romance!au ⇢ synopsis: lee donghyuck was one of south korea's brightest prospects coming into the 2018 world cup, up until a season-ending injury just days before their training camp wiped him out. you were a sports medicine and physiotherapy student excited for your summer with NCT FC, but what caught you off guard was being assigned to every step of lee donghyuck's journey to recovery.   ⇢ note: this fic is a long one that means a lot to me. before getting into kpop, i was a football fan and wrote many fics for footballers. i stopped watching and writing about football once i got into kpop, but i started this fic around 2019 and wrote maybe 5-6k before giving up and letting it sit there for 2 years. i picked it back up during the euros and i definitely did not expect for it to stretch this long. however, i lost my momentum around the end which is why there's a lot of time skips and jumps, but i really just wanted to wrap it up and give it an ending and send it out into the world. this is really more of a fic for myself, but if you would love to read it, then please go ahead and let me know your thoughts. there's also a lot of football-specific content, but i hope i explained some things. if you're confused about anything or have any feedback, please don't hesitate to message me!
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INFORMATION THAT MAY BE USEFUL TO NON FOOTBALL FANS: - The World Cup happens every 4 years and in 2018, it was held in Russia - South Korea was in a group with Sweden, Mexico and Germany and pulled a shock victory over Germany, who were the winners of 2014's World Cup so, after the group stages of the tournament, Germany didn't even make it to knockouts. Neither did Korea but I mayyy change the results! - The World Cup itself lasts for about a month! But national teams train at training camps for weeks beforehand, often playing 'friendly' games with other teams (they're not friendly, they just don't count to anything) - It's quite unusual for young players to be part of the 11 that regularly plays in a team unless they're incredible - the seasoned veterans are left the task and the young players are just taken for 'experience'. Teams take 23 men to the World Cup but maybe 16 of them get regular playing time - An ACL tear is an anterior cruciate ligament injury, which affects the knee. It's one of the worst injuries a player can get and they may never truly return to the form they were in before the injury. Recovery is like 6 months or more. Typically, it takes about 1-2 years for full recovery, but football players typically take 7-12 months out ;-; Also, not all players need or choose to have surgery and they definitely do not have surgery as soon as the injury is sustained (at least a few days/weeks after to reduce swelling and can even be done after months) but for the sake of this, I chose not to follow that. - Also the Korean top division league season doesn't follow the typical European dates, but I wrote this story as if the K-league followed the usual August-May/June dates that gave the summer for the World Cup/tournaments/breaks/training
SET IN 2018, AGED 18
Donghyuck doesn't really remember too much from when it happened. He doesn't even really remember how it happened. One moment, he was juggling the world at his feet, eyes up, looking for his teammates, and the next? He was on the floor, able to recognise only 1 feeling: pain.
Later on, he'd be able to watch in full HD how a fight broke out immediately after, as his teammates tried to gang up on the opponent who caused him harm. He'd be able to watch as his best friend, Mark Lee, was given a red card for pushing and shoving the one who tackled Donghyuck far too violently, and he'd be able to watch how his team lost that game. It didn't matter; his team had already won the league. But the consequences of Donghyuck's injury went deeper than a lost game.
There are a few flashes he can remember- a few spots of light in the darkness that engulfed him. Donghyuck could remember how his captain, Yuta, migrated instantly to his side, leaving it to the vice-captain, and all-around giant, Johnny, to break up the fight that ensued.
He could remember how Yuta's usually hard game-day gaze melted in empathy as he examined Donghyuck's legs and met his eyes. Donghyuck could remember Yuta asking him what kind of injury it felt like, and when Donghyuck was too frozen to reply, Yuta sighed, patted his shin guard and beckoned for the paramedics to come faster.
He was stretchered out from the field alongside Mark hanging his head in shame for instigating the fight, but much later on, this picture on the TV would erupt a smile from Donghyuck and Mark alike.
It was an ACL tear. One of the worst injuries a football player could get.
Donghyuck vividly remembers this one moment as he was carted off in an ambulance to the nearest hospital. The game was still going, but Donghyuck was collapsed in the back of an ambulance, listening as the team's physiotherapist predicted the verdict.
"Don't be so down, Donghyuck. You won't miss much of next season since we just ended this season. You've got the whole summer to recover," Donhyuck noticed the way that his physiotherapist worded his phrases.
"A whole summer, in Korea, and not in Russia," the sound of his heart shattering pierced through the ambulance sirens.
"I'm really sorry, Hyuck," his physiotherapist squeezed his hand as more tears squeezed out of Donghyuck's eyes.
Mark Lee was the first to visit Donghyuck in the hospital when the team was given the green light to visit. The whole of NCT FC sat down at their training grounds that morning and devised a schedule for when everyone could visit Donghyuck so that he wasn't too overwhelmed with visitors. Of course, his best friend, Mark Lee, was at the top of the list.
"How're you doing, Hyuck?" Mark asked gently, placing the bouquet of sunflowers on a table near the window of the hospital suite. He also placed Donghyuck's favourite chocolate bar on the bedside table.
"Fine," Donghyuck murmured, "Shouldn't you be on a plane to Austria?
Mark gives him another smile, "Head Coach Shin gave us an extra 2 days to get there. He told me yesterday he'd call soon."
"He already has," Donghyuck states.
Mark bites his lip in contemplation as to whether he should even ask, "Oh yeah? What'd he say?"
"He says he feels sorry that I couldn't make it to the World Cup this summer and that he wishes I could have since he was excited to utilise me. He told me that next time-" Hyuck pauses as his words get clogged up in his throat, "Next time, I'll lead Korea into glory."
"And you will, Hyuck," Mark pats his leg, "I'm really sorry you can't make it there with us. I guess the world isn't ready for you yet. The European and South Americans can have their final chance to gain victory since next time, you'll win the tournament by yourself with your free kicks alone!"
"Mark, stop," Donghyuck's voice wavered, "I appreciate it, but God, Mark- it hurts. We're supposed to do this together. You and me. We joined the academy together, we broke into the professional team together, we broke into the first team together and we were meant to be going to Russia together. Coach said he wanted to use me for the team. That I was in his first 11 plans. Do you know how rare that is, Mark? For an 18-year-old to be playing regular minutes at the World Cup?"
"I know, Hyuck, I know Hyuck, and I'm sorry we can't go to Russia together," Mark decided to shorten his words, not wanting to upset the boy more and instead just be with him.
Donghyuck pressed his lips together and looked away from Mark, "Tell everyone to dedicate their goals to me, okay?"
A small grin had begun to grow upon Mark's face, who ruffled Donghyuck's head in affection, "And every tackle too."
"Every yellow and red card too," Mark beamed.
Donghyuck scoffed, folding his arms, "Maybe yellow but I'm not gonna be responsible for Doyoung's anger issues."
Kim Doyoung was one of the elder members of the team, one of a group who had practically raised Donghyuck, Mark and the rest of the younger players. Although Doyoung was incredibly sweet, mature and kind with a tendency to adopt the mother role in the squad, the minute an opposition did something wrong by him, he transformed into a completely different person as a means of defence.
Mark stayed for a few hours longer, not saying too much and definitely not talking about the impending World Cup. He left at night, citing that he had some important thing to do, but Hyuck knew he was just last-minute packing for Russia, unlike Hyuck who had packed for the World Cup weeks ago and yet would never use the suitcases in the corner of his bedroom.
The next day, his teammates that were on the South Korean National Team visited. All of them packed into a room and made Donghyuck feel a little bit lighter. They themselves didn't mention the World Cup once and instead chose to relive their worst injuries just to brighten Donghyuck's mindset, which was of one thinking his career was over. Johnny and Taeil had both suffered ACL tears too, and they were playing perfectly fine and Doyoung had had surgery before and he too was playing amazing. At some point, Taeyong and Jungwoo FaceTimed Hyuck from Jaehyun's phone in the room and Hyuck had to pretend to miss the Austrian mountains behind their faces from the training camp before Russia.
Taeyong and Jungwoo were ex-NCT FC players, who had ventured out of the continent to play for top-class teams. Taeyong was NCT FC's ex-captain who had just ended his first season abroad at Real Madrid in Spain and felt terrible about how the boy he had practically raised couldn't make it to Russia (there were a lot of tears for a few minutes) and Jungwoo was a good friend he made in the reserve team who was one of the star players for Chelsea, in England.
The day after that, his team captain Yuta visited with their Chinese teammates of Kun, Lucas, Ten and WinWin. Yuta wasn't due to Japan's training camp for another day, while the Chinese National Team didn't qualify for the World Cup. At least he wasn't going to be all alone in Seoul for the summer. They gave him a lot of motivational talks and made him promise not to give up on his World Cup dream.
Then, his other best friends visited. Chenle, Jisung and Jeno were all on the B-team for NCT FC, which was understandable since they were young with Jisung even only being 16. Jaemin and Renjun were ex-academy players for NCT FC and were scouted to play for Borussia Dortmund in Germany, where they were killing it and racking up minutes under their belts in a top league at such a young age. They had arrived in Seoul the day before and arrived to the hospital suite with a myriad of German and European snacks. All of them wept together by the end, squeezing each other tightly and promising they'd all be at the next World Cup together (they prayed for a miracle to happen to the Chinese National Team first for this to happen).
By the end of the visitations, Hyuck had been distracted from his injury a little, and it was only when his physiotherapist came in with an anticipating grin that the world came crashing around him and his lonely, vacant hospital room.
"Lee Donghyuck, huh?" you flip through his file, grimacing at the injury description in bold just above a list of all his achievements, "It's a shame."
"We were rooting for him. He's South Korea's most hopeful prodigy and we wanted to show off his skill on the world stage. There is no doubt that offers from the European powers would come in quickly after seeing how he plays. Barcelona offered £20 million for him two months ago, but if he had been in Russia? You could quadruple that price," the team's physiotherapist hummed as he pulled into the parking lot of the hospital.
"He's my little brother's idol," you chuckle, "Can you believe it? He's 18 and has fans. Is he that good?"
"One of the best young stars I've ever seen, to be honest," he replied, "We don't like to tell him as to not boost his ego. I'm really devastated for him."
"Oh well. South Korea has a tough group this year anyway," you shrugged, closing the file, "I can't imagine South Korea beating Germany."
"But Donghyuck is the player that can change the game in one second. I see a lot of Yuta and Taeyong in him. Last summer, the club had a pre-season friendly with Real Madrid. Yuta was on vacation and Taeyong was nursing an injury, but other than that, we had our full 11 and so did they. You know, Ramos and Kroos and everything.  Good players, right? Incredible. We were losing by 2 at halftime. Donghyuck was brought on at the 60th minute and scored 3 goals by himself in 30 minutes against some of the best defenders in the world," he recounted, "You never know how Russia could go if Donghyuck was there."
Your heart falls listening to the physiotherapist, Kim Junghwan, rave about the newest star of NCT FC and the future of South Korean football. You're not a football player nor a crazy ultra, but you were an avid watcher and you do know that the World Cup is one of the most, if not the most, important tournaments in the game. You'll never be forgotten if you make your mark at the World Cup.
"Hey, at least he has an Olympic gold medal," you had read that feat on his sheet, "Exempt from military service right?"
"Oh yeah, the Olympics 2 years ago," Junghwan recalls fondly, "Only under-21s could play in the Olympics and Donghyuck, Jeno, Mark and Jaemin killed it there. NCT FC is lucky to have them."
"Yeah, he used to play for the B-team until a club in Germany, Borussia Dortmund, scouted him. If he didn't go, he'd definitely be the future of NCT FC, but he did tell me that he at least wants to retire here like Taeyong said he'll do too. I think he's just waiting for the older generation, like Yuta and Ten, to start slowing down or transfer because if he stayed, he wouldn't have gotten regular minutes."
"But playing in Europe is any footballer's dream right?" you frown.
"I guess, but NCT FC is a family. All our players now? We raised them up from the ground. All their hearts are in Seoul," Junghwan states proudly, "I just said Barcelona offered for Hyuck, right? The club almost went through with it, but Donghyuck refused it. He refused one of the best teams in the world because he wants to develop here. He's attached."
"Wow," you uttered, impressed at his commitment and growing sadder at his injury, "I can't wait to meet him."
"He's a nice boy."
Walking into his hospital room, you were nervous. Of course you were! You were about to meet one of Korea's top stars who was in a very vulnerable and sensitive place in his life, dealing with his first major injury. Sports stars suffered injuries all the time, but it was very rare for it to be as serious as it was, and it was very unlucky for Donghyuck to suffer such a grave injury so early to his career and right before one of the most important summers of his life.
"Hey Hyuck, are you ready to start rehabilitation today?" Junghwan chimed gleefully.
You shut the white door behind you and examined the surroundings. Donghyuck was watching on the portable TV, encased in white walls made brighter by the heaps of balloons, flowers and decorations people had brought him. He sure was popular.
Donghyuck was about to respond as cheerily as he could muster (which wasn't very) but he immediately noticed you behind his familiar physio. His eyes shifted between the two of you and his brows pulled towards his eyes in confusion.
"Oh, this is Y/N. She's just finished her first year of sports medicine at SNU with a focus on physical therapy and rehabilitation," Junghwan explained, "You know that we take in some college students every summer for placement and experience so Y/N will be assisting me all summer in helping you."
The face that Donghyuck had made was one you hadn't expected, "Seriously? Hyung-nim, my injury is so serious! I need to recover in 6 months for the Asian Cup at least if I can't make it to the Olympics. I can't have some first-year college student who doesn't even have a degree yet treat me like her doll to play with!"
"Yah! Lee Donghyuck!" Junghwan exclaimed in displease, "What is wrong with you? I've never seen you act like this! Apologise right now!"
"Why do I need to apologise?" he screeched back, "I'm protecting myself because my whole entire career is on the line!"
"It will be on the line when I tell the head coach you're acting like this and CEO Lee Sooman hears of the way you're acting to someone who wants to help you," Junghwan fought back, "Y/N is incredibly smart and incredibly capable. Hyuck, I care about you and I want you to recover as fast as well, so I would not bring Y/N with me if I didn't think she could help."
"Hyung," Donghyuck groaned out, "Hyung, I need to recover. I need to."
You were stood there in front of the door paralysed as you watched Donghyuck turn into a suddenly angry, arrogant football star into a vulnerable, shaking mess of a teenager. You read the room quickly, judging by the gifts piled up all around the room.
For the past few days that he'd been confined to the hospital room, he had been playing optimistic and happy with any teammate and friend that walked through the doors. He had been putting on shaky smiles to his teammates, assuring them that he would get over this blip in his career successfully when his mind was full of doubts and negative thoughts.
"You're Lee Donghyuck. Of course, you'll recover," Junghwan was brushing the hair that had flopped over Donghyuck's face away and the endearing site caused you to shake out of your frozen statute, "You're the boy who single-handedly defeated the best team in the world-"
"After NCT FC," Donghyuck sniffled.
"After NCT FC," Junghwan chuckled, "And you're Lee Donghyuck who scored the winning goal at 16 in the Olympic final against Neymar's Brazil. You're Lee Donghyuck who shocked the world by refusing Barcelona because you're wise and loyal. You're Lee Donghyuck who is Korea's present and future."
The boy seemed to calm down, but he still wasn't acknowledging you.
"So, Lee Donghyuck, I'm going to leave you here with Y/N and get some food from the cafeteria. You're going to apologise like the nice boy I know you are and we're going to get you started on your rehab," Junghwan broke out slowly, "Okay, Hyuck?"
Donghyuck's warm, teary eyes fluttered over to you before he reluctantly nodded, "Okay. Can you get me some chocolate milk please?"
You let a little sound reminiscent of a giggle through your lips, but Donghyuck hadn't noticed.
"Just this once," Junghwan teased, "Now, apologise."
He quickly left the room and you were left all alone with the boy that has kind-of slandered you just moments earlier.
Donghyuck was squinting at you, and you felt conscious, not knowing if his nice act was all that you thought- just an act. He tilted his head like a puppy, and you could admit that he was cute, "So, are you my noona?"
You grin, "You're not the only prodigy around here, Lee Donghyuck. I finished high school a year early so we're the same age."
He nodded slowly, "Impressive. I guess I'm sorry for the way I lashed out, then."
You took a seat at the chair beside his hospital bed (which was king-sized), "You don't have to be sorry. I understand. If I were in your position, I would be sceptical of me, but please learn to trust me. I know what I'm doing if I do say so myself."
"I'll warm up to you," he presses his lips together in a tight smile, "Hopefully."
Donghyuck's stay in the hospital after his knee surgery was only meant to be for a week, but considering he was now living alone since Mark had left to prepare for the tournament, no one could take care of him all the time and his family had lives too. That was why the hospital, the club and Donghyuck all agreed on Donghyuck staying for a little longer until he was off crutches and just in a brace, which could take maybe a month, and stronger.
To be fair, Donghyuck had everything in that hospital room. He had WiFi, he had a king-sized bed, he had 24-hour medical care at the press of a button and a 24-hour food supply, even if it was sub-par, bland hospital food. His hospital suite, funded by the club, was twice as big as his room in the apartment he shared with Mark, and it was a lot cleaner.
On the fourth day that you got to the hospital, Junghwan ran a little behind and asked you to walk with Hyuck for a little while around the hospital. However, when you arrived, you quickly picked up on the various voices emitting noise outside his door- he must have had guests.
Reluctantly, you rapped at the door and entered, seeing 3 people in the room.
"Oh, Y/N! I was just telling them about you," Donghyuck greeted you, gesturing to the 3 boys, "These are Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun."
"Hi, I'm Y/N," you smiled politely, "Donghyuck if you're busy I can come back later?"
"No, no. It's fine. Where's Junghwan-hyung?" Donghyuck asked.
"He's running a little late but he asked me to take you on a walk around the hospital or something."
The one you thought was Renjun giggled, "You're like a dog, Hyuck."
"Jaemin, get me my crutches. I'm going to beat Renjun up with them," Donghyuck deadpanned before turning to you, "Yeah, let's go. Let's all walk to the cafeteria; I'm starving."
Jaemin handed the crutches over to Donghyuck as Renjun recoiled away, in fear of just in case Donghyuck would actually hit him (he wouldn't put it past him). You turned to the unfamiliar boy beside you; you hadn't heard his name up to now. You hadn't met Na Jaemin before but Junghwan had noted before who he was.
"Are you a footballer too?" you smiled towards the boy.
"Yeah, I also used to play for NCT FC in the youth squads, but I'm over in Germany with Jaemin these days," Renjun said proudly, "I'm also Chinese, by the way, but I grew up here."
"Your Korean is amazing," you complimented as Donghyuck began hobbling out of the door, "Donghyuck stop putting so much pressure on your other leg. Your injured leg can still hold some of you and use the crutches properly please."
He turned back to you, squinted his eyes and stuck his tongue out at you before huffing and following your orders.
"Y/N, you must be so smart," Jaemin grinned at you, appearing on your other side while Jeno walked up ahead, "Finishing high school a year early and being at university already. We're all the same age here."
"You seem even smarter because Jaemin is failing all of his classes right now," Renjun snorted.
"Hey! It's really hard getting your high school diploma while playing for a huge team abroad and learning German too," Jaemin whined, "We can't all speak a billion languages! Hyuck dropped out of high school ages ago- at least I tried!"
"He did?" you murmured.
"It's not like he needs it," Renjun shrugged, "He'll get a trillion-dollar transfer offer soon, I think. What happens to us if we fail? I mean, I know me and Nana got scouted but there's always that possibility. With Hyuck, it was all or nothing and we couldn't talk him out of it."
"Is there anywhere he wants to go especially?" you asked, curious to know more about the boy you were gonna help treat for the next few months. Donghyuck seemed oblivious, having a loud, animated conversation with Jeno up ahead.
"If it was his choice, and the best choice for his career, he'd stay," Jaemin answered, "But Europe is where the money's at. Donghyuck doesn't even care about money, but people are willing to pay big money for him and eventually, the club will have to do it. The club's a business at the end of the day. I'd love to have him at Dortmund, but they don't do big money moves; they only ever receive the big money."
"I'd like to think he'll enjoy it in England," Renjun added, "Or Spain, actually. Maybe with Taeyong-hyung at Madrid."
"I don't think he'd ever leave Mark though. It's probably a clause in his contract that Mark has to come with him if any club wants him," Jaemin continued, "But Mark and Hyuck are electric together. Clubs probably would want them both."
"I haven't met Mark," you smiled fondly at how much Hyuck raved about his best friend, "But I feel like I have."
"Yah, you three are so slow," Donghyuck stopped and whined, "What are you even gossiping about?"
"You," Jaemin quipped, "I'm telling Y/N about that time when we went to Jeju and you-"
Donghyuck made the motion to swing snd throw his crutches and Jaemin yelled out and cowered away.
"Don't. You. Dare." Donghyuck threatened through gritted teeth, "Ya, Y/N come in the elevator with me. The rest of you- wait until it comes again or take the stairs."
The three boys groaned in protest and began talking at once, to which Donghyuck shushed them firmly before beckoning you into the open elevator and waiting for the lift to close.
You looked at him, puzzled, "We all could have fit."
"I know," he smirked, "Do you find either of them attractive? Nana and Renjun? They've taken a liking to you it seems."
Your face contorted into a mix between confusion and bewilderment, "We've had 1 conversation together!"
"Yeah but girls like Nana a lot," Donghyuck shrugged, "Nana's flirty and Renjun has some weird spell he casts over girls. But don't do it- they live so far and the time difference is hard to keep up with. We can barely hold proper conversations."
"I'm not about to date your teammates right now, Donghyuck," rolling your eyes in humour.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" he pressed.
"Well, no, but-"
"Then be careful. Na Jaemin is lethal," he snarled jokingly, "They might be around a lot this summer. Nana and Renjun and Jeno chose not to go anywhere this summer, even before I got injured. They might've gone over to Russia to catch a few games, but other than that, those losers wanted to come home and kick it back here in Seoul. Wouldn't put it past them to be kicking a ball about in a random park somewhere on sunny days. Anyway, do you know when hyung is gonna be here and what we're gonna do?"
"He said he was gonna run an hour late," you shrugged, "And I think just your basic stretches and practising walking like now to get your strength back up, which is the main thing."
He sighed as the elevator doors parted, "It's gonna be a long summer, Y/N-ah."
Donghyuck wasn't having one of his better days. Today, he was groaning and non-compliant and whiny. You guessed that it was because you were progressing into the next phase- walking without the support of crutches around 2 weeks after the surgery.
"It hurts," he hissed, throwing himself onto his bed, "I don't want to do this anymore."
Junghwan patted him on the back as he sat back up, "I know Hyuck, but we really need you off the crutches. I know you're strong enough too. Do you want to break up for lunch now?"
You glanced up to the clock that read about half-past 12. Usually, Donghyuck got hungry around 1, so it wasn't such a strange time. The footballer sighed and nodded, "Are we going out for lunch today again?"
Junghwan chuckled, "You're complaining about exercising and doing your stretches to get off your crutches yet you'd go out for lunch?"
"But food," Donghyuck humphed, "The temporary pain it'll bring me to walk to the car and to the restaurant will be alleviated by the food. But I guess you could go grab the lunch and we could eat here?"
"I'm not your personal assistant Donghyuck," Junghwan caught his glance to you, "And neither is Y/N. I'll go get lunch for us, but I'm picking. No fighting kids."
You bid a quick goodbye to Junghwan, offering him some money to which he refused and then you were suddenly left in a silent room with the boy.
"Did you watch the match against Sweden last night?" Donghyuck began, readjusting himself on his bed so that he was sat up with the top half of the bed supporting him.
"Yeah, it was a good game."
You still veered on the fence of cautious around Donghyuck about the World Cup, because you still hadn't fully gauged his feelings about not being there. It was obvious that he had been upset about it primarily, but you weren't sure if he had yet accepted it and taken it in his stride to get better and just focus on that while supporting them. He seemed in fine spirits anyway, other than the newfound stress that his knee was undergoing.
"Oh c'mon Y/N," he rolled his eyes playfully, "I know you like football. I heard from Junghwan that the physio students could choose which sport they wanted to intern with this summer."
You laughed, relaxing in your seat, "Taeyong did score a really good goal, I must admit."
"I bet we're going to beat Germany," he chided, "Imagine how amazing it would feel to beat the current World Cup winners. I FaceTimed Mark in the dressing room after the game and they're so pumped up! Coach is happy with the 2-0 win."
"Johnny made really good saves last night to keep that clean sheet," you nodded, recalling how the goalkeeper had saved a penalty that one of the centre-backs clumsily gave away.
"To think he almost played for America," Donghyuck chided as he crossed his arms, "He wouldn't have half the talent in the team with him. Anyway, did you see how angry Jaehyun-hyung got when Rowoon-hyung made that tackle against the other team?"
"It was kind of scary, but at least Johnny's a great keeper," you recalled, "Rowoon doesn't play for NCT FC right?"
"He plays for a different club in Spain. I can't remember which," he shrugged.
Over the past 2 weeks, Donghyuck had warmed up to you as he had hoped, and you found that there wasn't a single flash of that boy that had snapped when you first came into the room. He was truly incredibly sweet and cheeky and determined to get back to playing, most of the time. He was still an 18-year-old boy, so you gave him some passes on a few tantrums, given that he was injured. Other than that, he made great company on your breaks and made nice conversation. He always asked you questions as if he was genuinely interested in what you learn and what you want to do. To be fair, he had told you that he stopped receiving proper full-time education by the time he was 15 to focus fully on his career, so he lived the university and high school life vicariously through the stories you told. You found it endearing- how not self-absorbed you originally were scared he might be.
"Y/N. Y/N. Y/N-ahhhhh," he whined, recapturing your drifting attention.
"Oh, I zoned out."
"Duh," he joked, "What do you think my prognosis is looking like?"
You chose your words carefully, "Well, I'm not a doctor, but I've sat in some of the meetings with the club and hospital doctors and physios-"
"And I wasn't invited?" he shrieked.
You shot him a pointed look, "We're probably talking at least 6 months out. It's not the severest case NCT FC has seen, but severe enough to constitute a surgery. You'll hopefully be back after the winter break."
Donghyuck winced, thinking about the ACL tear that kept Taeil out of the squad for a whole season in the first season that Donghyuck played with the first team, "Why does it feel like there's a but?"
"But it all depends on how hard you work for it," you sighed, "And how your body responds. It's under a lot of stress with all of this. It's your first major injury."
"I'm determined," he huffed, "There's nothing else I want more in the world than to be back out there. Football's my first love. Fuck the World Cup, fuck the league. I just want to know that I'll still be able to play in any capacity."
"Don't be dramatic, Donghyuck," you laughed, patting the cast, "You'll be okay."
He looked up to you with his large, glittering eyes as you towered above him after getting up from your chair, "I trust you."
His words sat a little funny in your stomach, but you just gave him a tight smile and prayed for Junghwan to return a little quicker.
You rubbed your eyes as your other hand reached up to the door to knock, "Donghyuck, it's Y/N," you called softly as you then pushed open the door.
He was fully off crutches now, but still in the hospital room for at least a week longer to ensure he was settled with the new phase of physical therapy. You didn't see him every day, though he did take up a large majority of the time you spent at your placement with NCT FC, considering he had the most serious injury. Even still, your placement was with the club and not with Lee Donghyuck, so you spent around 1 or 2 days a week at the club with the other physiotherapists and players, and 3 days assisting Junghwan with Donghyuck. Even Junghwan didn't see Donghyuck every day and just trusted that he followed the recommended exercises and instructions for rehabilitation.
Today was one of the days that Junghwan was at the club with the other players, but he had asked you to be with Donghyuck today to just monitor him as he could not come in a couple of days before.
You were surprised to walk into a dim room, with blinds drawn and no noise other than the air conditioning whirring. You frowned as usually by 9 AM, Donghyuck was bright and cheery and it was already 10:30 AM.
Donghyuck's top half was curled and cuddling a pillow adorably, but his bottom half remained straight and still, restricted by the thick brace hugging his knee. The duvet was pulled up to just above his nose and you could hear his deep breaths as you approached.
He looked really peaceful- really calm; a stark contrast to his stitched eyebrows and frustrated expressions as you and Junghwan continued to push him harder as per his rehabilitation plan. You hated to wake him up, but you gently gripped his shoulders and lightly shook, "Donghyuck, wake up. It's Y/N."
You repeated this a couple more times until he drew in a sharp breath and stirred. Light sleepy groans came out of his mouth as the duvet slipped past his chin. He continued shuffling before his eyes fluttered open, "Y/N? What are you doing here? Isn't it yours and Junghwan's day at the club?"
"You just have me today. I didn't come in the other day remember? On my other day at the club? So he asked me to come in today here instead of at the facility," you explained slowly as you watched him wake to consciousness.
"Yay," he smiled, still sleepy. You thought his messy hair and tired eyes were adorable.
"Why are you still asleep? I'm not saying you can't but usually, you're up and ready to go by the time we get here in the morning," you queried.
"Up all night until 3 or 4," he clicked a button on his remote that caused the bed to move upwards so he could sit up, "Match was at midnight, then Taeyong-hyung called me and I talked with everyone for a bit."
"Oh my God, I completely forgot. I was too tired to stay up and watch and I forgot to check the score this morning," you gasped, "How did we do?"
"Childsplay," a grin took over his face, "3-0 to us courtesy of a Jaehyun-hyung header, a tap-in from Mark and then a screamer from Jungwoo. You have to watch the highlights, Y/N! In fact, I'll get it up for you while I go brush my teeth and change."
Before you could even protest, Donghyuck had pulled his laptop from the bedside table, opened it and loaded up the match highlights. He looked up at you with those big, puppy-like brown eyes that you had gotten used to over the past few weeks, "Sit," he commanded, patting his bed while he whipped off the duvet and wiggled to get out.
He saw your hesitation and narrowed his eyes at you, "Don't get shy now, Y/N-ah. You're just sitting on my bed."
You hid the warmth rising to your cheeks and obeyed, taking the laptop from his grip as he got up and placing it on the bed as he walked to the toilet. He was right- it seemed like a great game from South Korea as you expected. The highlights not only showed the goals (it was indeed a screamer from Jungwoo into the top left corner) but also Johnny's phenomenal saves.
By the end of the 7 minutes of highlights, Donghyuck was freshly changed (when did he take his clothes out of his wardrobe?), with brushed teeth, a washed face and combed hair. You liked the messy hair anyway.
"What do you think?" he asked.
"I think that Germany has it cut out for them for the match in 4 days," you nodded, proudly, "Considering they lost their opening game, I think that South Korea has a really good chance of topping the group."
Donghyuck's bright smile blinded you, "I'm so proud of them. I knew this was our summer."
You held your breath, waiting for even the slightest of inclinations that sadness was about to overcome him, but that moment never came. Donghyuck puffed up his chest and carried the pride of his nation as he folded his laptop away and looked at you expectantly, "Let's go get breakfast in the canteen? Have you had breakfast?"
"Not yet," you uttered, still anticipating his smile to even drop.
But instead, he grinned wider and hooked his arm around yours, "Then let's go down!"
Lee Donghyuck was constantly surprising you with his sunshine personality and positive outlook despite this whole situation being the worst thing that's ever happened to him. You kind of admired him a lot for it.
When you opened the door, you were met with surprise as a giant loomed over you, with a fist raised that was about to knock.
"Oh," he said, also surprised, "Who are you?"
"Yukhei!," Donghyuck exclaimed, "You didn't tell me you were coming! And this is Y/N, Junghwan's student this summer. Haven't you seen her around the club?"
"I've been on vacation," he explained, "It's nice to meet you Y/N! I'm Lucas or Yukhei- your choice."
You smiled back and replied the same, looking him up and down and noting his muscly arms and tanned skin that indicated a few weeks out sunbathing on yachts and white sand beaches.
"We were about to go down for breakfast. Did you wanna come?"
"Oh I'm starving!" he grinned, "Hyuck, are you okay walking? Do you have to hold on to Y/N still while walking? Where are your crutches?"
Donghyuck visibly recoiled, slipping his arm from yours and sighed, "No, I'm off crutches now. I was just dragging Y/N to the canteen. Where did you go on vacation?"
"I spent a week visiting my family in Hong Kong then like a week in the Maldives with a few friends," Lucas replied, "It was really nice and so hot."
"Looks like it! Your tan looks so nice and I literally look like a raw pastry," Hyuck whined, "I need to get out more."
"You're the one that doesn't wanna go on our walks outside and would rather do laps around the hospital corridors," you teased.
He sneered playfully, "But it's hot!"
"You're stupid," Lucas nudged him softly as you packed into the elevator.
Eventually, the three of you found yourselves in the familiar canteen, where Donghyuck sat himself down on an inconspicuous table neither in the middle nor too close to the door. You usually got the meals both for him and for you, just because Donghyuck found the queue clunky and awkward with his large cast and one time, a kid had quite literally crashed into Donghyuck excitedly and caused a crash that sent apples and bread flying everywhere.
"Do you get his breakfast for him?" Lucas asked you, "I'll get food with you."
You indicated to Donghyuck that you were going to get the food and he just made a noise of acknowledgement before dropping his head onto the table.
Lucas grabbed a tray and walked a half step behind, "Did Hyuck say you're working with Junghwan? So you're the resident physio student this year?"
"Yeah- I study sports medicine with a focus on rehabilitation and physical therapy. I was always gonna be at NCT FC this summer, but it just made the summer all the more interesting working with Junghwan on an ACL recovery case. Obviously, I'm not glad it happened to him," you nodded, grabbing items off the food shelves.
"No, I get you. That's pretty beneficial to you, but obviously not to Hyuck. Do you come by the club?" he was a pretty conversational guy, even when scanning the breakfast items with focus.
"Usually twice a week, so I'll see you there when you train?"
"Of course. You can come and get lunch with me at the club too; I'll treat you," he grinned, making your face heat up from his tone, "I'll never complain having lunch with a pretty and intelligent girl."
You were back by the table by the time he had finished his sentence. Donghyuck had found the strength in him to lift his face from the cream table and was now sitting with a scowl on his face.
"She's here with us to learn and gain experience this summer, Yukhei," Donghyuck stated. You couldn't place the tone of his voice- whether he was serious or not, "Not get a boyfriend."
"Hey," Lucas smirked, "There's no harm in making friends, Hyuck. You should try it sometime."
"I have plenty of friends," Donghyuck huffed, stabbing his spoon into the porridge you had bought him, "Thanks Y/N."
You didn't reply, dumbfounded by the slight tension in the air between the two.
Thankfully, it didn't carry on for much longer after you moved the conversation to the matches they had watched during the World Cup. The two were obviously in their comfort zone talking about football- so much so that any tension dissipated almost instantly once Lucas started talking about France and Croatia and Belgium looking strong.
Eventually, after the three of you returned to Donghyuck's suite, Lucas excused himself to head to training for the first time after his vacation. Donghyuck had pouted, wishing to be back at the training grounds, but you had reminded him that he was going to return to the training grounds the following day to start sport-focused rehabilitation.
"Do you like Lucas?" Donghyuck had asked you once the tall boy had left.
"Are you going to ask me if I'm going to fall in love with your friends every time I meet one of them?" you rebounded, "I just met the guy."
"Lucas' effect on girls is like Jaemin's but on crack," Donghyuck snorted, "Have you seen the guy?"
"Okay, so you date him then. So what if I get lunch with Lucas and get closer to him?"
"You can't date him," he huffed. Donghyuck pouted often; you were used to it by now.
"Why not?"
"So you want to?"
"I didn't say that. But why not? Or any of your teammates. I don't officially work for the club. I'm only here this summer."
"But you're mine," he whined.
Now that knocked the wind out of you. What did he just say? Your pupils were dilated and your cheeks pink as you took in what he said.
Donghyuck coughed, then scrambled to correct himself, "I mean, you're my physiotherapist. Well, you spend the most time with me and what if you fall in love with one of my friends and you won't care about me and you won't help me get better."
You interrupted your silence with a light chuckle, "My main focus this summer is helping Junghwan, so that includes helping you. And you know I'm not doing much for you like Junghwan and the doctors and other health professionals are. I'm just here to remind you to stretch and walk and force you to not give up."
He crossed his arms, "But without you, I wouldn't do those things."
You nudged him playfully, "You've got me all summer long, Hyuck."
You couldn't believe you were doing this. Not at all. Sure, no rules were broken by the simple act of you standing on the doormat outside of Donghyuck and Mark's apartment, but it still felt wrong.
"You're here!" Jaemin exclaimed loudly as the door swung open. He took the drinks from your hands and ushered you in.
Even from down the corridor when you exited the elevator you could hear the ruckus in the apartment. It wasn't a surprise that 6 boys packed together in a small apartment were noisy and excitable. After all, South Korea were playing the current World Cup champions.
"Y/N!" they all exclaimed in unison. You sat on the space Donghyuck had patted and motioned for you to sit in- right beside him.
"Oh, this is Chenle and Jisung. They're babies," Donghyuck pointed at the two younger boys that you hadn't met yet.
"I've met them at the club," you reminded him, saying hi to the boys, "What's with him?" you nodded over to Renjun who was pouting with his arms crossed, watching the pre-match commentary.
"He's still deciding who to support. He's not Korean and he doesn't play in Korea but he plays in Germany and he plays with a bunch of the German players, like Reus," Jeno explained from the other side of you.
"You're a traitor if you support Germany," Jisung jabbed playfully.
Renjun let out a long groan and threw a pillow at the pink-haired boy, "I just won't be on either team. If only China qualified."
"And who's fault is that?" Jaemin snorted.
"Hey, at least we actually play for the national team!" Chenle cried out, huffing and pouting like his countryman.
China didn't hadn't had the greatest reputation in terms of international football- at least not in the last few years. It was definitely still a lot more hopeful more recently, with a sudden sprout of young and talented players being cultivated abroad.
"Shut up! It's starting!" Hyuck yelled, silencing the room as you all watched the players walk out of the tunnel.
Donghyuck had invited you over to watch the match with him and his friends, though the invitation was encouraged by his friends who had taken a liking to you at the training grounds. You had almost declined, given that the match was at 11 PM and would go on late into the night, but you didn't have any other plans and were most likely going to watch alone, so you accepted and offered to buy drinks.
"Taeyong-hyung looks nervous," Jeno noted, examining the tight expression on the national team captain's sharp features.
"They're all nervous," Donghyuck added, "Germany got to the semi-finals at the Euros and they're still a strong team no matter what."
"So are we," Jaemin exhaled.
You could sense how the nervousness in the players' faces reflected onto the expressions of the boys in the room with you. How could it not? These people they were watching play were their best friends, colleagues, brothers, captains and teammates.
You weren't going to lie; your stomach was churning.
The whole match was tense, for you and the boys and the players on the field. It was surprising, though- Germany just couldn't get the ball in the back of the net. Header after header and volley after volley, the ball just wouldn't slip past Johnny Suh, who caught, punched and kicked every ball away. You could practically hear the whole nation crying out in relief every time he dived and slapped away the ball. Even though Germany were tall, they were no match for Johnny.
You knew the Korean team were great- you watched them so often, but you hadn't had the chance to see them in action against the big European sides before since they more often played their games with the AFC nations, so you weren't sure where to place them in world standings. Of course, you wanted them to win and of course, you wanted to feel the pride surging in you for a few games more, but you were nervous coming into the game.
"What happens if we lose?" Jeno had gulped in the 90th minute, seeing the heaps of extra time added on, "We still go through, right?"
"Yeah, but it's just that we have to play Brazil next since we'll go through as second place. It's ideal to win so we can play Switzerland instead in the round of 16," Jaemin explained, "I'm nervous."
"Quiet," Donghyuck's voice was commandeering as he watched Mark line up the ball at the corner flag and look up to scope his prospects.
You all watched eagerly. It was as if everyone sensed something was going to happen. That's what it felt like. It was the 92nd minute- 2 minutes into extra time, but you still felt like the game had a lot more to give. It wasn't going to end in a draw- you knew that much.
And in a flash of the sound of the ball being kicked and another thud of the ball hitting a skull, you blinked and opened your eyes to the ball in the back of the net and the 6 boys around you screaming and jumping. You were frozen to your seat as Donghyuck grabbed your arm and shook it- he couldn't quite jump with the boys with the restriction around his knee.
Jaehyun had started running, arms spread towards the Korean end of the stands, but he had been halted by a flag being raised and an uproar of boos by the Korean fans.
"What's happening? Jisung cried out desperately.
"The ref's motioning to check VAR," Renjun furrowed his eyebrows, "It might've been offside."
The boys started groaning, calling out profanities towards the situation as the incident of Jaehyun's flick from Mark's corner replayed with a focus on the ball's course to Jaehyun's feet at the far end of the post.
You all watched in anticipation as you watched the replay. It was as clear as day that the ball struck the floor and hit Niklas Süle's feet before it ended up miraculously at Jaehyun. All Jaehyun had to do was adjust and kick it past Manuel Neuer, who was too close to Jaehyun to adequately save it. The referee blew his whistle, indicating that he indeed was awarding the goal to South Korea, and the players all rushed onto the field, including all those on the bench. The 6 of you celebrated like Jaehyun had just scored again and the adrenaline was pumping through intensely.
"Oh my God, they're going through to the round of 16!" you exclaimed, "Oh my God!"
"They deserve this so much," Jeno smiled emotionally. Even Renjun seemed like his heart was gonna burst from pride, watching the boys who raised him celebrate like that.
But it wasn't over. Germany was desperate. They were bullying the South Korean's off the ball, and aggressively making half-hearted attempts at shooting, to no avail. They were never going to score that way- it was too angry the way they played.
By the 96th minute, just as the match was about to end, Manuel Neuer took his sweeper-keeper role to the extreme and dashed past the halfway line. He was playing as a midfielder- not even a defender! What was unfortunate for Germany was that Kim Doyoung caught wind of this and launched the ball at his feet all the way forwards to end up in front of Lee Taeyong. The defender guarding Taeyong cursed everyone and their families in his head as he knew that he could never match the speed of the blonde-haired boy. With a casual side knock, the ball hit the back of the net and the Korean players had collapsed onto the ground and were thanking the heavens. The referee eventually put Germany out of their misery and blew the whistle.
The 6 of you were celebrating as if South Korea had won the whole tournament, but this was enough. The non-European and non-Americas teams rarely made it out of the group stage, and South Korea hadn't been great since 3 tournaments ago when they placed 4th in 2002. Korea were the underdogs to the whole world after it was revealed they were in a group with Germany, but the team just proved the whole world wrong and made their entire country proud.
"I can't believe this," Donghyuck had said in awe beside you, "I'm so happy."
The camera panned to Mark sat cross-legged on the floor, looking up at the fans in the stadium. Johnny had approached, hugging the boy and chucking him a red jersey. Mark spread it and found the nearest camera and screamed, "Donghyuck, that was for you!" while holding up a jersey with Donghyuck's name and number.
And Donghyuck started bawling.
Jaemin eyed the door nervously and warily. He handed you the cup of warm hot chocolate and nudged you, "I think you should talk to him."
"Me? You're his best friend," you were confused why you were being sent out to talk to the inconsolable boy.
"We're all footballers, Y/N. I'd feel exactly how he'd feel if that were me. He needs an outsider perspective. And you're good with making him feel better," Jaemin sighed, "Please?"
You hesitated, staring down at the flurries of steam escaping the mug, "Okay."
It was around 1:30 AM, and after Mark's gesture, Donghyuck had excused himself to the balcony to continue crying. The 5 of you had sat dumbfounded and confused, not knowing how to interpret his reaction. Was he happy? Sad? Angry? The TV was left running with the post-match commentary as you all settled your emotions after the game. Jaemin had taken the initiative to make hot chocolates for everyone.
"Here," he handed you another mug, but for yourself this time.
The balcony door was slightly ajar, but far enough from the living room that Hyuck probably hadn't heard you speak.
"Hyuck? Can I join you?" you asked softly, leaning against the glass.
You heard strong sniffles and his sleeves rubbing at his eyes as he made a sound of acknowledgement that you took as permission. You nudged his arm with the hot chocolate and he took it without a sound, still not meeting your eyes. The streets of Seoul were lit up, and you could see far into the cityscape. This was unusual for 1:30 AM, but South Korea had just beaten Germany in the world cup a few time zones and a flight to Russia away.
"How are you feeling? What's on your mind?" you uttered cautiously, not wanting to upset the boy more.
"That I should be there with them," he stated, "God, it sounds so cocky but-"
"No, you deserved it, Hyuck," you cut in, "You deserved to be there. You deserve to be winning with them."
"I didn't ask Mark to do that, you know? I didn't even know they made World Cup team shirts for me. They're printed there, not before, so..."
"I wish you could've made it there, Hyuck. They do too," you sipped on your hot chocolate, "You're still young though. You have at least 2 or 3 more world cups in you."
"I know, I know," he sighed, "But after the season I just had? I wanted to keep that momentum going for the rest of my career, but this stupid goddamn injury just knocked me ten steps back from the 1 step I made forward."
You weren't sure what to say, but you just let out a sigh to match his, "I'm really sorry, Hyuck. But I just hope you know you have your friends inside there to support you. And me too."
He finally met your eyes and your heart melted at his glassy gaze, "Thank you for being there for me, Y/N. I know we've only known each other for a couple of weeks, but thank you."
"Friendships can be built in hours, Hyuck. A couple of weeks can be a lifetime," you chuckled, "But no worries. I'm here to take care of your health physically and mentally too."
"You smartie," he finally cracked a smile, before uttering a sentence that completely caught you offguard, "You're so pretty too, you know that right?"
Your eyes widened slightly as you stuttered to find the right words to say, "Hyuck!"
"I'm just being honest," he shrugged, "And honestly, i'm really glad you're here right now."
He was now staring straight into your eyes, gaze soft and all guards down. Your eyes flickered away from his, landing on his lips, and it seemed he had the same idea.
Donghyuck stepped closer, one feet and then two until he was stood right in front of you. He was in closer proximity than ever before and you could feel your heart beating intensely inside your chest.
"Donghyuck," you whispered, "What are you doing?"
His stare remained on your parted lips, "Will you let me, Y/N?"
"I don't know if you're in the right mind. I want you to be sure."
He exhaled, his breath fanning over your lips so that you could almost taste him, "For the first time this summer, my mind has never been as clear."
You gripped the mug between you tighter as your eyes fluttered closed and as Donghyuck pressed his lips to yours in front of the glittering Seoul landscape.
You hadn't seen Donghyuck in 2 days. As the Korea-Germany match ended late at night and Korea had won, the club gave everyone the day off, which you greatly appreciated with the headache that woke you up on Donghyuck's couch. After waking up that morning, you had dashed out to avoid any awkward conversations in case he woke up. Donghyuck and Jaemin and Chenle had slept cuddled up in his bed, while the other 3 crammed into Mark's room. They had a comfortable sofa bed, which they let you take by yourself.
But it was the day after and you knew that you were going to see him eventually. You were one of the first people that arrived to the training grounds bright and early, and met Junghwan in the rehabilitation room.
"Hi Y/N! Did you enjoy watching the match?" he smiled over at you. Junghwan had been a great mentor all summer.
"I did, thank you! That was a crazy game. Actually, Donghyuck and the boys invited me to watch the game with them so I went over and we watched together," you admitted shyly, "Is that okay?"
He laughed, "Y/N, you're only a student on placement here for the summer. You don't work for the club so date them all if you want. Even still, that's not forbidden so don't worry."
"That's not what I meant," you grumbled playfully, helping set up the room, "What's the plan for today?"
"We're going to hold a meeting with Hyuck today to review his rehabilitation plan as he finishes his 3rd week," he told you, "There shouldn't be any major changes to his plan currently, but we need to set out the future."
"Usually around 6 weeks that he has full range of movement right? And you can start doing drills again?"
"Good job for doing your research," he complimented, "Yeah, that's the plan. He's only here at the training ground because I know he misses the company of his teammates and there's a larger place to walk about."
"What time is he coming?" you were a bit nervous seeing him since you hadn't talked to him since he told you goodnight. You were too scared to text him and weren't even sure what you would have said.
Junghwan looked at his watch, "He's late, as usual. He's probably out in the changing rooms with the boys. Can you wanna go wait outside for them until they come out to start training and drag Hyuck by his collar? Shouldn't be too long."
You gulped, but nodded. You were determined Junghwan not find out anything that you and Hyuck had gotten up to, or will get up to, but you were doubtful anything more would happen. You were still unsure about the incident on the balcony. He wasn't drunk, but maybe his mind was cloudy and emotional after what Mark did. At the same time, he assured you his head was clear so did that mean that he really wanted to kiss you?
The NCT FC training grounds were as lavish as their stadium. State of the art, top facility with everything a player needed and wanted, down to a cinema room to watch football matches, but also films. You navigated to the communal area outside of the most commonly used changing room for the first team (there were multiple) and Junghwan's theory seemed to be correct judging from the noise coming from the other side of the door.
You waited patiently and nervously, not sure what you were going to say to Donghyuck, but choosing to stay professional on the training ground and talking about it some other time.
The boys eventually began filing out, and you found out from Kun that Donghyuck was indeed inside. The boys that came out all greeted you good morning as you became familiar with them over the time you spent at the grounds. Some of them even stopped to chat about the World Cup, but eventually, Donghyuck and the boys came out last.
"Y/N-ah, good morning! Why didn't you stay for breakfast?" Jeno pouted.
"I was called away by my family," you lied, "Sorry about that!"
"We should do it again," Renjun smiled.
Renjun and Jaemin were hanging around the NCT FC football grounds after being given permission by Borussia Dortmund. They were given the summer off until after the World Cup final, but the two still wanted to be around with their former teammates and friends. Somedays they participated (they weren't allowed in team tactical meetings though), and some days they remained at the edges, accompanying each other and waiting for the players' breaks.
Donghyuck lagged behind the group and smiled softly at you when you made eye contact. You were guessing that the boys didn't know what happened, or else they might've mentioned it or at least insinuated to the situation as a means of teasing by now.
"Hyuck, you're late for our meeting," you told him.
He rolled his eyes playfully, "Junghwan expected it. Plus, it's so early, but fine. Let's go. See you later."
He had said goodbye to the boys, who veered off into a different direction onto the pitch to start warming up, leaving you alone with Hyuck.
"How's your knee?" you asked cautiously.
"Fine, I just want the brace off," Hyuck answered, walking beside you to the room.
"Well, Junghwan suggests to only have it on for a few weeks longer, so it'll be soon," you shrugged, "And to be honest, studi-"
"Do you want to get lunch with me?" he interrupted, "Sorry for cutting in but I'm kind of going crazy, Y/N. We should talk."
You avoided his stare, "Yeah. Here or outside?"
"Let's get lunch out. Anywhere you want to take me," he commanded as you neared the door to the rehab room.
You nodded, a sudden wave of nervousness and butterflies overcoming you.
The drive to a nearby cafe and brunch spot was quiet but comfortable with Hyuck choosing to rest his head ok the window of the passenger seat while looking out. It was only a few minutes drive, but you didn't want to lose time walking over.
The two of you quickly found a corner table away from the busy centre of the café and ordered your food before sitting down.
"I meant it, you know? When I said my mind was clear as day?" Hyuck reassured you. It was strange- you hadn't seen him as serious like this, "And don't tell me you didn't like it- you kissed me back after."
You blushed at the memory. After Donghyuck planted his lips on yours, and you were initially too frozen to move in response, the boy had begun pulling away, but you captured his lips between yours before he could even part multiple inches away. The two of you kissed for what felt like an eternity on that balcony.
"I just want to make sure you were in the right headspace. I knew you were vulnerable."
"I wanted it to happen so badly, Y/N," he pressed on, "Don't worry."
"So what now? I mean, you're not obliged to anything. People kiss all the time in the heat of the situation-"
You were rambling and cut off by Hyuck's adorable giggles, "Y/N, it's okay. I like you. But we should do it all over again properly. Will you let me take you on a proper date? When this cast is off in a week's time?"
You looked down at the coffee in your hands. You cannot believe that Lee Donghyuck, Korea's superstar, was asking you on a date. But to you, right now, it just seemed as if Donghyuck was an ordinary guy with extraordinary talent.
"Of course, Hyuck."
He had smiled at you brightly- that famous smile that everyone in the nation adored. That famous smile he cracked every time he scored a goal, melting every household in the country. But he was smiling at you.
"Don't get shy around me, Y/N. I know you're not that shy," he giggled, "Did my luscious lips cast a spell on you or something?"
You rolled your eyes, cutting through the food in front of you, "Just eat, Hyuck."
"I like it when you call me Hyuck," he said nonchalantly, "You call me Donghyuck more often."
"I never know if I'm allowed to use it."
"It's just my nickname, Y/N. Everyone used it and you can too," he affirmed, "You think too much."
"And you're so impulsive," you jabbed.
"We balance each other out then," he winked.
The two of you ate your food in silence caused by your hunger and utter focus on the food in front of you, until you broke the silence.
"Do the boys know? About what happened?"
"No, I didn't want to tell them without your permission. And we can keep it between us for now if you like. Sneaking is fun!"
"Just for now," you nodded.
It wasn't that you didn't want the boys to know, but you just wanted to be more sure of the situation yourself first. Was it going anywhere? Would it work?
You gazed at the boy in front of you, happily eating his food. You enjoyed his company and you admired his strength and drive. He was funny and caring towards his friends, but was still in touch with his emotions to show weakness, which you considered an act of strength yourself. He was genuine on and off the pitch (from the replays of matches you had seen anyway) and Donghyuck seemed like a great guy. He had been confusing your feelings accidentally with his slightly flirtatious nature and these tiny incidents and phrases had you all the more falling for him. You asserted that if you didn't want to and didn't have a reason to kiss him on that balcony, you wouldn't have. But you did, and that said it all.
South Korea bowed out of the World Cup in the quarter-finals, beaten by a solid England side. They had made it past Switzerland easily in the round of 16, and gave the quarter-finals their best shot. This year, it wasn't meant to be. Still, they had gone further than anyone had anticipated and through this made their nation so, so proud. Upon arrival at Incheon, they were met with whoops and screams and just pure pride.
The training ground was waiting in anticipation for the team to arrive, with the outdoor area prepped with tables and tables of food and rewards. All of the players were coming straight to the training grounds from the airport to celebrate for lunch, even those that didn't play for NCT FC.
You had been invited, of course, since you had been spending the summer with the team and were a part of the club for the summer. Hyuck was beside you, with Renjun to the other side of you.
Donghyuck, who was cast free (and still date-less), was bouncing his leg up and down nervously. It was going to be hard to see the team, but he also missed them even if it was only a month or so. He had confided in you when Korea lost that this was the time he wished that he had been there. You never know what he could've done and it wasn't for certain he would have helped Korea through, but it was the fact that he couldn't do anything that pained him and made him feel helpless.
"Hyuck, are you okay?" you touched his arm in concern, which halted his bouncing legs.
He dropped his head onto your shoulder, "Mark texted me that they're pulling up. I'm scared to see them. I haven't seen Taeyong-hyung and Jungwoo-hyung and coach in so long either."
"It's okay, Hyuck. They're still the same people," you patted him.
You heard a sudden surge of noise and an increase in footsteps. Suddenly, everyone began cheering and clapping on their feet, prompting you and Hyuck to do the same. They didn't have a trophy in their hands, nor a medal around their necks, but it felt like they did in the way everyone was cheering. They had done something so memorable at the World Cup that was now ingrained in the memories of young and old Koreans alike.
Suddenly, you heard a yell rip through the cheering, "Donghyuck-ah!"
And came bounding towards you, was Mark Lee, who engulfed his best friend into the tightest, but still careful, hug.
"Aish, Mark, you act like we're lovers seeing each other after the war," Donghyuck grumbled, but it was blatantly obvious that he missed his best friend too.
"Shut up. Here, I brought this for you," Mark handed over a plastic bag. Donghyuck slipped out a stack of red jerseys- 5 of them in fact. Each one had his name on the back and the game and date for which the jerseys were made.
Donghyuck gawked, then closed his mouth before looking up at Mark, "Thank you. I appreciate it."
"You should talk to coach later. I think he wants to talk to you," Mark advised before noticing your presence and turning to you, "Hi! You're Y/N! It's so great to finally meet you."
Before you knew it, you were being engulfed by the midfielder into a hug. He seemed so friendly and the perfect complement to Donghyuck.
"And you as well. We haven't spoken but it feels like I already know you," you chuckled. Donghyuck liked to talk about his best friend and roommate a lot.
"Likewise, Y/N. Thanks for everything that you do for Hyuck. Hopefully he's back on the pitch soon," Mark smiled, taking a seat across Donghyuck after greeting the other boys at the table.
"Donghyuck-ie," the ice-blond boy you had seen tearing up the pitch on TV was now stood in front of you with a smile.
"Hyung," Donghyuck whimpered, tackling his former captain in a hug, "You did so well, hyung."
"Thank you, Hyuck. Next time, you'll be there with us," Taeyong squeezed him before letting go, "Yuta's not here yet, is he?"
"Still on vacation in Japan. When do you go back to Madrid? I think you'll be able to catch him," Hyuck replied.
"In a week, so I think so too."
Taeyong and Yuta were best friends- the first versions of Mark and Haechan. After being scouted, they trained together in the youth academy after Yuta moved from Japan and broke into the reserves and first team together. Taeyong and Yuta eventually became captain and vice-captain of NCT FC for a long period, until Taeyong was bought by Real Madrid the season prior.
"How's Madrid? You're doing so well. What's it like playing with Cristiano Ronaldo?" Renjun tugged at Taeyong's sleeve, also hugging him. Even though Renjun and Taeyong failed to play often together, Taeyong had adopted a mother-like role towards everyone in the club, including the B-team reserves.
"He's good- a real world-class player mentality. Don't tell anyone though, but he's leaving Madrid this summer and is going to sign a contract in a few days," Taeyong teased, "Don't tell anyone!"
The group of you laughed at his serious order and nodded. Taeyong was living the life in Madrid, but he admitted that he really missed everyone at the club and missed home a lot. It wasn't easy going home to Korea often since Madrid was so far.
Donghyuck introduced you to the rest of the team that you hadn't met yet, including Jungwoo who played abroad but also came from NCT FC. You met Johnny, and was in even more awe of how big of a presence he had since he was so tall. You had guessed anyway from the way he commandeered the goal and box. Jaehyun was as nice as you expected him to be- a real gentleman- and Doyoung had the same motherly vibe as Taeyong had. Taeil was one of the eldest, but was still so youthful at heart. You were glad to have met them, since they seemed like such incredible, humble players.
Eventually, you were led back to the original table so that you could eat and converse with Mark, who made himself comfortable catching up with Jaemin and Renjun especially.
"Aren't they nice? The hyungs?" Donghyuck smiled proudly to himself.
"I already knew how great this team was, but they just reinforced it. I can see why everyone wants to stay or come back or retire here," you said. This team really did seem like a family.
"I'm very proud of this team," Donghyuck stated, "Both NCT FC and the national team. It's okay, Y/N, I think I'm going to be able to move past all this."
You smiled gently, "I'm really happy for you."
"I can drive if you want," you offered for the 5th time as you approached his car.
"Y/N. I'm fine. I can drive. I don't have a knee brace anymore and I've driven a few times this week," he affirmed, getting into the driver's seat.
You slid into the passenger seat, crossing your arms after buckling the seatbelt, "You'll tell me if it's too much right? So we can swap?"
"You're too worried," he rolled his eyes jokingly, "For someone who's a physio student, you sure aren't up to date with what I can do at 6 weeks."
"It's not about timelines, it's about feelings," you grumbled as he set off.
"And i'm feeling okay," he grinned cheekily.
It was about 2 weeks after his cast was taken off, but this was the only date you were able to coordinate in your days off together. Hyuck had been pondering where to take you on your date for weeks, and he only just settled on an idea. The location wasn't even far, so you were worrying about nothing. He had been stressing what kind of vibe to go on- did you want to have an adventure, activity-filled date? Or a more laid-back chill one? Or somewhere in the middle?
The two of you continued in casual conversation on the drive there. You found out that he was from Jeju Island and was scouted at 11 to come and train at the NCT FC academy where he then lived since. His family remained in Jeju, so he considered those at the club his family in Seoul. He found out that you lived in England for a few years during your adolescence, but chose to come back to Seoul 4 years later to study at university. This then led to a laughing-fit inducing conversation that Hyuck tried to hold with you in just straight english. He wasn't bad, but he made everything he did humorous in order to brighten up the world.
Eventually, Donghyuck pulled up in the parking lot of a pretty, but relatively quiet park on the outskirts of the city. You both got out, and you lost sight of the footballer until you realised he had circled to the boot of the car and was now carrying a traditional woven picnic basket.
"We're having a picnic?" your heart melted; Donghyuck was so soft.
He grinned, "Yes, but not here. We have a little bit of walking to do."
Donghyuck then rested the basket on the crook of his arm and took your hand with the other. Every time he did this, it made you blush like crazy and you wondered if this boy would ever stop making you feel so flustered. Hyuck seemed to always just take your hand on instinct if he was taking you somewhere. It was like it was so natural to him, but it always made your head spin. Maybe you were whipped for him.
Donghyuck led you through the main park and then got to the edge where there was a large wall of bushes. He followed the bush to the corner edge, where there was a narrow break in the bush that was easy to miss if you weren't looking. On the other side was another large field that stretched on further than the pristine park, but this time, the field was a little overgrown and the best part- it was blooming with flowers.
"This is so pretty," you gasped, "How did you find this?"
"One time, me and the boys were kicking a football about in the main park and then Chenle accidentally kicked the ball into here. I come here for peace because it's so pretty. C'mon, there's a river over there."
The two of you continued further down to the right where the ground sloped down and you could see a pristine stream splashing against the rocks. The grass shortened down and the slope flattened out to a perfect place to have a picnic.
Hyuck fished a large blanket out of the basket and laid it down before taking off his shoes and inviting you to do the same.
He was now sat cross-legged in front of you, eyes wide and expectant, "Do you like it? Is this okay?"
You squeezed his hand, "More than okay, Hyuck."
The two of you hadn't been alone together outside of the facility other than when you got coffee together once after training and you drove him home. It was nice to be able to spend time with each other and really determine how you felt and where you wanted this to go. You knew how you felt, but you were still cautious to fall in case he didn't reciprocate. Why wouldn't he though? He kissed you first and he asked you on a date and he was the one that made all the moves.
Donghyuck began dishing out the food and drinks in the basket and you noticed how he brought some of the snacks you said were your favourite.
"Do you miss them already? Nana and Renjun?" you asked.
"Not enough to willingly admit," he squinted at you, "But I do only get to see them once a year in the summer- twice if we meet up for the winter holidays. It would be so much easier if they were just in the same league or country or continent, even. Instead, they're a 15-hour flight away. But their best chance for their career is Dortmund- Dortmund develop young players into superstars, and I know that's what they will be."
You sighed in agreement. Jaemin and Renjun had left a few days earlier to return to Germany and restart their training. It had been an emotional goodbye between the boys when Nana and Renjun dropped by the training grounds with their rolling suitcases and a sad smile.
"It's a testament to your bond and friendship how close you remain even from afar," you said, "Real brotherhood."
"That's what 7 years of trauma being told to kick a ball rain or shine does for you," he snorted, passing you a small brownie, "I'm kidding. I love my job."
"Everywhere I go, everyone talks about how great you are- how you're Korea's future. Doesn't that get hard?" you were wary asking, but you wanted to know.
He sighed and glanced down to his knee that was now free from a cast but still not to full strength like before, "I never thought it could be hard. Sure, I have game days that I don't play my best- everyone does. But I knew that was normal so I never beat myself up about it. I've only been starting for a season and a half, but something in me always steps up for my club and country when they need it. This though?" he jabbed at the knee, "This has been the hardest thing I've ever gone through in my life. Any severe injury like this will always be. I don't want to be kept out of the squad for 6, 7, 8 months. I don't want this so-called rest that everyone's telling me about. The hardest part about this is that I can't play."
You stared at him in awe. Maybe it was because he was only 18 that the fire in his eyes was still lit up. Maybe the multiple years of fouls and defeat and failures hadn't overcome him yet, but you loved the way he talked about football like it was his first love- because it was. You were yet to find anyone else in any other profession to love their job this much.
"Why are you staring at me?" he broke out into the familiar whiny Donghyuck tone.
You giggled and leaned in close but not close enough to touch him or even feel his breath on your face, "I think you're so adorable."
Donghyuck felt a strong surge of bravery as he closed the gap between your faces and pecked your lips swiftly, "And I think you're beautiful."
You pulled away in a little daze, cheeks painted red like they had been so often since you met the boy, "Hyuck!"
"Do you not like it?" he pouted, sipping his drink and sulking. He knew the answer, but he loved having his ego stroked.
"I hate you," you mumbled as you leaned over again and captured his lips.
This time, Hyuck tightly wrapped both muscular arms around your waist and hoisted you from your cross-legged position to fall on top of him. Donghyuck leant back so the two of you were lying down on top of the blanket, lips attached and moving freely together.
"I really like you, Y/N-ah," he mumbled against your lips as the two of you caught your breath. You hummed in acknowledgement, parting his lips with yours once more until he pulled away, frowning, "I want to hear you say it. You haven't."
You chuckled at the boy, "I like you too, Hyuck. You know I do."
"Yeah, I do," he smirked, pressing his lips to yours for what wouldn't be the last time that day.
What ensued after your date was some of the most fun you'd had in a long time. While your relationship wasn't forbidden by a long shot, the both of you thought it would be fun to sneak around and act like teenagers (which you both were) in high school sneaking around their friends. It was just for the experience, but it was exhilarating.
The butterflies in your stomach fluttered whenever you'd catch Hyuck's knowing and teasing gazes at the training ground and your heart sped up uncontrollably when he'd pull you into a dark corner away from cameras to give you a peck and let you go before you passed him and parted your separate ways. On the days that you were working with him and the physiotherapists, Donghyuck's touches would linger just a few seconds longer and he was much more comfortable towards you observably. Even the boys didn't know because Donghyuck wondered how long he could keep such a big thing from them. Mark was definitely suspicious- Donghyuck knew that much- but it was hard to keep a secret when Donghyuck had a loud laugh that would ring out through the walls every night when Donghyuck would call you and you'd fall asleep on the phone together.
The secret touches and quick kisses were enough for you to go crazy and spiral down the hole of falling for Lee Donghyuck. While he hadn't asked you to be his girlfriend, you felt like it and you were content with what you had.
Soon enough, August rolls around and Donghyuck's training began intensifying 2 months after his surgery. He was doing much better and was at the gym of the facility more often doing weight training and exercises to keep his fitness up. Soon enough, he had been doing light jogging on the treadmill unassisted by a brace. He knew that he had a long way to go- he wouldn't return before 6 months as to not risk his knee. He surely wouldn't be able to play a full 90 at least until the seasons change and the year comes to a close, but he was taking it one day at a time. That's not to say that it wasn't frustrating that he hadn't so much as kicked a football in two months because, by God, it was the most frustrating thing that had happened to him, but he couldn't reverse time and instead just had to accept and look forward to healing.
Today, you were given the morning off to return to the university campus for some paperwork to do in order to start your second year, but you came in after lunch bright-eyed with an iced coffee in hand. You quickly learned that Junghwan didn't like iced coffee all that much and was very particular in how he took his coffee, so you left the coffee making to him for himself, and Hyuck got too jittery before crashing if he had a lot of caffeine in the afternoon.
"Hi," you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you saw Junghwan stood outside the clinic that was on the way to the gym where you usually met up with him and whoever he was taking care of at that present moment, "Is anyone hurt?"
Junghwan sighed deeply and pressed his lips into a thin line, "Donghyuck took a knock on his other leg earlier. It's not severe- it'll only set him back a week at most, but I think he's in shock. He doesn't want to talk to me, that little brat, but maybe you can try."
A chuckle replaced the shocked and worried expression on your face, but inside, your stomach was churning in hurt for the boy, "I'll try my best and see what I can get out of him."
Junghwan stepped aside and let you knock. You heard a low grumble of "Hyung, I said leave me alone!"
You called out, "It's Y/N, Hyuck."
You might've imagined the faint "oh" that escaped his lips, but you took his pure silence as permission to come in. He could always tell you to leave anyway.
When you walked in, Hyuck was curled up on the clinic bed, with his eyes closed and his breaths deep.
"I'm sleeping."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am," he curled up tighter and faced the wall.
You sat on the edge of the bed, "What happened Donghyuck?"
"I don't want to talk about it," he mumbled into the pillow he was hugging, "Can't I just have a day off and rest?"
"That's what you're doing anyway," you teased, "I'm also here to help with your rehab, Hyuck, so I'd really like it if you told me what happened and how you're feeling."
He sighed and moved the pillow away from his face so that he wasn't muffled, but he still neglected to face you, "I was jogging and my other leg gave out. It's just strained because I've been putting all the pressure on the other leg while trying to keep pressure off my injured knee."
"It's not serious, Hyuck," you reached up and stroked his hair, "Are you okay though Emotionally?"
"When I felt the pain surge through, I thought I re-injured my knee- that I pushed it too far. I'm scared shitless of re-injury because that's what keeps players out for years, if not ending their career. I'm just recovering from the shock."
"You're okay, you're okay," you cooed, running your hands through his hair comfortingly.
He pouted, "Can I have a kiss?"
You chuckled, remembering that there were no cameras in the clinic to protect patient confidentiality. You leaned down and met his pouting lips with yours.
"Hyuck, we heard what happened. Oh my God are you oka- OH MY GOD!" five boys burst into the room, and were quickly halted to a stop by what was in front of them.
So much for keeping the secret.
Yukhei folded his arms and laughed, "Is this why you were so protective and jealous at the hospital when I visited?"
Mark, Chenle, Jeno and Jisung gawked, mouths agape.
"I suspected you had a girlfriend, but Y/N?" Mark uttered.
You moved away from Hyuck, your face resembling a tomato with the red reaching the tips of your ears, "It's not what it looks like."
"Are you sure? Cause it sure looks like you're ready to devour Donghyuck. Your hands were in his hair!" Jeno accused.
"You guys are nasty," Chenle scrunched up his face, "At the training facility? Really? On the clinic bed?"
"We weren't doing anything like that," Donghyuck launched a pillow at the Chinese boy, "You're the nasty one."
Jisung closed the door behind him and you prayed Junghwan wasn't still hanging around. While he said you could date the team, you didn't want to create a different dynamic than the perfect one you had already set up with Junghwan and Donghyuck as a trio.
"How long has it been?" Yukhei pressed on, completely intrigued by the situation. Sure, he thought you were pretty, but he had no problems backing off if you were taken.
"We kissed at the apartment when Y/N came around for the game against Germany," Donghyuck reluctantly admitted. You were still quiet and still flushed.
"So what you're saying is you have us to thank for inviting Y/N since your coward ass didn't want to," Jeno placed his hands on his hips and smirked, "Is this even allowed?"
Mark punched his arm, "We're not idols; we don't have a dating ban. Plus, Y/N's only here for the summer right? The rest of the month?"
You nodded slowly, trying to take in how casually they took it.
"Then it's fine," Mark affirmed, "Have you told hyung?"
Donghyuck looked past Mark as if Junghwan was stood on the other side of the door, "No. We'd prefer if no one did either. We just want to stay lowkey to maintain the environment we have already."
The boys nodded slowly before Chenle came to a realisation, "Wait! We literally forgot why we came here. Hyuck what happened?"
Donghyuck started laughing at their forgetfulness, "I'm fine, guys."
Sensing their concern for their best friend, you took it as an opportunity to leave and give the boys their own time. Junghwan hadn't been standing outside the door when you exited, so you made your way to the gym to see if he was there or if there was anyone that you could help. To your luck, Junghwan was already working with Jaehyun and seemed as if he had been there a while.
"How's the little drama queen?"
"He's fine. He just got a bit scared like you said and the boys are there now so they're sure to cheer him up. What's the plan looking like, then?"
"Well, the season's coming into full force now and I keep reviewing his plan and trying to aim for mid-January at the earliest to get him to play on the pitch. I think we're looking good, fingers crossed. What's your take?"
You appreciated that Junghwan was a considerate mentor and even asked you of your opinion and views, "I think Donghyuck is really working hard to get back and I'm only here for another couple of weeks, but I keep telling him to make sure to not work himself too hard or else we'll keep getting incidents like today. Overall, I've never seen someone more determined to recover and I've only been shadowing injuries for a year," you explained your thought process carefully.
"I've been doing this for decades and even I agree with you," Junghwan nodded, "That Lee Donghyuck is a special boy."
Two weeks later, you were standing in the middle of the communal room with a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers and a folded up NCT FC T-shirt with your name on the back. It was your official last day at the club and it was fair to say that you were emotional. Although a lot of your time was spent with Donghyuck and his recovery, you had also spent time with everyone else at the club and formed amicable relations that you would never forget. Who could say that they formed bonds with some of the most famous football players in Korea over the course of one summer?
Your now boyfriend Donghyuck was holding a gift bag filled with other goodies and keepsakes to remind you of your time at the club, and NCT FC's coach had been telling you all through your farewell event how you should come and watch a match for free any time you wanted at the grounds. You were definitely going to take advantage of that.
Junghwan was also emotional to see you go, never having had a student so engaged in what they were doing. He was going to miss your help around the club and expertise at reigning in a moody or excitable Donghyuck. Speaking of- he had been jokingly disappointed when the two of you revealed your relationship to him, but he also noted that it was kind of obvious or inevitable.
"She'll be coming with me to all the matches I come and watch this season, won't you?" Donghyuck slung his arm around your shoulders, "And then she'll be there watching when I get back on the pitch."
You poked his cheek, "Of course. And I'm going to miss you all so much! I have to get back to lectures and deadlines and studying so this will definitely be the most fun I'll have all year."
You looked fondly at everyone around you, from the staff who welcomed you so warmly, to all the players who trusted you generously. It was the summer of a lifetime and you felt so blessed to come out of the experience with so many more friends, knowledge and life skills.
The ambience within the stadium grounds was nothing short of electric on a chilly clear night. The media had been building up to this night for weeks and weeks, and fans were decked out in their best NCT FC gear. The stadium was vibrating with loud cheers and chanting as the players emerged from the tunnel and lined up in the middle of the pitch. There was a sea of bright green wrapping around the stadium, only interrupted by the shirts and flags of the opposing team's fans. It was derby night; two rival teams were going head to head and it was always an exciting, coveted night.
Last out the tunnel, with his hairs standing up all over his body as he stepped out onto the pitch, was Lee Donghyuck. The glimmer had returned to his eyes and his heart was beating for the excitement he felt after months and months of longing for this moment. His best friend clapped him on the back once they finished lining up and a grin invaded his previously anxious face.
This was it, he thought looking around at the bright green shirts, flags, banners and painted faces- this was home.
Nothing felt better than slipping on his jersey with DONGHYUCK 10 on the back. Chills ran through his entire body when his face appeared on the broadcast screens and the entire stadium erupted in roars for how much they missed their club's generational talent.
Somewhere up in the boxes was you, holding your little brother's hand a little too tightly in anticipation of Donghyuck's first match and return to the pitch. It was unusual to not have Donghyuck beside you in the box. Instead, you were relying on your sharp vision and the screens to show you the boy who deserved this moment more than anything else. He had been talking about his return seriously for a couple of months, and this match felt like the one to return to as a full-circle moment, as this was the team they were playing when Donghyuck was injured at the end of the previous season. Thankfully, the player that had injured him was sent off on loan to a different tea, and Donghyuck wouldn't have to face that team until the end of the season.
Once Yuta and the other team's captain made all the decisions on which side to shoot and who was kicking off, Donghyuck made his way to his position, right at the centre and heading the team. With Ten on his right and Yuta on his left and Mark right behind him, Donghyuck felt safe and comfortable and all he really wanted was the ball at his feet under their loyal supporters' hopeful gazes.
In a split second, the whistle blew and as if his instincts had not diminished over the past 7 months, his body raged into game mode.
After the game, it felt as if Donghyuck was in shock. He was looking around aimlessly, trying to latch himself onto something concrete to settle his brain. Once changed, he exited the dressing room and found you waiting expectantly.
You crushed him in a hug, "I'm so proud of you."
The boy finally relaxed his tense muscles and wrapped his arms around your waist, "That was amazing. I'm so happy."
"How's your knee feeling, you superstar?" you teased, "You're a bit of a show-off aren't you?"
"My knee is achy but just the normal post-match kind of ache all over the body," and then he smirked, "I had to give them payback and show the fans what they've been missing all this season."
Lee Donghyuck, like the showoff he was, decided to net a hat-trick of 3 goals solely in the second half of the game. Maybe the defenders weren't prepared to work in the way Donghyuck made them work, especially after a long injury, but Donghyuck proved he was again incredibly fit and harboured the same talent even after 6 or 7 months.
"You are amazing," you scrunched your face at him and tightened your hug around him.
Lee Donghyuck exhaled in relief. If you had asked him 7 months ago on that night that he sustained his injury, he wouldn't have been able to imagine his life 7 months down the road. He wouldn't have said that he would have a girlfriend or even that he was happier than ever even after missing so much of the season. After tonight, he knew that speculations would go up and rumours would start and the price tag over his head would increase. He knew that people would already be looking forward to the next Asian Cup, and heck, even the next World Cup, but at this current moment of time, with your arms wrapped around him and your head nuzzled into his neck and breathing words of praise into his ears, he was content.
author's note; if you read this to the end, i want to thank you so sincerely. this work is my baby and i feel so protective over it. as you might've been able to tell, it was a bit all over the place with its pacing and its characterization and the switching between donghyuck and y/n's pov was a bit frustrating for me. however, football is something that i love so much and i wrote books on wattpad with hundreds of thousands of reads that mean so much to me and gave me the foundation for all my writing on this blog. this fic was so hard to finish and i still had so many ideas (like, where was donghyuck going to end up at the end of the season? would he transfer? what would happen to their relationship?) and i wanted to explore more of y/n's character as i focused more on hyuck and y/n is a bit mary-sue-ish but as i said, i wanted nothing more than to be done with this story and get it out. if you have any thoughts, let me know and thank you for reading <3
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enjennie · 3 years
right here
pairing: jeno x reader
synopsis: lee jeno just wanted to help you with the choreography, but now you can't stop wondering if his lips still feel the same as it did five years ago.
genre: fluff, idol!jeno and idol!reader, mutual pining.
word count: 1.1k
warnings: purposely written in low caps
a/n: this is the part 2 of my first and last. haha enjoy! read part 1 here
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your heels sounded against the floor as you strutted around the room, inspecting yourself closely in the mirror. something felt wrong, something is definitely missing. your performance is lacking, and with only one day– or night for that matter, to prepare... you're getting a bit stressed.
your members had clocked off about an hour ago to get their well deserved rest and yet here you are, stuck doing that one move you couldn't quite perfect like you wanted.
with one last wave of your hand and kick of the leg you fall to the floor dramatically. exhausted and frustrated, you are about to have a breakdown when you hear the door creak and your head turns in its direction almost instantly to see who'd caught you in an embarassing state. you hope it's just the security guard telling you to shoo off already.
instead, your eye meets those of a familiar someone's. jeno is in his track pants and red hoodie with his duffel bag swung lazily around his broad shoulders and he's smiling at you.
"hey," you say before getting on your feet quickly to fix yourself up a little. it's been a while since you've seen him, let alone talk to him. korea's beloved idol with the crescent eyes, lee jeno, has charmed everyone since his debut and since then has only gotten increasingly popular. you wonder if he remembers your first kiss. to you, it was as clear as day.
"preparing for the music festival tomorrow?" he states the obvious, walking in before plopping his bag down on the floor. you merely nod, reaching your phone to pause the music that was playing. "yeah i can't seem to get it right,"
jeno looks around, seeing that the only bag belonged to you which meant you've probably been alone for some time now.
"can i see? i could give you some pointers," he walks closer to you, smiling sheepishly. you laugh, tucking a strand of hair that had gone loose behind your ear. "yeah? i don't think so, jeno. performance is a secret until tomorrow," you playfully poke his chest, a habit you somehow still carried with you since you were trainees. his chest is harder than you remember, though. it has you growing flustered and retreating your hands to play with their own.
"then just the parts you're not sure of," he meddles and who are you to say no when he's smiling at you so sweetly? images of when you were younger come flashing in your brain automatically takes you back to the first kiss. it was in a different room, but the same building. first kiss. as if there's ever been a second. (newsflash: there hasn't and you weren't exactly against going for one). for old times sake?
you move without a word, and jeno watches you intently as you carry out the moves with such grace he wondered to himself what the hell you were talking about.
"that was perfect, though," he raises his eyebrow once you finish, confused and ultimately amazed.
you groan, getting on your feet and shaking your head. jeno could see the frustration seeping through and he couldn't blame you. he's one to talk about over working, when he does so himself.
he draws closer to you, trying out the movements himself. "maybe you could extend your arm out more in this part," he directs and you're quick to mimic his actions but it doesn't seem right. jeno's eyes avert to your form through the mirror and shakes his head patiently.
"like this," he places a gentle hand on your waist before putting your arms in place. your heart rate quickens at the sudden space between you both. you can already feel the warmth from his hoodie on your backside and the hand that holds your waist lingers for a second longer before he realizes it too.
the air becomes tense, an unexplainable vibe between the both of you arise and it's something you haven't felt since the moment you both pulled away from the kiss.
"so, like this?"
in your poor attempt at clearing the air, you move your arms again and turn to execute the dance only for you to get tangled in his arms which only constricts the space between you both. great. now you're facing him, and you feel his breath fanning over your face before it hitches in his throat.
jeno breaks out into a grin, chuckling lightly. "i think I'm getting deja vu ,"
he let's you go, and you're almost disappointed to be free from his arms. you wanted to be engulfed in them again almost instantly.
"they say that when you get deja vu, you're exactly where you're supposed to be," you state, just sharing the random fact you have tucked in your brain. jeno looks down at you, an unreadable expression on his face.
"so i'm meant to have you in my arms like this?" jeno wraps his arms around you again, pulling you close to his chest and knocking the wind out of yours.
"lee jeno, are you flirting with me right now?" the sudden confidence was... well, sudden and came out of nowhere. but your heart is going into overdrive and air is needed in your system so you make yourself take a slow breath.
his eyes crinkle when he smiles, face inching closer that you almost want to scream. "would it be so bad if i was?"
no. not at all.
at this point he's so close to you that you can smell the mint gum he'd been chewing, and the cologne he uses. you wanted to close the space between you so bad already, but you were still in his grip.
jeno moves his face closer, before a voice booms from outside the room and has you both pulling apart. it's the security guard, and he's come to throw you out the building. great timing.
"we'll be right out," jeno calls, and that's when you notice how red his ears had gotten.
the both of you rush out of the practice room with no other words other than 'close the lights please' and 'don't forget your phone'. and nothing could have prepared you for the awkward elevator ride down.
the numbers flickered from 3, 2, 1 to G and you both step out.
so is no one going to talk about how you both just almost recreated something that happened five years ago or? no? okay.
"i'll see you tomorrow?" jeno extends a hand out to you. is he about to dap you up? you stare at the hand in confusion before giving it a shake. you've never been more confused in your life.
"yeah," you manage to spit out. he gives your hair a ruffle before turning to head towards the exit. he hasn't done that in a while, and the gesture makes all the blood rush to your head and ears.
great. what was the move again? now you'd have two things on your mind: that stupid choreography and lee jeno.
as you watch his figure disappear into the exit, the boy hangs his head low and mentally curses himself for being a coward and not going for the kiss when he had the chance. you heave a deep sigh, before go on your own way.
part 3 - coming soon.
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